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Bond Investment

30-year FX Target Redemption Note in JPY

13 November 2007
Fixed terms and conditions
Other FX-linked Products (Bond)
Credit Suisse International, London (Aa1/AA-)
Credit Suisse International, London
Credit Suisse, Zurich
USD/JPY Exchange Rate
122.27 JPY per 1 USD
13 June 2007
5 July 2007
30 years
5 July 2037
subject to early redemption feature
The Mid USD/JPY exchange rate on the Reuters Screen
JPNU at 15:00 Tokyo Time, 10 business days prior to
relevant Coupon Payment Date
the Note will be redeemed at 100% in USD calculated
as Principal/108.90 on the Maturity Date OR 100% in
JPY if early redeemed
Year 1, 10% p.a., paid semi-annually, 30/360 basis

1%*(FX Spot 108.90) p.a.,

floored at 0%,
paid semi-annually, 30/360 basis.
Every 6 months, commencing in 6 months
30/360 unadjusted, modified following
10 business days prior to each


Coupon Payment Date

The Issuer has the right to redeem the Note at 100%

in JPY on the Coupon Payment Date in which the sum
of accrued coupons equals or exceeds the Lifetime
Target Cap

Minimum Investment

JPY 2000000


JPY 1000000




May be obtained from the relationship manager


Risk Category*
Suitable for investors with the following expectations
Market Development (Underlying)
Coupon Distribution
100% Capital Protection
Swiss Security Number / ISIN
Sales Restrictions



Issue Price
Product Changes

USD/JPY performance over the last 15 years




3 204 113 / XS 030 676 726 9

USA, US persons, UK, EEA


Observation Dates


Coupon Payment Dates


Lifetime Target Cap

Early Redemption
The Note has a target redemption provision. The Note will be
automatically redeemed at 100% in JPY on the Coupon Payment
Date when the sum total of all accrued coupons, plus the coupon
to be received, equals or exceeds the Lifetime Target Cap.
If the Note is redeemed on Maturity Date (i.e. no early
redemption), it will be redeemed in USD as Principal/ 108.90.



Thereafter the coupons for the subsequent years will be paid

as per the following formula:




FX Spot

How it works
During the 1st year a fixed coupon of 10% p.a. is paid semiannually. Thereafter, the coupons for the subsequent periods will
be determined by the development of the USD/JPY exchange
rate, calculated by the below formula (paid semi-annually), subject
to a minimum coupon of 0%:
1%*(FX Spot 108.90) p.a.


Maturity Date




Issue Date (Payment Date)

This Note is suitable for investors who have a neutral to bullish

view on USD/JPY.


Trade Date (Initial Fixing)


Spot Reference (FXo)






Lead Manager & Calculation Agent



Product Description
Target Redemption Notes (TRNs) are structured derivative
instruments issued by Credit Suisse that represent an attractive
alternative to a traditional bond investment. The payout of this
Note is dependent on the USD/JPY exchange rate over the next
30 years.


Product Category

Source: Bloomberg

This document constitutes marketing material and is not the result

of financial analysis or research.

* Complex products require a specific understanding of the products and it's associated risks. Before entering into any transaction, we
recommend investors inform themselves about the risks associated with the product in question.
Please note that the important legal advice / disclaimer on page 3 also applies to this page.

Scenario Analysis: Hypothetical USD/JPY FX Spot Rates

In this example, 1.5 years after issue, if the USD/JPY FX Spot is
at 120.25, the corresponding coupon would be calculated as:
1%*(120.25 (122.27 -13.37)) =11.35% p.a.
In the 2nd year after issue, if the USD/JPY FX Spot is at 118.25,
the corresponding coupon would be 9.35% p.a., and the sum of
accrued coupons will then be 20.35%. Therefore, the Lifetime
Target Cap of 18% is reached in this coupon payment period and
there will be an early Redemption of the Note.
Please note that for the accrued coupon calculations each semiannual coupon period will count half of its per-annum coupon.
There is no cap to the per-annum coupon in the final coupon
period when the Lifetime Target Cap is reached.


FX Spot

1.00% (FX
Spot* - 108.90)



not relevant
not relevant

not relevant
not relevant

10.00% p.a.
10.00% p.a.
11.35% p.a.
9.35% p.a.

Sum of

*where FX Spot is as defined the Mid USD/JPY exchange rate on the Reuters
Screen 'JPNU' at 15:00 Tokyo time, 10 business days prior to the relevant
Coupon Payment Date.

Scope for Redemption / Secondary Market

Outside of early repayment events, a secondary market (bid only
as of JPY 10'000000) exists under normal market conditions
only. The prices include accrued interest.
Tax Treatment
The tax treatment depends on the investor's personal
circumstances, and may be subject to change in the future.

The termsheet is available free of charge upon request from

Credit Suisse.



Interesting yield pick-up against a comparable investment.

Interesting profit potential: If the USD/JPY trades above
108.90 on the respective observation dates, the investor
participates in the appreciation of the USD against the JPY
If USD/JPY exchange rate increases and remains high, this
Note is likely to be redeemed early at par.
These Notes can be sold in the Secondary Market under
normal market conditions.

These Notes are not capital-protected investments.

If USD/JPY exchange rate moves to or below 108.90, no
coupon will be paid for that period.
If not early redeemed, the Redemption will be in USD on
maturity equal to Principal/108.90. The investor is therefore
fully exposed to the inherent currency risk from this USD
conversion and may suffer a substantial loss.
This product may trade below the issue price during the
lifetime of the product. This can lead to a partial loss of the
capital invested.

Please note that the important legal advice / disclaimer on page 3 also applies to this page.

Legal advice / disclaimer:

By entering into a transaction with the Issuer or any of its affiliates the
investor acknowledges that having read and understood the following
The Issuer is acting solely as an arms length contractual counterparty and
neither the Issuer nor any affiliate is acting as the financial adviser or
fiduciary of the investor unless it has agreed to do so in writing.
This investment product is a complex structured derivative and involves a
high degree of risk. It is intended only for investors who understand and
are capable of assuming all risks involved. Before entering into any
transaction, an investor should determine if this product suits his or her
particular circumstances and should independently assess (with his or her
professional advisers) the specific risks (maximum loss, currency risks,
etc.) and the legal, regulatory, credit, tax and accounting consequences.
The Issuer makes no representation as to the suitability or appropriateness
of this investment product for any particular investor or as to the future
performance of this investment product. Historical data on the
performance of the investment product or the underlying assets is no
indication of future performance. No representation or warranty is made
that any indicative performance or return indicated will be achieved in the
The information and views contained in this document are those of the
Issuer and/or are derived from sources believed to be reliable. This
document may however not replace a personal conversation with your
relationship manager, which is recommended by Credit Suisse before the
investment decision. Please request your relationship manager to provide
you with any available, additional information regarding this investment
product such as the full terms or the simplified prospectus.
This document constitutes Marketing Material and is not the result of
a financial analysis or research and therefore not subject to the Directives
on the Independence of Financial Research (Swiss Bankers Association).
The content of this document does therefore not fulfill the legal
requirements for the independence of financial analyses and there is no
restriction on trading prior to publication of financial research. Until the
issue date the terms listed herein are indicative and may be amended. This
document does not constitute an offer or invitation to enter into any type
of financial transaction. The issuer has no obligation to issue this
investment product.
This document is not a simplified prospectus as stated in Art. 5 of the
Swiss Federal Act on Collective Investment Schemes). This investment
product does not constitute a participation in a collective
investment scheme. Therefore, it is not supervised by the Swiss Federal
Banking Commission and the investor does not benefit from the specific

investor protection provided under the Federal Act on Collective

Investment Schemes. The investment instrument's retention of value is
dependent not only on the development of the value of the underlying
asset, but also on the creditworthiness of the Issuer, which may change
over the term of the structured product. The prospectus requirements of
Art. 652a / Art. 1156 of the Swiss Code of Obligations are not applicable.
Credit Suisse does not make any representation as to the accuracy or
completeness of this document and assumes no liability for losses and tax
implications arising from the use hereof.
In connection with this transaction, the Issuer and/or its affiliates
may pay to third parties, or receive from third parties as part of
their compensation one-time or recurring remunerations. In
receiving payments by third parties the Issuer and/or its affiliates interests
may be adverse to those of the holders of this investment product and
such activities and payments could therefore adversely affect the investors
return on the investment product. Detailed information on these payments
or potential conflicts of interests can be found in the list Remunerations
and in the Credit Suisse "Summary Conflicts Policy". Both documents and
more details about these payments may be obtained upon request from
your relationship manager.
Where not explicitly otherwise stated, the Issuer has no duty to invest in
the underlying assets and investors have no recourse to the underlying
assets or to any payouts on the underlying assets. The price of the
investment product will reflect the customary fees and costs charged on
the level of the underlying assets (e.g. index calculation fees, management
fees, administration fees). Certain built-in costs are likely to adversely
affect the value of the investment product prior to maturity.
The investment product may not be offered to the public in any jurisdiction
in circumstances which would require the Issuer of the investment product
to prepare or register any further prospectus or offering document relating
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would be required to do so under the EU Directive 2003/71 concerning
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Copyright 2007 Credit Suisse Group and/or its affiliates.

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