100 Questions Answer 1
100 Questions Answer 1
100 Questions Answer 1
observation of UNCLOS what the duties are of flag States and how is it
Ans. The United Nations conference convention on the laws of the sea (UNCLOS)
was an outcome of the third UN conference in 1982 and entered into force on
16th November 1994.
The UNCLOS provides a universal legal frame work for the rational
management of marine resources and their conservation. The treaty document
consists of 446 articles grouped under 17 part headings and 9 Annexes.
Part VIII : High seas consists of Provisions concerning ships flag state and
Article 90: Every state coastal or land locked has a right to have its ship fly
its flag.
Article 91: State should lay down conditions / requirements for granting its
nationality, registration and the right to fly its flag. Ships have the
nationality of the state whose flag they fly. There must be a genuine link
between the state and the ship. The state must issue documents to ships
flying its flag.
Article 92: Ships to fly flag of only one state and are subject to its
jurisdiction on high seas. A ship cannot change its flag during a voyage or
while in a part of call. Change is allowed in case of transfer of ownership or
change of registry.
Duties of flag state:
Article 94 initials duties and responsibilities of the flag state salient parts
are:1. State shall effectively exercise its jurisdiction and control in Administrative
technical and soul matters over ships flying its flag.
2. State should maintain a register of ships flying its flag i.e. names and
particulars of ships.
State should assure jurisdiction under its laws over ships flying its flag its
master officers and crew in respect of Administrative technical and social
matters concerning the ship.
3. State to take such measures for ships as necessary to insure safety at sea
with regards to
Construction equipment and seaworthiness of ships.
4. Give a brief history and necessity towards formation of UNCLOS? What are its
important highlights? Under context explain (i)Territorial sea (ii)Contiguous
Zone (iii)Exclusive Economic Zone (iv)Continental Self (v)High Seas
Answer:Oceans always have been a prime source of nourishment for life. Climate and
weather changes depend on the interplay between oceans and the
atmosphere. They also serve as a convenient medium for trade, commerce,
exploration, adventure and discovery.
As the mysteries of the oceans gave way to their mastering, a lot of
customers traditions and laws arose defining the rights of the ship and the
marines what plied the waters of the ocean.
Attempts were made to regulate the use of ocean by conventions
acceptable to all nations. The UN has made considerable progress in
developing and .... the laws of the sea. There UNCLOS (United Nations
Convention on the Law of the Seas) have been convened
UNCLOS I at Geneva in 1958
UNCLOS II at Geneva in 1960
International conferences approved conventions which covered the
continental shift, Fishing, High seas, Territorial waters and contiguous zones.
During the 1970, it came to be accepted that the sea bed is a common
heritage of mankind and should be administered by an international authority.
UNCLOS III was at GENEVA in 1974 which discussed issues on navigation,
pollution and the breadth of territorial waters. It entered into force
On 16th Nov 1994 UNCLOS provides a universal frame work for the
management of marine resource and their conservation, govern all aspects of
the oceans, such as environmental control, marine scientific research,
economic and commercial activities, transfer of technology and settlement of
disputes relating o ocean matters. UNCLOS is a treaty of 446 articles grouped
under17 part heading and 9 annexes.
Extends to 12 Nautical miles from the baseline foreign flag vessels have a
Right of Innocent Passage through it. The passage is considered innocent as
long as it is not prejudicial to peace, good order or security of the coastal state.
Right of innocent passage can be suspended if it is essential for the
protection of the coastal state its security or for weapons exercise.
The internal waters the coastal state can exercise jurisdiction over all vessels.
In territorial seas, it should not exercise criminal jurisdiction except.
a) If the consequences of crime extend to the coastal state
b) If crime disturbs the peace of the country or good order of the sea
c) It master of a vessel or an agent of the Flag State requests the coastal
state to exercise jurisdiction
d) If jurisdiction is necessary to suppress traffic of narcotic drugs.
Part of the sea that is not included in the exclusive economic zone in the
territorial sea or in the internal waters of a state or in the Archipelagic waters
of an archipelagic state.
High seas are open to all states for freedom of navigation, freedom of over
flight, freedom to lay submarine cables and pipelines, freedom to construct
artificial islands and installations, freedom of fishing freedom of scientific
High seas shall be reserved for peaceful purposes. Other high seas
precautions are prevention of slave trade, privacy, seizure of ships, illicit
narcotics, trafficking and unauthorized broad casting
For enforcement purposes, there are provisions for relevant rights of visit,
seizure, arrests and hot pursuits.
5. Explain the key features of the United Nations Convention on the Law of The
Sea? When this convention was opened for signature and when it entered
into force? How many articles and annexes it contains? Enumerate the areas
covered under this convention?
Ans:- UNCLOS: It is the abbreviation of united nation conference on law of
the sea. Three conferences an UNCOLS have been convened so far.
UNCLOS I: At Geneva in 1958
UNCLOS II: At Geneva in 1960
UNCLOS III: At Geneva in 1974, which produced a convention document
called UNCLOS
UNCLOS governs the law of sea for mutual benefit of all members states
Necessity of UNCLOS was in order
Freedom of association
Right to organize
Collective bargaining
Abolition of forced labour
Equality of opportunity and treatment and other standards regulation
conditions across the entire spectrum of work related issues.
Seafarers wages, hours of work and the manning of ship recommendation 1996
Labour inspection (seafarers) convention and recommendation 1996
Recruitment and placement of seafarers convention (revised) and
recommendations 1996
1996 protocol to the Merchant Shipping (Minimum Standards) Conventions 1976
Seafarers hours of work and the manning of ships convention
The conference revised the wages, hours of work and manning (sea) convention
and recommendation 1958 (No. 109). It adopted the new seafarers hours of work
and the manning of ships convention 1996 which establishes specific daily and
weekly limitations on hours of work or conversely daily or weekly minimum rest
periods for seafarers with the aim of preventing fatigue associated with excessive
It calls upon member states which ratify it to acknowledge that normal work hours
shall be based on an eight hour day with one day of rest per work and then
provides that maximum limits shall not exceed 14 hours per day and 72 hours in a
week. Alternatively, member sates may define working time through a minimum
of ten hours of rest per day or 77 hours in a week. These limitations are to be
posted in an easily accessible place on board the ship.
Records of daily working hours or periods of rest are to be maintained and the
competent authority is to examine and endorse these records at appropriate
intervals in order to monitor compliance and if the records indicate infringements
of the provisions governing hours of work or rest requires measures to be taken to
avoid infringements.
The new convention has also been included in the protocol to the Merchant
Shipping (minimum Standards) conventions 1976 (No.147). This means that,
following sufficient ratifications, this instrument may also be subject to port state
Seafarers wages hours of work and the manning of ships
recommendation 1996
The accompanying recommendations which focuses on compensation for
overtime and other wage issues is a comprehensive instrument which will serve to
clarify wage issues for seafarers and ship-owners. It retains the ILO minimum
monthly basic wage figure for able seamen a figure which has long served as an
international bench mark for the industry. This is currently (as from 1 st January
2003) US $ 465 per month.
Labour Inspection (seafarers) convention and recommendation, 1996
International provisions for labour inspection on board of ships were strengthened
by the adoption of the labour inspection (seafarers) convention. The first
international convention on maritime labour inspection. The preamble of the
convention states that measures only apply to flag state control- i.e., subject to
inspection by the ships own flag state and not port state control.
Recruitment and placement of seafarers convention (Revised) and
recommendation 1996
The international labour conference also adopted a convention and
recommendations on the placement of seafarers revising the placing of seamen
convention 1920 (No.9). The original 1920 convention (No.9) one of the first
conventions adopted at the IMO-related to seamen which included all persons
except officers employed as members of the crew engaged in maritime
The new convention allows private placement services provided that they are in
conformity with a system of licensing or certification or other form of regulation.
Ratifying member states shall ensure that no fees or other charges for
recruitment or for providing employment to seafarers are borne directly or
indirectly in whole or in part by the seafarer
The accompanying recommendations set out guidelines for effective co-operation
among the different recruitment services, ship-owners and seafarers. Among
other tasks the competent authority should approve or prescribe standards for the
Purpose: WHO regulations were adopted and came into force in 1959, as
international sanitary regulation which later renamed in International health
regulation in 1969.
Its purpose is to ensure the maximum security against the international spread
of diseases with
minimum interference with world traffic.
Maritime declaration of health.
At every port of call master of ship has to give a declaration of health to
authorized offices which
1. Particulars of ship
2. Ships crew and officers are fit for service on board
3. During the voyage any case of suspected case of plaque cholera or yellow
4. Any illness of infectious nature, death of any person on board during the
voyage otherwise than as a result of accident.
5. Ship is free from rodents and deratting certificate or exemption is valid.
International Health regulations were originally intended to help monitor and
control six serious infectious diseases: cholera, plague, yellow fever smallpox,
relapsing fever and typhus.
Today only cholera plague and yellow fever are notifiable diseases.
Article 81 of IHR states that No health document other than those provided for
in these regulations shall be required in internal traffic.
Separate vaccination certificates were once required for small pox, cholera and
yellow fever. The eradication of small pox was confirmed by WHO more than 10
years ago. It also states that vaccination against cholera cannot prevent the
introduction of infection into a country and the WHO therefore amended the
international health regulations in 1973 so that cholera vaccination should no
longer be required of any traveller. A certificate of vaccination against yellow
fever is the only certificate which should be now required.
In case of Engine room personnel suffering from a contagious disease while on
1. He should be examined by ships designated medical officer
2. After confirmation, master should be informed and the patient should be
shifted to hospital
3. Ensure that Air from the hospital is not recirculated in the ships A/C system
4. Having listed all symptoms and findings relevant section of (shipmasters
medical guide) to be consulted and recommended treatments to be
5. When patient is ill visitors should be discourages when the patient shows
signs of improvement the above ban can be relaxed.
6. willing shipboard personnel must be deputed after taking all possible
precautions to attend the patient and monitor his progress
7. Disposable utensils for drinking, eating must be used.
8. all used bed linens and towels must be sterilized and should not be washed
with the common linen
9. If the conditions of patient does not improve, radio medical advice should be
All actions to be recorded in medical log book and company should be
informed for each happening
17. For the safety, welfare and working condition of seafarer on board ship,
enumerate the various ILO/IMO regulations.
In force 15th July 1977
Amended in 1981, 1987, 1989, 1993 and 2001
38 rules divided in to 5 sections and four annexes.
Deals with rules and regulation for preventing collisions and
technical details
SAR1979 - International convention on Maritime Search and
Rescue 1979
Aims at developing an international search and rescue plan,
irrespective of location of accidents, SAR operations will be
coordinated by SAR organizations.
Entry into force 22nd June 1985
Parties must have adequate SAR services in their coastal water
and to cooperate with other SAR organization.
PAL 1974 Convention relating to the carriage of passengers
and their luggage by sea called Athens convention
In force 28th April 1987
Protocol in 1976, 1990 and 2002
Establish liability regime for damage suffered by passengers
carried on seagoing vessel.
SUA 1988 ( Convention for the suppression of unlawfull acts
against the safety of maritime navigation
ILO -180 Sea farers hours of work and the manning of ships
convention 1996
ILO 163 Sea farers welfare at sea and port convention 1987
ILO 146 Sea fares Annual leave with pay convention 1976
ILO 87 Freedom of association and protection of the right to organize
Convention 1948.
19. An Indian flag vessel collided with another vessel off the coast of India, as a
result few lives were also lost and vessel damaged. In accordance with the
provisions under the Merchant Shipping Act, what steps should be initiated
and who should initiate such steps for the safety of the ships and the marine
Answer:Whenever a shipping accident takes place and comes under the purview of
M.S.Act as a shipping casualty, the master, the pilot or persons in charge of
ship at the time of casualty is required to give notice of this casualty to officer
appointed by the government under the section 358(2) of the M.S.Act. The
proper officers appointed by the government are notified in the official gazette.
Preliminary enquiry:- When an officer appointed under the Act received
information about the shipping casualty, he is required to conduct a
preliminary inquiry about the accident. The purpose of the preliminary enquiry
is to establish the following:
(a) A shipping casualty has occurred within the meaning of Act.
(b) The details of the voyage leading to the casualty.
(c) Events that led to the casualty
(d) Extent to which loss of life or loss of property has occurred due to
shipping casualty
(e) The causes that led to the casualty including act of incompetency,
negligence or misconduct of person or persons is concerned
The preliminary enquiry, which is held under section 359 of M.S.Act is
departmental enquiry and the proceedings of such enquiries are not released
to public. In conducting the preliminary enquiry, the officer has the following
(1)To inform the central government and the state government
concerned where necessary of the detail of the shipping casualties
occurring within their jurisdiction
(2)To go on board the ship and inspect the same including machinery
and equipment, but not unnecessarily detaining or delaying her
from proceeding on any voyage
(3)To enter and inspect any premises to facilitate the completion of
the preliminary enquiry
(4)To summon persons he thinks to take statement to complete the
preliminary enquiry
(5)To demand the production of all log books, documents or papers he
considers necessary for the enquiry
(6)To submit the report to central government
If any person refuses to attend and answer or to produce necessary
evidence or to impede the enquiry, officer should call his attentions to the
power given to him. In case he still refuses, he can take action under
chapter X of the Indian Penal Code.
Persons who may be present at the examination; where the owner or
agent of a ship, a casualty to which is being investigated signifies his desire
to be present but only while witness belonging to the ships at which he is
directly interested are being examined, and he must be requested to
remain silent. He may take note of evidence, if he desires but should not
interfere examination of witnesses. Barring this, no person is to be present
in room during the examination of the witness excepting the deponent. The
officer conducting the enquiry and his clerk and if necessary an interpreter.
Professional lawyers are not admitted in to the proceedings of preliminary
enquiry or formal investigation. Whenever it appears that the event leading
to ship casualty, demand a formal investigation by court, the D.G.Shipping,
by virtue of power delegated to him under section 360 of M.S.Act may
direct the same to be held. On receipt of the order of director general the
proper officer shall make an application to the court of empowered under
361. the objective of court empowered under 361 is not to punish anyone
who may have been at fault, but to throw light on the cause of casualty and
to consider steps to prevent such casualties in future. Only first class
magistrates are empowered to conduct these formal investigations.
The courts are assisted by assessors having the requisite technical
knowledge and are independent of all the interest concerned. The assessor
are appointed by the court out of the list which is maintained by the
Where formal investigation involves or appears likely to involve any
question regarding cancellation or suspension of certificate of competency
of master, mate or engineer, the court shall be assisted by not less than
two assessors having the requisite experience in merchant marine service.
Apart from the officer on whose application this investigation is
undertaken, any person upon whom a notice of investigation has been
served, any other interested parties may be permitted to appear at
investigation and become a party to the proceedings.
On the appointment time and place for holding investigation, the
court can proceed with investigating witness the parties upon whom notice
of investigation have been served are present or not.
Report of court, unless the cancellation or suspension of any officers
certificate is not involved, the court need not tell its decision in open court.
It may send or deliver to the parties a copy of the report as required by 369
of M.S.Act to be transmitted to the central government. The court should
submit its report to the central government in duplicate. Where cancellation
or suspension of officers certificate of competency is involved, the court
may deliver its decision in open court and also send or deliver to the parties
a copy of the report to be transmitted to the central government. Where the
certificate is suspended and the court has recommended a certificate of
lower grade should be issued, the same shall be issued by D.G.Shipping
through the principal officer concerned.
The power to cancel certificate of competency The certificate of
competency may also be cancelled by central government under provision
of 373 of M.S.Act
3) If the ownership of the ship has been changed in the past. Those
instrument of sale is required at the time of registry.
4) Declaration of Ownership :
Owner (i.e. a person/company) should sign a declaration of ownership in the
prescribed format containing following.
Statement containing citizenship of India.
A statement of the time and place where the ship was built. If
the ship was built outside India. in case of a ship previously registered
outside India, a statement of the previously registered name and other
Name of her master
The number of shares (of the ship) held by the individual /
company ( as the case may be) and
A declaration that the particulars stated are true to the best of
his / her knowledge and belief.
What are the various collision liabilities under international maritime
law? How the economic laws in ship collisions are assessed? Highlight your
views on collision and conflicts of law ?
Answer:Collision Liability
When ever by the fault of two or more ships, damage or loss is caused
to one or more of them or to the cargo of one or more of them or to
any property onboard one or more of them the liability to make good
the damage or loss shall be in proportion to the degree in which each
ship was at fault. If it is not possible to establish different degree of
fault, the liability shall be apportioned equally.
Salvage or other expenses, consequent upon that fault, recoverable in
law by way of damages.
When ever loss of life or personal injuries are suffered by any person
onboard a ship owing to the fault of that ship and of any other ship or
ships, the liability of the owners of the ship concerned shall be joint
and several.
When a proportion of the damages is recovered from the owner of one
ship, which exceed proportion in which she was at fault, the said
owner may recover by way of contribution the amount of the excess
from the owner of the other ship or ships to the extend to which those
ship were respectively in fault.
To render to the other ship, her master crew & passengers, it any such
assistance as may be practicable and may be necessary to save them
from any danger caused by the collision.
To give to the master of other ships the name of his ship and of the
port to which she belongs and also name of port from where she
Immediately after collision occurrence, cause a statement thereof to
be entered in official log book, signed by master and also by mate or
one of the crew.
When ship has sustained or caused loss of life or any serious injury to
any person or material damage or hull damage, effecting
seaworthiness, the owner or master shall with in 24 hours transmit to
the central Govt. or the nearest PO with full ship details non
appearance of the ship, owner shall inform Govt. in writing with all
ship details name, official no. port of Registry etc. Internal convention
for unification of certain Rules of law with respect to collision between
vessels, 1910 (Brussels) Ratified by India.
At least one vessel must be a sea going vessel, collision may take
place any where.
Barred after two years. Action for recovery of other ships contribution
barred after one year from date of payment can be extended by the
law of court.
25. Differentiate between official logbook, deck and engine room log books.
Highlight their salient features and differences. Also, enlist the number of
documents, which are handed over by relieved Chief Engineer during signing
off from a vessel.
Answer:Official log book
Must be kept on every ship, unless exempted it is available with
engagement and discharge documents from concerned flag state offices
Must be completed in accordance with M.S. (official log book) regulation
1981, as amended
Must be kept in one book covering all seaman onboard and remains in force
from time of
opening crew agreement until closure of crew agreement.
It must be produced by Master, if demanded to the superintendent/surveyor
or port authorities
Each entry must be dated and the master commits an offence if an entry is
not made, signed and witnessed in accordance with the regulations and the
Supplementary officials logs and records:
Radiotelegraph (W/T) wg
it includes routine tests of equipments in part 1 and part 2 records duty of
radio officer and particulars of messages transmitted and received.
Required under regulation 17(1) of the M.S. (Radio Installations) regulations
1992, be maintained on all vessels and made available for inspection. It
records details of:-
Oil record Book:Under regulation 10 of M.S. regulations 1996, must be kept onboard all
tanker (above 150GT) and all non tankers (above 400GT) for machinery
space operations (all ships);every oil tanker of 150 GT and above must also
have an oil record book (part 2) for cargo and ballast operations.
Record entering and leaving of port, engine movements, change of course etc.
Cargo Record Book
It is required as per regulations. It is a requirement under chemical and gas
carriers codes, as well as for ships carrying noxious liquid substances.
Number of documents handed over by chief engineer during sign off:
1. List of status of surveys/certificates , quarterly listing
2. Condition of class (stated) if any
3. Handing over report
4. Fuel oil, diesel oil/lube oil soundings confirm actual figures
5. Voyage requirements for fuel. Lubes
6. Bunkers expected and consumption record
7. Oil record book
8. PMS status of main, auxiliary and electrical machineries
9. Spares onboard
Stores onboard
Alarm checklist
Critical equipment checklist
Special and precision equipment onboard
Records of port state inspections-LSA/FFA
Cargo equipment maintenance records
Answer :(i) The necessity of proper filing - Proper filing of a document mean it should go in
a proper file with proper no & in proper order at proper time. It should
have month & year section. Once a file is maintained in proper order it.
(i) Efficient control of follow up & verification :- follow up means keep your
self updating regarding the inquiry you have sent for answer it to know
progress. If this communication is a paper correspondence it is very
important to have initial letter no or reference no. if it is an e-mail that it
is always better the whole correspondence should be sent every time if
on communicate.
When you receive any correspondence it is equally important to verify it
by sending a small note that you have received so & so. If follow up for
the queries are kept then it makes easy for the replaying person & it
helps in quick decision so saving time.
All the correspondence carried out including the follow up request should
also be filed.
(ii) Accident investigations - Records are the main key to investigate the
reasons for any accident. The records can tell whom , how this problem
started & what were initial indications what steps were taken to remove
the problem.
All this type of questions can be solved from the records to find out the root
cause of the accident and at the basis of it in feature the root cause of it can
be eliminated and the record will help in avoiding future accidents.
All the documents were filed um proper order so a smooth investigation was
Hence Record Keeping in day to day life is very very important.
(b)The FREIGHT : The amount of money which the charterer has to pay the
owner for hiring of the vessel.
According o the contract both charterer and the owner have their own
responsibilities with respect to the fired costs and the variable costs in the use of
vessel. The charter party are normally claused to allow charterers to sublet the
vessel in whole are impart on condition that the charterer remain responsible to
the shipowner for the performance of original charter.
There are different types of charter parties
1. Voyage Charter
2. Time Charter
3. Bare boat Charter
Freight: The fright is expressed as per ton loaded cargo. This is usually expresses
in dollars per MT or long ton. Freight is the remuneration payable by charters to
the owners for the performance of the contract and may be called charter party
freight. This is normally payable in accordance with the terms of a freight clause
which stipulate the amount of freight the time for payment and the method of
This is often payable under the charter party terms partially or fully in advance
e.g., on loading on
issue of Bill of Lading
Dead freight is not genuine freight but owners compensation for loss of freight,
payable by charterers on a quantity of cargo short shipped i.e., a quantity they
agreed upon but failed to load
A bare boat charter may also be called a charter by demise or demise charter
and is often described as a type of ship financing arrangement.
It will be generally on the BARE CON 89 charter party form
It is used by owners such as banks/finance organization who may not be
prepared to operate or manage ships themselves.
It is a contract for the lease of a vessel for an agreed period. The legal
owner ship continues to vest in the owner but her physical possession,
operation (including manning) and commercial exploitation are the
responsibility of and are the benefit of the charterer.
They often have a purchaser option at the expiry of the charter period and
are frequently linked to management control.
Any bills of lacking for cargo are issued by or on behalf of the charterer and
not on behalf of the legal owner.
The chartered usually pay the owner a fixed hire per month in advance as
detailed in agreement.
The bill landing is the declaration of the master of the vessel by which the
acknowledges that he received the goods on board of his ship and assures that
he will carry the goods to the place of destination for delivery, in the same
condition as he received them against handing of the original bill of landing.
The definition of a bill of lading given in the HAMBURG RULES is the
BILL OF LADING means a document which evidence a contract of carriage
by sea and the taking over of loading of the goods by the carrier, and by which
the carrier undertakes to deliver the goods against surrender of the document.
A provision in the document that the goods are to be delivered to the order
of a named person, or to order or o bearer, constitutes such an undertaking.
The bill of lading serves as a
a) A receipt of the goods by the shipowner acknowledging that the goods of
the stated species, quantity and conditions are shipped to a stated destination
in a certain ship or at least received in custody of the ship owner for the
purpose of shipment.
b) A memorandum of the CONTRACT OF CARRIAGE by which the master
agrees to transport the goods to their destinations all terms of the contract
which was in fact concluded prior to signing of the bill of loading are repeated
on the back of this document
c) A document of little to the goods enabling the consigner to dispose of the
goods by endorsement and delivery of the bill of lading.
LAY TIME: The lay time is the allowed time for loading and unloading of the
vessel. The lay time is determined in the charter party. If this time excelled by
the charterer he has to pay the owner compensation called the
DEMURRAGE: On the other hand if the ship has loaded or discharged
quicker than foreseen then the owner will have o pay the charter a
compensation called dispatch. Lay time consists of a specific number of days
DAYS means a period of 24 consecutive hours running from 0000 to 2400
DEMURRAGE: Rate of amount payable per weather working day a portion
thereof to the ship owner by the charter as penalty for the letters failure to
load or discharge cargo within the lay time specified in the charter party
provided however that the delay was not due to circumstances within the
control of ship owner or beyond control of the chartered.
OFFHIRE: It is the responsibility of the owner to provide the vessel in a
seaworthy condition for the purpose of the contract and the time of contract
making. Owners usually agree to exercise due diligence to make the vessel
seaworthy for each voyage during the charter period.
A term charter party usually contains an undertaking by owners to maintain
the vessel in a good condition throughout the charter period and owners may
be required to keep the vessel in the condition she was stated to be in when
the contract was made. The term off hire means that in certain circumstances
for which the charterer is not responsible, the hire will be temporarily
suspended. So the hire of the vessel is suspended when the charterer cannot
use the vessel for which he had hired it.
The circumstances in which off hire is allowed are given in the charter
party.(eg- dry docking, strike of officers, crew, breakdown of machinery, to
maintain efficiency of the vessel, deficiency of owner stores etc.)
The boiler and piston cleaning is included to allows owners to carryout
maintenance of machinery. This period is normally 48 hours per year. The
vessel goes off hire if period of maintenance is exceeded.
If deviating for owners purpose eg-landing a sick man, repairs, dry dock the
vessels will be off hire from the moment of deviation until she is ready to
resume service in a position not less favourable to the charterers.
A deduction of hire is calculated on the basis of fuel used in deviation
including F.O and D.O at the port deviated to.
But if deviation is for the charterer purposes eg.: stress of weather the vessel
will remain on hire.
What are the basic contracts used in Maritime transportation? Discuss the
basic elements of the time Charter Party and Demise (Bareboat Charter
Parties)? State the conflicts between chartering and Maritime Law?
Answer :Contract is an agreement enforceable by law and exists between owner and ship
manager if any.
Owner, manager and any ship broker fixing the ships employment
Owner, manager and any charterer of the vessel.
Owner, manager and agent appointed at each port.
Master and his employer
Legal carrier and each shipper of goods on vessel.
Owner, manager and various parties engaged during a voyage such as ship
Answer:The duties of the ship-owner/carriers are covered under Article (iii) of Hague
Visby rules.
I) The carrier is obliged to exercise due diligence before and at the beginning
of the voyage in respect of the following:
(a) to make the ship seaworthy
(b) to properly man, equip and supply her
(c) to make the holds and other places where goods are to be carried fit and
safe for their reception carriage and preservation.
II) The carriers duty to exercise due diligence in the above respects is a
paramount duty and an overriding obligation. If subsequently it is established that
loss of or damage to cargo resulted from failure of the carrier to exercise due
diligence, the carrier will not be permitted to avail of the benefit of the protection,
otherwise available to him under the rules.
III) The carrier is obliged to properly and carefully load handle, stow, carry and
discharge the cargo. The carrier must have a proper system for taking care of
cargo during the time he is in custody thereof. This provision includes aspects
such as security, ventilation, maintenance of required temperature and avoidance
of contamination
(IV) The carrier must demand of the shipper, a bill of loding showing (a) Leading
marks necessary for identification of goods. (b) Number of packages or the
quantity or weight in writing by the shipper (c) The apparent order and condition
of goods.
(V) A bill of lading issue as above must be a shipped Bill of lading, provided that
the shipper has surrendered any Mates Receipt or Received for shipment Bill of
lading (issued prior to the issue of the bill of lading)
such a Bill of Lading is also a prima-facia evidence of receipt of goods as
described therein but proof to the contrary is not admissible where the B/L has
been endorsed/transferred to a third party acting in good faith.
(i) Unless the value of goods has been declared by the shipper before shipment
and has been inserted in the Bill of lading the carriers liability for loss of or
damage to goods is limited as provided in the rules
(ii) Under the Hague Rules, the carriers liability was restricted to G.B. pounds 100
(gold equivalent) per package-unless of course a higher limit had been mutually
(iii) By Hague Visby amendments in 1968, the above limit was raised to 10,000
francs per package or 30 francs per kilogram (whichever is higher). A frame
meant 65.5 mgs of gold of 900/1000 fineness (90% pure gold)
(iv) By amendments in 1979, the above limits were further raised to 666.67 SDRs
per package or 2SDRs per kg.
(v) The 1968 amendment provided that where a container/pallet or similar article
of transport is used to consolidate goods, the number of packages mentioned in
the B/L as packed in such article of transport shall be deemed to be the number of
packages as far as these units are concerned.
(i) The shipper is the person who has a legally binding contract with the carrier. It
is the shippers responsibility to provide accurate information about the cargo.
(ii) Following information must be included in the B/L
(a) Shippers identity
(b) Vessel name
(c) Port of loading
(d) Port of discharge
(e) Quantity of cargo.
As far as possible the master should insert words viz., shipper figures or shore
figures or weight and quantity unknown to protect he carrier from claim short
loading date of loading (g) condition of goods (h) freight (i) condition of carriage
(iii) The shipper has to clearly declare, the nature of goods being shipped when
goods are being shipped without the knowledge of consent of carrier, the carrier is
free to jettison land or destroy the goods without any liability.
(iv) The shipper is responsible for all damages and expenses resulting from the
shipment of dangerous goods, even when such goods are shipped with carriers
knowledge. The carrier can deal with the goods when they become dangerous to
the ship without any liability except general average. But in such a case, the
shipper is not liable for any consequential loss.
1. If the value of goods has not been declared in the B/L the shipper will
get only 666.6 SDRs per package or 2 SDRs per kg
Answer:Charter : is the contract between the ship owner and the chatterer for the use of
a ship or her cargo space for a particular voyage or for series of voyages,
or for a stipulated period of time.
o Contracts for carriage of specified quantities of cargo in specified
vessels between specified ports i.e., voyage charter.
o Contracts for hire of specified vessels, including
o time charters
o bare boat charters (also know as "demise charters).
Bareboat charter :
is a contract for the hire of a vessel for an agreed period during which
the charterers acquire most of the rights of the owners.
is most usually on the BARECON 89 charter party form
is used by owners such as banks & finance houses who are not prepared
to operate or manage ships themselves.
may be hinged to a purchase option after expiry of the charter or during
the hire period.
In essence the vessel owners put the vessel at the complete disposal of
the charters and pay the capital costs, but no other costs. The charters
have commercial and technical responsibility for the vessel, and pay all
costs except capital costs.
The "BARECON A" from under which the owners bear responsibility for
insurance premiums, was designed by BIMCO for short period chartering.
The "BARECON B" form was designed as a long-period, financial type of
contracts, mainly for new buildings although it can be modified for
second -hand tonnage. The charters are responsible for insurance
BARECON 89 is an amalgamation of the BARECON "A" and "B" forms.
There will be an arrangement for on hire survey.
In the case of new ship building the survey procedures can be done in
the yard itself according to the agreement. Other cases there is a
thorough examination considering the following points.
Bunkers on board
Stores & spares on board.
General condition of the vessel.
Certificates validity
- Tanks condition
- Sea worthiness.
As a Chief engineer, he is responsible for maintaining the equipment in
good condition. Bunker on board to be properly calculated and kept
ready for the surveyors to check cleanliness and proper P.M.S. system
has to be maintained in view of seaworthiness. It is a more stringent
survey since the charter take the responsibility of the vessel in full
respect except capital cost. All crew members to be aware of the safety
procedure and safe working practices according to the company's quality
management system. In this regard proper training and briefing to be
given before surveys.
Voyage Charter : is a contract for the carriage by a named vessel of a
specified quantity of cargo between named posts or places.
The ship owner basically agrees that he will present the named vessel for
loading at the agreed place within an agreed period of time an following
loading, will carry the cargo to the agreed place, where he will deliver the
The charter agrees to provide for loading, within the agreed period of
time, the agreed quantity of the agreed commodity, to pay the agreed
amount of freight, and to take delivery of the cargo at the destination
In effect the chatterers hire the cargo capacity of the vessel and not the
entire vessel.
The owner must provide the master and crew, act as carrier and pay all
running and voyage costs, unless the charter party specifically provides
The survey under voyage charter is not very strict as compared to other
charter party : The charter mainly interested on sea worthiness and
condition of the cargo space. The surveyor look for whether the vessel
can carry the cargo of particular quantity and to be able to discharge
within an agreed period of time.
As a Chief Engineer he should take care of cargo hold/ tank, cargo gear
It any repairs to be necessary to keep in good condition, that has to be
carried-out. He has to prove that the ship is able to carry the cargo safely
and vessel able to reach in proper time which is agreed.
Time charter : is a contract for the hire of a named vessel for a
specified period of time.
The charters agree to hire from the ship owner a named vessel, of
specific technical characteristics, for an agreed period of time, for the
chatterers purposes subject to agreed restrictions. The hire period of
time, for the charters purposes subject to agreed restrictions. The hire
period may be the duration of one voyage (a "trip charter") or anything
up to several years ("period charters")
The ship owner is responsible for vessels running expenses i.e., manning
repairs and maintenance, stores, masters and crews wages, hull and
machinery insurance, etc. He operates the vessel technically, but not
commercially. The owner bear no cargo handling expenses and do not
normally appoint stevedores.
The charters are responsible for the commercial employment of the
vessel, bunker fuel purchase and insurance, port and canal dues
(including pilot age, towage, linesmen etc.), and all loading stowing /
trimming / discharging arrangements and costs.
A directions and logs clause requires the charters to provide the master
with all instruction and sailing directions and the master and Chief
Engineer to keep full and correct logs accessible to the chatterers or their
agents so that they can monitor the vessels efficiency stevedoring
damage notification forms and log abstracts will usually be required to be
rent to the chatterers.
(b) Responsibilities of a
(a) WORLD SCALE: This is used for tankers cargoes whereby freight rates are
quoted with reference to an international scale called the new Worldwide
Tanker Nominal Freight Scale or World Scale in short. This is used as a
reference by the parties in the tanker market to easily compare and evaluate
freight rate for all the different voyages and market levels.
Charter Party clauses specific to voyage charter:Freight:- This clause specifies the freight rate, how the freight will be
calculated, when it must be paid etc. Freight is the remuneration payable by
the charterers to the owners for the performance of the contract. In voyage
charter , freight is paid on the cargo carried & is directly proportional to the
volume of the cargo carried. At times dead-freight may be payable to the
owners by the charterers. It is not a genuine freight, but owners
compensation for lost freight payable by the charterers on a quantity of cargo
short-shipped, i.e. a quantity which charterer agreed but failed to supply.
Loading & Discharging costs clause:- This clause allocates the responsibility
for the costs of cargo handling. The responsibility for cargo handling can be of
the charterers which is termed as FIO, or it can be the owners responsibility.
Provisions regulating the rate of loading & discharging:- This clause covers
demurrage & despatch claims. Demurrage is an agreed amount payable to
the owner in respect to the delay beyond the laytime, for which owners are
not responsible.
Despatch:- if the cargo operations are completed before expiry of laytime, a
monetary reward is normally payable by the owners to the charterer.
Despatch is defined as an agreed amount payable by the owners if the vessel
completes loading or discharging before the laytime has expired.
Preamble:- This clause identifies parties to the contract, specifies the
identity of the vessel(name, flag, cargo capacity, class etc.)
Charter Party clauses specific to time charter:Hire:- This clause specifies the charterers obligation to pay hire at the
specified rate, until redelivery. In case of time charter, the hire paid is
dependent on the period of hire. The volume of the cargo carried has no
relation to the charter hire & is directly proportional to the period of the
Cargo handling:- In time charters, the responsibility of cargo handling lies
on the charterers. The time charterers normally appoint stevedores for cargo
Charterers to provide:- This clause specifies the obligation of the charterer
to pay for port charges, pilotage, canal dues, tug assistance etc.
Bunkers:- Under time charter, the charterers provide the bunkers to the
vessel. This clause obliges the charterer to buy the bunkers r.o.b. at the time
of delivery, obliges the owners to buy back the bunkers r.o.b. at the time of
re-delivery. It specifies the minimum quantity of bunkers to remain on board
at re-delivery.
Owners to provide:- Obliges the owners to pay for running expenses like
wages, provisions, stores, insurance, repairs and surveys, etc.
Preamble:- This clause identifies the parties to the contract. Identifies the
vessel(name, flag, ownership, class, tonnages, horsepower etc.) Speed and
fuel consumption are given in the charter party in function of determined
weather conditions.(e.g. in good weather and smooth waters.) and are always
(about) allowing a certain margin. Speed and fuel consumption are vitally
important for determining whether the vessel is performing the contract
efficiently. Charterers provide the master with all voyage instructions &
sailing directions. Vessels deck and engine room log books are to be kept
available for charterers inspection.
Off-hire clause:- This clause provides that no hire will be paid for any time in
excess of the stated no. of hours, if the vessel goes out of service due to
machinery breakdown, shortage of stores, dry docking etc.
The scope of activities of a Chief Engineer & his responsibilities
on a ship under voyage charter:o Initially when the ship has to be presented to the charterers, i.e. in an onhire survey the C/E should pay attention to the general condition of vessels
machinery & machinery spaces. Cargo gear should be working satisfactorily
o During the ship under voyage charter, the C/E should always make sure that
the vessel is seaworthy at all times in respect of the vessels machinery.
o A reasonable & careful inspection of all the machineries on board should be
done by the C/E before commencement of a voyage.
o If cargo handling responsibility lies with the ship owner, than C/E should
ensure that vessels cargo gears are properly maintained & in working
condition. The cargo gears include deck cranes for a bulk carrier & COPs in
case of a tanker
The scope of activities of a chief engineer & his responsibilities on
a time chartered vessel: At the time of on-hire survey, the C/E should accurately calculate the
bunkers r.o.b. so that there is not any discrepancy in the bunker
Since the charterers provide bunkers to the vessel, C/E should always
calculate the quantity of bunkers at all times.
The vessels speed & fuel oil consumption are dictated by the
charterers, the C/E should make every effort to oblige the charterers
40. Differentiate between third party liability and contractual liability. When
the ship owner seek to limit his liability?
Answer:THIRD PARTY LIABILITY:- When an agreement is signed by the parties(may be
2 or more) they agree on certain conditions and goals written in agreement.
They also get certain liability to wards each other for successful achieving of
the goals. But by any reason, a third party gets affected, then liability towards
the third party is called THIRD PARTY LIABILITY. E.g. compensation required to
pay to affected cost during oil pollution becomes third party liability. There is
no such agreement between ship owner and coast; cause may be any line
operational accident, but coast get affected due to pollution. So ship owner
takes P&I insurance cover in respect to third party liability during ship
operation. Hence he would give to limit his liability(third party) with regard
to:1) Collision liability, th that is not covered in H&M insurance policy.
2) Liability of damage to its cargo of the vessel in case of collision
3) Damage done by ship to other floating/fixed installations
4) Pollution damage caused by his ship and cost involved in oil clean up &
other persons property
5) Third party injuries/death claims etc.
6) Wreck and salvage liability
7) Diversion expenses
8) Fine and penalties for not following rules etc.
9) Any other claims made by third party
CONTRACTUAL LIABILITY:- During any agreement both parties agree for
certain terms and conditions for achieving particular goals and interests. So
some liabilities are set towards achieving goals. As agreement is signed by
them, the liabilities are called Contractual Liabilities. Liability does not come
in picture if everything runs smoothly, but if anything goes wrong then
liability comes into picture.
Ship owner takes following types of contract:
1) With employee
2) With flag state administration for safe operation, to compliance with
national/international regulations/conventions
3) Contract with cargo owner
4) Contract with salver or tug owner
5) Contract with class and his fees and survey
6) Repair contract etc.
So there is no mandatory requirement for party to take any type of policy
except civil liability for oil pollution damage.
Rest is all up to ship owner and cargo owner or other party involved in
maritime adventure to cover for various liabilities or bear themselves.
Ship owner may limit his liability covering:-
(1) With Employee:- Ship owner provides safe plant equipment and safe
environment policy and their due care so that he would like to limit his
liability regarding;(a)
Their medical expenses
(b) Compensation to be paid in case of injury or death
Breach to anything intentionally or unintentionally by employee
which would land him in trouble
(2) With flag state/administration:- Registering vessel under administration,
responsibility for safe operation and compliance with relevant rules and
regulations. So would like to limit his liabilities regarding:(a) Any breach caused by ship
(b)Oil pollution caused by ship in their territory
(c) Other cost involved in landing sick people or stevedore or other
(3) With local agency:- would like to limit his liability regarding:(a) Agency fee
(b)Claim by agent
(c) Claim arises if agent breaches the contract or any conflict
(d)Any damage or injury caused to their personnel
(4) With salver or tug agency:- Ship requires their services often, so
owner would like to limit his liability regarding:(a) Tug hire rate
(b)Damage caused to tug and their personnel
(c) Salvers award or any claim made by salver in rendering his
(5) With Class:- Ship requires class for trading so having contract with
class, owner can limit his liabilities.
(6) Repair Contract:- M/c is running, so requires maintenance; hence
having contract with repair party, ship owner can limit his liability.
For eg. Pay annual fee for repair and maintenance of particular m/c
instead of only calling for visit every time.
What is a general average act? Name the essential features of a
general average act.
Answer:- A general Average Act is defined in rule A of the York Antwerp rules
1994 Marine insurance Act as follows:
There is general average act when any extraordinary sacrifice or
expenditure is intentionally & reasonably made on incurred for the common
safety for the purpose of presenting from peril the property involved in a
common maritime adventure.
Essential features of General Average Act:
In order to have a right to claim a contribution from other parties to the
common maritime adventure the owners at the vessel which together with
as cargo & any other properly have been from danger, must be able to show
that there was a general average act.
So essential elements are
Examples of sacrifices that may be allowed under Act are
Cargo jettisoned to refloat a grounded vessel or prevent capsizing of
dangerously lighted vessel.
(ii) M/C damage sustained during refloat
operation examples of
42. State the different types of Marine Insurance policies that could be undertaken
by owners, shippers or other related parties Explain the salient liabilities and
exclusions related with each case for an insurer.
Ans. There are various types of marine insurance policies available and they could
broadly be classified into 5 types.
Claims arising from unfitness of vessel ware risk and strike risk cover is
available for cargo insurance for an additional premium for long term
insurance, open cover policy and floating policies are available.
43. With reference to marine insurance, write short notes on the following.
(a)Port of refuge (b) particular average and General average (c)Total loss and
Constructive loss
Answer:(a) Port of refuge : It is a port on place that a vessel diverts to when her
master considers it unsafe to continue the voyage due to a peril that threatens its
Where such a deviation is for the preservation from peril of the property
involved is a
common maritime adventure, it will generally constitute a
general average act.
Where the ship-owner or carrier is a party to a contract of carriage,
discontinuation of the voyage is deviation from the contract
A deviation to a pent of refuge will be regarded as a justifiable deviation if the
reasons for the deviation can be shown to be a valid one within the terms of the
contract. In such a case all contractual
rights will be unaffected.
Valid reasons for deviating to a port of refuge usually include:
the ship
A serious Fire
Any other accident causing a serious threat to the vessel on her cargo
Shortage of bunker
Paragraph (a) of Rule X Expenses at pent of refuge etc of the York- Antwerp
Rules 1994 provides that when a ship shall have entered a port of refuge fro any
of the above mentioned reasons, the expenses incurred shall be admitted as
General Avg.
A pent or place where a vessel seeks temporary shelter is not a port of refuge
(Eg. Due to adverse weather) since running for shelter is ordinary practice and
not extraordinary in context of Rule A of the York Antwerp Rules.
Particular Average and general Average
A marine loss may be either:1. A total loss or
2. A partial loss (termed average)
Partial Loss
A partial loss may be either:
1. Particular average (PA) i.e., accidental partial loss
or 2.General average(GA) i.e., intentional partial loss
Particular Average:
General Average:
44. Why does a ship require Marine Insurance cover? Explain Hull Claims and
Cargo Claims related with Marine Insurance. State the related documents and
information required from the ship in this regard highlighting their validity.
Answer:Marine Insurance is a method where by one party called assuror or
underwriter, agrees for a stated consideration known as a premium, to
indemnify another party, called the insured or assured, against loss, damage or
expense in connection with the commodities at risk if caused by perils
enumerated in the contract known as a policy of insurance. The policy pledge
to compensate the insured by does not guarantee the continued existence or
the replacement of the good itself.
Insurance provides individuals and organisations with financial protection
against the outcome of events which involve monetary loss or liabilities which
could not be predicted or anticipated and over which they have no effective
control. In the case of ship-owner or ship manager insurance is usually
confined to financial consequences of damage to its own ship, damage to the
peoples property or death or injury to people all ship-owner and shipping
merchants should insure this property against the loss or damage. They are not
legally bound to insure except for liability of oil pollution claim. However the
modern methods of financing trade and shipping makes it essential that they
do so. The capital exposed to loss in modern ship is so huge that no company
can afford to bear the liability incurred. Besides most of the tonnage is
mortgaged to banks and other financial institutions and they require insurance
as collateral security.
Hull Insurance claims :
Following any cases of Hull damage e.g. collision, grounding etc. ship
owner/managers insurance dept. will normally immediately inform H & M lead
underwriter via broker. As per clause 49 of IHC 1.11.02, lead underwriter will
instruct a surveyor to ascertain the nature, cost and extent of the damage,
necessary repairs and fair and reasonable cost there of and any other matter
which leading underwriter or surveyor considers relevant. The lead underwriter
will make decision in respect of any claim within 28 days of receipt by them of
the appointed average adjusters final adjustment or, if no adjuster is
appointed, a full document claim presentation sufficient to enable the
underwriter to determine their liability in relation coverage and quantum. The
underwriter all discharged from the liabilities of the claim if it is not notified
within 180 days of the assured becoming aware of accident or occurrence.
Documents and information required from the ship.
In addition to copies of the relevant insurance policies (which will be supplied
by the owner), documents and information listed below may be required to
accompany a claim lodged by owners against underwriters
Deck and E/R logbooks covering the casualty and the repair
Cargo Claims :
1) When cargo loss or damage is discovered a delivery note or consignment
note will be claused with a note of the loss or damage.
2) The cargo owners will immediately inform his insured if it is outside UK, this is
done thro the local Lloyds agent in case of Lloyds policy.
3) If loss or damage is extensive underwriters will normally ask for a survey
report. This is arranged by Lloyds agent, who can appoint surveyor and pay
small claims locally.
4) After the claim is quantified and documented the underwriter settles the
claim thro Lloyds agents,
5) Underwriter then decides (under the doctrine of subrogation) whether or not
claim is worth pursuing against carrier.
6) If he decides to pursue the claim be immediately makes a written claim on
the carrier, failure to claim may prejudice his right of recovery.
7) The claim (including surveyors fee) is settled by the carrier in the currency
stated in the policy or on the certificate of insurance.
8) The carrier if a PI member then claims on his club policy.
Documents usually required are :
Bill of landing / Airway bill, commercial invoice, insurance certificate, copy of
Notice of claim reported against carrier, Documentation related to outturn /
receipt of goods, local carriers way bill where applicable, copy of temperature
records, where available copy of instructions to carrier regarding carriage
temperature, where applicable invoices to confirm salvage / sale price.
45. What are the principles of modern salvage law? What is general average?
Explain with context to
general average (i) Entitlement (ii)Artificial
(iii)Adjustment (iv)Contestation
Answer:Salvage can be described as a service rendered to save maritime property in
danger. Salvage can be characterized by the following:
1. Salvage service must be voluntary
2. Salvage property must be recognized maritime property
3. Subject must be in danger
4. Salvage must be successful.
Let us look at above in detail1) Vessel crew pilot cannot claim salvage as they are bounded by contract to
protect the vessel and its cargo from danger. Tugs arranged previously for to
wage cannot claim salvage. However tugs called in an emergency tacs claim
2) Subject can be vessel cargo special equipment on board ship boundaries as
any other maritime property out risk of being lost if salvage is not rendered.
Provisions crews effect etc o not qualify for salvage
3) Dangers must be at commencement of salvage. However it might not be
immediately present or imminent eg., a vessel which has lost its propeller is
not if any immediate danger, if it is at sea however, if may taken lead to
4) Salvage claim is paid out of the value of the property saved hence salvage
must be successful (at least partly). Hence the term No cure no pay viz if
salvage operation is unsuccessful there can be no value to effect payment.
Beneficiaries of salvage are liable to pay salvage
These includes
Owner of vessel
Owner of any special equipment fitted on board
Charters of vessel
Owners of salved cargo
Owners of bankers on board
Answer:- (a) Lloyds Open Form:- The first modern text of the Lloyds form of
Salvage Agreement known as Lloyds Open Form or LOF was adopted in 1892.
Since then Lloyds Open Form has undergone ten revisions; the current version
is LOF 2000. LOF is the most widely used no-cure-no-pay Salvage Contract. In
return for salvage service, the salver receives a proportion of salved values,
the value of the ship, its bunker & cargo. Traditional removal depends upon
success, and the recovery of property. In the past, if there was no recovery,
there was no payment; whatever the expenses of the operation. This has
changed in recent years so that whenever there is a threat of damage to the
environment, the salver can expect a fair return for his efforts, even in high risk
and low property value situations.
(b) General Average:- GA is one of the oldest forms of spreading of risk by
all the interest of a maritime adventure namely ship, cargo, freight (if at risk).
Freight is at risk when it is to be paid at destination. Thus when freight is prepaid it is not at risk.
The sacrifice or expenditure must be of extraordinary nature. Damage to
a ship, her machinery or equipment whilst being used for the purpose for which
they are intended, would not amount to general average. On the other hand
using a ships engines in an effort to re-float when stranded would if the engine
were damaged as a result, be an extraordinary sacrifice.
(c) Particular Average:- This is defined by the marine insurance as a
particular loss of the subject matter insured caused by a peril insured against
which is not a general average. It may perhaps be more directly described as a
partial loss arising from any kind of accident. General Average, sacrifices and
expenditures, particular charges and salvage charges do not arise by accident;
and therefore are not included in Particular Average. A Particular Average loss
falls directly upon the party interested in the subject matter. In the case of
accidental or fortuitous damage to the ship, it is the ship owner, or, to the
extent that he is insured against such loss, his underwriters, who must bear the
loss. Similarly in the case of accidental damage to cargo, the loss rests with the
cargo owner or his underwriter.
There are innumerable variations of particular average, including such
things as:o Stranding of ship in bad weather
o Loss of masts or spurs through heavy weather
o Damage to hull, machinery or cargo due to heavy weather or fire
47. As per the Marine Insurance Act, write short notes on the following
(a) Deviation (b) Warranties (c) War Risk Clause (d) Charterers Contribution
Answer:The Marine Insurance Act 1963 (N/A 1963) of India is substantially a reproduction
of its
English counter parts, the Marine Insurance Act 1906. The Act codifies the law
relating to marine Insurance i.e., it defines various terms of the contract and their
amplified contents.
Insurance provides individuals and organizer with financial protection against
the outcome of events which involve monitory loss or liabilities which were not
anticipated or protected and over which they have no effective control. In case of
ship owner or ship manager insurance is usually confined to the financial
consequences if damage to its own ship, damage to other people, property or
death/injury to people.
As per the MIA section 46(1) where a ship worthout lawful excuse, deviates from
the voyage contemplated by the policy, the insurer is discharged from liability as
from the time of deviation and it is immaterial that the ship may have regained
her route before any loss occurs.
Section 46(2)
There is a deviation from the voyage contemplated by the policy (a) Where the
course of the voyage is specifically designated by the policy and that coarse is
departed from or (b) Where the course of voyage Is not specifically designated by
the policy, but the usual or so many course is departed from.
Section 46(3)
The intention to deviate is immaterial; there must be deviation in fact to discharge
the insurer from his liability under the contract.
The next section 47(1) of N/A which requires consideration is that relating o a
voyage when there are several ports of discharge.
Where several ports of discharge are specified by the policy, the ship may
proceed to all or any of them, but in the absence if any usage of sufficient cause
to the contrary. She must proceed to them or such of them as he goes to, in the
order designated by the policy. If she does not than there is a deviation.
47(2) Where policy is to ports of discharge within a given area which are not
named the ship must in the absence of any usage or sufficient cause to the
contrary proceed to them, or such of them as she goes to, in their geographical
order. If she does not there is a deviation. The section 48 deals with voyage policy.
In case of a voyage policy, the adventure insured must be . Throughout its
course with reasonable dispatch and if without lawful excuse it is not so
prosecuted, the insuler is not discharged from liability from the time when the
delay becomes reasonable.
Section 49(1)
Deviation or delay in prosecuting the voyage contemplated by the policy is
a) Where authorized by any special term in policy
b) Where caused by the circumstances beyond the control of the master and
his employer
c) Where reasonable necessary in order to comply with an express or implied
d) Where reasonably necessary for the safety of the ship or subject matter
e) For the purpose of saving human life, or aiding a ship in distress where
human life may be in danger
f) Where reasonably necessary for the purpose of obtaining medical or
surgical aid for any person on board the ship
Section 49(2)
When the cause excusing the deveator or delay ceases to operate, the ship must
resume her course and prosecute her voyage with reasonable dispatch.
Section 33(1) of the N/A defines a warranty as a promissory warranty, i.e., to say
the warranty by which the assured undertakes that some particular things share
or shall not be done, or that some condition shall be fulfilled, or whereby he
affirms or negatives the existence of a particular mate of fact
A warranty may be expressed or impled.
Express Warranty: An expressed warranty must be written into the policy in any
form of words or contained in some document incorporated by ref. into the policy.
An express warranty does not override an amplified warranty unless the two
Implied warranty: There are not written in the policy but are implied by law to
exist in the contract. There are 2 major important warranties in marine insurance
(a) Seaworthiness: The hip at the commencement of the voyage be seaworthy, for
the purpose of the particular voyage insured in voyage policy. Where with
the assured knowledge and consent, a ship is sent to sea in unseaworthy state,
the insurer is not liable for any loss attributable to unseaworthiness.
(b)Legality: There is an implied warranty that the adventure insured (voyage time
are mixed policy) is lawful and that so far as the assured can control it. The
adventure will be carried out in a lawful manner. If the adventure is illegal at
the time of the insurance is effected, the policy will be void. Thus drug running
or gun running trips or voyages to countries or ports subject to a Govt.
embargo would be deemed unlawful).
marine I A includes war perils within he meaning of the term (Maritime perils).
With respect to the hull insurance in order to cover war risks it was at one time
customary to delete the (free of capture and seizure) clause (fc & s) and institute
the war clause. When the ordinary marine insurance market found itself unable to
give adequate cover on account of the enormous losses suffered during the war.
So the cover was obtained by mutual insurance through P&I club. During 1st world
war a scheme was brought into operation under which vessel could be covered
80% by the Govt and 20% by the clubs. At the end of war Govt dropped out.
With respect to cargo insurance goods are .. insurable against war risks in any
part of the world by the simple expedient of deleting FC&S clause in the cargo
policy and institute war clause on the contract of insurance. Premiums would be
adjusted accordingly. There are also special war clauses drafted to suit the
requirements of particular traders.
Charter Contribution Clause
Where there is 6A loss (general average loss or a personal loss) followed as a
direct consequence of 6/A act. It states that cohere any extraordinary sacrifice or
expenditure is voluntary and reasonably made or incurred in time of peril for the
purpose of preserving the property imperelled in the common adventure.
It should be noticed that the 6/A act embraces both a general average sacrifice
and a general average expenditure. When there is a 6/A loss the party on whom it
falls is entitled to a ratable contribution from the other interested parties. The
parties benefiting by the sacrifice or expenditure may be:
1. The ship owner for the value of the ship saved
2. Cargo owner for the value of the cargo saved
3. The ship owner in respect of freight payable by charter party or bulls of
leading or charter here money
4. The charter under a time charter, for freights payable under bills of lading.
Each will be called upon to contribute according to the value of his interest saved
as a result of the sacrifice or expenditure, the main contributing interest are
therefore ship, freight and cargo. All there contribute to their net values at the
place where the voyage ends or is abandoned. Such values are called contributory
48. State the different types of Marine Insurance policies that could be
undertaken by owners, shippers or other related parties Explain the salient
liabilities and exclusions related with each case for an insurer.
Answer:- There are various types of marine insurance policies available and they
could broadly be classified into 5 types.
1. Time policy - Insures property for a period of time.
2. Voyage policy - It insures property from one place to another it may
include a date limit.
3. Mixed policy - It covers both a voyage and a period of time of voyage and
in port after arrival.
4. Construction policy - It insures vessel while in course of construction not
for a period of time.
Floating policy - cargo policy that insures a number of shipments. In
Canada & US this policy is continuous and covers all shipments to a
limit of liability for any 1 loss.
The marine insurance policies that a ship owner can take are
Hull & machinery policy
Protection & indemnity cover.
The insurance policies for a cargo owner include
Marine cargo insurance
Goods in transit insurance.
Hull and machinery policies :
These are usually time policies with a maximum period of 12 months.
Normally the items covered will be clearly stated in the clauses of each
policy. Any extra port to be covered will raise the insurance premium.
Perils include 1) Peril of seas 2) Fire / explosion 3) theft from outside 4)
Jettison 5) Piracy 6) Earthquake volcanic eruption, lightening 6) accidents
during loading or discharging 7) Machinery damage 8) Latent defects in
machinery or hull 9) Negligence of master, officer or crew 10) 3/4 collusion
liability items not covered under insurance include 11) loss / damage eg
insurer deliberately set fire to ship caused by willful misconduct willful
negligence by owner. 12) loss of charter hire due to delays 13) loss due to
wear and team 14) war risk cover.
Cost for scraping & painting vessel underwater part due to fouling
Valuation clause i.e. in case the vessel is a constructive total loss,
salvage values are not considered.
loss / damage from nuclear weapon or by radioactive material.
P & I cover is available fro the following
Cargo claims 2) crew claims 3) claims for various fines eg. customs
times immigration fine for improper documentation fine due to
misconduct of crew etc 4) Collision liability covering the 1/4 liability not
covered by H & m insurance 5) liability against collision with fixed or
floating objects 6) third party injury & death claims 7) oil pollution
liability 8) miscellaneous claims.
Restrictions on P & I cover include :
Deviation 2) delivery of cargo at port other then port specified in the
contract of carriage. 3) failure to arrive or late arrival at port of loading
4) delivery of cargo without bill of lading 5) Out dated bill of lading 6)
clean bill of lading in respect to damaged cargo 7) arrest or detention.
Cargo insurance policies :
The policies will incorporate institute of cargo clause A B or Institute of
cargo clause C : This covers only against major casualties eg fire,
explosion, grounding or vessel stranded, sinking or capsizing, collusion
or contact disc at port of distress general average sacrifice and jettison.
Institute of cargo clause B : In addition to the above will also cover
casualties like earthquake, volcanic eruption, lightening strike washing
obd entry of sea.
Institute of cargo clause A - Offers cover against all possible risks.
Items excluded from maritime cargo insurance policy are
Claims resulting from insufficient or in suitable packing or protection of
matter insured.
Claims for loss or damage arising from financial default of owners
company cannot be responsible for performance of the carrier and this
exclusion is aimed at encouraging the use of reputable company.
Claims arising from use of nuclear weapons.
Give a brief history of P & I Clubs highlighting its inception, and
growth. It is said Rebirth of P & I Clubs is due to growth of Third Party
Liabilities- Elucidate.
Ans. Shipowners insure against loss of or damage to their ships with hull
underwriters. They look to the P&I Clubs for insurance against their liabilities to
others. P&I stand for Protection and Indemnity. Shipowners take P&I insurance
cover in respect of third party liabilities and expenses arising from owning ships or
operating ships as principals. An insurance mutual, a Club, provides collective selfinsurance to its members. The membership is comprised of a common interest
group who wish to pool their risks together in order to obtain at cost insurance
The beginning of the P&I Clubs
The present P&I Clubs are the remote descendants of the many small hull
insurance Clubs that were formed by British shipowners in the 18th century. These
were set up by groups of shipowners, drawn in each case from a small
geographical area, who were dissatisfied with the scope and cost of the hull
insurance then provided by the two companies who had been granted in 1720 a
statutory monopoly which excluded other companies from such business, namely
the Royal Exchange Assurance and the London Assurance, and by individuals
operating in London from, for example, Lloyds Coffee House. These hull Clubs
were essentially unincorporated associations or co-operatives of shipowners who
came together to share with each other their hull risks on a mutual basis, each
being at the same time an insured and an insurer of others - still the basic
concept of the present P&I Clubs, despite the fact that they are now incorporated
so that in law it is the Club and not the individual Members who provide the
Temporary decline of the P&I Clubs
After the removal in 1824 of the company monopoly in favor of the Royal
Exchange and the London Assurance, greater competition had a salutary effect on
the rates, terms of cover and service offered by the commercial market and by
Lloyds underwriters. The hull Clubs became less necessary and went into decline.
A few exist today, but their share of the total market is not very significant.
Rebirth due to Growth of Third Party Liabilities
But as the hull Clubs declined, shipowners found the need to create similar
associations for a different purpose. The need sprang partly from the steady
increase from the middle of the 19th century onwards in the burden upon British
shipowners of liabilities to third parties. It became more usual for injured
crewmembers to seek compensation from their employers, and claims by
dependants of crewmembers who were killed were facilitated by Lord Campbells
Act of 1846. The possibility of claims by passengers was greatly increased by the
same Act and by the vast numbers of passengers who constituted the flood of
emigrants to North America and Australia in the second half of the century.
Shipowners needed cover against these risks. They were also becoming
increasingly aware of the inadequacy of the insurance cover that they did have in
respect of damage caused by their ships in collisions with other ships. The usual
cover for claims by other ships and their cargo for damage caused in collision
excluded altogether one fourth of such damage and, more seriously, was limited
in amount (apparently the maximum recovery under the policy, including both
damage to the insured ship and liability for the damage it had caused, was the
insured value of the ship).
Eventually, in 1855, the first protection association was formed. This was the
Shipowners Mutual Protection Society, the predecessor of the Britannia P&I Club.
It was intended to operate like a mutual hull club, but to cover liabilities for loss of
life and personal injury and also the collision risks excluded from the current
marine policies, particularly the excess above the limits in those policies. Other
similar associations were formed.
In 1874 the risk of liability for loss of or damage to cargo carried on board the
insured ship was first added to the cover provided by a protection Club. The
values of cargoes had risen and cargo underwriters had become keener on
recovering their losses from shipowners, in which they were encouraged by a
somewhat more sympathetic approach by the courts. After 1874 many Clubs
added an indemnity class to provide the necessary cover. Subsequently, most of
these separate classes have been amalgamated with the class reserved for the
original protection risks, and today the distinction between the two classes has
virtually disappeared within the P&I Clubs.
While all the original P&I Clubs were based on various towns and cities within the
United Kingdom, Clubs were subsequently established and today flourish in
Scandinavia, in the United States and in Japan. Most of the major Clubs now
belong to the International Group for reinsurance and other purposes. Moreover,
many Clubs originally based in the UK have comparatively recently been reformed in such places as Bermuda and Luxembourg in order to secure, in respect
of Clubs funds representing calls or premiums paid by their Members but not yet
used for the payment of claims, freedom from exchange controls. Such freedom is
demanded by the shipowners from all parts of the developed and developing
world who now make up the truly international membership of the larger Clubs.
The popularity of the Club system of insuring liability risks can be judged from the
fact that approximately nine out of ten ocean-going ships are currently entered in
a P&I Club
An owner who fails to keep his vessel in the continuous required by the
clubs rule may be expelled from the club.
DIVIDENDS : As the P & I clubs do operate on non-profil making basis, there is no
policy of giving dividends to club members or manager of the club.
P & I clubs may cover their members exposure to claims for damage of
compensation of the following :
Crew : The members liability for injury, illness or death and medical
expenses arising from injury, illness or death, costs of repatriation and
maintenance ashore resulting from injury illness or death, costs of
repatriation and maintenance ashore resulting from injury illness or death.
Life salvage : award to a person who has saved or attempted to save the life
of person onboard the salvaged vessel.
Oil pollution
o Standard oil pollution cover
o Oil pollution cover for USA
Wreaks liabilities
Cargo liabilities
Legal Cost
53. Illustrate the present service philosophy of P & I Clubs and how they work
on a day- to- day basis world- wide? How is it controlled?
Ans) Introduction:associations
2) When the member vessel is touring another vessel, loss or damage to low or
cargo on the tow or wreck removal of the low and cargo is only covered if
towage contract is approved by the managers.
3) Liabilities arising under indemnities in respect of delivery of cargo requested at
a port other than that stated in the bill of lading or without production of bill of
lading may be covered only on approval of the club management and of terms
of indemnity have been approved by the diet.
4) Liability to resumes under a crew contract are carried only if the contract has
been approved in writing by the manger. This also applies to cover for
repatriation loss of seamen effect of ship wreck, unemployment indemnity.
5) Liability arising from carriage under bills of lading are normally only covered if
the bills of lading are subject to the hague rules or Hague Visby rules
6) The board of directors of each club will usually determine in accordance with
the club rules the limit of the club liability in respect of any and all claims for oil
pollution for next policy your. The discussion bring taken towards the end of a
current year.
{Some clubs impose a limit of 1000 million USO for each accident or occurrence in
respect of each ship entered on behalf of owner, demise or bare boat charter}
P&I clubs retain correspondents at numerous ports world wide. In some countries
the correspondent may be firm of insurance specialities acting for more than are
club or alternatively a ship broking or insurance company only handling
In all cases correspondents
1) Are for legal reasons, representations and not agents of the club
2) Will attend member vessels when so requested by the master or agent in order
to protect members interests.
3) They are generally well acquainted with the club rules and policy
4) Will report any occurrence likely to result in a claim on the club to the club
managers, but will generally be able to anticipate the managers reply and
5) May be instructed by club to offer letter of undertaking in cases of possibilities
[In most cases where there is a pollution following bunkering accident or jelly
damage caused by as ship this will avert the need for a bond to be posted to
avoid arrest]
Most clubs provide each entered ship with a list of correspondent for the use of
the muster. In the absence of a list on board the port agent should be able to
furnish the name of nearest correspondent of most clubs
Reimbursement of claim costs by p& I Clubs
Where a member of P&I club makes any claim against the club
1)The first 5 million will be met by the clubs own resources barring the members
owns deductible
2) 5 million USD to 30 million USD are compensated under group market
reinsurance arrangements also called excess of loss reinsurance contract
(total Commercial market reinsurance is 2000 million USD)
3) Should a claim err exceed the upper limit of excess of loss contract it would
then full back on the pool and be borne by each club on Pro-rata basis
(according o its entered tonnage)
such as claim is called overspill claim and would be funded by each club from club
reserves or by making a special overspill call on the membership
P&I Club Control and Management
P&I clubs are controlled by boards of directors representing the ship owners
members large claims are examined and approved by the directors at regular
melting before payment is made
Are managed by firms of . Experts maritime lawyers and mariners
Operated on a non profit making basis
Answer:- Marine hull policies are usually time policies, the maximum period of
insurance being 12 months. It comes last damage suffered to a ship and
machinery hull, the hulls, machinery, materials and financial interests of all
oceangoing vessels/ ../
steams/boats/yachts/other pleasure craft/self propelled bays/lights craft and
other country craft can be insured marine hull cover is generally arranged
by brokers.
The insurance of goods in transit from one place to another by any single
mode or combined modes of sea, rail, road, air and inland waterways under
marine cargo export and
import shipments including goods in transit by
rail, road or sea can be insured. Most goods shipped are usually insured on a
warehouse to warehouse basis rather than far a sea voyage only.
Open cover:
An open cover is a commonly used farm of long term cargo insurance
contract covering all goods shipments forwarded by an assured. The period of
open comes is generally fixed at 12 months with a 30 day notice period for
Documents and information required from the ship:
The addition to copies of the relevant insurance policies (which will be
supplied by owners), the documents and information listed below may be
required to accompany a claim lodged by owners against underwriters. If an
adjustment is prepared, the adjuster will extract the required information
from the documents and incorporate it in the adjustment. But they can any
time see the originals
General documents are:
Deck and Engine log books covering the casualty and the repair period
Masters and/or chief Engineers details report (as appropriate)
Relevant letters of protest
Protests and extended protests
Underwriters surveyors report
Class surveyors report
Owners superintendents report
Receipted accounts of repairs and/or any spare parts supplied by owners, in
connection with repairs, endorsed by underwriters surveyors as being fair
and reasonable
9. Accounts covering any dry docking and general expenses relating to the
repairs endorsed as above
Accounts for all incidental disbursements at the part of repair
eg: for port charges, watchmen, communication expenses, agency fees etc
Details of fuels and E/R stars consumed together with the cost of
Accounts for owners repairs effected concurrently with damage
Copies of faxes and telexes sent and details of long distance calls
made in connection with the casuals.
Accounts for the outward port charges at the last port prior to the
repair part, inward and outward part charges at the repair part, and, if the
vessel returns to her original part from which she originally manned,
inwards part charges at that part.
Portage bill showing the officers and the crew during the removal to
the repair part and also for the return passage if the vessel returns to her
original part.
details of adapters of original/dep at the relevant parts
Accounts in respect of and temp repairs effected solely to enable the
vessel to move to the repair port
Information required after a collision
1. Details of steps taken to establish liability for the collision and the
essential settlement made between the two parties
2. A detailed copy of any claim received from the other vessel together
with details of which items included in the claim have been agreed
3. I a recovery has been attempted against the colliding vessel, a
detailed copy of the claim
A second hand single hull VLCC built in 1990 is to be acquired by your
Company. The vessel is to be registered under Indian flag As Chief
Engineer / Owner representative, what aspects you would look for, with
respect to:
SOLAS 74 (b) MARPOL 73/78 [CAS 13G] (c) Crew accommodation (d)
Machinery/ boilers (e) Previous survey report
Ans. (1) SOLAS 74:- w.r.t. to Solas 74 is will look in IGS requirement is
8% in tank
5% in scrubbers
CBT, SBT, SBT PL (Protective Location) I will check that Ballast P/P is of
sufficient capacity. I will check whether motor drive for Ballast P/P is steam
or electric.
Annex 1 Reg. 9 (a) for tanker cargo important thing is instantaneous rate
of discharge 30 / NM.
Annex 1 Reg 9 (b) all ships 15 PPM machinery space bilges for operation
of OWS in special area 15 PPM (it) should have stopping derive & Alarm.
I will check that sufficient filters spare are available for OWS.
In addition recreation facilities, mess room and washing and drying facilities
are required which I will check whether are satisfactory as per Merchant
Shipping Act.
MACH / BOILER:- Boiler should have enough capacity of steam production
capacity so as to meet the needs
On many tankers the deck machinery was also seam (driven specially
old ships)
Boiler combustion control are proper 15 20% excess air are supplied in
Steering gear of such ship (VLCC) must be fitted with a safematic system so
that in case of Hyd fluid leakage, the pair of rams will automatically be
connected & disconnected to retain control required for tanker above 70000
The enhance survey should have been conducted for this ship as per Reg.
13G MARPOL Annex 1 and therefore such certificate and survey document fill
will be rechecked.
Answer:- Classification societies are organisations that establish and apply
technical standards in relation to the design, construction, and survey of
marine related facilities including ships and off shore structures. The vast
majority of ships are built and surveyed as per standards laid down by
classification societies. These standards are issued by classification societies as
a published rules A vessel that has been designed and built to the appropriate
rules of a society may apply for a certificate of classification from that society
may apply for a certificate of classification from that society such certificate is
an attestation that a vessel is in compliance with the standards that have been
developed and published by the society issuing the classification certificate.
In UNCLOS convention of IMO responsibilities of flag state granting the
registration of a ship are outlined. Under article 94, the flag state must
effectively exercise its jurisdiction and control in administrative technical and
social matters over ships flying its flag........ many flag state countries in the
world dont have sufficient expertise, experience and technical manpower to
carry out the responsibilities of flag state nation regarding maintaining the
standards of ships flying their flag so SOLAS and other international
conventions permit the flat Administration to delegate the inspection and
survey of ships to Recognised Organisation.
Requirements for Recognised organisation are as follows :
1) R. O. must have established rules for design, construction and
maintenance of a ship.
2) Government representation is necessary
Classification society organisation structure must include a representative
from flag state nation placed at higher level in organisational hierarchy.
3) R. O. should have adequate resources financial / personal.
Q. 69. A ship on which you have joined as Chief Engineer is scheduled to be put in
active service after major lay-up and necessary repairs. State the survey
inspections and trials to be made by the surveyor in presence of Chief Engineer
and Master.
Major Lay Up: In this question it implies that the ship was not operational on
account of undertaking major surveys, repairs inclusive of Docking Survey. In such
cases trials are to be carried out.
Trials are not made by the surveyor. The Class surveyor witnesses the trials. It is the
responsibility of the ship owners to carry out the trials in presence of surveyor.
(2) When docking work was conducted for two weeks or longer.
It may be allowed to conduct mooring run for dock trial of Main engine, Propulsion
shafting system and Main boiler. But, in principle, dock trial must be conducted
prior to
sailing, and at least start engine / stop engine, change of ahead / astern and low
operation must be conducted at the dock trial. The operational test of the
concerned may be acceptable at the discretion of the attending surveyor only for
repairing of Main generator and/or Prime mover for Main generator and/or
boiler and/or Steering gear.
-2. If the following significant repairs are carried out to main or auxiliary
machinery or steering
gear, consideration is to be given to a sea trial.
(1) The welding works for cracks of frame or bed plate of Main engine and/or
Prime mover
for Main generator.
(2) Renewal or repair of Crankshaft of Main engine and/or Prime mover for Main
(3) The repairing work for Camshaft and/or Camshaft driving device of Main
engine and/or
Prime mover for Main generator.
(4) Renewal or repair of main parts for Main engine and/or Prime mover for Main
(5) The repairing work for power transmission system of Propulsion shafting
(6) Repair of Propulsion shafting system.
(7) The welding work for Boiler plates subjected to internal pressure.
(8) The repairing work for Propeller blades affected to the balancing of Propeller.
(9) The repairing work for main power transmission part of Steering gear including
(10) Renewal of Main engine and/or Propulsion shafting system and/or Prime
mover for
Main generator and/or Boiler and/or Steering gear.
(11) Other significant repairs found.
The extent of sea trial and survey items depend on at the discretion of attending
surveyor in
addition to consideration of contents of the repairing work.
When repairing work for Main generator and/or Prime mover for Main generator
Certificate of Classification
1The Society will issue a Certificate of Classification for a ship registered in the
Classification Register in accordance with the provision its Rules. The Society will
issue a Provisional Certificate of Classification, which is valid until the issue of a
Certificate of Classification, for a ship which has been surveyed for classification
and reported by the Surveyors to be fit for classification.
2The Society will issue a Certificate of Classification for a registered ship once
the Special Survey has been completed in accordance with the provisions of the
Rules to the satisfaction of the Surveyor.
3The Society will endorse a Certificate of Classification when the Annual Survey
or the Intermediate Survey has been finished to the satisfaction of the Surveyor.
(1) SAFETY CONSTRUCTION -Initial Survey: The initial survey shall include a
COMPLETE INSPECTION of the structure, machinery and equipment. this survey
shall be such as to ENSURE that the arrangements, materials, scantlings and
workmanship of the structure, boilers and other pressure vessels, their
appurtenance, main and auxiliary machinery including steering gear and
(Note: All certificates to be carried on board must be originals)
1 All ships Reference
International Tonnage Certificate (1969)
An International Tonnage Certificate (1969) shall be issued
to every ship, the gross and net tonnage of which have been
determined in accordance with the Convention.
Tonnage Convention,
article 7
International Load Line Certificate
An International Load Line Certificate shall be issued under
the provisions of the International Convention on Load
Lines, 1966, to every ship which has been surveyed and
marked in accordance with the Convention or the
Convention as modified by the 1988 LL Protocol, as
LL Convention,
article 16;
1988 LL Protocol,
article 18
International Load Line Exemption Certificate
An International Load Line Exemption Certificate shall be
issued to any ship to which an exemption has been granted
under and in accordance with article 6 of the Load Line
Convention or the Convention as modified by the
1988 LL Protocol, as appropriate.
LL Convention,
article 6;
1988 LL Protocol,
article 18
Intact stability booklet
Every passenger ship regardless of size and every cargo ship
of 24 metres and over shall be inclined on completion and
the elements of their stability determined. The master shall
be supplied with a Stability Booklet containing such
information as is necessary to enable him, by rapid and
simple procedures, to obtain accurate guidance as to the
stability of the ship under varying conditions of loading.
For bulk carriers, the information required in a bulk carrier
booklet may be contained in the stability booklet.
SOLAS 1974,
regulations II-1/22
and II-1/25-8;
1988 LL Protocol,
regulation 10
Damage control plans and booklets
On passenger and cargo ships, there shall be permanently
exhibited plans showing clearly for each deck and hold the
boundaries of the watertight compartments, the openings
therein with the means of closure and position of any
controls thereof, and the arrangements for the correction of
any list due to flooding. Booklets containing the
aforementioned information shall be made available to the
officers of the ship.
SOLAS 1974,
regulations II-1/23,
23-1, 25-8;
Page 2
Minimum safe manning document
Every ship to which chapter I of the Convention applies
shall be provided with an appropriate safe manning
document or equivalent issued by the Administration as
evidence of the minimum safe manning.
SOLAS 1974
(2000 amendments),
regulation V/14.2
Fire safety training manual
A training manual shall be written in the working language
of the ship and shall be provided in each crew mess room
and recreation room or in each crew cabin. The manual
shall contain the instructions and information required in
regulation II-2/ Part of such information may be
provided in the form of audio-visual aids in lieu of the
SOLAS 1974
(2000 amendments),
regulation II-2/15.2.3
Fire Control plan/booklet
General arrangement plans shall be permanently exhibited
for the guidance of the ships officers, showing clearly for
each deck the control stations, the various fire sections
together with particulars of the fire detection and fire alarm
systems and the fire-extinguishing appliances etc.
Alternatively, at the discretion of the Administration, the
aforementioned details may be set out in a booklet, a copy
of which shall be supplied to each officer, and one copy
shall at all times be available on board in an accessible
position. Plans and booklets shall be kept up to date; any
Page 11
Condition Assessment Scheme (CAS) Statement of
Compliance, CAS Final Report and Review Record
A Statement of Compliance shall be issued by the
Administration to every oil tanker which has been surveyed
in accordance with the requirements of the Condition
Assessment Scheme (CAS) (resolution MEPC.94(46), as
amended) and found to be in compliance with these
requirements. In addition, a copy of the CAS Final Report
which was reviewed by the Administration for the issue of
the Statement of Compliance and a copy of the relevant
Review Record shall be placed on board to accompany the
Statement of Compliance.
MARPOL 73/78,
Annex I
(2001 amendments
(resolution MEPC.95(46)),
regulation 13G;
resolution MEPC.94(46)
Hydrostatically Balanced Loading (HBL) Operational
Every oil tanker which, in compliance with
regulation 13G(6)(b), operates with Hydrostatically
Balanced Loading shall be provided with an operational
manual in accordance with resolution MEPC.64(36).
MARPOL 73/78,
Annex I
(2001 amendments
(resolution MEPC.95(46)),
regulation 13G
Oil Discharge Monitoring and Control (ODMC)
Operational Manual
Every oil tanker fitted with an Oil Discharge Monitoring
and Control system shall be provided with instructions as to
the operation of the system in accordance with an
operational manual approved by the Administration.
MARPOL 73/78,
Annex I,
regulation 15(3)(c)
Subdivision and stability information
Every oil tanker to which regulation 25 of Annex I of
MARPOL 73/78 applies shall be provided in an approved
form with information relative to loading and distribution of
cargo necessary to ensure compliance with the provisions of
this regulation and data on the ability of the ship to comply
with damage stability criteria as determined by this
MARPOL 73/78,
Annex I,
regulation 25
Page 12
4 In addition to the certificates listed in sections 1 and 3
above, where appropriate, any ship carrying noxious
liquid chemical substances in bulk shall carry:
International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the
INF Cargo
A ship carrying INF cargo shall comply with the
requirements of the International Code for the Safe Carriage
of Packaged Irradiated Nuclear Fuel, Plutonium and
High-Level Radioactive Wastes on Board Ships (INF Code)
in addition to any other applicable requirements of the
SOLAS regulations and shall be surveyed and be provided
with the International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage
of INF Cargo.
SOLAS 1974,
regulation VII/16;
INF Code
(resolution MSC.88(71)),
paragraph 1.3
11 In addition to the certificates listed in sections 1, and 2
or 3 above, where applicable, any Nuclear Ship shall
A Nuclear Cargo Ship Safety Certificate or Nuclear
Passenger Ship Safety Certificate, in place of the Cargo
Ship Safety Certificate or Passenger Ship Safety
Certificate, as appropriate.
Every Nuclear powered ship shall be issued with the
certificate required by SOLAS chapter VIII.
SOLAS 1974,
regulation VIII/10
Page 16
Other certificates and documents which are not mandatory
Special purpose ships
Special Purpose Ship Safety Certificate
In addition to SOLAS certificates as specified in
paragraph 7 of the Preamble of the Code of Safety for
Special Purpose Ships, a Special Purpose Ship Safety
Certificate should be issued after survey in accordance with
the provisions of paragraph 1.6 of the Code for Special
Purpose Ships. The duration and validity of the certificate
should be governed by the respective provisions for cargo
ships in SOLAS 1974. If a certificate is issued for a special
purpose ship of less than 500 gross tonnage, this certificate
should indicate to what extent relaxations in accordance
with 1.2 were accepted.
Resolution A.534(13) as
amended by
SOLAS 1974,
regulation I/12;
1988 SOLAS Protocol,
regulation I/12
Offshore support vessels
Certificate of Fitness for Offshore Support Vessels
When carrying such cargoes, offshore support vessels
should carry a Certificate of Fitness issued under the
"Guidelines for the Transport and Handling of Limited
Amounts of Hazardous and Noxious Liquid Substances in
Bulk on Offshore Support Vessels". If an offshore support
vessel carries only noxious liquid substances, a suitably
endorsed International Pollution Prevention Certificate for
the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk may be
issued instead of the above Certificate of Fitness.
Resolution A.673(16);
MARPOL 73/78,
Annex II,
regulation 13(4)
Diving systems
Diving System Safety Certificate
A certificate should be issued either by the Administration
or any person or organization duly authorized by it after
survey or inspection to a diving system which complies with
the requirements of the Code of Safety for Diving Systems.
In every case, the Administration should assume full
responsibility for the certificate.
Resolution A.536(13),
section 1.6
Dynamically supported craft
Dynamically Supported Craft Construction and
Equipment Certificate
To be issued after survey carried out in accordance with
paragraph 1.5.1(a) of the Code of Safety for Dynamically
Supported Craft.
Resolution A.373(X),
section 1.6
Page 17
Mobile offshore drilling units
Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit Safety Certificate
To be issued after survey carried out in accordance with the
provisions of the Code for the Construction and Equipment
of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 1979, or, for units
constructed on or after 1 May 1991, the Code for the
Construction and Equipment of Drilling Units, 1989.
Resolution A.414(XI),
section 1.6;
Resolution A.649(16)
section 1.6;
Resolution A.649(16) as
modified by
resolution MSC.38(63),
section 1.6
Wing-In-Ground (WIG) Craft
Winginground Craft Safety Certificate
A certificate called a WIG Craft Safety Certificate should be
issued after completion of an initial or renewal survey to a
craft, which complies with the provisions of the Interim
Guidelines for WIG craft.
section 9
Permit to Operate WIG Craft
A permit to operate should be issued by the Administration
to certify compliance with the provisions of the Interim
Guidelines for WIG craft.
section 10
Noise levels
Noise Survey Report
A noise survey report should be made for each ship in
accordance with the Code on Noise Levels on Board Ships.
Resolution A.468(XII),
section 4.3
As a Chief Engineer on a vessel scheduled to make a voyage from
India to the U.S. Coast, list the salient items you will inspect, machinery
installations you will ensure for satisfactory operation and documents you
will keep handy for making a satisfactory voyage. Give reasoning in each
Ans. The salient items to be injected on a vessel scheduled to make a voyage
from India to US coast are:-
I.S.M. Code
Ensure that all key personnel are able to communicate & understand each
others signals during drills.
Confirm that all crew members can titrate the fire alarm & know the location
of battens & are familiar within the documented procedures for reporting the
fire to the bridge & sections to be taken check whether all the fire fighting
parties promptly master at the Designated Station, when the alarms
sounded during a smelted fire drill, confirm that all crew members are able to
demonstrate he correct are at the appropriate fire fighting equipments.
Ensure that the following items are functioning correctly
fire dangers & smoke pips, quick closing valves; spicy stops of fans & F.O.
pumps; Fire detection & Fire alarm system; Main & Spicy fire pumps.
Bunkering Operation:-
Ensure Bunkers Procedures are posted, understood by all personnel & Spill
Equipments are readily available. Test the means of communication between
ships bunkering personnel & shore procedures to report & detail with oil spills
should be understood by all (SOPEP)
Ensure that all the operational requirements of Marpol Annex I have been
complied within taking rate account
1) Emergency & stlby sources at electrical power to be listed but they are
readily available. Especially in a black art situation stand by generator
engines automatic start to be tried out.
2) Check that the load sharing system at generators is tested is functioning
3) Confirm Emergency stop for pump & blower functioning properly.
4) Emergency generator, Emergency Air Compressor, Emergency steering
arrangement Emergency bilge suction & bilge pumps to be working with
record of all maintenance upto date .
5) Try out M.E. start from local control station.
6) Check life boat & rescue boat engines are working correctly.
7) Check proper functioning of safety cut-outs of ME; Aux / engine & boiler.
Communication is the next single most important factor while dealing with
Oil pollution liabilities may be so with that may can even shake up big oil
companies, hence control oil / bunker operation is important in day to day
operation as a Chief Engineer.
Classification society are neutral third party survey organization under taking ship
survey in support of insurers. The societies are the primary means by
which the shipping industry regulates itself and verifies the maintenance
of ship safety. Classification society establish and apply technical
requirements for the design, construction and survey of marine related
facilities. The requirements are published as classification rules.
SOLAS and other International conventions permit the flag administration
to delegate inspection and survey of ships to classification society. Thus
a classification society becomes a recognized organization by the flag
state. When issuing or endorsing statutory certificate on behalf of the
flag administration verify that the condition of ship confirms with relevant
rules and regulations of the flag state (i.e.) it performs a Governmental
function). However, it needs to be clearly understood that the primary
objective of a classification society is to undertake ship survey in
accordance with the class rules.
Maintenance of class depends on the program of periodical Hull and
machinery surveys, being carried out within stipulated periods. Survey
programmes comprise of special, annual and Intermediate surveys.
Classification societies however, are private entities and class surveyors
are not a substitute for governmental officials who have enforcement
Special Surveys : Special surveys of hull and machinery are carried out
at 5 yearly intervals in order to establish the condition of hull structure /
machinery respectively, to confirm that the same is in accordance with
the class requirements. Special surveys are intended to detect possible
damages and establish that extent of any deterioration following
satisfactory completion of special surveys, a new certificate of class is
issued by the society.
REG 10 _- REG 26
Sr. No.
Name of Certificate
International Tonnage Tonnage convention Article 7
certificate 1969
International Load line
L.L. convention (1966) Article 16
L.L. Protocol (1988) Article 18
II-1/22 & II -
Solas'74 (2000 Amend)
Reg. II 2/15.2.3
Onboard Training
Drills Record.
masters, officers
Marpol 73/78
Annex I, Reg. 5
MARPOL - 73/78
sewage Annex I Reg. 26
MARPOL 73/78
Annex IV Reg.5
Annex V Reg. 9
Garbage Record Book
MARPOL 73/78
Voyage data recorder
system certificate of Annex V Reg. 9
Solas 74 Reg.
V / 18-8
Reg. IX / 4
ISM Code, Para 13
Document of compliance :
With the special requirements for ships carrying dangerous goods as per
SOLAS 1974 (2000 Amendments) regulation II-2/19.4.
The administration shall provide the ship with an appropriate document
as evidence of compliance of construction and equipment with the
requirements of regulations II-2/19 of solas 1974.
Most of the merchant ships trade internationally all over the world. Many
companies today employ multinational crew on board. People from different
countries not only have different cultures but have different beliefs values and
attitudes. This kind of backgrounds can lead to differences in opinions /
perceptions which may create problems on board ships.
While satisfying organizational needs, A person in addition will try to satisfy
his own individual needs. As a result of this individuals join together knowingly or
unknowingly to form groups and social systems. Being a social animal, he has to
interact with other fellow working men. Hence there are chances of interpersonal
Attitude and behavior makes a person liked or disliked among others in a
group. This results in the formation of groups with like minded people. Wherever
there are groups, there are different arms and goals. Hence chances of conflict.
In an organization conflicts can be due to
Conflicts may be actual or even threatened with the misuse of force, which
proves hindrance in any continuing social or working relationship interpersonal
conflicts creates an unhealthy atmosphere on board. It not only affects the
efficient running /operation of the vessel but could also become a safety hazard.
Strategies for Interpersonal conflicts resolution
There are lot of theories about interpersonal conflict resolution. A few of
them are :
Win - Lose : wherein one party attempts to marshal its forces to win and the
other party losses.
Win - Win : This is the most desirable strategy of conflict resolution from a
human and organizational stand point. Energies and creativity are aimed at
solving the problem rather than defeating the other party. The needs of both
parties in the conflict situation are met and both parties receive rewarding
outcomes. Win-win decision strategies are associated with better judgments,
favourable organizational experience and more favourable bargains.
As Chief Engineer Officer how will you motivate good inter personal
relationships and teamwork.
Ans. A Chief - Engineer officer has to be a good manager to achieve his goals
safely and successfully. On board a vessel, chief engineers goals
are mostly related to physical work such as maintenance of
machinery and running of engine room operation smoothly etc.
Jobs involved on board ship cannot be done alone or just with the
involvement of 2 or 3 persons. If needs 'team work' and good 'Inter personnel
relationship' among the team member to complete a job smoothly and safety
so it becomes very important for chief engineer to inculcate good inter
personal relationship and team work in the engine room staff to get the job
But there are some factors which causes dissatisfaction and de motivation
on-board. Chief Engineer should try to remove the causes for this
dissatisfaction and de-motivation to achieve his goals as teamwork.
Following are the reasons for dissatisfaction and denomination:1)
Commercial pressure: C Need to finish job within the short time frame, lead
to overload and extra working hours.
Frequent port of Call: Duties at port require more physical effort and longer
working hours.
All these factors lead to do silly mistakes by a person. He adopts shortcuts
to finish his job.
Following factors also leads to psychological stress and ultimately to demotivation.
As Chief Engineer on board stress the issues you will address for lack
of motivation, differences in attitude and to increase sense of
competitiveness for better management and effective control? Also
formulate a flow chart for a work programme to be availed within a target
date from a group of Engine Room Personnel of above mentioned mixed
thought processes.
Ans. Lack of Motivation: - Man is a social animal and to make him work in isolation
will lead to dissatisfaction and unnecessary stress. Companies often employ
multinational crew, which may lead to potential conflicts. In order to improve
profitability, companies try to reduce the number of crews on board to a
minimum. In case every thing works properly, there is no perceived problem. In
case something should go wrong, the manpower available is not sufficient to
deal with the problem. This is one of the main reasons leading to stress, which
would either be physical or psychological.
Reasons leading to physical stress & then to lack of motivation could be
reduction in manpower on ships to reduce costs or frequent calling at ports.
This leads to an imbalance in the human biological clock, when working/rest
hours (in port) are different from those at sea... Duties in ports may require far
more physical effort and longer working hours due to the work load
completing the work to sail.
Therefore officers and crew members, working in above environment,
will reveal typical symptoms of fatigue. Reasons leading to de-motivation could
be:Problems at home/family end
Not being relieved on time which could lead to home sickness.
Differences of opinion among colleagues
Job pressures
Dissatisfaction due to companys policy; arguments with regards to
salaries/promotion/leave etc.,
Issues and reasons related to differences in attitude:INTEREST: - Different people have different interests in a work
organisation. In ships environment different people like different jobs. Some
people are expert in finding out solutions to a problem, some are very good
in workmanship, and some are good in planning. But, the problem is usually
confronted when these interest are not met. Thus attitude of a person
changes. KEITH DAVIS (professor of management in the School of Business
Indiana University) said, Human relations, an area of management
practise, are the integration of people in to work situation in a way that
motivates them to work together productively, cooperatively and with
economic, psychological and social satisfaction. It simply means that there
should be no diversity in interest; but an attempt should be made to
integrate the interest of each person with the interest of all others in the
COOPERATION: - No objective can be achieved without cooperation
among people. In shipboard management also if subordinates are not
satisfied with cooperation of their superiors, attitude of a person is bound to
change as a result, a problem of disobedience, lack of interest or even
confrontational behaviour itself will be evident. In KEITH DAVIS definition;
secondly, principal objectives of integration should be to secure the willing
cooperation of the employees. As a result of sincere efforts on the part of
management, the workman can be motivated to offer their willing
cooperation for achieving the targets of greater, better and cheaper
production. In ships, an environment of cooperation is essential due to
diversity in kind of work/jobs required on board at a given time. To do this,
personnel have to understand each others comfort and care for their help in
any situation.
PERCEPTION: - Human beings react to different situations differently.
Even the same human beings may react to different situations differently at
different points of time. The way a human being looks at a thing is called
perception. It is worth noting that perception of a fact may not be the fact
itself. Then reality as it is and the reality as we see it may be quite different.
As a matter of fact we see realities in our own way and consider that to be
the only way.
There are various need levels which a human being attempts to
satisfy through work; which was first written by Mr. A. H. MASLOW, known as
Co. Name
:- Chellaram Shipping (HK) Ltd., Hong Kong
Last departure port :- GOA (INDIA)
Arrival Port
:- 15th May07 @ 0200 hrs
:- 6S42MC, MAN B&W
:- 8370
:- C/E, myself, INDIAN; age 34 yrs
:- 2/E, Bangladeshi,
-- 39 yrs
:- 3/E, Ukrainian,
-- 39 yrs
-- 50 yrs
:- Fitter, INDIAN,
-- 45 yrs
:- Oiler, INDIAN,
-- 50 yrs
:- Tr. Wpr. 1, INDIAN,
-- 22 yrs
:- Tr. Wpr. 2, INDIAN,
-- 22 yrs
Perceived behavior & thinking of E/R personnel:2/E: - is in the company from long time, wants to pursue a career with
company and wants to become chief engineer as fast as possible. Full of
motivation, fast worker, but expects others also to be in same speed,
but looses control if expectations are not met. Do not get along well with
fitter and 3/E.
3/E: - is new in company and due for sign off; hence has casual attitude
and lacks in interest, motivation. Do not believe in PMS. Believes that if
this is working OK, why to open it. Very hard working but chooses work
according to his wish. Small jobs, he does not consider for himself. He is
not always obedient to me and 2/E.
E/O: - Old hand of company. Specialist in deck cranes and other
electrical jobs. Has good knowledge and experience. Has drinking habit,
due to which is not reliable. Does not like late night or early morning
working. Has complaining nature. Do not get along with C/O. But, gets
along nicely with 2/E and 3/E.
Fitter: - Old hand of company. Very hard working and full of motivation,
but highly short tempered. Likes others to work/help with him; especially
2/E. He wants superiors to give ideas for work. Does not like only orders,
expects others to have a discussion prior bigger, technical jobs. Does
not like late evening and early morning working.
Oiler: - Old hand. Not much interested in jobs. Wants to finish his time
for the day and leave E/R. Does only jobs which are ordered. Sometimes
shows short temper. Does not participate in technical job discussion.
Wants good overtime. Always complains about tr. wprs. Is not interested
in their training also.
Tr. wprs: - Both are young and obedient and hard working. Cannot be
given independent jobs, and they are under training.
On 1st May07, while making/checking maintenance status of Main
Engine, found out that a liner renewal is coming due this month. Spare
new liner is found OK after calibration. New piston rings made ready and
put in spare piston with new stuffing box after calibrations. During
sailing itself, spare piston removed and kept on cyl. head platform, i.e.
on 14/05/07 pm.
I have checked tools with the help of 2/E.
1) Liner measuring tool
2) Feeler gauges
3) Liner lifting tool
4) Hydraulic jacks
5) Hydraulic p/p and pipes
6) All required spanners(told to fitter)
7) Crankcase job to 3/E; his spanner and jacks are made ready with
him. As he likes working independently, he himself has prepared for the
job. But, 2/E is in between checking all the tools. I have personally told
3/E that night 12 oclock will be 2 hrs notice; hence he can take leave
from E/R @ 1500 hrs, after preparing for crankcase job with oiler. He has
prepared and left, very happy as he is signing off and new 3/E (with
higher ticket) is signing on.
I have clearly communicated to Co. that new 3/E must be sent in
the morning or may be up to noon; so that new 3/E gives hand to old 3/E
and handing over-taking over is done timely.
Man is a social animal and to make work in isolation will lead to dissatisfaction
and unnecessary stress. Many companies are trying hard to remove this
dissatisfaction by implementing motivational techniques as below.
iv) Justifiable praising as per performance, creates a feel good factor in the
workers. Often a pat on the back works wonders. The motivated worker
will work harder than one who is only doing it for money.
COPING WITH STRESS : The personnel on board a ship are burned with
the magnitude of work due to reduced crew strength on ships. This along
with the fear of doing something wrongly, differences among various
people and lack of sleep may lead to tremendous amount of stress in the
personnel living a way from home for months together compounds this
problem many folds. It is the duty of C/E to ensure that his staff do not
get over stressed. This can be done by encouraging better in the
personnel relations, praising persons for good jobs done, briefing them
how to avoid mistakes and delegating work so that nobody is
overburdened. In addition to all these, talking personally to people,
engaging about their family and other personal matters sometimes helps
in keeping the environment cool and thereby reducing the chance of over
A successful voyage for a Chief Engineer is a combination of trouble
free run of machineries, optimum use of fuel, minimum interpersonal
conflicts and less intervention from shore authorities. Considering the ship
as an Organisation how this can be best achieved?
Ans. Conflict is a process in which an effort is purposely made by 'A' to offset the
offset of 'B' That will result in frustrating 'B' in attaining his goals or
frustrating his interest. It would also be defined as the actual or
threatened use of force in any continuing social relation ship conflict
surface due to :
Limitation of resources
in any organizations
competency is
Stereo typing or sharp judgment leads to elevate others list & form
hurried opinion of them.
Biased behaviour
Importance of relationship
Ability to confront with other persons only when you perceive he or she
has the ability to act on your feed back. If the confrontation is not
changing the behaviour the confrontation may lead to frustration.
vi) Use of descriptive statements. Describe how you are and fact about the
situations Evaluating Judgmental statement can easily evolve defensive
behaviour because such statements can be interpreted as criticism.
vii) Exploring alternative behaviour Instead of suggesting any specified
solution to the problem help the person to explore various means of
overcoming it.
viii) Importance of Privacy : confront the person in private. Open
confrontation can be taken as a personal attack rather than helpful
ix) Use of non verbal behaviour use of non-verbal behaviour which speaks
louder than words to express yourself to others. Eye contact, appropriate
tone of voice and correct posture can all add the effectiveness of
iv) Physical environment and lack of amenities (e.g. A/C, drinking water,
sanitations etc.)
Personality clash.
Chief Engineer should know how to get best out of his mess. For this he
has to develop managerial skills.
Chief Engineer should try his best for economy and maximum possible
output. Wastage of material, time, money should be avoided.
Wastage of time can be avoided by minimizing fatigue and proper
planning of job.
Ability of C/E to take proper decision at proper time will save lot of man
house and avoid lot of machinery breakdown.
Make sure that all officers are proficient in their job. If anybody is lacking
in carrying out their job additional training programs should be
developed. This may help to avoid lot of break downs.
F.O. & C.O. consumption to be recorded regularly and any deviation from
optimum consumption should be avoided.
With respect to engine room man management enlist the key issues
you will address with proper justification in the following areas (i) incentive
programmes (ii) Long term personnel development concept (iii) Human
resources quality assurance (iv) attitude and motivation development (v)
Emergency response.
Ans. As a chief engineer, following issues will be addressed with an objective
of safe, efficient & effective team management in consideration with relevant
compliance with international regulations.
(1) Incentive Programmes Incentive programmes, especially safety
incentive programmes have their intended effect : a reduction in the loss due
to accidents. They also have positive side effects. For one thing, they are a
profitable proposition in industry, as the savings usually exceed the costs.
Incentive programmes can help improve the general organisational climate &,
therefore, make a positive contribution to productivity over & above the gain
due to accident reduction. Reinforcing safe acts removes the unwanted side
effects with discipline & the use of penalties; it increases the employees job
satisfaction; it enhances the relationship between the supervisor & employees.
E.g. gift for reporting near-misses.
This is one of the methods of motivation. This can be effective in the sense
that people will work hard, thereby improving the performance of the team,
due to either greed or some need. Many companies have framed an incentive
program for the ships crew on a quarterly basis which is entirely based on their
performance. Crew members are rewarded by either giving them extra
overtime, bonuses etc. Junior officers may work that much harder when
promotion is used as an incentive, which would also bring better wages.
(2) Long term personal development concept The success of any industry
do not only depend on the technical qualification of existing & potential
employees but also on the social competence, decision making qualities, team
spirit, guidance qualities, ability to communicate etc. Senior management on
board must observe the performance of the engine room personnel in due
regard with the above mentioned criteria. Accordingly, crew must be advised to
improve upon the area which they are lacking by providing them the respective
assistance. Moreover, company must be informed for the specific training
requirement of the concerned crew by Appraisal Report. In due course,
resources invested in long term personnel development programme earns
higher return by the service of the effective & efficient personnel involved.
An individual is judged for his skill and special work in a particular field or
an innovative job performed by him should be recognized & the same can be
entered in his appraisal report for further deployment without delay & can be
recommended for promotion. By developing such a transparent atmosphere,
an individual will look at a long term personal development concept as
beneficial to his own needs
(3) Human Resource quality assurance:- Human resource quality refers to
the competence of the personnel involved in any of the specific job on board.
STCW (adopted on 7th July 1978) was the first convention to establish
mandatory minimum requirements on training, certification and watch-keeping
for seafarers on an international level. In due respect to the code, companies
have to assure that they employ the personnel in compliance with the code:Chapter 1 deals with general provisions & includes mandatory medical
standards, communication skills, simulator training, revalidation of certificates,
companies responsibilities etc.
Chapter 2 gives mandatory minimum requirement for master & deck
department officers/ratings.
Chapter 3 deals with engine department officers/ratings.
Chapter 5 deals with special training required for personnel on certain type
of ships.
Chapter 6 deals with emergency, occupational safety, medical care &
survival functions.
Chapter 7 deals with alternative certification.
Several shipping companies are very particular while recruiting
personnel for deployment in their ships. The background of the person is
checked, his qualifications and last company records scrutinized as well as the
reasons for leaving his last company. There are also some computer based test
programs that are conducted to ascertain his knowledge & skill as also
interviews conducted to check that he will fit into the new organization. These
techniques are working and quality of personnel on board are substantially
increasing. Also an individual is assessed based on his on board performance
in the form of an appraisal report & mentioned whether any additional shore
based training (value added courses) is required or not
(4) Attitude & Motivation development:- It seems likely that peoples attitude all
cohere, in other words they fit together without contradicting one another.
They do not contradict one another, because they derive from underlying
core system of values. This view of the internal consistency of attitudes
seems to be supported by liberal-conservative factor. Shipping companies are
trying various theories to develop an individuals attitude and ways to
motivate him to perform better. A persons attitude is influenced by various
factors such as his needs, his state of mind i.e. stress levels, feeling of
security, self esteem etc. The most important step before trying to develop
an individuals attitude & to motivate him is understanding. Only after
understanding him & realizing his needs, aims etc. can one go about trying to
improve his attitude & motivate him. The feeling of belonging / incentives,
both promotion & monetary wise / recognition of a job well done etc. go a
long way in improving an individuals attitude & thereby also motivating him
to give more to the team.
For developing attitudes, it is essential to know following Assuming that we
can actually determine what peoples attitudes are in the first place, then it
seems that attitudes work best as predictions of behaviour when:1) they are strong and consistent
2) they are based on and related to personal experience
3) they are specifically related to the behaviour being predicted.
Common barriers in attitude change:1) they are likely to have arisen at an early age and are therefore virtually
personality traits.
2) because each attitude is correlated with others in the whole scheme of
attitudes & is therefore likely to be difficult to change piecemeal.
Motivation Development:- Five factors stood out as strong determiners of job
Work itself
The last three factors were found to be most important for bringing about
lasting changes of attitude. Recognition here refers to recognition for
achievement as opposed to recognition in the human relations sense.
The determinants of job dissatisfaction were found to be : Company policy
Administrative policies
Interpersonal relations
Working conditions
Motivation development, henceforth, must be issued keeping following twodimensional need structure :- 1) one need structure for the avoidance of
unpleasantness, &
2) a parallel need system for personal growth
Corrective Motivation is :Job enrichment: adding different tasks to a job to provide greater
involvement and interaction with the task
Job loading: adding meaningful tasks that will lead to growth
Monetary incentives
Support style of leadership techniques
(5) Emergency response:- By assigning every person on board a particular duty
for different emergencies & also responsibilities, every individual will know
exactly what to do in a given situation. Drills & pre & post drills
briefing/debriefings also help the crew members understand what is expected
of them & where they could improve. Drills should be made as realistic as
possible & not made a routine that persons labour through. Different
emergencies at different locations should be practiced so that crew members
are exposed to as far as possible all the emergencies they may be faced with.
By doing this the response of the crew members will be swift as they will
know what is expected of them in any given emergency.
Clause 8 of ISM code deals with the emergency preparedness. As per this
clause, company should have an integrated ship and shore contingency plan,
which should comprise of the following
You are required to send a Voyage abstract to the head office
containing all salient data as per regulatory feature. For making the
spreadsheet, underline the specific computer application tools you will use
and formulate a format for the abstract, which will show the salient data
within available format of software to the best advantage. Use realistic
Ans. Specific computer application tools that will be for making the voyage
abstract spreadsheet is Microsoft Office software and in that we will use
Microsoft Office Excel.
The abstract of the voyage should contain all salient data pertaining to
a particular voyage. The abstract is sent to head office, hence it should have
all items which can give a fair idea to owners/managers/charterers about the
voyage, related to but not necessarily limited to fuel consumption of each
machinery, different grades of lube oil consumption and their ROBs, running
hours in that voyage of important machineries, any major breakdown or
repair during voyage, any stoppages etc. A format of abstract which will show
the salient data of a voyage abstract is drawn below.
Name of
MV Canmar
Voyage No.
004/ L
Departure from
Arrival to
JAN, 24
54150 miles
11.8 revs.
r pitch
713 m
27 rpm
or hrs
145 speed
total voyage
Mean Draft
Sea Passage
M.E.HFO cons.
Sea passage
863.2 cons
M.E.HFO cons.
oil daily
7750 cons
oil daily
1000 cons
hours since
Aux. Eng 1
Aux. Eng 2
Aux. Eng 3
Aux. Eng 4
Shaft Gen.
A/E HFO total
A/E lube oil
total cons.
73 y
860 y
F.O. / L.O.
Cyl Oil
1697 Singapore
C/Case Oil
A/E Oil
Hyd Oil
Gear Oil
Name of
Abstarct Voyage
MV Canmar
004/ L
Departure from
JAN, 24
%age slip
Arrival to
Mean Draft
Manoevering hrs
ur hrs
total voyage hrs
M.E.HFO cons.
Sea passage
M.E.HFO cons.
M.E. cyl. Oil cons
for passage
M.E. lube oil
cons for passage
oil daily
7750 cons
oil daily
1000 cons
hours since
Aux. Eng 1
Aux. Eng 2
Aux. Eng 3
Aux. Eng 4
Shaft Gen.
A/E HFO total
A/E lube oil total
73 cons/day
860 cons/day
F.O. / L.O.
ROB end
Cyl Oil
C/Case Oil
A/E Oil
Hyd Oil
Gear Oil
1697 Singapore
Detail the inspection that you as the new Chief Engineer of a
passenger ship, would make on joining the ship with regard to (i) Stability
(ii) Damage control (iii) Fire fighting (iv) Critical Machinery and
equipment installed.
Ans. As a New Chief Engineer on joining I will check w.r.t. to stability following
1) Stability:- I will check if chief officer has the book called Trim and Stability
which give details of GM, GZ area under GZ curve and other parameters
for different conditions.
I will check whether the basic intact stability criterion for passenger
ship is being complied with .
I will double check that this important book is approved and endorsed
by Director General of Shipping or DGS surveyor.
I will check that all the water tight doors in water tight bulkheads are
in good working order & check the controlling and indicating panels
which will be found in central control station.
In addition, I will also test the bilge alarm in EIR check that the
Emergency bilge suction is looking good order.
Also I will confirm that the bilge pump (Emergency bilge PIP) require
on passenger ship are in good working order.
I will also ensure that damage control equipment for structure welding
equipment Nuts, bolts studs, canvas are available for stopping any
leaks and carrying any damage repair.
c) Fire Fighting:(a) Fire plan I will study the fire plan, check the maintenance Registers
for which 3rd officer / 2nd Engineer may be responsible officer and no
urgent fire fighting stores are outstand ting.
I will personally inspect the CO2 room, the farm system fitted and
inspect all the outlets to confirm that everything is in order.
I will ensure that Training Manual and Training booklet for fire are
available in officer & crew mess room and that all persons are well
aware the contents of these Manual.
Steering gear
Emergency comp
Emerge Fire P/P
Breathing air comp
Maintenance routing as per Solas Chapter III for fie fighting equipments
and critical machinery is carried out.
Detail the inspection that you as the new CE on an Oil Tanker / Gas
carrier would make on joining the ship with regard to (i) Stability (u)
Damage Control (iii) Critical Machinery
Ans. With regard to stability most important document provided on board of ship
is stability booklet which gives an accurate guidelines regarding the
stability of ship under various conditions of service. Chief Engineer must
have knowledge of details given in stability booklet. If any alternation is
made to ship then C/E should ensure that amended stability booklet is
availability. He should ascertain the validity of oil Tanker / gas carrier
safety load line certificate watertight integrity of peak & space bulk
heads, drainage & scupper arrangements must be checked look for
cracks, deformation or repairs carried out, if any. Ensure that these are
no opening for manhole, ventilation, pipe cable in collision bulkhead
check the effectiveness of stern tube sealing management stability
aspect of oil container / gas carrier is dealt. With in detail in SOLAS.
As stability & damage is concerned all tankers gas carrier are safest as
they have zero permeability all tight integrity of deck and low free
surface effect double her requirement for oil tanker / gas carrier provided
then extra buoyancy but this lead to high permeability due to double
Damage control : This is in dealt with SOLAS Ch-2 C/E should aware of
permanently exhibited & readily available damage control plan on
navigation bridge for guidance of officers. A plan showing clearly each
tank double bottom boundaries of water tight compartments opening
wherein means of closers & position of any controls there of arrangement
of correction of any hit due to flooding. All ballasting, de-ballasting &
bilge arrangement should be properly studied. Most important is
emergency power supply CE should check handing over reports,
condition of class, previous dry dock reports for any damage faced by
vessel in history damage plates or structure should be verified.
Critical Machinery : New CE for tanker & gas carrier test out critical
machinery operating procedures for along with out going CE &
deficiencies rectified if any. He should thoroughly undergo with part stay
control & class surveyor inspection reports superintendent give quite
close picture of these machinery Saturday routine books should be check
for proper working of these emergency machinery. Responsible person
should be concerned for any deficiencies for operational problems. As
soon as possible all emergency equipment must practically tried out for
e.g. main engine change or procedure to emergency mode from remote /
bridge control.
- Emergency steering gear.
- Fire pumps & emergency fire pumps.
- Emergency generated & emergency batteries.
- Emergency air compressor, these taken for filling up emergency air
- Sprinkler, S.W. pumps, cut in / out & compressor lifeboat engines.
Water tight doors & their indicator mechanics
- O.W.S.
- Indicator
- Sewage Treatment plant.
Suggest with reasons, why each of the following courses of action are
appropriate if a ship operating in heavy seas: (a) frequently sound all hold
bilges (b) frequently sound bilges in chain locker, fore and aft peak tanks,
cofferdams and other void spaces (c) sound all fuel, fresh water and ballast
tanks (d) if satisfied with (a), (b) and (c) trim ship by the stern and correct
any list (e) reduce speed of the main engine.
Ans (a) If a ship is operating in heavy seas, there is more likelihood of structural
damage to the hull, hatch covers, ventilators, etc. due to green seas. This
could allow water ingress in to the hold & there will be an increase in the
mean draft, as a result of flooding, to make up for the lost buoyancy. In
addition, if the centre of buoyancy of the intact volume after bilging does
not lie in the same transverse plane as the centre of gravity, there will be a
change in trim, and if the bilged space is asymmetrical with respect to the
centreline of the ship, the ship will heel till the centre of buoyancy of the
intact underwater volume lies in the same fore and aft plane(perpendicular
to the equilibrium water line) as the centre of gravity. If the metacentric
height GM in the flooded condition is negative, the resulting moment will
cause the vessel to heel to the angle of loll, even though the bilged space is
symmetrical with respect to centreline. This is a permanent list, due to
instability due to shift of centre of gravity.
The result of heel and trim may also result in further entry of seawater
through non-watertight openings which would further aggravate the
situation; by causing loss of stability by flooding and free surface effect &
could cause cargo damage. So frequent soundings of the bilges give an
indication of any such damage
(b) Again, checking and sounding bilges in chain locker, fore and aft peak
tanks, cofferdams and other void spaces for water ingress will indicate any
structural damage affecting watertight integrity, e.g. chain(spurling) pipe
covers to the chain locker, air pipes to the tanks. The effect on stability
would be the same as in case of (a) above & there also may be a problem of
increased trim by head, with more green seas being taken at forward,
aggravating the problems.
(c) Checking for watertight integrity problems & particularly with fuel tanks
& fresh water tanks for sea water contamination. Fuel oil contamination with
seawater would increase the amount of water & sodium content in the fuel
oil. The presence of sodium is determined for main engine, when sodium to
vanadium ratio increases more than 1:3, this could lead to main engine
components failure due to hot corrosion with serious consequences. Fresh
water tanks contamination would lead to water shortage on board. Flooding
of ballast tanks will affect the stability of the vessel due to free surface
effect and unbalanced moments. So sounding of all above mentioned tanks
is important for vessel safety.
(d) Generally even keel is the desirable sailing condition, but in heavy seas
if a trim by stern is maintained particularly in ballast condition, then there
would be less likelihood of propeller/rudder emerging out of water. Thus
propeller racing and engine load fluctuation is avoided giving better power
and steering. A trim by the head would cause more green seas to be taken
over the bows making the condition worse. Any list would reduce the roll
angle necessary for deck immersion, hence any list should be corrected.
(e) Reduction in main engine speed would lower the effect of green seas &
thus reduce the possibility of structural damage, particularly at the fore end.
Ship motion(rolling, pitching, etc.) would generally be better & the change
in speed would cause a change in the periodic time of wave encounter;
which would reduce resonant motions & vibrations if they had been
Detail the inspection that you, as the new Chief Engineer of a Ro-Ro
passenger ship, would make on vehicle decks. The followings headings are
(i) Stability (ii) Damage control (iii) Fire fighting (iv) Machinery
Give reasoning in each clause of your inspection.
Ans. IMO - Ship constructions standard for passenger ship:- Standards for the
construction of the equipment of passenger ship on international voyage are
set out in Solas chapter II1 (Construction, structure, Fire fighting, Protection,
Fire detection and fire extinction regulations imposed for the supervision on
their closing. They also impose requirement for the control of watertight and
weather tight door fitted in bulkhead above the bulkhead decks.
Stability: Under stability the subdivision load lines applicable under the
different type of voyages depending on the number of passenger carrying or
cargo carrying in passenger spaces. Regulation 31 of the MS Regulation Act
1998 provides that every subdivided ship of the classes III, IV, V or VI (A) on
completion must be inclined and the elements of her stability determined.
For passenger ships, the angle of heel due to crowding should not
exceed 10o
Similarly, the angle of heel due to turning should not exceed 10o.
RoRo ship has to conform to the Severe Wind Rolling Criterion as ships has
high windage factor.
Damage Control: Solas Regulation chapter II- 1B damage control plan shall
be permanently exhibited for the guidance of officer in charge of the
passenger showing clearly for each deck and hold. The boundaries of water
tight compartment, the openings therein and means of closure the
arrangement for correction of list due to flooding. In addition to damage
control plan booklets containing the same information must be made
available by the owners for the use the officers of the ship. Ramp door seals
are satisfactory and in accordance with the regulations.
Fire Fighting: Prior to being assigned ship board passenger ships (as per
regulation II-1) seafarer must have completed the following training:- Training in crowd management.
- Training in passenger safety and hull integrity.
- Training in crisis management and human behavior and other training like
the standard modular courses for all ship types as per STCW-95.
The Chief Engineer to understand that fire protection for Ro-Ro spaces
comes under Special Category ships, requiring horizontal zoning as
vertical zoning is not possible
The Chief Engineer to ensure following safety and fire-fighting items to be
ready for any emergency use:
Sprinkle system.
Co2 flooding system.
Familiarization with all portable and fixed fire extinguisher.
Location of fire hoses and hydrants.
SCBA fireman outfit &its location.
Familiarization of all areas of E/R, accommodation & cargo spaces.
Fire pumps & emergency fire P/P.
Location of fire dampers.
Location of quick closing valves and remote stops for fire control station.
Location of water tight door local and remote operation and their control
11. Location of fire control plan and with international shore coupling.
The following items to be inspected for condition and operation:1.
An examination of the fire main system and confirming that each fire pump
including emergency fire P/P can be operated separately so that required jet
of water can be produced simultaneously from different hydrants and
different pumps
An examination as far as possible and testing of the fire and/or smoke
detection system.
Confirming as far as practical that remote control for stopping fan and fuel
P/P and for shutting off fuel supplies in machinery spares are in working
An examination of the closing arrangement for ventilators, funnel flaps
skylights door ways etc.
Machinery(including critical machinery): The new Chief Engineer for
passenger ship should list out critical machinery operating procedure along
with out going C/E if any deficiency observed should be rectified.
requirements of the convention. This chapter also include the provisions for the
control of the ship in the ports of the contracting governments.
Chapter II - 1 Construction : subdivision and stability machinery and Electrical
The Subdivision of passenger ships into watertight compartments must be
such that after assumed damage to the ships hull the vessel will remain afloat
and stable. The degree of sub division measured by the maximum permissible
distance between two adjacent bulkhead varies with ships length and the
service in which it is engaged the highest degree of subdivision apply to
passenger ships.
Requirements covering machinery and electrical installation are designed to
ensure that the services which are essential for the safety of the ship are
maintained under various emergency conditions.
CHAPTER 2-II Construction : Five protection, Five detention and fire extinction
This chapter includes detailed five safety provisions for all ships and specific
measures for passenger ships, cargo ships and tankers they include the
following principle.
1) Division of ships into main and vertical zones by thermal and structural
2) Separation of the accommodation spaces
thermal and structural boundary.
document the flag state issues the "certificate of civil liability of oil
pollution damage" (CLC certificate)
The certificate shall not be valid beyond the validity of the insurance
Any one who suffers loss due to oil pollution from a ship may she either
the owner of the V/L or even the insurer who has issued the policy within
three years of the loss. Ever if the owner goes into liquidation, the insurer
continuous to be liable to those who may have suffered a loss.
Fund Convention was first adopted in 1971. This was amended and
renamed in 1992. Entered into force 30-5-96. Aim of this convention is to
provide compensation for losses due to pollution where the security
provided by the 1992 CLC convention is inadequate. Fund provides
supplementary compensation to oil pollution disasters. The fund
convention is an attempt to ensure that losses due to oil pollution
damage are borne not only by the shipping industry, but in part also
borne by the cargo interests.
Salient features : 1.
All persons / companies in any country
importing more than 150,000 tons of oil in any year shall make
contributions to the fund. This fund is managed as an independent entity
under the overall supervision of al director who is appointed by and
responsible to IMO.
CLC convention fixed a upper limit to liability of ship owners in case of oil
pollution from tankers so, ship owners were encouraged to invest in high
risk venture like oil transportation.
Ship shall have a detailed storage plan which identify by class and sets
out the location of all dangerous goods onboard.
150. Briefly discuss the reasons for Bulk-Carrier losses in the last decade and
explain how provisions detailed in Chapter XII of SOLAS 74 as amended
will contribute towards the safety of bulk-carriers?
Ans. Originally grain was carried in sacks
It categorized cargoes
highlights dangers associated with shipment of particular cargo.
Gives properties of different cargoes and handling procedures.
It emphasis the need to distribute cargo throughout the ship to
avoid overstressing and improve stability.
Cone when loaded
Angle between slope of cone and bottom of hold is called angle of
Iron has
No. of accidents dropped during 1980s and it seemed to many that the
problem of bulk carriers safety has been solved.
Until: 1990
Importance of age:There was a clear link between accidents and age of bulk carriers
o 1990 18/20 ships lost were over 18 years old
o In 1995 LR of shipping published a table giving details of accidents
involving 88 Bulk carriers between Jan 1990 and Dec 1994 only 3
ships were less than 10 years old and nearly half were over 20 years
Corrosion and fatigue:The main reason why age is so relevant here is that corrosion and
general fatigue increases as ship grows older.
This is partly because of stress to which the ship is inevitably
subjected by routine operation, cargo handling, weather, waves and partly
due to sea water effect on steel.
Bulk carriers is great lakes survive to 50 or 60years sulphur residues
present in coal also aggravate the corrosion.
Dense cargoes like iron ore often carried in alternate holds to raise
(CG). This according to LR increases the stress on inner hull
components (Bulkheads etc)
Cargo handling method:For faster turn-around the loading rate is increased some
terminals can load up to 16000 ton / hr. iron ore. IACS in a report said
high cargo rates under uncontrolled process could result in an over
loading which can cause local or global damage.
1994 One proof was when vessel TRADE DRINKING, Cyprus, 1974, 145000
dwt, breaks at Ponta Madeira
July 1993 - wreck of Derbyshire (went down Sept 1980)
1991 Mineral Diamond (Anglo Eastern) but in 1976 all 26 died
In a study by IACS showed that a
5% overload
shear forces by 5%
10% overload
force by 20%
List the amendments to the existing Conventions of IMO to come into
force in the year 2005. Briefly describe the amendments. What changes
are likely to be foreseen on ship operation worldwide on implementation of
these amendments?
Ans) The amendments to the existing conventions of IMO to come into force in
the year 2005 are as
under:2) MARPOL 73/78 (Adopted: 4 Dec 03, Enforced: Apr. 05)
Annex I - Phasing out cat 1 tanker 2005 from 2007 cat 2 & 3 tanker 2010 from
CAS for all single hull tanker more than 15 yrs new reg 13H
3) LL 1966 ( Adopted: jun-03, Enforced:1 Jan 05)
Amend to annex B
4) FUND 1971 (Adopted:16 May 03, Enforced : 3 Mar 05) supplementary fund
1)MARPOL 73/78 (Adopted 1 Apr 04, Enforced: 1 Aug 05) amend annex IV and
5) MARPOL 73/78 (Adopted: 26 Sept 97, Enforced 19 May 05) Protocol of 1997
add annex VI
MARPOL 73/78
1) The protocol of 1997 (Annex VI-Regulations for the prevention of Air
Pollution from ships) Adoption : 26 September 1997 Entry into force : 19
May 2005
The protocol adds a new Annex VI on Regulation for the prevention of
Air pollution from ships to the convention. The rules set limits on sulphur
oxide (Sox) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) emission from exhaust and prohibit
deliberate emissions of ozone depleting substances.
Annex VI
Includes a global cap of 4.5% m/m on the sulphur content of fuel oil and
calls for IMO to monitor the world wide avg sulphur content of fuel oil
In this area the sulphur content of fuel oil used on board ships must
not exceed 1.5% m/m or alternatively ships must fit an exhaust gas cleaning
system or use any other technological method to limit SOx emissions. The Baltic
sea is designated as a Sox Emission control area in the protocol.
4 December 2003
April 2005
(i) In single hull tankers of 5000 tons dwt and above (ii) in single hull oil
tankers of 600 tons dwt and above but less than 5000 tons dwt not later
than the anniv. of their delivery date in 2008.
The regulation defines HFO as any of the following:
(i) Crude oils having a density higher than 900 kg/m3@ 15oC
fuel oils having a density higher than 900 kg/m3@15oC or a
kinematic viscosity higher than 180mm2/s @ 15oC
bitumen, tar and their emulsions.
all the above may be denied if the party feels this is necessary for
purpose of securing the safety of a ship or caving life at
1 April 2004
1 August 2005
June 2003
1 January 2005
16 May 2003
3 March 005
Various IMO convention have been developed to deal with the prevention of
pollution by ships. Various IMO instruments are listed below.:
Oil filtering equipment, OWS, for any ship 10,000 GT, should be
provided with alarm and automatic stopping device, in case the effluent
exceeds 15 ppm, for E/R bilges.
Bilge water, sludge and dirty oil reception facilities to be provided at all
ports or terminals (Reg.-12)
Segregated clean ballast tanks (SBT) and crude it working system (COW)
to be provided for oil tankers.
Imploding the requirements for the design & construction of oil tankers to
prevent oil pollution in the Event of collision and standing. Reg. 13F for
new tankers & Reg. 13G for hinting tankers which apply to crude carriers
20,000 DWT and product carriers 30,000. Introduction of
Enhanced survey programs during periodical almost & intermediate
(phasing out of single hull tankers)
Oil record book : Every tanker 180 GT & other ships 400 GT shall
have an oil record book. Reg. 20
Sufficient sludge and bilge water holding tanks stop should be provided
to all ships.
Double hull and double bottom requirements for oil tanks delivered after
6 July 1996 & before 6 July 1996. (reg.19)
Garbage record book required for ship > 400 GT and preserved for 2
years after last entry.
Annex VI : Regulation for prevention of air pollution from ships enforced
19th May 2005
Methods and Aids :
F.O. samples must be taken in continuous drip method, stored for not less
than 12 months.
Proper documentation via IOPP, LAPP, ISPP certificate and their validity.
List the IMO Conventions and guidelines dealing with marine
environment protection. State how each of the convention contributes to
the protection of the marine environment.
Ans) Convention are the main instruments of IMO, a binding legal instrument
regulating some aspect of maritime affairs of major concern to IMO (eg
safety, pollution). Various conventions have been developed to deal with the
prevention of pollution by ships some of which are as listed below:
(1) International Convention for the prevention of pollution from ships, 1973 as
modified by the protocol of 1978 (MARPOL 73/78). The various annexes to
this convention are as follows:
Oil filtering equipment or any ship of 10000 GT and above should be
provided with arrangements for an alarm and automatic stopping device in
case the effluent exceeds 15ppm
Reception facilities to be provided at ports and terminals as per
regulation 12.
Segregated clean ballast tanks (SBT) and crude oil washing system
(COW) to be provided for oil tankers
Improving the requirements for the design and construction of oil
tankers to prevent oil pollution in the event of collision and stranding for
new tankers and for existing ships. Which apply to crude carriers of 20000
DWT and above and product carriers more than 30000 DWT, which shall be
subject to enhanced programme of inspections, during periodicals
intermediate and annual surveys.
Oil record book: Every oil tanker of 150 GT and above and all other
ships of 400 GT and above shall have an oil record book for recording all oil
transfers as well as recording all bilge and sludge transfers, oily water
separator operations and incineration/disposal to shore regulam 20
(viii) Shipboard Oil pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP) Reg 26 : Every tanker
of 150 GT and above and all other ships of 400 GT and above shall carry on
board an oil pollution emergency plan approved by the administration.
b] Annexe II: Defines regulations for the control of pollution by noxious liquid
substance in bulk. This involves entered into force on 6thn April 1987.
(i) Categorization and control of discharge of noxious liquid substances in and
outside special areas as per reg 3&5
Cargo record book which records loading unloading cleaning and
ballasting facilities at terminals for discharge of residues and mixtures
containing NLS-reg7
c] Annexe III: Defines regulations for the prevention of pollution by harmful
substances in packaged form entered into force on 1st July 1992. Important points
in their annexe are
(i) It contains general requirements for the issuing of detailed standards on
packing, marking, labeling, documentation, stowage, quantity limitations
and exceptions and notifications for preventing pollution by harmful
d] Annexe iv: Regulations for the prevention of pollution by sewage from ships
entered into force 27th Sept 2003. The following are the important points in this
(i) An International Sewage pollution Prevention certificate is issued by the
administration, after survey has been carried out in accordance with
regulation 3
Ship must have in operation an administration approved sewage
treatment plant to meet the operational requirements regulation 8
Reception facilities at ports and terminals for reception of sewage .
Regulation 10
Standard discharge connections for discharge of sewage to terminals
Annexe vi: Regulations for prevention of air pollution from ships. Entered
into force 19th May 2005
(i) Issue of International Air Pollution Prevention (IAPP) certificate by the
administration after initial survey as per regulation which will be valid for 5
Restriction on use of ozone depleting substances (ODS) such as
HCFCs on board ship
Control of emission of Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) from diesel engines and
other modes of propulsion (Reg 13)
Control of emission of Sulphur Oxides (Sox) by limiting Sulphur
content of fuel to 4.5% m/m and 1.5% m/m for Sulphur Emission Control
Areas (SECA) (Reg 14)
Installation of approved incinerators for shipboard incineration of
sludge and oil waste. The fuel gas outlet temperature and combustion
chamber outlet temperatures are monitored
Bunker delivery Note (BDN) must specify in detail the parameters of
the fuel supplied and these are to be retained on board for a period of 3
years after the bunkers are received.
F.O.Sample to be taken continuously by an approved sampling method
and stored in a clearly marked designated place for a period of not less
than 12 months from the time of delivery.
(viii) ODCs should be clearly marked and stored in a designated place
assigned for that purpose
VOC system for tankers sailing to a VOC designated port.
into force: twelve months after ratification by not less than fifteen states
which are states party to the OPRC conventions.
6) International Convention on the control of Harmful anti fouling systems on
ships (AFS), 2001
Adoption: 5th October 2001. Entry into force: the convention will enter into
force 12 months after 25 states representing 25% the worlds merchant
shipping tonnage have ratified it.This convention prohibits the use of harmful
organisations (in antifouling paints) used on ships and establishes a
procedure to prevent potential suture use of other harmful substances in anti
fouling systems
7) International convention for the control and Management of ships ballast
water and sediments, 2004
Adoption 13th February 2004. Entry into force 12 months after ratification by
30 states, representing 35 per cent of world Merchant Shipping tonnage.
SOLAS ro-ro passenger ship stability standards :Regulation 8-1 Of SOLAS Chapter II-I provides that ro-ro passenger ships built
after 1st July 1997 must comply with regulation II- 1/8, (stability of passenger ships
in damaged condition), as amended by Resolution MSC-12(56), not later than a
date of compliance which is tabulated in the regulation according to the value of
the ships A/Amax and which ranges from 1st OCT 1998(for ships with an A/Amax of
less than 85%,) to 1st OCT 2005,(for ships with an A/Amax of 97.5% or more). In the
case of a ro-ro passenger ship carrying 400 persons or more (including crew),
Regulation 8-2 applies notwithstanding the provisions of regulation 8 and 8-1 and
the compliance date is modified with the new standard until OCT 2010.
Recommendation on loading instruments :The Resolution urges Governments to apply IACS Recommendation No. 48 on
loading instruments when approving loading instruments as required by
Regulation 11 of the new Chapter XII, and to ensure that loading instruments
already fitted have been approved in accordance with the standards of recognized
State the action taken by a survey society towards handling of an ISM
certificate in case
(I) When a major non-conformity is found (ii) When
non-conformities are found
(iii) When extension of the certificate is
requested for (iv) When revision of an entry for a certificate is requested
for. Under what circumstances may SMC and DOC be invalidated.
Ans. As per ISM, a major non conformity is defined as an identifiable deviation
that poses a serious threat to the safety of personnel or to the ship
or a serious risk to the environment and requires immediate
corrective action & include the lack of effective and systematic
implementation of a requirement of the ISM code.
A major non conformity can arise where there has been a serious breach of
the SMS such as failure to under take management reviews or internal audits
or perhaps a vital piece of machinery or technical system has been left out of
If might also include a failure to implement properly the SMS. For example :
where crew member make a tick mark of fill a form to show that maintenance
is being carried out but without actually performing the maintenance or
reporting defects
i) When a major non conformity is found if can lead to either SMC or DOC or both
being withdrawn or becoming invalid.
ii) Any non-conformity from precious external audit for which corrective action
has not been taken within specified time period shall be recorded a major non
-conformity and a major non-conformity can lead to withdrawal or invalidation
of both smc and doc.
iii) Reasons for which a Doc may become invalid / withdrawn :
Corrective action are not taken within the agreed time period.
Applicable amendments to the ISM code are not taken info account.
iv) Reasons for which smc may become invalid / withdrawn include
Corrective action are not completed with the agreed time period
List the objectives of an ISM Internal Audit of a ship. How an internal audit helps in
External Audit of a vessel? Name the salient issues addressed in the Internal
Audit and the persons responsible to carry out the same.
Ans. Internal audit is carried out to verify whether the various elements of the
Safety Management System of the organization are effective and suitable, in
achieving the stated management objectives.
The auditor should check: Plans / procedures are being followed
Laws and regulations are being followed
Records / Documentations are being maintained to provide adequate and
accurate information
Deficiencies are identified and corrective action taken
Personnel are familiar with the use of SMS
As per ISM Code Part A element 1.4, Functional Requirement for a
Safety Management System are to be taken in consideration during the
Internal Audit. If any deficiency is found can be corrected regards to:(a) Procedures (b) Personnel (c) Non-conformity (d) Corrective action
How Internal Audit helps in External Audit: The Internal Audit is carried out as per the procedure laid down in
companys SMS at regular interval(functional requirement of SMS as per
ISM Code Part A 1.4)
It is conducted by companys person who is other than the field of
Any deficiency found can be corrected as per procedure laid down in
companys field
If any deficiency found, concerned responsible person is informed
By this all documents, displays, procedures, emergency equipments etc.,
are checked for proper order
As it is only company matter so time is not the issue.
By this it can be said that internal audit is helpful for external audit.
Salient issues addressed in the internal audit are: About safety and environment protection policy
Instruction and procedure to ensure safe operation of ships
The ISM Code Section 12 (company verification, review and evaluation) make it
mandatory to maintain and control the shore and ship based safety
management system.
Objective Of Internal Audit:a) Internal Audit are conducted for self-evaluation of the safety management
system on board.
b) Whether companys safety and environmental policy is continually (still)
in compliance with the requirement of this code.
c) Any deficiencies as regards to the below can be corrected:i) Procedure:- Testing procedure for lifeboat engine, arrival/departure
procedure etc.
ii) Personnel:- Maintaining of training records, familiarisation with
equipments and their duties etc.
iii) Documents:- Update for any recent changes incorporated like deletion
of concerned section from ORB as regards to discharge
through 100 ppm equipment kept with concerned book;
permit to work etc.,
iv) Corrective Action :- Reporting of near misses and SMS incorporated the
change etc.
v) Non-Conformity Reporting as per above.
How Internal Audit helps in External Audit:1) The Internal Audit is carried out as per the laid procedure of the
companys SMS at regular intervals by competent person/persons.
2) Any deficiency found can be corrected as per procedure laid down in
The deficiency is generally conveyed to the responsible person, who in
turn takes corrective action for the same.
Internal Audit is conducted as the same strength and intensity as
External Audit and off course before the occurrence of an External Audit.
Any deficiency/non-conformity which would have been left un-attended
or un-addressed till the time of External Audit, thus will be brought up and
corrective action procedure laid down for, during the Internal Audits
The Company should define & document the responsible authority and inter
relationship of all personal related to and affecting safety and pollution
The Company must define the masters authority & responsibility and
ensure that the master and all other personnel are properly qualified for the
job and fully conversant with the company safety management system.
The Company should carry out internal safety audits to verify safety and
pollution prevention activities comply with the safety management system.
(b) Advantages of drills and exercises :ISM Code element 8 deals with emergency preparedness and states that
the Company should have an integrated ship and shore contingency plan
comprising of
Procedures for notifying and liaising with next of kin of persons on board
Procedures for issuing info bulletins and answering queries from the media
and public
1) Drills and exercises are important as they ensure all persons are well
aware of their duties and responsibility in case of an actual emergency.
209.As a Chief Engineer you have joined a vessel which is about to undertake a
six month round voyage. Underline and describe the key issues that you will
inspect, check, prepare, establish and maintain towards proper Planned
Maintenance of Engine Room and associated areas under ISM Codes.
Ans. 1) Read the handing over notes of previous chief engineer thoroughly
2) Fuel oil, diesel oil, gas oil & lub oil soundings to confirm the actual figures
match with the log book figures before taking over from outgoing C/E.
1) Voyage requirements to be ascertained
2) Bunkers expected
3) Consumption patterns; any special instructions for same
4) Check oil record book
5) Overdue certificates, surveys if any
6) Status of main and auxiliary machinery
7) Since PMS is on the basis of running hours and time based, so record of
running hours should be collected & checked from outgoing C/E
8) Spares: Check whether inventory is updated. There should be minimum
no. of spares stock available on board at all times, for carrying out
maintenance as per PMS. If no. of spares are not enough, then indent
should be raised at the earliest.
The maintenance carried out during each month shall be entered in
the log abstract; & forwarded to the concerned superintendent at the end
of every month. Renewal of major components, breakdown repair,
detection of any cracks, other defects to be highlighted in the above
Complete set of drawings and instruction books/manuals as per the
acceptance protocol shall be kept and indexed. In case of any structural
change, modifications, renewal, retrofit or decommissioning of any
equipment, the records shall be suitably amended with the concurrence of
the concerned superintendent.
Random testing of alarms & critical safety devices should be carried
out. Audio-visual alarms/cut-outs and auto starting of equipments,
wherever provided shall be tested. Simulation test such as L.O. pressure,
low cool water pressure, cut-outs, boiler water low alarm and low-low
water cut-out should be checked regularly. Alarm devices should not be
bypassed under normal running conditions; but if bypassed due to some
reason, all concerned personnel should be informed.
Check the records of CSM(Continuous Survey of Machinery) &
equipment certificates as well as original makers certificates as per the
acceptance protocol. C/E should make sure that all the certificates under
his charge are in order and valid. If any deficiency is found, it should be
reported to the superintendent.
Check all engineer officers are familiar with PMS operations of all
equipments & operations of all safety equipments, & Safety &
Environmental Protection Policy of the company and they are strictly
following it.
Maintenance Plan :
A maintenance plan should be such that it provides an efficient service
at optimum cost. It is to be designed in a way to keep every machinery
to an acceptable standard.
Objectives of maintenance plan should be :
Reject All
Implement solution
Evaluate Effectiveness
In effective
Acceptance Criteria
Water Tightness
Inspection methods :
223. With reference to project cost estimation towards a major ship repair with
multiple activities, explain (i) Cost groups (ii) Cost parameters (iii) Work
breakdown structure (WBS). How best in your opinion these modules assist
towards an optimum ship repair cost estimation?
Ans. Generally major ship repairs are carried out in dry-dock along with
intermediate docking survey or 5-yearly docking survey or may be
Steel damage
Dry docking is one of the most important activities that a vessel may come
across. Hence good co-ordination & planning will be vital towards
successful completion of dry dock.
The dry docking is governed by various factors
Statutory requirements
Essential repairs
Scope of work in the dry dock categorizing especially time required shore
gang required (as planned with superintendent) work that will require to
be done by E/R & dock staff
ROB of bunkers & lubes etc to the know & calculate turn & etc for
entering dry dock & ship may be put us for survey (charter changes)
most probably after the same.
Duration of intended dry dock with a flood time line of the activities that
you intend to do the more precise the better.
Co-ordinate with master as to reqd. list & trim required & put according
necessary FO & FW tanks in use as advised by him. Regd. details of trim
obtained from docking.
10) Any "rules" laid down by yard & to be followed. should informed to the
ships personnel by master.
11) A pre docking tank cleaning & line washing plan to be informed by
master to chief eng who it turn will co-ordinate with 2/E to mobilize the
resources to carryout the operation.
12) All refit requirements to be submitted as stated with appropriate data
e.g. pipe repair material, location, staging reqd. safety precautions etc.
The more specific these requirements the better as negotiation & rates
called prior to entry into dock to get best price. The higher the deviation
from jobs specs the more dock will charge because once unable the dock
the yard has an upper hand & masseuses its profit by exploring
Delegation of responsibilities to E/R staff.
Preparedness for the same will start well in advance of the dry dock.
C/E & 2/E who are management personnel of E/R dept to make a rough
plan to delegate responsibility of various jobs to be carried out to
personnel considering their ability.
Personnel to prepare tags for various v/v with job no & fix them on the
A day to day work report to be mode & discussed to check weather all
jobs proceeding as per schedule or there is some delay if so then look
into the same.
2/E & C/E to co-ordinate & divide various surveys which they will
Check about the plan of dry dock & ensure that task done there is done
in a well planned manner without delay of the vessel.
Before any job on ME is planned ensure that crank shaft deflection prior
entry taken.
Any company requirement must be well informed to yard eg. lockout tag
out systems, permit to work & inform them who the ship safety officer is.
Any dock specific requirements & check lists which may be different from
company checklist.
A check of dry dock equipment & facilities to be done & all non
conformities noted down & informed to guard.
10) Any thing also not to the standards must be communicated to the
authorities so that accidents may i.e. avoid eg. old damaged slug used
for lifting heavy parts & equipments its use must immediately
232. Illustrate the provision kept towards establishing procedures to identify and
testing of critical equipments under ISM Codes. Enlist the shipboard items/
operations subjected to inspection and test under ISM codes. How the list of
critical equipment and systems are made and on what factors they are
Ans)Critical equipments are the equipments whose failure can cause an accident
or result in a hazardous situation, . Causing injury to personnel or loss of
life or damage to the marine environment or
Bunkering operations
Navigation in restricted visibility/high density traffic area
Operation in heavy weather
Critical machinery system
Handling of hazardous cargo and noxious substances
Cargo operations on Gas/oil/Chemical tankers
Factors determining the list of critical equipments/systems:Since the onus of identifying the critical equipments rests with the company
hence the list of items made can be ship specific and relevant to the particular
ship type
The possible consequences of failure of equipments; If the failure of a component,
machinery or operation would lead to the possible risk of life or ship or the
environment system not in continuous use, lent vital for use in an emergency
situation e.g., LSA, FFA etc
The nature of ship operation is so unique that the general management principles
as regards inventory which are in practice for land based industry can
hardly be applicable to shipping. At the most, a ship can be termed as a
floating and moving power plant, and apply some basic principles of
inventory management to draw a plan to suit a particular ship.
Efficient running of a ship depends on a quality inventory management
plan as inventory carrying cost terms on important part of operating cost
of the vessel. Some of the features which are unique to ship operations
are as follows:
Ships operate in international waters with very little time in port thus
exposing it to the risk of isolation from land (land support).
The efforts that go into land items onboard the ship, approvals,
clearances, permits etc required by various countries before being
allowed to land spares / stores in their countries port.
Galley or
Deck m/c/
Cargo gear
Decide the supply cycle monthly, quarterly, six monthly etc. depending
upon consumption pattern & storage space.
ISSA code book & such other books can serve an important reference
while formulating the plan.
Inventory management plan for spares :
Take statutory and class requirement (as regards machinery spares that
are required to be onboard) if any, into consideration
List out all shipboard machinery and systems and fid out logistic
requirement of each of item.
Work out minimum stock level of each of the above machinery systems.
Consumption pattern.
234. As a Chief Engineer describe the methodology you will practice during taking
over/handing over of your ship in a foreign port towards inventory
management of lube oil / fuel oil on board. In case of dispute arising thereof,
describe how it can be best solved? During the circumstances how you would
ascertain amount of oil not fit for use?
Ans. The normal practise during signing off and handing over, the out-going chief
engineer prepares handing over notes. It is a standard format set by the
individual company. C/Es handing over format is available on board and has
to be filled up while signing off. The new C/E or incoming C/E has to sign on it
and out-going C/E also has to sign on it. This handing over form is filed in
C/Es handing over file.
Handing over notes prepared by out-going C/E regarding fuel oil / lub oil
inventory, the incoming C/E has to check the bunker delivery report
file(bunker receipt of previous bunkers) for quality i.e. sulphur content,
viscosity, water content etc., and quantity received.
Check all the tank soundings and calculate the actual oil on board.
Also make sure that approved sounding table book is available in C/Es
Confirm that fuel oil actually found and log book figure are
Check lub oil quantity on board and compare with log book figures
Check for any letter of protest given by previous C/E , if any letter is
there it must be signed by out-going C/E and bunker party
Check per day consumption of fuel oil and lubes from other records
under different conditions, i.e. ballast and loaded
Check the oil ROB fulfils the voyage requirements and accordingly ask
company for bunkers as necessary
Check MARPOL bunker file and bunker sample bottles and stickers for
next bunkers and seals available
In case of any dispute arising over the quantity of lube oil / fuel oil
delivered on board, the out-going C/E must report the discrepancy to the
incoming C/E. if the out-going C/E is not able to show the cause for
difference in the bunker quantity or lube oil quantity, then the matter has
to be reported to the master who in turn will inform the company.
For ascertaining the amount of fuel oil not fit for use, C/E has to
check certain specifications of oil which is on board ship and compare
with test results obtained from the laboratory or as specified in bunker
delivery note. But C/E should not use the newly received bunker until the
old bunker are finished and laboratory report received and confirmed
that quality is OK.
Fuel Oil Specification:- To comply with the standard fuel oil quality always
use ISO 8217 standard fuel oil.
The only way of monitoring the delivered fuel quality would be to
test the fuel oil by standard fuel oil testing kit for immediate reference
and to be tested by approved and authorised testing agencies and labs.
The results obtained from the labs could be used in case:a. Disputes over quality supplied by supplier
b. Highlights area where operational adjustments of the main
engine may reduce damages
Bunker sample should be obtained at the point of bunker manifold
using continuous drip method. Sample should be representative of entire
bunker oil so that oil should be taken during starting to completion of the
bunker and sealed in sample bottles with sufficient or complete
information required. Bunker delivery note to be retained on board for
minimum 3 years and bunker samples to be retained on board for
minimum 12 months
As per ANNEX VI of MARPOL 73/78 the sulphur content of fuel
should not exceed 4.5% and the oil used for sulphur emission control
areas should be less than 1.5%, which should be clearly specified on the
bunker delivery note.
When accepting bunkers from a barge or terminal, the C/E should always check
the local suppliers documents to make certain the bunker supply conforms to
The flash point, viscosity and other characteristics of fuel supplied should be
checked to ensure that fuel is suitable for vessels. The C/E should always check
that bunkers to be received do not contain unacceptable percentage of water.
The C/E and barge master should check the security of the here couplings on
the bunker barge and receivers vessel and should agree upon piping rate.
Barge master to show valid . Testing certificate to C/E
New bunkers to be segregated From old bunkers
Duty engineer to check sampling flange is correctly fitted in place the
sample must be representative of the total delivery and ideally taken by
drip feed.
Sample bottles should be sealed, dated and signed by both parties atleast
and samples need to be taken.
It is the ships staff responsibility to ensure that the actual quantity received is as
per the ordered quantity. The 3/E must always check the barge soundings before
and after pumping-quantity calculated from the tables check the table for proper
authorization/stamp etc, case must be taken for test/trim and temp variations.
If flow meters are fitted-initial and final reading to be noted
Few record of the ships tank must be kept ready before bunkering. If the barge
person wants to check the ship soundings. He must be allowed to do so.
I o/ discrepancy in the quantity received can be .if the difference exceeds a
letter of protection must be written by the master and independent surveyor
called to investigate the findings. However if bunker fig are satisfactory the BDR
should be checked to ensure the information is includes as per annexe V
Name and IMO number of receiving ship
Date and Time of commencement of delivery
Name, address and telephone number of marine fuel oil supplies
Product names
Sulphur content should be < 45%, meeting ISO 8217 standards. In sensitive
areas, sulphur content 21.5%
Quantity in metric tines, according to ISO 3675
Density @ 15 deg, according to ISO 8754.
Declaration should be signed and certified by fuel oil suppliers rep that the fuel oil
supplied conforms with reg 14(1)/4(9), reg 18(1) or annexe VI
Bunker quantity disputes
There are two methods for audits to find out above : observing &
Observing :- It gives the visible flaws in documentation, machinery
condition of ship, operation of ship.
Interviewing :- When a safety management procedure exists, the personnel
involved should
be able to describe their understanding of the way it is carried
out or in some
cases, provide evidence for the same. The auditor should
compare the
participants statement against standard procedure. If it is
not, it may lead to
personal harm, damage to ship/cargo/environment. This will
be a nonconformity.
Thus this may indicate the requirement of on-board training of personnel.
Emergency Drills:- Regulation 8 of ISM Code identifies the need for drills &
exercises to prepare for emergency action.
Musters and drills are required to be carried out regularly. These are
exercises which have the objective to prepare a trained and organised
response to potentially hazardous situations which may threaten life, property
or environment. It is important to be carried out as realistically as possible.
The initial response and action of personnel during these drills will bring
out the need (if any) to further train the personnel on board for operation of
safety equipments and safe procedures to be adopted in event of such a
Previous Training and Experience:- As per STCW 95 there are certain
courses which have to be done for joining the ship e.g. people have to be
trained at shore for various simulated emergencies.
For fire, AFF(Advanced Fire Fighting) & BFF(Basic Fire Fighting) courses
train the personnel how to deal with it and various technicalities of the same.
For abandon ship & to rescue a person in distress at sea, the
PSCRB(Proficiency in Survival Craft & Rescue Boat) course is there.
To deal with medical emergencies, various methods of first aid are taught
in MFA(Medical First Aid).
Personal Safety and Social Responsibility (PSSR) deals with the said
All above courses are mandatory as per STCW 95 convention code A
Regulation VI.
Apart from above courses, for joining the specialised vessels like Oil Tankers,
LPG, Chemical Tankers, specialised courses are needed to be done.
There are other courses which are not mandatory, but company encourages
to do to improve the competency of the personnel, e.g. hydraulics, pneumatics,
electronics etc.
If required, on board training and drills should be carried out to train the crew
who do not have adequate knowledge.
Familiarisation with new Equipment:- While familiarising with new
equipment following points should be observed:
Operation of equipment
Maintenance schedule
243.The ship on which you are working as Chief Engineer has run aground and
some of the double bottom
tanks are suspected to be leaky with oil
going out. Describe the methods employed by you in the situation for oil
stock management and ascertaining the quantity of available oil.
Ans. Since the vessel has run aground, vessels contingency plan as per safety
management manual for the emergency situation will be followed. All tanks
including E/R tanks will be sounded at regular intervals to identify the
damaged tank. The same information will be conveyed to master, who will
inform Designated Person Ashore, neighboring coastal agencies, flag state,
classification society & P&I club.
In the event of any double bottom tank damage it is unlikely that oil will
find the way out. But if it is noticed that the oil is leaking out, this will be in
following cases:
1) Just at the time of impact or damage to the tank
2) When the hydrostatic pressure exerted by oil level in the tank is more
than the hydrostatic pressure by sea water outside the tank
Assuming the db tank containing F.O. is damaged & F.O. is leaking, the
quantity of oil in the tank before the accident can be ascertained from the
daily /weekly sounding book. Quantity of oil in the other tanks will also be
noted and quantity that can be transferred in them can be calculated
considering the stability factor. Efforts will be made to prevent oil
pollution along with efforts to salvage F.O.
Following steps will be adopted to save oil & reduce oil pollution:1. Transfer oil by using the F.O. transfer p/p. this method is effective only if oil
level in the tank exerts more hydrostatic pressure than the sea water
outside. Sample of oil at pump discharge will be checked regularly to
ascertain that only oil is being transferred to the other tank. Once sample at
the transfer p/p discharge confirms water, p/p should be stopped
2. If the tank is in the E/R, then sounding pipe will be just above the db tank.
Flexible hose can be connected on the sounding pipe just before the selfclosing cock and remaining oil can be transferred from the affected tank.
3. In case the affected tank is outside E/R, then the sounding pipe will extend
above the upper deck. Flexible hose can be inserted from the sounding pipe
or vent pipe up to the surface of the oil level & oil can be transferred using
portable Walden p/p to stock tank. This method can be used for E/R db tank,
also in case the vent pipe extends up to weather deck or above.
4. A check list must be filled and all precautions taken during and prior the oil
transfers. Stability must be a prime concern.
Once the quantity of oil remaining on board is ascertained, company
must be informed about the status of ships hull and machinery, and whether
ship can make to the port of call or port of refuge. In case the ship cannot
make to either port of call or port of refuge due to hull/machinery damage or
insufficient fuel quantity remain on board, tug assistance may be asked.
Depending upon the condition if the ship is ordered to proceed to port of
call or port of refuge, all possible measures will be taken to check fuel oil
consumption. Following measures can be taken to reduce fuel oil consumption.
o Check leakage from pumps, glands, pipelines, etc.,
o M/E to be run at economical speed as far as possible.
244. Develop a training program for activities of a vessel, where you have joined
recently as a Chief Engineer highlighting the specific training needs for
engine room personnel in case of (i) use of life saving appliances (ii) fire in
accommodation (iii) explosion in engine room, when the ship is in dry dock
Section A-1/6 deals with the training and assessments of seafarer onboard
Use of life saving appliances: C/E should ensure that the entire crew is
trained on the use of
personnel life saving appliances like donning of life jacket,
use of lifebuoys and use of immersion
suit and anti exposure (CTPA) suit clear
instructions should given to the crew to understand the muster list and his duty in
case of an emergency situation operating instructions of life craft, life boat and
rescue boat should also be explained. Thus, the training in the use of life saving
appliances and the importance of communication until more confidence in to
crew. Crew is trained for emergencies
like fire in accommodation training
should include following type of action.
Use appropriate fire extinguishing agent
Incase of dangerous cargoes consult IMDG code
Check effects on ships stability and maintain ship in upright position
Ensure fire parties working in pairs/teams
Try up limit the fire by spreading by shifting the combustible material
in the vicinity.
Make sure boundary cooling is provided
Monitor the temperature of boundaries being cooled.
Ensure sufficient protection to personnel is provided
Confirm is there is need of using smoothening methods like CO2 etc.
245. You have joined a vessel as Chief Engineer recently. Outline a programme
that you will implement in training of Engine Room staff for (i) Fire prevention
and fire fighting
(ii) Pollution prevention (iii) Safe working practices. Enlist
the related STCW Codes for each of them.
Ans. Upon joining a v/l as c/e, programs that can be implemented for training of
E/R staff, shall be in accordance with chapter VI of STCW 95 Code; which
deals with standards and minimum mandatory requirement regarding
familiarising and basic safety training for emergency and occupational safety
along with medical care and survival functions.
The purpose of such a training should be to provide basic knowledge,
increase their proficiency and at the same time enhancing their skills by
subjecting them to simulated emergency situations, i.e. drills and exercises,
so that the personnel identifies the potentially hazardous situation that may
result in threat to life or the pollution of marine environment.
These will not only reduce the response time but also increase the
confidence level.
Fire Prevention & Fire Fighting:- Training program for this should be
complying with chapter VI Table A VI/1-2 , whereby specification of
minimum standards of competence in fire prevention and fire fighting are laid
down. Competence is in minimising the risk of fire and maintaining a state of
readiness to respond to emergency situation involving fire. This should
include the knowledge, understanding and proficiency in matters pertaining
to:The elements of fire and explosion, reminding them of fire triangle,
types and sources of ignition, flammable materials, fire hazards & spread of
All engine room personnel must be made well aware of Fire Plan on
board ship, their duties should be explained & importance of the same w.r.t.
emergency situation should be explained.
Classification of fire and applicable extinguishers, location of FFA in
engine room, emergency escape routes & internal communication should be
explained. Fire & smoke detection system and automatic alarm system should
be well conversed with.
The donning of fire fighters outfit, use of SCBA, ventilation control,
quick-closing valves, fire control station & places from where emergency fire
pump can be started remotely.
Instructions and knowledge regarding fixed installations and rescue
procedures. Under what conditions engine room to be evacuated etc. should
be explained.
Fire drills must be conducted weekly and during briefing sessions,
assessment of performance and improvement should be done. Personnel
should be rotated in their duties in order that they are conversant with other
emergency duties as well.
Pollution Prevention:- This is dealt with in chapter VI Table A VI/1-4
whereby specification of minimum standards of competence in Pollution
Prevention of Marine Environment is laid down. It includes the knowledge,
understanding & proficiency in matters pertaining to:Effects of operational or accidental pollution of marine
environment and basic environmental protection procedures. This will include
imparting knowledge of SOPEP, which is a contingency plan to prevent
pollution. Accidental pollution can occur during cargo loading/discharging,
bunkering, oil spill may also result due to collision and grounding etc. Same
should be explained along with location of SOPEP locker, equipments, their
use and personnel duties during SOPEP operation. Remote stop of COPs,
closing scuppers, testing & indication of high level alarms etc.for bunkering,
the bunker system, location of tanks, sounding procedures to be explained.
Bunker safety checklist to be followed. Communication means & mode settled
between ship staff and barge personnel, importance of constant vigil should
be explained.
Knowledge, operation and maintenance of pollution prevention
equipment like OWS, Incinerator and Sewage system should be explained.
SOPEP drills should be carried out weekly and during briefing
sessions the liability, compensation & fines that may result should be
explained along with engine room personnel duties in each case.
Safe Working Practices:- This is dealt with in chapter VI Table A VI/1-4
whereby specification for competence in safe working practice is laid down.
Knowledge, understanding and proficiency for the following must be
imparted;Knowledge of a safe attire is of prime importance, importance of
safety while carrying out various ship board operations should be explained.
This includes personal safety, safety of other men and m/c and safety of ship.
For E/R operations use of gloves, goggles, chemical handling suit
while working with hazardous chemicals, using gloves, goggles and shield
while carrying out welding or cutting jobs and use of PPE when on lathe,
grinding m/c etc.
Enclosed space entry C/L and hot work permit C/L should be
explained. Use of O2 analysis HC Detector should be explained. Procedure for
ship board operation of critical equipments should be posted at conspicuous
locations. Hazards of unsafe practices should be explained, as they result in
fire, collision and grounding. Also occupational hazards to be explained. Drills
for enclosed space entry such as rescue from P/P room etc. should be carried
out weekly or fortnightly.
246. As a Chief Engineer on a ship, how would you conduct a training program for
safe work practices in (i) Engine Room Workshop (ii) During Dry docking (iii)
Pollution prevention
Ans. Safe Working Practices followed on board ship is the requirement of ISM
Code. The chief engineer should ensure that all persons involved in different
type of work should follow safe working practices as deemed in Code of Safe
Working Practices in shipboard Safety Manual.
(1) Engine room Workshop:a) This is a designated hot work area, so all persons working in
workshop should be aware of the work being done. Persons who are
authorised to do hot work should be familiar with the welding
equipment. And chief engineer will authorise only those persons,
who are familiar with the use of the equipment.
b) All individuals involved in welding, should be familiar with its
correct use, importance of safety precautions and personal
protective clothing to wear while carrying out work.
c) All persons involved in welding/hot work should be familiar with fire
fighting equipment to be kept stby; & what to do in case of fire break
out while carrying out work.
d) No hot work to be carried out without permission of duty engineer.
e) Workshop to be kept free of oily rags, etc. because of different
types of jobs being carried out simultaneously.
f) All personnel working in engine room workshop made familiar with
correct use Personal Protective Equipment, such as goggles right
goggles for right job.
g) All personnel involved in machinery(in workshop) job should be
familiar with the controls and emergency stop for that machinery
h) All engine room personnel are given training for correct use of
grinding m/c, lathe m/c, drilling m/c, etc.
i) All tools should eb kept clean and stored in proper place.
j) Welding machine should be switched off after use
k) Oxygen and acetylene lines must be de-pressurised after use and
hose to be coiled properly, anti back-flow valve should be in working
l) Work to be planned out before commencing.
(2) Dry-Docking:1) Crew members to be explained about the dry-docking jobs to
carry out.
2) No fuel oil, lub. oil and fresh water transfer to be carried out
without permission from chief engineer to avoid unduly stresses on
the hull.
3) No opening to be unflagged or unattended.
4) Crew members and other shore staff working in engine room is
explained and briefed about what to do in case of fire situation.
5) All crew members are explained about correct use of PPE
6) Emergency exit to be properly designated in case of any work
carried out in the way of emergency exit.
Following points to be discussed for safe working practices in dry-dock
d) Importance of safety in dry-dock
e) Importance of ship familiarisation for shore workers
f) Use and demonstration of LSA to shore workers
g) List familiarisation with hazardous operations
h) Handling of deck machineries such as crane, mooring winch
i) Continuous fire watch
j) Proper use of caution
(3) Pollution Prevention:- Crew should be explained the different kinds of
pollution oil,
garbage, sewage, chemicals and exhaust. They should be made
familiar with the company policy for the prevention of pollution of sea by
ship board operation.
247. Underline the general procedures followed for flow of information among
ships personnel. As a Chief Engineer on a ship having multinational crew, how
instructions received from shore office for engine management can be best
Ans. General flow for instruction from owner manager office to ship & from ship is
as follows.
E mail
Exchange of information
to various persons shown.
2nd ENGG.
3rd ENGG.
4th ENGG.
Master sort out information received from Head Office to Engg. & Deck
department & pass it to respective persons as the case may be.
Certain information not required involvement of all ship crew in such case
master sets a meeting of departmental head & discuss the matter as the
case may be.
Information regarding safety pollution preventing can be best survey by
conducting ship meetings.
In this meeting issues on safety & pollution prevention can best be
discussed the company information's on such issues, what is recent
development & requirement. New convention regarding safely pollution
prevention, & security can be best way discussed, the crew difficulty in
understanding on any matter must best way to resolved.
Certain meeting must conduct before arrived of ports.
Master must address the crew regarding the situation at port, port stay
security level at port, behaviour of stevedore, on such ports, ships plan
From the office various circulars or send to ships regarding pollution
prevention companion, safely issue, various incident report.
Such circulars must kept available at common places, like smoke room all
crew member must read understand & sign the same such circulars may
repeat at safety meeting to know the feedback of crew on such circular or
Information can pass through training videos. Such videos shown on
weekend & following with feedback session.
In case of multinational crew passing of information is little difficult but no
difficult even though use of English made compulsory but still the problem
is not completely solved.
In such case proper meeting of engine room staff taken chief engineer has
to explain the scope of information requirement from ship's personnel &
most important is feedback after information to ascertain that the
information require to communicate is understand or not he has to make
sure at any cost the proper require information only must conveyed.
248.As per STCW convention 78 and Code of 95, state to which branch do the
following sections refer to (a) Section A- III/1
(b) Section A- III/2
Section A- III/3
(d) Section A- III/4
Ans)STCW refers to the international convention on standards of training,
certification and watch keeping for seafarers, which was adopted on 7th July
1978 and was the first convention to establish mandatory minimum
requirements on training, certification and watch-keeping for seafarers on an
international level. It entered into force on 28th April 1984. Since then, a total
of 3 amendments have been made: The 1991, 1994 and 1995 amendments.
Convention was never uniformly applied and did not impose any strict
obligations on parties regarding implementation.
Also parties realized that after 17 years, the 1978 convention between
26th June to 7th July 1995 at IMOs headquarters in London and the 1995
Amendments were officially adopted by resolution 1 of the conference of
parties to the international convention of STCW 78.
1995 amendment is a major revision. One of the major features of the revision is
resolution 2 of the conference of the parties to international convention on STCW
The resolution is an attachment to the final act of the STCW conference, which is
given in form of annexes, containing VIII chapters.
Chapter I: Deals with general provisions and includes mandatory medical
standards communication skills, simulator training, revalidation of certificates,
companies responsibilities etc.
Chapter II: Deals with master and deck department. It gives provisions for:
Reg1: Mandatory minimum manning requirements for navigational watch-keepers
incharge of ships of 500 GT and above
Reg2: Mandatory minimum requirements for master and chief mates of ships of
500 GT and aleave
Reg3: Mandatory minimum requirements for master and chief mates of ships
between 500 3000 GT and also below 500 GT.
Reg4: Mandatory minimum requirements for ratings forming part of navigational
Chapter III: Deals with engine department and gives provisions
Reg1 : Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of OIC of an engineering
watch in a manned engine room or for the designated duty engineer in a
periodically unmanned engine room
Reg2: Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of chief and second
engineer officer of ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3000 kw
propulsive power or more
Reg3: Mandatory minimum required for chief and 2nd engineer officers of ships
powered by main propulsion engines of between 7508 3000 kw power
Reg4: Mandatory minimum required for certification of ratings forming part of
watch in a manned engine room or designated to perform duties in a periodically
unmanned engine room.
CHAPTER V: Deals with special training required for personnel on certain type of
Personal should have DC (dangerous Cargo) endorsement at management level,
operational level and support level as the case may be on the type of tanker to be
CHAPTER VI: Deals with emergency occupational safety medical care and survival
functions and includes
Reg1: Familiarization with liasic safety training e.g., PST, Elementary first aid,
Basic fire fighting etc.
Reg2: PSCRB proficiency in survival craft and rescue boat
Reg3: AFF Advanced fire fighting
Reg4: Medical first aid and medical care
CHAPTER VII: Deals Alternative certification
This chapter allows a navigator meeting requirements of chapter 2 to undergo
training as required by section A-II of STCW code and get his certificate Endorsed
(after meeting its requirements satisfactorily). Similarly an engineer meeting
requirements of chapter 3 can undergo training as required by section A-II of
STCW code and get his certificate Endorsed
Reg1-Fitness for duty,
258 . Develop an appropriate training programme for engine room personnel for
successfully encountering machinery related emergency situations like (i)
Main engine/ auxiliary engine failure (ii) automation failure of main engine in
UMS vessels (iii) Steering failure (iv) electrical failure.
Ans. i) a) Main Engine failure :
A training program to tackle this emergency situation must achieve the
following objectives.
Starting of boiler
Starting other auxiliary engines (if not already started) and taking on load.
Attending any repairs and inform bridge for readiness/ time of completion..
Steering failure :
In the event of steering failure bridge will inform the engine room.
A training program could include the following aspects:1.
All above training programs can be charted out using one or more of the
following:1) Verbal lectures
2) Literature from company circulars
3) ISM manual guidelines
4) Safety videos on board.
260. Illustrate the salient factors for onboard training and standard of
competence as laid out in STCW 95 Chapter III. Underline the specific roles a
CE needs to perform toward satisfactory training of engine room personnel
under the Regulation. What will be the criteria for evaluating competence for
onboard training by a CE.
Chapter III of STCW95 deals with standards required of E/R personnel under
different capacities chapter III/1 deals with standards required for a
watchkeeping Engineer Offices, III/2, III/3, deals with the standards
required for C/E & 2/E officer for main propulsive powers more than
3000 KW & between 750 kw to 3000 kw respectively chapter II/3, deals
with standards required for serving as Engine Room Ratin.
On Board Training :
Every candidate shall follow an approved onboard training which
Ensures that during the required period of sea going service, the
candidate receives systematic practical training and experience in the
tasks, duties and responsibilities of an officer in charge of engine room
watch keeping aking into account the guidance given in section B-III/I,
of the code.
268. Explain Port State Control (PSC) Inspection. Underline its authority for
exercising and the basis of such inspections. Enumerate the relevant
regulations article and annexes of SOLAS 74, LOADLINES 66, MARPOL 73/78,
STCW 78 and TONNAGE 69, which forms the provisions for PSC.
Ans. Port State Control is an inspection programme under which all countries
work together, to ensure that all vessels entering there waters are in
complaints with strict international safety and antipollution standards. All
countries involved in inspecting ships will share their findings with each
other. Ship that are found to be in violation of laid down standard, are
detained in port, until there deficiencies are rectified. The objective of PSC is
to detect sub standard ship, that endanger not only the ships crew and the
port, but also environment. This minimises the threat to life, property and
the environment.
The key element of PSC are
Ensuring compliances with internal rules regarding safety, marine pollution
and a threat to the working environment.
Determining sub standard vessels, until all deficiencies are rectified.
Implementing a mutally agreed upon figure, of annually inspecting the
minimum numbers (normally 25% of all visiting vessels).
Applying a targeting system, when determining the selection of vessel for
checking, so that well run vessels are not unnecessarily harassed, while
black listed vessels will not to be allowed to operate.
Harmonising and strengthening, to the greatest extent, port state controls
authority to carry out better surveillance.
Provide technical assistances and training, where the need is identified.
Authorities of PSC
Port state can be applied not only to those countries, who are party to the
conventions but also to ships that fly the flag of a state, that has not ratified a
convention. No ship is exempted from PSC.
The relevant regulations article and Annex which forms the provision for PSC
are as follows.
Reg. I/ 19 : General provision / control
Reg. IX / 6 Management of safe operation of ship / verification
Reg. XI / 4 : Special measures to enhance maritime safety PSC on
operational requirement
Chapter XI - 2 : Special measures to enhance maritime securities (ISPS Code)
MARPOL 73/78
Article 5 - Certificate and special rules on inspection of ships.
Article 6 : Detection of violation and enforcement of the convention.
Regulation 8A of Annex I - PSC on operational requirement
Regulation 15 of Annex II : PSC on operational requirement
Regulation 18 of Annex III : PSC on operational requirement
Regulation 8 of Annex XIV : PSC on operational requirement
Load Lines
Article 21 : Check ILLC (international load line certificate)
STCW -78
Article X - Control regulation (Rights of PSCO to ensure that all seafarers have
appropriate certificate)
Regulation I/4 : Control procedures.
Tonnage 1969
Article 12 : Verification of tonnage certificate
Port state control inspection may be undertaken on the basis of
the initiative of the party.
The request of, or on the basis of, information regarding a ship provided by
another party.
Definition of P.S.C.
P.S.C. is the control through inspection of foreign ships by coastal state in its
port. This control is ensured for the purpose verifying 1) The condition of the
ship and its equipment comply with the requirements of certain
international maritime conventions 2) The ship is manned and operated in
compliance with applicable national law. By the provision of UNCLOS, the
flag state has been given the primary responsibility for ensuring that a ship
is equipped, operated, maintained and manned in accordance with
international maritime convention. P.S.C. is an international initiative for
reduction of substandard ship.
On boarding and introduction to the master or responsible ship offices the
PSCO should examine the vessels relevant certificates and documents
If the certificate are valid and the PSCOs general impression and visual
observation onboard confirm a good standard of maintenance, the PSCOs
should generally confine the inspection to reported or observed deficiencies.
If however the PSCO from general impression or observation on board has
clear ground for believing that the ship, its equipment or its crew do not
substantially meet requirement, the PSCO should conduct more detailed
Clear grounds :
The absence of principal equipment or arrangement required by the
Evidence from a review of the ships certificate that a certificates or
certificates are clearly invalid.
Document required by convention are not on board, incomplete, or are not
maintained or are falsely maintained.
PSCOs general impressions and observations that serious hull or structural
deficiencies or deficiencies that may place at risk the structural water tight
and weather light integrity of ship.
Deficiencies exist in the safety, pollution prevention or navigational
Master or crew not familiar with essential ship board operation.
Indication that its key crew members may not be able to communicate with
each other.
The emission of false distress alerts not followed by proper cancellation
Receipt of a report or complaint containing information that the ship
appears to be substandard.
269.If Flag State Implementation is carried out effectively; Port State Control may
not be required. Give your comments on the above statement.
Ans. All ships engaged on commercial trading need to be registered in a country,
which identifies its owners. The country of registration is known as
"FLAG STATE". It is the duty of flag state to ensure that a vessel
entitled to fly its flag is safely constructed, equipped and
subsequently properly maintained and manned as per relevant
regulation based on international conventions developed by
International maritime organisation (IMO) and International labor
organisation (ILO) for this purpose the flag state carriers out surveys
and inspections on the vessels under its registry for issue of various
statutory certificates.
Ships trade internationally and how to call at various parts all over the
world. Many ships may not call at their home ports for a considerable
Some time ago, ship owners started registering their ships under flags
of convenience(FOC). The main interest of the ship owners was to pay lesser
taxes, lesser registration fees, low statutory survey fees and above all the
rules and regulations were not so stringent. These so called flags of
convenience were not party to some or more international conventions. So in
a nutshell, ship owners had to spend comparatively a lot less money to get
their ships registered in flags of convenience.
Since these flag states were not party to some conventions due to nonavailability of resources or manpower. The ships registered with them had
great chances to have standards below the international standards. To
maintain universal identical standards, certain minimum standards were set
by IMO and ILO and even if a flag of convenience does not comply with the
conventions, Port State Control has been given authority by various IMO
conventions to maintain minimum standards. Had all the conventions been
ratified by all states and subsequently implemented on ships there would
have been no need for Port State Control.
So if flag state implementation is carried out effectively there is no need
for Port State Control
270. During a port State control inspection, the PSCO desired to carry out
detailed inspection of the vessel.
(a) What are clear grounds for a PSCO to conduct a more detailed inspection?
State your answer with examples.
(b) What is the difference between corrective action and preventive action
Ans)(a)If the PSCO has clear grounds for carrying out a more detailed inspection,
the master should be immediately informed of these grounds and advised that,
if so desired, the master should be immediately informed of these grounds and
advised that, if so desired, the master may contact the Administration or, as
appropriate, the recognized organization responsible for issuing the relevant
certificate and invite their presence on board.
The following are the clear grounds for a PSCO to conduct a more detailed
Evidence from PSCOs general impressions and observations that serious
hull or structural deterioration or deficiencies exist that may place at risk the
structural watertight or weather tight integrity of the ship e.g., damaged guardrails, rusted ladder ways, rusted or patched up pipelines on deck. Significant areas
of damage or corrosion or pitting of plating and associated stiffening in decks and
hull affecting seaworthiness or strength to take loads may justify detention. It may
be necessary to check the underwater portion of the ship. In reaching a decision,
the PSCO should have regard to the seaworthiness and not the age of the ship
making an allowance for fair wear and tear over the minimum acceptable
scantling. Damage not affecting seaworthiness or damage that has been
temporarily but effectively repaired for a voyage to a port for permanent repairs
wont constitute grounds for judging that a ship be detained. In assessment of
effect of damage, the PSCO should have regard o the location of crew
accommodation and whether damage affects its habitability. The PSCO should pay
particular attention to the structural integrity and seaworthiness of bulk carriers
and oil tankers and note that these ships must undergo the enhanced programme
of inspection during surveys under the provision of regulation X1/2 of SOLAS 74.
The PSCOs assessment of the safety of the structure of those ships should be
based on the survey Report File carried on board. This file contains reports of
structural surveys, condition evaluation reports, thickness measurement reports
and a survey planning document. If theres a doubt that the required survey has
taken place, the PSCO should confirm with there organised organization. If survey
report File necessitates a more detailed inspection of the structure of the ship or if
no such report is carried, special attention should be given by PSCO, as
appropriate to hull structure, piping systems in way of cargo tanks or holds,
pump-rooms, cofferdams, pipe tunnels, avoid spaces within the cargo area and
ballast tanks for bulk carriers the main structure of holds should be inspected for
any obvious unauthorized repairs.
Machinery Spaces: the PSCO should assess the condition of the machinery of the
electrical installations to make sure that they are capable of providing sufficient
continuous power for propulsion and for auxiliary services. During inspection of
machinery spaces, PSCO should see the standard of maintenance. Defective quick
losing valves, disconnected or in operative extended control rods or machinery
trip mechanisms, missing valve hand wheels, evidence of chronic steam, water
and oil leaks, dirty tank steps and bilges or extensive corrosion of machinery
foundations are pointers to an unsatisfactory organization of the systems
maintenance. A large number of pipe clips or content boxes, will indicate reluctant
to make permanent repairs. General deficiencies like leaking pump glands, dirty
water gauge glasses, rusted relief valves, inoperative pressure gauges,
inoperative or disconnected safety or control devices, evidence of repeated
operation of diesel engine scavenge belt or crankcase relief valves,
malfunctioning or inoperative automatic equipment and alarm systems and
leaking boiler casings or uptakes would warrant inspection of engine room log
book and investigation into the record of machinery failures and accidents and a
request for running tests of machinery.
Evidence from PSCOs general impression or observations that serious
deficiencies exist in the safety, pollution prevention or navigational equipment.
a) safety equipment: the effectiveness of life-saving appliances depends on good
maintence by the crew and their regular use in drills. A part from obvious defects
like heled life boat, PSCO should look for signs of disuse of obstructions to survival
craft launching equipment which may include paint accumulation seizure of pivot
points, absence of greasing condition of blocks and falls.
b) Fire fighting equipment: poor condition of fire line, fire extinguish deck foam
lines, fire hydrants etc may be a guide for detailed examination of all fire safety
equipment PSCO should also look for evidence of a higher than normal fire risk,
which may be brought about by a poor standard of cleanliness in the machines
space which together with significant deficiencies of the fixed or portable fireextinguishing equipment could lead to a judgement of a ship being substandard.
The PSCO should inspect for operability and securing arrangements of those doors
in the main zone bulkheads and stairways enclosures and in boundaries of high
fire risk spaces like machinery rooms and galleys. Spot checks may be made on
dampers smoke flaps to ascertain the standard of operability. These flaps will
preview spread of smoke through ventilation systems. PSCO should also ensure
that ventilation fans can be stopped from the master controls and that means are
available for closing main inlets and outlets of ventilation systems. Attention
should be given to the effectiveness of escape routes by ensuring that vital doors
are kept open and that alleyways and stairways are not obstructed . Now
equipment e.g., one of the auto radar plotting aids plotting devices is not working.
Absence of principal equipment or arrangements required by conventions.
e.g., (a) Marpol Annex I requires that ships of 400 gross tons and above must have
an oil filtering equipment provided with arrangements to ensure that any
discharge of oily moistures is automatically stopped when the oil content of the
effluent exceeds 15 ppm. Absence of this principle equipment may lead to more
detailed examination and possible detention. SOLAS convention 1974 requires
presence of a life raft capable of carrying 6 persons near forecastle deck. Absence
of this may lead to more detailed examination and possibly detention.
5) Evidence from a review of ships certificates that a certificate or certificates are
clarly invalid e.g. safety Equipment certificate may be invalid since no renewal
survey was carried out during stipulated time.
6) Evidence that documentation required by the conventions are not on board,
incomplete, are not maintained or are falsely maintained.
a) oil record book for machinery spaces may be absent or not properly filled
b) Fire control plans may be absent
7) Information or evidence that the master or crew is not familiar with essential
shipboard operations relating to the safety of the ships or the prevention of
pollution or that such operations have not been carried out.
(a) Life boat have not been lowered for past 4 months
(b) Chief Engineers does not know how to release CO 2 into the engine room
in case of fire in the
gine room
Master does not know how to do emergency steering
(d ) Chief Officer doesnt know how to operate deck foam system.
8) Indication that key crew members may not be able to communicate with each
other or with other persons on board. The PSCO may ask the master which
languages are used as working languages. For E.g. on Indian flag ships, English is
the working language. PSCO may ensure that key crew members are able to
understand each other during inspection or drills. Crew members assigned to
assist passengers should be able to give necessary information to passengers in
case of an emergency
9) Conditions of assignment of load lines. If a PSCO has concluded that a hull
inspection is unnecessary but is dissatisfied, on the basis of observation on deck
with items like defective hatch closing arrangements, corroded air pipes and vent
coamings the PSCO should examine to closing appliances, means of freeing water
from the deck and arrangements concerned with the protection of the crew.
Receipt of a report or complaint containing information that a ship appears to be
substandard. E.g. third engineer has complained to port state control that life boat
davit structure is badly corroded and it may not be able to support the life boat.
Then PSCO should conduct detailed examination PSCO should not disclose the
source of information.
10) Emission of false distress alerts not followed by proper cancellation
procedures. E.g. If EPIRB is accidentally actuated then it should be set right and
nearest coastal authority informed about the accident.
(b) Corrective action is taken to remedy a defect while preventive action is the
action taken to prevent a breakdown from occurring.
e.g. Fire main line burst due to excess pressure and failure of relief valve
damaged portion of the line is
renewed to the satisfaction of PSCO. This is
corrective action. Preventive action would have been to test the relief valve
periodically and overhaul it if required. Preventive action would also include
opening at least two fire hydrants on deck before starting the fire pump and
monitoring fire
pump pressure so as to prevent excessive build up of pressure.
Regulation 4, chapter XI of SOLAS 1974 makes it possible for pre officer inspecting
foreign ships to check their operational requirements especially when there are
Clear Grounds for believing that Master or crew are not familiar with essential
ship board procedures relating to ships safety, pollution prevention ships
visiting any foreign port, are to be inspected by PSC on behalf of the
contracting Govt. to ensure that the visiting vessel is not a threat o the port
with regards to the safety of personnel & cargo & also not a navigational
hazard to its surroundings.
The Clear Grounds referred, leading to detailed inspection include
such factors as operational short coming, cargo operation not being conducted
in a proper manner or absence of an updated muster list. These indicate that
the crew members may not be able to communicate with each other.
PSC inspections are normally limited to checking certificates becomes
questionable, if there are Clear Grounds for believing that the condition of the
ship or its equipments are not substantially meeting requirements of relevant
instrument then a more detailed inspection may be carried out.
In accordance with the following provisions of IMO & ILO conventions, a
PSC officer may conduct inspection of foreign ships coming in their parts :
TONNAGE 69 - article 4
The IMO has adopted assembly resolution A 787 (19) as guideline her PSC
Assembly resolution A 882 (21) has amended & updated a 787 (19)
A PS officer proceeding to the ship can form an impression of the standard of
its maintenance from items such as condition of paint works, corrosion/pitting.
If the PSC office from general impressions formed or from his observations
has clear grounds to believe that the ship or its equipment or its crew do not
Indication that key crew members are may not be able to communicate
with each other.
IF PSCOs has clear grounds for carrying out more detailed inspection, the
master should be immediately informed & advised Master may / then contact
the Admin. authority or appropriate RO responsible for issuing cert. & invite
their presence onboard.
(b) Detainable deficiencies & corrective action :
273. Explain the jurisdiction of application of PSC and its control regulations.
State the salient clauses from different International Conventions that forms
the basis and focus area of PSC.
Ans. Port State Control authorities undertake inspections of ships in their
territorial limits, to ensure that they meet the requirements of international
standards laid in the Conventions. It is possible that during a certain period
the ship may not have called its home port, certificate may not have been
renewed or maintenance has suffered due to various reasons. Therefore the
ship must be inspected at various ports to ensure compliance with
The oil pollution during bunkering operation could occur due to various reasons
such as a leakage at the manifold connections, tank overflowing, hose
fracture caused due to excessive pressurization.
To elaborate on the emergency preparation plan, we shall assume that a
hose fracture has lead to a substantial amount of spillage in water.
A major oil spill requires a prompt and diligent action wherein the master
& Chief Engineer need to work in close co-ordination A vessel having well
drawn and rehearsed (in the form of oil spill drills) Emergency
preparedness plan can be effectively and efficiently tackle an oil spill
causing minimum damage to the marine environment.
The plan should be prepared such that duties and responsibilities of
every crew member are well defined and understood. It should address
the very important aspects as regards the oil spill.
Effective communication with local authorities, P& I club and office (DPA)
Measures to stop / contain oil spill, clean -up action and prevention of
one emergency leading to another such as outbreak of ferric)
Both the above mentioned measures should be taken up concurrently. A
sample draft of an emergency preparedness plan is as follows :
Emergency preparedness Plan (Board outline)
Master shall contact DPS and appraise him from time to time about the
progress of events.
In order to ensure activities (a) & (b). Master shall ensure that an
updated date of contact numbers of all concerned authorities is
maintained onboard.
Measures to
Prevent oil from spilling overboard and collect / transfer oil accumulated
on the deck to the tank as appropriate.
Inspect are adjoining the affected area to take appropriate measures for
prevention of fire.
Use rope or floating boom around the boundary of the affected area
around the vessel to restrict spread of oil.
The plan identifies all the activities which may cause oil spillage leading
to environmental pollutions.
It defines clearly, the duties & responsibilities of the master and crew
thereby eliminating confusion and chaos.
277.List the methods and aids to prevent pollution of the seas under IMO
Conventions and steps you can take for its successful implementation on a
ship prior its voyage where you have joined as Chief Engineer.
Ans. Various IMO convention have been developed to deal with the prevention of
pollution by ships. Various IMO instruments are listed below.:
renewal survey, to any takes of 150GT and other ships 400 GT.
Valid for 5 years issued by administration.
Oil filtering equipment, OWS, for any ship 10,000 GT, should be
provided with alarm and automatic stopping device, in case the effluent
exceeds 15 ppm, for E/R bilges.
Bilge water, sludge and dirty oil reception facilities to be provided at all
ports or terminals (Reg.-12)
Segregated clean ballast tanks (SBT) and crude it working system (COW)
to be provided for oil tankers.
Imploding the requirements for the design & construction of oil tankers to
prevent oil pollution in the Event of collision and standing. Reg. 13F for
new tankers & Reg. 13G for hinting tankers which apply to crude carriers
20,000 DWT and product carriers 30,000. Introduction of
Enhanced survey programs during periodical almost & intermediate
(phasing out of single hull tankers)
Oil record book : Every tanker 180 GT & other ships 400 GT shall
have an oil record book. Reg. 20
Sufficient sludge and bilge water holding tanks stop should be provided
to all ships.
Double hull and double bottom requirements for oil tanks delivered after
6 July 1996 & before 6 July 1996. (reg.19)
Garbage record book required for ship > 400 GT and preserved for 2
years after last entry.
Annex VI : Regulation for prevention of air pollution from ships enforced
19th May 2005
Methods and Aids :
F.O. samples must be taken in continuous drip method, stored for not less
than 12 months.
Proper documentation via IOPP, LAPP, ISPP certificate and their validity.
1. IOPP Certificate
International oil pollution preventions certificate is issued after initial
survey before the ship put in service or renewal survey in accordance
with the provisions of regulation 6 of this annex, to any oil tanker of 150
gross tonnage and above and any other ships 400 gross tonnage and
above which are engaged in voyages to ports or offshore terminals under
the jurisdiction of other parties to the present on. Such certificate shall
be issued or endorsed as appropriate either by the Adm or by any
persons or organization duly authorized by it. In every case Adm.
Assumer full responsibility for the certificate & valid for maximum 5
OD 215 mm,
ID According to pipe OD,
thickness 20 mm.
Any ship above 10,000 GT must have 15 PPM equipment with oil
discharge monitoring system with alarm when it exceeds level and
7. Double Hull & Double Bottom Requirements for oil tankers delivered on
or after 6th July 1996 Reg. 19
Oil tanker 600 tonnes DW 7 above delivered on or after 6th July 1996.
Every oil tanker 5000 tonnes DW & above must have protective location
of segregated ballast spaces & should be protected against progressive
w = 0.5
(m) or w =
Whichever less.
Min w = 1m
min h = 1.0m.
8. Double hull & DB requirements for oil tankers delivered before 6 th July
1996 Reg. 20
Cat 1 tanker to be phased out with single hull by 1 st April 2005 which
built before 6th July 1996.
To be dealt with oil flow discharge oil tankers delivered after 1st Jan 2010.
11. Oil tankers of 150 tonnes & above shall be provided with slop tanks
except for tankers having voyage less than 72 hrs. & with is 50 nautical
Oil tankers 20,000 DW 7 above delivered after 1 st June 1982 must have
cow system class approved and RO.
In initial survey before the ship is put into service or before the
certificate required under reg. 6 of this Annex is issued for the first time.
This survey shall be such as to ensure that the equipment, system,
fittings, arrangements and material fully comply with the applicable
requirements f their Annex.
The sulphur content of any fuel used on board ships shall not exceed
4.5% m/m. The fuel supplied on board shall be mentioned under the
guide times developed by MEPC 82(43).
under SECA either the fuel should not contain sulphur more than 1.5%
m/m or emission from engine should not exceed 6.0 g SO x / KWh or any
approved method by Administration to control six can be used.
Fuel Oil should not have added chemical base which can jeopardize
the ship, be harmful to persons, and contribute to additional air
Sulphur content must not exceed 4.5% m/m & SECA area 1.5%
(1) Contract Port which sent distress and nearest coast station or MRCC and
(2) Give information about your own vessel i.e., position course speed type
of ship etc and confirm that you are heading for search area
(3) If this is the case also inform to your company and charterer and keep
log to all events
(4) Establish continuous radio watch and on all frequencies as advised by
(5) Before reaching to search area post additional look out to continuously
monitor search area
(6) equipments such as net ladder etc to aid rescue make ready first aid
and hospital
(7) Co-ordinate search pattern with other ship/MRCC cost radio station
(8) Monitor X band radar for locating survival craft transformer (SART) signal
with 600
12NM range scale.
(1) Contact surviors if possible o establish local conditions and situation
(2) Rescue may be effect from the deck or by use of survival craft or from
(3) If survival craft is set adrift after rescue
Notify nearest RCC advising position type of craft and weather any radio
equipment left
on board that transmit distress signal automatically.
Helicopter Operation: Prior to helicopter operation following contingency
plan to be followed
(1) Inert gas pressure should be reduced 30 min before the helicopter
(2) Vessel with IGS in the tanks should be ventilated to reduce the LEL in the
below 4%
(3) Prior to helicopter operation all cargo and ballast tank opening pump
rooms closed
and secured
(4) Lose object from the area should be removed
(5) Has a pendant or wind sock has been hoisted at point conspicuous to
helicopter pilot to indicate wind direction
(6) Fire pump should be running with adequate pressure
(7) A competent person should be stand by at foam system
(8) Foam monitors portable foam nozzles and foam liquid supply should be
(9) Deck fire fighting and rescue team should be ready with wearing all
protective year
Following equipment should be kept at hand (a) 2 Life boys (b) Portable DCP
(c) 1 Portable CO2 extinguisher (d) a large axe (e) crow bar (f) wire cutter (g)
Read emergency signal/ torch (h) first aid kit (i) Rope managers for securing
helicopter (only on pilots
(10)Rescue boat ready for lowering
(11) Ship should be displaying signal as per rules of road
(12) Deck party aware of hand signals
(13) Communication with helicopter pilot and radio channel set
Abandoning ship
280. The vessel where you are posted as Chief Engineer is undergoing drydocking and a serious fire occurs on the deck because of welding work.
Illustrate the documented procedures to deal with such emergency and its
advantage over non-documented actions? Explain the different ship related
contingencies against which document procedures are maintained under
emergency preparedness of ISM Codes. In case of a major pollution of oil from
a ship how best the contingency plans in emergency preparedness help over
other actions.
Ans)According to the ISM code the company should make documented procedures
to identify describe
and respond to potential emergency shipboard
situations. The company should establish programmes
for drills and
exercises to prepare for emergency actions. The safety Management System
(SMS) should provide for measures ensuring that the companys
organization can respond at any time to
hazards accidents and emergency
situations involving its ships.
Due to the nature of dry dock repair activities (that means it involves
numerable jobs of vastly varied
and diverse nature) it is challenging task to
device a fire fighting plan that will satisfactorily operate
under all conditions.
Thus, necessarily in such a situation a suitable fire fighting plan should be open
to frequent changes and thus should be highly flexible in nature. Due
consideration to be given to following peculiar situational hurdles.
As the fire fighting is to carried out on the deck of a ship in dry dock there
are several hurdles to fire
Major jobs are being carried out, thus most primary muster stations may not
be suitable for muster log. Also, some repairs may be in progress on the vessels
general emergency alarm system and thus
alarm may not be available there
is a possibility that some ships crew have availed of shore leave. Also,
shore gangs are working at different locations ships fire fighting appliances may
have gone ashore for pr. Testing/recharging. Hence above points to be taken into
account whilst devising
a suitable plan.
To ensure proper safety against fire and fire fighting to be effective the
vessel management must also
familiarize/acquaint with the Dock employers
fire safety plan, equipment and abilities which must include
Identification of significant fire hazards
Procedures for recognizing and reporting unsafe conditions (fire patrols,
designated and non-designated areas for hot work checklist etc).
Alarm procedures
Procedures for notifying employees of a fire emergency
Procedure for notifying fire response department of a fire emergency
Procedure for evacuation
Procedure to account for employees after evacuation
Fire response policy-Information
Whether (i) Initial fire response
(ii) Outside fire response
(iii) A combination of both above required during a particular type of fire.
Rescue and Emergency response.
And also following points o be considered while developing a contingency plan to
fight fire on board.
Suitable muster station for all teams to be declared made aware at the
beginning of day along with planning and allocation of other jobs.
Status of general emergency alarm to be checked and declared/made aware/
familiarize to ship staff and shore employees
Equipment for communication with dock (telephone) to be conspicuously
marked and numbers for emergency services and fire department to be
Officers at management level to be familiar with dock evacuation procedure,
shore fighting abilities, fire fighting plan equipment and dock emergency alarm
Logs of attendance 1 each for vessel and yard employees to be maintained
specifying names of employees with jobs, location and in out times to avoid
chaos during head count.
Considering the above underlying concepts a suitable fire fighting plan would be
as follows:
Personnel witnessing the fire to shout fire, fire and raise general alarm and inform
and relay to command team of nature and location of fire and whatever
information available.
If possible also inform/alert clock fire department personnel muster at suitable
muster station command team/Technical team to inform Dock fire department. (if
not already informed) Take head count, check logs (Attendance) stop all work.
In case of fire on Deck Emergency team I (headed by C/officer) to lead fire fighting
and in case of E/R fire Emergency Team II to lead fire fighting Emergency Team II
to lead fire fighting while other emergency team will back up.
Emergency Team I to lead fire fighting to check fire line pressure, contain
extinguish fire.
To evacuate casualties if any
To liase with Dock fire fighting department if already present and to assist them in
fire fighting with logistics and shipboard plans etc. asses damage and possibility
of secondary fire.
Back up team: To provide boundary cooling where required.
Provide equipment back up
Restrict flame by removing flammable item.
Evacuate casualties and shore personnel
Support team: To evacuate personnel and to provide first aid to injured. Assist as
Technical team: To cut of necessary electrical supplies to cut of shore pneumatic
lines. Stop vents oils valves drain oil lines etc.
The advantages of documented procedures over the non-documented procedures
for fire fighting
The plans are ship specific and devised by experts hence they are readily
executable and effective
All personnel are accounted and resources can be mobilized in a very short
Absence of key person may not affect fire fighting as jobs/duties and deputy
leader are assigned and well defined.
New joining crew can easily familiarize with procedure.
Documentation and availability of shipboard plans enable shore expertise to
access situation and give proper assistance.
avoids duplication of effort, confusion/chaos
simplified instructions/complexity reduction
Documented procedure have been devised with an aim to quickly regains
control and restore
MARPOL Annex I requires oil tankers of ISO gross tones and above every other
ship other than oil tanker of 400 GRT and above must have a Sopep Plan
(Shipboard oil pollution and emergency plan)
SOPEP plan is a well documented plan devised by experts and is exhaustive
and ship specific in nature such that there is no chance of oversight
It is complete with all information so that master will feel no need o refer to
any other document for reference.
It is structures logically that will reduce decision making time and error
It is so designed that master of vessel can interact with company in real time
and shore experts can assess the situation of the vessel and offer advice,
assistance as to action to take, stress calculation and other help.
The plan also has list of all contact nos of third parties that are helpful in the
emergency and are need to be contacted
The plan has appended to it V/L tank and pipeline plans capacity chart of
tanks general arrangement of hull and decks for ready reference.
The plan employees flow charts and checklists that guide master through
various actions and decisions.
Following a contingency plan saves lots of time and panic situation and help to
control the situation at an early stage.
Everybody knows what he has to do in this emergency and acts promptly
and effectively and no time is wasted.
All personnel on board well aware with this plan and regularly exercise drills
for their optimum performance in case of major/minor oil pollution.
A contingency plan for the office involving contact between ship and office may
include the following.
Procedures for establishing and maintaining contact between ship and ms ashore
Check list appropriate to the type of emergency which may exist in the
systematical questionnaire of the ship during response.
List to contact name and telecommunication details of all relevant parties who
may need to be notified and consulted.
Procedures for issuing information bulletins to announce queries from media and
Identifying the list of contacts on the ship and shore in case of emergencies.
Typing out communication between ship which may include the following Fax,
telex or any emergency communication that is to be used in emergency.
In event of an emergency the office should inform the media and acknowledge
occurrence of such as emergency. It should provide sufficient information to media
and information which may hamper emergency response and subsequent
insurance claims should be with held from media after consulting legal advises.
2. Maritime/Safety
3. Technical
4. Operation
5. Manning
6. Insurance
7. Legal
8. Administration
The head of the technical and marine division will normally serve as
leader of the team, & in his absence the leadership is passed down in the
order of hierarchy. The actions taken are on behalf of the company as they
deem necessary in an emergency situation.
The leader has power to contact Board of Management after a red
mobilisation & keep managing director duly informed of the occurrence &
1. During Emergency Situation:- Whenever there is an emergency situation,
the vessel calls the company & the one who gets the message first is
responsible for contacting the head of the Technical & Marine division and
they will agree on the level of Mobilisation, & if the head is not available,
the one who gets the message first shall use his own judgement 7 decide
the level of mobilisation, & he shall then inform the Emergency team
During action, each member of the team shall evaluate the condition
under his responsibility
The team leader shall be kept fully informed about any action
suggested or executed by the member of the team.
Hire of Salvage
283. Explain the different machinery related emergency situations that are dealt
as documented /procedures under emergency preparedness? Underline the
salient actions that are documented in dealing with (i) Main Engine Failure (ii)
steering failure (in) electrical failure (iv) automation failure. (v) Boiler
automation failure (vi) Scavenge fire
Ans. The international management code for the safe operation of ships and for
pollution prevention (ISM code) gives the guide lines for "emergency
preparedness" under chapter 8. According to this.
The SMS should provide for measures ensuring that the companies
organisation can respond at any time to hazards, accidents and
emergency situation involving its ship.
Thus the different machinery related emergency situations that are dealt
as documented procedures mainly are :-
Scavenge fire b) Exh. gas economizer fire c) Various safeties failure such
as L.O. trip. F.W. temp trip. FW. temp trip OMD high, over speed etc.
Assess the situation and if the repair / restart needs considerable time
then a) Raise the vessel not under command (NUC) signal /flag.
b) Prepare for anchorage if depth permits.
Start repair and inform bridge of the progress and expected time of
After rectifying the fault -start M/E and try out in Ahead and astern
Steering Failure :
Communicate with bridge to assess the possibility and need for stopping
the M/E.
Raise emergency alarm and exhibit the vessel "not under control" signal,
if in restricted area or heavy traffic or under maneuvering.
If emergency steering also does not respond then the M/E must be
Inform Port Authorities and coast guard for assistance if V/L is in danger.
Electrical Failure :
If stand by generator has not started, start same and take on load.
Restart the plant and confirming all in order, restart M/E after confirming
from bridge.
Inform C/E and if failure relating to M/E automation then inform bridge.
The ship is provided with various safety measure dealing with fire
prevention and detection
The document under emergency preparedness for mayor fire on board reflect
that the company as well as shipboard management, identifies the potential
emergencies that may arise due to fire on board and contingency plan and
response by the ship staff for the same is in readiness.
In case event of major fire a proper layout of action is drawn to regain control
and restore normally
Composition and allocation of duties of person acting within contingency plan
is laid out this removes any cause of ambiguity during fire fighting
All crew members are trained as per the documented fire central plan and
muster list duties to fight fire
All drills should be carried out in a realistic manner in this regards
In case if there is fire at the primary muster station; crew member should
assemble at the secondary muster station in case emergency team leader is
unavailable to carry out his responsibilities the deputy will take case of his
duties that should be clearly mentioned in the muster list.
Documentation is laid out and procedure is drawn for the requirement of
assistance from third party
Documentation has laid to development of proper reporting method with list
of contact names and tel nos. this helps in mobilization of appropriate
company emergency response to restore normally in time.
Documentation also ensures that all loopholes are attended to and thus last
minute panic situation can be avoided
Ships particulars, plan and stability information are documented both on
board as well as at company office. This will help to arrest any damage to ship,
property and consequently to any loss of life at sea.
All items related to safety dealing with fire prevention, should be regularly
maintained, inspected and tested so that all equipments are in effective and
good working condition in case of emergency
Fire training manuals explain in details the following.
General fire safety practice
Immediate Action
Follow up action
Fast fire fighting measures
Report to owners
Re-entry to the place
Now it is very obvious that with the help of ISM code, each and everything is preplanned well expressed so that action are quick and correct in case of emergency.
Though it is said that before implementing ISM code the fire was fought
successfully i.e., true but if you see the less which could be very-very small if it is
followed as per ISM code.
Before implementing ISM code no one knew there duties and every time the
duties need to be assigned at the time of emergency.
After implementation of ISM code the fire fighting operation on board have been
successfully carried out.
A need for security was felt after the attack on USA - 11th September 2001. This
resulted in the introduction of additional chapter in SOLAS- chapter XI, Part 2,
Enhanced security of ships as given in ISPS code. (International ship and port
facility security code.)
292. What are the essential features of the ISPS Code? What are the duties and
responsibilities of a Chief Engineer with respect to the Code. State action you
will take to familiarize newly inducted crew of different nationality employed
on board Ship.
Ans. Essential features of ISPS
The international ship and port facility security code (ISPS) is implemented
through chapter IX - 2 special measures to enhance machine security) of solas
convention. This code had two parts part A of the code is mandatory and part B
contains guidelines as to how best to comply with the mandatory
The purpose of the code is to provide a standardized classified framework
for evaluating security risk, enabling girt local administration shipping and port
agencies offset changes in threat with changes in vulnerability for ship and
port facility through determination and appropriate security levels and
corresponding security measures.
All ships except warships on international voyages need to follow ISPS code
and have international ship security certificate (ISSC) Failure to implement ISPS
code sailing through the navigable waters of and calling the ports of can
tracing government of solas. The certificate is issued after initial verification
and is valid for 5 years with at least one intermediate verification.
The ISPS code database has a section lashing ports including weather or not
they have an approved port facility security plant (PESP)
The company shall provide support and ensure that ship security plan
certain a clear statement emphasizing CSO, Sso and masters authority to make
decision w.r.t safety and security of ship.
As such the ISPS code does not define the duties and responsibility of Chief
Engineer. But being the head of Engine Room department he has to play a big
role in.
1) Ship security Assessment Developing and up grading the ship security plan.
2) Training the E/R personnel and assessing their performance with regard to their
understanding of the various security levels and their duties under these
security levels.
3) Assigning the engine room personnel's for gangway duties when the vessel is
in port as per the requirement of ship security officer.
4) Keeping the record of the indents of spare ports and stores of engine room
ready to ascertain that the spares and store being received are there as per
the indents, when receiving spares on ports.
In some company's it may be there that Chief Engineer Officer is ship
security officer then he has to perform the duties of ship security officer which
Carrying out the drills and training program for the crew.
Drill : Every 3 months or when 25% of crew changes
Maintain the contact with the company security officer and port facility
security officer in the event of security throat.
they should be shown the location of fire control station and different fire
fighting system starting and stopping points their.
they should be informed about the location of SOPEP locker and the
different equipment in the SOPEP LOCKER
they should be informed about the ship security plan there duties under
different security levels.
they should be given a time period to get familiar with their area of work. A
responsible officer should be made in charge for their familiarization and they
should be encouraged to clear their doubts with him.
As soon as possible abandon ship drill and fire drill should be arranged to
make them used to ships normal routine.
As there is very close business competition in the market each and every
company keeps a very good eye on their quality/ A part of daily expenses of
ship running cost it takes about 40% cost of overall expenses for bunker and
related operations.
Hence savings in fuel is as very important part for shipping companies and
also part of machinery genuine malfunction. Few savings in bunker
expenses becomes surprisingly a significant amount in a life time period of
the ship
It is found that ship fouling pattern is not very regular. As shown in (speed/power)
graph, it may be very slow in initial stages or may be very standardized in the
initial years but in over a period of time it becomes very stiff are very fast.
In order to meet the very strick charter party alarm a ship must have a very good
and smooth hull surface
Factors responsible for fouling of the hull are as follows:
Use of improper techniques in applying points
Poor quality of applied paint
Long port stays/or at rest
Damaged hull surface
Poor maintenance of hull protecting system such as ICCF
Poor ship design increasing resistance in water
Thus appropriate measures should be taken for the above mentioned points
and a good surface should be prepared prior applying the approved quality of
Speed and power graph also indicates that the engine may be thermally
overloaded with a badly fouled hull resulting in a decrease of the operating life
of machinery parts causing frequent breakdown and coating very heavily on
shipping companies
Antifouling points of approved type and a well maintained antifouling system
plays an important role in ships regular operating period between dry docks
Weather Condition
Ships are designed and constructed to withstand the forces of nature upto a
certain extent for a certain time depending upon the area of trading weather
conditions keep changing and also the condition of the sea.
Seasons such as summer, winter or monsoons of extreme nature are very
common in the trade of shipping. If climatic conditions/weather conditions are
favourable it may result in a +ve ship and vice versa with a bad or heavy
weather condition it may result in a ve ship resulting in a extra fuel
consumption due to higher power demands and overloading of engines.
Thus good judgement can be the key element in tackling bad weather
conditions, avoiding transitting from and low pressure areas for a few days.
It is the responsibility of the master to take be safest route to avoid the
harshness of weather for a few extra sailing hours
The cost of extra fuel consumption in negligible than the consideration of the
safety of the vessel
Engine manufacturer guidelines should be strictly followed in severe weather
conditions. Governor load index, hunting, R.P.M, scavenging air limit torque
limits must be taken into account to avoid thermal and mechanical overloading
of the engine. Thus these guidelines can be kept in mind for keeping fuel
consumption within limit. Also effect of plugs a .. role and is also
important as it reduces the Nox limit humidity effects the density of charge air,
development of power heat release more temperature in a unit and exhaust
temperature. Climatic conditions play an important role in the optimum
performance of the engine.
Although the condition of the hull and weather play a significant role in
regulating fuel consumption, elements which directly control fuel have a
proportional relation to the consumption of fuel.
It is meant that if parts or equipments used are in good condition than lots of
fuel can be for example 1) d\fuel injectors, fuel pipes, fuel pump and VIT
RACK shock absorber if maintained in a good way in regular inspection and
overhaul problems of fuel leakages can be minimized.
Similarly pipe joints, V/V glands booster pump section or any fuel oil leakage
in fuel oil system if attended immediately also improve the safety of the ship.
Proper temperature of fuel supplied to the engine should be maintained for
optimum efficiency.
Operation of purifier and performance should be regularly checked resulting
in less over flow of oil
V.I.T. mechanism and fuel control burr and its connection with governor must
be lubricated periodically to eliminate sluggishness and wear and tear.