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Lecture 4h The Determinant of A Product (Pages 270-1)

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Lecture 4h

The Determinant of a Product

(pages 270-1)
One of the unexpected consequences of the ease with which one can compute a
determinant using elementary row operations is the fact that the determinant
preserves multiplication. That is det(AB) = (detA)(detB). It is not at all
obvious how these two facts are related, but the following Lemma gives you a
glimpse at the reason why.
Lemma 5.2.6: If E is an n n elementary matrix and C is any n n matrix,
det(EC) = (detE)(detC)
Proof of Lemma 5.2.6: Consider the three different types of elementary row
operation. If E corresponds to a row swap, then we can row reduce E to I
using the same row swap, and thus detE = detI = 1. And since EC is a
matrix obtained from C by a row swap, we know det(EC) = (1)(detC). Thus,
det(EC) = (1)(detC) = (detE)(detC).
Similarly, if E corresponds to multiplying a row by r, then we can row reduce
E to I by multiplying the same row by (1/r). Thus detI = (1/r)detE, or
detE = rdetI = r. And since EC is a matrix obtained from C by multiplying
a row by r, we know that det(EC) = r(detC). Thus, det(EC) = (r)(detC) =
Finally, if E corresponds to adding a r times row i to row j, then we can row
reduce E to I by adding r times row i to row j. Since row operations of this
type do not change the determinant, we have detE = detI = 1. And since EC
is a matrix obtained from C by adding r times row i to row j, we have that
detC = det(EC). Thus, det(EC) = (1)(detC) = (detE)(detC).
So, no matter what type of elementary matrix E is, we have shown that det(EC) =
Theorem 5.2.7: If A and B are n n matrices, then det(AB) = (detA)(detB)
Proof of Theorem 5.2.7: We break this proof into two cases: either A can be
written as a product of elementary matrices, or it cant.
Case 1A can be written as a product of elementary matrices: Let A = E1 Ek ,
where E1 , . . . , Ek are elementary matrices. Then


= det(E1 Ek B)
= (detE1 )(det(E2 Ek B))
= (detE1 )(detE2 ) (detEk )(detB)
= (det(E1 E2 ))(detE3 ) (detEk )(detB)
= (det(E1 Ek ))(detB)
= (detA)(detB)

Case 2A can not be written as a product of elementary matrices: Then the rank
of A is not n. Using the invertible matrix theorem, we get two facts. The first is
that A is not invertible, which means detA = 0, and thus that (detA)(detB) = 0.
The second is that the range of A (thinking of it as a linear mapping) is not Rn .
This means that there is some ~y Rn such that the equation A~z = ~y has no
solution. But this means that the equation A(B~x) = ~y cannot have a solution
(since if it did, B~x would be a ~z such that A~z = ~y ). And thus, (AB)~x = ~y does
not have a solution, so the range of AB is not Rn . And so, AB is not invertible,
and thus det(AB) = 0. But this means that det(AB) = 0 = (detA)(detB).
Note: The statement det(A + B) = det(A) + det(B) IS NOT TRUE.

5 0 1
4 2
2 , and B = 2 1 4 . Then:
Example: Let A = 0 5
6 3 6
8 4

4 2
0 5
6 , and
1 8 , and A + B = 2 4
And AB = 2
6 11
8 4

detA = (expanding along the first column) 2(1)1+1
+0+0 =
8 4
2(20 16) = 8

1+1 1 4
1+3 2 1
detB = (expanding along the first row) 5(1)
3 6 +0+(1)(1)
6 3
5(6 12) + (6 6) = 30

2 8
+0 =
det(AB) = (expanding along the first row) 0 + (5)(1)
5(16 64) = 240 = 8(30) = (detA)(detB).

1+1 4 6
1+2 2
det(A+B) = (expanding along the first row) 7(1)
11 2 +4(1)

= 7(8 66) 4(4 36) 2(22 + 24) = 518 + 128 92 =
6 11
482 6= 8 30.


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