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OECD Why We Need Corporate Governance

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Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development


Improving Business Behaviour: Why we need Corporate

Speech following the adoption of the 2004 Review of the OECD
Principles of Corporate Governance
By agreeing on these Principles, OECD governments have set the broad foundations for high standards
of corporate governance. Looking ahead, the governments of OECD countries are committed to
maintaining an open dialogue with all the parties involved so that everyone can learn and benefit from
the shared experiences of putting these Principles of Corporate Governance into practice. This is vital
to ensuring that the Principles remain relevant and effective, evolving as new issues arise.
Corporate governance is about the way in which boards oversee the running of a company by its
managers, and how board members are in turn accountable to shareholders and the company. This
has implications for company behaviour towards employees, shareholders, customers and banks. Good
corporate governance plays a vital role in underpinning the integrity and efficiency of financial
markets. Poor corporate governance weakens a companys potential and at worst can pave the way for
financial difficulties and even fraud. If companies are well governed, they will usually outperform other
companies and will be able to attract investors whose support can help to finance further growth.
Work on corporate governance has been going on at the OECD for a number of years. The OECD is an
ideal forum for such discussions, as it brings together representatives of 30 OECD member countries
as well as numerous other countries that participate in the Organisations work. Together, these
countries account for more than 90 percent of world stock market capitalisation. Their governments
have a vested interest in working on behalf of their citizens to ensure good practice in corporate
governance, as an essential element in the promotion of prosperity and economic growth.
In 1999, the OECD published its Principles of Corporate Governance, the first international code of
good corporate governance approved by governments. These Principles focus on publicly traded
companies and are intended to assist governments in improving the legal, institutional and regulatory
framework that underpins corporate governance. They also provide practical guidance and suggestions
for stock exchanges, investors, corporations, and other parties that have a role in the process of
developing good corporate governance. Corporate governance arrangements and institutions vary
from one country to another, and experience in both developed and emerging economies has shown
that there is no single framework that is appropriate for all markets, so the Principles are not
prescriptive or binding, but rather take the form of recommendations that each country can respond to
as best befits its own traditions and market conditions. Since 1999, they have been widely adopted as
a benchmark for good practice in corporate governance: they are used as one of 12 key standards by
the Financial Stability Forum for ensuring international financial stability and by the World Bank in its
work to improve corporate governance in emerging markets.
Since the Principles were first published, however, a spate of corporate scandals has undermined the
confidence of investors in financial markets and company boards. In 2002, OECD governments called
for a review of the Principles to take account of these developments. On April 22 2004, OECD

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governments approved a revised version of the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance, adding a
series of new recommendations and modifying others. The revised text is the product of a consultation
process involving OECD members and representatives from the OECD and non-OECD areas including
businesses and professional bodies, trade unions, civil society organisations and international
standard-setting bodies. They are designed to assist policy makers in both developed and emerging
markets in improving corporate governance in their jurisdictions, as a vital step in rebuilding public
trust in companies and financial markets.
The new Principles call for a stronger role for shareholders in a number of important areas, including
executive remuneration and the appointment of board members. They call on companies to make sure
that they have mechanisms to address possible conflicts of interest, to recognise and safeguard the
rights of stakeholders and a framework in which internal complaints can be heard, with adequate
protection for individual whistleblowers. They stress the responsibilities of auditors to shareholders and
the need for institutional investors acting in a fiduciary capacity such as pension funds and collective
investment schemes to be transparent and open about how they exercise their ownership rights. And
they call on company boards to be truly accountable to shareholders and to take ultimate responsibility
for their firms adherence to a high standard of corporate behaviour and ethics.
For board members, this means fostering the best interests of the company and the shareholders who
have invested their money in the company which they oversee. But it also involves establishing
productive relationships with other stakeholders such as employees and balancing their interests with
others. Recent history shows that boards in some cases have failed to play this role, condoning
remuneration packages that have no true link to performance, for example, and approving excessively
ambitious expansion projects that have undermined a companys stability. To guard against such
practices, the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance call for directors capable of exercising
independent judgement and for boards able to exercise objective independent judgement on
corporate affairs, independent, in particular from management and in many cases from controlling
shareholders and others in a position to control the company.
In almost all developed economies, investors have fairly extensive legal rights. In practice, however,
their ability to exercise them is often restricted. Company by-laws and corporate practices can impose
restrictions on investors ability to submit questions to company boards. Investors ability to propose or
oppose individual members of the board is often limited to the point of being non-existent. More open
board elections would enable shareholders to exercise their ownership rights in an effective manner.
Shareholders need to be able to pose questions to the board and to put forward proposals to the
general meeting of shareholders. Resolutions passed by shareholders should be taken into account by
boards. The revised OECD Principles contain recommendations on these points.
Class actions and other litigation on the part of shareholders can play a positive role in bringing
discipline to company boards, but mechanisms also need to be considered to avoid abuse and
disruption. Strengthening the rights of shareholders, however, should not undermine the ability of a
company to carry out its day to day activities and should not allow them to try and second-guess the
business judgements of board members. The revised Principles call on policy makers to consider the
need for mechanisms to avoid excesses in this area.
An important feature of modern financial markets is the increased weight of institutional investors.
Some, such as mutual funds and pension funds, act in a fiduciary capacity on behalf of individual
investors. Others, including insurance companies and investment banks, act in their own right. The
importance of institutional investors as owners of corporate equity has grown enormously over the
past few years, to the point where they have become the principal players in many markets. In 1999,
the value of assets owned by insurance companies, pension funds and collective investment schemes
or mutual funds amounted to the equivalent of 144% of the GDP of OECD countries, compared with
only 38% in 1980. Institutions acting in a fiduciary capacity, such as pension funds, mutual funds and
other collective investment schemes, own shares on behalf of millions of investors.
The revised Principles emphasise the important role that institutional investors can play in monitoring

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company performance and in conveying their concerns to the board of a company. They can challenge
or support the board through voting at the general meetings of shareholders and they are well placed
to take their concerns directly to the board and to propose a course of action. An increasing number of
institutional investors are actively exercising their ownership roles in this way.
However, the exercise of informed ownership through monitoring is costly and institutional investors
are also subject to possible conflicts of interest, for example in cases where other commercial relations
with the firm in question may take precedence over what might be a desirable course of action from an
ownership perspective. Nor do all institutional investors have the same incentive for exercising
ownership rights. As a result the Principles focus on those acting in a fiduciary capacity. Such
institutions, either for prudential or other regulatory reasons or as a result of their investment
strategy, may hold only small stakes in individual companies and so have little incentive to monitor
these firms closely. In such cases, these institutional investors role as owner could be enhanced by
exchanging information and plans with other shareholders, leading to coordinated action. This is now
happening in some countries, with institutional shareholders pooling their shares in order to attain the
thresholds needed for them to be able to take specific action. However, barriers do remain in part
related to concern that such coordination could be either anti-competitive or subvert takeover law.
The revised Principles contain recommendations to governments for policy action in these areas.
For investors to exercise their shareholder rights, they need to be properly informed. This calls for a
minimum level of transparency and disclosure on the part of companies. The revised OECD Principles
address a range of aspects of this requirement, from the internal preparation of financial reports and
internal controls through to the role of the board in approving the disclosure, the accounting standards
being used and the integrity of the external audit process. A number of countries have introduced
public oversight of the setting of accounting and audit standards. A growing number of countries also
restrict the non-audit services that auditors can offer their clients, so as to avoid creating business
interests that might undermine the independence of the audit process. These are areas covered by
recommendations in the revised Principles.
Markets work best when information is available to all. Companies have a responsibility in this area,
but other intermediaries, such as brokers, analysts and rating agencies, also play an important role.
Here, too, the revised OECD Principles call for measures to ensure independence and transparency and
to counter possible conflicts of interest.
The revised Principles emphasise the need for effective regulatory systems that ensure that the
potential for damaging conflicts of interest remains limited and that there is a level playing field among
the major participants in corporate governance, for example, through protection of minority
shareholders. Effective implementation and enforcement require that laws and regulations are
designed in a way that makes them possible to implement and enforce in an efficient and credible
fashion. Supervisory, regulatory and enforcement authorities should have the power, integrity and
resources to act professionally and objectively. The division of authority between agencies and
supervisory bodies should be well defined and they should pursue their function in an unbiased and
even-handed manner without serious conflicts of interest.
By agreeing on these Principles, OECD governments have set the broad foundations for high standards
of corporate governance. The legislation needed to enforce these standards is the responsibility of
individual governments, and in enacting it, governments and policy makers need to find a balance
between rules and regulations on one hand and flexibility on the other. Looking ahead, the
governments of OECD countries are committed to maintaining an open dialogue with all the parties
involved so that everyone can learn and benefit from the shared experiences of putting these
Principles of Corporate Governance into practice. This is vital to ensuring that the Principles remain
relevant and effective, evolving as new issues arise.
Related documents:
OECD Principles of Corporate Governance (English)

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