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Investigation of X-Ray Harmonics of The Polarized Inverse Compton Scattering Experiment at Ucla

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Proceedings of 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee


A. Doyuran, 0. Williams, R.J. England, C. Joshi, J. Lim, J.B. Rosenzweig, S. Tochitsky, G. Travish
UCLA Department of Physics and Astronomy, 405 Hilgard Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90095.
Abstract then recollimated by an identical PMQ system. The
An Inverse Compton Scattering (ICS) experiment, electron beam focusing and recollimating systems consist
which will investigate nonlinear properties of scattering of 5 equal strength and length PMQs each, set up as a
utilizing a terawatt CO2 laser system with various modified FF-DD-F triplet.
polarizations, is ongoing at the UCLA Neptune The high power CO2 laser is focused by an off-axis
Laboratory. When the normalized amplitude of the parabolic mirror with a 12.7 cm diameter and 17 cm focal
incident laser's vector potential ao is larger than unity the length. Since the divergence of the scattered photons is
scattering occurs in the nonlinear region; therefore, higher quite large (-I/, where 28) it is necessary to place the
harmonics are also produced. ICS can be used, e.g., for a detector (soft X-ray camera and/or micro-channel plate)
polarized positron source by striking a thin target (such as very close to the IP. This requires bending the electron
tungsten) with the polarized X-rays. As such, it is critical beam immediately after the recollimating PMQ system, in
to demonstrate the production of polarized scattered a very short bending radius. To this end, we have designed
photons and to investigate the ICS process as it enters the and built a permanent magnet dipole (PMD) with a -60
nonlinear regime. We present the description of the mm bending radius for this purpose.
experimental set up and equipment utilized, including
diagnostics for electron and photon beam detection. We Table 1: Electron and Laser Beam Parameters
present the current status of the experiment. Parameter Value
Electron Beam Energy 14 MeV
INTRODUCTION Beam Emittance 5 gm
Electron Beam Spot size (RMS) 25 m
Inverse Compton Scattering (ICS) is becoming an
effective source for producing third generation light Beam Charge 300 pC
source quality X-rays using low energy electron beams.
Bunch Length (RMS) 4 ps
Laser Beam Size at IP (RMS) 25 m
For these light sources, and in HiEP applications such as -
CO2 Laser Wavelength 10.6 m
colliders and polarized positron sources [1], an
understanding of the physics of nonlinear and polarization CO2 Laser Rayleigh Range 0.75 mm
dependent ICS is required. CO2 Laser Power 500 GW
The UCLA Neptune laboratory is an appropriate test CO2 Laser Pulse Length 200 ps
bed for these experiments. Such experiments can utilize
the existing terawatt CO2 laser ( L 10.6 m), which, Table 2: Calculated Scattered Photon Parameters
when strongly focused, may yield a normalized vector Parameter Head-on Transverse
Scattered photon wave- 5.3 nm 10.7 nm
potential, a eA0 /mec2 1 where Ao is vector potential length (fundamental)
of the laser field. In this regime, non-linear effects enter Scattered photon energy 235.3 eV 117.7 eV
strongly in the interaction. The Neptune RF photo-injector Scattered photon pulse 10 ps 10 ps
gun and linac can deliver high quality electron beams duration (FWHM)
having 14 MeV energy, 300 pC per bunch of 10 ps Interaction time 5 ps 0.33 ps
FWHM. Table 1 shows the designed electron and laser # of periods that electrons 283 10
beam parameters and Table 2 shows the calculated see (No)
scattered photon beam parameters for head on and # of photons emitted per 3.34 0.11
transverse scattering cases [2-3]. Since both laser and electron (N)
electron beam require hard focusing into the IP, we have Total # of photons 6.3.109 2.108
developed and built permanent magnet quadrupoles Half Opening Angle 2.7 mrad 15 mrad
(PMQs) with 6 mm clear aperture. Even with a short Bandwidth 0.35% 10 %
distance to focus, the laser divergence makes head on
scattering unfeasible. Therefore we have designed the
scattering in transverse (900) geometry. Permanent Magnet Quadrupole (PMQ)
The ICS experiment requires that we produce a 25 m
EXPERIMENTAL SET UP (RMS) electron beam size at the IP. The ultra-short focal
Figure 1 shows the schematic of the experimental set up length quadrupoles which allow this type of focus consist
in the ICS interaction chamber. The electron beam is of four NdFeB magnet cubes with 1.21 T resonant field,
focused by the PMQ system to the interaction point, and hyperbolic iron tips and hexagonal iron yoke for flux

2303 0-7803-8859-3/05/$20.00 ©2005 IEEE

Proceedings of 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee

return (Fig. 2). The hyperbolic iron tips are held in place The PMD, shown in rendered CAD format in Fig. 3, is
by an aluminum keeper which determines the geometric designed such that the electron beam is bent 900 vertically
axis. The magnets are pushed towards the geometric axis over a fairly wide range of energies. The nominal design
by a screw to assure that they are equidistant from the energy bend radius is 60 mm. The magnet gap is 16 mm,
center. This quadrupole produces -1 15 T/m gradient. and the magnetic material thickness is 30 mm with a
Radia 3D magnetostatic simulations [4-5] are in good magnetization of 1.32 T. This geometry provides the
agreement with the measured gradient using a Hall probe. needed 0.78 T magnetic field inside the gap. The magnet
The magnetic axes of the PMQs are measured using a and iron yoke is circularly cut to optimize the clearance
pulse wire measurement [6] and because the machining is for the scattered beam.
done by electric discharge machining (EDM) we found Radia simulations predict the measured fields very well.
the magnetic axis to be directly on the geometric axis To accommodate beam off-axis, off-angle and off-energy
within the accuracy of wire radius (25 m). operation we have placed the PMD on a remote controlled
vertical mover. Thus the PMD can bend electron beams
with energies ranging from 12 MeV to 14 MeV with
various offsets in transverse positions and angles at the
entrance of the PMD.
Soft X-ray
nIP/ Mcdiagnostics

PMQ system PMD

Off axis_ on
parabolic, C02 LASER
Figure 1: Focusing system for the electron and laser
beams. NdFeB
Figure 3: Compact dipole using permanent magnets.
IP Diagnostics
Dealing with 25 m (RMS) beams at the IP requires
careful imaging and alignment. The 900 scattering
geometry makes it difficult to image both electron and
laser beams simultaneously. We designed and
manufactured a pyramid shaped diagnostic (Fig. 4) with
optically polished surfaces and sharp edges.

Figure 2: PMQ design using 4 cube magnets, hyperbolic Graphite

pole tips and aluminum keepers. sprayed
Permanent magnet Dipole (PMD) e beam
The typical opening angle of the scattered photon beam
is -1/ which requires having the soft-X-ray detector .................
array very close to the IP. In order to bend the electron .........................................
beam away from this detector in as short a distance as
possible, immediately after the recollimating PMQs, a Figure 4: The IP imaging diagnostic "pyramid".
permanent magnet dipole (PMD) has been designed with
bend angle of 900. Transverse alignment is established by imaging the
OTR from the electron beam and "sparking" from the

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Proceedings of 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee

C02 laser hitting a graphite layer applied to one pyramid for 900 case. The development of calculations for circular
surface. Simultaneous imaging two of the pyramid faces polarization with 900 is now underway.
with a CCD allows for spatial alignment of the two
beams. Temporal synchronization is established using a ELECTRON BEAM SIZE
germanium crystal oriented at 450 as a "gate". Incident MEASUREMENT AT IP
beam electrons cause the germanium to become opaque to
10.6 m radiation and block the perpendicularly incident We started running the experiment just recently and
CO2 beam. Measurement of the corresponding transmitted accomplished a measurement of the electron beam size at
intensity of the laser reveals the relative timing between the IP using a YAG crystal. Preliminary measurement of
the beams, allowing for tuning of the arrival time at the the RMS beam size at the IP is about 40-50 m for an 11
interaction point. MeV electron beam which is not fully optimized. Our aim
is to reduce the beam size to 25 m at 14 MeV. An
increase in energy will reduce the emittance due to the
(a) Schottky effect in the RF gun yielding a smaller spot size
10 at the IP.
40- 4 3
dE c, _4 3
dw-- 2
>10 43

0 g I

Figure 6: Electron beam image at the IP. RMS beam size

is 40-50 m.

We have presented the details of the ongoing nonlinear
3 x10
- 43 polarized ICS experiment including design and
calculation issues, and present status. The beam size
dE 2 >10
measurements at the IP have proven the effectiveness of
-d 43
the PMQ focusing system, and represent a factor of 3
1> -

improvement over the original electromagnets.

[1] T. Omori et. al., NIM A 500 (2003) 232-252
[2] S. Ride, E. Esarey, M Baine, Pyhs. Rev. E Vol 52,
p5425 (1995)
[3] A. Doyuran, et.al., Study of X-ray Harmonics of the
Polarized Inverse Compton Scattering Experiment at
Figure 5: Intensity plot of (a) and (b) polarizations at UCLA, AAC 2004 Proceedings.
the first harmonic. The screen location is set at z= , and x [4] PAC97 Conference, Vancouver, May 1997: P.
and y are in mm units. Elleaume, 0. Chubar and J. Chavanne, "Computing
3D Magnetic Fields from Insertion Devices" (9P27)
Calculation Tools [5] SR197 Conference, SPring8, Japan, August 1997: 0.
We have been working on a calculation tool which Chubar, P. Elleaume and J. Chavanne, "A 3D
predicts the intensity distribution of the scattered photons Magnetostatics Computer Code for Insertion
for various laser polarizations and harmonics using a Devices"
Mathematica routine. We use the algorithm described in [6] R. Warren, Nucl. Instrum. Methods
Ref. 7. The reference describes only the head-on Phys. Res. A272, 257 (1988)
scattering case, which has since been generalized to the [7] G. A. Krafft, Spectral Distributions of Thomson-
900 case [8]. These calculations produce full wavelength Scattered Photons from High-Intensity Pulsed Lasers,
PRL Vol 92 p 204802.
as well as angular spectra, and include features such as
harmonic production and ponderomotive broadening. [8] G. A. Krafft, Pulsed Laser Nonlinear Thomson
Because the transverse case needed here is part of Scattering For General Scattering Geometries, to be
ongoing work, we only show (in Fig. 5) the intensity submitted to PRST-AB
distribution of scattered photons from a Gaussian shape
laser pulse for and polarization of the first harmonic

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