PHP Course Details: Duration: 2 Month
PHP Course Details: Duration: 2 Month
PHP Course Details: Duration: 2 Month
Duration : 2 Month
PHP Training PHP Course Details
var_dump() function
PHP Operator
Control Structures
Nested if()
Nested loop
What is a function
Creating a function
User-defined functions
Variable scope
What is an Array
Types of Array
Indexing Array
Associative Array
Accessing Array
Two D Array
Merging Array
String Manipulation
String function
Html Introduction
Html Editors
HTML Forms
Forms Element
Define a class
Class attributes
An Object
Creating an object
Object properties
Object methods
Class constants
Static method
Class inheritance
Abstract classes
Final keyword
Implementing Interface
Object serialization
Introduction To Database
Introduction to SQL
Selecting a database
Inserting data
Deleting data
Join Types
(Miner Project using Database)
What is Cookie?
File Uploading
Element of file
Downloading a file
Exception Handling
JSON in php
Introduction to XML.
Introduction to AJAX
SMTP setting
Web Services
Introduction of SOAP
Introduction of XML-RPC
Introduction of Wordpress
Wordpress Customization
Jquery Slider
Jquery Validation
Jquery Ajax
Personal Information
Name: Sheetal Saki
Designation: PHP Software Developers
Training Detail
Company: Ruchi InfoTech Ltd.
Employee: 4
Fees: 20000
Duration: 2 month
Hello sir,
I am providing core php training for 2 month in that company.