Chain Reactions: Nikolai Nikolaevic Semenov 1896-1986, Nobel 1956
Chain Reactions: Nikolai Nikolaevic Semenov 1896-1986, Nobel 1956
Chain Reactions: Nikolai Nikolaevic Semenov 1896-1986, Nobel 1956
Chain reactions
3. Branching
One carrier makes more than one carrier.
O + H2O HO + HO
(oxygen has two unpaired electrons)
4. Retardation
Chain carrier may react with a product reducing the rate of formation
of the product.
H + HBr H2 + Br
Retardation makes another chain carrier, but the product concentration
is reduced.
5. Chain termination
Radicals combine and the chain carriers are lost.
6. Inhibition
Chain carriers are removed by other processes, other than termination,
say by foreign radicals.
All need not be there for a given reaction.
Minimum necessary are,
Initiation, propagation and termination.
R = ka [CH3CHO]
R = kb [CH3CHO] [CH3]
R = kc [CH3CO]
R = kd [CH3]2
An example is,
H2(g) + Br2(g) 2HBr(g) d[HBr]/dt = k[H2][Br2]3/2
{[Br2] + k[HBr]}
The following mechanism has been proposed to account for this rate law.
(a) Initiation: Br2 + M Br + Br + M R = ka[Br2][M]
where M is either Br2 or H2.
(b) Propagation: Br + H2 HBr + H
R = kb[Br][H2]
H + Br2 HBr + Br R = kb[H][Br2]
(c) Retardation: H + HBr H2 + Br R = kc[H][HBr]
(d) Termination: Br + Br + M Br2 + M* R = kd[Br]2 [M]
The third body collision removes the excess energy.
There are two kinds: thermal and chain-branching.
Thermal: This is because in an exothermic reaction if the energy
cannot escape, the reaction rate increases fast due to concentration
of energy.
Chain-branching: In this case, there are chain branching reactions
and the number of carriers grows exponentially.
An example of the latter type,
2H2(g) + O2(g) 2H2O(g)
The mechanism is very complex. Yet there are these steps, which
explain explosion.
Initiation: H2 + O2 OH + OH
H2 + OH H + H2O
O2 + H O + OH (branching)
O + H2 OH + H (branching)
H + O2 + M HO2 + M*
Regions of explosion
At low pressures the chain carriers can reach the walls and get lost.
No explosion happens. As the pressure is increased along the
dotted line shown, the radicals react before reaching the walls and
the reaction suddenly becomes explosive. This is the first explosion
limit. In the second explosion limit, the pressure of the products is
high so that reactions of the type, O2 + H. .O2H occur. These
recombination reactions become efficient as the excess energy
can be removed by three body collisions. Then the reaction goes
smoothly. In the third explosion limit, thermal explosion occur.
In this limit, reaction such as HO2. + H2 H2O2 + H.
dominates the elimination of HO2. by the walls.