ISSN 1991-8178
Abstract: More than 120 gold deposits and occurrences are distributed in the pan-African Nubian
Shield in the Eastern Desert of Egypt. The exposed rock units are tectonically grouped into ophiolite,
island arc and cordilleran-extensional. This work is a trial to reveal more evidence to recognize impact
of these tectonic environments on the structures and tectonics controlling distribution of these gold
deposits using the remote sensing techniques. The present work concerns application of google Earth
and in the present position ETM+ images which provide new and exciting windows for geological
mapping to discriminate probable presence of tectonic environments similar to the Allaqi-Heiani, OnibSol Hamed suture and Himasana shear zones. The obtained layers overlain by geologic maps indicated
that the 16 gold deposits occurring in both Allaqi-Heiani, and Onib-Sol Hamed suture zones are
geographically and geologically distributed within the ophiolite nappes and island arc rock units as
well as the related rocks (metagabbros) in its surroundings. In these tectonic zones developed D1-D4
Neoproterozoic deformation phases. Both D1 and D2 phases associated early collision stage between
the Gerf terrane, the Haya and G abgaba Terranes while D3 and D4 phases associated the later
collision stage. The D2 produced regional E-W thrust zones overprinted by several shear zones formed
during the emplacement of the ophiolitic over the island arc assemblagesat several districts if the
Eastern Desert.. Foliations and shearing overprinted by regional deformational thrust zones produced
by D2 and D3 control distribution of these 16 gold-bearing quartz-veins and the associated alteration
zones. The obtained layers recorded occurrence of another similar five suture and shear zones. These
zones occur in W adi Kharit also W adi Hodein, Barramiya, Atud-Sukkari, Umm Khariga-W adi AbuDabbab and T alat Gadalla-Umm Samara districts. These tectonic environments control distribution of
not only the gold deposits but also the chromite occurrences in both the central and southern tectonic
segments of the Eastern Desert. The localization of gold mineralization in its present position in
certain mode of occurrence is related to action of hydrothermal fluids produced due to thrusting,
regional deformations (faulting and folding), shearing and/or emplacement of younger intrusive rocks.
These fluids leached gold in its pathways from the source rock units of each of the three tectonic
environments. This is indicated by that each process and rock type left its own impact on the
geochemical association and ore minerals assemblage of each group at each locality.
Key words: Gold Deposits, Distribution, Tectonic Environments, Nubian Shield.
Gold mineralization was recorded in more than 120 localities in the Eastern Desert of Egypt (Fig. 1).
According to the mode of occurrence and the nature of mineralization, all the gold deposits and occurrences
hosted by the Pan-African Late Proterozoic basement rocks are of the vein and dyke types. The vein type
comprises the majority of the gold deposits. Most of the gold in these veins occurs as disseminations of native
gold. Relative amounts, however, are found in the gold-bearing pyrites and generally in the sulphide minerals.
The ore bodies of the vein type are usually of a more complicated form. They represent fissure fillings
(arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite) associated with some wall-rock alterations in the contact
zone of the host rock units. The distribution of the primary gold deposits and occurrences is structurally
controlled (fault planes or highly fractured zones (Moharram et al., 1970).
Corresponding Author: Prof. Mahmoud M. Hassaan, Geology Department Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University, Nasr
City, Cairo, Egypt.
E-mail: mah_hassaan@hotmail.com
Fig. 1: Map showing the distribution of gold deposits and occurrences in the Eastern Desert.
1. Previous Work:
a. Age of the Gold Mineralization:
Regarding the age of the gold mineralization in the Eastern Desert there are two points of view. Hume
(1937), El Alfy (1946), El Shazly (1957 and 1959) and Moharram et al. (1970) considered that these gold
mineralizations are of probably one epoch. Hume (1937) and El Alfy (1946) considered the gold mineralization
of hydrothermal origin accompanied the diorites. El Shazly (1957 and 1959) considered the so-called by Hume
Fig. 2: Map showing the distribution of gold deposits and occurrences in the tectonic groups, Eastern Desert.
Fig. 3: Map showing the two ensimatic island arcs; Gerf and G abgaba terranes (after Abdelsalam and Stern,
Sixteen gold deposits and occurrences of Wadi Allaqi and Sol Hamed districts were plotted on Google
Earth and ETM + Images. The obtained layer of Google Earth Image overlain by geologic map indicates that
these 16 gold deposits and occurrences are occurring in Allaqi -Heiani and Onib-Sol Hamed suture zones
(Fig. 4a, b), and are geographically and geologically distributed within the ophiolite nappes and island arc
metavolcanic, metavolcanosedimentary rock units as well as the metagabbros outcropping there in the
In these tectonic zones developed D1-D4 Neoproterozoic deformation phases (Kusky and Ramadan, 2002).
According to them the D1 and D 2 associated the early collision stages (between the Gerf terrane, and the Haya
and Gabgaba Terranes) while D3 and D4 associated the later stage (Abdelsalam and Stern, 1996, Fig. 3). The
D2 produced regional E-W thrust zones overprinted by several shear zones formed during the emplacement
of the ophiolitic over the island arc assemblages. Foliations and shearing overprinted by regional deformational
thrust zones produced by D2 and D3 within both suture zones control distribution of these 16 auriferous
quartz-veins in the present position.
Fig. 4a: ETM+ false color image combination of bands 7, 4, 2 in (RGB) showing the distribution of gold
deposits in the (Allaqi-Heiani,) (Onib-Sol-Hamed) suture zones.
Fig. 4: Map showing the geology (after Conoco, 1987) and distribution of gold deposits and occurrences in
the (Allaqi-Heiani,) (Onib-Sol-Hamed) district.
From the ETM+ and Google Earth Image the authors recorded another new five sutures and/or shear zones
namely W adi Kharit- W adi Hodein; B arramiya, Atud-Sukari; Um Khariga-W adi Abu Dabbab and Talaat
Gadallah-Um Samara (Fig. 5). The ophiolite belts in these five sutures are bent and dragged into N-S to NNW SSE trending shear zones.
Greiling et al. (1994) suggested that the regional structures in the part of the Nubian Shield in the Eastern
Desert originated mainly during post-collision events, started with extensional collapse, which was followed
by NNW -SSE shortening and related large-scale thrusting and folding. Consequently thrusts are overprinted
by transpressional regime; early transpression produced Allaqi shear zone and final transpression is documented
Fig. 5: Google Earth false color image showing the distribution of gold deposits and occurrences and borders
of Allaqi-Heiani and Onib-Sol Hamed and the 5 recorded suture and shear zones in the Nubian Shield,
Eastern Desert.
in W adi Kharit-W adi Hodein shear zones. The originated thrusts are overprinted by a final transpression
document in W adi Kharit-W adi Hodein suture and shear zone (Fig. 6a, b) in the ophiolite and island arc rocks
in which occur a total of five gold deposits and occurrences.
Both Barramiya, and Atud-Sukari sutures are located on the eastern and western sides of the Idfu-Mersa
Alam road which is considered by Hamimi (1999) a major shear zone. In this respect Greiling et al. (1994)
considered Idfu-Mersa Alam road a shear zone trending E-W most probably originated as extension collapse
during a post collision event. However, Salloum et al. (1989) considered Idfu-Mersa Alam shear zone as a
major E-W deep seated fault, overprinted by a number of thrusts and strike-slip faults having N-S, NE-SW
and NW -SE directions. The eastern zone represents the Atud-Umm Ud-Sukkari district, in which distribute 15
gold deposits and occurrences (Fig. 7a, b). The western zone is located within Barramiya district which
includes six gold deposits and occurrences.
Fig. 6a: ETM+ false color image combination of bands 7, 4, 2 in (RGB) showing the distribution of gold
deposits and occurrences in the W adi Kharit- Wadi Hodein, suture (I).
Fig. 6b: Map showing the geology (after Conoco, 1987) and distribution of gold deposits and occurrences in
the W adi Kharit- W adi Hodein, (I) suture.
Fig. 7a: ETM+ false color image combination of bands 7, 4, 2 in (RGB) showing the distribution of gold
deposits and occurrences in the B arramiya (II), Atud-Sukari (III), Um Khariga-W adi Abu Dabbab (IV)
and Talaat Gadallah-Um Samara (V) suture and shear zones (for location No. see Fig. 5).
Fig. 7b: Map showing the geology (after Conoco, 1987) and distribution of gold deposits and occurrences in
the II, III, IV, and V suture and shear zones.
Fig. 8: ETM+ false color image combination of bands 7, 4, 2 in (RGB) showing the distribution of chromite
occurrences and borders of the 5 recorded suture and shear zones in the Nubian Shield, Eastern
The rocks units of each group are the source of the gold and sulphide-gold mineralization that are
supported by the geochemical associations of the metals given in the table, which reflect the lithological nature
of each tectonic environment from ultramafic to acidic rock units. The localization of each gold mineralization
in its present position in certain mode of occurrence is influenced by the action of hydrothermal fluids
produced due to thrusting, regional deformations, shearing and/or emplacement of younger intrusive rocks.
These fluids leached gold in its pathways from the source rock units of each of the three tectonic
environments. Each process left its own impact on the geochemical association and ore minerals assemblage
of each tectonic group at each locality as indicated from the table.
From the field observations and reviewing the previous works, the authors recorded the following
supporting criteria:
In both Um Khariga and W adi Seifein the auriferous quartz veins are trending N 25 E and N 20 E
respectively. W adi Abu Dabbab galena rich auriferous two veins are cutting metagabbro-diorites and trending
N 25 W . B oth may represent one trend of the Abu Dabbab cassiterite-colmbite bearing quartz stock veins of
from NE-SW to submeridioneal trends. This stock of veins is cutting listweanized serpentinite, metavolcanics,
metagabbros and muscovite-microcline-albite granite. The serpentinites in this suture zone especially at W adi
Seifein are extensively listweanized. Moreover plagogranites usually associating the ophiolite sequences like
that hosting Sukari lodes trending NE-SW are present in Abu Dabbab area (Sabet et al., 1976). In this respect
Sukari area as a part of W adi Alam district is considered by Fawzy (1986) metaophiolite ancient ocean floor
In Atud-Sukari suture and shear zone extensive number of auriferous quartz veins (Soliman et al., 1988;
Hassaan et al., 1986-1989) are present in Um Ud area cutting ophiolites, listweanized serpentinites,
metavolcanics, and metagabbros. In Wadi Garf and Um Khasila extensive carbonitized and listweanized
serpentinites, due to doplex thrusting bearing pyrite-gold mineralization and cinnabar are recorded by Ramadan,
2004 and Sabet et al., 1976 respectively. For this reasons this area is considered by Hassaan, (2006) a
promising exploration target for gold as Hg represent the upper zone of these hydrothermal gold deposits.
At alweys Barramiya the aurifeous lodes are hosted in the metavolcanosediments and graphitic schists as
well as the serpentinites.
In W adi Kharit-W adi Hodein suture and shear zone gold bearing listweanized serpentinite at W adi Hodein
and alterated metavolcanics at W adi El Khashab and Um El T ouyur El Fuqani are recorded by Hassaan et al.
(1996) and Ramadan (2004).
The ophiolites, island arcs and cordilleran-extensional tectonic environments control the distribution of the
known gold deposits and occurrences in the Eastern Desert. The rocks units of each group are the source of
the gold and sulphide-gold mineralization supported by the geochemical association of the metals, which reflect
the lithological nature of each environment from ultramafic to acidic rock units. The districts of these tectonic