Save Your Small Business
Save Your Small Business
Save Your Small Business
to Survive Hard
Times or Close
Down & MOVE ON
N O L O Story
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Theres a reason why Nolo is not only the nations oldest,
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Our mission, reflected in everything we publish, is to give
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Please note
We believe accurate, plain-English legal information should help
you solve many of your own legal problems. But this text is not a
substitute for personalized advice from a knowledgeable lawyer.
If you want the help of a trained professionaland well always
point out situations in which we think thats a good idea
consult an attorney licensed to practice in your state.
first Edition
July 2009
Mary randolph
susan putney
robert wells
medea minnich
Warner, Ralph E.
Save your small business : 10 crucial strategies to survive hard times or close down &
move on / by Ralph Warner & Bethany Laurence. -- 1st ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN-13: 978-1-4133-1041-2 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN-10: 1-4133-1041-9 (pbk. : alk. paper)
1. Small business--Management. 2. Business planning. 3. Business failures--Prevention.
I. Laurence, Bethany K., 1968- II. Title.
HD62.7.W376 2009
Copyright 2009 by Nolo. All rights reserved. The NOLO trademark is registered in the
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Printed in the U.S.A.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
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Nolo, 950 Parker Street, Berkeley, California 94710.
This book wouldnt have been possible without Toni Iharas assistance,
encouragement, and good ideas.
We are also indebted to a number of businesspeople who generously shared
their ideas and experiences, including Chuck Drulis, Laura and Kiran Singh,
Rich Stim, Lori Clawson, and Kay Klaczynski.
Stephen Elias, author of Nolos How to File for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy,
provided big assistance in reviewing our debt and bankruptcy materials,
as did Terri Hearsh in checking our financial calculations. And finally, and
most importantly, our Nolo editor Mary Randolph did the inspired nipping,
tucking, and reorganizing necessary to make our manuscript truly shine.
Table of Contents
Stepping Back to Plan for the Short and Long Term.................................................4
Selling Your Business...................................................................................................................7
Putting Your Business in Hibernation................................................................................8
Saving Your Business...................................................................................................................9
Special Considerations for Different Kinds of Businesses.................................... 12
............................................................................................. 25
Why You Cant Wait................................................................................................................. 26
Cut Costs, Change Direction, Quit, or Sell . ................................................................ 28
Decide How Much to Cut Expenses................................................................................ 34
Act Slowly to Reverse Cutbacks......................................................................................... 35
. ......................................................................................... 39
Keep Paying Your Bills on Time.......................................................................................... 41
How to Create More Cash..................................................................................................... 45
What Not to Do.......................................................................................................................... 66
. .............................................................. 69
Are You Personally Liable for Business Debts?........................................................... 71
Liability for Jointly Owned Debt........................................................................................ 74
What Can Creditors Do If You Dont Pay?.................................................................... 79
Prioritizing Debt Payments................................................................................................... 88
Staying Out of Deeper Trouble........................................................................................... 95
How to Protect Yourself From Further Personal Liability.................................... 96
Getting a Quick Profits Plan on Paper..........................................................................105
Making Money in a Service Business.............................................................................107
Making Money in Retail or Manufacturing .............................................................113
6 Innovate on a Shoestring
Making Innovation a Continuous Process.................................................................129
Aiming at the Bulls-Eye........................................................................................................142
Filling in Your Target...............................................................................................................145
Market the Right Products or Services to the Right People.............................154
Dont Spend Big Dollars on Advertising......................................................................158
Ask Long-Term Customers for Support.......................................................................161
Encourage Customers to Recommend Your Business.........................................163
Use Paid Listings Effectively................................................................................................167
Market on Your Own Website..........................................................................................169
Hold a Trying to Stay in Business Sale.......................................................................172
Making a Wise Layoff Plan..................................................................................................177
The Logistics of a Layoff........................................................................................................179
Keeping the Great People You Hire................................................................................185
The Importance of a Sane Schedule..............................................................................203
How to Work Less and Make More................................................................................208
Treat Competitors With Respect.....................................................................................215
Getting Business From Competitors.............................................................................217
Working for Your Competitors.........................................................................................218
Working With Your Competitors....................................................................................219
Create a Closing Team...........................................................................................................226
Look at Your Contractual Obligations.........................................................................227
Deal With Your Landlord.....................................................................................................228
Collect Bills and Sell Off Inventory ...............................................................................229
Notify and Pay Your Employees.......................................................................................230
Liquidate the Businesss Assets.........................................................................................231
Notify Creditors and Customers......................................................................................234
Pay Your Debts..........................................................................................................................239
Pay Your Business Taxes ......................................................................................................244
Dissolve Your Corporation or LLC..................................................................................248
Dissolve Your Partnership...................................................................................................250
Cancel Permits, Licenses, and Fictitious Business Names..................................251
Distribute Any Remaining Assets to Owners...........................................................252
Negotiating With Your Creditors....................................................................................258
Hiring Help: Assignment for Benefit of Creditors...................................................261
Filing for Bankruptcy..............................................................................................................262
Whats Your Best Strategy?..................................................................................................267
More About Chapter 7 Personal Bankruptcy...........................................................269
More About Chapter 7 Bankruptcy for Business....................................................277
If You Might File for Bankruptcy......................................................................................278
Profit and Loss Forecast........................................................................................................284
Cash Flow Analysis..................................................................................................................292
am not my business, and my business is not me. Now close your eyes
and repeat that three times.
Got it? We hope so, because treating your business and its chances of
survival in an objective, arms-length manner is your best chance to make
good strategic decisions in these difficult economic times.
Start by facing the fact that in the next year or two, hundreds of thousands
of small businesses will fail. Some will go bankrupt, while many more will
simply close the doors for the last time. Enterprises that were struggling
long before the economic downturn began are all but doomed. But many
other businesses can be saved if their owners act quickly and decisively to
cut expenses, increase low-cost marketing, and revamp their entrepreneurial
models to allow them to succeed in this recessionary environment.
In a nutshell, this book will give you objective tools to help you decide
whether it makes most sense to continue, hibernate, close, or sell your
business. If you decide to continue, we will help you start shoring up your
business, with ten strategies you can start to implement right now to get
your business back on track.
Some of our suggestions are tried and true. You may know that you need
to cut expenses fast and hard so that overhead wont gobble up your reduced
profits, but well tell you where to look first to make cuts (and what to leave
alone). Other strategies will require you to fundamentally rethink your
business, so you can develop innovative new goods and services and reach
new markets. No question, accomplishing this will be challengingbut
if your existing entrepreneurial model is failing, you know that your very
survival depends on changing it.
In addition to providing what we hope is advice that will help you save
your business, this book will give you the essential legal information you
need to prioritize your debt payments, protect your familys personal
assets, renegotiate your debts, and, if necessary, file for business or personal
bankruptcy. With a little effort, youll learn information that may prove
crucial to keeping a roof over your head and a car in your driveway.
Getting Started
If objectivity is the key to developing a viable survival plan, how will you
achieve it, especially at a time when so many around you are panicking? We
recommend a three-step approach.
Step 1. Create a business survival plan. For example, if in the past six
months, sales have been down 30%, your plan should convincingly explain
how your business will be able to cut expenses, increase sales, maintain or
reestablish an adequate profit margin, and manage (or attract more) cash so
that in X months youll be both profitable and have enough money in the
kitty to bring past-due bills current.
Step 2. Prepare a current profit-and-loss statement and cash flow analysis.
This is explained in detail in the appendix. You cant do the planning or take
the action that will be needed to turn around a recession-battered business
unless you fully understand your businesss key numbers. Its like trying to
land a plane in dense fog without instrumentsyoull encounter the ground
eventually, but it wont be pleasant.
Step 3. Establish an advisory board. This is a small group of knowledgeable
small business advisers, people with enough entrepreneurial experience to
understand your profit-and-loss statement and to review and challenge your
survival plan. (More about who to enlist as your advisers in Chapter 1.)
Its tough to run your own business during an economic meltdown. But
just as in the Great Depression, in the next months and years, millions of
entrepreneurs will figure out how to successfully accomplish it, and by doing
so will put themselves in a position to thrive when good times return. Well
help you develop and implement the best possible plan to cut costs, increase
marketing, and develop the basic entrepreneurial strategies necessary to
succeed. And if success in your business niche just isnt possible right now,
well show you how you can take the legal and practical steps necessary to
close down in a way that preserves your dignity, your business relationships,
and your personal assetsand lets you move on to the next venture.
In this business, by the time you realize youre in trouble, its too late to
save yourself. Unless youre running scared all the time, youre gone.
Bill Gates
advisers are likely to be more rational and, if you choose well, collectively
more experienced and business savvy than you are. In other words, this
really is an instance where a group can arrive at a better decision than an
Now lets focus on how to decide whether your business is savable. You
wouldnt be reading this if your sales hadnt dropped, probably steeply, so
well begin with the assumption that your business is performing poorly.
Recognizing that you are undoubtedly trying to make sense of a confusing,
overlapping, and perhaps contradictory array of business and personal issues,
it will help clarify matters if you think about how to proceed over the short,
medium, and long term.
Short term: one to six months. In the short term, your job is to either
develop an objective and realistic plan to get the business back to breakeven
or, if thats not possible, to close or sell it. In general, you shouldnt allow
losses to accumulate beyond six consecutive months. The only major
exception to this rule is when a clear-eyed investor is willing to put new
money into the business under a long-term turnaround plan.
Medium term: six to 18 months. If you can make the cuts necessary to
get back to breakeven in six months, youll need to return your business
to profit, usually through a combination of more cost cutting, adopting
effective new marketing initiatives, and, if possible, pivoting your business so
that its goods and services are more desirable to penny-pinching customers.
But if your locale or industry faces a deep recession, the best you may be able
to do during this next year is to continue to break even. As long as you can
pay your household expenses, and you and your advisers conclude that the
business has a bright future, sticking with it may make sense.
Long term: beyond 18 months. Your long-term plan must return your
business to profit. No matter how much your ego is tied to your business
and how much you believe it will eventually succeed, theres no long-term
future for a business that doesnt make money. Cutting costs and increasing
marketing may keep your business alive for the short term, but chances are
good that to return it to solid profitability, youll also need to adopt a series
of business-enhancing innovations.
To plan for the short-, medium-, and long-term future of your business,
you need to do some basic financial work. First, complete a profit-and-loss
statement and a cash flow analysis. (The appendix tells you how.) Second,
read the rest of this book with special attention to the chapters on innovation
and marketing. And third, run your conclusions past your advisory board.
Cut expenses while planning to sell. A deal to sell your business isnt
final until the ink on the signatures is dry and the money is in the bank, things that
can often take several months. In the meantime, its crucial to limit your losses by
cutting expenses hard and fast to avoid losing as much money as you reap from the
sale. (More on this in Chapter 3.)
finally built. But when municipal funding cutbacks delay both projects, its clear that
C&S is not going break even, to say nothing of make money, anytime soon.
They decide to close down. But after talking to their advisory board, one of whom
is an older architect who has been through several boom-and-bust economic
cycles, they instead decide to hibernate their business. To this end, they give up
their way-cool loft and, at very low cost, rent a corner of a friends studio to keep a
business address and a place to meet any prospective clients. And they decide to
limit themselves to submitting three public sector proposals per year and entering
one large judged competitionjust enough to keep their firms name out there. In
the meantime, both take temporary contract jobs with larger architectural firms to
earn enough money to keep their kids fed. With the help of employed spouses and
supportive parents, they plan to put C&S Design to sleep for a year or two and then
recommit to it full time when the economy picks up.
This much is obvious. But what can be less obvious is that when a
recession hits, the assumptions behind many successful small businesses
become invalid or lose much of their power.
Example: Pam operates an upscale childrens clothing boutique in a trendy resort
town. Her fundamental business assumption is that grandparents on vacation will
pay top dollar for cute outfits to take home as presents for their grandkids. But six
months into the recession, Pam realizes that this is no longer true. Because only
about half as many older tourists are visiting the town as previously, and many are
traumatized by their shrinking retirement plans, the days of free-spending grandparents are plainly over.
So, with her sales down 50% and her lease expiring, and no reasonable prospect of
returning to profitability in the next six months, Pam has a big sale and closes down.
She knows shell eventually open another business, but for now shell spend more
time with her own grandkids.
Once you honestly face up to the fact that boom times may not return
for many years, you need to either close down, sell, or quickly develop and
implement a realistic plan to turn your business into a survivor. Almost
always this means identifying your businesss profitable core and shucking
off all or most activities that are not part of it. For instance, a publisher of
regional guidebooks with a dozen well-established, profitable titles, and
many others that barely break even, might be hit hard when a recession cuts
into the areas tourist business. It will need to quickly redesign its business
plan around income produced by the core titles that still make money. This
is true even though it will mean laying off valued employees, canceling
speculative new titles, and pruning the backlist.
Example: Jack owns Racafrax Roofing, a company with 32 employees, when the
recession hits and orders dry up. Immediately laying off 20 employees, moving to
a tiny, cheap office, selling two of his four trucks, and hiring a local lawyer to send
threatening but very effective letters to his past-due accounts stops the worst of the
bleeding, but Jack is still losing money. Realizing most residential and commercial
customers are putting off major roof replacement work, Jack focuses on repairs, a
fussy lower-profit business he used to avoid. But now, every time it rains, Jack leaflets
entire neighborhoods. With water pouring in, Racafrax gets lots of emergency calls,
most of which he can deal with before the next rain when the process starts all over.
Although Jack misses the days when big jobs produced big profits, he can return a
much smaller Racafrax to modest profitability just seven months after it began losing money. Then, six months later, when two other local roofers who havent hustled
as hard go out of business, Jack realizes that Racafrax is back in the black for good.
True, the local economy will have to recover before significant profits return, but he
knows hell be there when they do.
Once you and your advisers decide that your hard-hit business has a
decent chance of survival if you act fast, youll want to follow these often
overlapping steps.
Cut costs. You must urgently slash costs to fit your new lowered income
projection. Depending on your situation, this can involve cutting every
possible expense, moving to a less costly location, laying off employees,
aggressively collecting past due debts, and a host of other penny-pinching
techniques discussed throughout this book.
Change your strategy. You need to promptly face up to the fact that your
businesss current strategy is failing and then fundamentally change it. There
are as many ways to do this as there are small businesses, but when times are
tough a common theme is to pivot a business so that its more in tune with
the recessionary environment. To attract the newly frugal recessionista
customers, youll typically want to convince them that your business is all
about providing value, reliability, and frugality. For example:
Millies Way Cool Boutique might devote half of the store to Way Cool
Vintage clothing.
Ihara Marine, which offers full-day charter trips, might add lower cost
half-day fishing trips priced to fit shrinking family vacation budgets.
Elegant Lighting of Lakeport might reconfigure itself as the Lakeport
Green Lighting Center, offering environmentally conscious choices.
James & Cirelli, a small business law firm, might start handling business
bankruptcies, lease workouts, and bad debt collections, and tell clients
that fees will be $50 per hour less until the economy recovers.
Come up with new marketing ideas. Youll need a low-cost and highly
effective marketing campaign to reach out to recession-shocked customers.
Your strategies must hinge on understanding who your best customers are,
how to reach them most effectively, and how to provide incentives for them
to purchase goods and services on which you make a decent profit. (Chapters
7 and 8 discuss this.) Here are a few examples:
A yoga studio that offers existing customers a 10% discount for bringing
in a new student.
A boutique that offers periodic Present-Buying for Guys classes (husbands and boyfriends), along with a 15% after-class discount coupon.
A roofer who advertises low-cost gutter cleaning in affluent neighborhoods, letting him at the same time give each homeowner a free roof
assessment highlighting areas that need immediate attention.
A hardware store that features low-cost holiday lights to attract people to
the stores high-margin Christmas ornament section.
A jewelry store that features three watch battery replacements for the
price of two and, in the process, attracts thousands of dollars worth of
higher-margin repairs on jewelry that customers bring along.
Even when the economy is strong, its hard to make a decent living running
an independent retail business. The long-term trend that makes it tough for
the little shop owner to survive began way back in the mid-19th century,
when department stores began selling a wide variety of mass-produced
consumer goods. It hugely accelerated in the decade after World War II with
the advent of large discount chains, and went into hyper-drive in the last two
decades with the marriage of computerized just-in-time inventory systems
to low-cost but highly reliable foreign production.
Today there can be little doubt that if for no other reason than price,
most Americans prefer to shop at the huge, low-cost megastores that have
all but taken over the retail environment. The proof can be seen both in the
empty storefronts that line the main streets of Americas small cities and the
crowded parking lots of the Walmart, Home Depot, Staples, and other bigbox retailers. The main exceptions to the inexorable march of the megastore
have been niche businesses that sell products not available from the big
players: luxury goods or specialty items such as Balinese imports, fly fishing
gear, or high-end bicycles.
Unfortunately, when times are tough, specialty goods retailers are
extremely vulnerable to a devastating drop in sales even as their fixed costs,
including rent and insurance, remain high. For example, stores that sell fancy
kitchenware, lingerie, or wine all offer goods that newly frugal customers can
do without or replace with less expensive alternatives. (When times are hard,
lingerie is called underwear, and women wear last years or shop at Target.)
In all but the most upscale neighborhoods, these businesses face the double
whammy of many customers who can no longer afford boutique shopping
and others who, even though they still have money to spend, find that its
suddenly cool to consume less and patronize consignment stores. And then
there is the increasing competition from online niche retailers, who because
of their nationwide reach can often offer a huge array of specialty goods at
extremely attractive prices. The upshot is that many retailers, especially those
that sell upscale items in areas hard hit by layoffs or a drop-off in the tourist
business, have little chance of survival and are best abandoned early.
Example: Frederika owned Fancy Food, a store that featured organic and other
upscale food for dogs and cats. But with half a dozen local competitors, Fancy Food
never made more than a modest profit. Then several large local employers cut
workers and closed facilities, hurting her customer base. Almost immediately, Fancy
Foods monthly sales dropped, first 25%, then 35%, and finally more than 40%.
To try to turn the situation around, Frederika, who by this time was almost out of
cash, came up with a plan to increase her marketing for lower-priced brands. But after
talking to her advisory board, she realized that even if sales fully recovered (unlikely
given that Costco and Walmart were nearby), the far lower profit margins on budget
food would still result in a substantial loss. Facing this truth, Frederika closed down.
On the other hand, retailers who have kept overhead low while providing
convenient access to essential products may do just fine when times are hard.
For example, people who do fix-it projects themselves rather than hiring a
contractor might actually buy more from a local hardware, electrical supply,
or paint store, especially one with deep community roots and the marketing
savvy to compete with the discounters. True, some shoppers will be tempted
to switch to the big-box retailer at the edge of town, but local providers who
have lasted this long have learned how to emphasize service, convenience,
and marketing to keep most customers loyal.
Enough generalizations. To get a good idea as to whether your store has a
chance to survive until the economy improves, do these two things:
Identify the month your sales suffered a significant drop. Then find the
average sales for each month since, extrapolating for a full 12 months
if the decline is more recent. For instance, if sales started to decline
eight months ago and have averaged $15,000 per month since, figure
that yearly sales will be $180,000, unless you have a good reason (for
example, that sales are still declining) to adjust this number up or down.
Run a profit-and-loss statement and a cash flow analysis based on your
new sales numbers (see the appendix for instructions).
The results should give you a pretty accurate confirmation of what you
may already knowwhether or not your business is savable. If, even given
declining sales, you are still within shouting distance of breakeven, chances
are you can cut costs and increase marketing to get back in the black. But if a
huge sales drop has decimated your balance sheet, trying to keep going until
business eventually improves may be as unwise as it is impossible.
Example 1: John and Becky run a wine shop specializing in high-priced imported
wines not available at mainstream retailers. Last year they made $50,000 on sales
of $450,000 and hoped to improve significantly on this in the current year. Then, as
Americas financial system began to melt down, sales started dropping 5% to 10% per
month, finally leveling off at an annual rate of $350,000. John and Becky do a detailed
profit-and-loss statement and cash flow analysis based on this lower sales number
and find that they are now losing $20,000 per year.
After checking with their advisers, John and Becky decide to take a number of
steps to get the business back at least to breakeven. If they can, they have an assurance that Beckys dad will lend them money for their personal expenses for the next
year, an amount that will be subtracted from Beckys eventual inheritance.
Here are the steps Becky and John take:
They contact their landlord and show him their balance sheet. In part because
he fears having an empty shop if they go under and in part because he likes their
spunk, he agrees to lower the rent 10%.
They lay off their one part-time employee and go to a five- instead of six-day
They increase the number of moderately priced but still unusual wines. This is
not so much calculated to make money (lower priced wines are less profitable),
but to bring customers into the store, where at least some of them would also
buy a more upscale and profitable tipple.
They adopt a number of low-cost marketing techniques (see Chapter 8), the first
and most successful of which is to write a forthright letter to everyone on their
mailing list explaining that they are on the edge of insolvency and asking for help.
They also include a 30%-off coupon good for any bottle over $20. Hundreds of
people, concerned that their favorite little wine shop might close and wanting to
help the nice couple who ran it, respond, with a surprising number purchasing a
case or more. The result is that John and Becky have their best month of the year.
But after talking extensively with her advisers, she decides that with her house paid
for, some money in the bank, and Festoons lease running out in three months, her
best bet is to have a three-month going-out-of-business sale, put her store fixtures in
storage, and consider reopening at a lower-rent location when the recession finally exhausts itself. Fortunately, when her long-term customers hear Festoon is closing down,
they flood the store and all but demand Phyllis stay open through the holidays. The
resulting profit from the going-out-of-business sale is much larger than Phylliss previous losses, meaning that she has a nice nest egg to cushion her temporary retirement.
A house painter, roofer, electrician, lawyer, or other service provider whose
overhead costs are only a small percentage of gross salesand who cuts back
quickly after experiencing a significant sales dropusually has an excellent
chance to survive. Thats because in a service business where overhead is
low (and can usually be reduced), even a small sales uptick resulting from
a properly targeted, low-cost marketing campaign will mean a substantial
fattening of the bottom line.
Another way of saying this is that if you can charge a substantial hourly
rate, with little or no overhead, youll normally be able to hang in there
even if sales initially plunge as much as 40% to 50%. Of course you still
need enough income to put bread on the table, and may even need to take
a part-time job to do it, but especially if your business is both established
and historically profitable, it will probably survive. Thats because for most
quality service businesses, continued success depends on the accumulation
of positive word of mouth. Thats something that in hard times you might
be able to leverage as part of a marketing plan to reach out to long-term
customers, asking them for both their personal support and their help in
recruiting others. (This may not be true if your business is the new kid on
the block.)
If your company provides services that can easily be put off, however, you
can face a customer meltdown in tough times. So if you paint houses, detail
cars, install garage doors, landscape gardens, or cater business events, no
matter how hard you are willing to work, you need a convincing survival plan.
It might involve repositioning your business to deliver services that pennypinching customers still are willing to pay forfor example, a veterinarian
might contract with a city to provide services at the animal shelter.
You might also have a difficult time if, by industry tradition, your
company does the work first and bills later. Thats because when times are
hard, inevitably some customers will pay late and others not at all. Thats
why its often crucial to quickly revisit and tighten credit policies before bad
debts mount. One way to do this is to require a substantial up-front deposit
as well as appropriate progress payments. To help long-term customers adjust
to your new rules, its helpful to also extend a discount.
Example: The Myers & Pedroilla law firm informs its clients that in recognition
of hard economic times, it is lowering its hourly fee by $50 per hour. But because
its impossible to both charge lower prices and wait to be paid, M&P is simultaneously moving to a new billing routine in which clients are asked to pay half of the
estimated cost of their legal task up front and the other half within seven days of
completion. As a result, M&P loses a couple of significant clients, but when one of
them goes bankrupt a few months later owing its new law firm $35,000, M&P knows
it made the right choice.
If you equate hard times with the tiger and your direct competitors with
the hikers, the point is simplechances are your business will survive if you
outlast at least a good number of the other businesses that provide similar
services. Even in a declining market, lots of people will still get their hair cut
and colored, have spots removed from their clothing, or get their nails done.
Lucky ones will even be able to afford a few days vacation. It follows that if
your business can stay open until others close, you may even do better than
you did when times were good.
How can you outperform your rivals? Start by making a list of your
direct competitors. You have doubtless known most of them for years. But
dont forget that when times are hard, many cash-strapped consumers look
for cheaper alternatives. So if you operate an upscale hair salon and never
previously thought of the local Supercuts outlet as a competitor, you may
need to think again, depending on just how depressed your local economy is.
Then make a short list of the strengths and weaknesses of each competitor.
This might include their customer base, reputation, employee relations, cost
structure, and marketing savvy.
Finally, come up with a realistic plan to outperform and outlast a
percentage of them. (We discuss the possibility of lowering your overhead by
combining operations with a favorite competitor in Chapter 11.) Once your
plan is made, run it by your advisory board. Here are some examples:
Cedar Cleaners, whose business is hard hit by the recession, decides that
it has the financial resources to survive two years of low, or even no,
profits. Accordingly, to keep its long-time customer base loyal, it runs a
sale per week (sleeping bags, drapes, formal wear, quilts, and so on) to
keep volume up, even though profits take a hit. When, after a year of
deepening recession, two other dry cleaning establishments close, Cedar
is able to regain pricing power and return to solid profitability. Once the
local economy finally improves, Cedar has its most profitable year ever.
Two bed and breakfasts in the same seashore town combine marketing
efforts, sending three nights for the price of two offers to their
combined mailing lists, merging their websites, and even taking turns
doing breakfast. On the website they provide loads of information to
make it easy for people organizing weddings, family reunions, and small
business getaways to book both inns at once.
In a deep recession, tiny construction outfits with good marketing savvy
and energy often survive, and some even do well. Thats because a fair
number of home remodels and other smaller jobs tend to go forward even
when new housing and commercial construction is put on hold. True, small
construction outfits may have to shrink even more, but because most already
operate out of a home office and have little overhead, they can cut costs by
simply hiring less labor.
Slightly larger construction outfits in the 20 to 70 employee range,
however, often face severe problems. Not only is their overhead higher, as a
percentage of sales, but they also typically rely on suddenly iffy bank lines
of credit to smooth out payment cycles. Some fail for a combination of
reasons, the most important of which is that much of the new residential and
commercial construction they typically rely on grinds to a halt at the same
time that they dont cut expenses nearly fast enough.
Example 1: Six months into the recession, new business at J&B Concrete begins
to drop precipitously as residential and commercial construction severely contract.
At the same time, payments to J&B for cement jobs begin to slow down as everyone
from prime contractors to several municipal governments begins to hoard cash. Out
of loyalty to longtime office workers and estimators, J&B is slow to cut overhead,
hoping against hope that, as it always had, business will soon pickup. As a result,
monthly payments for rent, equipment, and staff exceed income.
J&B turns to its bank with a request that it increase their line of credit. Instead,
after seeing that J&Bs negative cash flow already violates an existing loan covenant,
the bank cancels the credit line. J&B immediately lays off 60% of its staff, tries desperately to collect on past-due receivables, and asks everyone from their landlord to
trade creditors to accept late payment. But even though some of these efforts show
promise, J&B runs out of money two weeks after the line of credit is canceled. Theyre
unable to pay even their diminished payroll, so the state labor commissioner closes
them down, and a bankruptcy filing follows.
When you realize that from start to finish, J&Bs crash from solvency to
bankruptcy took just five months, youll understand just how financially
fragile many construction outfits are. Nevertheless, had J&B moved faster
to shrink overhead, it might have survived. So in, lets give J&B a second
Example 2: When J&B has its first bad month, the owners meet with their experienced advisory board and explain that with construction drying up everywhere,
business is only likely to get worse. Following their advisers good advice, J&B immediately cuts office staff from ten employees to three. In addition, it sells $100,000
worth of equipment, using the receipts to pay off several equipment loans. Telling the landlord they plan to move in six months when their lease was up elicits a
counter proposal that they sign up for another two years at a 25% rent reduction,
which J&B accepts. Applying an aggressive full-court-press strategy to their lagging
accounts receivable, they collect many of them and sell several more to a factoring
company that specializes in collecting from municipalities and other public entities.
Then, with their balance sheet more or less in order, Jim and Bart meet with the
bank and present their plan to further shrink the business as necessary with the goal
of quickly returning to profitability, no matter how deep the cuts need to be. Their
loan officer, saying that he appreciates J&Bs determination to take the steps necessary to operate in the black, renews their line of credit. When several other local
concrete outfits go under, J&Bs business stabilizes. After several months of savvy,
low-cost marketing efforts focused on smaller home remodeling projects and solar
panel installations, business actually improves.
In most parts of America, there are at least one-third more restaurants than
the local market can support. In hard times, when cutting back on eating
out is near the top of most peoples spend less list, in some areas up to 50%
wont make a profit sufficient to sustain themselves.
Established eateries, especially those whose equipment is paid for, have
the best chance of survival. Fancy new restaurants that borrowed heavily to
pay for upmarket kitchens and pricey dcor are the most vulnerable, because
they have little room to cut prices. Even a small dip in patronage can make
it impossible to meet debt payments, to say nothing of making a profit. For
those restaurants lucky enough not to have high fixed costs, closing down
a couple of the slowest days of each week may be the best option, since it
will avoid paying out more in staff and supply costs than it takes in. But this
strategy wont work if youve got $1,000 a day in fixed costs whether youre
open or not.
Start by asking yourself How do I make money? Is it mostly on the weekends, on nights when the curtain goes up at the local theater, on the la carte
side of the menu, or on fancy coffee drinks, or does 80% of the profit come
from the bar? (See Chapter 5 for more on how to answer this question.)
Assume for a moment that, like a lot of restaurants, you make more money
selling alcohol than food. If so, the strategy for a midpriced communitybased restaurant might be to create specials and eventseven some that
reduce profits on food to zerothat keep the place full, figuring that once
folks come in theyll order their two glasses of wine (or whatever). Although
we discuss marketing in detail in Chapter 8, examples and ways to bring in
diners include:
A Beggars Banquet Tuesday, where you cook up only three entres, but
cut prices in half.
Kids Night, where you provide free kids meals in your banquet room
along with free babysitting.
Thursday Singles Night, where women eat freethe idea here of course
is that where single women go, men will follow. And organized as a
buffet where people can grab some food and sit at communal tables,
chances are your booze profits will more than make up for the cost of the
womens food.
Obviously these strategies wont work for a restaurant suffering from a
dearth of tourists or a drop-off in business at the nearby convention center.
But the questions you must ask remain the same: How do I make money?
and What can I do to preserve and build on this most important part of my
business? Hopefully youll find some good ideas in the rest of this book in
the chapters on making a profit, innovating, and marketing.
necessary to move more product. So hit the phone, hit the Internet, hit the
bricks, and do whatever else you must to keep sales humming. (See Chapter
8 for ideas.)
The biggest problem with many, if not most, franchise operations is
depressingly simple: Franchisors charge too much for a business that doesnt
have enough value to justify the high up-front and ongoing costs. In a
recession, many franchises wont have enough income to cover the cost of
capital and ongoing franchise fees. If yours is a typical franchise, youll have
agreed to pay the franchisor 3% to 6% of your monthly gross revenue (bigname fast food operators, such as Wendys, McDonalds, Burger King, and
Subway typically charge between 8% and 11.5%), plus a few more cents
on your sales dollar for the franchisors marketing efforts. You may also
have obligated yourself to buy goods and services either directly from the
franchisor or from an approved supplier, meaning youll almost surely be
paying more than if you bought them on the open market.
Add it all up, and youre likely sending the franchisor eight to ten cents
of every dollar you take in. This is obviously a huge added burden if your
business has begun to lose money, because unlike an independent business
you need to make not only an operating profit, but also enough extra to pay
the franchisor.
What to do? As with any business, cutting payroll and other expenses is a
priority. But even here your hands may be partially tied if you have agreed to
buy pricey goods and services from the franchisor. If cost cutting isnt enough
to get your operation back in the black, there may be little else you can do.
Thats because, unlike independent businesses where you are free to tinker
with the product, prices, and marketing strategy, your franchise agreement
may contractually obligate you to follow a paint-by-number business plan.
Targeting your best customers and engaging in your own guerilla marketing
techniques to reach them, whether technically allowed by your franchise
contract or not, is probably your best hope of reversing your sales decline.
(See Chapters 7 and 8.)
If, given your best effort, your operation is hemorrhaging money, think
about selling. (Youll probably need the franchisors approval.) Obviously,
selling is difficult when a business is losing money, but you may have some
hope if there are successful operators of the same franchise in your area, you
have a good location, and you sell cheap. Thats because a franchise operation
with a number of outlets may have the management savvy and deep pockets
to succeed where you could not.
If you cant make a quick sale, your only choice is usually to shutter the
business, add up your debts, and move on. (See Chapter 12.)
Take all the time to reflect that circumstances permit but when the time
for action comes, stop thinking.
Andrew Jackson
mall enterprises are incredibly sensitive to both good and bad fortune.
Catching an important entrepreneurial trend or operating in a
booming locality or business sector can result in quick growth and
outsized profits. Unfortunately, the opposite is also true. When the local
economy sours, or for some reason your business niche falls out of favor,
profits can turn into losses faster than the neighbors pest of a cat disappears
when you reach for the garden hose.
Its exciting and fun to expand a successful business by hiring additional
employees, buying more equipment, renting new space, and doing all the
other things necessary to grow. But there is precious little joy in quickly
downsizing a business that has become overextended, especially one that has
borrowed heavily to fund expansion, only to find that a declining market
wont sustain it. Unfortunately, entrepreneurs whose businesses are suddenly
caught in stormy financial seas typically start by either denying they are in
trouble or underestimating its severity. The result is that many businesses
that could have been saved by rigorous early action quickly become so debtburdened that they die unnecessary deaths.
Cut Back
When times are good, its easy to expand too fast or be too casual about
controlling costs. Like a victorious army that advances so quickly it outraces
its own supply lines, a rapidly growing business can easily become a victim
of its own euphoria, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. It can become
financially, personally, and logistically overextended if, for example, owners
open a second caf, hire more production workers, or ambitiously expand
a website. And when this occurs, you become highly vulnerable to any
significant drop-off in business.
Even if a business hasnt been on a growth binge, a long period of financial
success often leads owners to tolerate inefficient and sometimes even downright sloppy business practices. For example, the head of a solidly profitable
time-share management company in a booming resort area might pay himself
and key employees generous salaries and lavish perks, while still expecting to
take off Fridays to play golf. Hell quickly be in trouble when the real estate
boom goes bust.
As you might expect, both in war and business, the best antidote for advancing too fast or managing too loosely is to pull back quickly and consolidate your initial success. Executing a strategic retreat can work particularly
well when your expansion hasnt locked in high capital costs. But if your car
Assuming for now that your businesss situation is still sufficiently sound
that a cutback plan can work, youll want to focus energy and resources on
your profitable core competencies while shucking off other money- and
energy-draining activities. To develop your back-to-basics business plan,
start by looking at the profit margins of each key area of your little empire.
Youll probably find that the areas that made you successful in the first place
are still your cash cows. For example, a coffee shop that added dinner to
its traditional breakfast and lunch business just a few months before the
local economy turned sour might find that most of its profits are still made
before 2:30 p.m. and that the new dinner business, no matter how excellent
its long-term prospects, is causing unsustainable losses. Finecut dinner,
take a hard look at lunch, and reemphasize coffee and breakfast. When
the operation is profitable again, and sunnier economic times return, take
another look at expanding into pork chops and pasta. (For help on this, see
Chapter 5.)
Although there is no one-plan-fits-all business formula to cutting costs in
bad times, most businesses should cut expenses by at least as much as lost
income. For example, if sales drop 30%, youll want to quickly cut costs by
that many dollars. In a very small business, this will almost always mean
cutting your own pay as well as trying to minimize every possible expense. At
the same time, youll want to work hard to increase sales. (For help with that,
read about innovation in Chapter 6 and marketing in Chapter 8.)
Cut first, market second. Dont forget that when you cut spending, you
save 100 cents of every dollar. Marketing can bring in profitable new sales, especially
for low overhead service businesses, but you never get to keep 100 cents of every
dollar. Chapter 3 discusses many strategies for cutting costs.
taking the time to do quick redesign specs for the largest nonprofits. Although many
of these potential customers claimed to have absolutely no funds to improve their
sites, a half dozen changed their minds when Mavis explained how River People had
quickly raised the needed money through a focused membership appeal.
Over the next six months, SMP continued to work with a number of nonprofits,
still intending to eventually return to the profitable world of e-commerce. But then,
at an owners meeting one fine spring day, a funny thing happened. In the middle of
outlining his planned proposal to a potential client in the childrens health field, Paul
announced that he was having so much fun working for people who really stood
for something that he didnt want to do anything else. When Mavis and Sandrine
agreed, the owners realized that they hadnt just temporarily adjusted their business
plan in reaction to a financial emergency, they had fundamentally changed it.
Example 2: Jorge and Guillermo thought they would be tremendously successful when they opened Los Padres Grill, a midpriced Mexican restaurant across from
a universitys large complex of married-student housing. With the exception of a
McDonalds, there was no real competition nearby. Initially quite successful, the grills
monthly numbers began to display red ink when the recession hit and anxious families cut their eating-out budgets. After four bad months, each one worse than the
last, Jorge and Guillermo realized they had to either quit or try a different approach.
With the help of a small loan from their uncle, they converted their sit-down restaurant to a takeout place with just a few tables. Because customers now lined up at
a counter to order food, there was no need to provide table service. Prices could be
reduced, which somewhat improved their student business.
But still, because only the dinner business was marginally profitable, it was obvious
Los Padres Grill needed to quickly develop additional markets or close down. Jorge
and Guillermo decided their best bet was to increase sales to people who worked in
the light industrial area just north of the campus. Taking a few days to talk to workers
at an auto body shop, metal fabricating company, wholesale plumbing supply outfit,
and similar businesses, the partners learned that few workers patronized Los Padres at
lunch primarily because they were too busy to take a formal lunch hour. Instead, they
grabbed a sandwich off a roving lunch truck or brought food from home. To improve
access to their food, Jorge and Guillermo converted Guillermos truck into the Los
Padres Taco Wagon complete with warming ovens, coolers, and food display units.
Now able to take its food to customers, Los Padres business immediately improved, something that encouraged Jorge and Guillermo to further diversify into
catering. Reasoning that even in tough times virtually all small businesses sometimes
order food for meetings and celebrations, and financially challenged students occasionally have parties, the partners created a menu of reasonably priced catered
meals. When flyers were distributed at all businesses on the Taco Wagons route and
throughout the student housing complex, orders quickly began to come in.
Close Down
For a variety of reasons, including new competition, a changing marketplace,
or most frightening, a recession-driven loss of customers and pricing power,
many small businesses wont survive. Sadly, when an economic tsunami hits
and customers stop spending, many small businesses fail despite the fact that
their owners work hard and do lots of things right. In these circumstances,
even formerly highly successful businesses can sail into weather too heavy
to survive. In short, if you are the owner of a terminal business, your best
course of action is to repeat I am not my business, and my business is not
me, as you close the doors for the last time.
Perhaps it will help you maintain your perspective if you think about
the many New York City tourist-based businesses that failed after 9/11.
Suddenly, with no out-of-towners to ride their excursion buses, sign up
for their theater tours, or buy their souvenirs, many either qualified for
government assistance or closed down. Only you can decide whether your
business occupies a niche that can outlast a severe downturn, but especially
if business has dropped by 40% or more, chances are the decision has been
made for you. For example, if a recession decimates your sales of luxury
watches, there may be little you can do to surviveunless you come up with
a successful new marketing campaign, perhaps one that focuses on value,
practicality, and durability and that can convince wealthy penny-pinchers
that it still makes sense to purchase a fine watch.
least this reduced income. But unless you have been quickly able to diversify your
business to create a new and profitable income stream, it is wise to assume that
income will drop further, since there is no sign your decline has bottomed out. If,
as might be sensible, you predict that sales will be down 40% for the year, it follows
that to balance your budget youll need to cut expenses at least by that amount and
probably significantly more.
But where will all your savings come from? Here are some of the main
areas to look to when you need to cut costs:
discretionary spending (nonessential maintenance and employees)
rent (landlords are more willing to renegotiate a lease in an economic
capital costs (put off that new equipment purchase), and
payroll (you might not need to lay anyone offinstead, temporarily cut
back salaries and hours).
Cutting expenses, of course, is easier said than done. Chapter 3 includes
a long list of creative ways to back on specific kinds of spending without
crippling your business.
back the assistant reservations manager. But they decide to stick with a number of the
economies imposed during the downturn, including contracting out maintenance and
snow removal instead of paying a full-time maintenance employee. Finally, when bookings for the fall color season come in strong, they decide to restore all salary cuts to
their pre-drought levels and hire a weekend bartender. At Christmas, with business still
strong, everyone who had survived the tough year receives a small bonus, along with a
personal note from John and Adelle thanking them for their loyalty.
Anybody who thinks money will make you happy hasnt got money.
David Geffen
hen times are tough, cash becomes king, emperor, czar, and
grand vizier rolled into one. Suddenly, in a few weeks or months,
what was once abundant in your small business can become
difficult to get and hard to hold onto. This sudden cash contraction is usually
caused by some or all of the following: poor sales, lower profit margins, pastdue accounts receivable, bloated inventory, restricted or lost credit lines, and
the impossibility of raising more investment capital.
If youve decided to soldier on, you need to trim expenses quickly so that
they match your lowered income. (See Chapter 2.) And to make informed
decisions, not guesstimates, about how much to cut, you should by now
have created a formal profit-and-loss statement and a cash flow analysis (see
the appendix).
Now its time for the next step, which is to focus on your current cash
position with an eye to improving it. If cash is flowing out of your business
significantly faster than its coming in, youll have a very short window in
which to fix the problem, assuming its fixable at all. Viewed most broadly,
you need to examine three aspects of your cash flow:
how and when cash comes into your business
how and when it goes out again, and
where it gets tied up in the meantime (in inventory and equipment, for
How much cash does your company need? Because businesses are so
different, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. But generally speaking, when a
deep downturn hits and sales drop, you need at least enough cash to survive
six months. That gives you enough time to cut expenses, increase marketing,
and quickly develop innovative new products or services. Dont panicthis
doesnt mean you need to have six months revenue in hand now. What you
do need is the confidence that you can somehow produce enough cash or
credit to cover any shortfall between what youll take in and what youll pay
out during this period.
Saving Money
Paying early can get you discounts that net you more cash then you could
earn in interest by holding onto the money longer. Dont be shy about asking
for deeper discounts than your vendors initially offer. Especially if you have
the cash to pay early, you should be able to achieve reductions as high as
10% to 15%.
Example: A few months after the recession hit and new construction plummeted,
Solar Supply LLCs bank threatened to pull its line of credit. This was avoided when
the companys founders loaned Solar Supply a substantial sum. Now with both the
loan money and line of credit to draw on, Solar Supply had adequate cash, but no
profits. So after making lots of money-saving cutbacks, Solar Supply called its ten
largest vendors with a simple proposition: For the next six months, Solar Supply will
pay on delivery for all orders, in exchange for a 15% discount. Five vendorsthemselves short of cashimmediately agreed, and two more said yes when it became
clear they would otherwise lose the business. The three holdouts were easily replaced
by companies that realized that when times are tough, everyone has to give a little.
When these thoughts run through your head, youll doubtless question
whether you ever want to deal with business D, E, or F again. And if you
had to choose one of these less-than-stellar outfits to head your blacklist,
we bet it would be Business F. That just makes good sense. Tough as it is to
cope with late deliveries, unreturned phone calls, inexperienced workers, or
even poor quality products or services, its far harder to survive without being
paid. This is doubly true for a business in a field where payment isnt due
until after goods or services are provided. Here, if payments are substantially
late, a business can actually fail even though its bottom line shows it to be
You want to be a company that other companies want to do business with.
For example, if your business suddenly needs to ask a print shop to turn
around a flyer in a few hours, youll have a much better chance of getting
them to say yes if you paid your last bill the day it was due.
in positive territory? Generally speaking, all suggestions fall into two broad
categories: spend less and take in more. And in businesses that maintain
inventory, there is the added wrinkle of not allowing too much cash to be
tied up in a warehouse or shop.
Spend Less
Especially in a recession when customers are scarce, the quickest way to raise
cash is not to spend it. There are many ways to reduce the amount of money
flowing out of your businessand implementing just a few can make a big
Dont forget leased equipment. If you are leasing equipment you dont
absolutely need, ask the leasing company to renegotiate payments or cancel the
lease in exchange for taking back the equipment. If no one takes your requests
seriously, dont be afraid to involve a lawyer, who should be experienced in
explaining that without quick cooperation, your business may fail. Especially if
the leasing company believes you might close down and file for bankruptcy, it
will likely make you a better offer or take the equipment back.
bankruptcy. But to their surprise, no sooner do they notify Fairview Mall of their
intentions than the mall, which by this time has a number of empty shops, offers
to cut their rent and fees by 50% for the next 12 months. The deal convinces June
and Cleveland that with a more energetic and creative marketing effort, they have a
chance to survive.
In bad economic times, when jobs are scarce, its usually possible to cut pay
by a small percentage and not lose employees. The first person to take a pay
cut should be you (and if your spouse works for the business, both of you).
Even if your compensation is already modest, so that cutting it wont save
much, trimming your own salary is sure to get employees attentionand
their respectin ways a dozen dire financial pronouncements never will.
Next, sit down with any well-paid employees to help them confront the
need to voluntarily accept similar reductions. Depending on pay levels and
other circumstances, a cut of 10% to 20% is often reasonable. But be very
reluctant to cut the pay of people at the bottom of your scale. Not only is
this the decent thing to do, it helps you keep experienced employees who, if
forced to take less, would probably look for another job.
This cut-from-the-top approach usually makes sense for several reasons.
First, it should help you save money without losing essential employees.
Second, and perhaps more important, it sends a message to everyone
connected to your company that you and other managers take personal
responsibility for coping with tough times.
Example: John and Adelle own and operate the HillTop Lodge, a 60-room country motel near a ski resort. Although the motel does decent business year-round,
in most years the lions share of profits are made from the winter ski crowds, who
cheerfully pay high-season rates and eat and drink everything in sight. After a decade
of hard work, during which they invested most profits back in the business, John and
Adelle were finally able to pay themselves and several key employees comfortable
salaries. Then came the year when the snow failed to arrive in their corner of the
woods, and the skiers went elsewhere. It didnt take many weeks of brown slopes and
terrible business before John and Adelle realized that HillTop was in serious trouble.
Calling a meeting of their five highest-paid employees, they suggested freezing all
nonessential expenditures, such as replacing older but still serviceable equipment
and repainting several hallways and rooms, as well as cutting nonessential items
such as subscriptions to periodicals and memberships in trade organizations. They
even decided to ask several employees to turn in their cell phones. In addition, they
resolved to severely cut the budget for outside services, transferring work to employees who now had time on their hands. Next they announced they were cutting
their own pay by 20% and asked all managers to accept a 15% reduction. A couple of
people grumbled, but all they had to do was look out the window to understand the
problem. Respecting Johns and Adelles determination to take the biggest hit, they
accepted their lower paychecks.
This strategy isnt just for small businesses, by the way. To save jobs, shipping giant FedEx froze 401(k) contributions and cut all salaried employees
pay for 2009. The companys CEO took the biggest percentage pay cut,
20%. Other top executives were cut by 7.5% to 10%, and the rest of the
salaried employees got a 5% hit. Hourly workers werent affected. The company made these cuts even though it was profitableit was looking ahead to
an expected downturn in shipping caused by the sluggish economy.
ally, this change will mean that customers will get a message machine promising
a prompt call back, but given the low volume of calls, this shouldnt be a serious
problem. Finally, John proposes taking over many routine maintenance tasks himself,
allowing HillTop to eliminate the position of in-house maintenance person.
The result of these and several other job consolidations and cuts is to save $200,000
in salaries without significantly reducing essential guest services or eliminating key
employees who will be needed as soon as business eventually picks up. All told, ten
peopleincluding Adelles niece, who worked as a part-time desk clerklose their jobs.
When it comes to accounting services, dont pay for bookkeeping that you
can do much cheaper in house or by hiring a part-time bookkeeper. And
again, as with every vendor, be aggressive in asking for a recession discount
from your accountant, and if you dont get it, bid out your account.
bankruptcy filing. (You can check Nolos Lawyer Directory for in-depth
attorney profiles of local lawyers.)
If you dont have cash to pay off a portion of your debt, youll have a lot
less leverage when it comes to trying to convince a creditor to write off part
of it. As an alternative, you may be able to convince a creditor to instead
convert your debt to a term loan with low initial payments, or, if your
creditor really believes in your future, to trade debt for an equity stake in
your corporation or LLC.
Open your books to your creditors. Creditors will be far more likely to
support your survival plan by writing off a portion of your debt if they really believe
you are taking the hard steps necessary to return your business to profit. It follows
that your best course of action is often to open your books and show them.
inheritors, you might have also bought a life insurance policy to provide
funds for the purchase. If so, consider canceling this policy, and if you have
had it for a while, pulling out its cash value, if any.
Raise Prices
During hard times, businesses typically must lower prices in order to attract
customers. But especially for businesses that offer a wide array of goods or
services, there are always some items for which prices can be raised. Often
this results from the fact that during prosperous years, businesses neglect to
do a careful analysis of all their prices.
As a general rule, prices designed to attract customers to your shop, office,
or website should be kept as low as possible. Be more aggressive when you
price discretionary items customers might purchase once theyre there. For
example, a yarn shop might feature rock-bottom prices on basic, singlecolor yarns, while keeping prices up for the luminescent, multihued varieties
customers gravitate to once through the door.
Example: Koski Firewood is forced to lower prices for cords of oak after an aggressive competitor with a wood yard on a main road puts up a huge sign advertising
bargain prices. As a result, profit margins all but disappear, causing Pete and Mike
Koski to consider closing down. But before they do, they consult with their informal
group of advisers including their retired Uncle Frank, who has successfully run several
businesses. Frank spends a day at the wood yard and comes up with these recommendations, which, taken together, put the business solidly back in the black.
Raise prices on kindling 30%. Almost everyone adds several boxes to their order,
but few pay close attention to its cost.
Raise the delivery fee 40%. The super-frugal will borrow a pickup and haul their
own wood, but most others wont notice.
Add $20 to the fee for moving wood from curb or driveway and stacking it next
to the house. Most people do this themselves, but those who cant be bothered
will pay more.
Another place to look to raise prices is for goods or services that, despite
or maybe even because ofthe recession, are in high demand. For example,
a CPA might lower rates for basic tax schedule preparation so as not to
lose business to price-cutting competitors, but raise fees for helping small
businesses prepare bankruptcy-related schedules or deal with IRS tax bills.
Dial for dollars. If you already have lots of overdue accounts, youll need
not only to fix your long-term policies, but also get a bunch of customers to
pay pronto. Especially if you are seriously short of cash, your best bet is to
pick up the phone. Whether you are a consultant calling a late-paying client,
a landscape architect calling a homeowner, a wholesaler calling a retailer, or
a small manufacturer calling a wholesaler, demand to talk to the person who
owes you the money, or in the case of a business, the person with power to
write the check. Dont be bashfulthe delinquent payer absolutely needs
to know that you need a check (or electronic payment) now and in full,
or youll immediately take legal steps to collect. Dont be fobbed off with
excuses or vague promises that youll be paid soon.
Withhold goods or services. If, after several phone calls, the money is still
not forthcoming, what are your realistic options? It depends in part on what
type of business you run and whether the customer needs more of what
you sell. For example, if you produce a highly popular product or provide a
service your customer needs more of, your first step is to put late-payers on
credit holdthat is, dont provide more goods or services until the account
is fully current. The credit hold approach might not work if there are more
local suppliers of the product or service you provide. For example, if yours
is one of several wholesalers that delivers fish to area restaurants and you put
Ahi Bills cafe on credit hold, Bill can buy from one of the other wholesalers.
In practice, however, the other wholesalers are sure to know that he is one of
your longtime customers, suspect that you have put him on credit hold, and
call to check his credit. In short, if Bill is to stay in business he is going to
have to pay you.
Offer a one-time discount in exchange for catching up with back payments.
For example, a consultant, architect, or landscaper might offer a 10% to
20% discount for immediate payment on overdue accounts receivable. To
encourage participation, when providing the carrot, dont be afraid to also
show the stick by threatening to file a lawsuit or to turn the account over to a
collection agency.
Sue, or hire a lawyer. Especially for large overdue accounts, get the
recalcitrant debtors immediate attention by suing in small claims court. In
most states, the limit on claims is $5,000 to $10,000, and you dont need
a lawyer. Or hire a lawyer to collect it for you, either for an hourly fee or a
percentage of the amount collected (pay by the hour if the debt is large and
the debtor is solvent). If you are lucky, a frosty letter or two from an attorney
will shake loose your cash without a lawsuit being filed.
Turn accounts over to a collection agency. For smaller, seriously pastdue debts that youre not interested in taking to court, your best bet is
to turn them over to a collection agency. These agencies normally charge
about 50% of the amount they collect. Talk to local businesspeople to get a
recommendation for an agency with a good reputation for both doggedness
and ethical behavior.
Borrow Money
While getting a traditional loan in this economy may be next to impossible
for small businesses, there are a few other financing opportunities out there.
stimulus package provides $730 million to the Small Business Administrations loan
program to stimulate small business bank loans and nonprofit microloans to small
businesses, so credit in this area may loosen up a bit.
Second, for larger loans, its routine to offer the lender the sweetener of a
small equity stake in your business. Explaining how to do this (typically by
organizing as a small corporation and issuing the lender warrants, which can
be converted to stock at a preset price) is beyond the scope of this book, but
something a small business lawyer can help you with.
higher than a bank would charge for interest on a line of credit (but because
factoring does allow you to show a lender a stronger cash position, it may
help you retain a line of credit otherwise in jeopardy).
Second, factors normally wont advance money on overdue or otherwise
dicey receivables, including receivables for goods that can be returned for
credit or are perishable or receivables from risky customers. In short, a factor
isnt interested in your credit history (as a bank would be), but in its estimate
of your customers ability to pay. For example, if you are a small clothing
manufacturer who is owed money by Macys, a factor would likely advance
you most of the money due on that invoice, but would refuse to purchase
a similar invoice for goods you sold to several boutiques with questionable
credit histories.
Factoring transactions basically fall into two broad categories, recourse and
nonrecourse. In recourse factoring, the company selling its receivables is on
the hook to repay the factoring company all money advanced, plus fees, if
the customer doesnt pay. In the more common (and expensive) nonrecourse
factoring, the factor assumes the risk of nonpayment.
Factoring has been traditionally used in the garment and other goods
businesses, but today it is also used by architects, contractors, and others in
the construction industry, as well as by trucking and other transportation
businesses. Even service businesses and those awaiting payment on
government contracts are using factors. Simply search online for receivable
factor to find a long list of factors and websites.
What Not to Do
Just as important as trying out the strategies discussed just above is knowing
what to stay away from. You dont want to make matters worse.
which often work out annually to as much as 25% or even 50% of the value
of each advance.
Paying such high interest usually makes sense only if youre investing the
money in something with a high rate of return, so that you can easily pay
the fees. So you shouldnt go this route to pay regular bills, though it might
make sense in an emergency. But if getting a merchant cash advance is your
only hope of surviving beyond a month or two, its probably time to think
about closing your business down.
Credit Cards.................................................................................................................... 94
Estimated Taxes............................................................................................................ 94
Other Business Debts................................................................................................ 94
Staying Out of Deeper Trouble.................................................................................. 95
Dont Try to Hide Assets.......................................................................................... 95
Dont Lie on Loan Applications........................................................................... 96
How to Protect Yourself From Further Personal Liability............................ 96
Sole Proprietors and Partnerships...................................................................... 96
Corporations and LLCs.......................................................................................... 100
If you think nobody cares if youre alive, try missing a couple of car payments.
Earl Wilson
nce you have gotten a handle on your cash flow and devised a plan
to get your business at least back to breakeven, its time to think
about the debts that have likely piled up during the period when
costs were exceeding income. Here, we focus on the consequences, both
immediate and long-term, of failing to pay off your debts.
To successfully steer your way to a debt-free existence and keep yourself
out of future trouble, you need to fully understand your liability for debt.
The most important point is that debts fall into different types of legal
categories, meaning that some of your creditors have more rights to collect
and a bigger ability to negatively affect you and your business than do others.
Because you may be up against some lenders with sophisticated financial
knowledge and legal resources, its important for you to understand the legal
status of each and every one of your debts and what each creditors rights are.
Corporation or LLC
If your business is organized as a corporation or LLC, you and your business
are separate legal entities. As such, you have no personal liability for the
debts of your business, meaning that creditors cant take your house or other
personal assets to pay your businesss debts.
Example: Jeans Book Shoppe, Inc., orders books from 80 publishers and three
wholesalers before the business tanks. Unable to pay its expenses, the corporation declares bankruptcy. The publishers and wholesalers bills are all unsecured debts of the
corporation, and Jean, the corporations sole shareholder, is not personally responsible
for paying any of them. In the bankruptcy, the stores inventory will be sold to the
highest bidder. The proceeds will be used to pay the costs of bankruptcy and the Book
Shoppes creditors, who may be fortunate to receive a few cents on the dollar.
not. Put another way, every time you personally guaranteed that you would
repay a debt, you deliberately gave up your limited liability for that debt.
You volunteered to let the creditor sue you to take your personal assets if the
business defaults on the payments.
If you have taken out a loan for a business vehicle or business equipment,
or a bank line of credit, check to see if you signed a personal guarantee. The
same goes if youve leased space.
You may also have given up your limited liability if you were careless
about signing purchase agreements and service contracts. These agreements
sometimes display the personal name of the business owner without the
name of the corporation or LLC. If you signed an agreement in your
personal name and not on behalf of the corporation or LLC, youre
personally liable for the underlying debt, even if it was the suppliers mistake.
If youre not sure whether you have given a personal guarantee on an
agreement or loan, check both the language of the agreement and the
signature block to see whether you signed it in your name or in your capacity
as an owner or officer.
Example: Josephine signs a loan contract as Josephine Smith, CEO of Salt & Pepper
LLC. Only her business is liable to repay the loan. But she signs her business lease as
just Josephine Smith, so she is personally liable to the landlord.
In addition, you may have used credit cards or home equity loans to obtain
funds for your business, which definitely means you are personally liable
for those debts. (You are almost always personally responsible for making
payments on your credit cards, even if they have your business name on
them, under the terms of the application you signed.) Finally, if you secured
a business loan or debt by pledging specific property such as a house, boat,
or car, that property can usually be taken or foreclosed on to pay the debt.
After reading this, you should be able to divide your debts into those you
are personally liable for and those you are not. This is crucial, because if
you are short of cash and fear that your corporation or LLC may fail, youll
want to pay the debts you are personally liable for first. That will give you a
far better chance to keep your house and other personal assets should your
business ultimately fail owing a significant amount of debt.
Example: Greg and Marina were avid coffee drinkers and book lovers who had
always wanted to open a coffee roastery with a cozy caf offering weekly poetry
readings. To get their business started, they file LLC formation papers with the state
and spend $35,000 on a big new roaster that can crank out a thousand pounds of
coffee per day. Unable to get a small business loan, they charge the coffee roaster on
their personal credit cards, figuring they will pay it off quickly with income from the
business. They also sign a two-year lease on a corner building in an artsy neighborhood, for which the landlord required their personal signatures. Next they arrange
for weekly deliveries of beans from a nearby wholesaler, with invoices in the name of
Cozy Roast LLC. They have no money left over to spend on marketing, but hope to
add it to their budget later.
Unfortunately, when they open their doors, crowds fail to appear, and their original sales forecast proves to be too optimistic by half. Five months later, still operating
in the red, Greg and Marina contemplate closing down. If they do, this leaves them
personally liable for their $35,000 personal credit card debt for the coffee roaster as
well as the remaining months on their two-year lease (unless the landlord can rent
it out againsee Special Rules for Leases, below). Because they didnt personally
guarantee or personally sign a contract for the bean deliveries, only the business is
liable to pay the bean invoices (assuming Greg and Marina have properly followed
LLC formalities). If their LLC fails, at least they wont personally owe any money for
the beans.
Unfortunately, even if you were to get out of paying a debtsay you file
for Chapter 7 bankruptcy and get your liability wiped out by the court
your consignor or guarantor would still be legally on the hook to pay it. If
this were to happen, you might not want to stick the cosigner or guarantor
with the debt you just escaped (many close relationships have been ruined
this way). You could legally reaffirm the debt in bankruptcybasically,
promise to repay itand keep making payments after bankruptcy. Another
option would be to make an informal arrangement with the cosigner or
guarantor to eventually repay any amount they pay the creditor. Or you
could file for Chapter 13 (repayment) bankruptcy instead; in that case, the
cosigner would not be called to account until you completed your repayment
plan, three to five years down the road.
One spouses liability for the other spouses debts depends mostly on where
you live.
Common Law
Everywhere else
New Mexico
*In Alaska, couples can elect to treat their property as community property.
**In California, community property laws also apply to registered domestic partners.
Example: Linda runs a fabric store in Houston, Texas; her husband is a local bank
executive. Over the last few years, Lindas store has been suffering from poor sales,
but the recession is the final nail in the coffin, as people all but stop spending money
on customizing their houses. Linda closes her doors owing $35,000 to suppliers,
$15,000 to her landlord, and $10,000 in other invoices.
Because Linda and her husband live in a community property state, these creditors
can sue both Linda and her husband personally to collect the money owed. Linda no
longer has an income to take, but her husbands is significant, and her creditors are
able to garnish $5,000 of her husbands income per month until the debts are paid off.
Keep whats separate, separate. If you live in a common law state, you
absolutely dont want to have your spouse personally guarantee your business debts.
Unless your spouse cosigns a loan or personal guarantee, your spouse can never be
liable for your business debts in a common law state if you keep your income separate.
Business Partners
All partners are personally responsible for all of the partnerships debts. And
because each partner has the legal power to obligate the partnership, creditors
can come after your personal assets to collect on a debt even if another partner
signed the deal and you did not. If you were to file for individual Chapter 7
bankruptcy, you could get rid of your personal liability for the partnership
debts, but the remaining partners would still be on the hook for 100% of the
partnerships debts, unless they too filed for bankruptcy.
Example: Adam and Steve, acquaintances from a Masters program in geology,
form a partnership to assess and repair damage to California streams. They take out a
$40,000 equipment loan, which Steves parents cosign. Over a few years, they build a
successful business by getting contracts from state and federal agencies.
But when the state suffers economic woes, payouts are frozen for three months,
and 75% of Adam and Steves jobs are cancelled. They try to continue business as
usual, fearing theyll lose great employees forever if they lay them off. But after the
money isnt unfrozen in month four, they begin to cut payroll, sell equipment, and
sublet unused office space. Unfortunately, they are so far in the red by now that they
cant make their loan payments or pay suppliers. With their backs to the wall, they
decide to lay off their entire workforce and hibernate the company (see Chapter 1)
until the government is paying again.
As business partners, Adam and Steve are personally liable for all business debts.
Their main supplier sues over a $40,000 debt, and because there is no money left in
the business, goes after Adam and Steve (and Pam, Steves wife) personally to pay
the debt. Steve has no income now, but Pam does, and the supplier can go after it
because they live in a community property state and Pam is equally liable for the
debt. After getting a court judgment against Adam, Steve, and Pam, the supplier
garnishes 25% of Pams paycheck. Steve and Pam decide to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, meaning both spouses debts will be discharged and Pams paycheck will no
longer be garnished. Most important, they can keep their house, since they have only
$75,000 in equity in it, the amount exempt from creditors in their state. (See What
Can Creditors Do If You Dont Pay? below.)
After Steve and Pams bankruptcy, Adam is still 100% liable for the suppliers debt.
Because he owns assets that are not exempt and that creditors may take, such as a
vacation house, he takes out a second mortgage on the vacation house and pays the
supplier. The partners also default on the $40,000 equipment loan, but Steves liability for it was discharged in bankruptcy, making Adam 100% liable for it (along with
Steves parents, who cosigned the loan). Adam refuses to pay, claiming that since he
made good on the suppliers debt, he considers his half of the partnership debt paid.
Eventually Steves parents, the cosigners, pay off the loan rather than risk being sued
and losing their house.
Secured Debts
Many businesses owe secured debtsbusinesses typically pledge collateral
for credit lines, and business owners often pledge their personal property
for business debts. Lets take a look at how quickly lenders can call in or
foreclose on collateral when a secured debt is not paid.
As you probably know, if you miss a payment or two on your car loan (and,
as is typical, the loan was used to buy the car and is secured by the car), the
lender has the legal right to physically repossess the car and sell it to recover
the money you owe, plus the costs of the sale and attorneys fees. To do this,
the lender doesnt have to get permission or a court judgment. Under the
terms of the contract you signed with the lender, a repo man can simply
reclaim the lenders property. (In many states, the lender doesnt have to give
you notice of the repossession; you will just wake up and find your car gone.)
When all is said and done, you will still owe the difference between what the
lender sells the car for and what you owed on the loan, called a deficiency.
Also, the repossession will appear on your credit report for seven years.
Cars are the most commonly repossessed type of property, but if you
borrowed money to buy business equipment or machines and used the
purchased equipment as security, the creditor will have the same repossession
rights. Also, some department store credit cards provide that the creditor
automatically takes a security interest in the property you buy, so if you
dont pay the bill, the creditor might try to repossess the property. However,
because creditors must get a court order to enter your house or business,
repossession of property other than vehicles is rare.
Similarly, with leased vehicles or business equipment, if you miss a lease
payment, the leased property can usually be immediately reclaimed without
a court order.
If you have a mortgage or deed of trust on your house, or an open home
equity line of credit, you must make payments on time to keep the house.
If you dont, the lender can and probably will foreclose on your house,
because it is collateral for your debt. But foreclosures are not as quick as
vehicle repossessions. In half of the states a lender has to go to court before
foreclosing, and in the other half, advance notice is required from the lender.
Similarly, if you pledge your house as collateral for a business loan or line
of credit and you default on that loan, the lender can foreclose on your
house. (In this situation, the lender must always file a foreclosure action in
court, no matter what state youre in.) To avoid having the lender foreclose,
you must either repay the debt or, if the debt is more than your equity in the
house, at least pay the lender that amount so that it no longer has a reason to
The foreclosure process works differently in different states. In some
states, the lender must file a lawsuit to foreclose on a house (called judicial
foreclosure). In others, it can foreclose on property without going to court
(nonjudicial foreclosure). A judicial foreclosure typically takes several months
longer than a nonjudicial foreclosure (though in California a nonjudicial
foreclosure can take a year or more), giving you time to save some money
and, if necessary, find a new place to live.
If youre behind on your mortgage, you might be able to negotiate a loan
modification with your lender. For example, the lender might agree to add
your missed payments to your loan balance, to stretch out your loan over a
longer term, or to convert an adjustable rate mortgage to a fixed-rate one.
Your other options are selling your home for less than you owe (called a short
sale), returning the deed to the lender (called a deed in lieu of foreclosure),
or refinancing through the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) or the
Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan, a plan created in 2009 to help
families restructure or refinance mortgages and avoid foreclosure.
Filing for bankruptcy can delay foreclosure. When you file for
bankruptcy, all creditors, including mortgage lenders, must cease collection activities
and foreclosures. However, the lender can ask the bankruptcy court for permission to
proceed with a foreclosure if youre behind on your payments, so a bankruptcy may
delay a foreclosure only a couple of months. (For more on bankruptcy, see Chapter 13.)
Unsecured Debts
Unsecured creditors such as credit card companies and most trade creditors
must first sue you and win a money judgment against you before they grab
your income and property. This is true whether you are personally liable
for the debt (as is the case for sole proprietors and partners, or because you
signed a personal guarantee for your corporation or LLC) or whether only
your corporation or LLC is liable for the debt.
Typically, however, before seriously considering a lawsuit, a creditor will
try to collect the debt for several months and then turn it over to a collection
attorney or agency, which will restart the process. In some instances the
creditor will conclude that you dont have enough property that can easily be
grabbed to pay off the judgment, and wont bother suing.
For instance, say your house is worth less than you owe on your mortgage,
and your sole proprietorship consignment shop has few business assets and is
doing so poorly that you dont anticipate having more than a few dollars of
steady income that a creditor could grab by ordering the sheriff or marshal
to take money from the business premises (called a till tap). Your creditors,
or any collection attorney or agency your debt is turned over to, may not sue
you because they know its unlikely they could collect the money judgment.
Thats called being judgment proof.
Instead, the creditor may simply write off your debt and treat it as a
deductible business loss for income tax purposes. Typically, in five or six
years, depending on your states statute of limitations, the debt will become
legally uncollectible. (Only a few states, such as Kentucky, Louisiana, Ohio,
and Rhode Island, have longer statutes of limitation, up to ten or 15 years.)
However, you can expect to be sued if there is significant money at stake
and you have valuable personal or business assets (or just business assets
if your business is a corporation or LLC)or if the creditor expects you
to acquire significant assets in the future. For instance, if you are a sole
proprietor and have an advanced degree, your creditor might assume youll
eventually get a decent job and sue you nowand just wait for you to make
some income. (In many states, a court judgment can be collected for at
least ten years.) What might a creditor think is worth suing for? Significant
amounts of cash or accounts receivable, valuable business equipment and
property, and, if youre personally liable for a debt, valuable personal assets
such as jewelry, fine art, collectibles, antiques, motorcycles, expensive
bicycles, boats, or a vacation house.
Check to see what liens are recorded against your business. The
Secretary of States office in every state maintains a registry of liens, listing judgment
liens, tax liens, or security interests that creditors claim in your property. You can do
a Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) records search online at your Secretary of States
website to search for your personal and business names to see what liens have been
recorded against you. If you find any incorrect informationsay you have paid off
a debt but it hasnt been reflectedask the lender in question for a UCC release,
something that is required by law.
Wage Garnishment
If you do have regular wages coming in, perhaps from a side job or because
you are an employee of your corporation, your wages can be garnished to
enforce a court judgment. The total amount your creditors can take from
your wages is 25% of your net pay. That limit applies whether you have one
creditor or many. And if your wages are low, there are additional protectionsyou must be left with weekly income equal to 30 times the federal
hourly minimum wage. (A few states have lower limits.) But if you owe back
child support or back taxes, expect to lose a much larger percentage of your
wages50% or more, depending on whether you are supporting others.
Social Security checks, retirement plan proceeds, unemployment and disability benefits, or workers compensation awards cannot be garnished, except to
pay federal taxes or child support (or unless they have accumulated in your
bank account).
Most states also let you keep a couple of thousand dollars worth of business equipment and tools of the trade, as well as money in tax-deferred retirement plans. Also, in most states (except community property states, discussed
above), a creditor cant take property that belongs to you and your spouse if
the debt is in your name only. The practical effect of these exemptions is that
no matter how many debts you have and no matter how many judgments are
entered against you, creditors cant grab much essential property.
Example: For years, Daxs hobby has been restoring classic cars; he owns two himself, a 64 Shelby Cobra and a 59 Cadillac Eldorado. After being urged by his friends
to quit his day job to do what he loves, Dax opens his own shop, which offers custom
auto detailing, paintless dent repair, auto painting, and classic car restoration. He
applies for a business license, rents a small warehouse in an industrial area, buys two
auto lifts, and increases his cache of tools, which was already sizable. To pay for everything, he takes a personal equity line of credit out on his house, after striking out in his
attempts to get a bank line of credit for the business. Unfortunately, almost as soon as
Dax opens his doors, the economy declines, and people cut back on luxury services,
such as regular car detailing, and even dent and ding repair. At the same time, many
classic car enthusiasts are forced to put their hobbies on hold. As a result, Dax doesnt
bring in enough money to cover his costs, cant pay his rent, and goes out of business,
leaving a mountain of debts.
If he is sued or has to file for bankruptcy, here is what he has to lose and what he
should be able to hold on to:
Since Dax lives in California, is married, and has only $60,000 equity in his house
(he owes $300,000 and the house is worth $360,000), he will get to keep his house
(California law exempts $75,000 of equity for families). He will also get to hold on to
his clothing, furnishings, and appliances. He will also be able to keep up to $6,750 in
business assets, if he has fully paid for them and if he continues to use them to make
a living, including tools, equipment, and a commercial vehicle, but the rest of his
business assets will likely be taken. He will be able keep only $2,550 in equity in personal vehicles, so he is likely to lose his classic cars. He also stands to lose the money
in his business bank account, as well as his personal bank account, because he was
a sole proprietor. If he gets a new job, up to 25% of his wages could be garnished. If
Daxs wife brings home an income, 25% of that income can be garnished to pay the
businesss debts, if his wife is listed in the judgment. (If Dax files for bankruptcy, however, the wage garnishments will stop.) Daxs IRA is safe from creditors.
Bankruptcy can get rid of unsecured debts. If you have been sued or
have been threatened with a lawsuit, youre at risk of losing cash or property. If the
majority of your debt is unsecured and you have little chance of paying it off, you
might consider bankruptcy, which can get rid of most, if not all, of your unsecured
debt. For more information on bankruptcy and alternatives, see Chapter 13.
Payroll Taxes
If you have employees and withhold taxes from their paychecks, get those
withheld amounts to the government on time, every time. It may be
tempting to borrow from these funds, because after you collect the taxes,
you usually have a few weeks before you must deposit them. Dont ever do
it, no matter how behind you are on your bills or how angry your suppliers,
landlord, or other creditors are getting. Heres why.
As an employer, you withhold money from your employees pay to pay
payroll taxes (Social Security and Medicare) and your employees income tax
withholding. If you dont pay withheld Social Security and Medicare taxes
and federal income withholding taxes (called the trust fund portion of these
taxes), you will owe a penalty equal to the entire amount of the unpaid trust
fund taxes, plus interest. Some states impose similar penalties for failing to
deposit state income tax withholding and sales taxes that you have collected.
The trust fund penalty can be imposed on any and every person who
fails to see that the taxes are paid, including all owners and officers of the
company, whether or not they normally pay the bills or monitor finances.
Even directors and minority shareholders can be held personally liable if they
were responsible or partially responsible for deciding to pay other pressing
bills in lieu of the trust fund taxes. Even if your company is a corporation or
LLC, you and your co-owners can be held personally liable for the trust fund
taxes and the resulting penalty.
And thats not the worst part. To pay these trust fund taxes and the
resulting penalty and interest, the feds can seize business equipment, money
your creditors owe to you, and any property you own personally. The IRS
can also garnish your wages (if you receive a paycheck) or pension plan
payments and seize the assets in your individual retirement accounts. Filing
for bankruptcy will not protect you. Finally, the IRS can charge you with
a crime for failing to deposit your payroll taxes. If your business is in such
poor financial condition that you cant pay your payroll taxes, you should
turn to Chapter 12 for information about closing down.
Even if you make layoffs, there will no doubt be some employees you need
to keep on to keep the business going. Make sure you continue to pay these
employees wages on time. There are hefty state law penalties for not paying
wages on the day they are duesome states charge a penalty of $1,000 per
employee, per pay period; others charge a penalty of 30 days wages per
employee. And if you fail to pay wages for even a few weeks, the state labor
commissioner can padlock your business. Unpaid wages cannot be fully
wiped out in bankruptcy.
Independent contractors fees do not fall in the same category as wages
(unless the contractors can successfully argue they were employees). Instead,
a contractor has the same legal status as any other unsecured creditor,
meaning that a contractor who didnt get paid would have to sue you to get a
judgment before being able to seize your assets. And if youre organized as an
LLC or corporation, the contractor couldnt grab your personal property.
Utility Bills
You obviously cant run a business without electricity and water. If youre
behind on these bills, your utility provider probably has the legal right to cut
you off without going to court. So if youre going to stay in business, try to
negotiate a payment plan promptly. If you wait until your service is cut off,
youll have to pay a fee to get it turned back on, including, possibly, a large
Business Phone
Assuming you use a land line for business and plan to stay in business, this is
another bill that should have priority, so customers can continue to reach you.
Child Support
Failing to pay child support can land you in jail if a court finds you are not
destitute. Your wages or business income can also be grabbed by the state to
pay it, without a court judgment. Whats more, a child support debt never
goes awayit is always collectible, and you cant wipe it out in bankruptcy.
(If you truly cant make your payments, go to court and ask the judge to
reduce your obligation. Thats the only way you can change it.)
Court Judgments
If a creditor has already gone to court and won a judgment against you, the
creditor can pay to have a sheriff seize your property or garnish your wages
(and in some circumstances, those of your spousesee Liability for Jointly
Owned Debt, above). Obviously it makes sense to make arrangements to pay
court judgments before unsecured debts that you havent yet been sued over.
Secured Loans
As discussed above, a debt is secured if a specific item of property (called
collateral or security) is used to guarantee repayment of that debt. If you
dont repay the debt, most states let the creditor take personal property
without first suing you and getting a court judgment. If the property is
something you or your business cannot live without, such as a forklift, truck,
or cash register, stay current on your payments or expect the company to
promptly repossess the property.
Your Mortgage
If you want to keep your house, youll need to keep paying your mortgage
(and second mortgage, if you have one). If you dont, the lender can foreclose
on the house, because it is collateral for your mortgage. And if you pledged
equity in your house as collateral for a home equity loan or line of credit,
youll need to keep current on those payments as well. (However, if there
isnt enough equity in the house to cover the home equity loan, line of credit,
or other second mortgagemeaning that the second mortgage is no longer
securedit might make sense to continue paying only the first mortgage,
because the second mortgagor is unlikely to sue.)
However, if you know you cant afford your mortgage payments, in the
medium term you might be better off selling your home (if you can), renting
a moderately priced place, and using any money left over to pay your debts.
On the other hand, if you cant sell your house for more than you owe and
you cant make the payments, your best bet may be to stay in it for as long as
possible without making payments and use the money you save to pay other
critical bills. Eventually, the house will be foreclosed on.
Vehicle Payments
If you need a vehicle to continue your business or keep your job, do what
you can to make the payments. Otherwise your vehicle will be quickly
repossessed. But if youre paying for a more expensive car than you need,
consider selling it and buying a cheaper one. This will save you a bundle
in the long runeven if it costs you a few dollars to pay off the difference
between what you owe and what you sell your car for. If your car is leased,
websites like and may be able to get you out
of your lease and into something cheaper.
If youre already late on loan payments, consider voluntarily turning the
vehicle over to avoid repossessioneven though you will legally owe any
difference between what the lender can sell the car for and what you owed
on the loan. If the deficiency is not too large, try to negotiate with the lender
before you surrender the property, to get the lender to cancel the entire
debtin writingin exchange for your cooperation. But understand that
a voluntary surrender might still show up as a repossession on your credit
Business Rent
If you plan to keep your current commercial space, pay your rent. If you
dont, the landlord is sure to start eviction proceedings against you fairly
promptly. But if you can survive without your commercial space or office by
moving to a much smaller space or even into a spare room in your house,
consider the strategies to get out of your lease discussed in Chapter 12.
Also, remember that, as discussed above, if you move out when you
have time remaining on a lease, your landlord can sue you in court for the
remaining months rent if the landlord is not able to rerent the space.
Insurance Premiums
Premiums should be further down on your list, but you dont want to pile
a liability claim on top of all your other financial problems because your
premises liability or auto insurance ran out and youre not covered for a
slip-and-fall lawsuit or a car accident. (And remember, if you are operating
as a sole proprietor or partnership, the costs of any mishap not covered by
insurance will be a personal debt.) Instead of letting coverage lapse, try to
reduce your premiums by trimming unneeded insurance coverage and raising
deductibles (See Chapter 3.)
Suppliers Bills
If youre a sole proprietor or partner, youre personally liable for suppliers
bills, but a creditor must sue you and get a judgment before threatening
your personal assets. For this reason, suppliers bills generally have a fairly
low priority, unless of course you need to order more goods or supplies from
the same supplier. If your business is a corporation or LLC and you havent
guaranteed suppliers debts with your personal signature, these bills are an
even lower priority unless, again, you need to order from the same supplier.
If you do need to keep ordering goods from a supplier, try to make
payment arrangements with the supplier. If you dont, you risk having them
cut you off, or at the very least require you to pay COD (Theres more on
how to negotiate with suppliers to lower or postpone bills in Chapter 3.)
Credit Cards
Credit card balances are normally unsecured, personal debts, even if the
card is in the name of a business organized as a corporation or an LLC. But
because the creditor cant grab your property without first suing and getting a
judgment against you, and because credit card debt is easily dischargeable in
bankruptcy, credit card balances are a lower legal priority. But remember that
penalties and interest on credit cards add up fast, so unless youre considering
bankruptcy, failing to make at least the minimum payments will quickly put
you in a big debt hole that it will be hard to get out of.
Estimated Taxes
If your business is in the toilet, chances are you can decrease or eliminate
your usual estimated tax payments, if you havent already. How? Most people
base their estimated tax payments on their previous years net income, but
in a financially troubled year, your income is sure to be much lower. As long
as you end up making estimated payments equal to 90% of your income tax
liability for each quarter, you wont be assessed a penalty. If you do underpay
your estimated tax liability, there will be a small penalty, but if skimping on
estimated tax payments allows you to pay other more critical bills, it may be
worth it.
If, despite your current business problems, you believe your business is
viable in the long term, quickly forming an LLC or corporation will protect
your personal assets, such as your house or your car, from being taken to pay
off new business debts. If you are able to pay off to pay off your old debts
the ones that you incurred while you were a sole proprietor or partnerand
you convert to an LLC or corporation, youll be protected from personal
liability for most new debts.
You cant, however, get rid of personal liability for those old debts. So if
you are considering converting to a corporation or LLC, keep in mind that
doing so wont allow you to escape your personal liability for current business
debts. That means that your past business creditors could still come after
your house, car, and other personal assets if you dont pay your old debts.
In addition, in most states, if you dont pay or settle your old debts before
you form a new corporation or LLCor have the LLC or corporation take
over the debts and pay them in a timely fashionthe creditors of your old
business can get a judgment against the new corporation or LLC and seize
assets of the corporation or LLC to sell to pay the old debts.
Once you form a corporation or LLC, you need to notify all of your
suppliers, customers, and clients that your company is now a corporation
or an LLC. It is essential that you send a letter to them saying that you have
changed your business structure and giving your new name (which can be
the same but must include LLC or Inc.). And then you should make a
clear request that they do business with you in your new name from here on.
A sample letter is below.
To fully establish your new limited liability status, you should now sign
all paperwork, invoices, checks, and contracts in your new capacityfor
example, President of Sidewinder LLC. Also make sure to change all
letterhead, invoices, and marketing material to reflect your new corporate or
LLC name. Keep all new personal and business financial transactions totally
separate, as an essential step to preserving the limited liability that your new
LLC or corporation affords you. For example, all checks should be written
from your LLC account and clearly state you are an LLC or corporation, and
no personal bills should be paid from this account. (Transfer funds from the
business account to your personal account first.)
You should also change the name on your business license, tax registration
certificate, or sellers permit to reflect the new corporate or LLC name.
Depending on your locality, you may be required to apply for other new
licenses and permits under the corporations or LLCs name as well.
the sale or layoff. Document the directors approval in a resolution and insert
it in the minutes of the meeting.
Information and forms for recording minutes and resolutions. See The
Corporate Records Handbook: Meetings, Minutes & Resolutions or Your Limited Liability
Company: An Operating Manual, both by Anthony Mancuso (Nolo).
Building a track record for your LLC or corporation. Dun & Bradstreet
offers a program called CreditBuilder that, for a few hundred dollars, helps you
report your payment history to establish good business credit. For more information,
go to and search for CreditBuilder.
But her marketing guru sister Resa suggested she break down how much she made
for cutting and coloring hair, on an hourly basis. When Leili did the math, it turned
out that she earned just $50 per hour on cutting, which was time-intensive, but $90
an hour on coloring because she could work on other clients while the color set.
Armed with this information, Leili told her sister that since she made so much more
on coloring, she planned to hold a 20%-off color sale for the rest of the year.
Instead, Resa suggested that Leili first do an experiment. For the next month she
should notify her customers that she was discounting color 20%. Then, the following
month she should return color to its normal price while mailing and emailing everyone a recession special of 20% off haircuts. Based on her results, she should then
adopt the better long-term strategy.
In the first month, the 20% color discount produced only a tiny uptick in appointments, meaning that Leili actually worked harder for less total income. But when she
discounted cuts 20%, her volume increased 30% for cuts and 20% for color, meaning
that her income went up substantially.
Leili soon realized that her second plan worked so well because when older
women took advantage of her cut discount, it brought attention to their graying
hair, which they then wanted covered. But when they received an email telling them
they could get a discount on color, they had time to consider that they could do it
themselves for far less.
envelope profit forecasts for internal use, not formal business plans to present
to a stranger. And once the profits information is set out, well show you how
each entrepreneur used it to make sensible business decisions.
Total Revenue
New Truck
Total Expenses
Now lets fast forward to the economic downturn. Ables volume falls by
50%, and to get this much work, he has to lower his bids by at least 20%,
meaning that he now charges his time at only $50 per hour and his crews at
$40 per hour. What can Able do to survive? He starts by determining that he
cant solve the shortfall by simply doing more painting himself. Since he is
by far the best salesperson, Able needs to put time into marketing, including
bidding on as many jobs as possible. He also knows he cant afford to cut the
hours of his foreman, even though his hourly rate is higher, because doing so
risks losing his most skilled painter, something that before long would surely
damage his reputation for top quality work. Based on these assumptions,
here is Ables hard-times amendment to his first statement.
To cut overhead, I moved the office into the basement. In addition, I decided not to
replace my truck, and of course I hired less labor because I had fewer jobs.
Total Revenue
Truck maintenance
Paint/Miscellaneous Materials
Total Expenses
Even counting Sids pay for bookkeeping, its obvious that Able and Sid
are now in financial hot water. They have some high personal expenses that
are important to them: Their two children go to Catholic school, and when
times were bright two years ago, they bought a new house with a pricey
mortgage. They realize more changes are necessary.
To try to put our business back on its feet, my first step was to ask my crew whether
they would temporarily work for 25% less. Because they would otherwise be unemployed they agreed, as did my foreman. This let me mail a flyer to my old customers
offering a super deal if they would commit to repainting now. I picked up six new
jobs and put my foreman and two painters back to work full time. This meant Sid
and I now have an income of over $90,000, just enough to pay the school bills and
mortgage if we scrimp on everything else.
Going forward, Sid plants to take a course in color theory and help me with estimating, including leafleting neighborhoods close to where we have a job, offering a
free consultation and estimate. If this works out, I can spend more time painting and
further increase our income.
Employees cost more than you think. If you hire even a few people,
otherwise productive time and energy must be diverted to communication,
coordination, and other management tasks, none of which makes the cash register
ring. Recognizing this, its important that each new employee you hire make a
substantial contribution to your bottom line. If they do, greatyour management
efforts will more than pay for themselves. But especially in bad times, when profits
fall or disappear, youll want to reassess. If an employee doesnt make your business
substantially more profitable, you would do better to stop wasting your own
precious productive hours on managing that person. Better to look at contracting
the task out to someone who does nothing else or concentrate on getting the
maximum possible return for your own time.
During normal times I try to work a 35-hour week, not counting hours I spend keeping up on my field through reading and attending legal education classes. With five
weeks off each year, this means I have 1,645 hours to sell. I share a nice office with two
other lawyers; my portion of office rent, my one-third share of the salaries for our one
full-time secretary and one part-time paralegal, and my other expenses are about
$100,000. In addition, I spend about $25,000 entertaining clients, taking classes in continuing legal education, travel, and professional publications (books and online materials). Obviously, I have to cover this $125,000 expense nut before I pocket anything.
My goal has been to bill at least 80% of my 1,645 working hours (or 1,316 hours)
at $250 per hour, bringing in just under $329,000. This leaves me with a net of
about $194,000 after covering expenses and any bad debts, which are usually about
$10,000. But because I have a couple of clients with continuing legal needs who pay
up front for my time whether or not they use all of it, these deals net me substantially more than $250 per hour, so my net is actually closer to $224,000.
Total Revenue
Office rent and secretarial services
Business travel
Bad debts
Total Expenses
Now lets look at what happened when the recession hit. The first
indication that Scott faced trouble came in the form of a large increase in his
accounts receivables. Many clients who usually paid their bills upon receipt
now paid in 60 to 90 days, and about 15% had stopped paying altogether. In
addition, new or expanding businesses were hard to find, so a good portion
of his business dried up. Suddenly he was billing only 980 hours per year.
When you figured in the bad debts, his expenses had risen, and his net had
fallen to less than $60,000.
Doing the Numbers in a Bad Year
Billable hours/Retainers
Total Revenue
Office rent and secretarial services
Business travel
Bad debts
Total Expenses
Studying these numbers, Scott decided that his major problems, in order
of severity, were not getting paid for hours he had worked, not working
enough hours, and unless he solved the first two problems, too much
overhead. To put his business back on track, he devised this plan:
Send clients a strong signal that bills have to be paid on time, every time.
To kick off his new policy, Scott politely gave all clients whose accounts were
overdue the opportunity to pay promptly in full at a 10% discount (or to call
and arrange a mutually agreeable installment plan). In addition, he began
accepting credit cards, giving clients another convenient way to pay. Next,
for clients who were still in arrears more than 60 days, he began a campaign
of friendly but firm letters and phone calls (and also adopted a policy of
providing no additional services, except as required by bar association rules).
The result was a substantial influx of cash. Finally, when two clients simply
ignored his requests to pay, Scott sent them a letter threatening a lawsuit
(and explaining their right to first go to fee arbitration under bar association
rules). One client paid; the other went bankrupt. Going forward, Scott
also decided that clients who habitually paid late would be asked to pay an
to mark up their goods at a given sales volume and inventory level to cover
their expenses (rent, salaries, the cost of carrying inventory, and marketing
expenditures to mention a few) and still make a decent profit. When the
economy turns sour, they simply dont know what to do to survive.
Heres one business owner who has a good handle on whats needed to do
to make a reasonable profit: Felice, who publishes regional guidebooks.
My goal is to gross $1 million a year and net a 9% profit, or $90,000. To do this, I need
to develop and maintain a list of 20 core titles that annually sell 5,000 or more copies
each at an average cover price of at least $20.
If I meet that sales goal, my gross is $1 million after wholesalers and retailers take
their 50% cut. The cost to manufacture each book is about $2, or $200,000 per
year, all told. I pay my authors a royalty of 10% of net receipts (10% of $1 million, or
$100,000). This leaves $700,000.
Net receipts
Cost of Goods
Manufacturing ($2 per book)
Gross profit
Rent and utilities
Payments to freelancers
Total Expenses
Good will doesnt count. Often when nave businesspeople pencil out
the dollars and cents of a business, profit turns out to be thin or even nonexistent.
Instead of just facing the truth that without adjustment the business wont work, it
is common to argue that although startup or marketing costs are high, exposing the
business to lots of customers will eventually pay off. Sorry, but business doesnt work
that way. Each business endeavor should make economic sense on its own. And if it
doesnt now, there is little chance things will improve in the future.
need to pay rent on a large retail space and to tie up cash in inventory, Tamara began
to have continuous, positive cash flow.
Innovate on a Shoestring
Invention............................................................................................................................. 120
Copying................................................................................................................................ 123
Serendipity......................................................................................................................... 126
Making Innovation a Continuous Process........................................................ 129
Brainstorm.................................................................................................................... 131
Get Employees Involved....................................................................................... 135
Involve Customers.................................................................................................... 136
Take Time to Think About Your Business .................................................. 138
Choose the Best Ideas to Implement............................................................ 138
Even if youre on the right track, youll get run over if you just sit there.
Will Rogers
The need to innovate never goes away. When you consider how to
reconfigure your business so it will be best positioned to survive, think about
not only whether a particular innovative new direction will be substantial
enough to set you apart from the competition, but also about how you will
be able to extend your advantage over time. And it should go without saying
that it wont be enough to come up with a couple of clever ideas and then go
back to business as usual. Especially if your profits have melted down to the
point where youre not sure your little enterprise will survive, youll need to
build a culture that supports innovation, now and forever.
In my experience, innovation in the small business world occurs in three
ways: invention, copying, and serendipity. Lets examine each to see how it
might help your business.
Its hardly a secret that Americans love new things. From iPhones and watermiser toilets to plasma 1080p Blu-ray compatible HDTVs and plug-in
hybrid cars, much of our time is spent using tools and toys that didnt exist
a generation or two ago. Its not only big inventions, however, that change
lives and make fortunes. Think about the equipment in todays dental offices
and compare it to what was in use a decade ago. Virtually every tool has been
substantially improved or changed. Interestingly, many of these state-of-theart gizmos were thought up by dentists themselves who thought it was more
fun to invent things than fill another bicuspid.
Similarly, many of the services we now take for granted are either relatively
new or are packaged or delivered in innovative ways. For example, in
contrast to the way they operated a generation ago, most small businesses
now outsource payroll preparation, equipment maintenance, graphic
design, and many other tasks to specialists whose work is better, cheaper,
and faster than could be done in-house. Similarly, 21st-century electricians,
plumbers, contractors, and most other service providers use many tools and
techniques that didnt exist when Bill Clinton was president. A generation
or two ago, hiring a housepainter usually meant living through a month of
having a couple of men hang off heavy wooden ladders, swabbing away with
short-handled brushes. Today the combination of lightweight ladders and
scaffolding, power sanders, fast-drying wood-fillers, and paint sprayers means
the same job can be done in a week.
When goods or services are improved or replaced, someone always makes
money. Much of the profit usually falls to those who quickly figure out a way
to market the new product, service, or business method. For example, when
easy-to-customize modular storage systems were first developed to organize
closets and garages, interior designers who quickly embraced these exciting
new tools charged hefty fees to customers determined to improve on closet
designs that had changed little for several centuries.
Like art or poetry, eureka breakthroughs either occur or they dont
there is little most of us can do to turn ourselves into an Edison, Bell, or
Shockley. But fortunately, to prosper in the small business world, you dont
have to invent a palm-size camcorder or underwater telephone. In fact, most
profitable innovations consist of combining or connecting two or more fairly
mundane things. For example, in the early 1990s, a tiny website dedicated
to buying and selling used items figured out how to combine the fun of a
local swap meet or garage sale with the global connectivity of the Internet.
Starting with the sale of a broken laser pointer for $13, eBay, now one of
the worlds most valuable corporations, was born. Similarly, Amazon.coms
patented one-click shopping helped it create a hugely successful business
selling a huge variety of merchandise.
In your own neighborhood, many service businesses probably now
provide traditional services in ways so efficient and attractive that even in
recessionary times, their customers stick by them instead of going to their
price-cutting competitors. For example, several independent optometrists
and eyeglass shops now work together, so in one stop you can have your eyes
checked, order new high-quality and high-fashion glasses or contacts, and
have them ready in 24 hours, with the further assurance that adjustments
and minor repairs are free forever. An estate planning lawyer we know has
given up her traditional office-based practice and switched to making house
calls, an old-fashioned service that her clients, many of whom are elderly,
find highly desirable.
Businesses are especially likely to profit from innovations that are congruent
with powerful long-term trends, such as renewable energy sources, organic
food, health-enhancing exercise, and recyclable packaging, to mention just a
few. If your plumbing business goes green, in the sense that you emphasize
low-flow toilets, showerheads, and more efficient hot water systems, you
should easily set yourself apart from the half-dozen Roto-Rooter, Mr. Rooter,
Zap Rooter, and AAA Rooter businesses in your area.
Example: Poster Compliance is a California company that provides attractive
state-specific laminated posters to employers, who are required by law to post
certain information about wages and hours, health and safety law, workers compensation, and so on. Faced with lots of competitors, Poster Compliance set itself apart
by developing a line of posters using recycled paper and soy ink. In just a year, the
green posters increased Poster Compliances market share by a hefty percentage.
experience into a national leadership role in this specialized but growing field. They
begin to land a substantial percentage of the jobs they bid on all over the country.
Even when a local firm can use its political connections to beat them out, it often
contracts with BT Associates for lucrative behind-the-scenes design help.
In big-business doublespeak, copying the ideas of other businesses is called
benchmarking, something that all major corporations routinely practice.
For example, the owners of virtually every large entertainment and sports
complex in America have for decades sent managers to Disney World to look
for people-handling practices they can beg, borrow, or benchmark. Because
most of Disneys business practices are right out in the open, learning
from and even copying them is not only smart and cheap but, as long as
competitors dont try to borrow the Mouse, Duck, or other copyrighted
characters or patented inventions, is perfectly legal. It should come as no
surprise that Disney itself has borrowed innovative ideas from many other
entertainment venues.
Copying is a particularly great way to innovate in the world of small
business, especially when times are tough and you need to change or die.
America is a big place, and in many fields there are so many small operations
that it can take years for best practices to permeate a whole business segment.
For example, if you run a struggling childrens clothing store in Omaha,
you may be able to check out a dozen similar operations in California and
come away with several innovative business ideas no one in Nebraska has
yet stumbled onto. Similarly, if you own several bagel shops in Seattle, you
would be nuts not to check out the New York bagel scene when visiting the
East Coast. And if you pick up a couple of good ideas, you would really be
meshugeh if you didnt quickly adopt them.
Example: Trina owns a small teashop on the outskirts of Austin, Texas. The recession has tightened the pocketbooks of her largely retirement-aged clientele, and her
once-popular gathering place is barely hanging on. While visiting a cousin who has a
toddler in Oakland, California, she is taken to TotnTalk, a combination daycarecoffee shop where harried mothers have a place to meet friends and socialize while
their offspring happily play in a play area overseen by a friendly teenage babysitter.
The lightbulb goes on over Trinas head as she sees a way to convert her dying teashop
into a popular gathering place for the many growing families in her area.
Maureen start featuring green products that will save big on the cost of electricity.
Maureen enthusiastically agrees and immediately sets about remaking her shop to
emphasize energy-saving products plus educational materials on using them. When
all this is in place, she installs a bright green awning with her new name, Maureens
Energy-Saving Lighting and in smaller print, Electrician on Duty. Because Jimmy
believes Maureen now has a concept that will thrive during hard times as well as
good, he lends enough money to bring her dream to reality.
Way back in the 1950s, in his groundbreaking book Innovation and
Entrepreneurship, legendary business thinker Peter Drucker pointed out
that many profitable innovations result from accidental or unexpected
breakthroughs. He meant the kind of thing that occurs when you set out
to develop a better variety of easy-to-remove packaging tape and end up
inventing a revolutionary kind of wallpaper that both sticks tight and is easy
to peel off the moment you get sick of it. Whats so special about Druckers
insight? After all, from the discoveries of penicillin and saccharin to the
inventions of nylon and Velcro, its obvious that chance plays a significant
role in finding new ways to do things.
Drucker really gets interesting with a second and more telling point: When
businesses accidentally stumble onto a hot new product or service, even
one that could give them a more competitive advantage, they often fail to
recognize it or even actively suppress it. That is, they keep fooling around
with the tape and stick the wallpaper in the trash.
Example: Leo and Stan are longtime partners in the Arrow Glass Co., a nothingspecial glass supplier. It sells hundreds of types of glass to contractors for use in
residential and small commercial construction projects, and also caters to do-it-yourselfers. A few years ago, more and more people began asking Arrow for several types
of plastic, particularly for newer, unbreakable burglar-deterring types that could be
substituted for window glass. At first, Arrow sent these people elsewhere. Finally,
after turning away more and more business, Leo and Stan began stocking a few of
the most commonly requested types of window plastic, keeping them in an unused
area behind the stairs they not-so-privately referred to as the Plastic Hole.
When plastic sales immediately turned out to be solidly profitable, helping Arrow
to have its best ever year, Leo and Stan were delighted that they finally had the financial wherewithal to expand and improve their facility. They bought and remodeled the
next-door warehouse, which let them more than double their selection of glass. Despite the huge increase in floor space, they left the Plastic Hole in its same dingy spot.
Were Leo and Stan obtuse? No question. Unfortunately, they were also
typical. Like most business owners, they were slow to recognize and even
slower to embrace an accidental business breakthrough. Doing so would have
meant fundamentally changing their original mindset, which is never easy.
Think about the small enterprises you patronize. How often does your
drycleaner, plant nursery, or hair salon change the way it does business? If
the answer is somewhere between rarely and never, you can safely bet
that the business is guilty of ignoring and probably even suppressing new
information, and as a result is sailing so aimlessly through the recessionary
storm it is in danger of sinking. A more nimble competitor will surely
appear, embrace the new concepts, and quickly grab market share.
Here are several more examples of businesses that are ignoring information
they should be embracing to improve their competitive position:
A struggling small-animal veterinarian who frequently gets calls from
concerned pet owners after regular business hours, but doesnt look into
hiring another vet to run an evening clinic.
A certified public accountant specializing in income taxes, who, despite
being asked questions almost daily about planning to limit estate tax,
never reorganizes his business to provide customers helpful information
and nonlegal services on this topic.
A copy shop on a congested street that doesnt institute a free pickup
and delivery service or otherwise improve access despite the fact its highvolume customers constantly complain about parking and ticket hassles.
A consultant who helps city and county governments plan police, fire,
and other public safety buildings but turns down requests to help plan
newly popular disaster-response centers because they are outside her area
of expertise.
This isnt easy. As the owner of a small business, you will be pulled in many
directions every day. Customers must be satisfied, employees organized,
supplies ordered, and bills paid, to mention just a few necessities. And in the
midst of all this, you must still plan to improve your business at a time that
sales are hard to come by and profits are meager. You might think the biggest
problem is having time to come up with creative ideas, but the opposite
can just as often be true. For some entrepreneurs, ideas are as plentiful
as pumpkins in October; its picking the best ones and carving them to
perfection thats difficult. And once each is implemented, you also need to be
able to track its success or failure. Youll never have time to nurture the best
ones if you arent equipped to recognize and shuck off the losers.
When thinking about how to improve your business, start with three
key principles. First, if your business has been successful in the past, and
especially if it is still at least slightly profitable, youll want to improve it
incrementally, not fundamentally try to reinvent it. This way, you both
minimize the possibility of jeopardizing your success while at the same
time take steps to extend your entrepreneurial edge and protect your profit
margins. For example, suppose your small software company has had a
profitable specialty in designing database software for lumberyards. When
the recession hits, orders decline 15%. It probably doesnt make sense for you
to try to apply your innovative inventory-tracking ideas to retail stores or
other businesses you dont fully understand. Better to focus on new features
that will make a new release of your software so essential to your struggling
lumber industry customers that they will buy it even when money is tight.
If your bottom line is in the red, youll want to innovate more boldly;
if the business you have now is failing, your best hope is to quickly and
fundamentally change it. If you are right, your new ventures will produce the
added income you need to survive. And if your idea doesnt work, you wont
be any worse off.
Third, whether you decide to make incremental or fundamental changes,
focus on the real needs of your target market, not on your own hopes and
dreams. When askedand its always wise to askcustomers often request
the most basic improvements, not clever breakthroughs. For example, a lawyer,
house remodeler, or landscaper who adopts a policy of returning all phone
calls within three hours may do more to please customers and clients than
they would if they developed a laundry list of new services. Similarly, a coffee
shop that serves better grades of coffee and tea may score more points with
breakfasters than if it went to far more trouble to create a whole new menu.
Example: Madge, the woman who was smart enough to turn her failing gift shop
into a successful purveyor of Native American arts and crafts, distributed a questionnaire to a number of her best customers requesting feedback as to how she
could better serve them. Several suggested she add folk art from other parts of the
world, including Nepal, Tibet, South East Asia, and Central America. Worrying about
spreading herself too thin, Madge nevertheless decided to expand her inventory to
include folk art from all the Americas. Although doing this required renting a small
adjoining space, Madges new initiative was profitable from the start.
Brainstorming sessions with people who are worried about your shortterm prospects and care about your long-term success can be very useful.
Depending on the size and sophistication of your business, participants
might include the members of your advisory board, an investor, family
members, key employees, and contractors. You might possibly include a
supplier you need to reassure about the businesss viability. Most of these
people will have ideas to improve your business. Some will be wildly
impractical, others far too costly, and one or two just plain kooky, but there
are likely to be at least a few excellent ones.
Groups of from six to eight peopleten at mostwork best. Arrange to
get the participants together in a quiet place for several hours. To make sure
everyone is well informed about your business, provide in advance financial
projections, marketing information, and other helpful background materials.
Prepare by placing an easel holding a big pad of white paper at the front of
the room with an important question written at the top using a dark marker.
Something like How can ABC Ventures quickly increase profitable sales?
works well. Designate as facilitator someone who can write clearly, has a
good sense of humor, and is comfortable in front of people. Its often best
if you dont assume this role. Your presence at the front of the room might
intimidate some participants and keep them from offering suggestions theyre
afraid might be seen as criticism.
The facilitator, acting as master of ceremonies, should begin by making
it clear all ideas are welcome and that there is no such thing as a stupid
suggestion. Its also a good idea if the facilitator coaches people to be
brief, explaining that the exercise works best if you first collect as many
ideas as possible without evaluating them. Later, you can discuss the most
viable ones. For example, if you operate a suddenly lagging solar hot water
and photovoltaic cell company, the first person might say Advertise in
the PennySaver, the second Offer summer discounts, the third Pay
salespeople bigger commissions for larger orders, and the fourth Work with
lenders to make it easier for homeowners to finance installations.
No matter how seemingly silly, boring, or counterproductive an idea may
at first sound, the facilitator should record it without argument or editing
(except to summarize long-winded statements). Again, a big key to freeing
people up to tap into their creativity is to convince them there really are
no bad ideas. For example, if someone who works at one of your moneylosing greeting card shops starts to explain why she thinks it would make
sense to also run a takeout coffee bar, dont laugh and ask for a more serious
suggestion. Just write on your white board sell coffee. Who knowsif
there isnt a place in the neighborhood where customers can get a decent
latte, a card and coffee shop might just work. Once participants trust that
all contributions really are welcome, its likely that suggestions will come fast
and furiously. After half an hour, your sheet might look something like the
one below.
profitable ones, youll want each participant to have information about your
sales volume by spa package, profit margins for each, hours of peak usage,
and so on.
Depending on your business, here are some areas you might want to probe:
How can we identify our best potential customers?
Once identified, how can we find more of them?
How can we encourage our satisfied customers to tell others about us?
How can we encourage customers who have disappeared to reappear?
What additional products or services can we introduce?
How can we better distinguish ourselves from our competitors and let
their customers know whats special about us?
How can we increase sales at popular times?
Example: Mark quit his job as a psychologist to open Bright Spot, a plant nursery
specializing in roses and Japanese maples, a narrow focus he believed would give
him a competitive edge over his generalist competitors. But after 18 months, it was
clear that Bright Spot was in serious financial trouble. In tough economic times, not
enough people were willing to pay a premium for its specialty products.
On a Monday at the end of the summer, when the business was closed, Mark
convened a meeting of his family, his business advisers, and his three key employees.
He asked for honest feedback as to whether Bright Spot had a future or whether he
should put it out of its misery and go back to talking to depressed 18 year olds.
After a half an hour, in which the participants searched for something positive to
say about Bright Spot, Marks scrawny 15-year-old son put a positive spin on his summer, saying Dad, I know were losing money, but Ive gained ten pounds and really
bulked up carrying all those bags of dirt.
Sara, one of Marks advisers, asked about the dirt. It transpired that customers
in the big new subdivision north of town couldnt seem to buy enough dirt to mix
with their hard-as-rock clay soil. When the group looked into the profits of dirt and
other soil amendments, they concluded that Bright Spot might have a future if it
turned the large fenced area behind the nursery into a dirt yard. To accomplish this,
Mark ordered truckloads of different types of soil and piled them high and made
a deal with Fred, a guy with a dump truck, to do deliveries. When the new service
immediately proved popular, Mark added various types of mulches and landscaping
products, such as ornamental rock, and even oversized iron garden sculptures. In a
few months, Bright Spot was profitable.
Involve Customers
If yours is an established business with repeat customers or clients, these
folks almost surely want to tell you things. Too bad that so few businesses
encourage them to do so. Many businesses actually find ways to resist or
reject customers good ideas.
Example: Craig, a long-time member of a local gym, overheard the manager talking with a contractor about the layout of a new stretching room. The conversation
was in a public space, so Craig politely asked if the new room could contain wider
mats. When the manager didnt seem very responsive, Craig pointed out that big
men like himself who didnt easily fit on the existing mats used two mats so as not
to bump neighboring stretchers. Craigs point that small mats actually resulted in
fewernot morepeople using the stretching space was so right-on that several
other members immediately spoke up to agree. After listening for a very short time,
the manager interrupted to say that the size of the mats wasnt his decision, but he
was pretty sure the owner would buy more of the small ones.
No big deal, you may be thinking. After all, most people wont switch
health clubs based on the size of their mats. Dont be so sure. If a competing
exercise facility advertised a new yoga, Pilates, and stretching area, it might
siphon off a fair number of customers who were tired of being ignored.
Not only is it wise to listen to good ideas your customers bring to you, it
also makes sense to solicit them. Depending on your business, there are a
variety of appropriate ways to ask for feedback. Traditional methods, such
as asking interested customers to submit a brief questionnaire online, by
dropping it in a box, or by mailing it back in a postage-paid envelope, often
work well. But youll want to reach out to customers who dont normally
volunteer suggestions. One way to do this is to give them a little advance
thank-you present. A home repair contractor who sends a measuring tape
along with the feedback form is sure to receive more forms back.
Its a mistake to ask for suggestions unless you are prepared both to
implement the best ones and tell your customers you acted on their
feedback. If you take those two steps, youll not only increase customer
satisfaction (the exercise mats really are wider), but will also reinforce the
trust you want them to place in your business (customers will feel greater
involvement with and loyalty to a business that pays attention to them).
One good way to let people know that their suggestions arent being
ignored is to periodically list ones you have implemented. For example,
when the customers of Pams independent drugstore stuffed her new
suggestion box with requests that she carry more naturopathic remedies, she
not only established such an area, but created a small display area next to
the suggestion box listing this suggestion and a number of others she had
implemented. She also put this information on her website.
example, if your primary goal is to reach out to more customers, you would
give the most points to ideas calculated to do that. The second step is to
adjust your rankings based on how much each idea costs. One excellent way
to do this is to double the point total of ideas that can be implemented at the
lowest comparative cost while halving the points of the most expensive ones.
Because you never really know which ideas will work until you try them, its
usually wise to try as many of the top scorers as possible.
Lets take as an example Amos, who was laid off from his job maintaining
computers at a large corporation. He decides to accept his fathers offer to
take over the familys barely profitable Reliable TV Repair business to see
whether he can breathe some life into it. He uses several methods, including
a brainstorming session with employees, a supplier, and his dad, to come
up with new ways to achieve his four big goals: increase sales, improve
marketing, improve customer access, and introduce new services. To decide
which to implement first, Amos creates the following grid:
His final step is to factor in how much each idea will cost to implement.
Realizing that painting the truck will cost very little, and that adding the
words Big Screen and Computers to the Reliable name will also be
cheap and easy, he decides to double the points for these. And although hell
obviously have to pay employees to make house calls on the weekends, he
concludes that even with cutting the total points on this one from 12 to 6,
going forward with it makes sense. After all, if new business doesnt justify
the added costs, he can pull back. Now the totals look like this:
Change name
Paint truck
Fix computers
I dont know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.
Bill Cosby
Targeting your best customer prospects in this way makes great sense,
especially when times are tough and you desperately need to reach more
customers at an affordable cost. For instance, if your small dental lab is
struggling to make ends meet, you would want to list near the center of your
target the specific dentists or groups of dentists you believe are most likely to
patronize you. Only then does it make sense to take the next step of reaching
out to explain to them why your business offers a superior value.
Especially if you market to different customers for different reasons,
filling in your target can be more difficult than you might first imagine. For
example, if classes at your aerobics and dance studio are half empty, you will
want to identify more folks who you are pretty sure will enthusiastically don
their leotards for your master classes, as well as those you hope to coax into
your early morning weight-loss sessions and the hopeful parents who will
bring their budding ballerinas to your after-school session.
Unfortunately, many businesses have only a hazy idea of who their customers are and how best to reach them. They follow the open-the-doors-andhope-for-the-best marketing approach, which of course goes far to explain
why so many underperform in good economic times and fail during bad ones.
For example, a new restaurant might place a few ads in free local
newspapers, do some leafleting in neighborhood office buildings, place
an early-bird special sign in the window, and buy into several two-for-one
coupon books. A couple of these initiatives might make sense if they were
part of a coherent marketing plan aimed at budget-conscious diners who
live or work close to the restaurant. But in the absence of such a focused
plan, this approach is likely to do more harm than good. For example, if the
restaurant owner hopes to attract a more affluent dinner crowd later in the
evening, two-for-one deals and cut rates to early diners are likely to amount
to a kiss of death, because many upmarket customers equate low prices
with poor quality. Given the fierce competition in the restaurant business
during times when people cut back on eating out, only establishments that
first clearly identify their prime customer base and then develop affordable
marketing strategies to reach them will have much chance of success.
It might sound easy to identify your most likely customers, but many small
business ownerseven those desperately motivated to increase salesdont
do it well. Take a look at Hillary, the owner of Happy Pup, a day care service
for dogs. When asked to identify her marketing target, she says:
We market to busy working people with dogs.
Sound pretty good? In fact, this statement is so vague as to be all but
useless as a marketing tool, because:
The great majority of working people cant possibly afford Happy Pups
rate of $25 to $40 a day.
Just because a dog owner works doesnt mean someone else in the family
isnt available to care for Bingo.
Old dogs (or just plain mellow ones) may be content to stay home alone.
Other dog-sitting services are availablewhy should dog owners choose
Happy Pup?
Asked to try again, Hillary comes up with this more detailed profile:
Happy Pup concentrates on affluent working people who want to provide the
highest quality of care for their active dogs.
Because this statement takes into account the owners ability to pay and
their desire to give their dogs excellent day care, its a big improvement. But
several crucial targeting factors are still missing. As you may have guessed,
Hillarys biggest omission is her failure to consider location. Assuming most
people wont drive more than five to ten miles out of their way to drop off
Sassafrass, its obvious that Happy Pup should concentrate its marketing
efforts on affluent owners of younger dogs who live or work fairly close to its
And what about owners who are highly focused on their dogs well-being?
If Happy Pup really does offer superior care, shouldnt Hillary also look for
owners who care about things like the amount of staff attention, exercise,
and playtime their dogs will receive?
After thinking about these additional factors, Hillarys third effort goes
like this:
Happy Pup markets to affluent working people who live or work within five
miles of Rose & Vine streets in Kansas City, and who want to provide their active
dogs a clean, nurturing environment emphasizing play and exercise.
Hillary had little chance of creating a coherent marketing plan before she
figured out who to aim it at. After a little disciplined thinking, her chances
of success went way up.
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Each time Mandy visited the property, she promptly emailed to the owner a list of all
items checked and any problems discovered. Before long, Property Check became so
successful that Mandy hired an assistant to drive the honey wagon and concentrated
on developing more new services for absentee owners.
Here are just a few examples of businesses that profitably target existing
customers with new goods or services:
A dentist who, after fielding a number of questions from patients with
snoring and other sleep problems, sends an email to all patients asking if
they are interested in solutions to sleep-related problems. When 30% say
yes, he pursues the continuing education programs necessary to provide
the service.
A used bookstore whose business has sagged since Amazon and other
websites began selling used books creates a marketing target with existing
customers near the center. Then, after doing in-depth interviews with a
number of them, the bookstore decides to carry about 750 new books,
including bestselling biography, science fiction, mystery, and cookbooks.
Displayed in the window and on attractive racks near the front of the
store, these new books are immediately popular with existing customers
who occasionally splurge on a new title or purchase them as gifts. And
they do wonders to bring passersbya market that retailers always want
to targetinto the store.
A restaurant in a popular vacation area identifies tourists as one of its
three key types of customers, along with middle-income local residents
and police, fire, and medical workers from a nearby public security and
hospital complex who live and work within three miles. Reasoning that
it has only a short time window to sell more to tourists, the owner fills an
underused space near the cash register with locally produced mustards,
jams, hot sauces, and other gourmet specialty items. The products are
sold individually and also in boxed collections ready for mailing. Just
produce your credit card and the recipients address, and the restaurant
will do the rest. The program is so popular with visitors who want to
send something home from the area that the restaurant sets up a website
to handle repeat orders.
People who have a pressing need for your goods or services, even if that need
is occasional or intermittent, are obviously more likely to patronize your
business than those who dont. For example, when a tooth hurts you need a
dentist, but when your car is dusty you can either leave it in the rain, wash it
yourself, or patronize a car wash.
Its important to approach the concept of need through the eyes of your
customers. For people with disposable income, need can be a subjective
concept: I need the latest iPhone. I need to have my hair highlighted every
six to eight weeks. I need to play golf at least once a week. Of course, when
thinking about need, price can dictate whether that need is negotiable
whether it falls into the must have or really want category. One segment
of the population needs luxury goods only if they believe they are getting a
relative bargain.
Example: Jan and Lance operate Rose Beauty Supply, a big-city shop that specializes in selling high-end beauty supplies at discount prices. Identifying middle- and
upper-income women who feel a need to be well-coiffed on a daily basis as their
broad customer base, Jan and Lance decide to aim new marketing at women who
work in their areas several museums and many nonprofits, reasoning that many of
these women have upscale tastes, but limited budgets.
Who will be attracted to your price point? In some marketsdiscount
haircutting or fast food, for example)people often make purchasing
decisions based on a low price. And in every market segment, there are lots
of bargain shoppers.
However, in some areas, people are more likely to patronize the business
they believe provides the best value, regardless of price. In an affluent
neighborhood, for example, a shoe store that sells well-made but higherpriced shoes will do better than a low-cost competitor, and the dry cleaner
considered the most trustworthy in town is typically seen as providing a
better value, though it charges more than its competitors. Even in hard
economic times, plenty of people have money. But to part with it, especially
for upmarket products and services, they need to be sold on qualities such as
reliability, durability, and lasting value.
Are you targeting bargain shoppers or affluent customers? Its hard to
do both. It just might save your business to improve the quality of your
goods or services and to target more upscale customers who have more
discretionary income, especially in tough times. Sophisticated customers who
perceive that you offer a more valuable product or service are far more likely
to stick with you and to sing your praises to others.
If cost and quality are equal, customers usually follow the path of least
resistance, patronizing easy-to-access businesses and avoiding those that
are tough to get to. Thats why many customers can be targeted around
convenience factors like free parking, home delivery, and evening hours.
Online shopping also provides quick, easy access to goods, especially for
people who work on a computer much of the day. The success of Amazon
and other online retailers should offer all the proof you need.
Example: Catch & Release, a retailer of fly fishing gear located in a small city near
several famous fishing rivers, decides to target customers outside the area who they
hope will buy online and pay premium prices for top-end, often handcrafted equipment. To offset the inconvenience of shipping time, they offer free two-day shipping
on every order over $100. To the owners surprise, 30% of website orders come from
people who live within 30 miles of their shop, many of whom had not previously
been customers.
As you develop your marketing target, its often useful to think about
potential customers in two broad categories: people who have had experience
with businesses like yours (sometimes lots of it), and those who are new to
the field. In some fields, this doesnt apply; for example, if you operate a midpriced shoe store, all of your potential customers will have patronized similar
businesses and will have a pretty good idea of what to expect. By contrast, if
you recently started an upscale vintage clothing boutique in an area where
shopping for used clothes has always meant going to Goodwill or the church
jumble sale, many of the people you hope to attract will never have shopped
at a store like yours.
Youll have a different job targeting and satisfying newbies as opposed to
experienced customers. For example, if you recently opened the third Indian
restaurant in your area, obviously you want to target people who already
know and like Indian cuisine. But if yours is the first Indian restaurant
in town, youll want to target people who have experienced Indian food
elsewhere as well as adventurous diners.
If you havent thought about potential customers in this way, you may
wonder whether it is easier to convince the uninitiated to try something new
or to market to a group of experiencedand possibly jadedconsumers.
There is no one answer that applies to all businesses, although in a recession
when people become more cautious, youll probably do better trying to
attract more customers who are already knowledgeable about what you sell.
Even so, in some instances it may make sense to target groups of experienced
and novice customers as long as you understand that doing so will require
different marketing strategies.
Coffee is a field where this has been famously done. Thirty-plus years
ago, Americans drank uniformly terrible coffee, whether they bought it
in cans and made it themselves or ordered it at restaurants. Only a few
coffee drinkers who had spent time in Europe and the Middle East, where
coffee quality was far higher, even knew what they were missing. Then,
specialty coffee stores that sold richer, more varied coffee and coffee drinks
in European-style shops began to pop up. One of the first was Peets, a tiny
Berkeley, California, company. Like Peets, many of these shops started in
college towns, where they were supported by people who had experienced
quality coffee while traveling. At first, they didnt reach much beyond their
small audience of coffee aficionados. But then, Starbucks and other large
chains entered the market, successfully targeting and reaching out to the
broad middle class.
team that uses its best giveaway to put more fannies in the seats of a mostly
empty stadium on a Tuesday night to see a lousy team. Far better to use the
collectors item baseball cap to try to add 10,000 people to an already threequarters full stadium for a Saturday game against the Yankees.
For some types of businessesfor example, a hardware store that sells
to casual consumers, serious do-it-yourself remodelers, and contractors
targeting and ranking customers and the products each group is most likely
to buy will require engaging in a fairly complicated, data-heavy process. For
others, including consultants and other businesspeople who provide a niche
service to a relatively small clientele, it will be as easy as listing the names
of a relatively few customer prospects and the services or products that are
popular with them.
Once you have identified your target groups of customers and what they
are most likely to buy (and are sure youll make a profit if they do), you are
ready to adopt a marketing plan designed to quickly reach more of them.
If your potential customer universe is relatively smallfor example, youre
an accountant who specializes in helping authors and musiciansyour best
approach is probably a personal marketing effort. If half a dozen literary
agents represent most of the well-known authors in your area, getting to
know the agents and educating them about your expertise would be a good
start. After all, a prominent literary agent who appreciates that you are fully
current on the tax ramifications of the ways royalty deals are being structured
in a recessionary environment (and even better, if you are available to
advise the agent on structuring deals) is in a great position to recommend
you to others. Similarly, local publishers and support groups for inventors,
musicians, and writers are excellent venues through which to get the word
out to many potential clients.
If your potential customer universe is bigger and more diverse, consider
broader and less personal ways to market your goods or services. Because in
a recession, businesses typically need to raise cash fast as well as secure more
long-term customers, here are suggestions for both short- and long-term
Short-Term Money-Makers
Theres nothing wrong with trying the staples of business: sales and special
offers. Everybody likes a good deal.
A weekly sale featuring an item that will bring in customers likely to buy
other more profitable services.
Example 1: A struggling dry cleaner institutes a series of weekly specialssleeping
bags, formal wear, quilts, and drapes. Many of the people who respond to these offers also bring along the rest of their accumulated dry cleaning, and the cash register
begins to sing.
Example 2: A jeweler offers to replace two watch batteries for the price of one. A
fair number of customers who show up with a handful of stopped watches also bring
along jewelry in need of repair, something the jeweler makes a good profit doing.
A reciprocal discounting program conducted in partnership with nearby
high-quality businesses. This can also help build community among neighborhood businesses, something that may lead to other benefits down the road.
Example: Seven neighboring stores on University Avenue (a book shop, a bakery, a
shoe store, a print and framing shop, a wine bar, and a clothing store) print up an attractive flyer featuring 20% off discount coupons for all seven stores. Buy something
at one of the stores and you get a coupon redeemable within 24 hours at any of the
A letter to long-term customers asking for support at a difficult time,
including a discount coupon (see Ask Long-Term Customers for Support,
below, for a sample letter). Theres no shame in letting loyal customers know
that your business needs more support to survive.
A recession special to reconnect with customers or clients. If you can
email your customers, your costs will be very low.
Example: A lawyer, architect, electrician, hair stylist, or other service provider offers one-third off normal hourly rates for 90 days as a thank-you for support during
tough times.
Long-Term Outreach
Dont forget, in your understandable desire to drum up some quick profits,
that you need a strategy to help your business do well over the long haul.
Here are some ideas for establishing your businesss identity.
Sponsor an event to get your name out in the community. For example, a
sporting goods store sponsors a 50K bike ride, providing hand pumps and
water bottles with its name on them, donating the entry fees to a local food
bank, or a fish restaurant cosponsors a Sustainable Seafood Day, providing
food samples in exchange for great press coverage. Especially when money is
short, youll want to look for events where your businesss positive energy can
make a substantial impact at low cost. Because sponsoring and organizing an
event can take more money and time than you have to offer, your best bet is
to take part in an event someone else is organizing.
Headlining your own event. For good advice, see Event Marketing &
How to Successfully Promote Events, Festivals, Conventions & Expositions, by Leonard
Hoyle (Wiley).
Help nonprofit causes to bring goodwill to your business. For example, a
landscape architect leads a nonprofit effort to restore the towns neglected
rose garden. A plant nursery sells vegetable seeds and baby plants for 20% off
to anyone who promises to donate at least one third of their garden crop to a
homeless center.
Support the arts. A downtown restaurant might offer to display local
artists works on its windows and walls, to help sell them. The art is chosen
by a group of judges headed by the curator of the nearby university art
gallery, at a well-attended competition. In the process, the restaurant cements
its reputation as a cultural hangout.
Get the media to publicize your business for free. Setting yourself up as
an expert in your field can bring mentions in the media for you and your
business. For example, a general contractor who runs a house inspection
business self-publishes a small book covering the 20 most likely hidden
problems, how not to get ripped off on repairs, and how to make technically
easy but labor-intensive repairs on a self-help basis. Widely distributing
his book for free through real estate offices, lenders, and at several annual
homebuyers fairs, it helps establish his expertise with local media outlets,
where he is regularly interviewed and quoted. Or he might offer to write a
monthly column for the local paper, featuring tips for homeowners.
possible and, second, to build Academys long-term roster of loyal customers. Ted,
after doing the customer targeting exercise in Chapter 7, defines his customer base as
truly dedicated readers who live within five miles of his shop. Here are the marketing
initiatives that Ted adopts:
Example: John and Phillip run J&P Mobile Dog Grooming in an outer suburb.
Having recently expanded to two vans and a small office in town, John and Phillip
are stunned when the recession hits, business drops 40%, and they lose a small bank
line of credit. To try to prevent their business ship from sinking, they send a handaddressed, first-class letter to the 200 people who have used their services, frankly
explaining that they are in short-term financial peril and asking for support. They
include 33%-off pet grooming coupon. The response is fast and positive, bringing
enough money to allow John and Phillip to downsize their business, which includes
selling their new van at a slight loss (but still being able to pay off the loan) and
negotiating their way out of the office lease by paying three months additional rent.
Now back working out of their house and driving their five-year-old van, John and
Phillip generate a decent profit. They write a second letter thanking everyone who
supported them and including another discount coupon, many of which are also
Quality. Providing truly excellent goods or services that are at least a cut
above those provided by competitors.
Easy access. With todays busy, almost frantic lifestyles, customers still seek
out convenience over price.
Example 1: Claire, whose New Dawn dry cleaning shop is located on a crowded
city street with inadequate parking, suffers a 30% decline in business when local
unemployment spikes. But despite this setback, when an old gas station a few blocks
away comes up for sale, Claire taps her savings, gets a loan from her uncle and buys
the property cheap. Redesigning New Dawn around easy customer access, Claire
sets up a drive-through system that lets customers pull within a few feet of the front
door. Backed by her well-staffed service counter, this means a typical customer is in
and out in less than three minutes. When another local dry cleaner with poor customer access closes, Claires sales return to and then exceed historical levels.
Example 2: Ivan, a mobile knife sharpener who brings a large, fully equipped van
to businesses and other venues where people can conveniently get their knives
sharpened, has a big competitive advantage over shop-based competitors. Reasoning that when times are tough, people eat at home more often and need his services
more, Ivan hires high school kids to leaflet local neighborhoods offering to make
house calls whenever neighbors can gather ten or more knives for sharpening. The
result is that people who want a few knives sharpened call their neighbors to collect
enough to schedule Ivan.
Cleanliness. A small, but nevertheless significant, slice of the public makes
purchasing decisions primarily on how clean a business is. For example, we
have several friends who wont patronize a good-sized list of local restaurants
because they arent spotless. Similarly, a member of one of our families
always buys gas from the company she believes has the cleanest restrooms.
Fortunately, insisting on the highest standards of cleanliness doesnt cost
much, and immediately distinguishes your business from its many sloppier
competitors. Its an easy way to create a marketing edge.
Example: Ramon inherits the Snack Shack, one of a dozen look-alike take-out restaurants along a slightly seedy commercial strip next to a popular beach resort. With
tourism down, the Snack Shack is barely breaking even. Relying on his business-savvy
sister for help, Ramon closes the business for two weeks while he paints, polishes,
and refurnishes, so that now everything from the building, to the sign, to the chairs
and umbrellas out front, to the immaculate uniforms of the servers, is white with
red trim. Changing the name to Dog-On-a-Stick, the business reopens with just ten
items, including corndogs, fresh lemonade, fruit smoothies, and fresh vegetarian chili.
Ramons business quickly improves, driven mostly by locals, who are pleased to see
a clean and fun, kid-oriented new business in their area. They not only try it, but talk
about it in very positive terms.
Stylishness. We humans are a fickle bunch, easily and endlessly impressed
by the new and improved. From store windows, waiting areas, and conference rooms to signs, stationery, and websites, update your businesss displays,
logo, and dcor on a regular basis. Dont put this off because business is poor.
Instead, if, in the middle of a recession you surprise customers with a bright
new look (that doesnt cost too much), youll stand out.
Helpfulness. Customers want to know how to use your goods and
services efficiently. The more honest, easy-to-understand information and
handholding you provide, the more likely they are to recommend your
business to friends and acquaintances.
Example: Johns Plant Nursery offers free Saturday morning classes on how to grow
abundant vegetables. Sallys otherwise similar nursery doesnt. Virtually everyone
who comes to one of Johns classes tells someone else about it. As a result, John sells
three times as many vegetable plants as Sally.
Unique knowledge. Knowing more than your competitorsand
convincing customers and potential customers that this is trueis an
excellent way to get your business positively talked about.
Example: Jen, a Korean American, opens a website, Seoul Now, aimed at providing
up-to-date information about Koreas capital city to Western business travelers and
tourists. Relying on relatives, friends, and a network of young commentators in Seoul
to post up-to-the-minute information, Jen is able to make her site fresher, more
exciting, and hipper than her competitors, something that is noted and talked about
on a number of travel-oriented websites and is even noted in several Korean guide
books. The happy result is that Korean hotels, restaurants, and other businesses that
cater to Western visitors buy enough advertising space on her website to make it
Extras. Make yourself stand out by doing a little something special for your
customers every now and then. For example, an insurance agent who sends
clients a birthday card might also enclose a free smoke alarm battery.
Customer recourse. Customers want to know that they are in good hands.
Telling them early and often that should anything ever go wrong, they
can rely on your no-hassle money-back guarantee is one excellent way to
accomplish this. For example, we have friends who will buy electronics only
at Costco because Costco is known for accepting returns of products that
break, even years down the road.
Tell people whats special about your business. Provide enough wellpresented information (including photos) about who you are and what
you do that potential new customers will prefer your business to your
Give helpful, consumer-oriented information about your field. The goal
here is to provide potential consumers with helpful, objective information
so that theyll understand that they are in good hands and go forward with a
Example: Terry operates Terrys Appliance Repair Center in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. When business drops during the recession, Terrys first thought is to increase the
size of her yellow pages ad. But then, on the advice of her tech-savvy son, she decides
to spend a smaller amount creating a simple but easy-to-find website, listing access,
price, and warranty of service information. When, within weeks of publication, Terrys incoming calls increase 20%, she adds a Troubleshooting Your Problem section
to the website, focusing on the most common appliance defects and how much its
likely to cost to fix them. This results in another significant jump in calls and emails.
When Terry asks new customers how they found her, their typical response goes
something like this: When my washing machine broke, I googled washing machine
repair Harrisburg and found your site. The fact that your website had lots of material
about washing machine problems, and when it makes sense to just buy a new one,
impressed me. I also liked that you have been in business for 12 years, return all calls
the same day, and guarantee your work.
If youre new to the world of online marketing, here are the basics of
creating a website. First, youll need a domain name (your address on the
Webfor example, and a hosting company (also known as
an ISP) to broadcast your website from its servers. A number of Web hosting
companies provide both of these services for $10 to $30 per month. (Google
web hosting to see a long list.)
Second, you need to create your website, which consists of putting relevant
information about your business onto your Web pages. One approach is
to buy website development software, such as CoffeeCup, FrontPage, or
Dreamweaver, and do the job yourself. (For a great book on developing a
website yourself, see Create Your Own Website, by Scott Mitchell (Sams).) But
since this involves a time-consuming learning curve, you may find it makes
more sense to concentrate on your business and hire a reasonably priced local
developer to create a website for you. A third alternative is to create a simple
site by using the site builder service offered by a Web hosting company, such
as or
Once you get your site up and running, you want customers to be able
to find it. With so many websites out there, its easy to get lost in the sea
of results that Google spits out. If your business is unique in your area (for
example, the only riding stable in town), you may not need to worry about
customers being able to find you with Google, but most companies should
take steps to bring customers to their site.
There are a number of things you can do to improve your sites findability
and the amount of traffic that comes to your site. This process is called
search engine optimization, or SEO for short. The main things any SEO
consultant will tell you are that to bring people to your site, you need to use
the phrases that people use to search for your products and services (these are
called keywords). For example, if you fix cars, you want to make sure that
you use the words auto repair in the title of each of your Web pages and
several times on each page. (You can use Googles keyword tool to find the
most searched for keywords for your business.)
A good way to make your business stand out is to include relevant
contentthat is, information about your products or serviceson your
website. For instance, if you run a bed-and-breakfast in Vermont, you might
write an article or two on what to look for in a B&B, the best places to see
Vermont foliage, how to dress for winter weather (including an automatically
updated weather widgetwhich you can get for free on the Internet), and so
on. If you have extra time and energy, consider starting a blog to write daily
or weekly posts on relevant topics, or open a Twitter account to microblog
about interesting tidbits.
This just scratches the surface of SEO, which has become a burgeoning
industry in the last few years. If you want help, a local website developer
should be able to do a decent job. If you are in a highly competitive field,
such as a dentist or veterinarian, also look at joining a directoryusually a
cost-effective approach to improving your Google ranking.
it turns out that you have more loyal customers than you thought, youll let
them help save your business instead of mourn with you over its death.
Obviously, how you conduct your sale will depend on your business,
but the most important elementspreading the word as far and wide as
possiblewill always be the same. If you can, put off your close-down date
long enough to allow for distributing signs, flyers, and mailings and, if your
business is well-known in the community, media outreach to let customers
know that this is their last chance to support you.
As always, be sure you know how you make money and dont deeply
discount so many items that you dont make a profit. For example, a lingerie
store that makes 70% of its profit on bras, including sports bras popular with
the patrons of two nearby fitness centers, might fill its windows with deeply
discounted negligees but lower bra prices only 10%.
Example: Emily runs a neighborhood toy store called Mrs. McKeevers that,
because of its convenience and responsiveness, has managed to survive in the
shadow of the big box retailers for three years. But now, with customers budgets
stretched, sales are down 30%, and Emily is about to close the door for the last time.
But she decides to make a last huge effort and announces a two-week Trying to
Save Mrs. McKeevers sale. She puts signs in every window, sends her teenage kids
up and down in front of the store wearing Save Mrs. McKeevers sandwich boards,
and mails a postcard to everyone on her mailing list. Helped by front-page coverage
in the local free newspaper, the response is enormous, as hundreds of people realize
that the entire community will be weakened if the store closes.
With enough cash in her checking account to make it through the next few
months, Emily asks several of her most enthusiastic and locally well-connected
supporters to serve on a Save Mrs. McKeevers committee to help her come up
with a long-term survival plan.
I not only use all the brains I have, but all I can borrow.
Woodrow Wilson
Cut pay and hours first. Before you lay anybody off, youand your
spouse if he or she is on the payrollshould cut your own pay. If you can afford to,
cut at least 25%. Also look at cutting the salary of higher-paid employees and reducing everybodys work week. Salary and hour cuts rarely reduce overhead enough to
cope with a precipitous drop in income, but they might reduce the number of painful layoffs you must make. (For more on making wage and hour cuts, see Chapter 3.)
slots, youll have little to worry about, because youll likely end up laying off
people of different ages, genders, race, and so on. But if after making your
list, you find that most people on it are, say, women over 40, rethink your
plan or talk to an employment lawyer. Otherwise you may open yourself to
an age discrimination claim.
Example: Because sales have dropped, Acme Lumber decides to cut ten of its 30
employees: three from the office, four from the lumber shed, and two drivers. Three
of the employeestwo men and one womanare over 50, two are African American, and one long-term employee uses a wheelchair. There are seven men and three
women in the group, and their average age is 40, which more or less mirrors Acmes
overall gender and age makeup. If Acme acts based on a logical plan to cut tasks and
retain people with the most needed skills, it should have no concerns that any of
these employees can succeed with a discrimination claim.
Get Senior People on Board and Pick a Day for the Layoffs
Meet with any senior managers to make sure they are fully in the picture and
understand (even better, fully agree with) your plans. Include your human
resources person or bookkeeper who will handle the necessary paperwork, if
you have one. All these people must commit to 100% confidentiality.
Choose a day where all senior managers will be in the office to break the
news to the laid-off employees. Contrary to advice you may read elsewhere,
we dont believe that there is a magic best day. Pick a day when the maximum number of people youll be letting go will be in the office. Choose a
time that lets you give departing employees a couple of hours to leave the
building, and still leaves you time to gather remaining staff for a company
meeting to help restore morale.
short of the ideal, dont include anything negativejust limit this letter to
dates of employment and duties.
If you plan to grant severance pay (see Pay Modest Severance If You
Can, below), prepare a separate check to be given to the employee in
exchange for agreeing not to sue you over the termination. Youll need to
prepare an appropriate release to have the departing employee sign. State
law requirements differ somewhat in this area, so you should consult an
employment lawyer about the release, especially if you suspect an employee
might sue.
Take care with off-site employees. If any employees who are on the
layoff list are working remotely or are out of the building for some other reason,
come up with the most efficient and sensitive plan to notify them. Do it personally if
possible and by phone if absolutely necessary. Dont use email.
Start the meeting by briefly explaining the economic necessity that requires
the layoff. Because people will likely be shellshocked and unable to absorb
lots of information, keep it brief. For example, if your business just lost a
$200,000 contract and the bank is threatening to pull your line of credit
if you dont quickly cut expenses, its enough to say just that. Dont forget
to thank the departing employees for their hard work and, if you feel its
appropriate, apologize for the fact that economic necessity has forced you to
cut such loyal people. Then tell people that in the envelope in front of them,
theyll find their pay through today plus accrued vacation. At this stage, if
you have a human resources manager, or failing that, an office manager, you
may feel that its less embarrassing to all to step out of the room, leaving the
details of collecting keys, signing releases, and answering practical questions,
such as eligibility for health coverage under COBRA, to someone else.
While the departing employees are still in the conference room, send a
short email (or otherwise notify) all continuing employees of whats going
on and ask them to attend a company meeting later the same day. Your
email should simply say that the difficult economic times have forced you
to reduce overhead and cut the number of employees. It should include
all employees on the layoff list, thanking them for their hard work and
dedication. Thats itleave the longer explanation for the company meeting.
For example, at Nolo we hire legal editors, most of them lawyers who can
explain legal rules in plain English (a rare combination), to edit and often
write our new books. Even though we use a rigorous screening and testing
process to hire highly skilled people who can immediately do good work,
weve found that, on average, it takes about 18 months before a new editor
can do the job without at least some mentoring from a more senior editor.
It takes even longer for a new editor to acquire enough knowledge about a
wide range of Nolo products to catch up with their more experienced peers.
It follows that Nolo has a huge interest in hanging on to people who go
through this extended apprenticeship.
To fully appreciate how valuable it is to keep good employees for as long
as possibleespecially during hard times when you have no time to train
replacementsthink about your own relationships with local businesses.
If youve been dealing with the same competent person year after year, its
frustrating when that familiar face (or even familiar voice) is replaced by a
less experienced one.
So how do you go about keeping productive employees working for you
as long as possible, when your business is shrinking and you may even have
imposed pay cuts? Start with a simple fact: If your employees feel fairly
treated under the circumstances and believe you have set a course to outlast
the economic downturn, they are far more likely to stick by you.
its crucial that you not offend them by exempting yourself from your
austerity program. (More on this in Chapter 10.) And unless you are happily
married to your bookkeeper, dont think you can pay yourself lavishly or
reward yourself with secret perks and keep it secret.
Productivity drops when people are distracted and anxious (or spend work
time on online job sites), and your best employees may leave for what they
perceive to be greener pastures.
To counter this, you need to honestly communicate how the business is
doing, whether the news is good or bad. We hope you made a good start
when you laid people off, when you explained to everyone the economic
facts you faced. Now you should follow up with a weekly finance report.
Dont give employees just a bunch of raw financial numbers and hope
they make sense of them. Also give them the context that will let them
understand exactly how your business is coping with the downturn, and tell
them everything you are doing to increase sales.
Example: You own the Continental Diner, a busy urban eatery with 20 employees.
When the recession takes hold, business drops 25%, and you lay off five employees,
explaining that Continental is losing money. You inform employees that you and
your husband, who manages the day shift, have cut your salaries by 35% and loaned
Continental $50,000 to catch up on past-due bills. You also explain that after slashing
all discretionary expenses, Continental still needs to take in $20,000 per week to break
even. If this can be achieved, you believe Continental can ride out the recession.
Each Monday you tell employees how much you took in the week before, explaining why you missed or exceeded the goal. You thank employees who work extra hard
or come up with clever ideas to bring in more diners, making it clear that all ideas
are welcome and valued. Who knows, it might be the newest busboy who comes up
with the cant resist special that has customers lining up to get in.
your employees, its best to create it with their input. If you dont, you risk
adopting a plan that will be ignored or resented. For example, if your wellmeaning plan to pay bonuses to salespeople who bring in new business is
regarded as a cynical ploy to make your overworked employees put in extra
hours, youre unlikely to achieve your objective.
Example: When Jans cardboard box company is hit hard by the financial meltdown, she decides that a great way to incentivize sales reps to bring in more business
is to create a salesperson-of-the-quarter award and give the winner a trip for two to
Hawaii. Consulting no one, she calls a company meeting and proudly announces the
detailed rules of this new program. But Jan doesnt realize that her rules favor the
three salespeople with the best territories, and in consequence angers several others
who work in less productive areas and see the whole program as a backhanded way
to criticize them, and maybe even to set them up to be laid off. Even worse, Jan fails
to create a parallel award for the office staff and other support personnel who process the orders, ship the goods, collect the bills, and do other essential work, making them feel that their work isnt important. And finally, at a time when everyone
is worried about layoffs, employees see a trip to Hawaii as an expensive and even
insulting boondoggle.
Fortunately for Jan, after the meeting, a longtime employee marches into her office
to forcefully explains that everyone, save the three already highly compensated salespeople, is offended by her plan. Reluctantly acknowledging her mistake, Jan cancels
the program and sets up an employee committee to recommend a way to use the
same amount of bonus money to provide incentives to everyone. To Jans surprise,
the committee proposes that whenever the entire business exceeded its quarterly
sales goal, $1,500 be used for a dinner party at a nice restaurant to which everyone
in the company is invited. Especially during the gloom of the recession, these events
turn out to be so welcome that everyone, from the senior employees to the high
school kid who helps with filing, begins paying close attention to weekly sales totals.
it included everyone, even the high school kid, who proudly brought the
boyfriend she normally complained about.
Finally, during tough economic times when everyone is forced to pinch
pennies, its best to keep your appreciation efforts simple, sincere, and cheap.
Many rewards programs are designed (or at least seem that way) to influence
or even manipulate employees future behavior, rather than to simply
acknowledge their good work. Often a public thank you at a company
meeting or via email, or a pizza celebration lunch for everyone, is more
welcome than a more complicated system.
Example 2: Now lets imagine that, despite Goodlights success, Peters personal style
remains a little more homespun. Not only is there a suggestion box in the employee
lounge, but also a display recognizing the best suggestion of the previous month. The
day after Liam has his big idea, he drops it in the box. The next day, he encounters Peter
helping repair a door on one of the delivery trucks. Peter invites Liam for coffee and
asks him to present his idea in more detail. Impressed, a few days later Peter convenes
a meeting with several key employees to which Liam is invited. The result is that
Goodlight introduces what turns out to be two highly profitable new services. Peter
significantly raises Liams pay and gives him a small bonus. A few months later, when
the recession hits and profits in the traditional lighting business disappear, its the new
services Liam suggested that allow Goodlight to avoid major layoffs.
mouth is. That way your employees really do know that your business is
about them, not just you.
example, if on St. Patricks Day, you promote a green food potluck brunch
and come dressed as a leprechaun, people will likely get the idea.
Here are a few ways to establish an upbeat workplace tone.
Food. Sharing food is probably the most basic way to build community. If
you occasionally bring in some treats (homemade is best), others will, too.
Be sure that when this happens everyone in your business has a few minutes
to enjoy the gift. If this means that its your turn to spell the person who
answers the phone, do it with a smile.
Birthdays. Families celebrate one anothers important milestones.
Businesses smart enough to treat the people who work for them as part of
a workplace family do, too. Keep a calendar of employee anniversaries and
remember to do a few little things (balloons and a cake may be corny, but
they always work) to honor major milestones.
Hats, shirts, and other tchotchkes. At Nolo we have a long tradition of
occasionally giving employees Nolo T-shirts, baseball caps, coffee mugs, and
other little gifts. You can always tell that the general mood is good when you
see people wearing them around the building.
Wall decorations. Taking the trouble to put framed prints or other tasteful
decorations on the walls is a great way to tell both employees and customers
that you take pride in your workplace. This costs a few dollars, but is well
worth it in many ways. For example, if an impressed visitor tells your
employee, Wow, its really nice here, youre lucky to work in such a cool
place, obviously you have received a huge dividend on your investment.
Parties and picnics. Now and then its a great morale-builder to invite
everyone to an off-site social event. There are many ways to do this, from
the ubiquitous summer picnic and winter holiday party to all sorts of less
common events. For example, at Nolo we usually hold an annual Play Day.
We close the entire business on a weekday and go to a local park to hang out
with each other (no spouses or kids) and play wacky games.
Other events. Nolo once had a Pet Parade in the parking lot as part of
a lunchtime potluck. Everyone was invited to show off their pets, which
included dogs to doves to cats to iguanas. Of course, there were goofy prizes
for stupid pet tricks, pets that looked most like their owners, and so on.
around for a few minutes until an office or service worker enters or leaves
the building, and say something like, Cool car, huh? Chances are good the
person will make a sour comment about the boss. And why not? Especially
when times are hard, and layoffs are routine, its no fun to work for someone
whose car cost three times your yearly pay.
Years ago when Jerry Brown was governor of California, he insisted on
driving an old Plymouth and living in a budget apartment instead of the
governors mansion. This is overkill. Like the citizens of California, many
of whom eventually concluded that the Doonesbury comic strip had a point
when it called Brown Governor Moonbeam, your employees want and
expect you to act like the boss, not an entry-level employee. There is no need
to buy your clothes at Goodwill, work in a broom closet, and drive a used Kia
to work to send a message that you know times are tough. Here are a few tips:
Choose an appropriate office and furnish it in a businesslike way. Save
the oriental carpet, fancy furniture and TV-stereo combo for your living
room. If you already have these perks, raise a few needed dollars by
selling them.
Share administrative help with others as needed. If you have a largely
unneeded administrative assistant whose main job is to pick up your dry
cleaning and make you feel important, put him to work at a real job or
lay him off.
Park in the lot or garage with everyone else, not in a CEO slot next to
the front door. If parking is tight and others have reserved spaces, you
obviously should, too, but if you are often out of the office, consider
sharing with another employee.
Roll up your sleeves and participate in periodic workplace cleanup efforts.
Get your own coffee and snacks. If you insist, people will probably
fetch and carry for you, but every one of them will think less of you for
making them do it.
Use equipment such as computers and phones that are appropriate for
the work you really do. Get rid of TVs, game consoles, and other toys.
Always address and refer to employees by their names. Never use
disrespectful terms like sport, stud, honey, or babe.
Suppose now youve looked over this list and are chagrined to say that
your behavior has been needlessly ostentatious and possibly even insulting.
No worriesas long as you change it quickly, firmly, and sincerely, youll
regain your employees respect. Especially if your business is facing financial
difficulty and you are asking others to make sacrifices, lose your fancy ride
(yes, even if you paid for it), your club memberships, your upscale lunches,
and whatever else sets you apart from the people you are trying to motivate
to work harder.
Example: Cecilys interior design business suffers as the hard economic times
worsen. Trying to outwork the problem, Cecily begins submitting bids on more and
more jobs, even highly unlikely ones, in a desperate effort to keep her office open
and her staff paid. Only when her husband and children go into total revolt about
never seeing her does she finally admit she is working more and more for less and
less. Laying off her staff and closing her office, Cecily decides to work from home,
bidding on only the most likely jobs.
She also partners with a local furniture shop to provide free, in-store 45-minute
consultations, two mornings each week. After of each consultation, Cecily gives each
person a brochure listing reasonable prices for a menu of additional design services.
Many self-helpers who see just how talented Cecily is during the free consultation
hire her for additional help. Although her new business isnt as profitable as the old
one was in boom times, it puts groceries on the table and lets Cecily spend time with
her family.
And then an exciting thing happens. Because Sal, who no longer has to worry
about the retail shop, has time to do more marketing, and because a competitor goes out of business, Z-Pot is able to land several large new nursery wholesale
accounts. In addition, to get rid of dinged-up inventory, Sal and Patricia hold their
first annual three-day blowout sale. To create a come-and-get-it sale frenzy, they
mark some pots down to their cost, but they also mix in plenty of pots at a decent
markup. The sale brings in enough cash to catch up their accounts payable and put
some money in the bank besides.
Now working reasonable hours, Sal and Patricia are content to keep overhead low
in their smaller operation so they stay in the black. They both know that when the
recession ends and sales jump back to historical levels, Z-Pot will be positioned to
achieve significant profits.
Working a reasonable schedule, with the occasional week or two off, lets
you stay focused and interested in your work and attack your responsibilities
with drive and enthusiasm. Of course, occasionally youll need to work extra
hours. But if you do it for an extended period, your sense of personal wellbeing begins to erode, your families happiness declines, and your quality
begins to drop off.
Maybe you are now thinking something like this, Id love to work a
40-, or even a 50-hour week, but if I do my business will surely go under.
Perhaps, but when we look around at friends whose small businesses have
done extremely well over a number of years, we see no one who consistently
works more than a 50-hour week, and many who average fewer than 40.
The few who regularly put in ten-hour days compensate by working fewer
days per week or taking at least a months annual vacation. In other words,
virtually every successful small business owner we know has adopted a
work schedule that provides them time to have a life. And it doesnt seem
like a particularly lazy or pampered groupthese people seem to reflect an
important entrepreneurial truth: In fat or lean economic times, the ability
to create a business that effectively and profitably meets the needs of its
customers, not the determination to work long hours, is the key to success.
Interestingly, many successful people say that although they do not put
in six 13-hour days every week, that doesnt mean business isnt on their
minds. Several report coming up with their best, most creative business ideas
when theyre swimming laps, tossing a Frisbee to the dog, or just taking a
walkaway from the emails, phone calls, meetings, and other distractions
that crowd days at the office, store, or factory. One friend puts it like this,
Busy workdoing any one of thousands of little tasks at the officedoesnt
improve anything important about how my business operates, certainly
not its profitability. Just the opposite. To have time to focus on important
initiativesmost importantly, how to better meet the needs of my
customersI must take the time to think, something I simply cant do well
when Im tired.
ultimately cheaper, than you can. One good example involves preparing
the payroll, something that for a modest fee you probably can farm out to
a highly automated specialist, largely freeing you from the time-consuming
task Ralphs grandfather performed every other Friday afternoon.
Delegation by Trading
Sometimes, you can delegate without spending moneyinstead, you can
trade your surplus services or goods for those you need. For example, Margaret might help Jeremy with marketing in exchange for getting to share his
office and equipment. One-to-one barter arrangements can be complicated
to establish and sustain, but they come into vogue when cash is tight. If you
engage in a barter with someone, be sure both you and the other party benefit from the deal enough that youll both hang in over time, and write your
agreement down in the form of a simple contract.
Online bartering exchanges let you barter your goods or services for trade
credits, which you can then use to buy other goods or services. Bartering has
become a way to cover necessary expenses without using cash. For example,
a refrigeration specialist who is having trouble moving inventory sells a
display case to a florist for $3,000. The florist, who doesnt have the cash to
replace her faulty old display case, pays with trade credits she earned from
her bartering exchange. The refrigeration specialist gains $3,000 worth of
trade credits that he can then use to pay for services from other companies,
such as tax preparation or website design.
Many barter exchanges have spring up over the last few years. Three of
the better known ones are (BizXchange), (Better Barter
Unlimited), and (Green Apple Barter).
delivery services, you would probably need to spend every waking hour just
trying to deliver essential messages. Fortunately, because these companies are
at our beck and call for a very reasonable cost, you can efficiently delegate
your communications tasks for a fraction of what it would cost to personally
deliver your messages.
Unfortunately, when it comes to many other business tasksfrom
bookkeeping to equipment maintenance and repair to graphic design
to human resources managementthe wisdom of delegation is less well
understood. Thats a big reason why so many Americans persist in wrongly
believing long hours and high profits go together. People who work overlong
hours often do so because they fail to grasp the crucial difference between
routine work and high-value work. But what if you have so little income
you cant possibly afford to delegate even the most time-consuming tasks to
others? If you need to handle every routine task yourself, what you have is a
bad job, not a good business.
Example: Jeff is an architect whose firm, J&D Associates, designs big buildings such
as schools and hospitals. Although he is a gifted draftsman, Jeffs real skill is selling
potential customers the idea that they are in great hands with J&D. But when the
recession hits and two of J&Ds big projects are put on hold, Jeff begins spending his
weekends and evenings in front of his computer anxiously helping do the design
work for several new bids.
Fortunately, his partner Dale, a more introverted type who enjoys running the
office side of the business, is smart enough to say Get the hell out of the office. Even
if we have to mortgage my house to hire another draftsperson, one thing is sureif
you dont focus all your energy on sales, we have no chance to survive.
cant afford to hire help, or for some other less-than-convincing reason. For
example, if you are a website designer, and customers are attracted to your
small design company because of your imaginative graphics skills, it makes
sense for you to concentrate on the creative process. Even if money is tight,
pay someone else to renegotiate the lease or collect past due debtsthings
that are important, but not critical to your long-term success.
How to Delegate
Many small business owners readily agree they need to learn to delegate tasks
that someone else could do better. Nevertheless, they put it off. For example,
one man who puts in 12-hour days at his Internet-based sports memorabilia
business, whose wife had recently threatened him with divorce, came up to
Ralph after he made a luncheon presentation and said, I know I need to cut
back, but I just cant spare a dime to hire help right now. How do I start?
Heres what Ralph told him.
There are two keys to making a delegation plan work. First, you need to
find people who can do the necessary tasks better than you can. As long as
you understand the basic point that productivity increases and costs drop
when work is divided into a series of specialized tasks and assigned to people
with access to state-of-the-art technology, youll see that this shouldnt be
difficult. No question, if you are a perfectionist who has trouble letting go of
even the simplest tasks, learning to delegate can be a big hurdle. But perhaps
it will help get you started if you are able to concede that there really are
people in the world at least as competent and careful as you are. And this is
just as true if you are delegating routine office tasks or work that is crucial to
your businesss success, such as making important sales calls.
The second key to profiting from delegation is to put at least some of
the time you save into more profitable activities. For example, if finding
new clients for your financial planning service is the activity that will most
positively affect your bottom line and you have excellent rainmaking skills,
youll want to delegate as many routine tasks, such as bookkeeping, as
possible, and use the time you save to find customers. That way you win
three times: revenue goes up, the jobs you delegate get done better, and your
total work hours might even go down.
Example: Tina runs East Mountain, a rural yoga center that offers classes and retreats. Like many small business owners, Tina is stretched too thin, trying to deal with
the workaday details of running the business and at the same time spend enough
time with guests and teaching classes. But shes always thought she couldnt afford
to hire help. Finally, realizing that something has to give, Tina makes two lists: one
of the time-consuming tasks that wear her out without making much difference to
East Mountains success, and another of the tasks that attract clients. The routine
jobs include meal preparation, bookkeeping, and designing promotional materials.
The ones most important to customer satisfaction are teaching excellent, innovative
yoga classes and spreading the word about East Mountains unique programs.
Tinas next step is to find good people to do the non-core tasks at a reasonable
price. Because she is in a rural area with endemic unemployment, it proves relatively
cheap to find experienced independent contractors to take over the bookkeeping
and brochure design. But hiring someone for all the meal preparation turns out to
be prohibitively expensive. Instead, Tina decides to hire a cook to coordinate dinners
only, relying on workshop participants willing to trade work for a tuition reduction
to prepare East Mountains simple breakfast and lunch. To cover the additional cost,
Tina decides to devote one-third of the hours she saves to teaching two more classes
per week and the other two-thirds to marketing.
Tinas new marketing efforts include writing a blog and articles for interested media,
preparing press packages highlighting East Mountains new and noteworthy offerings,
and using email, regular mail, and the occasional phone call to stay in touch with
former students, yoga teachers, and others in the yoga network. As a result, business
increases by 40%. This lets Tina raise her rates by 25%, and East Mountain is more than
able to cover its additional labor costs. Best of all, Tina can now afford to hire a parttime, yoga-loving publicist to help with the routine aspects of her marketing program,
freeing Tina to take the occasional nap.
The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, youre still a rat.
Lily Tomlin
everything in your power to drive them out of business. Much of the rest of
this chapter explains not only why this scorched-earth approach is wrong,
but also why, when most businesses are struggling, a kinder, gentler approach
is far more likely to benefit your business and make your personal life more
pleasant. It could even save your business.
instances no one wins a small service business price war, will put prices back
to their former levels. Similarly, if Ready T-Shirt announces that it plans
to move from a storefront to a large warehouse, install high-speed silkscreening equipment, and embark on an expensive advertising blitz, its local
competitors, Graphic Attack, T-Shirt Express, and T-Top are almost sure to
spot the danger early and move to counter it. They may lower prices even
before Ready T-Shirt makes its move, forcing Ready to similarly drop its
pricesand lose the profit margins necessary to justify an expansion loan.
turning the customer away. And its certainly better than recommending a
marginal businessthat is likely to leave the customer disappointed both by
the service received and the bad steer you provided.
Example: Millie, a regular customer of the Pour Vous catering company, recom
mends the company to Jeannie, who is helping plan her daughters wedding. When
Jeannie calls Pour Vous, its already fully booked for the date of the wedding, so Jeannie
asks Tad, Pour Vous owner, to recommend another caterer. A savvy businessperson,
Tad knows that Pour Vous has a lot riding on the success of his recommendation. If
Jeannie is satisfied by the caterer he suggests, Millie and probably others Jeannie talks
to will hear about it. But if the second caterer turns out to be a bust, Jeannie will let
Millie know, and at least some of the discredit is sure to rub off on Pour Vous. So Tad
recommends Good Hands, a business he considers thoroughly reliable.
A few days later he calls Deb, Good Hands owner, to be sure she realizes where
the referral came from. Fortunately, Good Hands lives up to its name, and a pleased
Jeannie tells Pour Vous longtime customer Millie how well the referral worked out.
As a result, Millie emails Tad her thanks and asks him to begin planning to cater the
big Christmas party.
A year later, when a recession hits and both businesses and individuals cut way
back on parties, many local caterers, including Pour Vous and Good Hands, feel
the economic pain. But based on mutual respect and the success of a number of
back-and-forth referrals like the one to Jeannie, Good Hands and Pour Vous decide
to combine some of their operations, including an office, trucks, and catering staff.
For now at least, the businesses will remain independently owned and operated, but
sharing costly overhead will allow each to survive until business picks up.
tax season rush. Or a carpet installer might work two days a week for a
floor covering megastore, while devoting the other three to establishing an
independent carpet-laying service.
To make these sorts of relationships work typically takes patience,
discretion, and good judgment by everyone involved, but particularly on
the part of the new entrepreneur who, after all, is in the weaker bargaining
position. Until proven otherwise, the established businessperson is likely to
worry that the upstart might try to steal customers or clients. This explains
why the independent businessperson is often asked to handle only the bits
and pieces of jobs that require little or no customer contact.
But if, over time, the newbie is smart enough to demonstrate that he
or she is not a client poacher, the established businesss defensive attitude
will typically relax. The established business may even begin sending the
new business some of the very same accounts it was initially protective of.
Although this behaviorfirst paranoid, then generousmight strike you as
bizarre, in fact it makes sense. Thats because by the time the referral actually
takes place, the established business owner has had ample time to judge the
upstarts work and character. Assuming both prove solidand given the
new entrepreneurs clear determination to establish her own businessthe
established business owner may sensibly conclude that over the long term it
will be more beneficial to maintain cordial and cooperative relations than to
compete tooth and claw.
Jen and other service providers, from caterers and barbers to car mechanics
and tax preparers, who face a similar business meltdown must either quickly
reduce overhead so as to be able to ride out the recession with reduced
incomeor close down.
One of the best ways to lower overhead expenses is to combine operations
with another high-quality business. For instance, if Jen started to share her
office and receptionist with another similar business, she would immediately
be back in the black, something that could give her enough time to increase
marketing efforts designed to reconnect with former clients and find new ones.
The keys to making an arrangement like this work are trust and respect.
For example, two small metal bending shops whose owners have known and
liked each other for years might be able to operate out of the same facility.
People who regard each other as unfair competitors never will.
Example: When the economic downturn hits, there are five nail salons in a city
neighborhood. Salon #1 is bigger, better financed, and more successful than the others. Salon #5 is a recent start-up that hasnt yet developed a loyal clientele. The other
three are more or less indistinguishable storefronts whose owners work hard for a
modest profit. After three months of declining business, Min, the owner of salon #2,
decides that if her business is to survive, she needs to do something fairly radical.
So she visits her distant cousin Lai, who owns salon #4, with a proposal. Since
Lais lease is up, why not combine operations in Mins salon? The businesses would
operate independently, with signage, invoices, and licenses making this clear. But by
operating out of one facility with shared rent and receptionist, and lending technicians back and forth, each business could make a small profit. It works. And that
small profit even grows somewhat when salons #3 and #5 close due to slow business
and high overhead.
Should you file for bankruptcy? The majority of small business owners
can wind up their business affairs without filing for bankruptcy. But if you have
many creditors and a heavy debt load, bankruptcy may be your best, or only, option.
Chapter 13 discusses bankruptcy and other ways to deal with significant debt. If you
do file for bankruptcy, it will be your first step in the closing process; the rest of the
steps discussed below will follow, shaped by the bankruptcy process.
can alert you to any potential liabilities you havent considered or any steps
you might omit. Even more important may be seeking the advice of an
accountant or tax expert, who can advise you on the tax consequences of
selling assets, the various tax forms youll need to file, and ways to take
advantage of your business losses for tax purposes.
Aaron and Talia, now expecting a baby, decide that Aaron has to get a stable,
well-paying job while Talia is off work. They decide to close down Blue Egg and tell
the sporting goods store they wont be able to complete the contract. Their contract
calls for a refund of any payments made to Blue Egg for work not performed but
doesnt say anything about what happens if Blue Egg doesnt complete the contract.
Fortunately, Aaron and Talia know the principals of an excellent Web design firm,
Fluid Web, and recommend them to the sporting goods store. Fluid Web signs a contract with the sporting goods store, which then releases Blue Egg from the contract
after Blue Egg returns the sporting good stores first payment.
If you paid a security deposit, ask your landlord to inspect the premises
with you well before you vacate, so that you can deal with all issues and
possible misunderstandings that could keep you from getting your whole
deposit back promptly. Especially if you have rented premises for some time,
you shouldnt be charged for normal wear and tearfor example, if, after
several years, the walls need repainting or the carpet should be replaced.
Prepare an inspection checklist. It can be a good idea to prepare a onepage list of the premises main featureswalls, floors, windows, and so on. As part of
your walk-through with the landlord, ask the landlord to check off all features that
are in good shape before signing the form. Nolo offers a downloadable form, the
Landlord-Tenant Checklist, available on
copyrights, and patents) and any works in progress, as well as your customer
lists and company name or product names.
You might find buyers for fixtures, furniture, and equipment by listing
them on websites like eBay, craigslist, or Also search
for websites that specialize in auctions for your industry; there are sites
that specialize in restaurant equipment, industrial machinery, high-tech
equipment, construction equipment, and so on. Contacting a business
broker or professional liquidator can be a good idea if you have numerous
assets with significant value.
Again, dont forget that while accounts receivable are valuable now, they
will be much less valuable after you close. So make a high-energy effort to
collect them. Or, as discussed in Chapter 3, transfer high-quality accounts
receivable to a factor, or debt buyer, who, for a fee, will pay you a certain
percentage of the debt up front and the rest when they collect it.
Dont cheat your creditors. Do what you can to get a good price
for your business assetsnot just for yourself, but because you have a legal
responsibility to your creditors to try to get fair market value for your assets. In
particular, the directors and officers of an insolvent corporation or LLC (one whose
assets are worth less than its liabilities) have a statutory duty to minimize losses
to the companys creditors. But no matter how your business is organized, you
commit fraud if you give away or sell business assets at below market rates or put
your interests ahead of those of creditors. In other words, forget about selling assets
cheaply and pocketing the cash or giving assets to friends or family.
Secured Creditors
If you owe a debt thats secured by collateral, such as a vehicle or equipment,
let the creditor know youll no longer be needing the item. If you used the
loan to buy the collateral, find out how you can return it. For example, if
you were still making payments on a loan for your company car, you could
voluntarily surrender the vehicle to the lender or you could sell the vehicle
and give the lender the proceeds. If you are going to try to sell a vehicle,
check with the lender to find out its procedures to get the lien released on
your vehiclemost lenders wont release the vehicle without money in
hand, so this may require both you and the buyer going to the lender to pay
off the loan.
Even after you turn over a secured asset or the proceeds from selling it,
there may be a deficiency, meaning that you owe the difference between
what the property was sold for and what you owed on it. Before you turn
over the property or sales proceeds, try to negotiate with the creditor to give
you a signed release that you will no longer owe money or the debt. Selling
the property rather than voluntarily surrendering it may decrease your
chance of owing a deficiency on the loan.
If you have a bank loan or line of credit, your bank may call the entire loan
in immediately, or will at least want to know how you plan on paying it
off. Your loan agreement may give your bank the right to deduct from your
business bank account any amount you owe at any timethis is called a
right to setoff. So if your business account is at the same bank (which most
loan agreements require), dont be surprised to find money taken out of it
soon after your bank learns your business will be closing. If there are debts
youd rather pay before paying off your loan, such as payroll taxes or other
personally guaranteed debts, be sure to do it before notifying the bank of
your impending closure.
If the bank has a security interest in some of your business assets or in your
accounts receivable, it may grab this collateral. If not, it might at least want
to examine it (and your financial statements) to be sure its both physically
secure and of sufficient value to cover your debt, should you not be able to
repay it.
Service Providers
Service providers, such as utilities and payroll preparers, will want to know
the final day youll require services and how to collect their final bill. Provide
this information at least a few days before you cease operations so as not to
be charged for extra days. But if you signed any long-term contracts with
service providers, such as credit card processors and payroll providers, try to
give as much notice of the cancellation as possible to try to avoid any early
termination fees. Also, if you have made any deposits with utility companies,
find out how to get them back.
Insurance Carriers
Before you tell your liability insurance carrier to cancel your policy because
you are going out of business, read through the terms of your policy to
determine whether it covers past acts or whether youll need to keep it in
force for a year or two in case you are sued. If there is a pending legal threat
or even a whisper that you might be sued, speak to the insurance company
about ithiding issues when winding up coverage can cause your coverage
to fail if you are subsequently sued.
If you find you dont need to keep your liability policy active, the best
way to cancel it is to send a written request, by certified mail, return receipt
requested. If you think youre entitled to a refund on your premium, ask that
it be sent to you and give an address where you can be reached after your
business closes.
Cancel other types of policies such as car insurance and workers compensation if you havent already.
make a claim is two years, but in some states it is five. To find out the rule in
your state, go to and choose your state. Then
search for unknown claims corporation or unknown claim limited liability
company. If you are concerned about cutting off significant claims that
might be out there, run your letter and notice past a local business lawyer
before sending it, to make sure you fulfill all of your states requirements.
Give your customers notice that you are going out of business and as
mentioned above, fill any last orders, complete any final projects, and fulfill
any contractual obligations. If you cant fulfill an obligation, let the customer
know and return any deposits or payments for goods not delivered or
services not rendered.
If your business is big enough, you can send out a press release to newspapers to notify your customers that your business is closing. You can cite
economic downturn, rising costs, or competitive realities as the explanation
for closing, or just that you are moving on to new ventures. If your business
is on the small end, when you publish your statement in a local newspaper
that you are closing your business (see above), also consider thanking your
customers for their support.
Negotiating a Deal
If you cant pay all your creditors in full, the question becomes: How little
will they settle for? As you might guess, it depends on the type of creditor,
the legal details of the debt, and the attitude of the creditor. For example, if
your business is an LLC or corporation without any personally guaranteed
debts, a creditor will know that it doesnt have the option of collecting from
you personally, so it may be more willing to accept a small portion of what
your business owes as complete payment. But if you owe a debt personally,
or worse, a friend or relative cosigned for it, the creditor has much more
But no matter what the legal status of your debts, in our experience, if you
can pay 30% to 70% cash on the barrelhead, its worth trying to settle them.
Many creditors, knowing that they will have a hard time collecting the debt
once you are out of business, may agree to settle your debt for 50, 60, or 70
cents on the dollaror even less if you hire a lawyer to negotiate for you.
Keep in mind that it wont help you much to settle one or two small debts
for a reasonable amount while not being able to settle larger ones. So it
might make sense to tell your creditors that your offers are contingent upon
all of your creditors agreeing to settle their debts.
Equipment Lessors
Make arrangements to return leased equipment such as copiers, machinery,
and vehicles. If you return equipment before your lease term is up, you will
no doubt be liable for either the remainder of the payments in the lease term
or for an early return penalty. Try to negotiate a better deal while youve
still got the equipment. For example, you might offer to return two forklifts
and a pallet jack to the leasing company along with two months additional
payments, in exchange for a complete release of further obligations.
Again, if lots of money is at stake and the lessor is not willing to cooperate,
having a lawyer call, possibly with the suggestion that you may file for
bankruptcy, can be a huge help. No lessor wants to cope with bankruptcy
court and the fact that their property may deteriorate in the meantime.
Secured Creditors
If you werent able to negotiate with a secured creditor to release you from
owing a deficiency after you turned over the secured asset or the proceeds
from selling it (see Notify Creditors and Customers, above), the deficiency
is now like any other unsecured debt (see Unsecured Creditors, just below).
Unsecured Creditors
After you notify your unsecured creditors that you are going out of business
(see Notify Creditors and Customers, above), they will start calling
you, demanding to be paid. Often its best simply to explain that you are
preparing as fair a settlement offer as you can and will be in touch. Even if
it takes a few weeks to be sure how much you owe and how much cash you
have to divide among creditors, its worth the time to get it right.
When you are ready to discuss settlements, if you have just a few creditors,
you can explain your terms personally or by phone. Explain that your
business doesnt have the money to pay the creditor in full but that you can
offer a partial payment to settle the debt. If the creditors accept, great. Get
each creditor to sign a release for the entire amount in exchange for your
partial payment, and youre done. The release is criticalwithout it, you
have no proof that the debt has been satisfied. Creditors could sue you or the
business, which would be expensive and time-consuming to defend, even if
you end up not being liable for the debt.
If you have more than a few creditors, offering a settlement in writing is
often your best course of action. In your letters, spell out what you can pay
as settlement of the debt in full, that youre offering each creditor the same
percentage, and that youll need all creditors to agree to sign a settlement
releasing the debt before you can make the payments.
A lawyer can also advise you on whether or not it makes sense to fully pay
a creditor who refuses to accept less. Likewise, if a creditor makes a request
for payment that you dispute, a business attorney can tell you what your
next steps should be.
If, after making settlements with your creditors, you have any cash or assets
left, you should set aside some money for potential future claims. Invariably,
after you close up shop, a creditor will come out of the woodwork. Do
your best to estimate any unpaid bills that might later surface or any
potential lawsuits that could be brought against your business. Some experts
recommend you set aside 1% of your annual revenue to provide for surprise
creditors, but a reasonable amount depends on the hazards of your particular
business. You can keep the money in your regular business bank account, a
savings account, or, if the amount is significant, an escrow account. Some
states actually require you to deposit the money into a trust account with the
state controller or commissioner of revenue.
If your business is an LLC or corporation, keep the money set aside for
two to five years, depending on your states statute. (See Notify Creditors
and Customers, above.) This is important because, if a corporation or LLC
distributes its assets to its owners after it dissolves and then a creditor appears
within the two- to five-year period, the creditor can sue the business owners
personally, to the extent of the assets distributed. If your business is a sole
proprietorship or partnership, you may want to keep a contingency fund for
three to ten years, depending on your states statutes of limitation.
Example: QuickClean Cleaners, Inc., closes its door after months of competing
with three different dry cleaners within a three-block radius in downtown Stamford, Connecticut. After laying off employees, paying suppliers and creditors, and
dissolving their corporation, the owners want to tie up loose ends. They know that
customers take a while to make claims for lost or damaged apparel and that QuickClean usually has to pay out about $6,000 per year in claims not covered by insurance. Wanting closure but not wanting to risk later personal lawsuits, QuickClean
sets aside $6,000 in a savings account, distributes the remaining assets to its three
shareholders, and dissolves the corporation. If there is money left over in the account
in two to five years, they can split the money among themselves.
see an expert
Get help if you expect big creditors claims. If you think significant
claims could surface after you close your business, see a lawyer. Your state may
impose specific requirements that youll need to know about. Nolos website features
a free lawyer directory with comprehensive profiles of business attorneys in your
area; to find one, go to
Negotiate with the IRS. If you owe the IRS more than you can pay,
you might be able to pay less than you owe through an offer in compromise or
installment payments. To start the offer in compromise process, fill out IRS Form
656, Offer in Compromise. To obtain an installment payment plan with the IRS,
use Form 433A, Collection Information Statement. For more information on the
advantages and disadvantages of each, as well as how to calculate the amount you
should offer to pay, see Stand Up to the IRS, by Frederick W. Daily (Nolo).
For Employers
If you had employees or independent contractors working for you, youll also
need to take the following stepseven if you were the sole employee of your
Employer returns. File your final employers federal tax return, IRS Form
941 or 944, and your final federal unemployment tax return, IRS Form
940 or 940EZ, by their regular due dates. Mark the returns as final and
include the proper amount of taxes. You must attach to both of these forms
a statement showing the name of the person who will be storing the payroll
records for the business and the address where the records will be kept. Also,
dont forget to file your states version of the wage and withholding report.
Withholding statements. Issue final wage and withholding information
to your employees on Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement, by January 31 of
the year after your business closes. Report the information from the W-2s to
the IRS using Form W-3, Transmittal of Income and Tax Statements. (If you
were in the restaurant business, you must also file information on tip income
with Form 8027, Employers Annual Information Return of Tip Income and
Allocated Tips.)
Contractor statements. Issue payment information to freelancers and
contractors using Form 1099-MISC, Miscellaneous Income. Report the
information from the 1099s to the IRS using Form 1096, Annual Summary
and Transmittal of U.S. Information Returns, (unless you file the 1099-MISC
forms electronically).
Pension plans. If you provided your employees with a pension plan, youll
need to close it down. If the plan was a simplified employee pension (SEP)
plan, simply notify the financial institution running the plan that you wont
be making any more contributions. If you had a savings incentive match plan
(SIMPLE), you need to wait until the end of the year to shut it down. Legally,
you are required to continue to fund the plan until the end of the year.
Taxpayer IDs
You wont need your business ID numbers anymore, so take steps to cancel
Federal employer identification number. The IRS will not cancel your
EIN, but if you no longer need the number for your business, the IRS will
deactivate your business account (and reactivate it if you ever go back into
business). To deactivate your account, write to the IRS at: Internal Revenue
Service, Cincinnati, OH 45999 and say that youre going out of business
and want to close your account. If you have the EIN Assignment Notice that
was issued when your EIN was assigned, include a copy of it when you send
your letter.Otherwise, be sure to include the complete legal name of your
company, your name, the EIN, and the business address. You must file all tax
returns due before the IRS will close your account.
State employer tax ID number and business tax account. To close your state
tax account, contact your state tax agency.Some state agencies have a notice
of discontinuance form that you must file; in other states you have to write
a letter to the tax agency. Most state tax agencies have clear instructions for
what you need to do on their website. You must file all tax returns due before
a state tax agency will close your account.
see an expert
Get tax help. You would be well advised to hire a tax preparer or accountant to file your final tax forms for you. It saves you the headache of preparing them
yourself, ensures their accuracy, and will no doubt gain you some deductions for business losses that you can take against other income you or your spouse bring home.
Put away the shredder. After youve wrapped up all of your tax
paperwork, the IRS recommends that you keep tax records for seven years after
closing your business.
Vote to Dissolve
The first step to dissolving your company is for your shareholders or
members to officially agree to dissolve the business. The vote to dissolve the
entity should be recorded in a resolution in the minutes of a meeting or with
a written consent form and put it in your records book.
to include it. To be safe, send the form by certified mail, with return receipt
requested. The state should send you back a certificate of dissolution or
similar document, which you should file with the rest of your corporate or
LLC records. If you have questions on the paperwork, most states provide
very clear rules for dissolution on their websites.
Its a good idea to file the states dissolution of partnership form (available
from your states secretary of state or corporations division website) as
additional proof that the partnership has been terminated. Typically, filing
a partnership dissolution form with the state isnt legally required unless
you filed paperwork with the state when you formed your partnership. (For
instance, in California, a partnership needs to file a certificate of dissolution
form only if it filed a statement of authority with the secretary of state when
the partners formed the partnership.)
It also makes sense to publish a notice in the local newspaper that the
partnership is no longer in business. This puts creditors on notice that the
partnership, as well as any of the partners, can no longer incur debts. This
is especially important for partnerships, because any partner can bind the
partnership to a deal without letting the other partners know. You could be
on the hook for debts you dont know about.
Dont distribute assets to owners if debts arent paid. State law prohibits a corporation, LLC, or partnership from distributing its assets to the owners if the
company cannot pay all of its debts. Not only are there penalties for doing so, but unpaid creditors can sue for the return of the assets from the owners. And the directors,
officers, members, or partners of the company who approved the illegal distributions
of assets can be held personally liable for the amount of the distributions.
If there are any assets left to be distributed, how the remaining cash and
assets are distributed to the owners depends on the structure of the company.
Corporations. In a corporation, the remaining cash and assets are totaled
and then divided by the number of shares owned by shareholders. The corporation pays the shareholders the amount of cash or assets thats proportionate to the number of shares each shareholder owns, and in exchange the
shareholders return their outstanding shares.
Partnerships and LLCs. In a partnership or LLC, distributions are made to
members and partners according to the balance in each member or partners
capital account. (All partners or members have capital accounts that start off
with their initial investments in the business and are increased when profits
are allocated to them and decreased when profits are distributed to them.)
If there isnt sufficient cash to pay each owner the amount in the capital
account, as is likely, whatever cash or assets that remain are split among the
owners based on the relative size of each ones capital account.
Stay available. Even though your business is ending on a not-sosuccessful note, make sure that people who might need to get in touch with you
have your contact information. For instance, a former customer may need a referral,
or a former employee may need a reference. Leave contact information with your
business contacts, colleagues, employees, and customers. You never know when a
contact can help you out in the future, so it pays to keep your network alive.
f youve run up big debts (business or personal) and are worried about
never being able to repay them, it may be time to sell business assets, pay
off your debts as best you can, and move on. This chapter discusses the
three main ways to proceed:
Negotiate with your creditors and agree on a settlement that releases you
from further liability.
Hire a company or lawyer that specializes in this process to do it for you.
File for bankruptcy and let the court sell your assets and wipe out
remaining debt.
Which liquidation option works best for you depends on the size of your
business, the amount of your debts, and your personal inclination.
Bankruptcy is a powerful tool. You can use it to wipe out most unsecured
debtsfor example, credit card bills, lawsuit judgments, and debts to suppliers (unless they were secured by inventory). It can give you a fresh start,
and maybe even the opportunity to start a profitable new business. After all,
bankruptcy laws exist at least in part to encourage entrepreneurship and give
business owners the chance to start over. But if one of the alternative solutions
fits your situation, it will probably be less expensive, less time-consuming, and
less gut-wrenching than a bankruptcy filing.
see an expert
The Process
The idea is simple: You or your lawyer calls each of your creditors and asks
them to release you from the debt, in exchange for some fraction of the full
amount you owe. Why should creditors do this? Because its often a better
choice than suing you and trying to chase down your remaining assets while
hoping you dont file for bankruptcy, which creditors know will leave little or
nothing for them after costs and fees are paid. Obviously, you need to have
enough business cash and assets that you can make at least partial payments
on your debts. If you are flat broke, your creditors will have no incentive to
negotiate with you.
Example: Darla runs the BookNook LLC, which sells new books upstairs and used
books downstairs. It has a diehard following, but when the economic downturn
hits the book industry especially hard, Darla cant keep her income above expenses.
When she decides to close the business, she owes three publishers a total of $80,000,
$4,000 to her landlord on the month-to-month lease that she personally guaranteed, and $1,000 to utility companies. She gives her landlord the required 30 days
notice. She returns as much book inventory as possible to the publishers, lowering
the amount she owes them to $40,000, and notifies them in writing that shes going
out of business. Of course they call her immediately to press for payment on their
invoices, but Darla tells them shell get back to them.
She then sells off her used book inventory as well as her bookshelves, cash registers, and computers (mostly to a competitor, the rest on craigslist), leaving her with
$25,000 in cash. She pays her landlord the $4,000 past duethis is a high priority
because she personally guaranteed the leaseand writes checks to the utilities.
Darla then writes to each of the publishers offering a final payment of 50 cents on
the dollar ($20,000 to satisfy her debts of $40,000). She makes the offer contingent
upon the publishers signing a written release that releases BookNook, Darla, and
her spouse from any liability for the debts. The publishers, knowing that BookNook
is an LLC and that Darla can either walk away from the business or file a Chapter 7
business bankruptcy, much prefer getting half their money immediately, so they take
the deal.
Liquidating your own business and settling its debts outside of bankruptcy
will take work on your part, and unless you have only a few debts and
thoroughly understand the legal effect of each, is best done with the help of
a lawyer who specializes in debt issues. Having a lawyer negotiate for you
is often a big advantage if, as is likely, some of your creditors can no longer
stand the sound of your voice. In addition, the lawyer will know how and
when to mention the bankruptcy alternative in an effort to convince all of
your creditors to accept your settlement as a better choice. If your creditors
agree to settle, your lawyer can also help you prepare the necessary releases
to be sure that, in exchange for your partial payment, you, your spouse, and
any cosigners will be fully absolved from future liability.
If your business is a corporation or LLC and you havent signed any
personal guarantees or become personally liable for any debts (such as
unpaid payroll taxes), you dont actually have to wait around for creditors
to sign releases. You can simply close the business, sell its assets, and pay
your creditors on a pro rata basis until the businesss cash is exhausted. The
downside of this approach is that by not getting signed releases, you open
yourself up to being hounded for years by collection agencies and possibly
even being sued. If you are sued, youll at least have to file a response in court
pointing out that you arent personally liable for the debt, and you may have
to hire a lawyer or appear in court. Worse, a creditor might even argue that
your corporation or LLC was just a sham to help you defraud creditors and
that it was really just you running the business (this is called trying to pierce
the veil of the corporation or LLC). If the creditor were to succeed, you
would be personally liable for paying the businesss debts. Getting releases on
all of your debts can avoid this, as can going through Chapter 7 individual
On the other hand, if you are personally liable for some business debts
because youre a sole proprietor or a partner, or because you signed some
personal guarantees, youll absolutely need to get all of your creditors to
settle with you and release your from the debts. If even one creditor refuses
to release you from a debt youre personally liable for, all of your other
settlements may be for naught, if the creditor sues you and takes your
property or you end up having to file for bankruptcy anyway. Again, a
business lawyer can help you keep this from happening.
taken away when you wind down your business yourself, as they would in
bankruptcy. (For instance, if you made payments on a loan to a relative or close
business associate in the year before filing, or transferred property for little or
no payment in the two years before filing, a bankruptcy court could take back
these payments or property to divide them equally among all creditors.)
For a discussion of how to liquidate your business and negotiate
settlements with your creditors, see Pay Your Debts in Chapter 12.
An ABC company will almost always get more for your assets than a
bankruptcy trustee will, and it may be able to sell any intellectual property
you own to help pay debts, something a bankruptcy trustee usually will not
do. Going the ABC route is also usually faster and more private (and less
embarrassing) than a bankruptcy. To learn more about ABCs, speak to a local
business lawyer or search online.
Example: Angelos Meatpacking, Inc., has been suffering from poor sales for the
past year, and now Angelos accounts payable list is growing, creditors are demanding
payment, and the company will be out of cash within a few months. Angelo consults
with two ABC companies and finds that one company has experience with liquidating meatpacking companies, meaning that this company is more likely to get top
dollar selling Angelos business equipment. Angelo signs a contract with the ABC
company (now called the assignee) and provides a list of the companys creditors as
well as all of the business assets to be assigned.
First, the ABC company investigates whether Angelos company can be sold as a
going concern. If not, it will send a letter to all creditors notifying them of the fact that
the assignment has been made and providing a claim form for each creditor to submit
a claim to the ABC company. At the same time, the company advertises the assets for
sale in industry publications and, using its contacts, searches for another company to
take over Angelos lease, for a fee. It also publishes a press release simply stating that it
has acquired the assets of Angelos Meatpacking, Inc. After all of the assets have been
liquidated, the ABC company takes a percentage of the proceeds as its fee and distributes the rest based on the creditors claims. In six months, its all done.
Understanding the legal status of your debts. Before you can decide
whether bankruptcy is right for you, its essential that you know whether you are
personally liable to repay your debts. Review Chapter 4 if you are unsure.
The court takes the proceeds from the sale of the business assets and pays
what it can to creditors. When thats done, you wont owe any remaining
debtsincluding leases, contracts, credit cards, loans, and overdue accounts
unless you personally guaranteed them.
The process is very similar to that of a personal Chapter 7 bankruptcy. The
court fees are the same, but the bankruptcy trustee is likely to get a bigger
fee. And youll almost certainly need to hire a lawyer.
Can You File for Bankruptcy but Keep Running Your Business?
If youre hoping that bankruptcy is a magic solution that will both wipe out
your debts and let you continue your business debt-free almost as if nothing
happened, you may be disappointed.
Especially if you have a business that sells or manufactures products or
owns significant assets, Chapter 7 bankruptcy is unlikely to allow you to
continue in the same business. Thats because the bankruptcy court will sell
the business assets. If you have enough money, though, you could buy back
some of the assets and start a new businessthis happens all the time.
If your business is so deep in debt that youre considering bankruptcy, your
best and most realistic alternative is to close it down and rid yourself of as
many debts as possible. Then you can start a new, debt-free business.
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Businesses cant file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, but business owners can.
You can use it to repay and discharge business-related debts for which youre
personally liable. To be eligible, your unsecured debts cant exceed $336,900
and secured debts cant exceed $1,010,650.
In a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you dont lose any property. Instead, you pay
off part of your debts under a repayment plan (approved by the bankruptcy
court) over three to five years. Depending on your income and expenses, you
may actually have to pay only pennies on the dollar. (Some debts, however,
must be paid in full, including most tax debts, some employee pay, and back
alimony and child support.) If you complete the plan, youll be debt-free.
Chapter 13 bankruptcy requires continuing your business under the
scrutiny of a bankruptcy trustee (if you decide to continue it) and repaying
a portion of the businesss debtsa difficult task for a struggling enterprise.
Only about 35% of Chapter 13 filers complete their repayment plans. Its
usually cheaper and easier to liquidate your failing company and then start a
new, debt-free company.
Its hard for a business owner to keep up with paymentsimagine never
being late on a monthly payment when your income is seasonal, or fluctuates
with the economy and what your competition is doing. If youre a sole
proprietor, all of your personal and business property would be under the
bankruptcy courts control. You would need court permission to borrow
money or to buy or sell business assets (other than in the normal course
of business). You couldnt use credit cards, and you would have to submit
monthly reports to the bankruptcy trustee. If business picked up or you took
a side job, the extra money would have to go toward your debts.
If you missed a payment, the bankruptcy judge would probably convert
your case to a Chapter 7 bankruptcy or dismiss it, and order your business
to be liquidated. If that happened, you would owe your creditors the balance
of your debtsthat is, what you owed at the start of your bankruptcy case,
plus the interest that stopped accruing while you were in bankruptcy, less
whatever you paid through your repayment plan.
One advantage of a Chapter 13 over a Chapter 7 bankruptcy is that it lets
you reduce even secured debts. You can reduce a secured debt down to the
value of the collateral, rather than the amount you owe, which might be
much higher. Called cramming down your debt, this can let you hold on
to the collateral.
For example, if you owe $15,000 on a car loan and the car is worth only
$9,000, you can propose a plan that pays the creditor $9,000. Once you
pay the $9,000, the rest of the loan is discharged. You cant cram down the
mortgage on your primary residence or debts for cars or other property you
bought shortly before filing.
Private process
Private process
If youve made
payments to family
or friends, those
payments wont be
taken back as they
would in bankruptcy
Available only to
LLC, corporation, or
Doesnt affect
personal obligations
for business debts
Bankruptcy goes on
Wont affect your
your credit record for
personal credit record ten years
Sole Proprietors
All business debts are personal when your business is organized as a sole
proprietorship. That means your bankruptcy choices are to file for individual
Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which will wipe out most of your debts, or for
Chapter 13 bankruptcy, which will let you repay some or all of your debts
over time. Sole proprietors generally dont make assignments for the benefit
of creditors because an assignment doesnt offer a discharge of debts like
Chapter 7 bankruptcy does.
However, if the value of your business assets is almost enough to pay
your debts, you might just be able to sell your assets and settle your debts
yourself, without bankruptcya process thats cheaper and less public than
bankruptcy. See Negotiating With Your Creditors, above.
When youre a partner, youre personally liable for business debtsso in
almost all cases, youll need to file for Chapter 7 personal bankruptcy to
wipe out those debts. Of course, you can try to negotiate a deal with your
creditors on your own (see Negotiating With Your Creditors, above) or
assign your debts to an ABC company or law firm.
Partnerships rarely file for Chapter 7 business bankruptcy because it doesnt
rid the partners of their personal liability for any of the businesss debts. In
fact, it actually makes it easier for creditors to reach the partners personal
assets, because a bankruptcy trustee in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case can sue
the partners personally to recover some cash to pay the partnerships debts.
cash advances of more than $825 within 70 days before you file
loans owed to a pension plan (say you borrowed money from your
401(k) plan)
student loans (unless repaying them would constitute an extreme hardship, such as a permanent disability that prevents you from ever working)
court-imposed fines and restitution (money damages you owe)
back child support and alimony, and
debts owed under divorce settlement agreements.
In addition, if a creditor objects to the discharge of a debt on the basis
of fraud, such as lying on a credit application or writing a bad check, or
because the debt was caused by willfully and maliciously damaging anothers
property, the bankruptcy judge can rule the debt to be nondischargeable.
If your income is more than the median, you have another hurdle to
clear, called the means test, which is designed to determine whether you
have enough disposable income, after subtracting allowed expenses and
required debt payments, to repay at least a portion of your unsecured debts
over five years.
In our experience, very few entrepreneurs whose businesses are so troubled
that they are contemplating bankruptcy fail the means test. But if for some
reason you dont pass, you are limited to using Chapter 13 bankruptcy for
your personal debts.
Your House
If you put your house up as collateral for a business loan or line of credit, and
you default on that loanor if you stop making mortgage payments on the
housethe lender can foreclose. Bankruptcy can delay the foreclosure for a
while, but ultimately, if you dont make the payments, youll lose your house.
But what about debts not tied to your house? To determine whether your
house might be sold to pay debts to your landlord, suppliers, or any other
business obligations, you need to understand how your states homestead
exemption works. Most states let you keep your principal residence if your
equity in it doesnt exceed a certain limit (and, of course, you keep making
mortgage payments). In other words, it cant be taken by creditors or by
the bankruptcy trustee to pay your debts. In Texas, Florida, and a few other
states, your residence is exempt no matter how much its worth. In most
states, only $10,000 to $50,000 of your equity is exempt from creditors.
However, in a few states, such as Tennessee, Ohio, Maryland, Kentucky, and
Alabama, the homestead exemption is $5,000 or less, and in New Jersey and
Pennsylvania, its zero. (Note that the homestead exemption applies only to
main residences, not second houses, vacation houses, or rental property.)
If the amount of equity you have in your home is less than your states
exempt amount, theres no equity for the trustee to take. Youll be able
to keep your houseassuming you keep up on your mortgage payments
after the bankruptcy. But if the equity you have in your home is worth
significantly more than the exempt amount, the trustee in a Chapter 7
bankruptcy will want to sell the house, give you the exempt amount (which
in most states you can continue to protect by investing it another house),
and use the rest of your equity to pay off your creditors.
Example: Nathans New York adventure travel company fails owing a $60,000 small
business loan. Because the company was a sole proprietorship, Nathan is 100% personally liable for its debts, and he files for Chapter 7 personal bankruptcy. Because
he has more consumer debts than personal debts (he owes $8,000 on credit cards
and $245,000 on his house), Nathan is required to take the Chapter 7 means test.
He passes it easily because for the last six months his income has been low and his
expenses high.
Nathans house is worth $300,000, giving him $55,000 in equity. In New York,
$50,000 of home equity is exempt from being taken to pay creditors. The bankruptcy
trustee could sell the house, give Nathan the $50,000 in equity that is exempt, and
pay the remaining $5,000 toward Nathans creditors. However, the trustee knows that
the costs of selling the house would be more than $5,000, making it a losing proposition for the trustee, so he doesnt sell the house and Nathan gets to keep it.
Bankruptcy can buy you time. Some small business people file
bankruptcy just to get some badly needed breathing room. Thats because when
you file for bankruptcy, the court issues an automatic stay, an order that requires
all creditors to immediately stop collection activities, including foreclosure, and
prevents them from filing lawsuits or shutting off utilities. This delay might give
you at least a few months to bring in the income you need to get current on your
secured debts, so you can keep the collateral. After a month or two, however,
secured lenders can get court permission to proceed with a foreclosure, repossession,
or collection.
If you bought your vehicle in the last year or two and dont have much
equity in it, chances are you will be allowed to keep it after bankruptcyif
you can make the payments. On the other hand, if you have equity in your
car thats worth more than your states exemption amount (say you finished
paying for your car and its worth $12,000), you will probably have to give
it up to the bankruptcy trustee. However, the trustee is likely to give you an
opportunity to buy back the car at a greatly reduced price. If you decline, the
trustee will sell it, give you the exempt amount, and use the rest to pay your
Dont pay off your car before you file for bankruptcy. Many people
are under the erroneous impression that they get to keep one vehicle when they file
for bankruptcy, so they do whatever they can to pay off their best car or truck before
they file. As you can see from the discussion above, because exemption laws protect
only a limited dollar amount in most states, its better to owe money on your car
when you go into bankruptcy.
Business Assets
The bankruptcy trustee has the power to take valuable business equipment
and supplies and sell them for cash, to at least partially repay your creditors.
However, most states let you keep a couple of thousand dollars worth of
tools or equipmentcalled the tools of the trade exemptionif you will
continue to use them to make a living. And again, some states give you a
lump sum exemption to use for any type of property, including business
property, up to a total of $20,000 or $30,000.
in business debts and $30,000 in personal unsecured debtsthey dont need to pass
the means test.
In bankruptcy, their house is entirely exempt from being taken to pay their debts,
even though they have $350,000 equity in it, because the Texas homestead exemption is unlimited. They are also able to keep up to $60,000 in personal possessions
both of their vehicles, in which they have a total of $30,000 equity, and all of their
furniture, art, jewelry, and family heirlooms (Texas law exempts all of these). Arcelia
does have to sell the business equipment she bought to pay her business debts
they dont fall under the tools of the trade exemption since she wont continue to
use them to make a living. Fortunately, federal law protects the money in Alejandros
401(k) plan.
in debt, its a good thing that you wont be able to immediately run up more
debt (after all, you can file Chapter 7 bankruptcy only every eight years).
Its also true that, if you take sensible steps to rebuild your credit and can
show you have a job, many lenders will extend at least some new credit
within a year or two. Keep in mind, though, that none of us yet knows what
upcoming credit markets will look like.
You may need to get out of a partnership or LLC before filing for
bankruptcy. If you are a partner in a partnership or a member of a multi-member
LLC, you may have signed a buy-sell agreement that requires you to terminate your
ownership interest before filing for bankruptcy. If you dont, you open yourself up to
a lawsuit from your co-owners. A small business attorney can help you assess your
obligations and options here.
before you pay your suppliers. The bankruptcy trustee will, however, look
back 90 days at payments you made to your regular creditors. The trustee
can make a company that was paid disgorge (return) payments of over
$5,475 and spread the money among all of your creditors. (But if fewer than
51% of your debts are from your business operations, the trustee can force
a company to disgorge only payments of more than $600 from a regular
the court requires her to pay back the $8,000 to the bankruptcy trustee. Fortunately,
the bankruptcy judge does not find that her intent was fraudulent, so her bankruptcy
case is not dismissed.
bills, it often makes sense to stop paying anything toward them. They will be
fully discharged in bankruptcy, so you dont really gain anything by paying
them down now. Better to put the money toward secured loans, such as your
mortgage or car loan, and debts youre personally liable for, such as payroll
taxes or bankruptcy fees. Just be really sure the unsecured debt you stop
paying on is dischargeable in bankruptcy before you stop making payments.
A ppe n d i x
appendix | how to prepare a profit and loss forecast and cash flow analysis | 285
Example: Emme divides her monthly gross profit of $5,500 by her $10,000 of sales,
to get a profit margin of 55%. Now she knows she will get to keep, on average, about
55 cents of every sales dollar she takes in (before paying for overhead).
Profit margins can be used in many different ways. Some businesses regularly
calculate their profit margin to monitor the profitability of their products or services.
A decrease in profit margin over time usually means that variable costs have gone
upcosts for raw materials, manufacturing, or laborwhich should nudge the
company to either look for new suppliers or raise prices. Other businesses use their
anticipated profit margin to help them price products or services (and increase
profitability). For example, a business that requires a profit margin of 60% and
produces a product that costs $20 to make would set the retail price at around $50
($20 (100% 60%)). (However, some experts disagree with this use of profit margin,
recommending instead that businesses start with the price they think customers will
pay and then making sure the costs are low enough to make a profit.) Another way to
use profit margins is to screen new products and services to sell. For instance, a retail
gift shop might decide to add only new products that can be bought and sold at a
price that yields a profit margin of 50%.
Whats a good profit margin? The answer varies across industries. For example, most
airlines have low profit margins, around 5%; the software industry has traditionally had
high profit margins, around 80%90%; wholesalers profit margins are somewhere in
the middle, between 15% and 35%. But without looking at the costs of a companys
overhead, such as marketing and administration, profit margins dont give the whole
picture of a companys profitability.
appendix | how to prepare a profit and loss forecast and cash flow analysis | 287
Example: Emme used to spend more than $6,500 per month to buy used clothing
to resell. But because sales have been down so much, she will need less inventory and
estimates that she will probably spend only about $4,500 per month.
advertising, and
accounting, bookkeeping, or tax preparation fees.
Divide any annual expenses, such as insurance premiums, by 12 to get a
monthly amount.
To arrive at your monthly net profit (or loss), subtract your average
estimated monthly fixed costs from your monthly gross profit.
Example: Over the past year, Emme has been able to pay herself $60,000 from the
business, but she knows that with sales dropping this wont be possible in the coming year. She guesses shell need to cut her take-home wages to $30,000and if she
cant bring home at least that amount, she wont keep the shop open.
Emme adds up her fixed costs, including these and a few others:
$1,000 for rent
$100 for utilities
$4,000 for wages (this includes $12,000 per year for a part-time assistant as well
as employment taxes and costs), and
$100 for insurance (her annual premium is $1,200), and so on.
The total of her fixed costs comes to $5,500 per month. When she puts one
months numbers together in a spreadsheet, here is what it looks like.
appendix | how to prepare a profit and loss forecast and cash flow analysis | 289
Sales Revenue
Cost of Goods
Gross Profit
Fixed Costs
When you are satisfied with your cost estimates for an average month, fill
in estimates for six or 12 months. Then, for each month, subtract your total
fixed expenses from your gross profit to get the net profit.
Example: Emme fills in an entire year of sales estimates, with the usual dip in sales
she experiences in summer and then upswings in September when the kids go back
to school and in December, traditionally her best month. Then, using her estimate of
$4,500 in monthly variable costs and her estimate of $5,500 in monthly fixed costs,
she comes up with a net profit for each month. Emme notices that in the summer
shell lose a little over $1,000 per month for a few months in a row, but will make it
back up by December.
Sales Revenue
Variable costs
Gross Profit
Fixed Costs
appendix | how to prepare a profit and loss forecast and cash flow analysis | 291
appendix | how to prepare a profit and loss forecast and cash flow analysis | 293
Loan payments
Total Cash Out
Cash at End of Month
appendix | how to prepare a profit and loss forecast and cash flow analysis | 295
Its easy to see why a cash flow analysis can give you a more realistic picture
of whether your business will have the money to pay its expensesin other
words, sufficient cash flow to stay afloatthan a P&L forecast. This is
especially true for companies that make sales on credit, because typically
some credit sales are not paid within the expected 30 days (and others not at
all). A P&L forecast does not account for late or missing payments, and this
is why its so important to do a cash flow analysis as well.
Example: After filling in her cash flow projection, Emme realizes that her account
will go significantly negative in the slow summer months. She may not even be back in
the black in December, her biggest sales month, because she has estimated that about
$500 per month in payments on credit sales will be late. (Though if she eventually
gets caught up collecting her accounts receivable, she will be profitable for the year.)
But given that some customers will always pay late, she knows that if she cant reduce
her costs in some way, she will need some cash to tide herself over in some months,
especially during the summer. Because she has already cut her own pay in half and
trimmed other expenses to the bone, shell have to bring in money from extra sales,
provide extra services, or get a loan from family, friends, or a bank line of credit.
appendix | how to prepare a profit and loss forecast and cash flow analysis | 297
Despite what your P&L forecast says about your company being profitable
or breaking even over the next six to 12 months, if your cash flow is projected
to go negative, it means youre not going to be able to pay your bills when
they become due, and youll have to bring in more income or borrow some
cash to cover the shortfalls.
Example: Going back to her spreadsheet, Emme sees that a loan of $8,000 would
cover the shortfall, even accounting for making a small loan payment. After December sales are in, shed still have a balance of $5,000. But she also sees that even if she
gets a loan, it would let her business survive only about 12 to 18 months of lower
sales before again going cash-negative the next summer. In short, she needs to make
sure that she can boost her sales back to her previous levels within the next 12 to 18
months, or she risks going in the red again before paying back the loan.
Cash Coming In
Total Cash In
Cash Going Out
Loan payments
appendix | how to prepare a profit and loss forecast and cash flow analysis | 299
Emme sets about thinking how to come up with the extra $8,000. Her
first thought is having a one-time sale. But even at her usual 55% profit
margin, she would need to sell an extra $14,500 in clothes to generate that
much gross profit. Discounting prices for a big sale would lower her profit
margin, meaning shed have to sell more. (If she sold her inventory at a 20%
discount, her profit margin would be less than 45%, and shed need to bring
in more than $18,000 in additional sales.)
Realizing that she doesnt have a realistic chance of selling that much
inventory, she goes looking for a loan. When family, friends, and the bank
turn her down, her last resort is to take $8,000 from her home equity line
of credit to tide her over. In the meantime, she gets to work on a clever
marketing plan to boost sales until better times are here.
Abandonment form, business name, 251
ABC (assignment for the benefit of
creditors), 261262, 268
Accounts receivable, 5961, 6364, 92,
Advertising, 158161, 167169
Advisory committee, 45
Age discrimination, in layoffs, 179
Alternative lenders, 6162
Articles of dissolution, 248
Asset liquidation. See Liquidation and
debt settlement
Assets distribution, 252253
Assets, hiding, 95
Assets, in Chapter 7 bankruptcy,
Assignee, 262
Attorneys. See Lawyers
Automatic stay, 273
Back taxes, 85, 269
Bank accounts, 66, 234, 243, 252
Bank lines of credit, 6466, 73, 91
Bank loans, 6162
automatic stay, 273
Cars, 80, 92, 234, 273274, 281
Cash advances, 270, 280
Cash flow, 4045, 6668. See also
Creating more cash; Cutting expenses;
Income and profitability
INDEX | 303
INDEX | 305
dba (doing business as) statement
cancellation, 251
Debt forgiveness, 240
Debt payment prioritization
accounts sent to collection, 92
business rent, 93
child support, 90
court judgments, 90
credit cards, 94
estimated taxes, 94
insurance premiums, 93
mortgages, 91
payroll, 89
payroll taxes, 8889
personally guaranteed loans, 90
secured debts, 91
suppliers bills, 93
unsecured debts, 9495
utility bills, 8990
vehicle payments, 92
when closing your business, 240243
Debt repayment plan, Chapter 13,
asset distribution and, 252
borrowing money, 6166
contingency fund, 243, 252
cramming down your, 265
credit card, 67
creditor claims for payment, 236238
discharged in Chapter 7 personal
bankruptcy, 269270
fraudulent, 96, 270
home equity, 6768, 73, 91
importance of paying bills on time,
jointly owned, 7479
paying at close of business, 239244
personal liability for business debts,
7174, 97, 259260, 264265, 268
reaffirming, 75
settlement of, 241243
statute of limitations on collection, 83,
238, 243
understanding legal status of, 263
warning on converting, 56
See also Creditors; Debt payment
prioritization; Liquidation and debt
settlement; Minimizing debt liability;
Personal guarantees; Secured debts;
Unsecured debts
Deed in lieu of foreclosure, 82
Deed of trust, 8182, 91
Deficiency, loan, 80, 234, 241
Delegation of work, 208212
coupled with request for customer
support, 161163, 166
creditors offering prompt/early
payment, 42, 59
customer payment, 58, 59, 60
recession rate, 54, 105, 113, 157
sales and special offers, 156157, 160,
169, 172173, 230
service business, 1718, 104105
targeting bargain shoppers, 148149
Trying to Stay in Business Sale,
Discretionary spending, 46
Discrimination, layoffs and illegal,
Disgorging of payments, 279
Dissolution of business, 248251
Dun & Bradstreet credit reports, 44, 101
Early termination fee, 227
EIN (employer identification number),
Email marketing, 169172
Email new-idea conferences, 135
benefits for, 50, 194195
and closing your business, 230231
cost of, 110
cutting expenses related to, 5052
employee appreciation programs,
and final income tax returns, 246
involving in innovation, 135136
off-site, 182
reducing the work week, 52
reversing cutbacks, 3537
See also Keeping good employees;
in bankruptcy, 274, 280, 281
eliminating nonessential, 4748
as exempt property, 86
leased, 48, 241, 281
repossession of, 8081
returning at close of business, 234, 241
seizure of, 89
Estimated taxes, 94
INDEX | 307
Factoring, 6364
Family members
on advisory board, 5
bankruptcy and loans from, 260261,
276, 278, 279
borrowing from, 6263
hiding assets with, 95
Federal EIN (employer identification
number), 247
Fictitious business name cancellation,
Final paychecks, 180
5/15 reports, 135
Fixed costs, 287289
Foreclosures, 8182, 271272
Franchises, 2324
Fraud, bankruptcy, 279, 280, 282
Fraudulent debts, 96, 270
Fraudulent transfer laws, 95
Friends, hiding assets with, 95
Friends, loans from, 6263, 260261,
276, 278, 279
Illegal discrimination, layoffs and,
Importers, 2223
Income and profitability
debt forgiveness tax implications, 240
evaluating your, 104105, 106
formulating a profits plan, 105106
profit and loss forecast, 6, 14, 284285,
287291, 296297
Jointly owned debt, 7479
Judgment creditor, 8385
Judgment lien, 84
Judgment proof, 83
Judicial foreclosure, 81
Keeping good employees
acknowledging contributions, 193195
communicating early and often,
establishing an upbeat workplace tone,
fair treatment and pay, 186188
guarding against ostentatiousness,
importance of, 185186
leading instead of dominating, 191193
retaining your sense of purpose, 188
showing your appreciation, 189191
staying involved in your business, 206
INDEX | 309
Lawyer profit statement example,
advice in partnership insolvency, 250
advice on liquidation options, 257
for creditor negotiations, 5556,
242243, 244, 259
help with closing your business,
for lease renegotiation, 49
for overdue account collection, 6061
requesting discounted fees from, 54
and closing your business, 230231
company security and, 183
cutting jobs, not people, 5254
logistics of, 179183
making a layoff plan, 177179
providing references, 180181
reversing cutbacks, 3537
sample layoff statement, 184185
See also Keeping good employees
Leaflet marketing programs, 157
in bankruptcy, 274, 281
closing your business and, 228229,
232, 241
equipment, 48, 81, 241, 281
liability for back rent, 8788, 93
personal guarantee of, 73
renegotiating, 4849
rental inspection checklist, 229
vehicle, 81, 92
Lenders, 6162, 234235
Letters of recommendation, employee,
Liability insurance, 233, 282
License cancellation, 251252
Liens, 80
Line of credit, 6466, 73, 91, 101, 234
Liquidated damages, 227
Liquidation and debt settlement
assignment for the benefit of creditors
(ABC), 261262, 267269
comparison of three options for,
consulting a lawyer, 257
negotiating with your creditors,
239243, 258261, 267269
overview on, 231233, 257
taxes following, 245
See also Bankruptcy
Liquidation bankruptcy. See Chapter 7
LLCs (limited liability companies)
advisory board for, 5
asset distribution after closing, 252253
closing your business, 233, 236238,
243, 245
converting from sole proprietorship/
partnership to, 9699
dissolution and wind-up, 248250
Machines. See Equipment
Managers, in layoff process, 179180,
Manufacturers, 99, 113116
creating a marketing target, 145151
cutting expenses before, 30
drawbacks to paid advertising, 158161
email, 172
encouraging customer
recommendations, 163167
identifying your target customers,
long-term outreach, 157158
matching target audience to products/
services, 154158
overview on, 12, 54
providing consumer-oriented
information, 170, 171, 172, 203
requesting support from long-term
customers, 156, 160, 161163
short-term money-makers, 156157
Trying to Stay in Business sales,
using paid listings effectively, 167169
website, 169172
word-of-mouth, 16, 163166
Media publicity, 158
Medicare taxes, 71, 8889, 244
Merchant cash advances, 6667
Minimizing debt liability
choosing bankruptcy, 87
for jointly-owned debt, 7479
personal liability for business debts,
protecting against future personal
INDEX | 311
liability, 96101
secured debts, 7982
secured vs. unsecured creditors, 80
staying out of deeper trouble, 9596
unsecured debts, 8287
wage garnishment, 85
See also Debt payment prioritization
Mitigating the damages, 87
Monthly fixed costs, 287289
Monthly gross profit, 287
Mortgages, 8182, 91
Narrowcast advertising, 167
Negotiating with creditors
bankruptcy and, 242, 261
caution on personal guarantees, 56
to continue ordering, 93
debt forgiveness, 5556, 240
discounts for paying early, 42
liquidation and debt settlement,
239243, 258261, 267269
on mortgages/deeds of trust, 8182
release of debt, 241242, 259
Net profit, 287
New ideas. See Innovation
Nonexempt property, 83, 266, 275, 282
Nonjudicial foreclosure, 81
Nonprofit donations, 158
Nonrecourse factoring, 64
Offer in compromise, 244
Offset of funds, 66
Online resources
alternative lending sources, 61
auto lease swapping, 92
bartering exchanges, 209
claims for payment laws, 237, 238
CreditBuilder, 101
exempt property, 85
forming an LLC/corporation, 97
liquidating tangible assets, 233
loan paperwork, 63
means test, 271
property exemptions, 85
secretary of state offices, 249
Overwork. See Work hours
Owners, asset distribution to, 252253
Paid listing advertising, 167169
advisory board for, 5
asset distribution after closing, 252253
closing your business, 238, 243, 245
INDEX | 313
Reaffirming a debt, 75
Recapture, 276, 278
Recession rate/discount, 54, 105, 113,
Reciprocal discounting program, 156
Recourse factoring, 64
Refinancing, 82
Release of debt, 241242, 259
Rent, 8788, 93, 281
Repossessions, 8081, 92, 273
Resale certificate/license cancellation,
Resource combining, 48, 220
bulk sales laws and, 99, 236
changing business direction, 3233
importance of cleanliness in, 164165
marketing and innovation, 21,
123124, 147
special considerations for, 2022
adding a service component, 116
asking for customer support, 162, 173
bulk sales laws and, 99, 236
calculating gross profit margin, 286
discounting, 57
embracing long-term trends, 125127
hibernation, 10
identifying your customers, 147, 148,
Sales, 156, 172173, 230
Sales taxes, 88, 244
Sales tax ID number cancellation, 251
Saving your business
changing business direction, 11, 3033
choosing hibernation, 89
choosing to sell, 78, 33
construction businesses, 1920
creating an advisory board, 46
franchises, 2324
importance of acting fast, 2627
objectivity in, 45, 910
overview on choice of, 912
restaurants, 2022
retailers, 1216
service businesses, 1619
short-/medium-/long-term of business,
wholesalers/importers, 2223
See also Creating more cash; Innovation;
Keeping good employees; Marketing
Search engine optimization (SEO), 171
Secretary of state, dissolution of business
entity, 248249, 250
Secretary of states registry of liens, 84
Secured debts
in bankruptcy, 263, 265, 281282
closing your business and, 232, 234,
liability for, 73, 7982, 91
Seizure, 84, 89, 90
Sellers permit cancellation, 251
Selling your business, 78, 24, 33
SEO (search engine optimization), 171
Separate property agreements, 76
SEP retirement plan, 246
Serendipity, 126129
Service businesses
asking for customer support, 162163
changing business direction, 3132,
client bill paying incentives, 112113
creating positive word-of-mouth, 164,
cutting back, 29, 3437, 5152, 5354
hibernation, 89
identifying your customers, 144147,
INDEX | 315
Tangible property, 231, 233
Tax-deferred retirement plans, 86
at closing of business, 244249
and debt forgiveness, 240
estimated, 94
federal corporate dissolution
paperwork, 249
partnership conversion, 100
payroll, 71, 8889, 244
retention of tax returns, 247
state, 247, 249
tax debt, 41, 85, 269
Taxpayer ID, 247
Telephone, 90
Till tap, 83, 84
Tools of the trade exemption, 86, 274
Tourism-related businesses, 10, 147, 165,
Travel, cutting business, 54
Trends, responding to, 122123,
Trust fund penalty, 8889
Trying to Stay in Business Sale, 172173
Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)
records search, 84
Unsecured debts
in bankruptcy, 87, 263, 266, 278279,
and closing your business, 241244
creditor collection options, 8283
in judgment collection, 8387
priority of paying, 9495
Utilities, 8990, 235, 281
Variable costs, 285, 287
Vehicles, 80, 92, 234, 273274, 281
Verification of good standing, 249
Wage garnishment, 84, 85
Website marketing, 169172
Wholesale license cancellation, 251
Wholesalers, 2223
Withholding taxes, 88, 244, 246
Word-of-mouth marketing, 163166
Workers compensation premium
refunds, 233
Work hours
caution on laziness, 206
danger of burnout, 204206
delegation of work, 208212
importance of a sane schedule, 203207
myths around overwork, 202203, 210
working less/making more, 208212
Work week reduction, 52
Writ of garnishment, 84
Yellow-pages listings, 125, 167, 168
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