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Healthy Diet: Grade Level or Special Area: 2 Written By: Length of Unit

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Healthy Diet

Grade Level or Special Area: 2nd Grade, Science

Written by: Jovanna Clarke, Academy Elementary, Denver, CO
Length of Unit: Five lessons plus Culminating Activity (approximately six days, one day
= 40-50 minutes)

In this unit, 2nd graders will learn about eating a healthy diet. They will learn about vitamins and
minerals and how they play an important part in keeping us healthy. They will also plan and
analyze meals using the food pyramid.

A. Concept Objectives
1. Students recognize that eating a healthy diet is an important component to
maintaining health. (Core Knowledge Teacher Handbook Grade 2)
2. Students understand how the human body functions, factors that influence its
structures and functions, and how these structures and functions compare with
those of other organisms. (Colorado Content Standard 3.3, Science)
B. Content from the Core Knowledge Sequence
1. 2nd Grade Science: The Human Body (pg. 60)
a. Taking Care of Your Body: A Healthy Diet
i. The “food pyramid”
ii. Vitamins and minerals
C. Skill Objectives
1. Students will describe the basic food requirements for humans as summarized in
the food pyramid. (Colorado Content Standard 3.3, Science)
2. Students will understand that vitamins and minerals help your body perform
specific functions.
3. Students will understand that different vitamins and minerals come from the
different food groups.
4. Students will plan a healthy meal using the food pyramid as a guideline.


A. For Teachers
1. Core Knowledge Teacher Handbook Grade 2
2. Eat Healthy, Feel Great by William Sears, Martha Sears and Christie Watts
B. For Students
1. Kindergarten Science: The Human Body
a. Taking care of your body: exercise, cleanliness, healthy foods, rest
2. 1 Grade Science: The Human Body
a. Germs, Diseases and Preventing Illness
i. taking care of your: exercise, cleanliness, healthy foods, rest

A. Eat Healthy, Feel Great by William Sears, Martha Sears and Christie Watts Kelly
(Lesson Two)

Second Grade Healthy Diet 2005 Colorado Unit Writing Project 1

Lesson One: Food Pyramid (45-50 minutes)
A. Daily Objectives
1. Concept Objective(s)
a. Students recognize that eating a healthy diet is an important component
to maintaining health.
b. Students understand how the human body functions, factors that
influence its structures and functions, and how these structures and
functions compare with those of other organisms.
2. Lesson Content
a. Taking Care of Your Body: A Healthy Diet
i. The “food pyramid”
3. Skill Objective(s)
a. Students will describe the basic food requirements for humans as
summarized in the food pyramid.
B. Materials
1. Appendix A – Food Pyramid (make two posters, save one for Lesson Two)
2. Appendix B – Food Groups (one copy for the teacher)
3. Magazines and/or grocery ads (enough for each student to have at least one)
4. Scissors (one pair for each student)
5. Glue (one bottle for each group)
6. Appendix D and Appendix A – Homework and Food Pyramid (one copy for each
student, run this front to back)
7. Appendix C – Study Guide (one copy for each student)
8. Optional – Appendix F, page 1 – Healthy Snacks Letter (one copy for each
C. Key Vocabulary
1. A balanced diet includes a mixture of foods from a variety of food categories
such as grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy, meats and fish and fats.
D. Procedures/Activities
1. Prepare ahead of time: Appendix A should be made into two posters, save one
poster for Lesson Two.
2. Ask the students: What can you do to be healthy? Exercise, eat healthy foods
and get plenty of rest.
3. Hang up the first poster of the food pyramid. Tell the students that there are five
food groups plus the fats, oils and sweets to make six groups on the food
pyramid. Have someone read each group name aloud to the class.
4. Make a chart on the board that looks like Appendix B without the foods listed.
Start with the grains group and ask the students to help you make a list of some
of the items you might find in this group. Repeat this with each group. (Use
Appendix B to help you if you need some suggestions.)
5. Tell the students that they are going to help fill in the food pyramid with foods
that belong in each group. Divide the students into six groups and assign them
each a group from the food pyramid.
6. Tell the students that their group needs to find foods that fit into their assigned
group. (Fruit group needs to find fruit, vegetable group needs to find vegetables.)
7. Pass out magazines and grocery ads to each group as well as scissors.
8. Give the groups about 10 – 15 minutes to find and cut out pictures.
9. Have the groups clean up and then choose which pictures their group wants to
glue to the food pyramid poster. (Make sure to not have too many duplicates in
each group. Three pictures of grapes are too many.)

Second Grade Healthy Diet 2005 Colorado Unit Writing Project 2

10. Have each group send one person at a time to glue one of their pictures to the
poster. (Hang this poster up for the rest of the unit.)
11. Tell the students the food pyramid is a guide to help us know what to eat so we
can be healthy. Ask the students: Which group is the biggest? Grains Group
Which group is the smallest? Fats, Oils and Sweets Why do think this is? The
grains group is healthier for us than the fats, oils and sweets group.
12. Tell the students the higher you go, the less you need on the food pyramid. Ask
the students: Does that mean that I can’t eat anything from the fats, oils and
sweets group? No, you should only eat a little from that group.
13. Tell the students they should try to eat a balanced diet every day. Ask the
students: What is a balanced diet? A balanced diet includes a mixture of foods
from a variety of food categories such as grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy, meats
and fish and fats.
14. Pass out Appendix D and Appendix A, run front to back, to each student and read
through the directions together. Make sure the students understand that it does
not matter what they eat for dinner as long as they write everything down and the
backside will be completed together in class tomorrow.
15. Pass out Appendix C and assign questions 1-4.
16. Optional: Send Appendix F, page 1 home with each student. The letter should be
returned to you tomorrow so you can send out confirmation notes. Snacks would
be brought in the last two or three days of the unit. (You may want to allow
parents enough time to plan by sending the letter home a few days before you
start the unit.)
E. Assessment/Evaluation
1. Pass out Appendix D and Appendix A. This is homework to be completed for
the next day.
2. Pass out Appendix C and assign questions 1-4. Grade this tomorrow.

Lesson Two: Balanced Diet (50 minutes)

A. Daily Objectives
1. Concept Objective(s)
a. Students recognize that eating a healthy diet is an important component
to maintaining health.
b. Students understand how the human body functions, factors that
influence its structures and functions, and how these structures and
functions compare with those of other organisms.
2. Lesson Content
a. Taking Care of Your Body: A Healthy Diet
i. The “food pyramid”
ii. Vitamins and minerals
3. Skill Objective(s)
a. Students will describe the basic food requirements for humans as
summarized in the food pyramid.
b. Students will understand that vitamins and minerals help your body
perform specific functions.
c. Students will understand that different vitamins and minerals come from
the different food groups.
d. Students will plan a healthy meal using the food pyramid as a guideline.
B. Materials
1. Appendix A – Food Pyramid (blank poster from Lesson One)
2. Appendix A – Food Pyramid (one copy on a transparency)

Second Grade Healthy Diet 2005 Colorado Unit Writing Project 3

3. Eat Healthy, Feel Great by William Sears, Martha Sears and Christie Watts
4. Magazines/Grocery Ads (enough for each student to have at least one)
5. Appendix E – Balanced Meal (one copy for each student)
6. Crayons (enough for each student)
7. Scissors (one pair for each student)
8. Glue (one bottle for each student)
9. Optional – Appendix F, page 2 – Healthy Snacks Letter (1/3 of the page for each
student who returned their letter from yesterday)
C. Key Vocabulary
1. A balanced diet includes a mixture of foods from a variety of food categories
such as grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy, meats and fish and fats.
2. Minerals are substances that keep your teeth and bones strong and also help your
body do special jobs.
3. Nutrients are substances, like proteins, minerals and vitamins, that let your
muscles move and your body work and grow.
4. Vitamins are substances, such as vitamins B and C, that help your body do
special jobs and keep you healthy.
D. Procedures/Activities
1. Have the students take out their homework (Appendix D) from last night. (If
anyone did not do their homework, they can use the meal from the lunch menu to
do this activity.)
2. Put Appendix A on the overhead and show the students how to write everything
they ate for dinner in the different food groups. (Example: Hamburger – meat in
the meat group, bun in the grains group, ketchup in the fats, oils and sweets,
pickles in the vegetable group, lettuce in the vegetable group, tomato in the
vegetable group and mustard in the fats, oils and sweets) Help the students to do
the same on their own worksheet.
3. Tell the students in order to have a balanced meal they need to have something
from each food group. Ask the students: Are any of the groups on your food
pyramid empty? Which one(s) are empty? What could you have added to your
meal to make your meal balanced?
4. Read the book Eat Healthy, Feel Great to the students, stop on page 6 and 7. On
the board, make a list of the green-light foods that you see on these pages. Stop
on pages 8 and 9 and make a list, on the board, of the yellow-light foods that you
see. Stop on pages 10 and 11 and make a list, on the board, of the red-light foods
that you see.
5. (Now you will need the blank poster of Appendix A from Lesson One.)
Continue reading the story and stop on pages 16-21 to add information to
Appendix A. On page 16, it tells us that we get protein from chicken, beans and
cheese. Write protein in the meat and beans group and the dairy group. On page
17, it tells us that we get healthy fats from fish, eggs, and peanut butter. Write
healthy fats in the meat and beans group. In addition, on page 17 it tells us that
we get complex carbohydrates from whole-grain bread, cereal and pasta. Write
complex carbohydrates in the grains group. Continue this through pages 18-21.
(Hang this poster up for the rest of the unit.)
6. When the book is finished, look at the completed Appendix A. Ask the students:
Why do you think it is important to eat food from all of the different groups?
Each group gives different nutrients, vitamins and minerals that our bodies need.
Is it okay for me to eat only carrots from the vegetable group and nothing else
from that group? No, because foods in the same group can give us different

Second Grade Healthy Diet 2005 Colorado Unit Writing Project 4

amounts of vitamins and minerals. What about the fats, oils, and sweets group,
do I need to eat something from that group to have a balanced meal? No,
because that group does not provide us with any nutrients, vitamins or minerals.
Is it okay to have something from the fats, oils, and sweets group as part of my
meal? Yes, as long as it is in moderation.
7. Let students know that a meal from a hamburger from a fast food restaurant is
different from a hamburger cooked at home. Food from fast food restaurants
tends to be high in fats and oils that are not good for us. It is still okay to eat at
fast food restaurants as long as it is in moderation.
8. Tell the students they are going to plan their own balanced meal. You can
choose breakfast, lunch or dinner. First, you will need to plan your meal and put
it on the food pyramid. Then you will need to draw a picture of your meal, cut
out pictures of your meal or a combination of both. Before you start to make
your picture, you need to get your paper checked by me.
9. Pass out Appendix E and let the students get to work.
10. Assign questions 5-8 on Appendix C. These will be due tomorrow.
11. Optional – Fill out the Appendix F, page 2 for the students who returned their
letter from yesterday. Send this home today.
E. Assessment/Evaluation
1. Pass out Appendix E and monitor the students as they work.
2. Assign questions 5-8 on Appendix C. Grade these questions tomorrow.

Lesson Three: How Many Servings Do I Have to Eat? (40-45 minutes)

A. Daily Objectives
1. Concept Objective(s)
a. Students recognize that eating a healthy diet is an important component
to maintaining health.
b. Students understand how the human body functions, factors that
influence its structures and functions, and how these structures and
functions compare with those of other organisms.
2. Lesson Content
a. Taking Care of Your Body: A Healthy Diet
i. The “food pyramid”
ii. Vitamins and minerals
3. Skill Objective(s)
a. Students will describe the basic food requirements for humans as
summarized in the food pyramid.
b. Students will understand that vitamins and minerals help your body
perform specific functions.
c. Students will understand that different vitamins and minerals come from
the different food groups.
d. Students will plan a healthy meal using the food pyramid as a guideline.
B. Materials
1. Appendix A – Food Pyramid (poster from Lesson One)
2. CD – any one is fine (you are using it to show a serving size)
3. Hockey puck
4. Baseball
5. Two dominoes
6. Deck of playing cards
7. Appendix G, pages 1 and 2 – Food Pictures (one set cut out and laminated)
8. Appendix G, page 3 – Food Pictures Answer Key (one copy for teacher)

Second Grade Healthy Diet 2005 Colorado Unit Writing Project 5

C. Key Vocabulary
D. Procedures/Activities
1. Review the food groups on the food pyramid and some items that go in each
group. Review what a balanced meal is let the students know that it is okay to
not eat a balanced meal every single meal. If you eat lunch and don’t have
anything from the vegetable group you could eat some carrots and celery for your
afternoon snack to make up for it.
2. Tell the students now that we have learned about the food pyramid and balanced
meals you’re wondering how much from each food group should we be eating
each day. (Let the students volunteer some answers.)
3. Hang up Appendix A where everyone can see it. Tell the students it is
recommended that they eat six servings from the grains group each day. Write
six servings under the grains group title on Appendix A.
4. Ask the students: How many servings from the vegetable groups should we eat
each day? 3-5 servings a day. Write this under the vegetable group on Appendix
5. Ask the students: How many servings from the fruit group should we eat each
day? 2-4 servings. Write this under the fruit group on Appendix A.
6. Ask the students: How many servings from the dairy group should we eat each
day? 2-3 servings. Write this under the dairy group on Appendix A.
7. Ask the students: How many servings from the meat and beans group should we
eat each day? 2-3servings. Write this under the meat and beans group on
Appendix A.
8. Ask the students: How many servings from the fats, oils and sweets group
should we eat each day? Only a little. Write this under the fats, oils and sweets
on Appendix A.
9. Remind the students – The higher you go, the less you need on the food pyramid.
10. Ask the students: How much is one serving? (Let them share some answers.)
11. Hold up a CD and tell the students that one serving of bread is about the size of a
CD and as thin as your finger.
12. Hold up a hockey puck and tell the students this is about the size of ½ cup. ½
cup is about the serving size for: oatmeal, cooked pasta, vegetables like carrots or
green beans, applesauce, fruit salad.
13. Hold up a baseball and tell the students this is about the size of 1 cup. 1 cup is
about the serving size for: dry cereal, leafy vegetables like lettuce or spinach,
milk, yogurt. Tell the students that a medium piece of fruit is about the size of a
baseball and it equals one serving.
14. Hold up two dominoes and tell the students that this is about one serving for
15. Hold up a deck of cards and tell the students this is about 3 ounces, which equals
one serving for: meat, poultry, or fish.
16. Tell the students to imagine a hamburger with lettuce, tomato, and pickles on it.
Ask the students: How many servings of bread are there? Two, for the bun.
How many servings of meat are there? One. How many servings of vegetables
are there? About ½ - 1 serving including all of the vegetables, lettuce, tomato
and pickles. It would also depend on how much of each is put on the hamburger.
Would it be hard or easy to get all of the recommended servings each day from
the food pyramid? It would probably be easy.
17. Put the students into pairs. Pass out one card from Appendix G to each pair of
students. Have the pairs discuss how many servings they think they have in the

Second Grade Healthy Diet 2005 Colorado Unit Writing Project 6

pictures. Allow them time to share their card and answer with the class.
(Approximate answers on Appendix G, page 3.)
18. Assign questions 9-12 on the study guide. If time permits, allow the students to
begin working on this in class. These questions are due tomorrow.
E. Assessment/Evaluation
1. Assign questions 9-12 on the study guide. If time permits allow the students to
begin working on this in class. Grade these questions tomorrow.

Lesson Four: Review – Healthy Diet Around the World (30-40 minutes)
A. Daily Objectives
1. Concept Objective(s)
a. Students recognize that eating a healthy diet is an important component
to maintaining health.
b. Students understand how the human body functions, factors that
influence its structures and functions, and how these structures and
functions compare with those of other organisms.
2. Lesson Content
a. Taking Care of Your Body: A Healthy Diet
i. The “food pyramid”
ii. Vitamins and minerals
3. Skill Objective(s)
a. Students will describe the basic food requirements for humans as
summarized in the food pyramid.
b. Students will understand that vitamins and minerals help your body
perform specific functions.
c. Students will understand that different vitamins and minerals come from
the different food groups.
d. Students will plan a healthy meal using the food pyramid as a guideline.
B. Materials
1. Appendix H, page 1 – Healthy Diet Around the World (one copy for the teacher)
2. Appendix H, page 2 – Healthy Diet Around the World (one set of cards)
C. Key Vocabulary
D. Procedures/Activities
1. Read and follow the rules for the game in Appendix H.
2. Pass back Appendix C, graded, so the students can study for the test. Let the
students know the test will be tomorrow.
E. Assessment/Evaluation
1. Monitor who knows the answers as you play the game.

Lesson Five: Test (30-40 minutes)

A. Daily Objectives
1. Concept Objective(s)
a. Students recognize that eating a healthy diet is an important component
to maintaining health.
b. Students understand how the human body functions, factors that
influence its structures and functions, and how these structures and
functions compare with those of other organisms.
2. Lesson Content
a. Taking Care of Your Body: A Healthy Diet
i. The “food pyramid”

Second Grade Healthy Diet 2005 Colorado Unit Writing Project 7

ii. Vitamins and minerals
3. Skill Objective(s)
a. Students will describe the basic food requirements for humans as
summarized in the food pyramid.
b. Students will understand that vitamins and minerals help your body
perform specific functions.
c. Students will understand that different vitamins and minerals come from
the different food groups.
d. Students will plan a healthy meal using the food pyramid as a guideline.
B. Materials
1. Appendix I - Test (one copy for each student)
C. Key Vocabulary
D. Procedures/Activities
1. Pass out Appendix H and have the students complete this on their own.
E. Assessment/Evaluation
1. Grade using Appendix H.


A. Tell the students they are in charge of planning the meals at their house for one whole
day. They have to use the food pyramid and the recommended servings for the day as a
guide to help them. They need to plan breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snacks. They
will have a partner to help them complete this task. Pass out Appendix J, pages 1 – 2
(copied front to back) and let the students get to work. Use Appendix K to grade this
(one copy for teacher).

A. Appendix A: Food Pyramid
B. Appendix B: Food Groups
C. Appendix C: Study Guide
D. Appendix D: Homework
E. Appendix E: Balanced Meal
F. Appendix F: Healthy Snacks
G. Appendix G: Food Pictures
H. Appendix H: Healthy Diet Around the World
I. Appendix I: Test
J. Appendix J: Meals for a Day
K. Appendix K: Checklist for Meals for a Day

A. Barron, R. Showdown at the Food Pyramid. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 2004. 0-
B. CastleWorks, Inc. It’s my Life [On-line]. Available URL:
http://pbskids.org/itsmylife/body/foodsmarts/, 2005
C. Core Knowledge Foundation. Core Knowledge Teacher Handbook Grade 2.
Charlottesville, VA: Core Knowledge Foundation, 2004.
D. Core Knowledge Foundation. Core Knowledge Text Resources Grade 2. Charlottesville,
VA: Core Knowledge Foundation, 2004. 1-890517-58-5
E. Rip Bang Pictures Inc. Bon Appetit! [On-line]. Available URL:

Second Grade Healthy Diet 2005 Colorado Unit Writing Project 8

F. Scott, J. The Food Pyramid. Minneapolis, MN: Compass Point Books, 2003. 0-7565-
G. Sears, W., Sears, M., and Kelly C., Eat Healthy, Feel Great. Boston: Little, Brown and
Company, 2002. 0-316-78708-6

Second Grade Healthy Diet 2005 Colorado Unit Writing Project 9

Appendix A

Food Pyramid
Fats, Oils and

Meat and Beans


Group Fruit Group


Second Grade Healthy Diet 2005 Colorado Unit Writing Project 10

Appendix B
Food Groups

Grains Group Vegetable Fruit Group Dairy Group Meat and Fats, Oils and
Group Beans Group Sweets
Oatmeal Lettuce Apple Milk Chicken Candy
Cereal Spinach Banana Yogurt Fish Cake
Pasta Carrots Orange Cheese Beef Cookies
Rice Green beans Applesauce Cottage cheese Dry beans Butter
English muffin Radishes Fruit salad Tofu Salad oil
Bagel Mushrooms Grapes Egg Ice cream
Muffin Corn Strawberries Nuts Soda
Whole-grain Broccoli Peaches Turkey
Vegetable juice Fruit juice Peanut butter

Second Grade Healthy Diet 2005 Colorado Unit Writing Project 11

Appendix C, page 1
Study Guide

Name ________________________________ Date _____________

Answer the following questions.

1. How many food groups are there?

a. 4 plus the fats, oils and sweets.
b. 5 plus the fats, oils and sweets.
c. 6 plus the fats, oils and sweets.

2. What is the name of the pyramid that shows us groups of food?


3. Which group should we eat the least amount of food from?


4. Label each group.


____________________ ____________________

_________________ __________________


Second Grade Healthy Diet 2005 Colorado Unit Writing Project 12

Appendix C, page 2
Study Guide
5. Is this a balanced meal? Yogurt with strawberries, toast with peanut butter,
and vegetable juice. _________ If not what can I add to make it balanced?

6. Is this a balanced meal? Salad with tomatoes and dressing, chicken breast,
roll, glass of milk and a slice of chocolate cake. __________ If not what can
I add to make it balanced?

7. Healthy foods give us _____________________ and minerals to keep our

bodies healthy.

8. You need to make sure to drink plenty of _____________________,

especially when it is hot outside.

9. The higher you go, the _______________________ you need on the food

10. The grains group is on the bottom of the food pyramid so I should eat the
_______________________ servings from this group.

11. A medium piece of fruit is one serving. The size of a medium piece of fruit
is equal to a
a. baseball
b. basketball
c. golf ball

12. A serving of meat, poultry or fish is about the size of


Second Grade Healthy Diet 2005 Colorado Unit Writing Project 13

Appendix C, page 3
Study Guide Answer Key

Name Answer Key (18 points are possible)

Answer the following questions.

1. How many food groups are there?

a. 4 plus the fats, oils and sweets.
b. 5 plus the fats, oils and sweets. (1 point)
c. 6 plus the fats, oils and sweets.

2. What is the name of the pyramid that shows us groups of food? Food
pyramid (1 point)

3. Which group should we eat the least amount of food from? Fats, oils and
sweets (1 point)

4. Label each group. (1 point for each correct label)

Fats, oils and sweets

Dairy group Meat and beans group

Vegetable group Fruit group

Grains group

Second Grade Healthy Diet 2005 Colorado Unit Writing Project 14

Appendix C, page 4
Study Guide Answer Key
5. Is this a balanced meal? Yogurt with strawberries, toast with peanut butter,
and vegetable juice. Yes (1 point) If not what can I add to make it

6. Is this a balanced meal? Salad with tomatoes and dressing, chicken breast,
roll, glass of milk and a slice of chocolate cake. No (1 point) If not what
can I add to make it balanced? Something from the fruit group should be
listed (1 point)

7. Healthy foods give us vitamins and minerals to keep our bodies healthy. (1

8. You need to make sure to drink plenty of water, especially when it is hot
outside. (1 point)

9. The higher you go, the less you need on the food pyramid. (1 point)

10. The grains group is on the bottom of the food pyramid so I should eat the
most servings from this group. (1 point)

11. A medium piece of fruit is one serving. The size of a medium piece of fruit
is equal to a ________________________.
a. baseball (1 point)
b. basketball
c. golf ball

12. A serving of meat, poultry or fish is about the size of a deck of cards. (1

Second Grade Healthy Diet 2005 Colorado Unit Writing Project 15

Appendix D

Name ________________________________ Date _____________

Write down everything you eat for dinner tonight; please be detailed.
Only complete the front side as we will complete the back in class
Hamburger: meat, bun, ketchup, pickles, lettuce, tomato, mustard
French Fries: potatoes, ketchup

This is what I ate for dinner:


Second Grade Healthy Diet 2005 Colorado Unit Writing Project 16

Appendix E
Balanced Meal
Name ___________________________________ Date ____________________

Write down what meal you are planning, breakfast, lunch or dinner. Write down
everything you would serve at this meal and write on the food pyramid where each
part of the meal fits. Illustrate your meal on the back of this page.

Meal: _____________________________
I would serve:

Fats, Oils and Sweets

Dairy Group Meat and Beans Group

Vegetable Group Fruit Group


Second Grade Healthy Diet 2005 Colorado Unit Writing Project 17

Appendix F, page 1
Healthy Snacks

Dear Parents,

We are studying the food pyramid and eating healthy foods. We

would like to have some healthy snacks in class. Below is a list of dates
to choose from please, choose one. Also, write down the snack you are
sending in. Your child will need to tell the class which food group(s)
their snack fits into when they bring it into class. The portion below
needs to be sent in by ________________ in order for me to have
enough time to send out confirmation slips.
Please remember to send in enough for each student. We have
_______ students in our classroom.
While it is encouraged that you participate, it is not a requirement.

Thank you,

PLEASE RETURN BY ____________________

Dates to choose from:

___ _________________________
___ _________________________
___ _________________________

Snack: ____________________________________________________________

Student Name: ______________________________________________________

Parent Signature: ____________________________________________________

Second Grade Healthy Diet 2005 Colorado Unit Writing Project 18

Appendix F, page 2
Healthy Snacks
Dear __________________________________________________,
Thank you for signing up to send in ________________________
______________________________ on _________________________.
Please remember that we have _________________ children in our

Thank you,

Dear __________________________________________________,
Thank you for signing up to send in ________________________
______________________________ on _________________________.
Please remember that we have _________________ children in our

Thank you,

Dear __________________________________________________,
Thank you for signing up to send in ________________________
______________________________ on _________________________.
Please remember that we have _________________ children in our

Thank you,

Second Grade Healthy Diet 2005 Colorado Unit Writing Project 19

Appendix G, page 1
Food Pictures
Cut out each square and laminate the pictures ahead of time for durability.

1. Steak
2. Cereal 3. Yogurt

4. Bagel (only) 6. Carrots

5. Strawberries

7. Cheese (only) 8. Croissant (bread) 9. Sardines (fish)

Second Grade Healthy Diet 2005 Colorado Unit Writing Project 20

Appendix G, page 2
Food Pictures

10. Chicken (only) 11. Salmon (fish) 12. Apple

13. Egg (only) 14. Toast 15. Salad

16. Watermelon 17. Orange Juice 18. Corn

Second Grade Healthy Diet 2005 Colorado Unit Writing Project 21

Appendix G, page 3
Food Pictures
Answer Key
Each picture is approximately the following serving size (feel free to
adjust to your best guess):

1 Steak 2 servings
2 Cereal 1 – 1 ½ servings
3 Yogurt 1 serving
4 Bagel (not the cream cheese) 2 servings
5 Strawberries ½ serving
6 Carrots 1 – ½ servings
7 Cheese (only) 3 – 4 servings
8 Croissant (bread) 1 serving
9 Sardines (fish) 1 serving
10 Chicken (only) 1 serving
11 Salmon (fish) 2 – 3 servings
12 Apple 1 serving
13 Egg (only) 1 serving
14 Toast 2 servings
15 Salad 2 servings
16 Watermelon 1 serving
17 Orange juice 1 serving
18 Corn 3 servings

Second Grade Healthy Diet 2005 Colorado Unit Writing Project 22

Appendix H, page 1
Healthy Diet Around the World

1. Have all of the students sit on their desk.
2. The teacher chooses a card and reads it to the first student. The
first student has a few seconds to come up with the answer. If they
get it right, they get to stay sitting on their desk, if they get it
wrong they must sit in their chair. (The other students must remain
quiet and listening or they will forfeit their turn and be asked to sit
in their chair.)
3. If the student answered the question wrong, use the same question
for the next student.
4. The students sitting in their chairs still need to pay attention
because they can challenge the students sitting on their desks.
5. If a student sitting on their desk gets the question wrong, a student
sitting in their chair may raise their hand to answer it if they think
they know the answer. The student on their desk may choose one
person whose hand is up to answer the question. If the person
answers it correctly, they may sit back on their desk and the other
person must sit in their chair. If they answer it wrong, they stay in
their chair and the other person may stay on their desk and the
question goes to the next student on their desk. (Do not repeat the
question for anyone sitting in their chair, as they are to be actively
6. The winners are the last students sitting on their desks when the
questions run out or you are out of time.

Second Grade Healthy Diet 2005 Colorado Unit Writing Project 23

Appendix H, page 2
Healthy Diet Around the World
These should be cut out ahead of time and laminated. There are blank cards at the
end so you can add your own questions.

Name all of the food groups. Name one food from the dairy
Fats, oils and sweets, Meat and group.
beans group, Fruit group, Dairy Answers will vary.
group, Vegetable group, Grains
Name one food from the meat and Name one food from the vegetable
beans group. group.
Answers will vary. Answers will vary.

Name one food from the fruit Name one food from the grains
group. group.
Answers will vary. Answers will vary.

Name one food from the fats, oils Healthy foods give us __________
and sweets group. and ______________.
Answers will vary. Vitamins and minerals

A serving of meat, poultry or fish A medium piece of fruit is about

is about the size of a the size of a ________________.
____________________________. Baseball
deck of playing cards

Two dominoes are about the A serving of bread is about the size
serving size of _______________. of a CD so; a whole bagel would
Cheese be about _______ servings.

Second Grade Healthy Diet 2005 Colorado Unit Writing Project 24

Appendix H, page 3
Healthy Diet Around the World

You should drink plenty of Vitamins and minerals work to

__________ because your body keep your body ______________.
needs to stay healthy. Healthy

How many food groups are on the True or False

food pyramid? You should eat a variety of foods
five plus the fats, oils and sweets or from each food group.
six True

Which food group or groups does Which food group or groups do

yogurt with strawberries fit into? carrots and celery fit into?
Dairy and fruit Vegetable

Which food group or groups do Would a piece of chocolate cake be

scrambled eggs with cheese fit a healthy snack?
into? No
Meat and beans and dairy
In order to have a _____________ According to the food pyramid, I
meal, I have to eat something from should eat the __________
each food group. servings from the grains group
Balanced because it is at the bottom.
Which food group or groups does Tell me a healthy snack.
rice fit into? Answers will vary.

Second Grade Healthy Diet 2005 Colorado Unit Writing Project 25

Appendix H, page 4
Healthy Diet Around the World
True or False Would an apple and a slice of
It is healthy for me to eat plenty of cheese be a healthy snack?
sugar at every meal. Yes

For lunch today, I ate a slice of For breakfast today, I ate a bagel
pizza with cheese, pepperoni, and with cream cheese and ham and a
mushrooms on it. Which group am banana. Which group am I
I missing? missing?
Fruit group Vegetable group

Second Grade Healthy Diet 2005 Colorado Unit Writing Project 26

Appendix I, page 1
Name ______________________________ Date __________________

1. Label the food groups on the food pyramid.


___________________ __________________

_____________ ____________

2. Write one food that belongs in each food group on the food pyramid above.

3. Healthy foods give us ______________ and __________________.

a. vitamins and minerals
b. vitamins and sugar
c. exercise and minerals

4. A serving of meat, poultry or fish is about the size of ____________.

a. baseball
b. deck of playing cards
c. book

5. Your body needs plenty of ________________________, especially when it

is hot outside.

Second Grade Healthy Diet 2005 Colorado Unit Writing Project 27

Appendix I, page 2
6. Vitamins and minerals work to keep your body

Write T for true and F for false.

7. ___ There are five food groups plus the fats, oils and sweets group.
8. ___ You should eat a variety of foods from each food group.
9. ___ I don’t like vegetables so, I don’t have to eat any to be healthy.
10. ___ In order to have a balanced meal I have to eat something from the fats,
oils and sweets group.

11. The lunch lady is sick today and it is up to you to plan a balanced meal to
serve in the cafeteria. Write down what you would serve for lunch and write
each food in the correct food group on the food pyramid.

Fats, oils and sweets

Dairy group Meat and

beans group

group Fruit

Second Grade Healthy Diet 2005 Colorado Unit Writing Project 28

Appendix I, page 3
Test Answer Key
Name Answer Key (30 points possible)

1. Label the food groups on the food pyramid. (1 point for each correct label)

Fats, oils and sweets

Dairy group Meat and beans group

Vegetable group
Fruit group


2. Write one food that belongs in each food group on the food pyramid above.
Answers will vary. (1 point for each correct food with 6 points being the

3. Healthy foods give us ______________ and __________________.

a. vitamins and minerals (1 point)
b. vitamins and sugar
c. exercise and minerals

4. A serving of meat, poultry or fish is about the size of ____________.

a. baseball
b. deck of playing cards (1 point)
c. book

5. Your body needs plenty of water, especially when it is hot outside. (1 point)

Second Grade Healthy Diet 2005 Colorado Unit Writing Project 29

Appendix I, page 4
Test Answer Key
6. Vitamins and minerals work to keep your body healthy. (1 point)

Write T for true and F for false. (1 point for each)

7. T There are five food groups plus the fats, oils and sweets group.
8. T You should eat a variety of foods from each food group.
9. F I don’t like vegetables so, I don’t have to eat any to be healthy.
10. F In order to have a balanced meal I have to eat something from the fats,
oils and sweets group.

11. The lunch lady is sick today and it is up to you to plan a balanced meal to
serve in the cafeteria. Write down what you would serve for lunch and write
each food in the correct food group on the food pyramid.
Answers will vary. (5 points for a balanced meal written on the
lines. 1 point for each correct food written on the food pyramid
with 5 points being the maximum.)

Fats, oils and sweets

Dairy group Meat and

beans group

group Fruit

Second Grade Healthy Diet 2005 Colorado Unit Writing Project 30

Appendix J, page 1
Meals for a Day
Name ________________________________ Date _____________________

You and your partner are in charge of planning a whole days worth of meals and snacks. You need to use the food
pyramid and the recommend daily servings as your guide. Don’t forget to include something to drink.
M = milk group (2-3 servings), MB = meat and beans group (2-3 servings), V = vegetable group (2-5 servings), F =
fruit group (2-4 servings), G = grains group (6 servings), FOS = fats, oils and sweets group (only a little)

Breakfast: M MB V F G FOS Servings

Example: scrambled egg x 1

Snack: M MB V F G FOS Servings

Second Grade Healthy Diet 2005 Colorado Unit Writing Project 31

Appendix J, page 2
Meals for a Day
Lunch: M MB V F G FOS Servings

Snack: M MB V F G FOS Servings

Dinner: M MB V F G FOS Servings

Second Grade Healthy Diet 2005 Colorado Unit Writing Project 32

Appendix K
Checklist for Meals for a Day

Breakfast is planned
Breakfast is healthy
Snack is planned
Snack is healthy
Lunch is planned
Lunch is healthy
Snack is planned
Snack is healthy
Dinner is planned
Dinner is healthy
6 servings of grains for day
3-5 servings of vegetables
2-4 servings of fruit
2-3 servings of dairy
2-3 servings of meat and beans
Only a little of fats, oils and
*each checkmark is worth 1point

Second Grade Healthy Diet 2005 Colorado Unit Writing Project 33

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