org © 2022 IJCRT | Volume 10, Issue 5 May 2022 | ISSN: 2320-2882
2. The new driver SHALL be able to generate his/her 1. HTML: For front-end development
login ID and a password 2. CSS: For front-end development
3. The driver SHALL be able to login using his or her 3. JS: For animations and display time
ID and password.
4. Php: For front and back end connections, session
4. The driver SHALL be able to reset his or her creation and queries
password in-case he or she forgets it.
5. AJAX: With Ajax, the net programs can send and
5. The driver SHALL be able to view his challan history retrieve facts from a server asynchronously without
6. The driver SHALL be able to view the challansissued interfering with the show and conduct of the present
to him by the traffic personnel. web page.
7. The driver SHALL be able to pay the issued challans 6. MySQL: Back end development
due for payment.
(C) SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR: The utility gives a number of functions together with displaying
automobile info, displaying driver info, paying challan, and
1. The Administrator SHALL be able to login usinghis issuing challan. The center utility of the internet site is to the
or her ID and password. problem and pay the challan, the working of that is defined
2. The Administrator SHALL be able to reset his or within the following section.
her password in-case he or she forgets it.
Step 1: Personnel login:
3. The Administrator SHALL be able to generate new The visitors police employees login inside the internet-
admins by issuing them an initial login ID and software using his credentials. On his computing device he/she
password. can see all the functionalities which can be used by him/her.
For issuing the challan the personnel click on the problem
4. The Administrator SHALL be able to insert the challan icon and an issue challan form is opened.
details of the new vehicle registered.
5. The Administrator SHALL be able to insert the
details of the new license registered.
6. The Administrator SHALL be able to generate new
personnel credentials by issuing them an initial login
ID and password.
7. The Administrator SHALL be able to get the details
of personnel.
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