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Peptic Ulcer

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Peptic ulcers are chronic, most often solitary, lesions that occur in any portion of the
gastrointestinal tract exposed to the aggressive action of acid/peptic juices. Peptic ulcers are
usually solitary lesions less than 4 cm in diameter, located in the following sites, in order of
decreasing frequency:[28]

Duodenum, first portion

Stomach, usually antrum

At the gastroesophageal junction, in the setting of gastroesophageal reflux or Barrett


Within the margins of a gastrojejunostomy

In the duodenum, stomach, and/or jejunum of patients with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome

Within or adjacent to an ileal Meckel diverticulum that contains ectopic gastric mucosa.

In the United States, approximately 4 million people have peptic ulcers (duodenal and gastric), and
350,000 new cases are diagnosed each year. Around 180,000 patients are hospitalized yearly, and
about 5000 people die each year as a result of peptic ulcer disease.[28] The lifetime likelihood of
developing a peptic ulcer is about 10% for American males and 4% for females.
Peptic ulcers are relapsing lesions that are most often diagnosed in middle-aged to older adults,
but they may first become evident in young adult life. They often appear without obvious
precipitating conditions and may then, after a period of weeks to months of active disease, heal
with or without therapy. Even with healing, however, the tendency to develop peptic ulcers remains,
in part because of recurrent infections with H. pylori. Although it is difficult to obtain estimates of the
prevalence of active disease, autopsy studies and population surveys indicate a prevalence of 6%
to 14% for men and 2% to 6% for women. The male-to-female ratio for duodenal ulcers is about 3:1,
and for gastric ulcers about 1.5 to 2:1. Women are most often affected at or after menopause. For
unknown reasons, there has been a significant decrease in the prevalence of duodenal ulcers over
the past decades but little change in the prevalence of gastric ulcers.
Peptic ulcers are produced by an imbalance between gastroduodenal mucosal defense
mechanisms and the damaging forces,[29] particularly gastric acid and pepsin ( Fig. 17-17 ).
However, hyperacidity is not a prerequisite, as only a minority of patients with duodenal ulcers has
hyperacidity, and it is even less common in those with gastric ulcers. Rather, gastric ulceration
occurs when mucosal defenses fail, as when mucosal blood flow drops, gastric emptying is
delayed, or epithelial restitution is impaired.

Figure 17-17 Diagram of causes of, and defense mechanisms against, peptic ulceration.
Diagram of the base of a nonperforated peptic ulcer, demonstrating the layers of necrosis (N),
inflammation (I), granulation tissue (G), and scar (S), moving from the luminal surface at the
top to the muscle wall at the bottom.

H. pylori infection is a major factor in the pathogenesis of peptic ulcer. It is present in virtually all
patients with duodenal ulcers and in about 70% of those with gastric ulcers. Furthermore, antibiotic
treatment of H. pylori infection promotes healing of ulcers and tends to prevent their recurrence.
Hence, much interest is focused on the possible mechanisms by which this tiny spiral organism tips
the balance of mucosal defenses. Some likely possibilities include:

Although H. pylori does not invade the tissues, it induces an intense inflammatory and immune
response. There is increased production of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin
(IL)-1, IL-6, tumor necrosis factor (TNF), and, most notably, IL-8. This cytokine is produced by
the mucosal epithelial cells, and it recruits and activates neutrophils.

Several bacterial gene products are involved in causing epithelial cell injury and induction of
inflammation. H.pylori secretes a urease that breaks down urea to form toxic compounds such
as ammonium chloride and monochloramine. The organisms also elaborate phospholipases
that damage surface epithelial cells. Bacterial proteases and phospholipases break down the
glycoprotein-lipid complexes in the gastric mucus, thus weakening the first line of mucosal

H. pylori enhances gastric acid secretion and impairs duodenal bicarbonate production, thus
reducing luminal pH in the duodenum. This altered milieu seems to favor gastric metaplasia

(the presence of gastric epithelium) in the first part of the duodenum. Such metaplastic foci
provide areas for H. pylori colonization.

Several H. pylori proteins are immunogenic, and they evoke a robust immune response in the
mucosa. Both activated T cells and B cells can be seen in chronic gastritis caused by H. pylori.
The B lymphocytes aggregate to form follicles. The role of T and B cells in causing epithelial
injury is not established, but T-cell-driven activation of B cells may be involved in the
pathogenesis of gastric lymphomas.

Thrombotic occlusion of surface capillaries is promoted by a bacterial platelet-activating factor.

Other antigens (including lipopolysaccharide) recruit inflammatory cells to the mucosa. The
chronically inflamed mucosa is more susceptible to acid injury.

Damage to the mucosa is thought to permit leakage of tissue nutrients into the surface
microenvironment, thereby sustaining the bacillus.

With the unraveling of the H. pylori genome, the basis of the pathogenicity of this organism is
beginning to be understood.[22][30] Over 80% of patients with duodenal ulcers are infected by strains
that are cytotoxin-associated antigen (CagA) positive. This antigen elicits a strong serologic
response, but more importantly it is a marker for the Cag pathogenicity island, a 37 kb DNA
fragment that encodes 29 genes, some of which are involved in the pro-inflammatory and tissue
damaging effects of H. pylori. In keeping with this, infection with Cag positive strains is associated
with greater number of organisms in the tissue, more severe epithelial damage, greater acute and
chronic inflammation, higher likelihood of peptic ulceration and an increased risk for gastric cancer
(discussed later). One of the important genes regulated by CagA is the vacuolating toxin (VacA);
the CagA gene is essential for the expression of VacA. This toxin causes cell injury (characterized
by vacuole formation) in vitro and gastric tissue damage in vivo. VacA also behaves as a passive
urea transporter thereby increasing the permeability of the epithelium to urea. As discussed above,
urea is broken down into toxic intermediates by bacterial urease.
Only 10% to 20% of individuals worldwide infected with H. pylori actually develop peptic ulcer. Why
most infected persons are spared and some are susceptible remains an enigma. Perhaps there are
unknown interactions between H. pylori and the mucosa that occur only in some individuals.
Another perplexing observation is that in patients with duodenal ulcer, the actual infection by H.
pylori is limited to the stomach. Increased acid production by H. pylori infection seems to play a role.
Suffice it to say that while the link between H. pylori infection and gastric and duodenal ulcers is
well established, the interactions leading to ulceration remain to be defined.
Other events may act alone or in concert with H. pylori to promote peptic ulceration. Gastric
hyperacidity, when present, may be strongly ulcerogenic. Hyperacidity may arise from increased
parietal cell mass, increased sensitivity to secretory stimuli, increased basal acid secretory drive, or
impaired inhibition of stimulatory mechanisms such as gastrin release. The classic example is
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, in which there are multiple peptic ulcerations in the stomach,
duodenum, and even jejunum, owing to excess gastrin secretion by a tumor and, hence, excess
gastric acid production.

Chronic use of NSAIDs suppresses mucosal prostaglandin synthesis; aspirin also is a direct irritant.
Cigarette smoking impairs mucosal blood flow and healing. Alcohol has not been proved to directly
cause peptic ulceration, but alcoholic cirrhosis is associated with an increased incidence of peptic
ulcers. Corticosteroids in high dose and with repeated use promote ulcer formation. In some
patients with duodenal ulcers, there is too-rapid gastric emptying, exposing the duodenal mucosa
to an excessive acid load. Duodenal ulcer also is more frequent in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis,
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic renal failure, and hyperparathyroidism. In the latter
two conditions, hypercalcemia stimulates gastrin production and therefore acid secretion. Genetic
influences appear to play no major role in peptic ulceration. Finally, there are compelling
arguments that personality and psychological stress are important contributing factors, even
though hard data on cause and effect are lacking. Indeed, we might develop ulcers by trying to
fathom their cause(s).
At least 98% of peptic ulcers are located in the first portion of the duodenum or in the stomach, in a
ratio of about 4:1. Most duodenal ulcers occur within a few centimeters of the pyloric ring. The
anterior wall of the duodenum is affected more often than the posterior wall. Gastric ulcers are
predominantly located along the lesser curvature, in or around the border zone between the oxyntic
mucosa and the antral mucosa. Less commonly, gastric ulcers may occur on the anterior or
posterior walls, or along the greater curvature. Although the great majority of individuals have a
single ulcer, in 10% to 20% of patients with gastric ulceration there may be a coexistent duodenal
Wherever they occur, chronic peptic ulcers have a fairly standard, virtually diagnostic gross
appearance ( Fig. 17-18 ). Small lesions (<0.3 cm) are most likely to be shallow erosions; those
over 0.6 cm are likely to be ulcers. Although over 50% of peptic ulcers have a diameter less than 2
cm, about 10% of benign ulcers are greater than 4 cm. Since carcinomatous ulcers may be less
than 4 cm in diameter and may be located anywhere in the stomach, size and location do not
differentiate a benign from a malignant ulcer.

Figure 17-18 Peptic ulcer of the duodenum. Note that the ulcer is small (2 cm) with a sharply
punched-out appearance. Unlike cancerous ulcers, the margins are not elevated. The ulcer
base is clean. (Courtesy of Robin Foss, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.)

The classic peptic ulcer is a round to oval, sharply punched-out defect with relatively straight walls.
The mucosal margin may overhang the base slightly, particularly on the upstream portion of the
circumference. The margins are usually level with the surrounding mucosa or only slightly elevated.
Heaping-up of these margins is rare in the benign ulcer but is characteristic of the malignant lesion.
The depth of these ulcers varies, from superficial lesions involving only the mucosa and muscularis
mucosa to deeply excavated ulcers having their bases on the muscularis propria. When the entire
wall is penetrated, the base of the ulcer may be formed by adherent pancreas, omental fat, or liver.
Free perforation into the peritoneal cavity may occur.
The base of a peptic ulcer is smooth and clean, owing to peptic digestion of any exudate that may
form. At times, thrombosed or even patent blood vessels (the source of life-threatening
hemorrhage) are evident in the base of the ulcer. Scarring may involve the entire thickness of the
stomach; puckering of the surrounding mucosa creates mucosal folds that radiate from the crater in
spokelike fashion. The gastric mucosa surrounding a gastric ulcer is somewhat edematous and
reddened, owing to the almost invariable gastritis.
The histologic appearance varies from active necrosis, to chronic inflammation and scarring, to
healing (see Fig. 2-26 , Chapter 2). In active ulcers with ongoing necrosis, four zones are
demonstrable: (1) the base and margins have a superficial thin layer of necrotic fibrinoid debris not
visible to the naked eye; (2) beneath this layer is a zone of non-specific inflammatory infiltrate, with
neutrophils predominating; (3) in the deeper layers, especially in the base of the ulcer, there is
active granulation tissue infiltrated with mononuclear leukocytes; and (4) the granulation tissue
rests on a more solid fibrous or collagenous scar. Vessel walls within the scarred area are typically
thickened by the surrounding inflammation and are occasionally thrombosed.
Chronic gastritis is virtually universal among patients with peptic ulcer disease, occurring in 85% to
100% of patients with duodenal ulcers and in 65% with gastric ulcers. H. pylori infection is almost
always demonstrable in patients with gastritis. Gastritis remains after the ulcer has healed;
recurrence of the ulcer does not appear to be related to progression of the gastritis. This feature is
helpful in distinguishing peptic ulcers from acute erosive gastritis or stress ulcers, since the
adjacent mucosa is generally normal in the latter two conditions.
Clinical Features.
The great majority of peptic ulcers cause epigastric gnawing, burning, or aching pain. A significant
minority first comes to light with complications such as iron-deficiency anemia, frank hemorrhage,
or perforation. The pain tends to be worse at night and occurs usually 1 to 3 hours after meals
during the day. Classically, the pain is relieved by alkalis or food, but there are many exceptions.
Nausea, vomiting, bloating, belching, and significant weight loss (raising the possibility of some
hidden malignancy) are additional manifestations. With penetrating ulcers, the pain is occasionally
referred to the back, the left upper quadrant, or chest. This type of pain may be misinterpreted as
being of cardiac origin.

Peptic ulcers are notoriously chronic, recurring lesions. They more often impair the quality of life
than shorten it. When untreated, it takes an average of 15 years for healing a duodenal or gastric
ulcer. With present-day therapies aimed at neutralization of gastric acid, promotion of mucus
secretion, inhibition of acid secretion (H2 receptor antagonists and parietal cell H+,K+-ATPase pump
inhibitors), and eradication of H. pylori infection, most ulcers heal within a few weeks, and victims
usually escape the surgeon's knife.
The complications of peptic ulcer disease are listed in Table 17-3 . Malignant transformation does
not occur with duodenal ulcers and is extremely rare with gastric ulcers. When it occurs, it is always
possible that a seemingly benign lesion was, from the outset, a deceptive ulcerative gastric

Table 17-3

-- Complications of Peptic Ulcer Disease

? Occurs in 15% to 20% of patients
? Most frequent complication
? May be life-threatening
? Accounts for 25% of ulcer deaths
? May be the first indication of an ulcer
? Occurs in about 5% of patients
? Accounts for two thirds of ulcer deaths
? Rarely, is the first indication of an ulcer
Obstruction from edema or scarring
? Occurs in about 2% of patients
? Most often due to pyloric channel ulcers
? May also occur with duodenal ulcers
? Causes incapacitating, crampy abdominal pain
? Rarely, may lead to total obstruction with intractable vomiting


Focal, acutely developing gastric mucosal defects are a well-known complication of therapy with
NSAIDs. Alternatively, they may appear following severe physiologic stress, whatever its
naturehence the term stress ulcers. Generally, there are multiple lesions located mainly in the
stomach and occasionally in the duodenum. They range in depth from mere shedding of the
superficial epithelium (erosion) to deeper lesions that involve the entire mucosal thickness

(ulceration). The shallow erosions are, in essence, an extension of acute erosive gastritis. The
deeper lesions comprise well-defined ulcerations, but they are not precursors of chronic peptic
Stress erosions and ulcers are most commonly encountered in patients with shock, extensive
burns, sepsis, or severe trauma; in any intracranial injury that raises intracranial pressure; and
following intracranial surgery. Those occurring in the proximal duodenum and associated with
severe burns or trauma are called Curling ulcers. Gastric, duodenal, and esophageal ulcers arising
in patients with intracranial injury, operations, or tumors are designated Cushing ulcers and carry a
high incidence of perforation.
The genesis of the acute mucosal defects in these varied clinical settings is poorly understood. No
doubt, many factors are shared with acute gastritis, such as impaired oxygenation. NSAID-induced
ulcers are related to decreased prostaglandin production from the inhibition of cyclooxygenase. In
the case of lesions associated with intracranial injury, the proposed mechanism involves the direct
stimulation of vagal nuclei by increased intracranial pressure, leading to hypersecretion of gastric
acid, which is common in these patients. Systemic acidosis, a frequent finding in these clinical
settings, may contribute to mucosal injury by lowering the intracellular pH of mucosal cells. These
cells are also hypoxic as a consequence of stress-induced splanchnic vasoconstriction.
Acute stress ulcers are usually less than 1 cm in diameter and are circular and small. The ulcer
base is frequently stained a dark brown by the acid digestion of extruded blood ( Fig. 17-19 ).
Unlike chronic peptic ulcers, acute stress ulcers are found anywhere in the stomach, the gastric
rugal pattern is essentially normal and the margins and base of the ulcers are not indurated. While
they may occur singly, more often there are multiple stress ulcers throughout the stomach and
duodenum. Microscopically, acute stress ulcers are abrupt lesions, with essentially unremarkable
adjacent mucosa. Depending on the duration of the ulceration, there may be a suffusion of blood
into the mucosa and submucosa and some inflammatory reaction. Conspicuously absent are
scarring and thickening of blood vessels, as seen in chronic peptic ulcers. Healing with complete
reepithelialization occurs after the causative factors are removed. The time required for complete
healing varies from days to several weeks.

Figure 17-19 Multiple stress ulcers of the stomach, highlighted by dark digested blood on

their surfaces.

Clinical Features.
Most critically ill patients admitted to hospital intensive care units develop histologic evidence of
gastric mucosal damage. Bleeding from superficial gastric erosions or ulcers sufficient to require
transfusion develops in 1% to 4% of these patients. Although prophylactic H2-receptor antagonists
and proton pump inhibitors may blunt the impact of stress ulceration, the single most important
determinant of clinical outcome is the ability to correct the underlying condition(s). The gastric
mucosa can recover completely if the patients do not succumb to their primary disease.

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