where a leucorrhoea occurs in their stead with determination of blood to the chest and pale
face, the remedy is well indicated. Bryonia has nosebleed instead of menses frequently
accompanied with bursting headache, and Phosphorus has haemoptysis and haematemesis
instead of menses.Lachesis should not be forgotten here. Nosebleed and headache relieved by
menstrual flow.
Graphites. Here, when the menses are suppressed, delayed or scanty, and accompanied with
obstinate constipation, and indurated ovaries, it comes in especially well after Pulsatilla. It
holds the same relation to the menopause that Pulsatilla does to puberty and youth. A sallow
complexion, frequent paroxysms of headache, felling of abdominal emptiness and ball like
constipation, which are marked Sepia symptoms, will easily distinguish this remedy.
Cimicifuga. Cowperthwaite praises this remedy highly in amenorrhoea, giving it when no
special indication are present, in nervous women subject to rheumatism or arthritic attacks,
with aggravation of mental symptoms when the menses should appear.
Chikungunya (also called as Chicken Guinea) is a form of viral fever caused by an alphavirus
that is spread by mosquito bites from the Aedes aegypti mosquito, though recent research by
the Pasteur Institute in Paris claims the virus has suffered a mutation that enables it to be
transmitted by Aedes Albopictus (Tiger mosquito). This was the cause of the actual plague in
the Indian Ocean and a threat to the mediterranean coast at present.
The name is derived from the Makonde word meaning "that which bends up" in reference to
the stooped posture developed as a result of the arthritic symptoms of the disease.
Chikungunya - CAUSE
Alphavirus that is spread by mosquito bites from the Aedes aegypti and Aedes Albopictus
CHARACTERISTICS: Togaviridae (formerly group A arboviruses), genus Alphavirus;
spherical, enveloped virions 60 nm in diameter, single-stranded, positive-sense RNA genome
PATHOGENICITY: Self limiting febrile viral disease; characterized by arthralgia or arthritis
typically in the knee, ankle and small joints of the extremities, high fever, followed by a
maculopapular rash; buccal and palatal enanthema can occur; nausea and vomiting may
occur; mild hemorrhaging may be present especially in children; inapperent infections are
common, immunity is long lasting
EPIDEMIOLOGY: Found in Africa, India, south east Asia and the Philippines
HOST RANGE: Humans, primates, other mammals, birds
There can also be headache, conjunctival infection and slight photophobia. Fever typically
lasts for two days and abruptly comes down, however joint pain, intense headache,
insomnia and an extreme degree of prostration lasts for a variable period, usually for about
5 to 7 days.
Dermatological manifestations observed in a recent outbreak of Chikungunya fever in
Southern India includes the following:
Maculopapular rash
Subungual hemorrhage
ELISA is available
Homeopathy offers many medicines which may help in Chikungunya. These include
medicines like Eupatorium-perf, Pyroginum, Rhus-tox, Cedron, Influenzinum, China,
Arnica, Belladona, Bryonia etc. Many homeopaths consider Eupatorium perf. as a
preventive medicine for Chikungunya. The most commonly suggested potency as
prophylaxis is 200C of Eupatorium perf. Eupatorium Perfoliatum Q (tincture, 3 to 5 drop
dose)will remove the debilitating joint pains and cut short the intensity and duration of the
disease. Other potencies may be used according to the intensity of the case.
Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial tubes, the part of the respiratory system that
leads into the lungs. There are two types of bronchitis -- acute bronchitis and chronic
bronchitis. Acute bronchitis usually appears after a respiratory infection, such as a cold, and
can be caused by either a virus or bacteria. Chronic bronchitis does not have a sudden onset
and is most frequently caused by long term irritation of the bronchial tubes. A case if
bronchitis is considered "chronic" if symptoms continue for three months or longer. (Chronic
bronchitis is a type of COPD.) Bronchitis caused by allergies can also be classified as chronic
Symptoms and signs of acute bronchitis
Symptoms usually commence during epidemics of colds or influenza. They are frequently
first noticed in the upper airways and are characterised by mucus drainage from sinuses, a
burning throat and a general feeling of ill health. There may also be a raised temperature. A
dry cough may herald the onset of bronchitis and this may be followed within hours to days
by the production of small amounts of white and eventually yellow sputum. You may
experience discomfort over the main airways (trachea or large bronchi), which will be
accentuated by coughing or wheezing.
Symptoms of chronic bronchitis
Symptoms may not be immediately obvious for chronic bronchitis. They include:
Chronic productive cough (a cough that produces mucus) that increases in strength and
Shortness of breath or wheezing, especially during exercise
Chest pain
Bronchitis - Homeopathy Treatment & Homeopathic Remedies
#Aconite [Acon]
The sphere of Aconite in bronchitis is limited to the onset of the affection, and here it must be
distinguished carefully from other remedies also suitable to this stage. When, as a result of
checked perspiration, exposure to cold, drafts or dry, cold winds,a cold is taken starting in
with a coryza, frequent sneezing, chilliness,restless sleep,full,hard pulse, and the
characteristic mental condition, Aconite will come in,though its stage is a brief one is usually
over before the physician sees the case. It is of use, therefore,only before the inflammation is
localized. Dr. Pope says that Aconite will often prevent the development of a thorough
bronchitis. If the cases are characterized by lassitude and physical weakness and indisposition
with a full flowing pulse and moderate congestion, then Aconite is supplanted by Gelsemium.
Often times it is difficult to determine which of these remedies is indicated, when Ferrum
phosphoricum must be considered, and more especially so in the bronchitis of children,where
it will often check the trouble. It stands therefore,midway between Aconite and Gelsemium,
with less restlessness and bounding pulse than the former and less flowing pulse and
drowsiness than the latter remedy. It corresponds to cases where every little cold adds to
trouble, the cough is short and dry, the lungs are sore, and the breathing is somewhat
oppressed. Veratrum viride suits violent cases from the first where there is high temperature,
full,hard rapid pulse, and great heat of the body. It differs from Aconite in having no anxiety
and no restlessness. When the arterial turgescence is over its period of usefulness is past.
#Belladonna [Bell]
Belladonna suits cases of bronchitis with a violent fever, short,dry, continual,distressing
cough,worse at night and on lying down,where the breathing is irregular and hurried, no
expectoration, or,if present,it is apt to be bloodstreaked, fulness in chest without any
pain,though children will cry when coughing,the skin is hot and inclined to moisture,not dry
like Aconite or Veratrum viride. There is a tendency to drowsiness, the patient does not sleep,
but dozes in semiconscious manner and starts frequently. Do not be too great hurry a change
to another remedy when the cough is spasmodic and the child cries after each paroxysm.
Belladonna is still the remedy.
#Bryonia [Bry]
Probably this remedy is seldom indicated in pure bronchitis,though very frequently given. It
is of especial good service when the cough is very severe, hurting the head and distant parts
of the body. The patient presses the hands on the sides of the chest while coughing to relieve
the pain. There is great pressure over the sternum,dyspnoea, and a dry cough,which seems to
start from the stomach. It is worse after a meal and there is but little expectoration. The cough
is more the result of an irritation in the larger bronchi than in the finger tubes, and the
hacking produces sore spots in the trachea and chest. Stitching pains in the sides, of course,
further indicate Bryonia. The cough is aggravated by coming into a warm room from the cold
air. Hughes says that it is the best remedy after Aconite for what is known as a cold on the
chest. If the expectoration becomes copious,loose,thick and muco-purulent, Pulsatilla may be
indicated; if accompanied by nausea and vomiting of mucus, then give Ipecacuanha,
especially bronchitis following measles and whooping cough, Chelidonium is an excellent
#Phosphorus [Phos]
Especially suitable to sub-acute and lingering cases in delicate, tall, slender, overgrown or
phthisical subjects. It thus suits non- resistant individuals. There is a paroxysmal cough with
pain under the sternum, suffocative pressure in the upper part of the chest with constriction of
the larynx, hoarseness,mucous rales,bloody and mucous sputum or purulent, having a salty or
sweetish taste; patient better after sleep. The respiration is embarrassed and the tendency is
toward pneumonia. Rumex has a tickling in the supra-sternal fossa; any change in breathing
causes cough; must breathe warm air to avoid coughing. With Phosphorus the cough is worse
after meals, and a guiding symptom is soreness and rawness of the chest; the cough is also
worse going into the open air, being the reverse of Bryonia. Talking, or any use of the voice,
aggravates the cough. Hepar sulphur. When the cough begins to loosen and becomes rattling,
fatiguing and choking , with moist rales, Hepar will be the remedy. "Coughing into a choke"
is a valuable indication for this remedy. It corresponds more closely to subacute cases. It is
particularly adapted to dyscrasias, herein differing from Pulsatilla. Kali carbonicum is also
valuable in capillary bronchitis with dyspnoea,a choking cough, and sharp stitches in the
chest. The 12x potency is perhaps the best.
#Mercurius [Merc]
The sovereign remedy in inflammatory bronchial catarrh; there is roughness and soreness
from the fauces down through the middle of the chest, a dry, raw concussive cough, which is
very exhausting ;sputum watery, saliva-like,or yellow and muco-purulent. There is fever and
alternation of hills and heat, desire for cold drinks, which aggravate the cough. and pasty
sweat without relief. Kali bichromicum has for its indication the tough,tenacious,glutinous
character of the expectoration; it can be drawn out in long strings. Hughes considers it useful
when bronchitis lingers long in a sub-acute condition. The expectoration may also be of
bluish lumps, and the cough is especially troublesome towards morning , the tightness seems
to be at the epigastrium.
#Antimonium tartaricum [Ant-t]
This remedy corresponds to two stages of bronchitis, an early one and a late one. In the
beginning of capillary bronchitis in young infants, or in old people, this remedy stands most
prominent. There are sub- crepitant rales throughout the chest, wheezing breathing, the cough
sounds loose, but no phlegm is raised. In children the cough is infrequent, and the child
becomes drowsy, the respiration is superficial, requiring labored efforts of the respiratory
muscles, and vomiting of food and mucus may be present. In these cases carbon dioxide
poisoning threatens, and the patient's own mucous secretion drown him. These are clear
indication of Antimonium tartaricum. Ipecacuanha is the most similar drug; the rales are
louder and coarser, there is much coughing, but the patient raises little phlegm of infants, the
prostration not being as marked as with Antimonium tartaricum. There is great accumulation
of mucus,spasmodic cough,nausea and vomiting, and difficulty in breathing. After its use the
expectoration becomes less tenacious which permits it to be raised more easily. Baryta
carbonica has loud rattling in the chest, but the patient cannot raise. Ammonium causticum
has also a copious accumulation of mucus in the lungs with incessant cough. Another
preparation of Antimony, namely, Antimonium iodatum, is praised by Goodno for a heavy,
yellow, muco-purulent expectoration. It often acts promptly in relieving when other remedies
fail. Antimonium arsenicosum is also a most useful remedy and corresponds to dangerous
types of capillary bronchitis.
#Sulphur [Sulph]
Sulphur corresponds well to inveterate cases of chronic bronchitis, and brilliant results are
here obtained. Its catarrh of the bronchial mucous membranes is accompanied with loud
rales, a persistent, profuse, thick, muco-purulent expectoration and attended by suffocative
attacks. Balsam Peru. Bronchial catarrh, with loud rales and profuse expectoration; both this
remedy and Pix liquida have expectoration of purulent matter. Bacillinum is a remedy highly
spoken of by some competent observers; it seems to suit especially individuals who are
constantly catching cold, one is hardly gotten rid of before another is contracted. The
irritation locates itself in the bronchial mucous membrane leaving troublesome cough.
Arnulphy considers the remedy a most useful one.
#Carbo vegetabilis [Carb.v]
Bronchitis of old people with profuse, yellow, foetid expectoration, dyspnoea, much rattling
in the chest, and burning calls for this remedy. Among other remedies suiting bronchial
troubles in old people are Senega where the cough is irritating and the phlegm is especially
adhesive and the patient complains of a pressing pain in the chest, when respiring, moving or
coughing. Lachesis where the cough comes on when the patient is about to drop of to sleep;
Arsenicum, fatiguing suffocative cough with violent dyspnoea; Scilla, obstinate chronic
coughs with stitches in the chest, expectoration transparent or muco-purulent, easy at times,
hard at others; Nux vomica, Rhus and Veratrum album. Dulcamara is a valuable remedy for
bronchial catarrhs of old people with a very free greenish expectoration, worse from change
of weather to cold and wet.
Cholera is the illness caused by a bacterium called Vibria cholerae. It infects people's
intestines, causing diarrhea, vomiting and leg cramps.
Cholera can be mild or even without symptoms, but a severe case can lead to death without
immediate treatment. The diarrhea and vomiting brought on by the infection quickly leaves
the body without enough fluid. The following dehydration and shock can kill a person within
Cholera - Homeopathy Treatment & Homeopathic Remedies
Probably the acetate is the better preparation of the use. Hale recommends Cuprum
arsenicosum. The evacuations of Cuprum are choleric; they irritate more than they inflame,
thus coming nearer to cholera than Arsenicum. Everything is spasmodic, and it is indicated
only when vomiting and purging have set in. In the chest the cramps produce dyspnoea; there
are cramps in extremities, even in fingers and thumbs.
#Arsenicum [Ars]
Arsenicum poisoning has been mistaken for cholera. There is intense vomiting and purging,
brownish yellow, profuse, offensive yellow or green stools with thirst, cold body, and burning
internally. It has more restlessness and less sweat than Veratrum. In cholera infantum with
undigested stools, restlessness, and rapid emaciation. Diarrhea when the child begins to eat
and drink. Ptomaine poisoning calls for the remedy. It is distinguished from Veratrum by the
scantiness of the discharges. Lachesis. Vomiting renewed by the least exertion.
#Carbo vegetabilis [Carb.v]
The remedy where reaction seems extinct; the prostration is so great that the patient lies quite,
too weak to move, cold body, pulse rapid and thread-like and breath cold;when vomiting,
diarrhea and spasm or pain have ceased. Prostration from drain on the system, lips bluish,
breathing weak, is an excellent indication group for Carbo vegetabilis.
#Secale [Sele]
Suits the stage of collapse with desire to keep cool; cholera infantum with profuse undigested
stools, watery and offensive, followed by prostration; the movements are copious and come
in spurts; the skin is wrinkled , dry and cold; patient is almost pulseless, cold, but averse to
being covered, spasmodic twitching of muscles, spreads finger apart, eyes sunken, features
pinched,are important indicating symptoms of Secale.
#Podophyllum [Podo]
This remedy pictures cholera morbus; there is a painless watery stool coming out with a gush
and a loathing of food; undigested diarrhea worse mornings may also be present. Iris
versicolor. Watery, yellowish-green stools, worse in the morning at 2 or 3a.m. There is a
vomiting of food, sour and bilious matters. Elaterium. Cholera infantum; olive-green watery
stools, coming with a gush, indicate Elaterium. Croton tiglium has profuse yellow or watery
stool provoked by eating or drinking. Ipecacuanha. Vomiting is a predominating symptom
with this remedy, and comes on alternately with a watery, yellowish diarrhea accompanied by
#Calcarea carbonica [Calc-c]
Cholera infantum, craving for eggs; vomiting of milk in curds, diarrhea, worse in the evening,
of greenish, undigested, watery and sour stools are characteristic of this remedy. Aconite.
This remedy has greenish or chopped spinach stools and inflammatory symptoms Hempel
recommended Aconite tincture in cholera where there is a rapid collapse unattended with
copious evacuations. A quiet,subdued, passive condition contraindicates Aconite. Aconite is
one of the most important remedies in the active stage of cholera infantum. Argentum
nitricum. Cholera infantum in thin, dried up, mummified children; slimy, noisy stools, stools
like finely chopped spinach, especially in children who have eaten too much sugar. Aconite.
Stools are like large choppings of grass and discharged with a blast of wind and water.
Calcarea phosphoricum. Great emaciation, pale face, craving for bacon and ham are
characteristics. Ferrum phosphoricum has proved most useful in summer diarrhea which is
undigested; a regular cholera infantum. Psorinum. Patient is nervous, restless; profuse watery
stools, worse at night, of offensive putrid odor, clinging to clothing, are keynotes of this
Diabetes is of primarily two types - Diabete mellitus (Type-I and Type II) and Diabetes
What is type-1 diabetes?
Type-1 diabetes is sometimes called juvenile diabetes, or insulin-dependent diabetes. It means
that your body can't make insulin. Insulin helps your body turn the sugar from the food you
eat into a source of energy. Type 1 occurs more frequently in children and young adults, but
accounts for only 5-10% of the total diabetes cases nationwide.
What is type-2 diabetes?
Type-2 diabetes results when insulin production is defective and tissue resistance to insulin
develops. For many persons with Type-2 diabetes, daily insulin supplementation is not
required. Diabetes is managed by making moderate changes in diet and exercise. Of the
nearly 16 million Americans with diabetes, 90-95% (14.9 million) have Type-2 diabetes. Of
these, roughly a third are unaware they have the disease.
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease involving abnormalities in the body's ability to use
sugar. Diabetes is characterized by:
Elevated blood sugars for months to years.
Both hereditary and environmental factors leading to its development and progression.
A relative or absolute deficiency of effective circulating insulin. Insulin is a substance made
by the pancreas which lowers blood sugar in conjunction with meals. Diabetes is
characterized by either: (1) an inability of the pancreas to produce insulin (type 1 or insulindependent diabetes mellitus) or an inability of insulin to exert its normal physiological
actions (type 2 or non-insulin dependent diabetes).
Often recognized in patients and their families by excessive urination, thirst, weight loss
and/or a lack of energy. But diabetes is often silent and may exist for many years without the
individual's noticing it.
Effects certain "target tissues," that is, tissues which are vulnerable to the damaging effects of
chronically high blood sugar levels. These target tissues are the eye, the kidney, the nerves
and the large blood vessels, such as in the heart.
A form of diabetes resulting from a deficiency of vasopressin (the pituitary hormone that
regulates the kidneys); characterized by the chronic excretion of large amounts of pale dilute
urine which results in dehydration and extreme thirst.
Diabetes - Homeopathy Treatment & Homeopathic Remedies
especially with a dark watery stool. Dr. P.Jousset reports positive success where the mouth is
dry; frequent, abundant urination and tendency to skin eruption.
#Lactic acid. [Lact]
An exceedingly good remedy in the gastrohepatic variety of diabetes and good results often
follow its use. It has a fine clinical record. The symptoms are: urinates copiously and freely,
urine light yellow and saccharine, thirst, nausea, debility, voracious appetite and costive
bowels. Dry skin, dry tongue, gastralgia. Acetic acid is also a valuable diabetic remedy, and it
has passing of large quantities of pale urine, intense thirst, hot, dry skin and marked debility
Carbolic acid may also be found useful.
#Bryonia. [Bry]
Should not be neglected in this disease. No remedy has dryness of the lips as a symptom of
hepatic disorder more marked than Bryonia, and this is often one of the first symptom of
diabetes. There is a persistent bitter taste, the patient is languid, morose and dispirited, thirst
may not be extreme nor the appetite voracious, the patient may lose strength through inability
to eat. Podophyllum has a bitter taste, but the tongue is flabby. It may be of use in the disease.
Chionanthus is a remedy used by the Eclectic School upon the indications of thirst, frequent
and copious urine; constipation with stools light colored, devoid of bile. Functional liver
disorders. Argentum metallicum. Hahnemann suggests the use of this remedy in diuresis, it is
decided use in diabetes insipidus. The urine is profuse, turbid and of sweet odor. Micturition
is frequent and copious. Natrum sulphuricum. Hinsdale reports good results with this remedy.
It has polyuria, intense itching of the skin, especially upon the upper surface of the thighs. It
is the Tissue Remedy of diabetes.
#Insulin. [Insulin]
Long before the discovery of Insulin Dr.Pierre Jousset of Paris prepared a pancreatic juice on
a glycerine basis which he administered to diabetic patients in doses of 10 or 20 drops a day
in water and had results sufficiently good to consider pancreatic juice, orally administered, as
a remedy of great value in diabetes. Dr. Cartier, his practical successor, praised it insisted on
smaller doses given by mouth as larger doses and hypodermic injections of it had no effect in
ordinary diabetes. Baker advises the homoeopathic strengths of Insulin 3d to 30th and reports
happy results therefrom. Great care must be taken not to overdose. Boericke says that it
maintains the blood sugar at a normal level and the urine remains free of sugar. Epileptic
convulsions and mental derangements have been produced by hypodermic use of this
Epilepsy is a disorder in which nerve cells of the brain from time to time release abnormal
electrical impulses. These cause a temporary malfunction of the other nerve cells of the brain,
resulting in alteration of, or complete loss of consciousness. There are several forms of
epilepsy. Most people will have seen someone suffer a major epileptic seizure, suddenly
losing consciousness, jerking the arms and legs, etc. But there are other types of epilepsy - for
example, one common form of epilepsy in children merely consists of staring blankly and
losing contact with the surroundings for a few seconds.
Homeopathic Remedies & Homeopathy Treatment for Epilepsy
menstrual periods. Verbena hastata is also recommended, but no special indications are to be
#Kali bromatum. [Kali-b]
This remedy should have no place in the homoeopathic treatment of epilepsy; it is given here
because it is the principal drug employed by the allopathic school, and because nearly all
cases coming to us for treatment from old school hands are liable to be complicated by a
previous treatment with the bromides, notable the Bromide of Potash. It is not a curative
remedy, but a palliative one; it strikes at the attack and not the disease. It will often modify
the attacks, and used as a prophylactic may avert the seizure, but its prolonged use works
inevitable harm. It weakens the mental faculties and hastens imbecility. Camphora is useful to
prevent the attacks, shorten the duration and lessen the intensity. It is indicated by all the
characteristic of epilepsy and hence is a safer prophylactic than the Bromide of potash.
Camphora, Nux vomica and Zincum are mentioned as antidotes for the abuse of the Bromide
of Potash. Bromide acne is often present in cases coming to us from old school hands.
#Silicea. [Sil]
Silicea is one of our most valuable remedies in epilepsy. It suits especially scrofulous and
rickety subjects. The aura starts from the solar plexus , as in Bufo and Nux vomica. Certain
phases of the moon are said to affect the attacks, which are brought on by an overstrain of the
mind or emotions. Nocturnal epilepsy, feeling of coldness before an attacks is also
characteristic of the drug, and the fit is followed by warm perspiration. Cuprum is also a
remedy for nocturnal epilepsy and must be thought of when attacks invariably occur in the
night. When Silicea is required there is an exalted susceptibility of the upper spinal cord and
the medulla and an exhausted condition of the nerves. The attacks occur about the time of the
new moon. It comes in after Calcarea in inveterate chronic cases, and coldness of the left side
of the body preceding the attack is very characteristic.
#Nux vomica. [Nux-v]
The characterizing feature of epilepsy is loss of consciousness, therefore, Nux vomica is not
often a remedy in the idiopathic form. It suits cases arising from an excess of the reflex action
caused, for instance,by indigestion. The aura in a case calling for Nux starts in the solar
plexus, and among the most characteristic symptoms is a sensation of ants crawling over the
face. The middle and higher potencies will be found more useful in the spinal form of
epilepsy, and this is the form most suitable to Nux. Plumbum has caused epilepsy, and we
may use it for these symptoms: the attack is preceded by a heaviness of the legs and is
followed by paralysis; epileptic seizures from sclerosis, or from tumors of the brain,
consciousness returning slowly after an attack is another indication and it is more suitable to
the chronic forms of the disease. Constipation and abdominal pains further indicate. Secale is
recommended for sudden and rapidly recurring convulsions, with rapid sinking of strength
and paralysis of the spinal nerves.
#Cicuta virosa. [Cic]
The indications for cicuta are sudden rigidity followed by jerks and violent distortions, and
these followed by utter prostration. The prostration is characteristic, being equaled only by
that of Chininum arsenicosum. There is a tonic spasm renewed by touch simulating
Strychnia; but in Cicuta there is loss of consciousness , thus resembling more the
epileptiform. There is great oppression of breathing, lockjaw, face dark red, frothing at the
mouth and opisthotonos. The reflex excitability under Cicuta is much less than under
Strychnia. Another characteristic of Cicuta is fixed staring eyes; others are trembling before
and after the spasm and strange feeling in the head preceding the attack. Bayes, however,
regards muscular convulsions as a specially prominent symptom for Cuprum.
#Sulphur. [Sulph]
Like Calcarea, Sulphur is a constitutional or basic remedy, and it will act well where there is
a scrofulous taint. It is useful for the same class of cases as is Calcarea; namely, those brought
on by sexual excesses or the suppression of some eruption. The convulsions are attended with
great exhaustion and it is suitable to the chronic form of epilepsy in children who are typical
Sulphur patients. There is perhaps a tendency to fall to the left side. Sulphur is also a useful
intercurrent remedy in the course of the treatment of an epilepsy. Psorinum may also be
needed as an intercurrent.
#Hyoscyamus. [Hyos]
In epileptic convulsions Hyoscyamus is a most valuable remedy. There is much twitching and
jerking and hunger previous to the attack, there is frothing at the mouth and biting of the
tongue. A violent fright will produce an attack that will call for Hyoscyamus. The convulsions
seem to have more of a hysterical nature, and there are illusions of sight and hearing.
Stramonium has epilepsy from fright, sudden loss of consciousness and jerking of the head to
the right, with rotary motion of the left arm. Stramonium is the opposite of Belladonna, for
whereas the Belladonna patient shuns light, fears noises and is sensitive in the highest degree,
the Stramonium patient fears darkness and hates to be alone; he acts like a coward and
trembles and shakes. Agaricus 30 cured a case of epilepsy of 22 years' standing for
Dr.Winterburn. He was led to its prescription by the unusual symptom of "great flow of ideas
and loquacity after the attack."
#Belladonna. [Bell]
Belladonna is especially a remedy for acute epilepsies, when the cerebral symptoms ar
prominent, where the face is flushed and the whole trouble seems to picture cerebral
irritation, and more especially if the patient be young. There is an aura as if a mouse were
running over an extremity, or of heat rising from the stomach. There are illusions of sight and
hearing, and the convulsions are apt to commence in an upper extremity and extend to the
mouth, face and eyes. The great irritability of the nervous system, the easily disturbed sleep,
the startings, the tremors and twitching and the general Belladonna symptoms will render the
choice easy. Atropine,the alkaloid of Belladonna, has also been used successfully in the
treatment of epilepsy. Hydrocyanic acid. Another remedy is Hydrocyanic acid , to which
Hughes ascribes specific powers in the disease. In recent cases it perhaps our best remedy. the
cases calling for it will be characterized by loss of consciousness, clenched hands, set jaws,
frothing at the mouth, inability to swallow, and the attack is followed by great drowsiness and
prostration. Children are disinclined to play and take but little interest in anything. It is one of
our mainstays in epilepsy and its clinical record ranks it high.
#Causticum. [Caust]
Causticum is useful in Petit mal, also when the patient falls while walking in the open air, but
soon recovers. It is said to be useful when the attacks occur at new moon. It menstrual
epilepsy and that occurring at puberty Causticum is the remedy. Kafka recommends Hepar in
nocturnal epilepsy. Causticum is perhaps better suited to recent and light cases. Another
preparation of potash, Kali muriaticum, is a most useful remedy in epilepsy; it has an affinity
for the nerve centers and it is a slow acting remedy
#Cinchona. [Cinch]
This remedy is most suitable in epidemic and endemic form of chills and fever, being of little
if any use in the general malarial cachexia. The paroxysms are irregular and it corresponds
more to the tertian type, if to any. The precursory symptoms to the chill are nervous
excitement, anxiety, headache, nausea and irritability. The chill is of short duration and it
soon becomes mingled with the heat, and the remedy may be said to be one of the thirstless
remedies in fever, as there is very little, if any, thirst during the chill and no real thirst during
the heat, it being from a desire to moisten the mouth, rather than to quench the thirst, that the
patient may desire water. During the fever the veins appear enlarged and there is congestion
to the head, redness and heat of face, even though other parts of the body be chilly. During
the chill the patient sits near the fire and wraps himself up, but the warmth obtained does no
good. During the sweat, however, which is long and profuse, there is much thirst. Cinchona is
seldom of use in inveterate cases, where the liver and spleen are hypertrophied or where
much quinine has been taken, though a swollen spleen does not contra-indicate the remedy.
The apyrexia is marked with debility, restlessness, loss of appetite or great hunger, anaemia,
gray complexion, congestions, backache and oedema, scanty urine with brickdust sediment.
#Nux vomica. [Nux-v]
Nux vomica is another remedy not so much indicated in inveterate cases, but it corresponds
to cases where the gastro-bilious symptoms are prominent, and accompanied by nervous
symptoms proceeding from the spinal cord. The chill is perhaps more commonly quotidian,
coming on in the afternoon and evening . The chill is predominant and starts with blueness of
the fingernails, preceded by aching of the body, gaping and yawing, there being no special
thirst, but a dull frontal headache and vertigo and nausea, disordered stomach and weakness
of the limbs. There is no relief from covering or from external heat, and another condition
may be an alternation of chills and heat. Eucalyptus globulus. Also useful in some forms.
There are no characteristic indications. Pulsatilla. Long chill, little heat and no thirst.
Menyanthes. Chill predominates without thirst; icy coldness of finger tips. Ignatia. Warmth
from stove relieves; thirst only during chill. Lachesis. Desires heat, but no relief therefrom. A
most important remedy after abuse of quinine. Carbo vegetabilis. Old cases, with coldness of
#Arsenicum. [Ars]
This is one of our most important remedies, and, next to Cinchona, it is more frequently
indicated than any other. The characteristics are intensity and long duration of paroxysms,
especially of the burning heat, the unquenchable thirst, anxiety and restlessness, a small,
quick pulse and a clean tongue. The cleaner the tongue in violent paroxysms the more is it
indicated. After the attack there is pallor and exhaustion. It is the sovereign remedy for the
malarial cachexia; it antidotes quinine and its attacks are accompanied with a high grade of
gastric irritability. Hughes and Kippax, however, do not consider Arsenic as being suited to
the typical forms of intermittent fever, but rather to those types known as typo-malarial
fevers. Other characteristics of Arsenicum are the illy- defined paroxysms with, perhaps, one
of the stages wanting the collapse of vital power and the marked prostration. The longer the
disease has lasted the more likely will Arsenicum be indicated.
#Natrum muriaticum. [Nat-m]
This is a remedy seldom of use in recent cases corresponding more to inveterate and badly
treated cases. The stages are very unequal, the chill perhaps being continuous, heat moderate
with violent headache, and perspiration wanting or excessive and debilitating and relieving
the headache. The complexion is yellowish gray and the spleen and liver are enlarged.
Perhaps the most typical case calling for this remedy would have a chill commencing about
ten o'clock in the morning, beginning in the back and feet with great thirst pains in the bones,
pains in the back,headache, debility, accompanied with shortness of breath; and especially if
fever blisters or hydroa form on the lips; this is most characteristic. Such patients during the
apyerxia the apyrexia are dejected and apprehensive, have a swallow complexion and white
coated tongue, sleepy in the daytime and sleepless at night. It especially corresponds to cases
where there is a psoric taint. Capsicum. Chill prevails, intense thirst, drinking causes an
aggravation ; the chill begins in the back; heat applied relieves. Thirst is waiting during the
hot stage.
#Eupatorium perfoliatum. [Eup-per]
The bone pains and the vomiting as the chill passes off are the chief characteristics of this
remedy. There are gastric symptoms similar to Ipecac; there is muscular soreness all over the
body, and the chill is apt to occur on the morning of one day and in the evening of the next; it
is preceded by thirst and bitter vomiting. The patient knows the chill is coming on because he
cannot drink enough, the chill commences in the small of the back and is accompanied with a
sense of pressure over the skull cap. Bayes considers this pressure and weight over the
forehead the surest indication for the remedy. With the heat, the aching increases and the
sweat is inconsiderable or absent. The paroxysms calling for Eupatorium are irregular in their
development. The liver is at fault and there is a yellow tinge to the complexion. Cedron.
Great regularity marks this remedy, also violent symptoms; headache. It is useful in masked
agues,and the agues of warm and damp, low, marshy regions. Congestion to the head is a
marked symptoms, during apyrexia malaise and debility. Apis. No thirst, with sweat.
According to Wolf, one of the most important remedies; chill with thirst at 3 or 4 P.M.,
protracted cases, nettle rash. Rhus. Chill begins in the thigh and is usually attended with a dry
#Ipecac. [Ip]
In the milder epidemics where the tertian form predominates, Ipecac may prove useful. The
chill is most marked and the fever is accompanied with the gastric symptoms, loss of
appetite, loathing of food, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. It is often the remedy in the
beginning of intermittents, suiting especially sensitive young patients. The thirst is wanting or
slight during the chill and the chill predominates; the heat is trifling and the sweat is usually
missing , or there may be a short chill and long fever, and during the paroxysms there may be
a suffocative cough and spasmodic dyspnoea. During the apyrexia there are many gastric
symptoms, sallow skin, headache, nausea and vomiting. It is the remedy when the case seems
all mixed up; a few doses will often clear the case and lead to the proper remedy.
#Gelsemium. [Gels]
This remedy has no special hepatic; gastric or intestinal disturbances and it suits especially
malarial conditions in children. The chill runs up the back or starts from the feet. There is a
bruised feeling all over and a characteristic is that the patient wants to be held during the chill
to prevent his shaking. The characteristic time for the chill is prevent his shaking. The
characteristic time for the chill is about the middle of the day. The heat is attended with red
face. Drowsiness, dizziness and dullness are characteristic symptoms. Thirst is not marked.
#Chininum sulphuricum. [Chin-s]
This remedy has great periodicity ; chill towards evening with slight or violent thirst and after
the sweat there is much prostration, great weakness at the epigastrium and debility. It has
been found that the lower potencies act better, such as two-grain doses of the IX trituration
every two hours. During the paroxysm a pain in the dorsal vertebrae on pressure is a good
Chronic, inflammatory, systemic disease which may cause joint or connective tissue damage
& visceral lesions throughout the body characterised by fever, rash, hepato-spleenomegaly &
arthritis in children.
It is a persistent inflammatory arthritis (> 6 weeks) that begins before age 16 for which no
specific cause can be found.
ETIOLOGY of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
Onset: acute or insidious.
Swelling & pain in joints.
Poor appetite.
Loss of weight.
Child refuses to walk without being able to explain why.
Fever: remittent.
Rash on trunk, limbs as patches of erythema.
Affected joints hot, tender & swollen.
Effusion of joint.
Limitation of joint movement.
Emotional support.
Encourage child & family to maintain positive outlook.
Rest during acute stage.
Splinting of joint.
Gentle passive joint movement.
Corrective support to deformity.
Inability to move. Marasmus of lower extremities only. Soreness and lameness, worse
mornings. Gout in wrists and ankles. Inflammatory rheumatism before swelling begins.
Marasmus of children with marked emaciation, especially of leg, the skin is flabby and hangs
loose in folds.
Alternate constipation and diarrhea: lienteria. Marasmus of children with marked emaciation,
especially of legs; the skin is flabby and hangs loose in folds.
Arthritic and rheumatic drawing and tearing pains, especially in the limbs. Acute and violent
pulling in the joints and the bones, mitigated by the heat of a bed. Contraction of the tendons,
and stiffness in the flexor muscles of the limbs. Cramp-like contraction of several limbs.
Aconite is generally indicated in acute or recent cases occurring in young persons, especially
girls of a full, plethoric habit who lead a sedentary life; persons easily affected by
atmospheric changes; dark hair and eyes, rigid muscular fibre.
Oedematous. Synovitis. Felon in beginning. Knee swollen, shiny, sensitive, sore, with
stinging pain. Feet swollen and stiff. Feel too large. Rheumatic pain in back and limbs. Tired,
bruised feeling. Numbness of hands and tips of fingers. Hives with intolerable itching.
Oedematous swellings.
Adapted to the strumous constitution; glands enlarged, indurated; scirrhous or open cancer.
Women, especially widows; children and girls who, though generally careful, become
awkward, and let things fall while handling them.
4) ARS. ALB.
Acute drawing pains in the arms and in the hands. Swelling of the arms, with blackish
pustules of a putrid smell. Acute drawing pains in the night, beginning from the elbow and
extending to the armpits acute pulling and shooting in the wrists. Cramps in the fingers. At
night, sensation of fullness and swelling in the palms of the hands. Excoriation between
fingers. Hard swelling of the fingers, with pain in the finger-bones. Cramp in the legs. Acute
drawing pains in the hips, extending to the groins, the thighs, and sometimes even to the
ankle-bones, with uneasiness, which obliges one to move the limb constantly. Tearing and
stinging in the hips, legs, and loins. Tearing in the tibia. Rheumatic pain in the legs, and
especially in the tibia. Paralytic weakness of the thigh. Pain, as from a bruise in the joint of
the knee. Affections of the shin-bones. Fatigue in the legs and in the feet. Pains in the fleshy
part of the toes, as if they were galled by walking.
Great Prostration, with rapid sinking of the vital forces; fainting. The disposition is:
a. Depression, melancholy, despairing, indifferent.
b. Anxious, fearful, restless, full of anguish.
c. Irritable, sensitive, peevish, easily vexed.
The greater the suffering the greater the anguish, restlessness and fear of death. Mentally
restless, but physically too weak to move.
Pains in the joints and bones. Rheumatic pains (in the joints) flying from one place to another.
The pains are aggravated, chiefly at night, and in the afternoon towards three or four o'clock.
The least touch, and sometimes also the slightest movement, aggravates the sufferings. Some
of the symptoms are aggravated, or make their appearance after sleep. Jerking in the limbs,
muscular palpitations and shocks of the tendons. St.Vitus dance. Sensation in the muscles, as
if a mouse were running over
them. Cramp, spasms, and convulsive movements, with violent contortion of the limbs,
convulsive fits, with cries, and loss of consciousness, epileptic convulsions, drawing back of
the thumbs. Renewal of the spasms by the least contact, or from the glare of light. Burning in
the inner parts. Attacks of immobility and of spasmodic stiffness of the body, or of some of
the limbs, sometimes with insensibility, swelling of the veins, bloatedness and redness of the
face, pulse full and quick, with copious sweat. Spasms in single limbs, or of the whole body,
in children, during dentition.
Adapted to bilious, lymphatic, plethoric constitutions; persons who are lively and entertaining
when well, but violent and often delirious when sick.
Over-sensitiveness of the senses to external impressions. Rheumatic and gouty pains in the
limbs, with tension, worse from motion and contact. Tension, drawing pains, acute pullings
and shootings, especially in the limbs, and chiefly during movement, with insupportable
pains on being touched, sweat of the part affected, and trembling of that part when the pains
diminish. Stiffness and shootings in the joints, on being touched and when moved. In the
evening, pain, as from fatigue, in the limbs, with paralytic weakness. Torpor and numbness of
the limbs, with stiffness and pain of fatigue. Pale, tense, hot, swelling. Red, shining swelling
of some parts of the body, with shooting during movement. Pain, as from a bruise, or of
subcutaneous ulceration, or as if the flesh were detached from the bones. Dragging, with
pressure, on the periosteum.
It is best adapted to persons of a gouty or rheumatic diathesis; prone to so-called bilious
attacks. Bryonia patients are irritable, inclined to be vehement and angry; dark or black hair,
dark complexions, firm muscular fibre; dry nervous, slender people.
Pain as if sprained; can scarcely rise; from overlifting. Pain between shoulder-blades,
impeding breathing. Rheumatism in lumbar region; weakness in small of back. Curvature of
dorsal vertebrae. Nape of neck stiff and rigid. Rheumatoid pains, as after exposure to wet.
Sharp sticking, as if parts were wrenched or sprained. Weakness of extremities. Swelling of
joints, especially knee. Arthritic nodosities.
Leucophlegmatic, blond hair, light complexion, blue eyes, fair skin; tendency to obesity in
youth. Psoric constitutions; pale, weak, timid, easily tired when walking. Disposed to grow
fat, corpulent, unwieldy. Children with red face, flabby muscles, who sweat easily and take
cold readily in consequence. Large heads and abdomens; fontanelles and sutures open; bones
soft, develop very slowly. Curvature of bones, especially spine and long bones; extremities
crooked, deformed; bones irregularly developed. Head sweats profusely while sleeping,
wetting pillow far around.
Cracking in joints, with pain in them as if bruised. Pain in periosteum of limbs with paralytic
weakness. Convulsive single jerks in limbs. All joints sore as if bruised and tired out, there is
no power in hands or feet, though without corresponding weariness.
Persons, especially children, with light-brown hair, nervous, excitable temperament; Child
exceedingly irritable, fretful; quiet only when carried; impatient, wants this or that and
becomes angry when refused, or when offered, petulantly rejects it.
Rheumatic pain in top of left shoulder, worse from motion, occasional little darts of pain if
kept still. Rheumatic pain in (right) shoulder and arm. Cracking of joints, especially elbows.
Much pain in left arm, cannot hold a paper, veins become enlarged, worse raising arm.
Trembling of arms and hands.
For persons suffering from gout, rheumatism, neuralgia and diseases of the spinal cord and its
membranes - even organic lesions ending in paralysis - which can be traced to a sycotic
Hot, painful swelling of joints. PAINS TEARING IN TENDONS, LIGAMENTS AND
FASCIAE. Rheumatic pains spread over a large surface at nape of neck, loins, and
extremities; better motion. Soreness of condyles of bones. LIMBS STIFF, PARALYZED.
Tenderness about knee-joint. Loss of power in forearm and fingers; crawling sensation in the
tips of fingers. Tingling in feet.
Adapted to persons of rheumatic diathesis; bad effects of getting wet, especially after being
Locomotor ataxia is the inability to precisely control one's own bodily movements. Persons
afflicted with this disease may appear to walk like defective robots or otherwise move like
malfunctioning machinery; that is to say, in a herky-jerky, up-and-down kind of rhythmical
but non-fluid manner. It is often a symptom of either advanced Syphilis or Tabes dorsalis.
Locomotor ataxia is caused by degeneration of the posterior (dorsal) white column of the
spinal cord. The patient doesn't know where his arms and legs are unless he looks, but he can
feel and locate a hot object placed against his foot.
Inability to govern the movements. Trembling of limbs, sometimes with pains. Formication
of hands and feet. Numbness of extremities. Excessive sensation of heat with aversion to
being covered. These are all symptoms found in tabes, and will stop the sclerotic tendency.
#Silicea. [Sil]
This remedy has a tendency to over-nutrition, an overgrowth of neuroglia, with its resultant
contraction and sclerosis. It is to be prescribed for these symptoms: Fulgurating pains, incoordination , weakness of the lower extremities, with a tendency towards destruction of
tissues, particularly ulceration of the feet and about the toe nails. It has great nervous
irritability and debility. It may be advisable to give it for a long time--for months --with any
other as an intercurrent. It is especially useful for the obstinate constipation dependent on
spinal diseases.
#Plumbum. [Plum]
Plumbum, too, perhaps is a near pathological simillimum to locomotor ataxia. It produces
paralysis with atrophy loss of co-ordination, anaesthesia and impotence. The fulgurating
pains of this remedy are worse at night and sometimes so severe as to make the patient cry
out. Dr. James E. Lilienthal suggested the use of Plumbum phosphoricum in this disease,
reporting favourable results from its use.
#Belladonna. [Bell]
In thee incipient stage Belladonna is often indicated. There is inco-ordination of the upper
and lower extremities; the patients raises the foot slowly and puts it down with great force.
when walking he raises his legs as if he had to pass over an obstacle; fulgurating pains which
are lighting-like. It has the diplopia, amaurosis,trembling of limbs, and tottering gait is also
found in its rich symptomatology. For the fulgurating pains besides those mentioned we have
a number of other remedies. Pilocarpine 2x has been found to be of use, also Angustura, and
when confined to the feet, Sabadilla. Zincum is also a remedy useful at the beginning. With
this remedy the fulgurating pains are marked and intense; there were twitchings and the
whole body jerks during sleep. Physostigma is also a remedy for these pains. Belladonna is
also a useful remedy in the last stage of the disease when gastric crises are present. It will
sometimes relieve the lighting-like pains having the characteristic of sudden appearance and
disappearance. Digitalis. Dr. Dudgeon has found this remedy to act well in the lightning-like
pains, this shows the great importance of selecting a remedy according to the totality of the
symptoms. Kalmia. Cartier recommends this remedy highly for the painful variety as a
palliation; he uses the 6th centesimal potency pains about the waist and in the back and
kidneys of a fulgurating type are speedily bettered by its use.
#Picric acid. [Pic-ac]
Sometimes in the earlier stages of the disease there is much painful sexual excitement. Picric
acid will subdue this. This drug also produces great weakness of the legs, with numbness and
crawling, and pricking as from needles. The patient is easily exhausted. This is a keynote of
Picric acid. " Easy exhaustion from slight exertion." The limbs are very heavy--feel as if
encased in elastic stockings.
#Phosphorus. [Phos]
Among the symptoms calling for Phosphorus are atrophy of the optic nerve, with flashes of
light; trembling of the hands while writing; great nervous prostration; fulgurating pains in
different parts of the body; excited by the slightest chill; great sexual excitement. Erethistic
cases, burning along the spine, and in the extremities with formication. Nux vomica may be
the remedy when the disease is brought on by sexual excesses.
#Nitric acid. [Nit-ac]
This remedy produces a sclerotic contraction of the nerve cells and this corresponds to
syphilitic degeneration; hence in the higher potencies it becomes a valuable remedy in
locomotor ataxia when of syphilitic origin. The cerebral action of Nitric acid corresponds
closely to tabes. Among special symptoms calling for it we have severe headache, with
tension; imperfect vision; mental depression and irritability ; weakness of the memory; sharp
pains in the lower extremities, reminding of the fulgurating pains, as they appear and
disappear suddenly. Kali hydroiodicum is another remedy specially adapted to the syphilitic
form of tabes. It should be used in the homoeopathic potencies, not in crude doses. Dr.
Halbert, of Chicago, after an extended experience with this remedy, speaks highly of it.
Mood Disorders / Affective Disorders
- Physical Illness - A physical illness can be followed by depression, esp. those like cancer,
AIDS, and heart diseases etc which carry serious implications. Also mood changes can occur
after infectious mononucleosis or influenza and other viral illness.
Depression or mania could be the presenting feature of cerbrovascular disease, neurological
disorders such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinsonism and endocrine diseases such as Cushing's
syndrome, Addison's Disease, and hypothyroidism.
Mood changes can also be associated with drug therapy, for eg. corticosteroids, betaadrenoceptor antagonists and other anti-hypertensive drugs. When mood disorder results
directly from physical causes they are known as organc affective disorders.
- Personality - Some depressives have personality characteristics which are thought to
predispose to the illness. this involves a negative attitude to oneself, the outside world and the
future; the term 'cognitive triad' ha been applied to these attitudes.
Self blame
Suicidal thinking
Poor concentration
Weight changes
Reduced libido
All these symptoms of depression may not be present in any single person and the level of
intensity of symptoms vary from person to person.
Mood Disorders / Affective Disorders -- Depression, Mania, Bipolar Disorder - HOW
The diagnosis is usually done clinically based on the signs and symptoms.
Homeopathy Treatment & Homeopathic Remedies for Depression
Homeopathy offers very good treatment possibilities for depression with good results. There
are large number of medicines which can be used and the selection of medicine depends not
just on the symptoms but also on the cause. Depression is a manifestation of the disorder and
to treat the manifestation it is necessary to find the cause. The success of treatment in such
cases often depends on the ability of a homeopath to find the cause. The selection of
medicine depends a lot on it. Like all psychological disorders, depressive illness also requires
good case study and continuous monitoring by a competent homeopath. One should not try
any form of self-medication. In qualified and experienced hands homeopathy offers good
prognosis in this condition.
Some of the commonly indicated medicines are anacardium, arsenic-alb, aurum-met, ignatia,
acid-phos, pulsatilla, natrum-mur, sepia, antim-crud, naja, nux-vom, stann, psorinum etc. The
selection of medicine varies from case to case.
Antidepressant drugs, cognitive therapy, and electro convulsive therapy are used.
Visit a psychotherapist or join a support group where you can talk about
your emotions freely.
Be more open with your family and friends - do not hide your feelings,
share them.
Exercise daily - it not only is good for your body, but also for your mind.
Exercise is known to increase the level of many neuro-hormones, which
bring a feeling of well-being and happiness.
Speech is fast
Sleep hours are reduced, but this does not cause fatigue.
and chickenpox is not the same as the herpes viruses that causes genital herpes (which can be
sexually transmitted) or herpes mouth sores. Shingles is medically termed Herpes zoster.
Varicella zoster virus.
Posterior root ganglion.
Physical injury.
Mental trauma.
Febrile illness.
Any condition decreasing local skin resistance.
Adults, old subjects.
7-21 days.
Trunk (intercostal nerves).
Face (trigeminal distribution).
Neck (cervical).
The first symptom is usually one-sided pain, tingling, or burning. The pain and burning may
be severe.
Red patches on the skin form, followed by small blisters that look very similar to early
chickenpox. The blisters break, forming small ulcers that begin to dry and form crusts. The
crusts fall off in 2 to 3 weeks.
The rash usually involves a narrow area from the spine around to the front of the belly area or
chest. It may involve face, eyes, mouth and ears.
Additional symptoms may include:
Abdominal pain
Difficulty moving some of the muscles in the face
Drooping eyelid (ptosis)
General ill-feeling
Genital lesions
Hearing loss
Joint pain
Loss of eye motion (ophthalmoplegia)
Swollen glands (lymph nodes)
Taste problems
Vision problems
Severe neuralgic pain.
Local hyperaesthesia.
Develop 3 days after onset of attack.
Start as reddish plaques.
Unilateral distribution, along segmental distribution of affected nerve root.
Crops of vesicles appear.
Speedily increase in size.
Become confluent.
Vesicles contain serous fluid.
In few days content become opaque.
Absorption of contents occurs.
Brown adherent crusts form.
In few weeks crusts separate leaving pigmented scars.
Regional lymph glands enlarged, painful.
Involvement of the facial nerve may cause Ramsay Hunt syndrome, which can lead to loss of
movement in the face, hearing loss, loss of taste, and other symptoms.
Other complications may include:
Another attack of shingles
Blindness (if lesions occur in the eye)
Infection, lesions in body organs, encephalitis or sepsis in persons with weakened immune
Post-herpetic neuralgia
Secondary bacterial skin infections
Ramsay-hunt syndrome (if geniculate ganglion is affected).
Corneal ulceration (if ophthalmic division is affected).
GENERAL MANAGEMENT of Herpez zoster / Shingles
Herpes typically affects the lips, the face and intercostal region. The eruptions are confluent
ith intense burning sensation in the blister. Patient is worse after midnight and from cold in
any form. Patient feels better by warmth. Associated with herpes, patient feels very thirsty
and gets prostrated very easily. Herpetic eruptions alternate with internal affections.
Great Prostration, with rapid sinking of the vital forces; fainting. The disposition is:
Adapted to persons with impaired nutritional scrofulous diathesis who have a tendency to
grow fat; herpes with burning and jerking pains which are worse in cold at night. Herpes with
thick corrosive scabs which have yellow pus beneath them. Suppressed herpes causes central
nervous system disorders.
Calc carb suits to person with Leucophlegmatic constitution, blond hair, light complexion,
blue eyes, fair skin; tendency to obesity in youth. Psoric constitutions;
pale, weak, timid, easily tired when walking. Disposed to grow fat, corpulent, unwieldy.
Children with red face, flabby muscles, who sweat easily and take cold readily in
consequence. Large heads and abdomens; fontanelles and sutures open; bones soft, develop
very slowly. Curvature of bones, especially spine and long bones; extremities crooked,
deformed; bones irregularly developed. Head sweats profusely while sleeping.
Herpetic eruptions on shoulders, neck, around nipples and chin, face. Herpes preputialis.
Herpes zoster. There is itching burning pain which is worse in open air, in clear fine weather
and is bitter in damp weather and from walking.
Adapted to persons with dark hair and rigid fibre; weakly, psoric, with excessively yellow,
sallow complexion; subject to affections of respiratory and urinary tracts.
Graphites has a special affinity for folds of skin, e.g. joints, behind ears, groins, neck. Herpes
in obese females with delayed and scanty menses. Herpes appearing at climateric. Large
blisters from umbilicus to the spine, mainly affecting left side. Itching spots on various parts
of the body which oozes a watery sticky fluid. Itching as though foreign matter would pass
out through the skin. Circular herpes, feels hard to touch and is wrinkled. The itching is
worse at night, during and after mensturation and is better from wrapping up.
Suited to - Excessive cautiousness; timid, hesitates; unable to decide about anything. Fidgety
while sitting at work. Sad, despondent; music makes her weep; thinks of nothing but death.
Face, hands, genitals and bends of knees and elbows are the commonly affected regions.
Herpes after abuse of mercury. Adapted to persons with unhealthy skin which suppurates
easily. Patients are highly sensetive to cold. Herpes zoster from spine forwards, especially the
left side. The eruption is the seat of acute neuralgic pains which are worse at night; vesicles
on an inflamed base associated with splinter like pains, severe itching and scratching. There
is marked aggravation at naight, from cold; touch and the patient feels better in damp weather
and from wrapping up wramly. Eapecially suited to persons with a sour body odour. Herpes
For torpid lymphatic constitutions; persons with light hair and complexion, slow to act,
muscles soft and flabby. The slightest injury causes suppuration. Diseases where the system
has been injured by the abuse of Mercury. In diseases where suppuration seems inevitable,
Hepar may open the abscess and hasten the cure. Oversensitive, physically and mentally; the
slightest cause irritates him; quick, hasty speech and hasty drinking. Patient is peevish, angry
at the least trifle; hypochondriacal; unreasonably anxious. Extremely sensitive to cold air,
imagines he can feel the air if a door is opened in the next room; must be wrapped up to the
face even in hot weather; cannot bear to be uncovered; takes cold from slightest exposure to
fresh air.
Mercurius has a marked affinity for right side. Herpes of right forearm, wrist & hand. Herpes
prepucialis of the right side extending across the abdomen. There is itching which changes to
burning on scratching & shooting pains which are worse at night & in cold damp weather.
Herpetic eruptions which are surrounded by small pimples. Herpes with a tendency to
suppurate especially in persons with profuse sweat.
Nervous affections after suppressed discharges especially in psoric patients. Glandular and
scrofulous affections of children.
Herpes following the intercostal or supraorbital nerves with severe neuralgia; itching after
scratching turns into burning. Itching worse in bed & from touch. Post herpatic neuralgia &
burning with great coldness of body. Herpes tends to ulcerate & forms thick scabs under
which purulent matter exudes; tearing of these scabs causes great pain & retards healing.
Herpes after suppressed eruptions; vaccination & abuse of mercury.
For light-haired, irresolute persons of a phlegmatic temperament. Eczema and itching
eruptions after vaccination. Hypochondriacal and despondent; indifferent to everything and
every one; angry at trifles and perfectly harmless things, but is soon sorry for it.
Herpes affecting the supraorbital & intercostal nerves. There are sharp stitching pains which
are worse from touch, motion, change of temperature & on entering a cold place. The vesicles
are filled with a thin, acrid fluid & are found in clusters. Herpetic eruptions over fingers &
palms of hands which finally spreads over the whole body. Herpes in drunkards.
One of our most effective remedies for the bad effects of alcoholic beverages; spasmodic
hiccough; delirium tremens. Day blindness; mist before eyes, pressure and smarting in
Herpes with a marked predeliction for the right side & hairy parts. Herpes of the face. The
itching is worse in winter & while sweating. Itching alternates with pains in the chest &
dysenteric stools.
Adapted to persons of rheumatic diathesis; bad effects of getting wet, especially after being
over-heated. "Worse cold, wet". Worse wet; bathing; washing; strain. Drawing, tearing pain,
especially fibrous tissues; joints; round joints. Restlessness; must move, though first
movement painful. Better from dry, warm application.
Dry herpes affecting the chin. Eruptions are inclined to suppurate. Suited to malnourished
persons with unhealthy easily suppurating skin.
Adapted to the nervous, irritable, sanguine temperament; persons of a psoric diathesis.
Persons of light complexion; fine dry skin; pale face; weakly, with lax muscles. Constitutions
which suffer from deficient nutrition, not because food is lacking in quality or quantity, but
from imperfect assimilation; oversensitive, physically and mentally.
Herpes miliaris, phlyctenoides, circinatus & squamosus. Dry scaly herpes on nape of neck &
ankles. Moist herpes with small white vesicles in groups, forming scabs over the whole face,
especially above nose & about the eyes. There is burning pain after scratching. The patient is
always worse from washing, bathing & getting warm in bed.
Adapted to persons of a scrofulous diathesis, subject to venous congestion; especially of
portal system. Persons of nervous temperament, quick motioned, quick tempered, plethoric,
skin excessively sensitive to atmospheric changes. For lean, stoop-shouldered persons who
walk and sit stooping like old men. Standing is the worst position for sulphur patients; they
cannot stand; every standing position is uncomfortable. Dirty, filthy people, prone to skin
affections. Aversion to being washed; always <. after a bath. Too lazy to rouse himself; too
unhappy to live.
Herpes with sensation of bugs crawling under the skin. Neuralgia persisting after
disappearance of herpes. It is an excellent remedy for post herpatic neuralgia.
Herpes simplex
Herpes simplex is a viral disease caused by herpes simplex viruses; both herpes simplex
virus 1 (HSV-1) and herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2) cause herpes simplex. Acute viral
infectious disease characterised by grouped itchy, vesicular eruptions on skin and mucous
Infection with the herpes virus is categorized into one of several distinct disorders based on
the site of infection. Oral herpes, the visible symptoms of which are colloquially called cold
sores, infects the face and mouth. Oral herpes is the most common form of infection.
Infection of the genitals, commonly known as herpes, is the second most common form of
herpes. Other disorders such as herpetic whitlow, herpes gladiatorum, ocular herpes
(keratitis), cerebral herpes infection encephalitis, Mollaret's meningitis, neonatal herpes, and
possibly Bell's palsy are all caused by herpes simplex viruses.
Some people have no symptoms. Others get sores near the area where the virus has entered
the body. They turn into blisters, become itchy and painful, and then heal. The virus can be
dangerous in newborn babies or in people with weak immune systems. Studies show that
genital herpes simplex virus is common.
Herpes viruses cycle between periods of active diseasepresenting as blisters containing
infectious virus particlesthat last 221 days, followed by a remission period, during which
the sores disappear. Genital herpes, however, is often asymptomatic, though viral shedding
may still occur. After initial infection, the viruses move to sensory nerves, where they reside
as life-long, latent viruses. Causes of recurrence are uncertain, though some potential triggers
have been identified. Over time episodes of active disease reduce in frequency.
Herpes simplex is most easily transmitted by direct contact with a lesion or the body fluid of
an infected individual. Transmission may also occur through skin-to-skin contact during
periods of asymptomatic shedding. Oral herpes causes cold sores around the mouth or face.
Genital herpes affects the genitals, buttocks or anal area. Genital herpes is a sexually
transmitted disease (STD). You can get it from having sex, even oral sex. The virus can
spread even when sores are not present. Mothers can also infect their babies during childbirth.
Herpes simplex should not be confused with herpes zoster, which is a viral disease caused by
varicella zoster virus.
There are two types of herpes simplex viruses (HSV). HSV type 2 is the one that most
commonly causes genital herpes. The infection causes painful sores on the genitals in both
men and women. HSV type 1 is the herpes virus that is usually responsible for cold sores of
the mouth, the so-called "fever blisters." You get HSV-1 by coming into contact with the
saliva of an infected person.
However, HSV type 1 can cause genital herpes, usually caused by oral-genital sexual contact
with a person who has the oral HSV-1 infection, and HSV type 2 can cause cold sores.
Close contact.
Burning pain.
Vesicles rupture.
Crusts form.
Secondary infection.
Nutritious diet.
Homeopathic Remedies
Arsenicum album.
Hepar sulphuricum.
Mercurius solubilis.
Nitric acid.
Rhus tox.
Herpes typically affects the lips, the face and intercostal region. The eruptions are confluent
ith intense burning sensation in the blister. Patient is worse after midnight and from cold in
any form. Patient feels better by warmth. Associated with herpes, patient feels very thirsty
and gets prostrated very easily. Herpetic eruptions alternate with internal affections.
Great Prostration, with rapid sinking of the vital forces; fainting. The disposition is:
a. Depression, melancholy, despairing, indifferent.
b. Anxious, fearful, restless, full of anguish.
c. Irritable, sensitive, peevish, easily vexed.
The greater the suffering the greater the anguish, restlessness and fear of death. Mentally
restless, but physically too weak to move. Indicated by its periodicity and time aggravation:
after mid-night, and from 1-2 a.m. And by its intense restlessness, mental and physical: its
anxiety and prostration.
Graphites has a special affinity for folds of skin, e.g. joints, behind ears, groins, neck. Herpes
in obese females with delayed and scanty menses. Herpes appearing at climateric. Large
blisters from umbilicus to the spine, mainly affecting left side. Itching spots on various parts
of the body which oozes a watery sticky fluid. Itching as though foreign matter would pass
out through the skin. Circular herpes, feels hard to touch and is wrinkled. The itching is
worse at night, during and after mensturation and is better from wrapping up.
Suited to - Excessive cautiousness; timid, hesitates; unable to decide about anything. Fidgety
while sitting at work. Sad, despondent; music makes her weep; thinks of nothing but death.
Face, hands, genitals and bends of knees and elbows are the commonly affected regions.
Herpes after abuse of mercury. Adapted to persons with unhealthy skin which suppurates
easily. Patients are highly sensetive to cold. Herpes zoster from spine forwards, especially the
left side. The eruption is the seat of acute neuralgic pains which are worse at night; vesicles
on an inflamed base associated with splinter like pains, severe itching and scratching. There
is marked aggravation at naight, from cold; touch and the patient feels better in damp weather
and from wrapping up wramly. Eapecially suited to persons with a sour body odour. Herpes
For torpid lymphatic constitutions; persons with light hair and complexion, slow to act,
muscles soft and flabby. The slightest injury causes suppuration. Diseases where the system
has been injured by the abuse of Mercury. In diseases where suppuration seems inevitable,
Hepar may open the abscess and hasten the cure. Oversensitive, physically and mentally; the
slightest cause irritates him; quick, hasty speech and hasty drinking. Patient is peevish, angry
at the least trifle; hypochondriacal; unreasonably anxious. Extremely sensitive to cold air,
imagines he can feel the air if a door is opened in the next room; must be wrapped up to the
face even in hot weather; cannot bear to be uncovered; takes cold from slightest exposure to
fresh air.
Mercurius has a marked affinity for right side. Herpes of right forearm, wrist & hand. Herpes
prepucialis of the right side extending across the abdomen. There is itching which changes to
burning on scratching & shooting pains which are worse at night & in cold damp weather.
Herpetic eruptions which are surrounded by small pimples. Herpes with a tendency to
suppurate especially in persons with profuse sweat.
Nervous affections after suppressed discharges especially in psoric patients. Glandular and
scrofulous affections of children.
Nat-mur has a special predilection for skin about the mouth; on arms and eyes, chest, nape of
neck; genitals & bends of elbows & knees; knuckles. Adapted to persons with greasy
unhealthy skin. Herpes circinatus with burning spots. Gnawing, itching, shooting pains which
are worse from heat; worse at seashore and from eating too much salt & are better in open air
& while sweating. Herpes labialis during fever.
For the anaemic and cachectic, whether from lots of vital fluids- profuse menses, seminal
losses- or mental affections. Great emaciation; losing flesh while living well. Throat and neck
of children emaciate rapidly during summer complaint. Great liability to take cold.
Irritability: child cross when spoken to; crying from slightest cause; gets into a passion
about trifles, especially when consoled with. Awkward , hasty, drops things from nervous
weakness. Marked disposition to weep; sad weeping mood, without cause, but consolation
from others <. her troubles.
Herpetic eruptions develop in whiskers, between fingers, on alae nasi, on outer side of the
thigh. There is presence of itching which is worse on undressing, worse in open air, at change
of weather, from contact. Associated with itching, the overall appearance of the skin is dry,
cracked & fissured with blackish discolouration. The skin is cracked practically at all angles.
It is also useful in post herpetic neuralgia where the pain is sticking like a splinter.
Herpes with a marked predeliction for the right side & hairy parts. Herpes of the face. The
itching is worse in winter & while sweating. Itching alternates with pains in the chest &
dysenteric stools.
Adapted to persons of rheumatic diathesis; bad effects of getting wet, especially after being
over-heated. "Worse cold, wet". Worse wet; bathing; washing; strain. Drawing, tearing pain,
especially fibrous tissues; joints; round joints. Restlessness; must move, though first
movement painful. Better from dry, warm application.
Herpes miliaris, phlyctenoides, circinatus & squamosus. Dry scaly herpes on nape of neck &
ankles. Moist herpes with small white vesicles in groups, forming scabs over the whole face,
especially above nose & about the eyes. There is burning pain after scratching. The patient is
always worse from washing, bathing & getting warm in bed.
Adapted to persons of a scrofulous diathesis, subject to venous congestion; especially of
portal system. Persons of nervous temperament, quick motioned, quick tempered, plethoric,
skin excessively sensitive to atmospheric changes. For lean, stoop-shouldered persons who
walk and sit stooping like old men. Standing is the worst position for sulphur patients; they
cannot stand; every standing position is uncomfortable. Dirty, filthy people, prone to skin
affections. Aversion to being washed; always < after a bath. Too lazy to rouse himself; too
unhappy to live.
A hydrocoele is a collection of fluid around the testicle in the scrotum (the bag that holds
your testicles).
It is in no way dangerous and usually requires no treatment: many men have small
hydrocoeles they are not even aware of. However sometimes it may reach a size where it
becomes uncomfortable or awkward and in this case surgical treatment is best. Drainage of
the fluid can be done but it always comes back again.
Hydrocoele - Homeopathy Treatment & Homeopathic Remedies
Following homeopathic medicines are known to help in cases of hydrocoele - Apis, Aurummet, Calc-c, Con, Flour-acid, Graph, Iod, Kali-iod, Puls, Rhod, Selen, Sil, Spong.
Nervous Weakness, Prostration
Related to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Homeopathic Remedies & Homeopathy Treatment for Neurasthenia, Nervous
Weakness, Prostration
#Aconite. [Acon]
Very useful for the numerous phobias of neurasthenia, fear of death, darkness, noisy people,
music, crowds, fear of entering a trolley car or railway train. Anxiety as to some impending
disaster has often been removed by Aconite. Cimicifuga is useful for fear of death or
becoming insane, cervical vertebrae sensitive, neuralgic and uterine cases. Muscular
exhaustion is a prominent symptom.
#Phosphoric acid.
This remedy is to nervous debility what iron is to anaemia, and it corresponds to that debility
arising from continued grief, over-exertion of the mind, sexual excesses or any nervous strain
on the body or mind. The remedy is characterized by indifference, apathy, and torpidity of
body and mind. There is burning in the spine and limbs and the patient is inclined to be
drowsy and listless. Any attempt to study causes heaviness in the head and limbs. It suits also
young, rapidly growing people, and especially cases of nervous depression from
spermatorrhoea. Gelsemium. A mainstay in this disease. Stupid, dull, unable to concentrate
mind; vertigo, dull ache at base of brain. Lacks self-confidence. Sudden emotions bring on
diarrhea or indigestion. Ignatia. Chronic worries, fears of misfortune and startled by slightest
noise. Kali Phosphoricum corresponds to nervous dreads, oversensitiveness to noise, restless
and suspicious effect of fright, grief, fear, sleeplessness. Excessive and exhausting mental
labor. It is one of the best remedies we have and is probably often indicated. All observers
agree that it is the most useful of the various phosphates.
#Silicea. [Sil]
Corresponds to nervous exhaustion when the patient dreads any mental or bodily exertion. He
must get warmed up to his work to do anything. He is debilitated, yet hyperaesthetic. There is
numbness in the toes, fingers and back, and the constipation peculiar to the drug is present. It
suits cases that become exhausted after excitement ; as long as the excitement lasts they feel
well, when the excitement is over the wretched feeling re-appears. It especially corresponds
to the troublesome and persistent aching of the neck muscles and occiput.
#Picric acid
corresponds well to the brain fag of business men who become depressed and wearied from
slight fatigue. It is a mental inactivity, with a desire to lie down and rest. The great
characterstic is that slight exertion brings on exhaustion and headache, incapacitating for
work, and extinguishes that quality which we call grit. Even the slightest mental exertion
causes heavy feelings and sensation of heat. The headache may be frontal or occipital and
extended down the spine, in fact, the head symptoms seems to be concentrated in the occiput.
Sexual irritability may be a prominent symptom. In the morning there is a tired aching in the
lumbar region, the legs are heavy and weak with the soreness of the muscles and joints. It is
of our best remedies in neurasthenia. It acts perhaps best in the 6th centesimal potency,
though Dr. Goldsbrough thinks the 12th preferable. Cartier prefers Ferrum picricum where
the weakness is prominent and in neuraesthenic dyspepsia or indigestion. Oxalic acid is more
suitable to cases where pain is a prominent symptom as in spinal neurasthenia and the stress
of the attack falls on the digestive rather than the sexual functions. Physostigma. Mental and
physical debility, rapid feeble pulse---especially spinal cases.
#Zincum metallicum. [Zinc]
When in consequence of exhausting disease the recuperative powers are weakened, and the
nervous weakness shows itself in backache about the region of the last dorsal vertebra, and
excessive fidgetiness of the feet, Zincum may be prescribed. There is burning in the spine,
formication in the calves and weak limbs. A combination of this and Picric acid called
Zincum picratum has been found useful when the spinal symptoms and exhaustion are
prominent. Zincum phosphide is also a suitable remedy for brain fag of business men who
become haggard, pale and sleepless and suffer from depression of spirits and worry. It is well
recommended by Hale.
#Lycopodium. [Lyc]
Weakness of memory, confusion of thought, sadness and depression, wants to be alone,
despairs of salvation. It is frequently indicated in lithaemic neurasthenia with hepatic
troubles, weakness of memory. Psoric or arthritic symptoms are to be expected in such cases.
Sleep is restless, flatulence and constipation.
#Phosphorus. [Phos]
This remedy suits cases which stand on the border line between neurasthenia and organic
spinal disease, and Hart considers it essential to cure in most cases. It is indicated by
irritability and weakness, over-sensitiveness to all impressions; the head is weak and the
patient cannot think; there is burning in small spots, better from rubbing ; the legs are weak
with numbness and coldness and the sphincters are weak. It is a splendid deep-acting remedy
and noises in the ears offer an additional indication. Coca is useful in mental depression,
disinclination to work , and general debility, the least exertion is attended with fatigue.
Phosphorus suits best those cases where the prostration is very sudden and the nervous
system becomes exhausted, fearful of death, of the future, of being alone,anxious, restless,
irritable, startled by slightest noise. Vertigo is prominent.
#Avena sativa. [Aven]
Weakness of nerves, tried brain, irritability, gets excited at least thing. Urine has excess of
phosphates, history of sexual excesses and occipital headache. This remedy in appreciable
doses of the tincture will calm and strengthen the nerves.---E. G. Jones.
#Nux vomica. [Nux-v]
Useful in irritable, excited, over-sensitive patients with defective memories, loss of energy,
patients with whom everything goes wrong, trifling ailments are unbearable; there is
intellectual incapacity and insomnia, nightmares, and if all these conditions are associated
with dyspeptic troubles the remedy is all the better indicated. Anacardium has weakness of
memory and general feebleness of brain power; the mental incapacity of this remedy is very
pronounced. It suits "borderlanders " between neurasthenia and insanity. Despair of recovery,
fear of paralysis and death, imagines he is surrounded by enemies, fearful of walking in open
air, and if anyone approaches. Argentum nitricum. Fear of dying when left alone, afraid to
walk in streets lest he fall down in a fit or that high buildings fall upon him. Neurasthenia
with nervous dyspepsia, eructations. Pulsatilla vies with Nux in the neurasthenia of men and
is often neglected. It has sensations in the back as if tightly bandaged, the weary feeling in the
morning. There is a general fatigue, heavy tired aching, not relieved by repose. Its general
symptoms of venous stagnation will be present. Sepia, too, should not be overlooked; its
general tired paralytic state corresponds to neuraesthenic conditions. Fear of being alone, of
#Natrum muriaticum. [Nat-m]
Suitable for spinal neurasthenia; the small of the back feels paralyzed, especially in the
morning on rising, the feet are heavy, there is a troublesome dribbling of urine, dryness of the
mouth, sticky secretions and the skin is dry and mummified. Selenium has neurasthenia from
sexual excesses, dribbling of prostatic fluid. Helonias. Neurasthenia with weak lumbo-sacral
region; feels tired all over; better from motion or when the mind is occupied.
#Aconite. [Acon]
While in Hering's Guiding Symptoms over seventy remedies are mentioned as applicable in
various neuralgias, yet there are a few that come to mind and use much more frequently than
others. Aconite is one of these. It is almost a specific for facial neuralgias of congestive form.
It seems to have an elective action on the trigeminus nerve, producing painful sensations. It
corresponds to recent cases in young subjects traceable to cold drafts, exposure to dry, cold
winds, etc. The special features are the continuous pain not only in the nerve, but in the
surroundings parts; the red, swollen face, tingling, great excitement and intolerance of the
pain; patient declares that something must be done. According to Baehr and other observers,
it acts better in the higher potencies in neuralgia. It is also applicable to rheumatic
prosopalgia, with swelling of the face. The zygoma, cheek and articulation of the jaw are
favorite seats of the pain. Plantago major is especially applicable to sharp neuralgic pains
plying between the teeth and ears. Otalgia finds a valuable remedy in Plantago. Chamomilla.
Neuralgia with great nervousness; pains uterly intolerable, worse at night and from warmth,
accompanied with heat of face, thirst, redness, hot sweat, very impatient, can hardly answer a
civil question. Of little use in the lower potencies.
This is also a remedy for recent cases traceable to emotions, catarrh, or exposure, the
characteristic being tearing pressive pains worse from motion and touch and relieved by rest
and external warmth. The attacks are paroxysmal,mostly on left side, though the sciatica is
right-sided. Abdominal neuralgias of a pure nervous type, not inflammatory. Ovarian
neuralgias are often greatly benefited by colocynth. The pains of Colocynth are better from
rest and pressure, but return as soon as pressure is removed. Nux vomica has also proved
useful in many cases. Jousset places great reliance on it in high dilutions. Neuralgias about
the abdomen, worse on left side. Stannum pains gradually increase and gradually decrease.
"Sun neuralgias." Of great use in neuralgias of the supraorbital nerve following intermittent
fever and abuse of quinine. Rhus. Neuralgia from eating,worse in damp weather. Spigelia.
Baehr claims first place for this remedy in the treatment of prosopalgia. The pains are
rheumatic, jerking,tearing,worse from dampness, contact, motion,touch sending a shudder
through the frame, are periodical and attended with anxiety at the heart and restlessness or
preceded by palpitation. The location of the pain is in the nerves of the forehead,orbit and
teeth of upper jaw. There is often a sensation as if the eye were too large. Ciliary neuralgias or
leftsided prosopalgias where the pain comes up over the head from the occiput;
burning,sticking pains,worse from change of weather,call for the remedy. It is not so often
indicated in chronic cases. Colchicum also has left-sided pains,a kind of paralytic weakness,
lacking the severity of Spigelia. Cimicifuga has supra-orbital neuralgia, but it is usually
reflex, dependent upon uterine disturbances. This remedy produces a picture of myalgia,
worse at night;prosopalgia in nervous women, coming on afternoons and going off at night.
Left infra-mammary pains, which often indicate ovarian troubles, will suggest Cimicifuga.
#Belladonna. [Bell]
Hartmann lays special emphasis on Belladonna for infra-orbital neuralgic, accompanied with
increase of tears and saliva. There are violent cutting pains coming on towards evening, most
violent about midnight; the paroxysms are of long duration and there are symptoms of
vascular excitement; the pains radiate to temples, ears and nape; are worse from noise,
motion , jar, chewing, cold air, etc., and are relieved by absolute rest and warmth. In
prosopalgia the face is swollen, bright red and the pain is particularly severe; the pains come
and go suddenly and hyperaesthesia marks the remedy. Atropine sulphuricum 3 is
recommended by Kafka in case Belladonna fails. Hale also speaks highly of Atropine in
neuralgias. The indications seem to be intermittency of the pains, appearing and disappearing
suddenly. Jerking and twitching of the muscles mark the remedy. China has neuralgic pains
which are aggravated by touching the parts, or by a draft of cold air. A malarial basis or
complication is an additional indications. Most neuralgias that are recurrent are on an
anaemic basis and here China often finds its indications. Belladonna has a plethoric habit
which strongly contrasts with China.
#Arsenicum. [Ars]
The more purely nervous the affection the more effective is Arsenicum. It has the well-known
intermitting burning, stinging, hot needle-pain, the distressed countenance, the restlessness
and the periodicity. It holds the first place in miasmatic neuralgias, especially of malarial
origin, neuralgias from influenza or simple debility with great aggravation at approach of
night, and relief from external heat. The pain are severe and drive the patient from place to
place. It suits especially infra-orbital forms with a Hippocratic countenance during the attack.
Its effect is rapid, and sometimes rivals a powerful dose of Opium. Among other remedies for
malarial neuralgias are: Natrum muriaticum. Neuralgias worse at seashore; ciliary neuralgias
worse at midday, affections from abuse of quinine. Cedron. Periodicity, appearing every
evening with clock-like regularity. Supra-orbital pains worse on left side with burning in
eyes. It especially suits the trigeminal form due to malarial poisoning. Sulphur, China and
Chininum sulphuricum are also useful remedies in malarial neuralgias. Capsicum has fine,
acute, penetrating,burning neuralgic pains in the right malar bone,worse by contact and by
draft of air,and is especially severe just as the patient is about to go to sleep. In prescribing
Arsenicum in neuralgia one must be careful not to give too low a potency, even the 6th will
often aggravate, as the nerves are apt to be specially irritated. Baehr says Arsenicum quiets
nervous pain better than any other medicine.
#Platinum. [Plat]
A useful remedy where there is a constrictive pain, numbness, profuse lachrymation, worse at
night and at rest. The pains are cramping, causing numbness and tingling; pain at the root of
the nose or in the other part of the body as if squeezed in a vise. The pains also increase
gradually and decrease gradually, as in Stannum. Mercurius. Neuralgias from hollow teeth,
worse at night. Staphisagria. Neuralgias from hollow teeth, especially suitable to old people
with a mouth full of hollow stumps, which pain violently at times. Platinum suits especially
hysterical subjects who have profuse, thick, black exhausting menses.
#Mezereum. [Mez]
This remedy is indicated by the spreading character of the pains, and the aggravation from
warmth; they are accompanied with chilliness and sensitiveness. There is a stupefying
pressure and the pains are worse at the midnight hours. Especially useful in mercurial and
syphilitic subjects. After the attack there is a numbness remaining. It is a chief remedy in
intercostal neuralgia setting in with zona or shingles. Ranunculus bulbosus is the remedy for
intercostal neuralgia with sharp stitching pains following the course of the nerves ; stitches in
chest on every change of weather , sore spot in chest. Among other remedies having chest
pains are: Gaultheria, pains in anterior mediastinum; arnica,sore,bruised feeling; Rhus
radicans, pains shoot to shoulder blade; Senega, pain and soreness; Cimicifuga, etc. a psoric
or arthritic soil will demand as a systemic remedy an antipsoric such as Sulphur or
Lycopodium, and if of syphilitic origin high dilutions of Syphilinum will clear the field.
Mezereum is most useful in ciliary neuralgia when there is a cold feeling in the eye, and it is
one of the best remedies for neuralgias which are reflex from decayed teeth.
#Verbascum. [Verb]
Pressure, tensive pain in the zygomatic bones worse from pressure, mastication and cold air.
The parts feel crushed, as if squeezed between tongs; aggravated by talking and sneezing.
Kalmia has a neuralgia brought on by exposure to cold,involving the teeth of the upper
jaw,rending pains, worse from worry or mental excitement, worse on right side. It has cured
some of the most severe and long lasting cases. The tincture is recommended by
Cowperthwaite, but other observes find the higher potencies quite as useful. The neuralgia is
not confined to the facial nerve, but extends to the sides of the neck and shoulders.
#Magnesia phosphorica. [Mag-p]
This remedy has an excellent clinical record in neuralgias. It is curative in a typical facial
neuralgia where the pains are intermitting, darting and are relieved by warmth, this relief
from warmth being the guiding symptom; neuralgias involving whole of side of head and
neck. pulsatilla is one of the best remedies for acute facial neuralgias of rheumatic origin.
Allium cepa. Nueralgias of stumps after amputation, also Hypericum. Prunus is frequently
promptly curative in severe ciliary neuralgias with agonizing lightning-like pains, worse right
#Calcarea carbonica [Calc]
is especially adapted to neuralgias in those of a leuco-phlegmatic temperament. It has pain
from right mental foramen along jaw to ear, attended with frequent urination, and relieved by
warm applications. Scrofulous constitution, disposition to grow fat, flabby muscles, aversion
to cold air, the least cold air goes through fat, flabby muscles, aversion to cold air, the least
cold air goes through and through, feet are always damp and cold. These are valuable
symptoms. To treat neuralgias successfully one should not rely alone on the symptoms, but
take into consideration the neuralgic temperament and the soil that produces such, whether of
psoric, sycotic or some other toxaemic basis.
Neuritis is a complex process involving inflammation of the nerves, resulting in irritation that
interferes with normal nerve function and the areas served. Specifically, it affects the
peripheral nerves (those outside the brain, spinal cord, or central nervous system), blocking
sensory and motor functions, with pronounced symptoms.
Homeopathic Remedies & Homeopathy Treatment for Neuritis
#Aconite. [Acon]
In simple neuritis acute stage, caused by exposure to cold, Aconite is the only remedy needed
when applied early. The numbness, coldness, tearing pains, nightly aggravation, with mental
anguish, will indicate the remedy.
#Arnica. [Arn]
This remedy seems to have a selective affinity in relieving terminal nerve pain and the
soreness and bruisedness will be the indications. Many observers think it all sufficient in
neuritis. It it fails some resort to Bellis perennis, which is very often curative with intense
nerve pains and great soreness. O'Connor and Butler recommended it highly. It also suits, as
well as Arnica, traumatic cases.
#Hypericum. [Hyp]
Traumatic neuritis with sharp cutting pain, where nerves have been lacerated and the parts
exceedingly sore.
#Rhus toxicodendron. [Rhus-t]
In the traumatic occasionally, but more especially in the rheumatic variety is Rhus curative. It
has tearing, drawing and shooting pains. Exposure neuritis --or that due to over exertion
coupled with exposure finds in it a curative remedy. It also suits the gouty form. General
Rhus symptoms such as amelioration by motion and aggravation from coldness and
dampness will prevail. Elliott finds Ferrum phosphoricum and Kali muriaticum the best
remedies in rheumatic neuritis.
#Cimicifuga. [Cimic]
Alcoholic neuritis will frequently indicate this remedy. Ledum and Plumbum are also
remedies for the alcoholic variety, and the latter is especially indicated in cases where atrophy
appears, no matter what the variety.
#Arsenicum [Ars]
is a powerful remedy in neuritis and its best field seems to be in multiple neuritis of a severe
type, with the characteristic symptoms of burning worse at night and relief by heat. It will suit
especially the broken down constitutions, anaemic conditions and irritability so often
accompaniments of multiple neuritis. Phosphorus is also frequently indicated and employed
in the multiple variety.
#Anantherum muriaticum [Anan]
Has cured root neuritis and Thallium should be studied here. Carburetum sulphuris has been
used successfully in neuritis, especially in the sciatic variety.
Tonsillitis is inflammation of the tonsils.
The tonsils are lymph nodes in the back of the mouth and top of the throat. They normally
help to filter out bacteria and other microorganisms to prevent infection in the body. They
may become so overwhelmed by bacterial or viral infection that they swell and become
inflamed, causing tonsillitis. The infection may also be present in the throat and surrounding
areas, causing pharyngitis.
Tonsillitis is extremely common, particularly in children.
Tonsillitis Symptoms
Symptoms of tonsillitis include a sore throat, (which may be experienced as referred pain to
the ears), painful/difficult swallowing, coughing, headache, myalgia (muscle aches), fever
and chills. Tonsillitis is characterized by signs of red, swollen tonsils which may have a
purulent coating of white patches (i.e. pus). Swelling of the eyes, face, and neck may occur.
It is also important to understand that symptoms will be experienced differently for each
person. Cases that are caused by bacteria are often followed by skin rash and a flushed face.
Tonsillitis that is caused by a virus will develop symptoms that are flu-like such as runny
nose or aches and pains throughout the body.
Acute tonsillitis is caused by both bacteria and viruses and will be accompanied by
symptoms of ear pain when swallowing, bad breath, and drooling along with sore throat and
fever. In this case, the surface of the tonsil may be bright red or have a grayish-white coating,
while the lymph nodes in the neck may be swollen. The most common form of acute
tonsillitis is strep throat, which can be followed by symptoms of skin rash, pneumonia, and
ear infection. Extreme tiredness and malaise are also experienced with this condition with the
enlargement of the lymph nodes and adenoids.
Chronic tonsillitis is a persistent infection in the tonsils. Since this infection is repetitive,
crypts or pockets can form in the tonsils where bacteria can store. Frequently, small, foul
smelling stones (tonsilloliths) are found within these crypts that are made of high quantities
of sulfur. These stones cause a symptom of a full throat or a throat that has something caught
in the back. A foul breath that is characterized by the smell of rotten eggs (because of the
sulfur) is also a symptom of this condition. Other symptoms that can be caused by tonsillitis
that are not normally associated with it include snoring and disturbed sleep patterns. These
conditions develop as the tonsils enlarge and begin to obstruct other areas of the throat. A
person's voice is generally affected by this type of illness and changes in the tone of voice a
person normally has.
A tonsillectomy is a surgical procedure in which the tonsils are removed from either side of
the throat. The procedure is performed in response to cases of repeated occurrence of acute
tonsillitis or adenoiditis, obstructive sleep apnea, nasal airway obstruction, snoring, or
peritonsillar abscess. Sometimes the adenoids are removed at the same time, a procedure
called adenoidectomy. Tonsillectomy remains one of the most common surgical procedures in
Homeopathy medicines are effective in treating the recurrent attacks of acute tonsillitis as
well as chronic tonsillitis. In a significant number of children, homeopathic treatment can
help prevent recurrence of frequent tonsillitis, thus helping children avoid tonsillectomy.
Homeopathic Remedies & Homeopathy Treatment for Tonsillitis
Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homeopathic treatment focuses on the
patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. The homeopathic medicines are
selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis, which includes the
medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution etc. A miasmatic tendency
(predisposition/susceptibility) is also often taken into account for the treatment of chronic
conditions. The medicines given below indicate the therapeutic affinity but this is not a
complete and definite guide to the treatment of this condition. The symptoms listed against
each medicine may not be directly related to this disease because in homeopathy general
symptoms and constitutional indications are also taken into account for selecting a remedy.
To study any of the following remedies in more detail, please visit our Materia Medica
section. None of these medicines should be taken without professional advice.
Homeopathic Remedies
#Baryta Carbonica. [Bar-c]
Hughes places this remedy among the most prominent ones for acute tonsillitis, saying that,
in his hands, it has been of almost unfailing efficacy; he uses the 6th. It is especially of use
when the trouble is in the parenchyma of the glands, and suppuration rarely follows its use. It
suits comparatively mild cases, who have an attack from any exposure. it removes the
predisposition to attack. Belladonna is more superficial, and Apis has oedema.
It is very useful in cases where every cold settles in the tonsils, especially in children who
have a chronic enlargement of those glands. The chief use of Baryta has been, however in
chronic enlargement of the tonsils and it undoubtedly has been very often wrongly prescribed
here, as it corresponds to comparatively few cases. 372 In a tendency to tonsillitis in
scrofulous children with enlargement of other glands it will be found useful. Like Belladonna
it seems to have an affinity for the right side. Children requiring Baryta are backward and
Baryta iodide is preferred by Goodno, and Tooker mentions Fucus vesiculosus in chronic
#Calcarea phosphorica. [Calc-p]
In chronic enlargement of the tonsils in strumous children this remedy stands well in typical
Calcarea cases. The tonsils are flabby, pale, there is a chronic follicular inflammation and
impaired hearing. It efficacy in adenoid hypertrophy is well known and attested.
#Calcarea iodata. [Calc-i]
Enlargement of the tonsils similar to Baryta. They are hard, red and nodular.
#Bromine. [Brom]
Red swollen tonsils covered with a network of capillaries.
#Lycopodium. [Lyc]
Chronic enlargement of the tonsils, which are covered with small ulcers.
#Ferrum phosphoricum. [Ferr-p]
Chronic enlarged hyperaemic tonsils; smooth swelling.
#Belladonna. [Bell]
This remedy is the chief one at the commencement, it the case has passed the stage where
Aconite or Ferrum phosphoricum would be indicated. There is redness and swelling, but the
deeper the redness and the more the swelling, the less is Belladonna indicated. At the
commencement of an attack it exceeds Apis in value, as Apis only involves the mucous
surface. The neck is swollen and stiff externally, ulcers form rapidly and the right side is
worse. In the acute paroxysms of the chronic from Belladonna is very useful.
Gelsemium, painful spot deep in tonsil, hurting out of proportion on swallowing, red,
inflamed throat, pain streaking to ear, rapid progress. The 2x will often abort, when in the
chilly stage.
Amygdala Persica has dark injection of the fauces, sharp pains, and difficult swallowing.
Especially in the follicular form, with pain at the root of the tongue or extending to the ears
when swallowing. The parts are dark blue; the tonsils are large and blue, and there is intense
dryness, smarting and burning and in the throat.
Ignatia. Raue says that Ignatia is almost specific in follicular tonsillitis. Small superficial
yellowish white ulcers; plug in throat, worse when not swallowing.
One of the most useful remedies at the commencement of an attack, especially of catarrhal
tonsillitis. The characteristics are violent burning, headache, throat hot, chill and aching in
back and limbs; abscesses form quickly. In the 1x frequently repeated it will often abort.
Hepar sulphur.
Where there are lancinating pains, splinter-like and much throbbing with rigors showing that
abscess is on the point of forming and it is desired to hasten it Hepar will be well indicated.
Parts extremely sensitive to touch. Pain shoot into ears.
Silicea. When the abscess has broken and refuses to heal, especially in rachitic children.
Fistulous cases.
This remedy is rarely of service at the onset, but later in a more advanced stage than that
calling of Hepar, when pus has formed; great swelling; whole fauces deep red; the tonsils
darker than any other part; ulcers form; saliva tenacious; breath foul; pains less than
Belladonna, but the general health is worse. Stinging pains and difficult breathing from the
swelling. Pseudo membraneous deposit on tonsils and pharynx.
#Apis mellifica. [Apis]
Oedema is the watchword of this remedy. Useful in the simple form, not in the
parenchymatous form, the throat is swollen both inside and outside. The superficial tissues
alone are involved, not the parenchyma, which calls for Belladonna. Numerous points of
beginning follicular secretion are present.
#Lachesis. [Lach]
Dark angry looking parts. Swelling is very great and there is much tenderness extremely. Left
tonsil with tendency to go to right, pains shoot to ear on attempting to swallow, aggravation
from hot drinks. Peri-tonsillar abscess. It is also a very useful remedy for a severe from of
rheumatic pain following tonsillitis. The pus degenerates and becomes thin and offensive.
#Kali muriaticum. [Kali-m]
Almost a specific in follicular tonsillitis. No remedy has given the writer such satisfaction.
The throat has a gray look spotted, with white. It is a valuable remedy in acute or chronic
tonsillitis with much swelling. The 6x trituration is a reliable preparation.
Pleurodynia is also called Bornholm Disease, viral (coxsackie B) epidemic disease with an
incubation period of two to four days, marked by a brief fever, severe chest and lower back
pain aggravated by deep breathing and movement, and a tendency to recur at intervals of a
few days. The disease is usually self-limiting, terminating in complete recovery.
Homeopathic Remedies & Homeopathy Treatment for Pleurodynia
Sjogren's Syndrome
What is Sjogren's syndrome?
Diseases &
Health, Diet &
Blood Donation
Sjogren's syndrome that involves the gland inflammation (resulting in Time Calculator
dryness of the eyes and mouth, etc.), but not associated with a
connective tissue disease, is referred to as primary Sjogren's
syndrome. Secondary Sjogren's syndrome involves not only gland
inflammation, but is associated with a connective tissue disease, such
as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, or
Body Fat
Body Mass
Index (BMI)
Calories Burned
Daily Calorie
Due Date
Ideal Body
Weigh Loss
(EDD) - Due
Date Calculator
Medical exam
Lab tests
Chest X-rays
Lip biopsy
Schirmer test/slit-lamp exam (measures dryness of eyes)
Urine test (for kidney function)
Sjogren's syndrome Treatment
Conventional Therapy
The treatment of patients with Sjogren's syndrome is directed toward
the particular areas of the body that are involved and complications,
inflammation of a synovial membrane
Because of the mass of inflammatory cells in rheumatoid arthritis, the joint appears swollen
and feels puffy or boggy to the touch. The increased blood flow that is a feature of the
inflammation makes the joint warm. The cells release enzymes into the joint space which
causes further pain and irritation. If the process continues for years, the enzymes may
gradually digest the cartilage and bone of the joint leading to chronic pain and degenerative
Homeopathic Remedies & Homeopathy Treatment for Synovitis, inflammation of
a synovial membrane
#Ledum [Led]
Suits acute traumatic synovitis where there is an effusion into the joint; the parts are sensitive,
the pains are aching and tearing with but little fever. It is especially adapted to sub-acute
affections of the knee joint.
#Causticum [Caust]
This remedy has prominent swelling of the joints, which show fluctuation and indolency.
There is stiffness of the joints and a tendency to hydroarthrosis.
#Sulphur [Sulph]
Is especially useful in strumous patients when exudation has taken place. It is particularly
useful when the knee is affected, and it comes in after Apis and Bryonia.
#Pulsatilla [Puls]
This remedy suits gouty, rheumatic or blenorrhagic synovitis; the joints are swollen , with
sharp, stinging pains, which force the patient to move the part. There is a feeling of deep
soreness, as of sub-cutaneous ulceration.
#Mercurius [Merc]
This remedy suits syphilitic or strumous synovitis, with tendency to complete destruction of
the joint. The general symptoms will indicate the remedy, such as aggravation at night,
profuse sweating, feeling of coldness and chilliness, restlessness, a threatening suppuration
and the characteristic cachexia.
#Calcarea carbonica [Calc]
This remedy will be needed in scrofulous children to correct the cachexia in those who are
characteristically Calcarea children
Sebaceous cysts
A sebaceous cyst is a closed sac under the skin filled with a cheese-like or oily, semi-solid
material called sebum. Sebum is produced by sebaceous glands of the epidermis. A foul odor
is also often present in the substance called keratin which fills sebaceous cysts. Keratin is a
protein that creates the sac of cells called sebaceous cysts. The bumps or lumps that can feel
under the skin are actually the sac of cells.
Sebaceous cyst arises due to the blockage of the sebaceous gland. It occurs anywhere in the
body except sole and palm.
CAUSE of Sebaceous cysts
Skin trauma.
Hereditary causes of sebaceous cysts include Gardner's syndrome, and basal cell nevus
Small lumps or bumps that occur just under the skin of the vagina, genitalia, breast, abdomen,
face, neck, or elsewhere on the body are the most common symptom of sebaceous cysts.
SYMPTOMS of Sebaceous cysts
Usually painless.
Pain if infected.
Increased temperature of the skin over the bumps or lumps.
Greyish white, cheesy, foul smelling material draining from the bump or lump.
Mild to severe pruritus, with scrotal lesions.
Single or multiple nodules.
Slowly increasing in size.
Dome shaped.
Well defined.
Flesh coloured.
Firm, malleable (elastic).
Movable, but attached to skin by remains of duct of sebaceous gland.
Size: 0.5-5 cm. in diameter.
Central pore which represents opening of follicle.
Opening is marked by dark punctum.
Contains cheesy whitish material.
Sebaceous cysts are usually easily diagnosed clinically. In some cases, a biopsy may be
necessary to rule out other conditions with a similar appearance.
These cysts may occasionally become infected and form painful abscesses.
The cysts may return after they are surgically removed.
Baryta carb.
Heper sulph.
Kali hydr.
Eczema, Allergic Dermatitis, Uriticaria, Skin Allergy, Psoriasis, Herpes etc.
Note. Skin affections ares merely local manifestations of some constitutional affection. They
represent the effort of nature to get rid of some poison in the system, congenital or acquired,
which effort should not be suppressed but abetted. The indications for our remedies will not
only aid in this by correction of the soil, but also avoid the dangers of suppression by external
Homeopathic Remedies & Homeopathy Treatment for Skin Diseases
#Graphites. [Graph]
our great remedy for all sorts of skin diseases, no doubt often mis-prescribed, and hence
frequently disappoints. The symptoms calling for it are very clear; there are moist scabby
eruptions on the scalp, face, bends of joints, between fingers and behind the ears. The corners
of the mouth and eyes are cracked, bleeding and oozing a gluey, honey-like, thick, tenacious
discharge, a fissured eczema is the type. Great itching always accompanies the eruption. The
skin may be dry and horny. The hair is dry and falls out. Lycopodium. Dry scaly eruptions.
Calcarea carbonica. Eczema on scalp which extends to face. Crusts are white, and on
awakening, in the morning especially, the child will scratch furiously.
#Arsenicum. [Ars]
A useful remedy in all cases of skin troubles when the skin is thickened, such as in chronic
eczema, psoriasis and chronic urticaria. The sensations are itching, burning and swelling, it
also has papules, nettle rash and pimples. Burning sensitive ulcers with offensive discharges.
It is almost a specific for hives from shell fish, which itch and burn, and for repercussed
hives. Pustules form into scabs. Pellagra may find its simillimum in Arsenicum. Bovista.
Baker's and grocer's itch, and eruption on the back of the hands. It is also recommended in
pellagra, also phosphorus and Argentum nitricum. Sepia. Dry desquamation. Ringworm.
Rhus. Vesicles on an erysipelatous base. Clematis. Rawness, worse washing, moist eruption.
#Sulphur. [Sulph]
The great characteristic of this remedy is the aggravation from washing; this, with scratching,
makes the parts burn intensely. The skin is rough, coarse and measly, and there is much
soreness in the folds of the skin and a tendency to pustular eruptions. Dryness and heat of
scalp, with intense itching, especially at night, and scratching causes soreness; wetting makes
it burn. Eczema erythematosum. Eruption of yellow crusts. Eruption at the margin of the hair.
Dearborn says Sulphur 6 will cure more pruritus than any other drug. It is our great antiseptic.
Selenium. Itching in folds of skin and about ankle joints. Hair falls out with eczematous
eruptions. Antimonium crudum. Thick callosities on the skin. Deficient growth of nails.
Honey colored crusts on heads of children; cracking in the nostrils and corners of mouth.
Antimonium tartaricum. Variola. Impetigo of scrotum. Thuja. Warts and eczema following
vaccination. Also an excellent remedy in the higher potencies for acne facialis. Natrum
muriaticum. Dry scaly or herpetic eruption of little water blisters in bends of joints, hydroa
labialis, fever blisters. Moist eczema without much itching. The Natrum muriaticum patient
continually suffers from "hang nails." (Hepar, Rhus, Natrum muriaticum, Arsenicum, cold
sores.) Herpes circinatus. Eczema, with thick scabs oozing pus. Urticaria, with itching about
the joints when occurring, with intermittent fever worse at seashore. Kreosote. Eruptions on
the extensor surfaces of joints. Berberis aquifolia. Scaly pustular eruptions on the face. It is
one of the most reliable remedies in the cure of psoriasis. Hydrocotyle. Great dryness and
desquamation of the epidermis. Acne rosacea. Its special field is in psoriasis and Dearborn
praises it in leprosy. The writer cured a case of inveterate psoriasis universale with this
remedy. Dr. H.V. Halbert, of Chicago, considered Thyroidine in the 3X or 30X potency as
worthy a trial in psoriasis. He reports excellent results from its use. Indications are a dry and
impoverished skin, cold hands and feet. Psoriasis is a pregrowth symptom of cancer. The
condition of the skin should always be noted, being the great organ of elimination of poisons.
Borax was considered by Dr. McClatchey as curative of many cases of psoriasis, and indeed
it corresponds to many symptoms of this disease. Petroleum. Pictures pure eczema with its
thick scabs, oozing pus and rhagades; the skin is harsh and dry, the finger tips crack and the
hands chap. It is especially suitable to eczema behind the ears. Use the 12X potency.
#Mezereum. [Mez]
Baehr considers this remedy the best one in crust lactea. There is great itching, which is
worse when the patient is warm or wrapped up. There are small vesicles with terrible itching,
and the great characteristic is that the secretion dries quickly, producing scabs from beneath
which an acrid thick pus oozes. Crusts and itching are the features. Herpes zoster, with
neuralgic pains along the nerves. Nux juglans. Tinea favosa on scalp, behind ears, itching
worse at night, preventing sleep.
#Rhus toxicodendron. [Rhus-t]
Vesicular eruption characterizes Rhus, so it becomes a remedy in herpes, eczema, pemphigus
and prurigo. It is useful in right-sided zoster with extensive vesication and perhaps
accompanied with rheumatic pains. The skin is covered with numerous vesicles, there is great
itching and tingling, the skin is often swollen and oedematous and these vesicles have a red
areola around them. the symptoms are all worse at night, in damp weather and in winter.
Rapid vesication and angry-looking skin are characteristics. Apis. More burning and stinging
and more oedema. Cantharis. Large blisters with smarting and burning. Croton tiglium. Small
blisters with much itching. Hughes says that Croton relieves the itching of eczema rapidly
and permanently. Anacardium. Small blisters with an umbilicated center. The eruption itches
excessively and burns. The remedy has been used successfully in Rhus poisoning. Dolichos.
Itching without eruption. the writer has a number of times verified this symptom. It will
sometimes control diabetic itching, and it is especially useful in senile pruritus. Worse at
night. Worse across the shoulders. Fagopyrum. Itching worse by scratching. With here and
there red blotches which are sore. The hairy portions of the body itch more.
Eczema, Allergic Dermatitis, Uriticaria, Skin Allergy, Psoriasis, Herpes
Homeopathy Medicine & Treatment for Eczema, Allergic Dermatitis, Uriticaria,
Skin Allergy, Psoriasis, Herpes etc.
#Psorinum. [Psor]
Herpetic eruptions with much itching, worse when getting warm in bed; the skin is dirty,
greasy, unwashed in appearance. Tinea capitis, offensive matter oozes out. Sebaceous glands
secrete in excess. Eczema more on the sides of the head and face, cheeks and ears. Eruption
in the bends of joints. Pustules or boils remaining after itch. A most important remedy in all
skin affections and we should not forget Tuberculinum and Syphilinum, for each has its
special field and symptoms. Clarke advises the nosodes, especially in leprosy.
#Oleander. [Olnd]
Skin eruptions with gastro-energetic troubles; the skin is very sensitive, slight friction causes
chafing and soreness, especially about the neck, scrotum and thighs. Crusta lactea on scalp
and back of ears. There is great itching; scartching relieves at first but the parts become very
sore. It will be all the more strongly indicated if gastro-enteric symptoms be present. Vinca
minor. Eczema of scalp and face, matted hair and offensive odor. A crust is formed, the
discharge is retained underneath and causes the hair to fall out or to mat together, forming the
plica polonica. Viloa tricolor. Hughes lauds this remedy and rarely uses any other in crusta
lactea and impetigo in children. It has crusts with a copious exudation and it is accompanied
with offensive urine. Staphisagria. Eruptions worse on the occiput, eczematous eruption on
the ears, yellow scabs. Scratching changes the place of the itching. Eruptions forming
figwarts or condylomata; especially useful in sickly children after the abuse of mercury.
#Ranunculus bulbosus. [Ran-b]
Vesicular eruptions along the course of the nerve; vesicles filled with serum and burn greatly;
large blisters form on a raw surface. Herpes zoster. Pemphigus in the new born. Thickening
of the skin into yellow hard horny scabs. Ranunculus sceleratus. Vesicular eruption, with thin,
acrid discharge, large blisters.
#Nitric acid. [Nit-ac]
Our great remedy in ulcers when these symptoms are present. 1. Ragged zigzag, often raised
edges. 2. Profuse granulations, proud flesh. 3. Vascular, bleeding easily where touched. 4.
Splinter-like pains in them. Sycotic excrescences.
#Pulsatilla .[Puls]
An indicated remedy in hives when of gastric or uterine origin, or with diarrhea and
chilliness; hives after eating pork, fruit or buckwheat cakes. Scanty menses. Hives with
profuse menses call for Belladonna. Hempel recommends Aconite and Ipecac in Hives.
Antimonium crudum. Urticaria of gastric origin. Urtica urens. Intense intolerable fiery itching
of the skin from any trifling change in the temperature. Itching swellings on the fingers also
indicate Urtica. Face blotched. Note the urinary symptoms which will often accompany.
Dulcamara. Suppression of the hives, with catarrhal symptoms arising. Nettle rash, chronic
cases always worse at beginning of winter, itching always on exposure to cold air as when
undressing. Rhus. Hives, with ague or rheumatism worse in cold air. Bovista. Hives with
diarrhea. Calcarea carbonica. Chronic urticaria, worse from drinking milk. Terebinth. Hives
form shell fish. Kali bromatum. Hives or acne, with nervous symptoms. Chloral. A very
useful remedy for hives, will often relieve in the form of a grain of Chloral dissolved in a
glass of water and a teaspoonful given at a dose. It suits large wheals coming on suddenly
from a chill.
#Apis mellifica. [Apis]
Urticaria, with cold or intermittent fever; there is a sudden eruption of welts with terrible
itching Lichen and erythema nodosum. Sulphur. Itching hives over whole body, worse from
warmth of bed; chronic cases. Radium. Itching all over body, burning of skin as if a fire. Such
a general itching very often is a precursor to serious affections. It may even be a pre-growth
symptom of cancer.
#Sepia. [Sep]
Brownish spots on the skin. Herpetic conditions about the knees and ankles,in the bends of
joints and behind the ears, at first dry, it becomes moist and discharges copiously. Yellow
spots, liver spots; urticaria worse from warmth of bed. Ringworms, herpes circinatus. Chronic
nettle rash after milk or pork. Tellurium. Ringworm is children. Psoriasis, annular type.
Eruption shows bleeding points when scales are removed. Baryta carbonica. Eczema on dorsa
of hands, skin rough, dry and chapped. Herpetic eruptions. Sepia is also a remedy in
#Hepar sulphur. [Hep]
Moist eruption in folds of skin and itching in the bends of joints; the skin is extremely
sensitive and suppurates easily, and pimples form around ulcers. Humid eczema of the scalp,
sore and sensitive to touch. Eczema of the scrotum and genital organs, boils. It is especially
useful after the abuse of salves or ointments containing containing zinc or mercury. Graphites
is distinguished by not having the sensitiveness. Silicea. Skin suppurates easily. Onchia at
roots of nails. Fluoric acid. A powerful antipsoric and produces itching red vesicles with
tendency to scale off; very valuable in eczema.
#Kali muriaticum. [Kali-m]
One of the most satisfactory remedies in the treatment of eczema capitis and moist eczemas,
especially when chronic and obstinate in character. This observation has been repeatedly
verified. Cartier and our Brazilian confreres endorse it. It is also a most useful remedy in acne
and in sycotic skin manifestations.
SUNSTROKE, Heatstroke
SUNSTROKE (Heatstroke; Insolation; Thermic Fever; Siriasis), a term applied to the effects
produced upon the central nervous system, and through it upon other organs of the body, by
exposure to the sun or to overheated air.
Sunstroke is a life-threatening condition in which the body's heat-regulating system fails,
due to exposure to high temperatures.
Sunstroke can occur when the body's mechanisms to rid itself of excess heat are
overwhelmed by a very hot or humid environment, or strenuous physical activity.
People particularly susceptible to sunstroke are young children, the elderly, individuals not
used to physical activity and concomitant excessive sun exposure (such as overseas visitors
walking in the mountains in Africa), people suffering from certain chronic medical
conditions, and those involved in certain sporting activities.
Symptoms of sunstroke include elevated body temperature; hot, dry skin; hyperventilation;
mental confusion; and eventual unconsciousness.
The primary treatment goal for sunstroke is to lower the elevated body temperature rapidly in
a controlled fashion.
Sunstroke can be prevented by drinking plenty of water and avoiding overtaxing the body in
hot weather and while exercising.
#Glonoine [Glon]
This is our most efficient remedy; in fact, no remedy stimulates the heart and vaso-motor
centers in the medulla so quickly. The indications for its use will be pale face, fixed eyes,
white tongue, full, round pulse, labored respiration, cerebral vomiting and sinking at the pit of
the stomach. The temperature is high and oftentimes there is unconciousness. It is also
suitable for the after-effects of sunstroke. Aconite is useful in sunstroke where the great heat
seems to have a paralyzing influence on the circulation. Lachesis. The sun's heat makes the
patient dizzy and faint; hot weather greatly fatigues.
#Belladonna [Bell]
This remedy is quite similar to Glonoine. There is drowsiness, loss of consciousness,
whizzing in the ears and constriction of the chest. Gelsemium may also be useful in
sunstroke, with cerebral congestion, delirium, headache, high temperature and tendency to
#Natrum carbonicum [Nat-c]
This remedy is particularly useful in the chronic effects of sunstroke and in headache which
return in hot weather. Natrum carbonicum will sometimes calm very excitable and nervous
persons during thunder storms. Remember it, however, in debility and headache from the sun.
may become so low that only material doses can arouse it. A common example of this is seen
in certain terminal conditions of vulvular heart disease, where Digitalis is the indicated
remedy, but no effect is produced by any potency. The patient will respond, however, to
tangible doses of the pure tincture or a fresh infusion of Digitalis and sometimes make a good
recovery from a condition that seems hopeless. Although such doses, judged only by their
amount might regarded as "physiological" or pathogentic doses, the nature of the reaction in
such cases is clearly not pathogentic but dynamic and curative, as many have witnessed. The
form of the reaction complies perfectly with the requirements of cure as to order and
direction of the disappearance of the symptoms and nature of the result.
Quantity alone does not constitute a pathogentic dose. Quality, proportionality and the
susceptibility of the patient are also factors. What would be a large, injurious or perhaps
dangerous dose for a highly susceptible patient, would have no effect whatever upon one
whose power to react was very low by reason of the existence of gross pathological lesions,
or of long existent, exhausting chronic disease and much previous treatment. It is solely a
question of approximating the quality and quantity of the dose to the grade or plane of the
disease, according to the law of Similars. If the grade of the disease is low, and the power of
reaction low, the remedy must be given low. Thus we find, in such cases, that the symptoms
of the patient are usually of a low order; common, pathological symptoms; organ symptoms;
gross terminal symptoms; symptoms that correspond to the effects of crude drugs in massive
toxic doses. The finer shadings of symptoms belonging to acute conditions, in vigorous
sensitive patients, do not appear. Potentiated medicines will not act. The case has passed
beyond that stage, and the finer symptoms with it. Yet the symptoms remain and the almost
hopeless conditions they represent are still within the scope of the homoeopathic law; and
they sometimes yield to its power, when the related law of posology is rightly understood and
So-called "pathological symptoms" when they exist alone, are as significant and
characteristic in their way and way be as clearly indicative of a remedy, homoeopathically, as
the earlier, finer grades of symptoms. Whether they are as useful to the homoeopathic
prescribers or not depends upon the existences of similar symptoms in the Materia Medica.
We can only prescribe for symptoms, which have a counterpart in the Materia Medica. From
the records of poisonings, over-dosing, and some extreme provings, as well as from clinical
experience, we have knowledge of some drugs whose symptoms thus derived, correspond
very closely to the class of pathological symptoms under discussion. In the list of such drugs
we may find one that fits our case. If that is not possible a study of the early symptoms from
the history of the case, if they can be elicited, may lead directly or by analogy, to the remedy
needed. When a case has reached a stage where none but gross pathological or organ
symptoms are present, it is usually incurable; but it is not necessarily beyond help by
medicines homoeopathically selected, even if no results follow the use of the ordinary small
doses or potentiated medicines.
In terminal conditions, therefore, when the patient does not react to well selected remedies,
not to intercurrent reaction remedies, given in potentiated form and small doses, resort to the
crude drug and increase the dose to the point of reaction.
When reasonably sure of the remedy give the tincture, or a low trituration, first in moderate,
then in increasing doses until the dosage is found to which the patient will react, eve if it be
the "maximum dose" as set down in the books. The "maximum dose" may be the "minimum
dose" necessary to bring about reaction sometimes. It takes more power to drive an
automobile up a hill than it does on the level; and if the hill is very steep the driver may have
to go backward on the road a ways and take 'a running start' in order to gain momentum
enough to carry him up. When he gets to the top of the hill he can shut off power and "coast"
down the other side. That is what the homoeopathic prescribers have to do sometimes, in the
kind of cases under discussion.
Susceptibility is Modified by Habit and Environment: People who are accustomed to long and severe labor out-of-doors, who sleep little and whose
food is coarse, are less susceptible.
Persons exposed to the continual influences of drugs, such as tobacco workers and dealers;
distillers and brewers and all connected with the liquor and tobacco trade; druggists,
perfumers, chemical workers, etc., often possess little susceptibility to medicines and usually
require low potencies in the illness, except where their illness is directly caused by some
particular drug influence, when a high potency of the same or a similar drug may prove to be
the best antidote.
Idiots, imbeciles and the deaf and dumb have a low degree of susceptibility as a rule.
"There is no rule without its exceptions." And this is especially true in this matter of the
homoeopathic doses. Contrary to what one would expect, persons who have taken many
crude drugs of allopathic, homoeopathic or "bargain counter" prescription often require high
potencies for their cure. Their susceptibility to crude drugs and low potencies has been
exhausted and even massive doses seem to have no effect; as where cathartics or anodynes
have been used until there is no reaction to them. Such cases will often respond at once to
high potencies of the indicated remedy; in fact they often require the high potency as an
antidote. The high potency is effective because it acts on virgin soil, invades new territory, as
it were.
The seat, character, and intensity of the disease have some bearing upon the question of
the dose.
Certain malignant and rapidly fatal diseases like cholera may require material doses or low
potencies of the indicated drug. Hahnemann's famous prescription of Camphor in drop doses
of the strong tincture, given every five or ten minute, with which so many thousand of lives
have been saved, is an illustration. Later, after reaction has been established and other
remedies, corresponding to the symptoms of later stages of the disease come into view, the
higher potencies are required.
Generally speaking, diseases characterized by diminished vital action require the lower
potencies; while diseases characterized by increased vital action respond better to high
potencies; but this again is modified by the temperament and constitution of the patient.
Uncomplicated, typical syphilis, in its primary stage, the chancre still being existent, may be
cured speedily by Mercury in medium or high potencies, if the patient is of the nervous or
sanguine temperament, and especially if he has not already received treatment. If he is of the
sluggish type, however, Mercury in the second or third trituration will probably be required.
If the patient presents himself later, having already received the conventional large doses of
mercury and potash until the characteristic dynamic and pathogentic symptoms of those drugs
have been produced, low potencies will be of no avail. Either susceptibility has been
exhausted or a drug idiosyncrasy has been developed. The drug must be antidoted and the
further treatment carried on by higher potencies. These remarks apply not only to mercury
and Syphillis but also to practically all other diseases and drugs. It is not to be inferred that
mercury is the only remedy for Syphillis; for in Syphillis, as in all other diseases, we must
individualize both case and remedy, if we expect to cure our patient.
Susceptibility and Cure: The processes of adaptation, which maintain health and prevent disease, restore a diseased
individual to health. An intelligent physician will promote these activities and process of
recovery and do nothing that will impede them. He will definitely not do away with the
signposts that indicate the remedy and the abnormal susceptibility at the same time.
Restoration to normal susceptibility therefore is a prerequisite to cure.
When the process of cure has set in, a definite pattern will make itself manifest:
1. The 'cleansing-up' will progress from within without
2. Vital mechanisms will be set right first to aid further adjustment.
3. Direction will be from above downwards, and
4. The ' old skeletons' and ' the dirty linen' long stored out of sight will be brought out of
for cleansing prior to final disposal.
This definite pattern was detected by Hering and is known as Hering's law of Direction of
Cure. Naturally, this 'Operation Cleansing' might prove distressing to the patient but no true
order can be set up in a deranged economy without such upheavals, especially in a case,
which has long been suffering.
Any deviation from this pattern will indicate a red light to a Homoeopathic physician who
will have to take immediate measures to save the situation.
Susceptibility and Drugs: Drugs are capable of influencing the organism because of its susceptibility. Examples of a
total lack of susceptibility in animals to certain poisons are well known. The acquired
lessening of susceptibility seen in drug-tolerance as well as the remarkable instances in which
previous contact with the drug has promoted extreme susceptibility manifested through
idiosyncrasy are also well known. What is not widely known is the fact that certain
substances, inert in crude state, acquire remarkable powers to influence susceptibility when
they are prepared as per directions in the Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia and administered
according to a definite plan as has been done in well conducted provings. The claim that
Homoeopathic drugs have a capacity to influence mental processes was laughed a till very
recently when the psychotropic drugs were announced with a beat of drums.
Once we accept that drugs can affect susceptibility and thereby lead to a train of symptoms,
to limit these to the physical sphere alone would be highly illogical; they will also appear in
other two spheres. The specific capacity of the drug to affect health acts on the susceptibility
in a power to give rise to the final picture in a drug proving. As susceptibility is reflected in
the constitutional type of a prover, a properly conducted drug proving has to ensure that the
provers are drawn from the various constitutional types.
The total picture that develops in a drug-proving can be considered under the following
1. Common Symptoms in a large majority of Provers: they indicate a general
response to the specific capacity of a drug, but are of little use from the standpoint of
identification of the drug.
2. Characteristic Symptoms in a large majority of Provers: They indicate the specific
capacity of a drug and establish its identification and hence are all-important.
3. Characteristic Symptoms in a few Provers only: This group may be further
subdivided as under:
1. Characteristic Symptoms experienced for the first time by the Provers: These
symptoms represent a highly susceptible prover and if confirmed furnish
reliable evidence of the specific capacity of the drug. If they cannot be
confirmed by their occurrence in other provers, they are rated low provided
the person in charge of the proving is sure of their veracity.
2. Characteristic Symptoms experienced previously by the Provers either when
diseased or in another Proving: These symptoms do not indicate the specific
capacity of a drug, but the peculiar susceptibility in the provers themselves. So
they should be excluded from the final record.
4. Characteristic Symptoms in isolated instances only: They may represent cases of
idiosyncrasy and are of doubtful value, but, all the same, must be entered in the final
record for confirmation and re-evaluation. At times extremely valuable data, which
can be clinically confirmed later, may be obtained only in this manner.
When we try to group and classify the provers who have responded best to a drug, we are
struck by the similarities in somato-types and we conclude the persons with those
characteristics are more susceptible to the form of energy released by the drug. And we try to
identify this type with the record of the drug proving. Therein lies our mistake. The type
furnishes an indirect form of evidence while symptoms a direct form. No extended argument
is necessary to prove the superiority of the direct form of evidence. As a matter of fact, if the
symptomatology of a drug were to be seen in an altogether different somato-type, it will be a
very peculiar circumstance meriting special attention from the standpoint of prescribing.
In a proving, a drug is administered till it meets the susceptibility and evokes the response.
Further stimulation is then suspended; otherwise, the clarity of response tends to get blurred.
Not all provers manifest susceptibility to lower potencies. Some of the finer indications have
been obtained by provings conducted with the 30th potency and beyond. Experience indicates
that with the increasing potency, the capacity of a drug to affect susceptibility progressively
widens to operate more and more in the mental sphere.
General experience indicates that a sensitive and gracile subject is extremely susceptible;
whereas; the coarse type requires repeated stimulations through the lower potencies. Inert
substances require considerable releases of energy through 30th potency and beyond before
they affect susceptibility. Poisonings represents mass onslaught and furnish only coarse data.
Such frontal attacks never produce fine characteristic indications.
Susceptibility and Remedies: The invariable aggravation that preceded the amelioration when Hahnemann started
employing remedies selected on the Law of Similars, but in the crude doses then prevailing,
led him to postulate the maximum susceptibility is exhibited by a host to the Similimum. This
observation with its correct interpretation led him to the great discovery of Potentization - the
release of drug energy.
An acute and explosive onset of disease indicates a robust constitution with high
susceptibility and, therefore, responds best to the remedy administered in the higher
potencies. On the other hand an insidious onset indicates poor susceptibility so often seen in
individuals in poor condition. This may call for deep acting remedies and or Nosodes.
A well-defined characteristic picture of a remedy, especially in the mental sphere, indicates a
high level of susceptibility and therefore, call for the similimum in high potencies. In the
advanced stage of disease, when pathological states have taken over, the characteristic
features show a tendency to recede and all that one sees are the signs and symptoms
diagnostic of these. This nondescript picture indicates poor susceptibility and calls for lower
potencies or even material doses with frequent repetition to the point of reaction.
Dr. Dorothy Shepherd in his book' Homoeopathy for the First Aid' has describe
potentization as under--"Potentization, practically and briefly explained means the dilution of a drug by adding and
mixing a specific minute quantity with a certain specific quantity of a diluents vehicle which
is non-medicinal such as water or alcohol - This mixture of drug and diluents is then is the
vigorously shaken, or successed in a liquid medium, in the case of a solid it is rubbed down,
or triturated, with a definite quantity of sugar of milk as the inert diluents.
The most important part of the process of potentization is not the dilution of the drug but the
active vibrations set up by the shaking, while the dilutions are carried out in a definite
arithinmetical ratio, whereby the latent properties of the drug substance are aroused.
1. During recent years colloidal chemistry has come to the fare. The colloidal chemist
endeavors to divide substances into such infinitely fine particles that they will float
for an indefinite time in water and will be readily absorbable by the cells of the body.
Hahnemann anticipated colloidal chemistry by more than a century ago. He took
insoluble substances, such as gold, silver, silica etc. triturated them with milk sugar
until the particles became smaller and at last became colloidal soluble and suspensible
In attenuation or potentization two scales are more common viz. centesimal scale and decimal
1. Centesimal Scale: Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of Homoeopathy, introduced the centesimal scale.
According to this scale each number is made by adding ninety-nine drops of spirit to one drop
of the strong tincture, or of the previous number. The strong tincture is denoted by letter 0.
When one drop of this is shaken up with ninety-nine drops of spirit it make No. 1 - that is 1
centesimal. One minim of the 1st potency and 99 minims of alcohol when mixed give the 2nd
c potency. Each succeeding potency contains one-hundredth part of the preceding it. The
centesimal potency is denoted by simply affixing the numerals after the name of drug i.e.
Aconite 1,2,3 or it may also be denoted such as 2c, 3c, 6c, 30c, and so on.
It will thus be seen that the higher the dilution, the smaller the quantity of medicine in it but
the power of the medicine gets more and more developed and it becomes stronger and
stronger so much so that high or higher potencies like 10M are unsafe in the hands of
2. Decimal Scale: Dr. Hering introduced the system of preparation of medicines on decimal scale. According to
decimal scale, one drop of the original tincture is shaken up with nine drops of spirit and this
makes No.1x- that is 1 decimal. The 2nd decimal is made by adding to nine drops of alcohol
one drop of the 1x and shaking. All succeeding potencies are prepared with one minim of the
preceding potency to nine minims of dilute alcohol. Affixing and 'X' denote the decimal
potency after the numerals as Aconite 1x, 2x, 3x, etc., besides homoeopathic medicines,
biochemic medicines are prepared on decimal scale.
The use of rectified alcohol in making potencies is done in case of soluble substances only. In
cases of insoluble substances like Gold, the homoeopathic chemist mixes a grain of gold leaf
with 9 grains of sugar of milk and triturates it in a mortar for a long time. This would produce
the first centesimal potency. Of this potency he takes one grain and mixes it once more with
99 grains of milk sugar and after long trituration produces the second potency; there being
1/10000th of a grain of gold in a grain of milk sugar. Of this potency he mixes 1 grain with
99 grains of sugar of milk and after same amount of rubbing the 3rd potency is produced,
containing one millionth of a grain of gold to the grain of sugar and so forth. If the various
potencies are examined under microscope or electron microscope it will be found that the
particle of gold leaf become smaller and smaller with every trituration and at last become
evenly distributed in the milk sugar. When the process of trituration has been done several
times, the gold has been so finely triturated that it becomes suspensible in water. It would be
seen that process of trituration takes many hours and making of high potencies takes days or
weeks and great care is required in preparing them. Similar procedure is to be followed in
preparing decimal potency of insoluble substances.
TRITURATION: "It is an ideal physical, mathematical process of potentization by which
preparation of medicine takes place by the use of solid vehicle i.e. sugar of milk, by grinding
in definite order according to pharmacopia.
Vehicle for trituration: For trituration, sugar of milk is used instead of other solid vehicle
because sugar of milk is the best crystalline substance, scentless, gritty to touch, faintly
sweet. It has been found by experiment that it is quite competent to ground down to an
inconceivably fine powder, the particles of such mineral substances, which are insoluble
Repeated systematic trituration are quite capable of affecting the system and become very
wonderful and the most powerful medicines.
Substances taken for trituration: Master Hahnemann classified the substances into 3
categories as he mentions in class-VII, classVIII and class IX for trituration:
1. Dry insoluble (insoluble in purified water and alcohol) medicinal substances (class
VII) e.g. Arsenicum album; Alumina; Calcarea carb; Carbo veg; Graphites; Corralium
2. Liquid insoluble medicinal substances (class VIII) e.g. Petroleum; Snake venoms such
as Lachesis; Elaps; Naja; Crotalus; Vipera etc. Nosodes such as Lyssin, Variolinum,
Vaccininum, Malandrinum etc.
3. Fresh vegetable and animal substances (class IX) e.g. Anthracinum, Psorinum,
Medorrhinum, Syphillinum, Blatta Orientalis, Blatta Amercanus, Agaricus,
Anacardium etc.
Differences in the process of trituration in ClassVII, Class VIII, Class IX:
1. In Class VII - For trituration ratio of dry medicinal substance and sugar of milk is 1:99 (as
per centesimal scale). These 99 parts of sugar of milk is divided into three equal parts
(33+33+33). The trituration process consists of 3 stages each having 20 minutes. Each part of
sugar of milk is to be added at the beginning of each stage.
2. In Class VIII - For trituration ratio of liquid medicinal substance and sugar of milk is 1.99
(as per centesimal scale). These 99 parts of sugar of milk should not be divided into 3 parts,
because, in this case, sugar of milk is very small in quantity. So whole quantity of sugar of
milk should be taken at a time in the mortar at first and the medicinal substance should be
poured over it for preventing sticking of the medicinal substance in the surface of mortar.
3. In Class IX - Same as the process of class VIII but the ratio of fresh drug substance and
sugar of milk is 2:99 (as per centesimal scale). Here, 2 parts are taken because there is always
some loss by evaporation during trituration.
METHOD OF TRITURATION of dry insoluble medicinal substances
(Class VII, in Hahnemannian method)
Requirements: 1. Ingredients: Required amount of crude drug substance. Required amount of sugar of
2. Appliances:
A stop-clock or a watch.
By this process, the potentization of dry medicinal substances takes place, which is insoluble
in water and alcohol.
In centesimal scale - Ratio of drug substance and sugar of milk is 1:99 (33+33+33).
In decimal scale - Ratio of drug substance and sugar of milk is 1:9 (3+3+3).
The method of preparation which is utilized are similar but the only difference is that in
centesimal scale the ratio of drug substance and sugar of milk is 1:99 and in the decimal scale
the ratio of drug substance and sugar of milk is 1:9.
In centesimal scale 1. Principle: 1 part of drug substance is triturated with 99 parts of sugar of milk. All
subsequent trituration are made by taking 1 part by previous one and 99 parts of sugar
of milk.
2. Duration: The whole process is divided into 3 stages, each taking 20 minutes time.
Each 20 minutes is again divided into (10+10) minutes. Each 10-minute is composed
of 1. 1st Stage: Rubbing with pestle - 6 minutes
2. 2nd Stage: Scraping - 3 minutes
3. 3rd Stage: mixing - 1 minute
3. Procedure:
o First stage - (Duration 20 minutes.) 1 grain of drug substances is added to 33
grains of sugar of milk in a clear unglazed porcelain mortar. Then it is
triturated through the following stages. The first stage is also subdivided by
two sub stages:
First sub-stage: (Duration 10 minute.) At the beginning of first substage 33 grains of sugar of milk is added to the triturated substances,
which has triturated in the first stage. It consists of three phases
The first liquid potency prepared from trituration under centesimal scale is fourth and under
decimal scale is 8X.
(a) Conversion under centesimal scale:
A clean new round phial of one-ounce capacity is taken. It is fitted with a new velvet cork.
The cork is marked with the name of the drug to be prepared and 4th potency on it. Then the
cork is removed and 1 grain of 3rd trituration of the drug is put into the phial. 50 minims of
purified water are poured over it. The phial is stirred well to dissolve the drug substance. 50
minims of dilute alcohol are added to it. It is corked.
[The phial must not be filled more than 2/3 in any case]. The bottom of the phial is placed on
the little finger of the right hand. The thumb of the same hand should be placed on the cork.
The phial should be tightly held with other fingers. Then ten strokes are given to this phial on
the palm of the left hand. Each stroke should end in a jerk. Thus fourth potency is prepared.
1 minims of the 4th potency and 99minims of alcohol after ten successions gives the 5th
potency. All the following potencies will be prepared by taking 1 minims of the preceding
potency to 99 minims of alcohol.
(b) Conversion under decimal scale:
A clean new round phial of one-ounce capacity is taken. It is fitted with a new velvet cork.
The cork is marked with the name of the drug to be prepared and 8X potency on it. Then the
cork is removed and 1 grain of 6X trituration of the drug is put into the phial. 50 minims of
purified water are poured over it. The phial is stirred well to dissolve the drug substance. 50
minims of dilute alcohol is added to it. It is corked.
[The phial must not be filled more than 2/3 in any case]. The bottom of the phial is placed on
the little finger of the right hand. The thumb of the same hand should be placed on the cork.
The phial should be tightly held with other fingers. Then ten strokes are given to this phial on
the palm of the left hand. Each stroke should end in a jerk. Thus 8X potency is prepared.
The preparation of 8X from 6X trituration in this way is known as 'fluxion potency' jumping
potency.' Further potencies under decimal scale is prepared by taking 1 part by weight of 8X
potency and successing it 10 times with 9 parts by weight of alcohol. At least up to 6X
potency, we can expect the remedies other than in liquid state, in trituration form because
they are not dissolve either in purified water or in alcohol e.g. Ferrum Phos 6X; Natrum phos
6X; Calcarea phos 6X (all in trituration).
1. Room should be clean and of moderate temperature and dust proof, for carrying the
process of trituration.
2. The process must be done in a warm and dry atmosphere.
3. Utensils should be perfectly clean and odorless.
4. The mortar and pestle must be unglazed or made rough by rubbing them with moist
clean white-sand.
5. The mortar and pestle should be washed properly by ether. It should be wiped dry and
then a little amount alcohol should be burnt inside.
6. After each trituration is completed, all the utensils must be properly cleaned and dried
for the next one.
The pestle must be fully pressed down with the firm grip and thumb on the top
and it is to be moved in anti-clockwise (This is convenient for a right handed
person) in a circular fashion going away from the center in a spiral and
returning back to center. This gives chance to practically all the particles to get
rubbed uniformly.
In making the first trituration of mercury, Graphites and Plumbum double time
should be taken.
Dr. Burt advises using of a small amount of alcohol for moistening the sugar
of milk during trituration, as it will save the troubles of scrapping and stirring.
a. By the process of trituration drug substances can be indefinitely divided.
b. Insoluble substances in liquid vehicles become soluble after trituration.
c. The medicinal property of drug, which remains latent or dormant, by, this process,
becomes active.
d. Curative powers of drugs are increased by this process, by reducing the quantity of
drugs.(but the qualitative power is increased)
e. Certain drugs are insoluble in liquid vehicles (purified water or alcohol) - so there is
no alternative method but to triturate only.
f. By trituration surface area, surface tension of a drug is increased enormously.
g. By increase of the surface area and finer division, the absorptive qualities, colloidal
properties and catalytic effect will also be increased.
a. The process is a very long one. The time taken and the labour spent is too much.
Some are of the opinion that is no necessity of dividing the vehicles into 3 parts. With
experimental evidence they suggest that by triturating the whole vehicle with the
medicine at a stretch gives the same results.
b. If soluble substances are triturated in order to increase the drug power, it is observed
that when they meet with some water medium, the molecules will have some ionic
changes. (Trituration is really intended to have a maximum distribution of particles in
a vehicle and not any other changes)
c. As sugar of milk has got aldehyde properties, it is found to reduce some substances
like mercury compounds during trituration.
d. Though sugar of milk is appreciably hard and gritty, it does not cause the communion
of substance, which are harder than it like some hard metals.
In general process of potentization, the quantity of triturations cannot be increased properly
without modifying other conditions, but in doing so the quality of the resulting trituration
may be inferior. But due to increased demand of trituration and better homoeopathic
medicines as well as to increase the productivity and to minimize the cost of production,
mechanical devices are being employed nowadays. In this method, all sorts of measures are
taken to retain the quality.
In this context the H.P.I directs that,' it is not feasible to give strict rules for such mechanical
appliances in all their interdependent details.'
Nowadays trituration is done by machine in which the mortar and pestle are rotated by
It is a process of potentization of medicinal substances, which are soluble in liquid vehicle
(particularly in alcohol) by downward friction.
Vehicle for succussion - Generally alcohol is used in most of the cases except in cases where
the medicinal substances are only soluble in water (as in Class V). In such cases it is only
after a certain degree of attention has been attained that it is made in alcohol.
Substances taken for succussion - The medicinal substances that are soluble in alcohol or
purified water are taken for succession.
Principle- 1 part by volume of drug or previous potency of medicine is mixed with 9 or 99
parts by volume of vehicle and 10 downward strokes of uniform strength are applied.
Process - The required amount of drug and vehicle is taken in a new, neutral, well cleansed
rounded and properly labeled glass phial, keeping 2/3 rd of the phial empty. This is due to
provide effective friction. In old method the drug is taken according to drug power. The phial
is then corked tightly. The bottom of the phial is placed on the little finger of the right hand.
The thumb of the same hand should be tightly held with other fingers. Then 10 downward
strokes are given.
The strokes should be i) forceful, ii) successive, iii) each stroke ends in a jerk, iv) from
uniform distance v) with uniform strength.
The hand enclosing the phial should go beyond the label of shoulder but not beyond the label
of the upper limit of the pinna. The product is the potency.
3. Fifty Millesimal Scale: Fifty Millesimal potencies are the fruits of Master Hahnemann's invaluable researches
during the last years of his life. In aphorism 270 of the Organon of Medicine published 78
years after Hahnemann's death. In fact this name was not given by our master Hahnemann
but by Dr. Pierre Schmidt of Geneva. Hahnemann himself termed this new method as,
'Renewed dynamisation' (Sec.161).
In footnote 1, sec.132 he writes,' new altered but perfected method' - "New dynamisation
method"etc. The details of this method were incorporated in his 6th edition of Organon. Dr.
Schmidt names potencies prepared under this method as,'fifty-millesimal potencies' because
of the fact that the material part of the medicine was said to be decreased by 50,000 times for
each degree of dynamisation. The physicians are not in the habit of using this scale but
recently some physicians are using it.
History of the preparation of 50-millesimal scale of potency:
The manuscript of the 6th German edition of the Organon was completed by the master in
1842. But, Hahnemann died on 2nd July 1843. As a result, it was withheld from the
profession and could not be translated into English before 1921, 6th edition was published by
W. Boericke.
Even after it was published only a few took notice of the great changes advocated by the
master therein till they were ably and very forcefully brought to the notice of the profession
by Dr. Pierre Schmidt, M.D. of Geneva in an article entitled, 'The Hidden Treasurer of the
last organon'. Published in the British Homoeopathic journal, July -October 1954. Another
article published by him in the Journal of the American Institute of Homoeopathy, DecemberJanuary 1955-56. At last, in April 1980 issue of 'The British Homoeopathic Journal' Dr.
Charles Pahud of Lozen, France drew the attention of the world Homoeopathic physicians to
the sixth edition of the organon in his article,' My experience about Hahnemann's 50Millesimal scale potency.'
In this way, these two learned and world famous homoeopaths first opened the door of the
door of hidden treasure of 6th edition of organon.
In India and Bangladesh it is designated as 0/1, 0/2,0/3, 0/4, and M/1, M/2, M/3, M/4,
It would be better if we write LM/1, LM/2, LM/3, etc. Here 'L' stands for 50 and 'M' for
Millesimal. The potency of this scale may be denoted by using the simple Roman numbers as
I, II, III, IV etc.
The numerator '0' representing symbolically the poppy sized globule employed in each
dynamisation, as distinct from the drop of medicine utilized in the centesimal scale.
1. Sugar of milk - purest quality, for potentization.
2. Purified water and strong alcohol - purest quality.
3. Sugar Globules - of purest quality, which are free from dust particles by passing them
through a sieve. Then they are passed through another sieve, which will allow only
globules of such size - hundred of which weigh one grain.
4. Glazed porcelain mortar - the bottom of the mortar is made rough previously with fine
moist sand by means of pestle and spatula.
5. Bottles (made up of neutral glass) - After filling the liquid for potentization, 1/3rd
should be empty.
6. A small cylindrical vessel (made up of glass, porcelain or silver) - a small opening is
present at the bottom in which the globules are put to be medicated. They are
moistened with some of the potentized medicinal alcohol, stirred and poured out on
blotting paper, in order to dry them quickly.
All the medicinal substances, whether dry or oily are triturated with sugar
of milk up to the 3rd centesimal potency, i.e. 1 grain of medicine with
1,00,00,00 grains of sugar of milk for three hours, in the usual manner of
The final drug strength being 1/1,00,00,00.
Conversion of dry 3rd centesimal potency into liquid form - one grain of
the 3rd potency is dissolved (by necessary shaking) in 500 drops of a
mixture of one part of dispensing alcohol and four parts of purified water,
(500 drops = 100 drops of alcohol + 400 drops of purified water). Thus,
the dry trituration is converted into liquid form. We call it 'the mother
potency of the new method' or mother tincture of the centesimal scale.
The drug strength here will be 1/500 1/1,00,00,00 = 1/5
2. Potentization:
12.In primary stage of Psora, Syphillis and Sycosis where Hahnemann has
advised for repeated administration of the medicine, this potency proves
to be very helpful and efficacious.
13.Palliation without the least chance of aggravation is quite possible in this
Standard quality of phial and cork are essential to preserve the medicinal
solution for long time.
The intricacy of the mode of use of the medicine and regulation of the so
called aggravation, though very mild, lead to lack of enthusiasm amongst
many of us.
been applied we shall have to observe its impact on the system before we are in a position to
take any further action. Thus, we have to allow it to expend its action before we can think in
terms of further action.
Acute diseases signify the initial state of stable equilibrium which has been disturbed and
which shows the natural tendency to right itself; chronic diseases, by contrast, represent the
other state characterized by the initial unstable equilibrium in which the balance cannot be
restored unaided.
If the remedy is to succeed in restoring the state of equilibrium, it is apparent that the
requisite minimum force be introduced in the same plane in which the others are acting. In
other words, the energy stored in the remedy in the potential form will have to be released in
a manner suited to the delicate state of disequilibrium, that is represented by the patient and
made known to us through signs and symptoms. This release of energy in a suitable form is
affected through the process of potentization.
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own effects varying according to the different susceptibilities they meet. These effects,
further, will acts on each other. The final picture, therefore, cannot be predicted but will be
known only after an experiment. Since the mixture acts as a heterogeneous substance, even a
well-conducted proving will fail to bring out any consistent pathogenesis, which will serve
later as indication for its clinical use. The advocates of such mixtures, therefore, have really
no case and merit peremptory dismissal.
The same could be said of the routine' alternators' prescribers who use one remedy now and
another next and continue them in the same sequence. Alternation of remedies could be
considered as sound Homoeopathic practice only when the symptom group tends to alternate,
e.g. Bryonia and Rhustoxicodendron in Enteric fever. But, in a chronic case, alternation of
symptoms itself becomes a characteristic feature which should be covered by a single
Hahnemann in his initial application of the Law of Similars employed remedies in crude state
and in large doses. When he found that severe aggravation invariably preceded amelioration,
he embarked on the classical experiment of progressive reduction in the dose, according to a
certain plan in which adequate dispersal of a drug was ensured by succession of trituration at
every step of dilution employing an inert medium like alcohol or Lactose. This led to the
chance discovery of potentization which has enabled the release of potential drug-energy in a
form suited to cure.
We have also observed that minimum force is sufficient to disturb as well as to restore the
lost balance. A Homoeopathic physician, therefore, employs a minimum dose and has little
use for maximum tolerated one. The latter is very often employed by the physician all set to
assault according to the law of dissimilar.
The minimum dose, therefore, should not be confused with the infinitesimal dose. Under
certain circumstances like low susceptibility, the minimum dose may partake of material
characteristics as in the use of tinctures. The practice of Homoeopathic therapeutics rest not
on the small infinitesimal dose but on the selection in accordance with the Law of Similars.
The infinitesimal dose has come to stay in Homoeopathic practice as a result of clinical
experience for well over a century but we should not identify it with Homoeopathy.
We have indicated that a Homoeopathic physician has to accurately assess the susceptibility
in a patient before he selects the right potency. Any error in this is immediately reflected
either in a poor response or in an exaggerated response even though the remedy has been
correctly selected.
We could formulate certain general guidelines:
1. The closer the similarity a remedy bears to the picture presented by the patient, the
higher is the potency, provided no specific contra-dictions to the use of high potencies
exist in the case.
After having come to know about various methods of drug dynamisation, the question arises
as to which potency should be given to the patient and whether low or high. The practitioners
know that potencies such as 0,1,3,6,12,30,100,200,500,1000, 10M, 50M, CM and MM are
generally used. We may classify these into 6 categories namely:
1. Low potencies: - 0,1,3,6,30
2. Medium potencies: - 200.
3. High potencies: - 1000. (1M)
4. Higher potencies: - 10,000. (10M)
5. Very high potencies: 50,000 and above.
The classification as given above May however, is different in some of the books but we have
adopted this classification for our convenience only.
The potency question has been solved not-withstanding all endeavors of homoeopaths.
Therefore, many popular books on homoeopathy leave the question of potency to the
judgment of the practitioners. Like others I have also tried to solve this problem and
accordingly divided this problem into 4 categories enumerated below i.e.
1. Skill and Knowledge of the physician
Boenninghausen, one of Hahnemann's favorite pupils states in his Lesser Writings: -"In paragraph 287 of the Organon (5th ed.) At the conclusion there is a remark, in which we
find the following words:" The higher the attenuation by means of potentizing is carried the
more quickly and penetrating the preparation seems to transform the vital force. The swifter
and more penetrative the action of the higher and highest dynamisation, here so expressly
emphasized, has shown itself most decidedly during the 15 years during which I have used
them almost exclusively. The quick alleviation of wounds from burning by the use of
Arsenicum 200th, and of the pains resulting from contusions by Arnica 200th, borders on the
marvelous, and can never be so fully attained by the use of lower dynamisation nor so
Dr. Elbert Guernsey wrote in his Homoeopathic Domestic practice," In domestic practice the
lower attenuations may be used with much greater safety than the higher." But a word of
warning given by Dr. Shepherd is not out of place to mention here " Let me impress on the
lay people that the high potencies are not for them to play with. Knowledge of metaphysics,
mental philosophy and logic is necessary before one can hope even humbly to understand
their action from a distance. I have been horrified at some people who after reading a book or
two on Materia Medica while they are still in a state of mental indigestion, start to throw their
weight about and begin to treat their friends and acquaintances with repeated doses of high
potencies, frequently changing the remedies every few days in their foolish ignorance and
vain glory. They do more harm to the cause of Homoeopathy than they kept to the ordinary
run of house hold remedies." (Dr. D. Shepherd - Magic of the minimum Doses).
Further, I may quote two statements of two great authors about low or high potency. Dr. Nash
writes in his Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics," Of course low potencies will often
cure, and that in spite of alteration, over-dosing and frequent repetition. But they will often
fail, and, in the great majority of cases will not accomplish anything like the satisfactory
results of true similimum, the single remedy, and the minimum dose."
Dr. Kent writes in Lectures on Materia Medica, " It is well to realize that you are dealing with
razor when dealing with high potencies." On the other hand while dealing with Calc. Carb; he
writes," You do not build mole thrills out of our high patencies; they simply establish a state
of order, so that digestion and assimilation go on; order is established and tissues are
improved". The above two statements appear to be quite contradictory and give two idea that
Dr. Kent was afraid of giving low potency. This thinking is basically incorrect. If Dr. Nash
was supporter of high potencies only, why then he advised to give Senega q in asthma and as
well as he remarked that there is no success with high potency. Similarly he used Digitalis in
second potency, Picric acid in 6th trituration, Cal.Sulph in 12x, and Jalapa in 12th and
regarding few other remedies his remarks are very important.
So I wish to tell the readers that if they have read Nash, try to understand him. The two
statements of Dr. Nash and Dr. Kent were given by them into different contexts, basing their
decision in the light of two different actions of the medicine in low and high potency, which
we are going to discuss under the remaining three factors. The knowledge of physician about
the use of medicine, its action in low and high potency, his experience and skill are very
important and guiding factors in the selection of potency. It should be clearly understood that
the first factor is not independent of the remaining three factors. All are interrelated and we
are dealing with them fewer than three different headings for the sake of convenience only.
Submitted By : Dr.
Mohd. Furqan
Aamer, Dr. Mohd
The knowledge of the Physician is that which he derives from his Furqan Aamer M.D.
experiments on his patients and which he learns from the
experience of the others. In some cases, even the most experienced
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200th potencies and chronic by 30th, 200th, and 500th potencies. (Kent - Lectures on
materia medica)
In fact in such cases 50 Millesimal potencies are most useful.
When a patient a patient is hypersensitive, you must avoid the use of the CM and other very
high potencies, which will make; your patient sick, and use instead the 30th and 200th. In
cases where the remedies are indicated such potencies will work quickly (Kent - Lecturers
on Materia Medica).
All the lower animals are more easily cured by Similia Similibus Curenter than human
beings-----------Dr. Thomas Skinner.
Animals require high potency. Boenninghausen became extraordinarily successful physician
and had an enormous practice. He was a prominent advocate of high potencies having
convinced him by the treatment of animals.
"All objections to high potencies are at once cut off by the homoeopathic cures of
animals.. He further writes that lieutenant Von Grueter of the Eleventh Regiment of
Hussars had an English horse suffering from affections of larynx, coughed much there being
rattling and croaking in the throat and short breath at the slightest exertion, it was cured by
Hepar sulph 200 followed by Spongia 200. In another case he writes that when a cow
distended from eating wet clovers, receives, three drops of Colchicum 3rd it recovers but it
rarely requires less than two hours before it is entirely restored but after taking Colchicum
200th this takes place in half an hour. The fatal white diarrhoea of young pigs, which with
Merc 3rd unusually drags along for two days, is cured by Mercuriues 200th in five to six
hours." --------- (Lesser writings- Boenninghausen)
In general acute diseases respond well to high potencies especially of acute remedies. But
certain acute cases based on chronic troubles such as cardiac asthma would have to be treated
with medium or low potencies, because the high potency would aggravate more chronic
In obstetrics emergencies high potencies are required. (YINGLING).
In bad hearts high potency may give a bad re-action. It may be necessary to use the tincture.
In chronic cases, it is safe to begin with 200th centesimal unless it is dangerous because of
the nature of the remedy, the degree of the pathology or the depth of the Miasms. The object
behind using 200th potency is that you have then ascending series of potencies to use as
treatment progresses (Kent).
In serious chronic cases the physician should take utmost care in the selection of potency of
certain very deep acting medicines such as SULPHUR, SILICEA, TUBERCULINUM, or
PHOSPHORUS in tuberculosis, KALI CARB in gout, PSORINUM in asthma and
ARSENICUM and LACHESIS in many conditions. In these cases 30th potency may be very
In mental diseases and disease of manifestly psychic origin the high potency 10M and
upward is to be used and that for grossly material condition i.e., marked organic pathological
changes, lower or medium potencies would be selected.
Dr. B. Bhattacharya in his book Tridosha and Homoeopathy writes that, "in working out
this problem it is found for instances that -------------------------
e 500.
Pleurisy 12
Piles 200.
In incurable and doubtful cases give no higher than the 30th or 200th potency and observe
whether the aggravation is going too deep or too prolonged. There are many signs in the chest
in such cases to make a physician doubt whether he will begin in such cases with moderately
low potency and 30th is low enough for anybody or anything (Kent). This view has also been
held by Dr. Underhill when he advocates for the use of low potency in cases where cure is
impossible and only palliation is required as in cancer.
The series of potencies has been compared to the gamut in music," A skillful artist may
indeed construct a harmony with the various vibrations of the same chord; but what a more
beautiful and perfect harmony might he construct by a proper combination of all the sound
that can be elicited from his instrument." (Guernsey- keynotes.)
In general it may be stated that any curable diseases may be cured by any potency, when the
indicated remedy is administered; but that the cure may be much accelerated by selecting the
potency or dose appropriate to the individual case.
Five considerations influence in the choice of the dose:
1. The susceptibility of the patient.
2. The seat of the disease.
3. The nature and intensity of the disease.
4. The stage and duration of the disease.
5. The previous treatment of the disease.
Susceptibility of the patient: - This is generally and rightly regarded as the most important
guide in the selection of the dose. It is important to have some means of gauging, at least
approximately, the susceptibility of the patient.
Susceptibility to medicinal action is only a part or phase of the general susceptibility of the
organism to all stimuli. By analogy, as well as by experience, we are led to a consideration of
the main factors, which modify and express susceptibility in general.
The susceptibility of an individual to a remedy at different times also varies. Idiosyncrasy
may exist as a modifying factor. Homoeopathicity must be considered.
The more similar the remedy, the more clearly and positively the symptoms of the patient
take on the peculiar and characteristic form of the remedy, the greater the susceptibility to
that remedy, and the higher the potency required.
The 'Indefatigable Jahr' has very lucidly and positively illustrated this point. He remarks an
essential difference between the action of the low and high potencies, which consists, not in
their strength or weakness, but in the development of the peculiarities of the remedy, as we
rise in the scale of potencies. This is based on the well known fact that provings of the
tincture and lowest potencies of a drug, as a rule, produce only the more common and general
symptoms of the drug, not very sharply differentiated from other drugs of its class. It is in the
provings of the medium and higher potencies that the special and peculiar character of the
drug is revealed by its finer and most characteristic symptoms. Jahr illustrates this by a
geometrical figure, consisting of a number of concentric circles, with radii drawn to represent
remedies in different stages of potentization. In the first to the third potency, as shown in the
innermost circle where the radii lie close together, similar or related remedies like Ars, Rhus,
Bry, and Sulph, have a great many symptoms in common; but the higher they progress in the
scale of potentization the more radii recede from each other, so that each appears more and
more distinctly in its peculiar and characteristic features.
All narcotics, like Bell. Stram, or Opium, for example, in crude and massive doses act in a
manner equally stupefying, causing death by apoplexy or paralysis; all drastic produce
vomiting and purging, etc. it is only in small or potentiated doses that their most
characteristic differences of action become apparent.
"By continual diluting and successing," says Jahr," remedies get neither stronger nor weaker,
but their individual peculiarities become more and more developed:" in other words, their
sphere of action is enlarged, as represented by the concentric circles.
The practical bearing of this on the selection of the potency or dose, according to Jahr, is as
follows: - In a given case, where the symptoms are not clearly developed and there is an
absence or scarcity of characteristic features; or where two or three remedies seem about
equally indicated, susceptibility and reaction may be regarded as low. We give, therefore, the
remedy, whose characteristic symptoms correspond closely to the characteristic symptoms of
the case, we give the high potencies - thirtieth, two hundredth, thousandth, or higher,
according to the prescribers degree of confidence and the contents of his medicine case.
We may slightly modify Jahr's advice by suggesting; the clearer and more positively the
finer, more peculiar and more characteristic symptoms of the remedy appear in a case, the
higher the degree of susceptibility and the higher the potency.
Susceptibility is Modified by Age: - Generally speaking, susceptibility is greatest in children
and young, vigorous persons, and diminishes with age. Children are particularly sensitive
during development, and the most sensitive organs are those, which are being developed.
Therefore the medicines, which have a peculiar affinity for those organs, should be given in
the medium or higher potencies.
Susceptibility is Modified by Constitution and Temperament: - The higher potencies are
best adapted to sensitive persons of the nervous, sanguine or choleric temperament; to
intelligent, intellectual persons, quick to act and react; to zealous and impulsive.
Lower potencies and larger and more frequent doses correspond better to torpid and
phlegmatic individuals, dull of comprehension and slow to act; to coarse fibered, sluggish
individuals of gross habits; to those who possess great muscular power but who require a
powerful stimulus to excite them. Such persons can take with seeming impunity large
amounts of stimulants like whisky, and show little effect from it. When ill they often require
low potencies or even, sometimes, material doses.
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disease, according to the law of Similars. If the grade of the disease is low, and the power of
reaction low, the remedy must be given low. Thus we find, in such cases, that the symptoms
of the patient are usually of a low order; common, pathological symptoms; organ symptoms;
gross terminal symptoms; symptoms that correspond to the effects of crude drugs in massive
toxic doses. The finer shadings of symptoms belonging to acute conditions, in vigorous
sensitive patients, do not appear. Potentiated medicines will not act. The case has passed
beyond that stage, and the finer symptoms with it. Yet the symptoms remain and the almost
hopeless conditions they represent are still within the scope of the homoeopathic law; and
they sometimes yield to its power, when the related law of posology is rightly understood and
So-called "pathological symptoms" when they exist alone, are as significant and
characteristic in their way and way be as clearly indicative of a remedy, homoeopathically, as
the earlier, finer grades of symptoms. Whether they are as useful to the homoeopathic
prescribers or not depends upon the existences of similar symptoms in the Materia Medica.
We can only prescribe for symptoms, which have a counterpart in the Materia Medica. From
the records of poisonings, over-dosing, and some extreme provings, as well as from clinical
experience, we have knowledge of some drugs whose symptoms thus derived, correspond
very closely to the class of pathological symptoms under discussion. In the list of such drugs
we may find one that fits our case. If that is not possible a study of the early symptoms from
the history of the case, if they can be elicited, may lead directly or by analogy, to the remedy
needed. When a case has reached a stage where none but gross pathological or organ
symptoms are present, it is usually incurable; but it is not necessarily beyond help by
medicines homoeopathically selected, even if no results follow the use of the ordinary small
doses or potentiated medicines.
In terminal conditions, therefore, when the patient does not react to well selected remedies,
not to intercurrent reaction remedies, given in potentiated form and small doses, resort to the
crude drug and increase the dose to the point of reaction.
When reasonably sure of the remedy give the tincture, or a low trituration, first in moderate,
then in increasing doses until the dosage is found to which the patient will react, eve if it be
the "maximum dose" as set down in the books. The "maximum dose" may be the "minimum
dose" necessary to bring about reaction sometimes. It takes more power to drive an
automobile up a hill than it does on the level; and if the hill is very steep the driver may have
to go backward on the road a ways and take 'a running start' in order to gain momentum
enough to carry him up. When he gets to the top of the hill he can shut off power and "coast"
down the other side. That is what the homoeopathic prescribers have to do sometimes, in the
kind of cases under discussion.
Susceptibility is Modified by Habit and Environment: -
People who are accustomed to long and severe labor out-of-doors, who sleep little and whose
food is coarse, are less susceptible.
Persons exposed to the continual influences of drugs, such as tobacco workers and dealers;
distillers and brewers and all connected with the liquor and tobacco trade; druggists,
perfumers, chemical workers, etc., often possess little susceptibility to medicines and usually
require low potencies in the illness, except where their illness is directly caused by some
particular drug influence, when a high potency of the same or a similar drug may prove to be
the best antidote.
Idiots, imbeciles and the deaf and dumb have a low degree of susceptibility as a rule.
"There is no rule without its exceptions." And this is especially true in this matter of the
homoeopathic doses. Contrary to what one would expect, persons who have taken many
crude drugs of allopathic, homoeopathic or "bargain counter" prescription often require high
potencies for their cure. Their susceptibility to crude drugs and low potencies has been
exhausted and even massive doses seem to have no effect; as where cathartics or anodynes
have been used until there is no reaction to them. Such cases will often respond at once to
high potencies of the indicated remedy; in fact they often require the high potency as an
antidote. The high potency is effective because it acts on virgin soil, invades new territory, as
it were.
The seat, character, and intensity of the disease have some bearing upon the question of
the dose.
Certain malignant and rapidly fatal diseases like cholera may require material doses or low
potencies of the indicated drug. Hahnemann's famous prescription of Camphor in drop doses
of the strong tincture, given every five or ten minute, with which so many thousand of lives
have been saved, is an illustration. Later, after reaction has been established and other
remedies, corresponding to the symptoms of later stages of the disease come into view, the
higher potencies are required.
Generally speaking, diseases characterized by diminished vital action require the lower
potencies; while diseases characterized by increased vital action respond better to high
potencies; but this again is modified by the temperament and constitution of the patient.
Uncomplicated, typical syphilis, in its primary stage, the chancre still being existent, may be
cured speedily by Mercury in medium or high potencies, if the patient is of the nervous or
sanguine temperament, and especially if he has not already received treatment. If he is of the
sluggish type, however, Mercury in the second or third trituration will probably be required.
If the patient presents himself later, having already received the conventional large doses of
mercury and potash until the characteristic dynamic and pathogentic symptoms of those drugs
have been produced, low potencies will be of no avail. Either susceptibility has been
exhausted or a drug idiosyncrasy has been developed. The drug must be antidoted and the
further treatment carried on by higher potencies. These remarks apply not only to mercury
and Syphillis but also to practically all other diseases and drugs. It is not to be inferred that
mercury is the only remedy for Syphillis; for in Syphillis, as in all other diseases, we must
individualize both case and remedy, if we expect to cure our patient.
Susceptibility and Cure: The processes of adaptation, which maintain health and prevent disease, restore a diseased
individual to health. An intelligent physician will promote these activities and process of
recovery and do nothing that will impede them. He will definitely not do away with the
signposts that indicate the remedy and the abnormal susceptibility at the same time.
Restoration to normal susceptibility therefore is a prerequisite to cure.
When the process of cure has set in, a definite pattern will make itself manifest:
1. The 'cleansing-up' will progress from within without
2. Vital mechanisms will be set right first to aid further adjustment.
3. Direction will be from above downwards, and
4. The ' old skeletons' and ' the dirty linen' long stored out of sight will be brought
out of for cleansing prior to final disposal.
This definite pattern was detected by Hering and is known as Hering's law of Direction of
Cure. Naturally, this 'Operation Cleansing' might prove distressing to the patient but no true
order can be set up in a deranged economy without such upheavals, especially in a case,
which has long been suffering.
Any deviation from this pattern will indicate a red light to a Homoeopathic physician who
will have to take immediate measures to save the situation.
Susceptibility and Drugs: Drugs are capable of influencing the organism because of its susceptibility. Examples of a
total lack of susceptibility in animals to certain poisons are well known. The acquired
lessening of susceptibility seen in drug-tolerance as well as the remarkable instances in which
previous contact with the drug has promoted extreme susceptibility manifested through
idiosyncrasy are also well known. What is not widely known is the fact that certain
substances, inert in crude state, acquire remarkable powers to influence susceptibility when
they are prepared as per directions in the Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia and administered
according to a definite plan as has been done in well conducted provings. The claim that
Homoeopathic drugs have a capacity to influence mental processes was laughed a till very
recently when the psychotropic drugs were announced with a beat of drums.
Once we accept that drugs can affect susceptibility and thereby lead to a train of symptoms,
to limit these to the physical sphere alone would be highly illogical; they will also appear in
other two spheres. The specific capacity of the drug to affect health acts on the susceptibility
in a power to give rise to the final picture in a drug proving. As susceptibility is reflected in
the constitutional type of a prover, a properly conducted drug proving has to ensure that the
provers are drawn from the various constitutional types.
The total picture that develops in a drug-proving can be considered under the following
1. Common Symptoms in a large majority of Provers: they indicate a general
response to the specific capacity of a drug, but are of little use from the
standpoint of identification of the drug.
2. Characteristic Symptoms in a large majority of Provers: They indicate the
specific capacity of a drug and establish its identification and hence are allimportant.
3. Characteristic Symptoms in a few Provers only: This group may be
further subdivided as under:
1. Characteristic Symptoms experienced for the first time by the
and if
When we try to group and classify the provers who have responded best to a drug, we are
struck by the similarities in somato-types and we conclude the persons with those
characteristics are more susceptible to the form of energy released by the drug. And we try to
identify this type with the record of the drug proving. Therein lies our mistake. The type
furnishes an indirect form of evidence while symptoms a direct form. No extended argument
is necessary to prove the superiority of the direct form of evidence. As a matter of fact, if the
The invariable aggravation that preceded the amelioration when Hahnemann started
employing remedies selected on the Law of Similars, but in the crude doses then prevailing,
led him to postulate the maximum susceptibility is exhibited by a host to the Similimum. This
observation with its correct interpretation led him to the great discovery of Potentization - the
release of drug energy.
An acute and explosive onset of disease indicates a robust constitution with high
susceptibility and, therefore, responds best to the remedy administered in the higher
potencies. On the other hand an insidious onset indicates poor susceptibility so often seen in
individuals in poor condition. This may call for deep acting remedies and or Nosodes.
A well-defined characteristic picture of a remedy, especially in the mental sphere, indicates a
high level of susceptibility and therefore, call for the similimum in high potencies. In the
advanced stage of disease, when pathological states have taken over, the characteristic
features show a tendency to recede and all that one sees are the signs and symptoms
diagnostic of these. This nondescript picture indicates poor susceptibility and calls for lower
potencies or even material doses with frequent repetition to the point of reaction.
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Submitted By : Dr.
Mohd. Furqan
Aamer, Dr. Mohd
Furqan Aamer M.D.
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Homoeopathic. Experience indicates Nux vomica as a good helper in satisfying this morbid
susceptibility and thereby creating a semblance of order out of this chaos. A patient who is
just recovering from an acute illness presents a sort of virgin soil and is in a high state of
susceptibility. He, therefore, presents to a discerning physician and array of symptoms, which
unmistakably point to the constitutional remedy, a prompt administration of which completes
the cure and effectively cuts short the convalescence.
A woman during pregnancy and after delivery is also in a similar condition and affords a
Homoeopathic physician an unrivalled opportunity for constitutional prescribing. All allergic
patients, especially those with skin allergy, have extreme susceptibility. This should caution
prescribers against indiscriminate administration in higher potencies and injudicious
repetitions, which can precipitate quite a severe form of aggravation.
The susceptibility to the subsequent administration of the same potency tends to fall
gradually and this is reflected in progressively decreasing response as evidenced by shorter
remission. This can be offset by changing the potency. Roberts in his book 'Principles and
Practice of Homoeopathy' suggests that the potency should not be readily changed as long
as it helps the patient; otherwise, a needless aggravation may precipitate. Kent, however in
his 'Lecturers on Materia Medica' views that the same potency should not be repeated more
than twice. Our personal preference is for Roberts. Hahnemann himself, in his later years,
was experimenting with a schedule in which every subsequent dose was of a slightly higher
dynamisation and he expresses himself in favour of this innovation. But, subsequent
prescribers have not much to record on this interesting aspect of posology.
We very often try to offset a decreasing response to potency by ---1. A frequent repetition on the same day, e.g. 3 doses 2 hourly, avoiding the
characteristic time or period of aggravation or
2. Repetition of the dose every day till reaction is roused.
This procedure is preferred when changing the potency is likely to lead to an aggravation,
which the nature of the complaint deems inadvisable.
In some instances, susceptibility is dormant and no reaction follows the administration of the
similimum. We have seen this repeatedly in patients who have been subjected to ElectroConvulsive-Therapy, Cortisone and ACTH Therapy, Prednisone, heavy sedation and similar
suppressive measures. Under these circumstances, at times, a response may be effected by
resorting to the ascending scales of potencies, 30 / 200 /1000; 200 / 1000 / 10 m; 1000 / 10
m / 50 m, and so on one dose of each on consecutive days till the reaction is observed.
It is worth remembering that when the highest potencies are exhausted and satisfactory
response no longer obtainable, susceptibility to potencies in the lower range is very often
restored and we can commence again from the 30th potency.
Another point worth remembering is that when a patient reports after a gap of a few months
for a relapse of the same complaint and the last potency administered was beyond 200, he
may exhibit marked susceptibility to the same potency and experience a flare-up, especially if
he has some allergic disorder. In such circumstances, we should be cautious and recommence
the treatment with a dose in the 30th potency, repeated to the point of reaction.
Infants and children are in general highly susceptible and react well to medium and higher
potencies. In old age, the lower range with more frequent repetitions proves more satisfying.
Addictions may suppress susceptibility and thereby interfere with action of the remedies.
Certain foods and drinks known to aggravate a specific drug type, if consumed by the patient
who is under treatment with that specific remedy, are known to interfere with the smooth
action of the remedy and may terminate its action much earlier. This is on account of the
suppression of susceptibility affected by the food or drink in question, e.g. the use of
vegetable acids in a patient on Sepia.
The Relationship of Remedies indicates indirectly a probable sequence of changes in
susceptibility. This particular fund of knowledge we owe to Boenninghausen whose critical
study of symptomatology in Homoeopathic materia medica and widespread clinical
experience are reflected in the Section of Relationship in the 'Therapeutic Pocket Book'. This
knowledge has grown with additions made subsequently by Hering, Kent, Miller, Boger and
others. It should be understood that their interpretations and prognostications are ever subject
to change in the light of accumulating experience.
A remedy, which is quite out of tune with a patient, will not meet with the requisite
susceptibility and, therefore, will fail to evoke any response. This is the case with remedies
far removed from the Similimum; the remedy with a partial resemblance to the totality meets
the susceptibility partially and evokes only a partial response. Thus even a poor prescriber is
able to zigzag his case to cure by utilizing such partial responses as stepping-stones.
It remains to speak of one more important matter connected with the general subject of
Homoeopathic Posology - the repetition of the dose. The management of the remedy in
regard to potency and dosage is almost as important as the selection of the remedy itself. The
selection of the remedy can hardly be said to be finished until the potency and dosage have
been decided upon. These three factors, remedy, potency and dosage, are necessarily involved
in the operation of prescribing. Not one of them is a matter of indifference and not one of
them can be disregarded.
The first question, which confronts us, is whether to give one dose or repeated doses. The
second question is, if we give one dose when shall we repeat the doses and when shall we
stop dosing?
Many expert prescribers begin the treatment of practically all cases by giving a single dose of
the indicated remedy and awaiting reaction. This is an almost ideal method - for expert
prescribers. Of course we all expect to become expert prescribers and will therefore accept
that as our ideal!
Hahnemann's usual teaching, the outcome of his long and rich experience, was to give a
single dose and await its full action. The wisdom of this teaching has been amply confirmed
since his day by many of his followers. The duration of action of a remedy which acts (and
no other counts) varies, of course, with the nature and rate of progress of the disease. In a
disease of such violence and rapid tendency toward death as cholera, for example, the action
of the indicated remedy might be exhausted in five or ten minutes and another dose be
required at the end of that time. In a slowly progressing chronic disease, like tuberculosis the
action of a dose of a curative remedy might continue for two or three months. Between these
two extremes are all degrees of variation.
The only rule, which can be laid down with safety, is to repeat the dose only when
improvement ceases. To allow a dose, or a remedy, to act as long as the improvement
produced by it is sustained, is good practice; but to attempt to fix arbitrary limits to the action
of medicine, as some have done, is contrary to experience.
Young practitioners and many old ones too, for that matter, give too many doses, repeat too
frequently, and change remedies too often. They give no time for reaction. They get doubtful,
or hurried, or careless and presently they get "rattled" if the case is serious. Then it is "all up
with them," until or unless they come to their senses and corrects their mistakes. Sometimes
such mistakes cannot be corrected and a patient pays the penalty with his life. It pays to be
careful and "go slow" in the beginning; then there will not be so many mistakes to correct.
We should examine our case carefully and systematically, select our first remedy and potency
with care, give our first dose, if the single dose is decided upon and then watch results. If the
remedy and dose are right there will be results.
Part 10
Eyes: softness, sharpness, fear, hysterical, delicate,
evil, irritable, dissatisfied,
Bodies: restless, hyper, slow, timid, aggressive, outgoing,
obedient or disobedient,
how sensitive? Shy? Clumsy? Coordinated?
Differentiate: Is this a first-aid, acute, or chronic case/problem
at this time?
Behavioral analysis
Alone or with others?
leaders or followers?
plays with younger children or peers?
imaginative, builders, etc.
How does he/she play with animals and toys?
obsessed with blanket or toy?
rough, break things?
c) fear or love animals?
How competitive or aggressive?
Reaction to physical pain, scrapes, bumps, etc.
Independent vs. dependent
How responsible?
How handle being alone?
Reaction if doesn't get what he/she wants.
Reaction to strangers.
Feeding time, playing time, sleep time.
Developmental History
Learning to talk, walk, language, comprehension,
musculoskeletal development.
Toilet training: how child went through it.
How was the pregnancy?
Family hx: TB, GC, CA
Mental-Emotional State
Sensitivity to pain, injury, noise, touch, being carried.
Better or worse attention/consolation?
Sensitivity to other's pain, to parents fighting, to
weather, movies, sad stories, how
sensitive is their imagination?
Easily startled?
Family dynamics
How does he/she get along with siblings? Parents?
Reaction to new siblings.
Military family, moved many times?
Alcoholism, drugs, tension in family?
Motivated by fear? Do parents threaten, frighten,
Fear of punishment by God?
Is the child compared with a sibling or parent,
forced to live up to parent's
role expectations?
Story about the child. (Usually a chronic constitutional or acute
case can be taken directly
from a child aged 6 - 8 or older.)
Reactions to griefs, deaths, frights.
Mother's description of the pregnancy, labor, and birth.
Health and family history.
Objective symptoms
Facial expression: observe pupils. How aware is the child
of his or her environment?
Dry, moist, cool, warm.
Healthy or unhealthy?
Touch the chest, abdomen, forehead, hands and feet.
Note temp, character, moisture, etc.
Sweat: amount, parts that sweat, odor.
Moles, warts, birthmarks.
Tongue: color, furry or smooth?
Breath: Offensive?
Reaction to stimuli: light in eyes, noise, jar, pinch.
Urine and stool.
Strength: check grasp, posture. How does the child hold her
head up?
Fears: Monsters, ghosts, strangers, the dark, movies, being alone,
dogs, death, fears
something will happen to the parents, something is creeping
out of every corner,
evil spirits, falling, noises
Sleep: Insomnia: due to pain, fear, over-excitement, want
attention, overactive mind?
SYMPTOMS YOU GIVE US. If we are to make a successful prescription, we must know all the
details of your sickness. We must also understand all the features that belong to you as an
individual. This includes your reactions to various factors, your past and family history and
your mental make up.
This information enables us to selection the remedy that removes your sickness. The medicine
also makes you well as a whole person.
In order to find out all about you, we shall be asking you many questions. Each one of these
questions has a definite meaning and significance for us. There is not a single questions that
is useless. Even something that your may think is not connected with your trouble, may be the
most important factor in deciding the correct homoeopathic medicine. That is why you must
be free and frank and give us the fullest possible information on each point. Please read each
question carefully, think and if necessary, consult someone close to you and then answer
completely. Do not keep anything back. Remember, whatever you tell us will remain absolutely
1. About your past illnesses and family illnesses. Please take time to answer this part with the
help of your family members before coming to us.
2. History of your present illness.
3. About all the parts of your body.
4. Deals with the factors that affect your health.. Please think carefully about each of the
factors mentioned and write what specific effects they have on you.
5. About your mental state and your emotional nature . Please write in this part about your
situation in life and about all the things that are bothering you. Be totally frank and open.
6. About your sleep and dreams .
7. For children or you as a child .
8. In this part you are given instructions on how to report each of your complaints. Read the
instructions first . Then make a list of your complaints and describe each of them according to
the instructions.
Date :
(Begin with surname)
Address :
Telephone : Residence :
Office :
Age :
Referred to us by:
Every disease, poisoning, drug or accident leaves its mark and remains as a weak point in the
system, much more than we imagine . Homoeopathic treatment takes into account all these
details of the past and thus removes all the weak points. Thus your body is strengthened. That
is why it is necessary for us to know about all the ailments you have suffered from in the past
and the treatments you have taken.
In the list below, circle around names of ALL major illnesses so far suffered and on the next
page give its relevant details.
Food Poisoning
German measles
Whooping cough
Any Liver
Spleen or
Gall Bladder
Miscarriage .
Sickness during
Pregnancy etc.
Prolapse of uterus
Any venereal
Disease like
Gonorrhoea etc.
Blood pressure ,
Any serious shock , grief , disappointments, fright , mental upset , depression or nervous
break down
Chronic Headaches, Numbness , Cramps, Fits , Convulsions Polio, Paralysis etc. Meningitis
Any Lumbar puncture done.
Skin diseases like Pimples , Boils, Carbuncles, Ringworms, Fungus, Scabies , Eczema.
Ulcers on any part of the body.
Diseases suffered from
Approximate Age
Alive /dead
Cause of death
Paternal Grand Father
Diseases Suffered
Paternal Uncles
Paternal Aunts
Maternal Uncles
Maternal Aunts
* How many brother sister are you? (including those who died , if any).
Provide information about them in the table below. Indicate your position by writing SELF.
Brother /Sister
Alive /Dead
Diseases suffered
Urine Control
Bed wetting etc.
Was there any reaction or particular trouble after any of above vaccinations of inocculations ?
Give details:
(if married) How is the health of your husband /wife :
*Number of children living and dead . If dead , state causes :
Mention ages of children and their condition of health.
Childs name
Diseases Suffered
How much
Chewing Tobacco
Sleeping Pills
Laxatives /Purgatives
Any other
Main complaints and other associated troubles: (and detailed history of the present illness,
The onset and course with dates).
ORIGIN OF CAUSE : Can you trace the origin illness to any particular circumstance accident ,
illness, incident or mental upset ? (e.g. Shock , worry , errors in diet ,overexertion , exposure
to cold , heat etc.)?
How is your appetite?
When are you hungry?
What happens if you have to remain hungry for long?
Salt extra
Spicy food
Warm food/drink
Cold food/drink
Anything else
Do you have any problem regarding your stools?
When and how many times a day do you pass stools ?
When is it urgent?
Do you have any problem about bowel movements?
Do you have to strain for stool? Even if soft?
Do you have belching or passing gas? Describe its character.
How much do you sweat ?
Where and on what part do you sweat most?
Do you perspire on the palms or soles?
Is the sweat warm , cold , clammy, sticky, musty, greasy, stiffens the linen etc.?
What is the smell like ?e.g. foul , pungent, sour , urinous.
What colour does it stain the clothing ?
Is the stain easy to wash off or difficult ?
Any symptoms after sweating ?
When do you get fever or chill ?
What brings it on ?
Do you experience any sense of heat or cold in
Any part of your body at any particular time?
Swollen gums:
LIPS:cracked , peeling of skin etc.
THROAT (including tonsils) :
Any difficulty in swallowing?
Do you have any trouble in your BACK , LIMBS OR JOINTS? Describe in details:
If you have any pains , do they shift?
In what direction do they extend ?
Is there any complaint of skin : such as itching , eruptions , ulcers , warts, corns, peeling etc.?
(Describe its name )
Any change in colour of the skin or spots on any part of the body ?
Is there any complaint or abnormality of the NAILS or skin around ?
Is there any complaint with the HAIR such as falling , graying, dandruff, dryness, oily, poor
excessive or unusual growth ?
Do wounds heal slowly ?
Form keloid? Do wounds tend to form pus?
Have you a tendency to bleed?
Are your troubles one sided ? Which one?
Or more on one side?
Do they proceed from one to the other side ?
Or do they alternate or shift?
Is there any trembling ? When?
Is there any sense of weakness ? Where?
When is it more or less?
Is it in any particular part of the body?
Below are a list of things that you are exposed to. Each of these factors may affect you in a
particular way . Please write in what way you are affected by each of the following . Do you feel
worse or better in any way from each of the factors. In what way do they affect you.
For instance take the factor "sun". Suppose by going in the sun you get a headache, then write
"Headache " opposite to "sun".
Take another example . if in hot weather you feel uneasy, then write "Uneasy" opposite to "Hot
Weather " in the column.
In this way write the effect of each factor on you. Especially write the effect each factor has on
your main complaints . For instance if your main complaint is asthma and this is worse when
lying on the back then opposite to "lying on the back "write "asthma becomes worse"
Sometimes one factor may make you feel worse in some respect, and better in some other
respect, For instance cold air may cause headache but headache but make you feel better in
general. If this is so, please mention this difference clearly.
This section is most important. Do not go through it hurriedly . Think carefully about the effect
of each factor before you write.
Hot weather
Cold weather
Rainy weather
Climbing stairs
Cloudy weather
Going downstairs
Change of season
Thunder storm
Lying on back
Warm bath
Cold bathing
Lying on abdomen
Sitting erect
Looking up
Looking down
Tight clothes
Before sleep
Sudden noise
During sleep
After sleep
Strong smells
Loss of sleep
When constipated
Before stools
Before urine
During stools
During urine
After stools
After urine
Before menses
During menses
After menses
After Sweating
When Fasting
After eating
Passing gas
Before exams
When angry
Combing hair
When worried
Brushing teeth
When sad
After weeping
Consolation /sympathy
In a crowd
In a closed room
Near sea
Draft air
Biting or chewing
Blowing nose
When alone
In company
Over eating
Physical exertion
Working in water
It is now universally acknowledged that your mind has tremendous influence on your body .
For giving proper treatment it is necessary for us to understand your emotional and
intellectual nature . We can thus treat you as a whole.
In order to understand you we will be asking certain questions . Answer them freely, carefully ,
and completely. This information will help us much in giving you the correct remedy . Also
such a remedy will help improve your mental make up.
Answer freely. Answer frankly. Answer completely.
Are you anxious ? About which matters?
Are you fearful of anything such as
Animals people being alone, darkness,
death, diseases, robbers, sudden noises ,
thunder, of the future , of something
unknown , high places, etc.?
Are you doubtful or suspicious ? Of what?
What are you jealous about?
Of whom ? From what symptoms do you suffer when jealous?
In which matters are you impatient?
How long do you remember hurts caused to you by others?
How much revengeful are you?
What are you proud of? Does your pride get easily hurt?
Depressed , Brooding , etc.?
Do you ever become suicidal? When ?
If so in what manner do you contemplate to end your life ?
Even then , are you afraid of dying ?
Death, Whose?
Dead bodies
Dead person
Parts of Body
Being Hungry
Being Thirsty
Days work
Forgotten work
Passing stool
Blood bleeding
Excrements / soiling
Sexual pleasure
Failure /exams
Unsuccessful efforts for what
Missing train
Being unprepared
Being pursued
By whom?
-for what ?
Of events
Physical Exertion
Mental Exertion
1) Please tick mark once (X) if the child or you as child had any of the following qualities: Tick
mark twice (XX) if they are more intense :
Tick Here
Tick here
Unusual fears
Temper tantrums
Habits like :-
Biting nails
Thumb sucking
Competition-winning spirit
(b)shawls , handkerchieves
Sibling jealousy
Dullness of memory
Laziness /Indolence
Telling lies
2) Please write in detail, if the mother suffered from any physical or emotional stress during
pregnancy .Also describe the dreams the mother got during pregnancy.
3) Please describe any other aspects you feel are striking about the child .
4) Describe one incident from the childs life when he/she very upset.
In homoeopathy, prescription is based on precise details of various symptoms from which you
suffer. To tell or write to a homoeopathic physician "I have a headache ", " an eruption ", " a
cough", would not be enough. If you inform him "I have headache with sharp shooting pains in
the left side of the head and temple ", these pains always come on when the slightest cold air
strikes the head , the pains wailing about , or when the head becomes cool ". then only you
have given all the information required for making a good homoeopathic prescription. The
success of the prescription depends, largely on how detailed is your description of the
We require the following details about your symptoms.
LOCATION : Please give the exact location of sensation , pain or eruption. Also describe where
the pain or sensation spreads. Please use the figure on page 23 to indicate location.
SENSATION : Express the type of sensation or the pain that you get in your own words
however simple or funny it may seem. You may have a sensation that a mouse is crawling or
the heart was grasped by an iron hand or you may have a pain which is cutting, burning
jerking , pressing . Express the sensation or pain as it feels to you.
WHAT MAKES YOU WORSE OR BETTER : Many factors are likely to influence your trouble .
Some factors may cause the trouble to increase and some factors may relieve the trouble . A
detailed list of the factors is given on pages 14 to 16 . Please refer to when describing each of
your troubles and indicate which factors make the complaint better or worse.
DISCHARGES : You may have a discharge from ulcers , fistula, eruptions , the skin , lungs,
eyes , nose , ears , mouth , private parts, etc. Please describe your discharge under the
following aspects .
The quantity and the time or condition under which the quantity varies i.e. when is it better or
worse , increases or decreases ?
The consistency : Is it thin or thick , stringy or clotted ?
Is it like jelly, white of an egg, like water , sticky forming a scab etc. ?
The odour , what does it remind you of ?
Does it make the parts sore, and in what way?
Please mark in the below figure, the locations of your trouble and write the exact sensation or
type of pain you experience at those spots. For example if you have throbbing pain on the
right side of you head please mark as shown
A. Eyes: softness, sharpness, fear, hysterical, delicate, evil, irritable, dissatisfied,
Address with telephone number
Chief complaints with the following
How it starts?
gradually or suddenly?
What are the factors that worsen or improve the complaints? Eg, rest, movement,
hot, cold,pressure,day,night,morning,noon,evening etc
Describe the associative complaint(s), if any
Past History
Past history of similar diseases or any other diseases with treatment history.
Family History
Family history of similar disease or any other diseases like diabetes, hypertension,
thyroid problems, cancer etc
Describe the following
Appetite: increased or decreased, regular or irregular diet habits.
Thirst: increased or decreased, total intake per day, hot or cold, quantity at a time,
with or without dryness of mouth.
Bowel habits: constipation, diarrhoea, bleeding, pain, burning.
Urine: frequency, quantity, colour, burning,specific odour.
Sweat: increased or decreased, single parts or whole body
Sleep: delayed, middle awakeness,early morning awakeness, disturbed, restless,
unrefreshing, drowsy during the day.
Dreams: fearfull, repeated, disturbing, specific.
Menses: age at first menses, regular or irregular, early or delayed, date of last
menses, nature of blood, profuse or scanty, painful or painless, history of white
discharege if present
The fat in the body is primarily drawn from the oils, ghees, and other fatty substances consumed through food and drink. Chocolates, wafers, sweets,remember excessive
fat may also impair the function of the vital organs like heart, liver, joints and the kidneys. Obesity may also cause diabetes, asthma, arthritis, high blood pressure.
Do keep in mind:
Regular exercise.
As soon as you wake up in the morning workout for at least 30min to an hour.
Make a mixture of two teaspoon of lime juice, one teaspoon of honey, in a glass of water, add some pepper to it & have it regularly.
Instead of eating only 2 more meals during the day like lunch & dinner, try to eat 4-5 more small mini-meals spaced 2-3 hours apart during the day
Drink a glass of boiled water daily after every meal. It will also help you in obesity natural cure
Spices like ginger, cinnamon, black pepper etc. are good for loosing weight. Drink ginger tea 2-3 times a day. It is also a good remedy for obesity.
Increase the quantity of fruits and vegetables and low calorie foods.
Avoid intake of too much salt as it may be a factor for increasing body weight.
All kinds of milk products-cheese, butter, and non-vegetarian foods should be avoided as they are rich in fat. Be sufficient with twice a glass of milk.
Shudh Guggulu is very beneficial for curing this ailment. It helps to regulate the lipid metabolism. Take a teaspoon of guggul with ginger and honey, twice
a day.
Two teaspoon of lime juice added to water also helps in loosing weight. Have it frequently.
Mint is very beneficial in losing weight. Have some salads, vegetables with it.
Triphala, a herbal combination of amalaki, bibbitaki, and haritaki is good for loosing weight.
Avoid rice and potato, which contain a lot of carbohydrates. Among cereals wheat is good.
Avoid high calorie foods like chocolates, ice cream, sweets, butter, heavy refined foods which have high calories.
Raw or cooked cabbage inhibits the conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat. Hence, it is of great value in weight reduction.
Exercise is an important part of any weight reduction plan. It will burn all your calories.