Arabarabic and Persian Manuscripts in Tonk Library Persian Archive Tonk
Arabarabic and Persian Manuscripts in Tonk Library Persian Archive Tonk
Arabarabic and Persian Manuscripts in Tonk Library Persian Archive Tonk
The paper is a brief account of the development of Arabic and
Persian Research Institute (Tonk). It is mainly a personal
account of its founder Director who besides tracing its
development highlights significant manuscripts, with their
salientfeatures, available in the institute especially in the field
of Islamic Sciences, Literature, History, Culture etc.
Islamic manuscripts, Indo-Persian Literature. Indo-Arabic
Literature, Tonk Collection
Muslim chronicles, Indo- Arabic and Indo-Persian literature
conspicuously constitute the coherent and constant nucleus of
Indology, Orientalogy and Historiography. It is forming a coral reef
of Islamic contribution and heritage cultivated and conserved in India
since the Muslim advent. These literary master pieces and cultural
sources are, invariably, the fundamental sources of Indian History
and Culture blended in one through constant process of transcribing,
transforming and propounding the original treatises, monographs,
manuscripts and codices. The work of translating and rendering
Sanskrit literature into Arabic and Persian languages also developed
the classical and traditional literature of Indo-Arabic and IndoPersian manuscripts of amassed manuscripts. The professedly
Rashtrapati Laureate, Founder Director, Arabic and Persian Research Institute, Tonk (Rajasthan)
Arabic and Persian Research Institute (Tonk): A Glance Sahibzadah Shaukat Ali Khan
Culture and Languages)- ruled for near about four years and later
deported by the British Government to Banaras to spend the last thirty
years of his scholastic life (d. 1896) in exile. An erudite scholar and a
keen bibliophile he brought back with him his library and steadily and
steadfastly augmented it with the help of the illustrious galaxy of
reputed scholars whom he assembled around him. This historical
heritage was named as "Saeediyah Kutub Khanah", in 1946 by
Nawn'ab Saadat All Khan, scholastic grand son and the fifth ruler in
succession, under the energetic stewardship of Sahibzada Abdul
Azim Khan.
The second mile stone in the chequered history of the institute came
in 1961 when a district branch office of the Rajasthan Oriental
Research Institute( Jodhpur ) was established at Tank with
manuscript section of the 'Saeediyah Kutub Khanuh' as its
conspicuous collection. This branch office ,with its surveyor in charge Sahibctda ShauKat Ali .Khan, endeavoured hard not only
to look after this collection but to highlight the rare manuscripts and
in-accessible source material of orientalogy treasured therein
through the papers published in Urdu and English research journals
to attract scholarls. Besides, unstinted efforts were made by the said
Surveyor to woo the elite and distinguished dignitaries who
espousing the veritable and varied schemes, plans and projects and
besides insisted government to re-orient and transform this library
into a full-fledged institute for greater needs of the scholars and
savants world over. It was Prof S. Nurul- Hasan- the doyen of
historians- who during his visit highlighted the importance of this
unique collection and asked the state government to transform this
library in the light of the fruitful plans submitted by the present
author. Mr Farooq Hasan, the then state minister of Education, also
tried his best to develop this centre of Oriental Studies. Dr P
Chuncler, the then Minister of Education (GOD, also did his best in
contributing to its development. Dr. Kapila Vatsayan, a dynamic
Arabic and Persian Research Institute (Tonk): A Glance
Sahibzadah Shaukat Ali Khan
Arabic and Persian Research Institute (Tonk). A Glance Sahibzadah Shaukat Ali Khan
Arabic and Persian Research Institute (Tonic): A Glance Sahibzadah Shaukat Ali Khan
Arabic and Persian Research Institute (Milk): A Glance
Sahibzadah Shaukat Ali Khan
Arabic and Persian Research Institute (Tonk): A Glance Sahibzadah Shaukat Ali Khan
Sahibzadah Shaukat Ali Khan
Arabic and Persian Research Institute (Tonk): A Glance
"At Talkhis"
The manuscript is an ostensibly rare, antique and authentic
commentary of the holy Quran composed by 'Abul Abbas Ahmad
Yousuf al Kawashi' (d.680/1281) in 649/1251. No other copy of this
manuscript was found so far. It is condensed from three
commentaries viz 'Tafasir-ut Tam', 'Tafsir ul Hasan' and 741Sir ul
Kafi ' as observed by 'Haji Khalifah' in his "Kashfuz Zunun".
"Ijaz ul Bayan"
It is a rare and antique copy of the commentary by 'Najm-ud-Din Abul
Qasim Mahmud al Qazwini` (d. after 553/1158) comprising more
than 10,000 intrinsic values as indicated by the commentator in the
preface of his 'Haml ul Gharaib, which is a super commentary of this
work copied in 658/1158.
Arabic and Persian Research Institute (Tonk): A Glance Sahibzadah Shaukat Ali Khan
"Khulasat-ut Tawarikh"
A rare autograph on the history of the world in general and Persia and
India in particular, compiled in India by anonymous author who
could not be identified reflects the contents of historical importance.
the manuscript begins with the preface without giving the title. In
Arabic and Persian Research Institute (Tonk): A Glance
Sahibzadah Shaukat Ali Khan
Arabic and Persian Research Institute (Tank): A Glance Sahibzadah Shaukat Ali Khan
Arabic and Persian Research Institute (Tonk): A Glance
Sahibzadah Shaukat Ali Khan
Arabic and Persian Research Institute (Tonk): A Glance
Sahibzadah Shaukat Ali Khan
Arabic and Persian Research Institute (Tonk): A Glance Sahibzadah Shaukat Ali Khan
Some titles of important 'Tazkirahs ' are significant which need
separate discussion. These are "Nashtar-i Ishq of Ali Quit Khan and
Tazkiratush Shuara of Anand Ram Mukhlis" , now edited by Dr.
Saulat Ali Khan. The unique autograph of Prof. Hafiz Mahniood
Shirani entitled "Jauhar-i Sukhan" containing a biographical survey
of more than 2,200 poets with their poetical specimens. It is in the
cursive hand of Prof. Shirani himself with footnotes and interlinear
and original notes.It is in Urdu but deals with the history of Persian
Literature compiled by Persian scholar, and similarly Prof. Hafiz
Mahmood Shirani entitled "Jauhar-i Sukhan" containing a
biographical survey of more than 2,200 poets with their poetical
The outline of the development of the Prestigious institute with a
glimpses of wealth of information on the East spread over History,
Religion, Sufism and other sciences in different languages and
formats will sensitise scholars and seekers of knowledge to
understand the rich culture and wisdom of the Orient and
simultaneously invites investigtors and readers to decipher and
decode this rich heritgae and indigenous knowledge . Thus, the
dissemination of this hidden treasure employing state of Art
technology and its digitisation for the preservation and simultaneous
conservation is highly warranted to be carried further on war footing.