Lecture Notes On Sparse Color-Critical Graphs: Alexandr Kostochka
Lecture Notes On Sparse Color-Critical Graphs: Alexandr Kostochka
Lecture Notes On Sparse Color-Critical Graphs: Alexandr Kostochka
Alexandr Kostochka
1 Introduction
This text together with the attached paper [8] surveys results on color-critical graphs, with emphasis
on sparse ones. The first two sections discuss the important contributions by Dirac and Gallai
and present proofs of some remarkable results of them. The next two sections discuss the later
progress and a number of applications of the recent results. We also use [8] for description of
some applications. In Section 6 we present a proof for 4-critical graphs of a conjecture of Gallai on
sparsest color-critical graphs. In the last section, we briefly survey similar problems for hypergraphs
and triangle-free graphs and mention some unsolved problems.
Recall that a (proper) k-coloring of a graph G is a mapping g : V (G) → {1, . . . , k} such that
g(v) 6= g(u) for each vu ∈ E(G). The minimum k such that G has a k-coloring is the chromatic
number of G, denoted by χ(G).
For a positive integer k, a graph G is k-critical if χ(G) = k, but every proper subgraph of G is
(k − 1)-colorable.
It is easy to check that the complete k-vertex graph Kk is k-critical and that each odd cycle is
Exercise 1. Let k ≥ 3. Prove that there are no k-critical (k + 1)-vertex graphs. Describe all
k-critical (k + 2)-vertex graphs.
2 Dirac
Dirac [10, 11, 12, 20, 15, 22, 19] introduced the notion of k-critical graphs and started a systematic
study of them.
Lemma 1 (Dirac [15]). Let k ≥ 3 and let G be a k-critical graph. Then G is (k −1)-edge-connected.
In particular, δ(G) ≥ k − 1.
Proof (Kopon). Suppose that V (G) has a partition V (G) = V1 ∪ V2 into nonempty sets such
that |EG (V1 , V2 )| = t ≤ k − 2. Let EG (V1 , V2 ) = {x1 y1 , . . . , xt yt }, where {x1 , . . . , xt } ⊆ V1 and
{y1 , . . . , yt } ⊆ V2 (the vertices x1 , . . . , xt (respectively, y1 , . . . , yt ) do not need to be distinct). For
i = 1, 2, let Gi = G[Vi ]. Since G1 and G2 are proper subgraphs of G, by the definition of k-critical
graphs, for i = 1, 2, graph Gi has a proper (k − 1)-coloring gi with colors 1, . . . , k − 1.
There are (k − 1)! ways to rename the colors in g2 with 1, . . . , k − 1. For every 1 ≤ j ≤ t,
the number of color permutations such that g2 (yj ) = g1 (xj ) is (k − 2)!. Hence there are at least
(k − 1)! − t(k − 2)! = (k − 2)!(k − 1 − t) ≥ (k − 2)! permutations such that g2 (yj ) 6= g1 (xj ) for all
j = 1, . . . , t. Any such permutation yields a proper (k − 1)-coloring g of G; a contradiction. 2
Exercise 2 (Toft). Let k ≥ 3 and let G be a k-critical graph. Suppose V (G) has a partition V (G) =
V1 ∪ V2 into nonempty sets such that |EG (V1 , V2 )| = k − 1. Let EG (V1 , V2 ) = {x1 y1 , . . . , xk−1 yk−1 },
where {x1 , . . . , xk−1 } ⊆ V1 and {y1 , . . . , yk−2 } ⊆ V2 . For i = 1, 2, let Gi = G[Vi ]. Then one of the
following holds:
(1) for each (k − 1)-coloring of G1 , the colors of all x1 , . . . , xk−1 are the same and for each (k − 1)-
coloring of G2 , the colors of all y1 , . . . , yk−1 are distinct;
(2) for each (k − 1)-coloring of G1 , the colors of all x1 , . . . , xk−1 are distinct and for each (k − 1)-
coloring of G2 , the colors of all y1 , . . . , yk−1 are the same.
Already this simple lemma yields the Heawood Formula for the chromatic number of graphs
embeddable into surfaces of a given genus.
Theorem 2 (Heawood,
j √1890).k If G is graph embeddable into an orientable surface Sγ of genus
γ ≥ 1, then χ(G) ≤ 7+ 1+48γ
2 .
Proof. Let c := cγ := 7+ 1+48γ
2 . Suppose χ(G) > c. Then G contains a (bcc + 1)-critical
subgraph G . Let n = |V (G )|, e = |E(G0 )| and f be the number of faces in an embedding of G0
0 0
into Sγ . Then n > c. From the Euler Formula n − e + f = 2(1 − γ) and the fact that 3f ≤ 2e, we
2e 12(γ − 1) 12(γ − 1)
≤6+ ≤6+ . (1)
n n c
Since c is a root of the equation c2 − 7c − 12(γ − 1) = 0, we have 6 + c = c − 1, so (1) yields
n ≤ c − 1. But by Lemma 1, n ≥ δ(G ) ≥ bcc, a contradiction. 2
2e 2e 0
In a series of papers [13, 14, 16, 17, 18], Dirac sharpened Theorem 2 by showing that for γ ≥ 1
every graph embeddable into Sγ and having chromatic number bcγ c contains the complete graph
with bcγ c vertices. For this he used properties of critical graphs with few vertices, but a really
short proof he obtained in [18] by using the following general lower bound on the number of edges
in critical graphs.
Proof (Deuber, A.K., Sachs). For a graph F , let (F ) := 2|E(F )| − (k − 1)|V (F )|. Then the
theorem is equivalent to the assertion that if k ≥ 4, then
We will use induction on |V (G)| for a fixed k ≥ 4. So, let G be a smallest k-critical graph G
distinct from Kk for which (3) does not hold.
If y, z ∈ V (G) and yz ∈/ E(G), then H(G; y, z) is the graph obtained from G by gluing y and
z into one vertex. Then χ(H(G; y, z)) ≥ χ(G) = k. So, H(G; y, z) contains a k-critical subgraph
G∗ = G∗ (y, z). Since G itself is k-critical,
y ∗ z ∈ V (G∗ ). (4)
x ∈ U. (5)
It implies that
(G) ≥ (G∗ ) + (dG (u) − k + 1) − (k − 1) + eG (U, V (G) − U ) + 2|(NG (y) ∩ NG (z)) − U |. (6)
We claim that
G∗ ∼
= Kk for any x, y, z ∈ V (G) with dG (x) = k − 1, xy, xz ∈ E(G) and yz ∈
/ E(G). (7)
2 ≤ |UW | ≤ k − 2. (8)
Case 1: j := |UW | = k −2. Let S := V (G∗ )−y1 ∗z1 . By (7), G[S] = Kk−1 . Let S 0 := S ∩N (y1 ),
s := |S 0 |, and S 00 = S − S 0 . Since G∗ = Kk , S 00 ⊂ NG (z1 ) and so dG (z1 ) ≥ (|W | − 1) + |S 00 | =
k − 2 + (k − 1 − s). Thus if dG (v) ≥ k for each v ∈ S 0 , then (G) ≥ (dG (z1 ) − k + 1) + s ≥ k − 2,
a contradiction. Hence we may assume that S 0 contains a vertex x0 with dG (x0 ) = k − 1 and hence
by the choice of W and x1 ,
s ≤ |W1 |. (9)
Also, since G does not contain Kk , 1 ≤ s ≤ k − 2 and 1 ≤ |W1 | ≤ k − 2. By the choice of z1 and (9),
a contradiction. 2
Example 1 (Dirac). Let k ≥ 4. Every graph G in the family D(k) has 2k − 1 vertices partitioned
into 3 sets: V0 , V1 and V2 , where |V0 | = 2, |V1 | = k − 1 and |V2 | = k − 2. We have G[V1 ] = Kk−1 ,
G[V2 ] = Kk−2 , each v ∈ V2 is adjacent to both vertices in V0 , and each vertex in V1 is adjacent to
exactly one vertex in V0 . Furthermore each of the two vertices in V0 has a neighbor in V1 . There
are no other edges.
Exercise 3 (Dirac). Let k ≥ 5. Prove that each graph G ∈ D(k) is k-critical and has 0.5((k −
1)|V (G)| + k − 3) edges, i.e., is a sharpness example for Theorem 3.
Exercise 4 (Dirac). Let k ≥ 5. Extending the ideas of a proof of Theorem 3, show that every
k-critical graph G distinct from Kk and not belonging to D(k) satisfies (G) ≥ k − 1.
Exercise 5. Using Theorem 3, mimic the proof of Theorem 2 to prove the Dirac’s result that for
γ ≥ 1, every graph embeddable into Sγ with chromatic number bcγ c contains the complete graph on
bcγ c vertices.
3 Gallai
In his fundamental papers [25] and [26], Gallai proved a series of important properties of color-
critical graphs.
Theorem 5 (Gallai). Let k ≥ 4 and G be a k-critical graph. Let B = B(G) be the set of vertices
of degree k − 1 in G. Then each block of G[B] is a complete graph or an odd cycle.
Let f (n, k) denote the minimum number of edges in an n-vertex k-critical graph. Then f (k, k) =
2 and f (k + 1, k) is not well defined. Theorem 3 states that if k ≥ 4 and n ≥ k + 2, then
f (n, k) ≥ 12 ((k − 1)n + k − 3). Using Theorem 4, Gallai found exact values of f (n, k) for small n.
Theorem 6 (Gallai). If k ≥ 4 and k + 2 ≤ n ≤ 2k − 1, then
f (n, k) = ((k − 1)n + (n − k)(2k − n)) − 1.
Note that the function is quadratic in k.
Theorem 5 in turn implies the following lower bound on f (n, k).
Lemma 8. Let k ≥ 4 and let T be an n-vertex Gallai tree with maximum degree ∆(T ) ≤ k − 1 not
containing Kk . Then
2|E(T )| ≤ k − 2 + n. (11)
Proof. If T is a block, then, since T ∼6 Kk and k ≥ 4, ∆(T ) ≤ k − 2 which is stronger than (11).
Suppose (11) holds for all Gallai trees with at most s blocks and T is a Gallai tree with s + 1
blocks. Let B be a leaf block in T and x be the cut vertex in V (B). Let D := ∆(B).
Case 1: D ≤ k − 3. Let T 0 := T − (V (B) − {x}). Then T0 is a Gallai tree with s blocks. So
0 0 2
2|E(T )| = 2|E(T )| + D|V (B)| and, by induction, 2|E(T )| ≤ k − 2 + k−1 (n − |V (B)| + 1). If
B = Kr , then r = D + 1 ≤ k − 2. So in this case
2|E(T )| − k − 2 + n
2 2
≤ k−2+ (n − D) + D(D + 1) − k − 2 + n
k−1 k−1
2 2
= D −k + 2 − + D + 1 ≤ −D < 0,
k−1 k−1
as claimed. Similarly, if B = Ct , then, by the case, k ≥ 5 and
2|E(T )| − k − 2 + n
2 2
≤ k−2+ (n − t + 1) + 2t − n k − 2 +
k−1 k−1
= (t − 1) −k + 2 − + 2 + 2 < 2 (−k + 4) + 2 ≤ 0.
Case 2: D = k − 2. Since ∆(T ) ≤ k − 1, only one block B 0 apart from B may contain x
and this B 0 must be K2 . Let T 00 = T − V (B). Then T 00 is a Gallai tree with s − 1 blocks. So
2|E(T )| = 2|E(T 00 )| + D|V (B)| + 2 and, by induction, 2|(T 00 )| ≤ k − 2 + k−12
(n − |V (B)|). Hence
in this case, since |V (B)| ≥ D + 1 = k − 1,
2|E(T )| − k − 2 + n
2 2
≤ k−2+ (n − |V (B)|) + (k − 2)|V (B)| + 2 − k − 2 + n
k−1 k−1
2 2
= |V (B)| −k + 2 − +k−2 +2≤− |V (B)| + 2 ≤ 0,
k−1 k−1
again. 2
Proof of Theorem 7. We use discharging. Let G be an n-vertex k-critical graph distinct from
Kk . By Lemma 1, the minimum degree of G is at least k − 1. The initial charge of each vertex
v ∈ V (G) is ch(v) := dG (v). The only discharging rule is this:
(R1) Each vertex v ∈ V (G) with dG (v) ≥ k sends to each neighbor the charge kk−1
2 −3 .
Denote the new charge of each vertex v by ch∗ (v). We will show that
∗ k−3
ch (v) ≥ k − 1 + 2 n. (12)
k −3
v∈V (G)
3.2 List coloring and proving Theorem 5
The original proof of Theorem 5 was difficult, but the notion of list coloring as a biproduct yields a
significantly simpler proof. This notion was introduced by Vizing [57] and independently by Erdős,
Rubin and Taylor [23].
A list L for a graph G is a map L : V (G) → Pow(Z>0 ) that assigns to each vertex v ∈ V (G)
a set L(v) ⊆ Z>0 . An L-coloring of G is a mapping f : V (G) → Z>0 such that f (v) ∈ L(v) for
each v ∈ V (G) and f (v) 6= f (u) whenever vu ∈ E(G). The list chromatic number, χ` (G), is the
minimum k such that G has an L-coloring for each L satisfying |L(v)| = k for every v ∈ V (G).
Since G is k-colorable if and only if it is L-colorable with the list L : v 7→ [k], we have χ` (G) ≥
χ(G) for every G; however, the difference χ` (G) − χ(G) can be arbitrarily large. Moreover, graphs
with chromatic number 2 may have arbitrarily high list chromatic number. While 2-colorable
graphs may have arbitrarily high minimum degree, Alon [2] showed that χ` (G) ≥ (1/2 − o(1)) log2 δ
for each graph G with minimum degree δ. On the other hand, some well-known upper bounds on
χ(G) in terms of vertex degrees hold for χ` (G) as well. For example, Brooks’ theorem [9] and the
degeneracy upper bound hold for χ` (G). The following simple fact also holds.
Lemma 9 (Vizing [57]). Suppose that G is a connected graph and L is a list for G such that
|L(v)| ≥ dG (v) for every v ∈ V (G), and there is x ∈ V (G) with |L(x)| > dG (v). Then G is
Proof. Suppose the lemma does not hold and choose a counter-example (G, L) with smallest
|V (G)|. Consider (G − x, L). Then each component Ci of G − x has a vertex zi adjacent to x
and hence with |L(zi ) > dG−x (zi ). By induction, each of Ci and hence the whole G − x has an L-
coloring. We now can choose a color for x from L(x) distinct from the colors of all dG (x) neighbors
of x. 2
Furthermore, Borodin [4, 5] and independently Erdős, Rubin, and Taylor [23] generalized Brooks’
Theorem to degree lists. Recall that a list L for a graph G is a degree list if |L(v)| = dG (v) for
every v ∈ V (G).
Theorem 10 ([4, 5, 23]; a simple proof in [34]). Suppose that G is a connected graph. Then G is
not L-colorable for some degree list L if and only if each block of G is either a complete graph or
an odd cycle.
Proof. Suppose there exists a pair (G, L), where G is a connected graph that is not a Gallai
tree and L is a list for G with |L(v)| ≥ dG (v) for each v ∈ V (G) such that G is not L-colorable.
We may assume that (G, L) is such a pair with the smallest |V (G)|. If |V (G)| = 1, then G = K1 ,
i.e., is a Gallai tree. So |V (G)| ≥ 2.
Given y ∈ V (G) and α ∈ L(y), let (G0y , L0α ) denote the pair such that G0y = G − y and L0α be
L(v) if yv ∈
/ E(G);
the list for G0 (y) where L0α (v) =
L(v) − α if yv ∈ E(G).
Case 1: G is a block. First, we show that
If there are vertices in G with distinct lists, then there are such vertices that are adjacent to each
other. Suppose that xy ∈ E(G) and α ∈ L(y) − L(x). Consider (G0y , L0α ). Since G is a block, G0y is
connected. By construction, dG0y (v) ≤ |L0α (v)| for each v ∈ V (G0y ). Moreover, by the choice of α,
dG0y (x) < |L0α (x)|. Thus, by Lemma 9, G0y has an L0α -coloring g. We extend g to an L-coloring of
G by letting g(y) := α. This proves the first part of (14). The second part follows from the first
and the fact that vertices of distinct degrees have distinct lists (of the size of the degrees).
So by (14), we are seeking an ordinary d-coloring of a d-regular graph G (for some d). Then G
is a complete graph or an odd cycle by Brooks’ Theorem (also by Theorem 3).
Case 2: G has a cut vertex. Let B1 and B2 be distinct leaf blocks. For i = 1, 2, let bi be the
cut vertex, let ai be a non-cut vertex in Bi , and let αi ∈ L(ai ). Again for i = 1, 2, consider the
pair (G0ai , L0αi ). Since ai is a non-cut vertex, G0ai is connected. By definition, L0αi is a degree list for
G0ai . Since G is not L-colorable, G0ai is not L0αi -colorable. So by the minimality of G, each block of
G0ai is a complete graph or an odd cycle. In particular, this holds for each block of G distinct from
Bi . This implies the theorem. 2
Deriving Theorem 5 from Theorem 10: Let B1 be a component of G[B]. Since G is k-critical,
there is a (k − 1)-coloring g of G − B1 . For every v ∈ B1 , define L(v) := {1, . . . , k − 1} − {g(u) :
u ∈ N (v)}. Then L is a degree list for G[B1 ]. So Theorem 10 yields the claim. 2
Remark 1. Similarly to k-critical graphs, one can define list-k-critical graphs as the graphs
whose list chromatic number is k but the list chromatic number of any proper subgraph is less than
k. And similarly to f (n, k) one can define f` (n, k) - the minimum number of edges in an n-vertex
list-k-critical graph. Then the proof in the previous paragraph shows that the claim of Theorem 5
holds also for list-critical graphs. This in turn implies that similarly to (10) we have
k−1 k−3
f` (n, k) ≥ n+ n. (15)
2 2(k 2 − 3)
Gallai thought that for n ≥ k there are no k-critical n-vertex graphs with fewer edges and posed
the following.
Conjecture 11 (Gallai [25]). If k ≥ 4 and n ≡ 1 (mod k − 1), then
(k + 1)(k − 2)n − k(k − 3)
f (n, k) = .
2(k − 1)
The mentioned authors observed that if G1 and G2 are k-critical and G1 is not k-critical after
x has been split, then O(G1 , G2 ) also is k-critical. This observation implies
(k + 1)(k − 2) (k + 1)(k − 2)
f (n + k − 1, k) ≤ f (n, k) + = f (n, k) + (k − 1) , (16)
2 2(k − 1)
fk (n)
which yields that φk := limn→∞ n exists and satisfies
k 1
φk ≤ − . (17)
2 k−1
Gallai’s bound gives φk ≥ 12 k − 1 + kk−3 2 −3 . Ore believed that using this construction starting
from an extremal graph on at most 2k vertices repeatedly with G2 = Kk at each iteration is best
possible for constructing sparse critical graphs.
Conjecture 12 (Ore [46]). If k ≥ 4, n ≥ k and n 6= k + 1, then
Corollary 14 ([39]). Conjecture 12 is true if (i) k = 4, (ii) k = 5 and n ≡ 2 (mod 4), or (iii)
n ≡ 1 (mod k − 1).
Also, it determines φk :
Corollary 16. Let k ≥ 4 and G be a k-critical graph. Let disjoint vertex subsets A and B be such
(a) either A or B is independent;
(b) d(a) = k − 1 for every a ∈ A;
(c) d(b) = k for every b ∈ B;
(d) |A| + |B| ≥ 3.
Then (i) e(G(A, B)) ≤ 2(|A| + |B|) − 4 and (ii) e(G(A, B)) ≤ |A| + 3|B| − 3.
(k+1)(k−2)|V (G)|−k(k−3)
Call a graph G k-extremal, if G is k-critical and |E(G)| = 2(k−1) . By definition,
if G is k-extremal, then (k+1)(k−2)|V (G)|−k(k−3)
2(k−1) is an integer, and so |V (G)| ≡ 1 (mod k − 1). For
example, Kk is k-extremal. Another example of a 5-extremal graph is on the bottom of Fig. 1.
Suppose that G1 and G2 are k-extremal and G = O(G1 , G2 ). Then
Theorem 17. Let k ≥ 4 and G be a k-critical graph. Then G is k-extremal if and only if it is
a k-Ore graph. Moreover, if G is not a k-Ore graph, then |E(G)| ≥ (k+1)(k−2)|V (G)|−yk
2(k−1) , where
2 2
yk = max{2k − 6, k − 5k + 2}. Thus y4 = 2, y5 = 4, and yk = k − 5k + 2 for k ≥ 6.
The message of Theorem 17 is that although for every k ≥ 4 there are infinitely many k-extremal
graphs, they all have a simple structure. In particular, every k-extremal graph distinct from Kk
has a separating set of size 2. The theorem gives a slightly better approximation for f (n, k) and
adds new cases for which we now know the exact values of f (n, k):
Corollary 18. Conjecture 12 holds and the value of f (n, k) is known if (i) k ∈ {4, 5}, (ii) k = 6
and n ≡ 0 (mod 5), (iii) k = 6 and n ≡ 2 (mod 5), (iv) k = 7 and n ≡ 2 (mod 6), or (v) k ≥ 4
and n ≡ 1 (mod k − 1).
This value of yk in Theorem 17 is best possible in the sense that for every k ≥ 4, there exist
infinitely many 3-connected graphs G with |E(G)| = (k+1)(k−2)|V (G)|−yk
2(k−1) . The idea of this construc-
tion and the examples for k = 4, 5 are due to Toft ([55], based on [54]). There are other examples
for k ≥ 6.
5 Some applications
5.1 Ore-degrees
The Ore-degree, Θ(G), of a graph G is the maximum of d(x) + d(y) over all edges xy of G. Let
Gt = {G : Θ(G) ≤ t}.
Clearly Θ(Kd+1 ) = 2d and χ(Kd+1 ) = d+1. The graph O5 in Fig 2 is the only 9-vertex 5-critical
graph with Θ at most 9. We have Θ(O5 ) = 9 and χ(O5 ) = 5.
x y
A natural question is to describe the graphs in G2d+1 with chromatic number d+1. Kierstead and
Kostochka [30] proved that for d ≥ 6 each such graph contains Kd+1 . Then Rabern [50] extended
the result to d = 5. Each (d + 1)-chromatic graph G contains a (d + 1)-critical subgraph G0 . Since
δ(G0 ) ≥ d and Θ(G0 ) ≤ Θ(G) ≤ 2d + 1,
Thus the results in [30] and [50] mentioned above could be stated in the following form.
Theorem 19 ([30, 50]). Let d ≥ 5. Then the only (d + 1)-critical graph G0 satisfying (20) is Kd+1 .
Theorem 20 ([35]). Let d = 4. Then the only 5-critical graphs G0 satisfying (20) are K5 and O5 .
Theorem 13 and Corollary 16 yield simpler proofs of Theorems 19 and 20. The key observation
is the following.
Lemma 21. Let d ≥ 4 and let G0 be a (d + 1)-critical graph satisfying (20). If G0 has n vertices of
which h > 0 vertices have degree d + 1, then
(d − 2)n − (d + 1)(d − 2)
h≥ (21)
h≤ . (22)
Proof. By definition, 2e(G0 ) = dn + h. So, by Theorem 13 with k = d + 1,
2 (d + 1)(d − 2)
dn + h ≥ (d + 1 − )n − ,
d d
which yields (21).
Let B be the set of vertices of degree d + 1 in G0 and A = V (G0 ) − B. By (20), e(G0 (A, B)) =
h(d + 1). So, by Corollary 16(ii) with k = d + 1,
h(d + 1) ≤ 3h + (n − h) − 3 = 2h + n − 3,
which yields (22). 2
Another ingredient is Exercise 1: Let k ≥ 3. There are no k-critical graphs with k + 1 vertices,
and the only k-critical graph (call it Dk ) with k + 2 vertices is obtained from the 5-cycle by adding
k − 3 all-adjacent vertices.
Suppose G0 with n vertices of which h vertices have degree d + 1 is a counter-example to
Theorems 19 or 20. Since the graph Dd+1 from Exercise 1 has a vertex of degree d + 2, n ≥ d + 4.
So since d ≥ 4, by (21),
(d − 2)(d + 4) − (d + 1)(d − 2) 3(d − 2)
h≥ = ≥ 2.
d d
On the other hand, if n ≤ 2d, then by (22),
2d − 3
h≤ = 1.
Thus n ≥ 2d + 1.
Combining (21) and (22) together, we get
(d − 2)n − (d + 1)(d − 2) n−3
≤ .
d d−1
Solving with respect to n, we obtain
(d + 1)(d − 1)(d − 2) − 3d
n≤ . (23)
d2 − 4d + 2
For d ≥ 5, the RHS of (23) is less than 2d+1, a contradiction to n ≥ 2d+1. This proves Theorem 19.
Suppose d = 4. Then (23) yields n ≤ 9. So, in this case, n = 9. By (21) and (22), we get h = 2.
Let B = {b1 , b2 } be the set of vertices of degree 5 in G0 . By a theorem of Stiebitz [53], G0 − B
has at least two components. Since |B| = 2 and δ(G0 ) = 4, each such component has at least 3
vertices. Since |V (G0 ) − B| = 7, we may assume that G0 − B has exactly two components, C1 and
C2 , and that |V (C1 )| = 3. Again because δ(G0 ) = 4, C1 = K3 and all vertices of C1 are adjacent
to both vertices in B. So, if we color both b1 and b2 with the same color, this can extended to a
4-coloring of G0 − V (C2 ). Thus to have G0 5-chromatic, we need χ(C2 ) ≥ 4 which yields C2 = K4 .
Since δ(G0 ) = 4, e(V (C2 ), B) = 4. So, since each of b1 and b2 has degree 5 and 3 neighbors in C1 ,
each of them has exactly two neighbors in C2 . This proves Theorem 20.
Remark. Recently Postle [47] and independently Kierstead and Rabern [31] have used Theo-
rem 17 to describe the infinite family of 4-critical graphs G with the property that for each edge
xy ∈ E(G), d(x) + d(y) ≤ 7. It turned out that such graphs form a subfamily of the family of 4-Ore
Let f ( n, 3, n) denote the maximum chromatic number over n-vertex graphs in which every
n-vertex subgraph has chromatic number at most 3. Krivelevich proved that for every fixed > 0
and sufficiently large n,
f ( n, 3, n) ≥ n6/31− . (24)
For this, he used his result that every 4-critical t-vertex graph with odd girth at least 7 has at least
31t/19 edges. If instead of this result, we use our bound on f (n, 4), then repeating almost word
by word Krivelevich’s proof of (24) (Theorem 4 in[42]) and choosing p = n−4/5− , we get that for
every fixed and sufficiently large n,
f ( n, 3, n) ≥ n1/5− . (25)
Definition 1. For R ⊆ V (G), define the potential of R to be ρG (R) = 5|R| − 3|E(G[R])|. When
there is no chance for confusion, we will use ρ(R). Let P (G) = min∅6=R⊆V (G) ρ(R).
Exercise 8. Calculate that ρK1 (V (K1 )) = 5, ρK2 (V (K2 )) = 7, ρK3 (V (K3 )) = 6, ρK4 (V (K4 )) = 2.
By definition, we have the following.
Exercise 9. Let G be a graph and A, B, C ⊆ V (G) be such that A ⊃ B and A ∩ C = ∅. Prove
that ρG (A − B) = ρG (A) − ρG (B) + 3|EG (A − B, B)| (equivalently, ρG (A ∪ C) = ρG (A) + ρG (C) −
3|EG (A, C)|).
Note that |E(G)| < 5|V (G)|−2
3 is equivalent to ρ(V (G)) > 2. Let G be a vertex-minimal 4-critical
graph with ρ(V (G)) > 2. This implies that
Definition 2. For a graph G, a set R ⊂ V (G) and a 3-coloring φ of G[R], the graph Y (G, R, φ) is
constructed as follows. First, for 1 ≤ i ≤ 3, let Ri0 denote the set of vertices in V (G) − R adjacent
to at least one vertex v ∈ R with φ(v) = i. Second, let X = {x1 , x2 , x3 } be a set of new vertices
disjoint from V (G). Now, let Y = Y (G, R, φ) be the graph with vertex set V (G) − R + X, such that
Y [V (G) − R] = G − R and N (xi ) = Ri0 ∪ (X − xi ) for 1 ≤ i ≤ 3.
Claim 1. Suppose R ⊂ V (G), and φ is a 3-coloring of G[R]. Then χ(Y (G, R, φ)) ≥ 4.
Proof. Let G0 = Y (G, R, φ). Suppose G0 has a 3-coloring φ0 : V (G0 ) → C = {1, 2, 3}. By
construction of G0 , the colors of all xi in φ0 are distinct. So we may assume that φ0 (xi ) = i for
1 ≤ i ≤ 3. By construction of G0 , for all vertices u ∈ Ri0 , φ0 (u) 6= i. Therefore φ|R ∪ φ0 |V (G)−R is a
proper 3-coloring of G, a contradiction. 2
by Exercise 9,
Since W − X + R ⊃ R, |W − X + R| ≥ 2. Since ρG (W − X + R) < ρG (R), by the choice of R,
W − X + R = V (G). But then ρG (V (G)) ≤ m − 3 ≤ 2, a contradiction. 2
Proof. Let R have the smallest ρ(R) among R ( V (G), |R| ≥ 2. Suppose m = ρ(R) ≤ 6 and
G[R] 6= K3 . Then |R| ≥ 4. By Claim 2, m = 6.
Let R∗ = {u1 , . . . , us } be the set of vertices in R that have neighbors outside of R. Because G is
2-connected, s ≥ 2. Let H = G[R] + u1 u2 . Since R 6= V (G), |V (H)| < |V (G)|. By the minimality
of ρ(R), for every U ⊆ R with |U | ≥ 2, ρH (U ) ≥ ρG (U ) − 3 ≥ ρG (R) − 3 ≥ 3. Thus P (H) ≥ 3,
and by (27), H has a proper 3-coloring φ with colors in C = {1, 2, 3}. Let G0 = Y (G, R, φ).
Since |R| ≥ 4, |V (G0 )| < |V (G)|. By Claim 1, G0 is not 3-colorable. Thus G0 contains a 4-critical
subgraph G00 . Let W = V (G00 ). By the minimality of |V (G)|, ρG0 (W ) ≤ 2. Since G is 4-critical
by itself, W ∩ X 6= ∅. Let X 0 = W ∩ X. By Exercise 8, if |X 0 | ≥ 2 then similarly to (28),
ρk,G (W − X 0 + R) ≤ ρG0 (W ) − 6 + 6 ≤ 2, a contradiction again. So, we may assume that X 0 = {x1 }.
Then again as in (28),
Claim 6. Let xy ∈ E(G) and d(x) = d(y) = 3. Then both, x and y are in triangles.
Proof. Assume that x is not in a K3 . Suppose N (x) = {y, u, v}. Then uv ∈ / E(G). Let G0
be obtained from G − y − x by gluing u and v into a new vertex u ∗ v. Then |V (G0 )| < |V (G)|.
If G0 has a 3-coloring φ0 : V (G0 ) → C = {1, 2, 3}, then we extend it to a proper 3-coloring φ
of G as follows: define φ|V (G)−x−y−u−v = φ0 |V (G0 )−u∗v , then let φ(u) = φ(v) = φ0 (u ∗ v), choose
φ(y) ∈ C − (φ0 (N (y) − x)), and φ(x) ∈ C − {φ(y), φ(u)}.
So, χ(G0 ) ≥ 4 and G0 contains a 4-critical subgraph G00 . Let W = V (G00 ). Since G00 is smaller
than G, ρG0 (W ) ≤ 2. Since G00 is not a subgraph of G, u ∗ v ∈ W . Let W 0 = W − u ∗ v + u + v + x.
Then ρG (W 0 ) ≤ 2 + 5(2) − 3(2) = 6, since G[W 0 ] has two extra vertices and at least two extra
edges in comparison with G00 . Because y ∈ / W 0 , we have W 0 6= V (G), and therefore by Claim 3, W
induces a K3 in G. This contradicts our assumption that x is not in a K3 . 2
We will now use discharging to show that |E(G)| ≥ 35 |V (G)|, which will finish the proof to Case
k = 4 of Theorem 13. Each vertex begins with charge equal to its degree. If d(v) ≥ 4, then v gives
charge 16 to each neighbor with degree 3. Note that v will be left with charge at least 65 d(v) ≥ 10
3 .
By (30), each vertex of degree 3 will end with charge at least 3 + 6 = 3 . 2
2 10
What is the maximum number of edges h(n, k) in a k-critical n-vertex graph, when k is fixed
and n is large?
Even for k = 6, h(n, 6) is quadratic in n: for n = 4t + 2, take two disjoint cycles C1 and C2 of
length 2t + 1 and join by an edge each vertex of C1 with each vertex of C2 . It is not proved that
this construction is best possible. Moreover, Toft [29][P. 97] conjectures that it is not best possible.
He has a construction of vertex-6-critical n-vertex graphs with at least 3n2 /10 edges.
Acknowledgment. Many thanks to Anton Bernshteyn for many helpful comments.
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