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Redemption Show

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Some key takeaways are that the concept of the Strawman relates to a legal fiction created by the government, private bankers were allowed to issue currency through the Federal Reserve Act, and the Wizard of Oz story can be seen as an allegory for the monetary changes occurring in the early 20th century in the US.

The concept of the Strawman refers to a legal fiction or nominal party created by the government for commercial purposes. It relates to how individuals interact with the government and legal system through this fictional entity.

The 1913 Federal Reserve Act allowed a private group of mostly foreign bankers to form the Federal Reserve system and issue an 'elastic' form of money called Federal Reserve Notes. This shifted control of the currency from the government to private banks.

The Story of Redemption- or your not in Kansas Anymore, Dorothy.

This is about
the taking control of your Strawman1, what is the Strawman, and how it makes any difference.
Strawman is defined in Blacks Law Dictionary, the 6th edition as "A 'front'; a third party who is put up in name
only to take part in a transaction. Nominal party to a transaction ...". And in Barron’s, 3rd Edition as "The term is also used
in commercial and property contexts when a transfer is made to a party, the straw man, simply for the purpose of
retransferring to the transferor in order to accomplish some purpose not otherwise permitted." Blacks Law Dictionary, 7th
Edition defines ‘person’ as "An entity, such as a corporation, created by law and given certain legal rights and duties of a
human being; a being, real or imaginary, who for the purpose of legal reasoning is treated more or less as a human being. –
Also termed fictitious person; juristic person; legal person; moral person."
The concept of the Strawman was born in 1933 with Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s executive order to
confiscate gold from the people. With executive order2 6102 Roosevelt made private ownership or hoarding,
of gold illegal, of course his order only had jurisdiction within the Federal Zone or Washington D.C., the
Virgin Islands, Guam, Puerto Rico and American Samoa, in other words the Federally controlled ‘territories’3.
Roosevelt created Social Security and furthered this countries march towards a communist controlled
government4, where one man is forced to pay towards another mans upkeep, especially the elite. Under the 10
Planks of the Communist Manifesto all property would be held by the State which is currently in play here
and we know it this is true by looking at our Deed of Trust and seeing we are being listed as ‘tenants in
common’ or ‘joint tenancy’. So if we are ‘renting’ as ‘tenants’ who is the true owner? It is the State who can
take your property without the Due Process of a court case required under the 5th amendment of the United
States Constitution. Every other plank is also in play here in the united states under communism. Under
House Joint Resolution 1925, no one could pay their debts anymore as dictated under the Law of the united
States Constitution6 which proclaims in article 1, section 8-5 only Congress has the authority to ‘coin money
and set the value thereof’ and in article 1, section 10 the States are denied the right to make anything but ‘gold
or silver as legal tender to pay debts’. So because Congress denied the right to pay a debt from now on, there
could be no requirement to pay any debt and there could only be set-off of debt. Set-off is where the
bookkeeping shows the balance to be zero but the debt is not paid.
The real issue is money and what is money. Can anyone define what money is?. Apparently it is what
ever we agree it to be. It is a medium of ‘exchange’. In the past it has been seashells, cow dung, wooden
sticks, pieces of paper with ink on them, salt, cigarettes, and probably many other items, In 1864 the National
Banking Act7 was passed and it stated that any Bank could loan money based upon the deposit of a ‘promise
to pay’ or the deposit of a ‘promissory note’. In 1913 the Federal Reserve Act allowed a private group of
mostly foreign Bankers8 to issue an ‘elastic’ form of money called Federal Reserve Notes. A Federal Reserve
Note is a Promissory Note or a promise to pay but would only be payment if you went to the Bank and
demanded gold or silver in exchange for the note. The government ‘borrowed’ enough money from the Fed
who created it from ‘thin air’ to go bankrupt in 1933, or just before its 20 year charter would run out and after
which the Congress could not rescind the act. The Federal Government now was a debtor in bankruptcy to a
privately owned Bank who issued worthless paper with ink on it, in exchange for gold, and in stepped
Roosevelt who had to save the Bankers and reconstruct the country. The people had found out that their
money was worth $35 an ounce of gold in Europe and that the federal reserves value was $20 for an ounce of
gold and were making a run on the banks to get their gold out. The value of the American dollar had risen
and the people wanted their money. The Banks didn’t have any gold to give out as they had flooded the
market with worthless paper notes and shipped off countless tons of gold to Europe. The Federal Reserve
Notes were a contract that stated they could be exchanged for gold. The Bankers would have all gone to jail

show strawman from Wizard of Oz,
Show picture of gold clause exec order
Show Cracking Code definition of Federal Zone
10 planks of communist manifesto
show orig HJR 192
Show constitution article 1 section 8, 10
show original National Banking Act
Show Fed pictures
and maybe have been hung by the crowds except Roosevelt stepped in with troops to stop the people and save
the Bankers, sound familiar? Under an addendum to the 1917 Trading with the ‘enemies act’ Roosevelt in
1933 ammends it to state “During time of war or during any other period of national emergency
declared by the President, the President may, through any agency that he may designate, or otherwise
investigate, regulate, or prohibit under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe by means of
licensure or otherwise, any transaction in foreign exchange, transactions of credit between or payments
by banking institutions as defined by the President and export, hoarding, melting, or ear markings of gold
or silver coin or bullion or currency, by any person within the United States or
anyplace subject to the jurisdiction thereof.” [Title 1, Sec. 2, 48 Statute 1, March 9,
1933,] Now that Roosevelt created a Bank holiday to save the Bankers, he had to ban the ‘hoarding of gold’
and be able to borrow money to run the government but from who, and with what collateral? This is noted in
Blacks Law 5th edition where it states “Bank holiday of 1933. Presidential Proclamations No. 2039, issued
March 6, 1933, and No. 2040, issued March 9, 1933, temporarily suspended banking transactions by
member banks of the Federal Reserve System. Normal banking functions were resumed on March 13,
subject to certain restrictions. The first proclamation, it was held, had no authority in law until the
passage on March 9, 1933, of a ratified act (12 U.S.C.A. § 95b). The present law forbids member banks
of the Federal Reserve System to transact banking business, except under regulations of the Secretary of
the Treasury, during an emergency proclaimed by the President. 12 U.S.C.A. § 95.” There has always
been a National Emergency as shown in the Senate Report 93-549 from 1973, suspending our
Constitution “Since March 9, 1933, the United States has been in a state of declared national emergency.
In fact, there are now in effect four presidentially-proclaimed states of national emergency: In addition to
the national emergency declared by President Roosevelt in 1933, there are also the national emergency
proclaimed by President Truman on December 16, 1950, during the Korean conflict, and the states of
national emergency declared by President Nixon on March 23, 1970, and August 15, 1971” Roosevelt
would institute Social Security9 a communist plan where one man supports another without his consent. The
people would become Human Resources and the Bankers would ‘loan’ on the value of each mans labor
throughout his life as collateral.
The 14th amendment10 in 1868 states each individual as a Citizen of the United States, which is a
voluntary position, cannot question the Public Debt, how convenient. Each ‘person’ and ‘person’11 can be a
corporation, will have a Birth Certificate printed on Bond paper and that will become a Bond12 and the
‘person’13 will become a vessel under maritime/Admiralty law or the ‘Strawman’ in all capital letters. This
will be the flesh and blood natural man/woman’s commercial trading company. Now the Birth Certificate can
be borrowed against by the Corporation USA, INC14. Whenever the flesh and blood man gets a bank account,
a bill from a corporation, a drivers license or any license from the corporate STATE it will be in the Vessels
name in all capital letters. 29 CFR 783.38 - Statutory definition of ``American vessel''.
Section Number: 783.38 Section Name: Statutory definition of ``American vessel''.
“United States as distinguished from a foreign vessel, ``includes'', under the terms of the definition in
section 3(p) of the Act, ``any vessel which is documented or numbered under the laws of the United States.''
The Department of the Treasury, Bureau of Customs and the United States Coast Guard, respectively, are
responsible for documentation and numbering of vessels.” So would a Birth Certicate be documentation
and numbering under the laws of the corporate UNITED STATES?
If this JOHN DOE in all capital letters is a misnomer or the ‘wrong name’, try and get them to give you a
license or deed of trust in your upper and lower case name and see what happens. On the signature line you
sign your name on, on your checking account checks look with a high powered magnifying glass and read the
show S.S> card
Show 14th amendment
show black definition of person
Blacks law definition of ‘Bond’
“ person
show 1871 Corp USA doc
line, because it isn’t a line at all but a series of words that say ‘authorized signature only’15 over and over.
Why would you put micro print on a signature line on a negotiable instrument, a legal document, if the words
had no meaning? A corporation is a ficticious entity and has no hands, no eyes, no brain and cannot effect
any change on any flesh and blood man, so they had to create something that could be effected on an equal
footing such as a corporation that represented you. Only a flesh and blood man can charge you in court for an
injury or breach of contract. A corporation cannot charge you a flesh and blood man, but it can charge
another ficticious entity. The trick is that they ask the flesh and blood man to stand in surety for the
corporation and not knowing the difference we do. I will stand in place of the fiction in court when my name
is called rather that point out that it isn’t my name at all. It is a similar name but it is in all capital letters and
that makes all the difference. So to gain control of the Strawman, one has to understand what the strawman
is, what it’s purpose is, and the rules of law that allow one to get your needs met. Lets go over what the
Strawman is once more. The Strawman, i.e. JOHN H. DOE in all capital letters is a Vessel16 in
maritime/Admiralty law, a corporate fiction, ens legis ficticious entity with no hands to sign a document, nor
mouth to object to any mistreatment and as such cannot act, cannot ‘drive a car’, cannot sign a bank card, nor
‘loan application’ and yet that DMV drivers license, that Bank loan, that car loan, that marriage license, that
contractors license are all labeled with the all capital lettered name as the responsible party of interest, why?
Could it be because the Real flesh and blood man is sovereign17 and doesn’t need an drivers license if not
engaged in Commerce, or permission to work on peoples’ houses which would be illegal without a license
under the false legislative powers usurped by the falsely operating Democracy and is in fact a common law
right to contract and work in whatever one desires stated in the Declaration of Independence as the RIGHT to
‘life liberty and the pursuit of happiness’? What requirement could possibly exist to get a State issued and
controlled Marriage license? Why make the STATE a 3rd party controlling your relationship, which is only
between you, your spouse and GOD. Could it be that it gives the State the right to possess the fruit of your
union or your children? This is the Strawmans’ function to falsely represent you the flesh and blood and give
the Corporate Government the right to control you through the Strawman. The UNITED STATES is the
parent corporation with all other forms of government subservient and division of the parent. A corporation
can have no effect lawfully on flesh and blood as it is dead and fictional. That is why they needed to invent
another dead fictional entity to be equal with. That everyone is deceived into standing in as surety, the
responsible party for the all cap name is testament to the failure of the community to tell each member the
truth of what is going on in this Alice in Wonderland fairy tale. So what can one do about it? Can that
relationship be changed?
We have to understand the rules of engagement in this world. The maxims of Law that are true 100% of the
time and can’t be questioned except by tyrants and dictators who would make arbitrary law at their whims.
The first and foremost is failure to object means you agree. The maxim is stated as ‘An unrebutted affidavit
stands as truth” An affidavit is your sworn testimony. You can only testify to what is your experience and
not someone eles experience, what you witnessed and not what someone else witnessed, as that would be
‘hearsay’. When in court, your sworn testimony, if it is not objected to or countered stands as true and correct
and the final word. This is very powerful information. An example would be that your credit card company
falsely states that you signed for a $3000 vacation rental in Hawaii and you didn’t even go to Hawaii. If you
don’t complain about it and object to it, what do you think will happen? You will be charged the $3000. You
have to object. Even if you say ‘I don’t think I did that’, they will charge you. You don’t have to tell a big
story or even justify your reasons, just state that it is false, and that is your sworn testimony. You would fill
show sig line
American vessel refers to any vessel documented or numbered under the laws of the United States. The Department
of the Treasury, Bureau of Customs and the United States Coast Guard, respectively, are responsible for documentation
and numbering of vessels.[ 29 CFR 783.38]. It also includes any vessel which is neither documented or numbered
under the laws of the United States nor documented under the laws of any foreign country, if such vessel is owned by,
chartered to, or otherwise controlled by one or more citizens or residents of the United States or corporations organized
under the laws of the United States or of any State.
"...at the Revolution, the sovereignty devolved on the people; and they are truly the sovereigns of the country, but
they are sovereigns without subjects...with none to govern but themselves....". CHISHOLM v. GEORGIA (US) 2 Dall
419, 454, 1 L Ed 440, 455 @DALL (1793) pp471-472.
out an affidavit have it notarized and swear the statement is true. Then know that unless they get a sworn
affidavit by someone else stating that you signed for the vacation rental, they lose. The problem will come
when they try and get someone to swear to it because the hotel conciege will not want to put his name on a
document swearing it was you, because he does not know you, and he knows or has reason to believe, you are
contesting it, and will then sue him as you will have his wet-ink signed affidavit as evidence. See the problem
for the other side? This will be the case with government officials, Bank presidents, police officers, etc. No
one will think lightly of swearing something is true unless that is their true experience because of the
commercial liability, or in other words court room liability that comes with giving written ‘evidence’.
Another Maxim of Law is “Truth is Sovereign in commerce” and it is obvious, if in a contract one party is
lying or being deceitful they lose in court. If you declare something to be true, it had better be true however as
you become liable if it is not also. If I declare my Strawman is a ficticious entity, do I have to worry that he
will object to that? NO. If I declare that the Strawman owes me everything he has aquired in his bank
account, his deed of trust for real property, his title to cars, his furniture, etc and he doesn’t object, that makes
it true. Will he object?, or more importantly how could he object? Was it not my labor and blood, sweat, and
tears that purchased all those things? If I want everyone in the world to be able to know that I am the Creditor
and my Strawman is the Debtor and owes everything in his possession to me how could I do that? I would
put it on a UCC –118 financing statement and that way everyone could witness the Strawman JOHN H. DOE’s
indebtedness to me John H. Doe. What difference would that make? Well once you do your publicly
recorded UCC-1 and send it off to your Secretary of State demanding that they recognize you as the creditor
and NOT the Strawman and give them 30 days to rebut your right to do that, you will not have to answer in
court for the Strawman ever again, if they defaulted on rebutting your claim of being the creditor and separate
from the debtor STRAWMAN. Who is the defendant JOHN H. DOE? It is never the flesh and blood man
because they can’t charge a natural man. So the court wants JOHN DOE to pay a fine, get in line because you
have a superior claim. You claimed everything JOHN DOE owns and then some. How about claiming he
owes you 100 BILLION dollars in silver coin. Will he contest it? The UCC-1 is to evidence a lien or
contractual relationship, so as Jean Keating says ‘there has to be a contract first’ to file a UCC-1. So you have
to establish a rather large lien or debt owed to you by JOHN DOE, fictitious entity and the Court will have to
get in line after you as they will never collect without you getting paid first. First in time, first in line. When
the UCC-1 is filed you file in a property list that includes everything and the kitchen sink, real property, cars,
boats, computer files, your hair follicals, dna, blood, spit, medically collected samples, all paperwork in
existence with your name on it, get creative, go for it, it is fun to think outside the box. This list will be
loaded up as an addendum in a pdf file and will be evidence of the “DEBT’ owed you. Once you finalize your
filings on the UCC-1 you will have the whole thing Recorded at the county recorders office. Mostly they
know what is going on on and will not allow the farm animals, that is you, to escape from the slave ship so
you may have to record it online at National Republicregistry.com in Texas. These folks among others, like
Getnotice.info will post your files for all to see and that is in the public record. Then you can send copies off
to your Secretary of State, local police department, sheriffs office, Highway patrol, etc and have a powerful
tool in place to justify suing the pants off of any agent of the corporation who violates your pre approved
contract fee schedule, oh, I forgot to mention the fee schedule for violation my rights is about $1,000,000 per
violation. You would send them “NOTICE OF CHANGE OF STATUS” and give them 30 days to rebut your
UCC and Affidavit of Status and then if they fail to rebut your paperwork, you would send them a NOTICE
OF DEFAULT and NOTICE OF ESTOPPEL barring them from injuring you in any way in the future or pay
your fees. This will never actually get paid but can generate some rather huge liens against people, which
makes buying cars and getting credit very unlikely for them. I don’t want to hurt anyone but I wish to change
the arrogance many public officials exude while being public servants these days. Tim Turner has what I
consider the best program for doing these filings and you can find his information at moneyonaccount.com
and it would be a must do to go to one of his seminars after listening to the lectures to be able to better
understand his teachings. Winston Shrout has some excellent information available at

show UCC-1
So now you are in control somewhat of your strawman and now it’s time to go after the Birth Certificate
Bond19. You would have to send Tim Gietner a copy of your Birth Certificate with the approved for value
information written on it, thereby claiming it for yourself. You would have to get 2 or 3 copies of your Birth
Certificate from the county recorders office where you were born at about $15 a pop. You need the certified
copies not just photocopies or they are worthless. Follow Tims instructions and once you claim you Birth
Certificate the government will no longer be able to freely use your credit but will have to get your
permission to access that account. The figure most people use for the value of the Birth Ceriticate bond is
upwards of $1Million at birth but over the years could be much higher. Once you post your bonds with
Washington D.C. you can write bonded promissory notes. I don’t know much about that process as I have
only done the first stage of filing the UCC-1 and establish my control of my Strawman. Next we will delve
into approved for value. Since anyone can do approved for value and the process is the same as using Bonded
Promissory Notes to pay for things with just your signature. In this process we go back to the understanding
that there is no money and so your promise to pay has the same value as the Federal Reserves promise to pay,
which you call a federal reserve NOTE or promissory note. That is a promise to pay. But when? The truth is
you will never get paid as the paper has no value and the Fed will never give you anything of value for it.
The store owner currently accepts them however which is good for us because otherwise it would look like
the Wiemar Republic in germany in 191920 where a wheelbarrow full of Marks might buy a loaf of bread.
What happens when the store owner stops taking Fed Notes? Then what? The store owner currently takes
pieces of paper with your order to pay now, only we call them checks. A check is an order to pay given to the
bank, but it isn’t payment, just like the Fed Note isn’t payment. We all carry debt instruments and don’t
know it. Can you pay a debt with an instrument that is itself evidence of debt. Until the Fed Note is
exchanged for something of value is is evidence of not being paid or in other words a debt. What is the
difference between trying to pay the store owner with sea shells instead of Federal Reserve Notes? They both
have no value. The store owner refuses the sea shells because he fears no one else will value them, but that is
the only difference. Since the passage of HJR 192 anyone can set-off a debt but not pay a debt. Approved for
Value is the order to Set-off a debt. Since you can’t pay a debt the entity giving you a ‘Bill’ which isn’t a bill
but is a statement21 has to give you the means to set-off the debt as you can’t pay it with debt instruments.
The means to pay is the coupon on the bottom of the statement. The coupon is a negotiable instrument, it has
the necessary elements of a check which are 1. a Date or time for set-off, 2. The amount to be set-off in
dollars, 3. who is to be setting off the balance (or we think of it as being payed), and it just needs to be signed
by you with an order to pay to complete it as a check to the Utility company or the credit card company, or
the Property tax assessor, etc.
Any public corporation has to follow the rules of the UNITED STATES parent corporation of which they
can’t demand to be paid in gold or silver and so they can only require set-off or zeroing the account. This is
not true with private debt. Private debt is where one flesh and blood natural man contracts with another on
the private side. You can’t pay off your loan to BOB with approved for value. But when you got the loan for
you car, since they created the money with your signature on a promissory note and didn’t actually advance
any of their own money, you can send them that payment coupon stating you are authorizing the Treasury
Department of the Untited States to use your exemption account at the Depository Trust Corporation where
your Birth Certificate is housed and accounted for to set-off the amount due. There we live in Wonderland
where nothing is real. Of course you have to now see that Wall Street has obviously known about this for
quite awhile as there is no limit to their greed and corruption and they never give anything of value while they
demand you work for everything you get of value. To see the Wizard of OZ for what it was,… a description
of the monumental changes the government was foisting on the unsuspecting public. The Strawman is the
ficticious entitiy created for commercial control, the T.I.N. man is the newly created tax identification
number, the cowardly lion represented the congress who allowed the bankruptcy to happen without
challenging the Federal Reserve.. The yellow brick road represents the gold disappearing into the emerald,

show B/C
show picture of Weimar Republic
show pg&e statement
Green, city where the federal reserve green paper notes replaced the gold, the wicked witch of the east the
industrial corporations and the wicked witch of the west the Bankers, the Wizard who didn’t want anyone to
know what was going on is the Fed. The evil woman who wanted to take everything “TOTO’ too. Where
TOTO means everything in Latin, represented the Bankers taking the farms and property of everyone during
the depression. Originally Frank Baum the writer of Wizard of Oz wrote Dorothy having Silver slippers as
the silver was being taken too, but Hollywood changed them from silver to Ruby slippers. If you watch the
Sovereign status show you will get more about the takeover by the Slave masters here in America and this is
one of those topics where the ‘cognitive dissonance’ becomes easily apparent as it is impossible to believe
what is happening upon first glance. Even with evidence supporting the explanation of things only little by
little will one be able to absorb the monumental travesty forced upon the public by the evil bankers and their
cronies on capital hill. When Barbara Boxer was presented with this information that she didn’t want to hear,
she fell mute and did not answer it, why? Because she would lose her job and like most people it is a lot to
ask, to give up the riches that come with being a minion of the dark side. I believe that good occurs when we
want our fellow creations of God on this planet to do well, and we don’t harm others, and evil is when we do
harm to others as is portrayed in Jesus’ golden rule. Boxer chose not to work for the public she had sworn to
serve. It is our job to question authority and make the public servants become aware of the reality of their
position and abandon their false ideas that they are justified in oppressing and causing injury to the people.
Or at the least, look in the mirror and admit to themselves they are wrong.

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