07 - Chapter 1 PDF
07 - Chapter 1 PDF
07 - Chapter 1 PDF
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etc. In other words indological studies and research relates to the history,
philosophy, religion, fine arts (architecture, sculpture, painting, dance, drama and
music), exact sciences, economics, politics, Sanskrit language and literature, and
Our past was glorious, but we have to make our future more glorious
and in this respect Sanskrit and Indological studies and research will be of much
helpful to us. Until or unless we know our past, we cannot know our heritage, we
lose our moorings, and consequently true perspective and direction is lost. This
t 2
speaks for the importance of Indology today .
Union, February 27, 1895) that India has given to antiquity the earliest scientifical
physicians, and, according to Sir William Hunter3, She has even contributed to
Bulleon of RKMI, Calcutta, Vol. No.XLV, No.6, June 1994, pp. 197
iw • Idid., 197
3. Idid., 197
modern medical science by the discovery of various Chemicals and by teaching
you how to refo rm misshapen ears and noses. Even more, it has done in
science-mixed mathematics- were all invented in India, just so much as the ten
numerals, the very cornerstone of all present civilization, were discovered in India
In philosophy we are even now head and shoulders above any other
India gave to the world her systems of notation, with the seven cardinal notes and
the diatonic scale, all of which, we enjoyed as early as 350 B.C., while it came to
Europe only in the eleventh century In philosophy, our Sanskrit language is now
detailed study of the various aspects of the history and culture of all the countries
of Asia, particularly of the early and medieval periods. However, in India such
studies are more or less confined to early Indian subjects. The studies began in
missionaries who were eager to know the people of India, and number of them
headed by Sir William Jones founded the Asiatic Society in Calcutta on January 1
5, 1784, for an enquiry into the history and antiquities, arts, sciences and literatures
of Asia, Their zeal was stimulated by the discovery of the close relation of Sanskrit
especially with Greek, Latin and other languages of Europe1. The work began with
collection, study and publication. The results of the research and study were
published in the Asiatic Society's periodical entitled ‘Asiatic Researches’; the first
volume of which was published in 1788 and the last (Vol. no. XX) in 1839. The
issue of its successor, the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, however,
under the Ministry of Scientific Research and Cultural Affairs (S.R. & C.A.). The
committee held its first meeting at the office of the U.G.C. at New Delhi on Nov,
23, 1959 for a preliminar’y discussion of the terms of reference and the plan and
programme of the work of the committee. The committee visited and inspected
the various Sanskrit Indological institute Libraries in India and proposed a Central
Institute of Indology.
terms of their resolution no. F34-1/56-A-1, dated 1st October, 1956, has completed
Bhate, Saroja; Indology : past, present and future, Sahitya Akadami, New Delhi, 2000, pp. 17
its deliberation and has honour to submit the following report at Pp.166 i.e.,
some years ago, by the All - India Oriental Conference, for the study of Indian
are mainly centred in the bigger cities and have grown up by themselves under the
partronage of either the rich or enlightened families or under the fostering care of
the foreign as well as Indian scholars and educated children of the soil. Some of
the leading Sanskrit and Indological Research Institutes and their libraries are:
Hyderabad (A.P)
24. Indian Institute of Islamic Studies, New Delhi
25. Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, New Delhi
44. Nalanda Research Institute
47. Poona Albert Edward Institute and Cowasjee Dinshaw Hall and Library,
Trichur (1925)
55. Saraswati Mahal Library, Tanjore (1798) (Maharaja Serfoji Sarasvati Mahal
Libraiy, Tanjore)
61. Theosophical Society Library (1883)
study”. So first of all it is necessary to know the meaning and detail information
about the terms used in the topic. Here we define the concept and detail
and technology. For quality study and research, the reader and researcher became
The libraries from time immemorial have been trying to manage and
classify all the available literature. The goal of library can be summarized as:
educational objectives.
To maintain good collection of reference books, magazines, newspapers and
prescribed syllabi.
To train the students in the use of library catalogue, reference sources and
To provide career guidance and future prospects to students and make them
To maintain good ambience and create reading environment for students and
And today the best method to preserve the information and the knowledge
are the electronic resources which are mainly used and guided by an
academic computer scientist to us, because these are reliable, fast and easy
to use.
From the goals elaborated have one can make out that it is the library
making available the records of intellectual activity for maximum use. The aim is
to put before the specialist the existing literature, bearing on the subject of his
his subject, and thus saved from the dissipation of his genius upon work already
done. (Ranganathan; Documentation and its facets, Bombay, Asia, 1963, p. 46)
Facet of Documentation
two are mutually exclusive divisions of it. Each division consists of five different
facets as follows:
i i
Documentation Work Documentation Service
Selection of
Document Document of Document Document Documentation List
Consulting Indexes
to find out a reader with Loan Service Service
Specific Document available document
the process of reproducing any available material and making it accessible to those
systematic and scientific study of Indian culture. It began when Western scholars
became acquainted with Indian culture and established various centres like the
Asiatic Society, established in Calcutta over two hundred years ago, and at other
places. French and German Scholars also started working in different areas of
“for the purpose of inquiring into the History and Antiquities, Arts, Science and
1. To promote and running Sanskrit classes i.e. Sastri, Acharya, M.A. (Skt.),
2. Holding meetings and seminars, where papers are read, lectures are
eminent Indologists.
7. To publish joumals/serials.
2. To elaborate the steps being taken by various IRI Libraries in India for the
6. To develop suitable norms for the healthy growth of the Indological Centres
1. IRI Libraries are generally situated in big cities i.e. posh-areas, it means high
2. Staff in these centre’s Libraries is not enough to meet the necessary
scholars who come there for serious studies or work. Provision of good
4. IR1 Libs have inadequate funds without which facilities and equipment
cannot be increased.
current literature.
8. Purchasing of documents should be direct and not through the agents i.e.
9. Most of the IRI Libraries are neither covered under the "INFLIBNET"
system nor computer services are available in these centres hence members
10. Proper training facility is not provided to the staff of the centres Libraries.
11. Library services are restricted to the staff members of the Institute and
12. Library staff is co-operative and ready to offer their special services, if the
IRI Libs.
For the purpose of the present study, libraries of all the Indological
Centres in different parts of India will be included and necessary information will
be ascertained.
Libraries in the field of Sanskrit and Indological Studies and Research in India for
the purpose of the present study. Emphasis will, however, be given to the major
and important centres and suggestions will be provided keeping in view the over -
Supervisor, for ascertaining necessary data required for the proposed study. An
from the Directors, Librarians, Faculty members, Researchers and other categories
relevant to the present investigation, have been surveyed, and more important of
them have been given in the select bibliography at the end of this synopsis.
was available.
Late in 1949 a report was published on the origin and scope of the
of India, Publication no. 80 It gives a very brief account of the origin and scope of
such institutions and societies, their achievements since they were founded and a
report in their working during the year ending 31st December 1947. Similarly
science in India' in 1969 shows the development of Indological libraries in brief.
Classification for Indology’ etc, New Delhi, Uppal Pub. House, 1979, p.
Sanskrit Sansthan, Ministry of Education and Social Welfare compiled the book
which also carries and depicting the general activities and trends of the Sanskrit
XX, 120.
Institutes and Societies in India, their activities and publications’. Here he has
written by K.T. Pandurangi, Bangalore, 1978, p.60. The learned author visited
information, however, was incomplete and had to be supplemented as well as
updated from the respective journals of these Indological libraries, A good deal of
data had to be collected from the libraries concerned through formal and informal
1. Personal visits to the major IRI Libraries in India in order to have first hand
Indologists and experts, scholars of the Indological studies and research etc
The data collected for the present study will be analysed and
presented in the form of tables, charts, diagrams etc, which will be interpreted in
Keeping in view the data collected and facts ascertained through the
these Libraries and also to improve their documentation and information services
universe of study, tools & techniques used, review of literature, limitations, field
meaning and the scope of the word 'Indology' in its full length. We will peep into
the history of the Indology. The role played by the Christian Missionaries, travelers
and traders of the Europeans and the other countrymen of the world in the
exploration of the Indological studies in India and abroad. Similarly, the role
played by the scholars of the Europe, America and India etc, for the development
Centres and their libraries in India”. Here history of Indological Research Institute
Library (IRIL) will be given with their aims and objectives. Also highlights the
India Oriental Conference (AIOC), Pune, RSS, UGC, ILA etc in the development
Services”, this chapter will deal with the services of the Indological Centres in
and Information services. Here, we will study the various types of services
rendered by these centres and up to what extend these centres are successful in
achieving their aims, objectives and functions. Library service is a positive and
aggressive dynamic force to spread knowledge in every nook and comer of the
will discuss in general trends in technical work preparation of books for the
readers, classification, cataloguing - aid to readers, reference work - library co
operation and Book service. Branches and sub branches, Library Committee and
India”. This chapter will enlist the kinds of the publications of these centres in
Here we will also discuss the bibliographical control of Indological documents and
Here, we will access the overall position of the Indological Research Institute
Libraries (IRI Libs) and review their position and give necessary suggestions for
the upliftment of the IRI Libs, We will also propose a National Docuementation