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Ebu DVB-T2

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TR 24




BPN 066 (JULY 2005)

October 2013



Technical Department

Dpartement Technique

Guide on SFN Frequency Planning

and Network Implementation
with regard to T-DAB and DVB-T
Issue 1.0 - July 2005



Introduction .................................................................................................................................................5


Technical Elements ...................................................................................................................................7



The broadcast transmission channel ...............................................................................................................7

OFDM features
Multipath capability of DVB-T and T-DAB......................................................................................................12
Inter-symbol interference ...............................................................................................................................13
Guard interval.................................................................................................................................................13
Contributing and interfering signal components with inter-symbol interference.............................................15
FFT-window synchronisation .........................................................................................................................18
General ..........................................................................................................................................................18
Synchronisation strategies .............................................................................................................................19
Strongest signal .............................................................................................................................................19
First signal above a threshold level................................................................................................................20
Centre of gravity.............................................................................................................................................21
Quasi-optimal .................................................................................................................................................22
Maximum C/I ..................................................................................................................................................22
Inter-carrier interference ................................................................................................................................23
General ..........................................................................................................................................................23
Phase noise ...................................................................................................................................................23
Doppler degradation ......................................................................................................................................23
Network gain
Minimum carrier-to-noise ratio and protection ratio .......................................................................................25
Antenna diversity for DVB-T ..........................................................................................................................25

Single Frequency Networks ..................................................................................................................27


Definition and characteristics of SFN .............................................................................................................27

Types of SFN
Consideration of network structures for SFN .................................................................................................28
Open and closed configurations ....................................................................................................................28
Transmitting sites ...........................................................................................................................................29
Transmitting antenna types and radiation patterns........................................................................................30
Some factors influencing the transmitter distance .........................................................................................30
Some factors influencing the separation distance .........................................................................................30
Classification of transmitting stations.............................................................................................................30
Mixed MFN - SFN ..........................................................................................................................................31
Impact of DVB-T parameters on SFN performance.......................................................................................31
Constellation ..................................................................................................................................................31
Code rate .......................................................................................................................................................31
2K/8K FFT......................................................................................................................................................32
Guard interval.................................................................................................................................................32
Data rate versus guard interval ......................................................................................................................34
Impact of T-DAB parameters on SFN performance.......................................................................................36
General ..........................................................................................................................................................36
Constellation ..................................................................................................................................................36
Code rate .......................................................................................................................................................36


Guard interval.................................................................................................................................................37
Data rate versus guard interval ......................................................................................................................38
Spectrum utilization .......................................................................................................................................38

Describing Coverage...............................................................................................................................39


Minimum carrier to noise ratio and protection ratio........................................................................................39

General ..........................................................................................................................................................39
Dependence on the transmission channel.....................................................................................................39
EPT concept...................................................................................................................................................39
Definition of coverage ....................................................................................................................................40
General ..........................................................................................................................................................40
Location statistics...........................................................................................................................................41
Coverage of a single receiving location .........................................................................................................41
Coverage of a small area ...............................................................................................................................42
Propagation prediction and its statistical background....................................................................................43
Time statistics ................................................................................................................................................43
Minimum reception conditions .......................................................................................................................44
Single signal case ..........................................................................................................................................44
Multiple signal case .......................................................................................................................................45
Network gain
General ..........................................................................................................................................................46
Definitions related to network gain.................................................................................................................46
Examples of network gain ..............................................................................................................................48
Network gain and the design of an SFN ........................................................................................................51
Influence of network gain on the minimum median equivalent field strength.................................................53
Signal summation and calculation of coverage probability ............................................................................53
Summation of field strengths .........................................................................................................................53
Assessment of coverage probabilities ...........................................................................................................54
Calculation methods ......................................................................................................................................54
The Monte-Carlo method ...............................................................................................................................55
Power sum method .......................................................................................................................................55
Simplified multiplication method.....................................................................................................................56
Log-normal method .......................................................................................................................................56
The t-LNM method .......................................................................................................................................57
Schwartz and Yeh method .............................................................................................................................57
Coverage requirements for SFN ....................................................................................................................57
General ..........................................................................................................................................................57
Type of service and quality of coverage ........................................................................................................58
Shape and size of coverage area ..................................................................................................................58
Limitation on SFN performance .....................................................................................................................59
Maximum transmitter separation distance and maximum allotment area size ..............................................59

Theoretical SFN Models .........................................................................................................................60



General considerations ..................................................................................................................................60

Regular SFN
Characteristics of regular SFN .......................................................................................................................60
Example: Self-interference in SFN.................................................................................................................61
Example: Synchronisation strategies of OFDM receivers..............................................................................64
Example: Separation distances for SFN and determination of spectrum requirement ..................................65
Reference networks .......................................................................................................................................67
Reference networks in the frequency planning process ................................................................................67
Properties of a reference network ..................................................................................................................68
Example: A large service area reference network .........................................................................................69

Implementation .........................................................................................................................................73

Service requirement definition .......................................................................................................................73
Site selection and management.....................................................................................................................74
Coverage and interference management ......................................................................................................75
General ..........................................................................................................................................................75
Wanted coverage prediction ..........................................................................................................................75
Out-going interference management .............................................................................................................75
Calculation of out-going T-DAB interference .................................................................................................76
Calculation of out-going DVB-T interference .................................................................................................76
Co-ordination phase.......................................................................................................................................76
Implementation of the transmitter network .....................................................................................................76
General ..........................................................................................................................................................76
Transmitter synchronisation ...........................................................................................................................77
Frequency synchronisation ............................................................................................................................77
Timing synchronisation ..................................................................................................................................77

EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

Effect of synchronisation loss ........................................................................................................................78
Post implementation of the network...............................................................................................................78
Network coverage and improvement .............................................................................................................78
Network problems ..........................................................................................................................................78

Frequency Planning and Coordination Aspects .............................................................................80



Planning approaches .....................................................................................................................................80
Assignment planning......................................................................................................................................80
Allotment planning .........................................................................................................................................80
The link between allotment and assignment planning ...................................................................................81
Allotment plans
Characteristics of an allotment.......................................................................................................................81
An Example: The Maastricht 2002 T-DAB Allotment Plan.............................................................................82
Co-ordination of allotments ............................................................................................................................83
Co-ordination of a DVB-T allotment ...............................................................................................................83
Co-ordination of a T-DAB allotment under the Wiesbaden 1995 and Maastricht 2002 Agreements.............83
Co-ordination of SFN .....................................................................................................................................84
Co-ordination of a DVB-T SFN ......................................................................................................................84
Coordination of a T-DAB SFN........................................................................................................................85

Case studies on SFN implementation ................................................................................................87


Netherlands : Solving some problems in DVB-T single frequency networks (2001)......................................87
Switzerland: Coverage in digital single-frequency network: Theoretical case study (2003) .........................87
Finland: SFN-coverage in Lapua and Vaasa (2003)......................................................................................87
Germany: DVB-T Network structures and costs for full coverage (2001) ...................................................87
Sweden: SFN experience in Sweden (2003) .................................................................................................87
Singapore: A commercial DVB-T mobile network in Singapore (2004) .........................................................88
United Kingdom: Planning T-DAB networks in the United Kingdom (2004) ..................................................88

Sources / References ..............................................................................................................................89


Summation methods ...............................................................................................................................91


Numerical methods .......................................................................................................................................91

General ..........................................................................................................................................................91
Numerical Integration .....................................................................................................................................91
Monte Carlo Simulation..................................................................................................................................91
Computation aspects .....................................................................................................................................93
Analytic approximations .................................................................................................................................93
General ..........................................................................................................................................................93
Power sum method ........................................................................................................................................93
Simplified multiplication method.....................................................................................................................93
The LNM method ...........................................................................................................................................94
LNM related methods.....................................................................................................................................94
t-LNM .............................................................................................................................................................96
t-LNM (V2)......................................................................................................................................................96
The t-LNM (V2) Algorithm ..............................................................................................................................96
Applications for the LNM methods .................................................................................................................98
Evaluation of protection margin .....................................................................................................................98
Evaluation of network gain .............................................................................................................................99
Evaluation of coverage probability .................................................................................................................99
Distribution function p ..................................................................................................................................100

Case Studies on SFN Planning ..........................................................................................................102


Netherlands (2001) .....................................................................................................................................102

Switzerland (2003) .....................................................................................................................................104
Finland (2003)
Germany (2001)
Sweden (2004)
Singapore (2004) .....................................................................................................................................118
United Kingdom (2004) ................................................................................................................................119

1 Introduction



The Stockholm 1961 (ST61) agreement 1 and the Geneva 1989 (GE89) agreement 2 allocated
VHF and UHF frequencies for analogue television throughout the European Broadcasting
area and the African Broadcasting area, respectively. The ITU 3 decided to convene a
Regional Radiocommunications Conference (RRC) to revise ST61 and GE89, in two
sessions. The first session of the RRC took place in May 2004. The second session will be
held in May/June 2006. The aim of the RRC is to establish an agreement and associated
frequency plan for the digital terrestrial broadcasting service in the VHF/UHF bands.
The DVB-T and Eureka 147 T-DAB standard have been chosen for the digital terrestrial
broadcasting service. These DVB-T and T-DAB are both OFDM systems, which allow the
possibility of single frequency network (SFN) operation, through OFDMs multi-path
In principle, these digital networks can be implemented as multi-frequency networks (MFN)
which allow the same or different programmes to be carried by individual transmitters using
different frequencies; or as SFN which use multiple transmitters operating on the same
frequency and carrying the same programmes; or as a mixture of MFN and SFN.
This report is a guide on SFN planning with regards to the frequency planning and
implementation of DVB-T and T-DAB services. It has been produced by the EBUs BCP
group and contains sections on the technical elements of digital broadcasting and OFDM, the
definition and types of SFN, SFN coverage, SFN models, implementation of SFN and
coordination aspects. Case studies of simulated SFN networks in various European
countries are also included.
In section 2 technical elements of the DVB-T and T-DAB systems are given, as far as they
are relevant for SFN frequency and network planning, i.e. characteristics of the broadcast
transmission channel, system properties, inter-symbol and inter-carrier interference, receiver
modelling for network planning etc.
Section 3 gives a definition of single frequency networks, classifies the types of SFN
according to different criteria, discusses the impact of transmission parameters on the
network performance and highlights the spectrum saving potential of the SFN approach.
In section 4 the definition and evaluation of network coverage is discussed in detail. In
particular it deals with network gain as a fundamental feature of the SFN technique, limiting
factors to the SFN performance and mathematical methods to calculate coverage. Annex A
contains the details of the mathematical treatment.
Section 5 deals with theoretical SFN models. These are used to learn about general
properties of SFN, as for example self-interference degradation or sensitivity with regard to
external interference. Some of the theoretical models and an application in allotment
planning namely the use of reference networks - are described in more detail.
Section 6 deals with some general SFN implementation aspects. However, the report
focuses on the frequency planning and theoretical network planning aspects of SFNs.
Practical aspects of implementation are covered only to a restricted extent since these will
not be the major issues at the RRC04/06. They will be dealt with at a later stage in a
separate report or a second edition of the present report.
Section 7 describes coordination aspects and how SFN are handled in a frequency plan
synthesis. Allotment planning as the natural planning approach for SFN and, as an example,

Regional Agreement for the European Broadcasting Area Concerning the use of Frequencies by Broadcasting
Service in the VHF and UHF Bands, Stockholm, 1961 [1]
Final Acts of the Regional Administrative Conference for the Planning of VHF/UHF Television Broadcasting
Area and Neighbouring Countries, Geneva, 1989 [2]
ITU Council Resolutions 1180 (rev.2002) and 1185

EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

the Maastricht 2002 frequency plan for T-DAB is discussed. Also the treatment of SFN in the
Chester 97 agreement is described.
Section 8 gives a short overview on some case studies that have been undertaken in Europe
relating to SFN implementations. In Annex B these studies are documented in full length.
Section 9 gives a list of documents referred to in the report. In these documents the reader
may also find further information on the SFN technique.
Much of the material presented in the report can be found in already published documents of
the EBU or other organisations. It was, however, felt useful to gather the available material
on SFN from the various sources and collect it into one volume. Much of the text taken from
these sources has been left unchanged or only editorially altered in order to fit into the
structure of the sections. This explains the heterogeneous character of the report and also
the fact that numerous repetitions will be found. The reader is invited to judge this aspect

2 Technical Elements


Technical Elements
The broadcast transmission channel

In general, the transmission channel forms the physical link between the communicating
parties: a transmitter and a receiver. The broadcast concept means that although a return
path might be available, it is not required. Content is received without being requested. A
radio or television terrestrial broadcast is a program that is transmitted over airwaves for
public reception by anyone with a receiver tuned to the right signal channel.
Noise is a fundamental and unavoidable cause of signal distortion. It arises from various
processes encountered by transmitted waves on their way from the transmitter antenna to
the receiver antenna. Among these processes are the directional characteristics of both the
transmitter and receiver antenna; reflection from the smooth surfaces of walls and hills;
absorption by walls, trees and by the atmosphere; scattering from rough surfaces such as
the sea, rough ground and leaves and branches of trees; diffraction from edges, such as
building rooftops and hilltops; refraction due to atmospheric layers and layered or graded

Received Signal Power

Three mutually independent, multiplicative propagation phenomena taking place in the

transmission channel can usually be distinguished: (large-scale) path loss, shadowing (or
slow fading) and multipath fading (or fast fading), which appear as time-varying processes
between the antennas. They are schematically shown in Figure 2.1.

Path Loss
Fast Fading

Figure 2.1: Multiplicative processes in the

transmission channel


The path loss is an overall decrease in field strength, as the distance between the transmitter
and the receiver increases. Superimposed on the path loss is the shadowing, which changes
more rapidly, with significant variations over distances of hundreds of meters and generally
involving variations of up to around 20 dB. This phenomenon is affected by prominent terrain
contours (e.g., hills, forests, billboards, clumps of buildings, etc.) between the transmitter and
receiver. The receiver is often represented as being shadowed by such prominences. The
statistics of slow fading provides a way of computing an estimate of path loss as a function of
Measurements indicate that the mean path loss closely fits a log-normal distribution, that is,
the signal measured in decibels has a normal distribution (Figure 2.2). The standard
deviation of the shadowing (log-normal) distribution is known as the location variability, L. It
varies with frequency and depends on the environment in which the receiver is located. A
standard deviation of 3 6 dB is typical.

Probability Density

EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0


Figure 2.2: Probability density function of shadowed

signal. M is the mean value of the signal

Received Signal [dB]

Fast fading involves variations on the scale of a half-wavelength (50 cm at 300 MHz, 17 cm
at 900 MHz) and frequently introduces variations as large as 20 dB. It results from the
constructive and destructive combinations of randomly delayed, reflected, scattered, and
diffracted signal components. This type of fading is relatively fast and is therefore responsible
for the short-term signal variations. Depending on the nature of the radio propagation
environment, there are different models describing the statistical behaviour of the multipath
fading envelope:
Ricean channel. In this channel, one of the channel paths between the transmitter and the
receiver is a line-of-sight path. Other paths have more attenuation and longer delays than the
main path. The frequency response of such channels is not constant and has ripples in it.
Such a channel will normally apply to directional receiving antennas at roof top level. In the
SFN case the delayed signals may also come from other transmitter sites.
The Ricean probability density function is shown in Figure 2.3.

1 = 0 (Rayleigh)

Probability Density

1 < 2 < 3

Figure 2.3: Ricean probability density function. is the

magnitude of the line-of-sight component

Fading Amplitude

Rayleigh channel. In this model only reflecting paths exist and the line-of-sight path no
longer exists. In this case the channel response versus frequency is not flat. Ripples in
frequency response in a Rayleigh channel are greater and deeper than in a Ricean channel.
Such a channel will occur at low heights, in built-up areas and inside buildings, where there

2 Technical Elements

will be reflections from man-made obstacles and the ground. In the case of an SFN, the
delayed signals may also come from other transmitter sites.
The Rayleigh probability density function is shown in Figure 2.4.

Probability Density

1 < 2 < 3

Figure 2.4. Rayleigh probability density function. is

the standard deviation

Fading Amplitude

Mobile channel. When a receiver moves, channel parameters vary rapidly. So, we have
Doppler shifting and spreading. In this case the channel model is a multipath model with
variable parameters. The situation corresponds to a Rayleigh channel but with a moving
receiver (i.e. several statistically independent incoming signals affected by Doppler
shift/spread, with different delay times, none of which dominates, together with thermal
noise). There will be rapid and severe variations in the received signal caused by multipath
propagation. However, the main degradation to the received signal is caused by the
movement of the vehicle carrying the receiver, the speed of which corresponds to a given
Doppler frequency. Reception will normally be achieved by using a non-directional antenna
situated at no less than 1.5 metres above ground level, on moving vehicles or trains, where
there will be reflections from man-made obstacles and the ground. In the case of an SFN, the
delayed signals may also come from other transmitter sites.
Portable channel (slow time variation). Not only the mobile channel shows a time
variance, also the broadcast transmission channel for portable reception has to be regarded
as (slowly) time variant. This time variance is caused by moving objects in the vicinity of the
(static) portable receiver which produce a time dependence of the echoes reflected by these
objects. Although this mechanism does not introduce a remarkable Doppler degradation,
measurements show that receivers have a worse performance in a slowly time-varying
Rayleigh as compared to a static Rayleigh channel (probably) because of synchronisation
More information about the broadcast transmission channel can be found, e.g., in [3, 4].


OFDM features

DVB-T and T-DAB use the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing modulation scheme
(OFDM). Since it is not the task of this report to give an introduction into this modulation
technique, the present chapter is restricted to a short description of those OFDM features
that are relevant for SFN planning.
Frequency multiplex and orthogonality
The OFDM concept is based on spreading the data to be transmitted over a large number of
carriers, each being modulated at a low bit rate. In a conventional frequency division
multiplex the carriers are individually filtered to ensure there is no spectral overlap.

EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

There is therefore no inter-carrier interference between carriers but the available spectrum is
not used with maximum efficiency. If, however, the carrier spacing is chosen in such a way
that the carriers are orthogonal over the symbol period, then symbols can be recovered
without interference even with a degree of spectral overlap. For maximum spectral efficiency,
the carrier spacing equals the reciprocal of the symbol period (see Figure 2.5). The multiplex
of carriers may be conveniently generated digitally using the inverse Fast Fourier Transform
(FFT) process.
f k-1 f k f k+1

Figure 2.5: Schematic presentation of carrier orthogonality in an OFDM signal (after windowing)

All carriers added together give a noise-like power density over the bandwidth of the OFDM
signal. Figure 2.6 shows the sum of the power spectral density of all carriers for the DVB-T
system with an 8 MHz channel. Figure 2.7 shows the sum of the power spectral density of all
carriers for the T-DAB system.

Figure 2.6 : DVB-T transmission signal spectrum (8 MHz channel) (from ETSI Standard EN 300 744 [5])


2 Technical Elements

Figure 2.7: T-DAB transmission signal spectrum (1.536 MHz channel) (from ETSI Standard EN 300 401 [6])

Carrier structure DVB-T

Preferred implementations of the FFT tend to be based on radix 2 or radix 4 algorithms, or
some combination of radix 2 and 4. This preference leads to the number of carriers
generated in practical OFDM systems being some power of 2. The specified systems are
based on 2048 (2K) carriers and 8192 (8K) carriers. However, the number of actual carriers
transmitted is always smaller than the maximum number possible, as some carriers at either
end of the spectrum are not used. These unused carriers provide a frequency guard band
which allows practical IF filtering. The number of active carriers is 1705 for the 2K mode and
6817 for the 8K mode. The active carriers carry either data or synchronisation information.
Any n-QAM digital modulation scheme may be used to modulate the active carriers; where n
is commonly 4, 16 or 64. Roughly 10% of the carriers are used to transport reference
information which is known to the receiver and which serves for synchronisation, channel
estimation, transmission parameter signalling, etc. These carriers are called pilots and are
transmitted at a higher (boosted) power level than the data carriers. An overview of the
carrier structure in time and frequency is given in Figure 2.8.

Figure 2.8: DVB-T carrier structure (from ETSI Standard EN 300 744 [5])


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

Carrier structure T-DAB

Mode I T-DAB is generally used for Band III in Europe and uses a convolutionally coded DQPSK OFDM signal. The system is based on the use of 1,536 active carriers with a
frequency spacing of 1 kHz. All carriers are transmitted at the same power level. Four T-DAB
blocks fit into a single 7 MHz television channel, identified by the letters A, B, C and D, with a
176 kHz guard band between blocks A-B, B-C and C-D. Between blocks D and A there is a
wider guard band of 320 or 336 kHz in order to align with a 7 MHz television raster.
Frequency interleaving
The decoding algorithm performs poorly when confronted with bit errors that are all bunched
together in the data stream, and because the carriers are subject to fading, bit errors usually
do occur in groups when a carrier is in a deep fade. To protect against this, DVB-T and TDAB use frequency interleaving. This mechanism randomly spreads the information across
all carriers and thus across the whole bandwidth. This avoids the bundling of bit errors
caused by selective fading and significantly improves the performance of the decoder.
Multipath immunity
OFDM, when coupled with appropriate channel coding (error correction coding), can achieve
a high level of immunity against multipath propagation and against co-channel interference
from, e.g., DVB-T, PAL, SECAM, NTSC. This aspect is dealt with in more detail in
chapter 2.3.
Variety of operation modes
OFDM systems also offer the broadcaster great flexibility in the transmission as bit rate can
be traded against level of protection depending on the nature of the service. For example,
mobile reception of the OFDM signal is possible given due consideration to factors including
vehicle speed, carrier spacing, data rate and modulation scheme, whereas, for a service with
fixed reception, high order modulation schemes and consequently high bit rates could be
Single frequency networks
OFDM signals also allow the possibility of single frequency network (SFN) operation. This is
due to OFDMs multi-path immunity. SFN operation is possible when exactly the same
signal, in time and frequency, is radiated from multiple transmitters. In this case, at any
reception point in the coverage overlap between transmitters, the weakest received signals
will act as post or pre-echoes to the strongest signal. This aspect is dealt with in chapter 2.3.
The choice of the main parameters for the OFDM system is determined by the requirement
for the DVB-T or T-DAB service.


Multipath capability of DVB-T and T-DAB



In OFDM the information is carried via a large number of individual carriers in a frequency
multiplex. Each carrier transports only a relatively small amount of information and high data
capacities are achieved by using a large number of carriers within a frequency multiplex. The
individual carriers are modulated by means of phase shift and amplitude modulation
techniques. Each carrier has a fixed phase and amplitude for a certain time duration during
which a small portion of the information is carried. This unit of data is called a symbol; the
time it lasts is called the symbol duration. After that time period the modulation is changed
and the next symbol carries the next portion of information.
A DVB-T or T-DAB receiver has to cope with the adverse conditions of the broadcast
transmission channel. In general, signals arriving at a receiver by different paths show
different time delays which result in inter-symbol interference (ISI), a degradation in
reception. An OFDM system with a multipath capability allows for the constructive
combination of such signals. This is achieved by inserting a guard interval, a cyclic
prolongation of the useful symbol duration of the signal. The FFT-window, i.e. the time period


2 Technical Elements

for the OFDM demodulation, is then positioned in such a way that a minimum of inter-symbol
interference occurs.

Inter-symbol interference

In order to demodulate the signal - and looking at only one carrier - the receiver has to
evaluate the symbol during the symbol duration. Three consecutive symbols in time, denoted
by n-1, n and n+1, and the setting of the FFT-window such that symbol n is evaluated by the
receiver, are shown in Figure 2.9. No guard interval is used in this example, and the FFTwindow has the same duration as the symbol.

Figure 2.9: OFDM symbol duration and FFT-window (no guard interval)

In an environment where several useful signals either from multipath echoes or from other
transmitters in an SFN - are available to the receiver, things become more complex. Usually,
the signals arrive at different times at the receiver which, in the absence of a guard interval,
makes correct synchronisation to all of the signals impossible. Such a situation with two
signals as an example is depicted in Figure 2.10. Synchronisation to symbol n of signal 1
leads to an overlap of the FFT-window with the preceding symbol n1 of the delayed
signal 2. Since this symbol n1 carries different information from symbol n, the overlap acts
as interference to the evaluation of symbol n. The degradation of the reception caused by
this mechanism is called inter-symbol interference (ISI).

Figure 2.10: Inter-symbol interference with a delayed signal (no guard interval)


Guard interval

In order to overcome the inter-symbol interference problem in DVB-T and T-DAB, part of the
symbol is copied from the beginning of the symbol to the end, increasing its duration by a
certain amount of time called the guard interval. This cyclic prolongation of the original
symbol is shown in Figure 2.11. The guard interval is denoted by .

Figure 2.11: Increase of the symbol duration by the guard interval

The new increased symbol duration is denoted by Ts and the original symbol duration is often
called useful symbol duration Tu. The duration of the FFT-window during which the symbol is
evaluated is kept at the original value Tu. The orthogonal relationship is kept with the original
symbol duration Tu, not the extended Ts.


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

The improvement that is achieved by the insertion of the guard interval can be seen from
Figure 2.12 with two signals as an example. The guard interval now allows for the FFTwindow to be positioned so that there is no overlap with a preceding or subsequent symbol,
thus avoiding ISI.

Figure 2.12: Guard interval utilisation

The fact that the duration of the FFT-window is now smaller than the symbol duration allows
for a variety of different possible FFT-window positions for the evaluation of a symbol. This is
indicated in Figure 2.13 for the simple case of synchronisation to a single signal. Three
possible FFT-window positions are indicated as examples. Here, all positions are equivalent
with regard to evaluation of the symbol because all the FFT-window positions shown include
samples from only one symbol.

Figure 2.13: Three possible FFT-window positions

The insertion of the guard interval reduces the data capacity because not all of the symbol
duration Ts is used for "useful" data.
In a multipath or SFN environment, where many potentially useful signals are available to the
receiver, the choice of the FFT-window position becomes more complex. A number of
different strategies that can be applied are discussed later in chapter 2.4.
All signals with time delays that cannot be absorbed by the guard interval in the way
described above introduce a degradation of reception, similar to that shown in Figure 2.10.
Any part of each of these received signals that falls outside the guard interval has an
interfering characteristic, which will be dealt with in more detail in chapter 2.3.4.
OFDM, due to its multicarrier nature, exhibits relatively long symbols. This long symbol
period already provides a certain degree of protection against inter-symbol interference
caused by multipath propagation. However, as described above, this protection is greatly
enhanced by use of the guard interval. The guard intervals for the 2K and 8K DVB-T systems
are given in Table 2.1 below.

8K mode

8 MHz
224 S
112 S
56 S
7 MHz
256 S
128 S
64 S
6 MHz
NOTE: values in italics are approximate values

2K mode
Guard Interval
28 S
56 S

28 S

14 S

7 S

32 S

64 S

32 S

16 S

8 S






Table 2.1: Guard interval durations (from ETSI EN 300 744 [5]).


2 Technical Elements

As the proportion of the symbol used to make the guard interval is increased, the
transmission capacity decreases. However, if a system with a greater number of carriers
were used, the symbol period would increase and therefore the same proportion of guard
interval would give a greater protection in terms of absolute time. However, increasing the
number of carriers has also some drawbacks:

higher complexity (FFT performed on a higher number of samples and more memory)

higher sensitivity to tuner phase noise.

The guard interval for T-DAB Mode I (generally used for Band III in Europe) is of the
symbol period (246 s).

Contributing and interfering signal components with inter-symbol interference

For network planning, the power of all the echoes received within a window of duration
(guard interval width) is considered as useful, and contributes positively to the total available
signal power. Outside the guard interval, a part of the echo power is associated with the
same OFDM symbol as the primary signal, and which therefore contributes positively to the
total useful signal power.
Another part of the echo power is associated with the previous or subsequent OFDM symbol
and produces ISI, which has a similar effect to uncorrelated Gaussian noise interference.
Therefore, as the echo delay is progressively increased beyond the guard interval, the useful
contribution decreases and the ISI increases with a quadratic law. The echo power becomes
fully interfering (i.e. it contains no useful power) when the delay is larger than or equal to one
OFDM symbol.
Moreover, with DVB-T there is a further degradation mechanism effective: The channel
estimation process in the receiver, for constellation equalisation and coherent detection, is
based on a frequency domain interpolation filter, which allows recovering of the channel
response from the scattered pilot carriers. The pass-band Tp of this filter is designed to be
larger than the guard interval (=Tu/4) ( 4), but, because of theoretical limitations, cannot
exceed Tu/3 (practical figures are up to Tp= (7/24)Tu for a sophisticated receiver). The
following cases can take place:
the echo is within the guard interval : its power adds to the useful signals;
the echo is outside , but within Tp: it is correctly equalised, but is split into a useful
component (relevant to the actual OFDM symbol) and an interfering component
(relevant to the previous OFDM symbol), as described in the formula below;
the echo is outside Tp: it is to be considered as pure interference, with the same effect
as an equal-power Gaussian noise.
The situation for DVB-T is depicted in Figure 2.14.

For smaller guard intervals (e.g. =Tu/8,..., Tu/32), it can be assumed that the interpolator filter bandwidth
remains the same as for Tu/4.


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

Figure 2.14: DVB-T model - Splitting of the signal power into contributing and interfering components.

Mathematically, the rule for splitting the signal power into a useful component and an
interfering component is expressed as follows:
t Tp

Tu + t

if T p < t 0


wi = 1

(Tu + ) t
< t Tp


Tp < t

w C


(1 w )C

Ci is the power contribution from the i-th signal at the receiver input
C is the total power of the effective useful signal
I is the total effective interfering power
wi is the weighting coefficient for the i-th component
Tu is the useful symbol length

is the guard interval length

t is the signal arrival time
Tp is the interval during which signals usefully contribute
It should be remembered that I, the total effective interfering power, is weighted by the
appropriate DVB-T-to-DVB-T protection ratio when being regarded as a source of
interference in a coverage calculation.
As already mentioned, a value of Tu/3 is regarded as a theoretical limit for Tp, and would
require an interpolation filter with an infinite number of taps. The formula Tp = 7Tu/24 is often


2 Technical Elements

quoted and this gives a sensible practical limit given real filter design. At the present time,
many DVB-T receivers do not even reach this performance.
T-DAB uses differential demodulation. Therefore, the restrictions arising from the
interpolation filter for the channel estimation do not exist for T-DAB and the degradation
function looks slightly different. It is depicted in Figure 2.15.

Relative weighting, wi
Useful component
Interfering component


Tu +

Figure 2.15: T-DAB model - Splitting of the signal power into useful and interfering components.

For T-DAB, the rule for splitting the signal power into a useful component and an interfering
component is expressed as follows:

Tu + t

wi = 1

(Tu + ) t


t Tu


Tu < t 0




< t Tu +


t > Tu +

C = wi Ci

I = (1 wi )Ci

Ci is the power contribution from the i-th signal at the receiver input
C is the total power of the effective useful signal
I is the total effective interfering power
wi is the weighting coefficient for the i-th component
Tu is the useful symbol length

is the guard interval length


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

t is the signal arrival time.

It must be borne in mind that I, the total effective interfering power, is weighted by the
established T-DAB-to-T-DAB protection ratio when being regarded as a source of
interference in a coverage calculation.


FFT-window synchronisation



The synchronisation of an OFDM receiver is performed in two stages: the initial

synchronisation in which the receiver is aligned with the symbol rate, and the secondary
synchronisation in which the receiver positions the FFT-window to demodulate the signal.
The initial synchronisation is normally done by correlating samples taken Tu apart in time.
When the waveform repeats, as shown in Figure 2.16, the correlator output exceeds a
threshold value. From this the receiver can detect the start of a new symbol period.

Figure 2.16: Initial Receiver Synchronisation

(image courtesy of Philips Ltd)

In a real multipath environment, the receiver encounters a multitude of echoes that make the
second-stage synchronisation process, i.e. finding the best position for the FFT-window, a
complex task. As a consequence, various strategies can be applied in order to optimize the
receiver performance.
For coverage calculations a model is needed to describe the synchronisation performance of
real receivers. A natural way to describe the reception situation in planning simulation tools
would be to model real receiver behaviour. Unfortunately, the receiver FFT-window
positioning is not prescribed in detail in the DVB-T or T-DAB system specifications. This
means that all manufacturers have their own solutions and, moreover, regard these various
solutions as confidential, making a single description of receiver FFT-window positioning
A detailed consideration of the difference between direct signals and echoes is relevant at
this stage. In an MFN, where each transmitter acts independently on its own frequency, the
receiver may get one direct signal and a number of scattered echoes. The direct signal is not
necessarily the strongest signal nor is there necessarily a direct signal at all, particularly in
the case of portable or mobile reception. On the other hand, there are also cases where
there is only the direct signal present. In a SFN, all transmitters in the network use the same
channel. In this case, the receiver gets a number of direct signals and a number of scattered
The difference between direct signals and echoes becomes important in the computer
simulation of a coverage calculation.


2 Technical Elements

Most coverage prediction methods use two dimensional (2-D) prediction models taking into
account only the direct path. Therefore in an MFN, the modelling of the FFT-window
positioning is simple and unique since there is only one direct path present. In an SFN,
receiver synchronisation modelling is no longer unique since there are usually several direct
path signals present.
In some three-dimensional (3-D) prediction models a multipath propagation environment for
each transmitter is considered. Therefore, the FFT-window positioning for an MFN becomes
as complex as that for an SFN when 3-D prediction models are used.
A further difference arises from the fact that real receivers have to account for the time
variation of the transmission channel, whereas software modelling of the receiver FFTwindow positioning usually assumes a static reception situation. This, to some extent, is
justified by the different time scales of successive synchronisation instants and the time
variation of shadow fading in a transmission channel. But it means that a real receiver will not
show exactly the same synchronisation behaviour as that described in the simple model
cases below.

Synchronisation strategies

This chapter describes five different strategies for second-stage synchronisation (i.e.
positioning of the FFT-window) that are commonly used in receiver modelling. Four of them
are relatively simple, straightforward strategies, while the fifth is an idealised, optimal
FFT-window synchronisation is of particular importance for mobile and portable reception,
when the receiver will need to be able to synchronise in a rapidly changing environment and
in the presence of pre- and post-echoes.
The strategy employed by a receiver determines which peak in the time-domain impulse
response of the received signal is used by the receiver uses for synchronisation, and where
the receiver sets the FFT-window relative to this peak.
In a single signal environment, the synchronisation configuration is simple and clear. The
principle was already explained in chapter 2.3 and can be seen from, e.g., Figure 2.13. When
two or more signals are involved various approaches are possible.

Strongest signal

A natural approach for the FFT-window positioning is to synchronise to the strongest signal.
In order to demonstrate the principle, a configuration with four signals is chosen as an
example. Figure 2.17 shows the channel response function for the configuration, where the
peaks represent a characteristic time instant of the signals, such as the start of symbol n.

Figure 2.17: Synchronisation to the strongest signal (signal 3);

time-domain impulse response


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

Signal 3 is the strongest signal. Accordingly, the FFT-window is synchronised to signal 3.

Since relevant contributions of further signals may be found preceding signal 3 or following
signal 3, it seems reasonable to locate the centre of the FFT-window at the centre of
symbol n of signal 3. This is depicted in Figure 2.18. In the example, signals 3 and 4
contribute fully to the evaluation of symbol n, whereas the FFT-window exhibits an overlap
with symbol n+1 of signals 1 and 2, which results in a certain amount of ISI.

Figure 2.18: Synchronisation to the strongest signal (signal 3)

FFT-window position

A more sophisticated synchronisation strategy based on the strongest signal approach would
not be fixed to the centre of the symbol duration but would check for better positions within
the symbol duration of the strongest signal. E.g., in the chosen example it would be
advantageous to move the FFT-window a little bit backwards in time to avoid the small
amount of ISI arising from the overlap with symbol n+1 of signal 2. Also the inter-symbol
interference from signal 1 would be reduced.

First signal above a threshold level

This strategy takes the first signal of the time impulse response as a reference for the FFTwindow. Normally, a minimum threshold level is necessary for a signal in order to be
accepted as a trigger. Again the 4-signal configuration of the previous chapter is taken as an
example. The impulse response is given in Figure 2.19 with the threshold value indicated by
a horizontal dashed line.

Figure 2.19: Synchronisation to the first signal above a threshold (signal 2);
impulse response

The first signal above the threshold is signal 2. It serves here as the trigger for the FFTwindow. If the threshold is chosen reasonably it can be expected that there is no significant
signal preceding signal 2, therefore it is logical to align the end of the FFT-window with the
end of the symbol n of signal 2. This is indicated in Figure 2.20.


2 Technical Elements

Figure 2.20: Synchronisation to the first signal above a threshold (signal 2);
FFT-window position

With this synchronisation strategy, in this example, signals 2, 3 and 4 contribute fully
constructively, whereas signal 1 adds a certain amount of ISI.
The choice of the threshold value is a specific issue of this synchronisation strategy. It may
be taken as the power corresponding to the minimum field strength or, more pragmatically,
as a value, say 6 to 10 dB, below the strongest signal.
In a recent workshop (2003), EICTA have indicated that for DVB-T various manufacturers
apply the first signal above a threshold level, or a strategy similar to it.

Centre of gravity

In this case the receiver looks at the impulse response, calculates the centre of gravity of
the impulse response spectrum and centres the FFT-window on that point in time:


i i


tc = centre of gravity
pi = power of the i-th signal of the impulse response
ti = time of the i-th signal of the impulse response
The impulse response of the chosen example with the corresponding centre of gravity
indicated by a dashed line is given in Figure 2.21.

Figure 2.21: Synchronisation to the centre of gravity (between signal 2 and 3);
impulse response

In this example, signals 2 and 3 fully contribute constructively. Signals 1 and 4 show a small
amount of inter-symbol interference arising from an overlap of the FFT-window with
symbol n+1 of signal 1 and with symbol n-1 of signal 4. This is depicted in Figure 2.22.


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

The centre of gravity approach responds well to pre-echoes and delayed signals of similar
amplitude, since it does not fix the FFT-window to a particular signal but takes into account
the average behaviour of the impulse response of the transmission channel. On the other
hand, it can lead to ISI in cases where other strategies may not: for example, most two-echo
cases, separated by virtually the whole guard interval, would cause this strategy difficulties
unless the two echoes were of equal power.

Figure 2.22: Synchronisation to the centre of gravity (between signal 2 and 3);
FFT-window position



This strategy builds on that described in the chapter first signal above a threshold in an
attempt to approach the "Maximum C/I" described below.
The first signal of the impulse response above a minimum threshold level is taken as a
reference for the FFT-window. The process is described in the flowchart below, Figure 2.23.

Figure 2.23: Flowchart describing the Quasi-Optimal Strategy


Maximum C/I

Whereas the previously discussed strategies all give means of quickly finding a good FFTwindow position, an optimal choice would be a position where the effective C/I is maximised.
This position, however, is not easily found and would in general take too much time to be
calculated. Therefore, normally one of the above simpler strategies, or a combination of
them, is applied. Such simpler approaches can be justified by the fact that the optimum C/I
will often show a relatively flat maximum, i.e. errors introduced by sub-optimal
synchronisation are small. But there are also difficult configurations possible, e.g. in a twoecho case, if the difference in delay is close to the guard interval, there is only one position
that will result in no ISI, so the optimum here would be very sharp.


2 Technical Elements

Note that the method in the previous chapter (the Quasi-Optimal strategy) does not attempt
to find a position for the FFT-window that gives the best C/I. It merely seeks to find a position
for the window at which the C/I is good enough to allow demodulation and decoding with an
acceptable error rate.
Receiver manufacturers indicate that the evaluation of C/I is by no means trivial for a DVB-T
receiver, and for a DVB-T mode with a large guard interval of Tu/4 there seem to exist
theoretical limits for the evaluation of C/I which would prevent the application of a maximum
C/I synchronisation strategy in this case.
With regard to receiver modelling in computer simulations, e.g. for coverage calculations, the
detection of the maximum C/I position of the FFT-window is not a principle problem. A simple
but time consuming approach would be to scan the time period of interest with an
appropriate step size, calculate the C/I for each sampling point and to use the time position
with the maximum C/I as the reference.
A more sophisticated strategy to find the maximum C/I position is based on the observation
that the maximum C/I is always found at a position where the FFT-window is aligned with the
start or the end of one of the incoming signals for the symbol under consideration. A check of
all these possible positions, which amounts to 2N evaluations of C/I for N signals, then gives
the maximum C/I position. Practical experience shows that the computational effort is about
twice that of the basic strategies described in the previous chapters.


Inter-carrier interference



A further degradation mechanism may be present by loss of orthogonality of the carriers due
to phase noise and Doppler shift in a time varying transmission channel. This mechanism is
called inter-carrier interference (ICI). Phase noise and Doppler shift change the frequencies
of the OFDM carriers in a non-unique way which destroys the orthogonality relation between
the individual carriers. 2K systems are more robust against ICI than 8K systems since their
carrier spacing is 4 times larger. The T-DAB system is more robust than the 2K DVB-T

Phase noise

Phase noise is usually created by all oscillators present in the transmission chain. The main
source for phase noise in OFDM comes from the tuner of the receiver which has a PLL set
up to tune RF channels over the entire UHF/VHF band with a relatively fine step (typically
166.5 kHz). This phase noise creates inter carrier interference, that is, each 1 kHz carrier
leaks over the adjacent ones, thus suppressing the perfect orthogonality of the transmitted
modulation scheme. Depending on the receiver, the phase noise tolerance may be very
different, which affects the overall performance of the receiver.
Whilst it was predicted that phase noise would affect the performance of both T-DAB and
DVB-T receivers this has not been the case in practice and so far no receiver problems have
been identified.

Doppler degradation

Doppler degradation is encountered in mobile reception. Its origin is the Doppler shift of the
carrier frequencies, in particular for those (reflected or SFN) signals arriving at the receiver
from different directions.
Among all the parameters which characterize the service delivered to mobile receivers, the
velocity of the mobile relative to the transmitter, corresponding to a given Doppler frequency
value, fd, as well as the required C/N for a certain fd are the main variables.


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

The laboratory tests have demonstrated that, until a given Doppler limit (or inter-carrier
interference level), the receivers are able to perform sufficient channel equalisation to
demodulate the OFDM signal. Then, when the speed of the mobile (i.e.: the Doppler
frequency) increases further, the signal recovery performance decreases drastically until a
point where no demodulation remains possible.
In general the required C/N for a mobile channel is defined as the average C/N over a
sufficiently long time as to obtain a stable value, and a sufficiently short time as to avoid any
influence of shadow fading. This means that fast fading signal variations are included in the
C/N values given but not the shadow (log-normal) fading. For a given DVB-T or T-DAB mode
and a given channel profile, the required C/N for a certain quality level is therefore a function
of Doppler frequency only, and a graph like the one presented in Figure 2.24 can be drawn.



(C/N) min+3dB



(C/N) min





Figure 2.24: Receiver behaviour in a mobile propagation channel (from EBU BPN 047 [7])

This curve is characterised by a C/N floor , (C/N)min, which gives information about the
minimum signal requirement for good reception when in motion. For low speeds, the required
C/N value is relatively independent of the specific Doppler frequency. However the slope of
the C/N curve at low Doppler (between PT1 and PT2 in Figure 2.24) varies with the DVB-T or
T-DAB mode used and the QoS requirements. For higher velocities of the mobile relative to
the transmitter (or higher Doppler frequencies) the required C/N value increases gradually
until a maximum acceptable Doppler frequency is reached.
To characterize the C/N versus Doppler curve in a given mode, using a given channel
profile, four measurement points are used:
PT1: the C/N at really low Doppler frequency (for example10 Hz)
PT2: the C/Nmin which characterises the noise floor acceptable by the mobile receiver,
PT3: the C/Nmin + 3 dB which gives indication on the speed limit,
PT4: the maximum Doppler limit which characterises the maximum speed when no noise is
added. This corresponds to an infinite C/N loss.
Impairments occurring in the mobile environment are related to the Doppler characteristics of
the propagation channel. Doppler distortion evolves proportionally both with the velocity of
the vehicle and the signal centre-frequency. Hence, the RF channel used to deliver digital
services to mobile receivers has a major impact on the service reception performance. Better
performance is obtained when the lower frequencies are used, whilst worse performance will


2 Technical Elements

occur when higher frequencies are used. This implies that the C/N performances reported in
this document will vary with the actual frequency used.
Recent investigations in Sweden and France have shown that Rayleigh fading and Doppler
degradation in time varying broadcast channels can be overcome to a large extent by the
application of antenna diversity in the receiver, see, e.g., [5] and chapter 2.8.


Network gain

In an SFN many receiving locations can be covered by more than one transmitter, thus
introducing a certain level of redundancy in the signal sources and improving the service
availability, especially when portable reception is required. Particularly in portable reception,
the field strength from a single transmitter shows statistical variations due to the presence of
obstacles on the propagation path. This field strength variation can be reduced by the
presence of several transmitters, located in different directions, since when one source is
shadowed, others may be easily receivable. This fact is known as "network gain''.
As a result of network gain, SFN can be operated at lower power for the main transmitters
and the field strength distribution is more homogeneous as compared to MFN. The impact of
these features for fixed reception may not be very prominent but portable reception with its
non-favourable receiving sites and less elaborate receiving antennas will benefit from these
features to a large amount. The SFN approach seems to be the most reasonable way to
provide satisfactory coverage for larger areas when portable reception is envisaged.
Network gain is dealt with in detail in chapter 4.4.


Minimum carrier-to-noise ratio and protection ratio

For frequency and network planning the most important parameters that characterize a
broadcasting transmission system are the minimum carrier-to-noise ratio and the protection
ratio. These two quantities describe the sensitivity of the system with regard to noise and
interference. Since they are closely related to the description and evaluation of coverage
they are discussed in detail in chapter 4.1.


Antenna diversity for DVB-T

Diversity receivers may be used for DVB-T to reduce the effect of the fast fading (Rayleigh)
channel, which is always present in portable and mobile receiving environment. The general
architecture of an antenna diversity receiver is described in Figure 2.25. Output signals
obtained from several antennas are linearly combined using adjustable complex weight
factors {wi}i before being decoded using the standard DVB-T decoding algorithm.
Implementations may differ:
by the antenna systems characteristics: number of antennas, relative positions,
orientation and characteristics of each antenna (polarisation, radiation pattern, etc).
by the algorithm used to compute and eventually iteratively adapt {wi}i.


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0



 w 2*

 w 3*

 w N*


Figure 2.25: antenna diversity receiver

Antenna diversity is a key technique to overcome degradation effects in portable and mobile
DVB-T reception:
In mobile reception conditions, antenna diversity is expected to reduce the required
transmitted power (by 6 to 8 dB at lower speeds and higher values at higher speeds)
for the same coverage, but it should also allow an increase in the mobiles maximum
speed for correct reception.
The potential advantages of using antenna diversity for portable reception are
considerable. This is especially important for the 8K modes in DVB-T, which are more
sensitive to Doppler.
As for low speed mobile reception, a 5 to 8 dB gain in robustness is expected. This
should lead to an improved robustness against variations of reception quality due to
people moving around the antenna or to channel changing.
Additionally, since the signal is received on two antennas, and indoor reception
conditions are know to vary very rapidly with location, it would be much easier to find an
accurate position for good reception with a portable receiver featuring antenna diversity
than with a single antenna receiver (the probability of having deep or flat fades on two
antennas is much lower than on one single antenna). This gain is also increased if
more than one multiplex is used and coverage is defined as reception of all available


3 Single Frequency Networks


Single Frequency Networks


Definition and characteristics of SFN

There are, in principle, two types of terrestrial digital broadcasting networks to be considered.
Multi-Frequency Networks (MFN) which allow the same or different programmes to be
carried by individual transmitters using different frequencies; and
Single Frequency Networks (SFN) in which distributed emission is implemented
whereby the required coverage is provided through the use of multiple transmitters
operating on the same frequency and carrying the same programmes.
The type of network implemented will depend on the availability of frequencies, the type of
coverage required, and the number of multiplexes to be provided and may depend on further
national constraints or strategies.
The present report is dedicated to the SFN approach.
In an SFN, many receiving locations within the coverage area will be served by more than
one transmitter. This introduces a certain level of redundancy to signal reception and
improves the service availability. The field strength from a single transmitter shows statistical
variations due to the presence of obstacles on the propagation path, particularly for portable
and mobile reception. This field strength variation can be reduced by the presence of several
transmitters, located at different bearings as seen from the receiver, since when one source
is shadowed, others may be easily receivable. This aspect of an SFN gives rise to network
gain which is explored in detail in the subsequent chapters. An SFN can be designed to
provide a more homogeneous field strength distribution throughout its coverage area than a
single transmitter covering the same area.

Figure 3.1: Single Frequency Network (SFN)

In a single frequency network all transmitters of a network use the same frequency. They
possess a common coverage area and cannot be operated independently. This is sketched
in Figure 3.1, where an SFN with 10 transmitters operating on channel C1 is described. The
figure shows the service area as well as the common coverage area of the transmitters.
When operating in an SFN, the signals transmitted from individual transmitters should be:

synchronous in time (or with a precisely controlled delay);

nominally coherent in frequency (within a few Hz);

must have identical multiplex content.


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

Usually, the SFN concept is based on the same network topology as that of the MFN
approach, i.e. main transmitters with auxiliary gap fillers, if necessary.
The SFN approach allows for a more homogeneous field strength distribution than the MFN
approach, which is particularly important for portable and mobile reception. In the case of
mobile reception the SFN approach does not require a frequency hand over in the receiver
when moving within the whole coverage area.
The use of SFN is facilitated by the multi-carrier OFDM modulation technique which enables
the reception (and constructive summation) of more than one useful RF signal, as described
in sections 2 and 4.
Compared with a conventional MFN, an SFN allows significant improvements in spectrum
utilization. The network should be designed such as to avoid self-interference and to make
use of the wanted echoes produced by the other transmitters. The echo delays depend on
the difference of the propagation path lengths, and can be of the order of some tens to some
hundreds of microseconds, depending on the transmitter distance.


Types of SFN

SFN can be classified according to various criteria:

Geometrical this refers to the physical or geographical size of the coverage area. This
could be defined as large, medium, small or, more quantitatively: more than 100 km, 25 to
100 km, less than 25 km radius.
Political this defines coverage in a more generalised, imprecise manner as national,
regional or local. This could be complicated to plan for, on a standard international basis, as
the geographical size of nations and regions varies from country to country. For example the
country of Luxembourg is smaller than many of the Lnder in Germany
Structural this relates to the coverage provided by a particular transmitter infrastructure.
Countries may wish to continue using their analogue transmitter network for digital television,
so for example, a main station and its relays may operate in a regional or local SFN.
Alternatively, countries may wish to use a dense or distributed transmitter network for a large
area SFN. Coverage is then defined by that provided by the particular transmitter network
A further structural distinction of SFN is given by open and closed SFN.
In an open network no measures are taken to minimize the level of radiation towards areas
outside of the coverage area. In the limiting case an open network can consist of only a
single transmitter.
In a closed network the level of radiation towards areas outside of the coverage area is
deliberately reduced without reduction of the coverage of the intended area. This can be
done by using directional antennas on transmitting stations near the periphery of the
coverage area.


Consideration of network structures for SFN


Open and closed configurations

In a real network, covering a large area there will be considerable distances between the
transmitters. If such a network is designed as a closed network it will cause less interference
at a given distance outside of its coverage area than if it had been designed as an open
network. The reason for this is that the level of interference is mainly determined by the
radiated power from the transmitters closest to the boundary of the coverage area in the
direction considered.


3 Single Frequency Networks

However, in a closed network covering a small area the radiated power from transmitters on
the side of the coverage area opposite to the direction under consideration contributes
relatively more to the outgoing interference level than in a closed network covering a large
area. Thus the use of directional transmitting antennas on transmitters near the boundary of
the coverage area consequently brings less advantage than in the case of networks covering
larger areas.
It follows from the above that for relatively large coverage areas, the separation distance
between co-channel areas will generally be less for closed networks than for open ones. For
smaller coverage areas the separation distance for closed networks approaches that for
open networks.

Transmitting sites

Digital terrestrial broadcasting deployment can use existing sites, new sites, or alternative
network architectures. These parameters thus affect the choice of the selected digital
terrestrial broadcasting variant and the frequency requirements.
The number of transmitter sites deployed and the separation distances will vary a lot from
country to country and will depend on the system variant, the reception mode (fixed, portable
or mobile), the country size and boundary situations. For digital terrestrial broadcasting, the
separation distance between transmitter sites may vary between 30 and 50 km in the most
populated areas and between 75 and 125 km in the less populated areas.
In an SFN using appropriate digital terrestrial broadcasting standards, the separation
distance between transmitters influences the choice of the guard interval, which in turn limits
the size of the network. The separation distance and the effective height influence the
effective radiated power e.r.p.
The use of dense networks, a network of closely situated, low to medium power stations,
can offer some advantages over networks based on high power transmitters separated by
large distances (sixty to some hundreds of kilometres).
Particularly in the case of regional SFN, but also for national SFN, it is possible to consider
various forms of dense networks having significantly lower e.r.p. than that required by a
single transmitter serving the same area. For digital terrestrial broadcasting, the concept of
distributed emission can provide the needed field strength over the entire service area by a
number of low power, synchronized SFN transmitters, located on a more-or-less regular
lattice, or to use on-channel repeaters receiving their signal off-air from the main transmitter,
to improve the coverage of the main transmitter. In the latter case, the re-transmitters need
not be synchronized in time, and no parallel transmission infrastructure is needed to bring the
signal to these on-channel repeaters.
Furthermore, local high density SFN could be used to supplement large SFN in areas where
the coverage would otherwise be inadequate, due to the terrain topography. Finally, they
offer a reduction of the impact of co-channel interference at the border of the service area, by
introducing a sharper field strength roll-off. This can be further improved by a suitable
exploitation of the transmitting antenna directivity.
For example, it is possible to envisage transmitter topologies in which the central part of the
service area is covered by a large SFN (with high power transmitters separated by large
distances), but near the border a dense transmitter network is installed (with low e.r.p., and
with low-height and directive antennas). This allows the e.r.p. to be tailored according to the
service area contour, reducing the interference to adjacent areas and keeping high the
service availability inside the wanted area. This technique can be useful also on the borders
of national SFN.


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0


Transmitting antenna types and radiation patterns

Transmitting antennas will have either omni-directional or directional pattern. For stations
located along or close to either country or sea borders directional antennas should preferably
be used to reduce interference outside service areas, thus reducing the separation distance
for the frequencies in question, and to protect coverage areas of existing services. This is
especially true for high and medium power stations and will in general result in a more
efficient use of the frequency spectrum.
Beam-tilt, applied for antennas with effective height more than 100 m, is an efficient tool to
target the radiated power of high power stations to the outer part of the coverage area and,
at the same time, to reduce the interference potential at large distances and to the
aeronautical service.

Some factors influencing the transmitter distance

There are several factors that influence the transmitter distance, for example radiated power,
antenna height, reception mode, system variant and propagation path. It must be noted that
these may be different for different reference networks. In SFN networks, the distance
between adjacent transmitters is limited by the length of the guard interval, see also
chapter 3.3.2.

Some factors influencing the separation distance

The separation distance between two co-channel service areas is the minimum distance
needed in order to avoid undue interference to either of the two service areas.
The separation distance has a significant influence on the number of frequency blocks or
channels needed to establish coverage of a larger area containing several countries or
regions, each having its own programmes transmitted in one frequency block or channel.
Coverage areas served by transmitters located along the periphery and using directive
antennas pointing inwards (that is, in a closed network) will result in shorter separation
distances compared to equivalent coverage achieved by the use of non-directional antennas
(that is, in an open network). In the case of propagation paths with a significant amount of
sea, separation distances will be larger than for the case of land-only paths.

Classification of transmitting stations

Transmitting stations for digital services can be classified according to their powers. For
example section 1.6.17 of the Report from the First Session of the 2004/06 ITU Regional
Radio Conference [8] classifies transmitting station powers as follows:
High power station:
A station with an e.r.p. greater than or equal to 10 kW.
Medium power station:
A station with an e.r.p. greater than or equal to 50 W and less than 10 kW in Band III, or
greater than or equal to 250 W and less than 10 kW in Band IV/V.
Low power station:
A station with an e.r.p. less than 50 W in Band III, or less than 250 W in Band IV/V.


3 Single Frequency Networks


Mixed MFN - SFN

The SFN approach can also be mixed with the MFN concept. This may be encountered in
the following cases:
Within an MFN using high power main stations, if one such station does not provide
complete coverage, lower power relay stations (gap-fillers or repeaters) may complete the
coverage using the same frequency as the associated main station. This configuration could
also be called hybrid MFN - SFN.
Another case may consist of using an MFN structure for transmitting a national multiplex and
an SFN structure for transmitting a regional multiplex.
In other cases, this type of mixed network scenario could arise from different approaches in
adjacent countries (e.g. an MFN approach in one country and an SFN one in the other).


Impact of DVB-T parameters on SFN performance



The DVB-T specification allows for three different phase/amplitude constellations, QPSK (4QAM), 16-QAM and 64-QAM, in order to meet the different requirements in terms of spectral
efficiency and the reliability of the broadcast service.
The choice of constellation determines the number of bits that are carried at a time on each
sub-carrier; either 2 bits (QPSK), 4 bits (16-QAM) or 6 bits (64-QAM) may be carried.
Moreover, the modulation has an important impact on the performance in a SFN as the
choice of constellation also determines noise tolerance, with QPSK being around 4 to 5 times
more tolerant than 64-QAM.
QPSK provides a low data capacity but it does provide a very rugged service. Networks
using QPSK may be of particular value in urban areas for services to pedestrians and
16-QAM provides a moderate capacity and, therefore, this variant may be of interest for
providing reasonably rugged services to medium or densely populated areas.
64-QAM variant has a high data capacity but does not provide rugged services and is
particularly sensitive to self-interference effects in large area SFN.

Code rate

Different code rates can be used to trade bit rate versus ruggedness, e.g. the signal strength
required and interference protection required.
The code rate of 1/2 has the highest redundancy and in doing so the highest transmission
safety albeit at the cost of data throughput. This mode should only be applied to channels
that have a high degree of interference. The variants using code rates higher than 3/4 offer
additional capacity but may be not worthwhile as the system becomes less rugged. For code
rates 5/6 and 7/8 the implementation margins may also be higher than expected making
those variants even less attractive. The code rate of 7/8 has the lowest redundancy but the
highest throughput. As such, it should only be used for channels with low levels of
In the case of mobile reception under SFN environment, since the speed of the mobile
receiving terminal relative to different transmitters is often different, this will result in strong
Doppler effects, which have to be dealt with by channel estimation and error correction
system. A lower rate of convolutional coding like 1/2 is thus recommended for mobile


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0



The DVB-T standard defines two FFT modes (2K and 8K) each using different numbers of
sub-carriers (2048 and 8192) to constitute the OFDM signal. This means different symbol
times Tu = 896 s and Tu = 224 s.
The 8K FFT systems provide a higher degree of protection against inter-symbol interference
caused by multipath propagation. The use of a higher number of carriers within the same
bandwidth increases the symbol period (in order to preserve orthogonality) and therefore the
same proportion of guard interval gives a greater protection. In the 2K FFT systems, signal
delays that exceed the guard interval are very much more conspicuous due to the
considerably shorter usable symbol time of 224 s. Thus, the 2K FFT systems are not meant
for large area SFN.
However, the 8K FFT mode presents a higher complexity and a higher sensitivity to tuner
phase noise and may be less suitable for mobile reception. The DVB-T 2K FFT systems can
withstand moving echoes up to several hundreds Hz. Therefore, this mode is superior for
mobile applications.
The working frequency of each SFN transmitter should be accurately managed and
monitored. For COFDM SFN operation, the stability and the accuracy of the transmitters
working frequency shall ensure that each sub-carrier has the same absolute frequency
position in the RF channel.

Guard interval

In an SFN each transmitter is required to radiate the same OFDM symbol at the same time.
This comes from the fact that echoes (natural or artificially generated by co-channel
transmitters) shall be confined in the guard interval period. The OFDM receiver has to setup
a time-window during which it samples the on-air OFDM signal. The objective is to
synchronize this time-window with the useful period of the OFDM symbol. Accordingly, it will
ignore the signal during the guard interval period where the receiver signal is made of a
mixture of two or more OFDM symbols. If the transmitters deliver the same OFDM symbol at
the same instant, or with a sufficiently small time delay, the differential propagation path
delay to the OFDM receiver will remain inside the guard interval period. Accordingly, the sum
of the received signals will be constructive because they constitute the same OFDM symbol
(no inter-symbol interference), see also section 2.
The DVB-T specification offers a selection of system guard intervals, i.e., 1/32, 1/16, 1/8 or
1/4 times the duration of the useful symbol duration. For 8K(2K) mode this represents a
permitted guard interval duration of 28(7) s, 56(14) s, 112(28) s and 224(56) s,
The selection of the appropriate guard interval parameter for digital terrestrial television
affords resilience against delayed, interferencecausing signals in television reception.
Moreover, the guard interval value chosen to operate an SFN has a major implication on the
topology of the SFN network: as the guard interval duration governs the maximum echoes
delay admissible by the system, it governs accordingly the maximum possible distance
between co-channel transmitters (producing active echoes). Some modes allow setting up
large SFN networks having a great distance between high and medium power transmitters
sites. Some others allow smaller service areas with a greater density of low power
The recommendation given in the Implementation Guidelines ETSI TR 101-190 [9] for DVB-T
is that guard interval selection should be based on the distance between the transmitters.
The spacing between adjacent transmitters in an SFN should not be significantly greater than
the propagation time permitted in the guard interval:
In a 2K-FFT system the guard interval values are: 7 s, 14 s, 28 s, 56 s. These values
translated into distance give respectively: 2.1 km, 4.2 km, 8.4 km, and 16.8 km.


3 Single Frequency Networks

In an 8K-FFT system the guard interval values are: 28 s, 56 s, 112 s, 224 s. These
values translated into distance give: 8.4 km, 16.8 km, 33.6 km, and 67.2 km.
For an 8K-FFT system and guard interval of 1/4 it means that the permissible signal delay
times are outside the signal delay between adjacent transmitters, when these transmitters
are situated less than 67.2 km apart.
Studies on the maximum distance between transmitters in theoretical SFN for DVB-T and TDAB systems have shown that together with the guard interval the maximum inter-transmitter
distance is influenced by the system variant required and the effective radiated power of the
transmitters in the network.


140 km
120 km
100 km
80 km

PTx (dBW)



60 km


40 km


20 km


8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26
C/N (dB)


140 km
120 km
100 km
80 km


PTx (dBW)


60 km



40 km


20 km


8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26
C/N (dB)

Figure 3.2. Dependence of the maximum distance between transmitters in a DVB-T SFN on the e.r.p. and
minimum required C/N for coverage target of 100 %: (a) portable outdoor reception with 95 % of location
probability in Band III; (b) portable outdoor reception with 95 % of location probability in Band IV.

For a given DVB-T system variant there exists an optimal SFN size with a proper radiated
power of transmitters. The influence of C/N required by DVB-T system and the e.r.p. of the
transmitters (PTx) on the maximum distance between transmitters Dmax in the SFN to reach
100 % of the coverage is presented in Figure 3.2 for different frequency bands. With an
increase of C/N and at fixed power levels, Dmax should be decreased in order to maintain selfinterference free SFN coverage. Increase of Dmax could be obtained by augmenting the


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

power radiated by transmitters in the SFN. However, this could be done up to a certain e.r.p.
value only. After this limit the self-interference effects result in a degradation of the SFN
coverage. This is reflected by vertical lines in Figure 3.2.
Because of the long guard interval (246 s) and the relatively low required C/N (15 dB) in the
case of T-DAB the size of the SFN is only limited by the e.r.p. of the transmitters but not by
self-interference. This is demonstrated in Figure 3.3. The maximum distance increases as
the power radiated by the SFN transmitters augments. It should be also mentioned that TDAB is characterised by less rapid performance degradation versus the echo delay as DVBT, see chapter 2.3.4.


PTx (dBW)









Dmax (km)
Figure 3.3. Dependence of the distance between transmitters in a T-DAB SFN on the e.r.p. for a coverage target
of 100 % at portable indoor reception with 95 % of location probability in Band III.

Transmitter spacing can be increased beyond that defined by the guard interval by varying
the radiated power, transmission polarisation and the relative transmitter timing. Effective
planning of the required radiated power and transmission polarisation at the secondary
site(s) will optimise SFN performance and provide effective management to eliminate most
potential interference problems.
There is no limit on transmitter spacing providing the secondary site has a directional
antenna transmitting away from the main site utilising an appropriate delay. However, where
two transmit sites are radiating towards each other careful planning is required.

Data rate versus guard interval

Because the guard interval reduces the amount of time available for data transmission, its
setting has an effect on the DVB-T net deliverable bit rate. Lengthening the guard interval
decreases the bit rate. The guard interval 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4 produce respectively a loss of
3.1%, 6.2%, 12.5% and 25% in the transmitted bit rate. Table 3.1 indicates the net bit rate in
Mbits/s for various modulations, combinations of guard interval settings and error protection
code rates. The data are given for the bandwidth of 8 MHz and 7 MHz (in brackets).


3 Single Frequency Networks



16 QAM

64 QAM

Code rate

4.98 (4.35)
6.64 (5.81)
7.46 (6.53)
8.29 (7.26)
8.71 (7.62)
9.95 (8.71)
13.27 (11.61)
14.93 (13.06)
16.59 (14.52)
17.42 (15.24)
14.93 (13.06)
19.91 (17.42)
22.39 (19.60)
24.88 (21.77)
26.13 (22.86)

Guard interval
5.53 (4.84)
5.85 (5.12)
7.37 (6.45)
7.81 (6.83)
8.29 (7.26)
8.78 (7.68)
9.22 (8.06)
9.76 (8.54)
9.68 (8.47)
10.25 (8.97)
11.06 (9.68)
11.71 (10.25)
14.75 (12.90)
15.61 (13.66)
16.59 (14.52)
17.56 (15.37)
18.43 (16.13)
19.52 (17.08)
19.35 (16.93)
20.49 (17.93)
16.59 (14.52)
17.56 (15.37)
22.12 (19.35)
23.42 (20.49)
24.88 (21.77)
26.35 (23.05)
27.65 (24.19)
29.35 (25.61)
29.03 (25.40)
30.74 (26.90)

6.03 (5.28)
8.04 (7.04)
9.05 (7.92)
10.05 (8.80)
10.56 (8.80)
12.06 (10.56)
16.09 (14.08)
18.10 (15.83)
20.11 (17.59)
21.11 (18.47)
18.10 (15.83)
24.13 (21.11)
27.14 (23.75)
30.16 (26.39)
31.67 (27.71)

Table 3.1: DVB-T net bit rate in Mbits/s; 8 MHz bandwidth (in brackets for 7 MHz bandwidth)

To maximise the net bit rate, the guard interval is often chosen as small as possible,
reducing accordingly the maximum echoes delay but also the maximum distance between
transmitters, thus practically disallowing in many cases to operate 2K-SFN.

Figure 3.4: Relation between C/N, Profile, net bit rate and guard interval

Figure 3.4 gives an overview of the relation between C/N, profile, net bit rate and guard
interval for the various DVB-T configurations.


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0


Impact of T-DAB parameters on SFN performance



Several of the conclusions drawn in the previous chapter on the impact of DVB-T parameters
on SFN performance are equally valid also for the T-DAB case. For reasons of a balanced
presentation they are partly repeated in the present chapter on T-DAB properties.


All T-DAB modes use QPSK (4-QAM) modulation. QPSK provides a low data capacity but it
does provide a very rugged service for mobile reception.

Code rate

Different code rates can be used to trade bit rate versus ruggedness, e.g. the signal strength
required and interference protection required.
Five protection levels are available for audio (forward error correction (code rate) ranges
from 1/3 to 3/4) and eight protection levels are available for data services through using
punctured convolutional coding.
In the case of an audio signal, greater protection is given to some source-encoded bits than
others, following a pre-selected pattern known as the unequal error protection (UEP) profile.
The average code rate, defined as the ratio of the number of source-encoded bits to the
number of encoded bits after convolutional encoding, may take a value from 1/3 (the highest
protection level, giving the lowest useful data capacity) to 3/4 (the lowest protection level
which provides the highest data capacity). Different average code rates can be applied to
different audio sources, subject to the protection level required and the bit rate of the sourceencoded data.
Because different segments of the data stream for each programme service have different
protection levels and therefore require different code rates, it is not possible to precisely
specify the overall code rate for each programme service or for the overall multiplex of
programme services and data. The code rate thus depends slightly on the data rate used for
each programme service (or data service).


The DAB system has four alternative modes which allow for the use of a wide range of
transmitting frequencies up to 3 GHz. These transmission modes have been designed to
cope with Doppler spread and delay spread, for mobile reception in presence of multipath
(passive) echoes and active echoes created by co-channel gap-fillers or transmitters in a
single frequency network.
Mode I is most suitable for a terrestrial SFN in the VHF range, because it allows the largest
distances between transmitters as it has the longest guard interval.
Mode II is most suitable for local radio applications requiring one terrestrial transmitter and
hybrid satellite/terrestrial transmission up to 1.5 GHz. Mode II can also be used for a smallto-medium SFN at 1.5 GHz.
Mode III is most appropriate for satellite and complementary terrestrial transmission at all
frequencies up to 3 GHz. Mode III is also the preferred mode for cable transmission up to
3 GHz.
Mode IV, a new mode, bridging the gap between Modes I and II, which is also optimized for
operation at 1.5 GHz has been added with key values in a binary relationship to the
previously developed modes. This mode provides for a longer constructive echo delay for


3 Single Frequency Networks

easier SFN implementation, while keeping the effect of the Doppler spread at high vehicle
speed within reasonable bounds.
Mode I
Typical use

Terrestrial VHF

Number of carriers
Approximate Carrier spacing
Useful symbol duration
Guard Interval
Total symbol duration
Max. speed (mobile) VHF
Max. speed (mobile) L-Band


TS = T U +

1 kHz
1 msec
246 sec
1246 sec
260 / 390 km/h
40 / 60 km/h

Mode IV*
Urban L-Band
2 kHz
500 sec
123 sec
623 sec
520 / 780 km/h
80 / 120 km/h

Mode II
4 kHz
250 sec
62 sec
312 sec
160 / 240 km/h

Mode III
Satellite L-Band
8 kHz
125 sec
31 sec
156 sec
320 / 480 km/h

* Mode 4 is an extension of the original ETSI standard specification [6] to improve multipath performance of LBand SFN in urban areas, hence the table does not follow a natural sequence.
Table 3.2: Main characteristics for the four DAB transmission modes


Guard interval

In an SFN each transmitter is required to radiate the same OFDM symbol at the same time.
This comes from the fact that echoes (natural or artificially generated by co-channel
transmitters) shall be confined in the guard interval period. The OFDM receiver has to setup
a time window during which it samples the on-air OFDM signal. The objective is to
synchronize this time-window with the useful period of the OFDM symbol. Accordingly, it will
ignore the signal during the guard interval period where the receiver signal is made of a
mixture of two or more OFDM symbols. If the transmitters deliver the same OFDM symbol at
the same instant, or with a sufficiently small time delay, the differential propagation path
delay to the OFDM receiver will remain inside the guard interval period. Accordingly, the sum
of the received signals will be constructive because they constitute the same OFDM symbol
(no inter-symbol interference), see also section 2.
The T-DAB specification offers one system guard interval, i.e. 1/4 times the duration of the
active symbol duration. This is shown in Table 3.2 above.
The selection of this guard interval parameter affords resilience against delayed,
interferencecausing signals for mobile reception. The guard interval value has a major
implication on the topology of the SFN: as the guard interval duration governs the maximum
echoes delay admissible by the system. It therefore governs the maximum possible distance
between co-channel transmitters (producing active echoes). Mode I allows setting up large
SFN networks having a great distance between transmitter sites.
For Mode I, when the transmitters are situated less than 75 km apart, the permissible signal
delay times are greater that the actual signal delay between adjacent transmitters.
Transmitter spacing can be increased beyond that defined by the guard interval by varying
the radiated power, transmission polarisation and the relative transmitter timing. Effective
planning of the required radiated power and transmission polarisation at the secondary
site(s) will optimise SFN performance and provide effective management to eliminate most
potential interference problems.
There is no limit on transmitter spacing providing the secondary site has a directional
antenna transmitting away from the main site utilising an appropriate delay. However, where
two transmit sites are radiating towards each other careful planning is required.


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0


Data rate versus guard interval

In each of the specified modes of T-DAB operation the guard interval is a set fraction, one
fifth, of the overall symbol period. Whilst both the symbol period and the number of carriers
transmitted vary between modes the total number of symbols over a given period is the
same. As a result the transmitted data rate is only affected by a change in the error
protection level used.
Table 3.3 indicates the net bitrate in Mbits/s for various error protection code rates.


approximate Code

Approximate BitRate (Mbits/s)


Table 3.3: Net bit rate in Mbits/s for various error protection code rates


Spectrum utilization

Flexibility in use of spectrum

SFN configuration allows a very large flexibility in the use of spectrum. A network can be
initially designed to provide coverage to fixed roof-level antennas, but can be developed
later, without the need for additional frequencies, to provide mobile or portable services by
the addition of supplementary frequency and time synchronised stations, all carrying the
same data stream.
This can be a way of spreading the cost of introducing a new digital network over a period of
time. For example: if the initial investment required to provide a network which delivers
indoor coverage to the whole target area is too high, an administration could chose to
implement a network with a variety of reception modes. For example coverage in general to
fixed roof-level antennas with a priority given to portable reception in some towns inside the
target area. The fixed coverage network can then be developed to provide further indoor
coverage over a period of time. However, this facility can be conceived only in a frame of a
frequency planning studied in advance.
Another flexibility that the SFN brings is the freedom for a broadcasting operator to
implement new stations to improve coverage within an existing network, without having to
request additional spectrum.


4 Describing Coverage


Describing Coverage


Minimum carrier to noise ratio and protection ratio



Frequency planning for the introduction of a new broadcasting service is based on two main
parameters of the transmission system: the minimum carrier-to-noise ratio C/Nmin and the
protection ratios PR needed to achieve a given quality target for the delivered service. C/Nmin
indicates the amount by which a wanted signal level C must exceed the noise level N in
order to achieve reception at the intended quality. PR describes the amount by which a
wanted signal level C must exceed an interfering signal I in order to achieve reception at the
intended quality. C/Nmin is also termed required C/N or in a short manner of speaking
only C/N. In the latter case the exact meaning has to be concluded from the context.
The introduction of digital broadcasting television systems implies some reconsideration of
the planning procedures, in order to take into account the different behaviour of these
systems and requires some clarification in the interpretation of these two relevant

Dependence on the transmission channel

The characteristics of the terrestrial channel are random variables depending on the
receiving location, on the receiving antenna and also on time. In fact the number of echoes,
their amplitudes, delays and phases vary from place to place (and from time to time).
Therefore at each location the frequency response of the channel is different. Even when the
echo delays are within the guard interval, the input C/N required by the system 5 depends on
the channel characteristics. The presence of echoes produces frequency selective
attenuations (notches) within the signal bandwidth, whose depths depend on the echo
amplitude. The reason for the system sensitivity to the channel characteristics is due to the
fact that the spectrum notches heavily attenuate some OFDM carriers (while the noise level
remains constant), increasing their un-coded BER. The use of powerful inner codes (e.g.
coding rates 1/2, 2/3 or 3/4) allows good recovery of the information of the attenuated
carriers by means of the information carried by the other carriers. Therefore the use of these
coding rates reduces the system sensitivity to the channel characteristics. The noise margin
loss between the Gaussian channel and the Rayleigh channel is of the order of 2 to 9 dB,
depending on the echo characteristics and on the inner coding rate.
OFDM can exploit the power of multiple echoes in the sense that the available C/N at the
receiver input increases, due to power summation of the C contributions, but at the same
time the receiver performance can degrade (increase of the required C/N). As a result of
these two effects, there can be a net performance gain or loss with multipath reception and
SFN contributions. Apart from the low coding rate modes (e.g., coding rate 1/2), a single lineof-sight contribution (Gaussian channel) can give a better global performance than two 0-dB
echoes (Rayleigh channel). Conversely, when the number of 0-dB echoes is larger than two,
the required C/N does not increase further, and the global performance improves according
to the growth of the available C/N.
Similar considerations apply to the interference from an unwanted signal, i.e. to the
protection ratio PR.

EPT concept

Instead of a (static) required C/N ratio, the Effective Protection Target can be introduced,
which represents the ratio between the power of the wanted signals (echoes within and

to achieve a final signal "quality" (e.g. BER<10-11 after Reed-Solomon decoding).


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

useful component of the echoes falling between and Tp) and the sum of the powers of
noise and effective interference (interfering component of the echoes falling between and
Tp echoes, and echoes outside Tp) at the system threshold. For the meaning of and Tp see
chapter 2.3.4.
The required EPT depends on the system parameters (modulation and code rate) and on the
characteristics of the echoes inside Tp, which determine the criticality of the frequency
selective channel.
For fixed reception, the channel is Ricean-type when a single transmitter dominates, while it
becomes Rayleigh-type when a number of strong artificial echoes within the guard interval
are present. In the case of portable reception, the channel is typically Rayleigh-type both with
natural echoes and with artificial SFN echoes.
In SFN planning, it is assumed that the system can operate satisfactorily at a given location,
in the presence of Gaussian noise, of echoes inside and outside the guard interval and of
external noise-like interferers, when the available aggregate C/(N+I) is larger or equal to the
required Effective Protection Target (EPT):

N+I Available


+ (CI )

EPT is given by the following empirical formula, where all the items are expressed in dB:



+ 1 + 2


( N P N F )
N P + 1 + 2

for fixed reception

for portable reception

EPT is the required system effective protection target in a particular SFN echo environment
C/N(F) is the minimum carrier-to-noise ratio required by the system on the F1 channel as
given in Annex A of the DVB-T specification ETSI Standard EN 300 744 [5]
C/N(P) is the minimum carrier-to-noise ratio required by the system on the P1 channel as
given in Annex A of the DVB-T specification ETSI Standard EN 300 744 [5]
"channel criticality due to artificial echoes" is the ratio between the power received from
the main transmitter and the total power of the artificial echoes inside the guard interval (but
Ka < 0 dB)


is the total system implementation loss. Often a value of 3 dB is chosen.

is an aggregate performance loss due to the echoes outside the guard interval which
produce aliasing and noise increase on the channel estimation. Pending other results, 2
should be set equal to 0 dB
(Implementation and performance loss 1 and 2 must not be mixed up with the guard
interval !)

1 and 2 may be set to 0 when new and consolidated values for C/N(F) and C/N(P) based
on a sufficiently large number of consumer receivers are available.


Definition of coverage



The main questions when building new digital terrestrial networks are the evaluation of the
service area and the population covered. These evaluations are made through the estimation
of the level of the wanted signal(s) and the level of the interfering signals. The relevant


4 Describing Coverage

planning parameters in this context are the required carrier-to-noise ratio and the protection
ratio which describe the sensitivity of the system under consideration against noise and
against interference.
Concerning digital television, it is known that when the level of signal decreases and the
carrier-to-noise ratio C/N or the carrier-to-interference ratio C/I falls below a given minimum
value, the picture disappears completely with a further signal level reduction of less than
about 1 dB. This behaviour is generally referred to as the rapid failure characteristic of the
digital system and the limit value of the field strength is designated as the minimum field
strength. If the same coverage definition as for analogue television were used for digital
television, this would mean that 50% of the locations would not be served at or near the
edge 6 of the service area or in any other areas of reduced signal caused by local
obstructions. Therefore, a value of only 50% of locations receiving a picture is clearly
unacceptable, higher values of the percentage of locations have to be selected in order to
allow reception in a satisfactory number of locations, with a standard receiving installation.
Values ranging from 70 to 99% are usually quoted for digital television transmissions.
The exact value chosen depends on the level of service quality which is aimed at, and that is
why values can be different from one country to another or even from one company to
another within a given country. Nevertheless, values of 70%, 95% and 99% of the
percentage of locations have been chosen in the proposed coverage definitions.
Digital radio also experiences a rapid transition from perfect to no reception for a small
reduction in signal level below the minimum acceptable C/I. For T-DAB, which is designed
for a mobile outdoor service, a percentage location value of 99% is used.
Under such considerations, some of the simpler tools used for analogue television coverage
evaluations are not completely satisfactory and it is necessary to make more complex
In general, the reception of digital services is faced with a multi-signal environment, multiple
interference as well as multiple wanted signals in the case of SFN. To assess the wanted
and unwanted resultant field strengths the individual signals have to be combined. Since
signal strengths are described by statistical quantities they have to be combined statistically.
Basically, this is true for both location and time statistics. However, it is usual to treat them in
different ways. Time statistics are taken account of by using tabulated field strength
propagation curves for the appropriate time percentages. Location statistics are dealt with by
using field strength distributions.

Location statistics Coverage of a single receiving location

For a receiving location to be covered by a digital broadcast service, we know that the level
C of the wanted signal, expressed in dB, has to be higher than the level N of noise by a
certain value which is the minimum C/Nmin This can be expressed (in dB) by the condition :
C > C/Nmin + N
In the same way, to overcome the effect of an interferer, the level C of the wanted signal
must be higher than the level I of this interferer by a certain value referred to as the
protection ratio PR for this particular type of interferer. It can also be expressed (in dB) by :
C > PR + I

The term edge is taken to mean any transition between a covered area and a non-covered area. These edges
may occur at the outer boundary of a coverage area or at the boundaries of any uncovered areas which may exist
inside the overall area, usually as the result of local screening on the path of the wanted signal.


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

The sum PR + I (protection ratio + field strength of interferer) is often referred to as the
nuisance field. In practice, the receiving antenna discrimination against the interfering signal
may also need to be taken into account :
C> PR + I Ad,
with Ad being the receiving antenna discrimination in the azimuth of the interferer.
In practice, the wanted signal has to fulfil both conditions which can be expressed as:
C > C/Nmin + N + PR + I Ad
For the case where more than one wanted and more than one unwanted signal is
encountered, the condition for reception can be expressed as:
PC > P(N + C/Nmin) + P(PR+I-Ad)

power of the wanted signals

P(N + C/Nmin)

noise power equivalent + required C/N


power of the nuisance fields Coverage of a small area

In practice, it is not possible to know the real values of the field strength for each receiving
location in order to apply the previous formula and to determine precisely the coverage area.
The only figures that can be evaluated are the mean values of the field strengths in small
areas (typically, 100 m x 100 m). The variation over such a small area is often called longterm fading or shadow fading.
The problem is then to know if a given small area is inside or outside a coverage area and to
calculate the probability of good reception in these areas. This probability represents the
percentage of receiving locations which can receive a satisfactory signal (that is, whose
power is greater than or equal to the sum of the noise and nuisance powers) within the small
area. A small area is regarded as covered and thus as belonging to the coverage area - if
the probability is higher than a given threshold, e.g. 70%, 90% or 95%. This aspect is
discussed more detailed in the next chapter
The calculation of the probability is carried out - using the appropriate values for the noise
level and the protection ratios of each type of interferer - for the field strengths which are
random variables. The field strength prediction gives the mean level of the wanted field
strengths and of the unwanted signals using the prediction method of, e.g., the ITU-R Rec.
P.1546 [10] or prediction models using terrain data banks.
But, because the wanted and nuisance powers are random variables which are only known
through their means and standard deviations, the formulas given in the previous chapter
cannot be applied only to the means of the wanted and nuisance powers. It is necessary to
refer to mathematical models for the distribution of field strength with locations and to use
mathematical methods to obtain the result of the combination of several randomly distributed
signals. This is dealt with in more detail in chapter 4.4.
A further aspect that is to be mentioned in this context is the fact that each propagation
model is affected with a prediction error which adds a further statistical component. However,
it will not be dealt with explicitly in this report, since the prediction error varies from one
individual propagation model to the next. Often shadow fading and prediction error are dealt
with together, and it is assumed that the applied standard deviation of the field strength
covers both effects. It is this latter view that is taken in the present report.


4 Describing Coverage Propagation prediction and its statistical background

Terrestrial broadcasting signals are propagated through the atmosphere between the
transmitter and the receiver. The characteristics of the propagation channel gives rise to a
statistical time variation and a statistical location variation of the transmitted field. The time
variation of a wanted field is in general very small compared to its location. These statistical
variations are incorporated in well known propagation models such as ITU-R Rec. 1546 [10].
When discussing the statistics of received field strength, the variation of the wanted signal is
determined over an area where the signal has an average value and a log-normal type of
variation around this median value, with a known standard deviation. This value of the
standard deviation normally varies between 3 and 6 dB. For planning of digital broadcasting
services often a value of 5.5 dB is used. The areas over which this value has validity must
have a suitable size. In other words, the area cannot be too large or too small. Typically, it
has the size of 100 m x 100 m. A suitably sized area will be termed a Test Area.
As an illustrative counterexample, measurements of the field strength over an area stretching
from the transmitter site outward to a concentric circle 100 km away will certainly have a
standard deviation more than 5.5 dB. This would not be a test area. Likewise, if the area
consists of only few closely located points, the location standard variation will be less than
5.5 dB. This would also not be a test area.
It must be remembered that field strength values provided by statistical propagation models
do not give information about specific points, only about test areas. For example, a field
strength level, X, may be achieved (or exceeded) at 50% of the locations at a given distance
from a transmitter with a given effective antenna height and erp; another (lower) field
strength level, Y, may be achieved (or exceeded) at, for example, 99% of those same
locations for the same transmitting conditions. The difference, X-Y, is proportional to the
standard deviation, and represents the () spread within which most field strength values will
lie when measured at the points within the test area. No information is given as to which
individual locations/points within the test area receive a field strength equal to a specified
field strength level, or which individual locations/points receive a field strength that exceeds
the specified field strength level.
If the transmitter power is now increased by a fixed amount (say, 3 dB), then the received
field strength will be increased at each location/point by that amount (3 dB) and the field
strength at more locations/points than before will equal or exceed the specified field strength
level (X or Y). But there is still no knowledge of those specific locations/points where this
happens. Nevertheless it makes sense to say that the field strength has been raised by 3 dB
at all of the locations/points under consideration or, equivalently, that the specified field
strength level (X or Y) is reached or exceeded at a higher percentage of locations/points
(higher than 50% or 99%, respectively).

Time statistics

Time statistics for interfering fields are taken account of by basing calculations on 1% time
propagation curves, whereas wanted field calculations are based on 50% (or 99%) time
propagation curves. Normally, a more detailed treatment of time statistics is not performed in
coverage calculations for digital broadcasting services. Actually, there are not even methods
available to do so. To some extent this approach is justified at least for wanted signals by
the fact that for shorter distances (less than 100 km) the time variation is much smaller than
the location variation.
With respect to signal summation, self interference fields are treated as normal unwanted
signals. 1% time propagation curves are used, and they are added to the other source of
possible interference from outside the SFN.


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0


Minimum reception conditions


Single signal case

Location statistics of an individual (logarithmic) field strength originating from one transmitter
is described by means of a normal distribution which is characterised by two parameters,
mean value and standard deviation. Accordingly, the power of the signal is then distributed
The key role of coverage probability targets as planning parameters for a digital system has
been previously discussed. These target figures are related to the field strength distribution
parameters. 50% coverage probability is determined by the mean value of the distribution, for
the calculation of higher (and also lower) coverage probabilities both mean value and
standard deviation of the signal distribution are needed.
In the case of a single signal, where the distribution parameters are known a priori from the
propagation prediction, probability margins to cater for higher coverage probabilities are
easily calculated and the minimum median field strengths for planning can be determined.
The same applies to probability margins for protection ratios when one wanted and one
unwanted field are involved. The exact definition of protection margin is given later in this
In chapter the general formulation of the minimum reception conditions is given. In
the case of a single wanted signal and a single unwanted signal this is (neglecting receiving
antenna discrimination for simplicity):
C > C/Nmin + N + PR + I.
In the absence of the interferer the formula gives the definition of the minimum field strength
Fmin = C/Nmin + N.
For proper reception, Fmin must be exceeded by the wanted signal C, which as a statistical
variable with a normal distribution is described by a mean value Cmean and a standard
deviation C:
C > Fmin,
or, to be more precise:
P(C > Fmin) > p,
where P(A) denotes the probability of the event A and p the intended location coverage
probability. With the given distribution parameters of C and the intended coverage probability
p the minimum median equivalent field strength for planning FMME can be evaluated:
FMME = Fmin + p* C.
FMME is the planning parameter that must be exceeded by the mean value Cmean of the
wanted signal C in order to guarantee proper reception with the intended coverage
probability. The amount p* C by which FMME is larger than Fmin is called the probability
margin. It is a function of the standard deviation and of the percentile factor p. Values of p
for typical coverage probabilities p are given in Table 4.1 below. Percentile factors are
treated in detail in Annex A.4. Often the probability margin is also called propagation margin.
p = 0.50

p = 0.00

p = 0.70

p = 0.52

p = 0.95

p = 1.64

p = 0.99

p = 2.33

Table 4.1: Percentile factors for typical probabilities p


4 Describing Coverage

A similar consideration holds when the interference of the wanted signal (with level C) by an
unwanted signal (with level I) is examined. For proper reception, the wanted signal has to
fulfil the condition
C > PR + I,
or, again in statistical form:
P(C > PR + I) > p.
The evaluation of this expression renders the condition for the mean value Cmean of the
wanted field:
Cmean > Imean + PR + p* (C2 + I2)
The probability margin p* (C2 + I2) now contains both standard deviations of the wanted
as well as of the unwanted signal since both are statistical variables. The probability margin
reduces to the well known form 2*p*, when the same standard deviations are assumed
for the wanted and the unwanted signal: C = I = .
Since the standard deviations of the wanted and the unwanted field are known a priori (they
are input parameters of the field strength prediction model), in the single signal case the
probability margins can be calculated once and for all and be used as generally valid
planning parameters.
The combined treatment of noise and interferer, as already indicated in chapter,
contains elements of statistical summation and is therefore discussed in the next chapter.

Multiple signal case

In principle, the same minimum reception conditions as described in the previous chapter
also apply in the case of a multiple signal environment. However, the fact that now statistical
sums of the wanted signals and of the unwanted signals are involved introduces some
interesting effects and makes the evaluation of coverage more complex. Multiple interfering
signal configurations are well known in many broadcasting situations, whereas multiple
wanted signals are a particular aspect of single frequency networks.
When a multi-signal situation is encountered, the parameters of the resulting signal
distribution are no longer known a priori. Mean value and, especially, standard deviation
strongly depend on the particular signal configuration having to be determined by means of
statistical procedures. As a consequence, minimum field strengths and probability margins
no longer have fixed values; they rather become variables depending on the number,
strength and spread of the individual single fields. However, two general trends can be
identified. Firstly, the mean value of the composite signal is larger than the arithmetic sum of
the individual means and, secondly, the standard deviation of the composite signal is smaller
than that of the individual signals, both facts creating the effect of network gain (in the case
of wanted signals). Its physical background, location diversity, is discussed in chapter 4.4.2,
its relation with the minimum median equivalent field strength in chapter 4.4.5.
The following example may give an impression of the significance of field strength
summation effects. Maximum statistical network gain is achieved if the contributing fields are
of equal strength at the receiving location. In the case of, e.g., three single signals it amounts
to about 6 dB and lowers the minimum median field strength for planning at that location by
this amount. If the three signals are not of equal strength network gain varies between 0 and
6 dB. In a similar way probability margins for protection ratios are reduced by signal
summation effects. The example shows that signal summation effects in SFN may impact the
coverage of a digital service to a significant amount.
It has already been stated that signal summation effects increase the mean value and lower
the standard deviation of the resulting sum signal distribution as compared to the outcome of


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

a non-statistical treatment. This is an important finding, since it gives the possibility to fix the
results of the non-statistical treatment as an upper bound for initial planning estimates.
Allowing for some additional implementation margin, they form an appropriate basis for
planning when detailed information about the transmitter characteristics of a network is not
available, e.g., when setting up an allotment plan.
On the other hand, detailed planning, e.g., for the implementation of a real transmitter
network, has to take account of signal summation effects. Probability margins for minimum
field strengths and protection ratios then no longer form suitable planning parameters. They
have to be replaced by the more basic coverage probability targets.
Since network gain is a fundamental feature of single frequency networks this aspect is
discussed in greater detail in the next chapter 4.4. Mathematical methods for the statistical
signal summation and the calculation of coverage probabilities are described in chapter 4.5.


Network gain



When discussing network gain it is necessary to consider a test area where two (or more)
signals are present and the necessary conditions (i.e., well-defined median value with
appropriate standard deviation and a log-normal distribution) apply for both (or all) wanted
signals individually. In different test areas, the specifics of these conditions may well differ,
and this will give rise to differing values of the network gain. Just as the median value of field
strength varies throughout the test areas of a coverage area, the network gain will also vary
throughout the test areas of an SFN.
Sometimes the term network gain is used to define a single number which is applicable to
the entire SFN (or reference network) and this can lead to confusion 7. To avoid this
confusion the term effective network gain will be introduced below to refer to network gain in
such a large non-test area.

Definitions related to network gain

In order to clarify further the concept of network gain, the following set of definitions will be
given. In each case the network gain involved is a function of the location probability
concerned: in general the network gain for a given test area will increase as the location
probability for which it is determined increases. This will be seen in numerical detail in
Tables 4.2 and 4.3. Although not usually explicitly stated in the following, the dependence of
network gain on location probability must always be kept in mind.

The total network gain (T) refers to the total increase of received power, for a
specific location probability in the reception test area as compared to the power
received from one (the strongest) transmitter serving that test area for the same
location probability. Actually care must be taken in using this definition. It must be
recalled that, throughout the test area, the field strength due to the (strongest)
transmitter itself varies. What is really meant is that over an extended, though small,
test area the received power will be increased by at least the total network gain at
the specified location probability throughout the specified small test area.
Several computer methods have been developed to calculate total network gain, see
chapter 4.5 and Annex A.

The total network gain is sometimes considered to be composed of two contributions: a

statistical part and an additive part.

For example, in more familiar terms, we never talk about the average field strength over the entire coverage
area, but rather about the average field strength at the edge of the coverage area.


4 Describing Coverage

The statistical network gain (S) arises due to the purely statistical nature of the
individual signals without taking into account their (potential) combination within the
receiver. In determining the statistical network gain the location variation of the field
strength is the dominant contributing factor: the time variation of the field strength is
generally not taken into account because the time standard deviation is relatively
small at the short distances involved in providing coverage 8.
Statistical network gain can be understood in at least two equivalent ways:
a) Area coverage: To overcome the statistical location variation in field strength, that
is in order to ensure that with a single transmitter the minimum equivalent field
strength value is achieved at a high percentage of a given area, it is necessary to
transmit with more power. If, on the other hand, two (or more) transmitters can be
used to cover the same area the percentage of coverage will also be increased
without the need to increase the power. For example, if one signal covers an
(overlapping) area with 60% probability and a second signal covers, independently,
the same area with 55% probability, that area will be covered at {1 (1 0.6) x (1
0.55) } = 0.82, that is 82% combined probability.
The statistical network gain, in terms of coverage probability, would be: 82% 60% =
22%. A third signal covering the same area with 45% probability would increase the
combined probability to 90.1%, and this increase of coverage probability is achieved
with no increase of power (of the individual transmitters).
In situations where, in a given test area, one transmitter delivers the minimum field
strength for a significantly higher percentage of locations than the other transmitters
in the network (for example, sufficiently near any given transmitter) the statistical
network gain will tend to zero.
b) Mobile reception: In mobile reception the field strength from a single transmitter
shows statistical variations due to the continual variation of obstacles on the
propagation path. This field strength variation can be reduced by the presence of
several transmitters (or echoes), located in different directions, since when one
source is shadowed, others may be more easily receivable.
Knowing the type of distribution (log normal) and the value of the standard deviation,
it is relatively easy to calculate the amount of statistical network gain to be expected
(see Annex A for examples).

The additive network gain (A) is manifested as an effective increase in signal

strength (or power) in a test area due to the incidence of two or more signals at the
receiver antenna (i.e., the additive point gain) at each point in the test area. It is due
to the ability of the receiver to add the signal powers delivered by the wanted signals
(or echoes) arriving from the transmitters in the SFN and would arise even if there
were no statistical variations in the propagation channel 9. For example, two (three,
four,) signals with the same field strength level and no relative delay arriving at a
receiving antenna (located at a point) from two (three, four,) different transmitters in
the SFN would result in a 3 dB (4.8 dB, 6 dB,) increase of useful signal strength at
that point (additive point gain). However, because it is not possible (or practical) to
determine field strength levels at individual points, it is necessary to define additive
network gain over a test area, as was done above in the definitions for the total
network gain and for the statistical network gain.
But, taking into account the statistical variation of the fields, the levels of two or more
fields are very rarely the same at any given point in a reception test area, even if the
median values of the signals are the same in that test area. Thus it is not correct to

A complete calculation of statistical gain would also take the time variation statistics into account.
In a very simple case, two constant (i.e., non-varying) signals of the same level, if added, would result in a 3 dB
increase of useful signal strength.


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

say that the additive network gain is 3 dB (4.8 dB, 6 dB,) 10 if the two (three, four,)
median values of the contributing signals are equal. The additive point gain at a
particular location/point will depend on the relative field strengths received at the
location/point which in turn are related to, but not explicitly determined by, the means
and the location 11 variations of the contributing signals. And the final distribution of the
additive point gains throughout the test area will define the additive network gain.
Because the additive network gain is connected to the interaction of signals at a
point as well as the variation statistics of the signals at the points over a test area, it is
not a simple matter to calculate it directly. The additive network gain can, however, be
calculated indirectly by subtracting the statistical network gain from the total network
gain: A = T S.


The effective network gain (E) is defined as follows for an SFN. An SFN coverage
area consists of many test areas, each test area of which, Ai say, benefits from its
own individual total network gain, Ti. Recall that this means that throughout each test
area Ai the received power will be effectively increased by its individual total network
gain Ti. In principle, it would be possible to reduce the powers of all the transmitters in
the SFN by this amount and still maintain the same location probability in the test
area as would be attained by the strongest received transmitter operating by itself (at
its original power). As a result of network gain, the transmitters in an SFN can be
operated at lower powers compared to those in an MFN. Moreover, the field strength
distribution in the coverage area of the SFN will be more homogeneous. The
temptation is to reduce the powers in an SFN by the maximum of the Ti for all the test
areas in the SFN 12. But this could lead to a reduction which is too large for certain test
areas, see chapter 4.4.4 for an example. The effective network gain is that amount by
which each transmitter power in an SFN may be reduced and still provide the
required coverage probability throughout the SFN and, as just indicated, this may be
less than the maximum Ti. Great care is needed to determine a suitable value for
effective network gain.
Examples of network gain

Tables 4.2 and 4.3 below give the relevant values calculated for various numbers of
contributing sources (2, 3 or 4) and for various percentages of location coverage (0.1% to
99.9%). It is assumed in each case that all sources are equal contributors (leading to the
greatest resulting network gains), uncorrelated, with a log-normal distribution, a 5.5 dB
standard deviation. The sum distributions for 2, 3, and 4 equal contributors is given pictorially
in the Figures 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 13 for the entire range of location percentages 0.1% to 99.9%,
indicating total, statistical, and additive network gain components. Figure 4.4 shows a
comparison between the total sum distributions for two, three, and four equal contributors. It
can be seen that:

the additive network gain is not constant 14 and is in fact an increasing function of the
percentage location probability of interest;

the amount of total network gain that can be achieved depends in the same way on
the location percentage coverage that is being planned for;

the overall standard deviation of the composite received signal is less than that of a
single signal; hence the extra power margin needed to achieve, for example, a 95%
or 99% location coverage can be reduced relative to the single transmitter case.


Although it is a crude approximation.

And also, in principle, the time variations.
We are assuming that, in the design of the SFN, the minimum possible transmitter powers are used, while still
ensuring that the minimum reference field strength is met or exceeded in all Areas of the SFN.
The calculations were carried out using Monte Carlo simulation.
In particular, the values are not generally 3.0, 4.8, 6.0 dB for 2, 3, 4 equal contributors.


4 Describing Coverage





















Table 4.2: Network Gain









Table 4.3: Network Gain

In the more general case signal levels will differ at a specific location. Figure 4.5 shows how
the total network gain varies as the relative levels of two contributing signals vary from 0 to
6 dB.


field strength / dB(uV/m)










20 30 40 50 60 70 80

90 95



cumulative distribution function / %

Figure 4.1: Sum distributions for 2 equal contributing signals



EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0



field strength / dB(uV/m)










20 30 40 50 60 70 80

90 95




cumulative distribution function / %

Figure 4.2: Sum distributions for 3 equal contributing signals



field strength / dB(uV/m)










20 30 40 50 60 70 80

90 95



cumulative distribution function / %

Figure 4.3: Sum distributions for 4 equal contributing signals



4 Describing Coverage

total; 2 signals
total; 3 signals
total; 4 signals


field strength / dB(uV/m)










20 30 40 50 60 70 80

90 95




cumulative distribution function / %

Figure 4.4: Comparison between the total sum distributions for 2, 3 and 4 equal contributing signals

99% Location gain (dB)


Difference in median field strength levels (A - B dB)

Figure 4.5: Theoretical total SFN Network Gain for two contributing sources A and B (Standard deviation
= 5.5 dB)


Network gain and the design of an SFN

In the previous chapter 4.2 it was indicated that the total network gain of a particular test area
cannot be generalized to be valid for the whole coverage area of the SFN. Further examples
of typical network gain situations are presented in this chapter and it is shown that a careful
assessment of the effective network gain is necessary in the design of an SFN.


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

In Figures 4.6 and 4.7, the two lowest curves sloping downward to the left and right,
respectively, represent the individual field strength levels attained along a line separating two
transmitters. In Figure 4.6, the two transmitters both have an effective antenna height equal
to 37.5 m and are separated by 40 km. In Figure 4.7, the two transmitters have an effective
antenna height equal to 37.5 m (at the left) and 1200 m (at the right), respectively, and are
separated by 140 km. In both cases, Figure 4.6 and 4.7, the field strengths from the two
transmitters are equal (giving the largest total network gain) at a distance 20 km from the
transmitter on the left.
An example of a symmetric case of network gain is shown in Figure 4.6. If the power is
reduced by the total network gain the reference field strength level will still be reached
An example of an 'asymmetric' case of network gain is given in Figure 4.7. It can be seen 15
that the reference field strength level will not be achieved everywhere if the power is reduced
by the maximum total power gain.
Thus it can be concluded that care must be taken with the simple recipe which would allow
the transmitters in a SFN to have their powers reduced by the maximum total network gain
with the intent to maintain the desired minimum field strength achieved everywhere.


Field strength (dBuV/m)

37.5 m
37.5 m






Distance (km)
Figure 4.6: Symmetric situation


See the horizontal line.





4 Describing Coverage


Field strength (dBuV/m)


37.5 m
1200 m
E min









Distance (km)
Figure 4.7: Asymmetric situation


Influence of network gain on the minimum median equivalent field strength

For the case of a single transmitter (MFN) the minimum median equivalent field strength to
be used for planning is derived as described earlier in this section. For the case of SFN
coverage the following must be observed.
Because of its higher complexity, a multiple signal configuration no longer allows the
identification of a single, unique value of a field strength that must be exceeded in order to
achieve proper reception (such as the minimum median equivalent field strength for
planning in the single transmitter case). Since usually a large variety of signal configurations
is encountered throughout the coverage area of an SFN a correspondingly large number of
different minimum requirements for proper reception are found across the SFN area. The
concept of the minimum median equivalent field strength for planning can therefore no
longer be applied in a precise sense to SFN planning.
The alternative concept for SFN planning is based on the minimum equivalent field strength
at receiving place and the envisaged location coverage probability as minimum
requirements. The statistical treatment of a given signal configuration and a comparison with
the new minimum requirements then provides the answer whether proper reception is
possible at the location under consideration. For the case of a single transmitter this
approach is identical with the minimum median equivalent field strength for planning
concept. The appropriate statistical methods to deal with the alternative concept are
described in detail in the subsequent chapters and in Annex A.


Signal summation and calculation of coverage probability


Summation of field strengths

In the course of planning a network, it is necessary to predict the level of interference field
strength, both outgoing from and incoming to the network, i.e. to predict the interference field
strength produced by one network in the service area of another.
For international co-ordination, in order to assess compatibility, it is necessary to quantify the
sum of the outgoing field strengths from each transmitter in the wanted network into the
service area of other networks using the same frequency.


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

In order to predict the coverage of a network, it is necessary to estimate the mean values
and standard deviations of the wanted field strength and the unwanted field strength in a
large number of test locations, and to calculate with these values the percentage of locations
served within the area. The unwanted field strength will be a combination of self-interference
from the network itself and interference from other networks.

Assessment of coverage probabilities

The calculation of the coverage probability is split into three parts:

Calculation of the wanted sum field strength,

Calculation of the interfering sum field strength, including self-interference

Evaluation of the coverage probability.

One of the questions to be answered is how to combine interfering signals when there is
more than one and how to take into account the effect of noise. Some of the calculation
methods to deal with this question are presented below. They are all statistical methods
which require computer processing and they use models of the real situation. In all the
methods, except the power sum method which does not make use of statistics at all, it is
assumed that field strengths have a log normal distribution with location.
It should be noted that though there may exist some correlation between the individual
signals, wanted as well as unwanted signals, none of the methods described below include
the treatment of correlation in their original form. However some of them can be extended to
include correlation. The effect of correlation varies with the reception situation. It can produce
either an increase or a decrease of coverage depending upon the particular correlation
The proper treatment of field strength statistics automatically yields the pertinent values of C
and N+I, including network gain. In particular, no extra effort for the calculation of network
gain is necessary. However, the (100%) correlation between the wanted and self-interfering
components of a given delayed wanted signal is not taken into account using this procedure
and, depending on the overall configuration, can lead to an over-estimation of the
interference potential.

Calculation methods General
The basic principle when evaluating a service area is to estimate mean value and standard
deviation of wanted field strength and unwanted field strength in a large number of test
locations in the assumed service area and with these values, to calculate the percentage of
locations served.
The determination of statistically summed field strengths and, further, the evaluation of
coverage probabilities, can be performed using numerical methods, numerical integration,
Monte Carlo simulation, or by means of approximations. Some of the methods commonly
applied in network planning are described in the subsequent chapters The first method is a
numerical approach which is capable of providing the required accuracy but at the expense
of a large amount of computer time. The remaining methods are approximations which are
presented in order of growing complexity and this increasing complexity corresponds to an
increasing computer processing time. In Annex A detailed descriptions including formulas
can be found.


4 Describing Coverage The Monte-Carlo method

Apart from a deterministic (numerical integration) method, the Monte-Carlo approach is the
most accurate method available to evaluate the coverage probability. With the mean value
and the standard deviation of the distribution of each signal it is possible to simulate the
situation for a large number of reception locations in a test area (say, 100 m x 100 m). This is
done by generating one random value of each wanted field and one random value of each
interferer. For each combination it is possible to check if the reception location is served or
unserved by comparing the sum of the powers of the wanted signals with the sum of the
powers of the noise and the nuisance fields. By repeating this simulation for a large number
of combinations of wanted and unwanted signals, the coverage probability for a given test
area may be derived. The higher the number of combinations, the more accurate the method
becomes but this can lead to very lengthy computer processing times. In addition, the
process must be repeated for a large number of test areas in order to represent the overall
coverage area. Power sum method
A description of the power sum method as applied to analogue television is given in EBU
doc. Tech 3254 [11]. This method has been used for the assessment of multiple interference
at several ITU conferences. The sum of the signal levels is calculated by a non statistical
summation of the individual signal powers. For the unwanted signal, the powers of the mean
values of the individual nuisance fields are added to the power of the minimum field strength
(representing the noise contribution). For the wanted signal in an SFN, the powers of the
individual useful fields are added. A 50% location coverage is obtained if the sum of the
unwanted signal levels equals the sum of the wanted signal levels.
For digital services, a margin must be added to the resulting nuisance field in order to cover
more than 50% of the locations. This margin is related to the target percentage of locations.
Its value is not derived by the power sum method. Usually a value derived from the standard
deviation of a single signal is used.
The method gives acceptable results for a 50% locations target but shows a poor behaviour
for higher percentages due to its non-statistical character. Figure 4.8 gives an example of
this in the case of three equal, non-correlated log-normal fields. The solid line represents the
sum distribution (exact result). Its non-constant slope indicates the deviation from log-normal
behaviour. For comparison, the dotted line represents the distribution of each one of the
equal contributing fields. The third, dashed line, denoted by PSM, represents the result
calculated by the power sum method; it is a good approximation between about 70 - 90%
outage, corresponding with 10% - 30% coverage probability, which is generally of little
interest for coverage purposes.
If the fields represent useful signals, Figure 4.8 gives the outage probability - which is the
complement of the coverage probability - with regard to a threshold field strength, e.g.
minimum field strength.


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0


Probability / %









Field strength / dB(V/m)

Fi = 60 dBV/m, i = 5.5 dB, i = 1, 2, 3

Figure 4.8: Sum distribution of 3 fields Simplified multiplication method

The simplified multiplication method is a statistical computation procedure which has also
been used for the assessment of multiple interference, for instance at the Regional VHF/FM
Broadcasting Conference (Geneva, 1984) [12].
It gives the coverage probability in the presence of several interfering signals which are
assumed to be log-normally distributed with known mean values and standard deviations.
The coverage area can be determined by calculating the probability for different locations.
The contour of the coverage area is made up of the set of locations where the coverage
probability achieves the required value.
As the effect of noise is not taken into account in the statistical treatment, over-estimation of
the coverage can be expected when the levels of the interferers are low. However, it is
possible to add the effect of noise at the end of the calculation process.
This method is explained in detail in EBU doc. Tech 3254 [11], but it must be noted that it is
not applicable to SFN since it cannot deal with multiple useful signals. Log-normal method
The log-normal method is an approximation method for the statistical computation of the sum
distribution of several log-normally distributed variables. In a coverage calculation it gives the
coverage probability of the test area under consideration. The method is based on the
assumption that the resulting sum distributions of the wanted and unwanted fields are also
log-normal. It is composed of several steps. First the distributions of the composite wanted
(C) and unwanted (I) fields are calculated. Then the corresponding distributions of C/I and
C/N are evaluated. Finally, the combination of these distributions gives the coverage
probability. To some extent, the LNM is able to cope with different standard deviations of the
single field distributions.
To improve the accuracy of the LNM in the high probability region (that is, a high coverage
value) a correction factor can be introduced. This version of the LNM is called k-LNM.
Detailed formulas of standard LNM and k-LNM are given in Annex A.


4 Describing Coverage The t-LNM method

The t-LNM method is a numerical approximation method for the statistical computation of the
sum distribution of several log-normally distributed variables. Its structure is similar to that of
the standard LNM and it is based on the same idea, i.e. that the sum distribution of two lognormal variables is also log-normal. However, the parameters of the sum distribution are
calculated in a different way and, as a consequence, are different from those of the standard
This approach leads to a higher accuracy in the high probability region (that is, a high
coverage value) compared to the standard and k-LNM approaches but this must be paid for
with higher mathematical complexity. The t-LNM method is able to process different standard
deviations of the single fields with few restrictions. The specific case of noise may be
regarded as an interference signal with a standard deviation of 0 dB.
A description of the method is given in Annex A. Schwartz and Yeh method
The Schwartz and Yeh method is an iterative method for calculation of the characteristics of
the resultant of n fields. It make the assumption that the combination of two log normal
variables also has a log normal distribution (this is a common approximation) and it gives the
formulas to calculate the resultant of two variables. For more than two signals an iterative
process is applied. Its general approach is very similar to that of t-LNM and the accuracy of
both method is comparably high. Details can be found in [13].


Coverage requirements for SFN



Coverage is a term used to describe what portion of an area (for example, this could be a
country or region) where a particular broadcasting service is predicted to be receivable.
Coverage is usually expressed as the percentage of location or population covered in a given
area. The prediction of coverage is normally carried out using a standardised set of
requirements and assumptions (as agreed at an international level normally through the ITU
or the CEPT for Europe). Coverage predictions are generated to ensure that a new service
can operate at maximum power whilst minimising any interference to users receiving existing
Coverage requirements for SFN can be considered as follows:
The length and breadth of the coverage area in terms of the physical size. The
coverage area can also be approximated conveniently as circular, in which case a
radius is usually quoted.
The height at which the coverage is required. For fixed aerial reception, the standard
height is 10 m. For portable reception, the height is usually set at 1.5 m above the floor
level, which applies to the ground, the first or a higher floor depending on what is the
requirement. For mobile reception, the height is usually set at 1.5 m above ground
As a countrys coverage requirements may change as technology advances or consumer
demand increases, a further dimension that may need to be considered is time (i.e.
coverage requirements may change over time, so some element of future-proofing may
need to be built in). The addition of transmitters at a later stage can enable the coverage to
be completed if this is subsequently found to be necessary.


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0


Type of service and quality of coverage

It is important for an administration to decide at an early stage of the planning process how
much of the territory is to be covered, for a given type and number of services which may
have different quality requirements.
The type of service means fixed, portable or mobile reception, which are not mutually
exclusive, as a transmission intended for portable aerials will also be easily received using
fixed aerials. Similarly, a transmission intended for fixed antenna reception could be received
using a portable antenna, but only over a proportionally smaller area.
The quality of coverage, often also called location probability, is usually described as good
or acceptable. Good is normally understood as a location probability of 95% while
acceptable is taken to be 70% in a test area, i.e. where at least 95% or 70% of the locations
are predicted to be served.
The service type and quality does not need to be homogeneous throughout a territory.
Heterogeneous coverage can be planned so that portable reception is available in a densely
populated urban centre with a location probability of 95%, which decreases to say 70% (fixed
reception) as one moves outwards to more sparsely populated rural areas at the periphery.

Shape and size of coverage area

In an SFN, all transmitters in the network use the same channel. Thus they possess a
common coverage area and cannot operate independently. They require a high degree of
synchronisation; the emitted signal from different transmitters must be identical in content,
signal emissions must take place at the same time (or with precisely controlled delays) and
the RF carriers must comply with stringent frequency precision requirements.
Spectrum usage, network design and the shape and size of coverage are all inter-related.
For example, a SFN using one frequency designed to achieve nationwide coverage will
probably use a different network structure than a network chain that serves the same
nationwide area by means of several SFN using several frequencies on a regional basis.
SFN coverage, in general, could be considered in three different sizes:
Firstly, a national SFN, where all the stations use the same channel. Complete
implementation of such a network using the same frequency depends on the coordination of the frequency being agreed everywhere on the country borders, which
may be difficult. A national SFN must broadcast the same programme everywhere. In a
synchronised SFN, the coverage provided by each transmitter is limited in practice to
60 - 70 km radius, due to the guard interval limiting the distance between transmitters.
Coverage areas may need to be decoupled, for example by sufficient distance
separation or shielded from each other by mountains, to minimise self interference.
Thus, national SFN providing complete coverage of a country may be generally difficult
because of self-interference effects, depending on the chosen system variant.
Secondly, a regional SFN, where all the stations in a region use the same channel, but
neighbouring regional SFN use different channels. So, for example, four channels could
be used in total to cover the country with a regional service, on a map colouring basis.
Sites associated with different regions broadcast different programmes some of the
time or all of time. Most of the European countries currently planning for SFN foresee
regional SFN with areas of up to 200 km diameter (though the size of the regions is
very different from one country to another, even for countries of comparable size).
Thirdly, a sub-regional SFN configuration, where the main station and its relays use the
same channel, but the neighbouring main station within the same region uses a
different channel. For example four channels could be used to cover the country with
sub-regional SFN on a map colouring basis. Sites associated with different subregions broadcast different programmes some of the time or all of time.


4 Describing Coverage

SFN based on the main transmitter infrastructure of existing analogue networks are likely to
be best suited for fixed roof-level reception. For networks that are intended for portable or
mobile reception a higher transmitter density is desirable in many cases.
One significant advantage of the SFN approach is the possibility to develop dense networks.
These employ a different network topology, with a large number of low power stations (for
instance < 100 W effective radiated power, < 75 m effective transmitting antenna height)
distributed over the service area (potentially with a main transmitter at the centre) providing a
more homogeneous field strength distribution. This type of network structure is chosen to
provide a high level of field strength as is in particular necessary for portable and mobile
reception. Careful consideration of site height, transmitter spacing and guard interval is
essential to ensure that no self-interference effects are experienced.


Limitation on SFN performance



The power of all signals in an SFN received within the time width of the guard interval is
treated as useful, and contributes to the total available signal power. Outside the guard
interval, only a part of the echo power is associated with the same OFDM symbol as the
primary signal, and therefore contributes positively to the total useful signal power.
The other part of the echo power is associated with the previous or subsequent OFDM
symbol and produces inter-symbol interference. Therefore, as the signal delay is
progressively increased beyond the guard interval, the useful contribution decreases and the
inter-symbol interference increases, see also chapter 2.3.

Maximum transmitter separation distance and maximum allotment area size

This gives rise to two restrictions imposed on SFN. Firstly, for a given receiving location, the
main contributing signals in an SFN come from the nearby transmitters. In order to keep
these contributions constructive the time delay between them must not exceed the guard
interval remarkably, which means that neighbouring transmitters have to keep a certain
upper limit for the distance between them.
Secondly, even if the maximum separation distance for neighbouring transmitters is kept,
more distant transmitters in the network may contribute destructively in such a way that a
maximum extension of the SFN service area must not be exceeded in order to keep the
number of relevant self-interfering transmitters small.
The significance of self-interference, the resulting maximum separation distance between
neighbouring transmitters and whether there is an overall maximum extension of the SFN
service area depends on the chosen guard interval, the sensitivity of the system with regard
to self-interference, indicated by the relevant C/N value, and the density of the transmitters in
the network.
In a large SFN, it may be difficult to plan the network so that signals from transmitters a long
distance away from the receiver are always of an insignificant level compared to those from
nearby transmitters. This difficulty is increased because
the signal levels from distant transmitters have to be calculated for small percentages
of the time (typically 1%) to ensure that reception is protected for high percentages of
the time (typically 99%) and
the receiving aerial for portable and mobile receivers is non-directional.
The issue of limitations on SFN performance is also dealt with in chapter 3.4.4, where the
impact of the choice of the guard interval length is discussed.


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0


Theoretical SFN Models

General considerations

The features and properties of SFN have been described in section 3. From there it is clear
that an SFN is a more complex object than a single transmitter. Many aspects of the
behaviour of a SFN can only be understood as a joint effect of the properties of all transmitters in the SFN. As a consequence, the degrees of freedom inherent to a SFN are higher
than the degrees of freedom that can be found in an MFN. New concepts have to be
developed in order to describe these collective properties.
The concept of usable field strength, often used in single transmitter considerations, may
serve as an example. In the MFN context this term describes the condition for a wanted
signal for acceptable reception in the presence of multiple interference. Strictly speaking, this
concept is no longer viable for SFN since in a SFN these conditions depend on the structure
of the multi-path environment of the wanted signals and cannot be formulated once and for
all for the whole service area. These conditions have to be evaluated individually and can
therefore no longer serve for a concept like the usable field strength. In proper SFN
planning, coverage is therefore described by the more general however, less specific concept of coverage probability which has been described in detail in section 4.
In order to understand the behaviour of SFN, theoretical network models have been
designed. These models should help to exhibit in particular those properties which are
different from the well understood multi-frequency networks and, on the other hand, should
suppress the accidental influence of non-relevant factors which are always present in real
networks. Such factors are irregular topology of transmitter sites, non-uniform transmitter
characteristics or real world topography. Of course, when a real SFN implementation is
intended to be planned, these factors have to be taken into account in each individual case.
But for the understanding of the generic properties of SFN they should be excluded.
Such theoretical SFN models are frequently called regular SFN. In chapter 5.2 a number of
these models and where and how they are used is described. Best known is their use in the
definition of so-called reference networks, a basic concept of allotment planning, which is
dealt with in more detail in chapter 5.3.


Regular SFN


Characteristics of regular SFN

Regular networks are a tool to investigate generic properties of SFN. For that purpose
accidental factors of real networks are avoided. Therefore, regular networks exhibit a high
degree of geometrical symmetry and the characteristics of the transmitters in the network are
often chosen to be identical. Topography is assumed to be homogeneous in such
investigations, i.e. path-general methods like ITU-R Rec. P.1546 [10] are employed.
As the standard type of regular networks a hexagonal shaped structure has been established
for various reasons. Hexagons exhibit a compact geometry resembling circles. It is easy to
extend hexagon structures to a large area without leaving holes and they show a very high
degree of symmetry. Two typical hexagon regular networks are depicted in Figure 5.1.


5 Theoretical SFN Models

coverage radius

coverage radius
transmitter distance


open configuration
(7 transmitters)

area to be covered

closed configuration
(7 transmitters)

Figure 5.1: Hexagon models of regular single frequency networks

There is a further advantage of hexagon structures. Their high degree of symmetry makes
computer calculations easier, since only a small part of the service area has to be calculated
and the rest can be completed by repetition. This is in particular of interest when highly
demanding mathematical methods are employed, as for example Monte-Carlo simulations,
which need a lot of computing time.
The next three sections give examples of how regular networks have been used to
investigate SFN properties.

Example: Self-interference in SFN

The phenomenon of self-interference is a novel aspect in SFN, not known before in broadcasting networks. Hence, the investigation of this particular aspect was one of the first and
major tasks when the broadcasting sector started to deal with OFDM networks. In many of
these investigations regular networks have been used in order to gain insight into the nature
of self-interference.
Two examples are given here. The first example shows the impact of the inter-transmitter
distance in a SFN on self-interference. A 7-transmitter hexagon network in the L-band has
been chosen with a inter-transmitter distance of 15 km and T-DAB mode II has been
employed. Figure 5.2 shows the coverage that is achieved with this configuration. It does by
far not provide the quality that is demanded for mobile reception, i.e. 99% location probability
over the whole service area. The reason is that the periphery of the service area is faced with
severe self-interference problems.


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0


Coverage Probability
0.97 to 0.99
0.95 to 0.97
0.93 to 0.95
0.91 to 0.93
edge of service area
nd Tx

Fig. 1
band L


IRT/Br 6/3/97


7 transmitter
open hexagon
WI95 reference












Figure 5.2: Coverage probability in a L-band T-DAB SFN

Figure 5.3 indicates that the coverage of the service area can be improved by using a
different transmitter topology (moving the peripheral transmitter sites outwards). Normally,
self-interference problems are overcome by increasing the transmitter density. However, the
example shows that in some cases also the increase of the inter-transmitter distance may
improve the situation.


Coverage Probability
0.97 to 0.99
0.95 to 0.97
0.93 to 0.95
0.91 to 0.93
edge of service area
nd Tx

Fig. 2
band L




7 transmitter
open hexagon
WI95 system param.















Figure 5.3: Coverage probability in a L-band T-DAB SFN. Different time delays employed

The second example shows the relation of self-interference and network size. A hexagonal
SFN structure is assumed with a constant inter-transmitter distance and an increasing
number of transmitters, see Figure 5.4. Firstly, only a network with 7 transmitters is
investigated, secondly, a ring of transmitters is added resulting in a 19-transmitter network.


5 Theoretical SFN Models

In the next step a further ring is added, and so on. In this way the size of the service area is
increased and, as a consequence, self-interference in the network is increased, too.

Distance d


Figure 5.4: Model for the determination of the maximum size of a SFN

If the employed T-DAB or DVB-T variant is not rugged enough, then there exists an upper
bound for the size of the network. Beyond that limit the self-interference degradation would
be too large to guarantee for a sufficient coverage of, e.g., 95% location probability. In that
way self-interference may limit the size of an SFN. Figure 5.5 gives an example for some
DVB-T variants.

0.9 of Covered Area
Probability thresholds:
0.70 to 0.95
0.45 to 0.70

of Covered Area 0.9



C/N [dB]





of Coverage Area [km]

Figure 5.5: Maximum size of DVB-T SFN as a function of the employed system variant


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

The nature of self-interference and the restriction it imposes on the design of SFN is
described in detail in sections 2 and 4.

Example: Synchronisation strategies of OFDM receivers

Regular networks are an appropriate means to investigate receiver behaviour by means of

computer simulations. In the following example the impact of receiver window
synchronisation on coverage is described.
The strategy for FFT-window synchronisation has an effect on the receiver performance in
the presence of more than one signal (coming from either one transmitter or from
transmitters in an SFN). In order to demonstrate how FFT-window synchronisation influences
receiver performance, a regular 7-transmitter hexagonal network having characteristics
similar to that of the Wiesbaden 95 Band III T-DAB reference network has been used. The
network is open, and the central transmitter can be given a time offset. Specifically, T-DAB
Mode I ( = 246 s) is used in all the simulations shown in this example. With no time offset
on the central transmitter, the area inside the hexagon is virtually free from inter-symbol
interference. By applying a time offset of 300 s to the central transmitter, a situation where
ISI occurs has been deliberately created.

DAB Mode I
7 transmitter network
P = 1.0 kW, nd (peripheral)
P = 0.1 kW, nd (central)
t = 0.3 ms (peripheral)


Rec. P-370, VHF, 50%L/1%T


strongest signal

y / km


Coverage Probability:
85% to 95%
75% to 85%
65% to 75%
54% to 65%
44% to 54%
35% to 44%
25% to 35%
15% to 25%









x / km

Figure 5.6: Synchronisation - Strongest Signal

Figures 5.6 and 5.7 show the results of coverage calculations for two different synchronisation strategies, synchronisation to the strongest signal and synchronisation to the first
signal. The differences between the two approaches can clearly be identified and the
simulation may serve as a means to decide which strategy should be chosen. The matter of
FFT-window synchronisation itself is dealt with in more detail in chapter 2.4.


5 Theoretical SFN Models

DAB Mode I
7 transmitter network
P = 1.0 kW, nd (peripheral)
P = 0.1 kW, nd (central)
t = 0.3 ms (peripheral)


Rec. P-370, VHF, 50%L/1%T


first signal (above threshold)

y / km


Coverage Probability:
85% to 95%
75% to 85%
65% to 75%
54% to 65%
44% to 54%
35% to 44%
25% to 35%
15% to 25%








x / km

Figure 5.7: Synchronisation - "First Signal (above a threshold)"


Example: Separation distances for SFN and determination of spectrum


The concept of separation distances, also called re-use distances, is an important tool in
frequency planning for the assessment of the spectrum requirements of particular planning
configurations of broadcasting systems. The separation distance describes the minimum
distance that is to be kept between two co-channel service areas in order to keep the mutual
interference at an acceptable level. Separation distances are generic properties of planning
configurations describing average properties of real network implementations.

re-use distance

coverage area of
the wanted SFN


unwanted SFN

1 wanted SFN and 6 unwanted SFNs

Figure 5.8: Network configuration to determine separation distances


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

Hence, for their evaluation typically regular networks are employed. An example is given in
Figure 5.8. It consists of regular hexagonal lattices of transmitters, one wanted network and
six unwanted networks. All networks wanted as well as unwanted are identical. They
have the same effective heights, the inter-transmitter distance is the same and the networks
are of the same type (closed or open). The separation distance is determined by moving the
six interfering SFN towards the wanted network until the location probability in the wanted
coverage area falls below the acceptable limit.
Based on the determination of separation distances, regular hexagonal network structures
can be used to derive spectrum requirement figures. The relation between separation
distance and network size can be used in a geometrical model, see Figure 5.9, to assess
spectrum requirement figures as depicted, e.g., in Figure 5.10.

Uniform lattice of hexagonal networks. r = length of hexagon side; d (= 2r) is the

network size. The numerical values found within the hexagons indicate (as multiples
of r) the shortest distance between the hexagon in question and the cross-hatched

Figure 5.9: Model with hexagonal network structures to determine spectrum requirements

channel requirement




Coderate R
















re-use distance [km]

Figure 5.10: Spectrum requirement as a function of separation distance and network size


5 Theoretical SFN Models


Reference networks


Reference networks in the frequency planning process

Theoretical SFN models as described in the previous chapters may serve in the context of a
frequency planning process as reference networks. Reference networks are ideal
representatives of real network implementations and are basic tools of allotment planning.
They serve as planning objects in compatibility analyses, plan synthesis or coordination
procedures where the real network characteristics are not (yet) known or where a detailed
description of the networks is not needed. General aspects of this item are discussed in this
chapter, properties of reference networks are dealt with in chapter 5.3.2, and chapter 5.3.3
describes as an example one of the reference networks that have been adopted by the
RRC04. The context where reference networks are needed allotment planning is
discussed in more detail in section 7.
A basic task when establishing a frequency plan is to perform compatibility analyses between
transmitters and/or networks. For such a calculation the characteristics of the transmitters
have to be known. However, there will be cases where the exact transmitter characteristics
of a network will not yet be known at the time when a frequency plan is to be established.
This will in particular be true for the case of SFN implementations where the service area
may be already known but not yet the exact number, positions and powers of the SFN
transmitters. Despite this lack of knowledge it is necessary to perform the compatibility
calculations in order to establish the plan. For this purpose it is useful to define generic
network structures which may act as representatives of the yet unknown real networks in a
compatibility analysis. Such generic networks are called reference networks.
Reference networks are adapted to the frequency band and the intended specific reception
mode of the real networks that they represent. Further aspects have to be considered with
the design of reference networks: The size of the intended service has to be taken into
account; the ground cover of the intended service area may have an important impact on the
network implementation; a network for urban or dense urban areas will need significantly
higher powers than a network for rural areas of the same size; finally, the case is to be
considered when increased implementation efforts regarding transmitter locations and
antenna patterns are undertaken in order to reduce the outgoing interference of the network,
i.e. whether an open or a (semi-)closed network type is implemented.
Reference networks are regarded as ideal representatives of real network implementations.
They exhibit a high degree of geometrical symmetry and homogeneity with regard to
transmitter characteristics. They can be characterized by the following parameters:
Transmitter number
Transmitter distance
Transmitter geometry
Transmitter power
Transmitter antenna height
Transmitter antenna pattern
Service area (area to be covered)
Generally, in the design of reference networks, transmitter characteristics are assumed to be
the same for all SFN transmitters, i.e. all transmitters have the same power, antenna height
and antenna pattern.
It has to be emphasized that real SFN implementations need by no means have the same
properties as the reference networks, neither with regard to the location of the SFN
transmitters nor with regard to the transmitter characteristics. Only very generic properties,
as for example the interference potential, of a real network should resemble the reference
network properties. This means that reference networks are never intended to be


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

implemented in their ideal form in reality, and in particular the network structure needs not to
be symmetrical as is the case with reference networks.
Reference networks are auxiliary means in order to facilitate the compatibility analysis and
plan synthesis in frequency planning. Their main purpose is to determine interference
potentials and interference susceptibilities of typical DVB-T and T-DAB implementations,
which are the basic input for a compatibility calculation between service areas and by this
fundamental for the production of a frequency plan.
The interference potential of a transmitter network is the outgoing interference that is
produced by the transmitter network. If in the planning process the real interference potential
of a network is not known, the interference potential of a reference network is taken as a
representative of the real interference potential. For this purpose, the characteristics of the
reference network and a procedure how to calculate the representative interference potential
have to be defined.
Usually, the interference potential of a reference network is represented by a field strength
curve which is calculated by summing the interfering field strengths of the transmitters of the
reference network along a line directing outwards of the reference network and starting at the
border of the service area of the reference network. An example is given in chapter 5.3.3.
The summation can be performed by means of the power sum method or a statistical
summation method.
In a compatibility analysis the interference potential curve is used to calculate the
hypothetical interference at a certain location by assuming that the test points on the border
of the service area of the network under consideration are one by one - the source of
interference. The highest interfering field strength value is then taken as the representative of
the interference at that location. Of course, also a direct evaluation of the interference
produced by the reference network transmitters at that location is possible in a compatibility
analysis, after having defined the exact position of the reference network with regard to the
boundary test point.

Properties of a reference network

A reference network is a basic tool used in allotment planning to assess the outgoing
interference from a given allotment while achieving full coverage of the allotment area. It is a
theoretical construct which usually consists of a set of reference transmitters geometrically
arranged in a regular polygon, for example a square or a hexagon, etc. The dimensions of
the reference polygon can be large (e.g., 100 km side length or more) or small (e.g., 20 km
side length or less) or anywhere in between.
At the vertices (and also perhaps at the centre) of the reference polygon, reference
transmitter characteristics are specified which will ensure adequate coverage over the entire
reference network area: that is, the minimum field strength will be achieved (or exceeded)
everywhere within the reference network using the characteristics of the reference
transmitters. These characteristics include effective antenna height, erp, antenna pattern,
and perhaps other parameters, see the example in chapter 5.3.3.
The intended coverage area of the reference network is either defined by the transmitter
polygon or slightly extended beyond this polygon, typically by 10 to 20% of the polygon area
Once the coverage within the service area of the reference network is ensured, the outgoing
interference produced by the reference network can be calculated. This is usually done on a
power sum basis using the individual field strength contributions from the reference
transmitters situated at the vertices (and centre) of the reference network. A point called the
reference point is defined (on the boundary of the service area of the reference network)
from which outgoing interference from the reference network is calculated (see Figure 5.15).


5 Theoretical SFN Models

In order to optimise the reference network, combinations of relevant parameters are chosen
which minimise the ratio of separation distance to coverage radius as much as possible,
while at the same time ensuring that other network design requirements are met. One or
more different reference networks can be used simultaneously in the allotment planning,
while only one reference network is specified for each allotment. The size of the reference
network chosen will depend to a large extent on the type of service desired.
It is often convenient to develop interference curves of reference networks based on the total
combined interference issuing from the reference network itself. These derived curves,
though based upon, will not be the same as the propagation curves defining the agreed
propagation model, e.g., Rec. ITU-R P.1546 [10]. There will be, however, a superficial
resemblance between the two. A graph showing the interference potential of a reference
networks is given in chapter 5.3.3.

Example: A large service area reference network

As an example, the large service area DVB-T reference network adopted by the RRC04 is
presented in more detail. For further explanation on this example, see ECC Report 49 [14]
and the RRC04 report [8].
The reference network represents a class of networks consisting of six individual network
implementations: for fixed, outdoor/mobile and indoor reception (these reception conditions
being termed reference planning configurations), each for Band III and for Band IV/V. This
reference network is intended for large service area SFN coverage. It is assumed that main
transmitter sites with a reasonable effective antenna height are used as a backbone for this
type of network. At least for portable and mobile reception the size of the real service areas
for this type of SFN coverage will be restricted to 150 to 200 km in diameter because of selfinterference degradation, unless very rugged DVB-T system variants are used.

border of service area

diameter D


distance d

Figure 5.11: Reference network for a large service area DVB-T SFN

The network consists of seven transmitters situated at the vertices of a hexagonal lattice. An
open network type has been chosen, i.e. the transmitters have non-directional antenna
patterns and the service area is assumed to exceed the transmitter hexagon by about 15%.
The geometry of the network is given in Figure 5.11.


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

Reference planning configuration





Type of network




Geometry of service area




Number of transmitters

geometry of transmitter lattice




Inter-transmitter distance d/km




Service area diameter D/km




Tx antenna height/m




Tx antenna pattern




Band III

31.1 +

33.2 +

37.0 +

Band IV/V

39.8 +

46.7 +

49.4 +


The interference margin is chosen to be 3 dB

Table 5.1: Parameters of the large service area DVB-T SFN

As the guard interval length the maximum value 1/4 Tu of the 8K FFT mode has been
chosen. The inter-transmitter distance in an SFN should not exceed by too much the
distance equivalent to the guard interval length. In this case the guard interval length
amounts to 224 s which corresponds to 67 km. The inter-transmitter distance for a fixed
roof-level reception has been chosen to be 70 km. For portable and mobile reception, 70 km
seems to be too large a distance from a power budget point of view. The powers of the
transmitters would have to be up to several hundred kW in the case of portable indoor
reception which seems not to be reasonable. Therefore, smaller values for the intertransmitter distance have been selected, 50 km for mobile reception and 40 km for portable
indoor reception. Table 5.1 gives the parameters and the power budgets of this class of
reference networks.
The power budgets have been calculated on a noise-limited basis. In order to allow for
interference-limited planning, a interference margin of 3 dB is adopted.
As an example, Figure 5.12 gives the coverage probability of the least covered pixel in the
service area as a function of the radiated power in the network for the portable outdoor
reception case in Band IV/V. The indicated power is that of one transmitter. The curves serve
as a means of determining the necessary power budget in order to achieve everywhere
across the service area the intended coverage probability.


5 Theoretical SFN Models

Figure 5.12: Determination of the power budget

Figure 5.13 shows a coverage plot of the reference network. The position of the 7
transmitters can clearly be identified. The pattern of the coverage probability exhibits the
hexagonal symmetry of the network. The coverage probability does not fall below 95%
across the whole service area.

Figure 5.13: Coverage probability plot for RN 1, portable indoor reception, Band IV/V


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

Figure 5.14: Interference Potential, Band IV/V, land path

Figure 5.14 gives as an example the corresponding interference potential of the reference
network. Figure 5.15 below explains how the interference potential may be calculated, see
also chapter 5.3.2.

border of service area

The interfering field strength

is calculated along this line

Distance from the border

of the service area

land or sea


Figure 5.15: Calculation of the interference potential


6 Implementation





The implementation of any particular single frequency network is unlikely to be identical to

any other. Factors such as terrain, population distribution and coverage requirements will
vary and have a significant impact on network design and implementation. The text which
follows is intended to provide some guidelines and practical advice on the design and
development of a network. This section can not be entirely comprehensive and planners
should use their own knowledge and judgement on which parts are appropriate to their
In the DVB-T case, before planning commences the question of where in the analogue to
digital transition period the work is being carried out should be considered. The transition
period may lead to the need for a step-wise implementation of the network as analogue
services migrate to digital.


Service requirement definition

To begin the planning process a precise definition of the service to be designed is required. It
is quite possible that a long time period will have elapsed between the agreement of the SFN
allotment, say at RRC06, and its implementation many years later. A change to the service
requirements could easily have an effect on the usability of the original allotment. For
Is the reception mode still the same? Is a change from fixed to portable, or viceversa, required?
Is the allotment size still appropriate for the need? An increase in size is likely to be
problematic, whereas a reduction should lead to easier implementation.
Does any change mean that the proposed system variant or SFN size is no longer
As well as having a frequency and an area attributed to them, all coordinated allotments
have a right of implementation defining their in-coming interference environment and the
allowable level of out-going interference they can cause. Provided that the overall out-going
interference is not increased a different implementation could be used. However, if there has
been a significant change how can it be accommodated? It may be possible to resolve the
situation by one or more of the following:
Re-coordinating the allotment with some or all of those neighbouring administrations
which might be affected.
The size or reception mode of the wanted service may be changed to enable the
required coverage, whilst remaining compliant with international constraints
The transmitter network may be made denser, thereby providing higher wanted field
strengths whilst maintaining the level of out-going interference
The planner may also need to achieve a coverage target for the proposed service, for
Is the service to cover a specific geographic area, a certain level of population or both?
If so on what basis will this be defined and measured?
What type of service is to be delivered? Mobile, portable, fixed or possibly even a
mixture, such as portable in urban areas and fixed in rural ones.
Might the requirement change over time?
If a number of multiplexes are being planned are they all expected to have similar
coverage areas?


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0


Site selection and management

Once the planner has a definition of the service requirements the next stage is to consider
what resources are available and what sort of transmission network will be required to deliver
it. Chapter 3.3 gives guidance regarding some of the different types of network structures
which could be implemented.
The first requirement of any terrestrial broadcast network is the sites at which it is to be
implemented. Are the existing broadcast sites sufficient to facilitate the service or are others
likely to be required? In some cases more sites will be needed for a digital service than for
an analogue one due to the requirement to deliver services to a higher percentage of
locations and the use of more difficult reception modes. When considering sites the following
criteria should be considered:
What sites are presently available?
Existing broadcast sites used at high powers for analogue services may not be
appropriate for implementing some types of SFN coverage, due to their distance from
population centres and the large distances over which they can cause out-going
Are rooftop sites within towns and cities more appropriate for delivering the required
coverage? Although there may be concerns over high field strengths in populated
There may be economic advantages using particular sites, for example those already
used for broadcasting.
Is aperture available at the site? If not it may be possible to combine some services, for
instance VHF FM and DAB services may be able to share aerial aperture.
Is there an existing antenna at the site and if so can this be shared? This may not be
the case if allotments using the site have different constraints, service areas or
implementation rights.
Consideration might also be required when trying to serve population centres at the
edge of an allotment, for example in coastal areas.
It is becoming more difficult to achieve approval for the use of new sites due to the
perceived EMC hazards.
Where multiple services are present in the same area some further considerations may need
to be taken into account:
Whilst adjacent channel digital services can operate in the same area, care should be
taken to avoid interference between them. Interference may occur to other services
around a transmitter site from which only one of the services is transmitted. In most
cases this problem can be resolved by site sharing, even if the services have very
different radiated powers and aerial patterns.
Different types of network, both in terms of size of coverage (local, national etc.) and
reception mode may require significantly different transmitter network configurations.
This difference may in turn lead to adjacent channel interference problems.
If a number of different multiplexes are expected to have similar coverage areas, but
have very different frequencies allocated to them, use of the same transmission
parameters for each will not necessarily deliver this. To facilitate similar coverage
differing radiated powers, and possibly, aerial systems may be required.
It is likely that the interference environment of different frequencies will vary.


6 Implementation


Coverage and interference management



In an ideal situation the planner can design a network which delivers the required coverage
whilst keeping outgoing interference within the levels allowed for the coordinated allotment.
However, in reality achieving an acceptable final result will often require a number of
compromises, these may not all be of a technical nature.
Whilst the allotment will have been planned to have an acceptable level of in-coming
interference it would be advisable to calculate what the actual level is. This will give the
minimum usable field strength for the wanted service over the coverage area. This
calculation may be difficult to quantify exactly especially where interference comes from
unimplemented allotments.
The coverage and interference planning process normally involves a number of steps which
may form an iterative loop. The main steps being the calculation of wanted coverage and
out-going interference.

Wanted coverage prediction

In order to start the process a calculation of the wanted coverage should be made. Initially
this should only be the coverage provided from the primary sites selected for the service, on
the basis that they are likely to be the main sources of out-going interference. Account
should be taken of the following factors during the prediction process:
transmitter powers
aerial directionality, both in azimuth and the vertical plane
aerial height
network gain; see chapter 4.4 of this report.
the level of background interference
the reception mode
initial signal launch delay
When a good level of coverage is achieved from these sites proceed to the stage described
in chapter 6.4.3 below.

Out-going interference management General
Having achieved a good level of coverage from the primary sites the next step is to make
your own calculation of the level of out-going interference. There is little point spending a
significant period of time producing a final network design at this stage. This is because if the
out-going interference is unacceptably high the proposed network will need to be modified
significantly. There are different methods of calculating the out-going interference from
T-DAB and DVB-T allotments; these are considered in the two following sub-sections below.
If the out-going interference exceeds the required limit some steps will need to be taken to
resolve the problem. Whilst the options are similar to those available for analogue systems
they are detailed below.
Reduce the radiated power at the worst sites.
Increase directional restrictions either in azimuth or VRP.


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

Change one or more of the primary sites.

Can other sites with more terrain shielding be used?
Can international co-ordination be carried out to increase the allowable levels of outgoing interference?
Most of these options will have an impact on the wanted coverage. As a result some amount
of re-planning will be required before re-calculating the outgoing interference.
Once the levels of out-going interference and the coverage are acceptable the final network
plan should be completed. Since it is expected that the rest of transmitters will be of a lower
power or cause less out-going interference they should not cause any significant coordination problems. However, it would be advisable to re-calculate the level of the overall
network before proceeding further. Calculation of out-going T-DAB interference
For T-DAB out-going interference is calculated to a set of test points generated specifically
for the purpose. Details of the test points and their use are given in chapter 7.4.2 of this
report. In the T-DAB case it may be possible to relax interference levels at some test points,
for instance where they lie either in the sea or within your own country boundary. Calculation of out-going DVB-T interference
In the DVB-T case there is no agreed method of calculating out-going interference yet. The
allowable levels of out-going interference caused by an allotment are agreed through
bilateral and multilateral agreements between the administrations concerned. This means
that there may be different methods of calculating the levels of interference and different field
strength limits imposed.


Co-ordination phase

Once the network plan is finalised it will need to be formally communicated to relevant
neighbouring countries for either coordination or notification. This aspect is covered in
section 7 of this report.


Implementation of the transmitter network



Once co-ordination is successfully completed the transmitter network can be implemented.

At this point some additional transmitter characteristics specific to SFN will need to be
considered. These are the self-interference caused within the network and transmitter


In a large SFN it is possible for signals to arrive from distant transmitters outside the guard
interval of more local ones. This is described as the self-interference of the network.
Chapter 4.7 and chapter 6.6.3 gives more details about this issue. Although it may only occur
for short percentages of time it does need to be considered. Self-interference can be reduced
by either advancing or delaying the launch of the service from some transmitters in relation to
some fixed reference.


6 Implementation


Transmitter synchronisation General
In order for an SFN to operate correctly all of the transmitters in the network need to be
synchronised with on another. This requirement is true in both the frequency and time
domains. Frequency synchronisation
The frequency accuracy of the digital transmitter will normally be very stable. However in
order to minimise any drift all transmitters should be locked to a reference source, for
instance the time signal of GPS. Timing synchronisation General
In order to reduce intra-network interference it is possible to adjust the time at which a
specific signal frame is launched from each transmitter of the network, the relative transmitter
timing. Optimising this delay allows the signals from both near and distant transmitters to
arrive at the receiver within the guard interval, thus being constructive rather than
destructive. The relative transmitter timing can be adjusted to be either in advance of or after
the reference point.
However, in all cases the time of signal transmission at each transmitter of the network
needs to be referenced to a time reference. Distribution of the service content also needs to
be considered so that the same data frame is transmitted during the same time period, either
with or without any required delay. Over a large, e.g. national, network the arrival of the
content information to transmitters may vary significantly. One option is to feed the content
signal directly to the network sites using satellite distribution.
In a small SFN, i.e. one that is not larger in diameter than the signal can travel in the guard
interval, it should not be necessary to consider this element of network planning.
When initially designing the network configuration the planner needs to predict both the
wanted coverage and the interference potential of each transmitter. These predictions should
be carried out at 50% time for the wanted service and 1% time for the interferer. With the
relative timing delay set to zero the coverage of the whole network can be derived. At which
point the overall interference caused by each transmitter into the SFN can then be
In general it will be the highest power assignments which will cause the most interference
and it is reasonable to focus on them initially. However, adjusting the timing of sites with
lower erps can lead to significant coverage gains around the periphery of their service areas.
Once the destructive transmitters have been identified the network timings can be adjusted
and the interference recalculated. It should be noted that the transmitter causing the greatest
interference may not be the one to adjust since a change may simply cause a problem in a
different part of the network. It may be a better strategy to retard the smaller site(s) so that
their signals are received within the guard interval of the distant high power site.
Consideration should also be given to how receiver FFT implementation affects prediction
models. However, since manufacturers are reluctant to disclose details of how their receivers
operate it is difficult to give guidance on the matter.
Chapter 3.4.4 gives more information on guard intervals and this aspect of SFN planning,
and chapter 2.4 gives further information on FFT aspects.


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0 DVB-T
There are numerous variants of DVB-T each with a specified guard interval. Choice of the
correct system variant at the planning stage is critical so that one appropriate to for SFN
usage can be agreed. T-DAB
In the case of T-DAB operating in mode I the guard interval is 246 S, which equates to a
distance of around 75 km. In reality this long distance means that intra-network interference
is unlikely to occur over all land paths. Interference problems will generally only occur over
long sea paths where higher field strengths will be present than for a similar length land path. Effect of synchronisation loss
If a transmitter is allowed to drift out of synchronisation with the rest of the network it will
become a source of interference to the coverage of the rest of the network. This will be
noticeable as an area of lost coverage toward the periphery of the un-synchronised
transmitters service area, a mush zone. As the transmitter drifts further out of
synchronisation with the rest of the network the mush zone will become progressively larger.
It should be noted that reception close to the drifting transmitter, where received field
strengths are high, are unlikely to be affected.


Post implementation of the network


Network coverage and improvement

Once the network is in operation some consideration of the following might be appropriate:
The coverage delivered by the network could be measured in order to confirm that any
planned target has been achieved.
Measurements to confirm that network self-interference is managed correctly.
Shortfalls in predicted coverage may be filled by the addition of additional gap filling
Gap filling transmitters can also be built to compensate for environmental changes,
such as the construction of new buildings.

Network problems

As mentioned in chapter 6.6.3 the transmitters of an SFN need to be synchronised in order to

prevent self-interference. If a fault occurs it is possible for a transmitter to loose this
synchronisation. The effect is that the transmitter will slowly move out of phase with the ones
which surround it and become a source of destructive interference. This will result in a
narrow ring of lost coverage developing around, but kilometres away from, the faulty
transmitter, although users near to it are unlikely to notice a problem. In the T-DAB case
some mobile listeners may only notice a small zone of lost coverage as they pass through it.
A fault like this may take a significant time before it manifests itself, and before being
identified could have an impact over a significant area.
Changes to coverage may occur due to seasonal variations, such as snow causing reflection
points. Problems of this type are extremely difficult to resolve.
The implementation of a new transmitter for service operating on an adjacent channel may
cause a problem to an existing service. In such cases users may lose a service for no
apparent reason and receivers may still display information for services which are no longer


6 Implementation

available. This problem can be resolved through the use of a transmitter co-sited with the
interferer or avoided through agreements between operators to use common sites.


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0


Frequency Planning and Coordination Aspects


In a general sense, coordination of DVB-T-SFN and of DVB-T-SFN transmitters follows the

same lines and rules as are well known from the procedures of coordination for analogue
broadcasting services. However, some of the new features of DVB-T and T-DAB have also
an impact on the way the new digital services are to be coordinated.
The allotment approach is often felt as the more appropriate way to describe SFN service
areas in coordination procedures, since for an SFN the coverage area is a unique and
undividable object which corresponds in the allotment approach with the envisaged service


Planning approaches


Assignment planning

In the past, terrestrial television planning (and most other broadcasting) in Europe has been
implemented by way of assignment conferences. In assignment planning, a significant
amount of individual station planning is needed to prepare for a planning conference.
In assignment planning, a specific channel is assigned to an individual transmitter site
location with defined transmission characteristics (for example, radiated power, antenna
height, etc.). At the completion of the assignment plan, the locations and characteristics of all
transmitters are known and the transmitters can be brought into service without further
Assignment planning, based on a lattice structure, for terrestrial digital television is
appropriate where all the transmitter sites can be assumed to have the same characteristics.
This is not to say that station characteristics are fixed for all times. For example, the ST61
Agreement [1] allows for some flexibility and indeed there have subsequently been many
modifications and additions to the Plan.
The assignment plan provides a frequency for each station and at the completion of the
assignment planning process the locations and characteristics of the transmitters in the
planning area are known. The transmitters can be brought into service without further
For practical reasons a lower limit for the radiated power is normally defined for stations to be
dealt with in the planning process. Stations with a radiated power below the limit are then
included in the plan subsequently. For example in 1961 the lower limit was set to 1 kW for
VHF stations and to 10 kW for UHF stations.

Allotment planning

The possibility of obtaining allotments at a terrestrial broadcasting conference has received

attention in recent years, particularly because of the opportunities offered by SFN. Allotments
may also be applicable for MFN planning where a country has no plans to use specific
transmitter sites and wishes to retain some flexibility for the future.
In allotment planning a specific channel is given to an administration to provide coverage
over a defined area, called the allotment area. The parameters required for planning are the
allotment area, the channel and the interference potential of the allotment. Transmitter sites
and their characteristics are unknown during planning and should be defined at the time of
the conversion of the allotment into one or more assignments.
Thus in order to carry out planning it is necessary to define some reasonably realistic
reference transmission conditions, which represent the potential interference which could be


7 Frequency Planning and Coordination Aspects

caused, so that any necessary compatibility calculations can be made. These are called
reference networks and chapter 5.3 provides more detailed consideration of them.
The resulting allotment plan shows the frequencies to be used in particular areas without
specifying the stations to which the frequencies are assigned.

The link between allotment and assignment planning

An assignment plan contains the detailed transmitter data from the day it is established and
therefore allows for implementation immediately when the plan comes into force. However,
subsequent changes to the network are likely to require coordination with relevant
The coverage area of an assignment can be mapped to an allotment by approximating its
coverage area as appropriate. However, the assignment planning approach implicitly defines
some form of coverage.
In order to implement an allotment, it is necessary to convert the allotment into individual
transmitter assignments. The detailed technical characteristics of the transmitters are
normally planned subsequent to a planning conference, but can also be established during a
conference, if required. Each allotment may then contain several transmitters forming an
SFN or, in the simplest case, a single transmitter. Due to the definition of an allotment the
transmitters, or transmitter, may subsequently be modified without coordination providing that
the outgoing interference does not exceed that which is permitted to the allotment by the
It is likely that the RRC06 planning conference will have to deal with both allotments and
assignments in an appropriate manner. This is essential if allotments are to be included, as it
is reasonably certain that the conference will have to allow for continued operation of
analogue assignments following the conference. In both cases, the network structure could
be SFN, MFN or a mixture of the two.
It is important to stress that an allotment should not be seen to be inevitably associated with
national coverage nor with SFN as the only possible network structure. Recent planning for
T-DAB has demonstrated that allotments can be an appropriate method for planning small,
or even very small, areas.


Allotment plans


Characteristics of an allotment

In allotment planning a specific channel is allocated to an administration to provide coverage

over a defined area, called the allotment area. The parameters required for planning are the
allotment area, the channel and the interference potential of the allotment. Transmitter sites
and their characteristics are unknown during planning and should be defined at the time of
the conversion of the allotment into one or more assignments. Conversion here denotes the
regulatory action to be undertaken by an administration when a real SFN is implemented in
an allotment.
Thus, in order to undertake planning it is necessary to define some reasonably realistic
reference transmission conditions, which represent the potential interference which could be
caused, so that any necessary compatibility calculations can be made. The resulting
allotment plan shows the frequencies to be used in particular areas without specifying the
stations to which the frequencies are assigned.
Thus an allotment is characterized by:
A service area, normally defined by a polygon whose vertices are given by
geographical coordinates.


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

The service type, reception mode and network type (all together often called reference
planning configuration) that are intended to be implemented in the allotment area.
A channel, that is assigned to the service area and which can be used within the
service area
A prescription that restricts the interference potential of the network operating in that
service area to a certain level.

An Example: The Maastricht 2002 T-DAB Allotment Plan

Following an agreement of the CEPT administrations to plan for additional L-band

frequencies for T-DAB, supplementary to those available at the Wiesbaden 1995 conference,
a planning conference took place at Maastricht in June 2002 [15].
The purpose of the conference was to allocate a single L-band frequency block to each
allotment area (input requirement) defined by the participating administrations. This
allocation was to be in addition to those given at Wiesbaden, although the Wiesbaden
frequencies could also be used where available. This would give three layers of T-DAB
coverage over every country, in addition to any allotments co-ordinated post Wiesbaden.
At Maastricht there were three different reference networks available, including the one
defined for the Wiesbaden conference, upon which input requirements were based. The
reference networks were designed to serve areas of different sizes and had different levels of
allowable incoming and outgoing interference. Administrations were required to choose the
reference network which were most appropriate for their required service area.
Initial planning calculations indicated that very few requirements could be accommodated. In
order to resolve this a number of steps were required:
The compatibility analysis software used at the conference specified the level of
restriction needed to allow requirements to operate co-block. Where the incompatibility
was in the order of a few dBs agreements could be made between the allotments of the
administrations concerned. In many cases this meant agreements were needed
between two requirements of a single administration.
In some cases higher levels of predicted incompatibility could be agreed upon, for
instance where significant terrain shielding was available.
The type of reference network proposed for a requirement could be changed to reduce
the levels of out-going interference.
Requirements could be merged to reduce the overall number of frequencies required in
an area.
After a number of planning runs, each followed by further negotiations and adjustment to the
input requirements, a final Plan was arrived at. A snapshot of which is shown in Figure 7.1. It
shows only a small part of the whole plan and each colour represents a specific frequency


7 Frequency Planning and Coordination Aspects

Figure 7.1: Part of the allotment Plan agreed at the 2002 Maastricht conference


Co-ordination of allotments


Co-ordination of a DVB-T allotment

Prior to the RRC06 there are no DVB-T allotments and no agreed method of co-ordinating
them. In order to implement a DVB-T SFN the Chester Annex 6 conversion procedure [16]
described in chapter 7.5.1 needs to be applied.

Co-ordination of a T-DAB allotment under the Wiesbaden 1995 and Maastricht

2002 Agreements

As with all broadcast services there are two methods of seeking international approval for an
assignment. The first being through a planning conference to agree an overall plan and the
second for individual transmitters on an ad-hoc basis through a formally agreed procedure.
The same is true for T-DAB, although in the T-DAB case it is an allotment which is initially
agreed. A co-ordinated allotment defines an area, a frequency and a right of implementation
in terms of the allowable levels of both out-going and in-coming interference. However, with
an allotment there is also the requirement to achieve additional agreement for the conversion
from an allotment to a set of assignments.
In order to start the co-ordination process an available frequency and a set test points which
define the T-DAB requirement are needed. The requirements were defined by up to 36
locations given as a latitude and longitude pair which form a polygon around the proposed
service area. If a national service is required the country boundary could be requested,
although in reality it is unlikely that a frequency would be available for a large country in a
mature plan.


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

The requirement details are forwarded to the plan management body (PMB), in the T-DAB
case this is the ERO, for publication. A set of calculation test points will also be derived for
the requirement. For consistency the calculation test points are generated by the PMB and
distributed to all administrations. These test points can also be generated from the alloment
data using the freely available ERO DAB Computer Analysis (or DACAN) software [17]. At
the calculation test points the field strength of the reference network will have decayed to
27 dBV/m. However, in the case of T-DAB to T-DAB the interference from the real
transmitter network may be allowed to sum to 33 dBV/m. Article 4 of the Maastricht
Agreement [18] describes how receiving administrations should deal with allotment coordination requests.
After publication the affected administrations have 12 weeks to consider the request and
respond to the requesting administration accordingly. If agreement is reached the allotment
enters the plan. However, before implementation the allotment will need to be converted into
a set of assignments which may need further co-ordination before implementation, this
aspect is discussed in chapters 6.3.1, 6.3.2 and 7.5.2.


Co-ordination of SFN


Co-ordination of a DVB-T SFN

At present there are no allotments for DVB-T and any SFN needs to be co-ordinated under
the rules defined at the CEPT conference held at Chester in 1997 [16]. More accurately, they
form a conversion from an existing analogue assignment to a digital SFN. The following
sections summarize the Chester 1997 coordination procedures for new and converted SFN.
When an administration proposes to put into operation a new SFN i.e. not appearing in the
Stockholm 1961 plan as an analogue assignment, the following action is taken:
If the distances from one of the stations forming the SFN under consideration to the nearest
points of the boundaries of other countries are less than limits agreed in Chester 1997
(corresponding to the proposed power and effective antenna height of the station), the
administrations of those countries shall be consulted regarding all the stations of the SFN
which have not already been coordinated.
Converted SFN
When an Administration proposes to convert an analogue television broadcasting station,
shown in the Stockholm 1961 plan, into a DVB-T SFN, the following action is taken:
If the distances from one of the stations forming the SFN under consideration to the nearest
points of the boundaries of other countries are less than limits agreed in Chester 1997
(corresponding to the proposed power and effective antenna height of the station), the
administrations of those countries shall be consulted regarding all the stations of the SFN
which have not already been coordinated.
Rules for SFN Conversions
Chester 1997 also contains rules for the conversion of an analogue station into an SFN.
Administrations are meant to undertake a conversion analysis based on:
the nuisance field strength of the original analogue assignment not being exceeded by the
power sum of the nuisance field strengths of the converted digital assignments forming the
SFN, and
the power sum of the field strengths of the converted digital assignments forming the SFN
being at least 7 dB below the field strength of the original analogue assignment.
If these conditions are not met then the proposal should be treated as a new SFN proposal
and not a conversion.


7 Frequency Planning and Coordination Aspects

Bilateral Agreement of SFN

Ultimately, coordination of SFN (and any new or modified television transmitter) can only be
agreed bilaterally between administrations. The practical experience of some CEPT
administrations in implementing the Chester 1997 agreement, with regards to bilateral
coordination of SFN, can be outlined as shown in the steps below.
1. Agree test points and calculate the reference usable field strength at each test point using
agreed methods.
2. Sum the characteristics of each transmitter in the SFN using a signal summation method
(some of which are described in chapter 4.5.)
3. Calculate the interfering (nuisance) field strength at the same test points due to the SFN,
using a bilaterally agreed method such as ITU-R Rec. P.1546 [10] with or without terrain.
4. If the increase in the resulting usable field strength is less than 0.3 dB, the request should
normally be accepted.
5. If the increase in the resulting usable field strength is more than 0.3 dB, discuss the
situation bilaterally, and maybe adjust the characteristics of individual transmitters in the SFN
to accommodate agreed restrictions or to minimize interference to particularly sensitive test
points or areas.
Repeat steps 1 to 5 as many times as necessary in order to obtain coordination agreement
(or not as the case may be in which case the administration in question will need to revise its

Coordination of a T-DAB SFN

In order to convert an allotment to an SFN a set of transmitter characteristics are required.

Section 6 gives guidance on how to plan such a network. Once the initial transmitter network
is designed it is useful to use the agreed Bonn summation method, which is part of the
Wiesbaden 1995 Agreement [18], to derive the field strengths at the calculation test points of
the allotment. The example below gives details of how to do this.
Explanation of the Bonn Summation Method
The individual field strength produced by each transmitter of the real network should be
determined using the field strength prediction method specified in the Appendix of the Final
Acts of the CEPT T-DAB Planning Meeting Maastricht, 2002, [18], at each of the allotments
calculation test points. The value of the determined individual field strength should be
modified, where relevant, by taking account of any receiving antenna discrimination. The
cumulative interfering field strength of the entire transmitter network is calculated by the
power sum method, with the result rounded to one decimal place as explained below. Only
the interference from the allotment being converted into assignments will be taken into
The individual field strengths obtained at any test points from all transmitting stations of the
T-DAB allotment are processed in decreasing order. The power sum is obtained as follows:
1. starting from the highest, the power values equivalent to the interfering field strengths are
added, one after the other;
2. at each summation, the result is compared to the previous one;
3. if the increase in power is greater than or equal to 0.5 dB, the summation process
4. if the increase in power would be less than 0.5 dB, the summation process is stopped
and 0.5 dB is added, giving the result of the power sum;
5. repeat for all calculation test points.


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

If all resulting power sums at every location do not exceed 33 dBV/m the requesting
administration can notify the PMB of its intention to convert the allotment. If any test point
exceeds 33 dBV/m full co-ordination is required. The primary difference between notification
and co-ordination is that the former should take six weeks less to complete. However, a
receiving administration may carry out its own calculations and consider that co-ordination is
required and hence trigger the requirement for full co-ordination.
If a calculated field strength at a test point is significantly greater than the 33 dBV/m it may
be worth considering adjusting the characteristics of one or more transmitters in the network
to reduce this. However, the co-ordination procedure does specify that when considering
requests for co-ordination, administrations should note that it is difficult, when planning real
networks, to avoid exceeding the field strength from a reference network by small amounts (1
to 2 dB), at a small number of test points. It also says that such cases should be considered
in a spirit of co-operation during the co-ordination process.
The following example of a Bonn Summation is taken from the UK case study in Annex B.7.
For a single calculation test point, with a T-DAB allotment converted into a network of 5
assignments, transmitters 1 to 5, the power summation process would be as detailed below:
Note: The first stage of the summation process is to sort the transmitters in order of
decreasing equivalent field strength.
The corresponding power factor, power summation and conversion back to the resulting
equivalent field strength are calculated according to the formulae below:
Formulae used:
Corresponding Power Factor

Pf = 10 ^ (En

/ 10)

Tx 3



Continue summation


Increase (dB)



Equivalent Field


Equivalent Field
Strength Eps

Eps = 10 log (p )

Power Sum p

Corresponding Equivalent Field Strength

Power Factor Pf

p = Pfn + Pfn+1

Equivalent Field
strength En

Power Summation


Tx 4






Tx 2






Tx 5






Tx 1






Increase due to this Tx will be more

than 0.5 dB, so continue.
Increase due to this Tx will be more
than 0.5 dB, so continue.
Increase due to this Tx will be more
than 0.5 dB, so continue.
Increase due to this Tx will be less
than 0.5 dB, so add 0.5 dB and
stop summation.

Table 7.1: Example of the Bonn summation method



8 Case Studies on SFN Implementation


Case studies on SFN implementation


A relevant part of this report contains case studies of SFN simulations which have been
performed in different countries. The studies highlight the different aspects that are important
for practical DVB-T and T-DAB SFN implementations. Chapters 8.2 to 8.8 summarize the
main issues that are addressed in the studies. The complete documentation of these studies
is given in Annex B.


Netherlands : Solving some problems in DVB-T single frequency

networks (2001)

The studies describes solutions for improving DVB-T coverage in cities by planning more
dense SFNs and solutions for reducing internal network interference by a combination of
artificial delays and additional fill-in stations.


Switzerland: Coverage in digital single-frequency network:

Theoretical case study (2003)

The study investigates the coverage potential of a DVB-T SFN based on the transmitter
infrastructure of three existing analogue transmitters. A number of DVB-T variants are
examined with regard to their usability for fixed roof-level and portable indoor reception. FFTwindow synchronisation techniques as well as the improvement of the coverage by use of
transmitter time delays are discussed.


Finland: SFN-coverage in Lapua and Vaasa (2003)

A mini-SFN consisting of two transmitters with a distance of 77 km is examined in this study.

The network is operated with the DVB-T variant 64QAM-2/3 with a guard interval of 1/8. In
this situation self-interference is not negligible and the study investigates its impact on the
coverage. The results of the computer simulation are compared with measurements.


Germany: DVB-T Network structures and costs for full coverage


The study investigates the possibilities to implement a regional SFN for portable indoor DVBT reception. The region was chosen in the north of Germany where the topography is flat.
Major issues of the study are the question to what extent the existing analogue network
infrastructure can be re-used and the cost aspect. The network comprises up to 10
transmitters. MFN as well as SFN approaches are investigated. The study concludes that on
the basis of the existing infrastructure a portable indoor coverage of the whole region can be
achieved for a target location probability of 70%. The cost reduction for the provision of one
programme could be up to a factor of 4 as compared to the current analogue programme


Sweden: SFN experience in Sweden (2003)

The study shortly summarizes main aspects and problems that are encountered in the DVBT SFN implementation in Sweden. In particular it deals with network structure aspects and
echo delay handling.


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0


Singapore: A commercial DVB-T mobile network in Singapore (2004)

A short introduction is given to the implementation of a commercial DVB-T mobile network

that has been built in Singapore in the year 2000.


United Kingdom: Planning T-DAB networks in the United Kingdom


A report is given to the planning methodology of both public and commercial Band III T-DAB
networks which have been implemented in the United Kingdom. These range in size from
local networks a few tens of kilometres in diameter using two or three transmitters to the BBC
national network service which has been planned to serve the whole of the UK, a north-south
distance of some 900 km.


9 Sources / References


Sources / References


ITU-R: Regional Agreement for the European Broadcasting Area Concerning the use of
Frequencies by Broadcasting Service in the VHF and UHF Bands, Stockholm, 1961


ITU-R: Final Acts of the Regional Administrative Conference for the Planning of
VHF/UHF Television Broadcasting Area and Neighbouring Countries, Geneva, 1989


W.C.Y.Lee: Mobile Communications Engineering. McGraw Hill, New York, 1982


T.S.Rappaport: Wireless Communications. Prentice Hall, New York, 1996


ETSI: Standard EN 300 744 - Digital Video Broadcasting DVB; Framing structure,
channel coding and modulation for digital terrestrial, 2001


ETSI: Standard EN 300 401 - Radio Broadcasting Systems; Digital Audio Broadcasting
(DAB) to mobile, portable and fixed receivers, 2001


EBU: BPN047 - Planning Criteria for Mobile DVB-T, Geneva, 2002


Resolutions of the First Session of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference for

planning of the digital terrestrial broadcasting services in parts of Regions 1 and 3 in
the frequency bands 170 230 MHz and 470 862 MHz Geneva, 10 28 May 2004


ETSI: Tech. Rep. TR 101 190 - Digital Video Broadcasting DVB; Implementation
guidelines for DVB terrestrial services; transmission aspects, 1997

[10] ITU-R: Rec. P.1546 - Method for point-to-area predictions for terrestrial services in the
frequency range 30 MHz to 3 000 MHz, Geneva, 2003
[11] EBU: Doc. Tech. 3254 - Planning parameters and methods for terrestrial television
broadcasting in the VHF/UHF bands , Geneva, 1988
[12] ITU-R: Final Acts of the Regional Administrative Conference for the Planning of VHF
Sound Broadcasting (Region 1 and Part of Region 3), Geneva, 1984
[13] S.C. Schwartz and Y.S. Yeh: On the distribution function and moments of power sums
with lognormal components. The Bell System Technical Journal, 61(7), 1982.
[14] CEPT: ECC-Report 49 - Report on technical criteria of digital video broadcasting
terrestrial (DVB-T) and terrestrial- digital audio broadcasting (T-DAB) allotment
planning, Copenhagen, 2004
[15] CEPT: Final Acts of the CEPT T-DAB Planning Meeting (4) Maastricht, 2002.
[16] CEPT: The Chester 1997 Multilateral Coordination Agreement relating to Technical
Criteria, Coordination Principles and Procedures for the introduction of Terrestrial
Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB-T) Chester, 25 July 1997
[17] CEPT: DACAN No 7 DAB Computer Analysis, CEPT T-DAB Frequency Plan,
EROSoft, Copenhagen, 1998
[18] CEPT: Final Acts of the CEPT T-DAB Planning Meeting (3) Maastricht, 2002. The
Wiesbaden 1995 Special Arrangement, as revised in Maastricht 2002
[19] NAG: - Numerical Algorithm Group: http://www.nag.co.uk/numeric/numerical_libraries
IMSL Numerical Libraries: http://www.vni.com/products/imsl
[20] M. Abramowitz, I. Stegun: Handbook of Mathematical Functions.


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

Further information on the issues dealt with in this report can be found in:
R. Beutler:

Frequency assignment and network planning for digital terrestrial

broadcasting systems, Boston, Kluwer, 2004

A. Ligeti:

Single Frequency Network Planning. Thesis, KTH, 1999, Stockholm

U. Reimers:

DVB - The Family of International Standards for Digital Video Broadcasting,

2nd edition, Berlin, Springer, 2004

EBU: BPN003: Technical Bases for T-DAB Services Network Planning and Compatibility
with Existing Broadcasting Services, 3rd edition, Geneva, 2003
EBU: BPN005: Terrestrial Digital Television. Planning and Implementation Considerations,
3rd edition, Geneva, 2001
EBU: BPN020: Implementing T-DAB Networks. Problems and Solutions, Geneva, 1999
EBU: BPN028: Regional and Local Sound Broadcasting Services in the Digital Era,
Geneva, 2000
EBU: BPN033: Ideas on Migration from Analogue to Digital Television in the European
Broadcasting Area, Geneva, 2001
EBU: BPN038: Report from Ad-hoc group B/CAI-FM24 to B/MDT and FM PT24 on
Spectrum Requirements for DVB-T Implementation, Geneva, 2001
EBU: BPN043: Issues concerning DVB-T and T-DAB in Band III, Geneva, 2001
EBU: BPN053: Planning Methods for Use at a Conference, Geneva, 2003
EBU: BPN059: Impact on Coverage of Inter-Symbol Interference and FFT-window
positioning in OFDM receivers, Geneva, 2003
ITU-R: Rec. BT.1368-4 - Planning criteria for digital terrestrial television services in the
VHF/UHF bands, Geneva, 2004
ITU-R: Report to the first session of the regional radiocommunication conference for planning
of the digital terrestrial broadcasting service in parts of Region 1 and 3, in
the frequency bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz, Geneva, 2003
The EBU Technical Review has published many articles on T-DAB and DVB-T dealing with
system, network planning and frequency planning aspects:


Annex A: Summation Methods

Annex A:

Summation methods


Numerical methods



In chapter 4.5 calculation methods for signal summation and the evaluation of coverage
probabilities are described comprising numerical as well as analytical approaches. Annex A
gives details of these approaches.
Numerical methods in general provide a better accuracy than analytical methods, however
they take more time. On the other hand, reference situations could preferably be done by
numerical methods such as the Monte Carlo simulation without leading to a time problem,
because they are carried out only once.

Numerical Integration

Numerical integration can be performed with the help of standard quadrature routines which
are contained in commonly available mathematical libraries, for instance, the NAG or IMSL
libraries [19].

Monte Carlo Simulation

An alternative approach is the treatment by means of a Monte Carlo (MC) simulation, which
will be described in more detail. A sample of some 10,000 to 50,000 reception situations, for
each small area calculation within the coverage area, yields reliable statistics.
Suppose there are given:

n wanted logarithmic fields Fi w with Gaussian distribution

(parameters Fi w , iw , i = 1 ... n ),



m logarithmic interfering fields Fk


(parameters F

with Gaussian distribution

, , k = 1 ... m ),

a protection ratio PR and noise N;

all quantities are given in dBs and represent system values, i.e. do not include probability
The task is then to find the corresponding protection margin or coverage probability:
1. Using a random number generator, produce n sets:

{Fijw , j = 1 ... s }, i = 1 ... n ,

with Gaussian distribution (parameters Fi w , iw ) for the n wanted fields,
where s is the number of field strength values contained in each set.
2. Using a random number generator, produce m sets:

{Fkjint , j = 1 ... s }, k = 1 ... m ,

with Gaussian distribution (parameters Fk , k ) for the m interfering fields.


3. Transform the field strengths Fijw and Fkj to powers Pijw and Pkj :


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

Pijw = 10

Fijw /10

, Pkjint = 10

Fkjint /10

4. Calculate the power sum of the wanted signals:


Pjw = Pijw , j = 1 ... s .

i =1

5. Calculate the power sum of the interfering signals and add noise, where noise, N
(absolute value), is derived from the difference between the minimum field strength, Fmin
(logarithmic value) and the required carrier to noise ratio, R (logarithmic value):

Pjint = N +

Pkjint , j = 1... s ,

k =1

N = 10

(Fmin R )

6. Evaluate the signal-to-(noise + interference) ratio:


, j = 1 ... s .

7. Transform the signal/(noise + interference) ratio to logarithmic scale:


= 10 log10
, j = 1 ... s .
P int
8. Sort the set


I + N j

I + N

j = 1 ... s and extract the distribution density g



I + N

9. Derive from g

10. The value of P at

under consideration.

I + N

the probability distribution P


= PR gives the coverage probability CP at the location

If only the margin for a given percentage of locations is wanted, then it is not necessary to
carry out the last three steps (8, 9 and 10). Instead, after step No 6 above, perform the


and extract the value for the wanted location probability.

6.1 Sort the set

6.2 Transform the signal/(noise + interference) ratio to logarithmic scale:


Margin (%location) (dB) = 10 log

(%location) .


Annex A: Summation Methods


Computation aspects

Both approaches, numerical integration as well as the Monte Carlo simulation, need a
considerable computational effort which is inconvenient for practical coverage calculation
purposes. Therefore, it is desirable to have approximations allowing for an analytical or at
least a fast numerical treatment.


Analytic approximations



Many analytic approximations to the solution of the summation of statistical field strengths
have been developed. Details of some of these are given below.
It should be noted that in the case of fields having greatly different standard deviations, it
may lead to incorrect results if low fields are omitted from the calculations if they have a
high standard deviation. This situation could give rise to the largest field values at small %
of locations. This does not apply to the power sum method.

Power sum method

The power sum method is a procedure for the approximate calculation of the mean value of a
sum field. If the mean value of the (logarithmic) field strength of a single signal is denoted by

F and is expressed in dBV/m, its power P (in absolute units) is given by


P = 10 .
For n individual fields, the respective powers are added:

P = Pi .
i =1

and the mean value F of the (logarithmic) sum field strength is calculated as:

F = 10 log10 (P )
For the unwanted signal, the powers of the mean values of the individual nuisance fields are
added to the power of the minimum field strength (representing the noise contribution). For
the wanted signal in an SFN, the powers of the individual useful fields are added. A
50%-location coverage is obtained if the sum of the unwanted-signal levels equals the sum
of the wanted-signal levels.
For T-DAB and DVB-T, a margin must be added to the resulting nuisance field in order to
cover more than 50% of the locations. This margin is related to the target percentage of
locations. Its value is not derived by the power sum method. Usually a value derived from the
standard deviation of a single signal is used.

Simplified multiplication method

The simplified multiplication method gives the coverage probability in the presence of several
interfering signals which are assumed to be log-normally distributed with known mean values
and standard deviations. The coverage area can be determined by calculating the probability
for different locations. The contour of the coverage area is made up of the set of locations
where the coverage probability achieves the required value.


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

As the effect of noise is not taken into account in the statistical treatment, over-estimation of
the coverage can be expected when the levels of the interferers are low. However, it is
possible to add the effect of noise at the end of the calculation process.
The method is explained in detail in EBU doc. Tech 3254 [11], but it must be noted that it is
not applicable to SFN since it cannot deal with (the power addition of) multiple useful signals.

The LNM method

The log-normal method is an approximation method for the statistical computation of the sum
distribution of several log-normally distributed variables. The method is based on the
assumption that the resulting sum distributions of the wanted and unwanted fields are also
log-normal. To some extent, the LNM is able to cope with different standard deviations of the
single field distributions.
To improve the accuracy of the LNM, a correction factor can be introduced. This version of
the LNM is called k-LNM. As can be seen from step 4 in chapter A.2.6 below, k-LNM is
identical to the standard LNM if the factor k is equal to 1.

LNM related methods

In the following sections, two approximations, k-LNM and t-LNM, are described. k-LNM
differs only slightly from the standard LNM approach by the additional use of a correction
factor k, enabling more accurate results to be obtained for the distributions of the summed
fields in the probability range of interest for coverage calculations (e.g. 95% or 99% location
probability). The t-LNM method offers greater accuracy, at the expense of increased
calculation time and complexity.


The approach assumes that the distribution of the sum of log-normally distributed statistical
variables can be described by a new log-normal distribution, the mean value and standard
deviation of which are taken to be identical with those of the true sum distribution:
M power
= M true
power , S power = S power ,

where M and S denote mean value and standard deviation of the respective log-normal
power distribution. The approximation is based on the fact that for all kind of distributions
mean value and standard deviation of the distribution of the sum of individual statistical
vairiables are given by the sums of the mean values and standard deviations of the individual
statistical variables.
Since the resulting approximate sum distribution is log-normal, it can be combined again with
a third log-normal distribution, and so on, thus enabling the construction of an approximate
distribution of n log-normally distributed statistical variables. This procedure can be
performed analytically.
k-LNM suffers from the drawback that the appropriate correction factor k depends on the
number, the powers and the variances of the fields being summed, as well as the location
percentage for which the calculation is being done. To obtain optimal results, an interpolation
table for the derivation of the value of k would be necessary, which is not suitable for a
heuristic approach like k-LNM. Therefore, to keep the simple and analytic character of the
approximation, an average value of k is chosen, derived from a sample of representative field
configurations. This simplification still results in an inaccuracy for a few, none the less typical,
configurations which amount to some dBs for 99% locations. For the summation of fields with
standard deviations between 6 and 10 dB the value k = 0.5 seems to represent a fair


Annex A: Summation Methods

compromise. For smaller values of standard deviations a higher value for k should be used,
e.g. k = 0.7.
If k is set to 1.0, k-LNM is identical to the standard LNM approach. This choice should be
taken for the summation of interfering fields, since for these the low probability domain is of
Following, the method is described in detail:
Suppose there are given:

n logarithmic fields Fi with Gaussian distribution (parameters Fi , i , i = 1 ... n ), i.e.,

the corresponding powers are log-normally distributed.

The task is to determine the approximate log-normal distribution of the power sum, or,
equivalently, to find the parameters of the Gaussian distribution of the corresponding
logarithmic sum field:

Transform Fi , i , i = 1 ... n , from dB scale to Neper scale (this avoids nasty constants
in the calculation):

XNeper =

X .
10 log (e) dB


Evaluate the mean values Mi and the variances S i of the n power distributions:

Mi = e

Fi +


, Si2 = e

Mi , S 2 =


1 , i = 1... n ,

(Neper scale)

S i2 ,


(Neper Scale)

Determine the distribution parameters F and of the approximate log-normal sum



Determine mean value M and variance S 2 of the sum power distribution:


2 Fi + i2

= log k 2 + 1, F = log (M)

(Neper Scale)

Transform F and from Neper scale to dB scale:

X dB =10 log (e) XNeper .


F and are the mean value and the standard deviation, respectively, of the Gaussian
distribution of the logarithmic sum field.
In the following example the evaluation of the parameters of the sum distribution of three
identical fields is demonstrated and the numerical values of the intermediate results of steps
1 to 5 are given. The parameters are chosen to be 60 dBV/m for the mean values of the
distributions of the logarithmic fields and 5.5 dB for the standard deviations. The k-factor is
set to k = 0.7.


Fi (dB) = 60.000, (dB)

= 5.500,

i = 1,2,3

(dB scale)


Fi (Neper) = 13.816, (Neper)

= 1.266,

i = 1,2,3

(Neper scale)


Mi =2.230 10 6 ,

i = 1,2,3

(Neper scale)

S i = 1.975 1013 ,

EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0


M = 6.689 10 6 , S 2 = 5.925 1013 ,


F(Neper) = 15.388,


F(dB) = 66.830,



(Neper scale)

= 0.656, (Neper) = 0.810 ,

(dB) = 3.517,

(Neper scale)
(dB scale)


More accuracy within the framework of the LNM can be obtained with the t-LNM approach. It
approximates the distribution of the logarithmic sum field strength by a Gaussian distribution
which possesses the same mean value and the same variance as the true distribution:
M approx
fields strength = M field strength , S field strength = S field strength .

This approach gives a better description of the true sum distribution, in particular, of its lower
tail as compared to the k-LNM approach, where the equality of the mean values and the
variances of the powers is assumed.
Since the resulting approximate distribution is Gaussian, as are the distributions of the
individual fields, the method allows for the successive construction of the distribution of the
logarithmic sum field strength built from n single fields.
A difficulty for the approach arises from the fact that M and S cannot be calculated
analytically. As a consequence, an extensive interpolation table (some 1000 values) has to
be prepared by means of numerical integration or Monte Carlo simulation for a reasonable
range of possible field strength values and standard deviation values. The basic evaluation
for two fields can then be performed by trilinear interpolation (t-LNM Version V1). By
replacing the two trilinear interpolations by three bilinear interpolations further computational
improvement can be obtained (t-LNM Version V2).
Once the interpolation table has been set up, the method is easily applied with a
computational effort similar to that of the analytical standard LNM. The benefits of the
approach are given by its high accuracy (1 - 2 dB for the 1%-fractile) and its applicability to a
large variety of field configurations.

t-LNM (V2)

This method of computing the sum field from component field parameters (mean, variance)
which provides a reduction of computational load compared to earlier versions of t-LNM. The
principal structure of computing the sum field by combining the n-th component field with the
sum of the fields 1 to n-1 by means of interpolation tables has been retained. By exploiting
the properties of a suitably chosen analytical approximation of the expression for the sum of
two fields it has become possible to compute the interpolation tables at run time and to
replace the two trilinear interpolation steps by three bilinear interpolations, which cuts down
the number of necessary operations to almost of the double trilinear version t-LNM (V1).

The t-LNM (V2) Algorithm

Let f1 and f2 be the (uncorrelated and normally distributed) intensity levels of the two fields to
be combined. The corresponding sum field level is given by:

f = log e (e 1 + e 2 ),


which can be written in the form


(f + f ) + loge e x/2 + e- x/2 ,
2 1 2



Annex A: Summation Methods


x= f1 f2 .


From (2) it follows that the mean value <f> of the sum field level f has the form

f =


( f1 + f2 ) + U(x, x ) ,


where < f1 > and < f2 > are the mean values of f1 and f2, respectively and

U(x, x ) := loge (e x/2 + e- x/2 ) .


For convenience, f is used in place of <f> in some of the following equations.

Clearly U(x, x ) depends on the parameters of the distribution of x only; by proposition, x is
normally distributed with mean x = f1 f2 and variance 2x = 12 + 22 . The variance of f can
be written in the form

f 2 f 2 =

1 2
x + V(x, x ) [U(x, x )] + W (x,1, 2 ),



V(x, x ) = loge (e x/2 + e- x/2 )


W (1, 2 ) = (f1 f1 + f2 f2 ) loge (e x/2 + e- x/2 ) .



The term loge (e x/2 + e - x/2 ) can be approximated by:

log e (e x/2 + e - x/2 ) =

A x Bx 2
x + Ce


Using the coefficients

A = 0.685437037
B = 0.08198801
C = 0.686850632
The maximum error in equation (9) is less than 710-3, occurring for x in the interval [-4, 4].
When the approximation (9) is inserted into the expressions (5), (7) and (8) the mean values
can be evaluated. It turns out that


2 2x


U(x, x ) = x( ) + x e 2 x +
1 + 2B 2x


e 2 ( K + ) + e 2 (K ) ,(10)


K =

x/ x A x
1 + 2B 2x



EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

and where (y) =


dm is the cumulative normalized normal distribution.

V is given by

V(x, x ) = (x 2 + 2x ) +
1 + 2B 2x

1 + 4B 2x


+ 2A 2 2x

1+ 4B X

2 2x


K + e 2 (K + ) + K e 2 (K )

2Ax 2
x/ + 2A
x/ 2A
1+ 4B x
1+ 4B x





W finally can be written as

W = (12 22 ) W( x, x ) ,



x 1
W( x, x ) = + Ce 2 x
x 2
k 2+
k 2

2 (K )



x (1 + 2B x )


e ( K + ) + e 2 (K )

1 + 2B 2x



Once the functions U, V and W have been tabulated (which due to the many similarities of
the terms appearing in (10), (12) and (14) consumes only a moderate amount of computing
time) the combination of two fields can very simply be accomplished by first computing x
and x , then finding the corresponding values of the functions U, V and W by bilinear
interpolation in the respective tables, and finally computing the mean sum field level by
formula (4) and the variance as:

f2 f

1 2
x + V(x, x ) [U(x, x )] + 12 22 W( x, x ) .


The error involved in this approximation depends on the detail of the tables constructed for
U, V and W.


Applications for the LNM methods


Evaluation of protection margin

The protection margin for a given reception situation is defined as the difference between the
sum of the wanted fields and the sum of the unwanted nuisance fields, including noise, i.e.
the minimum field strength, and including the appropriate probability margins. In the following
example a reception situation with three wanted signals and no interfering signal, but
including noise, is described.


Annex A: Summation Methods

In order to determine the protection margin, the following procedure can be carried out using
the formula for determining the field strength exceeded for p% of locations in terms of the
median field strength and the standard deviation:


f(p%) ,

F(p%) is the field strength exceeded for p% of locations

is the median field strength

f(p%) is the probability correction factor for p% of locations

is the standard deviation.

Then, using the parameters in the example of chapter A.2.6:



F (99%)

60.000 , = 5.500 dB , f(99%) = -2.33

47.185 dB,

and for the sum of 3 identical fields:



66.830 , = 3.517 dB , f(99%) = -2.33



58.635 dB,


Protection Margin

F3(99%) - Fmin = 58.635 - 58 = 0.635 dB




Evaluation of network gain

Network Gain

F3(99%) - F1(99%)

Network Gain

58.635 - 47.185 = 11.450 dB

Evaluation of coverage probability

The calculation of the coverage probability is split into three parts:

Calculation of the sum of the wanted field strengths,
Calculation of the sum B of the nuisance fields, which are composed of the interfering
field strengths Fiint plus the corresponding protection ratios PRi

B = Fi int + PRi + Fmin ,


Evaluation of the coverage probability.

For the first two steps the LNM approximations may be applied to sum the fields. A standard
deviation of 0 dB is attributed here to the minimum field strength Fmin.
In the third step the coverage probability CP can be calculated by simple error function
evaluations as shown in the following equations, where Fw , w and B , B denote the
distribution parameters of the relevant fields and P(A) the probability of the event A.

CP = P(Fw B > 0 ) = J F B , ( w ) 2 + ( B ) 2 ,
where the function J is given by


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

J(F, ) = 1 + erf


The error function erf is evaluated with the help of tables or parametrisations. These can be
found in mathematical handbooks, e.g. [20]. A short overview is given in section A.4.
If Fmin cannot be included in B, as is the case for example for k-LNM because of the
particular structure of this approach, the following approximation may be applied (where the
corresponding nuisance field is now denoted by B):

B' = (Fi int + PRi ),


CP = P(Fw B' > 0 ) P(Fw Fmin > 0 )

) (

CP = J F B' , ( w )2 + ( B )2 J F Fmin , w

Distribution function p

The cumulative distribution function p:

p ( x) = (1 + erf ( x) ) =


t 2


gives the total (cumulative) probability, p, that the value x of a continuous random variable,
with a Gaussian distribution *, is not exceeded in a trial with a large number or random
The inverse cumulative distribution function

x( p ) = I ( p )
gives the value x of the random variable which will not be exceeded, with probability p, in a
trial with a large number of random events. The expression for I(p) cannot be expressed in a
closed form. It can be approximated with the following equations:

if 0 < p 0.5, then

c0 + c1t + c 2 t 2
I ( p ) = t
1 + d 1t + d 2 t + d 3 t

1 2
with t = ln( 2 )
and c0 = 2.515517

d1 = 1.432788

c1 = 0.802 853

d2 = 0.189269

c2 = 0.010328

d3 = 0.001308


if 0.5< p1, then

The Gaussian distribution in question is normalised to have a standard deviation equal to 1.


Annex A: Summation Methods

c0 + c1 S + c 2 S 2
I ( p) = S
1 + d1 S + d 2 S 2 + d 3 S 3

1 2 2

with S = ln
1 p
and c0, c1, c2, d1, d2, d3 as in case 1).
Using the formulas one can establish the following table of conversion:













































Table A.1: Distribution function p


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

Annex B:
B Case Studies on SFN Planning
B.1 Netherlands (2001)

Solving some problems in DVB-T single frequency network

in the Netherlands
In the Netherlands DVB-T SFNs have been introduced in the central and western part of the
country, the so-called Randstad area. This is a very densely populated area.

One of the aims of the DVB-T

services is to provide indoor
portable coverage in the whole area
and in particular in the cities. For
that reason a relative dense
network has been built with sites
near the main cities. Figure 1 gives
an example that shows that (as part
of a larger SFN) two 5 kW
transmitters give a better coverage
than one 10 kW transmitter in the
city of Amsterdam.

1 transmitter
10 kW

Details shows the coverage of each

of the two 5 kW transmitters when
these are not working in SFN

2 transmitters
5 kW

Figure 1 Improving coverage by planning more dense


Large SFNs may give internal network interference. Figure 2 shows coverage calculated for 1
% of time of an SFN using channel 34 without measures for reducing internal network

In order to reduce the internal network interference the following measures have been taken:
Artificial delays
Additional fill-in transmitters


Annex B: Case Studies on SFN Implementation

Because of the artificial delays internal network interference in the south-west part increases.
That area will be covered by another SFN.
Figure 3 shows the results (coverage calculated for 1% of time).

Internal network
Internal network

Figure 2 Coverage of SFN (1% time) without measures for reducing internal network



Artificial delay
5 sec

Other SFN

Artificial delay
15 sec

Figure 3 Coverage of SFN (1% time) with several measures for reducing internal network


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

B.2 Switzerland (2003)

Coverage In Digital Single-Frequency Network: Theoretical Case Study

1. Introduction

The transition of television from analogue to digital transmission will inevitably take
place in the years to come. DVB-T technology has been standardised for digital
terrestrial television in Europe [1]. Immunity of DVB-T against echoes or ghosting
allows the possibility of single frequency network (SFN) [2]. An SFN is built up out of
broadcast stations which simultaneously broadcast identical data streams on the same
carrier frequency. Neighbouring broadcast stations support each other in their function.
Recently, a case study has been carried out [3] in order to compare service coverage
for analogue and digital multi-frequency networks (MFN). The so-called
conventional MFN planning has been used. The digital transmitters have been
assumed to re-use the same sites as existing analogue stations with all the relevant
characteristics (RF channel, polarisation, antenna height and diagram). The effective
radiated power (e.r.p) of the transmitters has been lowered by 7 dB with respect to its
value used for analogue broadcasting. The system variant 16-QAM with code rate 3/4
has been identified as most suitable that provides the coverage close to the analogue
one, if a fixed outdoor reception is used. Portable indoor reception seems to be
achievable for 74 % of population.
However, a final state of digital coverage is supposed to be realised by transmitters
operating in SFNs [4]. Therefore, it is of interest to use SFN to cover the area
considered for the case study of Zurich in [3]. It has been thus attempted to characterise
the impact of the SFN parameters on the service availability in the area. The results are
presented and discussed in this paper.

2. Methodology and calculations

The region around Zurich, which is the most populated one in Switzerland, has been
chosen for this case study. The area of interest is outlined by administrative borders of
four cantons (Zurich, Zug, Schwyz and Schaffhausen).
The transition to digital terrestrial television is connected with the wish to reuse as much
as possible the current analogue transmitter cites. Therefore, an irregular SFN has been
modeled using three main transmitters of the existing analogue network infrastructure,
namely Uetliberg, Schaffhausen and Rigi Kulm. The distance between Schaffhausen
and Uetliberg is 38.5 km, 32.8 km between Uetliberg and Rigi Kulm, and 70.5 km
between Schaffhausen and Rigi Kulm. The digital transmitters are assumed to use the
same antenna height and diagram as those for analogue stations. Planning examples
have been made for Band III (196.25 MHz) and Band IV (519.25 MHz). The e.r.p. of
the transmitters has been scaled between 0 and 50 dBW. Two different types of SFN
have been considered. In the first one all three transmitters in the network are allotted
identical e.r.p. values. The second implementation supposes Uetliberg to be a main
station with two additional transmitters serving as gap fillers. For the simplicity these
SFN types are referred bellow in the text as symmetrical and asymmetrical SFNs.
Different system variants have been tested (Table 1). 8K FFT size has been used. Fixed
outdoor reception using roof-top antennas and portable indoor reception at ground floor

Annex B: Case Studies on SFN Implementation

have been considered at 95 % and 70 % of locations, respectively. The corresponding

values of minimum usable field strength and protection ratio have been calculated
according to Chester97 agreement [5].

Table 1. Systems variants considered in the study with corresponding values of minimum
usable field strength (FSmin), protection ratio (C/I). Values of FSmin and C/I are given for fixed
outdoor (portable indoor) reception at 95 % (70 %) of locations in Band III. For Band IV
frequencies, 5.0 dB (6.8 dB) is to be added to FSmin values.




Bit Rate

42.5 (64.3)
43.9 (66.8)
45.3 (69.4)
45.9 (72.9)
45.6 (66.1)
48.0 (69.4)

14.6 (17.2)
16.0 (19.7)
17.4 (22.3)
18.0 (25.8)
17.7 (19.0)
20.1 (22.3)

In hilly and mountainous areas the terrain irregularity is an important factor in the path
loss mechanism. Switzerland is particularly affected by this situation. Therefore, the
deterministic model CRC-Predict developed at the Communications Research Centre
Canada has been used for calculation of coverage areas of single transmitters [6].
Network coverage is further proceeded by CovCAD, which is a planning software
developed in Switzerland. It allows dealing with large number of transmitters in the
network .
It should be noticed that only artificial SFN echoes, e.g. those produced by transmitters
in the network, have been considered within simulations presented, while the natural
multipath echoes generated by the obstacles (mountains, hills, buildings) are neglected.
The latter may appear at the receiver input as either constructive or destructive signals
depending on the terrain and network topology. More sophisticated and as a rule more
time consuming 3D algorithms are needed to take into account these effects.
The results of the coverage calculations have been evaluated in terms of the population

3. Results and discussions

3.1. Power dependence

Effect of transmitter e.r.p. on the service availability has been investigated for two SFN
implementations. When all transmitters in the network operate with the same values of
e.r.p. the percentage of population covered increases rapidly for low and medium power.
The results are presented in Fig. 1a. When the e.r.p. of transmitters becomes rather high
a steady increase in the coverage takes place. For the fixed outdoor reception a
saturation is observed. The rest of population not served by the SFN lives in regions,
where the reception of direct signal is prevented by mountains. However, additional
transmitters might not be necessary as reflected signals, often present in the
mountainous and hilly environment may be constructive in DVB-T. The observed
saturation in the population coverage for outdoor reception can also be partly explained
by self-interference effects appearing in some locations.

EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

Further, an example of asymmetrical SFN (one main station and two gap-fillers) is
considered. The e.r.p. of the main station (Uetliberg) has been fixed to 40 dBW. The
e.r.p. of gap-fillers has been varied from 0 to 40 dBW. However, in the latter case the
transmitters in Schaffhausen and Rigi Kulm can not be considered as gap-fillers with
respect to Uetliberg. The population coverage calculated for different reception modes is
characterised by a monotonous increase as a function of the e.r.p. of gap-fillers. It is
illustrated in Fig. 1b. From the results presented in Fig. 1a and b one may conclude that
a symmetrical configuration of SFN would be preferable for coverage in portable indoor
reception. However, implementation of asymmetrical SFN may provide a suitable
coverage in outdoor reception.



fixed outdoor


Population Covered (%)

Population Covered (%)

fixed outdoor


portable indoor




Band III
Band IV


portable indoor


Band III
Band IV








E.R.P. (dBW)





E.R.P. (dBW)



Fig. 1. Simulated population coverage in the Zurich region by SFN (16-QAM 3/4 GI = 1/8) as a function of
transmitter e.r.p.: (a) symmetrical network consisted of three transmitters with the same power;
(b) asymmetrical SFN with Uetliberg as a main station (with fixed e.r.p. of 40 dBW) and two gap fillers.

3.2. Transmission delay effect

In considering SFN it should be recognised that not all the transmitters in a network will
contribute to the wanted signal. Some signals may become interferers. The effect of selfinterference of the SFN becomes even more pronounced if the distance between
transmitters exceeds the one defined by DVB-T parameters used. This is the present
case as the distance between Uetliberg and Schaffhausen is higher than the maximum
allowed (33.6 km) for the guard interval chosen (112 s). Therefore, further insight into
the problem of optimisation of the network in view of maximising the population
coverage can be obtained from the study of influence of the transmission delay. The
signal from the transmitter Schaffhausen has been delayed with respect to the one from
the station Uetliberg. The results of simulations are presented in Fig. 2a and b for
symmetrical and asymmetrical SFN implementations, respectively. It is found that
significant improvement in the population coverage occurs when the delay increases
from 0 to 20 s. Then a kind of saturation in the coverage for indoor reception is
observed, while outdoor reception characterised by a maximum with a following
decrease. This is due to appearance of self-interference effects in some other locations.


Annex B: Case Studies on SFN Implementation



fixed outdoor


Population Covered (%)

Population Covered (%)


Band III
Band IV




portable indoor



fixed outdoor


Band III
Band IV


portable indoor









Transmission Delay (us)







Transmission Delay (us)

Fig. 2. Simulated population coverage in the Zurich region by SFN (16-QAM 3/4 GI = 1/8) as a function of
the transmission delay for the transmitter Shaffhausen: (a) symmetrical network (e.r.p. of all transmitters is
40 dBW); (b) asymmetrical SFN configuration (e.r.p. of Uetliberg is 40 dBW, e.r.p. of Schaffhausen and
Rigi Kulm is 25 dBW).

3.3. Coverage maps

The predicted digital coverage map in Band IV using the DVB-T variant 16-QAM with
code rate 3/4 is represented in Fig. 3 for fixed outdoor and portable indoor reception
modes, respectively. Both symmetrical and asymmetrical SFN implementations are




EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0



Fig. 3. Simulated digital SFN (16-QAM 3/4 GI = 1/8) coverage in the Zurich region for fixed outdoor (a,b)
and portable indoor (c,d) reception in Band IV: (a,c) symmetrical network (e.r.p. of all transmitters is
40 dBW); (b,d) asymmetrical SFN configuration (e.r.p. of Uetliberg is 40 dBW, e.r.p. of Schaffhausen and
Rigi Kulm is 25 dBW). Zones of self-interference are marked with red. The region of interest is contoured
by black line. The transmitter sites are marked by yellow solid circles and named from up to down as
Schaffhausen, Uetliberg, and Rigi Kulm. Signal from Schaffhausen is delayed by 20 s.

Due to large differences in the values for minimum usable field strength significant
differences in coverage between outdoor and indoor reception are clearly seen.
However, urban regions seem to be provided with portable indoor reception. Only the
area around Winterthur would require an additional transmitter to improve the indoor
reception. There is no large difference in coverage for symmetrical and asymmetrical
SFN implementations when outdoor reception is considered. The percentage of
population covered is around 95 % and 93 % for the symmetrical and asymmetrical
SFNs, respectively. However, portable indoor reception is evidently better for the
symmetrical network configuration than under the asymmetrical SFN implementation.
The population coverage amounts to 74 % and 66 % for symmetrical and asymmetrical
SFNs, respectively. Moreover, the dense network is characterised by appearance of
zones with self-interference marked in Fig. 3 by red colour. These effects are less
pronounced for the mini SFN.

3.4. Dependence on system variant

The population coverages as a percentage of the total population in the area of interest
for six system variants considered are given in Table 2. Symmetrical SFN
implementation is modelled with e.r.p. of the transmitters equal to 40 dBW and the
transmission delay of 20 s between Shauffhausen and Uetliberg. It appears that the
population coverage for fixed outdoor reception is more or less the same in Band III

Annex B: Case Studies on SFN Implementation

and Band IV despite of different usable field strength limits. This is because
population is not uniformly distributed over the territory but rather concentrated in
certain regions. This is clearly seen when considering the coverage for portable indoor
reception. In this case the border of coverage map is often passing across densely
populated regions. Therefore, the difference in usable field strength limits for Band III
and Band IV results in a significant difference in coverage.
The results presented in Table 2 allow for the same conclusion made in [3] that in the
trade-off between the data capacity, service raggedness and coverage the system
variant 16-QAM with code rate 3/4 seems to be the most appropriate in the present
case. However, the data do not differ much from one variant to another. It can be also
noticed that the values of population coverage in Band IV are comparable with those
obtained within MFN studies [3]. Meanwhile, building up an SFN in Band III allows
for better results.
Table 2. Simulated percentage of the population covered by digital SFN in the Zurich region
for different system variants. E.r.p. of all transmitters is 40 dBW. Signal from Schaffhausen is
delayed by 20 s.



Bit Rate

Outdoor Reception
Band III Band IV
97.4 %
95.8 %
97.1 %
95.3 %
96.9 %
94.6 %
96.7 %
94.3 %
96.8 %
94.4 %
96.1 %
93.1 %

Indoor Reception
Band III
Band IV
86.9 %
77.7 %
83.8 %
74.2 %
80.4 %
69.9 %
75.8 %
61.9 %
84.7 %
75.2 %
80.4 %
69.9 %

3.5. Receiver synchronisation effect

The delay spread of the echoes is one of the most important parameters in the design of
a digital television system. The problem arises with the treatment of the interfering and
the contributing signal parts [7]. The synchronisation algorithm used to open the guard
interval window may significantly affect the DVB-T coverage probability in the SFN
configuration. To study this eight possible echo combinations within the symbol have
been considered. For each algorithm the population coverage has been calculated using
the system variant 16 QAM 3/4. Only signals inside the guard interval are regarded as
wanted, whereas signals outside the guard interval are treated as interference (cliff-edge
transition). The results are compared in Table 3. From the study it appears that aligning
of the starting edge of the guard interval window either with the first signal or with the
first signal above a certain threshold (in the present study it is fixed to 20 dB above
noise floor) are the optimum algorithms. However, this may be not the case if another
network infrastructure is used.


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

Table 3. Simulated percentage of the population covered by digital SFN (16-QAM 3/4 GI =
1/8) in the Zurich region for different synchronisation algorithms at the receiver. E.r.p. of all
transmitters is 40 dBW. Signal from Schaffhausen is delayed by 20 s.

Guard Interval Window

Start = the first signal
Start = the strongest signal
Start = the first signal over threshold
Start = the barycentre of all signals
Centre = the first signal
Centre = the strongest signal
Centre = the first signal over threshold
Centre = the barycentre of all signals

Outdoor Reception
Band III Band IV
97.1 %
95.3 %
85.8 %
86.1 %
97.1 %
95.3 %
1.4 %
2.0 %
74.2 %
74.6 %
74.5 %
74.9 %
74.2 %
74.6 %
77.8 %
77.7 %

Indoor Reception
Band III Band IV
83.8 %
74.2 %
78.0 %
70.7 %
83.8 %
74.2 %
0.8 %
0.7 %
61.7 %
58.2 %
61.7 %
58.2 %
61.7 %
58.2 %
63.7 %
59.9 %

4. Conclusion

Calculations of population coverage, which could be achieved by an SFN of digital

television transmitters, have been carried out. Four cantons in Switzerland have been
chosen to form an SFN allotment. Three existing analogue main stations have been used
to simulate SFN topology. This results in the network, where the distance between some
transmitters exceeds the value defined by the guard interval chosen (112 s). Antenna
height and diagram of the digital transmitters have been left as they are in analogue use.
For a symmetric SFN configuration, when all three transmitters possess the same e.r.p.
(from 0 to 50 dBW), the population coverage is found to increase rapidly with increase
of the transmitter power approaching saturation for relatively high values of e.r.p. While
for asymmetrical SFN implementation, when one deals with one main station (40 dBW)
at the centre and two gap-fillers (from 0 to 40 dBW), the population coverage is
characterised by a relatively moderate increase as a function of the e.r.p. of gap-fillers. It
is also found that significant improvement in the population coverage can be achieved
when the signal from the transmitter Schaffhausen is delayed 20 s with the respect to
the transmission from Uetliberg.
The system variant 16-QAM with code rate 3/4 and guard interval 1/8 has been
identified as the optimum providing population coverage of 97 % (95 %) for outdoor
reception and 84 % (74 %) for indoor reception in Band III (Band IV). These values are
comparable with date from previous studies on possible MFN coverage in the area of
interest. Further improvement in the indoor reception is seen possible by the
introduction of an additional transmitter near Winterthur. Some increase in the coverage
can also be expected by proper optimisation of antenna diagrams of digital transmitters.
Different algorithms of synchronisation of the receiver on the incoming signals have
been compared. The methods, when the start of guard interval window is aligned either
with the first signal or with the first signal above a certain threshold, are shown to be the
most preferable for the case considered.


The authors would like to thank H. Vogel for valuable discussions. This work has been
carried out within the project Migration to Digital Television between the Federal Office of
Communications and the Biel School of Engineering and Architecture.

Annex B: Case Studies on SFN Implementation






Ronald de Bruin, Jan Smits, Digital Video Broadcasting: Technology, Standards,

and Regulations (Artech House, Inc., 1999).
Terrestrial Digital Television: Planning and implementation considerations,
European Broadcasting Union, BPN 005.
A. Kholod, S. Mnard, R. Tschannen, and M. Liniger, Comparison of Analogue
and Digital Multi-Frequency Networks: Theoretical Case Study, European
Broadcasting Union, B/MDT Doc. 154, MDT-M1 Doc. 026 (2001).
J. Frank and G. Petke, DVB-T network structure and costs for full coverage,
EBU Technical Review (June 2001).
The Chester 1997 Multilateral Coordination Agreement relating to Technical
Criteria, Coordination Principles and Procedures for the introduction of Terrestrial
Digital Video Broadcasting.
R. Voyer, D. Camir and A. Rime, Relevance of Empirical Propagation Models for
Interference Coordination in Mountainous Areas, IBC 2000 Conference
Publication, 262 267 (2000).
A. Morello, B. Sacco, A. Bertella, M. Tabone, Laboratory Tests on Professional
and Consumer DVB-T receivers Strategy for OFDM Window Synchronisation,
EACEM, March 2000.


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

B.3 Finland (2003)

SFN-coverage in Lapua and Vaasa


The digitalisation process will proceed in accordance with the timetable in Finland and at this
moment three DVB-T multiplexes are covering over 70 % of the population. These three
DVB-T networks are based on MFN planning but in two places mini-SFNs were planned
because no MFN-frequencies couldnt have been coordinated. In autumn 2001 the first miniSFN network started in Finland including the stations of Lapua and Vaasa on channel E38
(610 MHz). Lapua has a maximum ERP of 50 kW and Vaasa 10 kW. The UHF transmitting
antennas are located at 313 meters above ground level in Lapua and at 117 meters in Vaasa.
The distance between the stations is 77 kilometers. Because of the used DVB-parameters (8K,
64-QAM, CR=2/3, GI=1/8) it is very likely that the self interference will be the limitation
factor near Vaasa when the guard interval (112 s) is exceeded.

Coverage area calculations

In figure 1 it can be seen the predicted coverage area of Lapua and Vaasa in fixed reception
using the above mentioned DVB-parameters. Yellow means at least 95 % of receiving
locations within it are predicted to be covered and correspondingly red means the location
probability of 70 %. The field strengths are predicted by the CRC method where values for 50
% of the time are appropriate for wanted signals and values for 1 % of the time are
appropriate for unwanted signals (a block of 500 meters 500 meters is used). The coverage
probabilities are calculated for the noise limited case (only the self interference is considered).
The statistical summation of field strengths is performed by means of the Monte Carlo
technique. It is supposed that when the echo is within the guard interval Tg its power adds to
the useful signal, and when the echo is outside Tg it is to be considered as pure interference
(the exponential degradation is not used outside Tg). According to the figure the self
interference seems to affect very strongly when GI = 1/8.
To improve the situation it was studied to delay Vaasa in proportion to Lapua. Many
simulations were done and in figure 2 it is presented the effect on coverage population when
Vaasa is delayed. The calculations show that the best improvement in coverage population
would be achieved when the delay is 70 s. In figure 3 it can be seen the predicted coverage
area using this delay.


Annex B: Case Studies on SFN Implementation

Figure1. SFN, Fixed reception, 64QAM2/3, tg = 1/8.

Fixed SFN 64QAM2/3, tg=1/8, Vaasa delayed

Increase in coverage population (number of inhabitants)

95% of locations
70% of locations










Delay (us)

Figure 2. Increase in coverage population when Vaasa delayed.




EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

Figure 3. SFN, Fixed reception, 64QAM2/3, tg = 1/8, Vaasa delayed 70 s.

3. Field measurements

To verify the situation in the field a little measurement campaign was carried out with
measurement van. In some predicted problem places the channel power from both stations
was recorded. At the same time the visibility of the picture on TV-monitor was checked using
one commercial Set Top Box. The measurements were done in the same places with the delay
of 70 s and without it. The receiving antenna was situated at 10 meters above ground level
and it was a 10-element yagi antenna directed towards the measured station. The
measurement results can be seen in table 1 and correspondingly the measurement places are
located on the map in figure 4.


Annex B: Case Studies on SFN Implementation




distance/km distance/km difference Power/dBm Power/dBm






delay 70s
no delay
Vaasa Lapua Vaasa Lapua

Table 1. The measurement results.

Figure 4. The measurement places.

According to the theoretical calculations and field measurements the effect of the self
interference seems to disappear near Vaasa when Vaasa is delayed 70 s in proportion to
Lapua compared with the situation without any delay. However it must be keep in mind that
the self interference is not entirely vanished but it is still present in some other locations. In
the case of Lapua-Vaasa-SFN the main target is to improve DVB-T reception in severely
interfered areas near Vaasa and this comes true very well.


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

B.4 Germany (2001)

This SFN study (EBU Tech. Rev. June 2001) is only available in a pdf version of an article in
EBU Technical Review 2/2001. Therefore it is included here in this form. (Pages are counted
as 116-1 to 116-10)



B/MDT 124


network structures and costs for full coverage

J. Frank and G. Petke


Due to the high penetration of cable and satellite TV services in Germany, the take-up of
terrestrial TV is currently less than 10% (at least for the main receiver in each home), and
with a slowing tendency. Therefore, in order to reverse this trend, viewers of future
DVB-T services will have to be offered new incentives such as portable indoor reception,
without the need for a classical roof-top antenna.
In the present study, the extent to which full area coverage could be achieved for
portable indoor reception was investigated in the Schleswig-Holstein region. During
the transition period, the level of the effective radiated transmitter power will have to
be reduced in accordance with the Chester agreement. It is shown that, after conversion
of the existing transmitter network in Schleswig-Holstein, a DVB-T coverage probability
of 70% could be reached.
Higher coverage probabilities, for portable indoor reception, can only be realized in a
cost-effective way by the use of single-frequency networks. However, this implies a
revision of the Stockholm Agreement 1961.

The existing analogue transmitter networks for both sound broadcasting and television were largely designed
for full area coverage. The transmitter density required to achieve this has represented a considerable factor in
the cost of programme distribution. In Germany, for example, 320 main transmitters and more than 8,000 fill-in
stations (relays) are required to provide national coverage of the three public-service TV programmes (ARD,
ZDF and the third programme). The transition to digital terrestrial television is of course connected with the wish
to save on the cost of programme distribution. In the German IDR (Initiative Digital Radio), the consensus is that
typically 50% of the programme distribution costs could be saved, provided that no or few additional transmitters were needed to provide national DAB coverage using the existing network of FM transmitter sites.
Cost analyses for specific transmitter network structures have recently been carried out in order to estimate the
total costs involved in the introduction of DVB-T services in Germany. In 1999, the Landesanstalt fr Kommunikation (LfK) in Baden-Wuerttemberg published the results of an investigation, containing the costs for DVBT coverage of the Stuttgart region. Because of the difficult topography in this area, it was not possible to extrapolate the results to estimate the network structure required to provide national coverage of Germany. Instead, the
costs for national programme distribution were derived after carrying out a further investigation in the federal
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state of Schleswig-Holstein, where the terrain is to a large extent rather flat. Thus the application of simpler
field-strength prediction methods (e.g. ITU-R Rec. P.370 [1]) could be applied here.
The degree of coverage achievable, with a chosen transmitter network structure, largely depends on the chosen
DVB-T variant. The variant 16-QAM with code rate 2/3 was chosen for the investigation in Schleswig-Holstein.
This variant is based on a C/N value of 17 dB and offers a net bit-rate of 13.27 Mbit/s. It is expected that this bitrate will allow four digital programmes to be carried within an 8 MHz TV channel.

Analogue coverage in Schleswig-Holstein

The starting point for our considerations was the present analogue coverage of the Second Programme (ZDF) in
Schleswig-Holstein. It was shown that full area DVB-T coverage could be achieved with the nine analogue TV
transmitters which are in operation in this federal state. The coverage boundary is based on the so-called minimum usable field strength contour (noise-limited), which determines the coverage area in the absence of interference. Since no interference is considered, this value is in general too optimistic.
Table 1
Analogue and digital transmitter powers.


(analogue and
digital MFN)


power, MFN

power, SFN

















































The description of the coverage boundaries by the so-called interference contour, taking into account all potential
sources of interference, in general approaches the actual situation better. Fig. 1 1 shows the analogue coverage in
the Schleswig-Holstein region, taking interference into account. It shows clearly that, based on the transmitter
powers given in Table 1, the theoretical determination of the interference contours leads to coverage deficits in
the area north-west of Hamburg (Neumnster-Heide-Itzehoe).
The reasons for this are due to the assumed topography. The field-strength prediction method that was used
based on ITU-R Recommendation P.370 [1] assumes, among other things, a predetermined ground roughness
that is described by the so-called h value. This value is taken as 50 m. The majority of the terrain in Schleswig1. The eight figures (i.e. maps) accompanying this article are displayed in Appendix A, with a reasonable image
quality that is consistent with keeping the overall PDF file size small. By clicking on the caption to each figure,
a higher-quality JPEG image of each map can be downloaded: the largest of these JPEG images is around


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Holstein, however, has a h value of 10 m. This results in a considerable error margin when calculating the
wanted field strengths and, in practice, these coverage deficits do not exist.

Digital coverage
Considering the digital coverage, one must distinguish between the different phases: the introduction phase, the
transition period and the final state.
During the introduction phase and the transition period, transmitters are generally converted from analogue to
digital according to the Chester Agreement (CH97). In this case, a single analogue transmitter can be converted
into one or several digital transmitters, operating in a small-cell SFN. Also, additional frequencies (e.g. channels
above ch. 60) can be used. The conversion of analogue transmitters into digital transmitters, according to the
Chester Agreement, requires at least a 7 dB reduction in the transmitted power (Table 1). After the conversion of
all transmitters, this reduction is no longer required, provided all the digital transmitters increase their ERP by
this amount.
In the final state, the full area coverage will mainly be realized by large-area SFNs. This aim can only be
achieved by a revision of the Stockholm 1961 Agreement since, as mentioned above, the current network structure only allows for small-cell SFNs, and further frequency resources in general are not available. It is most
unlikely that a revised Stockholm Agreement will come into force before the year 2010. Therefore, a higher
number of programmes (the foreseen target is currently 20 - 24 programmes in total) cannot be realized until
then. During the transition period, it will not be possible to radiate more than 12 programmes from each transmitter, unless higher modulation schemes are used. Full area coverage at that stage can only be achieved with a
moderate coverage probability (cp 70%).

Transition period
The transition period which was taken as a basis in the LfK study should first be considered. With the coverage
aim of providing portable indoor reception" and using the DVB-T variant 16-QAM, R=2/3, the values for the
minimum median usable field strength (at 10m agl) are quite high (see Table 2) and clearly above those for analogue television. Fig. 2 shows the DVB-T coverage of Schleswig-Holstein using nine transmitters, on the basis
of the ITU-R propagation curves for 70% coverage probability. Both the minimum usable field strength and the
interference contours are represented. Significant differences between both contours are hardly noticeable. For a
coverage probability of 70%, the theoretical coverage gaps are larger than those of analogue TV. In Fig. 3, the
coverage for 95% coverage probability is additionally shown (inner contours).
Table 2
Minimum usable field-strength values for DVB-T (16-QAM, R = 2/3) in UHF bands IV and V
(values for band V are in brackets).

Minimum median usable field strength ( dBV/m )

Fixed reception

Portable indoor reception

height = 10m

Reference antenna
height = 10m
(ITU-R Rec. P.370)

Coverage probability 70%

44 (48)

71 (75)

Coverage probability 95%

50 (54)

81 (85)


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If the coverage calculation is performed in conjunction with a topographical database which considers the more
favourable propagation conditions that are applicable in Schleswig-Holstein, then more realistic statements can
be made. Fig. 4 shows that for a coverage probability of 70%, only small coverage deficits may be expected. On
the other hand, the available transmitter network structure is not sufficient to provide for a DVB-T coverage
probability of 95% (Fig. 5). The DVB-T coverage assuming the use of roof-top antennas (i.e. stationary reception with a coverage probability of 95%) is represented in Fig. 6. In spite of the transmitter power being reduced
by around 7 dB during this phase, the entire area is well covered.

Final state
After the transition period, i.e. when the results of the revised ST61 conference come into force, the transmitters
should become operational in an SFN. Due to the network gain which is normal within SFNs, a clear improvement in the coverage situation can be expected. The coverage map shown in Fig. 7, which assumes portable
indoor reception, is based on the situation where all transmitters are operated as an SFN. The transmitter powers
are between 50 and 100 kW (Table 1). On account of the dimensions of Schleswig-Holstein, self interference is
already noticeable in some areas. It can be expected that a subdivision of the area will improve the situation to a
great extent.
A further (tenth) transmitter was introduced at Itzehoe (north west of Hamburg). This transmitter provides clear
improvements in the area as shown in Fig. 8. Time-delay optimization may improve the results even further.

The costs to be expected will largely be influenced by the degree of coverage and the network structure envisaged. Due to the linearity requirements of the COFDM signal, a so called back-off in the order of 6 dB is
deemed to be necessary for the transmitter final stage, i.e. the nominal output power of the final transmitter stage
should be 6 dB above the operational transmitter power. According to the Chester Agreement the digital transmitter power should be at least 7 dB below the analogue transmitter power, i.e. the nominal transmitter output
power for analogue and digital operation is nearly the same. Under this condition and neglecting the cost of the
multiplexer, in a first approximation the costs at the transmitter site will remain constant. However, the extension
of the infrastructure (power supply, antennas, buildings) which may be necessary at certain transmitter sites,
would lead to a corresponding increase in the costs.
For a coverage probability of 70%, the cost factor for one digital programme would be 25% of that of an analogue one. For higher degrees of coverage, in the case of MFN structures this value will increase proportionally
with the number of transmitters. Compared to MFNs, the possible transition to SFNs after the Revision of ST
61 would lead to greater improvements at the higher degrees of coverage. However, an investigation of more
difficult topographical areas is required to ascertain what the relevant cost factors would be.

16-QAM 16-state quadrature amplitude modulation


International Telecommunication Union


Above ground level


ITU - Radiocommunication Sector


Carrier-to-noise ratio


Joint Photographic Experts Group

COFDM Coded orthogonal frequency division



Multi-frequency network


Digital Audio Broadcasting




Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestrial


(Adobe) portable document format


Effective radiated power


Single-frequency network


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On the basis of the assumed planning parameters and the use of an MFN to cover the federal state of SchleswigHolstein, it can be expected that satisfactory full area coverage for portable indoor reception of DVB-T may be
achieved with probabilities of 70%. With the existing transmitter network, full area coverage with higher probabilities (95%) can only be achieved for stationary reception using roof-top antennas.
With the MFN concept, during the transition period the realization of higher coverage probabilities can only be
envisaged in a financially justifiable frame. This could possibly lead to transmitter network structures which may
not be required in the final state, i.e. the realization of SFNs. Operating the present transmitter network as an
SFN, a division of Schleswig-Holstein into sub-regions may be advisable, to reduce the system-dependent self
On the basis of the results obtained, for the transition period some statements concerning costs can be made. In
the case of an MFN, these costs widely depend on the degree of coverage envisaged. With the reception mode
portable indoor and coverage probabilities up to 70%, the lower limit of the expected costs would be in the
order of 25% per programme, when compared with one existing analogue programme.
On account of the different topographical terrain within Germany, the results cannot simply be extrapolated to
other federal states.

Gerd Petke is Head of the Frequency Planning and Management section of the Institut
fr Rundfunktechnik (IRT). After having studied RF-transmission techniques and telecommunications at the University of Hannover, he joined the IRT in 1971, where he was
involved in all aspects of broadcasting transmission systems (radio and television). In
1984 he was appointed Head of the Frequency Planning and Management Section.
In connection with his continuous frequency planning activities, Mr Petke is involved in all
planning aspects for future transmission systems, such as T-DAB and DVB-T, and in establishing sharing criteria between broadcasting and other services. He is an active participant in several international working groups of the EBU and the
CEPT, dealing with aspects of terrestrial broadcasting.

Jrgen Frank, born in 1964, studied electrical engineering at the University of Stuttgart
with an emphasis on telecommunications. After completing his studies in 1992, he joined
the Institut fr Rundfunktechnik (IRT) as a scientific employee in the specialist field of
antenna systems and wave propagation. His special area there was the planning and
implementation of measurements and system tests in the DAB radio channel.
Since 1996, Mr Frank has been a member of the IRTs Frequency Planning and Management Section, working on planning matters of digital terrestrial transmission systems such
as T-DAB and DVB-T.

[1] ITU-R Recommendation P.370: VHF and UHF propagation curves for the frequency range from 30
MHz to 1 000 MHz. Broadcasting services


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Appendix A:
Coverage maps
The following maps have been produced at medium resolution (150dpi) and by using high JPEG compression
to keep the overall PDF file size of this article within manageable limits.
By clicking on any of these maps, you can download a higher-quality JPEG version of the map.

Figure 1
Analogue coverage in the Schleswig-Holstein region, taking interference into account.
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Figure 2
DVB-T coverage (for portable indoor reception) in the Schleswig-Holstein region using the
DVB variant 16-QAM, R = 2/3, and showing the 70% probability contours.

Figure 3
As Figure 2 but additionally showing the 95% probability contours.
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Figure 4 Calculated DVB-T coverage for portable indoor reception (70% probability)
In this case, only small coverage deficits would be expected.

Figure 5 Calculated DVB-T coverage for portable indoor reception (95% probability)
In this case, the existing infrastructure (with nine transmitters) would not be adequate.
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Figure 6 Calculated DVB-T coverage for fixed-antenna reception (95% probability)

Despite a 7dB reduction in transmitter power, the entire area is well covered.


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Figure 7 Calculated DVB-T coverage for portable indoor reception (95% probability)
In this case, an SFN has been used, yielding significant coverage gains.

Figure 8 Calculated DVB-T coverage for portable indoor reception (95% probability)
As Figure 7 but with an extra SFN transmitter to cover the Itzehoe area (NW of Hamburg).
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Annex B: Case Studies on SFN Implementation

B.5 Sweden (2004)

SFN experience in Sweden

Ever since the launch of DVB-T in Sweden in 1999 regional SFNs have formed part of the network.
Sweden has chosen to use SFNs for the following reasons:
To ease coordination and facilitate frequency planning
To improve and extend coverage
There are in principal two types of SFNs in Sweden
- SFN between two or more high-power transmitters, covering comparatively large geographical areas.
- SFN between a high-power transmitter and one or more low-power transmitters to improve and
extend the coverage from the high-power transmitter.

SFN between high-power transmitters

Typically the transmitters have ERPs in the range 10 to 50 kW. The distance between high-power
transmitters is often longer than the shortest guard interval, 1/8.
Depending on the ERP levels for the transmitters forming the SFN two different DVB-T modes are
used. In the case they have the same ERP level, the mode 64-QAM with code rate 3/4 and guard
interval 1/4 is used. If the difference in ERP is 7 dB or more the mode 64-QAM with code rate 2/3 and
guard interval 1/8 is used. In the latter case time delay is introduced in order to overcome selfinterference.

SFN between high- and low-power transmitters

Typically, the high-power transmitter has an ERP of 10 to 50 kW while the low-power transmitters
have ERPs not higher than 5 kW.
For this type of SFN the DVB-T mode 64-QAM with code rate 2/3 and guard interval 1/8 is used. If
the distance between the transmitters is longer than the shortest guard interval, 1/8, time delay is
introduced in order to overcome self-interference.

Difficulties related to echo handling

Many of the receivers available on the market today have deficient echo handling. The reason for this
is often the chip implementation. This is especially true for the weaker code rates in combination with
a long guard interval. The defective echo handling is most obvious for 0 dB or near 0 dB echoes. One
may argue that these kinds of echoes are very unusual in a real network. However, because of the time
variance of the individual signal components it is very likely to sometimes have these kinds of echoes,
even though this does not seem to be the case when planning the SFN network. This is at least true for
portable reception where no antenna discrimination is present.
The EPT model given in section 4.1.3 of this document does not fully take into account these
difficulties resulting in an insufficient increase of the required C/N. Measurements performed by
Teracom have shown that up to 3 dB higher C/N is needed for 64-QAM with code rate 2/3 and up to 7
dB higher C/N for 64-QAM with code rate 3/4, compared to the above mentioned model. Teracom has
therefore chosen to implement an alternative EPT model in the network planning system GiraPlan, to
better take into account these difficulties for the two DVB-T modes mentioned.


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

B.6 Singapore (2004)

A commercial DVB-T mobile network in Singapore
A commercial DVB-T mobile network has been built in Singapore in the year 2000. This
network was to provide coverage to non-diversity receivers that were available at the time.
The network was designed with a 2K system variant of 16QAM rate with a full guard
The network consists of one high power station which is horizontally polarised with an ERP
of ~40 kW, nine lower power gapfillers vertically polarised of ERP ~1 kW and two very low
power On-Channel repeaters of ERP~250 W.
The distribution was provided by a low power UHF channel from the main station radiating an
ERP of 2 kW. The gapfillers required modulators so the network could be adequately timed
to avoid inter SFN interference. Network timing is extremely critical for this network as the
guard interval distance is only approximately 15-16 km (approximately 1/3 distance of the
East-West distance of the island of Singapore).
The market for this network was for the Singapore Bus Service, who installed receivers and
screens on all its buses on the major bus routes. This was approximately 1000 buses. The
coverage of this network was designed to give 99% location probability and coverage across
the main island. The network does provide 'near complete coverage across the island to
this service level. There do still remain some very small areas of which are not served to
required level of service.


Annex B: Case Studies on SFN Implementation

B.7 United Kingdom (2004)

Planning DAB Networks in the UK

1. Introduction
In planning DAB networks there are two levels to be considered. The first is at an
administrative level where general limits, international and national, are set on DAB
allotments. The second is at a more practical level how to best design a network within the
administrative constraints, while meeting performance, infrastructure and cost constraints
imposed by transmission providers and broadcasters.
This note briefly summarises the various stages involved in planning at the second level
designing real networks, i.e. populating an allotment with assignments.

2. Regulatory Constraints
In the UK, a primary constraint on all DAB networks is the requirement to limit interference
to other countries. Rules governing interaction between DAB networks were agreed at the
CEPT conferences at Wiesbaden, Bonn and Maastricht.
In addition to international requirements local regulations impose further national
constraints, in terms of limits placed on co-block interference, adjacent channel interference
and site selection, coverage requirements and editorial overlap.

2.1. International Test Points

2.1.1. Bonn Summation method

In the rules for DAB co-ordination agreed at the Bonn conference, the field at a particular test
point is determined by the sum of the contributions from all the stations that increase the field
by 0.5 dB or more. Stations that contribute less than 0.5 dB are not included in the
The Bonn Summation is described as follows:

starting from the highest, the power values equivalent to the interfering field strengths are
added, one after the other;

at each summation, the result is compared to the previous one;

if the increase in power is greater than or equal to 0.5 dB, the summation process continues;

if the increase in power is less than 0.5 dB, the summation process is stopped and 0.5 dB is
added, giving the result of the power sum.


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

For a single calculation test point, with a T-DAB allotment converted into a network of 5 assignments,
Transmitters 1 to 5, the power summation process would be as detailed below:
Note: The first stage of the summation process is to sort the transmitters in order of decreasing
equivalent field strength
The corresponding power factor, power summation and conversion back to the resulting equivalent
field strength are calculated according to the formulae below:



Tx 4






Tx 2






Tx 5






Tx 1







Equivalent Field


Increase (dB)


Pf = 10 ^ (En / 10)
p = Pfn + Pfn+1
Eps = 10 log (p )

Equivalent Field
Strength Eps

Power Sum p

Tx 3

Power Factor Pf


Equivalent Field
strength En

Formulae used:
Corresponding Power Factor
Power Summation
Corresponding Equivalent Field Strength

Continue summation


Increase due to this Tx will be more

than 0.5 dB, so continue.
Increase due to this Tx will be more
than 0.5 dB, so continue.
Increase due to this Tx will be more
than 0.5 dB, so continue.
Increase due to this Tx will be less
than 0.5 dB, so add 0.5 dB and
stop summation.


2.2. Internal restrictions

2.2.1. Adjacent channel interference

When DAB was first launched in the UK, there were two national networks. The BBC
National Network on 12B across the whole UK, and the Digital One network across Great
Britain (i.e. excluding Northern Ireland), using 11C in England and Wales, and 12C in
When a new station is brought on air on a block which is adjacent to an existing service, from
a new site which is not being used by the existing service, there may be an area around the
new site where the field strength of the new service is likely to exceed the field strength of the
existing service by more than the relevant adjacent channel protection ratio (30dB). This can
be seen as ring of interference around the new site, where the existing service may no longer
be received (also called the halo effect). This can be prevented by either ensuring the new
service is of sufficiently low level not to exceed the adjacent channel margin, or by ensuring
the new site is co-located.
It was therefore recognised that to reduce the effect of adjacent channel interference in
Scotland between the BBC network and Digital Ones network, it was preferable to co-locate
the services wherever possible.

Annex B: Case Studies on SFN Implementation

When the local and regional services in blocks 11B, 11C, 11D, 12A, 12C and 12D were
planned in different parts of the country, often by different transmission service providers, it
became important to co-ordinate the choice of sites at a national level.
Since this time, additional work has been undertaken on typical receivers, and it has been
found that in many cases the receiver response on the 2nd or 3rd adjacent channel is only 5 to 6
dB better than the adjacent channel response, and it is therefore important to ensure even nonadjacent block transmitters are co-located where possible.
2.2.2. Self-Interference

Self-Interference is not generally an issue for the smaller regional or local Band III DAB
networks, as the guard interval is normally comparable to or greater than the target service
area. However, for national networks self-interference can be an issue, particularly where sea
paths are involved. The UK national DAB networks have transmitters over 70km apart,
Figure 1. Careful design of antenna patterns and optimisation of the relative timing between
stations can be used to limit any self-interference and to optimise coverage. It should be noted
that the receiver synchronisation model used within the coverage prediction software tool may
have a significant effect on predicted coverage, some being more susceptible to pre or
post-echo interference.

Figure 1: UK National DAB transmitters located around the Irish Sea

2.2.3. Interference to co-block allotments

Within national boundaries a DAB block may be reused several times. In planning
interference between allotments within the UK, the UK regulator normally specifies

EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

interference in terms of damage not exceeding that which would occur if a particular
representative station within the allotment were to operate at a given ERP and antenna height.
To this example transmitter an additional allowance of 2 dBs is allocated to represent the
other transmitters of the network being planned.
2.2.4. Editorial Overlap

An additional constraint placed upon the coverage of commercial DAB multiplexes is a limit
on the spill over in to adjacent editorial areas. Commercial multiplexes are licensed to serve
particular areas, to limit coverage in adjacent areas restrictions are imposed by the regulators.

3. Practical Constraints
When planning a network the planner not only needs to think about meeting the regulatory
requirements, i.e. the international and national restrictions, but also how best to implement
the network within constraints imposed by available infrastructure.
3.1. Site Selection

The costs involved, as well as general opposition by the public to the proliferation of radio
masts, pretty much exclude the option of building new transmitting stations with their
associated infrastructure, masts/towers and buildings. Consequently the planner is restricted in
the choice of transmitting station with regard to the location of the station and the
infrastructure available. However, in choosing a site the planner need not be constrained to
broadcast sites in many cases broadcast sites are distant from population and are exposed
making control of out going interference difficult. Subject to meeting RF planning
requirements, obtaining access to a site, meeting any RF Hazard obligations and being able to
provide a programme feed to a site, there need not be any restriction on the type of site
considered for a DAB network, broadcast, telecommunications, cellular or roof top.
3.2. Existing Infrastructure

With space on radio masts being at a premium the use of existing sites is likely to place limits
on the type of antenna that can be deployed. The planner needs to be aware of these
limitations and explore all options for deploying his preferred solution within in the
constraints imposed by mast loading.
At sites with existing VHF/FM or DAB services, prior to considering new antennas, the
planner should assess the suitability of either sharing aperture with the VHF antenna or
sharing the existing DAB antenna.
3.2.1. Shared aperture

At sites where VHF/FM antennas are deployed and the VHF/FM antenna consist of an array
of panels a DAB antenna could be built in the same aperture as the VHF/FM antenna.
3.2.2. Shared antennas

At a site where there is an existing DAB service consideration should be given to using
existing antennas. Issues that need to be considered are
Antenna pattern
o Does this match that required with respect to out going interference to test
points, national and international, at the proposed ERP.

Annex B: Case Studies on SFN Implementation

o Does it allow the ERP to be optimised an antenna designed to meet one set of
test point restrictions may not be best suited to another. An example of this
being the difference between the BBC (12B) and D1 (11D) multiplexes in the
o Can the antenna be configured to give different radiation patterns for different
o Power handling.
Cost of sharing
o The cost of sharing an antenna needs to be considered as part of a design.
Sharing an antenna, whilst it may avoid the cost of a new antenna does require
a combiner. The cost of the combiner, the cost of sharing an existing antenna,
the power handling of an existing antenna it may need upgrading all need to
be considered.
o Though adjacent channel interference is an issue, the planning rules do allow
the use of alternative sites located close to an existing DAB site. Occasionally
it may be more cost effective not to share a site.

3.3. Optimising the network

If the type of network adopted is traditional broadcast, a main station(s) and relays, rather
than cellular, the discontinuity in the Bonn summation method can be exploited to make
planning of networks easier.
Using the traditional broadcast approach, it is important that the main stations are designed
first and are used to saturate the test points. The smaller relay stations can then use the fact
that provided it contributes less than 0.5 dB to the test point it doesnt appear in the
summation. Thus, subject to the propagation path from the relay to the test point, the relays
can operate at levels 9 dB below that of the dominant main station. i.e. if the main stations are
10 kW, any number of relays at ~ 1kW can be added to a network without affecting the
Derivation of the 9dB limit is as follows.

Pi + Pi +1
< 0.5 dB
10 log i =1 n

i =1

From this the ratio of Pi+1 to

P can be determined,
i =1

P + P
i =1

i +1

i =1

< 1.122018

i =1

i =1

Pi +1 < 1.122018 Pi Pi

Pi +1 < 0.122018 Pi
i =1


EBU BPN 066 - Guide on SFN Frequency Planning and Network Implementation Issue 1.0

10 log n i +1

i =1

< 10 log(0.122018) = 9.1 dB

Given the international and national restrictions imposed on regional and local multiplexes the
best coverage is usually achieved by closed networks.

4. Conclusion
Using seven frequencies in Band III and the methodologies described in this paper the United
Kingdom has successfully rolled out the T-DAB services below:
One national network to serve most of the United Kingdom (England, Northern Ireland,
Scotland and Wales) on block 12B a north-south distance of some 900 km.
One network to serve most of England and Wales on block 11D.
One Network to serve most of Scotland on block 12A.
48 local or regional services varying from 30 to 100 km in diameter.


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