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Top Rigidity of Torus

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The topological rigidity of the torus

Alexandre Martin

One of the main goals in topology is the classication of manifolds up to some
equivalence relation (homotopy equivalence, homeomorphism, PL-homeomorphism,
dieomorphism. . .). A very natural question arising from this is to decide whether
two manifolds identical up to some equivalence relation are still the same under
a stronger equivalence relation. In this thesis, we will be interested in topogical
rigidity. A manifold M is said to be topologically rigid if any topological manifold homotopy equivalent to M is actually homeomorphic to M . Maybe the most
famous example of a topological rigidity phenomenon is the Poincar conjecture,
now proven in all dimensions, which asserts that Sn is topologically rigid. An example more related to the subject of this thesis is the following result of Mostow.

Mostow Rigidity Theorem.

If f : M N is a homotopy equivalence between two complete hyperbolic n-manifolds of nite volume (n 3), then f is
homotopic to an isometry.
Motivated by this result, Borel formulated the following conjecture, which can
be thought as a topological analogue of the Mostow Rigidity Theorem.

Borel Conjecture.

A compact aspherical manifold is topologically rigid.

The rst example was developed during the sixties. In 1964, Bass, Heller and
Swan [. H. 64] proved the vanishing of W h(Zn ). At the same period, Farrell and
Hsiang developped the theory of codimension one splitting obstructions [FH73],
using the ideas introduced in the doctoral dissertation of Farrell (1967). This in
turn was used by Hsiang and Shaneson [HS70] to classify the PL-structures on a
PL-manifold homotopy equivalent to a high-dimensional torus. This result is a
cornerstone in high-dimensional topology. It was of crucial importance to Kirby
and Siebenmann [KS77] who used it to develop the theory of topological manifolds.

This in turn was used by Hsiang and Wall to prove the topogical rigidity of the
torus in 1969 in [HW69].
Since then, this circle of idea has been extensively studied, especially by Farrell and Jones, who were able to prove the Borel Conjecture for a large class of
The aim of this thesis is to present the surgical proof of the original result, namely
the topologicl rigidity of the torus. It is organised as follows. The rst chapter
presents a proof of the Bass-Heller-Swan theorem for Zn , which will be used in
Chapter 2 to split homotopy equivalences along codimension one submanifolds.
This splitting theorem will be a key ingredient for the computation of the PLstructure set SP L (Tk Dn ) presented in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 deals with the
various P L-structure a topological manifold might carry. Finally, we prove the
topological rigidity of the torus in Chapter 6.
While trying to be as self-contained as possible, I was forced to outsource some
results and some of the most technical lemmas to keep this thesis reasonably long.
I shall give references anytime I do that.
I would like to thank here my advisor, Andrew Ranicki. During these few
months I spent in Edinburgh, he guided me through this beautiful world of surgery
theory, showing me its beautiful landscapes, while encouraging me to venture on
some (algebraic) roads I would not have taken alone.
I would like also to thank my advisor at the Ecole Normale Suprieure, Frdric
Paulin. Since my very rst year at the ENS he helped me and encouraged me to
work on a eld that is not so fashionable in France. I could not thank him enough
for that!

1 The Bass-Heller-Swan Theorem.

K0 , K1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Resolution theorem for K1 .
The Grothendieck's Theorem .
The vanishing of W h(Zn ). . . .












2 From Algebra to Topology: Splitting obstructions


Surgery below the middle dimension. .

The algebraic obstruction. . . . . . . .
The Splitting Theorem. . . . . . . . . .
In light of the general Bass-Heller-Swan

3 A crash course in surgery theory.




. . . . . . .
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . .









. 5
. 9
. 14
. 17

Surgery obstructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1.1 Degree one normal maps, surgery obstructions, and L-groups.
3.1.2 Simply-connected obstructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1.3 Codimension-one splitting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1.4 Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The surgery exact sequence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2.1 The sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2.2 The maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2.3 An exact sequence of what ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Classifying spaces and their homotopy groups. . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3.1 i (P L/O) and smoothing theory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3.2 BO, BG and the J -homomorphism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3.3 i (G/P L) and the surgery obstruction map of spheres. . . .




4 The classication of PL-homotopy tori.


5 PL-structures on topological manifolds.


6 Topological rigidity of the torus




Normal invariants of PL-homotopy tori. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Computation of SP L (Tk Dn ), n + k 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Finite coverings of PL-homotopy tori . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

The homotopy type of T OP/P L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
The Kirby-Siebenmann obstruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
An intermediary characteristic class. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
The Rigidity Theorem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

Chapter 1
The Bass-Heller-Swan Theorem.
The Whitehead torsion (f ) W h(1 (N )) of a homotopy equivalence f : M N
vanishes if f is homotopic to a homeomorphism. Thus the vanishing of W h(1 (M ))
is generally a rst step in proving the topological rigidity of a high-dimensional
manifold M . This chapter is devoted to prove the vanishing of W h(Zn ).
In Section 1.1, we dene lower algebraic K -groups for suitable categories. The
interest of such a general approach will become apparent in Section 1.2 where
we prove the Resolution Theorem for K1 , which will allow us to work with more
tractable categories. We prove in Section 1.3 a theorem of Grothendieck which
will be needed to prove the vanishing of W h(Zn ) in Section 1.4. This chapter is
greatly inspired by [Ros94] and [. H. 64].
Throughout this chapter R will be a

commutative ring with unit.

K0, K1.

Denition 1.1.1. (i) Let Proj R be the category of netaly generated projective

(ii) Let R-modfg be the category of nitely generated R-modules. It is an abelian
category if R is noetherian.

In order two dene the algebraic K -groups K0 , K1 of a category, we need some

additional properties.

Denition 1.1.2.

A category with exact

of an abelian category A such that

sequence is a full additive subcategory P

- P is closed under extensions, i.e, if

0 P 1 P P2 0
is a short exact sequence in A and P1 , P2 Obj P , then P Obj P .
- P has a small skeleton, i.e, P has a full subcategory P0 which is small and
for which the inclusion P0 , P is an equivalence.

Proposition 1.1.3. Let R be a Noetherian ring. Then R-modfg and Proj R are
categories with exact sequences.
Proof. These categories are clearly closed under extensions. Proj R has for (small)
skeleton the set of direct summands in Rn , n 0. R-modfg has for (small) skeleton
the set of quotient modules of Rn , n 0.

We now dene the rst algebraic K -groups for

Proj R and R-mod


Denition 1.1.4.

Let P be a category with exact sequences, and P0 its small

skeleton. Let 0 (P) be the free abelian group with generators [P ], P Obj P0 .
We dene K0 (P) as the quotient of 0 (P) by the subgroup generated by the following relations:

[P ] = [P1 ] + [P2 ] if there is a short exact sequence in P of the form

0 P1 P P2 0.
Note that since every object of P is isomorphic to an object of P0 , the notation
[P ] makes sense for every P Obj P .

Denition 1.1.5.

Let P be a category with exact sequences, and P0 its small

skeleton. Let 1 (P) be the free abelian group with generators (P, ), P Obj
P0 , Aut P . We dene K1 (P) as the quotient of 1 (P) by the subgroup
generated by the following relations:
(1) [P, ] = [P, ] + [P, ].
(2) If there is a commutative diagram in P with exact row







where Aut P , 1 Aut P1 and 2 Aut P2 , then

[P, ] = [P1 , 1 ] + [P2 , 2 ].

Once again, since every object of P is isomorphic to an object of P0 , the
notation [P, ] makes sense for every P Obj P , Aut P .
This category-theoretic approach to K1 might surprise (or alarm) the topologist
reader. Note however that it also yields the common denition of K1 that we briey
recall here.

Denition 1.1.6.

A n n matrix is said to be elementary if it is of the form

In + rEi,j , where r R and Ei,j = (ik,jl )1kn,1ln (1 i n, 1 j n). The
subgroup of GLn (R) generated by elementary matrices is denoted En (R). Using
the natural embedding GLn (R) , GLn+1 (R) given by

M 7

M 0
0 1


En (R) embeds in En+1 (R). We denote GL(R) (resp. E(R)) the direct limit of the
GLn (R) (resp. En (R)).

Lemma 1.1.7 (Whitehead's lemma). E(R) = [GL(R), GL(R)].

Denition 1.1.8. (i) Let K1 (R) = GL(R)/E(R) = GL(R)ab .

(ii) If is a group, let W h() be the quotient of K1 (Z) by the image of GL1 (Z)
in GL(Z), called the Whitehead group of .

Proposition 1.1.9. K1 (R) is an abelian group and K1 (R) ' K1 (Proj R).
For a proof of these results, we refer to [Ros94].

Denition 1.1.10.

We set Ki (R) = Ki (Proj R), i = 0, 1.

Given a functor between two categories with exact sequences, it is natural to

ask if it yields a map between algebraic K -groups. The following is an immediate
consequence of the denitions.

Proposition 1.1.11. Given two categories with exact sequences P and M, an

exact functor F : P M induces homomorphisms F : Ki (P) Ki (M), i = 0, 1.

The main advantage of dening algebraic K -groups for a general category is

the Resolution theorem proved in the next section, which will allow us to work in
R-modfg , a more tractable category than Proj R.
In Section 1.2, we will construct an explicit inverse of i : K1 (Proj R) K1 (Rmodfg ) under some assumptions on R. Recall that every nitely generated Rmodule admits a projective resolution. To extract some information from such a
resolution it would be preferable to have a projective resolution with nitely many
nonzero modules. This motivates the following denition.

Denition 1.1.12.

A noetherian ring is called regular if every nitely generated

R-module M admits a projective resolution of nite type (or simply a nite resolution ), i.e, if there exists an exact sequence

0 Pn . . . P 1 M
with each Pi a nitely generated projective R-module.
We recall a famous theorem of Hilbert.

Theorem 1.1.13

(Hilbert's Syzygy Theorem).

If R is a regular ring, then so is

This implies the following

Proposition 1.1.14. If R is a regular ring, then so is R[t, t1 ].

Proof. R[t, t1 ] is noetherian as a localization of the noetherian ring R. Let M

be a nitely generated R[t, t1 ]-module. Choose a nite set of generators for M ,

and let M1 be the nitely generated R[t]-module they generate. By the Syzygy
theorem, let
0 Pn . . . P1 M1
be a nite resolution of the R[t]-module. R[t, t1 ] is at over R[t], since R[t, t1 ] =
lim tn R[t] and tn R[t] is free over R[t], so

0 R[t, t1 ] R[t] Pn . . . R[t, t1 ] R[t] P1 R[t, t1 ] R[t] M1 ' M

is a nite resolution of the R[t, t1 ]-module M .

Corollary 1.1.15. Z[Zn ] is a regular ring for all n 0.

Proof. By induction, since Z is clearly regular and Z[Zn+1 ] ' Z[Zn ][t, t1 ].


K1 .

The Resolution theorem for

In this section we will prove that for a regular ring R, K1 (R), or equivalently
K1 (Proj R), is naturally isomorphic to K1 (R-modfg ). The main advantage of
this theorem is that it allows us some useful constructions as quotients, since we
now work in an abelian category. This considerations will be of crucial importance
in the proof of the vanishing of W h(Zn ).
The notation [ ]f g (resp. [ ]proj ) will denote an element of K (R-modfg ) (resp.
K (Proj R).
Our starting point, while trying to build a map K1 (R-modfg ) K1 (Proj R),
is the fact that every nitely generated R-module (with R-regular) admits a nite
resolution. We need the following result, which allows to lift an automorphism of
a nitely-generated R-module to an automorphism of some nite resolution.

Proposition 1.2.1. Let R be a regular ring, M a nitely generated R-module,

and an automorphism of M . Then there exists a nite resolution
0 Pr . . . P 1 M

and elements i Aut Pi , 1 i r, such that the following diagram commutes:





/ Pr




Proof. Choose an epimorphism P M 0, with P projective. Since P is

projective, every endomorphism of M lifts to an endomorphism of P . However, an

automorphism of M does not necessarily lift to an automorphism of P . To avoid
this diculty, let us consider the automorphism 1 Aut M M . Note that
we have (it is convenient to adopt a matricial notation here):


0 1


0 1


0 1

0 1
1 0


Thus, lifting (resp. 1 ) to any endomorphism (resp. 0 ) of P , the formula

0 1

1 0
0 1

0 1

0 1
1 0

yields a lifting of 1 to an automorphism of 1 of P P . We thus have the

following commutative diagram





By commutativity of the diagram, ker( 0) is stable under 1 , and 1 induces an

isomorphism of ker( 0). Thus we are back to the same situation, with nitely
generated R-module ker( 0) and 1 Aut ker( 0). Thus repeating the same
argument, possibly innitely many times, we have a lifting of projective resolution














with i Aut Pi , for all i 0. But R is a regular ring, so admits a projective

resolution of nite lenght, say r. Now, by a basic lemma of homological algebra,
this implies that any projective resolution can be shortened at its r-th stage. More
precisely, considering the projective resolution









this implies that ker dr is projective. Since r+1 induces an isomorphism on ker dr ,
we have the following nite resolution:

/ ker d dr+1 /


/ ker d










Proposition 1.2.2. Dene : K1 (R-modfg ) K1 (Proj R) as follows. Given

an element [M, ] K1 (R-modfg ), we can lift to an isomorphism of some nite
projective resolution, as in 1.2.1,



/ ...


/ ...

/ P1


/ 0.

([M, ]f g ) =

(1)i [Pi , i ]proj K1 (Proj R).

Then is a well dened homomorphism.

We rst prove that this is independent of the chosen resolution. To achieve
this, we need the following lemmas

Lemma 1.2.3. Given two nitely generated R-module M, M 0 , a morphism :

M M 0 , and a nite projective resolution
0 Pr . . . P0 M 0,

there exists a lift















whose rows are nite projective resolutions.

Proof. We start by lifting the following diagram



to a diagram









Let B = ker P0 M 0
. Since d0 is surjective, the projection B M 0 is
surjective. Now consider an epimorphism P00 B , with P00 projective. Composing
with the projections B P0 and B M 0 yields a diagram










The lemma now results by induction. Namely, suppose we have constructed




/ ...

/ P0





/ ...


then we apply the same reasoning to the diagram

ker di


ker di

. Since Pi = 0 for i r + 1, we conclude by adding a nite (projective) resolution

of ker dr+1 .

Corollary 1.2.4. ([M, ]f g ) is independent of the nite projective resolution

Proof. Suppose we have to lifts of to some automorphism of some nite resolution



/ P0

/ ...






/ ...




/ Pr

/ P0

/ 0.

By applying 1.2.2 to the diagram


dr d0
Pr0 r


P1 P10

d1 d01


where is the diagonal map, we obtain a nite resolution

. . . P100 M


and chain maps f : P00 P , f0 : P00 P0 covering the identity of M , where P

is the chain complex
. . . P2
P1 0
(P0 and P00 being dened in a similar way). Note that since we have ommited the
M 0 s at the end, the various chain complexes denes have zero homology except
in degree one where it is isomorphic to M . Moreover, by commutativity of the







f1 and f10 induce isomorphism on the rst homology groups. It follows that f and
f 0 are homology equivalences, hence their mapping cones are acyclic. But an easy
induction shows that for any exact sequence in Proj R
0 Qn . . . Q1 Q0 0,
the Euler characteristic (Q ) =
i (1) [Qi ]proj vanishes. Using the fact that
(Cf ) = (P ) (P ) and (Cf 0 ) = (P0 ) (P00 ), the result follows.

Theorem 1.2.5 (Resolution theorem for K1 ). There is an isomorphism K1 (Proj


K1 (R-modfg ) induced by the inclusion.

Proof. For any nitely generated projective R-module P , 0 P P 0 is a

projective resolution, so ([P ]proj ) = ([P ]f g ) = [P ]proj . Moreover, an easy

induction shows that for any exact sequence in R-modfg

0 Mn . . . M1 M0 0,
the Euler characteristic (M ) = i (1)i [Mi ]f g vanishes. Hence for any nitely
generated R-module and any projective resolution
0 Pn . . . P1 M 0,
we have

([M ]f g ) =

(1)i+1 [Pi ]proj


The result follows.


(1)i+1 [Pi ]f g = [M ]f g .


The Grothendieck's Theorem

In this section we prove that every nitely generated projective R-module is stably
trivial, where R = Z[Zn ]. This amounts to proving that the inclusion Z , R

induces an isomorphism K0 (Z)

K0 (R). By induction, it suces to prove that

the inclusion induces an isomorphism K0 (R)

K0 (R[t, t1 ]) for any regular ring
From now on, R will be a regular ring. Give R the trivial grading, and give
R[t] the canonical grading given by the degree.

Denition 1.3.1.

For any graded R[t]-module M , dene i (M ) Mi by Mi =

, and dene i (M ) = Mi /Di (M ). Denote by (M ) the graded
j1 Rt M
R-module i i (M ).

Lemma 1.3.2. If M is a graded module bounded below such that (M ) = 0, then

M = 0.
Proof. Let M be a non zero graded module bounded below, and let n denote the

lowest integer such that Mn 6= 0, then by denition n (M ) = 0, and n (M ) =

Mn .
It is not hard to see that is additive and sends free modules into free modules.
Hence it sends projective modules into projective modules. Actually, we have the

Proposition 1.3.3. The functor Q ; R[t] R Q establishes a bijection between

isomorphism classes of graded projective R-modules which are bounded below and
isomorphism classes of projective R[t]-modules which are bounded below, whose
inverse is given by the functor .
Proof. It is obvious that both functors preserve boundedness condition. Since we

have clearly (R[t] R Q) ' Q for every projective R-module which is bounded
below, it suces to show that R[t] R (P ) ' P for every projective R[t]-modules
which is bounded below. Now consider the quotient map f : P (P ) given
by the denition of (P ), which can be seen as an epimorphism of graded Rmodules. Since (P ) is projective, there exists a right inverse g : (P ) P ,
which yields a map of graded R[t]-modules h : R[t] R (P ) P . Now clearly

(h) : (R[t] R (P ))
(P ). Hence, since one can easily check that is right
exact, we have (coker h) = 0. But since coker h is bounded below, it follows from
1.3.2 that coker h=0, hence h is isomorphic. Now since P is projective, h splits

and, by additivity of , we have (ker h) ' ker((R[t] R (P )) (P )) = 0.

Once again, this implies that ker h = 0, and h is injective.

Corollary 1.3.4. The functor Q ; R[t, s] R Q establishes a bijection between

isomorphism classes of graded projective R-modules which are bounded below and
isomorphism classes of projective R[t, s]-modules which are bounded below
We are now going to construct a left inverse to K0 (R) K0 (R[t]). In order to
see that the functor Q ; R R[t] Q yields a map K0 (R[t]) K0 (R), we need the

Proposition 1.3.5. R R[t] is exact on the category of graded R[t]-modules.

Proof. Since the tensor product functor is always right exact, it remains to prove

the left exactness. Note that R R[t] M may also be written as M/(t 1)M ,
so this amounts to proving that for any graded R[t]-modules M and any graded
submodule M 0 , then (1 t)M M 0 = (1 t)M 0 . But this follows by an easy
induction, since if an element x = x0 + x1 + . . . M is such that (1 t)x =
x0 + (x1 tx0 ) + . . . + (xn txn1 ) + . . . M 0 , then every xn is actually in M 0 .

Theorem 1.3.6


The natural map K0 (R) K0 (R[t]) is an iso-

Proof. It is easy to see that the map K0 (R[t]) K0 (R) dened above is a left

inverse to the map we are considering. Hence it suces to prove the surjectivity.
Let P be a projective R[t]-module. We are going to prove that it is of the form
R[t] R[t,s] N for some graded R[t, s]-module. To see that, rst observe thet P =
R[t]n /Q for some n 0 and some module of relations Q R[t]n . Since M is
nitely generated and R is noetherian, it follows from the Hilbert Basis Theorem
that Q is nitely generated. Now choose a nite set of generators of Q

fi = (fj,1 (t), . . . , fj,n (t)) , 1 i m,

and dene

gi = (gj,1 (t, s), . . . , gj,n (t, s)) , 1 i m,

by replacing every monomial atk by atk sdk , where d is the highest degree of the
fi,j 's. It is now clear that every gi,j is homogeneous of degree d. Furthermore, if we
denote by Q0 the submodule of R[t, s] generated by the gi,j 's and N = R[t, s]/Q0 ,
then R[t] [t,s] N ' P .

Since R is regular, R[t, s] is regular by the Syzygy theorem, hence we can choose
a nite resolution
0 Pm . . . P1 N 0.
Using 1.3.5, the following sequence

0 R[t] R[t,s] Pm . . . R[t] R[t,s] P1 R[t] R[t,s] N ' P 0

is exact. Now by 1.3.4, each Pi is (disregarding the grading) a direct sum of
modules of the form R[t, s] R Q, with Q a projective R-module. Since R[t] R[t,s]
(R[t, s] R Q) ' R[t] R Q, it follows that every R[t] R[t,s] Pi is a direct sum of
modules of the form R[t] Q. Thus the result follows from the following lemma,
which is easily proved by induction.

Lemma 1.3.7. If

0 Pm0 . . . P00 0

is an exact sequence of nitely generated projective R-module, then

(1)i [Pi0 ]proj = 0 K0 (R).

Corollary 1.3.8. The natural map K0 (R) K0 (R[t, t1 ]) is an isomorphism for

every regualr ring R.
Proof. First note that the map R[t, t1 ] R sending t to 1 yields a left inverse,

by the same reasoning as above. Now since the map K0 (R) K0 (R[t, t1 ])
factors through K0 (R[t]) by means of the ring homomorphisms R R[t]
R[t, t1 ], it suce to show that K0 (R[t]) K0 (R[t, t1 ]) is surjective, by ??. Let
P be a nitely generated projective R[t, t1 ]-module. Then P = R[t, t1 ]n /Q for
some module of relations Q R[t, t1 ]n . Since P is nitely generated and R is
noetherian, it follows from the Hilbert Basis Theorem that Q is nitely generated.
Thus we can choose d large enough so that td Q R[t]n . Hence

P ' td R[t, t1 ]n / td Q ' R[t, t1 ] R[t] M
for some nitely generated R[t]-module M . Using the Syzygy theorem, choose a
nite resolution
0 Pm . . . P 1 M 0

by nitely generated projective R[t]-modules. Since R[t, t1 ] is a at over R[t], the
following sequence is exact

0 R[t, t1 ] R[t] Pm . . . R[t, t1 ] R[t] P1 R[t, t1 ] R[t] M ' P 0.

Thus the result follows from 1.3.7 applied to R[t, t1 ].

Corollary 1.3.9. The natural map K0 (Z) K0 (Z[Zn ]) is an isomorphism for all
n 0.

The vanishing of

W h(Zn).

In this section, we prove a particular case of the Bass-Heller-Swan theorem, which

will appear to be of fundamental importance to study high-dimensional manifolds.
The links between this vanishing theorem and manifold topology will be studied
in the next section.
The notation [ ]W h will denote an element in the Whitehead group.

Theorem 1.4.1
all n 0.


The Whitehead group W h(Zn ) vanishes for

We prove the result by induction on n. The vanishing of W h(e) is a basic fact

of linear algebra. Suppose the result has been prove for n 0.
Given a class [P, ]W h W h(Zn+1 ), there exists a (projective) nitely generated R[t, t1 ]-module Q such that P Q ' R[t, t1 ]N for some N 0. By
denition of W h, we then have

[P, ]W h = [P Q, IdQ ]W h = [R[t, t1 ]N , ]W h

for some automorphism of the R[t, t1 ]-module R[t, t1 ]N . It is thus enough to
prove that [R[t, t1 ]N , ] = 0 W h(Zn+1 ) for any Aut R[t, t1 ]N , N 0.
Since an automorphism of R[t, t1 ]N can be seen as an element of GLN (R[t, t1 ]),
we start by expressing any matrix in GLN (R[t, t1 ]) in a more tractable way.

Proposition 1.4.2. Any matrix B GL(R[t, t1 ]) can be reduced, modulo GL(R)

and E(R[t, t1 ]), to a matrix of the form

tm 0
0 1

(1 + A(t 1)),

where m Z, and A M (R) with A(1 A) nilpotent.


Proof. Let m 0 such that tm B has entries in R[t], and write

tm B = B0 + tB1 + . . . + td Bd ,
where the Bi have entries in R, and d 0. We prove by induction that, modulo
GL(R) and E(R[t]), we can reduced our study to the case d 1. Assume d > 1.
Then, by writing M N if two matrices M, N M (R[t, t1 ]) are equivalent
modulo GL(R) and E(R[t]), we have

t B 0
t B
0 1

t B td1 Bd


t B td Bd td1 Bd

and the last matrix has entries of degree d1, so we conclude by induction. Thus
we have only to deal with the case tm B B0 + tB1 = (B0 + B1 ) + (t 1)B1 . Since
tm B must be invertible as a matrix over R[t, t1 ], B0 +N1 is invertible. So factoring
out by B0 + B1 GL(R), we have a matrix of the form 1 + A(t 1) = (1 A) + tA.
Let Cr , . . . , Cs M (R) with s, r > 0, such that

1 = ((1 A) + tA)(tr Cr + . . . + ts Cs ) = (C0 + tC1 + . . . + ts Cs )((1 A) + tA).

It follows that (1 A)Ci + ACi1 = 0 for i 6= 0. Starting with ACs = 0, we prove
by induction that Ai Csi+1 = 0 for 1 i s + 1, so in particular As+1 C0 =
0. Similarly, starting with (1 A)Cr = 0, we prove by induction that (1
A)i Cr+i1 = 0 for 1 i r, so in particular (1 A)r C1 = 0. Multiplying the
equation (1 A)C0 + AC1 = 1 by As (1 A)r1 yields

As (1 A)r1 = (1 A)r1 As+1 C0 + As (1 A)r C1 = 0,

and the result follows.
Using 1.4.2, we thus have

[R[t, t1 ]N , B]W h = [R[t, t1 ]k , (1A)+tA]W h +[R[t, t1 ]k , S]W h

+[R[t, t1 ]k , U ]W h W h(Zn+1 ),
with A(1 A) nilpotent, S GLm (R), and U E(R[t]).
By induction hypothesis, we have [R[t, t1 ]m , S]W h = 0 since W h(Zn ) = 0 and
S GLk (Z[Zn ]).
Since E(R[t]) is generated by unipotent matrices, it is enough to prove the following

Lemma 1.4.3. Let P be a projective R[t, t1 ]-module, and an unipotent automorphism of P . Then [P, ]proj = 0 K1 (R[t, t1 ]).
Proof. By the Resolution theorem 1.2.5, it is enough to prove the result in R[t, t1 ]mod . Suppose s = 0, and let Mi = Im (1)si . Each Mi is stable under , and

induces identity on the quotient Mi+1 /Mi , yielding the following commutative
diagram in R[t, t1 ]-modfg





Mi+1 /Mi


Mi+1 /Mi


So, by denition of K1 , [Mi+1 , | ]f g = [Mi , | ]f g , and the result follows by induction.

To complete the proof of 1.4.1 me must show that [R[t, t1 ]k , 1+(t1)A]W h = 0,
with A M (R) such that A(1 A) is nilpotent, say As (1 A)s = 0. We have
R[t, t1 ]k = M0 M1 , with M0 = ker As , M1 = Ker(1 A)s , and A stabilizes both
submodules. Let A0 (resp A1 ) its restriction to M0 (resp. M1 ).

R[t, t1 ]k , 1 + (t 1)A W h = [M0 , IdM0 + (t 1)A0 ]W h

+ [M1 , tIdM1 + (IdM1 tA1 )]W h

= [M0 , IdM0 + (t 1)A0 ]W h + [M1 , ]W h

+ IdM1 + t1 A1
1 (IdM1 tA1 ) W h
= [M1 , tIdM1 ]W h + [M0 , IdM0 + (t 1)A0 ]W h

+ [M1 , A1 ]W h + IdM1 + t1 A1
1 (IdM1 tA1 ) W h
The last three terms vanish by 1.4.3, since the automorphisms involved are unipotent. If M1 was free, [M1 , tIdM1 ]W h would vanish by denition of the Whitehead
group. Here, M1 is only projective, but the Grothendieck's theorem will allow us

Lemma 1.4.4. [M1 , tIdM1 ]W h = 0.

Proof. By the Grothendieck's theorem, let s Z such that [M1 ]proj = [R[t, t1 ]s ]proj .
By denition of K0 (Proj R[t, t1 ]), this implies that M1 is isomorphic to a projective module Q satisfying
Q = R[t, t1 ]s +
(P (i) P1 P2 ) 0 (Proj R[t, t1 ]),




where the P (i) , P1 , P2 are projective modules satisfying an exact sequence



0 P1 P (i) P2 0.
Now one can deduce the following commutative diagrams



/ P (i)

P (i)






P (i)

/ P (i)



 X  (i)
(Q, tId) = R[t, t1 ]s , tId +
(P , tId) (P1 , tId) (P2 , tId) 1 (Proj R[t, t1 ]),

and hence [M1 , tId]W h = [R[t, t1 ]s , tId]W h = 0.


Chapter 2
From Algebra to Topology: Splitting
In this chapter, we study a geometric phenomenon which will be of crucial importance in calculating the PL-structure set of the torus: codimension one splitting.
Let f : M M 0 be a homotopy equivalence, and N 0 a two-sided codimension one
submanifold of M 0 . By making f transverse to N 0 , it induces a degree one map
g : N N 0 , with N = f 1 (N 0 ). The problem is to decide if we can homotop f
to make g a homotopy equivalence. The idea will be to make g highly connected
by performing succesive surgeries on N . Note that, instead of classical surgery,
everything is done inside M , so we will need dierent assumptions to make sure
we can perform surgery on a class.
In the rst section, we prove that this program can be carried out until middle
dimension, where a obstruction to perform surgery will appear. In Section 2.2, we
prove that the vanishing of this obstruction gives algebraic moves, whose geometric counterparts will be developed in Section 2.3 to achieve the surgery program,
yielding the following

Splitting Theorem.
Let f : M Tn be a homotopy equivalence between PL-manifolds of dimension
n 6, and N 0 a two-sided codimension submanifold of Tn . Then we can homotop
f such that:
- f is transverse to N 0 .
- the restriction f| : N N 0 is a homotopy equivalence, where N = f 1 (N 0 ).
Finally, we relate the algebraic obstruction to the algebraic machinery developed

in the previous chapter in Section 2.4. This last section is not necessary for the
rest of this thesis, but presents the link between the Whitehead group of a group
and the Nil group of its groups ring given by the general Bass-Heller-Swan theorem.

Notation In this chapter, R will denote the ring Z[Zn ].


Surgery below the middle dimension.

Let M be a PL-manifold of dimension n 6, f : M Tn a homotopy equivalence,

and N 0 a two-sided codimension one subtorus of M 0 = Tn . By rst making f
transverse regular to N 0 , we can assume it induces a degree one map g : N
N 0 , with N = f 1 (N 0 ). We will try to perform sugery on N to make g highly

Lemma 2.1.1. One can homotop f so that N is connected and g : N N 0

induces an isomorphism on 1 .
Proof. By performing surgery on a path between two connect components of N , we

can rst assume that N is connected. Now g : N N 0 is a degree one map between
connected compact manifolds, thus induces an epimorphism g : 1 (N ) 1 (N 0 ).
Indeed, consider the covering map Z N 0 associated to g 1 (N ). Then by
denition g lifts to g : N Z , and g : Hn1 (N ) Hn1 (N 0 ) factors through

Hn1 (N )
Hn1 (Z) Hn1 (N 0 ). Since g is a degree one map, Z is compact
(otherwise Hn1 (Z) = 0), so g 1 (N ) is a subgroup of 1 (N 0 ) of nite index d, and
Hn1 (Z) Hn1 (N 0 ) is multiplication by d. Hence d = 1 and g 1 (N ) = 1 (N 0 ).
Now consider a loop representing an element of ker g . Then, since f : M M 0 ,
the commutativity of the following diagram
/ 1 (M 0 )

1 (N )

/ 1 (M )

1 (N 0 )

shows that is nullhomotopic in M . Since n 6, we can, by a general position

argument, assume that bounds an embedding (D2 , S1 ) , (M, N ).


The normal bundle of the embedded (contractible) D2 is trivial, hence it has a

tubular neighboorhood of the form D2 Dn2 . By homotoping f we can assume
that f maps this tube in N . Consider the codimension one submanifold N1 obtained by ambient surgery on (namely, N1 = N (S1 Dn2 ) D2 Sn3 ).
f induces a map g1 : N1 N 0 and ker g1 ' ker g / < [] >. Furthermore, by
considering a suciently small tube D2 Dn2 , we can suppose that the image of
the tube is not dense in N 0 . But since the degree is a local data, this implies that
g1 has degree one.
We now assume that N is connected and N N 0 induces an isomorphism
on 1 . It is not possible to have the same reasoning in higher dimensions since a
degree one map does not necessarily induce an epimorphism on i , i 2. However,
we have the following

Lemma 2.1.2. A degree one normal map between compact connected orientable
manifolds induces an epimorphism on Hi , i 1.
Proof. Let h : X Y be a degree one normal map between compact connected

orientable m-manifolds. We have the following commutative diagram

Hi (X)

Hi (Y )





(Y )

where D is the inverse of the Poincar duality isomorphism. Set f] = D1 f D.

Then, for all y Hi (Y ),

f f] (y) = f (f (Dy) [X]) = Dy f [X] = Dy [Y ] = y.

Thus f f] = id, hence f is surjective.
By virtue of the Hurewicz theorem (since f induces an isomorphism on 1 ), it
is sucient to prove that we can homotop f so that g induces a homology isomorphism. By Poincar duality, it is sucient to prove that it induces a homology
equivalence until the middle dimension. Now, if N1 is obtained from N by surgery,
there is no natural map N N1 . It will be more convenient to consider the
following innite cycling covering.

Denition 2.1.3.
the inclusion Zn1

Let p0 : YM 0 M 0 be the innite cyclic covering associated to

= 1 (N 0 ) , 1 (M 0 ) = Zn , and p : YM M the pullback over


/ YM


M 0.

By denition of p0 , N 0 lifts to a two-sided codimension one submanifold that
we still denote N 0 . N 0 divides YM 0 into AN 0 and BN 0 . The group of covering transformations is isomorphic to Z, and we choose a generator t such that
tAN 0 AN 0 .Furthermore, since 1 (N ) 1 (N 0 ) is an isomorphism, N lifts to a
two-sided codimension one submanifold that will still denote by N . We can choose
a lift such that f (N ) N 0 . N divides YN into AN and BN , and considering the
generator t of the innite cyclic group of covering transformations of p induced
by the isomorphism 1 (N ) 1 (N 0 ), we have f (AN ) AN 0 , f (BN ) BN 0 and
tAN AN .


Denition 2.1.4.

For any map h : X Y , dene Ki (h) = ker Hi (X) Hi (Y ),

K (h) = ker H (Y ) H i (X) for i 0 (where the coecient group is to be
specied). If no confusion is possible, we will just denote it by Ki (X) or K i (X).

We have the following

Lemma 2.1.5. We have, for i 1,

Ki (N ) ' Ki1 (AN , N ) Ki1 (BN , N )

where we consider homology with coecient in a R-module.

Proof. We have the Mayer-Vietoris exact sequence
Ki+1 (YM ) Ki (N ) Ki (AN ) Ki (BN ) Ki (YM )
and the exact sequences of pairs

Ki (YM ) Ki (YM , AN ) Ki1 (AN ) Ki1 (YM )

Ki (YM ) Ki (YM , BN ) Ki1 (BN ) Ki (YM )
and by excision, Ki (YM , AN ) ' Ki (BN , N ), Ki (YM , BN ) ' Ki (AN , N ). Now since
f is a homotopy equivalence, Ki (YM ) = 0 for all i 0, and the result follows

We now describe how an ambient surgery (analog to the one done in 2.1.1 )
will be performed. Suppose we have an embedding (Dk , Sk1 ) , (N, AN tAN )
(AN tAN is a fundamental domain of the innite cyclic covering). Then the
normal bundle of the embedded Dk is trivial, thus admits a tubular neighboorhood of the form Dk Dnk . By homotoping f we can suppose that f maps
this tube in N , and by choosing a suciently small tubular neighboorhood we
can assume that the image of this tube is not dense in N . Consider the codimension one submanifold N1 obtained by ambient surgery on this tube (namely,
N1 = N (Sk1 Dnk )Dk Snk1 ). This submanifold projects to a submanifold
N1 in M . By considering a tubular neighboorhood around N , we can assume that
there is a cobordism W between N and N1 , as described in the following picture

and f induces a map g1 : N1 N 0 , which is of degree one by the same reasoning.

This is the procedure we will use to kill judicious elements in Ki (AN , N ) and
Ki (BN , N ). However there is apparently no reason why a homology class should
be represented by an embedding. We rst prove a lemma which will enable us to
eliminate some homology classes, allowing an induction argument. First we need
the following lemmas.

Lemma 2.1.6. If g is k-connected, then Kk (N ), Kk+1 (AN , N ) and Kk+1 (BN , N )

are all nitely generated R-modules.
Proof. By 2.1.5, it suces to prove the result for Kk (N ). Since Hk (N ) Hk (N 0 )
is surjective by 2.1.2, we have Ki (N ) ' Hi+1 (Cg ) for all i 0, where Cg is the

mapping cone of g . Since g is k -connected, i (Cg ) = 0 = Hi (Cg ) for all i k ,

hence Hk+1 (Cg ) is a nitely generated R-module.
Recall that t denote a covering map generating the covering transformations
group of the covering. Consider the inclusion i : (YM , BN ) (YM , tBN ). We have
the endomorphism (of R-modules) (t1 ) : Hi (AN , N ) Hi (AN , N ) dened by
the following commutative diagram:

Hi (YM , BN )

Hi (YM , tBN , )

(t1 )

Hi (YM , BN )


(t1 )

Hi (AN , N )


Hi (AN , N ),

and similarly we can construct an endomorphism t : Hi (BN , N ) Hi (BN , N ).

These endomorphisms induce endomorphisms on Ki (AN , N ) and (Ki (BN , N ) respectively.

Lemma 2.1.7. If g is k-connected, then (t1 ) (resp. t ) is nilpotent on Kk+1 (AN , N )

(resp. Kk+1 (BN , N )).
Proof. We prove the lemma for (t1 ) , the proof being analog for t . Since both

modules are nitely generated by 2.1.6, it is enough to prove that any element
x is killed by a suciently high power of (t1 ) . Let c be a cycle representing
x. Since c has compact support, there exists a l such that the support of c lies
in AN tl AN . But then x is killed under the map Hi (YM , BN ) Hi (YM , tl BN )
induced by inclusion, and so (t1 )l x = 0.
The following lemma exhibits homology classes on which surgery will be possible. For a proof, we refer to [FH73].

Lemma 2.1.8. Suppose g is k-connected, and let l 1 be the nilpotence index of

(t1 ) on Kk+1 (AN , N ). Then the image of the composite map

k+1 (AN tAN , N )

Hk+1 (AN tAN , N )
Hk+1 (AN , N ),

where H is the Hurewicz homomorphism and j is induced by inclusion, contains

(t1 )l1
We are now able to prove the main result of this section.

Proposition 2.1.9. We can homotop f so that there exists a codimension one

submanifold N M , with g = f|N : N N 0 which is k-connected for every
k < n/2.

Proof. We keep the same notations as above. Using 2.1.1, we can suppose that

there exists a codimension one connected submanifold N M such that g is a 1 isomorphism. We prove the proposition by induction on k . Since we just proved
it for k = 0, 1, let assume g is k -connected for k < n/2. If k + 1 > n/2, the
result follows by Poincar duality. Otherwise Kk+1 (AN , N ) is a nitely generated
R-module endowed with a nilpotent R-endomorphism (t1 ) , whose nilpotence is
denoted l. Since (t1 ) Kk+1 (AN , N ) is also nitely generated, let x1 , . . . , xs be a
set of generators. By 2.1.8 there are elements in k+1 (AN tAN , N ) whose images
under the composite map are x1 , . . . , xs . Since k + 1 < n/2, we can represent
them by disjoint embeddings (Dk+1 , Sk ) , (AN tAN , N ). Using the procedure
described above, we perform surgery on these embeddings to obtain a map homotopic to f (for simplicity, we still denote it f ) and a codimension one submanifold
N1 N . Let AN1 , BN1 be the corresponding sets for N1 . We have the following
commutative diagram

Kk+1 (AN , N )

Kk+1 (AN1 , N1 )


Kk+1 (YM , BN )

Kk+1 (YM , BN1 )

Kk (BN1 , BN ).

Now by excision, Kk (BN1 , BN ) ' Kk (W, N ), where W is the cobordism between

N and N1 described above. But since W is obtaind from N by adding k + 1
handles, Kk (W, N ) = 0, and so Kk+1 (AN , N ) Kk+1 (AN1 , N1 ) is an epimorphism. But by construction, the kernel of Kk+1 (YM , BN ) Kk+1 (YM , BN1 ) contains (t1 )l1 (Kk+1 (AN , N )). Hence using the commutativity of the following diagram
/ Kk+1 (AN , N1 )
Kk+1 (AN , N )
(t1 )

Kk+1 (AN , N )

(t1 )

Kk+1 (AN1 , N1 )


it follows that (t1 ) Kk+1 (AN1 , N1 ) = 0. We can repeat the argument. Thus after
nitely many times, Kk+1 (AN , N ) can be killed. Note that during that procedure,
Kk+1 (BN , N ) has not been aected. Indeed, since W is obtained from N1 by
adding n k 1 handles and n k 1 > n/2 since k + 1 < n/2, it follows
that Kk+1 (YM , AN1 ) Kk+1 (YM , AN ) is an isomorphism, hence Kk+1 (BN , N ) '
Kk+1 (BN1 , N1 ). So we can apply a similar program to kill Kk+1 (BN , N ). This
completes the induction step.



The algebraic obstruction.

Lemma 2.2.1. (i) Suppose n = 2k is even. Then under the above assumptions,
we can homotop f so there exists a codimension one submanifold N such that the
induced map g : N N 0 satises: Ki (AN , N ) = 0, Ki (BN , N ) = 0 for i < k,
Kk (AN , N ) = 0 and Kk (BN , N ) is nitely generated.
(ii) Suppose n = 2k + 1 is odd. Then under the above assumptions, we can
homotop f so there exists a codimension one submanifold N such that the induced
map g : N N 0 satises: Ki (AN , N ) = 0, Ki (BN , N ) = 0 for i k, Kk+1 (AN , N )
and Kk+1 (BN , N ) are nitely generated.
Proof. (i) Using 2.1.9, we can assume that Ki (AN , N ) = 0, Ki (BN , N ) = 0 for i <

k . If we try to carry out the same procedure as in 2.1.9, the only problem arising is
the utilisation of the Whitney trick to represent x1 , . . . , xs by disjoint embeddings.
However, since 1 (N ) 1 (AN tAN ) is an isomorphism by denition of the
innite cyclic covering, we can use the Wall's piping out argument to represent
them by disjoint embeddings (we refer the reader to the Chapter 4 of [Wal70]
for the proof of this lemma). Then the same reasoning aplies and one can kill
Kk (AN , N ). By the same argument as in 2.1.5, we have
K i (AN , N, R) K i (BN , N, R) = K i1 (N, R)
for any R-module R. Now K i1 (N, R) = 0 for i > k by Poincar duality, so
K i (BN , N, R) = 0 for i > k . Hence Kk (BN , N ) is a nitely generated projective
(ii) By 2.1.9, we can assume that Ki (AN , N ) = 0, Ki (BN , N ) = 0 for i k . Now
since K i1 (N, R) = 0 for i > k + 1 by Poincar duality, we have K i (AN , N, R)
K i (BN , N, R) = 0 for i > k + 1, thus K i (AN , N, R) = 0 and K i (BN , N, R) = 0
for i > k + 1. Hence Kk+1 (AN , N, R) and Kk+1 (BN , N, R) are nitely generated
projective R-module.

Denition 2.2.2.

A map M M 0 as in 2.2.1 is called an

almost splitting.

Recall that the Grothendieck's theorem implies that K0 (R) ' Z, hence every
nitely generated projective R-module is stably free.

Denition 2.2.3.

f R as follows. Let Nil R be the category

Dene a group Nil
whose objects are pairs (P, ), where P is a nitely generated stably free R-module
f R = K0 (Nil R).
and is a nilpotent endomorphism of P , and dene Nil

Recall that, since K0 (R) ' Z by the Grothendieck theorem 1.3.8, every nitely
generated projective R-module is stably free. Hence, using the usual notations,
f R if n = 2k +1
(Kk+1 (BN , N ), t ) (resp. (Kk (BN , N ), t )) denes an element in Nil
(resp. n = 2k ). We have the following

Denition 2.2.4.

We say that an object (P, ) in N
il R is triangular if there
exists a ltration 0 = E0 E1 . . . Rr = P such that Ei+1 /Ei is free and
(Ei+1 ) Ei for all i.
An elementary example of a triangular object is given by the following
P is a free R-module, then P R R[x]/(xr ) with ( i pi xi ) =
is a triangular object.
i pi x
An important property of triangular object is the following

Proposition 2.2.6. Any triangular object represents the zero element in N
il R.

Proof. We proceed by induction on the length of the ltration by which the object

is said to be triangular. If (P, ) is a triangular object with a ltration of length

1, the result follows immediately from the denition of N
il R. Assume we have
proved the proposition for ltrations of lengths m 1, m 2, and consider an
object (P, ) with a ltration 0 = E0 E1 . . . Em = P . We have the
following exact sequence in Nil R

0 (Em1 , Em1 ) (P, ) (P/Em1 , 0) 0.

Thus [P, ] = [Em1 , Em1 ] + [P/Em1 , 0] = [Em1 , Em1 ] since P/Em1 is free.
Now (Em1 , Em1 ) is a triangular object with a ltration of length m 1, hence
[Em1 , Em1 ] = 0 by the induction hypothesis.

Lemma 2.2.7. Let (P, ) be an object in Nil R with a ltration 0 = E0 E1

. . . Em = P by nitely generated submodules such that (Ei+1 ) Ei . Then
there exists an exact sequence in Nil R

0 (P 0 , 0 )
(P 00 , 00 )
(P, ) 0

where (P 00 , 00 ) is a triangular object with respect to a ltration 0 = F0 F1

. . . Fm = P 00 such that v(Fi ) = Ei .


Proof. We proceed by induction on the length m of the ltration of P . If m = 1,

consider a nitely generated free module F and a surjection v : F P . Then

0 (ker v, 0) (F, 0)
(P, 0) 0 is the desired sequence. Assume the
lemma is true for m 1, m 2. Applying the lemma to (Em1 , Em1 ) by the
induction hypothesis, there exists a map vm1 : (Fm1 , fm1 ) (Em1 , Em1 )
satisfying the above conclusions. Since Em /Em1 is nitely generated, there exists
an epimorphism q : Q Em /Em1 , where Q is a nitely generated free R-module.
q lifts to a map q : Q Em = P . Let F = Fm1 Q and v = vm1 q : F P .
We now extend fm1 to an endomorphism of F . Since Q is free, there exists a
linear map f making the following diagram commutative



Em1 .

Let f = fm1 f : F F . Let L = ker v , l = f|L . Then 0 (L, l) , (F, v)

(P, ) 0 is the desired sequence.

f R = 0.
Proposition 2.2.8. Nil
Proof. Let [P, ] N
il R, with m = 0,

and set Ki = Im mi . We thus have

a ltration 0 = K0 K1 . . . Km = P , with each Ki nitely generated.
Using 2.2.7, let 0 (P1 , 1 )
(P 00 , 00 )
(P, ) 0 be an exact sequence in
Nil R with (P 00 , 00 ) triangular for a ltration 0 = E0 E1 . . . Em = P 00
with v(Ei ) Ki . Since (P 00 , 00 ) is triangular, [P, ] = [P1 , 1 ] by 2.2.6. Let
Li = u1 (Ei ). We then have a ltration 0 = L0 E1 . . . Lm = P1 , and
exact sequences 0 Li+1 /Li Ei+1 /Ei Ki+1 /Ki 0. Since R is noetherian,
Li+1 /Li is nitely generated, and it follows that each Li is nitely generated by an
easy induction. If M is a R-module, let d(M ) be the minimal length of a projective
resolution of M . Since Ei+1 /Ei is free, it follows from the exact sequence 0
Li+1 /Li Ei+1 /Ei Ki+1 /Ki 0 that d(Li+1 /Li ) = max (1, d(Ki+1 /Ki ) 1).
Let d = max0im1 d(Ki+1 /Ki ). So after d applications of this procedure, we
have an object (Pd , d ) Nil R such that [Pd , d ] = (1)d [P, ], and a ltration
0 = F0 F1 . . . Fm = Pd such that Si+1 /Si is a nitely generated projective
R-module. Hence
[P, ] = (1)d [Pd , d ] =
[Si+1 /Si , 0] = 0,

since each Si+1 /Si is stably free by the Grothendieck theorem 1.3.8.

Thus the element (Kk (BN , N ), t ) or (Kk+1 (BN , N ), t ) is the zero element in
N il R = K0 (Nil R). This in turn gives information on the structure of the pair,
which can be thought as an analog of the fact that an element representing 0 in
K0 (R) is stably trivial. Namely, an element representing the zero element in N
R = K0 (Nil R) is stably trivial in the following sense.

Proposition 2.2.9. An object (P, ) Nil R represents 0 N
il R if and only if
there exists triangular objects (T1 , t1 ), (T2 , t2 ) such that
(P, ) (T1 , t1 ) ' (T2 , t2 ).

For a proof, we refer to [Ko9]. We will see in the next section the geometric
operations corresponding to adding or removing a triangular object, which will
allow us to kill the remaining homology kernel.

The Splitting Theorem.

We are now going to prove the splitting theorem. So far, we have proved that one
can homotop f so as to have an almost splitting. Furthermore, we saw in the last
section that the remaining homology kernel is stably triangular. In this section,
we describe the geometric operations which allow us to add or remove a triangular
object, thus proving the Splitting Theorem.

Lemma 2.3.1. (i) Suppose that n = 2k 6, and (N, g) is an almost splitting. If

we have an exact sequence in Nil R
0 (P, ) (P1 , 1 ) (F, f ) 0

with (P, v) ' (Kk (BN , N ), t ) and (F, f ) a triangular object, there exists an almost
splitting (N1 , g1 ) such that (Kk (BN1 , N1 ), t ) ' (P1 , 1 ).
(ii) Suppose that n = 2k + 1 7, and (N, g) is an almost splitting. If we have
an exact sequence in Nil R

0 (P, ) (P1 , 1 )
(F, f ) 0

with (P, v) ' (Kk+1 (BN , N ), t ) and (F, f ) a triangular object, there exists an
almost splitting (N1 , g1 ) such that (Kk+1 (BN1 , N1 ), t ) ' (P1 , 1 ).

Proof. The proofs are essentially the same, except for some number changes. We

thus restrict to the case where n = 2k . Since (F, f ) is triangular, it suces to

prove the result for (F, f ) ' (R, 0) by an easy induction. Let a P1 projecting
on a generator of R. Then x = 1 (a) ker v , so we can consider as an element
of (P, ) ' (Kk (BN , N ), t ). Let u = x, where is the boundary map in the exact

. . . Kk (t1 BN , t1 N ) ' Kk (BN , BN t1 BN )

Kk1 (BN t1 BN , N ) Kk1 (BN , N ) ' 0 . . .

Following 2.1.8, we can show that is representable under the Hurewicz homomorphism by a map u : (Dk1 , Sk2 ) (BN t1 BN , N ). Using the Whitney trick,
we can assume that u is an embedding. Hence we can apply the same reasoning
and perform surgery on u. Let (N1 , g1 ) be the almost splitting obtained, and W
be the cobordism between N and N1 . Using the following exact sequence of the
triple (BN , W, N ),

0 ' Kk (W, N ) Kk (BN , N ) Kk (BN , W ) ' Kk (BN1 , N1 )

Kk1 (W, N ) Kk1 (BN , N ) ' 0,
it follows that Kk (BN1 , N1 ) ' Kk (BN , N ) R. Furthermore, by construction of
u we have that t1
x generates the second summand. Now since t (t x) = x and
the previous exact sequence preserves the action of t , it follows that the two exact

0 (Kk (BN , N ), t ) (Kk (BN1 , N1 ), t ) (Kk1 (W, N ), t ) 0,

0 (P, ) (P1 , 1 ) (R, 0) 0
are isomorphic. Furthermore, one easily checks that the previous construction does
not aect Kk (AN , N ) looking at the exact sequence of the triple (AN1 , W, N1 ).

Lemma 2.3.2. Suppose that n = 2k 6, and (N, g) is an almost splitting. If we

have an exact sequence in Nil R
0 (F, f ) (P, ) (P1 , 1 ) 0

with (P, v) ' (Kk (BN , N ), t ) and (F, f ) a triangular object, there exists an almost
splitting (N1 , g1 ) such that (Kk (BN1 , N1 ), t ) ' (P1 , 1 ).


Proof. Once again we can suppose that (F, f ) ' (R, 0). Let a be an element of

Kk (BN , N ) ' P generating F . Let l be the least integer such that tl Kk (BN , N ) =
0. Since t a = 0, a ker t Im tl1
. Thus, using 2.1.8 and Wall's piping out argument, we can represent a by an embedding under the Hurewicz homomorphism.
Carrying out again our surgery program, we obtain a new almost splitting (N1 , g1 )
and a cobordism W between N and N1 . Using the exact sequence of the triple
(BN , W, N )
0 Kk (W, N ) Kk (BN , N ) Kk (BN , W ) ' Kk (BN1 , N1 ) 0,
and using the fact that it preserves the action of t , it follows that this sequence
is isomorphic to
0 (R, 0) (P, ) (P1 , 1 ) 0.
Furthermore, by looking at the exact sequence of the triple (AN1 , W, N1 ), one can
check that Kk (AN , N ) is not aected during the procedure.

Lemma 2.3.3. Suppose that n = 2k + 1 7, and (N, g) is an almost splitting. If

we have an exact sequence in Nil R
0 (F, f ) (P, ) (P1 , 1 ) 0

with (P, v) ' (Kk+1 (BN , N ), t ) and (F, f ) a triangular object, there exists an
almost splitting (N1 , g1 ) such that (Kk+1 (BN1 , N1 ), t ) ' (P1 , 1 ).
This lemma is quite technical and uses ideas from the Chapter 4 of [Wal70].
We refer the reader to [FH73] for the details.

Proof of the Splitting Theorem

By 2.2.8 and 2.2.9, the homology kernel

(Kk (BN , N ), t ) (resp. (Kk+1 (BN , N ), t )) is stably triangular. Now, using 2.3.1,
2.3.2 and 2.3.3, we can nd an almost splitting (N1 , g1 ) such that Kk (BN , N ) = 0
(resp. Kk+1 (BN , N ) = 0). This in turn implies by Poincar duality and 2.1.5 that
g1 is an homotopy equivalence.

In light of the general Bass-Heller-Swan Theorem...

This last section presents without proof the links between the algebraic obstruction
constructed in Section 2.2 and the Whitehead torsion of the associated homotopy
equivalence. It is not needed for the rest of the thesis.

First we have the generalisation of the Bass-Heller-Swan theorem to an arbitrary ring.

Theorem 2.4.1. For any ring R,

K1 (R[t, t1 ]) ' K1 (R) K0 (R) N
il(R) N

Corollary 2.4.2. For any group ,

e 0 (Z) N
W h( Z) ' W h() K
il(Z) N
The algebraic obstruction previously dened in Section 2.2 is related to the
Whitehead torsion of the associated homotopy equivalence by the following

Theorem 2.4.3. Let f : M M 0 be a homotopy equivalence between compact

m-dimensional manifolds (m 6) with fundamental group of the form Z, and
N a two-sided codimension one submanifold of M . The obstruction to splitting f
along N is given by ( ), where is the Whitehead torsion of f , and
e 0 () N
: W h( Z) K

is the projection1 given by the decomposition of W h( Z).

What we computed in Section 2.2 was the projection of ( ) on N
Because of the Grothendieck theorem 1.3.8, it was sucient to prove its vanishing
to deduce that the map is splittable along N . For further details, we refer the
reader to [FH73]

1 The

copy of


chosen in the decomposition of

[HS70] for further details.


W h( Z)

is actually not relevant, see

Chapter 3
A crash course in surgery theory.
This chapter is intended to present in a very concise way the necessary background
on surgery theory and homotopy theory, which will be used to prove the topological
rigidity of the torus in high dimensions. For a (incredibly) more detailed exposition
of this material, we refer to [Ran02].
For sake of simplicity, and since this the only case we will encounter in this
thesis, we will assume that all the spaces we study have a fundamental group
with vanishing Whitehead group. That will allow us to avoid complications
in the exposition of surgery theory due to so called decorations of algebraic Lgroups. Furthermore, since we will have to consider possibly TOP-, PL-, or DIFFmanifolds, when a manifold comes with a given structure and that the discussion
applies to equally to all the above structures, we will just call it a CAT-manifold

Surgery obstructions.
Degree one normal maps, surgery obstructions, and

The basic question of surgery theory is to know whether a nite CW-complex is

homotopy equivalent to a compact CAT-manifold (we will only consider oriented
manifolds). We outline here the main steps of the so called surgery program, and
explain how the so called surgery obstructions arise.
The rst obstruction for a nite CW-complex to be homotopy equivalent to an
orientd compact manifold is given by Poincar duality. We will restrict ourselves


to the case of oriented

Hm (X; Z) such that

Poincar spaces, that is to say, spaces with a class [X]

[X] : H n (X; Z) Hmn (X; Z)

is an isomorphism for all n. Since for any oriented Poincar space X there exists
a degree one map f : M X with M a compact oriented manifold, the idea is to
modify f in such a way that it becomes a homotopy equivalence (or equivalently
that it induces isomorphisms on homotopy groups). Since a degree one map induces an epimorphism on 1 by 2.1.1, one can try to perform surgery on a set of
generators of ker(f : 1 (M ) 1 (X)) to obtain a new map f1 : M1 X which
is a 1 -isomorphism. The situation is not that simple in higher dimensions since a
degree one map does not necessarily induce epimorphisms on i , i 2. However,
it induces epimorphisms on Hi , i 2 by 2.1.2. Thus, it suces to modify f1 so
that it induces an isomorphism on 1 and Hi , i 2 (or equivalently until middle
dimension by Poincar duality). It appears that to carry out such a program,
one needs some additional bundle data. Hence we are considering instead degree
one normal maps (see the denition below). Below middle dimension, an element

Hi (X) is representable by a framed embedding with

in the kernel of Hi (N )
trivial normal bundle (mainly because of the Whitney embedding theorem), on
which one might perform surgery. Thus for a degree one normal map f : M X
with M a m-dimensional CAT-manifold (m = 2n or 2n + 1), one can construct
a bordant n-connected degree one normal map fn : Mn X . However there is
an obstruction to kill ker f : Hn (M ) Hn (X) living in the algebraic L-group
Lm (Z[1 (X)]). If the surgery obstruction vanishes, one can nd a bordant degree one n + 1-connected degree one normal map fn+1 : Mn+1 X , which is a
homotopy equivalence by Poincar duality.

Simply-connected obstructions.

A fundamental case is the case of degree one normal maps over simply-connected

Proposition 3.1.1. The simply-connected L-groups are given by

Z if n 0 (mod 4),
Ln (e) =
Z if n 2 (mod 4)
0 if n 1, 3 (mod 4)

Proposition 3.1.2. Given a degree one normal map (f, b) : N M with M

simply-connected, we have
if n 0 (mod 4),
S(f, b) =
Arf invariant of the intersection form if n 2 (mod 4)

if n 1, 3 (mod 4).
8 ((N ) (M ))


Codimension-one splitting.

Let M be a PL-manifold of dimension n 5 such that W h(1 (M )) = 0, and let

Ln+1 (1 (M )). We recall the following theorem

Theorem 3.1.3 (Realization Theorem). Let M be a compact oriented PL-manifold

of dimension n 5, and Ln+1 (Z [1 (M )]). Then there exists a degree one normal map (F, b) : N M [0, 1] covering a map of triads
F = (F ;0 F, 1 F ) : (N ; 0 N, 1 N ) (M [0, 1]; M 0 M [0, 1], M 1)

such that
- 0 F is a PL-homotopy equivalence,
- 1 F is a homotopy equivalence,
- = S(F, b).
Thus, using the Realization Theorem, let

(, b) : (N, N ) (M [0, 1]), (M [0, 1])

be a degree one normal map with surgery obstruction . Let L be a codimension
one submanifold of M without boundary. By the Splitting Theorem, we can split
along L [0, 1] to obtain a degree one normal map

(| , b| ) : 1 (L [0, 1]) L [0, 1].

The surgery obstruction of this new map yields an element in Ln (G). Let

(L) : Ln+1 (G Z) Ln (G)

be the induced map.

Proposition 3.1.4. (L) is a well-dened homoprhism, and the following sequence is exact and splits:
Ln+1 (i )


Ln+1 (G) Ln+1 (G Z) Ln (G)

and a splitting is given by crossing with S1


Corollary 3.1.5. We have

X k 
Ln (Z ) '
Lnl (e).

Let us give a geometric interpretation of the map Ln+1 (i ).

Let Ln+1 (G). By the Relaization Theorem 3.1.3, let

(, b) : N L [0, 1] [0, 1]
be a degree one normal map with surgery obstruction and such that, with N =
N + N , | : N (L [0, 1] {0}) (L {0} [0, 1]) (L {1} [0, 1])
a PL-homeomorphism. We can use it to identify the copy L {0} [0, 1] and
L {1} [0, 1] in N . By glueing them together, we obtain a normal map

(g, b0 ) : N 0 L S1 [0, 1].

Let (L) : Ln+1 (G) Ln+1 (G S1 ) be the induced map.

Proposition 3.1.6. (L) is a well-dened homomorphism, and (L) = Ln+1 (i ).



Suppose we are given a degree one normal map

(, b) : M N
and a PL-manifold X . We can construct the normal map

( IdX , b Id) : M X N X.
We would like a formula for S( IdN ). The answer has been given by Morgan
[Mor78] for X simply-connected, and by Ranicki [Ran80] in the general case. There
exist symmetric L-groups Ln ( 0 ), and a pairing

Li () Lj ( 0 ) Li+j ( 0 )
such that S( IdX ) = S() (X), where

: B 0 L ( 0 )
is the Mischenko-Ranicki symmetric signature. The symmetric L-groups are hard
to compute. However, we have the following particular case:

Proposition 3.1.7. (i) The symmetric L-groups L (e) are 4-periodic, and given

Z if n 0 (mod 4),
L (e) =
Z if n 1 (mod 4)
0 if n 1, 2 (mod 4).
(ii) If N is simply connected, then

S().(N ) if dim N 0 (mod 4),

S(IdN ) =
if dim N 1 (mod 4) and N has a zero de Rham invariant,

if dim N 2, 3 (mod 4).

Proposition 3.1.8. We have the following commutative diagram:

Ln ()
Ln (pr )

(N )

Ln+m ( 0 )

Ln (e)

Ln+m (pr0 )

Ln+m (e),

where the lower horizontal map is given by considering N as a simply-connected

manifold (c.f. [Ran80] ).

The surgery exact sequence.

Given a compact m-dimensional CAT-manifold M without boundary, we have the

following exact sequence:

SCAT M Dk+1 , M Sk M Dk , M Sk , (G/CAT, )
Lm+k (Z (1 (M )))

Lm+1 (Z [1 (M )]) SCAT (M ) [M, G/CAT ]

Lm (Z [1 (M )]) .

The sets

The structure set

It is the object that reects the various CAT-manifolds homotopy equivalent to M ,
and is consequently what one generally tries to compute. If M is a m-dimensional
CAT-manifold with boundary (possibly empty), SCAT (M, M ) is dened as the
set of equivalence classes of pairs (N, f ), with N a m-dimensional closed CATmanifold and f : N M an homotopy equivalence such that f : N M is

a CAT-isomorphism, with (N1 , f1 ) and (N2 , f2 ) equivalent if there exists a CATisomorphism h : N1 N2 such that the following diagram commutes up to homotopy:

{{ f2


N2 .

The normal invariants

Roughly speaking, the degree one normal maps are the candidates on which one
might try to perform surgery to obtain a homotopy equivalence. There are two
equivalent ways to dene a normal invariant:
- The degree one normal maps: Dene a degree one normal map as a pair as
a commutative diagram
N b /


with f : N M a degree one map, : M BCAT a stable CATbundle,

and b : N a bundle stable isomorphism. We will often write (f, b) :
M N for a degree one normal map, or even just f : N M if the framing
is not relevant or obvious.
- [M, G/CAT ]: It is the set of stable CAT-bundles over M (up to stable
isomorphism) such that the associated spherical bration is strongly ber
homotopically trivial. In other words, it is the set of homotopy classes of


The algebraic L-groups

It is where surgery obstruction lie. They are dened in terms of forms and formations. For a precise account on this subject, we refer to [Ran02].



The maps

The surgery obstruction map S

Given a degree one normal map f : N M between two m-dimensional manifolds,
-connected degree one normal map
one can perform surgery on it to obtain a m
f 0 : N 0 M . Dene SM (f, b) (or simply S(f, b) ) as the obstruction to make this
map a homotopy equivalence. This obstruction lives in Lm (Z [1 (M )]).

The forgetful map S(M ) [M, G/CAT ]

A homotopy equivalence f : N M naturally gives rise to a degree one normal
/ (f 1 )

/ M.

The action of Lm+1 (Z [1 (M )]) on S(M )

Let f : N M be a homotopy equivalence between m-oriented compact PLmanifold, and Lm+1 (Z [1 (M )]) By the realization theorem 3.1.3, consider
a degree one normal map (F, b) : (W, W0 , W1 ) (N [0, 1] , N {0} , N {1})
with obstruction , and such that F|W0 : W0 N is a CAT-isomorphism, and

. (f : N M ) = f F|W


An exact sequence of what ?

One has to be careful with the surgery exact sequence. Although [M, G/CAT ]
and Lm (Z [1 (M )]) both carry a natural group structure, the surgery obstruction
map S is generally NOT a group morphism. However, S is in some special cases a
group morphism. This is the case for example if M is a suspension, or for M Dk
(k 1) appearing in the surgery obstruction map.



Classifying spaces and their homotopy groups.

We give here some homotopy groups of the classifying spaces BG, BP L, BO, and
their associated homotopy bers G/P L and P L/O, needed for the rest of this

i (P L/O)

and smoothing theory.

The problem here is to decide if a P L-manifold can be given a smooth structure.

First recall the following

Theorem 3.3.1 (Cairns-Hirsch). A PL-manifold M is smoothable if and only if

its tangent bundle M BPL admits a lift to BO.
Since we have the bration PL/O BO BPL, we need to understand the
space PL/O. We have the following theorem.
Theorem 3.3.2. PL/O is 7-connected.
Corollary 3.3.3 (Smoothing Theorem). Every PL-manifold of dimension 5 is
Proof. By obstruction theory, a map M BPL admits a lift to BO if and only

some obstructions i H i+1 (M ; i (P L/O)) vanish. But since M is of dimension

5, i = 0 for i 5. Furthermore, since i (PL/O) = 0 for i 4, i = 0 for i 4.
The result then follows from the Cairns-Hirsch theorem.


and the

J -homomorphism.

We present some low dimensional computations of the J -homomorphism J :

i (BO) i (BG) given by associating to a stable vector bundle over Si its spherical bundle.


i (BO)

i (BG)

i (BO)
i (BG)












i (G/P L)

and the surgery obstruction map of spheres.

We want to understand the surgery obstruction map i (G/P L) Li (e) arising

in the surgery exact sequence of a PL-sphere. Recall the following theorem of

Theorem 3.3.4


For i 6, SP L (Si ) = 0.

Corollary 3.3.5. The surgery obstruction map i (G/P L) Li (e) is an isomorphism for i 6.
Proof. Immediate from the surgery exact sequence.
In low dimensions, the same reasoning does not apply. Instead, we start by
showing that i (G/PL) and Li (e) are abstractly isomorphic, then by proving that
the surgery obstruction map is an isomorphism. We already know Li (e), i 5 by
??. Thus we compute the homotopy groups of G/PL.
Recall that P L/O is 7-connected. Thus the exact sequence

n (P L/O) n (G/O) n (G/P L) n1 (P L/O)

yields n (G/P L) ' n (G/O), for 1 n 5. We now use the following long exact

. . . n+1 (BO)
n+1 (BG) n (G/O) n (BO)
n (BG) . . .
to calucate the homotopy groups of G/P L in low dimensions.

Proposition 3.3.6. 1 (G/P L) ' 0.

Proof. Since J : 2 (BO) 2 (BG) and J : 1 (BO) 1 (BG) are isomorphisms,
we have

0 1 (G/O) 1 (BO)
1 (BG) 0
hence 1 (G/O) ' 0.

Proposition 3.3.7. 2 (G/P L) ' Z2 .

Proof. Since J : 2 (BO) 2 (BG) is an isomorhism, we have the following exact


0 Z2 2 (G/O)
Z2 0
hence 2 (G/O) ' Z2 .

Proposition 3.3.8. 3 (G/P L) ' 0.

Proof. Since J : 4 (BO) 4 (BG) is surjective, we have the following exact

3 (G/O) 0
hence 3 (G/O) ' 0.

Proposition 3.3.9. 4 (G/P L) ' Z.

Proof. Since J : 4 (BO) 4 (BG) is surjective, we have the following exact

0 3 (G/O) Z
Z24 0
hence 4 (G/O) ' Z.

Proposition 3.3.10. 5 (G/PL) = 0.

Proof. Immediate from 5 (BO) = 0 and 6 (BG) = 0.
We now use these calculations to study the surgery obstruction map n (G/P L)
Ln (e) in dimension 5. We just proved that these groups are abstractly isomorphic, and we want to prove that the surgery obstruction map realizes an isomorphism in dimension other than 4, and is a monomorphism in any case.
In odd dimensions, both groups are zero, so we restrict to dimensions 2 and 4.
Since 2 (G/PL) ' L2 (e) ' Z2 and 4 (G/PL) ' L4 (e) ' Z, the maps are either
zero or injective.
We recall two classical facts.

Proposition 3.3.11. There exists an almost parallelizable 4-manifold with signature 16.
Corollary 3.3.12. 4 (G/P L) L4 (e) is injective.
Proposition 3.3.13. There exists a degree one normal map (T2 , 2 ) (S2 , 2 )
with Arf invariant 1.
Corollary 3.3.14. 2 (G/P L) L2 (e) in an isomorphism.
Finally, we have proved the following

Theorem 3.3.15. The surgery obstruction map n (G/P L) Ln (e) is an isomorphism in dimension n 6= 4, and a monorphism in all dimensions.

Chapter 4
The classication of PL-homotopy
We now start our program to prove the topological rigidity of the torus in high
dimensions. According to the denition given in the previous chapter, this amounts
to proving that ST OP (Tn ) consists of a single element for n 5.
We start by computing SP L (Tn ). This might seem quite surprising since the
question of the topological rigidity of the torus is merely formulated in terms of
topological manifolds. However, this will appear to be more tractable, mainly because of the following fundamental theorem:

Rokhlin's Theorem. A 4-dimensional P L-manifold with vanishing rst and

second Stiefel-Whiteney classes has a signature dividible by 16.
In Section 4.1 we show that the action of the L-group on the PL-structure set
is transitive, thus reducing the computation of the SP L to the computation of the
stabilizer of a given element. This in turn will be done in Section 4.2, by means
of the Splitting Theorem. This chapter follows the proof of [HS70].

Normal invariants of PL-homotopy tori.

Our aim is to compute the structure set SP L (Tk ), k 5, and more generally
SP L (Tk Dn ), n + k 5. Our main tool is the surgery exact sequence

Tk Dn
Ln+k+1 Z 1 (Tk Dn ) SP L (Tk Dn )

Tk Dn

 STk Dn

Tk Dn , , (G/P L, ) Ln+k Z 1 (Tk Dn ) .

We rst have to understand the maps involved.

Proposition 4.1.1. Let n, k such that n + k 5. Then Tk Dn = 0.

Proof. It amounts to proving that STk Dn is injective. Recall that G/P L is a loop
space, say G/P L = Y , so

[(Tk Dn , ), (G/P L, )] = [S n Tk , Y ] = [S n+1 Tk , Y ].

Now we have the following

Lemma 4.1.2. STk has the homotopy type of a wedge of spheres.

Proof. We prove by induction on l that each attaching map of a l-cell of Tk has
trivial suspension. It is obvious for l = 1. Let l 2 and suppose it is true until
l 1. We are looking at the attaching map of the top cell of a certain subtorus
Tl Tk . Identify Tl and [0, 1]l with faces identies in the natural way, and let

: Sl1 ([0, 1]l ) , [0, 1]l Tl the attaching map of the top l-cell. For every
1 i l, i,0 = |([0,1]...{0}[0,1]) and i,1 = |([0,1]...{1}[0,1]) are attaching
maps of some (l 1)-cells, and i,0 = i,1 l2 (Tl ) because of the identication.
Now by the induction hypothesis, we can suppose that S factors through
S : S(([0, 1]l )) Sl

Sl Tl ,
W l
where the collapsing map C : Sl
S is obtained by collapsing the subsets
([0, 1] ... {1} [0, 1]), ([0, 1] ... {1} [0, 1]), 1 i l. But by denition
of the addition in l , l 2, this is exactly i (Si,0 + Si,1 ) = 0.
In particular, S n+1 Tk has the homotopy type of a wedge of spheres, so
[S n+1 Tk , Y ] = [ Si+n+1 , Y ] =
i+n+1 (Y ) =
i+n (G/P L)

with ki summands i+n for each i. But Ln+k (Zn ) = ki Ln+i (e) by (a result
which will appear in the crash course in surgery theory), and the following diagram is commutative

[S n Tk , G/P L]

STk Dn

Ln+k (Zk )

i n+i (G/P L)



/ k L
n+i (e)

Hence STk Dn is injective, since every SSn+i is injective by 3.3.15.

Corollary 4.1.3. Every PL-manifold of dimension 5 which is homotopy equivalent to the torus is stably parallelizable.
Proof. Tk = 0, so given any homotopy equivalence h : M Tk , we have h N =
Tk = 0, hence N = 0.

Corollary 4.1.4. For every n, k such that n + k 5,

SP L (Tk Dn ) ' Ln+k+1 (Zk )/Stab[IdTk Dn ].

Proof. Immediate from the surgery exact sequence.


Computation of

SP L(Tk Dn), n + k 5.

By the results of the previous section, it is now necessary to describe precisely the
action of Ln+k+1 (Zk ) on SP L (Tk Dn ). We start by expliciting a set of generators.
For every J {1, . . . , k}, let |J| denote its cardinal, J c its complementary,
and set T (J) = {(x1 , . . . , xk ) Tk = (S1 )k |xi = if i
/ J}. For each J with
|J| + n 1(mod 2), we associate an element (J) Ln+k+1 (Zk ) in the following
way (for simplicity, set m = |J|):
- If m + n 5, by the Realization Theorem 3.1.3, choose a degree one normal
map (M, h, F ) over ([0, 1]m+n+1 , m+n+1 ) such that S[0,1]m+n+1 (M, h, F ) is a
generator of Lm+n+1 (e). Let K be obtained from T (J) [0, 1]n [0, 1] by
taking the connected sum with M along T (J) [0, 1]n {1}. This yields the
degree one normal

K = (T (J) [0, 1]n [0, 1]) ] M

Id ] h

(T (J) [0, 1]n [0, 1]) ] [0, 1]m+n+1 = T (J) [0, 1]n [0, 1]
with framing the connected sum of the framings. Denote (K, f, E) this degree
one normal map. We write (K, f, E) = (T (J) [0, 1]n [0, 1])](M, h, F ). By
denition of the surgery obstructions,

ST (J)[0,1]n [0,1] (K, f, E) = Lm+n+1 i(S[0,1]m+n+1 (M, h, F )),


where i : e , Zm is the inclusion. Dene

(J) = STk Dn [0,1] (K T (J c ), f Id, E D) Ln+k+1 (Zk )

- If m + n = 3, the previous construction does not work. Indeed, if there was
a degree one normal map (W, , F ) over (D4 , 4 ) with surgery obstruction
1 L4 (e), one would obtain, by glueing a copy of D4 with W along their
boundaries using , a 4-dimensional PL-manifold with vanishing w1 and w2 ,
contradicting Rokhlin's theorem (see the proof of 4.2.5 for more details).
To overcome this problem, we use the periodicity of surgery obstructions.
Namely, by the Realization Theorem, let (M, h, F ) a degree one normal map
over (D8 , 8 ) with surgery obstruction 1 L8 (e). Let (K, f, E) = (T (J)
Dn CP2 [0, 1]) (M, h, F ), and (J) = S(K T (J c ), f Id, E D)
Lm+n+5 (Zk ) = Lm+n+1 (Zk ).
- If m+n = 1, choose a degree one normal map (h, F ) : (S1 S1 , 2 ) (S2 , 2 )
with nonzero Arf invariant. Let K be obtained from T (J) [0, 1]n [0, 1]
by taking the connected sum with S1 S1 in the interior. This yields the
degree one normal

K = (T (J) [0, 1]n [0, 1]) ] (S1 S1 )

Id ] h

(T (J) [0, 1]n [0, 1]) ] S2 = T (J) [0, 1]n [0, 1]

with framing the connected sum of the framings. Denote (K, f, E) this degree
one normal map. By denition of the surgery obstructions,

ST (J)[0,1]n [0,1] (K, f, E) = L2 i(SS2 (S1 S1 , h, F )),

where i : e , Z is the inclusion. Dene

(J) = STk Dn [0,1] (K T (J c ), f Id, E D) Ln+k+1 (Zk )

Note that we could have crossed with CP2 to dene all the (J). The periodicity in
surgery obstructions ensures that this does not change anything. This computation
will be useful while studying the action of an element (J) on SP L (Tk Dn ). We
now prove that we have constructed a set of generators.

Proposition 4.2.1. Every element of Ln+k+1 (Zk ) has a unique expression a(J)(J),
where J is a non empty subset of {1, . . . , k} such that |J| + n 1 (mod 2), and
a(J) Z if |J| + n 3 (mod 4) (resp. a(J) Z2 if |J| + n 1 (mod 4).

Proof. We rst dene a map on L-groups which corresponds to the geometric

operation of splitting the degree one normal map representing an element (J)
along subtori.
Let J H {1, . . . , n} (and denote m = |J|, l = |H|), with m + n 1 (mod 2).
Just as before we dene elements (H, J) Ll+n+1 (Zl ) by crossing with T (H J)
instead of T (J c ). Let suppose rst that m = l 1. We dene a map (J, H) :
Lm+n+2 (1 (T (H))) Lm+n+1 (1 (T (J))) as follows. By the Realization Theorem,
consider a degree one normal map (W, h, F ) over (T (H)Dn CP2 [0, 1], m+n+6 ).
Now apply the Splitting Theorem to make h|W CP2 transverse to T (J) Dn
CP2 {0} and T (J)Dn CP2 {1}. This gives a degree one normal map (K, f, E)
over (T (J) Dn CP2 [0, 1], m+n+5 ), and dene (J, H)x = S(K, f, E). This
yields a map Lm+n+6 (1 (T (H))) Lm+n+5 (1 (T (J))). By periodicity of surgery
obstruction, this denes the desired map. Note that if m + n 5, it is not
necessary to cross with CP2 to use the Splitting Principle, and the periodicity of
surgery obstructions implies we would dene the same element.
For arbitrary J H {1, . . . , n}, we dene (J, H) as follows. Choose the
unique sequence J = J0 Js = H with |Ji+1 | = |Ji | + 1 and max(Ji J) <
max(Ji+1 J), and set (J, H) = (J0 , J1 ) (Js1 , Js ) (with the convention
(J, J) = Id). The choice of the ltration is actually irrelevant, we only x it to
have maps dened with no ambiguity.
By denition of (H, J) and (J, H), we have immediately

Lemma 4.2.2. For every J K L with |J| + n odd,

(K, L)(L, J) = (K, J).

Moreover, we have

Lemma 4.2.3. For every J L, H L, J ( K with |J| + n odd,

(K, L)(L, J) = 0.


Proof. Let`j0 JK . Recall that we dened (J) as S(W, , E), where (W, , E) =

(M, h, F ) (T (J)[0, 1]n+1 CP2 ), (M, h, F ) representing an element of B|J|+n+5 ([0, 1]|J|+n+5 , )
with S(M, h, F ) the chosen generator of L|J|+n+5 (e). We can take the boundary
connected sum along a disk that misses T (J {j0 }) [0, 1]n+1 CP2 ,

so restricts to a PL-homeomorphism on T (J {j0 }) [0, 1]n+1 CP2 . We then

obtain (L, J) by crossing with T (L J). But now, since T (K) T (J {j0 }), we
can assume IdT (LJ) restricts to a PL-homeomorphism on T (K) [0, 1]n+1
CP2 T (L J), and the surgery obstrution of such a restriction is precisely
(K, L)(L, J) by denition of (K, L). Hence (K, L)(L, J) = 0.
Let w(J) : L|J|+n+1 (1 (T (J))) L|J|+n+1 (e) be the natural projection, and
let H,J be the chosen generator of L|J|+n+1 (e) if J = H and |J| + n is odd, 0
otherwise. Then

Lemma 4.2.4. For every subsets J, H such that |J| + n is odd,

w(H)(H)(J) = H,J .

Proof. The case J = H is obvious. If J 6 H , (H)(J) = 0. Finally, if J ( H ,

(H)(J) = (H, J) by 4.2.2. But (H, J) is obtained by crossing a degree one

normal map with a torus, whose signature and De Rham invariant vanish. Hence,
by the formula for simply connected surgery obstructions 3.1.7, w(J)(H, J) =

We are now able to prove 4.2.1. Let A the abelian group with genetors the
subsets J {1, . . . , n} with |J| + n odd, and relations 2J = 0 for |J| + n
1 (mod 4). Dene a map : Ln+k+1 (Zk ) A, 7 (w(J)(J))J . is surjective

since ( a(J)(J)) =
a(J)J . But by 3.1.5, these two groups are isomorphic.
Hence is an isomorphism, which conludes 4.2.1.
We now have to understand which elements of Ln+k+1 (Zk ) stabilize [IdTk Dn ].
First of all, note that if |J|+n is an odd integer 5 the construction of (J) directly
shows that (J) stabilizes [IdTk Dn ]. Recall that we constructed two degree one
normal maps
h : M [0, 1]m+n+1

Id ] h : (T (J) [0, 1]n [0, 1]) ] M (T (J) [0, 1]n [0, 1]) ] [0, 1]m+n+1
and constructed (J) by crossing with T (J c ) and taking the associated surgery
obstruction. Now, by denition of the action of Ln+k+1 (Zk ) on SP L (Tk Dn ), we

(T (J) [0, 1]n {1} ] M ) T (J c )

(J).[IdTk Dn ] =
(IdT (J)[0,1]n {1} ] h) IdT (J c )

(T (J) [0, 1] {1} ] [0, 1]
) T (J )
But (IdT (J)[0,1]n {1} ] h)IdT (J c ) is clearly a PL-homeomorphism, hence (J).[IdTk Dn ] =
[IdTk Dn ].
The situation for |J| + n = 1 is even easier. Since the connected sum of
T (J) [0, 1]n [0, 1] with S1 S1 was taken in the interior, it has no eect on the
boundary, so the restriction of the degree one normal map obtained after taking
the connected sum is a PL-homeomorphism when restricted to the boundary, and
the degree one normal map obtained after crossing with T (J c ) restricts to a PLhomeomorphism on the boundary, hence (J).[IdTk Dn ] = [IdTk Dn ].
The only remaining case is |J| + n = 3. Recall that since there exists no 4dimensional PL-manifold with vanishing w1 and w2 and signature 8 by Rokhlin's
theorem, we were forced to cross with CP2 , so the previous argument does not
apply. However, there exists a 4-dimensional PL-manifold with vanishing w1 and
w2 and signature 16 (references ?), which yields a degree one normal map (W, h, F )
over (D4 , 4 ) with obstruction twice the chosen generator of L4 (e). Once again the
periodicity of surgery obstructions shows that we could have dened 2(J) starting
with this normal map, taking the boundary connected sum with T (J) Dn [0, 1],

crossing with T (J c ) and evaluating the surgery obstruction of the resulting degree one normal map. Hence the same reasoning as for |J| + n 5 implies
2(J).[IdTk Dn ] = [IdTk Dn ].
We are now going to use Rokhlin's theorem to prove that there are essentially
the only elements of Ln+k+1 (Zk ) acting trivially on SP L (Tk Dn ). Namely we have
Proposition 4.2.5. Let = a(J)(J) Ln+k+1 (Zk ). Then acts trivially on
[IdTk Dn ] if and only if a(J) is even whenever |J| + n = 3.
Proof. Suppose we have an element = a(J)(J) Ln+k+1 (Zk ) acting trivially
on [IdTk Dn ] and a subset H with |H| + n = 3 and a(H) odd. The idea here
will be, given a degree one normal map representing , to lower the dimension
using splitting ideas and derive a contradiction to Rokhlin's theorem. Since even
multiples of (H) act trivially, we can assume a(H) = 1. By the Realization
Theorem, let (W, , F ) be a degree one normal map over (Tk Dn [0, 1], n+k+1 )

: (W, 0 W, 1 W ) (Tk Dn [0, 1], Tk Dn {0}Tk Sn1 [0, 1], Tk Dn {1})

with |0 W a PL-homeomorphism. Since acts trivially, we can assume |1 W
is also a PL-homeomorphism, hence |W is a PL-homeomorphism. So we can
homotop rel W to make it transverse to T (H) Dn [0, 1], yielding a degree
one normal map (P, f, E) over (T (H) Dn [0, 1], 4 ), with f| : P (T (H)
Dn [0, 1]) a PL-homeomorphism. Note that this coincides with the denition of
(H), namely S((P, f, E) CP2 ) = (H) . The important fact here is that we
did not use the splitting lemma since was already a PL-homeomorphism when
restricted to the boundary, hence we did not have to cross with CP2 , which allows
us to work in dimension 4. We thus have

I((P, f, E) CP2 ) = w(H)S((P, f, E) CP2 ) = w(H)(H) = a(H) = 1.

By periodicity of simply connected surgery obstructions, this implies I(P, f, E) =
1. After performing surgeries on it, we can assume that f induces an isomorphism
on 1 .
Let us work out the cas n = 0. We will explain later how to adapt the proof
in the other cases.
Since T3 = T2 S1 , we can glue two copies of T2 D2 along P and + P using


f . Denote by W the PL-manifold obtained, and let Q denote the image of the two
copies of T2 D2 in W . We then have a degree one normal map
g : W (T2 D2 ) (T3 [0, 1]) (T2 D2 ) = T2 S2 .

Let K2 (W ) (resp. K2 (P )) denote the kernel of f : H2 (W ) H2 (T2 S2 ) (resp

f : H2 (P ) H2 (T3 [0, 1])).

Lemma 4.2.6. ST2 S2 (W, g, D) = 1.

Proof. By denition of surgery obstructions, it is clearly sucient to prove that

the inclusion i : P , W induces an isomorphism between K2 (P ) and K2 (W ). For

simplicity, let P 0 = T3 [0, 1], W 0 = T2 S2 , and Q0 the two copies of T2 D2 in
W 0.
- : K2 (P ) K2 (W ) is surjective: By the Mayer-Vietoris exact sequence,
we have

H2 (P Q)

H2 (P 0 Q0 )

H2 (P ) H2 (Q)

H2 (P ) H2 (Q0 )


i j

i0 j0

H2 (W )

H2 (W 0 )

H3 (P Q)

H3 (P 0 Q0 )

where the vertical isomorphisms come form the fact that f restricts to a
PL-homeomorphism on Q and P Q. Let x K2 (W ). The commutativity
of the right square and the fact that the map H3 (P Q) H3 (P 0 Q0 ) is an
isomorphism imply that x is sent to 0 under the map H2 (W ) H3 (P Q).
By exactness, let u H2 (P ), v H2 (Q) such that i (u) j (v) = x. The
commutativity of the middle square and the fact that x K2 (W ) imply
(i0 j0 )(f (u), f (v)) = 0. Hence by exactness there exists s H2 (P Q)
such that 0 (s) = (f (u), f (v)). Let t denote the antecedent of s under the
left vertical isomorphism. By commutativity of the left square and the fact
that H2 (Q) H2 (Q0 ) is an isomorphism, (s) = (u + y, v), with y K2 (P ).
But by exactness, (i0 j0 )(u + y, v) = 0, and x = i (y).
- : K2 (P ) K2 (W ) is injective: By the Mayer-Vietoris exact sequence, we
H1 (P Q)


H1 (P 0 Q0 )

/ H1 (P ) H1 (Q)

i j


/ H1 (P ) H2 (Q0 )

/ H1 (W )

/ H1 (W 0 )


(3) f

i0 j0

/ H2 (P Q)

/ H2 (P ) H2 (Q)

/ H2 (P 0 Q0 )

/ H2 (P ) H2 (Q)

where the vertical isomorphisms come form the fact that f restricts to a PLhomeomorphism on Q and P Q, and the assumption that f induces a 1
isomorphism. Let x K2 (P ) such that (x) = 0. By exactness, there exists
y H2 (P Q) such that (y) = (x, 0). By commutativity of the right square,
the image z of y under the right vertical isomorphism is sent to 0, so there
exists v H1 (W 0 ) such that 0 (v) = z . Now we use the following classical
fact on exact sequences: In the previous situation, if the vertical maps (1),
(2) and (4) are surjective, the map (3) is injective. Thus the map H1 (W )
H1 (W 0 ) is injective. But this argument works equally for homology with
f Id

coecients in a nite eld. Thus the map H1 (W ) Zp H1 (W 0 ) Zp

is injective, hence surjective, for every prime p. Now this implies that the
map H1 (W ) H1 (W 0 ) is surjective. Let u H1 (W ) be an antecedent of v
under this map. By commutativity of the second square from the right and
the fact that H2 (P Q) H2 (P 0 Q0 ) is an isomorphism, we have (u) = y ,
so (x, 0) = (y) = (u) = 0 by exactness.


Since (T2 S2 ) = 0, the formula for simply connected surgery obstructions

gives (W ) = 8. Now in order to apply Rokhlin's theorem, we want to prove that
w1 (W ) = 0, w2 (W ) = 0. Since g is a degree one normal map and T3 [0,1] = 0, P is
trivial, hence its Stiefel-Whitney classes vanish. Thus, by the long exact sequence
of the pair (W, P ), it is sucient to prove the following

Lemma 4.2.7.

(i) H 1 (W, P ; Z2 ) = 0;

(ii) : H 1 (P ; Z2 ) H 1 (W, P ; Z2 ) is onto.


(i) We have
(by excision)

H 1 (W, P ; Z2 ) = H 1 (Q, P Q; Z2 )

(by Lefschetz duality)

= H3 (Q; Z2 )
(ii) We have the following commutative diagram
H 1 (P ; Z2 )

H 1 (P 0 ; Z2 )

H 2 (W, P ; Z2 )

H 2 (W 0 , P 0 ; Z2 ).

The left vertical arrow is an isomorphism by hypothesis on f . The right

vertical arrow is an isomorphism by excision and the fact that f is an PLhomeomorphism when restricted to Q and P Q. Hence it is equivalent
to proving the surjectivity of the lower horizontal map. Now, by the exact
sequence of the pair (W 0 , P 0 ), we have

H 1 (W 0 , P 0 ; Z2 )

H 1 (W 0 ; Z2 )

/ H 1 (P 0 ; Z


H 2 (W 0 , P 0 ; Z2 )


H 2 (W 0 , P 0 ; Z2 ) = H 2 (Q0 , P 0 Q; Z2 )

= H2 (Q ; Z2 )

(by excision)
(by Lefschetz duality)

= H2 (T2 D2 ; Z2 ) H2 (T2 D2 ; Z2 )
= Z2 Z2

Hence, the symmetry of the problem implies that is either surjective or 0.

If it was 0, then we would have the surjection H 1 (W 0 ; Z2 ) ' Z22 Z32 '
H 1 (P 0 ; Z2 ), contradiction.
Thus we have constructed a 4-dimensional PL-manifold with vanishing w1 and
w2 and signature 8. It admits a PL-structure by the Smoothing Theorem 3.3.3.
This in turn contradicts the Rokhlin's theorem.
We now explain how to obtain such a contraction for the other values of n.
The explicit constructions involved are used only to prove:
- H3 (Q0 , Z2 ) = 0,
- the computation of the various groups in the sequence H 1 (W 0 , P 0 ; Z2 ) H 1 (W 0 ; Z2 )

H 1 (P 0 ; Z2 )
H 2 (W 0 , P 0 ; Z2 ) to prove the surjectivity of ,
- (W 0 ) = 0.
First remark that the Splitting Theorem applies in the other cases, even if we are
considering manifolds with boundaries. We then start with a degree one normal
map f : P T3n Dn , n = 0, 1, 2.
- n = 1:
Glue P 0 = T2 D2 and Q0 = T2 D2 along their common boundary T2 D2 ,
to obtain W 0 = T2 S2 . Nothing is changed, except in proving that is onto.
it is now immediate that is either surjective or zero since H2 (Q0 ; Z2 ) = Z2 .
If it was zero, we would have

H 2 (W 0 , P 0 ; Z2 )
H 2 (P 0 ; Z2 )
H 2 (W 0 ; Z2 ) , H 3 (W 0 , P 0 ; Z2 )
but the last injection is impossible by cardinality.
- n = 2:
Glue T1 D3 and Q0 = D2 S2 along their common boundary S1 S2 to obtain
W 0 = S4 . (S4 ) = 0, and H3 (Q0 ; Z2 ) = 0. Furthermore H2 (Q0 ; Z2 ) = Z2 , so
is again either surjective or zero. If it was zero, we would have a surjection
H 1 (W 0 ; Z2 ) 0 Z2 H 1 (P 0 ; Z2 ).
- n = 3:
Glue P 0 = D4 and Q0 = P 0 along their common boundary. This time all
groups involved are zero and the result follows.


Finally for n 4 the previous construction of (J) shows that every element of
Ln+k+1 (Zk ) acts trivially on SP L (Tk Dn ), which conludes the proof of 4.2.5.
We are now able to give a simple description of SP L (Tk Dn ).

Denition 4.2.8.

For |J| + n = 3, let

J () = w(J)(J)(mod2)
called a geometric coordinate of .
Consider a basis t1 , . . . , tk of H 1 (Tk ; Z2 ). For a subset J = {i1 , . . . , i|J| |i1 <
. . . < i|J| } {1, . . . , k} with |J| + n = 3, let tJ = t1 . . . t|J| . Then the (tJ ) form
a basis of H 3n (Tk Dn ; Z2 ). We have:

Theorem 4.2.9. Let

: SP L (Tk Dn ) H 3n (Tk ; Z2 ),

x 7

J ()tJ


where Ln+k+1 (Zk ) is such that .[IdTk Dn ] = x. Then is a well-dened

Proof. Immediate from the above discussion.


Chapter 5
PL-structures on topological
Considering a homotopy equivalence f : M Tk , we want to prove that M is actually homeomorphic to Tk . Such a homeomorphism naturally endowes M with a
PL-structure. Our rst task is then to prove that M indeed admits a PL-structure.
Note that a PL-structure on M gives rise to a PL-structure on its (topological)
tangent bundle M : M B TOP. In other words, there exists a lift

: PL


By considering the bration TOP/PL B PL B TOP B TOP/PL, we see

that this is the case if and only if the map M M

B TOP B TOP/PL is nullhomotopic. Furthermore, in the case where such a lift exists, the various bundle
reductions are then classied by [M, TOP/PL]. Hence it is necessary to study the
homotopy properties of TOP/PL to carry out our program.
More precisely, we are going to prove the following

Theorem. TOP/PL has the homotopy type of an Einlenberg-Mac Lane space

K(Z2 , 3).
Note that this theorem will allow us to answer our previous question. Namely,
we will prove the following


Obstruction Theorem. A topological manifold admits a PL-structure if and

only if a certain obstruction (M ) H 4 (M, Z2 ) vanishes. In that case, the dierent PL-structures are in (unnatural) bijection with H 3 (M, Z2 ).
We will see in Chapter 6 how to compute this obstruction in the situation relevant to our study. Note that the Obstruction Theorem, which can be thought as
a rst step in our attempt to classify topological manifolds homotopy equivalent to
the torus, relies heavily on the PL-classication of PL-manifolds homotopy equivalent to the torus made in the previous section. The fundamental ingredient which
made possible such an intermediary classication was Rokhlin's theorem, which
roughly speaking states that there is a factor 2 between TOP- and PL-manifolds.
The theorem giving the homotopy type of TOP/PL asserts that this is essentially
the only dierence. Furthermore, it will in turn allow us to deduce a topological
classication. Following [HS70], we describe in Section 5.1 some properties of nite
coverings of PL-homotopy tori needed to compute the homotopy type of TOP/PL,
which will be done in Section 5.2. The Obstruction Theorem will nally be proven
in Section 5.3. The last two sections are greatly inspired by [Rud01].


Finite coverings of PL-homotopy tori

We are now going to study the eect of a nite covering on the PL-structure set.
Namely, we want to prove that a PL-manifold homotopy equivalent to Tk Dn
(n + k 5, n 6= 3) has a nite cover PL-homeomorphic to Tk Dn . We rst dene
what coverings we will be interested in.

Denition 5.1.1. Let p : Tk Dn Tk Dn be a nite covering map. We say

that p is nice if there exists integers d1 , . . . , dk such that p(x1 , . . . , xk , y1 , . . . , yn ) =
(xd11 , . . . , xdkk , y1 , . . . , yn ).

Let p : Tk Dn Tk Dn be a nice nite covering. It can be used to pullback

several objects:
- There is the naturel pullback map p : H 3n (Tk Dn ; Z2 ) H 3n (Tk
Dn ; Z2 ).
- Consider f : M Tk Dn representing an element of SP L (Tk Dn ). Since
every nice nite covering of Tk Dn is PL-homeomorphic to Tk Dn , we

have the following pullback diagram


f p

Tk Dn

Tk Dn

Tk Dn is a homotopy equivalence. Let pt : SP L (Tk Dn )

and f : M
SP L (Tk Dn ) the induced map.
- Let x Ln+k+1 (Zk ), realized by a degree one normal map (h, F ) : (M, M )
(Tk Dn [0, 1], n+k+1 ). We then the have comutative diagram


Tk Dn [0, 1]

h (pId)


Tk Dn [0, 1]

Let h F the induced framing of M

f Tk Dn [0,1] . We then have a degree

one normal map (h, h F ) : (M , M ) (Tk Dn [0, 1], n+k+1 ). One easily
checks that this denes maps

p! : Ln+k+1 (Zk ) Ln+k+1 (Zk )

p] : Bn+k+1 (Tk Dn [0, 1], n+k+1 ) Bn+k+1 (Tk Dn [0, 1], n+k+1 ).
Furthermore, the following diagram is clearly commutative

Bn+k+1 (Tk Dn [0, 1], n+k+1 )


Bn+k+1 (Tk Dn [0, 1], n+k+1 )


Ln+k+1 (Zk )


P L (T

Ln+k+1 (Zk )

Dn )

SP L (Tk Dn )

We want to understand the map pt . In order to do that, we study the eect of a

pullback on the geometric coordinates of an obstruction. By the previous computation of SP L (Tk Dn ), we can suppose from now on that 0 n 2.
We start with the simplest nice covering map, namely

p : Tk Dn Tk Dn , (x1 , . . . , xk , y1 . . . , yn ) 7 (x1 , . . . , xdi , . . . , xk , y1 , . . . , yn ).


Proposition 5.1.2. Let J {1, . . . , k} with |J| + n = 3. If i / J , then p! (J) =

Proof. Recall that by denition, (J) = S(K T (J c ), f Id, E D) Ln+k+1 (Zk ),

with f : K T (J) [0, 1] and Id : T (J c ) T (J c ). It is now clear that p] (K

T (J c ), f Id, E D) = (K T (J c ), f gp , E Dp ) where gp : T (J c ) T (J c ) take
the i-th coordinate to the power of d, and Dp is the natural framing. But (gp , Dp )
and (Id, D) are clearly framed cobordant, so p] (K T (J c ), f Id, E D) and
(K T (J c ), f Id, E D) are framed cobordant, hence their surgery obstructions

Proposition 5.1.3. Let J {1, . . . , k} with |J| + n = 3. If i J , then p! (J) =

Proof. Let H = 1, . . . , n i. By 4.2.3, (H)(J) = 0, hence by exactness of the

following sequence


0 Ln+k+1 (1 (T (H)Dn ))
Ln+k+1 (1 (Tk Dn )) Ln+k (1 (T (H)Dn )) 0
there exists Ln+k+1 (1 (T (H) Dn )) such that (J) = j (). Let us describe
geometrically the eect of p! on such an element.
Let (h, F ) : M (T (H) [0, 1] [0, 1], ) a degree one normal map with
surgery obstruction and such that, with M = M + M , h| : M
(T (H) [0, 1] {0}) (T (H) {0} [0, 1]) (T (H) {1} [0, 1]) is a PLhomeomorphism. We can use it to identify the copy T (H) {0} [0, 1] and
T (H) {1} [0, 1] in M . By glueing them together, we obtain a normal map
(f, E) : (N, N ) (T (H)S1 [0, 1], ) whose surgery obstruction is j () = (J).
Now it is clear that p] (N, f, E) can be obtained as follows: Consider d copies
(Mi , hi , Fi ) of (M, h, F ). Glue together the copy T (H) {1} [0, 1] in Mi and
T (H) {0} [0, 1] in Mi+1 , 1 i d 1, and denote P the space obtained.
Let ti : T (H) [0, 1] [0, 1] T (H) [0, 1] [0, 1], (x, y, t) 7 (x, y, (t + i 1)/d).
Let : (t1 f1 ) . . . (td fd ) and D = F1 . . . Fd .


It is now not hard to see that p] (N, f, E) is obtained by glueing together the the
copy T (H) {0} [0, 1] in M1 and T (H) {1} [0, 1] in Md , i.e p] (N, f, E) =
j (S(P, , D)). But by additivity of surgery obstructions, S(P, , D) = dS(M, h, F ),
hence p! (J) = p! j S(M, h, F ) = dj S(M, h, F ) = d(J).
We thus have proved the following

Proposition 5.1.4. Let J {1, . . . , k} with |J| + n = 3. Then

1 if H = J and i
H (p (J)) =
d if H = J and i J

0 otherwise
Recall that p : H 3n (Tk ; Z2 ) H 3n (Tk ; Z2 ) is given by p (tJ ) = dtJ if i J ,
p (tJ ) = tJ sinon. Furthermore, every nice covering map p(x1 , . . . , xk , y1 , . . . , yn ) =
(xd11 , . . . , xdkk , y1 , . . . , yn ) can be written as a composite of coverings we have been
considering previously. Thus we have proved the following


Theorem 5.1.5. Let q : Tk Dn Tk Dn be a nice covering map, with n+k 5

and n 2. Then the following diagram commutes:
SP L (Tk Dn )

SP L (Tk Dn )



H 3n (Tk ; Z2 )

H 3n (Tk ; Z2 ).

Corollary 5.1.6. Every PL-manifold homotopy equivalent to Tk Dn (n + k 5

and n 6= 3) has a nite covering PL-homeomorphic to Tk Dn .
Proof. If n 2, we have q = 0 for the nice covering map q(x1 , . . . , xk , y1 , . . . , yn ) =
(x21 , . . . , x2k , y1 , . . . , yn ). If n 4, every PL-manifold homotopy equivalent to Tk Dn
is actually PL-homeomorphic to Tk Dn by 4.2.9.


The homotopy type of


First we give a bit of structure on the dierent PL-structures a topological manifold

might carry.

Denition 5.2.1. Let M be a topological manifold whose boundary is a PLmanifold. A PL-structuralization is a homeomorphism h : N M with N a

PL-manifold and such that h|N : N M is a PL-homeomorphism. Two PLstructuralizations hi : Ni M, i = 0, 1 are called concordant if there exists a PLhomeomorphism : N0 N1 and a homeomorphism H : N0 [0, 1] M [0, 1]
such that:
- HN0 0 = h0
- HN0 1 = h1
- H : N0 [0, 1] M [0, 1] coincides with h0 Id0,1 .
A PL-structure on M is an equivalence class of PL-structuralizations. Let TP L (M )
denote the set of all PL-structures on M .
As we mentionned it earlier, a PL-structure on M yields a PL-structure on the
topological stable tangent bundle. The converse is true, but requires the dicult


Theorem 5.2.2 (Product Structure Theorem). For every n 5 and every k 0,

the natural map TP L (M ) TP L (M Rk ) obtained by associating to any PLstructuralization h : N M the PL-structuralization h Id : N Rk M Rk
is a bijection.
The classical proof of the Structure Theorem uses the Stable Homeomorphism
Theorem of Kirby [KS77] which in turn relies on the properties of PL-homotopy
tori under nite converings. Thus surgery theory is the key ingredient in proving
the Product Structure Theorem, which explains the dimension restiction n 5.
It fails in dimension 3. There is a corresponding theorem for DIFF-structures on
PL-manifolds known as the Cairns-Hirsch theorem, which holds in any dimension.
A fundamental consequence of the Product Structure Theorem is the following

Theorem 5.2.3 (Classication Theorem). Let M be a topological manifold of

dimension 5 which admits a PL-structure. Then there exists a bijection
: [(M, M ), (TOP/PL, )] TP L (M )

The proof can be found in [KS77]. Here is at least the construction of the maps
in both senses.
Consider from now M as a PL-manifold. A PL-structuralization h : N M
yields an isomorphism of topological stable tangent bundles, since h is a homeomorphism. It also yields a new PL-structure on the stable tangent bundle on M .
The situation is resumed in the following diagram, in which the upper triangle and
both lower triangles are commutative.


/ B PL
6 w;
ww P L




Thus we have two PL-structures on T OP . Hence their dierence yields an element

P L P L [(M, M ), (TOP/PL, )]. We then dene the map : g 7 P L P L .
Now given an element [(M, M ), (TOP/PL, )], we thus have a PL-bundle
over M which is trivial, when seen as a TOP-bundle. Thus we have the following
commutative diagram



y| y

Since E() is a PL-manifold, the homeomorphism H endowes M Rp with a PLstructure. But now by the Product Structure Theorem, this yields a PL-struture
on M . More precisely, there is a homeomorphism g : N M with N a PLmanifold such that H and g IdRp are concordant. We then dene the map
: 7 g .
Note that a PL-structuralization of M can be seen as representing an element of
the structure set. In other words, there is a forgetful map : TP L (M ) SP L (M ).
We have the following

Proposition 5.2.4. Let k, n 0 such that n + k 5. Let x, y TP L (Tk Dn )

such that (x) = (y) SP L (Tk Dn ). Then there exists a nite covering p :
Tk Dn Tk Dn such that p (x) = p (y).
This amounts to proving the following lemma.

Lemma 5.2.5. Let k, n 0 such that n + k 5. For any homeomorphismn

h : Tk Dn Tk Dn which is isotopic rel (Tk Dn ) to the identity, there exists
a nice nite covering p : Tk Dn Tk Dn and a lift h : Tk Dn Tk Dn
isotopic rel (Tk Dn ) to the identity, such that the following diagram commutes
Tk Dn

Tk Dn

Tk Dn


Tk Dn

In other words, the proposition asserts that : TP L (Tk Dn ) SP L (Tk Dn )

is injective up to nite coverings.

Proof. Identify Tk with (S1 )n and denote e its basepoint, and endow it with its

invariant metric. For an integer > 0, consider the nice covering map p :
Tk Dn Tk Dn , (x, y) 7 (x , y) . Let ht : Tk Dn Tk Dn be a homotopy
rel (Tk Dn ) between h = h0 and Id = h1 (for the special case n = 0, note that
since 1 (Tk ) acts trivially on [Tk , Tk ], we can assume that the ht are basepoint
preserving). The pullback covering h p is isomorphic to p . Thus we have the
following commutative diagram

Tk DIn

/ E(h p )


Tk Dn

h p



T Dn

t : Tk Dn , t [0, 1]
Similarly, we can construct a continuous family of maps h
0 = h
and such that p h
t = ht p .
with h

1 is a
Consider rst the case n = 0. We can assume that h(e)
= e. Thus h
t (e) is a continuous path in the discret set
deck transformation. But since t 7 h
1 (e) = h
0 (e) = e, hence h
1 = Id. Now for all x p1 (e), t 7 h
t (x) is a
p (e), h

1 (x) = x. Now choose > 0. Choose

continuous path in p (e), hence h(x)

0 < < such that d(h(x),

< whenever d(x, y) < , and choose large
enough so the diameter of any closed (isometric) fundamental domain is less than
. Now given x Tk , choose x0 p1
(e) such that x and x0 are in the same
fundamental domain. We have,

0 ), h(x))

d(x, h(x))
d(x, x0 ) + d(x0 , h(x))
= d(x, x0 ) + d(h(x
IdTk ) , where
So for every > 0 there exists an integer 0 such that d(h,
IdTk ) = supxTk d(h(x),

x). Now, by local contractibility of the space of homeomorphisms of a compact topological manifold, this implies that there exists a nice
isotopic to IdTk .
nite covering such that h lifts to a homeomorphism h

For n > 0, the previous argument is not sucient since the isotopy has no
reason to be rel (Tk Dn ). To overcome that, we need to do the previous procedure
"far from the boundary. More precisely, for 0 < < 1, let D Dn the disk of
stabilizes every element of p1 ({e}
radius . This time, we can assume that h

(D )). Now choose > 0. Choose 0 < < such that d(h(x), h(y)) < whenever
d(x, y) < , choose close enough to 1 so that given an element x Tk D , one
can choose an element x0 p1
({e} (D )) such that d(x, x0 ) , and choose
large enough so that any closed (isometric) foundamental domain has diameter less
|Tk D , IdTk D ) 2. Thus
than . The same reasoning as above shows that d(h

there exists a nice covering such that there exists an isotopy : Tk D [0, 1]
|Tk D . One then construct the desired
Tk D [0, 1] between IdTk D and h

isotopy rel (T D ) by setting:
(a, t)
if |a|
(a, t) =
(a, 1 ) if |a|

Now consider the map


: n (TOP/PL) = [(Dn , ), (TOP/PL, )]


[(Tk Dn , ), (TOP/PL, )]
TP L (Tk Dn )
SP L (Tk Dn )

with k 0 such that n + k 5, and pr : Tk Dn Dn the natural projection.

Proposition 5.2.6. The map is injective. Furthermore, if for some 0,

p (x) = p (y), then x = y .
Proof. Let x, y n (TOP/PL) such that (x) = (y). By 5.2.4, there exists a

nice covering p : Tk Dn Tk Dn such that p ( pr (x)) = p ( pr (y)).

Since p is a nice covering, p pr = pr . Thus pr (x) = pr (y). Now
this clearly implies x = y , since both and pr are injective.
Let p : Tk Dn Tk Dn be a nite covering, and let x, y n (TOP/PL)
such that p ((x)) = p ((y)), that is p ( pr (x)) = p ( pr (y)). is
clearly natural for nite coverings, so ( p ( pr (x)) ) = ( p ( pr (y)) ). By
5.2.4, there exists a nite covering q such that q p ( pr (x)) = q p ( pr (y)),
or in other words (p q) ( pr (x)) = (p q) ( pr (y)). Now again this implies
x = y.

Corollary 5.2.7.

(i) n (TOP/PL) = 0 for every n 6= 3.

(ii) 3 (TOP/PL) has at most two elements.

Proof. This is an immediate consequence of 5.1.6, 5.2.6 and 4.2.9.

The homotopy type of TOP/PL is thus almost determined. Namely, TOP/PL

is either contractible or a K(Z2 , 3). If TOP/PL was contractible, any map M M

B TOP B TOP/PL would be nullhomotopic. In particular, any topological

manifold of dimension 5 would admit a PL-structure, by the Classication
Theorem 5.2.3.
Let us recall that there exists a closed manifold F of dimension 4 which satises
w1 (F ) = 0, w2 (F ) = 0, and (F ) = 8. The Rokhlin's theorem implies that F
does not admit a PL-structure, otherwise it would admit a DIFF-structure by
the Smoothing Theorem. This will allow us to construct a topological manifold of
dimension 5 which admits no PL-structure. Note that by the Smoothing Theorem,
this amounts to giving an example of a 5-dimensional topological manifold without
any smooth structure.

Proposition 5.2.8. F R admits no smooth structure.

Proof. Suppose it is the case. We can nd an C 0 -approximation f of pr : R R

R which equals pr on ] , 0] and is smooth on [1, [. By Sard theorem, choose

a regular value a of f , and set F 0 = f 1 (a), W = f 1 ([0, a]). Then F 0 is a
smooth 4-dimension manifold whose tangent bundle is stably isomorphic to i W
(with i : F 0 , W the inclusion), by the tubular neighborhood theorem. But
= FT OP 1 , so w1 (W ) = 0, w2 (W ) = 0. Thus, by naturality of the StiefelW
Whitney classes, w1 (F 0 ) = i w1 (W ) = 0, w2 (F 0 ) = i w2 (F 0 ) = 0. Furthermore, W
is a topological cobordism between F and F 0 , so (F 0 ) = 8. So F 0 is a smooth
4-dimensional manifold with w1 (F 0 ) = 0, w2 (F 0 ) = 0, and (F 0 ) = 8, which contradicts Rokhlin's theorem.

Note that, by the Product Structure Theorem, F Rk gives an example of a

topological manifold with no PL-structure in any dimension 4.


The Kirby-Siebenmann obstruction

We can now turn back to our problem of determining the PL-structures a topological manifold might carry. We have just proved that we have the following


K(Z2 , 3) B PL B TOP

Since T OP/P L is a H -group, it has a classifying space, yielding a bration


BTOP/PL is 3-connected, it has a fundamental class
H 4 (BTOP/PL; 4 (BT OP/P L))
representing the inverse of the Hurewicz isomorphism 4 (BTOP/PL) H4 (BTOP/PL; Z)


under the identication

H 4 (BTOP/PL; 4 (BT OP/P L)) ' Hom(H4 (BTOP/PL; Z), 4 (BT OP/P L)).

Denition 5.3.1. (i) Under the natural map BTOP BTOP/PL, pullbacks
to a class

H 4 (BTOP; Z2 ),

called the universal Kirby-Siebenmann class.

(ii) Let M be a topological manifold, and f : M BTOP the classifying map
for its topological tangent bundle. We dene the Kirby-Siebenmann obstruction
(M ) by
(M ) = f H 4 (M ; Z2 ).

Theorem 5.3.2. Let M be a topological manifold of dimension 5. Then M

admits a PL-structure if and olny if (M ) = 0. Furthermore, if (M ) = 0,
the various PL-structures are in (unnatural) correspondence with [M, TOP/PL] '
H 3 (M ; Z2 ).

Proof. Let f : M BTOP the classifying map of the topological tangent bundle

of M . By the Classication Theorem 5.2.3, M admits a PL-structure if and only if

f lifts to BPL. Since, we have a bration BPL BTOP

BTOP/PL, f lifts to

BPL if and only if the composition M

BTOP/PL is nullhomotopic.
Now, since BTOP/PL is a K(Z2 , 4), f [M, BTOP/PL] ' H 4 (M, Z2 ), with

isomorphism given by

[M, K(Z2 , 4)] H 4 (M, Z2 ),

g 7 g .

Hence, M admits a PL-structure if and only if

(f ) = f ( ) = f = (M ) = 0.
The second assertion follows immediately from the properties of the bration

Chapter 6
Topological rigidity of the torus
We are now going to prove the main theorem of this thesis. Recall that we found
in Chapter 5 a necessary and sucient condition for a manifold of dimension 5
to admit a PL-structure. In Chapter 4, we were able to compute the PL-structure
set SP L (Tn ), n 5. We now combine these results to deduce the rigidity theorem.
There is still one obstacle left. In order to prove that a high-dimensional
homotopy torus admits a PL-structure, we need to prove the vanishing of its
Kirby-Siebenmann obstruction. But since lies in the cohomology of BTOP, this
obstruction is generally not preserved under homotopy equivalence. Section 5.1 is
thus devoted to constructing an intermediary charactristic class G (M ) carrying
enough data on (M ) to derive the existence of a PL-structure on a homotopy
torus from its vanishing, and such that G (M ) = G (Tn ) for a manifold homotopy
equivalent to Tn . In section 5.2, we nally carry out our program and prove the
rigidity theorem. This chapter follows the strategy of [HW69].

An intermediary characteristic class.

Denition 6.1.1. Let STOP be the subgroup of TOP consisting of orientation

preserving maps, Spin-Top its (double) universal cover, and BSTop, BSpin-Top
their classifying spaces.

Proposition 6.1.2. B Spin-Top is 3-connected, and 4 (B Spin-Top) ' Z Z2 .

Proof. It amounts to proving that Spin-Top is 2-connected. By denition, it is
simply-connected. Furthermore, 2 (Spin-Top) ' 2 (T op) = 3 (B TOP). But the
exact sequence of homotopy groups of the bration TOP/PLBPL BTOP yields
3 (B PL) 3 (B TOP) 2 (TOP/PL).

Now, since P L/O is 4-connected, 3 (B PL) ' 3 (BO) ' 0, and 2 (TOP/PL) ' 0
by the theorem on the homotopy type of TOP/PL.
As for 4 (B Spin-Top) ' 4 (B Spin-Top), the exact sequence of homotopy
groups of the bration TOP/PLBPL BTOP yields

4 (TOP/PL) 4 (B PL) 4 (B TOP) 3 (TOP/PL) 3 (B PL).

Now, since PL/O is 4-connected, 3 (B PL) ' 3 (B O) = 0 and 4 (B PL) '
4 (B O) ' Z. By the theorem on the homotopy type of TOP/PL, 4 (TOP/PL) =
0, and 3 (TOP/PL) ' Z2 , and the result follows.
It follows from B Spin-Top has a fundamental class H 4 (B(Spin-Top); 4 (B(Spin-Top))),
which has two components f ree H 4 (B Spin-Top; Z), tors H 4 (B Spin-Top; Z2 ).

Proposition 6.1.3. H 4 (B Spin-Top; Z) ' Z, generated by f ree .

Proof. We have, since B Spin-Top is 3-connected
H 4 (B Spin-Top; Z) ' Hom(H4 (B Spin-Top; Z), Z)
' Hom(4 (B Spin-Top); Z)


' Hom(Z Z2 ; Z)
' Z.
Now, by the universal coecient theorem,

H 4 (B Spin-Top, 4 (B Spin-Top)) ' Hom(H4 (B Spin-Top, Z)4 (B Spin-Top)),

and under this isomorphism, represents h1 , where

h : 4 (B Spin-Top) H4 (B Spin-Top, Z)

is the Hurewicz isomorphism. So h1 : Z Z2 Z Z2 , hence f ree

H 4 (B Spin-Top; Z) ' Hom(H4 (B Spin-Top; Z), Z) represents Z Z2 Z



Z2 Z, which is a generator of Hom(Z Z2 , Z).

Proposition 6.1.4.

(i) H 4 (B S Top; Z)f ree ' Z.

(ii) The natural map H 4 (BST op; Z)f ree H 4 (BSpin-Top ; Z) is injective.
(iii) The natural map H 4 (B S Top; Z)f ree H 4 (BSO; Z) is injective 1 .
1 Actually,

Wall asserts in [HW69] that the natural map



H 4 (B S

Top; Z) H 4 (BSO; Z)

is an

Proof. Since Spin-Top is the universal double cover of ST op, the natural map
Spin-Top S Top yields an isomorphism (Spin-Top) Q (S Top) Q ,
and thus an isomorphism n (B Spin-Top) Q n (B S Top) Q for n 1, by
commutativity of the following diagram

n (B Spin-Top) Q

/ n (B S

Top) Q

n1 (Spin-Top) Q

/ n1 (S

Top) Q.

There is also an isomorphism on 0 Q ' 0, so by the generalized Whitehead

theorem, B Spin-Top BST op induces an isomorphism in cohomology with Qcoecients, which proves (ii).
Recall that we have a bration B PL BT OP K(Z2 , 4). Once again, the
generalized Whitehead theorem yields an isomorphism H 4 (BPL; Q) H 4 (BTOP; Q).
Since P L/O is 4-connected, the natural map BPL BO yields an isomorphism
n (BPL) n (BO), n 4, and so an isomorphism H n (BPL, Z) H n (BO, Z), n
4, by the Hurewicz theorem. Thus H 4 (B Top; Q) H 4 (BO; Q) is an isomorphism.
By the commutativity of the following diagram

H 4 (B S Top; Q)

/ H 4 (BSO; Q)

H 4 (B Top; Q)

H 4 (BSO; Q),

it is sucient to prove that we have isomorphism H (B S Top; Q) ' H (BTOP; Q),

H (B SO; Q) ' H (BO; Q). The natural maps SO O, S Top TOP yield

n (SO) Q n (O) Q,

n (S Top) Q n (Top) Q

for n 1, by commutativity of the following diagrams

n (B SO) Q

/ n (B O) Q

n (B S Top) Q

n1 (SO) Q

/ n (B TOP) Q

/ n1 (O) Q

n1 (S Top) Q

/ n1 (TOP) Q.

It also yields an isomorphism on 0 Q ' 0, so (iii) then follows form the generalized Whitehead theorem, and (i) follows from the fact that H 4 (B SO; Z) ' Z.

Denition 6.1.5. Let ptop be a generator of H 4 (BS Top, Z)f ree , called a topological
universal Pontryagin class.
Corollary 6.1.6. There exists an integer d 6= 0 such that df ree is induced from
ptop H 4 (B(ST op); Z).

Proposition 6.1.7. The natural map H 4 (B TOP; Z2 ) H 4 (B Spin-Top; Z2 ) maps

the Kirby-Siebenmann class to tors .
Proof. Since both B Spin-Top and B TOP/PL ' K(Z2 , 4) are 3-connected, the

naturality of the Hurewicz homomorphism yields the following commutative diagram

H 4 (B TOP/PL; Z2 )


H 4 (B Spin-Top; Z2 )


Hom(4 (B TOP/PL), Z2 )

Hom(4 (B Spin-Top), Z2 )

obtained by dualizing the natural map

4 (B Spin-Top) ' 4 (B TOP) ' Z Z2 Z2 ' 4 (B TOP/PL).


Thus the fundamental class H 4 (B TOP/PL; Z2 ) corresponding to the inId

Z maps to the element
verse of the Hurewicz homomorphism h1

(Z Z2 Z2 ) H 4 (B Spin-Top; Z2 ).
Now the fundamental class H 4 (B Spin-Top; 4 (B Spin-Top)) corresponds, under the canonic identication, to the inverse of the Hurewicz map h1
B Spin-Top : Z



Z2 ZZ2 , so tors corresponds to ZZ2 ZZ2 . Hence The natural

map H 4 (B TOP/PL; Z2 ) H 4 (B Spin-Top; Z2 ) maps to tors . But by dention,
is induced from under the natural map H 4 (B TOP/PL; Z2 ) H 4 (B TOP; Z2 ).
Thus the result follows from the commutativity of the following diagram, where
all maps are the natural ones
H 4 (B TOP/PL; Z2 )


H 4 (B5 Spin-Top; Z2 )


H 4 (B TOP; Z2 ).

Denition 6.1.8. (i) Let G be the image of under the map

H 4 (B(Spin-Top); 3 (TOP)) H 4 (B(Spin-Top); 3 (G)).
(ii) For a topological manifold M with vanishing w1 and w2 , and with classifying
space of its topological spin tangent bundle f : M BSpin-Top, let
G (M ) = f G .

Theorem 6.1.9. Let M a topological manifold homotopy equivalent to a torus.

Then M admits a topological spin-structure, for which G (M ) = 0.
Proof. Consider the Whitehead tower of BSG:




K(3 (BSG), 3)
K(2 (BSG), 2).

We have the following commutative diagram



BS Top



/ K(3 (BSG), 3)

/ K(2 (BSG), 2)
and the map BSpin-Top BSpin-G lifts to X2 if and only if the composite

BSpin-Top BSpin-G K(3 (BSG), 3)

is nullhomotopic, by obstruction theory. Since H 3 (BSpin-Top; 3 (BSG)) = 0, such
a lift exists. The induced map BSpin-Top X2 yields the map

4 (BSpin-Top) ' 4 (BTOP) 4 (BG) ' 4 (X2 )

We have the following lemma:

Lemma 6.1.10. The map H 4 (X2 ; 4 (BG)) H 4 (BSpin-Top; 4 (BG)) maps the
fundamental class X2 of X2 to G .
Proof. Since X2 is 3-connected, we have
H 4 (X2 ; 4 (BG)) ' Hom(4 (X2 ), 4 (BG)) ' Hom(4 (BG), 4 (BG))
and, under this isomorphism, X2 represents Z24
Z24 . Furthemore, since BSpin-Top
is 3-connected,

H 4 (BSpin-Top; 4 (BG)) ' Hom(4 (BTOP), 4 (BG))

and the map H 4 (X2 ; 4 (BG)) H 4 (BSpin-Top; 4 (BG)) is obtained by dualizing
the natural map 4 (BTOP) 4 (BG). Hence X2 maps to Z Z2 Z24 .
Now recall that

H 4 (BSpin-Top; 4 (BSpin-Top)) ' Hom(4 (BTOP), 4 (BTOP))

is represented by Z Z2 Z Z2 , hence G H 4 (BSpin-Top; 4 (BG)) '

Hom(4 (BTOP), 4 (BG)) is represented by ZZ2 Z24 , and the result follows.

Lemma 6.1.11. Let M a topological oriented manifold whose Spivak normal bration admits a spin structure M BSpin-G. Then there exists a topological
spin structure on M



such that the induced spin structure on the Spivak normal bration M BSpin-Top
BSpin-G agrees with the given structure M BSpin-G.
Proof. First consider the case of an oriented manifold M BS Top with a lift
of its oriented Spivak bration M BS G to BSpin-G. Since Spin-Top (resp.
Spin-G) is the universal double cover of S Top (resp. SG), we have brations

K(Z2 , 1) ' F


F 0 ' K(Z2 , 1)

BS Top




Now, by the result of Boardman and Vogt on homotopy-everything H -spaces

[BV68], there are brations



BS Top

/ BF 0

K(Z2 , 2) ' BF


' K(Z2 , 2).

Since 1 (TOP) 1 (G) is an isomorphism, F F 0 and BF BF 0 are homotopy

equivalences. Let (resp. 0 ) be the fundamental class of BF (resp. BF 0 ). Then
BF BF 0 maps to 0 since H 2 (K(Z2 , 2), Z2 ) ' Z2 . We thus have the following
commutative diagram


/ BS



By obstruction theory, since M BS


K(Z2 , 2) ' BF


BF 0 ' K(Z2 , 2).

G lifts to BSpin-G, (gf ) 0 = 0. But

(gf ) 0 = f = 0
hence M BS Top lifts to BSpin-Top. Furthermore, the various lifts are in bi
jective correspondence with [M, F ]. But F
F 0 yields a bijection [M, F ]
[M, F ], and [M, F ] classies the lifts of M BS G. Thus there exists a lift
M BSpin-Top compatible with both the orientation of the tangent bundle
M BS Top and the spin structure on the Spivak bration M BSpin-G.
The same reasoning applies to the brations

K(Z2 , 0) ' F

BS Top

F 0 ' K(Z2 , 0)


/ BG,


so given a topological manifold with a lift M BS G of its Spivak bration, there

exists an orientation of the topological tangent bundle M BS Top compatible
with both the topological structure M BTOP and the orientation of the Spivak
bration M BS G.
The result now follows by combining these two assertions.
Let M be a topological manifold homotopy equivalent to a torus. Then M is
orientable and has a trivial Spivak bration, and so admits the trivial lift M
X2 . By 0.0.3, let M BSpin-Top be a spin-structure on M such that M
BSpin-Top BSpin-G is nullhomotopic. We thus have the following commutative
o7 X2


/ BSpin-G

/ BS Top
/ BS G.

In particular, we have the following commutative triangle

H 4 (X2 ; Z24 )


H 4 (B Spin-Top; Z24 )

ty t

H 4 (M ; Z24 ).

Since the horizontal map sends X2 to G by 0.0.2, G (M ) = 0.


The Rigidity Theorem.

Lemma 6.2.1. The topological Pontryagin class ptop is additive modulo torsion
with respect to direct sums of vector bundles.


Proof. Let f , f : M BS Top. We have the following commutative diagram


f f

BS Top O BS Top


BS Top


Let m 6= 0 such that ptop is mapped to mp1 H 4 (BSO, Z) under the map BSO
BS Top. As before, we can prove that BSO BSO BS Top BS Top induces
an isomorphism on H 4 ( ; Q), so that H 4 (BS TopBS Top; Z) ' Z Z (torsion).
Now, by additivity of the rst Pontryagin class,

H 4 (BSO; Z) ' Z Z Z ' H 4 (BSO BSO; Z)

is the diagonal map, so ptop is mapped to (mp1 , mp1 ) under

H 4 (BS Top; Z) H 4 (BSO; Z) H 4 (BSO BSO; Z).

Thus ptop is mapped to (ptop , ptop ) + torsion under the map H 4 (BS
H 4 (BS Top BS Top; Z), and the result follows.

Top; Z)

Proposition 6.2.2. Let M be a topological manifold homotopy equivalent to Tn , n

5. Then M admits a PL-structure.
Proof. Let p : Tn Tn be the 2n -sheeted covering map given by p (x1 , . . . , xn ) =
f M its pullback over f
(x21 , . . . , x2n ), and : M



f is induced from that

being a local homeomorphism, the tangent bundle of M
f) = (M ). But p : H 4 (Tn , Z2 ) H 4 (Tn , Z2 ) is the zero map,
of M , so (M
since p : H 1 (Tn , Z) H 1 (Tn , Z) is multiplication by 2. Furthermore, f being a
homotopy equivalence, F is also a homotopy equivalence. Hence : H 4 (M, Z2 )

f) = 0 and M
f admits a PL-structure by the
H 4(M, Z2 ) is the zero map, so (M
Obstruction Theorem.
f being a PL-homotopy torus, it is stably parallelizable by 4.1.3. Since M
Now M
f) = 0 = ptop (M ).
has torsion-free cohomology, it follows from 6.2.1 that ptop (M
f, Z) is injective, which
But H 4 (M, Z) has no torsion, so : H 4 (M, Z) H 4 (M
implies ptop (M ) = 0. Thus, by 6.1.6, there exists d 6= 0 such that df ree (M ) = 0,
hence f ree (M ) = 0 since M has torsion-free cohomology. It follows that G (M ) =
i (M ), where i : Z2 , Z24 is the canonical injection. Recall that, M being a
homotopy torus, G (M ) = 0 by 6.1.9, hence i (M ) = 0. But i : H 4 (M, Z2 )
f, Z24 ) is clearly injective, so (M ) = 0, and M admits a PL-structure by
H 4 (M
the Obstruction Theorem.

Theorem 6.2.3. Let M a topological manifold of dimension n 5, and f : M

Tn a homotopy equivalence. Then f is homotopic to a homeomorphism.
Proof. Recall that the PL-structures on Tn are classied by H 3 (Tn , Z2 ). Now the

same group also classies the homotopy PL-structures on Tn , by 4.2.9. Thus we

have the maps

H 3 (Tn , Z2 )
= [Tn , TOP/PL] TP L (Tn ) , SP L (Tn )
= H 3 (Tn , Z2 ) .

Since H 3 (Tn , Z2 ) is nite, we get

TP L (Tn ) SP L (Tn ) .
Thus, to the homotopy equivalence f : M Tn representing an element of
SP L (Tn ) there corresponds a homeomorphism g : N Tn and a homeomorphism H : N M such that the following triangle


/ Tn
}} g

commutes up to homotopy. In particular, f is homotopic to a homeomorphism.


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