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Mini Monsters

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Fiend Factory is a regular department featuring readers' monsters

for D&D and AD&D edited by Albi e Fiore. This issue...

Tiny Terrors to cause Trials and Tribulations

and one third level spell at random from

the tribal book and with five hit points
and fifth level MU power. This chief will
have three leader type bodyguards.
A diabolo tribe has a 70% chance of
'familiars ': 40%. aiant owls (1-3), 40%
giant weasels (1 -4), or 20% wolverin es
(1-4). These will gua rd the lair.
As with their close cousins, the
kobo Ids, diabolos generally inhabit dark
places in overgrown forests or underground. They hate bright sunlight, but
have excellent night vision and 60' infrared vision. In hand-to-hand combat in
bright5unlight, they operate at -1 to hit.
They also share the kobold hatted of
other life forms (especially brownies,
pixies, sprites and particula rl y gnomes
who they will attack on sight), and the
delight in torture.
In addition to their own tongue, alignment language and common, diabolos
also speak kobold, goblin, and orcish.
They are 75% likely to be able to speak
some others but this would vary from
individual to individual and would
depend on ci rcumstances.

By Dan Lukacinsky

By Phil Masters
No Appearing :
Armour Class:
Movement :
Attack :
Alignment :

Individuals, L; F, W, Tx3
in lair
Knife for 1-2 paints of
damage pluS spells
lawful evil

Diabolos are close relatives of kobolds

(with whom they very occasionally cooperate), and are much the sam"e size
but have paler skins, larger horns, less
strength and greater intelligence.
Each diabolo tribe is well organised
and possesses a spell-book with the full
range of first and second level MU
spells, plus 2-8 third level. Each tribe

member can read this. being a naturally

skilled magic-user, and any diabolo can
memorise up to two spell-levels (ie two
first or one second level spell) for use in
the normal way. In addition, all will be
familiar w ith the full range of magical
devices possessed by the tribe.
If a diabolo tribe is being randomly
determined, roll 1d20 for each member
and consult the following table for
spell(s) memorised;

two sleep
sleep plus charm
sleep plus magic missile
charm plus magic missile
sleep plus shocking grasp
charm plus shocking f}rasp
15 friends plus magic missile
16 s/eepplus(1)*
17 charmplus(1)+
18 magicmissileplus(1)*
19 (1)*plus(1)*
20 (2)t
* (1) indicates any randomly determined first level spell.
t (2) indicates any randomly determined second leyel sPE!:11.
At! spells are cast as if by second
level MU's.
For every ten diabolos encountered
there will be an additional leader type
with three hit points, able to memorise
an additional (random) first level spell,
operating as a third level MU and doing
1d3 with his knife.
Each diabolo tribe has a large chief,
armed with a 1d6 quarterstaff, rolling
twice on the table above for spells
memorised and then adding one second


No Appearing :
ArmourClass :
Hit Dice :
Treasure :
Attack :
Alignment :


One bite for 1d4or
by weapon type
Chaotic neutral

The trollkin is 8 very strange combination of a brownie and a troll. They prefer
to live in small holesor mounds and are
somewhat sloppy. They love hard drink
and all cheeses. They speak Common,
Troll , Gnome, Halfling, Sprite, Pixie and
If they carry a weapon it will usually be
a dagger or a small net, sometimes many
will get together with a la rge net (10%
chance of being a Net ofEntr8pment) and
attempt to trap passing creatures, but
their favourite weapons are daggers
(55% chance of being magical). They
never carry anything but a dagger or net,
at least none have been seen otherwise.
They hate gnomes, halflings and
dwarfs, but their mortal enemies are

pixies who they will attack on sight.
Trollkins have weak infravision at 20',
They may becomeJnvisible at will and
have limited spell ability usually one 1st
level magic-user spell determined at
random. Liketrolls, they regenerate 3hp
per round and may rebond severed
limbs. Also once per day they may call
lightning as the 3rd level d ruid spell.
They are surprised only on a roll of 1 on
a d6. They make saving throws as a 5th
level fighter.
Very rarely a troll kin may be of a

player-character class (4% chance). It

may progress up to 5th level as a thief,
up to 6th as a fighter or up to 8th as an
Trollkins vary in colour from greyblack to sandy-brown. Their eyes are a
hazel or light-green. Hair is dark to lightg reen. They are surprisingly strong+ 1 on any damage they inflict . They
wear finely crafted leathergarmentsand
boots. At 3' tall they are on good terms
with most forest creatures. They have a
life-span of 3000 years.

by John R Gordon
No Appearing :
ArmourClass :
Hit Dice:
Treasure :
Attack :


OH but can be carried

1 hit point
Completely variable
See below
Very high

The trist is an asexual , truly malignant

creature. It is born at any source of great
evil or hate (an evil temple,orthe site of
a massacre, etc). A la rge (2'x2'h ') , clear
c rystal egg appears, i nside which the
trist itself lives. The egg is fragile and will
shatter at a blow, killing the delicate trist
inside, which is suspended i n etherea l
liquid. The trist appears as a neckless,
shrivelled humanoid head, green ,
wrinkled, slimy and continually moving
and twitching. Its eyes are cold, devoid
of mercy or passion and its th :n mouth is
arrogant. The 'head ' is surmounted by
fibrous, rootlike, growth s in constant
motion, which give t ~, e trist buoyancy.
Then it waits to bE" found, feed i ng on
the evil emanations at its birth-place. For
the trist feeds on hate and ceases to exist
without it. Thus the trist is always

scheming to create hatred, up-on which

it can feed. The trist can charm up to 3
creatures (who must save v magic if
within 30' of it). If they fail, they will
become fanatically loyal servants of the
trist for as long as it lives, and will carry
it about with them so that it can carry out
its evil deeds. The trist communicates
with anyone who comes within 6" of it.
Once 3 creatures have been charmed,
the trist cannot control any more until 1
or more of them have been killed.
(Note : it is unlikely that the players will
find the tristjust after "birth " and be '
charmed by it. More likely they will find
it at the heart of some chaotic.and seemingly senseless situation .)
The trist then moves with its fanatical
servants, usually to a town, to stir upand
generate hatred. It is in planning this that
the trist needs considerable cunning and
intelligence, as well as ruthlessness (it
will not hesitate to have one of its own
servants ki lled to acquire a more important one). Hate can be generated in so
many ways ; setting different races off
against each other; encouraging
oppressive government andl or revolt;
even throwing down money in the streets
to generat e greed and hatred orthe unfair
favouring of unpopular individuals.
If the trist is found when its followers
are not at hand to defend it, it will try to
convince the players it is a good or neutral
harmless keeper of information.
Note: should evil players attempt to
enter the trlst's employment, it will
merely payout uneven and unfair wages
to the players, to generate hatred between them. (It feels no need for servants
other than its own charmed fanatics).
The trist is immune to sleep, charm and
suggestion spells and has the psionic ability of Unlimited Telepathy. It is immune to
psionic attacks except Mind Blast.

by Dale Hueber
No Appeari ng :
ArmourClass :
Movement :
Hit Dice :
Attack :
Alignment :


3 H 1 18 ~


Two claws for 1-3 each
and one bite for 1d4+ 1
plus special
Chaotic evil
Low but very cunning

With their 4' (average) w ing-span and

blood red eyes and beak, Krowks are terrible, black crow-like demons from the
Planes of Hell and the Abyss that feed on
the pain and torment of the souls there.
They are sometimes sent by the Lords
and Princes of Evil to aid their kind on the
Prime Material Plane or as familiars to
powerful mag ic-users and illusionists.
Their coming is considered to be an
omen of the worst kind.
They have 20% magic resistance and
have the following powers. one per
round, at will : darkness 5' radius, fear
(as wand), detect invisible, detect illu sion, and defect good. They can teleport
once per day and curse thei r victims
once per day with theirdemonic cawing .
Their bite drains one point of strength in
addition to the normal damage.
They have an avaricious greed for
shiny objects and love the taste of
bloody eyes.

BV John Smart
No Appearing :
ArmourClass :
Movement :
HitOice :
Attack :

Alignment :
Intelligence :

5m inimum

Bite for 1-3, 2 claws for
1d4 each , 2 feet for 1-3
each, tail lash for 1-2
and4stings for 1hpeach

Gromits are tough, round little creatures,

usually about 3' tall. They are quite dextrous and agile due to their three legs {dexterity 12+1d6) gaining dexterity
bonuses on their armour class. Due to
their small globular shape and their rhird
leg, they are rather difficult to outflank or
attack from the rear unless surrounded.
Their bodies are dark brown, getting
lighter at the appendages. Their antennae
are almost black.
The gromit attacks w ith its beak for 1-3,
its2c1awsfor 1d4each. 1t can also use two
of its three feet per melee round doing '-3
each and a tail lash which hits for 1-2. In
addition it also has four wire-like antennae protruding from the top of its head!
body, of which it wil l use ld4 to attat;k
each melee round for a 'sting' of 1 hit
point each.o

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