Conference Lighting
Conference Lighting
Conference Lighting
ISBN 0 900953 47 0
This document is based upon the best knowledge available at the time of publication. However no responsibility of any kind for any injury, death, loss, damage or delay however caused resulting from the use of these
recommendations con be accepted by the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, the authors or others involved in its publication. In adopting these recommendations for use each adopter by so doing agrees
to accept full responsibility for any personal injury, death, loss, damage or delay arising out of or in connection with their use by or on behalf of such adopter irrespective of the cause or reason therefore and agrees to
defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, the authors and others involved in their publication from and against any and all liability arising out of or in connection with such
use as aforesaid and irrespective of any negligence on the port of those indemnified.
In 1963 the Illuminating Engineering Society published a remarkable monograph entitled Lecture theatres and their lighting which became a standard
work of reference. An updated edition was published in 1973. With the
passage of time, and in a different economic climate, it was felt that a similar
work was needed. This Guide covers not only lecture theatres, but teaching
rooms, committee rooms, conference and multi-purpose rooms, and represents a wholly new approach to the subject.
CIBSE acknowledges the assistance in illustrating this Guide of Thorn
Lighting Ltd., the University of Cambridge, the University of Nottingham,
and the University of Surrey.
Task group
A W S Tarrant Chairman
R I Bell
F Bentham
J A Lynes
A Mitchell
Publications Secretary
K J Butcher
Co-ordinating Editor
V P Rolfe
R Anderson
L Bedocs
K Jones
I MacLean
D Poole
Lighting needs
General lighting
Suitable light sources
Suspension points and wiring
Multi-purpose rooms
Committee rooms
Teaching rooms
Lighting objectives
Waiting areas and lobbies
Emergency lighting
Lighting maintenance
Cleanliness and tidiness
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
1 Introduction
When people come together for the purposes of teaching or discussion, it is
necessary for them to be able to see each other properly. Whether it be a
formal lecture in some great professional institution, a class in a primary
school, a conference or perhaps even a commercial presentation in a hotel,
it is necessary for all the individuals present to be able to see each other
clearly, and to see what is going on. That may sound obvious but we have
all experienced classrooms in which some of the children cannot see what is
written on the chalkboard, or lecture rooms in which a distinguished speaker
has been made to appear grotesque by bad lighting, or multi-purpose rooms
in which an elaborately prepared demonstration has been ruined by an
unwanted ingress of daylight.
The function of this Guide is to offer advice on the lighting of lecture
theatres, teaching rooms, conference rooms and multi-purpose rooms and on
the visual problems that may arise. It is therefore necessary to discuss
other matters than simply the lighting equipment and its positioning. The
decoration and finishes of such rooms, the sightlines, the positioning of
lighting controls and access doors all need to be taken into account. The
lighting is a vital element in such rooms and requirements of lighting should
be taken into account from the first stages of the planning.
This point cannot be too strongly emphasised. Lighting is so important to
the functioning of all the premises covered by this guide that it must be
considered from the very outset of the planning process. By lighting we mean
both natural and artificial lighting; experience shows that whilst much
thought is given to natural lighting, i.e. window design, planning for artificial
lighting is often left until far too late in the design process.
However, lighting problems do not only occur in the design of new buildings;
equally important questions are those of re-lighting or redecorating existing
rooms, and this Guide has been written with this in mind. Questions of safety
must be considered, and so a section on emergency lighting has been included.
Consideration has also been given to the lighting of spaces immediately
adjoining teaching rooms; and sections have been included on the vital
questions of the management and maintenance of such rooms as far as the
visual problems are involved.
Each chapter has a list of points that the lighting designer should check
before finalising any design. The check lists are to be used in this way:First, read the questions on the checklist, and compare your answers with
the checklist answers. (Y = Yes, N = No, ? = You need to consider this
Second, if your answers agree with the checklist, then carry on; if they
disagree, then check the chapter for advice; if the answer given is ? then
you will need to understand what the effect of your answer will be. Make
sure that you understand the reasons behind the answers, and check the
chapter for more information.
For the purposes of this Guide, teaching and conference spaces are classified
in the way indicated below, and this terminology is used throughout.
Rooms used for the delivery of formal lectures with raked floors and/or
balconies or galleries and with fixed seating.
Rooms used mainly for the delivery of formal lectures, with basically flat
floors and fixed seating. This category includes rooms with a raised step or
podium for the lecturer, and rooms with one or two raised steps towards the
rear of the seating.
Rooms used mainly for class teaching purposes, with flat floors and no fixed
furniture except possibly chalkboards and projection screens. Such rooms
will usually have a seating capacity of less than 60.
Rooms used regularly for class teaching purposes, without large permanent
pieces of apparatus set up. Such rooms will usually have a seating capacity
of less than 60. This category will include many teaching laboratories.
Rooms used mainly for conferences and meetings at which people may
address the audience from almost any point in the room. Such rooms will
usually have a capacity of more than 60.
Rooms used for a wide variety of purposes, such as school halls, assembly
rooms, function rooms, church halls.
The lighting in a lecture space must reveal the lecturer to the audience and
the audience to the lecturer and also provide for the other visual tasks
involved. These include observing demonstrations, reading what is written
on the chalkboard, and the taking of notes. Note-taking has to continue when
slides, films or video presentations are used.
The lighting in a lecture theatre may conveniently be thought of in terms
of that for the audience area and that for the demonstration area, though
this distinction should not be pushed too far; in many lecture theatres,
especially smaller ones, the audience area lighting may well function as
general lighting and provide much of the illumination in the demonstration
area as well.
For the audience area the basic choice is between incandescent and fluorescent lighting. Incandescent light is readily controllable in intensity and
direction, and is often preferred on aesthetic grounds. However it is inefficient
in terms of energy usage, doubly so in the case of lecture theatres, since the
heat which it introduces to the building has to be removed (at great expense)
by the air conditioning system. Fluorescent lamps of modern types, with
good colour rendering, are very much more energy-efficient and in those
theatres which are heavily used e.g. in schools and colleges, energy economics
will usually dictate their use. Other types of discharge lamp (e.g. high pressure
sodium) are not suitable, since if they inadvertently get switched off it may
be several minutes before they can be relit.
Figure 2.2
shows that when the ceiling is not a flat horizontal surface it may be possible
to make use of its shape to conceal the luminaires from the direct sight line
of the audience, provided that they do not become bad glare sources for the
lecturer. The glare index at any point of the audience area should not exceed
When incandescent lighting is used, luminaires of the downlighter type
should be avoided. Although these are often used in legitimate theatres and
concert halls, they produce a poor modelling of peoples faces, with the result
that the lecturer cannot see the reactions of the audience. When surface
mounted luminaires are used, they should not be of the type which produce
a distracting halo on the ceiling around them. Care should also be taken with
luminaires mounted close to the walls to avoid the scalloped effect on the
wall, which can also be distracting.
When fluorescent lighting is used, ceiling mounted luminaires of the recessed
or semi-recessed type may be used. The latter are preferred to prevent the
ceiling appearing too dark. In order to avoid note-taking shadows, the
luminaires should be mounted with their long axis parallel to the rows of
seats; it is not usually practicable to correlate the rows of luminaires with the
rows of seats beneath. The average illuminance on the working plane (usually
0.85 m above the floor) should be above 200 lux. Bare fluorescent tubes
should not be used if they are visible either to the audience or lecturer.
If the ceiling is white or of a light colour and is of uncluttered design, indirect
lighting may be used for the audience area, but the energy costs will be
higher. This method produces illumination which is quite free of glare, but
is felt by some to produce a soporific effect. In practice the light sources
usually have to be concealed in the cornices. Traditional uplighter fittings
cause obstruction to some of the sight lines and psychologically provide a
barrier between the lecturer and some parts of the audience and are best
Lamps used should be of colour rendering group 1B, i.e. their CIE general
colour rendering index (Ra) should be greater than 80. The common 'white'
and 'warm white fluorescent tubes do not meet this requirement. An efficient
solution is offered by triphosphor fluorescent lamps.
2.2.2 Lighting the
demonstration area
In small lecture theatres and any theatres that have an unbroken horizontal
ceiling it is a good plan to carry the general lighting forward to serve the
whole area, and to add additional lighting as described below. This technique
does not emphasise any division between the demonstration and audience
areas. In very large lecture theatres, e.g. Figure 2.3, and especially those
where the ceiling height is reduced at the front it is advisable to use quite
separate lighting systems for the demonstration and audience areas. Since
the demonstration area lighting needs to be carefully directionally controlled,
only incandescent lighting is suitable.
In small lecture theatres, internal reflector spot lamps may be used, or
miniature low voltage luminaires designed for display use. In larger theatres
luminaires designed for stage lighting may be used. The lamps or luminaires
should preferably be recessed or otherwise concealed from the view of the
audience. They may otherwise become very obtrusive and give the theatre a
theatrical look, or even the aspect of an operating theatre.
The position and angling of luminaires in the demonstration area is critical.
The best alignment for ceiling mounted luminaires is about 45 to the
vertical, and between 30 and 45 to the side. If the angle is near the vertical
it may produce grotesque shadows on the lecturers face, and if it is near the
horizontal the lecturer may be dazzled when attempting to address the
audience. Similar considerations apply to luminaires mounted on the side
walls. Illuminance at table top height in the demonstration area should be
Figure 2.3
higher, but not more than double those of the audience area. The recommended values are 500 lux for the demonstration area and 300 lux for
the audience area.
Lighting provided specifically for the lecturer to read notes when the theatre
is darkened for the purpose of slide projection needs careful attention. The
problems are that either light direct from the source, or light reflected from
the notes and desk, may fall on the screen and spoil the appearance of the
projection; it takes very little stray light of this kind to ruin the effect of a
good colour slide. The best solution is to incorporate carefully shielded low
power light sources in the lectern itself, whether it be of the pulpit variety,
shown in Figure 2.4, or of the movable table-top kind. The illuminance of
the notes should be kept as low as possible, 5 lux is quite enough. Linear
incandescent lamps can readily be used for this job, and their brightness can
be simply controlled with a dimmer mounted within the lectern itself.
Adjustable table lamps are not suitable for lighting the lecturers notes. The
Figure 2.4
beam angles are so wide that a great deal of light goes where it is not wanted,
and adds to the stray light. It is also very easy for such lamps to be positioned
wrongly, so that light shines directly onto the screen or onto the audience.
2.2.3 Sightlines
The first requirements of a lecture space are that the audience shall see the
lecturer easily and that the lecturer shall see the audience easily.
Lecture theatres should not be raked too steeply, as shown in Figure 2.5, this
makes the audience feel uncomfortable and can present problems with slide
projection. The seating layout is important in raked theatres; if straight rows
are used the seats at the ends of the front rows offer a very oblique view.
Figure 2.5 Problems of a steeply raked theatre; if the screen is placed at A it will be very
uncomfortable for those in the front rows; if at B severe distortion may occur when slides/films are
There can be little social contact between different members of the audience,
and this is disadvantageous from two points of view: (a) it discourages
audience participation and (b) it does not facilitate or encourage discussion
and questions after a lecture.
For these reasons, the curved rows in Figure 2.6 are to be preferred using a
fan shaped plan. This arrangement has the disadvantage that if the room is
only two-thirds filled all the audience may be in the back half. Figure 2.7
shows a good design compromise with at least half the length of the side
walls parallel so as to limit the length of rows at the back. If a projection
room or booth is provided it must not jut out into the back rows, as this
creates an unhappy sense of division in the area. It is most important in any
lecture theatre that there is an adequate space in the demonstration area. In
practical terms, this means that there should be at least 3 m (10 feet) between
the front wall and the feet of people sitting in the front row. This not
only allows an adequate area for demonstration purposes and improves the
sightlines, but it gives the theatre a spacious quality as in Figure 2.3. If the
front wall is too close to the seats the theatre will look cramped, and have a
claustrophobic atmosphere.
Figure 2.7
Modified fan shape with angled
straight rows.
Figure 2.8 X marks possible positions for spotlights in a small lecture room on ceiling or side
Lecture rooms are usually rectangular in plan and experience shows that the
best seating plan is that with the lecturing area at one end of the room with
rows of seating parallel to the short dimension as shown in Figure 2.9.
Figures 2.10, 2.11, and 2.12 show typical layouts of lecture rooms. In the
case of a lecture room which is basically flat the sight lines may be greatly
Figure 2.9
Figure 2.10
Figure 2.11
Figure 2.12
Sightlines can be further improved by raising the rear seats on one or two steps.
Figure 2.13 Back row glare in a lecture room; luminaires at A and B are very close to the students
sightlines, and will cause intolerable glare.
improved by raising the latter half of the audience on one or two steps and
raising the lecturer on a step. Lecture rooms in general have a much lower
ceiling than lecture theatres, and in the absence of raked seating the sightlines
become critical. The lighting equipment should be arranged so that the
luminaires do not cause serious glare to the occupants of the rear row of
seats, as shown in Figure 2.13, or to lecturer as shown in Figure 2.14. When
Figure 2.14
fluorescent lighting is used the luminaires should be of the recessed or semirecessed types; if this is not possible they may be provided with the glare
shields illustrated in Figure 2.15. It may sometimes be possible to use ceiling
ribs as glare shields. On no account should bare fluorescent tubes be visible
to the audience.
The glare index at any seat should be less than 16. It should also be
remembered that avoiding glare for the audience may create glare for the
lecturer; in particular, the lecturer must not be subjected to disability glare.
Figure 2.15
Glare shields placed behind luminaires to overcome the problem of back row glare.
Figure 2.16 shows a chalkboard made difficult to read by veiling glare. This
is usually caused by the internal light sources or windows. It is therefore
essential that all chalkboards should have a matt surface; the term chalkboard
includes both the traditional blackboard used with chalk, or whiteboards used
with marker pens,
If a blackboard is used it need not actually be black - a Munsell value not
exceeding 4 (reflectance less than 0.12) is satisfactory. Suitable surface colours
are given in DES Building Bulletin No. 9(2). Note that whiteboards cannot
satisfactorily be used as projection screens.
To keep reflections to a minimum chalkboards should be mounted vertically
on the front wall. They are best lit by ceiling mounted luminaires, similar
to that in Figure 2.17, shielded so that the lamps are not visible to the
audience. The best position for a chalkboard luminaire is shown in Figure
2.18; a luminaire placed close to the board cannot light the foot of the board
adequately. The illuminance on the chalkboard surface should average 500
lux, with a uniformity of 0.25; this can be halved in the case of white boards.
Figure 2.16
Figure 2.17
Figure 2.18
Figure 2.19
It is often felt that windows in lecture theatres and rooms have to be provided
to give the occupants some view of the outside world and to overcome feelings
of claustrophobia, i.e. to provide some visual escape rather than to provide
lighting. Figure 2.20 shows that very much smaller areas of window can be
used, and the problems associated with them much reduced. However, the
need for a perfect blackout remains and again groove enclosed blinds are
needed, though they may be hand-operated.
Figure 2.20 Windows of limited area in a lecture room, provided to offer visual escape to the
occupants rather than to admit daylight.
Windows should not be provided in either the front wall or back wall of a
lecture theatre or lecture room. The former would produce intolerable glare
to the audience and the latter would cause serious veiling reflections on the
Skylights should not be provided; they require elaborate blackout arrangements and are very difficult to keep clean. In the few lecture theatres where
they have been installed they are usually kept permanently blacked out.
From the point of view of lighting, it is much better for lecture theatres and
rooms to be windowless. Since the occupants rarely have to remain in them
for more than an hour without a break, problems of claustrophobia do not
arise, although they may well do so in small teaching rooms. Some newer
institutions make extensive use of windowless lecture rooms with entire
success. Windowless lecture theatres and rooms require forced ventilation
which may in turn lead to noise problems, but it should be pointed out that
large theatres with extensive glazing have an equal requirement for forced
Light traps (e.g. two sets of doors or other effective means for excluding
daylight) should be provided in all lecture theatres and rooms to prevent
daylight getting in when the theatre is darkened for the presentation of colour
slides. This is particularly so in the case of entrances at the rear of the theatre,
which when opened suddenly by a latecomer may allow full daylight to fall
on the projection screen. These light traps should also function as sound
Such doors should not be provided with windows if it is not possible to
provide proper light traps. If automatic door closers are installed they should
be of a design which allows the door to be closed quickly and silently.
2.6 W h a t t h e a u d i e n c e
Figure 2.21
2.7 D e c o r a t i o n a n d
Figure 2.22 Suitable colours for decoration and furnishings. The colours recommended are specified by their British Standard Colour Numbers (given
below each sample) according to BS 4800 (1984). Owing to the difficulties of colour reproduction, these samples may not accurately match the BS
colours. Designers and specifiers should quote the BS numbers and not attempt to match these samples visually.
depend on the style of lighting. The colour should always be light but if
luminaires are recessed and no light is reflected off the ceiling it will look
grey by comparison. Walls should be of a different colour from the ceiling
in order to define the boundaries of the interior space and avoid a feeling of
The co-ordination of the colour and texture of finishes with the lighting is
all-important. The colour rendering properties of the lighting will greatly
affect the choice of colours and in some cases daylight will have to be
considered also. When replacement lamps are fitted they should always be
the same as the originals, unless a positive decision is made to re-lamp the
whole theatre with lamps of a more modern type. Dark colours in decoration
and furnishings should be avoided and matt or semi-matt surfaces are
desirable as high gloss areas will cause specular reflection and be distracting.
Cold blues, dark greys and dull yellows must be avoided, and also colours
which are very clear and strong in blue and yellow; they are particularly
distorted by some forms of fluorescent lighting.
Colour contrasts of a modest nature are desirable since a bland interior
scheme, combined with dim lighting, tends to cause drowsiness amongst the
audience. These contrasts can usually be obtained by careful choice of the
colours of the seating as this presents a large area of colour; mid-toned colours
are best in a definite but not too strong hue. The flooring colour does not
contribute a great deal to the scheme in a lecture theatre. Whether carpet or
hard finish a coloured neutral is the most practical choice. Suggested colours
are given in Figure 2.22 with their British Standard references.
In any lecture space the lighting controls need to be as simple and comprehensible as possible lecturers are more concerned with their subject matter
than light switches. In the main, the only lighting settings needed in a lecture
theatre are:
all lighting off; for the projection of tone slides, colour slides, and for
the purposes of visual demonstrations.
Abrupt changes in the lighting are disturbing to the audience, and for that
reason dimmers which enable gradual changes to be made are preferable to
plain switches, Manually operated dimmers are not satisfactory as it is difficult
to get a smooth transaction from one lighting state to another.
A good system is that in which the only controls are three push buttons,
corresponding to the states (a), (b), (c) above. On pushing the appropriate
buttons the dimmers move accordingly. In such installations the time taken
to go from full-on (a) to full-off (c) should not be too long; about four seconds
is sufficient. The very slow dimming speeds used in the professional cinema
and theatre (usually about twenty seconds from full-on to full-off) are
inappropriate in lecture theatres; it is frustrating to audience and lecturer
alike to have to keep waiting while the lights go down before a slide can be
shown. A further advantage of the pre-set push button dimming system is
that several sets of out-station controls may be used and this may save the
lecturer a great deal of walking about; an out-station control should also be
provided for the lecture attendant e.g. in the projection room.
If it is not possible to use dimmers on grounds of cost, aless satisfactory, but
acceptable system using plain switches may be used in lecture theatres and
Figure 2.23 The small incandescent lamps in this theatre are used alone as pilots when slides are
All lecture theatres should be arranged for one person operation as circumstances inevitably arise where a lecturer has to speak without the services of
an attendant.
Points to particularly avoid in the switching are:
A plethora of switches operating different sections of the general lighting
be on two-way circuits
arrangement means that
has to remember which
and the pattern will be
Figure 2.24
Figure 2.25
Figure 2.26 shows movable screens but these are both costly and bulky, and
can cause unwanted shadows on the chalkboard as shown in Figure 2.27.
The simplest solution is to use two separate screens. Many lecturers like to
use both systems at the same time, and count upon being able to do so.
Figure 2.26 Movable screens in a large lecture theatre: that on the left is set for an overhead
projector, whilst that on the right is set for slide projection from the projection room.
Figure 2.27
In both lecture theatres and rooms the question of access is important. Ideally
the normal means of access for members of the audience should be through
doors at the back, with a separate entrance for the lecturer at the front. Rear
Figure 2.28
Lectern embodying controls for lighting and projection which is movable and remov-
In some cases, local authority bye-laws require that all exits to a lecture
theatre/room be marked with permanently illuminated exit signs. Light from
such signs falling on a projection screen can ruin the effect of colour slides
or demonstrations. They should therefore be aligned so as to be visible to
the audience, but not to throw light on the projection screen.
a particular lecture theatre may be used in this way. The general experience
is that the larger the lecture theatre, the more likely it is to be used for
theatrical purposes.
Table 2.1 Checklist - Lecture theatres and lecture rooms
1) Compare your answers with the checklist answers. (Y = Yes, N = No, ? = You need to consider
this item)
2) If your answers agree with the checklist, then carry on; if they disagree, then check the section
for advice; if the answer given is '?' then you will need to understand what the effect of your answer
will be. Make sure that you understand the reasons behind the answers, and check the section for
more information.
3 Teaching rooms
3 . 1 Lighting and visual
The activities which take place in teaching rooms fall into three categories,
which require different styles of lighting, and these are discussed separately
in this chapter. One category covers the traditional type of teaching where
students sitting at prescribed places are addressed by a teacher speaking from
another prescribed place - a process described by Joad as .... the transfer
of information from the notebook of the teacher to the notes of the student
without passing through the minds of either. This style of teaching is
referred to here as formal instruction.
The second category includes that style of teaching which takes the form of
a group discussion, where teachers and students may sit anywhere, a process
sometimes irreverently termed the brainstorming session or circle dance.
This style of teaching is referred to here as interactive learning.
The third category is that which covers the teaching of practical work such
as metalwork, craft design and technology.
In the case of rooms intended for formal instruction the lighting needs are
similar to those of lecture rooms, except that the students must be able to
read from text books at their desks. The students may have to work at the
same point in the room for several hours at a stretch.
In a room planned specifically for chalk and talk the role of the windows
is as much to provide visual contact with the outside world as to provide
working daylight with a specific daylight factor. Table 3.1 shows the Department of Education and Science requirements for windows in the UK.
Table 3.1 Department of Education and Science guidelines(3)
In a room daylit from one side, the sum of ratios (l/w + l/h) shall not
exceed 2/(1-p).
The electric lighting has three principal roles; to light the desks, the teacher,
and the chalkboard. Desks
For secondary schools, colleges and buildings used extensively after dark the
DES Guidelines(3) recommend a general illuminance of at least 300 lux. This
is best achieved by tubular fluorescent luminaires chosen to limit the glare
index to 16. The contrast rendering factor (CRF), which should be 0.8, should
be maximised by positioning of the luminaires. The classical precept light
over the left shoulder meets both these requirements, at least for righthanded students.
Lighting for the teachers space should always be switched separately from
the rest of the room. It may be worth considering a different type of luminaire
for this area. The teachers face should be sympathetically revealed. A vector/
scalar ratio between 1.5 and 1.8 would be suitable. The vector direction
should be such as to facilitate lip-reading. The background luminance should
preferably be slightly lower than the luminance of the teachers face. This
may be difficult in the case of teachers with dark skin tones, but in that case
a light background would be particularly inappropriate. Light switches should
be handy to the teacher and not local to each luminaire. Chalkboard
Chalkboards need not be black, but should have a Munsell value not exceeding
4 (or reflectance not exceeding 0.12): DES Building Bulletin No. 9(2) illustrates
a range of suitable surface colours. Shiny finishes are unsuitable for chalkboards, as shown in Figure 2.16. The position of a chalkboard luminaire is
more important than its optical design. Figure 2.18 illustrates the principles
involved. The luminaire should be as far from the chalkboard as possible
whilst remaining above the dashed line. A luminaire close to the board cannot
illuminate the foot of the board satisfactorily, see also Section 2.4.
Purpose-designed fluorescent luminaires are available for chalkboards. A pair
of PAR 38 (internally silvered incandescent reflector flood lamps) positioned
to light across the board from opposite sides have the disadvantage of shorter
lamp life. However, they can be used for other display purposes.
3.2.2 Decoration
The wall behind the teacher should be as simple and uncluttered as possible
and preferably be of a low chroma colour, so that the teacher may be easily
seen. If there is a very light wall behind the teacher, the result can be
dazzling, and so be tiring to the students. This does not mean that all surfaces
should be sombre or dark; on the contrary a desirable freshness of atmosphere
can be achieved by using a variety of colours. As a general rule it is comfortable
to have the window walls a light colour, though not white. A light off-white
can be used for the ceiling, rather than dead white, particularly if the room
has a cornice to divide the ceiling from the walls. If wallpaper is used, it
should either be plain or have only a very restrained pattern.
The DES heat wave temperatures can be checked using the admittance
procedure(4). See also the BRE Environmental Design Manual(5). The DES
Guidelines(3) recommend that the resultant temperature should not exceed
27C during the school year. This can normally be achieved with crossventilation and a simple curtain drawn across sunlit windows. If crossventilation is impossible the curtains may need a reflective lining facing
outwards; the admittance calculation will show if more radical design modifications are needed in a given instance, to reduce the resultant temperature.
Curtains serve both to provide a degree of blackout sufficient for most
portable visual aids, and to provide acoustic absorption which is essential for
informal learning without distraction. In general, sunlight is not an overriding
problem for informal teaching. A student who feels dazzled or overheated
has only to move away from the window or to draw a curtain.
3.3.2 Electric lighting
3.3.3 Decoration
Reference has been made in Section 3.1 above to the visual needs in rooms
used for practical work. In recent years there have been great changes in the
way traditional subjects have been taught. Teaching spaces are increasingly
becoming more flexible in use with functions ranging from industrial to
office environments. The computer is no longer confined to special rooms,
but computer terminals or personal computers may be used almost anywhere.
If computers with visual display units are to be frequently used then Lighting
Guide LG3: Areas for visual display terminals(6) should be consulted. It is
particularly important to avoid specular reflections of light sources in VDU
A very large range of activities are to be found in secondary school craft,
design and technology departments and they may change throughout the
course of a year. The illuminance over the working plane (0.85 m above the
floor) should be above 300 lux, and the glare index below 16. If work
involving accurate judgement of colour (e.g. art, dyeing etc.) is to be done,
the lamps should be of colour rendering group 1B. Visual tasks such as
sewing will require temporary local lighting.
In all cases the teacher occupies no fixed position, but spends time at the
benches, machines and tables as needed. The main requirement is that good
supervision is necessary. In most rooms there will be a teaching wall from
where more formal instruction will be carried out with the students sitting
or standing by their machines, benches or tables. Detailed instruction, formal
or informal will be carried out in another room, classroom, seminar room or
small group room, and the design of these spaces should follow the advice
in the previous chapter.
Laboratories can take on similar informal arrangements with movable tables
and service pillars so that a variety of layouts can be provided. More formal
arrangements exist in tertiary education. In both cases, as with craft, design
and technology, there is usually a teaching wall. As with other teaching
rooms in schools, it is a DES requirement(3) that they are largely daylit, but
it is more important that sunlight is excluded because of disability glare and
the danger of rendering bunsen flames invisible. Discharge lamps (other than
fluorescent tubes) should not be used to avoid stroboscopic effects on rotating
The basic visual needs in a large conference room are that all members of
the audience can see the chairman and central officers clearly, and that all
persons present should be able to see each other reasonably well in order
that a proper dialogue may take place. Many presentations in conference
rooms, e.g. the reading of scientific papers, are tantamount to formal lectures,
and the lighting needs are similar to those of lecture theatres. However
conference rooms are also often used as cinemas or theatres and the lighting
must be capable of meeting those purposes also.
Specifically the lighting must provide adequate illumination for reading or
taking notes at any point, good but not excessive modelling and good colour
It must also be flexible and controllable from a single point, must be absolutely
silent and produce no thermal discomfort. Careful co-ordination of the
lighting design with the interior decoration and with the heating and
ventilating system is essential. Absolute blackout facilities will be needed,
and if the room is to be used for lecture demonstrations adequate power
supplies should be available.
Large conference rooms have a good deal in common with large lecture
theatres, and much of the information in Sections 2, 7, 9, and 10 applies to
them. Conference rooms usually have a clearly defined area where the major
part of the action takes place, corresponding to the demonstration area of a
lecture theatre, and a clearly defined audience area. But the activities in a
conference room differ from those in a lecture theatre in these ways:
The audience may be present for long periods, often on several successive days.
Item (a) above requires that participants should be able to move in and out
of the room whilst proceedings are in progress with the minimum of
disturbance, and the seating should be arranged accordingly, with a greater
ratio of gangway space to seating space than is the case in lecture theatres.
It is important that participants can both get in and out without disturbing
the projector beam if one is in use.
In the UK it has always been the custom that those who contribute to a
discussion should do so from their seats, but in many countries of the world
this is not so. A person wishing to speak must seek the chairmans approval
and then get up from his seat and go to a central podium to speak.
The points made in Section 2.2 relating to the layout of the seating apply
equally here. Cloakrooms, toilets, refreshment facilities and spaces where
participants may relax should be provided immediately adjacent to large
conference rooms.
which are not acceptable, this is shown in Figure 4.1. If the ceiling is plain
white, then recessed or cornice lighting may be used, provided that there is
sufficient direct lighting in the demonstration area to provide a modest degree
of sparkle. If this is not the case, it is worthwhile introducing a few small
incandescent luminaires for this purpose. The furnishing and decoration
should not be too dark, as light reflected from the floor and furniture will
significantly improve the modelling of participants faces. The points made
about visual clutter in Section 2 and 10 apply equally to conference rooms.
4 . 3 Simultaneous
Strict specifications are laid down for the lighting of interpretation booths.
See IS0 Standard 2603(7). Care must be taken that light from them does not
spill onto the projection screen.
5 Committee rooms
5.1 Visual and lighting
to enable the committee members to see each other clearly and without
5.2 Daylight
ensures that the chairmans face is clearly revealed, that there is no visual
discomfort, and that the faces of other participants can be seen comfortably.
If this can be achieved, it is unlikely that others will have difficulty in seeing
one or another.
Pinboards and flipcharts should not be seen next to a window: disability glare
will make them harder to read even when discomfort glare is quite acceptable.
They should also not be placed where they may reflect a shiny image of the
window. The prescription above, with the chairman facing the window, takes
care of these problems too.
The background luminance should ideally be slightly lower than the luminance of the occupants faces.
Dark walls are more suitable for formal boardrooms. Very light coloured
walls can give a clinical feel. A few small pictures or ornaments can do much
to improve a committee room, but large and complicated features which may
distract the attention should be avoided. The floor carpet should not be very
Table 5.1 Checklist Committee rooms
6 Multi-purpose rooms
6.1 Visual and lighting
The lighting designer should be involved with the architect and interior
designer from the start of the planning process. In attempting to design a
suitable installation for a multi-purpose room the first requirement is for the
designer, in consultation with the client, to draw up a list of the purposes
envisaged for the room and an order of priorities of use. The prime lighting
needs in terms of illuminances and the controls needed for each separate
activity can thus be tabulated and if any common pattern exists it will be
evident; in that case the lighting can be designed accordingly. However, in
many cases no common pattern will emerge and the designer will have to
produce a compromise design.
There are a few basic points, discussed below, which should be considered
at the start of the design process. These are excluding daylight, stage lighting,
and accommodating large chandeliers.
The next requirement is for the lighting designer to determine what
maximum value of illuminance is required and for how long. This will
determine the nature of the main light sources. The designer will also have
to consider whether a direct or indirect lighting system is used.
If the room has a definable stage area, then the lighting for it should be
regarded as stage lighting and designed accordingly.
6.1.3 Chandeliers
6.5 Controls
To provide for the entrance and exit of the users, bearing in mind that
many people may need to get in and out in a short time.
In some cases, to indicate to visitors the route they should take to reach
their destination, e.g. the lecture theatre in a museum. In other cases,
e.g. a suite of teaching rooms in a college, this may not be appropriate.
7.2 Circulation
The rule for staircase illumination is to light the treads and not the risers.
Figure 7.1 shows luminaires at B and C reduce the contrast between treads
and risers. In addition they can cause accidents by distracting attention. The
luminaire at A is well placed, illuminating each tread by putting the risers
into shadow. On a long staircase it might be supplemented by a wall-mounted
luminaire at D at a height which permits easy access for re-lamping. In the
latter respect too position B should be avoided; steps or ladders are hazardous
over a staircase.
Waiting areas and lobbies immediately adjoining teaching or conference
spaces should be kept tidy and free of visual clutter (see Section 10.1). As
they may well be used as social or tea and coffee areas, the illuminance
should be about 200 lux and lamps of colour rendering index group 1B
should be used. Unless the height is greater than 4 m above the floor,
downlighters should not be used.
Because activities of this kind may well go on at the same time as lectures
or conference proceedings, there should be two sets of doors at the entrance
to the teaching or conference space, to act as both light and sound traps.
There must be a rear entrance for latecomers to lecture theatres/rooms and
it should be clearly signposted from the main entrance preferably with a
sign illuminated when lectures are in progress. The main doorway should
be able to accommodate a large trolley.
If an ante-room for the lecturer is provided its lighting should be of a high
standard, comparable with a laboratory or workshop as appropriate. It can
usefully incorporate a light table and slide viewer for last-minute sorting of
slides or transfer to multiple carousels.
8 Emergency lighting
In all of the premises covered by this Guide, large numbers of people will
gather together. It is therefore necessary to provide emergency lighting,
which is defined as lighting that will enable people to see their way out of a
building in the event of the normal lighting failing. It must be stressed that
it is not the function of emergency lighting to enable normal activities to
continue within a building if the main power supply should fail; such lighting
is referred to as standby lighting and is not normally provided in educational
and conference premises.
In many buildings these may be an actual legal obligation to provide
emergency lighting. The Fire Precautions Act (10) and the Health and Safety
at Work etc. Act (11) require adequate means of escape in all places of work
and public resort. Emergency lighting is an essential part of this requirement
and should be provided in all areas where there is insufficient natural lighting
at all times that persons are on the premises. BS5266 Code of practice for the
emergency lighting of premises (12) lays down minimum standards for the
indication and illumination of escape routes in the event of failure of normal
supply. The role of this emergency lighting is to reveal a safe passageway,
fire alarm call points, fire fighting equipment, escape signs and any permanent
hazards along the escape route.
Advice on the design of emergency lighting installation is given in Technical
Memoranda TM12: Emergency lighting (13). When new buildings are planned,
consideration should be given to the needs of emergency lighting in the early
stages of design. If any alteration is planned in the lighting of existing
buildings, care should be taken to see that emergency lighting requirements
continue to be met. In the case of other buildings it is advisable to check that
the requirement of the 1971 and 1974 Acts(10,11) are in fact met.
Although BS 5266 (12) provides detailed requirements as yet these are not
accepted uniformly throughout the UK. Before the finalisation of specification is completed it is essential to consult the local enforcing authority.
In general, teaching rooms and laboratories are used by persons who will be
reasonably familiar with the layout and safety provisions for an orderly
evacuation in the event of emergency. However, in laboratories some processes may need terminating before evacuation and in conference rooms the
majority of persons present are likely to be unfamiliar with the layouts. It is
therefore necessary to provide strategically placed signs permanently indicating the ways out of the areas and that adequate illuminance is provided
in special locations where a visual task must be performed prior to evacuation.
There are three types of areas to be considered for the purpose of escape
lighting requirement; clearly defined routes, large open areas and areas with
fixed seating.
Examples are auditoriums, lecture theatres and rooms. These places will
have fixed seating layout on horizontal or sloping planes but divided by
gangways which are designed as clear escape route and should be treated so.
For any part of the area having fixed seating layout the average horizontal
illuminance measured on a plane 1 m above floor/pitch line, should be not
less than 0.1 lux with a uniformity of 0.025.
8.4 Operating
Basically two systems can be considered for use; central power or self
contained. Block diagrams for the two systems are shown in Figures 8.2 and
8.3. The advantages and disadvantages of the systems are shown in Table
Figure 8.2
In a self contained system the emergency luminaires are self powered and
operate the luminaire independently in an emergency. Each luminaire is
fully equipped with battery, charger, charge indicator and change over device.
The batteries are continuously charged via the normal unswitched lighting.
Contained luminaires tend to be expensive with limited operating temperature but are easy to install and extend and require relatively little maintenance.
8.6 Classification of
8.6.1 Categories
The emergency lighting system can be designed to supply the required load
for any desired time or duration. However, for application in the premises
covered by this guide a duration of one hour is adequate. The duration is
usually designated by X/1, X/2, X/3 for 1 hour, 2 hour and 3 hour rated units
In this system the lamp is on all the time the premises are occupied. The
lamps may be powered by normal supply directly or indirectly and under
emergency conditions automatically switched to the emergency power. At
all times the output of the luminaire must meet the emergency lighting
In this system the emergency lamp is off when mains power is available to
charge the batteries. When the supply fails the lamp is energised from the
emergency power source. A variant of this system called sustained is often used
where maintained lighting is required, particularly for internally illuminated
signs. The sustained system uses two lamps. One operates off the mains and
the other when required from the emergency power.
1) Compare your answers with the checklist answers. (Y = Yes, N = No, ? = You need to consider
this item)
2) If your answers agree with the checklist, then carry on; if they disagree, then check the section
for advice; if the answer given is ? then you will need to understand what the effect of your answer
will be. Make sure that you understand the reasons behind the answers, and check the section for
more information.
9 Maintenance
9.1 Lighting
In both lecture and conference spaces it is essential for the lighting equipment
to be properly maintained. Lamps which have failed, or which are flickering
not only fail in their function, but convey the impression to audience and
lecturer alike that nobody cares. It is important that lamps which have failed
be replaced promptly, and with lamps of precisely the same type. There is a
natural reluctance on the part of maintenance departments to maintain stocks
of special lamps, and thus there is a tendency to simply put in any lamp that
will fit the holders. It is necessary therefore to see that adequate stocks of
the correct lamps are held.
In raked lecture theatres, access to the luminaires is often difficult from
below. This is a point that the designer must bear in mind. It is strongly
advisable for a group replacement scheme to be used, in which all of the
lamps are replaced at set intervals. The reader is referred to the Code for
Interior Lighting (1) on the maintenance of lighting systems.
Other items such as blackout blinds, projection screens and lighting controls
suffer damage relatively frequently, often as a result of misuse by lecturers
unfamiliar with the particular theatre. Any damage of this kind should be
made good promptly. It can largely be avoided by mounting clear instructions
on an engraved plate adjacent to the item concerned and using equipment
of sufficiently robust construction to withstand the onslaughts of a frustrated
Lecturers and audience alike expect lecture rooms and theatres to be clean.
Fixed seating presents particular difficulties to cleaning staff, especially in
steeply raked theatres it is difficult to both see and to reach under the
seats. In very large lecture theatres or conference rooms it may be worthwhile
to provide special overhead lighting for the purposes of the cleaners, but if
this is done it should be arranged so that it cannot be switched on during
the normal use of the theatre, as it will usually ruin the effects of the normal
Because many lecture theatres are heavily used they are often cleaned at
night. Troubles then arise if they are used for special evening functions. On
such occasions arrangements should be made for at least rubbish to be
removed beforehand.
In many lecture theatres a non-smoking rule is made, and NO SMOKING signs
displayed. If this is done they should not be so large or obtrusive as to mar
an otherwise pleasant place; large signs intended for use in large factory
buildings are not suitable.
When such a rule is made it should be a permanent one. If it is relaxed when
the room is used for non-teaching purposes, e.g. evening film shows, it may
be difficult to enforce it at other times.
Checklist - Maintenance
Those in research institutes, professional institutions, museums, galleries and so on, usually relatively lightly used.
In practice, all lecture theatres are on occasions used for purposes other than
their intended ones, sometimes on a hire basis.
Mention has already been made in Section 2.7 of the need to keep lecture
rooms free of visual clutter, which means keeping them free of unwanted
paraphernalia which serves only to distract the attention of the audience
from the speaker. This is illustrated in Figure 10.1. It is an essential part of
the managing of a lecture theatre or conference room to see that unwanted
paraphernalia is kept out.
Lecture theatres of category (a) are particularly prone to this trouble; wall
charts, glass cased specimens, glazed portraits of the great men of the subject
serve to distract rather than inspire. Such items should only be permanently
displayed if there is a real need to refer to them frequently, e.g. the periodic
table in a chemistry lecture theatre.
The absence of visual clutter is also welcome in lecture rooms as shown in
Figure 10.2.
Figure 10.1
The term lecture attendant refers to those individuals who actually assist in
the running of lectures, often called projectionists. The job of such lecture
attendants is to see that the lecturers wishes are fulfilled exactly as the
lecturer wants them, e.g. that slides appear at precisely the right moment,
that the projection is immaculate, that the lights are raised or lowered at the
right time and at the right speed. To do this, it is necessary for the attendant
to give undivided attention to assisting the lecturer and to avoid distraction.
This is particularly so when the projection room has a large window between
it and the lecture theatre/room. Whilst this may be a convenient arrangement
in allowing projectors to be operated from several positions, it raises visual
problems. First, if the lights are left on in the projection room whilst a lecture
is in progress, spill light will fall on the projection screen and ruin the quality
of any colour slides that may be shown. Second, the projectionist is extremely
visible to the lecturer, and may cause distraction to him.
In rooms of this type the internal lights must be kept off whilst lectures are
in progress, and only the designated projectionist should be there. A carefully
shielded desk light should be provided to enable the projectionist to read the
script or cue sheets. Figure 10.3 illustrates the typical lighting in a projection
Figure 10.3 The projection room of a large university lecture theatre. Note
desk lights and that the room is strictly reserved for projection purposes.
Care should be taken to see that bright light from nearby lights in the
audience area does not fall on the projection window. The scattered light
which this causes can in some circumstances make it difficult for the
projectionist to see the screen.
In view of the pressure on the use of space in educational establishments, it
often turns out that the projection room attached to a large lecture theatre
is used as the permanent workplace for one or more audio visual aids
technicians. This is an appalling arrangement which should never be allowed;
a projection room is an integral part of a lecture theatre or lecture room.
Figure 10.4
10.3 Communication
between lecturer
and projectionist
or projector
Figure 10.5
Lighting controls are similar; it is best if they can be operated directly by the
lecturer, but again the controls must be clearly marked. If this system is used
it is important that all the lights should be under the lecturers control. It is
commonly found that some of the lights in a lecture theatre/room are
switchable from a rear entrance door. This arrangement is not advisable, but
if it has to be adopted the switching should be such that the lecturer (or
lecture attendant) has complete control whilst lectures are in progress.
However advisable direct control of the projection and lighting may be, there
are occasions when they have to be in the hands of an attendant for
example when a large array of demonstrations is presented. When it has to
be so, it is best to use direct verbal communication, unless dozens of slides
are to be presented.
Where large numbers of slides are used the arrangement of a push button
on the lecturers desk which produces a distinctive visual signal in the
projection room may be used to indicate the next slide but a second signal
indicating slide off should also be available.
Verbal communication between lecturer and attendant is usually perfectly
acceptable, provided that both parties can hear each other. In the case where
the attendant is in a projection room, the lecturer can usually be heard
perfectly, but the lecturer cannot hear the attendant at all. Trouble then
occurs when a slide jams or when the lecturer makes an impossible request
of the attendant. To prevent this situation a talk-back link should be provided.
For this purpose, telephones between lecturer and attendant are useless.
In very large lecture theatres they may have some value when lecture
demonstrations are being set up, but they are of no value when a lecture is
actually in progress. Telephones connected to either the internal or national
networks should not be installed in lecture theatres/rooms.
1 0 . 4 Projection rooms
and booths
The multiplicity of audio visual aid techniques now in use require that much
equipment needs to be kept where it is both secure and readily available
when it is wanted. Projection rooms should not also be expected to act as
equipment stores. Separate lockable equipment rooms should be provided.
In large lecture theatres there should ideally be a large equipment room
adjacent to and on the same floor as the demonstration area, which can be
used to house items such as television monitors and overhead projectors when
not in use, and a small equipment room adjacent to the projection room.
10.6 Preparation
10.7 Problems of
visiting lecturers
10.7.1 Lectures involving
audio visual aids but
not demonstrations
The problem here facing the visiting lecturer is familiarity with the lighting
controls, and seeing that the audio visual aids chosen will actually work
satisfactorily in the apparatus provided. The visitor should arrive in plenty
of time before the lecture to try things out and a lecture attendant must be
Reference has already been made to the necessity for lighting and projector
controls to be clearly marked. They should be few in number and should be
grouped separately from other controls. A control panel resembling the flight
deck of a large aircraft does nothing to ease the lecturers task.
Adequate access to the theatre/room from cars or vans is required. Demonstration equipment intended to be seen by large numbers of people must
itself be large, and may well obstruct the view of some members of the
audience of either the projection screen or the lecturer. This is particularly
the case in lecture rooms and conference rooms as distinct from raked lecture
theatres. To avoid this problem the presentation area should be devoid of
any fixed furniture; the use of loose tables or benches of varying heights
usually enables this problem to be overcome.
Lecture demonstrations should always be tried out in the circumstances of
the actual lecture theatre in which they are to be presented. Often they will
need special lighting for their effect. They thus require a high degree of cooperation between the lecturer and the lecture attendant. For this reason the
lecture attendant must be in attendance throughout the setting-up period.
The difficulties caused by problems of this kind can be greatly reduced if the
visiting lecturer makes the requirements known to the host well beforehand.
A printed list of requirements is useful here.
Mark the bottom left hand corner with a red dot at least
4 mm in diameter.
Table A2.1
A2.2.4 Controls
All fluorescent luminaires must be fitted with the appropriate dimming control gear in no circumstances may
unmodified luminaires be used.
Provision for theatrical lighting installation using professional spotlights rigged on standard 48 mm OD scaffold tube and connected using industry standard 15A
BS 546(9) plugs and sockets. Essential locations are
above the seating parallel to the front curtain at approximately 45 elevation from 1.8 m above the front of the
stage, Steeper and shallower positions will also be useful
as will positions on the side walls at 45 in plan to centre
stage. Safe access for adjustment and re-lamping must
be anticipated, Each socket should be wired individually
to a 10A theatre dimmer with remote control from the
lighting control room.
Provision for theatrical lighting installation using professional spotlights rigged on standard 48 mm OD scaffold tube and connected using industry standard 15A
BS 546(9) plugs and sockets. Essential locations are
above the stage parallel to the front curtain immediately
behind the curtain line, 1 m in front of rear wall and
between at 1 m to 1.5 m intervals. Each socket should
be wired individually to a 10A theatre dimmer remote
control from the lighting control room.
1 Code for Interior Lighting (London: Chartered Institution of Building
Services Engineers)( 1984)
2 Department of Education and Science Building Bulletin No.9 (London:
3 Department of Education and Science Architects and Building Branch
Design Note 17: Guidelines for environmental design and fuel conservation
(London: HMSO)(1981)
4 CIBSE Guide Section A3: Thermal properties of building structures
(London: Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers)(1980)
5 Building Research Establishment Environmental Design Manual
(Building Research Establishment)(1988)
6 Lighting Guide LG3: Areas for visual display terminals (London:
Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers)(1989)
7 IS0 2603 Booths for simultaneous interpretation; general characteristics
and equipment (International Standards Organisation)(1983)
A term which, when used subjectively, describes the differThe definitions and explanations given in this glossary are
intended to help readers to understand the Guide. They are
based on British Standard 4727: Part 4: Glossary of terms
particular to lighting and colour (15), and on the fourth edition
of the International Lighting Vocabulary (16) issued jointly
by the Commission Internationale de lEclairage and the
International Electrotechnical Commission. These documents should be consulted if more precise definitions are
needed. The terms are arranged in alphabetical order.
direct lighting
directional lighting
colour appearance
Lighting designed to illuminate an object or surface predominately from some preferred direction.
emergency lighting
escape lighting
indirect lighting
See lamps.
scalar illuminance
multi-purpose rooms
The apparent change of motion of an object when illuminated by periodically varying light of appropriate frequency.
This periodic motion is especially noticeable in the light
from discharge lamps with clear bulbs operating on alternating current. (See Section 3.5.)
teaching rooms
uniformity ratio
response time
vector/scalar ratio
room index
visual field
References to pages 52 to 54 indicate terms in
the Glossary.
Art rooms
Audience area
Audio-visual aids
2, 12
15, 47
8, 22
30, 32
Checklist - adjoining spaces
- committee rooms
- emergency lighting
- large conference rooms
- lecture theatres and lecture
- maintenance
- management
- multi-purpose rooms
- teaching rooms
Choice of colours
Colour appearance
2, 52
Colour rendering
28, 52
Committee rooms
Conference rooms
Contrast rendering factor
13, 31, 44, 49
Correlated colour temperature
32, 33
Craft rooms
Curved rows
Daylight factor
Demonstration area
DES guidelines
Diffused lighting
Direct glare
Direct lighting
Directional lighting
Disability glare
Discharge lamp
Discomfort glare
Display lighting
13, 49
7, 31, 53
26, 17
Emergency lighting
Equipment rooms
Escape lighting
Exit signs
34, 52
3, 4, 31
35, 53
17, 35
31, 49, 53
General lighting
7, 53
Illumination vector
Incandescent lamp
Indirect lighting
Keystone effect
Large conference rooms
Lecture rooms
Lecture theatre
Light trap
Local lighting
Localised lighting
Low voltage tungsten
Mounting height
Multi-purpose rooms
15, 53
21, 44
2, 6, 53
2, 53
30, 54
Overhead projectors
Phototropic effect
Pilot lights
Preparation rooms
Projection rooms
Raked lecture theatres
Raked room
Reflected glare
Reflection factor
Response time
Room index
Rooms for practical work
Scalar illuminance
Socket outlets
Spacing/height ratio
Stage lighting
Standby lighting
Stroboscopic effect
Surface finishes
Suspension points
Teaching rooms
Teaching space
Theatrical presentations
Uniformity ratio
15, 47
5, 40
36, 54
5, 7
35, 40
37, 54
24, 31, 54
13, 31, 44, 49
21, 54
17, 51
Vector/scalar ratio
Veiling reflections
Visual field
22, 54
Waiting areas
10, 21