A Note On The Partition Dimension of Cartesian Product Graphs
A Note On The Partition Dimension of Cartesian Product Graphs
A Note On The Partition Dimension of Cartesian Product Graphs
The concepts of resolvability and location in graphs were described independently by Harary and Melter [9] and Slater [17], to define the same structure
in a graph. After these papers were published several authors developed diverse theoretical works about this topic [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 14]. Slater described
the usefulness of these ideas into long range aids to navigation [17]. Also,
these concepts have some applications in chemistry for representing chemical
compounds [12, 13] or to problems of pattern recognition and image processing, some of which involve the use of hierarchical data structures [15].
Other applications of this concept to navigation of robots in networks and
other areas appear in [5, 11, 14]. Some variations on resolvability or location
have been appearing in the literature, like those about conditional resolvability [16], locating domination [10], resolving domination [1] and resolving
partitions [4, 7, 8].
Given a graph G = (V, E) and an ordered set of vertices S = {v1 , v2 , ..., vk }
of G, the metric representation of a vertex v V with respect to S is the
vector r(v|S) = (d(v, v1 ), d(v, v2), ..., d(v, vk )), where d(v, vi ), with 1 i k,
denotes the distance between the vertices v and vi . We say that S is a resolving set of G if for every pair of distinct vertices u, v V , r(u|S) 6= r(v|S).
The metric dimension1 of G is the minimum cardinality of any resolving set
of G, and it is denoted by dim(G). The metric dimension of graphs is studied
in [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 18].
Given an ordered partition = {P1 , P2 , ..., Pt } of the vertices of G, the
partition representation of a vertex v V with respect to the partition
is the vector r(v|) = (d(v, P1), d(v, P2), ..., d(v, Pt )), where d(v, Pi ), with
1 i t, represents the distance between the vertex v and the set Pi , that
is d(v, Pi ) = minuPi {d(v, u)}. We say that is a resolving partition of G if
for every pair of distinct vertices u, v V , r(u|) 6= r(v|). The partition
dimension of G is the minimum number of sets in any resolving partition of
G and it is denoted by pd(G). The partition dimension of graphs is studied
in [4, 7, 8, 18]. It is natural to think that the partition dimension and metric
dimension are related; in [7] it was shown that for any nontrivial connected
graph G we have
pd(G) dim(G) + 1.
The study of relationships between invariants of Cartesian product graphs
and invariants of its factors appears frequently in research about graph theory. In the case of resolvability, the relationships between the metric dimension of the Cartesian product graphs and the metric dimension of its
factors was studied in [2, 3]. An open problem on the dimension of Cartesian
product graphs is to prove (or finding a counterexample) that for all pairs
of graphs G, H; dim(G H) dim(G) + dim(H). In the present paper we
study the case of resolving partition in Cartesian product graphs, by giving some relationships between the partition dimension of Cartesian product
graphs and the partition dimension of its factors. More precisely, we show
that for all pairs of connected graphs G, H; pd(G H) pd(G) + pd(H) and
pd(G H) pd(G) + dim(H). Consequently, we show that pd(G H)
dim(G) + dim(H) + 1.
We recall that the Cartesian product of two graphs G1 = (V1 , E1 ) and
G2 = (V2 , E2 ) is the graph G1 G2 = (V, E), such that V = {(a, b) : a
V1 , b V2 } and two vertices (a, b) V and (c, d) V are adjacent in G1 G2
if and only if, either a = c and bd E2 or b = d and ac E1 .
The following well known fact will be used several times.
Remark 1. Let the graph Gi = (Vi , Ei ) and let Si Vi , i {1, 2}. For every
(a, b) V1 V2 , it follows dG1 G2 ((a, b), S1 S2 ) = dG1 (a, S1 ) + dG2 (b, S2 ).
Open problems
1. To prove (or finding a counterexample) that for all pairs of graphs G, H;
dim(G H) dim(G) + dim(H).
2. To provide lower bounds for pd(G H).
This work was partly supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through projects TSI2007-65406-C03-01 E-AEGIS and Consolider
Ingenio 2010 CSD2007-0004 ARES.
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