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Team Roles in a Nutshell

Ever wondered why some teams just seem to work and others hit the rocks? When things
dont work, it is obvious to all and it often has a profound effect on the people involved, as well
as the project or objective to be achieved.
In the 1970s, Dr Meredith Belbin and his research team at Henley Management College set
about observing teams, with a view to finding out where and how these differences come about.
They wanted to control the dynamics of teams to discover if and how problems could be preempted and avoided.
Over a period of nine years, international management teams were studied. Each participant
completed a battery of psychometric tests, so that attributes such as personality and behaviour
could be brought into play and their effects on the team could be accurately considered.
As the research progressed, the research revealed that the difference between success and
failure for a team was not dependent on factors such as intellect, but more on behaviour. The
research team began to identify separate clusters of behaviour, each of which formed distinct
team contributions or Team Roles. A Team Role came to be defined as: A tendency to
behave, contribute and interrelate with others in a particular way. It was found that different
individuals displayed different Team Roles to varying degrees.
The first Team Role to be identified was the Plant. The role was so-called because one such
individual was planted in each team. They tended to be highly creative and good at solving
problems in unconventional ways.
One by one, the other Team Roles began to emerge. The Monitor Evaluator was needed to
provide a logical eye, make impartial judgements where required and to weigh up the teams
options in a dispassionate way. Co-ordinators were needed to focus on the teams objectives,
draw out team members and delegate work appropriately.
When the team was at risk of becoming isolated and inwardly-focused, Resource Investigators
provided inside knowledge on the opposition and made sure that the teams idea would carry to
the world outside the team. Implementers were needed to plan a practical, workable strategy
and carry it out as efficiently as possible. Completer Finishers were most effectively used at the
end of a task, to polish and scrutinise the work for errors, subjecting it to the highest standards
of quality control. Teamworkers helped the team to gel, using their versatility to identify the
work required and complete it on behalf of the team. Challenging individuals, known as Shapers,
provided the necessary drive to ensure that the team kept moving and did not lose focus or


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Whilst some Team Roles were more high profile and some team members shouted more
loudly than others, each of the behaviours was essential in getting the team successfully from
start to finish. The key was balance. For example, Meredith Belbin found that a team with no
Plant struggled to come up with the initial spark of an idea with which to push forward.
However, once too many Plants were in the team, bad ideas concealed good ones and nonstarters were given too much airtime. Similarly, with no Shaper, the team ambled along without
drive and direction, missing deadlines. With too many Shapers, in-fighting began and morale was
As well as the strength or contribution they provided, each Team Role was also found to have an
allowable weakness: a flipside of the behavioural characteristics, which is allowable in the
team because of the strength which goes with it. For example, the unorthodox Plant could be
forgetful or scatty; or the Resource Investigator might forget to follow up on a lead. Co-ordinators
might get over-enthusiastic on the delegation front and Implementers might be slow to
relinquish their plans in favour of positive changes. Completer Finishers, often driven by anxiety
to get things right, were found to take their perfectionism to extremes. Teamworkers, concerned
with the welfare and morale of the team, found it difficult to make decisions where this morale
might be compromised or team politics, involved. Shapers risked becoming aggressive and badhumoured in their attempts to get things done.
It was only after the initial research had been completed that the ninth Team Role, Specialist
emerged. The simulated management exercises had been deliberately set up to require no
previous knowledge. In the real world, however, the value of an individual with in-depth
knowledge of a key area came to be recognised as yet another essential team contribution or
Team Role. Just like the other Team Roles, the Specialist also had a weakness: a tendency to
focus narrowly on their own subject of choice, and to prioritise this over the teams progress.
The Team Roles that Meredith Belbin identified are used widely in thousands of organisations all
over the world today. By identifying our Team Roles, we can ensure that we use our strengths to
advantage and that we manage our weaknesses as best we can. Sometimes, this means being
aware of the pitfalls and making an effort to avoid them.
Most people have a number of preferred Team Roles or behaviours they frequently and
naturally display. We also have manageable roles, roles which might not be the most natural
course of behaviour for us, but which we can assume if required and might wish to cultivate.
Lastly, we have least preferred roles, those we should not assume, since well be playing against
type. In this instance, the effort is likely to be great, and the outcome, poor. If work requires
Team Roles other than our own, it is a much better bet to find and work with others who possess
roles complementary to our own. Since people tend to display more than one preferred role, a
team of four could quite easily represent all nine Belbin Team Roles.
So, in a nutshell, the Belbin philosophy is about celebrating and making the most of
individual differences. The message is that there is room for everyone in the team: all positive
contributions are welcome.

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History and Research

A unique study of teams took place at the Administrative Staff College at Henley, Oxon, (now
known as Henley Business School) which ran an internationally famous 10-week course for
successful managers with board potential.
Part of the course involved a business simulation in which the managers were put in to
competing teams. This simulation contained all the principal variables that typify the problems
of decision-making in a business environment. The experiment was designed along scientific
lines with careful measurement at each stage.
In 1969, Dr Belbin was invited to use this business game as a starting point for a study of team
behaviour. He came to it as a highly respected academic/industrialist, chairman and cofounder of The Industrial Training Research Unit (ITRU), which was founded by the Manpower
Services Commission.
Having an interest in group as well as individual behaviour, but with no particular theories
about teams, he enlisted the aid of three other scholars: Bill Hartston, mathematician and
international chess master; Jeanne Fisher, an anthropologist who had studied Kenyan tribes;
and Roger Mottram, an occupational psychologist. Together they began what was to be a nineyear task. Three business games a year with eight teams in each game, and then in meeting
after meeting, observing, categorising and recording all the different kinds of contribution
from team members.
The BUSINESS simulation
Those participating were invited to take psychometric tests plus a test of high level reasoning
ability called the Critical Thinking Appraisal (CTA). Teams of various designs were composed on
the basis of these individual test scores. Every half minute the contribution of the person
speaking was recorded and classified into one of seven categories by trained observers. At the
end of the exercise, which ran off and on throughout a week, the results of each team
(operating as a company) were presented financially, which allowed more effective and less
effective companies to be compared.
A battery of psychometric tests was assembled, comprising measures of:
High level reasoning ability (the Critical Thinking Appraisal) Personality (the 16 scales of the
Cattell Personality Inventory or 16PF) Outlook (the Personal Preference Questionnaire or PPQ,
developed specifically for the purpose).


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What was at first deemed to be likely was that high-intellect teams would succeed where
lower intellect teams would not. However, the outcome of this research was that certain
teams, predicted to be excellent based on intellect, failed to fulfil their potential.
In fact, it became apparent by looking at the various combinations that it was not intellect, but
balance, which enabled a team to succeed. Successful companies were characterised by the
compatibility of the roles that their members played while unsuccessful companies were
subject to role conflict. Using information from psychometric tests and the CTA, predictions
could be made on the roles that individuals played and ultimately on whether the company
would be more likely to figure among the winners or losers.
One interesting point to observe from the experiment was that individuals reacted very
differently within the same broad situation. It is a common experience that individual
differences can cause a group to fall apart. People just dont fit in. On the other hand, variation
in personal characteristics can become a source of strength if they are recognised and taken
account of. So understanding the nature of these differences can become an essential first step
in the management of people, providing one can recognise what is useful for a given situation
and what is not.
The most successful companies tended to be those with a mix of different people, i.e. those
with a range of different behaviours. Eight distinct clusters of behaviour turned out to be
distinctive and useful. These were called Team Roles, and in fact, a ninth based on specialist
knowledge was to emerge later. These Team Roles have been used in organisations and teams
across the world ever since.


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Dr Meredith Belbin
Meredith Belbin was thirteen years of age when the Second World War broke out. Even as a
boy, he can remember expressing a political and organisational interest in world events. His
parents were supporters of the League of Nations and took Meredith along to meetings. As
the war progressed, the family gave employment to Jewish refugees from Austria, who taught
German to the children and gave Meredith a new perspective on world events.
Living in an area that became known as Bomb Alley in Sevenoaks, Meredith refused to be
evacuated with his mother and sisters, preferring to continue with his education at the Royal
Grammar School in High Wycombe, where he was already receiving glowing reports from the
headmaster. Meredith suggests that the theme of playing to ones strengths and managing
weaknesses came to the fore even at this early age, with his poor performance in
Mathematics being mitigated by excellence in Latin.
At Cambridge
By 1945, it was difficult to attain a place at Oxford or Cambridge, as many were being reserved
for ex-servicemen. Nevertheless, with an essay Dr Belbin modestly describes as high-grade
waffle, he went up to study Classics at Clare College, Cambridge, where he played chess for
the college and subsequently for the university.
After a couple of years, Meredith began to tire of his subject, viewing an impending career as a
classics teacher as a rather unpalatable option. Never one for keeping to convention, Meredith
began to branch out and read about anthropology and economics, tucking himself away for
hours at a time at the world-renowned University Library at Cambridge.
After some consideration, he switched courses to Psychology, completing a two-year course in
half the allotted time. It was here that he met Eunice, who would later become his wife.
Eunice was reading psychology at Girton College. Meredith remembers contriving to partner
her in a tennis match in order to catch her eye and, a year later, the two were married. Shortly
afterwards, Meredith began studying for his PhD, focusing on the Psychology of Ageing in
From Theory to Practice
Following his doctorate, Meredith was invited to take a research fellowship at Cranfield College
(now Cranfield School of Management) to continue his study of older workers in industry. As
part of his work, he went into over a hundred companies, studying how work patterns change
with age. In particular, he remembers how older workers disliked pacing, the method of
finishing a task on a production line within a given period of time. Where older workers could
be rewarded for accuracy rather than speed of work, job satisfaction was higher.

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Meredith began lecturing at Cranfield on the benefits of ergonomics: the importance of rest
breaks and of paying attention to staff to help motivation and improve productivity. Whilst
lecturing, Meredith worked on recommendation at many companies improving efficiency in
production. Ive never got a job for which Ive applied, he jokes, noting that he has been
fortunate enough to pursue invitations to various posts throughout his career.
At BX Plastics, a chemical plant in Manningtree, Meredith shifted the companys efforts from
quality control to finding out why problems occurred earlier in the production line. Broadly
speaking, many costly errors could be attributed to a lack of proving: assuming a given
method or system will work without submitting it to testing under acute adverse conditions. It
was here, Meredith notes, that the importance of scientific proof came to the fore: this was
to stand him in good stead later in his career.
Eunice Belbin was working as a director at the Industrial Training Research Unit (ITRU), a
government-funded body set up as a result of the Industrial Training Act. Meredith combined
his work at Cranfield with consultancy for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD). This took him all over the world wherever the question of older people
in industry arose. In the USA, he worked with the US Department of Labor, integrating
underprivileged members of the community whose talents would otherwise have gone to
waste. Meredith found that many suffered from low self-esteem but, once they found a niche,
derived great satisfaction from making contribution at work. He persuaded companies to take
on individuals for free work experience, pioneering a concept which is now commonplace.
Once firms found a good worker, it was an easy next step to paid work.
ITRU and the research at Henley
Whilst Meredith was working at the ITRU, he was invited to carry out research at what was
then called the Administrative Staff College at Henley-on-Thames. Having an interest in group
and individual behaviour, Meredith and Eunice, along with Bill Hartston (a mathematician and
international chess master), Jeanne Fisher (an anthropologist) and Roger Mottram (an
occupational psychologist) began planning a research project to study management teams in
Together, the research team selected managers from a number of organisations, who
completed a battery of psychometric tests: some well-known, such as Cattells 16PF and
Watson-Glasers Critical Thinking Appraisal; others derived by Meredith himself. The team
conducted three business games a year, with eight teams in each game. During each game,
observers methodically recorded different interactions and contributions from the players,
which were scrutinised and categorised after the event. The research formed the basis from
which Team Role theory would spring, although its significance was not fully recognised at the


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With the advent of a Conservative government, the ITRU funding was cut and the unit itself,
dismantled. With the country plunging headfirst into recession, planning for the future
through training and consultancy was seen as a luxury rather than a necessity. Meredith and
Eunice left the ITRU and set up the Employment Development Unit, helping small
enterprises to expand. On the Isle of Wight, Meredith helped a struggling company making
fibreglass boats to sell fibreglass for other products and therefore spread their risk across
several industries. Much of his work was focused upon bringing in the right person at the
right time or helping to expand existing offerings to help companies compete in different
Focus on teamworking
In Australia, Meredith worked with colleagues studying intellectual abilities and
teamworking. With a guiding principle of building on success and understanding the reasons
for failure, Meredith continued to put research into practice, breaking down the bureaucracy
and policy which hampered organisations and focusing on giving individuals opportunities
commensurate with their abilities and interests. In 1981, Meredith Belbin expounded Team
Role theory in his seminal book, Management Teams: Why They Succeed or Fail. The book
was later named as one of the top fifty management books of all time.
Meredith worked for ICI Paints and Cadburys Schweppes, reporting on how well individuals
might be suited to a particular job, for the purposes of recruitment and selection. By the late
1980s, Meredith found that demand was well outstripping supply and he was forced to work
into the night to write the reports required by hand.
In 1988, Meredith, Eunice and their son, Nigel, formed Belbin Associates to help promote
Belbin Team Roles around the world. The company developed Interplace, a software system
which could distil Merediths wisdom into computerised reports. In 1993, Meredith
published Team Roles at Work, which provided more practical applications for Team Role
theory in the workplace. Ever since, Belbin Associates has gone from strength to strength,
with distributors spreading the Team Role message to individuals and organisations all over
the world.
Meredith today
In recent years, Meredith has visited China and Russia to speak about the application of
Team Roles in different cultures. His message was well-received by the Russian Atomic
Energy Authority and helped change attitudes to management in Russia. Rusal, a Russian
aluminium company, embraced Merediths philosophy with regards to organisational
structure as well as individual difference.


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An introduction to Belbin Team Roles

The research of Dr Meredith Belbin in the 1970S lead to the development of Belbin Team
Roles, nine clusters of behaviour that individuals adopt when participating in a team. During
extensive experiments at Henley Management College it became clear that teams comprising
a balanced mix of Team Roles outperformed unbalanced teams.
Subsequent research has also demonstrated that teams consistently outperform individuals
when dealing with high risk- high complex issues where a wide range of complementary
behaviours is required.
Today, the Belbin Team Role model is used by over 40 percent of the top 100 companies in the
UK, the United Nations, the World Bank and thousands of organisations throughout the world
to enhance individual and team performance.
The original research involved painstaking and labourious observation using Bales analysis to
identify a persons natural team roles. Today the process takes a few minutes by using the
Belbin Interplace computer system to process the results of the Belbin Self Perception
Inventory, Observer Assessments and Job Assessments.
The diagnostic and advisory information provided by the Interplace reports has proved to be
invaluable for:

Enhancing self awareness and personal effectiveness.

Fostering mutual trust and understanding and building productive workplace
Ensuring managers and organisations have a better understanding of the natural
talents, motivations and behavioural tendencies of each employee.
Matching people to the right jobs and jobs to the right people.
Selecting and building effective teams and diagnosing the causes of
underperforming teams.

Below is a brief summary of each of the nine Team Roles:


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Characteristics Plants are innovators and inventors and can be highly creative. They provide
the source of original ideas to support innovation. Usually they prefer to operate by
themselves at some distance from other members of the team, using their imagination and
often working in an unorthodox way. They tend to be introverted and react strongly to
criticism and praise. Their ideas may often be radical and may lack practical constraint.
They are independent, and usually regarded as being clever as a result of their original and
radical perspective. They dont always manage to communicate in a compelling way and offer
their ideas in a practical and relevant framework.
Function The main use of a PL is to challenge conventional and established ways of doing
things and provide suggested solutions for solving complex problems. PLs are often needed in
the initial stages of a project or when a project is failing to progress. PLs have usually made
their mark as founders of companies or as originators of new products.
However, too many PLs in one team or group may be counter-productive as they tend to spend
their time reinforcing their own ideas and engaging each other in combat.


Characteristics Resource Investigators are usually enthusiastic extroverts. They are natural
communicators with people both inside and outside the company. They are natural
negotiators and are adept at exploring new opportunities and developing contacts. Although
not a great source of original ideas, the RI is effective when it comes to picking up other
people's ideas and promoting them. As the name suggests, they are adept at finding out what
is available and from whom. They usually receive a warm reception from others because of
their warm outgoing nature.
RIs are generally relaxed people with a strong inquisitive sense and a readiness to see the
possibilities in anything new. However, unless they remain stimulated by others, their
enthusiasm can rapidly fade.
Function RIs are good at exploring and reporting back on ideas, developments or resources
outside their immediate group. They are the natural people to set up external contacts and to
carry out any subsequent negotiations.
They have an ability to think on their feet and to probe others for information.


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Characteristics The distinguishing feature of Co-ordinators is their propensity for helping
others to work towards shared goals. Mature, trusting and confident, they delegate readily. In
interpersonal relations they are quick to spot individual talents and to use them in pursuit of
group objectives. While COs are not necessarily the cleverest or most senior member of a
team, they are likely to have a broad outlook and perspective.
The natural goal focus of COs can sometimes lead to them manipulating others to achieve
their personal objectives. In some situations COs are inclined to clash with Shapers due to
their contrasting management styles.
Function COs are well placed when put in charge of a team of people with diverse skills and
personal characteristics. They perform better in dealing with colleagues of near or equal rank
than in directing junior subordinates. Their motto might well be "consultation with control"
and they usually believe in tackling problems calmly.

Characteristics Shapers are highly goal and oriented people with great drive and energy. They
push themselves and others and tend to overcome obstacles by sheer determination. They
tend to be highly assertive and have very directive management styles. Shapers also tend to be
competitive and like to win. They frequently progress upward in organisations because they
get results and because many people are impressed by their courageous and decisive
leadership style.
SHs are not noted for their interpersonal sensitivities and can be argumentative and even
Function SHs are generally perceived as ideal managers because they generate action and
thrive under pressure. They come into their own when quick and decisive action is called for to
overcome threats and difficulties or when progress towards goals and objectives is
unacceptably slow.


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Characteristics Monitor Evaluators are serious-minded, prudent individuals with a built-in
immunity for being over-enthusiastic. They are likely to be slow in making decisions preferring
to carefully think things over. Usually they have a high critical thinking ability. They have a good
capacity for shrewd judgements that take all factors into account. A good ME is unlikely to
make intuitive and reckless mistakes. They deal in facts and logic rather than emotion when
considering options.
They are often regarded as over-critical and can be seen to be slow and boring.
Function MEs are best suited to analysing problems and evaluating ideas and suggestions.
They are very good at weighing up the pro's and con's of options. In a managerial position
their ability to make high quality decisions consistently is likely to make them highly regarded.

Characteristics Implementers are characterised by their practical approach and possess higher
than normal levels of self-control and discipline. They are prepared to work hard to ensure
things are done as prescribed in a systematic way. They are typically loyal to the organisation
and prescribed and established ways of doing things. They are likely to be regarded as
someone who will not seek personal agendas and self-interest.
On the downside IMPs may be inflexible in accepting new ways of doing things, particularly if
they are radical or impracticable.
Function IMPS are valuable in an organisation because of their reliability and capacity for
application. They succeed because they are efficient and because they have a sense of what is
feasible and relevant. While many people might stray favouring the tasks they like to do and
neglect things they find not to be to their liking an IMP is more likely to do what needs to be
done in a systematic and relentless way.


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Characteristics. Teamworkers possess a mild and sociable disposition and are generally
supportive and concerned about others. They have a great capacity for flexibility and adapting
to different situations and people. TWs are perceptive, diplomatic and caring and tend to be
good listeners. Because of these qualities it is hardly surprising that they are popular with their
Their concern about creating harmony and avoiding conflict can make them indecisive when
faced with having to make difficult solo decisions.
Function The TW may be legitimately compared to the lubricating oil in a car engine. We dont
always appreciate how important it is until it isnt there. Because of their ability to be able to
resolve interpersonal problems TWs come into their own when situations are tense and
people feel uncared for and not appreciated. They can rise to senior positions because they
have few enemies and the fact that they are ready to listen to the views and suggestions of

Characteristics Completer Finishers have a great capacity for the attention to detail. They
constantly strive for perfection and correct errors. CFs are quite introvert and require less
external stimulus than most people. The CF can be trusted to do work to the highest standard
and to complete it on time.
The combination of striving for perfection and meeting deadlines often creates anxiety though
and CFs are likely to be reluctant to trust others to do work to their own high standards.
Function The Completer Finisher is invaluable where tasks demand close concentration and a
high degree of accuracy. The standards they set make them well suited to situations where
precision and high standards are essential. CFs will also demand the same high standards from
people around them and therefore create their own micro culture where the only standard
acceptable is perfection.


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Characteristics The Specialist Team Role and the functional title of Specialist is often a cause
for confusion. While it is true that both uses of the term may relate to people who are a
source of technical knowledge and expertise the Specialist in Team Role terms has some very
specific attributes. Their main distinguishing feature is their love of learning. They see learning
and the accumulation of knowledge as the main reason for their existence and their single
minded and resolute pursuit of this end is their main motivation. The SP is likely to be
recognised by colleagues as an expert to turn to for help and guidance.
The SP will usually try to avoid being involved in unstructured meetings and discussions or
those of a social nature. They may also be somewhat unyielding when challenged about the
validity of their knowledge or field of expertise.
Function While SPs may not be regarded as natural team players teams will be wise to engage
the SP as a means of providing in depth research. As managers, they command respect
because of their in-depth knowledge and they can be used to mentor others to raise their
technical expertise.
From the above descriptions it can be seen that each Team Role has its own distinctive cluster
of behavioural characteristics - with potential strengths and allowable weaknesses.
There are no good or bad Team roles but it is important for each person to know their own
Team Roles and those of their colleagues with whom they interact.
It is only by making use of complementary and collective strengths that individuals and teams
can achieve their full potential - in short, Nobody's perfect, but a team can be.


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FAQs 1 of 2

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Belbin Team Roles?
A Team Role as defined by Dr Meredith Belbin is A tendency to behave, contribute and
interrelate with others in a particular way.
The value of Belbin Team Role theory lies in enabling an individual or team to benefit from selfknowledge and adjust according to the demands being made by the external situation.

How did the concept originate?

The concept was derived from a study of successful and unsuccessful teams competing in
Business Games at Henley Management College, England. Managers taking part in the exercise
were given a battery of psychometric tests and put into teams of varying composition. As time
progressed different clusters of behaviour were identified as underlying the success of the
teams. These successful clusters of behaviour were then given names. Hence the emergence of
nine Team Roles:

Action-oriented Roles:



Completer Finisher

People-oriented Roles:



Resource Investigator

Thinking-oriented Roles:


Monitor Evaluator


What can be gained by identifying peoples Team Roles?

It is difficult to work effectively with people without some reasonable expectations of how they
are going to perform. Self and Observer Assessments show how an individual feels and how an
individual behaves in a group.

Why use Observer Assessments?

Observer Assessments provide independent evidence about an individuals Team Roles. A SelfPerception test is only as good as an individuals sense of personal realism. Some people
answer in terms of how they would like to contribute rather than how they really behave.

Can I change Team Roles?

Team Roles develop and mature. These may change with experience and conscious attention.
Different Team Roles may come to the fore in response to the needs of particular situations.

Shall I let people know my preferred Team Roles?

The sharing of Team Roles increases understanding and enables mutual expectations to be met.
Disappointments will then be less frequent.


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FAQs 2 of 2

What is an Allowable Weakness?

Sometimes strength in one role has to be bought at the cost of what might be seen as a
weakness in another context. For example, a person whose preferred Team Role is Monitor
Evaluator is likely to be objective, impartial and good at carefully weighing up all possibilities
to make the right decision. Yet someone with these strengths may well come across as being
unenthusiastic or even boring. Any failure to inspire is apt to obscure the true strengths of a
Monitor Evaluator. That weakness can be reckoned the price that necessarily has to be paid for
the strength and in this sense it is termed Allowable.

What is a Team Role Sacrifice?

In some circumstances an individual will need to forego using his/her leading or preferred Team
Role and adopt another in its place. This shift may be rendered necessary due to the lack of a
good example of a desired role within the team or because another person is already
contributing on common preferred ground. Such a shift from preferred behaviour is known as
making a Team Role sacrifice.

When I know my strongest Team Roles, what shall I do about it?

A persons overall strongest roles are the ones most appreciated by other people. Develop and
play these roles with enthusiasm, because this is where you are likely to make a mark. At the
same time take note of your lowest roles and find a strategy to avoid exposure by trying to play
them. So try to work with people who are strong in the roles in which you are weak.

What about the reliability and validity of BELBIN Interplace?

Reliability and validity are concepts commonly used in evaluating Psychometric Tests. Reliability
is a measure of the internal consistency of a test, while validity relates to whether a test
measures what it purports to measure.
Internal consistency is highest where test items are repeated, but this narrows their focus.
Rather than repeating questions, or dealing with items that are virtually identical, BELBIN
Interplace seeks to find clusters of useful forms of related behaviour. For example, the Shaper
cluster refers to an individual who is challenging, competitive, hard driving, tough and
outspoken. However, that does not mean that everyone who is competitive happens to be
Most Psychometric Tests rely on self-reporting. But here the behaviour assumed may not
correspond with what others observe. The strength of BELBIN Interplace lies in its emphasis
on validity, for its counselling outputs are designed to take account of a consensus on observed
behaviour. This can be made evident by looking at how far the Observers agree with each other.
Formal correlations are, however, difficult to calculate as Observers are not required to make
any fixed number of responses. Genuine responses are more easily obtained, and are more
valuable, when forced choices are avoided. Differences in perception between the self and
others provide valuable leads for action.
The demands of jobs also have to be taken into account when assessing validity since the many
varied forms of behaviour can be seen as effective or ineffective according to the context. Here
the fit between the profile of the individual and the profile of the job plays a key consideration.

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Further Reading and Resources

Belbins latest book, The Belbin Guide to Succeeding at Work (BELBIN, 200812. ISBN: 978
0955297953), provides an ideal introduction to Belbin Team Roles, helping you to
understand yourself, and how to project your behaviour to your advantage.
It makes an ideal handout for any teambuilding or selfdevelopment course.

R. Meredith Belbin, Management Teams: Why They Succeed or Fail (Routledge Taylor &
Francis, 3rd ed., 2010.) ISBN: 9781856178075 (Originally published, 1981)
This book provides an informative introduction to Team Role theory. It is one of the most
widelyread, imaginative and influential books on this vital area of management research
and was cited by the FT as one of the top fifty business books of all time.

R. Meredith Belbin, Team Roles at Work (Routledge Taylor & Francis, 2nd ed., 2010.)
ISBN 9781856178006 (Originally published, 1993)
This book provides an ideal practical guide to Belbin Team Roles. Find out how to apply
the nine Belbin Team Roles in a practical setting. Operational strategies provide ideas,
techniques and a new range of information and advice which can be used to the
advantage of the organisation.


Method, Reliability & Validity, Statistics & Research: A Comprehensive Review of Belbin Team Roles
please visit www.belbin.com/about/ourmethodology
For further resources and ideas on running a team session please visit www.belbin.com

If you are using any information from the Belbin website, including this download, please reference:
Belbin2015. Please share www.belbin.com as needed!




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