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The Wit and Wid Som of Peter Lynch

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The Wit and Wisdom of Peter Lynch

By Kaushal B. Majmudar, CFA

We were fortunate to have an opportunity to hear Peter Lynch speak at an investment conference
in New York about a year ago. Peter is, of course, the famed ex-manager of the Fidelity Magellan
Fund. Under his stewardship, the Magellan Fund, which he ran from 1977 to 1990 grew from a
small $20 million fund to $14 billion in assets when he stepped down to focus on family and other
interests. In 1983 (just 6 years after he took over), the fund had grown to $1 billion on the back of
Peter's exceptional performance. More specifically, according to a secondary source quoting
Valueline, Lynch achieved an average annual return of 29% per year over his 13 years running the
Magellan Fund.
Besides his fame as an exceptional investor who helped thousands through the fund, Peter is also
well know for writing two very good books on investing (see the Recommended Reading area in
the Food for Thought section of our website for the books) that became best sellers. Peter's fund
continued to perform well even as the fund became the largest equity fund in the country. Peter
Lynch was only 46 when he retired (no doubt to the consternation of his many investors) at the top
of his game. According to Peter, the fund continued to outperform the market for the next 7 years
after he left! Also interesting to students of investing and value investors in particular is that Peter's
approach featured wide diversification and opportunistic flexibility to buy any company for the
Magellan Fund without arbitrary size or value versus growth limitations (in today's parlance the
fund had a "core" approach).
In sharing his comments, Peter was exceptionally funny and entertaining. Though he has probably
delivered some version of this talk many times (indeed he had a handout with his main bullet
points on it - summarized below), he also made some comments that were clearly off the cuff. For
example, the host of the conference was an investment bank that was very proud of being the bank
with the highest profits per employee and after Peter was introduced, he quipped that "It makes
you wonder why they dont hire more people."
In any event, the meat of Peter's comments were essentially straightforward and very common
sense oriented. Peter shared his rules/observations on investing (8 of them) and proceeded to share
some thoughts on each point and then talked about 10 wrong-headed and dangerous things that
people say (often to themselves) about investing. It never hurts to review the fundamentals and
glean insights from superstars like Peter so we took the time to share the essense of his message
After each of Peters fundamentals, we provide a brief synopsis of his key comments or message
relating to that fundamental. The discussion below includes our own observations on the several
parallels to Warren Buffetts wisdom on investing. At The Ridgewood Group, we find it
encouraging that many long-term successful investors like Peter Lynch and Warren Buffett seem
to share many of the same key fundamentals since it means that other investors also have a fighting
chance to learn and learn to properly apply these same fundamentals in order to become better

2006 Kaushal B. Majmudar, all rights reserved. Visit www.ridgewoodgrp.com

Peter S. Lynch's Fundamental's of Investing

1.) Know What You Own - Most people dont really know the reasons why they own a stock you should. Ed's Note: Similar to Ben Graham and Warren Buffet's Businesslike Investing in your
Circle of Competence
2.) It is Futile to Predict the Economy, Interest Rates and the Stock Market (So Dont Waste
Time Trying) - "If You Spend 13 minutes per year trying to predict the economy, you have
wasted 10 minutes" Focus on the "facts" now at hand rather than predictions about the future
3.) You Have Plenty of Time - to identify and recognize exceptional companies. If you bought
WalMart AFTER it rose 10x in its first 10 years, you got another 60x return over the next 30 years.
Bottom line: Dont be in a rush - look at plenty of stocks, but be patient. Note: Buffett's "Wait for
the Perfect Pitch"
4.) Avoid Long Shots his record was ZERO out of 25 investing in companies with no revenues
but a "bright future" to sell. His advice if you run across a company that falls into this category but
still excites you - do nothing and write down the name. Look at it again in 6 to 12 months and see
if you still think it is good. If it is one of the good ones and went from 5 to 15 while you waited,
per point #3 above, you probably still have plenty of time. Note: Following this rule could keep
you out of trouble. Benjamin Graham and Warren Buffett talked about avoiding Speculations and
focusing on Investments instead
5.) Good Management is Very Important and Buy Great Businesses - good management is
very important maybe even the most important consideration. It may also be the most difficult
item on this list to get right. His advice: look for good companies because a good management in a
bad business will probably fail. "Buy a business any fool can manage because eventually one will"
Buffett has also observed that when a good management meets a bad business, it is the reputation
of the business that generally prevails.
6.) Be Flexible - lots of unexpected things happen, some good and some bad. Many of his best
nvestments happened for the "wrong" reasons, i.e. his original thesis was off, but the investment
still worked out. Sometimes he was absolutely right about the growth but the investment was still
lousy and he did not make any money. So be flexible and humble
7.) Knowing When to Sell is Hard - before you make a purchase, you should be able to explain
why you are buying/own it in terms that an 11 year old could understand - three sentences at most.
Remember this reason and sell the holding when the reason no longer continues to hold. Investing
well does not take a genius - only need 5th grade math - so math has nothing to do with being a
great investor
8.) There is Always Something to Worry About and this makes things interesting. The 1950s
were one of the best decades to own stocks, but from a geopolitical basis everyone was scared of
nuclear war. In the early 1990s, everyone was scared about the Japanese taking over the world and
beating America. Not coincidentally, more all-time worst market days occur on Mondays because
people have the whole weekend to WORRY. His advice is to forget about all the global bad stuff
because the key to good investing is not the brain/intellect, its having the stomach.
2006 Kaushal B. Majmudar, all rights reserved. Visit www.ridgewoodgrp.com

In addition to the above points, Peter also shared his Ten Most Dangerous Things People Say
About Stock Prices reproduced below. Even more than the points above, Peter's good sense of
humor came through when he discussed these old saws:
1.) "If it's gone down this much already, how much lower can it go?" (answer: Zero)
2.) "If it's gone this high already, how can it possibly go higher?" (some of the best companies
grow for decades)
3.) "Eventually they always come back." (no they dont - there are lots of counterexamples)
4.) "It's only $3 a share, what can I lose?" ($3 for every share you buy)
5.) "It's always darkest before the dawn." (Its also always darkest before it goes absolutely pitch
black. Dont buy a business just because price dropped and it is cheaper now)
6.) "When it rebounds to my cost, I'll sell." (The stock does not know you own it! Dont take it
so personally Note: this comment is explained by the well documented psychological tendencies
called loss aversion and anchoring bias which are talked about in Behavioral Finance. If you liked
it at ten, you should love it at 6 so either buy more or sell)
7.) "What me worry? Conservative stocks don't fluctuate much." (There is no such thing as a
conservative stock - the average stock fluctuates between 50% to 70% from its high to its low price
every year. There is a graveyard where all the "conservative" stocks get buried. Companies and
businesses change!)
8.) "Look at all the money I lost - I didn't buy it!" (Don't beat yourself up about the missed
opportunities because it is not productive - when he managed the Magellan Fund, he almost never
owned one of the 10 best performing stocks in a given year, but he did fine anyway).
9.) "I missed that one. Ill catch the next one." (Doesn't work that way)
10.) "The stock has gone up - so I must be right" or "The stock has done down - so I must be
wrong." (Technical analysis is not worth much. So many people like something at 20 and hate it at
12 - never made much sense to him).
Peter's fundamentals, like those of many other super investors are grounded in common sense and
an understanding of human misjudgments and failings. At the Ridgewood Group, we draw
inspiration from outstanding investors like Peter who remind us that in investing our greatest
challenges are often internal and psychological.
Kaushal B. Majmudar, CFA is President and Chief Investment Officer of The Ridgewood Group a Short
Hills, NJ based money management firm focusing on value investing and intelligent investing. He invites
you to learn more about value investing by visiting their website at www.ridgewoodgrp.com

2006 Kaushal B. Majmudar, all rights reserved. Visit www.ridgewoodgrp.com

More About the Author

Kaushal B. Majmudar serves as the chief investment officer of The Ridgewood Group where he
uses his expertise to help others understand and implement intelligent investing and value
investing. An honors graduate of both the Harvard Law School and Columbia University, Kaushal
has been a devoted student of outstanding gurus like Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, Peter
Lynch, Philip Fisher, and others since his undergraduate days.
Kaushal is a member of the Value Investors Club, holds the CFA charter and is an active member
of the New York Society of Securities Analysts. In recognition of his accomplishments, Kaushal
was invited to be a contributing author to Create the Business Breakthrough You Want: Secrets
and Strategies from the Worlds Greatest Mentors featuring renowned authors Brian Tracy and
Mark Victor Hansen and endorsed by Ken Blanchard and Dr. Steven Covey. The book features
Kaushals contribution on the Four Timeless Principles of Intelligent Investing. In 2005,
Kaushal and The Ridgewood Group were also recognized as a 5-star advisor, their highest rating,
by Paladin Registry.

2006 Kaushal B. Majmudar, all rights reserved. Visit www.ridgewoodgrp.com

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