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This is the peer-reviewed version of the following article:

Kong, X., Wang, K., Hou, M., Hao, X., Shen, G., Chen, X., & Xia, F. (2021). A Federated
Learning-Based License Plate Recognition Scheme for 5G-Enabled Internet of Vehicles.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 17(12), 8523–8530.

Available online: https://doi.org/10.1109/TII.2021.3067324

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A Federated Learning-based License Plate

Recognition Scheme for 5G-enabled Internet of
Xiangjie Kong, Senior Member, IEEE, Kailai Wang, Mingliang Hou, Xinyu Hao,
Guojiang Shen, Xin Chen, and Feng Xia, Senior Member, IEEE,

Abstract—License plate is an essential characteristic to identify As far as an actual phenomenon is concerned, a lot of
vehicles for the traffic management, and thus license plate vehicle owners park their vehicles at will for their own
recognition is important for Internet of Vehicles. Since 5G has convenience, which is illegal behavior. As a result of the large
been widely covered, mobile devices are utilized to assist the
traffic management, which is a significant part of Industry 4.0. number of such behaviors, it further disrupts the order of
However, there have always been privacy risks due to centralized urban transportation, and the personal safety of residents is
training of models. Also, the trained model cannot be directly seriously threatened while traveling. Though many cameras are
deployed on the mobile device due to its large number of mounted at road junctions to help supervise and inspect illegal
parameters. In this paper, we propose a federated learning- parking, it is still difficult to recognize covered license plates
based license plate recognition framework (FedLPR) to solve
these problems. We design detection and recognition model to of vehicles due to complicated traffic situations. Therefore,
apply in the mobile device. In terms of user privacy, data in traffic police are required to control these illegal parking
individuals is harnessed on their mobile devices instead of the behaviors. For example, they use mobile devices to take photos
server to train models based on federated learning. Extensive of illegal parking vehicle and give owners tickets. Based on
experiments demonstrate that FedLPR has high accuracy and the requirement of recognizing license plate with the mobile
acceptable communication cost while preserving user privacy.
device under 5G, it is significant to research how to use
Index Terms—Intelligent Transportation System, federated the mobile terminals and artificial intelligence to detect and
learning, license plate recognition, transfer learning, 5G, Internet
recognize the license plate information immediately.
of Vehicles.
Reviewing methods of license plate detection (LPD), these
methods can be divided into two categories. On the one
hand, traditional visual feature methods usually utilize regular
NTELLIGENT Transportation System (ITS) is one of the
I important measures to create an intelligent/digital city. The
development of ITS is beneficial to improve public safety and
shape [4] and specific pixel color [5] of license plate. On
the other hand, deep learning can effectively extract features
to detect objects [6] and recognize objects [7], that is, deep
travel of residents [1], which accelerates Industry 4.0 [2]. In learning-based methods are also able to detect license plates.
terms of Internet of Vehicles (IoV), license plate information However, owing to a large number of parameters, they are
is used as the unique identifier on roads and public transporta- incapable to be directly deployed on mobile devices, which
tion. However, according to the official statistics, the number leads to more frequent connections with the server and in-
of vehicles (2020) in China has reached 360 million totally, creases communication overhead. Therefore, it is important
which brings new challenges and problems to the management that an edge computing-based model [8] is used to reduce
and control of vehicles in the transportation system, such as communication cost.
privacy issues, and large resource consumption in large cities. As for license plate identification, common methods divide
Therefore, it is of great research significance and practical it into two sub-tasks: character segmentation and character
value to study the automatic license plate recognition (LPR) recognition, but the methods are easily affected by blurring,
in IoV to improve service of management by detecting and noise, and deformation of character directions. The other
recognizing vehicle license plates on roads [3]. methods usually use Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) to
This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation identify the entire license plate and directly outputs the clas-
of China under Grant 62072409 and Grant 62073295, in part by the Zhejiang sification code. In terms of user privacy, most LPR methods
Provincial Natural Science Foundation under Grant LR21F020003, and in based on deep learning are applied with centralized training.
part by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Provincial Universities of
Zhejiang under Grant RF-B2020001. (Corresponding authors: Feng Xia) This method requires training data to be centralized in a certain
X. Kong, and G. Shen are with the College of Computer Science and server or a single data center for manual annotation, which
Technology, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China is time-consuming. Furthermore, there is a risk of license
(e-mail: xjkong@ieee.org; gjshen1975@zjut.edu.cn).
K. Wang, M. Hou, X. Hao, and X. Chen are with the School of plate information leakage in the process of data centralization.
Software, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116620, China (e- In recent years, user privacy has become a crucial problem.
mail: kailai.w@qq.com; teemohold@outlook.com; Hao.XinYu@outlook.com; China and some European countries have strengthened the
F. Xia is with School of Engineering, IT and Physical Sciences, Federation preservation of user data through different regulations [9],
University Australia, Ballarat 3353, Australia (e-mail: f.xia@ieee.org) [10]. Therefore, how to train the model has become a critical

issue in practice while restricting the collection of user data use of computing resources of the mobile device to train
and preserving user privacy. Besides, another important issue model with low latency and consumption, and keep pace
is data isolated islands. As shown in Fig. 1, since different with preserving user privacy.
companies have different data centers, when users use different • We design a LPD and LPR model, which can be deploy
applications of different companies, their data will naturally be on mobile devices and ensure the accuracy and efficiency
stored in different data centers and cannot be exchanged. As of detection. Considering the fact that the direction of
a result, it is difficult to use these valuable data at the same shooting is often inclined, we present a tilt license plate
time to train powerful models. Moreover, the current artificial correction algorithm to improve the accuracy of character
intelligence market is dominated by tech giants who offer recognition of license plate.
cloud-based artificial intelligence solutions and APIs that make • We construct extensive experiments to evaluate our
it impossible for users to control data, while these companies model. The results demonstrate that our detection and
can monopolize data through data centralization. Therefore, recognition models are outstanding in both accuracy and
users are passive to their information data and privacy cannot speed, especially in complicated actual environments. Fi-
be guaranteed. nally, we implement a mobile application to test FedLPR
and further verify its efficiency.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section II,
we review the related work about LPD, LPR, and federated
learning. In Section III, we introduce our proposed FedLPR
and model of in detail. We present experiment settings and
analysis of result In Section IV. Following that, we demon-
strate test results of our realized mobile terminal system based
on our method in Section V. Finally, we summarize and
provide further discussion in Section VI.


A. License Plate Detection
At present, the LPD systems mainly adopt artificially de-
fined image features or deep learning for intelligent detection.
Fig. 1: The data islanding problems in industrial application. 1) Method based on artificially defined visual features:
Regular side of rectangle of license plates in the image can
In this paper, in order to solve the above problems, we be used to determine the existence of license plates, such as
proposed a federated learning-based framework for license combining edge statistics with seed growth strategy or math-
plate recognition (FedLPR). Firstly, based on the edge comput- ematical morphology [4]. Besides, the license plate contains
ing architecture, we design the LPD model and significantly characters composing a string, that is, structural features are
reduce the number of parameters, which makes it possible obvious. Therefore, the license plate can be positioned by
to deploy directly at the mobile devices. Then, we present a detecting the characters in the image. For example, Li et
simple but effective LPR model and utilize a tilt license plate al. [11] used MSER algorithm to extract the license plate
correction algorithm to improve the accuracy of license plate character region. In addition, Pixel color is the basic feature
character recognition. Based on models, we combine federated of license plates, which is also used for LPD. Asif et al. [5]
learning to preserve user privacy, which is a decentralized proposed a cascade license plate classifier based on color
optimization process, that is, it uses user individual data at saliency features to identify the real license plates in candidate
the model level. Under this framework, users do not need to regions. Because of the regular pixel texture distribution of
upload data to a central server, instead use limited computing the license plate area, texture features are also applied to the
resources of the mobile device to train the local model by license plate location algorithm [12].
individual data based on the global model from the central 2) Method based on deep learning technology: The prior
server. The update gradients of parameters of local models LPD methods based on visual features has hit a developmental
are uploaded to the server, which would be used to update bottleneck due to various factors, such as the complicated
the parameters of the global model. Therefore, the old global environment, and unstable illumination in the images. Deep
model will be replaced with a more powerful model based learning has outstanding performance in object detection [6],
on data from all users. In addition, transfer learning is used [13], [14]. The multi-target detection algorithm based on this
to optimize the local model. Finally, we implement a mobile has greatly improved compared with previous algorithms.
application instance, which aims at the management of illegal Therefore, a lot of LPD methods are proposed based on deep
parking vehicles in the practical various scene through LPD learning. Xie et al. [15] proposed the MD-YOLO model,
and LPR under the age of 5G. which is a multi-directional LPD framework based on CNN.
The main contributions are summarized as follows: Differently, our method focuses on the application on mobile
• We propose a novel federated learning-based framework devices, which can make full use of computing resource and
for plate recognition (FedLPR) with the aim of making improve the efficiency of LPD.

B. License Plate Recognition encrypted. Finally, users will receive an updated model, which
There are usually two stages in LPR, including character can recognize the license plate characters more accurately. It
segmentation and character recognition. For character segmen- is noteworthy that the server will not directly contact the user
tation, common approach includes projection algorithm [16], data, which can effectively preserve user privacy.
SIFT feature [17], and extreme region extraction [18]. How-
ever, these methods have the problems of segmentation de-
viation, because they are easily affected by blurring, noise,
and deformation of character directions in the images, which
directly lead to recognition errors. Besides, some other meth-
ods are proposed to directly recognize characters of license
plate without character segmentation. For example, Zherzdev
et al. [19] proposed a lightweight LPR network, LPRNet,
which can directly output the recognition results with high
accuracy and real-time processing speed.

C. Federated Learning
Fig. 2: The framework of FedLPR.
In 2017, Google introduced Federated Learning [20], which
is originally designed to train machine learning models with
the data distributed acorss multiple mobile devices, and
B. License Plate Detection
achieves the purpose of preserving user privacy at the same
time. Since then, federated Learning has aroused widespread Considering the actual scene, both accuracy and efficiency
interest among researchers, which focus on data privacy, of detection are required. Inspired by YOLO [13] and Mask-
communication efficiency, and statistical heterogeneity [21]. RCNN [24], we design a fast LPD model, which can be
For example, Zhang et al. [22] present a platform architec- applied to the mobile devices. As shown in Fig. 3, the whole
ture of blockchain-based federated learning systems to tackle network architecture consists of three modules: fast feature
the challenge of data heterogeneity in failure detection of map module, preliminary detection module, and mask branch
intelligent interconnection of things. Ma et al. [4] analyze module.
potential security issues of wireless end-user equipment in In fast feature map module, feature map of high res-
Federated Learning through simulation experiments, and pro- olution images need to be rapidly extracted to accelerate
vide possible solutions. Besides, Hu et al. [23] proposed a downsampling. Besides, we focus on keeping the number of
novel inference framework, federated regional learning (FRL), parameters as few as possible, which enables the model to be
to improve computational efficiency for urban environment deployed on mobile devices. Therefore, we employ depthwise
sensing, which combines edge computing and distributed deep separable convolutional block (DSCB) [25] instead of standard
learning. convolutional operation. DSCB separates standard convolution
the two steps of traditional convolution, that are depthwise
and pointwise convolution. The parameter calculation amount
in DSCB and the parameter calculation amount in standard
In this section, we illustrate the details of procedures and convolutional (SC) operation are as follows:
models in our proposed FedLPR. (
CDSCB = DF × Cin × k 2 + DF × Cin × Cout ,
A. Overview CSC = DF × k 2 × Cin × Cout
FedLPR aims to realize effective LPD and recognition by where CDSCB and CSC are the parameter calculation amount
federated learning and assist traffic police to manage illegal in DSCB and SC, respectively, DF is the size of feature map, k
vehicles without compromising privacy safety. As shown in is the kernel size of convolution, Cin and Cout are respectively
Fig. 2, first of all, the initial models of LPD and LPR are the number of input and output channels. DSCB reduces by
trained based on real dataset by the server. Then, the global 1/Cout + 1/k 2 compared with SC.
model on the server is distributed to all users as their local Preliminary detection module is responsible for initial de-
model on mobile devices. In the process of using their local tection of license plates. Similarly, depthwise separable convo-
model, personal data would be collected, that is annotated lutional blocks are used to extract feature map. In our case, the
images after LPD. The mobile device would utilize limited size of the feature map is 40 × 40, which is enough to detect
computing resource to further train its local model based on license plate. Moreover, the number of object classification,
personal data. Considering the differences in hardware per- c, is 1 (e.g. the license plate). Then, following the idea of
formance between the server and the mobile device, transfer YOLO, the input image is divided into an n × n grid, where
learning is used to improve model training. After training, each grid cell would compute the confidence score that reflects
the FederatedAveraging Algorithm is employed to update the the probability of a license plate in its corresponding m
global model through uploading local models of users, where bounding boxes (BBox). The BBox can be represented by
personal data is not shared and parameters of model would be (x, y, w, h, Co), where (x, y) is the center coordinate of BBox,

Fig. 3: The architecture of LPD model consisting of fast feature map, preliminary detection, and mask branch modules.

(w, h) is the size normalization of its width and height relative C. License Plate Recognition
to the raw image, and Co denotes confidence scores (that
is the intersection over union (IOU) between the predicted Based on the result of detection, the license plate image is
box and the ground truth). Therefore, after the final fully cropped to recognize characters. Empirically, the segmentation
connected layer, the shape of the detection convolutional result of license plates has a certain tilt in both horizontal
kernel is 1×1×26 (e.g. 1×1×(m×5+c), where m = 5, and and vertical directions. Therefore, it is essential to correct
c = 1 in our model). Besides, we use parallel non-maximal tilt license plates to improve accuracy of recognition. We are
suppression (NMS) to accelerate the fixing of predicted BBox. able to correct horizontal tilt by angle calculation and rotation
operation. In our case, we focus on vertical tilt. First of all,
The shape of license plate is regular quadrangle, which we binarize the image covered by the mask after horizontal
means adjacent pixels may belong to the same license plate tilt correction, which helps subsequent tilt judgment. Then, we
instance, and mask is continuous in spatial layout. Therefore, select specific pixel rows that are located at 1/4, 2/4, and 3/4
we add a mask branch module to complete the task of license of the height of the binary image in our case, and calculate
plate segmentation (pixel-to-pixel). In mask branch module, the length of continuous pixel = 0 starting from the first pixel
RoIAlign [24] is firstly adopted to align feature map with value to judge tilt level. Obviously, the white area is detected
region of interest (RoI), which is obtained from predicted as a parallelogram if the length of these three rows is relatively
BBox in previous preliminary detection module. After several largely different, such as an increasing or decreasing trend.
convolutional and DeConvolutional operations, we compute a In the correction algorithm, we utilize affine transformation
mask prediction matrix, M , by sigmoid function as the result to correct the image detected as a parallelogram, including
of a binary classification. slope calculation, coordinates calculation of key points, and
We define the loss function, which includes classification coordinate transformation. The formula of slope calculation
loss (Lcls ), BBox loss (Lbox ), confidence score loss (Lcon ), can be written as:
and mask loss (Lmask ). The equation is as follows: len2 − len1
κ = min(| × 2 − tan(angle)|,

L = λcls Lcls + λbox Lbox + λcon Lcon + λmask Lmask , HLP
len3 − len1

| × 2 − tan(angle)|)

 Lcls = BCE(P, P̂ ),


 X where len1 , len2 , and len3 are the length continuous pixel =
Lbox = θi∗ [(xi − x̂i )2 + (yi − ŷi )2 +

 i=0
0 corresponding to three specific rows, HLP and WLP denotes
√ p p q the height and width of the license plate image. Therefore,

 ( w i − x̂ i ) + ( h i − ĥi )2 ], three original key point (upper left, upper right, and lower left)

 Xn2 can be respectively represented as (|κ|HLP , 0), (WLP − 1, 0),

 Lcon = θi∗ (Coi − Co ˆ i )2 , and (0, HLP − 1), which are transformed as (|κ|HLP |/2, 0),

 i=0 (WLP − 1 − |κ|HLP |/2, 0), and (|κ|HLP |/2, HLP − 1) in the

Lmask = BCE(M, M̂ ) target image.
(2) After correction, Chinese license plate consists of Chi-
where, λ represents hyperparameter, P is the probability nese character, letters, and numbers. We use Support Vector
matrix of classification, θi∗ is an indicator function, that is, Machine (SVM) classifier to distinguish Chinese characters
θi∗ = 1 if the license plate appears in cell i, or else θi∗ = 0, M and non-Chinese characters. Considering limited computing
is mask prediction matrix, and BCE is binary cross-entropy resource of the mobile device, we need to segment characters
function. through binary image, gradient sharpening, and threshold

denoise, which are recognized one by one. In our case, the TABLE I: The statistics and shape of the dataset during the
image size of segmented each character is reshaped as 36×28. training
We design a end-to-end CNN as show in Fig. 4. We train Name # Shape
two models to recognize Chinese characters and non-Chinese Photos 32,100 1280 × 960
characters, respectively, whose different shape of output results License plates 53,000 128 × 50
from specific Chinese character in the license plate belonging Users 2,000 -
to one of 31 Chinese character while non-Chinese characters Characters - 36 × 28
composed of 24 letters and 10 numbers. In particular, these
models can be retrain by the mobile devices.
to learning individual characteristic. Therefore, the objective
D. Federated Learning function of the local model can be written by:
Our FedLPR adopts federated learning to preserve user 1
Oi = L(Di ) + f (Cs , Ci ), (6)
privacy and realize the relearning and retraining of LPR model d2
on the mobile device. We assume that our given data is from N
where Cs , Ci ∈ Rd×d is the covariance matrix of d-
different users, which can be represented as D1 , D2 , · · · , DN .
dimensional feature from the server and user i, respectively.
These data is the images of vehicles that are ticketed by the
traffic police. In conventional centralized training, the model,
Mall , is trained on central serer by integrating all the data, IV. E XPERIMENTS
D = D1 tD2 t· · ·tDN . However, in our case, a model based In this section, we will introduce the details of experimental
on federated learning, MF ed , is train on the mobile device, dataset and settings. Then, we show the evaluation and analysis
where user i need not transfer its data Di to central server of results.
or each other. Meanwhile, we make sure that the accuracy of
MF ed is close or superior to Mall . In our FedLPR, the loss A. Dataset and Training Details
function of each user i can be defined as follows:
Our dataset includes 32,100 high-quality photos (1280 ×
1 X
L(Di ) = f (MiF ed (xj ), yj ), (4) 960), 60% of which are from the traffic police in Fujian,
2|Di | Chain. After artificial statistics, there are approximately 53,000
(xj ,yj )∈Di
images of license plates in these photos. On the one hand, for
where (xj , yj ) denotes a data sample, and f (·) is a objective the LPD model, the dateset is divided into two sets that are
function like Mean Square Error (MSE) function. 70% training set, and 30% test set. On the other hand, in
During the process of training, the weight gradients of user
order to simulate the application scene of federated learning,
local model parameter set, ∇W = ∇ω1 , ∇ω2 , · · · , ∇ωN ,
we randomly selected 2,000 detected license plate images
would be calculated and transfered to the central server.
as the training set, which is used to train the initial global
Inspired by FederatedAveraging [20], we design weighted
model of LPR on the server. Then, we assume that there
parameters update algorithm, that is, we would evaluate the
are 2,000 users in the application. Similarly, the remaining
efficiency of each gradient with the test set on the server to
of license plate images is divided into 70% training set,
assign weights for parameter updates of the global model.
and 30% test set, which are assigned to these users. Each
The formula to update global model parameters is denoted
independent user would possess a random number of images
as follows:
(|Di | ∈ [100, 1000]) as the user personal set to train the local
X F 1i model. The basic information and shape of experimental data
Wnew = Wold − η ∇ωi , (5)
F 1old during training are shown in TABLE I. Besides, we show
∇ωi ∈∇W
examples of original photos in Fig. 5.
where η is the learning rate, and F 1 denote the evaluation
In the LPD model, λcls , λbox , λcon , and, λmask are set to 1,
index (F1-score) of models based on the same test set. There-
1.5, 1.5, and 6.125. The training of LPD model is divided into
fore, the new global model is updated based on all user data
two stages since the mask branch module is highly depended
and possesses the ability of generalization.
on the BBbox prediction from backbone network, namely, fast
feature map module and preliminary detection module. In the
E. Transfer Learning first stage, we only train the backbone network. After 400
For different users, there is individual characteristic infor- epochs, the average precision (AP) reaches about 0.83. Then,
mation in their own local model due to significant difference we froze the weight of backbone network, and continue to
among user data, which is caused by various factors such as train the mask branch module based on the RoIs.
time (day or evening), and weather (rain or shine) of given For the simulation experiment of federated learning, the
images. In our FedLPR, we introduce transfer learning to standard LPR model is trained with centralized method, which
optimize the performance of local model. In the recognition is able to achieve 95.3% accuracy after 1000 iterations. In
model, we froze the weights of convolutional layers and our FedLPR, considering users online status and computing
downsampling layers which are used to extract low-level resources, we choose 15% of users for each parameter update.
features of license plate character. The parameters of fully con- In the process of training of local models, we use Adam
nected layers would be updated during training, which tends optimizer with 0.01 learning rate.

Fig. 4: The architecture of LPR model based on CNN.

TABLE IV: The comparison result of federated learning

Proportion of Dirty Data
0.2% 2% 5%
FederatedAverage [20] 93 81 70
Ours (Weighted) 94 90 83

TABLE V: The comparison result on the mobile device

General Scene Illegal Parking
Ours HyperLPR Ours HyperLPR
All 97 90 94 65
Non-Chineses 100 94 97 80

Fig. 5: The examples of original photos.

B. Results
1) License Plate detection: For the LPD, our method is
TABLE II: The result of LPD evaluated against other methods [24], [26]–[29] based on our
dataset in TABLE II. Our detector is superior to others both
Method Precison (%) Recall (%) FPS
in accuracy and rate of detection. In terms of accuracy, the
Mask-RCNN [24] 95.3 97.2 9.6
performance of our model is similar to Mask-RCNN, and is
YOLO [26] 94.3 85.4 33.6
even slightly better. Benefiting by DSCB, the speed of our
[27] 93.2 86.7 14.5
model is greatly improved while ensuring the accuracy of
[28] 95.1 92.5 19.0
detection compared with others. Besides, we design the simple
[29] 95.2 97.3 17.6
ablation experiment to illustrate the improvement of detection
Ours (standard NMS) 96.7 97.8 29.0
speed. Based on the evaluation result with standard NMS
Ours (parallel NMS) 94.3 95.7 36.6
and with parallel NMS, we prove that our model is further
improved in speed, and the decrease in accuracy caused by
the parallel NMS is acceptable.

In addition, our detection model is implemented based on

the Keras and TensorFlow framework on the server with
NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti. The experimental mobile environment
is the Android phone with Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 pro-
cessor to train the local model of LPR.
Fig. 6: The examples of license plates after tilt correction.

TABLE III: The result of LPR 2) License Plate Recognition with Federated Learning: In
this part, we firstly apply the tilt license plate correction algo-
Method Accuracy (%) Speed (ms) rithm in previous detection result. The examples of cropped
[27] 88 0.24 license plates after tilt correction are shown in Fig. 6. As show
[18] 77 0.33 in Fig. 6, we can recognize the characters in the license plates
[30] 82 0.38 more easily from the perspective of human vision, which can
Ours 94 0.36 prove the efficiency of tilt correction algorithm. Compared

(a) General environment (b) Large-angle tilt environment

(c) Too strong or dark light environment (d) Long distance environmente

Fig. 7: The examples of test data of different environments.

with other LPR methods [18], [27], [30], our evaluation V. L ICENSE P LATE R ECOGNITION M OBILE A PPLICATION
result has the best performance in accuracy based on 100
In this section, we present a case study, a mobile LPR APP,
photos of illegal parking as shown in TABLE III. We find
for the practical scene of illegal parking vehicles as show in
that single horizontal tilt correction in other methods cannot
Fig. 8.
solve the problem of character deformation in the picture of
illegal parking vehicles, which leads to the low accuracy of Firstly, we utilize Keras to train our LPD model, which
recognition. In terms of speed, our model is not the best due would be transformed to TensorFlow format. Therefore, the
to the addition of the tilt correction algorithm, while it is relevant Java code can be written to perform the inference of
sufficient to ensure real-time performance in actual scenes. TensorFlow model in our Android application after adding de-
Moreover, we consider the impact of dirty data on the model in pendency item (e.g. TensorFlow Mobile). Besides, LPR model
the process of federated learning, and our weighted parameter is completed through DeepLearning4J. Then, we deploy our
update algorithm is compared with FederatedAverage as show FedLPR on the mobile device including LPD and LPR models.
in TABLE IV. From the result, our method is more robust. Considering performance, MySQL is utilized to implement the
database of the APP. The APP obtains the photos through
Furthermore, in order to further prove the efficiency on
calling the camera of the mobile phone. Then, the license
the mobile device, we compare our model with HyperLPR1 .
plate result would be displayed to users, which is detected
According to the content of photos, we test methods in the
and recognized by models without data transmission. Besides,
two scenes separately: general scene and illegal parking scene.
the collected data and results are used to retrain the local
For the general scene, there are no tilt license plates in the
recognition model on the mobile device, where the update
picture. By contrast, the photos are taken of vehicles parking
gradient of parameters is calculated and transmitted to the
illegally, where the license plates are usually tilted. As shown
server. Finally, the server would fuse all gradients to update
in TABLE V, the result of our model is similar to HyperLPR
the global model, which will be distributed to all users.
in the general scene. However, for the illegal parking scene,
3% reduction of the accuracy occurs in our model, while 25% Meanwhile, considering communication cost, each user
sharp reduction in HyperLPR. usually generate about communication cost of 80MB. The
server need receive the transmission parameters of 300 users
1 A open source Chinese license plate recognition framework, which can be (2000×15%) to update the global model for each round, which
applied in the Android phone: https://github.com/zeusees/HyperLPR add up to 23.4GB during the whole process of optimization.

Although our method has outperformed some other methods,

detection and recognition models need further improvement
and discussion for complicated and diverse actual scenes, such
as accuracy, acceleration, and multi-characters recognition. In
addition, the mobile APP also has high expansion value to
IoV in the future.


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