Hire Purchase N Factoring
Hire Purchase N Factoring
Hire Purchase N Factoring
Factoring is another type of financial service provided by the specialist organizations.
When small scale firms sell on credit basis, collection of receivable poses a problem.
In that case factoring organizations play an important role in collection of debtors.
Factoring involves sale of receivables to specialized firm, called factors. Factors
collect receivables and also advance cash against receivables to solve the client firms
liquidity problem. For providing their services, they charge interest on advance and
commission for other services. In other words, factoring is an arrangement under
which a financial institution (called factor) undertakes the task of collecting the book
debts of its client in return for a service charge in the form of discount or rebate. The
factoring institution eliminates the clients risk of bad debts by taking over the
responsibility of book debts due to the client. The factoring institution advances a
proportion of the value of book debts of the client immediately and the balance on
maturity of book debts.
15.11.2 MERITS
1. As a result of factoring services, the enterprise can concentrate on manufacturing
and selling.
2. The risk of bad debts is eliminated.
3. The factoring institution also provides advice on business trends and other related
In India, subsidiaries of four Indian banks-State Bank of India, Canara Bank, Punjab
National Bank and Allahabad Bank are providing factoring services.