1 PHP Iq1
1 PHP Iq1
1 PHP Iq1
What Is a Session?
A session is a logical object created by the PHP engine to allow you to preserve
data across subsequent HTTP requests.
There is only one session object available to your PHP scripts at any time. Data
saved to the session by a script can be retrieved by the same script or another
script when requested from the same visitor.
Sessions are com monly used to store temporary data to allow multiple PHP
pages to offer a complete functional transaction for the same visitor.
PEAR is short for "PHP Extension and Application Repository" and is pronounced
just like the fruit. The purpose of PEAR is to provide:
A structured library of open-sourced code for PHP users
A system for code distribution and package maintenance
A standard style for code written in PHP
The PHP Foundation Classes (PFC),
The PHP Extension Community Library (PECL),
A web site, mailing lists and download mirrors to support the PHP/PEAR
PEAR is a community-driven project with the PEAR Group as the governing
body. The project has been founded by Stig S. Bakken in 1999 and quite a lot of
people have joined the project since then.
How can we know the num ber of days between two given dates using PHP?
Simple arithmetic:
$date1 = date('Y-m-d');
$date2 = '2006-07-01';
$days = (strtotime() - strtotime()) / (60 * 60 * 24);
echo "Number of days since '2006-07-01': $days";
The syntex for repairing a m ysql table is:
is equivalent to
$holder = 'user';
$$holder = 'bob';
Anwser 2:
They are both variables. But $message is a variable with a fixed name.
$$message is a variable who's name is stored in $message. For example, if
$message contains "var", $$message is the same as $var.
Persistent cookies are less secur e because users can open cookie files see the
cookie values.
How To Write the FORM Tag Correctly for Uploading Files?
When users clicks the submit button, files specified in the <INPUT
TYPE=FILE...> will be transferred from the browser to the Web ser ver. This
transferring (uploading) process is controlled by a properly written <FORM...> tag
<FORM ACTION=receiving.php METHOD=post ENCTYPE=multipart/form-
Note that you must specify METHOD as "post" and ENCTYPE as "multipart/form-
data" in order for the uploading process to work. The following PHP code, called
logo_upload.php, shows you a complete FORM tag for file uploading:
print("<html><form action=processing_uploaded_files.php"
." method=post enctype=multipart/form-data>\n");
print("Please submit an image file a Web site logo for"
." fyicenter.com:<br>\n");
print("<input type=file name=fyicenter_logo><br>\n");
print("<input type=submit>\n");
But require() and include() will do it as many times they are asked to do.
Anwser 2:
The include_once() statement includes and evaluates the specified file during the
execution of the script. This is a behavior similar to the include() statement, with
the only difference being that if the code from a file has already been included, it
will not be included again. The major difference between include() and require()
is that in failure include() produces a warning message whereas require()
produces a fatal errors.
Anwser 3:
All three are used to an include file into the current page.
If the file is not present, require(), calls a fatal error, while in include() does not.
The include_once() statement includes and evaluates the specified file during the
execution of the script. This is a behavior similar to the include() statement, with
the only difference being that if the code from a file has already been included, it
will not be included again. It des not call a fatal error if file not exists.
require_once() does the same as include_once(), but it calls a fatal error if file not
Anwser 4:
File will not be included more than once. If we want to include a file once only
and further calling of the file will be ignored then we have to use the PHP function
include_once(). This will prevent problems with function redefinitions, variable
value reassignm ents, etc.
Anwser 2:
string urlencode(str) - Returns the URL encoded version of the input string. String
values to be used in URL query string need to be URL encoded. In the URL
encoded version:
string urldecode(str) - Returns the original string of the input URL encoded string.
For example:
$discount ="10.00%";
$url = "http://domain.com/submit.php?disc=".urlencode($discount);
echo $url;
The $fieldName is the name used in the <INPUT TYPE=FILE,
I am trying to assign a variable the value of 0123, but it keeps coming up with a
different number, what’s the problem?
PHP Interpreter treats numbers beginning with 0 as octal. Look at the similar
PHP interview questions for more numeric problems.
Would I use print "$a dollars" or "{$a} dollars" to print out the amount of dollars in
this example?
In this example it wouldn’t matter, since the variable is all by itself, but if you were
to print something like "{$a},000,000 mln dollars", then you definitely need to use
the braces.
What are the different tables present in MySQL? Which type of table is generated
when we are creating a table in the following syntax: create table employee(eno
int(2),ename varchar(10))?
Total 5 types of tables we can create
2. Heap
3. Merge
MyISA M is the default storage engine as of MySQL 3.23. When you fire the
above create query MySQL will create a MyISAM table.
include "mysql_connection.php";
. ", notes VARCHAR(1024)"
. ", counts INTEGER"
. ", time TIMESTAMP DEFAULT sysdate()"
. ")";
if (m ysql_quer y($sql, $con)) {
print("Table fyi_links created.\n");
} else {
print("Table creation failed.\n");
You can use the MySQL PASSWORD() function to encr ypt usernam e and
password. For example,
INSERT into user (password, ...) VALUES (PASSWORD($password”)), ...);
When are you supposed to use endif to end the conditional statement?
When the original if was followed by : and then the code block without braces.
But you can use JavaScript to execute a client side email program send the
email using the "mailto" code. Here is an example:
function m yfunction(form)
return true;
What is the purpose of the following files having extensions: frm, myd, and myi?
What these files contain?
In MySQL, the default table type is MyISAM.
Each MyISAM table is stored on disk in three files. The files have names that
begin with the table name and have an extension to indicate the file type.
Userid sitename countr y
1 sureshbabu indian
2 PHPprogram mer andhra
3 PHP.net usa
4 PHPtalk.com germany
5 MySQL.com usa
6 sureshbabu canada
7 PHPbuddy.com pakistan
8. PHPtalk.com austria
9. PHPfreaks.com sourthafrica
10. PHPsupport.net russia
11. sureshbabu australia
12. sureshbabu nepal
13. PHPtalk.com italy
Write a select query that will be displayed the duplicated site name and how
many times it is duplicated? …
SELECT sitename, COUNT(*) AS NumOccurrences
FROM tbl_sites
GROUP BY sitename HAVING COUNT(*) > 1
print("<p>Please click the links below"
." to submit comments about FYICenter.com:</p>");
$comment = 'I want to say: "It\'s a good site! :->"';
$comment = urlencode( $comment);
."<a href=\"processing_forms.php?name=Guest&com ment=$comment\">"
."It's an excellent site!</a></p>");
$comment = 'This visitor said: "It\'s an average site! :- ("';
$comment = urlencode( $comment);
.'<a href="processing_forms.php?'.$comment.'">'
."It's an average site.</a></p>");
What are the differences between DROP a table and TRUNCATE a table?
DROP TABLE table_name - This will delete the table and its data.
TRUNCATE TABLE table_name - This will delete the data of the table, but not
the table definition.
What are the differences between GET and POST methods in form submitting,
give the case where we can use GET and we can use POST methods?
Anwser 1:
When we submit a form, which has the GET method it displays pair of
name/value used in the form at the address bar of the browser preceded by url.
Post method doesn't display these values.
Anwser 2:
When you want to send short or small data, not containing ASCII characters,
then you can use GET” Method. But for long data sending, say more then 100
character you can use POST method.
Once most important difference is when you are sending the form with GET
method. You can see the output which you are sending in the address bar.
Whereas if you send the form with POST” method then user can not see that
Anwser 3:
GET and POST are methods used to send data to the server: With the GET
method, the browser appends the data onto the URL. With the Post method, the
data is sent as "standard input."
Major Difference
In simple words, in POST method data is sent by standard input (nothing shown
in URL when posting while in GET method data is sent through query string.
POST is assumed more secure and we can send lot more data than that of GET
method is limited (they say Internet Explorer can take care of maximum 2083
character as a quer y string).
Anwser 4:
In the get method the data made available to the action page ( where data is
received ) by the URL so data can be seen in the address bar. Not advisable if
you are sending login info like password etc. In the post method the data will be
available as data blocks and not as query string in case of get method.
Anwser 5:
When we submit a form, which has the GET method it pass value in the form of
query string (set of name/value pair) and display along with URL. With GET we
can a small data submit from the form (a set of 255 character) whereas Post
method doesn't display value with URL. It passes value in the form of Object and
we can submit large data from the form.
Anwser 6:
On the server side, the main difference between GET and POST is where the
submitted is stored. The $_GET array stores data submitted by the GET method.
The $_POST array stores data submitted by the POST method.
On the browser side, the difference is that data submitted by the GET method will
be displayed in the browser ’s address field. Data submitted by the POST method
will not be displayed anywhere on the browser.
GET method is mostly used for submitting a small amount and less sensitive
data. POST method is mostly used for submitting a large amount or sensitive
1. Notices: These are trivial, non-critical errors that PHP encounters while
executing a script - for example, accessing a variable that has not yet been
defined. By default, such errors are not displayed to the user at all - although you
can change this default behavior.
2. Warnings: These are more serious errors - for example, attempting to include()
a file which does not exist. By default, these errors are displayed to the user, but
they do not result in script termination.
3. Fatal errors: These are critical errors - for example, instantiating an object of a
non-existent class, or calling a non-existent function. These errors cause the
immediate termination of the script, and PHP's default behavior is to display them
to the user when they take place.
Internally, these variations are represented by twelve different error types
Why doesn’t the following code print the newline properly? <?php $str = ‘Hello,
there.\nHow are you?\nThanks for visiting fyicenter ’; print $str; ?>
Because inside the single quotes the \n character is not interpreted as newline,
just as a sequence of two characters - \ and n.
Would you initialize your strings with single quotes or double quotes?
Since the data inside the single-quoted string is not parsed for variable
substitution, it’s always a better idea speed-wise to initialize a string with single
quotes, unless you specifically need variable substitution.
How can we extract string 'abc.com ' from a string http://info@abc.com using
regular expression of php?
We can use the preg_match() function with "/.*@(.*)$/" as
the regular expression pattern. For example:
echo $data[1];
What is the difference between the functions unlink and unset?
unlink() is a function for file system handling. It will simply delete the file in
How come the code works, but doesn’t for two-dimensional array of mine?
Any time you have an array with more than one dimension, complex parsing
syntax is required. print "Contents: {$arr[1][2]}" would’ve worked.
$_SESSION['var'] = 'value';
The first one is octal 23, the second is hex 23.
With a heredoc syntax, do I get variable substitution inside the heredoc contents?
How many ways we can retrieve the date in result set of m ysql using php?
As individual objects so single record or as a set or arrays.
For printing out strings, there are echo, print and printf. Explain the differences.
echo is the m ost primitive of them, and just outputs the contents following the
construct to the screen. print is also a construct (so parentheses are optional
when calling it), but it returns TRUE on successful output and FALSE if it was
unable to print out the string. However, you can pass multiple parameters to
echo, like:
<?php echo 'Welcome ', 'to', ' ', 'fyicenter !'; ?>
and it will output the string "Welcome to fyicenter!" print does not take multiple
parameters. It is also generally argued that echo is faster, but usually the speed
advantage is negligible, and might not be there for future versions of PHP. printf
is a function, not a construct, and allows such advantages as formatted output,
but it’s the slowest way to print out data out of echo, print and printf.
ucwords() makes every first letter of every word capital, but it does not lower-
case anything else. To avoid this, and get a properly formatted string, it’s worth
using strtolower() first.
Note that the second index of $output, $output[1], gives the match, not the first
one, $output[0].
So if md5() generates the most secure hash, why would you ever use the less
secure crc32() and sha1() ?
Crypto usage in PHP is simple, but that doesn’t mean it’s free. First off,
depending on the data that you’re encrypting, you might have reasons to store a
32-bit value in the database instead of the 160-bit value to save on space.
Second, the more secure the crypto is, the longer is the computation time to
deliver the hash value. A high volume site might be significantly slowed down, if
frequent md5() generation is required.
How can we destroy the session, how can we unset the variable of a session?
session_unregister() - Unregister a global variable from the current session
session_unset() - Free all session variables
2 ways:
a) sizeof($array) - This function is an alias of count()
b) count($urarray) - This function returns the number of elements in an array.
Interestingly if you just pass a simple var instead of an array, count() will return 1.
How many ways we can pass the variable through the navigation between the
At least 3 ways:
1. Put the variable into session in the first page, and get it back from session in
the next page.
2. Put the variable into cookie in the first page, and get it back from the cookie in
the next page.
3. Put the variable into a hidden form field, and get it back from the form in the
next page.
What is the maximum length of a table name, a database name, or a field name
in MySQL?
Database name: 64 char acters
Table name: 64 characters
Column name: 64 char acters
What are the other commands to know the structure of a table using M ySQL
commands except EXPLAIN command?
DESCRIBE table_name;
What’s the difference between m d5(), crc32() and sha1() crypto on PHP?
The major difference is the length of the hash generated. CRC32 is, evidently, 32
bits, while sha1() returns a 128 bit value, and md5() returns a 160 bit value. This
is important when avoiding collisions.
How can we find the number of rows in a result set using PHP?
Here is how can you find the number of rows in a result set in PHP:
How many ways we can we find the current date using MySQL?
We can grant rights on all databse by usingh *.* or some specific database by
database.* or a specific table by database.table_name.
Give the syntax of REVOKE com mands?
The generic syntax for revoke is as following
We can grant rights on all databse by usingh *.* or some specific database by
database.* or a specific table by database.table_name.
In both conditions, the value of this auto incremented field user_pri_id is 2346.
How can we know the num ber of days between two given dates using MySQL?
SELECT DATEDIFF(NOW(),'2006-07-01');
To sort a result, use an ORDER B Y clause.
The most general way to satisfy a GROUP B Y clause is to scan the whole table
and create a new temporary table where all rows from each group are
consecutive, and then use this temporary table to discover groups and apply
aggregate functions (if any).
ORDER BY [col1],[col2],...[coln]; Tells DBMS according to what columns it should
sort the result. If two rows will hawe the same value in col1 it will try to sort them
according to col2 and so on.
GROUP BY [col1],[col2],...[coln]; Tells DBMS to group (aggregate) results with
same value of column col1. You can use COUNT(col1), SUM(col1), AVG(col1)
with it, if you want to count all items in group, sum all values or view average.
Answer 2:
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions.
WWW's ability to recognize and handle files of different types is largely
dependent on the use of the MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)
standard. The standard provides for a system of registration of file types with
information about the applications needed to process them. This inform ation is
incorporated into Web server and browser software, and enables the automatic
recognition and display of registered file types. …
Answer 2:
The difference between mysql_fetch_row() and m ysql_fetch_array() is that the
first returns the results in a numeric array ($row[0], $row[1], etc.), while the latter
returns a the results an array containing both numeric and associative keys
($row['name'], $row['email'], etc.). mysql_fetch_object() returns an object ($row-
>name, $row->email, etc.).
If we login m ore than one browser windows at the same time with same user and
after that we close one window, then is the session is exist to other windows or
not? And if yes then why? If no then why?
Session depends on browser. If browser is closed then session is lost. The
session data will be deleted after session time out. If connection is lost and you
recreate connection, then session will continue in the browser.
What are the MySQL database files stored in system ?
Data is stored in nam e.m yd
Table structure is stored in name.frm
Index is stored in nam e.m yi
mysql_fetch_row() - Fetches one row of data from the result associated with the
specified result identifier. The row is returned as an array. Each result column is
stored in an array offset, starting at offset 0.
god bless<br>
How can we encrypt and decrypt a data presented in a table using MySQL?
You can use functions: AES_ENCRYPT() and AES_DECRYPT() like:
AES_ENCRYPT(str, key_str)
AES_DECRYPT(crypt_str, key_str)
How can I retrieve values from one database server and store them in other
database ser ver using PHP?
For this purpose, you can first read the data from one server into session
variables. Then connect to other server and simply insert the data into the
When called, set_tim e_limit() restarts the timeout counter from zero. In other
words, if the timeout is the default 30 seconds, and 25 seconds into script
execution a call such as set_time_limit(20) is made, the script will run for a total
of 45 seconds before timing out.
The full backup file is just a set of SQL statements, so restoring it is very easy:
Answer 2:
To backup: BACKUP TABLE tbl_name TO /path/to/backup/directory
’ To restore: RESTORE TABLE tbl_name FROM /path/to/backup/directory
mysqldump: Dumping Table Structure and Data
alert('Not an integer');
Tools used for drawing ER diagrams.
Case Studio
Smart Draw
Answer 2:
Definition and Usage
The isNaN() function is used to check if a value is not a number.
Parameter Description
number Required. The value to be tested
How many ways can we get the value of current session id?
session_id() returns the session id for the current session.
What are the reasons for selecting LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, Php) instead
of combination of other software programs, servers and operating systems?
All of those are open source resource. Security of linux is very very more than
windows. Apache is a better server that IIS both in functionality and security.
Mysql is world most popular open source database. Php is more faster that asp
or any other scripting language.
What are the features and advantages of OBJECT ORIENTED
One of the main advantages of OO programming is its ease of modification;
objects can easily be modified and added to a system there by reducing
maintenance costs. OO program ming is also considered to be better at modeling
the real world than is procedur al programming. It allows for more complicated
and flexible interactions. OO systems are also easier for non-technical personnel
to understand and easier for them to participate in the maintenance and
enhancement of a system because it appeals to natural human cognition
patterns. For some systems, an OO approach can speed development time since
many objects are standard across systems and can be reused. Components that
manage dates, shipping, shopping carts, etc. can be purchased and easily
modified for a specific system.
friend void set_prev(mylinkage* L, m ylinkage* N);
void set_next(mylinkage* L);
mylinkage * succ();
mylinkage * pred();
class C
friend int B::f1();
class B
int f1();
Friend functions allow binary operators to be defined which combine private data
in a pair of objects. This is particularly powerful when using the operator
overloading features of C++. We will return to it when we look at overloading.
How can we get second of the current time using date function?
$second = date("s");
What is the maximum size of a file that can be uploaded using PHP and how can
we change this?
You can change maximum size of a file set upload_max_filesize variable in
php.ini file
How can I make a script that can be bilingual (supports English, German)?
You can change charset variable in above line in the script to support bilanguage.
What are the difference between abstract class and interface?
Abstract class: abstract classes are the class where one or more methods are
abstract but not necessarily all method has to be abstract. Abstract methods are
the methods, which are declare in its class but not define. The definition of those
methods m ust be in its extending class.
Interface: Interfaces are one type of class where all the methods are abstract.
That means all the methods only declared but not defined. All the methods must
be define by its implemented class.
procedures of course do increase the load on the database server system, as
more of the work is done on the server side and less on the client (application)
side. Triggers will also be implemented. A trigger is effectively a type of stored
procedure, one that is invoked when a particular event occurs. For example, you
can install a stored procedure that is triggered each time a record is deleted from
a transaction table and that stored procedure automatically deletes the
corresponding customer from a customer table when all his transactions are
deleted. Indexes are used to find rows with specific column values quickly.
Without an index, MySQL must begin with the first row and then read through the
entire table to find the relevant rows. The larger the table, the more this costs. If
the table has an index for the columns in question, MySQL can quickly determine
the position to seek to in the middle of the data file without having to look at all
the data. If a table has 1,000 rows, this is at least 100 times faster than reading
sequentially. If you need to access most of the rows, it is faster to read
sequentially, because this minimizes disk seeks.
Explain normalization concept?
The normalization process involves getting our data to conform to three
progressive normal forms, and a higher level of normalization cannot be
achieved until the previous levels have been achieved (there are actually five
normal forms, but the last two are mainly academic and will not be discussed).
What’s the difference between accessing a class method via -> and via ::?
:: is allowed to access methods that can perform static operations, i.e. those,
which do not require object initialization.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of CASCADE STYLE SHEETS?
External Style Sheets
Can control styles for multiple documents at once Classes can be created for use
on multiple HTML element types in many documents Selector and grouping
methods can be used to apply styles under complex contexts
An extra download is required to import style information for each document The
rendering of the document may be delayed until the external style sheet is loaded
Becomes slightly unwieldy for small quantities of style definitions
This method can not control styles for multiple documents at once
Inline Styles
Useful for small quantities of style definitions Can override other style
specification m ethods at the local level so only exceptions need to be listed in
conjunction with other style methods
Does not distance style information from content (a main goal of SGML/HTML)
Can not control styles for multiple documents at once Author can not create or
control classes of elements to control multiple element types within the document
Selector grouping methods can not be used to create complex element
addressing scenarios
When you want to show som e part of a text displayed on an HTML page in red
font color? What different possibilities are there to do this? What are the
advantages/disadvantages of these methods?
There are 2 ways to show som e part of a text in red:
When viewing an HTML page in a Browser, the Browser often keeps this page in
its cache. What can be possible advantages/disadvantages of page caching?
How can you prevent caching of a certain page (please give several alternate
When you use the metatag in the header section at the beginning of an HTML
Web page, the Web page may still be cached in the Temporary Internet Files
A page that Internet Explorer is browsing is not cached until half of the 64 KB
buffer is filled. Usually, metatags are inserted in the header section of an HTML
document, which appears at the beginning of the document. When the HTML
code is parsed, it is read from top to bottom. When the metatag is read, Internet
Explorer looks for the existence of the page in cache at that exact moment. If it is
there, it is removed. To properly prevent the Web page from appearing in the
cache, place another header section at the end of the HTML document. For
What are the different ways to login to a remote server? Explain the means,
advantages and disadvantages?
There is at least 3 ways to logon to a remote server:
Use ssh or telnet if you concern with security
You can also use rlogin to logon to a remote server.
Please give a regular expression (preferably Perl/PREG style), which can be
used to identify the URL from within a HTML link tag.
Try this: /href="([^"]*)"/i
What is the default session time in php and how can I change it?
The default session tim e in php is until closing of browser
How can I set a cron and how can I execute it in Unix, Linux, and windows?
Cron is very simply a Linux module that allows you to run commands at
predetermined times or intervals. In Windows, it's called Scheduled Tasks. The
name Cron is in fact derived from the same word from which we get the word
chronology, which means order of time.
The easiest way to use crontab is via the crontab command.
# crontab
This command 'edits' the crontab. Upon employing this command, you will be
able to enter the commands that you wish to run. My version of
Linux uses the text editor vi. You can find information on using vi here.
The syntax of this file is very important – if you get it wrong, your crontab will not
function properly. The syntax of the file should be as follows:
minutes hours day_of_month month day_of_week command
All the variables, with the exception of the command itself, are numerical
constants. In addition to an asterisk (*), which is a wildcard that allows any value,
the ranges permitted for each field are as follows:
Minutes: 0-59
Hours: 0-23
Day_of_month: 1-31
Month: 1-12
Weekday: 0-6
We can also include multiple values for each entry, simply by separating each
value with a com ma.
command can be any shell command and, as we will see momentarily, can also
be used to execute a Web document such as a PHP file.
So, if we want to run a script every Tuesday morning at 8:15 AM, our mycronjob
file will contain the following content on a single line:
15 8 * * 2 /path/to/scriptname
This all seems simple enough, right? Not so fast! If you try to run a PHP script in
this manner, nothing will happen (barring very special configurations that have
PHP compiled as an executable, as opposed to an Apache m odule). The reason
is that, in order for PHP to be parsed, it needs to be passed through Apache. In
other words, the page needs to be called via a browser or other means of
Web content. For our purposes, I'll assume that your server configuration
includes wget, as is the case with most default configurations. To test your
configuration, log in to shell. If you're using an RPM-based system (e.g. Redhat
or Mandrake), type the following:
# wget help
# wget http://www.example.com/file.php
Now, let's go back to the mailstock.php file we created in the first part of this
article. We saved it in our document root, so it should be accessible via the
Internet. Remember that we wanted it to run at 4PM Eastern time, and send you
your precious closing bell report? Since I'm located in the Eastern timezone, we
can go ahead and set up our crontab to use 4:00, but if you live elsewhere, you
might have to compensate for the time difference when setting this value.
This is what my crontab will look like:
2. Using php function: header("Location:http://maosjb.com ");
What type of headers have to be added in the mail function to attach a file?
$boundary = '--' . md5( uniqid ( rand() ) );
$headers = "From: \"Me\"\n";
$headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
$headers .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"$boundary\"";
This function checks to ensure that the file designated by filename is a valid
upload file (meaning that it was uploaded via PHP's HTTP POST upload
mechanism ). If the file is valid, it will be moved to the filename given by
If filename is not a valid upload file, then no action will occur, and
move_uploaded_file() will return FALSE.
If filename is a valid upload file, but cannot be moved for some reason, no action
will occur, and move_uploaded_file() will return FALSE. Additionally, a warning
will be issued.
What is the difference between Reply-to and Return-path in the headers of a mail
Reply-to: Reply-to is where to delivery the reply of the mail.
Return-path: Return path is when there is a mail delivery failure occurs then
where to delivery the failure notification.
$foo += 2; // $foo is now an integer (2)
$foo = $foo + 1.3; // $foo is now a float (3.3)
$foo = 5 + "10 Little Piggies"; // $foo is integer (15)
$foo = 5 + "10 Small Pigs"; // $foo is integer (15)
If the last two examples above seem odd, see String conversion to numbers.
If you wish to change the type of a variable, see settype().
If you would like to test any of the examples in this section, you can use the
var_dump() function.
Note: The behavior of an automatic conversion to array is currently undefined.
Since PHP (for historical reasons) supports indexing into strings via offsets using
the same syntax as array indexing, the example above leads to a problem:
should $a becom e an array with its first element being "f", or should "f" become
the first character of the string $a? The current versions of PHP interpret the
second assignment as a string offset identification, so $a becomes "f", the result
of this automatic conversion however should be considered undefined. PHP 4
introduced the new curly bracket syntax to access characters in string, use this
syntax instead of the one presented above:
How can I embed a java programme in php file and what changes have to be
done in php.ini file?
There are two possible ways to bridge PHP and Java: you can either integrate
PHP into a Java Servlet environment, which is the more stable and efficient
solution, or integrate Java support into PHP. The former is provided by a SAPI
module that interfaces with the Servlet server, the latter by this Java extension.
The Java extension provides a simple and effective means for creating and
invoking m ethods on Java objects from PHP. The JV M is created using JNI, and
everything runs in-process.
Example Code:
Name Default Changeable
How many ways can we get the value of current session id?
session_id() returns the session id for the current session.
How can we destroy the cookie?
Set the cookie in past.
$file = file_get_contents("/windows/system32/drivers/etc/services");
print("Size of the file: ".strlen($file)."\n");
Size of the file: 7116
How to reverse a string in php with out using any built in functions?
/* Reversing string with out using any built in functions
/* Author w3answers
function w3RevStr($str) {
$revS tr = "";
$revS tr = $c.$revStr;
return $revStr;
echo w3RevStr("www.w3answers.c om");
How many HTTP headers will send to a web page(client side) from server when
you use sessions (session_start()) in php ?.
There are three HTTP headers included in the response:
The real beauty of this approach is that you don't have to modify your code or the
way you use sessions in any way. $_SESSION still exists and behaves the same
way, PHP still takes care of generating and propagating the session identifier,
and changes made to session configuration directives still apply. All you have to
do is call this one function.
can define the functions themselves anywhere.
/* This lines will make sure that you can save the web page into a variable */
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
// grab URL
$page_content = curl_exec($ch);
if (curl_errno($ch)) {
$page_content = false;
return $page_content;
$referads_pc = curl_get_con_url('www.referads .com');
what are the security tips you should know before developing php/mysql web
pages ?
1. Do not trust user input.
2. Validate user input on the server side.
3. Do not use user input directly in your MySQL queries.
4. Don't put integers in quotes In your MySQL queries.
5. Always escape the output using php built in functions.
6. When uploading files, validate the file mime type using php.
7. If you are using 3rd party code libraries, be sure to keep them up to date.
8. Give your database users just enough permissions.
9. Do not allow hosts other than localhost to connect to your database.
10. Your library file extensions should be PHP.
11. Have register globals off or define your variables first
12. Keep PHP itself up to date (use latest version php5 or above)
what are the database space-saving functions available in php ?
# Use ip2long() and long2ip() to store the IP adresses as Integers instead of
storing them as strings, which will reduce the space from 15 bytes to 4 bytes.
This will also increase search speed and make it easy to see if a ip falls within a
specified range.
# Use gzcompress() and gzuncompress() to reduce the strings before you store
them in a database. The gzcompress can compress plain-text up to 90%. The
only reason why you shouldn’t use it is when you need full-text indexing
what you should know about cookies before start using in php?
There are a few things you should be aware of:
2. A single dom ain cannot set more than twenty cookies, and each cookie is
limited to a maximum size of 4 KB
3. A cookie usually possesses six attributes, of which only the first is mandatory.
Here they are:
* name: the name of the cookie
* value: the value of the cookie
* expires: the date and time at which the cookie expires
* path: the top-level directory on the domain from which cookie data can be
* domain: the domain for which the cookie is valid
* secure: a Boolean flag indicating whether the cookie should be transmitted only
over a secure HTTP connection
It's important to remem ber that, since cookies are stored on the user's hard drive,
you as the developer have very little control over them. If a user decides to turn
off cookie support in his or her browser, your cookies will simply not be saved.
Therefore, avoid writing code that depends heavily on cookies; and have a
backup plan ready in case cookie data cannot be retrieved from the client.
1) temporary and
2) persistent cookies
Given a line of text $string, how would you write a regular expression to strip all
the HTML tags from it?
$stringOfText = "<p>This is a test</p>";
$parts = getimagesize($filename);
echo $parts['mime'];
$parts = getimagesize($filename);
$allowedMimes = array('image/jpg', 'image/png', 'image/gif');
if(in_array($parts['mime'], $allowedMimes))
echo 'Valid Mimetype!';
other way
how to opening excel files in windows nad linux using php ?
if you're using PHP on Windows, you can use the inbuilt COM library
echo 'Row '. $i .', Column a:' $data->sheets[0]['cells'][$ i][1] . '<br />';
echo 'Row '. $i .', Column b:' $data->sheets[0]['cells'][$ i][2] . '<br />';
How many ways your web ser ver can utilize PHP to generate web pages?
Mainly there are three ways
The first method is to use PHP as a CGI "wrapper". When run this way, an
instance of the PHP interpreter is created and destroyed for every page request
(for a PHP page) to your web server. Because it is destroyed after every request,
any resources that it acquires (such as a link to an SQL database server) are
closed when it is destroyed. In this case, you do not gain anything from trying to
use persistent connections -- they simply don't persist.
The last method is to use PHP as a plug-in for a multithreaded web server.
Currently PHP 4 has support for ISAPI, WSAPI, and NSAPI (on Windows), which
all allow PHP to be used as a plug-in on multithreaded servers like Netscape
FastTrack (iPlanet), Microsoft's Internet Information Server (IIS), and O'Reilly's
WebSite Pro. The behavior is essentially the same as for the multiprocess model
described before. Note that SAPI support is not available in PHP 3.
Thanks to
http://www.php.net/manual/en/f eatures.persistent-connections .php
What is meant by Persistent Database Connections?
Persistent connections are links that do not close when the execution of your
script ends. When a persistent connection is requested, PHP checks if there's
already an identical persistent connection (that remained open from earlier) - and
if it exists, it uses it. If it does not exist, it creates the link. An 'identical' connection
is a connection that was opened to the same host, with the same username and
the same password ( where applicable).
People who aren't thoroughly familiar with the way web servers work and
distribute the load may mistake persistent connects for what they're not. In
particular, they do not give you an ability to open 'user sessions' on the same
link, they do not give you an ability to build up a transaction efficiently, and they
don't do a whole lot of other things. In fact, to be extremely clear about the
subject, persistent connections don't give you any functionality that wasn't
possible with their non-persistent brothers.
Its extremely simple and efficient. Persistent connections are good if the
overhead to create a link to your SQL server is high. Whether or not this
overhead is really high depends on many factors. Like, what kind of database it
is, whether or not it sits on the same computer on which your web server sits,
how loaded the machine the SQL server sits on is and so forth. The bottom line is
that if that connection overhead is high, persistent connections help you
considerably. They cause the child process to simply connect only once for its
entire lifespan, instead of every time it processes a page that requires connecting
to the SQL server. This means that for every child that opened a persistent
connection will have its own open persistent connection to the server. For
example, if you had 20 different child processes that ran a script that made a
persistent connection to your SQL server, you'd have 20 different connections to
the SQL server, one from each child.
Thanks to
http://www.php.net/manual/en/f eatures.persistent-connections .php
List out some session functions in php?
session_save_path -- Get and/or set the current session save path
session_register -- Register one or more global variables with the current session
The form that will be used to post the file data to and the actual program that
does the uploading. Further we will discuss the method that PHP itself suggests
for uploading files.
Next you'll notice that MAX_FILE_SIZE precedes the file input field. The
MAX_FILE_SIZE for this demonstration is limited to 30000 bytes, or about 29K,
but can easily be modified for larger files.
Finally you have the input sections. The first is set to create an input box that
allows the user to choose his file and the second is the button that actually
submits the file for upload. In the next section you'll notice that the name of the
input elem ent for type="file" will be used to determine the name to pull from the
$_FILES array.
$imgdir = '/imgdir/';
$uploadfile = $imgdir. basename($_FILES['smefile']['n ame']);
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES[ 'smefile']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile)) {
echo "File successfully uploaded";
} else {
echo "Upload failed";
will persistent connection work in the CGI version of php ? mysql_connect() vs
Persistent database connections work only in the module installation of PHP.
If you ask for a persistent connection in the CGI version,
you will simply get a regular connection.
if you become convinced that the sheer overhead of opening new database
connections is killing your performance, you might want to investigate opening
persistent connections.Unlike regular database connections, these connections
are not automatically killed when your page exits (or even when mysql_close() is
called) but are saved in a pool for future use. The first time one of your
scripts opens such a connection, it is opened in the same resource-intensive way
as with a regular database connection. The next script that executes,however,
might get that very same connection in response to its request, which saves the
cost of reopening a fresh connection. (The previous connection will be reused
only if the
parameters of the new request are identical.)
PHP is trying to call the function we_w3answers(), which has not been
because you misspelled the name of a function (built-in or user-defined)
simply omitted the function definition. If you use include/require
functions, make sure that you are loading the appropriate files.
This problem has a cause that is similar to the cause of the previous problem,
although it still baffled us completely the first time we ran into it. It can arise when
you have code like the following:
$my_w3answers= array();
$my_w3answers(5) = “the fifth”;
Make sure that you are not using include to pull in the same file of function
definitions m ore than once. Use include_once or require_once to avoid
$Problem = “a silly misunderstanding”
echo $Problem;
What we have here is
Problem = “a big ball of earwax”;
echo $Problem;
3)Mode issues
A parse error will result if you fail to close off a PHP block properly, as in:
What we have here is
$Problem = “an awful kerfuffle”;
echo $Problem;
4)Unescaped quotes
5)Unterminated strings
What Are PHP Arrays?
PHP arrays are associative arrays with a little extra machiner y thrown in.
The associative part means that arrays store element
values in association with key values rather than in a
strict linear index order. (If you have seen arrays in other programming
languages, they are likely to have been vector arrays rather
than associative arrays.) If you store an element in an array,
in association with a key,all you need to retrieve it later from
that array is the key value. For example, storage is as
simple as this:
which stores the element ‘Califor nia’ in the array variable $state_location,
in association with the lookup key ‘San Mateo’. After this has been stored,
you can look up the stored value by using the key, like so:
If all you want arrays for is to store key/value pairs, the preceding
information is all you need to know. Similarly,
if you want to associate a numerical ordering with a bunch of values,
all you have to do is use integers as your key values, as in:
to dynamic caching in the form of
output buffering.
what are the m ost com mon caching policy approaches ?
1)Time triggered caching (expiry timestamp).
echo ‘This text is from the w3answers buffer*******<br />’; // output that will be
stored in the buffer
echo $w3buffer;
is equivalent to
$message = 'user';
$$message = 'bob';
why should we use Object oriented concepts in php ?
1. Object oriented PHP code is much more reusable because by its' very nature,
it is modular.
6. Knowing Object oriented PHP will make working with many opensource PHP
libraries m uch easier. For example: projects like PEAR and the Zend Framework
are built using Object oriented PHP.
7. Object oriented PHP programmers typically make more money and will be
able to work on more projects.
8. Since object oriented concepts are the same in all Object oriented languages,
once you learn Object oriented programing in PHP, you will also have a good
understanding of several other languages including:
a. Ruby
b. Java
c. C#
d. Actionscript
…among several other languages.
which is faster mysql_unbuffered_query or mysql_query ?
when we do the select queries that retrieve large data sets from MySQL,
mysql_unbuffered_query in PHP is likely to give better performance than
it “sends a SQL query query to MySQL, without fetching and buffering the result
rows automatically”.
How can we extract string "w3answers.com" from a string
using regular expression of PHP ?
$w3 = "mailto:info@w3answers.co m";
preg_match('|.*@([^?]*)|', $w3, $w3output);
echo $w3output[1];
Which function in PHP gives us absolute path of a file on the server?
Ans: getcwd()
$p = getcwd();
echo $p;
here I have stored my files under httdocs (using php5,i haven't checked under
php4) so I get the output as C:\apache2triad\htdocs
you may get your path information while runnings the above code. :)
what is the output here ?
$_SESSION["var"] = NULL;
echo $var = "www.w3answers.com";
The output :
www.w3answers.com and warning as below
a. ouch
b. echo
c. none
d. Parse error
ANS: a
what output do you get here?
$here = "/home/httpd/html/test ";
list ($j1,$j2,$j3,$j4) = split('/',$here);
print "$j3";
a. home
b. Array
c. test
d. httpd
ANS: httpd
Which of the following functions is most efficient for substituting fixed patterns in
A. preg_replace()
B. str_replace()
C. str_ireplace()
D. substr_replace()
Answer B is correct.
Answer A is correct.
wddx_add_vars($wddxpack, "names");
wddx_add_vars($wddxpack, "name2");
wddx_add_vars($wddxpack, "name3");
wddx_add_vars($wddxpack, "name4");
$wddxvar = wddx_packet_end($wddxpack);
PHP lets you modify the contents of a WDDX packet so that you can add and
delete the contents of a WDDX packet as you see fit. To show this, you first
create a PHP array containing the first two items in the packet:
$name2 = "Terry";
$name3 = "Mary";
$name4 = "Thomas";
You then create the WDDX packet:
wddx_add_vars($wddxpack, "names");
wddx_add_vars($wddxpack, "name2");
wddx_add_vars($wddxpack, "name3");
wddx_add_vars($wddxpack, "name4");
$wddxvar = wddx_packet_end($wddxpack);
If you look at the contents of the WDDX packet, you can see how PHP has built
<var name='names'>
<array length='2'>
<string>Andrew</strin g>
<string>Emma</string& gt;
<var name='name2'>
<string>Terry</string >
<var name='name3'>
<string>Mary</string& gt;
<var name='name4'>
<string>Thomas</strin g>
It's interesting to note that PHP adds each data type (the array and other
elements) separately to the WDDX packet. Also note that PHP uses named
references for each data element added to the WDDX packet, such as names for
the array, name2 for "Terry", and so on.
$wddx_out = wddx_deserialize($wddxvar);
You deserialize the WDDX packet as normal. Because there are different data
types within the WDDX packet, PHP handles the deserialized data differently. For
the array, you use the list function that you used in the previous example:
reference in the WDDX packet
How to convert ASP Arrays to PHP and viceversa ?
*****************************< br /> ASP Arrays to PHP
*****************************< br />
First, you create the array that you will convert to WDDX:
dim names
names = Array("Andrew", "Emma", "Terr y", "Mar y", "Thomas")
Note that currently, the WDDX COM object accepts only this definition of an array
in ASP. The other definition, shown here, won't work:
'dim names(5)
'names(1) = "Andrew"
Next, you load the WDDX COM object into memory:
wddxvar = wddxob.serialize(names)
Finally, you display the WDDX and unload the WDDX COM object from memory:
response.write wddxvar
set wddxob = nothing
############################## ##############################
As with the previous examples, this PHP script obtains the WDDX packet from
the ASP script and converts it into a native variable type. However, this time the
PHP variable type you must obtain from the WDDX packet is an array.
As in the previous example, you use the PHP join function to obtain the WDDX
packet from the ASP script:
for ($arraycount=0; $arraycount<5; $arraycount++) {
print("$wddxvar[$arraycou nt]\n\r<BR>");
############################## ##############################
How we can pass data from PHP to ASP,ASP.net?
Let's first look at how you can pass data from PHP to ASP using WDDX.
You create a WDDX packet by first serializing data into a WDDX packet and then
presenting it.
WDDX can convert most variable types that applications use, such as strings,
integers, and arrays. After a variable has been converted to a WDDX variable
type, it is ready for another application to pick up.
PHP has WDDX support built in, so you don't need to modify your PHP.ini file to
start using WDDX.
You first set the data you want to serialize into a WDDX packet:
$ValueToSend = "Andrew";
You then serialize that data:
Finally, you present that data as
****************************** **
****************************** **
Internet Explorer just shows the data within the WDDX packet. It doesn't show
the surrounding XML structures. However, if you choose the view source option,
you can see the WDDX packet's XML structures
############################## ###-END-######################
****************************** ********************
ASP Script to Deserialize WDDX Data
****************************** ********************
To receive the WDDX packet from the PHP script, you must load the packet into
a variable within the receiving ASP script. None of the WDDX implementations
(the WDDX COM component or PHP's WDDX functions) provides native ways of
doing this. You must add this functionality using separate code. After you receive
the WDDX packet, you can convert it into a data type native to the receiving
application. This is called deserializing.
Using ASP, you can use a third-party COM component. A free COM component
that allows such functionality is ASP Tear from http://www.alphasier-rapapa.co
m/IisDev/Components/ (also included with the WDDX SDK). However, you can
use any COM com ponent that has similar functionality.
response.write "Hello " & wddxvar
First, you must load the WDDX and ASP Tear COM objects into memory for use
by ASP. Don't worry too much if you are not familiar with using COM objects
****************************** *******************
An ASP Script to Serialize WDDX
****************************** *******************
'convert ASP data to WDDX data
wddxvar = wddxob.serialize(ValueToSend)
This is very much the sam e as the serializing PHP script. First, you define the
value you want to serialize in WDDX:
****************************** *************************
A PHP Script to Deserialize WDDX Data
****************************** **************************
The deserialize PHP script needs to do the same as the deserialize ASP script: It
must convert the WDDX packet back into a native variable type for our script (in
this case, a native variable type for PHP):
$wddxvar = wddx_deserialize("$wddxda ta");
//output PHP data
print("Hello " . $wddxvar);
You can obtain the WDDX packet from the ASP script using the PHP join
function. To use the function in this manner, you must make sure that HTTP
transparency is enabled in the PHP.ini settings file (the allow_url_fopen setting is
enabled). (Note that HTTP transparency is enabled by default.)
What is Apache?
The most widely available HTTP server on the Internet. It supports the PERL and
PHP languages.
<?php echo '<p>Hello World</p>'; ?>
What can PHP do?
Anything. PHP is mainly focused on server-side scripting, so you can do anything
any other CGI program can do, such as collect form data, generate dynamic
page content, or send and receive cookies. But PHP can do much more.
There are three main areas where PHP scripts are used.
Server-side scripting. This is the most traditional and main target field for PHP.
You need three things to make this work. The PHP parser (CGI or server
module), a webserver and a web browser. You need to run the webserver, with a
connected PHP installation. You can access the PHP program output with a web
browser, viewing the PHP page through the server. All these can run on your
home m achine if you are just experimenting with PHP programming.
Command line scripting. You can make a PHP script to run it without any server
or browser. You only need the PHP parser to use it this way. This type of usage is
ideal for scripts regularly executed using cron (on *nix or Linux) or Task
Scheduler (on Windows). These scripts can also be used for simple text
processing tasks.
Writing desktop applications. PHP is probably not the very best language to
create a desktop application with a graphical user interface, but if you know PHP
very well, and would like to use some advanced PHP features in your client-side
applications you can also use PHP-GTK to write such programs. You also have
the ability to write cross-platform applications this way. PHP-GTK is an extension
to PHP, not available in the main distribution.
PHP can be used on all major operating systems, including Linux, many Unix
variants (including HP-UX, Solaris and OpenBSD), Microsoft Windows, Mac OS
X, RISC OS, and probably others. PHP has also support for most of the web
servers today. This includes Apache, Microsoft Internet Information Server,
Personal Web Server, Netscape and iPlanet servers, Oreilly Website Pro server,
Caudium, Xitam i, OmniHTTPd, and many others. For the majority of the servers
PHP has a module, for the others supporting the CGI standard, PHP can work as
a CGI processor.
So with PHP, you have the freedom of choosing an operating system and a web
server. Furthermore, you also have the choice of using procedural programming
or object oriented programming, or a mixture of them. Although not ever y
standard OOP feature is implemented in PHP 4, many code libraries and large
applications (including the PEAR library) are written only using OOP code. PHP 5
fixes the OOP related weaknesses of PHP 4, and introduces a complete object
With PHP you are not limited to output HTML. PHP's abilities includes outputting
images, PDF files and even Flash movies (using libswf and Ming) generated on
the fly. You can also output easily any text, such as XHTML and any other XML
file. PHP can autogenerate these files, and save them in the file system, instead
of printing it out, forming a server-side cache for your dynamic content.
One of the strongest and most significant features in PHP is its support for a wide
range of databases. Writing a database-enabled web page is incredibly simple.
The following databases are currently supported:
PHP also has support for talking to other services using protocols such as LDAP,
IMAP, SNMP, NNTP, POP3, HTTP, COM (on Windows) and countless others.
You can also open raw network sockets and interact using any other protocol.
PHP has support for the WDDX complex data exchange between virtually all
Web programming languages. Talking about interconnection, PHP has support
for instantiation of Java objects and using them transparently as PHP objects.
You can also use our CORBA extension to access remote objects.
PHP has extremely useful text processing features, from the POSIX Extended or
Perl regular expressions to parsing XML documents. For parsing and accessing
XML documents, PHP 4 supports the SAX and DOM standards, and you can
also use the XSLT extension to transform XML documents. PHP 5 standardizes
all the XML extensions on the solid base of libxml2 and extends the feature set
adding SimpleXML and XMLReader support.
At last but not least, we have many other interesting extensions, the
mnoGoSearch search engine functions, the IRC Gateway functions, many
compression utilities (gzip, bz2, zip), calendar conversion, translation...
What is PHP?
PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, an open source, server-side, HTML embedded
scripting language used to create dynamic Web pages.
PHP can perform any task that any CGI program can do, but its strength lies in
its compatibility with many types of databases. Also, PHP can talk across
networks using IMAP, SNMP, NNTP, POP3, or HTTP.
PHP was created sometime in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf. During mid 1997, PHP
development entered the hands of other contributors. Two of them, Zeev Suraski
and Andi Gutmans, rewrote the parser from scratch to create PHP version 3
Tutoring Online - Cookies and Sessions
Hi my dear friends. Everybody knows what is cookie and session. But let me tell
a truth, most of the beginners don’t know properly what is happening in cookies
and sessions and what is the real use .I have taken so many Interviews but none
of them given a good answer. I am very much sure you are going to get a good
idea about Sessions and Cookies. Let us start our battle.:)
I am explaining only PHP syntax here. But the concept of Cookies and Sessions
are same in all Server Side Languages like ASP.NET, JSP,RUBYetc.except
syntax and some rules
what is Cookie ?
Cookies are stored either in the browser or in the Users hard disk (it creates a
small text file, if it is a Persistent Cookies. Ohh My God! what is Persistent
Cookie’s. don’t worry we will discuss later)
Setting Cookies in PHP
First method-header ();
header ("Set-Cookie: W3answers=excellent; expires=$date; path=/");
header ("Set-Cookie: php=excellent; path=/; domain=$HTTP_HOST;
expires=".gmstrftime ("%A, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S GMT",time ()+100));
Second method-Setcookie (); Send a cookie Both PHP4 and PHP5 supports
You can use either header or setcookie. But Security purpose PHP suggest to
use setcookie
1) Temporary Cookies
2) Persistent Cookies
setcookie (‘w3answers’, ‘phpqa’);
Here w3answers is the name of the Cookie and phpqa is the value. Wow, you
have created a Temporar y Cookie.
Where this Cookie creates and stores. This Cookie is created by the server in
your browser (rem ember it is not creating the file in the user’s hard disk, which is
the specialty of Temporary Cookies) .So Temporary Cookies stores in your
Persistent Cookies
Those cookies which are storing in users hardisk is called Persistent Cookies.
To have a cookie expire 30 days from the time its set, you take the
time() and add 60 seconds in a current time stamp.
If you want to create a Temporary Cookies avoid time ( ie don’t use expiry in
setcookie function)
If you want to create a Persistent Cookies use expiry in the setcookie function
(which will be the third parameter of setcookie)
Notice that each time you set the cookie, the expiration value would
Updated, effectively allowing the session to stay active for as long as
the user keeps accessing pages that update the cookie with a new time
"In short, whenever you visit a Web site, your browser checks to see if cookies
are available in its cookie file that have been sent by that server. If
there are, the browser adds a note to the server in its request header say
A cookie called “user_id” was set with the value” someuser” in a
a more technical way, of course. If more than one cookie exists, they will all
be sent back just like that".
In the next part we will be learning about “Keeping Cookies within Your
Domain”,”Retriving Cookie” “Deleting Cookies”, “ Cookie Myths”, “Sessions” and
What’s the default port for MySQL Server?
How do you start MyS QL on Linux?
/etc/init.d/m ysql start
How do you start and stop MySQL on Windows?
net start MySQL, net stop MyS QL
what is NitroEDB and BrightHouse in Mysql?
These are nothing but new storage engines for MySQL.
NitroEDB concentrates on dealing with large data sets: “NitroEDB is the only
relational data management product that supports the full spectrum of data
managem ent needs, from extremely fast in-memory applications to huge-volume,
very large database (VLDB) on-disk server systems.”
BrightHouse is also dealing with large data sets, but for a different problem - it
solves the problems of data compression in large data warehousing projects:
“BrightHouse compresses data at an average ratio of 10:1 (peak compression
ratios exceed 30:1). For example, BrightHouse compresses 30 TB into 3 TB
whilst m aintaining immediate and comprehensive query capability. Additionally,
BrightHouse operates on commodity-based Intel hardware thereby allowing
installation on existing, low-cost platforms.”
What M ySQL statement do you use to combine the results of multiple MySQL
into one?
a) INNER JOIN statement
b) ALL statement
c) INTEGRATE clause
d) AGGREGATE clause
e) UNION clause
a) user_nam e
b) user_Address
c) System generated ID
d) user_Phone_number
e) user_email
b)Column can only contain the value which is present in its primary key.
Ans: (b)Column can only contain the value which is present in its primar y key.
Which clause is used to select unique records of the table?
4)None of the above
Which clause is used to select the records in the reverse order?
ANS: (1) COUNT()
Which clause is used to define the column which automatically increments with
the row
include this (SQL_NO_CACHE) in select query while you retrieve the data from
what is database testing and what we test in database testing?
Database testing basically include the following.
1)Data validity testing.
2)Data Integritity testing
3)Performance related to data base.
4)Testing of Procedure,triggers and functions.
for doing data validity testing you should be good in SQL queries
For data integrity testing you should know about referintial integrity and different
For performance related things you should have idea about the table structure
and design.
for testing Procedure triggers and functions you should be able to understand the
How can we know the num ber of days between two given dates using MySQL?
CHAR(n) will take n characters of storage even if you enter less than n
characters to that column. For example, "answers" will be stored as "answers " in
CHAR(10) column.
VARCHAR(n) will take only the required storage for the actual number of
characters entered to that column. For example, "answers" will be stored as
"answers" in VARCHAR(10) column.
How many ways we can we find the current date using MySQL?
How many values can the SET function of MySQL take?
MySQL SET function can take zero or more values, but at the maximum it can
take 64 values.
What is the maximum length of a table name, a database name, or a field name
Database name: 64 char acters
Table name: 64 characters
Column name: 64 char acters
How to determine the number of rows in the full result set and also restrict the
number of rows that a query returns,without running a second quer y ?
Most of the developers using 2 queries to find total number of rows and
we need pagination(1,2,3,4). why should we write 2 queries to find limit as well
as total number of rows in a table.
WHERE id > 567 LIMIT 10;
| year | SUM(profit) |
| 2000 | 4525 |
| 2001 | 3010 |
| NULL | 7535 | <<<- Note here*
So an extra row (<<<- Note here*) is created by mysql and also we get total profit
in the last column.
Is MySQL better than MSSQL ?
Mysql is the most popular open source database server right now. It is used by
large enteprise level companies and small, single websites. Is mysql actually
------------------------------ ---
Mysql 5.0 vs. Microsoft SQL 2005
------------------------------ ---
* Mysql 5.X now offers support for cursors, complete views, and stored
procedures. However, Foreign Key support is still in its early stages.
* SQL 2005 has native support for xml, multi-dimensional data querying, and
Visual Studio .net integration.
* Microsoft provides a free license for development use. $1400 for a commercial
* Mysql is free ($0) for com mercial and non-commerical use. It is also possible to
purchase a com merical license (to get around the GPL license) for $400.
* Mysql: MyISA M database table type uses less space and memor y. Innodb and
NDB clusters also now use 20% less space (new to 5.0).
* SQL 2005: needs more disk storage and memory requirements.
* Mysql: One way replication using a binary log, which can easily be replicated to
multile machines.
* SQL 2005: Multiple forms of replication (snapshot,transactional, and merge),
which are more complex and offers a greater degrees of flexibility.
* SQL 2005: Ver y robust. There are multiple failsafes in place to prevent data
loss. New features in this version also allow rapid restoration and data protection.
* Mysql: Falls ver y short in this respect. An unexpected shutdown of your server
can cause data loss.
what is the use of –i-am-a-dummy flag in MySql
It Makes the MySQL engine refuse UPDATE and DELETE commands where the
WHERE clause is not present.
How many types of buffers does use M ySQL?
global buffers and per-connection buffers
How can we find the number of rows in a table using MySQL?
Where MyISAM table is stored ?
Each MyISAM table is stored on disk in three files.