Chapter III N
Chapter III N
Chapter III N
Gender: _____
The Researchers would like to have some of your time to fill out
this Effects of Peer Pressure on Academic Performance Survey for us
to know your experiences in peer influence.
The researchers hope for your kind support and cooperation. Thank
I. Answer the questions according to; 5 Always, 4 Usually, 3 Sometimes,
2 Rarely, 1 Never.
1. Do you spend more time with
your peers than your family?
2. Do you notice that you behave
like your friends/classmates as
the time passed that you were
with them?
3. Do you feel bad every time you
say no to your friends
whenever they want you to do
something for them?
4. Do your friends encourage you
to cheat at school?
5. Were you ever pressured doing
something you knew was bad for
your grades?
6. Do you bother not doing your
peers want you to do?
Academic Status
Grades in:
1st grading: ______
1.) How many hours in a day you spent with your peers?
___ 2
2.) Were there any good effects of having a peer when it comes to your academic
3.) Were there some instances that you decided not to attend your class just to be
with your peers?
4.) What have you observed in your grades in school whenever you are with your
____ Increasing
Conduct an Experiment
The researchers limited the problem by specifying the common factors that affect stress
(student profile, attitude towards stress, academic performance and health status) due to the
alarming increase of students who got an inadequate grade because of peer pressure.
The researchers hypothesized that the main effect of peer pressure among friends is that
they have different effects affecting their academic performances.
The researcher will use the qualitative way in the form of survey. But before the survey,
the researcher will ask first the permission of the subject teacher, the head teacher, the year level
teacher and the principal of Bagong Barrio National High School. From this will come from the
data that the researcher needed to amass to give their conclusions towards the problem.
The researchers will seek the help of statistician to analyze and interpret the data. This
will give the research a suitable explanation on the problem.
By following the steps accurately, the research will provide the latest information about
the relation of stress to academic performance at Bagong Barrio National High School. This
study can help those persons who have concern about the interruption of stress to the academic
performance of the students. It would be a program/activity that will help the students to cope
with stress or another research that may continue or contrast this study.