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Toll Management system

This Application can provide all the information related to

Toll booth and the passenger checks in online and pays the amount, then he/she
will be provided by a receipt. With this receipt he/she can leave the toll booth
without waiting for any verification call.
This system is in the urban context of congested cities, allowing to charge
tolls without vehicles having to slow down.
This application made feasible to School or College vehicles to Pays either
Monthly or Yearly. This system can charge different rates for different types of
vehicles, making it necessary to distinguish the vehicles passing through the toll
facility. Light vehicle means low cost in the single journey, return journey and
monthly pass otherwise change the different cost in the different vehicles.

Toll management systems play an important role in the growth of

infrastructure all over the world. It is a kind of the money that a commuter has
to pay to the road authorities while passing from one city to another. This in turn
is a kind of tax that is used in the construction of roads, flyovers, and
expressways.Tolling is a highly effective strategy for dealing with some of









congestion and improve mobility, and provide an additional source of funding

for local construction and maintenance projects.
This system has four major components: vehicle identification, Vehicle
classification, transaction processing, and violation enforcement.
Automatic Vehicle Identification: Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) is
the process of determining the identity of a vehicle subject to tolls. This
identification is usually done through barcodes affixed to each vehicle; to be
read optically at the toll booth. Lately, AVI systems have also been using the
radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags and transponders to automatically
identify vehicles.

Automatic Vehicle Classification: This is a low-cost method of storing the

records of vehicle classes of all customers. The class of the vehicle is
determined through AVI data.

Transaction Processing: Transaction processing deals with maintaining

customer accounts, posting toll transactions and customer payments to the

Violation Enforcement System: Violation Enforcement System (VES) is useful

in reducing unpaid tolls, as an unmanned toll gate otherwise represents a
tempting target for toll evasion

1. Admin
2. User module
3. Vehicle module
This module provides administrator related functionalities.
Administrator can view the registered user and payment model and set the
amount and vehicle type and update the amount in the admin payment
mode view the customer details date wise month wise and year wise in the
In this module new user register profile to view and book the gate
pass. User login to search the booking page and select the journey type
view the gate pass and then print the gate pass.

Toll facilities charge different rates for different types of vehicles,
making it necessary to distinguish the vehicles passing through the toll
facility. Light vehicle means low cost in the single journey return journey
and monthly pass otherwise change the different cost in the different

H/W System Configuration:-


- Pentium III

1.1 GHz


256 MB (min)

Hard Disk

- 20 GB

Key Board

Standard Windows Keyboard


Two or Three Button Mouse



S/W System Configuration:-

Operating System

: Windows95/98/2000/XP

Application Server

: Tomcat5.0/6.X

Front End

: HTML, Java, Jsp

Server side Script

: JavaScript.
: Java Server Pages.

Database Connectivity

: My sql

Case study:
Electronic toll collection (E-Tolls) aims to eliminate the
delay on toll roads by collecting tolls electronically. ETC determines whether the
cars passing are enrolled in the program, alerts enforcers for those that are not,
and electronically debits the accounts of registered car owners without requiring
them to stop.

In 1959, Nobel Economics Prize winner William Vickrey was the first to propose a
system of electronic tolling for the Washington Metropolitan Area. He proposed
that each car would be equipped with a transponder. The transponders
personalised signal would be picked up when the car passed through an
intersection, and then relayed to a central computer which would calculate the
charge according to the intersection and the time of day and add it to the cars
bill. Electronic toll collection has facilitated the concession to the private sector
of the construction and operation of urban freeways, as well as made feasible
the improvement and the practical implementation of road congestion pricing
schemes in a limited number of urban areas to restrict auto travel in the most
congested areas.
In the 1960s and 1970s, free flow tolling was tested with fixed transponders at
the undersides of the vehicles and readers, which were located under the
surface of the highway.
Norway has been the world's pioneer in the widespread implementation of this
technology. ETC was first introduced in Bergen, in 1986, operating together with

traditional tollbooths. In 1991, Trondheim introduced the world's first use of

completely unaided full-speed electronic tolling. Norway now has 25 toll roads
operating with electronic fee collection (EFC), as the Norwegian technology is
called (see AutoPASS). In 1995, Portugal became the first country to apply a
single, universal system to all tolls in the country, the Via Verde, which can also
be used in parking lots and gas stations. The United States is another country
with widespread use of ETC in several states, though many U.S. toll roads
maintain the option of manual collection.

Major activities involved in system analysis are fact findings & fact analysis.
There are many fact finding techniques. An analyst can collect data from two
principle sources: written documents & personnel who are knowledgeable about
or involved in the operations of system under study. The most appropriate 5 fact
finding tasks are:
Data Collection
Correspondence & Questionnaires

Personal Interviews.

I have collected & organized the documents related to data such as record,
reports, manuals etc of the present system. The recent information is collected
through correspondence including questionnaire, personal interviews and direct

Correspondence defines the subject area and specific topics to be reviewed. it

also ex[plains the purpose of investigation activities and inform the staffs what
is expected from them in the interviews
Questionnaires are important and effective types of correspondence. It
should be brief in order to increase the promptness and probability of response.

It is one of the fruitful methods of obtaining information. I have conducted

personal interviews with the resource person and is able to collect many useful

I had observed the operations of the current systems and formulated questions
and drawn conclusions on the basis of what I observed.

Requirements analysis in systems engineering and software engineering,
encompasses those tasks that go into determining the needs or conditions to

meet for a new or altered product, taking account of the possibly conflicting







validating and managing software or system requirements.

Effective requirements analysis includes four types of activity:

Requirements Elicitation: The elicitation activity consists of gathering information,

understanding the students need, and articulating high level requirements.

Requirements Analysis: The analysis activity examines the high level requirements and
determines if they are clear, complete, and free of contradictions, and then defines the strategy
to address these issues.

Requirements Specification: The specification activity defines the behavior of a system in

development and determines the method for requirements documentation (i.e., natural-language
documents, process models, business definitions, use cases, user stories, or process

Requirements Validation: The validation activity involves sessions with users, stakeholders,
and functional experts to determine mitigation and issue resolution.

For the proper working of a system some requirements have to be met. These
requirements include the needs specified for the software . apart from this some
requirements have to be met for the working of the system.thus the
requirement analysis come under two types.

Its specifies the primary requirements of the system such as the major tasks to
be performed by the system .It includes
The administrator should be able to update customer details,
The users who registered should be able to login.

It mentions the requirements that are indirectly needed for the working
of the system. The Toll Management System requires the following nonfunctional requirements.
Performance Requirements
All operations and queries shall complete or present errors within one minute of
their invocation.

Software Quality Attributes

This software will emphasize simplicity, modularity, correctness, extensibility,
and usability.

Security Requirements

The system will check all username and password given by the users to
the system to ensure that whether the user is authorized one or not. If any
mismatch occurs then the user cant login to the system. Only authorized user
can access the system.

In existing system, current times of increasing traffic on the road,
it is important to collect the toll tax in a managed and controlled
process so that it doesn't result in a total unorganized jungle of traffic.
It is very challenging to handle a vehicular flow by a manual system of

revenue collection. Poor management at toll plaza may result into

great chaos and revenue loss. This would not be desired any one.

The existing system had following Drawbacks:

It was very time consuming

Reports were generated manually.
The Activities are often prone to errors.
The speed of processing of data is very slow.
The information required was not readily available.
Lots of paper work was there.

Need for System

At present, all the operations are carried out manually. Sometimes, information
is duplicated, filled incorrectly or missed. A new computerized system is needed

to handle all these data integrity and consistency problems that arise when
system is handled manually.
(a) To improve quality of work and accuracy.
(b) To improve work speed and accuracy.
(c) To provide the easy and user friendly environment.
(d) Get instant and detail information at single terminal.
(e) The project would help in effective and systematic record keeping that
is storing and retrieving of useful data.


Vehicles online gate pass require less time to

conduct a toll transaction. Thus the average service rate of a mixed toll lane is
generally higher than a manual lane, depending on the proportion of tagged
vehicles in a mixed-use lane. Reduction in vehicle waiting times: An increase in
a toll lane service rate causes a decrease in the average waiting time of
vehicles at the toll plaza.
Vehicle emissions are reduced as vehicle speeds through the toll plaza are
increased and accelerations and decelerations reduced. Reduction of toll user
costs also reduces the cost of processing toll transactions. Simplified
infrastructure and accounting system. Requires for less road side infrastructure
than manual tollbooths

In a toll pass system each vehicle consists of a specific rfid.

The control room consists of the data for toll payment balance for that
particular vehicle. The microcontroller checks the information and the due of
that vehicle. For each travel the balance of the vehicle decreases if the payment

of the vehicle is having without due that allows the vehicle; if not automatically
gate closes.
The growing demand for Electronic Toll Collection systems has
increasingly shifted focus towards optimization in the areas of efficiency, faster
service, and cost.

Benefits of Toll Management System

The ever-growing toll management system has served the commuters in every
possible manner. Some of the benefits offered by this system in today's modern
world includeGrowth and Development: The foremost benefit of toll system has resulted in
the growth and development of a country. Today, one of the chief features of a
developed country is its developed infrastructure.

Easy to Commute: With the construction and improvement of many roads,

flyover, and bridges, the commuting has become easy. The improved and
smooth roads and bridges have made commuting an easy job.
Traffic Control and Security: With the introduction of new equipments and
techniques in a toll system, there is a constant control on the traffic running on
roads and highways. Moreover, now commuters also feel secure while driving on
This system is a great success due to its systematic way of working.
The expertise of various toll software and operations should be cost-effective to
make functional toll facility a resounding success, wherever installed.

Toll lane capacity: Vehicles equipped with ETC require less time to conduct a
toll transaction. Thus the average service rate of a mixed toll lane is generally

higher than a manual lane, depending on the proportion of tagged vehicles in a

mixed-use lane.

Reduction in vehicle waiting times: An increase in a toll lane service rate

causes a decrease in the average waiting time of vehicles at the toll plaza.

Reduction of vehicle emissions: Vehicle emissions are reduced as vehicle

speeds through the toll plaza are increased and accelerations and decelerations
Reduction of toll user costs: ETC also reduces the cost of processing toll
Simplified infrastructure and accounting system: ETC requires far less
roadside infrastructure than manual tollbooths. It simplifies the accounting
system as well as the allocation of revenue between peak and non-peak hours
by automating toll collection and vehicle counting.

A Feasibility Study is a test of system proposal regarding to its workability;
impact on the organization; an effective use of resources.
A well-designed feasibility study should provide a historical background of the
business or project, a description of the product or service, accounting
statements, details of the operations and management, marketing research and
policies, financial data, legal requirements and tax obligations. Generally,
feasibility studies precede technical development and project implementation.
This application made feasible to School or College vehicles to Pays either
Monthly or Yearly.

Technical Feasibility:

This application is technically feasible. Technical issues involved are









reliability, ease of access, data security, aspects of future expansion.

Technology exists to develop a system.
The proposed system is capable of holding data to be used.
The proposed system is capable of providing adequate response and
regardless of the number of users.
The proposed system being modular to the administrator,

if he/she

wants can add more features in the future and as well as be able to
expand the system.
As far as the hardware and software is concerned, the proposed system
is completely liable with proper backup and security.
Hence, we can say that the proposed system is technically feasible.

Hardware Requirements:

Pentium processor-lll
Internet connection

S/W Requirements:-

Operating System
Application Server
Front End
Server side script

: Windows95/98/2000/XP
: Tomcat5.0/6.X
: JavaScript
: Java server pages


: Mysql

Database connectivity


Operational Feasibility:
If the system meets the requirements of the customers and the
administrator we can say that the system is operationally feasible.
The proposed system will be beneficial only if it can be turned into a system
which will meet the requirements of the store when it is developed and
installed, and there is sufficient support from the users.
The proposed system will improve the total performance because:
Toll check operation becomes faster.
Verification is also very feasible.
Customers here are the most important part of the system and the
proposed system will provide them with a convenient mode of operation
for them.

The proposed system will be available to the customers throughout the

The proposed system will provide a better market for different dealers.
Hence, the proposed system is operationally feasible.
Economical Feasibility:
Economic Feasibility is the most frequently used method for
evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed system if the benefits of the
proposed system outweighs the cost then the decision is made to design and
implement the system.we use RFID tag is for identification.
The cost of hardware and software is affordable.
High increase in the amount of profit earned by going global.
Easy and cheap maintenance of the system possible.
Very cheap price for going global.

Hence, the proposed system is economically feasible.

Legal Feasibility:
Determines whether the proposed system conflicts with legal requirements, e.g.
a data processing system must comply with the local Data Protection Acts.

Schedule Feasibility:
A project will fail if it takes too long to be completed before it is useful. Typically
this means estimating how long the system will take to develop, and if it can be
completed in a given time period using some methods like payback period.
Schedule feasibility is a measure of how reasonable the project timetable is.
Given our technical expertise, are the project deadlines reasonable? Some
projects are initiated with specific deadlines. It is necessary to determine
whether the deadlines are mandatory or desirable.

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