o The kidney increases prostaglandin synthesis to modulate renal vascular resistance d/t
ischemia, vasoconstriction, or angiotensin II
Ca2+/Phosphorous Regulation:
o Via Vitamin D absorption from food and promoting resorption of calcium in kidneys
Vitamin D metabolism:
o Facilitates conversion of Vitamin D to its active form
Acute Renal Failure
Abrupt of kidney function
~10% of kidney functioning
Sudden BUN and Creatinine (norm ratio 1:10)
o BUN: protein intake, muscle, hydration & bleeding affect BUN
o Cr: less factors that affect so more indicative of kidney function
Urine output < 40ml/hr
Occurs in 530% of hospitalized patients
One of leading causes for inpatient mortality
o Not excreting waste -> metabolic acidosis
o In acute phase pt may still be creating urine
S3, S4, weight gain , edema d/t fluid overload
Decline in GFR
o Anuria: < 100 ml/24 hrs.
o Oliguria: < 400 ml/24 hrs (50% cases with ~80% mortality rate)
o Azotemia: BUN
Symptoms: S3, S4; crackles, DOE, weight gain, edema
Types of ARF
o Urinary tract obstruction, PKD
o Chronic illness: Diabetes (32%), long-term HTN (28%), recurrent infections
o Glomerulonephritis (1%)
Peak incidence: 2064 years old
Clinical Manifestations
Hematopoietic: Anemia
Cardiovascular: CHF, HTN, dysrhythmias (d/t ed K+), percarditis, edema
Respiratory: Pulmonary edema, infection
Endocrine: Altered glucose control, hypothyroidism
Gastrointestinal: N/V, altered taste
Neurological: LOC, numbness & tingling, hyperreflexia, seizures (d/t Ca++ & toxins)
Skeletal: Calcifications, aches (d/t bone spurs)
Skin: Pruritis, delayed wound healing
o Appear grayish
GU/ Reproductive: ovulation & spermatogenesis
Other: Metabolic acidosis
Renal Failure: Treatment-Dialysis
Waste products in serum are filtered through a semi-permeable membrane
Principles of Dialysis:
o Osmosis
o Diffusion
o Ultrafiltration
In pt. with fistula: check for Circulation, thrill (pulsation), bruit (hear with steth)
o No ore than a gallon of milk
o Perform hand exercises
Hemodialysis (HD)
Azithromycin 500mg IV daily
Digoxin .25mg po daily
Vancomycin 500mg IV every 12 hrs
Lisinopril 10mg po daily
Methylprednisolone 20mg IV every 12
Losartan 50mg po daily
Insulin continuous infusion (conc:
100Units/ 100ml) sliding scale Regular
Diltiazem 60mg po daily
IV Fluids: D5 1/2NS + 20mEq @
Furosemide 40mg IVP twice a day
KCl 40mEq po daily - discontinued
Other Orders:
Activity: OOB to chair x3/ day
Diet: Low sodium, low carbohydrate +
high protein snacks BID
Questions? Concerns?
What is the patient experiencing?
Diabetes Insipidus:
Water diabetes
Occurs when secretion or action of ADH is abnormal
o Hypothalamus produces insufficient ADH
o Posterior pituitary fails to release ADH
o Nephron does not respond to ADH
o Severe dehydration, thirst, hypernatremia
o Uncommon; 1 case in 25,000 people
Diabetes Insipidus: Causes
o SerumOsmo>300
o SerumNa>145
o Urineosmo<300
o SG<1.005
o IVF>5liters/24hours
o Polyuria:u/o34liters/day(>200ml/hr)
o Polydipsia:intensivethirst
o DecreaseNalevel
o Fluidresuscitationwithhypotonicsolution
o DDVAP,Vasopressin
o Increasedextracellular<intracellularfluid
o Decreasedsodiumconcentration(dilutional)
o Hypoosmolalitycellularswelling
o SerumNa+:<130mEq/L
o SerumOsmolarity:<280mOsm/kg
o UrineOsmolarity:>500mOsm/kg
o UrineNa+:>20mEq/L
o Weakness,fatigue
o AlteredLOC(IncreasedICP);seizures
o NormalCVstatus
o N,V,D
o Oliguria(<400ml/24hr)
o Increasedweight
o Hypoactivereflexes
o IncreasesodiumtowaterratioinECF
o Hypertonicsalinereplacement
o Hypervolemic,Euvolemic,Hypovolemic
o Neededfordefinitivediagnosis,notneededfortreatmentpurposes
o 0.6xweight(kg)x(130plasma[Na+])
o InhibitseffectofADHonrenaltubules
o Allowsdiuresisofwater
o Hypernatremia>150
o Dehydration
o Increasedserumosmolality
o Decreasedurineosmolality
o DecreasedurineNa+
o Rapidreleaseofcellularcontentsfromdamagedskeletalmusclecells
o Crushinginjury/musculoskeletaltrauma
o Strenuousexercise
o Releaseofmusclecellcontents(myoglobin,potassium,phosphorus,nucleicacids>
o Myoglobulinuriabrownurine
o Hyperkalemia
o Hyperphosphatemia
o Hyperuricemia
o Hypocalcemia cardiacarrhythmias
o Acuterenalfailure,MODS
o Hyponatremia<130
o Overhydration
o Decreasedserumosm
o Increasedurineosm
o IncreasedurineNa+
o Alkalinizationofurine(preventmetabolicacidosis)withNS&NaHCO3
o Correctelectrolyteimbalances
o Hydrationanddiuresis
o Dialysis
o Largetumorburden(leukemia,lymphoma,SCLC,breast,neuroblastoma)ontherapy,
o Comorbidities(renalorcardiac)
o Hyperkalemiacardiacarrhythmias
o Hyperphosphatemia,
o Hyperuricemiametabolicacidosis
o Hypocalcemiacardiacarrhythmias
o Acuterenalfailure(increasedBUN&Cr),MODS
o Alkalinizationofurine(preventmetabolicacidosis)withNS&NaHCO3
o Urateoxidase;xanthineoxidaseinhibitors
o Correctelectrolyteimbalances
o Hydrationanddiuresis
o Dialysis
o colloidosmoticpressured/talbumin
o Inabilityoflivertometabolizeprotein
o CirrhosisPatiens:IncreasedNaretentionbykidneyexpansionofintravascular
o Hepaticdysfunction
o Cirrhosis
o TypeIdecreasedBP(s/paggressivediuresis,largevolumeparacentesis,GIbleed,
o TypeIIsevereascites,refractorytodiuresis
o TypeI:Rapid,progressive(doublingserumCrover2wks;>2.5mg/dL)
o TypeII:Chronic,slowlyprogressive(slowincreaseofserumCr;>1.5mg/dL)
o General:LiverfailurewithincreasedLFTs
o Fluidresuscitation
o Pharmacologic
o Surgical
o Infection,surgery,trauma
o Undiagnoseddiabetestype1(20%)
o Changesindiabeticmanagement
o Lifechangeswhichincreasesinsulindemand
o Acutepancreatitis
o Starvation;increasedalcoholintake
o Glucose>250mg/dLbut<600mg/dL
o ArterialpH<7.3
o Serumbicarbonate<18mEq/L
o Moderateketonemiaorketouria
o Dehydration:0.9%NS@1L/hr,then250500ml/hr;whenglucose=200mg/dL
o Correcthyperglycemia:Regularinsulin@.1units/kg/hrcontinuousinfusion
o Correcthypokalemia:IfK<3.3mEq/L,thengive2030mEq/Lperhruntil3.3;
o CorrectpHIVNaHCO3
o Athighestrisk:
o Infection(pneumonia,UTI)
o Stroke/MI
o Trauma
o Burns
o Stressofillness
o Medications(corticosteroids,phytoin,thiazidediuretics,betablockers,dobutamine,
o Glucose>600mg/dL
o ArterialpH>7.3
o Serumbicarbonate>15mEq/L
o Minimalketonemiaorketouria
o IncreasedHct
o Resp(rapid&shallow)
o GI(nausea/vomiting)
o Electrolyteimbalance:decreasedK&phosphorus
o Metabolicacidosisd/tdehydration,decreasedtissueperfusion,accumulationoflactic
o Dehydration:0.9%NS@1L/hr;whenglucose=200mg/dLthen5%dextrose+.
o Correcthyperglycemia:Regularinsulin@.1units/kg/hrcontinuousinfusionAND
o Correcthypokalemia:IfK<3.3mEq/L,thengive2030mEq/Lperhruntil3.3;
o Thenurseshouldanticipatewhichofthefollowinglabresults?
o Thenurseshouldanticipatewhichofthefollowinglabresults?(ADHinsufficiency)
o Thenurseshouldanticipatewhichofthefollowinglabresults?(Rhabdomyolysis)
o Thenursesuspectswhichofthefollowing:
kidney stones: can be formed from too much calcium and can block up the collecting duct
(which collects urine)
Fluid and Electrolyte Regulation Hormones
Daily weights: most accurate because it allows for monitoring of fluid that removed via
lungs (norm loss=300 mL), skin, etc. (insensible loss)
o Insensible loss through lungs includes water, sodium (follows water), and chloride
(follows NA+)
Measure of number of particles in a fluid (mOsm)
Normal: 275 - 295 mOsm/kg
o If a pt has ascites, then they dont necessarily have a lot of fluid; rather it is in the
wrong places so they may have a significant in BP
Starling Forces: Movement of Body Fluids
**Body fluids move between interstitial & intravascular compartments
Capillary hydrostatic pressure:
o Fluid moving through capillary (A>V)
Capillary colloidal osmotic pressure = Oncotic Pressure: keeps fluid in the right places
o Exerted by plasma protein as flow through capillary
Interstitial fluid pressure:
o Pushes against capillary to prevent fluid leaking
Tissue hydrostatic pressure:
o Exerted by proteins located in interstitial space
Fluid Movement: Capillary Bed
o -K+ correction (arrhythmias & cardiac issues)
Furosemide (works best with renal insufficiency/kidney failure) & Lasixs would be
important to give
o Work in about 5 min
o Although resp is questionable, its probably okay for now; RR=20
Address high glucose with regular insulin
o Insulin drip (regular) adjusted q1h
o WATCH for K+
Insulin drip drives K+ into the cell (other go with it, but K most important)
After furosemide & insulin drip, K+ could greatly
Feeding tube d/t low albumin, resp probs & ed nutrition
o But not too much, cause protein could affect kidneys and BUN
Protein broken down in gut to ammonia & travels to liver, creating urea (a
byproduct of ammonia), and then excreted in kidneys
w/ kidney failure, urea cannot be excreted ad builds up
**Fix dehydration/overhydration first if they are not overly symptomatic, because the numbers
are false
Assessing Fluids & Electrolytes
Electrolyte Excretion
Excessive elimination of body fluids
Renal excretion after diuretics
GI elimination: Vomiting and diarrhea
LGI: Bicarbonate lost
UGI: Hydrogen, sodium and potassium lost
Excessive diaphoresis: Sodium and chloride loss
Surgical drains
Renal Function by Numbers
Electrolyte Documentation
Sodium Imbalance: (shifting Na+ should be done slowly to give cells time to adjust & prevent
cell lysis)
Neuro changes occur when shifting occurs too quickly
Hyponatremia [<135mEq/L]
Causes: Chronic malnutrition/ malabsorption, GI losses (diarrhea, NGT sxn, N/V), loop
diuretics, ARF, burns, antibiotics & chemotherapy
o Excessive calcium (hyperparathyroidism)
o Excessive sodium (Cushings, hyperaldosteronism)
Symptoms: Cardiac arrhythmias, digoxin toxicity, potassium, calcium
o Neuroexcitability (tetany, seizures, confusion, hyperactive DTRs, +Chvosteks &
Trousseaus signs, laryngeal stridor)
Treatment: Prevent cardiac symptoms
o 1-2g IV magnesium sulfate in 100ml of NS over 1hr
o PO magnesium oxide
Hypermagnesemia [>2.1mEq/L]
Causes: Dehydration, renal failure, hypothyroidism, Addisons disease
Symptoms: Similar to hyperkalemia mental acuity, BP, HR, RR, EKG changes, N/V,
thirst, hypoactive DTRs
Treatment: Normalize magnesium levels
o Diuretic therapy
o Calcium gluconate (decrease cardiac effects of Increased Mg)
Relationships: Ca2+ ,PO4, Mg, K+
Hypocalcemia may respond to Mg
Mg increases intestinal absorption of Ca
Mg , Ca, & K fluctuate together
Ca and PO4 fluctuate inversely
Insulin drives potassium, magnesium, & phosphate into cell
Chloride Imbalance
Hypochloremia [<95mEq/L]
If Cl drops, then bicarbonate increases proportionally metabolic alkalosis
Causes: Excessive vomiting, sweating, NGT to suction, diuretics, fluid overload
Symptoms: Metabolic alkalosis d/t bicarb retention (muscle hyperexcitability, resp.
depression, hypotension)
o Prevention
o IV fluids NS
Hyperchloremia [>110mEq/L]
Causes: Excessive diarrhea, dehydration, cortisone/ corticosteroids d/t Na+ retention
Symptoms: Metabolic acidosis d/t bicarb depletion (weakness, lethargy, tachypnea)
Treatment: Prevention
Ratio of HCO3 to H2CO3 (carbonic acid) is 20 to 1
Creatinine: 0.5-1.2mg/dL
Description: Product of skeletal muscle metabolism
Exclusively excreted by kidneys
Directly proportional to GFR
CrCl decreases 6.5ml/min with each decade of age
BUN/ Cr ratio: 10:1
Increased: Decreased renal blood flow, ATN, glomerulonephritis; rhabdomyolysis,
acromegaly (increased muscle mass)
Decreased: decreased muscle mass
Glucose Imbalance
Causes: Starvation, Insulin overdose, Addisons disease, malignant disease
Symptoms: Headache, irritability, dizziness, weakness, lightheaded
23/02/2015 18:15:00
Burn units in AZ
St Marys Hospital Burn Unit closed 2008
UAMC beginning burn unit now
2 burn units in Phoenix Arizona Burn Center at Maricopa Hospital and Grossman Burn
Center at St Lukes Hospital
Burn Teams
Burns are complex systemic injuries. The interdisciplinary burn team consists of many
experts with specialized knowledge:
Social Workers
Dieticians (burn patients require high cal high protein diet)
Child Life Specialists
Rehabilitation specialists (Scar management)
Major vs. Minor Burns
Major burns may involve:
o > 20% TBSA
Inhalation injury
o Chemical injury
Electrical injury
o Lg Full Thickness
Large fluid loss
Minor burns may involve:
o 1-10% TBSA
Minimal fluid loss
o Superficial burns
NO inhalation
o Some small chemical injury
Skin Anatomy
Zone of coagulation is the area of necrosis; the deepest part of the burn; it will not heal. The
zone of stasis is characterized by decreased tissue perfusion; it has the potential to recover
with adequate fluid resuscitation and oxygenation. The zone of stasis may convert to
necrosis 24-48 hours after the initial burn. The zone of hyperemia (erythema-sunburn like) is
the outermost zone that is noted by hyper-perfusion; this area is not lost and will return to
Faschia: does not stretch
o Can create compartment syndrome
Burn Depth
Pale or mottled
Delayed capillary refill
Nerves, sweat glands, hair follicles damaged
May convert to a 3rd degree burn over next 24 hours
Measuring TBSA
Lund and Browder
Palm Rule
Pts. Palm and fingers = 1% of THEIR total body surface area
o Does not work in very obese patient
Palm = 0.5%
Calculate TBSA Burned and Determine Depth
1st pic: 28-29%; 2nd degree burn that will probably turn to 3rd degree in 24 hours
2nd pic: ~1%; 2nd (red) & 3rd (where it is white)
gasoline burn
3rd pic: ~9%; 3rd degree burn
palm rule to count cause you cant see chest
Stridor (late sign of airway closure)
o Assess Breathing
o Carbon deposits in mouth or on face?
o Hoarse voice or Brassy Cough?
o Auscultate each lung field
POSTERIORLY: base then go up
Listen for crackles (Sounds indicating overhydration)
o Look for circumferential chest/neck burns
o Assess rate and depth of respiration
o Obtain oxygen saturation (not reliable in carbon monoxide poisoning)
Airway & Breathing
o Deliver 100% Oxygen to ALL pts with 20% TBSA or more
o Maintain patent airway
o Be prepared to intubate
o Avoid succinylcholine it exaggerates hyperkalemia poss. Cardiac arrest
o (Usually a problem in thermal burns 6-8hrs old. Immediate danger in electrical
o Intense edema to soft tissues of lower face 24 hrs after a 21% TBSA flame burn
o Same pt. 72hrs post burn. Elevation of all affected areas is essential to prevent
complications of edema
o **intubate early & with largest tube you can find (7 preferably; 8)
need to bronchoscope pt (can only be done with #7)
o Circumferential trunk/neck burns:
o Loss of chest wall compliance
Difficult to oxygenate
o Difficult oxygenation
o Escharotomy
Cut from healthy to healthy tissue if possible to release rib cage for expansion
Other considerations
o Carbon Monoxide poisoning:
CO has affinity to hemoglobin that is 200-500 times that of oxygen
Give 100% oxygen until carboxyhemoglobin levels are less than 15%
Pulse oximetery is of no value in CO poisoning since it is not specific to
Hyperbaric oxygen is of unproven value in burn patients
o Assess Circulation hourly:
Skin Color
Peripheral pulses
Call doctor/burn squad EARLY when you feel the pulse weakening
Capillary refill
Circumferential burns
Disability, Neurologic Deficits
o Burn patients are typically alert and oriented
o Consider hypoxia, assoc. injury, substance abuse, pre-existing medical conditions
o Assess level of consciousness: AVPU
A = Alert
If not why? -> head injury? Drugs? Diabetic coma? Etc.
o V = Verbal Stimuli
o P = Painful stimuli
o U = Unresponsive
Expose and Examine
Chest X-ray
Injury below glottis needs for more fluids, to be on vent longer,
pulmonary toileting
o Wound Management
Always treat life threatening injuries first (ABC)
Stop the burning process Usually done in field
Never use ice cool water acceptable on small TBSA burns
Ice causes vasoconstriction
Ice may feel good at first, but when taken away it will feel bad again
Protect from hypothermia
Assess for circumferential burns and need for escharotomy
Elevate burned extremities above the heart
Cover with clean dry blanket, sheet or towel
Contact burn M.D. for specific dressings
Tar Burns
Heated to 450-500F
Thick and slow to cool
Cool immediately in cold water
Results in deep burn, often full thickness/3rd degree
Remove with mineral oil or adhesive remover (Medi-Sol)
Tar Burn 2-4days post STSG (slit thickness skin grafting) follow same as above
o STSG: Shave healthy skin off (typically thigh; take part of dermis), put through
mesher (take make a big a piece as possible)
Electric Injury
AC = Alternating Current, households
DC = Direct Current, industrial, car battery, electrosurgical devices
Tissue injury results as electric energy is converted into heat.
The greatest heat is at contact points
Common contact sites are hands, wrists, and head
Alkalis commonly found in oven cleaners, drain cleaners, fertilizers, and heavy industrial
cleaners. Form the structural bond in concrete
Bond to proteins and require prolonged irrigation
Acids commonly found in many bathroom cleaners, rust removers, pool products
Organic phenol, creosote, disinfectants, gasoline, and petroleum
Protect yourself
Remove contaminated clothing
Brush off powders before irrigating
o DONT add water; it will activate powder
Irrigate with water x 30 minutes
Do not neutralize
Hydroflouric Acid: MUST be neutralized
o Used in refrigerants and metal industry to clean chrome
o Flouride ion penetrates and binds to tissues
o The activity ceases when it combines with calcium or magnesium to produce an
insoluble salt
o Activity is ceased when pain is stopped
Irrigate with copious water or benzalkonium chloride (Zephiran) solution
Topical calcium gluconate should be applied to neutralize
If pain persists, a solution of 10% calcium gluconate should be injected subcutaneously
directly to the burn site
***Severe injury to neurovascular bundles and tissues and ischemia may result from
inappropriate injection of calcium gluconate, especially fingers and toes. This should be
done only after consultation with the burn surgeon***
Gasoline and diesel fuel
may cause tissue injury
Prolonged contact and absorption of hydrocarbons can cause liver and renal failure and
Assess and Treat
*Look at week 8 Burn lecture for specific examples
23/02/2015 18:15:00
The endocrine system includes the organs of the body that secrete hormones directly into body
Endocrine glands
o Ductless
o Release hormones
Directly into target tissues
Into bloodstream to be carried to target tissues
Hormones chemicals secreted by a cell that affect the functions of other cells
Many are derived from steroids that easily cross the cell membrane
Steroids also cause rapid weight gain and edema
o Steroids affect metabolism & production of glucose
Examples of steroid hormones
o Estrogen
o Progesterone
o Testosterone
o Cortisol
Nonsteroidal hormones
o Made of amino acids or proteins and cannot cross the cell membrane easily
o Bind to receptors on the surface of the cells (do not travel through cell membrane)
o G-protein activated by the hormone-receptor complex (2-step process)
Activates enzymes inside cell
Prostaglandins (crosses tissue)
o Local, or tissue, hormones
o Derived from lipid molecules
o Do not travel in the bloodstream (travel directly though tissues)
o Target tissues are located close by
Central portion
Same effects as sympathetic nervous system
o Adrenal cortex
Outermost portion
Secretes many hormones, but main ones are
Stimulates body to retain sodium and water
Important in maintaining BP
Released when stressed
Decreases protein synthesis, resulting in slowed tissue repair
Decreases inflammation
o Located behind the stomach
o Both exocrine gland and endocrine gland
Exocrine secretes digestive enzymes into a duct leading to the small
Endocrine secretes hormones into bloodstream
o Islets of Langerhans secrete hormones into bloodstream
Alpha cells secrete glucagon
Beta cells secrete insulin
Small gland
Located between cerebral hemispheres
Regulates circadian rhythms
May play a role in onset of puberty
o Thymus gland
Located between lungs
Promotes production of
T lymphocytes
o The gonads
o Stomach
o Small intestine
o Heart
Atrial natriuretic peptide regulates BP
o Kidneys
Erythropoietin stimulates blood cell production
Propylthiouracil (PTU)
Radio iodine therapy (potassium iodide)
To treat thyroid storm
Because radioiodine destroys thyroid cells, hypothyroidism is a
o Patient/Family Education
Exophthalmos (Bulging eyes)
Wear dark eyeglasses to reduce discomfort and reduce risk of getting
dirt/dust in eyes
Use sleeping mask or lightly tape eyes shut with paper/non-allergic
Elevate HOB at night
o Diet
Restrict salt intake
High calorie/high protein
Supplemental vitamins
Weigh daily
o Total
Secondary to cancer
Clients must take thyroid hormones permanently
o Partial
To correct hyperthyroidism and extreme cases of goiter
5/6th the gland is removed. Since 1/6th of the functioning gland is left, hormone
replacement therapy may not be necessary
many times med control still needed
o Preoperative
TH suppression a must! May take 2-3 months.
Antithyroid meds/iodine preparations
Diminishing chance of hemorrhage
Hypothermia blankets
IV fluids
Suppressing hormone release
Inhibiting hormone synthesis
Blocking conversion of T4 to T3
Amiodarone (antiarrythmic drug)
K+ channel blocker
Inhibiting effects of TH on body tissues
Beta blockers
Treat cause (if known)
o Appears in three basic forms:
Acute/sub-acute (painful)
Bacterial/viral invasion
Following respiratory tract infection
Most have pre-existing thyroid disorder
o Lymphocytic (silent/painless)
Genetic predisposition
o Chronic (Hashimotos disease)
Most common form of thyroiditis
Long-term inflammatory disorder
Auto immune destruction of thyroid gland
Genetic predisposition
o Clinical Manifestations:
Abrupt unilateral anterior neck pain which radiates to ear (acute/sub-acute)
Sore throat
About 50% present with thyroid storm
Painless goiter in lymphocytic/chronic form
o Diagnostics
TH levels
Thyroid antibodies
o Management
Pain management
Outpatient incision and drainage of thyroid glad (acute)
Fine needle biopsy to rule out malignancy (chronic)
Parathyroid & Parathyroid hormones
Embedded in the posterior surfaces of thyroid gland
Monitor calcium levels
When calcium concentration falls below normal, cells secrete parathyroid hormone (PTH)
o PTH stimulates osteoclasts (to break down bone)
o Inhibits bone-building
o Reduces urinary excretion of calcium
o Over activity of parathyroid glands
Excessive PTH leads to bone damage, hypercalcemia, and kidney damage
o Classified as primary, secondary, & tertiary
Primary (hyperactivity of glands themselves)
Secondary to another condition that lowers calcium levels
Persistent secondary hyperparathyroidism after successful renal
Idiopathic hypersecretion of parathyroid hormone
o Clinical Manifestations
Skeletal disease
joint pain, Fractures, Deformity
Renal involvement
Polyuria (excessive urine)
Calculi in urine
GI disorders (secondary to hypercalcemia)
Polydipsia (excessive thirst)
Psychiatric abnormalities
o Diagnostics
Serum calcium levels are elevated
Serum phosphate are depressed
X-ray findings
o Management
Lowering severely elevated calcium levels
Hydration (Lasix to flush out kidneys)
o NOT thiazides (which promote calcium reabsorption
through kidneys)
Promote calciuria (urinating out excess calcium)
o Lasix - AFTER rehydration
NO Thiazides! They promote calcium retention
in kidneys
Adrenal insufficiency
o Hypofunction of adrenal glands
Primary Type (cause probs within organ itself)
Addisons Disease (rare)
Idiopathic destruction of adrenal glands
(AIDS & metastasis from lung, breast, or GI)
All steroids hormones are reduced
Risk factors:
History of other endocrine disorders
Not tapering off glucocorticoids
TB (infection can destroy glands)
o Clinical Manifestations
Usually insidious
Mild fatigue
Weight loss
Nausea and vomiting
Postural hypotension
o Diagnostics
Low cortisol production rate
High plasma ACTH concentration
Serum electrolyte levels
Loss of consciousness
Hyponatremia & hyperkalemia
o Management
Correct fluid and electrolyte imbalances
Rapid rehydration with .9% NS
Replace steroids
Hydrocortisone 100 mg IV, followed by 100mg q 8 hours x 24-hours,
then PO hydrocortisone
Correct hypoglycemia
5% Dextrose IV
Treatment of hyperkalemia
Adrenal Insufficiency
o Secondary type, causes
o Hypofunction of adrenal glands
o hypofunction of the pituitary-hypothalamic unit (lack of ACTH - Adrenocorticotropic
hormone )
o chronic treatment with glucocorticoids for non-endocrine uses
Circulating levels of corticosteroids remain high. Patients do not experience
manifestations of adrenocortical insufficiency unless therapy is stopped
o Pituitary tumor
o Radiation
Adrenocortical Hyperfunction
o Hyperfunction of adrenal cortex
o Result in excessive production of glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, and androgens
o Major conditions
Hypercortisolism (glucocorticoid excess)
ACTH levels
24 hour urine collection for free cortisol
High dose dexamethasone suppression test
checks to see how taking a corticosteroid medicine (dexamethasone)
changes the levels of cortisol in the blood
CT (pituitary and adrenal glands)
o Management
Reducing corticosteroid use over time while still managing condition
(example: asthma/arthritis)
Medications that interfere with ACTH production or adrenal hormone
Mitotane (Lysodren)
Surgical (adrenalectomy)
Adrenal tumor
Lifelong glucocorticoid mineralocorticoid replacement
Surgical (resection of pituitary tumors)
Transsphenoidal adenomectomy (through nose)
Surgical removal of a small, well-defined pituitary adenoma
o Patient/Family Education
Patients on glucocorticoids are at risk for Cushings
Recognizing manifestations
Don't reduce dose of corticosteroid drugs or stop taking them on your own.
o Aldosterone conserves sodium and promotes potassium excretion
o Primary
Hypersecretion of aldosterone secondary to adrenal lesion (usually benign)
Produces secondary HTN, hypernatremia, & hypokalemia
o Secondary, results from
Renal disease
o Clinical manifestations
enlargement of hands and feet
thickening and enlargement of face and head bony and soft tissue
sleep apnea (d/t excessive soft tissue)
signs of diabetes mellitus
hypertension (extreme)
o Diagnostic Studies
Physical Assessment
Oral glucose challenge
Definitive test
GH concentration falls during oral glucose tolerance test.
In acromegaly, GH levels do not fall below 1ng/ml3
o Treatment
Focuses on returning GH levels to normal through surgery, radiation, and drug
Octreotide Acetate (Sandostatin)
Transsphenoidal Hypophysectomy (surgical removal of pituitary
Treatment of choice
o Nursing Care
Postoperatively includes
Avoidance of vigorous coughing, sneezing & straining at stool (could
cause CSF leaks)
to prevent cerebrospinal fluid leakage from where the sella
turcica (sphenoid bone) was entered
o Rare and involves a decrease in one or more of the pituitary hormones
o Hct (men: 42-52%; women: 37-47%)
o Hgb (men: 14-18g/dl;women: 12-16g/dl)
* Hgb x3 ~ Hct
Plts (150,000-400,000/ cu mm)
o Spontaneous bleeding @ <20,000
o 200: when pt can go home
Anemia: decreased RBCs, Hgb, Hct
Pancytopenia: decrease in all cellular components of the bone marrow; caused by bone marrow
Immune response
Neutrophils -> Colony Stimulating Factors (CSF): GM-CSF, G-CSF, IL-3 act on bone
Immune response
o 24-48H when 1st exposed & for antigen to start the reaction
o 2nd time: could start in just minutes
o antigen will get picked up by neutrophils (1st line of defense)
o macrophages are next
o B-lymph is 3rd line of defense
These specialized cells manufacture antibodies against antigen
B-cell can hold memory to start response faster
o T-cells:
Cytotoxic: directly kill
Have memory
Helper T-cells: help B cells develop into plasma cells that secrete antibody
o Discussion Question: What would you expect to see as a normal immune response in
this patient?
Factors affecting immune system
o Aging
o Stress
o Nutrition
o Trauma
es overall immune response cause body is in crisis and cannot attend to
everything at once
Aging Immune system
VS: 101.8F, 90/58, HR=112, RR=24 with pOx = 88% on 2L O2 nasal canula
Patient was observed as being anxious and restless with facial flushing , hives on her neck &
Questions? Concerns?
Hypersensitivity response
o Primed mast cells release: histamine, leukotrienes, platelet activating factors,
prostaglandins, chemotactic factors
o Local: common allergies
o Systemic: severe allergic reaction = anaphylaxis
o Causes: drugs, insect venom, food proteins
o System response
Skin: hives, urticaria (histamine)
Cardiovascular: capillary dilation, increased vascular permeability ->redness,
swelling & hypotension, (histamine, leukotrienes, prostaglandins)
Pulmonary: bronchoconstriction (histamine, leukotrienes)
When you hear stridor
GI: smooth muscle contraction & edema of mucosa ->cramps, nausea,
o Treatment of Anaphylaxis
Epinephrine: stimulates and receptors in SNS (increases HR, BP, CO;
bronchodilation, decreases release of histamine)
Tell pt they will feel like their heart is beating out of chest
Causes smooth muscle relaxation -> bronchodilation
Antihistamines: blocks histamine release
Glucocorticoids: anti-inflammatory & immunosuppressive actions
Push inflammation away to open tube
o Labs:
Prolonged: bleeding time, PT, PTT, thrombin time
Increased: fibrin degradation products, d-dimer
Decreased: clotting factors, fibrinogen level, plts.
o Treatment Goal: Maintain fluid and hemodynamic balance (IVFs, RBC, Plt, & FFP
o Therapeutic treatments:
Induction of a remission using chemotherapy
Chemotherapy maintenance
(lower dose over longer time period)
Bone Marrow Transplantation
Allogeneic (matched)
Case example:
o Ms. Jones is a 26yo newly diagnosed leukemia patient who is admitted to the
inpatient unit with fever and neutropenia five days after her first cycle of
o VS: 101.8F, 90/56, 110 (NSR), RR=20
o Lab Data: WBCs=650/mm3
o (5% segs, 7% bands,10% lymphs, 20% monos); Hct=23%, Hgb=6g/dL;
o Interventions:
Blood transfusion; Platelets; O2; iron
Birth control: dont want her to have menses
Brush teeth carefully w soft toothbrush; No flossing
No rigorous nose blowing
es ICP
fall precautions if lightheaded
No drugs to plt aggregation
Ibuprofen, aspirin
Protective isolation
No fresh fruits, veggies, pets, flowers
*Concept of neutropenia
o Abnormal decrease in neutrophils (<1,000/ mm3)
o Determining neutropenia
Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC) =
+segs) x WBC count
o Normal ANC= 2,500-5,000
o ANC <500 severely increases risk for infection
Priorities of care
Protease Inhibitors
Entry Inhibitors
o Psychological support
Treatment: HAART
o Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NNRTI):
prevents conversion of RNA to DNA
o Nucleoside/ Nucleotide Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NRTI):
stops construction of viral DNA
o Protease Inhibitors (PI):
Prevent successful release of new virus particles
o Entry Inhibitors (EI):
Prevent HIV from entering healthy T cells
o *Adherence to therapy is a major issue
*Common Manifestations of Progressive Disease
o Pulmonary: pneumonia, TB
o Gastrointestinal: chronic diarrhea, oral candidiasis, wasting syndrome: proteinenergy malnutrition
o Malignancy: Non-Hodgkins lymphoma, Kaposis sarcoma, Cervical cancer
o Neurological: encephalopathy, meningitis, neuropathies
o Non-biological: Fear, anxiety, depression, social isolation
o Lymphoid system disorder: NHL
Epidemiology: unknown; possibly immunodeficiency, Epstein-Barr virus,
environmental/ occupational exposure
Pathophysiology: most are B cell origin
Symptoms: B symptoms (fever, nights sweats, anorexia + weight loss,
weakness, SOB), enlarged lymph nodes, spleen, & liver, neuro deficits
Treatment: combination chemo & radiation
Case example:
o Mr. White is a 42yo diagnosed with AIDS 1.5yrs ago who is admitted to the inpatient
unit with fever, dehydration and shortness of breath. Pt. was recently diagnosed with
NHL and the admitting diagnosis is PCP pneumonia.
o VS: 101.8F, 90/56, 110(NSR), RR=22, pOx=90% on 2L NC
o Teaching
A client with leukemia is one week post chemotherapy on 3 anti-infectives and has the
following lab values: WBC= 1200/ mm3 with 20% neutrophils, Hct= 28.5%, platelets=
35,000/mm3, potassium= 3.2, BUN= 23, and creatinine= 2.0.
Which of the following MD orders would the nurse question?
o Morphine 2-4mg IV every 3 hrs. PRN pain
o Acetaminophen 650mg PR every 4 hrs. PRN fever
(rectal route is not recommended in immunocompromised patients)
o Potassium chloride 40mEq IV over 4 hrs.
o Docusate sodium 100mg po bid
A client has the following symptoms: T= 100F, BP= 98/60, HR= 118, RR= 24, WBC= 1800,
Hgb= 9.5mg/dl, platelets= 9000 and complains of headache and has petechiae in the
The highest priority nursing diagnosis would be:
o Fatigue
o Risk for Injury (at risk for bleeding d/t low plts)
o Knowledge Deficit
o Impaired Gas Exchange
Exchange (no symptoms to indicate this)
A client has the following symptoms: T= 100F, BP= 98/60, HR= 118, RR= 24, WBC= 1800,
Hgb= 9.5mg/dl, platelets= 9000 and complains of headache and has petechiae in the
The priority nursing intervention would be to:
o Institute protective isolation
o Maintain IV fluid infusion
o Elevate the head of the bed (decreases intracranial pressure)
o Prepare for a WBC infusion
A client diagnosed with AIDS has had chronic diarrhea for the past 6 months and has lost 18
pounds during that time. Assessment findings include: tented skin turgor, dry mucous
membranes, and severe fatigue and indifference.
What is the priority nursing diagnosis for this patient?
o Deficient fluid volume
o Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements
o Disturbed thought processes
o Determine what types of food the client has been eating for the past 24 hours
foods eaten have not connection to this condition
The client on a medical floor is diagnosed with HIV encephalopathy. Which is the priority
nursing diagnosis?
o Altered nutrition, less than body requirements priority for malnutrition
o Anticipatory Grieving requires cognitive abilities
o Knowledge deficit, procedures & prognosis pt. does not have enough cognitive
capacity to understand
o Risk for Injury safety is a primary concern with decreased MS.
The client diagnosed with pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) is being admitted to ICU.
Which MD order should the nurse implement first?
o Draw serum CD4 level & CBC stat.
o Give oxygen to pt @ 4LPM - ABCs
o Administer trimethoprim sulfa IVPB (antibiotic) 3rd priority
o Obtain sputum for culture & sensitivity 2nd priority
A nurse on a med-surg unit is caring for patients diagnosed with AIDS. Which patient should
be seen first?
o Pt. with flushed warm skin with tented turgor. indicates dehydration (?d/t insensible
loss via respiratory tract; ?AIDS-related diarrhea; malnutrition)
o Pt. states that staff ignores the call light
physical issue a priority
o Pt. with vital signs: T= 99.9F, P= 101, BP = 110/68, RR= 26. VS not critical
o Pt. unable to provide sputum specimen
not a critical priority
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instructions to:
Continue bedrest (increases fatigue)
Participate in all usual ADLs (may increase fatigue)
Follow a progressive ambulatory program (gradually restores energy)
Participate in aerobic exercise training (may increase fatigue)
Which of the following statements would indicate that an anemic patient needs further teaching
HR= 100, BP= 136/72, & RR= 22. Fifteen minutes into the transfusion, the patient complains of flank
pain and has hematuria.
The priority nursing intervention is to:
HR= 100, BP= 136/72, & RR= 22. Fifteen minutes into the transfusion, the patient complains of flank
pain and has hematuria.
The patient is most likely experiencing which type of transfusion reaction:
A client with leukemia is one week post chemotherapy on 3 anti-infectives and has the following
lab values: WBC= 1200/ mm3 with 20% neutrophils, Hct= 28.5%, platelets= 35,000/mm3, potassium=
3.2, BUN= 23, and creatinine= 2.0.
Which of the following MD orders would the nurse question?
Hgb= 9.5mg/dl, platelets= 9000 and complains of headache and has petechiae in the conjunctiva.
The highest priority nursing diagnosis would be:
Risk for Injury (at risk for bleeding d/t low plts)
Knowledge Deficit
Impaired Gas Exchange (no symptoms to indicate this)
A client has the following symptoms: T= 100F, BP= 98/60, HR= 118, RR= 24, WBC= 1800,
Hgb= 9.5mg/dl, platelets= 9000 and complains of headache and has petechiae in the conjunctiva.
The priority nursing intervention would be to:
pounds during that time. Assessment findings include: tented skin turgor, dry mucous membranes, and
severe fatigue and indifference.
What is the priority nursing diagnosis for this patient?
nausea, diarrhea, and fatigue for the past 6 months would be a combination of water and:
Caffeine free diet soda (can be dehydrating)
Caffeinated beverages (function as diuretic)
Sports drinks (provides increased calories and electrolytes)
Fresh-squeezed citrus juices (high in acid and may cause increase in nausea)
A person with AIDS is admitted to an acute care unit for the treatment of a fungal infection with
amphotericin IV. The nurse should monitor for which of the following electrolyte disturbances:
Low potassium (most anti-infectives cause potassium and magnesium wasting)
Low calcium
High sodium
High magnesium
The nurse is admitting a client diagnosed with protein calorie malnutrition secondary to AIDS.
Check MD orders & determine what lab tests will be done. assess pt. first.
Teach patient about TPN & monitor the subclavian IV site. this action may be ok but not
the first.
The pt. diagnosed with AIDS is complaining of a sore mouth and tongue. When the nurse assess
the buccal mucosa, the nurse notes white, patchy lesions covering the hard and soft palates & right inner
Teach the pt. to brush the teeth & patchy area with soft-bristle toothbrush. this intervention
will not treat oral candidiasis.
Notify MD for an order for an antifungal swish-and-swallow medication.
Have the pt. gargle with an antiseptic-based mouthwash several times a day. MW often
contains alcohol & burns.
Determine what types of food the client has been eating for the past 24 hours. foods eaten
have not connection to this condition.
The client on a medical floor is diagnosed with HIV encephalopathy. Which is the priority
nursing diagnosis?
Altered nutrition, less than body requirements priority for malnutrition
Anticipatory Grieving requires cognitive abilities
Knowledge deficit, procedures & prognosis pt. does not have enough cognitive capacity to
Risk for Injury safety is a primary concern with decreased MS.
The client diagnosed with pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) is being admitted to ICU.
seen first?
Pt. with flushed warm skin with tented turgor. indicates dehydration (?d/t insensible loss
via respiratory tract; ?AIDS-related diarrhea; malnutrition)
Pt. states that staff ignores the call light
o physical issue a priority
Pt. with vital signs: T= 99.9F, P= 101, BP = 110/68, RR= 26. VS not critical
Pt. unable to provide sputum specimen
o not a critical priority
23/02/2015 18:15:00
Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome
A SYSTEMIC response to a variety of insults
No bacterial/viral agent that started SIRS; otherwise, essentially the same as sepsis
Presence of microorganisms in a normally sterile site
Cultivatable bacteria in the blood stream
The systemic response to infection. If associated with proven or clinically suspected
infection, SIRS is called sepsis
As soon as bacteria hits the blood, its sepsis
o Can have ARDS without sepsis but cannot have sepsis without ARDS
What is SIRS?
The systemic inflammatory response syndrome is systemic level of acute inflammation, that
may or may not be due to infection, and is generally manifested as a combination of vital
sign abnormalities including fever or hypothermia, tachycardia, and tachypnea.
Risk Factors for SIRS/Sepsis
o Extremes of age
o Oncological chemotherapy and radiation therapy
#1 complication of chemo tx in cancer patients= sepsis (#1) POC= infection
o Immunocompromised states
o Indwelling lines/catheters
o Malnutrition
Immune system drops ->must have nutrition for bone marrow to work
o Alcoholism
Lose all protein/drinking empty cals
o Malignancy
o Diabetes
The systemic response to a wide range of stresses
o Temperature >38C (100.4) or <36C (96.8F).
o Heart rate >90 beats/min.
o Respiratory rate >20 breaths/min or PaCO2 <32 mmHg.
o White blood cells > 12,000 cells/ml or < 4,000 cells/ml or >10% immature (band)
o Two or more of the following must be present
o These changes should be represent acute alterations from baseline in the absence of
other known cause for the abnormalities
Etiology of SIRS
o Mechanical
Can get infected or activate inflammatory response
o Chemical
Toxic drugs/fumes
o Ischemic
Shock states
Myocardial infarction
Reperfusion injury: anaerobic metabolism occurs d/t cell death and lysed cells
expel K+
o SIRS or sepsis?
Inflammation gone WILD!!
Triggered by invading microbes
Clinically SIRS and Sepsis can look the same (early on) except with SIRS,
o Microbial infection
Gram negative
Gram positive
Bacterial translocation in gut
Bacterial translocation when depleted of nutrients
Just 10 cc going in gut will prevent this from happening
o * The definitions for SIRS and sepsis can also be used to describe a disease
continuum with respect to the severity of the illness
o Determining factor of progression: how good/bad immune system works
o * Septic shock is a subset of severe sepsis. Note that current definitions have dropped
the term septicemia that may still be found in older textbooks. Bacteremia is the
term for when organisms are cultured from blood.
o General
Temperature > 38.3 or < 36
Heart rate > 90 beats per minute
Altered mental status
Significant edema or positive fluid balance (> 20 ml/kg over 24 hours)
o Hemodynamic
Systolic BP <90 mm Hg or >40 decrease in SBP or MAP < 70
Cardiac index > 3.5 L/min
o Tissue perfusion
Decreased capillary refill or mottling
Lactate levels > 2 mmol/L
o Inflammatory
WBC > 12,000 cc/mL, < 4,000, > 10% bands
C-reactive protein levels > 2 times normal
Severe Sepsis
o Sepsis with organ hypoperfusion
1st organ affected: lungs
2nd affected: kidneys
o Priorities of care
Ineffective tissue perfusion related to progression of septic shock with
decreased cardiac output, hypotension, and massive vasodilatation
Deficient fluid volume related to vomiting, diarrhea, high fever, and shift of
intravascular volume to interstitial spaces
Ineffective breathing pattern related to rapid respirations and progression of
septic shock
Anxiety related to feelings that illness is worsening and is potentially life
threatening, and the transfer to the critical care unit
o Expected outcomes
Regain and maintain stable hemodynamic levels by the end of shift
Maintain adequate circulating blood volume
Regain and maintain blood gas parameters within normal limits by the end of
Verbalize increased ability to cope with stressors by the time of discharge.
*Injury ->bleeding (attempt to cleanse area) ->clot off ->immune system activated -> redness
(area around wound vasodilates & gets warm d/t blood)-> exudate is being released (protein enriched
substance in white cells being pushed to area) ->infection worsens (bacteria in blood)->bacteremia>Sepsis (vasodilation, microvascular permeability, cellular activation {early and late mediators],
coagulation)-> (decreased preload -> decrease in SV -> in CO)
Give norepi (#1) & vasopressin (#2)
o For change in permeability, must treat underlying cause
o Must start w/in 3 hr of arrival at ED & 1 hr on floor
Sepsis case study
43-year-old male
Flu-like symptoms for 1 day
o Temp 39.5 (ed)
o Pulse 130 (ed HR)
o Blood pressure 70/30 (ed)
o Respirations 32 (ed)
o Petechial rash (D/t DIC; microemboli formation -> microemboli clotting occurs in
o Chest, CV, Abdominal exam normal
Case 2
o pH 7.29, Sat 89%, PaO2 72, PaCO2 29 (resp compensation)
o Lactate 6.0 (anything above 2 is ed) ->the higher the lactate the higher the mortality
Start sodium bicarb drip (mix with D5, NEVER NS-> sodium load will be too
3 amps/L
Investigations pending
o Blood, urine cultures
Anything draining out of body
Orally intubated and placed on mechanical ventilation
o Low tidal volumes
o Pressure ventilation if hes bad enough instead of volume
Central venous catheter inserted
o Cefotaxime 2 g IV
o Normal saline 2 litres initially, repeated
Admitted to ICU
Case 3
o Norepinephrine started to support blood pressure
o Additional fluid (NS/ LR)
o Volume expansion with pentastarch {hetastarch}) Albumin based on low CVP
Once permeability has returned to normal limits, thats when you give
Pentastarch: acts similar to albumin
o Blood products, (PRBC, FFP, cryoprecipitate)
o Pulmonary artery catheter inserted to aid further hemodynamic management
Despite therapy patient remained anuric
o Continuous venovenous hemofiltration initiated
Case 4
Early gram stain on blood revealed gram negative rods
Patient started on:
o Hydrocortisone 100 mg IV q8h
d/t adrenal insufficiency
o Recombinant activated protein C 24g/kg/hour for 96 hours (Studies now indicates
that Zigris has no effect on outcome on patients with septicemia)
o Use of vasopressin vs norepinephrine for BP support
At high doses, stimulates contraction of smooth muscle causing
vasoconstriction when catecholamine's fail (works better than
o Enteral nutrition via nasojejunal feeding tube
Even without BS
o Prophylaxis for stress ulcers, deep venous thrombosis
Possible heparin
o Final culture: meningococcal septicemia
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Types of anemia
ed RBC destruction: infections, Rx, blood vessel issues, sickle cell anemia, burns
S&S of anemia:
o ed pallor (Fe give Hgb its color) skin mucous membranes conjunctiva
(lids of eye)
o ed O2 to brain fatigue HA ed concentration
o sore tongue/bald tongue (smooth & shiny tongue cause papillae not produced
Which of the following statements would indicate that an anemic patient needs further
teaching about taking iron supplements.
o PaO2 and SaO2 drop, Hgb S forms a fibrous polymer; realignment of polymers
=>sickle shape
Rod shaped cells half moon shape inflexible & very rigid
As these RBCs filter through capillaries they get stuck and cause
ed retic count 5-8x the norm
RBC lasts 12-20 days
o Sickle cell crisis/vaso-occluions
Hypoxic -> ed O2
Cold -> ed perfusion & ed O2 to local areas
Affects all systems
o PE priapism kidney failure* liver spleen (ruptures and dies away)
sepsis pain
If spleen dies it can make pt septic
Sickle Cell Characteristics
o Rigid RBC membrane -> decreased oxygen carrying capacity
o Increased blood viscosity -> slowed blood flow in small capillaries
o Increased adherence of cells to endothelium of vessel walls
o Shortened RBC lifespan to10 20 days (normal RBC lifespan = 120 days)
o Elevated erythropoiesis (5-8x normal)
o Abnormal RBCs destroyed in the spleen -> tissue ischemia & autosplenectomy
o Sickle cell screening test
o Hemoglobin electrophoresis
Lab Values:
o Decreased Hgb
o Decreased platelets
o Increased reticulocytes
Clinical manifestations
o Begin to occur at age 6 mths to 1 yr
Chronic hemolytic anemia
Microvascular occlusion which effects all organs
Brain: stroke
Lungs: acute lung injury (~25% deaths)
Spleen: infarction leading to organ loss which predisposes pts. to
infection d/t chronic neutropenia
Renal: ARF (common cause death in adults)
o Hydration (D51/2NS @ 150-200ml/hr)
o Oxygenation (O2 2-4L/min via NC)
o Pain management
Morphine sulfate IV continuous with PCA
Ketorolac for bone pain
o Diagnosis and treatment of infections
Prompt anti-infective therapy
o Reverse sickling crisis
Transfusion to increase Hct to >30%