Green Human Resource Management
Green Human Resource Management
Green Human Resource Management
Submitted by
Ranjitha B R
Assistant Professor
Dept of Commerce and Management
GFGC Koratagere
The main purpose of this paper is to deepen & to understand the concept of green
management that is now getting the attention in the community. Currently, climate changes
dramatically adverse impact on the population of the world. Events such as hurricanes rising sea
levels and global warming give an impact to human lives. Various parties are now demanding
that each entity should play their phenomena. Thus, scholars in the field of management have
begun to turn their attention to look forward to into sustainability. The rising of research and
studies shown that these issues attracting researchers mind.
Green Management is seen as one of the best methods to solve this problem. Large Companies
start to promote their actions to save the environment and implementing green management in
their daily operation but most of small medium enterprises (SMEs) seen still in the low level of
their involvement heading over towards sustainability. This paper will look some aspects of
green management and highlighted the previous studies that have been conducted to see the issue
debated in green management. In addition, this paper also checking out the issues inherent to
SMEs in implementing green management to achieve sustainability in their business.
The concern of the environment already started a long time ago. A deep respect and also
tribute towards the environment has already been told in many religious and also the ancient
cultural traditions believe all around the world [1]. But yet people still dont care about the
environment and keep on destroying the environment to get the benefit from it. All people
around the world are now talking and mentioning about the environment due to the climate
change. Typhon, tsunami, global warming and many disasters that happened recently have given
new dimension to people, polician, organization, businesses and even a country to open their
eyes to look into environment. The buzz words such as green sustainable, organic, carbon
footprint and whatever word that means to protect our environment is now popped up in the
media, the internet, books, journal and even in the packaging of the product shown that people
now wake up from there to step look forward to into taking care of the environment.
[2] Environmental management seemed to be an effective solution to control the phenomena that
happen to bring the disaster to human kind. Due to that these issues seem to become a popular
topic for researches to dig deepens about environment management and comes out with a new
solution and recommendation.
[3] In Germany, early 1980s the environment movement has been high in the political agenda. As
the result strictly rules and regulation for business as well as government subsidies for green
product likes solar energy. Therefore, these have been a strong increase in demand for green
jobs particularly in renewable energies.
Green Management (GM)
The challenging that comes from environmental issues like recycling, landfill, pollution
and climate change given the new dimension in management. Communities all around the world
now are facing this challenge.
[4] Due to that concept of GM emerged. Based on Taylor [5] define that GM is a management
concept the needs of commitment of all members in the organization from top management
down to the lowest level of organization.
In this concept, it involves viewing the organization as a whole, managing the organization for
the long term target, a commitment to being the top, committing the quality in all activities
listening close to customer sustaining enthusiasm and finding solution through commitment to
employees and always remember that company is part of community.
According to Kurland and Zelly [6] they provided 10 principles to GM in organization. The
Principles presented in Table I
Establish Companies green The first step is manages needs to set up a companys
green value. Values are divided into two consist of core
personal value and core company values. This two values
must contain an environmentalism elements to promote
green values
Implemented the green Company needs to provide green facilities like solar
energy. Beside that managers should lead their product
and services into green.
Setup sustainability metrics Focus on product life cycle investigate products from birth
to make sure compliance
until death and the impacts up and down the value chain
Green business case
Sustainability manager must be able to make the business
case. Show the calculated ROI if implemented green
management. The improvement in operational that can
Change Management
practice and value
Keep visible
GHRM is a part of the green management consists of philosophy, policies and practice that been
followed by a firm for the environment management.
Based the review paper done by Cherian and Jocob, they focus on human resource management
principle that related to environment issues. The principles are rewards and compensations
recruitment, training and development, employees empowerment, employees training.
GHRM practice is very important in order to promote employee morale and this may help
company to achieve a great parties the company and employee.
4. SMEs and the Environmental Growth:
Climate change gives an impavt not only to natural environment but the impact also change sthe
According to Yacob, the increasing of awareness to the environment issues, the demand for the
environment friendly business has been increased and SMEs can be a part of the business
community to significantly implement the green concept as their main focus on product, services
and even their production.
Therefore as mentioned by Chendo, Sustainability is the stepping stones in order to pursue the
economic development and growth at the same time can prevent the environment degradation,
biodiversity collapse and the unsustainable natural resource use.
Moreover, company or enterprise needs to start a revolution to reduce the pollution that will
reduce that will destroy our environment and the same time generates profits.
5. Debates and Issues:
Firstly there are many owners and also business leader have debated and argues that
environment protection, corporate, social responsibility and also economic success were
fundamentally incompatible goals.
There are issues and debate that SMEs are struggling to implemented GM green technology into
their business
According to Louks in order to change the SMEs into the sustainability, we need to look several
characteristics that arise between small company and larger companies. The characteristics are
ownership structure, capital and business culture organization, employees knowledge, values
skill and experiences, role of external personal relationship and social capital, business network,
relationship with government and the last one is visibility.
6. Conclusion
The main agenda that brought out in this paper was the implementation of GM and also
GHRM into SMEs to achieve the sustainability in their operation and business
The paper has printed out discussion and the definition of GM and also GHRM. Besides that this
paper also discussed about the environmental growth in SMEs. The paper has trigged to define
deepens how to implement the environmental management into SMEs in order to pursue and
grow simultaneously with the big company such as Coca-Cola and Tesco.
An environment has challenged ourselves and gives an impact globally to respond critical issues
such as climate change. As the result, attitudes toward environment are changing and it
encourage the innovation of enterprises to start from Micro until large companies.