Anabolic Steroid Guide Part 1
Anabolic Steroid Guide Part 1
Anabolic Steroid Guide Part 1
That section
(41)(A) The term "anabolic steroid" means any drug or hormonal substance, chemically and
pharmacologically related to testosterone (other than estrogens, progestins, and corticosteroids)
that promotes muscle growth, and includes -(I) boldenone
(II) chlorotestosterone
(III) clostebol
(IV) dehydrochlormethyltestosterone
(V) dihydrotestosterone
(VI) drostanolone
(VII) ethylestrenol
(VIII) fluoxymesterone
(IX) formebulone
(X) mesterolone
(XI) methandienone
(XII) methandranone
(XIII) methandriol
(XIV) methandrostenolone
(XV) methenolone
(XVI) methyltestosterone
(XVII) mibolerone
(XVIII) nandrolone
(XIX) norethandrolone
(XX) oxandrolone
(XXI) oxymesterone
(XXII) oxymetholone
(XXIII) stanolone
(XXIV) stanozolol
(XXV) testolactone
(XXVI) testosterone
(XXVII)) trenbolone
(XXVIII) any salt, ester, or isomer of a drug or substance described or listed in this paragraph,
if that salt, ester, or isomer promotes muscle growth
(41)(B)(i) Except as provided in clause (ii), such term does not include an anabolic steroid which
is expressly intended for administration through implants to cattle or other non-human species and
which has been approved by the Secretary of Health and Human Services for such administration.
(ii) If any person prescribes, dispenses, or distributes such steroid for human use, such person
shall be considered to have prescribed, dispensed, or distributed an anabolic steroid within the
meaning of subparagraph (A).
21 U.S.C. section 841(a)(1) sets forth the actual prohibition. That section provides:
(a) Unlawful acts
Except as authorized by this subchapter, it shall be unlawful for any person knowingly or
intentionally -(1) to manufacture, distribute, or dispense, or possess with intent to manufacture, distribute, or
dispense, a controlled substance;
(2) to create, distribute, or dispense, or possess with intent to distribute or dispense, a
counterfeit substance.
21 U.S.C. section 846 also prohibits attempt and conspiracy.
Any person who attempts or conspires to commit any offense defined in this subchapter shall be
subject to the same penalties as those prescribed for the offense, the commission of which was the
object of the attempt or conspiracy.
21 U.S.C. section 841(b)(1)(D) sets forth (in part) the punishment.
(D) . . . In the case of any controlled substance in schedule III, such person shall, except as
provided in paragraphs (4) and (5) of this subsection, be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of
not more than 5 years, a fine not to exceed the greater of that authorized in accordance with the
provisions of Title 18, or $250,000 if the defendant is an individual or $1,000,000 if the
defendant is other than an individual, or both. If any person commits such a violation after a
prior conviction for a felony drug offense has become final, such person shall be sentenced to a
term of imprisonment of not more than 10 years, a fine not to exceed the greater of twice that
authorized in accordance with the provisions of Title 18, or $500,000 if the defendant is an
individual or $2,000,000 if the defendant is other than an individual, or both. Any sentence
imposing a term of imprisonment under this paragraph shall, in the absence of such a prior
conviction, impose a term of supervised release of at least 2 years in addition to such term of
imprisonment and shall, if there was such a prior conviction, impose a term of supervised release
of at least 4 years in addition to such term of imprisonment.
Note also that the distribution of human growth hormones is prohibited as well under 21 U.S.C.
section 333(e). That section provides:
(e) Prohibited distribution of human growth hormones
Except as provided in paragraph (2), whoever knowingly distributes, or possesses with intent to
distribute, human growth hormone for any use in humans other than the treatment of a disease or
other recognized medical condition, where such use has been authorized by the Secretary of Health
and Human Services under section 355 of this title and pursuant to the order of a physician, is
guilty of an offense punishable by not more than 5 years in prison, such fines as are authorized
by Title 18, or both.
Whoever commits any offense set forth in paragraph (1) and such offense involves an individual
under 18 years of age is punishable by not more than 10 years imprisonment, such fines as are
authorized by Title 18, or both.
Any conviction for a violation of paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection shall be considered a
felony violation of the Controlled Substances Act [21 U.S.C. sections 801 et seq.] for the
purposes of forfeiture under section 413 of such Act [21 U.S.C. section 853].
As used in this subsection the term "human growth hormone" means somatrem, somatropin, or an
analogue of either of them.
The Drug Enforcement Administration is authorized to investigate offenses
punishable by this
Finally, note that if you're in the military, you are generally subject to military law, which has
an independent prohibition on anabolic steroids that incorporate various provisions of the U.S.
In the April, 1982 issue of the FDA Drug Bulletin, the agency included a policy statement
clarifying the question of "unapproved" uses for drugs, clearly stating that "'unapproved' uses
may be appropriate and rational in certain circumstances, and may, in fact, reflect approaches to
drug therapy that have been extensively reported in medical literature... Valid new uses for drugs
already on the market are often first discovered through serendipitous observations and
therapeutic innovation."
Many U.S. citizens are unaware that they are allowed to import certain foreign prescription
medications into the U.S. legally without a prescription. In July of 1989, the F.D.A. did in fact
put forward a ruling making it legal to import a personal supply of prescription medications. The
F.D.A. permits individuals to bring into the U.S. small amounts of drugs for "personal use" when
the drugs are sold in foreign countries but not in the United States. However, the drugs must not
pose any unreasonable health risks, and must be used to treat a serious condition for which there
is no approved treatment here. Permissible personal-use quantities generally do not exceed a threemonth supply.
For a complete overview of the F.D.As import program go to:
The F.D.A. approves drugs on the basis of scientific data proving them to be safe and effective.
FDA-approved labeling provides information on how and when the drugs can be used to maximize their
effectiveness and minimize their harmful side effects. Many drugs that are available for sale in
foreign countries do not meet this F.D.A. criteria as an approved medication. Therefore these
drugs violate the F.D.A. personal drug import policy. A good example of this is the foreign
asthma medication and popular bodybuilding drug Clenbuterol. This drug has been placed on alert
status by the F.D.A. (More on F.D.A. alerts in the following section) Clenbuterol is widely
prescribed in Mexico, Latin America, and Europe as a broncodilator used to treat asthma and other
related breathing disorders.
This drug is unapproved for use in the U.S. in any form and will
be detained by the F.D.A. or the U.S. Customs Service.
To view the complete F.D.A. alert on clenbuterol, go to:
All foreign veterinary medications are illegal for import under the personal drug import policy.
The F.D.A. does not allow the importation and medically unsupervised use of foreign versions of
these drugs. These veterinary medications are often produced under unsanitary conditions are not
intended for use in humans. Veterinary anabolics such as Equipose, Dianabol, Stanazol, and
testosterone to name a few are of unknown quality with inadequate (or foreign language) directions
for use. According to the FDA, this constitutes an unreasonable health risk to the user.
Even if the medications you are importing do fall into the guidelines for importation under the
personal drug import policy, you may still be breaking federal law. Consumers should also be aware
that the acquisition and use of prescription drugs without the help of a physician or other
licensed health professional may violate federal, state, or local laws. The Anabolic Steroids
Control Act of 1990 classified anabolic steroids as a Schedule III controlled substance. This act
makes it unlawful to use or possess steroids without a prescription. The F.D.A. will allow you to
import a personal supply of approved anabolics but Customs, D.E.A., and other law enforcement
agencies will not allow you to possess these drugs without a prescription. If the amount is small
enough to be considered a personal amount, Customs will seize the package until the time you are
able to produce a valid prescription.
To view the current FDA information on the importation of drugs, go to:
Revised list Of Federal Drug Administration Alerts 3/22/00
The Federal Drug Administration often places an alert or red flag on a company that has been
known to export foreign prescription drugs into the United States. The drugs that these companies
are exporting are either unapproved for medical use in the U.S. or present safety and/or
effectiveness concerns. Any shipments coming from the company or address on this F.D.A. alert
will be searched, seized, and detained. FDA field offices are instructed to automatically detain
imported products that appear to violate the personal import policy. Individuals importing such
products are informed in writing that the shipment has been detained unless it can be shown to
meet the personal use entrance criteria.
Under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic (FD&C) Act, the FDA has the legal authority to take
action against:
The importation, sale, or distribution of an adulterated or misbranded drug;
The importation, sale, or distribution of an unapproved new drug;
Illegal promotion of a drug;
The sale or dispensing of a prescription drug without a valid prescription; and,
Counterfeit drugs.
On November 12, the F.D.A. updated their list of companies on the alert list for mailing
prescription drugs into the U.S. Below is an excerpt of the actual F.D.A. alert bulletin from
November 12, 1999. The sources listed below are very popular companies known through the
bodybuilding community as suppliers of quality anabolics to customers in the U.S.
REASON FOR ALERT: The FDA has observed an increase in the promotion and importation of unapproved
prescription drugs of foreign origin. Unapproved prescription drugs present serious safety and
effectiveness concerns. Moreover, approved U.S. versions of these drugs are available. Therefore,
this import alert is being established to provide a listing of known distributors.
The FDA has concluded that shipments of these foreign manufactured unapproved prescription drugs
are inappropriate for release under the personal importation policy. They will automatically
detain all dosage forms and shipments, commercial and personal, of foreign manufactured unapproved
prescription drugs from distributors listed in the attachment.
Products Source Country
All presecription drugs In Home Health Services Switzerland
All presecription drugs M. Bourquin**
PO Box 108
Antwerp, Belgium
All presecription drugs Margaret Eden**
Americalei 159
B. 82 B-2000
Antwerpen, Belgium Belgium
All presecription drugs FJM Borking**
Dooaarslan 90
All presecription drugs Unknown**
P.O. Box 70385
Amsterdam, Netherlands Netherlands
All presecription drugs Interlab
BCM Box 5890
London WC1N 3XX England
All presecription drugs Euro Care Mailorder Pharmacy
PO Box 75 8200AB
All presecription drugs International Anti-Aging Systems
PO Box 2995
Muswell Hill, London N10 2NA England
All presecription drugs B. Mougis & Co.*
Pittakaou 23 T.K. 54645 Greece
*The above firm is presently on automatic detention. However, we have been made aware of other
names being used. Any variations to this firm name, including, but not limited to, Georgios,
Georgiadou, B&G Moyres, ect., and also other cities in Greece should be viewed as the same
operation and will be subject to this import alert.
**denotes companies that ship for In Home Health Services
All presecription drugs Olympia Skouvara
36 Agorakritou Street
Athens, Greece 11560 Greece
All presecription drugs Vipharm Pharmaceutical Products
(OL Skouvara & Co.)
82 Epamidoda Street
Thiva, Greece 32200 Greece
To view the complete list of the 54 foreign mail order companies that are currently on F.D.A.
alert, go to:
You can also view the monthly detention reports of imported products that appear to violate laws
enforced by the F.D.A. at:
On July 30, 1999, the FDA released a talk paper that announces the FDAs new efforts to help stop
illegal prescription drug marketing on the internet. FDA talk papers are prepared by the press
office to guide FDA personnel in responding to public questioning on subjects of current interest.
The full FDA talk paper as it can be viewed at:
At a congressional hearing on July 30, 1999, the Food and Drug Administration outlined new efforts
to help curb illegal marketing of prescription drugs on the Internet. A major component of the
agency's action plan will be new cooperative partnerships with federal and state law enforcement
agencies and regulatory bodies to more effectively address illegal Internet sales.
"While the growth in online drug sales by reputable pharmacies is a trend that can benefit
consumers, irresponsible and illegal prescribing and selling of drugs online can place consumers
at unnecessary risk," said Jane E. Henney, M.D., Food and Drug Administration Commissioner.
"Working with other federal and state agencies, we hope to maximize the potential benefits of the
Internet by curbing these illegal and dangerous activities."
Under federal and state law, generally a patient must be physically examined by a licensed health
care practitioner before receiving a prescription drug for the first time. The patient then has
the prescription filled by a registered pharmacist working in a licensed pharmacy that meets state
practice standards. While reputable online pharmacies can be of great assistance to consumers-many even allow patients to consult with pharmacists from home--Web sites can be easily created to
look like legitimate pharmacies when in fact both the sellers and the products are illegitimate.
The FDA action plan has been triggered by the increasing number of Web sites -- both in the United
States and abroad -- that sell potent drugs without valid prescriptions or without meaningful
interaction with a physician or other health care professional. Often sales are based only on the
buyer's answers to a questionnaire. The risks run by patients who accept these illicit offers
include adverse side effects from inappropriately prescribed medications, dangerous drug
interactions, and harm from contaminated, counterfeit or outdated drugs.
The FDA's action plan includes the following activities:
Customize and Expand Enforcement Efforts. The agency will begin upgrading and expanding its
monitoring of Internet violative sites to make Internet drug sales more of an enforcement
priority, including initiating criminal or civil enforcement actions when appropriate. The agency
will initially target its enforcement efforts on three areas: unapproved new drugs, health fraud,
and prescription drugs sold without a valid prescription. Efforts will focus on areas where there
is a significant public health risk. The process will be supervised by an already - appointed team
of FDA specialists in enforcement, criminal investigation, and drug evaluation.
Partner with Federal and State Bodies and other Organizations. Several federal agencies, as well
as the states, have the authority to regulate and/or enforce laws related to online drug sales.
Because of the growth of potential cases involving the Internet, there will be instances when
working with other agencies or states could result in a more effective enforcement action. FDA
will continue working with various federal agencies to address illegal Internet marketing by
foreign sellers. In addition, the FDA has signed Principles of Understanding with the National
Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) and the Federation of State Medical Boards, with the
backing of the American Medical Association and the American Pharmaceutical Association. These
principles represent a commitment of the signatories to work cooperatively to enforce federal and
state laws against unlawful sellers and prescribers of drugs in the United States.
Engage in Public Outreach. The FDA will implement other strategies to counter the illicit Web
practices including outreach to alert consumers to public health risks of illegitimate online
sites which subscribe with their service); that offer to prescribe drugs outside the context of
the physician-patient relationship; and that sell unapproved medicines, or require linking with
another site to purchase the drug. Web sites that do not provide a U.S. phone number and address
also should be avoided. District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, New Zealand,
eight Canadian Provinces, and three Australian states. Unlawful purveyors should be reported to
the NABP or the FDA.
You can check out the NABP website at:
It is speculated that a relationship exists between the editors of the bodybuilding publication
Muscle Media and the DEA. So in other words, any source that you find in Muscle media should be
An article in MM about the Mougios and Skouvara pharmaceutical operations possibly led to DEA
investigations into those suppliers. Skouvara did not go under as they chose to heed certain
warnings, and they now request a valid prescription (which, according to Greek Law, should have
been the case in the first place). Mougios on the other hand presumably was more reckless. The
result: he (along with collaborators and/or relatives) was arrested by Salonica Police on charges
of smuggling "narcotics" out of the country and having set up a bogus pharmaceutical company
importing and exporting illegally.
All packages from Skouvara are definitely on Customs and DEA hotlists. Inhome Health and Eurocare
have also been mentioned in MM2K. Eurocare is now closed.
Many athletes are taking vacations or trips to countries where it is legal to purchase A.A.S.'s
and bringing enough back to last one or two cycles. There are those who will bring back more, but
these are usually dealers willing to accept much more risk.
One of the safest ways to purchase A.A.S.'s is to take a trip to a country that sells these items
over the counter (OTC). It is very unlikely you will purchase fake steroids from a pharmacy in
many of these countries, but not impossible. There has been a huge surge in the sale of fake
A.A.S.'s in Mexican pharmacies lately as they realize that there is large profit to be made from
the increasing American demand for these products.
Going to some of the smaller pharmacies that are out of the way of the tourist mainstream in these
countries can be very productive. Always be polite and ask for a reasonable amount, not a boat
load. The pharmacists will be a lot less likely to sell you anything if you go when it is busy
and there are people around, so time your approach accordingly. A basic command of the local
language will aid you more than you may think. Practice some of the words and phrases you will
need to ask, do not expect them to speak English just because you do.
Hire a translator if you have to, cab drivers and street kids are perfect. If you want more stuff,
or think you can do better on the price, do not be afraid to shop around a little. Some times
these pharmacists' can be persuaded and bargained with just like a used car salesman. Once you've
found a pharmacy that will sell you what you want, ask for a business card so that you can do
business with them again next time.
In all likelihood, it is best to avoid any pharmacy discussed in the old Muscle Media 2000
magazine. When MM2K published then republished the Tijauna trip by TC Luoma, one of their editors,
anabolics became scarce there.
In the previous publication of the Secrets Report, we established that the easiest method to
purchase anabolics is by vacationing to a country that sells these products over the counter. For
most Americans, Mexico is the closest and easiest country to obtain anabolic steroids over the
counter (OTC). Unfortunately, most Mexican pharmacies increase their profit margin by selling
counterfeit anabolics to the nave American athlete. Since these anabolics are manufactured at a
low cost and are available OTC, most Americans believe that the risk for purchasing fake
anabolics in Mexico is rare. The fact is that the Mexican pharmacy will make much more of a
profit selling under dosed or bogus steroids than they will from selling the genuine drug. This
fact alone prevents Mexican pharmacies from becoming counterfit free.
Whenever possible, pay with your pharmaceuticals using only U.S. currency. It is no secret that
the U.S. dollar carries more weight than the Mexican Peso. When shopping in a Mexican pharmacia,
take full advantage of this fact. If the prices are in pesos, be aware of the current exchange
rate in that area. The pharmacists may try to overcharge you by saying the exchange rate is
different than what it currently is. Just stay alert and you will save more money, especially on
larger purchases.
When in Mexico, it is wise to avoid purchasing steroids that are manufactured in the U.S.
Especially if the American version is close in price or cheaper than its Mexican counterpart. The
most popular U.S. drug company available in Mexico is Steris pharmaceuticals. A little known fact
is that Steris ceased all production of its testosterone products on October 16, 1998.
Steris also manufactured all the generic versions of testosterone for Schein, Goldline, and Geneva
pharmaceuticals. If you encounter any testosterone products made by these companies after October
1998, avoid them like the plague. They are guaranteed to be a counterfeit version of the former
The best places in Mexico to obtain quality anabolics are in the veterinary pharmacies that are
located in the popular tourist areas. The pharmacies in the tourist areas cater to American
Often if you travel outside of these
that you are searching for. At these
veterinary anabolics that should fit
as Reforvit-b and Metandiabol liquid
several testosterones made by Brovel
*Please Note- The Testus 100 by Jurox does not have a security hologram.
The Australian Muscle site provides two important services to help you find legitimate anabolic
steroids. The first service is a batch number identification page. As each new batch of steroids
are released from the factory, their corresponding batch number will be displayed on their site.
The batch number check page also lists expiration dates and other relevant information to help you
purchase legitimate veterinary steroids.
The batch number check page can be found at:
Another service provided by Australian Muscle is their listings of registered Australian
veterinary distributors in Mexico. They provide a listing of 62 registered veterinary stores,
including names, addresses and telephone numbers, who are confirmed distributors in Mexico. By
shopping at these select pharmacies you will be guaranteed to obtain real veterinary anabolics.
The veterinary distributor page can be found at:
There are only a few possibilities today for obtaining A.A.S.'s and most of them are illegal in
one way or another. It is becoming increasingly difficult to purchase legitimate A.A.S.'s from the
local dealer, and over 90% of what is sold is fake. Often the dealer is not even aware of what is
in the vials or blister packs himself. This can be extremely dangerous as the substances are
usually not sterile or pure and can lead to severe problems and side effects. We've all heard of
the guy who thought he was shooting testosterone when it was really just vegetable oil or powdered
milk and water. Elite Fitness offers an excellent guide to steroids with color pictures of both
real and counterfeit anabolic steroids entitled "Chemical Wizardry"
But if you are still determined to purchase anabolic steroids from a drug dealer, they will most
likely be found at a hard-core bodybuilders gym. Working out at home, college, or in a yuppie
gym, do not be surprised if you do not come in contact with the black market. The black market is
found where people go to get big.
Black market steroid prices are considerably higher than what you would pay for international mailorder. A U.S. black market dealer most often orders anabolics from foreign pharmacies, takes the
risk of prosecution for illegal import, than sells the steroid at a much higher price. Domestic
prices also vary a great deal because one dealer may import the drugs and the drugs will then
change hands several times before finally reaching you. Every stop along the way means a mark up.
Here are some sample black market prices that you can expect to pay on the east coast. Most
products that are easily available in Mexico will cost considerably less on the west coast. The
low end number will represent the cost of the product if you buy in bulk or have a good source.
The high end number will reflect a small order from a more expensive source. Remember these
prices should be used as a guide only and the prices will vary depending on your location and the
availability of the product in your area.
Injectables Low High
Deca-Durabolin 200MG/amp $16-20 $20-25
Primobolan Depot 100MG/amp $15-18 $18-22
Winstrol Depot 50MG/amp $13-16 $16-20
Equipose 50MG/50ML $150-200 $200-250
Testoviron/Primoteston 250MG/amp $12-16 $16-20
Testosterone Enanthate 200MG/10ML $60-90 $90-110
Sustanon 250MG/amp $13-17 $17-21
ORALS Low High
Dianabol 5MG/100tabs $60-85 $85-120
Anadrol 50MG/100tabs $250-300 $300-350
Anavar 2.5MG/100tabs $225-275 $275-325
Clenbuterol .02MG/100tabs $80-100 $100-120
Halotestin 10MG/100tabs $100-150 $150-200
With the sudden surge in acceptance of the use of A.A.S.'s in AIDS and cancer patients, and with
the medical community finally admitting to the existence of male menopause, it has become easier
to obtain a prescription and given manufacturers a reason to produce more A.A.S.'s domestically.
But this really doesn't help the average athlete wishing to improve his or her performance. And
in fact, of the drugs that could be beneficial to bodybuilders, American doctors are limited to
oral Stanozolol, Oxandrolone, Nandrolone Decoanate, Testosterone Cypionate by Upjohn, and
Oxymetholone by Unimed.
The afore mentioned drugs are legitimately used in the treatment of male menopause, testosterone
deficiency, testicular accidents, HIV and AIDS, advanced breast cancer and possibly male birth
Bodybuilders have been known to present under the auspices of these legitimate medical conditions
to obtain anabolics. To receive testosterone replacement therapy from a physician, a patient must
undergo a blood test that reveals their levels of free and total testosterone to determine
Your doctor will be most interested in your free testosterone levels when considering testosterone
replacement. Free testosterone is the measure of biologically active unbound testosterone in the
human body. This means that Free testosterone is the indicator of how much testosterone hormone is
actually available in the body. Total testosterone does not measure biologically active unbound
testosterone and therefore does not indicate how much testosterone is available to the body.
Normal total testosterone levels in men range from 300 to 1,100 nanograms per deciliter. Normal
free testosterone levels range from 50 to 210 picograms per milliliter.
Now that you understand how a testosterone analysis works, how can we manipulate the results in an
effort to receive testosterone replacement therapy? One way is to take high doses of the
prohormone 19-Norandrostenedione for a period of 8 to 10 weeks. 19-Norandrostenedione, a
Nandrolone steroid precursor, in high dosages of 1500mgs per day should cause a large enough drop
off in your free and total testosterone levels to qualify for testosterone replacement. Make sure
that during this time you do not take any products that cause a boost in your levels of LH
(luteinizing hormone) such as Tribulus Terrestris or Clomid. Studies have shown that testosterone
levels of patients measured during periods of stress, viral infection, sleep deprivation,
starvation, and fasting have been significantly lower than normal. If at all possible, schedule
your blood test to coincide with these conditions.
One athlete says of his hardcore 4 point plan he uses to obtain testosterone replacement therapy.
First, he limits his sleep to no more than 4 hours each night 3 to 4 days before his blood test.
Then he will fast for the same 3-4 day span eating no food and drinking only water. The athlete
also deprives himself of any sexual release through intercourse or masturbation for these 4 days.
The last and most interesting step to his plan is to take one of his girlfriends birth control
pills 12 hours before the test. Taking a female birth control pill the day before a blood test
should temporarily raise estrogen and/or lower testosterone enough to encourage replacement
therapy, although we do not encourage this extreme practice.
Flying Secrets:
If you like to travel, you've probably entertained the idea of bringing back hidden goodies
yourself. Remember, in the US, this constitutes smuggling and is a felony. For this reason,
DON'T DRAW ATTENTION TO YOURSELF! Probably the most important thing you can do is dress up to look
like any other business man. Don't let any part of your physique be revealed. I'm even talking let
the hair grow back on the exposed parts your arms! Law enforcement officers are trained to pick up
on little things like that and you can bet that the huge guy in the shorts and tank top is going
to get cracked ten times over a big guy in nice dress clothes or Armani suit. Taking your
significant other with you also increases your chances of getting through without hassles.
Preferably travel with a companion of the opposite sex, but don't attempt to fool customs by
splitting up in the line. I know of one couple where the guy went first and his girl followed a
few people behind. She was carrying the gear on her, but when she went through, the officers
noticed her ticket had been bought together with his and noticed that she had sat beside him on
the plane, but split up with him in the line. It was obvious she was hiding something, so they
searched her and the couple was arrested.
Driving Secrets:
Border crossings are one part of driving across the border but again, you can effectively put the
odds in your favor by doing some things to avoid attraction. First off, there's a time to show off
that physique and a time not to. Do all you can to hide your physique and tell-tale signs of being
a bodybuilder. Next, travel alone or with just one other person preferably female to get the
attention away from yourself. The more people involved, the harder it is to have a story that
lines up with everyone especially if questioned. Never travel across a border crossing while with
a bunch of bodybuilder buddies. You may as well be holding a sign that says "We love steroids."
You will just be asking to get caught.
Presuming you and a female friend are crossing the border with gear, make sure you are in the
drivers seat (to help hide as much of you as possible from the inspectors vision and so his view
of her in the passenger seat helps distract him.) Have both your passports or birth certificates
ready to show before you pull up. If asked if you purchased anything while abroad, name a few
small items which you should have just in case you must show them. This will imply you're being
honest and telling the guard you aren't trying to hide anything. He won't believe you went on a
trip and didn't buy a single thing. It seems best to try to cross the border at peak or busy
times. They don't want a lot of backup and congestion so they may try to hurry the procedure up
by letting people/cars through faster.
One more thing that helps is to have vehicle license plates that match the country/state/province
that you are crossing back into. This gives the perception you just went over for a quick trip of
enjoyment with no real ulterior motive planned. Also use a vehicle with a low profile. Something
that won't command a lot of attention.
You may want to rent a vehicle for this purpose. Some countries impound your vehicle if contraband
is found in it while crossing the border.
Hide your stuff in a place less likely to
spots that will be searched include under
Behind the dash, in door panels, or under
Chances are unlikely customs will rip the
dog has been alerted.
Another option is to either go to a country where A.A.S.'s can be purchased and mail them back to
your home or have some one you know mail them to you. This is often the best of both worlds, as
long as you trust the person mailing the items to you. Those long lost relatives might be good for
something after all. For reducing the risk of sending anabolic steroids by mail please closely
follow the procedures in the following section.
Getting through customs can be extremely nerve wracking when returning from abroad. Relax and do
not be nervous. This is the biggest give away that you have something to hide. The prescription
tranquilizer and anxiety medication Xanax can be effective at reducing nervousness.
Basically you have two choices here. You can either hide the stuff on your body, or you can try
and hide it in your suitcase. Hiding the goods on yourself is the better of the two options.
First of all, you don't have to pass through the x-ray machine like your suitcase does, only a
metal detector. So things like glass amps and tabs are undetectable. If you happened to purchase
a multi-vial with a metal top, you would be better to transfer the goods to something else. Bruce
Kneller's idea of using red rubber-topped blood collection tubes is an excellent one. Also, empty
sterilized cough medicine bottles work very well. Avoid alcohol bottles in case you have to pay
duty on them and they take a closer look. Secondly, you will only be frisked if you appear to have
something taped to your body; they kind of pick up on that huge bulge on the left side of your
So be careful to hide your stuff on yourself well. Lining the inside of your jacket or socks are
good examples. Obviously you're going to have to throw out the packaging before hand as this
takes up way too much space, but only dealers are concerned with packaging, not the average user.
A customs inspector needs probable cause to search your body. The inspector does not have to show
cause to search your luggage but he/she must believe that you are committing a crime before they
can search your body. Probable cause for a personal search is obtained by the inspector if they
find illegal merchandise in your luggage, are alerted by a dog or X-ray, or they feel your
behavior or mannerisms are suspicious.
The other option you have is to try and hide the stuff in your suitcase. This might be necessary
if you have a lot of tabs or are wearing too little clothes to sufficiently hide your stash on
your person. The problem is that when the suitcase goes through customs, it is inspected with an xray machine, and anything out of the ordinary, like those funny shaped amps or a bag of tabs, will
stick out like a sore thumb. This is where a little creativity can go along way. When you carry
anabolics in your suitcase, don't try and stuff 500 d-bols into a bottle that's supposed to have
100 aspirin in it, that is just stupid. Prescription bottles get mixed reviews, sometimes you must
produce the prescription to get the bottle through, and sometimes you don't. If your suitcase is
messy, then the chances of your gear being found is greatly reduced, so stuff them in your dirty
gym socks or boxer shorts and hope they don't get checked. Stupid souvenirs are great places to
hide things. Like that really tacky lead shaving cup filled with nuts <wink> or that gift basket
of chocolates. What ever you decide put some thought into it.
When you go through customs, you can act two different ways. You can be a polite and upstanding
citizen, or you can be the obnoxious tourist, polite but really annoying. Do not be so loud
everyone is watching you, but irritate the customs officer enough that he wants to get rid of you
as soon as possible
Flying and Land Border Secrets:
Now that you have your supplements, you will want to know some tips on how to get them past
customs. If you have the option of choosing to fly into an airport or to cross at a land border,
crossing at a land border is by far the better choice. Everyday at a land border thousands of
people cross to and from Mexico into and out of the U.S. to work, shop, ect. U.S. Customs, Border
Patrol and Immigration officers are over run each day with an enormous number of vehicle and lots
of foot traffic through these ports of entry. This is actually a big advantage for the American
athlete. The Custom and Immigration officials are usually more concerned with the Mexican citizens
who are coming to work or shop than they are with you, especially when it is busy. The busy or
peak times are every week day morning and late afternoon when people are coming to and from work.
The weekend border traffic is busy around the clock.
When walking through a land border, it is best to show the appearance that you were taking a day
trip, which is most likely the truth. You should not have any baggage with you except maybe a
backpack for a man or a purse for a woman. If you are a man it is best to leave the backpack at
home and stash the goods on your body. You will not even have to pass through a metal detector so
you dont have to worry about hiding multi use vials with metal tops. Customs must have probable
cause to perform a search on your body. Body searches can range from a simple pat down to a body
cavity search. As long as you dont show bulges in unlikely places like your abdomen or lower
back, you should be fine.
Updated Driving Secrets:
Driving across the border would be the method of choice if you intend on smuggling back a larger
supply of steroids. Driving across is far more risky than walking through the pedestrian lanes.
The inspector now has many more tools to study as he decides if you should be searched further or
not. The inspector will use everything you give him against you. Your appearance, actions,
vehicle, and answers to the questions he asks will all be used to see if you are telling the
truth. The more tools you give him, the greater a chance of being searched.
Before you make your trip, you will know if you are making the trip alone or with passengers. It
will be better to make the trip alone. As the passengers increase, so do the chances of one of
them slipping up during questioning which will lead to a search. The inspector will watch all the
movements and mannerisms of the driver and his passengers. He will ask everyone in the car
questions which can further complicates things if one or more of your passengers stammers when
speaking or appears nervous.
When you decide where to hide your stash, be creative. Do not hide your anabolics in the places
that are most likely to be searched. Another problem with driving is that you are also subject to
random vehicle searches. Just remember, no matter how unique your concealment method is, someone
has tried it before and Customs probably knows about it. If you give the inspectors reason to
believe that you are smuggling, they will tear your car apart until they find what they are
looking for.
When approaching the inspection booth, do not attempt to change lanes. Smugglers often study the
inspectors on duty and try to take advantage of a new or unskilled officer. Even if you attempt
to change lanes to save time, it is likely that you will be questioned because of your driving
Recently, U.S. customs officials have adopted a new strategy in an attempt to catch American
athletes smuggling anabolics into the U.S. It seems that Customs officials are now offering cash
rewards to pharmacists who tip off officers by providing a description of the athlete and his
vehicle after he purchases the controlled substances. For this reason, it is recommended that you
park your vehicle as far away from the pharmacy as is feasible.
There are two methods of smuggling anabolics that have been used repeatedly with great success by
some athletes. The first way is carrying steroids in your underwear. This method will allow you
to smuggle up to 1 50ml multi use bottles, 20 or more amps taped together or several hundred orals
in an aspirin bottle. We know of a popular national level bodybuilding competitor that crosses the
border often with 850 clenbuterol tablets inside a large aspirin bottle in his crotch. This method
is extremely effective for smuggling moderate amounts of steroids for personal use. This is not a
complicated process but it will take some explaining.
First you must wear a pair of lose fitting jeans made of a thick material. We recommend using
carpenter jeans. These jeans will conceal any small bulges because the material makes the bulge
difficult to detect. Next you should get yourself a pair of tight fitted athletic biking shorts or
spandex shorts. These shorts will keep whatever anabolics you choose to be held close to your body
and out of sight. If the bottle moves around in your pants, you may want to use some double sided
tape to secure the bottle to your briefs. Next, sterilize a medium sized sun tan oil bottle. (The
athletes have used this type of bottle because it was easy to conceal and was comfortable to
carry). Break open 100 or so amps of your favorite Mexican steroid and pour the amps into the sun
tan oil bottle. Then place a small piece of plastic wrap around the threads of the sun tan oil
bottle and tightly screw the cap back on. This step is very important so you will avoid having
several ccs of anabolic steroids saturate your pants. Customs inspectors will certainly notice a
grown man who appears to have wet his pants. When attempting this method do not carry any
baggage, not even a fanny pack or back pack. When the inspector inquires about the purpose of your
trip, tell him you were there for only a few hours to visit a bar. Make sure you know the name of
the bar, where it is located, and your breath should smell of alcohol. Without any baggage, the
inspector must show cause for searching you. As long as you do not show signs of nervousness such
as trembling or sweating, he will not have any reason to take a closer look and you will be home
This method of smuggling is extremely effective however the steroids that you have are no longer
sterile. You should not attempt to inject these steroids in their present state or you are risking
an infection. This practice is very unsanitary and should only be performed if you have access to
sterile syringe filters. Syringe filters are easy to obtain from any chemical research
distributor or medical supply shop without a prescription.
Two suppliers of sterile syringe filters on-line are:
When you are ready to use the drugs, draw them into a syringe and inject it through a sterile
filter into your body. Happy growing!
The second smuggling method that has been used with success is the cowboy boot concealment method.
This is another procedure that can be used safely while concealing your small personal amount of
anabolics. This process is extremely simple and effective if you are aware of some small but
important facts. You simply wear slightly over sized cowboy boots and fill the sides of the boots
with your favorite tabs in ziplock bags, numerous amps, or 10 cc multi use vials. By the sides of
the boots I mean the space around your calves and ankles that are covered by your jeans. The
tough leather of the boots should not show any bulges but your jeans will cover any unusually
swollen ankles or calves. As in the first example, this method should be attempted without
carrying any type of luggage or declaring any items. Seems easy enough, right? Just fill up your
boots and stroll into America! Unfortunately it is often not that easy. There are a few remaining
obstacles that you must rectify before you make an attempt or you could wind up being charged with
a smuggling felony.
The first problem is brought on by the uncomfortable procedure of walking with a cowboy boot
filled with glass ampules. Customs inspectors are observing you the entire time you are waiting
to be processed. They will take notice if you are walking with a limp, favoring a particular leg,
or walking with pain. They will question you further and probably examine your boots. The first
step in solving this problem is not being greedy. You can comfortably fit 10-15 amps in each boot
without a noticeable change in your walking stride. If you live close to the border, you can use
this method several times per week which would translate into 60-90 smuggled amps each week.
You can further solve this problem and add additional comfort by concealing the ampules around
your calves. You should first put on a two thin pair of dress socks that are tall enough to cover
your calves. Be sure that the second pair you put on is more snug than the first. This will
create a tight pocket between the two pairs of socks. Place the amps in a circular pattern around
your calves in between the two pairs of socks. Next apply duct tape or even Reynolds wrap around
your socks. This will hold the amps in place to prevent sound or movement. You can also wrap each
amp or 10 cc bottle in tissue paper and place them in your boot without securing them with tape.
This second smuggling method problem can prove much more troublesome if you dont fit the profile.
To pull this smuggling method off successfully, you must look like you should be wearing cowboy
boots. You should look like a southerner and the boots should correspond with the rest of your
outfit. Customs inspectors are trained to pick up on the things that stand out on a person. If the
rest of your attire or your mannerisms seem out of the ordinary, you can bet a seasoned inspector
may want to take a closer look at you. A northerner wearing cowboy boots along with a Tommy
Hilfigger T-shirt and Adidas wind pants will not pass through without some extra questioning.
Now that you have at least 2 forms of false identification, you will need to open a mailbox. You
should use a private mail service like Mail Box Ect. as they have advantages over the post office
like 24 hour service. This is a big plus as you can access these boxes at all hours of the night
when it will be easier to determine if the authorities are following you. Whenever possible, open
this box under a fictitious business name.
For most parts of the U.S., foreign mail order operations are the best and most reliable method
for obtaining anabolics. Foreign pharmacies, for the most part, offer genuine products, good
pricing, and a good selection. These operations operate in all parts of the world where anabolic
steroids are legal for sale without a prescription. To obtain genuine products for the lowest
cost, it is best to buy steroids from a pharmacy that is located in the country where the
particular steroid is manufactured. For example, you should order Winstrol Depot from a Spanish
pharmacy because it is sold over the counter there for a low cost. The instances of obtaining fake
anabolics from a source country are rare.
With all the busts going down lately and the beefed up taskforces that federal and state
governments have created to handle internet related crime there is a good chance that one day your
supplier will get nailed. There isn't much you can do if your source has records indicating that
you are a customer but a list of things that you should immediately do if your source gets nailed
1. Get all drugs out of your house.
2. Change the address you use to receive your gear.
3. Delete any steroid related mail under your e-mail address.
4. Delete your e-mail address.
5. Use a proxy server when you send mail. What this does is change your IP address. So if they do
find an email from you the IP address will be untraceable and they won't know you sent it. A few
good places to do this are and You can also do
it manually in Netscape by:
Going to EDIT->PREFERENCES and then clicking on the ADVANCED tab. Click on MANUAL CONNECTION to
INTERNET. A box will pop up and in the top line where it says "HTTP," type in : and
for the port make it 8080. You will now be going through a proxy server that is based here in the
US. You should only do this while emailing or posting to the boards because it will slow your
connection down. After you have done what you wanted to do, click EDIT->PREFERENCES, hit the
Gehrkes Brazilian Source
ALL price are in US DOLLAR, if you have another money in your country, just convert.
DURATESTON (aka sustanon250) 1amp
50+ amp
100+ amp
200+ amp
400+ amp
600+ amp
100+ box
200+ box
300+ box
30+ box
= $9 per box
50+ box
= $8 per box
80+ box
= $7 per box
= $40
= $10
50+ amp
100+ amp
200+ amp
400+ amp
600+ amp
100+ amp
200+ amp
400+ amp
600+ amp
= $15
= $50
= $11
50+ amp
100+ amp
200+ amp
400+ amp
600+ amp
DECA 50mg
= $13
50+ amp
100+ amp
200+ amp
400+ amp
600+ amp
= $9
50+ amp
100+ amp
200+ amp
400+ amp
= $14
50+ amp
100+ amp
200+ amp
400+ amp
600+ amp
= $35
+5 bottles = $32
+10 bottles = $28
EQUIFORT (aka Equipoise) 50ml 50mg/ml
= $110
+5 bottles = $100
+10 bottles = $90
NOVALDEX 30tabs 20mg/tab
= $75
= $45
+20 box
+50 box
+80 box
(*) These products come not comes with their original boxes due that I receive these product in
this conditions
All the products are bought from friendly Pharmacies and laboratories in Brazil. European products
are bought from black market here in Brazil.
I can make shipping to any part of the world.
PO Box 105
3000 AC Rotterdam
Manufacturer Quantity Price
1 Clenbuterol
100 x 0.02 mg $45
2 Clomid
Anfarm 24 x 50 mg
3 **********
******** *********** ****
4 Deca Durabolin Norma 1 x 200 mg $15
5 ********** ******** *********** ****
1 x 5000 IU $45
7 Dianabol
generic 100 x 5 mg $35
8 Nolvadex
30 x 10 mg $45
9 Anadrol 50 generic
100 x 50 mg $125
10 Primobolan Dep. Schering
1 x 100 mg
11 Proviron
50 x 25 mg
12 Stromba Tabs generic
100 x 5 mg $40
13 Sustanon 250
Organon 1 x 250 mg $12
14 Winstrol Depot Zambon
1 x 50 mg
16 Testoviron Dep. Schering
1 x 250 mg
17 Liquid Dianabol generic
1 x 25 mg $6
The only legitimate source for paper anabolics. The original and the still the best.
Located in Lithuania, some of the best prices on the Internet.
Located in Peru. One of the best out there. The list was 13 pages at last look. Wonderful list of
human grade products and is very solid!
Located in Peru. He has been around for a long time and has a very impressive list.
Large mail order operation. Many body building products such as wide selection of steroids and
smart drugs. Large selection of non body building medications such as pain killers, muscle
relaxers, sleep aids, and antibiotics. Payment method is wire transfer.
More Sources
The Netherlands
This reliable source has a limited inventory of anabolics and accessory drugs. Some athletes claim
Energetics use excellent packing methods.
Dr.C.Egloff Ph.D.
Zurich Switzerland
Contact Info:
FAX #: 01 / 221 23 22 (011 411 221 23 22 from US)
Phone #: 01 / 211 24 32 (011 411 211 24 32 from US)
Victoria Pharmacy provides AIDS medication, smart drugs, and life extension products. They are now
asking for a valid prescription for the sale of narcotics and anabolic steroids.
Apartado 192
2750 Cascais
Contact Info:
Telephone #: 011 35 11484 3685
Laboratoris Bial Portela & Co. Ltd.
SD/RUA J040 Oliveira Ramos 87
4000 Porto-Portugal, Apartado 4037
Contact Info:
Telephone #: 011 351 493 054
Fax #: 011 495 006 24319
Biorica. S.K.
Postfach 5263 FR-RD
8911 0. Rifferswill
Contact Info:
Fax #: 011 41 61 422 1289
Mercantil Farmaceutica Patria
Newton 104
Col. Planco MEXICO 5
D.F.C.P. 11560
Contact Info:
Telephone #: 011-525-254-8013
Era-Bond Laboratories
72 New Bond Street,
London W1Y 9DD, UK
Contact Info:
Fax #: 44 171 499 3417
Carries many smart drugs and GHB/ no anabolic steroids
Associated Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
9 Atis Road
Malabon, Metro Manila
Contact Info:
Telephone #: 44 01 935 5555
Maripharm, Ltd.
21, Varvaki Str.
114 74 Athens, Greece
Contact Info:
Telephone #: 30 01 641 1208
Bomuca SA De CV
Avenue De Los Pollos
La Mesa, Tijuana, B.C.
Mexico 22456
Contact Info:
Telephone #: 52 66 216074
Fax #: 52 66 216075
Zdravko Daskalov
Contact Info:
Short list of anabolics at low prices.
Viper has a good looking website with cycling information, a message board, and anabolic steroid
links. He offers a large list of steroids, HGH, and accessory drugs. Viper offers bulk discounts
of 20% off all orders of $3000 and up. Minimum order is $300 usd.
Aaron Henderson
Suite #102
#305 4625 Varsity Drive NW
Canada T3A OZ9
Contact Info:
Aaron Henderson only supplies finaplix carts and a custom made injectable trenbolone, Proscar,
Nizoral Shampoo, Synthol, and syringes.
Paul Romberg
Contact Info:
Paul provides anabolic steroids and accessory drugs from Paraguay, Argentina, and Brazil. Payment
is made through Western Union or cash to a PO box in Miami, Florida.
J.J. Insane
PO Box 709
Hudson NC 28638
Contact Info:
JJ is a high-priced
their PO Box in the
products. This type
overseas source and
domestic middleman who does not stock products. After your payment is sent to
U.S., J.J. forwards the order to a supplier in Greece who will then ship the
of service is not recommended as you can just as easily order directly from on
save yourself the mark up fee that J.J. adds to his pricelist.
Again, always order with caution. Please remember that you are committing a crime when ordering
anabolic steroids and other drugs without a doctors consent. There is nothing you can do if your
source gets busted or takes your money and just sends you counterfeit anabolics.
Conservative estimates suggest that more than 80% of the anabolic steroids on the black market are
counterfeit. A counterfeit steroid is one that is made to look like a legitimate anabolic steroid,
but is instead a fake copy of a legitimate pharmaceutical companys anabolic steroid packaging. As
most of you have probably learned the hard way, counterfeits come in two varieties. Most contain
no active ingredients at all and a few contain a small amount of an active substance. The former
are of concern, because aside from being a complete waste of money since they are usually only
sesame oil, they are very often produced under questionable hygienic conditions.
Again, always start off by placing a small test order. This will tell you their service, packing
methods, and quality of the product. Never place an order so large that you cant write it off as
a loss. At time of print, all of these sources are in business and selling legitamate products.
None of these sources are currently included on the updated FDA alert list.
pharoflex@hotmail.comCopycat - check spelling
B.C.S. Software Solutions, London WC1N 3XX, England
B.Mougios & Co., Pittakou 23, T.K., 54645, Thessalonike, Greece
Drugstore O.L. Skouvara & Co., Epaminonda 82, Thiva32200, Greece
Euro Care Mail Order Pharmacy, The Netherlands
Gena Pharm, Austin Texas
IC (SHAL), P.O Box 465, North Jackson, OH 44451
J.F. Enterprises, Durham, NC
JNM, Youngstown Ohio
Paul Parker (Carlos), P.O. Box 83130, San Diego, CA
Pro Products, California
Pro Tech Sport, U.K.
Sports Supplements, P.O. Box 5098, Bonneyville, AB, Canada T9N 2G3
UN Trust, Gibraltar
New York
Drew North
Irvine, TX
These 4 are all the same:
Have been going under numerous names, from decavega to
2500 E. Imperial Highway #201
Brea, CA 92821
03.05.2K1 IMPOSTER
***Beware of IMPOSTERS!! Check the spelling!!!**
Big George
*May be in cohorts with The Anabolic World web-site.
Mark Hycuik
St. Albert, AB
Jason Carter
34A-2755 Lougheed Highway
Suite #193
Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada
Ryan Taylor and (Something) Martin <--his real last name
PO Box 23056
Ottawa, Ontario
K2A 4E2
Alberto scamming again
Resides in Massachussets.
Jason Cook
Has Western union sent to Jason Cook, anywhere Canada
Mike Richards
Barrie, Ontario, Canada
**Note: We have been getting a lot of complaints about Pharmasia. Apparently this known scammer is
at it again. He is back, be careful.
Mr J Lee KPO
Box 71
Seoul Korea, 110 110
It seems that scammers are now taking emails of legit sources, changing them slightly, and
pretending to be that source. This technique is starting to get bigger and bigger. When checking a
source or it's references, you must make sure to copy the email address exactly as it is
shown.When checking the sources references, do simply say is "Source X" legit, you must include
the email address to prevent and confusion. Here are the updated scammers.
Eric Anderson
Calgary Alberta
Nova Scotia Canada
Is An Imposter
Another Imposter
Yet another Imposter.
Still trying to resolve the problem. Either has turned scammer or is in legal trouble.
Customer sent money order and never received products. Source never replied to customer emails.
Marco Guzaman
Jr. Jorge Ezeta 225
Urb. Javier Prado, San Borja
Lima 41, Peru
Was legit, recently turned scammer. Failed to reply to costumer and verification emails.
There haven't been too many scammers reported lately, so there has not been an update for a long
time. Either no one is reporting scammers, or there was not enough evidence for the person to be
labeled a scammer.
Anabolics & Other Pharms
United Kingdom
Michael Richter
Location: New York, NY
Scammed anti-inflammatories.
Erik Thornasson
Scammed for tetracycline.
Another Imposter
Andy Jensen
PO Box 808
Centerville Utah 84014-0808
Say away from: and his Anabolics Incorporated website
Big Guns 21 (as a reference)
Jay Miller (a.k.a. or is linked to Trevor Carney/RoidBoy27)
Alberta, Canada
403 courtney st valpo in 46383
Francisco Moiones
Alicante, Spain
the site is down now but may pop up again...
Buckmaster MSC
P O Box 1260
171 Moultrie St.
Charleston, SC
Amanda Knighton
South Carolina
Adam Khan
Des Moines, IA
Joe Costanza
Toronto, Canada
ADDED 11.12.99
Roidz Australia
16 bond street
mount gambier
south australia
M Price
P.O. Box 944
Bayboro, NC
Pretending to be someone else.
Joshua Summers
Glen Ellyn, IL
He uses the alias Jason Whitman and xlittlemanx
This guy was reported to me, he is on the anabolics board.
He was a veteran and was very trusted, but now has
scammed, as reported, 7 different people for large amounts
of money.
ringmaster250=chuck {stay lose}
Update of Sources:
Pharmagroup - Back up and good feedback. Minimum order $300, no CC's.
FarmAsia - Still flagged by customs.
All Mex Pharmacies - Being watched very carefully, nothing getting through. lives in debuque, iowa
WHFP.COM - This is a supplement company
Also uses opermail, and might be a cop. Jon Stern from Canastoa NY 13032
Jeff Reid anytown BC
PMB-256 3355 N. Academy Blvd. Colorado Springs, Co 80917
P.O. Box 1013
Dixon, CA
Thomas Jordan
P.O. Box 411
Camden, NY 13316
Software Solutions
1779 Wells Branch Parkway #110b, #322
Austin, TX
M Van Cleve / Mclean Van Cleve
12113 Metric Blvd. #1637
Austin, TX
Systems Operating Solutions
309 Bashford Tripp
1510 Tripp Circle
Madison WI 53706
Jerry Linde
Box 3127
S-44304 Stenkullen
Wade Ruskins
HCR 1 Box 14
Dumas, TX 79029
Renee Boyer
804 Red Maple Crt.
Whitby, Ontario L1N 7V6
Jack Parker location anyhwere ny
test question what is blue answer the sky
physical description 6'1 blue/brown 225
Darkman182@hushmail thedarkman@Operamail Darkman77
bountiful SLC
ExcellentBoy - Roy Ebert
Halifax, Nova Scotia
San Diego, California
Dr. International
Mike Stevens or John Clark
Sent money to nyc, usa or anytown, USA.
angel casto
goes by john small, tim oneill, & steven chesterfield
Wester Union Details:
Steven Chesterfield
23 Guhznee street
Wellington, New Zealand
Josh Hodnik
16001 Cotillion Dr. #708 Houston, Tx 77060
Mike Tawes, g tripod22@hotmail and the other is liquidjr@ziplip
p.o. box 59712
washington, dc
Wyatt Donnely
Seattle, Washington
advertises "ARATEST-LEGIT "
Paul Oakenfeld
Baton Rouge LA
ADDED 11.4.99
F. McCoy CMR 470 Box 1720 APO AE 09165
Pretending to be another source awhile ago.
d.w. carpenter
147 e. 7th ave york,pa 17404 - No Address yet
EN4CER@BOLT.COM aka APR again.
SAO JOSE DOR, BRAZIL aka Jamie Irizary
Chad Proper
Robert Lemmon
467 Eisenhower drive
PMB 126, Hanover, Pa., 17331
Paco or Jason Sylvester
Capt-Dboll and there is a website****
Make sure that is the exact web address and email
Charles Bain
ADDED 10.20.99
More info on Warpig2000
Trevor Smith
#508-212 Lonsdale Ave
N. Vancouver, BC.
V7M 2G1
juan perez
1540 Brian dr Dubuque Iowa 52003
Vincent Klein
Cologne, Germany
Trying to find address.
jeff marion
578 el dorado blvd
pmb 126 webster
texas 77598
Steve Lewis
7001A NE 219th ST
Battle Ground, Wa 98604
ADDED 10.8.99
GOTTAJUICE@HUSHMAIL.COM aka Apr on last update
matthew hardy - Pretending he is someone with a similar email addres
The guy whose address he stole isn't even a source
I'm pretty sure this guy is Haldun, again
Had to add this update quickly, warpig2000 is everywhere.
ADDED 10.7.99
The info he used for the WU transfer is:
Name scott johnson
Location Anytown USA
(I found out that the state is NY)
Test question : what 2 + 2
Answer : 4
blair hersikorn
He will either say he is a supplier and scam you, or he will tell a supplier that he sent the
money, and try and get gear for free, don't do business with this guy at all., AKA PAT MILLS
Long Island Area
Same person as:
Pete Koenigsburg
West Islip, New York
330 George St
More email address: - same person as Dave Krall Coquitlam,BC Canada added august 18 - Update: His addres:
Brett Epstein 3 Nulla Street Vaucluse 2030 Sydney Australia
ADDED 9.28.99 - Same person as Fatfree
Real Name: Frank Marcello
"jim kelley"
Bryan Meyer
33 flower valley center #311
florissant mo 63034
aka Chris Cates aka Thomas Jordan
1662 Powell Rd. Camden NY
Pharma was legit, recieved email from someone saying they did not recieve products. Retired?
Busted? I'm not sure.
TOTAL SYMETRY - Trying to find address'.
ADDED 9.23.99 another Haldun address?) sure it is operamail, it is the scammer)
Georgiadis Moisis in Greece
Goes By:
charles topans
Chris Cates
P.O.Box 447
Sylvan Beach NY 13157
Jonny Bravo
Longevity Services can provide you with HGH, Testosterone, Viagra, and Propecia.
Saizen HGH at $15 per IU.
They offer
41 61 422 1292
41 61 422 1286
Fitness and beyond only provides HGH replacement through mail order.
for $300 per 15iu.
The Longevity Institute can provide you with HGH and other hormone replacements along with antiaging and cosmetic plastic surgery.
Edwin M. Lichten, M.D.
29355 Northwestern Highway
Southfield, MI 48034
Contact Info:
Dr. Lichten specializes in HGH and hormone replacement for anti-aging purposes.
Many thousands of parcels come into the country everyday. Most do not have a problem getting
through but what makes one look suspicious enough for customs to grab and inspect? Large packages
and anything weighing more than 16 ounces garners attention. Poor packaging and envelopes in which
you can "feel" the contents are obvious. Any thing you can do to put the odds in your favor will
help. You may want the source/shipper to write on the outside "Happy Anniversary" or "Happy
Birthday" or "Happy Barmitzvah" or "Pictures Inside: Do Not Bend Or Fold" or even "American Goods
Returned" etc.. Something as little as this may satisfy the curiosity of some customs agents into
letting another package through.
If the package is from a friend or relative, have them hide the stuff as best they can. You will
have to use your imagination to try and fool customs if your package is inspected, but some ideas
to get you started include hiding the stuff in food or expensive china. Just don't bake that cake
with the amps inside the mix.
Some packing methods that you should definitely avoid are hiding anabolics inside products with
false bottoms or with perishable goods. Drugs concealed in shaving cream or perfume bottles with
compartments sealed with false un-screw able bottoms are often discovered by customs
If you have a choice as to how the package will be shipped, always choose standard airmail. It
might be slower than express or a private carrier like Fed Ex, but it is much safer. Customs must
have reason to stop and search first class mail, but may stop and search all second-, third- and
fourth-class mail, international parcel post, and cargo (which includes courier). Different
countries have different protocols, but this seems to be a generally accepted one for most.
Sealed First class mail first passes through US Customs, where it may be passed, detained or
seized either directly by Customs, or turned over to another US agency such as the DEA, FDA, or
Postal Inspection Service. To initiate such an action, the government must have cause, meaning the
package must alert a dog or electronic scanning device, bear the return address of an embargoed
company, or otherwise provide a tangible reason to suspect the package might contain contraband or
merchandise for which duty has not been paid.
The codes pertaining to all other forms of mail are less stringent. Parcels from private
couriers, such as United Parcel Service, Federal Express, Emory and others, are subject to random
inspection by US Customs officials at any time.
It is best to place an order using your real name. Using a false name is also a major offense.
Fraud, conspiracy to commit fraud, and all similarly related charges, can be added to existing
charges if the law wants to. And the more charges against you, the less chance of the charges
being dropped or reduced. If you don't have a criminal record, or want to break as few laws as
possible, always use your real name. If the only law you've broken is ordering a controlled
substance, you can always play dumb and say you didn't know it was illegal to order A.A.S.'s. The
officer will be more likely to believe you if you use your real name and admit that you just
wanted them to use, not sell.
Do use your own mailing address. It is considered fraud if you order something and have it sent,
or hide it under someone else's name. Sending it to a friends house, using a bus station locker,
or using a P.O. box under a false name are examples of fraud. If you must use a P.O. box, try to
get one with 24-hour service so you can access your mail anytime (preferably at night to make it
easier to tell if you're being followed due to less traffic, less people, etc.).
Do not pay by a traceable means -- e.g., personal check, credit card, or wire-transfer.
Keep the order small i.e. there should be no question that the order is for personal use.
Never include any personal information (e.g., telephone number) with order.
Request non-registered delivery only and request a notice to be placed on package "leave at door."
Do not order by unencrypted E-mail, order by regular mail.
anonymity and encryption.
There is one simple rule that we stressed in the first secrets report that is so important we must
repeat it again. DONT EVER SIGN FOR YOUR SHIPMENT!!!! U.S. authorities need a signature of a
delivered package to show possession. Without that signature you can just claim that the package
was sent to the wrong address. Make sure that your supplier understands that you will not accept
any shipping method that requires a signature.
Always use first class airmail whenever you are having steroids delivered to the U.S. Even though
standard mail takes longer, it is not subject to random searches the same way packages by express
or private mail carriers are. U.S. customs inspectors must show cause as to why they would search
a first class package. In other words, the shipment must alert a narcotics dog, alert an
electronic scanning device, or appear suspicious in order to be searched.
There are many different reasons why a foreign package may appear suspicious to U.S. Customs.
Packages fitting this profile are red flagged and a subject to random searches by U.S. Customs.
Any package weighing more than 16 ounces is more likely to be searched than a smaller package.
Another red flagged package is one that is mailed from a source country. A source country is a
country that is known for producing and exporting narcotics into the U.S. Source countries
include but are not limited to Colombia, Thailand, Ecuador, and other Central American countries.
Another red flagged package is one that appears to carry perishable food items. These packages are
often leaking their contents. This is how many packages of anabolic steroids are seized. The
outside of a package shows signs of leakage that U.S. Customs assumes is fruit or other food
products. After opening the package, Customs discovers broken ampules or multi use vials that
contain anabolic steroids.
U.S. Customs makes obtaining steroids difficult in the U.S. However, there are steps that can be
taken to help assure that the packages are received. All of these tips require direct cooperation
from your supplier. Hopefully, your supplier will accept custom packaging requests when you place
your order to assure that your package gets delivered. These tips will be especially handy if your
steroid connection is a friend or relative who resides in a foreign country.
The first tip helps negate the problem caused by leaking steroid ampules that are broken during
transit. Have your supplier first group together ampules in sets of ten and place an elastic band
around them. Surround each group of amps with highly absorbent paper towels. Then place the amps
and paper towel inside a zip-lock sandwich bag. Use the yellow and blue makes green variety to
guarantee that you have a good seal. Now place the bags inside a cardboard box and ship as usual.
If these ampules break during transit, the paper towel will absorb the oil and the sandwich bag
will prevent it from leaking. This method should also be repeated when shipping multi use vials.
Here is a proven method for shipping a limited number of oral anabolics. You will need a large
greeting card and a thin piece of cardboard no more than 2 cm. thick. Cut the cardboard so that it
fits neatly inside of the greeting card with no overlap. Next, punch holes in the cardboard that
are slightly smaller than circumference of the orals you intend on shipping. Force the pills into
the slightly smaller holes so that they will not fall loose when you turn the cardboard upside
down. When you have all of the orals in place, cover the cardboard with saran wrap. Now place the
cardboard inside of the greeting card and place the card in its envelope. On the outside of the
envelope write Photos- Do Not Bend. Hopefully, this method will continue to be successful, as
inspectors dont have the time to stop and search letters as small as greeting cards.
Another tip is to send your anabolics during the holiday season. During the holidays, Customs is
flooded with packages mailed from relatives in foreign countries. Customs is unable to keep up
with this large volume of mail so as a result, many more packages are able to pass through without
inspection. When mailing during the holiday season, be sure to write Merry Christmas or Happy
Holidays on the outside of the package. This may be enough information for the inspector to
believe that the package contains nothing more than holiday gifts and allow entry without
Because the nature of buying and selling anabolic steroids is connected with illegal activity, it
is usually wise to remain anonymous whenever possible. Of course this is not always the case but
you should try to do this whenever you can. Remember that anything you post to Usenet is archived
by and other services. So by all means, use the following suggestions when sending email
or asking for a postal letter to be sent to "Resident."
First of all, treat email like a postcard. Anyone with the willingness and ability can read it.
- The most serious threats are instances of immature or unscrupulous
system operators reading private mail in the 'spool files' at a
local site (i.e. at the source or destination of the message),
such as a university.
- Syst--em administrators may also release files to law enforcement
agencies, and conventions and protocols for warrants involving
computer searches have still not been strongly established and
tested legally.
- Note that bounced messages go to postmasters at a given site in
their entirety.
HushMail offers the world's only secure, end-to-end, free, Web-based email service. Hushmail is an
encrypted system that is designed to protect sensitive information on digital communications
networks. Encryption works by scrambling and encoding information so that the proper recipient is
the only party who has access to the message.
Another way to remain anonymous is through an anonymous remailer or web based anonymous remailer.
Replay operates an anonymous remailer that uses encryption or scrambles the message during
Check out:
Also check out the following:
A Java Based Remailer
An anonymous Email Account provider:
The Electronic Frontier Foundation is a non-profit civil liberties organization working in the
public interest to protect privacy, free expression, and access to public resources and
information on-line, as well as to promote responsibility in new media.
To learn more about encryption, anonymity, and privacy, check them out at:
PGP is a very powerful encryption program. Using "public key" encryption you can securely
communicate with people without having to agree on a secret key first. It can also be used for
authentication of messages. The public key algorithm used is RSA, which is considered impossible
to break in a reasonable time, if properly implemented.
PGP is a program that gives your electronic mail something that it otherwise does not have:
Privacy. It does this by encrypting your mail so that nobody but the intended person can read it.
When encrypted, the message looks like a meaningless jumble of random characters. PGP has proven
itself quite capable of resisting even the most sophisticated forms of analysis aimed at reading
the encrypted text.
While PGP is easy to use, it does give you enough rope so that you can hang yourself. You should
become thoroughly familiar with the various options in PGP before using it to send serious
messages. For example, giving the command pgp -sat <filename> will only sign a message, it will
not encrypt it. Even though the output looks like it is encrypted, it really isn't. Anybody in the
world would be able to recover the original text.
You should encrypt your e-mail for the same reason that you don't write all of your correspondence
on the back of a post card. E-mail is actually far less secure than the postal system. With the
post office, you at least put your letter inside an envelope to hide it from casual snooping. Take
a look at the header area of any e-mail message that you receive and you will see that it has
passed through a number of nodes on its way to you. Every one of these nodes presents the
opportunity for snooping. Encryption in no way should imply illegal activity. It is simply
intended to keep personal thoughts personal.
To get Viacript PGP see:
Pretty Good Privacy, Inc. (Headquarters)
2121 S. El Camino Real
Suite 902
San Mateo, CA 94403
Main: (415) 572-0430
Fax: (415) 572-1932
For a free copy in the US go to:
For International availability:
PGP and PGPfone:
If you are in the USA or Canada, you can get PGP by following the
instructions in any of:
Go to the AOL software library and search "PGP" or ftp from or another site listed above.
It is possible to get PGP from ftp sites with hidden directories with the
following trick:
(1) View the README file with the hidden directory name in
it, then quickly (2) Start a new ftp connection, specifiying the hidden
directory name with the ftp site's address, like (where the xxxxxxx is
replaced with the current character string).
For more information, check out the PGP security FAQ:
Passwords Plus
This paid program allows users to each keep an individual password-protected encrypted list of
their passwords. Names, passwords, and other information can be viewed, printed, sent to other
applications directly or via the standard Windows clipboard, and imported from/exported to text
files. This means that you only have one password to remember to access your password list and you
will not be tempted to write your passwords on a piece of paper by your computer.
Passwords Plus is loaded with useful features, including tracking when passwords were last
changed, generating "smart" random passwords, monitoring for specific windows and automatically
sending information, encrypting/decrypting files, launching applications, checking for expiry
dates, automatically shutting down if not used for a specified period, and much more.
Cookies are not a tasty dessert, but like the food, they can interfere with your bodybuilding
goals. Cookies are files used by many web sites that can be spies. They are downloaded to your
hard drive without your knowledge. There are rules to them as well. They are allowed to be no more
than 4 kilobytes in size and once a p.c. has 300 of them, no more may be added. What they do is
allow a web site administrator to keep track of when you last visited and where you go from there
as well as more pertinent information such as names, billing address, zip code, age, sex, favorite
things, as well as what type of hardware used in your computer.
There are more advanced cookies as well. It was reported recently that some Canadian businessmen
were caught distributing illegal pornography by the RCMP with the use of sophisticated cookies.
This should tell you that many cookies are something to avoid. They are an invasion of your
privacy and are snuck into your computer to take up space on your hard drive without your
permission and spy out information that big brother wants to know. Not all cookies are bad; some
are harmless and even helpful. Many web sites remember logins and passwords using harmless cookies
to perform this feat.
Fortunately there are ways to eliminate them. Without going into excessive detail, every browser
has different methods to get rid of them, suffice it to say that there are programs available to
clean out every cookie and warn you when a web site wants to place one in your p.c. so that you
can reject it. Again, use a web search engine for: "delete +remove +cookie" Be aware of cookies as
they facilitate you being manipulated and can be used against you to get busted just like those
businessmen in pornography.
If you check - show alert: "before accepting a cookie" Under Options - Network Preferences Protocols, you will be able to monitor any attempts to set a cookie on your computer. For more
details, use your browser's help feature to show you how to avoid servers wishing to set cookies.
One way of avoiding cookies (if you use Netscape) is to write protect the file called
"cookies.txt" (found in Netscape directory e.g.
"c:\Program\Netscape\Navigator\ or in the
preferences folder on the Mac). Call tech support or refer to your user manual on how to write
protect a file. This makes it impossible to set any new cookies. What happens when you get a
cookie is that the information resides in memory until you quit Netscape, then any new arriving
cookies will be added to the "cookies.txt" file. You can get rid of already set cookies by
opening cookies.txt in Word or another program, deleting all the lines after
"do not edit" in
the cookies.txt-file. Leave the file editor and then write-protect it. The same can be done with
MS Internet Explorer.
Cookie Pal
Get it here:
Cookie Pal is pre-configured to work with the following web browsers Explorer 5.0
Netscape Navigator 3.x and 4.x
Opera 3.x (Limited support - View and Delete cookies only)
America Online 3.0 and 4.0 for Windows 95
CompuServe WinCIM 3.0.1 and 4.0
Symantec Internet FastFind
.. and can be customized by the user to work with other 32 bit Internet software which uses
What is a cookie?
A cookie is a piece of data that is stored on your local computer by
visited using your web browser. The data that is stored is then sent
time you visit that site. The data can contain information such as a
that site, items you are purchasing on a shopping site, or any other
Scratch test: The silk-screened lettering on an Amp should not come off when scratched with your
Loose Pills: Always to be avoided -- the easiest counterfeit.
American Domestic Drugs: Never make it to the black market -- if you find them there, they are
Guide lists everything: Everything you find on the streets should be in the guide.
Liquid Level Test: One of the best tests. When purchasing multiple vials or amps, be sure to line
them up in a row to make sure the liquid is all the same level. On a fake, often the liquid will
not be even in all bottles.
Quality Label Test: There should be no bubbles in the label. The label should look quality.
Other sources of information:
The Elite Fitness Search engine: search the archives for counterfeits and specific substances.
The Ten Most Common Errors Made with Anabolic Steroids
Any bodybuilder who is considering the use of steroids should make certain to obtain as much
information as possible. It is crucial to avoid the most dangerous brands of steroids and equally
important to be familiar with the safe steroid brands that cut, define, and tone and those better
used to increase muscle mass. One should also learn how to properly dose anabolics and the various
advantages and disadvantages of oral steroids versus injectable steroids. Finally, it is
important to understand how to stack and cycle multiple anabolics for short time periods in order
to reduce dangerous side effects and to promote permanent gains in lean muscle tissue. Of the many
mistakes athletes often make with anabolic steroids, W. N. Philips cites the following as the ten
most common.
1. EXCESSIVE DOSAGES: When it comes to steroids, using exceedingly high dosages has become a major
problem amongst users. Not only is this dangerous, but steroids in high dosages have been proven
to be ineffective. Mega dosages put undue stress on the liver and kidneys that can lead to damage
or even disease of those organs. Aromatizing effects, or the conversion of steroids to estrogen,
and the suppression of the body's own testosterone production are also greatest when high dosages
are used. The body can only use a certain amount of a synthetic steroid. It will not recognize
any excessive dosage, and will most often convert it to estrogen. Once a steroid receptor site,
i.e., a skeletal muscle or secondary sexual characteristic receptor such as facial hair is full,"
any corresponding increase in the dose of the steroid will have no further positive benefit. This
amount where the receptor site is fully activated occurs at a surprisingly low dosage. Reports
that many successful bodybuilders, strength athletes, and top-models had to take up to 50 tabs of
D-Bol a day, and 2000 mg of Testosterone a week to develop their superior physique are blatantly
2. USING INSUFFICIENT DOSAGES: The converse of the excessive dosage concern is the insufficient
dosage problem. If a sufficient dose of a steroid is not used for a precise period of time then
the effects of the drug will likely be negligible. Often, this is why many bodybuilders stack
several different brands of steroids at once. By using multiple brands of steroids at the same
time, athletes can use lower dosages of each brand and consequently prevent receptor downgrading
and harmful side effects. The other important consideration when using steroids is the cycle.
This is the period of time that the athlete takes a steroid. Most cycles usually last for about
eight to twelve weeks and then the athlete begins an off-cycle for usually around six months.
Cycling in this pattern allows athletes to take relatively high dosages of steroids safely and
then end the drug use before any damage to the body is done.
3. THE NEVER ENDING CYCLE: In many cases, an athlete will simply ignore warnings that steroids
should not be utilized for more than 8 to 12 weeks without an off-cycle period. Numerous athletes
will use steroids for up to 6 months, a year, or even longer. This practice is dangerous and
ineffective as well. The prolonged use of steroids puts stress on the liver and kidneys. This
damage often shows no symptoms, until substantial impairment has taken place. Health problems
such as cholestatic hepatitis, jaundice, hepatic neoplasms, and kidney failure have arisen in
patients who took anabolic and androgenic steroids for prolonged periods of time. Furthermore,
steroids often fail to exhibit any anabolic effects after as little as 6 weeks. The positive
nitrogen balance that is a primary benefit of using steroids, diminishes after 6 to 8 weeks. The
continued use of the steroids is therefore ineffective.
4. CYCLING THE STEROIDS IMPROPERLY: Steroids are most effective and are safest when used in a
proper cycle and stack. Research shows that you must increase the dosage of steroids for the
initial positive nitrogen balance that steroids induce to continue. This positive nitrogen
balance begins to return to normal after 6 to 8 weeks of a particular steroid's use. These facts
indicate that a cycle should involve using steroids on an incline dose pattern and that switching
to different steroids should occur at no more than 8 weeks. Research also demonstrates that side
effects, strength losses, and weight losses suffered when steroid therapy is abandoned, can be
minimized through a proper decline cycle. This involves gradual tapering off the drugs at the end
of a cycle in order to permit the body's natural testosterone production to resume. A diamond
pattern cycle best fits the facts presented here. A lengthy off cycle should always follow an on
cycle. Many steroid users take only a few weeks off the steroids before recommencing the program.
Evidence supports a much longer off cycle period that allows the body to return to normal and
recover from any stress suffered during the cycle. Steroid receptor sites are much more active
when the user has been off the drugs for an extended time period. Most report that the longer they
remain off the drugs, the more effective they are when they go back to them.
5. IMPROPER DIET: Ignoring the importance of nutrition can completely impair the positive effects
of steroids, and increase the negative side effects. Anabolic steroids are most effective when
used with a high calorie, high protein diet. In fact, only one steroid has exhibited any anabolic
effects on a limited calorie diet. An optimum diet when on steroids involves consuming 6,000 to
9,000 calories per day. Most people regularly consume 2,500 to 3,000 calories per day. Second only
to intense training, a high calorie diet is the most important factor to be in place for
significant muscle gains. In other words, a thirty pound gain in lean muscle mass has to come from
somewhere. Of those calories, 60% should be complex carbs, 20% complete protein, and 20 % fat.
Supplements may be needed to meet this goal. Many athletes do not eat enough food for steroids to
work, or if they do intake enough calories, often too much fat is consumed. Anabolic steroid
themselves can increase cholesterol levels and blood pressure. This may lead to heart disease. An
athlete should always attempt to keep excessive fat out of the diet to offset any additional
threat of heart disease that steroids present. Concurrently, make sure protein and overall caloric
consumption is high enough to fuel the full effectiveness of the steroids.
6. POOR TRAINING TECHNIQUE: Weight training must be intense to create a state of catabolism in the
body. Steroids are most effective in this situation. An athlete can attain this state with
regular, intense workouts. Remember, weight training is the stimulus that allows skeletal muscle
cells to use the anabolic steroids. Without this proper catalyst, anabolic steroids will not exert
the desired effect. Workouts should be progressive and involve maximum weights. The most
important concept to understand, and one of the few on which almost all experts in the
bodybuilding community agree, is the idea of training to muscular failure. In other words, if when
performing a set, you are able to complete the ten repetitions without aid from a partner, then
the set was performed with a weight that was too light. Although the experts often disagree on the
most effective work-out duration, with opinions ranging from twenty minutes to three hours, almost
all agree that the last two or three reps of each set should not be possible entirely by oneself.
This holds true for both steroid users and non-users alike.
7. FAILURE TO OBTAIN REGULAR BLOOD TESTS: A simple blood profile can be of incredible benefit to
steroid user. An initial plasma screen should be performed to establish a reference range, and to
determine any existing problems that might preclude the use of steroids. If the initial test shows
no contraindications, then another should be done about 6 weeks into the cycle to check for
further abnormalities. During the initial weeks of a cycle, many readings often become elevated
only to return to normal several weeks later.
Blood screening every six weeks should bypass this normal fluctuation and give a more accurate
interpretation. If this blood test shows elevated serum levels, it might justify ending the cycle
to avoid serious damage. If this test checks out okay, another should be done a month after the
cycle to indicate that the body is recovering from the steroid cycle. Finally, another blood test
should be done before starting a new cycle.This test should confirm that all levels are back to
normal before a new cycle commences.
Hemoglobin testing can prevent many asymptotic side effects that do not surface until damage has
been done. Unfortunately, only a fraction of steroid users ever gets a blood test.
8. USING THE WRONG STEROIDS: Many athletes increase the risk of side effects by using the wrong
steroids. The use of androgenic steroids is frequently linked to serious side effects. Androgenic
steroids exert their effects primarily on the secondary sexual characteristics of the body like
the deepening of the voice, development of the sex organs and male pattern baldness. If one feels
he must use these items; they should never be used for more than 4 to 6 weeks at a time. Also,
when stacking, it is not wise to use more than one highly androgenic product at a time. Injectable
steroids are a better choice in most cases as they not only provide a steady influx of the drug to
the blood stream, but they are not subject to first pass, a stage where an oral steroid goes
through the liver losing a great deal of its potency, and causing a great deal of stress to the
organ. Most athletes still are not aware that they can achieve great gains on low androgenic and
high anabolic or muscle development inducing steroids, while avoiding many hazards. Therefore, it
is safe to conclude that a thorough knowledge of which steroids are highly anabolic versus those
that are primarily androgenic is of paramount importance.
9. USING COUNTERFEITS: This heading speaks for itself. Phony steroids are being used by thousands
of unsuspecting athletes. Some of these bad steroids contain impurities that cause infections or
even poisoning at the extreme. Other fake steroids, contain only inert ingredients, which will of
course result in no muscle gains. Other counterfeits carry the name of one drug, but actually
contain another. This can result in the athlete using a drug he or she does not desire to be
using. For example, a recent test of a product called Liquid Anavar was found to contain a mixture
of testosterones. Many athletes used this drug for contest preparation thinking it would help
enhance definition, when in fact the drug was making them retain water and look bloated. This item
was also used by several women who were told it was a very low androgenic steroid, when in fact
the testosterone which the 'Anavar' contained was exactly what they wanted to avoid. Fake steroids
do pose a serious threat to athletes. It is increasingly difficult to spot counterfeits; however,
with a good eye and an accurate description of the real versions packaging it is possible.
10. FAILURE TO OBTAIN ADEQUATE INFORMATION: This last mistake is almost self explanatory.
Information is the key to successful and safe steroid usage. One point bears additional
consideration. The information should come from a reliable and knowledgeable source. Many athletes
begin a cycle with only the advice of a black-market steroid drug dealer. Another source of very
poor information is conventional gym wisdom. Often this information is based solely on anecdote
with no regard to fact. Finally, it is important to realize that the knowledge of steroids in the
medical community varies widely from doctor to doctor. Some have excellent information and some
have either very little knowledge of the subject or significantly outdated views. Make certain to
ask anyone who has an opinion on the subject where he or she got the facts and do not be afraid to
question those sources.
Bonus Section - New York Post Newspaper article Foreign Steroids Flood JFK
Customs officials are scrambling to keep pace with the explosion in black-market steroids and
other prescription drugs being shipped to the U.S. by shadowy overseas cyber-smugglers who
advertise on the Internet. But it's a losing battle, officials admit.
"We're doing as many inspections as we can. But we've been deluged," said Customs Commissioner Ray
His inspectors at JFK Airport last year seized 3,611 packages of illegally purchased drugs, many
shipped by "pill mills" based in Thailand, Spain and other foreign countries -- nearly triple the
catch of the prior year.
But the illegal flow of prescription drugs continues because Customs has the resources to check
only one out of every five packages -- and about eight million pieces of foreign mail passed
through JFK last year.
When there are drug seizures, prosecutions are rare and penalties are light. Customs officials
could cite only two arrests of illegal steroid buyers in the New York area last year.
Anabolic steroids, which athletes and bodybuilders use to pump up their muscles and boost
performance, accounted for more than one-third of the seizures, records show.
The hormonal drugs have dangerous side effects and are banned in the U.S. unless specifically
prescribed by a doctor.
Concealed in other packages were thousands of tranquilizers, sleeping pills and painkillers such
as Valium, Xanax, phenobarbital and Tylenol with codeine -- prescription drugs that can be bought
for less on the Internet than in a pharmacy.
"More of these drugs are coming in from Internet sales. What we're seeing is a proliferation of
Internet sites," Kelly said.
Cyber-smugglers employ clever packaging techniques to avoid detection.
"It's amazing what people do," said inspector Brenda Martinez, who puts suspicious packages
through the three X-ray machines at the mammoth mail facility at JFK.
Inspectors recently discovered hundreds of vials of steroids hidden in large cans -- sent from
Greece -- with labels indicating they contained grape leaves.
"The cans were factory-sealed. They were the weight grape leaves should be," Martinez said.
Steroids were also found hidden inside sealed computer speakers from Brazil, and audio-cassette
holders mailed from Slovenia, Spain and Thailand.
Suppliers are difficult to locate despite their Web sites, inspectors said. Many of the mailed
packages bear the same handwriting with different return addresses.
Authorities did make some inroads, with one major bust last month.
The Thai government -- with the help of U.S. Customs officials -- arrested 22 people and shut down
seven Internet sites operating out of that country. The cyber-smugglers' base of operations was a
rented warehouse.
The ringleader, from Britain, got away and is still at large.
Kelly said inspectors were horrified at the unsanitary conditions in the warehouse, where steroids
and tranquilizers were strewn unsealed on shelves.
"There were no doctors and no medical people involved. There were college-age students wrapping
stuff up in envelopes," he said.
"It's foolish to buy from them. You don't know what's counterfeit."
Customs officials said many of the steroid buyers in the U.S. purchase in bulk and then resell.
But most Internet purchases of prescription drugs are for personal use, they said.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials warn that buying drugs from overseas is dangerous.
"You don't know what you're getting. You shouldn't be taking medication that isn't prescribed by
your physician," said FDA spokeswoman Laura Bradbard.
Despite the Thailand raid, other medical suppliers are still thumbing their nose at the feds.
In a statement on its Web site, overseas supplier Drug Quest assures potential buyers that having
a package of a small amount of overseas drugs seized by the government is "less ominous" than
getting a parking ticket.
"Usually our foreign pharmacists replace the order for free, as it is just that common to have
shipments lost," Drug Quest boasts.
Anabolic Steroids & Their Trade Names
Anadrol 50 Manufacturer
Anapolon 50 Syntex MX, GB
Anapolon Ibrahim TK
Hemogenin Syntex Brazil
Oxybolone Genapharm GR
Oxylone Duopharm Malaysia
Oxymetholone Han Seo Korea
Roboral Abic Israel
Synasteron Sarva B
Anasteron Farmaprod GR
Anadrol 50 Unimed US
Anadur Manufacturer
Anador Pharmacia FR
Anadur Kabi Pharmacia G, A, CH, O; Pharmacia B, NL
Anadur Eczacibasi TK
Anadur Lundbeck DK
Anadurin Xponei GR
Anavar Manufacturer
Lonavar Dainippon Japan
Oxandrolone SPA Spa I
Oxandrin Btg US
Vasorome Kowa Japan
Andriol Manufacturer
Andriol Organon CH, CN, NL, PL, G, A, PT, HU, Thailand
Andriol Ravasini I
Androxon Organon NO, Brazil
Panteston Organon FI, FR
Restandol Organon DK, GB, GR
Undestor Organon B, S, BG, CZ
Virigen Organon TK
Deca Manufacturer
Anaboline Adelco GR
Deca Durabolin Organon G, B, CH, DK, ES, FR, GB, US, GR, I, NL, PL, FI, MX, CN, S
Deca Pronabol P&B Labs India
Decandrolen Denkall Labs Australia
Extraboline Genepharm GR
Jebolan Etem TK
Nandrolone Steris US
Nandrolona (vet.) Alfasan Holland
Retabolil Gedeon Richter HU, BG
Turinabol Depot Jenapharm BG, CZ
Ziremilon Demo GR
Norandren 50 & 200 Brovel MX
Dianabol Manufacturer
Ammipire Ammipire Thailand
Anabol LP Standard Labs
Anabolex Ethical DR
Andoredan Takeshima-Kodama Japan
Bionabol Pharmacia Co Dupnitza BG
Encephan Sato Japan
Metanabol Polfa PL
Methandon Acdhon Co Thailand
Nerobol Gedeon Richter HU, BG
Pronabol-5 P&B Labs India
Naposim Terapia Rumania
Metandiabol Quimper MX
Reforvit-B Oeffler MX
Durabolin Manufacturer
Durabolin Organon B, ES, FR, GR, NL, FI, CN, US, PT, GB
Durabolin Opopharma CH, Pliva YU
Nerobolil Geodeon Richter BG
Superanabolan Leciva CZ
Turinabol Jenapharm BG, Germed CZ
Equipose Manufacturer
Boldebal-H Ilium Australia
Boldenone-50 Jurox Australia
Crecibol Unimed MX
Equi-gan Tornel MX
Equipose Solvay Vet. CN, US
Ganabol Lab. VM, Colombia, Panama, Ecuador, DR, Bolivia, Peru Chile, Venezuela
Maxigan Jurox Australia
Ultragan 100 Denkall Australia
Vebonol Ciba-Geigy G, CH, Australia
Methyltestosterone Manufacturer
Afro Casel TK
Agovirin Leciva CZ
Android ICN Pharm US
Androral Galenika Richer HU
Hormobin Sahin TK
Mesteron Jelfa PL
Metil Testosteron Terapia Rumania
Oreton Methyl Schering US
Teston Remek GR
Testormon Unitas PT
Testovis Sit I
Testosterone Cypionate Manufacturer
Banrot Coopers Australia
Depo-Testosterone Upjohn US
Deposteron Novaquimica Brazil
Testex Leo Leo Spain
Testo-La Jurox Australia
Testosterona Ultra Dispert Labs Brazil
Testosterone Enanthate Manufacturer
Androtardyl Schering FR
Enarmon-Depot Teskoku Hormone Japan
Primoteston Depot Schering MX, GB, NO
Testo-Enant Deymonat
Testosteron-Depo Galenika YU
Testosteron-Depot Jenapharm G, BG
Testosteron-Depot Rotexmedica G
Testosterona 200 Brovel MX
Schering G, A, B, CH, DK, ES, GR, PL, S, DR, Thailand, Colombia, Paraguay, Uruguay
Androfort-Richter Gedeon Richter HU
Neo-Hombreol Organon NL
Tepro Hormone Virbac Australia
Testex Leo Leo ES
Testogan Laguinsa CR, N, P, G, ES, H, DR, E
Testosteron Galenika YU; Hemofarm YU
Testosteron Sopharma BG
Testosterona Brovel MX
Test. propionate Eifelango G
Testosterone Propionicum Jelfa PL
Testoviron Schering ES, I, GR
Testovis Sit I
Triolandren Ciba Geigy CH
Virormone Ferring GB
Testoserone Suspension Manufacturer
Agovirin-Depot Biotika CZ
Aquaviron Nicholas India
Testosus Jurox Australia
Winstrol Manufacturer
Nabolic Chinfield Ind. Argentina
Stanazolic Ilium Australia
Stanosus Jurox Australia
Stromba Sterling Research GB
Winstrol Depot Zambon ES, I
Winstrol V Winthrop US; Upjohn US
Cetabon Tabs Therapharma Thailand
Menabol Tabs India
Stromba Tabs Winthrop B; Sterling-Health HU, CZ
Winstrol Zambon ES, I
Bonus Report: The Gains Keeper Formula
The inevitable problem that all athletes face when coming off of a cycle of androgenic anabolic
steroids is keeping the gains they've worked so hard to attain. Many experts have spent a great
deal of time addressing this situation and attempting to find a solution. After a great deal of
research and working with bodybuilders, I feel I have come up with the most effective solution to
date. By examining other's techniques and results I have been able to determine what is most
likely to work for the average bodybuilder using steroids. I am by no means saying this is the be
all to end all of recovery formula's or that I am an expert in the medical field. I am simply
offering an effective solution to the most common problem all athlete's experience after a cycle.
What needs to be recognized is that there is not one or two problems that need to be addressed,
but several, which all act synergistically or together. By solving all of these problems together,
the chances of increased performance are greatly increased in your favor. The key is all in the
timing of the execution.
The human body is a very complex mechanism and when the timing is right, maintaining the increase
in muscle mass is easy.
The first problem is to restore the hypothalamohypophysial testicular axis to normal after having
been suppressed from the exogenous testosterone intake. Those athletes who use the weaker
compounds that have little effect on the endogenous levels of testosterone can use this formula as
well to further increase their gains. The actual actions by which we will use to raise endogenous
testosterone production are beyond the scope of this report, but can be found in most University
biology text books or by simply reading a copy of the World Anabolic Review. These will give you a
better understanding of what we are attempting to do here.
The second major problem that the athlete will face is a substantial increase the bodies own
endogenous level of cortisone. These levels are extremely high when taking steroids, yet remain
deactivated while on the juice as the receptors are blocked by the steroid molecules. This is what
gives steroids their anti-catabolic effect. However, when the intake of steroids ceases, the
receptors are suddenly freed and the unusually high levels of cortisone are free to break down
muscle tissue. Thus, the high levels of cortisol must be reduced to normal levels in a very short
time. Since we all know that creatine monohydrate is very effective in maintaining strength and
creatine phosphate stores, it is highly recommended that you maintain a high dose of 30 grams per
day for at least the duration of this formula.
Assuming you are coming off of an eight or ten week cycle, you should have started tapering the
doses down in the last two or three weeks. This allows the body to return to normal levels much
more evenly. Let's say that the start of each week is Monday. On the Monday of the seventh week in
an eight week cycle, begin taking 25mg a day of mesterolone, otherwise known as Proviron.
Proviron is a synthetic androgen that also acts as an anti-aromatase.
When the intake of steroids ceases, the bodies own androgen levels are very low, yet the estrogen
levels are still very high. This shifts the androgen to estrogen ratio in favor of the estrogens
spelling bad news for the user. Proviron keeps the ratio in favor of the androgens without
effecting the natural production of testosterone, thereby adding to spermatogenisis. This double
action drug begins to reduce the amount of estrogen in the body by preventing the aromatization of
testosterone to estrogen so that possible gyno, water retention and female pattern fat
distribution may be avoided. It will also give the body a much harder look.
We also wish to deal with the increased cortisone levels at this time so that we may begin to
bring them down before the end of the cycle. This can be accomplished by the intake of 800mg of
Phosphatidylersine per day. There has been a great deal of controversy as to whether or not this
supplement actually works. I feel that it has little effect on normal levels of cortisol in the
body, but will work very well on reducing elevated levels after the discontinuance of steroids. It
should be noted that the use of aminoglutethimide or Cytadren is NOT recommended. Cytadren may be
anti-estrogenic, but it also inhibits the bodies own production of androgens, which is exactly
what we don't want at this time. There are also complex negative-feedback mechanisms which must be
dealt with individually.
The eighth week of the cycle is when critical timing begins. This is the last week of the intake
of the steroids and when the body realizes what is starting to happen. On the Monday of this week,
increase the dosage of the Proviron to 50mg a day. At this time, we also want to introduce the
use of a little known drug by the name of Cyclofenil. Cyclofenil is an estrogen that act's as an
anti-estrogen and as stimulant for the body to produce more testosterone. Cyclofenil acts in a
very similar manner to Nolvadex in that it does not block the aromatization of testosterone, but
occupies the estrogen receptors in the body so that the stronger estrogens cannot become active.
Cyclofenil should be taken once a day at a dose of 100mg. We also want to begin to prepare the
blood for the following week. We have to make sure the blood has enough raw material in the way
of steroid intermediates for the testes to increase testosterone production. To do this, we start
taking 250mg of DHEA a day, starting on the Friday of week 8.
The ninth week is the most critical time of the cycle. This is where things get interesting. On
Monday, up the dosage of Cyclofenil to 200mg a day, but keep the Proviron and DHEA at their
respective doses. On the Thursday we want to inject 5000 IU's of HCG to stimulate the Leydig's
cells to produce more testosterone. Any more than this will overload the system and convert more
to estrogen. On the Friday we want to start the intake of clomiphene citrate or Clomid. Clomid
stimulates the entire hypo testicular axis to produce more test and at a faster rate. We want to
start with 100mg a day.
In the tenth week of our formula we continue with all dosages at their respective levels, but we
drop the dose of Clomid to 50mg a day on the Wednesday. By now the testosterone levels in your
body should be way up there and you will feel like you've just hit your second wind. Surges in
strength are not uncommon here.
The eleventh week is where we start to wind everything down. On the Monday we discontinue the use
of the Clomid and the DHEA. We also reduce the dose of Proviron to 25mg a day and the cyclofenil
to 100mg a day. We stop taking the cyclofenil altogether on Friday. Testosterone levels should be
very high, estrogen levels should be fairly low, and cortisol levels will back to normal levels.
On the Sunday, the last day of the cycle, stop taking everything.
Now would be the time to start a cycle of clenbuterol hydrochloride if you so wanted. Starting at
a dose of 20mcg per day and working up to 80-120mcg, depending on how much you feel you can take
in increments of 20mcg per day. You will know your limit when the side effects become unbearable,
mostly the shaking and uneasiness.
Back off that dose by 20mcg a day and stay with this dose in a two-on, two-off cycle for 2 weeks
followed by 2 weeks off. It is recommended to use an ephedrine/caffeine/yohimbine/aspirin stack
similar to the Mass Quantities Phenyltropic product on your days and weeks off the clen for more
fat burning results.
During this time it is important to modify both our training and diet. Since you will need to
reduce your training capacity significantly and give you body time to readjust itself, I think a
simple whole body power lifting routine is ideal at this time. It will prevent a loss of strength
from the cycle, even increase it, and not allow you to go into a state of over training. Stick to
the core compound movements and limit the number of exercises you perform to 12 or less. This will
challenge you to hit as many body parts as possible with only a few exercises. Keep the sets low
and heavy. This routine also has the benefit of boosting natural testosterone production from the
heavy squats, dead lifts and presses. Since we are all advanced athletes, we can look back to our
diet journals and determine what our new maintenance calorie level should be. Be sure to use your
lean body mass and not your total mass when determining your new maintenance level. You might want
to add additional protein calories now, about 200-300 extra, but be sure you start with at least
1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight before you add any.
Some notes to keep in mind when using this formula. Always take a good vitamin and mineral pack
(this is a given at all times) and it is a good idea to up your intake of anti-oxidants in
general, and of vitamin C to 3 grams per day in divided doses. It is a good idea to divide the
intake of all substances up into equal doses in the day to ensure even levels in the blood and to
take them all with fluid after meals. And be sure to drink one hell of a lot of distilled water
during this entire period, as your kidneys and liver will be doing overtime for the duration as
That is the whole formula. Is not cheap, nor is it taken lightly. But those who have invested the
time and energy in making the gains will realize that maintaining them is just as important. Train
hard, educate yourself, and best of luck.
Simplification of formula:
Week Proviron Phosphatidylersine Cyclofenil DHEA HCG Clomid Clenbuterol
7 25MG/day 800MG/day
8 50MG/day 800MG/day 100MG/day 250MG/day
9 50MG/day 800MG/day 200MG/day 250MG/day 5000iu 100MG/day
10 50MG/day 800MG/day 200MG/day 250MG/day 50MG/day
11 25MG/day 800MG/day 100MG/day 80-120MCG
+ Proviron and Phosphatidylersine begin Monday of week 7.
+ Proviron dosage increased and Cyclofenil begins Monday of week 8.
+ DHEA begins Friday of week 8.
+ Cyclofenil dosage upped on Monday of week 9.
+ HCG should be injected on Thursday of week 9.
+ Clomid starts Friday of week 9.
+ Clomid dosage decreased on Wednesday of week 10.
+ Clomid and DHEA discontinued on Monday of week 11.
+ Cyclofenil use ceased on Friday of week 11.
+ Everything ceases on Sunday.
+ Clenbuterol should be taken at 20MCG a day until you reach between 80 and 120MCG. You will know
how much you should take based on the side effects becoming unbearable. Back off 20MCG and stay at
that level on a 2 on, 2 off cycle for 2 weeks.