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Election 2010: Manifesto Commitments For The Voluntary and Community Sector

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Election 2010: Manifesto commitments for the Voluntary and Community Sector

The Labour Party would: The Conservative Party would: The Liberal Democrat Party would:

Promote greater public involvement in how Restore the National Lottery to its original Change the way the National Lottery is taxed –
Lottery proceeds are spent on good causes. purpose, reduce administration costs. They moving to a gross profits tax.
They would return lottery funding to all four would ensure 100% of Big Lottery Fund goes
good causes, following the Olympic diversion. directly to the voluntary and community Support the role of mutuals, co-operatives and
sector. The Big Lottery Fund would receive social enterprises, particularly in public
Support the role of mutuals, co-operatives 40% of total lottery funding. services. They would legislate to bring legal
and social enterprises, particularly in public structures up to date and would appoint a
services. They would expand support through Support the role of mutuals, co-operatives Minister for ‘mutuals’.
the Co-operative Party, Business Link, and social enterprises, particularly in public
enterprise education and the Regional services. Would encourage employee-led co- Would introduce ‘easy giving accounts’ to allow
Development Agencies. operatives and give communities the ‘right to people to operate charitable giving accounts
bid’ to take over services currently run by the alongside their current accounts.
Look at new ways to support giving and state.
philanthropy. Would reform Gift Aid to operate at a single
Look at new ways to support giving and rate of 23 per cent.
Set up a ‘Social Investment Wholesale Bank’ philanthropy.
using £75 million of Dormant Accounts Review the criminal records regime ensuring
money. Set up an independent 'Big Society' Bank, volunteers need only one record that is
using Dormant Accounts money, leveraging portable, rather than multiple checks for each
Promote the transfer of buildings and land to private sector investment. activity.
the ownership or control of voluntary and
community groups. They would also Bring in a "community right to buy" scheme Restore the right to protest by reforming the
introduce a new fund for community to give local people the power to protect any Public Order Act to safeguard non-violent
ownership in 2010-11 for local pubs and community assets that are threatened with protest.
social clubs. closure.
Encourage local authorities to provide youth
Launch a National Youth Community Service, Introduce a National Citizen Service, a two services in partnership with young people and
with the goal that all young people contribute month summer programme for 16-year olds, the voluntary sector.
at least 50 hours to their communities by the delivered by independent charities, social
age of 19. enterprises and businesses. Encouraging participation in public services
through elected Local Health Boards who would
Want to know more? Visit Review the criminal records and vetting and have the freedom to commission services for
www.labour.org.uk/manifesto barring regimes. local people from a range of different types of
provider, including staff co-operatives.
Establish an Annual Big Society Day to
celebrate the work of neighbourhood groups. Want to know more? Visit
Want to know more? Visit

For more election resources visit www.ncvo-vol.org.uk/election

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