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Accident investigation


(Engine Investigation)

Rolls-Royce Allison
Model 250-C30H
Engine CAE 900074

Helicopters by Oz
Baggs, Wyoming


Warren W. Seitzinger
Accident Investigator

Accident date:
Report date:

10 October 2000
22 May 2001


Accident investigation

(Engine Investigation)

Rolls-Royce Allison
Model 250-C30H
Engine CAE 900074

Helicopters by Oz
Baggs, Wyoming


Warren W. Seitzinger
Accident Investigator

Accident date:
Report date:

10 October 2000
22 May 2001





2.1 1

History of Flight
Personnel Infomation
Injuries to Persons
Aircraft Information
Meteorological Conditions
Aids to Navigation
Accident Site Information
Flight Recorder
Wreckage and Impact Information
Engine Examination
Engine Maintenance and Records
Additional Information




4.1 Photographs
4.2 Metallurgical Report
4.3 Engine Technical Data
4.4 Engine Maintenance Records
4.5 Investigation Participants

250-C30H, SIN CAE 900074, Helicopters by Oz, Baggs, WY, 10 October 2000


On 10 October 2000, at approximately 09 15 Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) a MD 369FF helicopter, with
an Allison 250-C30 engine, registration N8263 8, operated by Western Geophysical, was involved in a forced
landing accident near Baggs, WY. The forced landing resulted from an engine failure, which occurred while
the aircraft was hovering at approximately 130 feet AGL (above-ground-level). The helicopter incurred
substantial damage and the pilot, only sole onboard, sustained serious back injuries. The National
Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) requested manufacturer's assistance in the investigation, Boeing
helicopters and Rolls-Royce Corporation complied. The investigation was conducted on 17 October 2000, at
Beegles Aircraft Services, Inc., Greeley CO., the recovery site of the aircraft. The engine was shipped to
Rolls-Royce Corporation (RRC), Indianapolis, IN, for further disassembly and examination, which was
conducted 1-2 November 2000.

2.1 Historv of Flight. Per the pilot's statement, on 10 October 2000, while flying N82638. he had been
positioning equipment to various locations, in hilly terrain. in support of seismographic operations near
Baggs, WY. The equipment was described as a carousel with seismographic equipment attached to a 75-foot
cable, which was hung below the belly of the aircraft. After approximately 1.5 hours into the mission, the
pilot had arrived at an equipment drop-off site wherein he brought the aircraft to an approximate 130 feet
hover in preparation to position the load for drop-off. While at the out-of-ground-effect-hover. the pilot
reported that he heard a "pop" or "bang" and the engine quit. The pilot immediately attempted a vertical
autorotation while descending an approximate 30 degrees down slope, wherein the tail skid made the first
terrain contact before the aircraft came to rest upright. The force of the landing resulted in total collapse of
the skid gear assembly and extensive upward crushing of the lower belly. Nearby witnesses responded
immediately and, along with rescue workers, extricated the pilot from the wreckage with a "Jaws of Life".
The pilot sustained serious back injuries and was transported to a hospital by an air ambulance.
2.2 Personnel Information. The pilot, 47 year old Robert P. Nolan, West Jordan, UT, possessed a
Commercial Pilot Certificate (2504204); with ratings in airplane and rotorcraft and had a current Class I1
medical Certificate. He was rated in several different helicopters. He had accumulated approximately 13,200
hours flight time. Approximately 12,500 hours were in rotorcraft and approximately 500 hours in the MD
2.3 Injuries to Persons. The pilot sustained back injuries.
2.4 Aircraft Information (times are approximate, derived from Hobbs Meter recordings). The aircraft had
undergone a major rebuild at 2657.1 (AFTT) following a hard landing, which occuned while the aircraft was
registered in Colombia, S.A. The aircraft rebuild was completed in August 2000 and the current owner took
possession of the aircraft on 28 August 2000.
Serial Number
Registration Number
Airframe Total Time
Last Inspection


250-C30H, SIN CAE 900074, Helicopters by Oz, Baggs, WY, 10 October 2000
Engine Model
Serial Number
Engine Total Hours

Allison 250-C30
650 Shaft Horsepower
CAE 900074

2.5 Meteoroloeical Conditions. The weather was reported as VMC (visual meteorological conditions).

2.6 Aids to Navigation. NIA

2.7 Communications. N/A

2.8 Accident Site Information. Reported as hilly, desert terrain with Yucca plants. approximately 7000 feet
2.9 Flight Recorder. Flight data recorders were not installed.
2.10 Wreckage and Impact Information. The aircraft was first seen at the recovery site loaded onto a flat bed
trailer. Damage to the airframe indicated that the aircraft had experienced a hard, vertical landing, which
resulted in approximately 12 inches upward crushing of the belly, the remainder of the fuselage was intact.
The skid tube assemblies were intact, however, the fore and aft cross tubes were flattened. The tail boom was
intact with main rotor blade impact scarring on the upper surface. Approximately 8 inches of the lower
vertical fin was covered with mud. evidence that it had penetrated soft soil during touchdown; the tail skid
was missing. The main rotor blades were intact and exhibited low RPM impact damage signatures; two
blades approximately 12 to 18 inches outboard of the grip, were bent over approximately 30 degrees. The
rotor head appeared undamaged. The tail rotor drive shaft experienced a torque shear (sudden stoppage)
approximately 18 inches aft of the forward hanger bearing. The tail rotor assembly was intact and attached to
the tail boom; both blades exhibited minor sideward bending.
2.1 1 Engine Examination. The engine was found intact on the airframe. The upper engine mounts were
undamaged; the lower mounts were bent slightly downward. Additionally the following was noted and I or

All fluid lines were intact and all fittings were tight.
All engine controls, PTG, FCU, and FP appeared undamaged.
The outer combustion case (OCC) had impact dents on the rear face and lower surface.
The gas producer (GP) support had evidence of bulging just aft of the split line between the GP and the
power turbine (PT). Eight split line bolts were missing (failed).
There was evidence of an external, localized fire below the turbine.

The engine was removed from the airframe and the following was noted:
The compressor impeller would rotate, but not freely; N2 would not rotate.
Both chip detectors were examined, both appeared normal with no particulate present.
An oil sample was taken from the engine oil tank and retained for analysis at RRC, Indianapolis.

250-C30H, SIN CAE 900074, Helicopters by Oz, Baggs, WY, 10 October 2000

Alignment of the shafting - Alignment of shafting was verified by marks placed on shafting during
assembly. The Compressor to Turbine Coupling was a tight fit on the SAG and a loose fit on the turbine
Body-bound bolts were installed.
The turbine section exhibited evidence of the presence of lubrication, throughout, despite dryness in heat
distressed areas. All bearings in the turbine were intact and rotated in their races.

During the disassembly, two parts were identified as FAA PMA parts (documented in engine logbook). 0

Spur Adapter Gearshaft - P/N, E 23008090-B, S/N CI 10-22 I .

Turbine Tie Bolt - P/N, E 23008030, S/N HSI-109.

It was decided to send the following parts to the Materials and Processes Laboratory, RRC. Indianapolis, for
analysis. Results of the metallurgical investigation are contained in Appendix 4.2.


Turbine Tie Bolt
Compressor to Turbine Coupling
1'' Stage Nozzle
1st Stage wheel
2ndStage M e e l
No. 8 bearing retaining nut

2.12 Engine Maintenance and Records. A review of engine maintenance records revealed that required
inspections and applicable service directives had been complied. The turbine had undergone an overhaul at
2657.1 hours, ETT, on 5-31-2000, by Dallas Airmotive, Inc. (QT2R121L), Milleville, NJ. During the
overhaul, a 4* stage wheel, with 0.00 TT was replaced. The 3'd stage wheel had 1436.0 hours, TT, and the
installed 1'' and 2"d stage wheels had 370.0 hours, TT. Also, the fuel control unit, power turbine governor,
and fuel nozzle were installed with 0.0 TSOH. The engine had accumulated 93.0 hours since the overhaul
and up to the time of the accident.

Records indicated that two FAA, PMA parts were installed at the past recent overhaul:

Turbine Tie Bolt, PN E23008030, S/N HIS-109

Spur Adapter Gearshaft, P/N E23008090-B, S/N CI 10-221,

Both were examined and measured to Rolls-Royce engineering print specifications, no anomalies were noted
of either part.

. -

250-C30H, SIN CAE 900074, Helicopters by Oz, Baggs, WY, 10 October 2000

The engine was prepared for shipment and installed in an engine container for shipment to RRC, Indianapolis
for disassembly and inspection.
disassembly and inspection, Rolls-Rovce Corporation. Indianapolis. IN, 1-2 November 2000.
The engine was removed from the container and inspected with no shipping discrepancies noted. The
following was accomplished / noted during the disassembly:
Controls (PTG, FCU, and FP) were removed - all were intact. undamaged.
Air discharge tubes, OCC, and combustion liner removed - all were intact and no anomalies were noted
of the interior surfaces.
The gas producer support was found bulged and ruptured at the 6 O'clock position exposing a ruptured
energy absorbing ring and fragments of failed intemal parts.
The compressor assembly was removed and followed by removal of the turbine. The power turbine (PT) and
gas producer (GP) modules were further separated. During the process, the following was noted:
Compressor - once removed, rotated freely and smoothly and the spur adapter gear shaft (SAG) was
1'' stage nozzle shield - intact, however, all struts were distorted and broken at the outer ring.
No. 8 bearing sump cover - center dimpled outward, evidence of contact with the turbine tie bolt.
1'' stage nozzle - intact, distorted, the trailing edges of many vanes were eroded or broken away, FOD
The GP was distorted and 12 split-line bolts were missing from the left side mating holes; some were
found on the lower fire shield along with fragments from failed intemal parts, which had exited through
the rupture in the GP.
The compressor to turbine coupling was failed at the turbine end. Approximately 60 % of the splines
were broken away up to 3/4 inch; fragments were retrieved. The compressor end of the coupling was intact
and the splines appeared undamaged.
Turbine shaft to pinion gear coupling - intact, oily, no visible damage.
The 1" stage wheel was destroyed, fractured into numerous pieces from the bore outward.
The energy absorbing ring was destroyed; it was expanded outward, it's entire circumference, and lodged
in the interior of the GP support.
Turbine tie bolt was failed, found in three pieces.
No's. 5,6,7, and 8 bearings were intact and rotated; the #8 bearing retaining nut exhibited two cracks,
longitudinally through the threads, approximately 180 degrees apart; the retaining nut was removed in two
2ndstage nozzle - FOD impact damage, suction side; some vane tips broken away.
2ndstage wheel - FOD damage all blades (broken tips); curvic coupling splines exhibited rub damage.
3'd stage nozzle - FOD impact damage at vane tips.
3'd stage wheel - FOD impact at blade tips, suction side.
PT - evidence of FOD ingestion, the assembly was not disassembled.
Turbine Spline Adapter - very loose fit on the 2ndstage wheel; the splines were intact but exhibited
rotational rub damage.

250-C30H,SIN CAE 900074, Helicopters by


0 2 , Baggs,

Part Number

WY, 10 October 2000

Serial Number
CAE 900074


Total Time

2.13 Additional Information. The owner of the aircraft provided a history of discrepancies with respect to
the engine, which were noted after acceptance of the aircraft. NOTE: The following were not noted in
the daily operational logs.
8-28-00 - Acceptance flight, ferried to Utah, no discrepancies noted.

8-3 1-00 - Compressor stalls / no loss of power, no follow-up action except consults with engine
9-12-00 - Drop in oil pressure from 1 15 to 105 psi, consulted Dallas Airmotive and was told to
change oil several times. Oil was changed and oil pressure was adjusted to 115 psi.
9-1 9-00 - Slight compressor stalls / no loss of power.
9-26 to 9-29-00 - Conducting Seismic support, compressor stalls / no power loss.

10-2-00 - Drop in oil pressure, changed oil.

10-10-00 - Flight of 1.5 hours, engine failure.

3.1. Failure of the Turbine to Compressor Coupling resulted from fatigue originating in the ID spline roots
adjacent to the aft end chamfer.
3.2. Measurements of wear depths along the spline axis, indicated tapered or off axis wear, strongly
suggesting misalignment of the Turbine to Compressor Coupling and Turbine Splined Adapter.
3.3. Wear patterns on the Turbine to Compressor Coupling Splines indicated wear depths ranging from
0.0013 to 0.0038 inch, further indicating accelerated wear resulting from misalignment.
3.4. Failure of the First Stage Turbine Wheel was due to overspeed burst resulting from and secondary to the
failure of the aft end of the Turbine to Compressor Coupling.

250-C30H, SIN CAE 900074, Helicopters by Oz, Baggs, WY, 10 October 2000

3.5. The material chemistry, microstructure, hardness and case depths of the Turbine to Compressor
Coupling satisfied the engineering drawing requirements.

Stack Alignment

















250-C30S Failure Investipation


Gearbox Measurements - Turbine Mounting Face

Letters represent the location of each mounting pad - Each pad was measured from a leveled
reference plane. All measurements are referenced to that plane.
Concentricity measurements were made using the reference plane as the primary datum and the cage
ID as the secondary datum.
Cage ID


1 View Looking Into Mounting Pad

Posit ion

Pad Height

-.oo I O

-.oo 13

Max variation

= -.OO

13-.(-,0004) = -.0009"

Concentricitv (Gear ID with respect to Cage ID)


.ooI O

Concentricity = .OO 13" @ 1 3i0 CW

From 12:OO Position

Gearbox Measurements - Compressor Mountin. Face

Numbers represent the location of each mounting pad - Each pad was measured from a leveled
reference plane. All measurements are referenced to that plane.
Concentricity measurements were made using the reference plane as the primary datum and the
bushing ID as the secondary datum.
Bushing ID


View Looking Into Mounting Pad



Pad Height

Concentricitv (Gear ID with respect to Cage ID)




Max variation = -.0012-.OOOS = -.0020"


,001 1

-.oo I2


Concentricity = ,0025'' @ 106" C W

From 12:OO Position

Turbine Measurements - Gearbox Interface

Roman Numerals represent the location of each mounting pad - Each pad was measured from a
leveled reference plane. All measurements are referenced to that Dlane.
-Concentricity measurements were made using the reference plane as the primary datum and tlle pilot
OD as the secondary datum.




View Looking Into Mounting Pad


Max variation

Pad Heieht
.OO 19
= -.0040-.(-,0062) = -.O

Concentricitv (Gear ID with respect to Pilot OD)




Concentricity = .0007" Cii, 262" C W

From 12:OO Position

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Rolls-Royce Corporatlon




P O Box420

Indianapolis Indiana
46206-0420 USA







- -




J. Allsman


Nicholas. E. Cherolis


RedTop NI-2000- I 80


Turbine to Compressor Coupling

AE5872 1
AMs 6470
(Nitralloy/l35 Mod)
2750 hr.
2700 hr.
300 hr.
93 hr.
CAE 900074
Hekopters by OZ


An MD369FF aircraft, powered by model 250-C30H engine S/N CAE900074, while in a 100 foot
hover, sustained an in-flight power loss. Initial examination revealed a failure of the Turbine to
Compressor Coupling, resulting in an overspeed burst of the First Stage Turbine Wheel. Selected
turbine hardware was returned to Rolls-Royce Corporation and submitted to the Materials and
Processes Laboratory for metallurgical investigation. The returned hardware is listed in Table I.

Turbine to Comuressor CouDhg
Turbine Tie Bolt
Turbine SDlined AdaDter
Spur Adapter Gearshaft
1" Stage Turbine Wheel
2& Stage Turbine Wheel
I 1" Stage Turbine Nozzle



230085 10-B


CI10-22 1
DDl689 17


OF AS-224

PAGE 2 OF 35


1. Failure of the Turbine to Compressor Coupling resulted from fatigue originating in the ID
spline roots adjacent to the aft end chamfer.

2. Measurements of wear depths along the-spline axis indicated tapered or off axis wear
strongly suggesting misalignment of the Turbine to Compressor Coupling and Turbine
Splined Adapter.
3. Wear patterns on the Turbine to Compressor Coupling Splines indicated wear depths ranging
from 0.0013 to 0.0038 inch. --further indicating accelerated wear resulting from
4. Failure of the First Stage Turbine Wheel was due to overspeed burst resulting from and
secondary to the failure of the aft end of the Turbine to Compressor Coupling.

5. The material chemistry, microstructure, hardness and case depths of the Turbine to
Compressor Coupling satisfied the engineering drawing requirements.


Turbine to Compressor Coupling

P/N 23032345, S/N A3358721
Visual Examination

Figure 1 shows a schematic view of the Power Turbine Support detail for reference. Damage in the
form of axial separation occurred in the splines at the aft end of the Turbine to Compressor
Coupling. Figure 2 shows the condition of the Turbine to Compressor Couplin: in the as received
condition. The primary fractures occurred along several of the aft end spline roots. The splines
were numbered arbitrarily from No.1 through No.27 with Nos.1-11 still attached to the Turbine to
Compressor Coupling.
Figure 3 shows the Turbine to Compressor Coupling splines in the approximate relationship with
the Turbine Splined Adapter and the Turbine Tiebolt Nut. The components in the photo were
assembled after some initial metallurgical sections were made.
Figure 4 shows a close up view of the splines after reassembly. Spline Nos.12 & 16 were missing.
Most axial fractures observed along the spline roots were consistent with fatigue-type crack
mechanisms. The jagged fracture at the spline root location on either side of spline No.14 was
indicative of tensile overload. The flattened appearance of Nos.13, 14 and 15 suggest that this
segment was crushed at some time after separating from the Turbine to Compressor Coupling.
Several coarse cracks were initiated withm the spline roots during attempts to open cracks for
inspection. The cracks between Nos.7 and 8 are typical of the lab-induced cracks.

Thistuhnical data and the inlomation embodid henin IS the proparty 01 and propnetay to Rollc-Royc. *Illson. and shall not ilthovt p n o r w m e n
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PAGE 3 OF 35


Figure 5 is a close up of spline Nos. 1- 1 1. The arrow points to smeared metal which was confirmed
chemically to match the Turbine Splined Adapter base metal. Locations a and b refer to the
widths of the wimess marks due to the Turbine Tiebolt Nut and Turbine Splined Adapter splines.
respectively. These wid*$ were measured for each spline. For comparison purposes the lene@ of
the Splined Adapter splines was listed as 0.480 h c h on the engineering drawing. The measured
distance along the flat portion of the splines-on the Turbine Tiebolt Nut varied between 0.13 - 0.15
inch. The actual spline impression measurements from the Turbine to Compressor Coupling are
tabulated in Table II.




0.16, light &
0.18. light
0.17. light
0.22. tapered


0.22. tapered




Y, 19-23


>0.23. fretting

Table II:


N/A. smashed
AI.45. severe
>0.45. severe
1 >0.45. severe

Spline smashed

, Spline smashed

Sipficant hear step on spline at chamfer.

spline qmached
1 Sigmficant wear step on splme at chanter.
1I splinesmashed
Spline smashed. missing piece

>0.50. severe

step on spline at chamfer

Severe fretting on spline face, Significant wear

T h m l u h n i u l data and lho mfomatoon*mbodd honm ielh. pmwrty 01 and propm1.y IO Roll.-Aoyc. N l ~ . o n and
.hall -I, wlthoul pnor w m t m
IO lhwd p a d i n This l-nd
.hall h 1nclud.d on m y mpmduC1m01 Ihm dm11 m who* or in pad Copynghl 2 a a .

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PAGE 4 OF 35

Table ZZ indicates that the Turbine to CompressorCoupling did not have any multiple witness marks
on the splines w h c h would occur if the Turbine to Compressor Coupling shifted during operation.
The second column documents whether the spline was still attached to the Turbine to Compressor
Coupling or was found detached during disassembly. Hyphens between numbers indicate that the
splines were found as a group. The liberated splines as a group showed the most severe wear along
the loaded surfaces.

SEM Examination

Figures 6 and 7 are SEM images which provide an indication of the uneven damage observed on
the splines. The splines shown in Figure 7 show considerable fretting wear. Figures 8 through 10
provide representative spline damage from the lightest (Figure 8) to heavier damage (Figure 10).
The axial fracture surfaces of the Turbine to Compressor Coupling splines were badly smeared.
Evidence of fracture origin or crack growth direction was indeterminate from these pieces. A labopened axial crack was used for evaluation. Figure 11 shows an SEM image of a lab-opened axial
spline crack. The crack initiated along the spline root. The right-hand photo shows a close-up of
the fracture surface. The appearance of the fracture through the nitrided case is slightly different
from the base metal. The dashed box indicates an enlarged region shown in the top photo of Figure
12. This image shows fracture characteristics indicative of fatigue progression.

Figure 13 shows a transverse view of the root section between spline N o d 8 and 19. Fretting
occurred along the loaded surface of the spline in contact with the Turbine Splined Adapter. The
extent of spline wear is indicated by the dashed line.
Metallographic Examination
Spline Nos.18 and 24-27 were polished at 0.10 inch increments from the aft end chamfer with
spline wear measurements made at each depth (see figures 7&10 for orientation). Measurements
indicated that the wear depth increased from the chamfered end. The tapering of the wear depth.
whch was similar for both sets of splines, strongly indicates that the Turbine to Compressor
Coupling was misahgned with the Turbine Splined Adapter. A graph of the results are shown below
in Figure 14.


This t u h n l u l d a b and the inlomation ombodmi henon IS the pmprty 01 and pmpn-bry to RollcRoyca UIown. and ahall not. wnhout p wrmcn
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PAGE 5 OF 35

Figure 15 shows a cross section with cracks at the base of the spline. The predominantly linear
crack path suggests fatigue type crack growth. The etched photo reveals a nitrided surface structure.
Figure 16 shows the microstructure at the case (top photo) and core (bottom photo) which
consisted of a tempered martensitic structure with a nitrided case.

The Turbine to Compressor Coupling mount w& repolished and etched with Marbles etchant to
evaluate the case thickness. The case depth measured 0.012 inch as required by the engineering
- .
drawing (0.011 - 0.015 inch).
Semi-quantitative X-ray Energy Disper_sive Analysis (XEDA) determined that the Turbine to
Compressor Coupling was a type AMs 6470 (Nitralloy/l35 Mod) material as required by the
engineering drawing. Smeared material on the crowns of several splines was determined to be a
type EMS 64500 material which conforms to the composition of the Turbine Splined Adapter.

The Turbine to Compressor case hardness averaged 91.5 HR15N (91.4, 91.4, 91 .8) which satisfied
the engineering requirement of 90 HR15N minimum. The core hardness averaged 27.7 HRC (27,
28,28) which satisfied the en,oineering requirement of HRC 26 - 32.

Turbine Splined Adapter

P/N 6898837H, SIN 79666
Visual Examination

Figure 17 shows the Turbine Splined Adapter in the as received condition. The extemal splines.
which were in contact with the Turbine to Compressor Coupling, were damaged. The tips of each
spline were smeared.
SEM Examination
Figitre 18 is an SEM image of various locations on a typical spline from the Turbine Splined
Adapter. The middle image shows deposited metal smeared between the spline teeth. The smeared
material within the splines was identified as EMS 64500. No cracks were observed.
Metallographic Examination

Figure 19 shows the nitrided case structure of the spline with a tempered martensitic core.structure.
The microstructure is appropriate for the heat treatment specified in the engineering drawing. Note
that the tips of the splines have been completely worn. Figure 20 shows an enlarged image of the
microstructure at the case and at the core respectively. The core consists of very fine tempered

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PAGE 6 OF 35


martensite. The thickness of the nitrided case at the base of the spline measured 0.010 inch thick
which satisfied the engineering requirement of 0.010 - 0.019 inch thick.



Semi-quantitative X-ray E n e r a Dispersive 'Analysis (XEDA) determined that the Turbine Splined
Adapter was a type EMS 64500 material which conforms to the requirements of the engineering

Direct measurement of the case hardness'was not 'possible due to the smeared condition of the spline
teeth. The tips of each spline was sheared off. The average hardness in the core was 30.3 HRC (30.
3 1,30) which satisfied the engineering requirement of HRC 30 minimum.

Spur Adapter Gearshaft, Turbine Tie Bolt

(P/N E230080!WB, SXV CIlO-221) (P/N E23008030, S/N HA1-109FAA-PMA)
Visual Examination

Figure 21 shows the Spur Adapter Gearshaft in the as received condition. The part number on the
surface indicated that this part was not supplied by Rolls-Royce. It appeared to be in relatively new
condition with only minor wear to the splines. Normal wear pattems were seen on the gear teeth as
shown in the lower right photo. Figure 22 shows a close up of the O-rings from the Aft end of the
Spur Adapter Gearshaft. The O-rings were identified as forward and aft respectively. The forward
O-ring contained a tear shown in the right photo. The aft O-ring showed damage consistent with
contact made from the splines on the forward end of the Turbine to ComDressor Coupling. A tear is
shown in the bottom right photo.

Figtire 23 shows the as received condition of the Turbine Tie Bolt. The part number on the surface
indicated that this part was not supplied by Rolls-Royce (E23008030). The fracture was due to
shearing and was considered a secondary failure. The bottom photo documents the condition of the
Turbine Tiebolt Nut splines.

1'' and 2"dStage Turbine Wheel, 1" Stage Nozzle

Visual Examination

Figure 24 shows the 1'' Stage Turbine Wheel in the as received condition. The fracture of the wheel
is characteristic of an overspeed burst. The overspeed occurred when the Turbine to Compressor


This technical d a h and the mlonn.tion mnbodwd h w "

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PAGE 7 OF 35


Coupling filed. Additional debris found in the engine case is shown in the lower photo. Figure 25
shows the microstructure from the rim section of the 1" Stage Turbine Wheel. The microstructure at
this location appeared normal.

Figure 26 shows the 2"dStage Turbine Wheel. Damage to this wheel appeared to be impact damage
from the 1'' Stage Turbine'Wheel. A crossgectio; of an airfoil revealed a normal microstructure.
No additional work was done.
- _

Figure 27 shows the 1'' Stage Turbine Nozzle in the as received condition. Severe impact damage
occurred due to the 1'' Stage Turbine Wheel burst. Microstructural evaluation of a vane indicated
that the microstructure was normal. No further evaluation was performed.

PROPRIETARY RIGHTS LEGEND This t u h n m l data and th. inlommlion embodl.d h u m 8- tho pmprty of and pmpn.tay to Rolh-Royce Nl~.on and .hall not. wdhovt pror w m o n
permmuon of RoIIcRoyca Corpontlon. be d i u l o u d in whole M In prlto third p . n i . ~This l e n d &all b. tnc1ud.d on any nproduciion of this data in whol. or in pan Copyright 2033 RollcRoyce Corpontlon (Unpublmhcd)

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Figure 1.

PAGE 8 OF 35

Sketch showing Power Turbine Support details for reference purposes.

P R O P R I E T A R Y RIGHTS L E G E N D Tho. k h n l u l d a h and the miormatoon unbodied hemin IS the property of and pmpneiay io Rolldoysa *Il~.on. and .hall no( wllhoYt pnot w m m
prmisuon of R o l l d o y c e Corponlion, be diuloud in wholo or In P.R Io third p.Rioa This I-nd
ahdl be includd on any mpmduaoon of lhosdah I" whole or in p i Copynghl2ooo.
RollcRoyce Corporalton (Unpublmhed)

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PAGE 9 OF 35


M a p . 0.6X

No. 1

Ma@. 1.4X
Light scoring on surface

M a g . 1.4X


I1 ?


Top photo shows the as received condition of th Turbine to Con: ressor Coupling.
Bottom photo shows close up of the fragments and surface distress on the O.D.
surface of the Turbine to Compressor Coupling considered the result of the failure

PROPRIETARY R I G H T S L E G E N D Th181echnicaId1
.. and lhe tnlormation embodied hemin 18the propony 01 and pmpnetay lo R o l l d o y c c UImon, and .hall not. wlthoul pnw w m o n
pcmivron of R o l l d o y c c C o r p n l i o n . be disclosed ~nwhole or in pan lo third partier This lrgcnd .hall b. mchded on any nproduct~on
01 lhm d1
.. I" whole or m part Copynghl ?am
R o l l d o y c e Corporation (Unpublmhed)

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PAGE 10 OF 35


1 : Turbine
2: Turbine
3: Turbine

to Compressor Coupling
Tiebolt Nut
Splined Adapter

? '

Cracks within spline root

due to flattenlng of segment
to photograph wear pattems


Figure 3.

- I-^-.

Metallurgical sectidning



Close up of Turbine to Compressor splines showing wear on the loaded side of the
splines. Note: parts were reassembled after prior metallurgical sectioning. .
M a p . 5X

PROPRIETARY RIGHTS L E G E N D 7hm Ibchnical data and the Informationembodlcd hcmn is the p m p m , of and pmpneuy IO RollcRoyc. Uia.on. and .hall not. wnhout p l l ~ w
r men
PCmlUlOn of RollcRoycc Corpontlon be dmcloud In whola or In part to third parllQ& This lcgcnd .hall be includd on any r a p d u a l o n 01 thl. data an whole or m par( C o ~ n p h 2
t a .
RollcRoyce Corpontlon (Unpubhhcdi

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OF AS-224

PAGE 11 OF 35
/I!iI jl;

L.ab B

Lab Break


Close up of Turbine to Compressor Coupling Splines after flattening and

Magn. 2.5X

PROPRIETARY RIGHTS LEGEND This IechnlCaId a h and Iha inlomallon cmbodlut hemon IS Ihe pmp.ny 01 and pmpnctay to RollcRoyce Allomn and .hall not wnhout pnor wm.n
,. .I
or tn pa; Copynght ?a.
p . m i w o n of RollcRoyce Cowmtion. be d t v l o o d in whole or in part to third wRin This I w n d .hall b. oncludut on any mproduc1ton 01 thlsdah ~n&
RollcRoycc C o w n i l o n (Unpuhlmhcd)

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Figure 5

PAGE 12 OF 35

Close up of Turbine to Compressor Splines (Nos. 1-11) indicating witness marks

(a & b) which are tabulated in Table II. Note: part was flattened during lab break.
Arrow indicates smeared metal from corresponding Turbine Splined Adapter splines.
Magn. 5.5X

PROPRIETARY RIGHTS LEGEND Thin Iechnicsl d a b and the informatton embodled henon IS th. property 01 and p m p m b y IO Roll.-Royc. *Illcon. and .hall not. wIthout pnor w n n m
pcrmiuvon of Roll.-Royce Corporation.be disclosed In whole or In par( to lhtrd parlie& This legend shall be mcluded on m y nprodudlon 01 Ihls d a h In whole w In p.r( Copynghl Z m O
Rolla-!Aoyse Corponllon (Unpubloshed)

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PAGE 13 OF 35

Figure 6.

SEM image of Spline Nos. 1-11 showing comparatively lighter witness marks as
compared with fragnented splines shown in Figure 7.
M a p . 7.1X


This Iechniul data and the ~nlorm~oon

embodmd herein Ih. proprtv ol and pmpne1.y Io R o l l d o y c e YItson. end .hdl not. without pnor W n U m
pcrmovlon 01 Rollc/)oyce Corponlaon, be d i u 1 4 tn whole or in p n to lhird perhes. This IegmId .hall b.mcludod on m y reprodunion01 this daU in whole or In burl cwynghl ZOO0
Rolls-Royca Corporation (Unpublmhed)


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Figure 7.

PAGE 14 OF 35

SEM image of Spline Nos. 17-23, 14&15 showing considerable fretting damage on
the loaded side of the splines. Dashed lines indicate approximate location of wear
depth measurements.
M a p . 7.6X


This technical data and the inlormatdonembodled hcnln i st he prop.* 01 and pmpncury to Roll.-Roys. Nl~wn.and shall not without p n ~wmen
01 Roll.-Royce Corporation. be dmclo8ed in whole or In p r i lo third p a n m Thm I-nd
shall ba included on any npmdua~onof thle d a h on whole or on p.ri Copynght 2000.
Roll.Royce Corporation (Unpublished)


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PAGE 15 OF 35


Spline N O . ~M
, a p . 21.5X

Figure 8.

Spline No. 12, M a p . 25X

SEM image showing the comparatively light wear on Spline No.6 and heavier wear
on Spline No. 12.

PROPRIETARY RIGHTS LEGEND This technical d a b and the information embodied b m t n ISthe p m p q of and pmpne1.y lo RollcRoycc Ulmm and dull not. rnhout pnor w m o n
prmiulon 01 Rollc-RoyceCorponroon. b. d i v l o v d in whole or in par( lo third prtlm Thm I-nd
.hall b. Included on any npmduclmn 01 thia data In w h o h or in pan W n p M 2OOO Rollc-Roycc Corporation (Unpublished)

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PAGE 16 OF 35

Spline No. 14, M a p . 22.5X

Spline Nos.19-20, M a p . 9.5X

Figure 9.

SEM image documenting the condition of Spline Nos. 14, 19&20 with increasing
amount of fretting on the loaded surface.

PROPRIETARY RIGHTS LEGEND This technical data and lha inlormanon c m b d n d herem IS the pmperty e4 snd pmpnetay to R o l l d o y c c Alllaon. and .hall not wlthoYl pnor w m c n
permmuon of RollcRoyce Corpontlon. be disclosed In whole or In Pan to third partie8 This legend ahdl be inc1ud.d on any npmduction of lhm data in whole or in pa;
Rolldoyce Corporation (Unpubliahsd)

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PAGE 17 OF 35

Magn. 9.6X

Magn. 7.5X

Figure 10.

SEM image documenting the condition of Spline Nos. 20-21 (top) and 2426 (bottom). Note increasing fretting wear impressions from Turbine Tiebolt Nut on
right side of images. Dashed lines indicate approximate locations of wear depth


Thislechnlcd dala and the information embodled henln I S the p m p r t y of and p m p n e b y to Roll.-Roycc U11-n and .MI
no( rlthout pnorrmnen
p r m l m o n of R o l l ~ o y c Corponlion.
be discloeed In whole or In part lo third partma Thm I w n d shall be Included on any npmducloan of 1ht.d.U
on ;hole or m p i Copynghl2000.
Roll.-Royce Corponllon (Unpubll.hed)

Export Controlled

OF AS-224

Figure 11.

PAGE 18 OF 35

Magn. 20X
Lab-opened crack at the base of a spline (No. 22) showing fatigue crack growth.
Slotted rectangle indicates enlargement shown in photo at right. Whlte arrows
indicate crack growth direction.

Export Controlled


Figure 12.

PAGE 19 OF 35

Fracture characteristics consistent with fatigue crack propagation.

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OF AS-224

PAGE 20 OF 35

M a p . 35X

Figure 13.

SEM image of circumferential fracture surface of splines (Nos. 18- 19) on Turbine to
Compressor Coupling indicating the extent of fretting damage on the splines.


Thla technical d.1. and the infomatton embodled henin is the pmwrty of and pmpn.t.ry
to RollcAoyce *Ila.on and h a l l not YlthoUt pnor w m e n
prmowon of RollcRoyce Corporalton. b. doulo.cd in whole or In pan to third pani.r Thia legend .hall be 8nclud.d on any reproductnon 01 thla dala tn whole or ~n pafl Copynghl *OM.
R O l l d o y C e Corporation (Unpubhhcd)

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V " L n c u L o ~ L n 0

o m o c v o ~ o o

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



OF AS-224

PAGE 23 OF 35

Unetched, M a p . 50X

2% Nital, Ma&. 50X

Figure 15.

Cross section of Turbine To Compressor spline (Nos.25-26) with crack at root

showing straight propagation, characteristic of fatigue crack growth.

PROPRIETARY RIGHTS LEGEND Thialechntcd dah and the inlomatton embodled henm Islhc pmpcrty of and pmpncby IO R o l l d o y s c Ul#.on.and .hall not. rnhoul pnorwntten
of Roll.-Roycc Corpomllon. be dtuloud In whole or in p n lo third p a n i n This Ibgend .hall be mcluded on any npmdunoon 01 Ihss d a h en whol. or ~np n CoWnphl 2 m .
Roll.Aoycc CorpQnllon (Unpublwhd)


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. . .

. .. -

E d o PZ 3 3 V d



PAGE 25 OF 35

M a g . 1.8X
Figure 17.

Photos show the as-received condition of the Turbine Splined Adapter. The dashed
line indicates the location of the metallurgical section within the damaged splines.


Thm lechniul d.1. and the Informationmbodled henin IS the propny of and propn.1.y io Roll.-Royce Nll.on and .hall nol. wllhout pnor rm.n
prmluron of RollcRoyce Corponlwn. k dt%loYd tn whole or In part lo lhird p a n i n This lagend shall b. tnc1ud.d on any mpmductoon 01 thm dah in w h d . 01in p n W n g M ?Om

RollcRoycc Corpormon (Unpublished)

Export Controlled


PAGE 26 OF 35


Figure 18.

M a p . 50X
SEM images documenting typical condition of splines on the Turbine Splined


Thin tuhnical dah and Ihe intormation ambodid harein 16lha p m p q of and pmpnellry lo Rolldoyc. UIison. and shall not wtlhout pnw w m e n
prmi.uon ofR o l l d o y c e Corponllon, be d i u l o u d in whole or In part lo third parliThis I-nd
shall b. included on any mpmduaoon of thm dale in whole or in pa; Copynghl2OOO.
RollMoyce Corporation (Unpubllshd)

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PAGE 27 OF 35

M a p . lOOX

Figure 19.

Microstructural section showing the condition of the splines on the Turbine Splined

PROPRIETARY RIGHTS LEGEND This technical data and the inlomatton *mbodted hem" IS the p m p l t y 01 and pmpnmry IO Roll.-Royc* U11.on and h a l l nat wnhoul pnor r m e n
p.rml.uon 01 RollcRoyce Corporation be d i u l o u d In whole or in p r t to third p r t l n Thm I v n d ahall be included on m y npmductson 01 tho. dam 8" ;hole or an p i Copynght2ooo.
RollcRoyce Corporation (Unpublmhdj

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PAGE 28 OF 35


. ... .

. . .. . ..


. .

Figure 20.

Microstructure of Turbine Splined Adapter showing nitrided case and silver plate
(white) in top photo and quenched and tempered martensitic structure in bottom
Etchant: 2% Nital, Magn. 500X

RIGHTS LEGEND Th18technical data and the inlormatim unbodied h w "

p m l w o n 01 Roll.-RoYc~Corporation.be d l a c l d In whole or In prl to third p n l M Th18 I-nd
RollcRoyce Corpomon (Unpublmhed)


p r o p * 01 and pmpne1.y to RollcAoycc Uli.on. and .hall not. wlthoYt pnor w m u l

.halt be 1nclud.d on any nprodud~on
d thm dah on whok 01~nprl CoWnght 2 M o .

IS the

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PAGE 29 OF 35


M a p . 0.95X

M a p . 1.25X

Figure 21.

As received condition of the Spur Adapter Gearshaft

P R O P R I E T A R Y R I G H T S L E G E N D This 1uhnic.l data and the mlom*loon embodled haman IS the p r o p * 01 and pmpne1.y IO Rolldoyc. Nl8.on. and .h.llnot. wnhout pnor w m e n
shall b. Includd on any npmduaton of tho. d a b on whole o( In part w n g h t 2000.
p r " . u o n 01 RollCRoYCe Corporalion. bc disclosed in whole or In prlto third panin This I-nd
RollCRoyce Corponllon (Unpublmhed)

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PAGE 30 OF 35

- --

7-- -


- .


Figure 22.

Aft O-ring

Close up of the forward and aft 0-Ring from the Spur Adapter Gearshaft showing
damage on the aft O-ring consistent with compression against the splines. Arrows
indicate damage.


This tnhn1c81 datB 8nd the inlormat#onembodied henm IS the pmprty 01 and propnetay to Aolldoyce A111.on and shall not wllhoY1 p n o r w m m
permmuon 01 Roll&oyce Corpontion. be d8ulos.d In whole or In pati to t h d p s n m This I q n d ahall k included on any npmduclion 01 tho. dat8 ~nwhole or In pati Copyright zmo RollrRoyce Corpontlon (Unpublished)

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PAGE 31 OF 35

Magn. 0.9X

Figure 23.

As received condition of Turbine Tie Bolt. Bottom photo shows typical condition of
Turbine Tiebolt Nut splines.

P R O P R I E T A R Y R I G H T S L E G E N D This lechnlcnl d a h and the inlormallon nmbodld h*nln IS Ihe p m p q of and pmpnalary IO R o l l d o y u Nloand .hall nal,wlthoUI pnor w m * n
In whole or In p R lo third p a r l l r Thia I w n d .hall b. inc1ud.d on any n p m d u d ~ o n
of lhta data in who* or ~np n Comnphl Ky)(I.
permi.uon of R o l l d o Y c e C o w n i l o n . b. dl.cl&
Rolldoycc C o w m i l o n (Unpublmhld)

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PAGE 32 OF 35

Magn. 0.6X

Magn. 0.8X

Figure 24.

As received condition of the 1St Stage Turbine Wheel. Dashed line indicates
metallurgical section.

PROPRIETARY RIGHTS LEGEND This technical d a h and the Inlormallon mbodled henm ISthe property 01 and pmpnatary to Rolldoyce *Illson and shall not wllhovt pnor w n a n
or on p i Copynpht Zoo0
p.rmi.uon 01 Roll.-Royca Corporation be dimclod In whole or in part to third p . r t l ~This I w n d shall be included on m y mproductoon of thm data I" &I.
RollGloyce Corporation (Unpublmhed)

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PAGE 33 OF 35


Figure 25.

Microstructure of the 1'' Stage Turbine Wheel taken at the wheel rim showing
acceptable structure.
Etchant: MT, M a p . 3500X

PROPRIETARY RIGHTS LEGEND Thm technical d4U and the informationembodmd hamin IS the prop.* of and pmpn.1.y
Wrml-on of ROIICRoyce Corporatlon be dmcloud in whole or in p r l t o third p n l m Tho. I-nd
RollcAoyca Corporatlon (Unpubleshadj

to Rolldoyc. *Il~.on.and shall not. w n b a pnor wm.n

shall b. mcludad on any m p d u c t l o n of Ihbs d.U tn whole or tn p.rl Copywht 2 m .

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PAGE 34 OF 35


Figure 26.

As received condition of 2"d Stage Turbine Wheel. Dashed line indicates

metallurgical section.
Magn. 0.6X

PROPRIETARY RIGHTS LEGEND Thin technical data and the intormallon embodled henun IS the property 01 and pmpnctay to Roiidoyce Ulfi.on and shall not wnhoYt pnor wmen
prmluron 01 R o k U o y c c Corporation,be dieclosed in whole or In prlto third parties This legend shall be Included on m y npmdustion 01 tha.dsU on ~&lc or ~n p s i CoWnght ma,.
R o l l d o y c e Corpontlon (Unpublished)

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PAGE 35 OF 35

M a g . 0.5X

M a g . 0.6X
Figure 27.

As received condition of 1" Stage Nozzle. Dashed line indicates metallurgical


PROPRIETARY R I G H T S L E G E N D Thm technical data and the inlonnallon embodled hcnln IS Ihc pmprty 01 and propnctary lo R o l l d o y c c Mnl.on, and shall nol. without pnor w n n m
p r m l v l o n of R o l l d o y c e Corporallon, be diu1o.d In whole or In pan to third psnles This I q n d shall bc mcluded on any npmducllon 01 Ihm data I" whole or ~n p n Ccpynpht 2000.
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