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Reactions: Chapter V: Random Encounters

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Chapter V: Random Encounters

REACTIONS  Unthreatening: The creatures won’t attack (unless

Some encounters are essentially pre-determined: either provoked), and may even like the adventurers; the
because of the nature of the creatures or the encounter itself, intelligent will readily volunteer advice
there is going to be combat. For example, unintelligent undead  Actively Helpful: Intelligent creatures only (treat the
and sentinels such as golems will almost always attack. And if unintelligent as Unthreatening). The creatures will share
the party is storming a temple and putting its cultists to the available information, food, water, healing, and other
sword, the cultists are unlikely to do anything but fight. basic material and spell assistance. Mutually beneficial
cooperation can be expected.
If the Retainers rules are in use (see SPM p. 25),
However, indoors or out, when any creatures are one or more are amenable to recruitment as per the
encountered (even unintelligent ones), if their nature normal rules, if this makes sense from an ecological /
or the circumstances don’t automatically dictate societal perspective (e.g. creatures of the underdark will
their behaviour, the GM always rolls to see how they not willingly journey to the surface to face the hated
react to the players before actions are taken. day orb, etc). A normal Offer Reaction roll is made, and
hostile results are still possible.

If the players do not immediately attack, the GM then rolls If the roll indicates the opportunity for negotiation, some
on the Reaction Table: creatures will react favourably to overtures of peace, while
others will see such a snivelling display as an obvious sign of
2D6 Roll Encounter Behaviour weakness. Bribes may be accepted, or merely imply that
2 Hostile there’s more for the taking where that came from.
3-5 Unfriendly
6-8 Neutral / uncertain
9-11 Unthreatening
12 Actively helpful

Apply –2 to the roll if the creatures encountered are Evil,

and reroll Hostile results if the creatures are Good.
The general situation and any obvious power imbalance
between the two parties should also apply modifiers to the
reaction roll. If you’ve rolled an Ambushed result, the creatures
are probably going to be more aggressive. A player character
group armed to the teeth and covered in the blood of their foes
will spark alarm in some, but wary respect in others. Also
remember that a campaign occurs in a living world: as the
party makes their way in it, word of their affinity or antipathy
for those encountered may precede them.
The reaction results are generally interpreted as follows:

 Hostile: The creatures immediately attack unless this is

obvious suicide and the creatures aren’t inclined to such
 Unfriendly: The creatures are antagonistic at best.
They may just offer insults, or may also try to extort
food and/or wealth. They will often attack if they feel
the odds are with them, this wouldn’t endanger any
task they have, and they are not good-aligned (unless
the players are known to be evil or in direct opposition)
 Neutral / Uncertain: The creatures warily watch; the
players decide how the encounter will unfold

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