they are talking about. They have not defined what they mean by arts and culture. And they therefore probably
are investing in thewrong thing.
Culture is really everything that human beings create in our world, in our physical space. And that is
everything. Imean everything, language, agriculture food, buildings, everything. Every single thing that we
create is aculture.
Art is one of the aspects of culture. It is avery defined creative approach to making objects or making
concepts. It is defined as aphysical thing that we create be it apainting or amovie or whatever. So it is almost
like creating. It is acraft or a skill by which we create an object. And that object can be conceptual as well as
physical. But is very definite. It is very defined activity and it is avery defined product that you have in art.
Whereas the culture is everything, what we are surrounded by.
Sandy Fitzgerald Europe Definition Art and culture Difference Society Environment Nature
Cultural development Misunderstanding Dublin Anti-social behaviour Drug abuse Alcohol abuse
Community Future Artists
Ambassador of Trans Europe Halles in Dublin, Ireland
Full biography