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Grant Proposal

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TO: Kara Pleasants

FROM: Rebecca Sikora

SUBJECT: Audience Analysis for Grant Proposal
DATE: December 10, 2015
The purpose of this memo is to explain what grantor I chose to write to for
the grant proposal, why I choose that specific grantor, how the
communication between EHCC and me was, and anything else that you
might not get otherwise while reading the grant proposal.
I decided to create my grant proposal for the Bank of America Charitable
Foundation. I have credit and debit accounts with Bank of America, which
made me think of them as a possible grantor. Whenever I go in there they
are helpful and concerned about my needs. Bank of America is one of the
largest and most well known banks in the nation, so I thought they would
have to have some type of charity foundation. Though Bank of Americas
main purpose is to make the financial lives of those who do business with us
better, the company focuses on other issues as well. Bank of Americas
values include fostering relationships, trust, responsibility, respect, and
diversity. These values lead into its Charitable Foundation. Bank of America
Charitable Foundation awards grants from $10,000 to $100,000 to non-profit
projects and events that contain similar missions. Bank of America Charitable
Foundation develops partnerships with nonprofit organizations serving
community needs, bringing our collective networks and expertise to help
communities grow and thrive. This grantor is investing $2 billion over the
next ten years to support these missions.
Because there are Bank of America banks in Calvert County, EHCC meets the
location requirement. Bank of America Charitable Foundation provides grants
to workforce development and basic human services, which focuses on
hunger relief and lowering poverty rates. End Hunger in Calvert County
mission aligns with the Bank of America Charitable Foundation. EHCC focuses
on providing resources for the lower class residents in Calvert County. These
resources include collecting donations in order to distribute produce to ECHH
sponsored food pantries and create events to help those people who rely on
pantries to find jobs and gain new work skills to move them from dependent
to self-sufficient. The event I am proposing also focuses on both ending
hunger and workforce development.1
Interaction with EHCC
1 Bank of America website

When I first contacted End Hunger in Calvert County, I received an email

back from my contact that she was no longer working there. At that point I
had to find another way to get in contact with the NPO. I searched on its
website for the names of the employees. I ended up sending an email to
Ahna the community coordinator for EHCC. Also I sent in a general contact
form on its website. In a few days, I heard back from EHCC. The email was
not from Ahna but rather Jackie Miller the EHCC president. Ms. Miller
answered all of my questions and attached financial and annual reports.
Miller and I were back and forth with emails this whole project. Unfortunately
I did not hear back in time before the internal project proposal so I had to
create my own event. Miller asked me to come into the office and discuss
with her and the creative director what type of writing documents they could
use for EHCCs new Caf Management Program. At the time I was already
finished with my genre choice and was compiling the beginnings of the grant
proposal. So instead of working with EHCC this late in the process and trying
to relate the projects to what I had already completed, I am volunteering for
them this spring on events and design elements.
In my grant proposal, I am going to make sure that it is clear that Bank of
America Charitable Foundations mission align with those of End Hunger in
Calvert County. I think that if they see how the missions are the same they
will push the proposal to higher priority and want to keep reading beyond the
cover letter or executive summary.

December 10, 2015

Kerry Herlihy Sullivan
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
PO Box 55850
Boston, MA 02205-5850
Dear Kerry Herlihy Sullivan:
I am pleased to enclose a project proposal to work with the Bank of America
Charitable Foundation on creating an End Hunger in Calvert County (EHCC)
Run Toward Your Future event. With a grant of $30,000, EHCC will host a
fundraising run and career fair to combine our two missions of ending hunger
and creating self-sustainability.
The mission relates to Bank of America Charitable Foundation priority focus
areas of hunger and workforce development. Currently one out of nine
Calvert County residents are relying on food pantries for his or her next
meal2. EHCCs Run Toward Your Future event focuses on eliminating this
problem as well as helping residents gain valuable career skills to obtain a
job to provide for his or herself and not dependent on EHCC food pantries.
Our event promises to decrease hunger and increase employment within the
Our request covers the expenses of the fundraiser run aspect of Run Toward
your Future called Run to End Hunger. The donations collected from the run
will go toward creating the EHCC Career Fair and Workshop. Each year EHCC
distributes nearly one million pounds of food to our Partner Food Pantries to
help 10,000 residents in need3. Previous EHCC events have raised around
$50,000, so your grant contribution will allow EHCC to raise double the
amount, helping twice as many residents.4 EHCC excelled in providing food
for the community this past year, but there can always be more to
accomplish. With your support, EHCC can move beyond just providing food to
also providing resources for residents to become self-dependent.
2 End Hunger In Calvert County - End Hunger In Calvert County. (2015).
3 2014 EHCC Annual Report
4 Ibid.

Thank you for taking the time to consider contributing to not only our
mission, but also Bank of Americas philanthropic mission. I hope to hear
from you soon about the next step in the grant process. Feel free to contact
me with any further questions you possess.
Rebecca Sikora
EHCC Event Director

A Proposal Prepared for
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Rebecca Sikora
Director of Events
End Hunger in Calvert County

This proposal is requesting $30,000 grant for an event called Run Toward
Your Future. The event includes a fundraising run with a career fair that to
provide resources for residents to become self-sustainable and produce to
food pantries.
December 2015

Table of Contents
Ending Hunger and Creating SelfSustainability....3
Run Toward Your

Best Practices.


Appendix A: Budget

Executive Summary
End Hunger in Calvert County (EHCC) seeks a grant of $30,000 for the
event, Run Toward Your Future. This weekend event combines a fundraiser
run called Run To End Hunger and a workplace development workshop with
roundtable discussions called the EHCC Career Fair the day after. Not only
will the run provide donations to food EHCC food pantries but it will also
contribute funding the career event to follow. The career fair will assist
unemployed Calvert residents to find employment and create smart financial
decisions. We plan on doubling the amount of money we put into the run to
pay for the career event to ensure there are a high amount of prospect
employers and many business resources to give the opportunity for residents
to get the skills and career tips to impress those employers. Run Toward Your
Future will provide food, resources, and opportunities to those living in
hunger and poverty in Calvert County.
The mission of Run Toward your future is to help those residents who
are one of the nine people to rely on food pantries, find employment so they
no longer need help from the food pantries. EHCC wants to create a giving
community, to increase employment by helping residents build resume and
career skills and to provide a constant flow of produce to the EHCC
sponsored pantries to finally end hunger in Calvert County. This mission to
develop a community to end hunger and poverty relates to what Bank of
America Charitable Foundation focuses on, workplace development and basic
human services in an area where many Calvert residents bank with Bank of
This grant proposal goes into further discussion of the event Run
Toward Your Future by explaining more about what EHCC does as a nonprofit
as well as the issue of hunger and unemployment in Calvert County. Next
EHCC describes the complete project description, which includes the goals
and objectives of the event, methods, best practices, evaluation, and future
funding. Finally the last part concludes with final thoughts and timeline and
what exact resources and supplies the $30,000 will contribute to.

5 Charitable Foundation funding opportunities from Bank of America. (2012, June 12).

Formally launched April 2008, End Hunger in Calvert County (EHCC) is

a nonprofit that focuses on helping individuals create permanent solutions
that help move them from dependency to self-sufficiency.6 EHCC works with
individuals using resources provided through donations to make lifelong
results. The mission of EHCC is easy to remember because its name is its
mission: End Hunger in Calvert County. EHCC strives to provide food and
resources such as job training programs, so no one in the county has to go
without a meal. EHCC believes that all people matter and the relationships
they build bring positive life changes. Relationships are key to connecting to
the community and receiving donations. All of the profits raised and food
collected go back to Calvert County residents. Because the profits go
directly back to the community and other qualifications, in October 2105,
EHCC met the charity standards making it an accredited charity. 7
A staff of five runs EHCC in one central office located in Huntingtown,
MD. The EHCC board consists of six community members from pastors to
local businessmen and women. EHCC has an association of over 50 Calvert
County businesses and community leaders united behind the idea of ending
hunger in our county.8 Farms to provide produce for the EHCC. The End
Hunger Farms provide over 100,000 pounds of fresh produce to the pantries
according to the Together We Stand video about EHCC.9 Bayside Auto Group
is one of the businesses involved in the association to end hunger in Calvert.
Every car Bayside Auto Group sells, they donate $50 to EHCC.10
EHCC has provided nearly one million pounds of food to our Partner
Food Pantries to help 10,000 residents in need. The amount of food
distributed has increases each year. Previous EHCC events have each raised
around $50,000.11 Overall $724,806 in donations received were a result of
fund raising activities.12 These events are similar to the run and career fair.
EHCC planned a bike ride, obstacle course, dragon boat races, a caf
management track program, culinary training classes and more. Each one of
those events took comparable resources and training as the event Run
Toward Your Future would require. Last year there were a total of 500
volunteers for the events and around 5,000 participants.13 EHCC has the
experience and community support in planning fundraising events and
hosting career opportunities in order to provide an option for selfdependency.
With the donations, EHCC does more than just provide food. It holds
programs and services for those in need to get back on their feet. EHCC
6 End Hunger In Calvert County - End Hunger In Calvert County. (2015).
7 End Hunger In Calvert County. (2015, October). BBB Wise Giving Alliance
8 2014 EHCC Annual Report.
9 Ibid.
10 End Hunger In Calvert County - End Hunger In Calvert County. (2015).
11 Ibid.
12 End Hunger In Calvert County. (2015, October). BBB Wise Giving Alliance.
13 2014 EHCC Annual Report.

provides resources so people can move away from being dependent.

Resources include the filing taxes for free if the resident made $60,000 or
less, providing a free 8-week culinary training program for those
unemployed, and career workshops to get people back in the workforce. In
the past year EHCC graduated 60 people from its culinary training program
giving those individuals the career skills to obtain a job. Seventy percent of
the graduates are now employed.14 This allows residents to create selfsustainable lifestyles. On top of the high amount of graduates from the
program, provided 3,100 local resource guides for Partner Food Pantries,
delivered over 800 meals for 28 adults and 23 kids displaced from
Hallowing Point Trailer Park, and provided free tax help to 203 low income
families where the average tax return (both state and federal combined)
was $1,878.15
EHCC continues to increase the amount of food donations, fundraising
events, and workplace development resources for the residents of Calvert
County. Last year, EHCC used 93% of its funds for programs, 5% toward
fundraising and 2% for administrative.16 Together the staff, board members,
sponsors, volunteers, and Calvert residents, possess the ability and
experience to take on new fundraising events and career workshops such as
the event Run Toward Your Future. With the proper funding, the event will
help the community take a huge step toward accomplishing its mission of
ending hunger in Calvert County.
Ending Hunger and Creating Self-Sustainability
Hunger is the main problem EHCC focuses on. Calvert County is the
13th wealthiest county nationwide but one out of every nine residents rely on
food pantries to provide their next meal.17 The issue is larger than just
hunger. There is a definitive income disparity throughout the county. Calvert
County has a high cost of living index of 133.2 compared to the national
average of 100, making it hard for minimum wage or unemployed workers to
provide for their families.18 To be one of the wealthiest counties with a
median household of income over $95,000 according to the US Census
Bureau statistics, but still have people worried about their next meal shows
that certain outliers make the average county income higher.19 The county
has the money but over 10 percent are still in need. Over 10,000 people are
in need of food assistance and 5,000 families live below the poverty line in
Calvert County.20 Rather than just focusing on providing donations and

End Hunger In Calvert County. (2015, October). BBB Wise Giving Alliance.
End Hunger In Calvert County - End Hunger In Calvert County. (2015).
"Calvert County QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau." Calvert County QuickFacts from the US Census
Bureau. Accessed November 1, 2015.
19 Ibid.
20 End Hunger In Calvert County - End Hunger In Calvert County. (2015).

distributing produce to food pantries EHCC also focuses on providing long

term solutions to the disparity. The Run Toward Your future event will not only
provide the food donations but will give job resources to the 10,000 residents
in need to help limit the hunger, poverty and income disparity in Calvert
County. When people have the proper career skills, their chance of
employment increases because they seem more qualified. Having a job
provides constant income for the person to provide for themselves and if
they have one, their family. This makes them less dependent on relying on
food pantries and more self-sufficient because they can buy their own
produce. By making people self-sufficient by helping them find employment
they will have the funds to provide their own meals rather than rely on food

Run Toward Your Future

Statement of Goals/Objectives
The goal of Run Toward Your Future would be to provide residents with
the necessary career tools to become self-sufficient as well as distribute
donations to food pantries. Each objective will contribute to the goal of the
event. The objectives are realistic, measurable, attainable, and timely
because they are based on outcomes of previous EHCC planned events.
1. The first objective is to register 700 people for the fundraiser run,
Run To End Hunger. A larger event budget allows for more participants.
2. Another run objective would be to raise $75,000 at the Run Towards
Your Future event. The Dragon Boat festival raised $50,000 throughout
the day while Bike to End Hunger collected $35,000, making this goal
higher than others but still within EHCCs means.22
3. Objective three is to provide and distribute 10,000 pounds of
produce to the EHCC sponsored food pantries.
4. The next objective would be to enroll at least 30 residents for the
workshop and 20 prospect business employers. With 10,000 Calvert
residents in need and association with more than 50 businesses and
organizations, this objective is attainable.23
5. Finally the last objective is to find employment for 50% of the
workshop participants. After the culinary training, 70% of the
graduates found employment making 50% a realistic goal.24
21 Tapogna, J., Suter, A., Nord, M., & Leachman, M. (2004). Explaining variations in state
hunger rates. Family Economics and Nutrition Review, 16(2), 12-22.
22 End Hunger In Calvert County - End Hunger In Calvert County. (2015).
23 Ibid.
24 2014 EHCC Annual Report.

While there are many objectives in order to reach the goal, EHCC has
an extensive plan on how to accomplish all of them.
Methods and Implementation
How this goal and objectives are going to be accomplished comes with
precise planning in two parts. The timeline of planning would be for the rest
of 2015 into 2016 and be held in September of 2016. The first six months
would be planning both the run and workshop event to get resources,
sponsors and donors. The next months would be for promoting and executing
the fully planned events.
Part I: The Fundraising Run25
When planning a run there are many things that need to happen in
order to make sure it reaches a large audience and runs smoothly. The
logistics would consist of registration, booths at the starting line, police
security and hydration/aid stations along the race route, and a small festival
of local vendors at the end of the race with live music.
1. Location: The location would be held between the start of the North
Beach Boardwalk to the Chesapeake Beach Resort. From one location
to the other is approximately a 5K.26 The location is associated with
EHCC because both towns are located in Calvert County. The North
Beach Boardwalk has three parking lots with plenty of space for people
to park before the race while the resort provides lodging and further
2. Sponsors: Asking local Calvert businesses, larger organizations, and
previous sponsors for donations would be useful in setting up booths at
the end of the race EHCC would also ask vendors to set up booths at
the end of the run to promote local businesses and create an intriguing
and fun environment for after the race and for the people cheering on
their family and friends.
3. Logistics: This includes filing race permits, coordinating police safety,
setting up hydration and first aid stations, designing and printing tshirts, getting portable restrooms, finding a caterer for race snacks and
hiring a band. For the band EHCC would reach out to Brothers Osborne,
a country band that is from Calvert County to perform at the finish line.
Only race participants will be able to attend the after race concert
because the price of entering the run includes a ticket to the concert.
4. Promotion: The methods of promotion EHCC would use are the website,
social media, local businesses, brochures, press releases to journalists
and local TV stations, and flyers.
5. Registration: Create an online registration form for participants and
volunteers. Both are necessary in creating the run. The cost of

25 "How to Organize a 5K." Race: Successful Planning Guide. Accessed November 1, 2015.
26 Google map from North Beach MD to Chesapeake Beach MD

participating in the race would be $50 per person. This registration fee
includes food, water, medal, t-shirt, and concert ticket.
6. Clean up/Evaluation: A volunteer sanitary crew will be organized to
make sure the locations are clean after the race and after race concert.
With evaluation, EHCC can decide on what career workshops to hold
for residents.
Part II: The Career Fair27
The career fair will begin with workshops for the participants followed by
the networking roundtables after. EHCC will conduct workshops including
resume creating, interview technique section, long list of available jobs, job
fair of round table discussions with prospective employers and business
professionals, and a keynote speaker to wrap up the event. Main aspects to
planning the fair will be locating a venue, targeting sponsors, marketing and
advertising, soliciting company participation, procuring booths and tables,
and training Job Fair staff.28
1. Sponsors and business professionals: Again we would ask around for
local job openings, and business professionals who would take an
evening out of their day to give advice at the round table discussions.
By checking local papers and with individual businesses a grand list
of employers will be created. Special invitations will be sent out to
employers who EHCC would like to join the career fair if willing and
2. Keynote Speaker: EHCC would find a successful business professional
that has a story similar to the ones needing the career resources. Out
of the sponsors already involved with EHCC, one will be willing to
speak in honor of the event.
3. Location: Hold at the Calvert County Library located in Prince Fredrick
or even Chesapeake Beach. The libraries already provide WiFi,
computers and job searches, so by working together the workshop
would have all of the resources it requires. Sunday the library is closed
so we can get them to open it for this particular event on that day in
order to use those technology resources and the event room.29 If the
library is not available resources will be shifted and EHCC will use the
Chesapeake Beach Community service banquet hall, which also has
several of the necessary items needed for the career fair. A separate
and quiet location will be set up for private interviews.
4. Collect necessary supplies: For the resume we would bring in our
personal laptops with a wireless printer to work with attendees on
27 "University Career Center & The President's Promise @ University of Maryland."
University Career Center & The President's Promise @ University of Maryland. Accessed
November 5, 2015.
28 Job Fair Toolkit: A Practical Guide and Best Practices for Organizing, Conducting, and
Attending Job Fairs. (2007, January). USAID.
29 "Calvert Library, More Than You Can Imagine!" Calvert Library. Accessed November 1,

creating their resumes. But there would also be the computers already
provided in the library. Then we would purchase supplies such as ink,
paper, nametags, food, and beverages.
5. More promotion: This audience would tend to see the physical forms of
promotion rather than online mediated promotion. Flyers about the
Career Fair and workshops provided as well as word of mouth
advertising at the run would be the best tactics. Flyer postings of the
Career Fair will be distributed to the EHCC sponsored food pantries
because a majority of the event is intended for that audience.
However, There will still be promotion on social media accounts and
the website.
Best Practices
With the success of other physical event type of fundraisers in Calvert
such as the bike ride, obstacle course, and dragon boat races, residents are
shown to enjoy and participate in this type of event. Research and previous
experience was used to determine what all is necessary for planning and
executing a successful fundraiser run.
When deciding the best practice to help create employment and career
skills in Calvert, a career fair came to mind. Recently the Calvert County
School District hosted a career fair and employed 18 people, according to a
staff member in the Calvert County School District Offices. EHCC has the
experience to make its career fair equally if not more successful. Though a
typical employer tends to hire only around 8.3% of its employees from career
fairs, there are many benefits of having one to help increase employment in
the area.30 Career Fairs can be used as a vehicle for enhancing an individual's
belief in his or her capacity to execute behaviors necessary to produce
specific performance attainments and in this case employment.31 Career fairs
allow for participants to meet local employers and get their name out there,
gain self-presenting skills, find entry-position jobs, enhance or create a
resume, make connections and network, and increase their overall chances
of finding employment.32
Career fairs are also beneficial for employers because they gain access
to a large number of candidates in one place, increase brand awareness, and
meet and network with other organizations.33 When companies participate in
career fairs they increase their organizational images, which matters
because they help people differentiate a firm from competitors and

30 Crispin, G., & Mehler, M. (2010, February 1). CareerXroads 9th Annual Source of Hire
31 Kolodinsky, P., Schroder, V., Montopoli, G., McLean, S., Mangan, P. A., & Pederson, W..
(2006). The Career Fair as a Vehicle for Enhancing Occupational Self-Efficacy. Professional
School Counseling, 10(2), 161167.

32 Yate, M. (2014, July 8). How Job Seekers Should Use Job Fairs.
33 Smith, J. (2014, March 7). 4 Reasons Why Job Fairs Aren't A Total Waste For Companies.

encourage people to develop feelings of attachment to a firm, making the

prospect employees want to work there.34
Evaluation will take place for both parts of Run Toward Your Future. To
evaluate the success of the run, EHCC will analyze the donation sum, the
amount of registered participants and volunteers, and the funds leftover
after planning the EHCC Career Fair. When evaluating the workshop how
many residents enrolled, how many of those participants get hired from the
workshop, and a participant survey on effectiveness will be considered.
These evaluations will also be used in determining if the event objectives
were accomplished.
Future Funding
EHCC will use the leftover collected funds for the run to assist the
funding of another run in the future. This is in hope of making it annual
event. After the Career Fair we plan to gain future partnerships from
companies and organizations that assist at the workshop, in order to have
future career fairs.
End Hunger in Calvert County requests your support in ending hunger
and providing employment opportunities to the residents of Calvert County. A
grant of $30,000 within the next two years would be vital in order to plan the
event, Run Toward Your Future. A Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Grant would help promote the higher purpose by creating, empowering,
building, providing new hope, and ensuring the future of the Calvert County
community. With the anticipated $2 billion in charitable donations you plan to
give in the next ten years, awarding part of that to the EHCC Run Toward
Your Future event will not only accomplish EHCCs mission but because the
two organizations missions are similar it would also contribute to your
mission. Both organizations strive to provide basic human services and
workplace development opportunities. EHCCs success is your success your
partnership is invaluable the lives we are changing are real. And together,
well accomplish what we set out to do getting to the root causes of hunger
and helping people move from dependency to self-sufficiency.

34 Cable, D. M., & Yu, K. Y. T. (2006). Managing job seekers' organizational image beliefs:
The role of media richness and media credibility. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91(4), 828.

The $30,000 grant the funds will be used for creating the fundraiser run
called, Run to End Hunger in Calvert County and hosting the EHCC Career
Fair. The expenses for both parts of the event Run Toward Your Future are
split up into three categories: services, supplies and equipment, and
Grand Total: $30,000
Year 1- 2015
Supplies/Equipme 4,500
Leftover Total: $8,000

Year 2- 2016




The following is how much leftover funds from the fundraiser run will be
allocated to creating the EHCC Career Fair. It details where the expenses will
be used in order to implement this event. The funds collected for the run will
also go toward the Career Fair if needed. The leftover funds from the run will
be used to provide produce to the EHCC sponsored food pantries.
Grand Total: $8,000
Career Fair
Year 1- 2015
Supplies/Equipme 1,000

Year 1- 2015




a. Budget Narrative
EHCC will have two employees working on planning the event, one on
the run the other on the fair. This will consume only around 27% of the funds.
For the run, the other funds will be distributed to pay for race permits, police
safety, hydration and first aid stations, printing t-shirts, race numbers,
medals, portable restrooms and sanitation stations, food, and entertainment.
Part of the budget will also go to promotion such as materials for flyers. This
total cost will be $22,000.
The grant leftovers of $8,000 from the fundraiser run will go toward
creating the career fair. Costs include rental space fee, technology, tables,
chairs, food, beverage, paper, ink, simple decorations, and promotion. The
donations collected from the run will go to extra costs of the Career Fair, and
the leftovers will go toward distributing produce to food pantries and future

Annotated Bibliography
Cable, D. M., & Yu, K. Y. T. (2006). Managing job seekers' organizational
image beliefs: The role of media richness and media credibility. Journal
of Applied Psychology, 91(4), 828.
This article allowed me to back up why a company would want to participate
in a career fair. Through participation they get to promote its image
and attract more prospect employees.
Calvert County QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau. (2015). Retrieved
November 16, 2015, from
The fact about 10,000 families relying on food pantries was from the
total population in Calvert County and the one out of nine statistic from
the EHCC website. This fact helps the audience understand the issue
and how the event is for a good cause.
"Calvert Library, More Than You Can Imagine!" Calvert Library. Accessed
November 1, 2015.
I used this site to make sure there were computers available as well as
a large banquet room for the roundtable discussion part of the career
fair. By having a location that already has technology helps lower the
costs needed for supplies.
Charitable Foundation funding opportunities from Bank of America. (2012,
June 12). Retrieved December 1, 2015, from

I was able to use this site to find more about the grantor for the
audience analysis. It also helped me connect my mission with the
grantors mission.
Crispin, G., & Mehler, M. (2010, February 1). CareerXroads 9th Annual Source
of Hire Study. Retrieved December 12, 2015, from
Used this PDF to provide backup to why I chose to create a Career Fair.
It gave me ways to why they work and aspects involved in them.
End Hunger In Calvert County - End Hunger In Calvert County. (2015).
Retrieved November 16, 2015, from http://www.endhungercalvert.org/
For every quote, fact, and date that is about EHCC, I used this website.
The facts show the mission of the event, which appeals to the targeted
audience because they want to know why they should accept this
grant proposal. Showing the issue, why it is prevalent and how the
event can alleviate the problem gets the grantor interested.
End Hunger In Calvert County. (2015, October). BBB Wise Giving Alliance.
Retrieved December 1, 2015, from

The website gave me facts about EHCC as to why they are an

accredited nonprofit organization. It also gave me other facts about
what EHCC accomplished the past year.
"How to Organize a 5K." Race: Successful Planning Guide. Accessed
November 1, 2015.
I used this article to make sure I showed and considered all of the
aspects that a fundraiser run takes to be successful. This source was
mainly used in the methods section.
Job Fair Toolkit: A Practical Guide and Best Practices for Organizing,
Conducting, and Attending Job Fairs. (2007, January). USAID.
Retrieved from http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/Pnadq008.pdf
This document allowed me to see all of the components and benefits of
a Job Fair. I was able to use this in my project description section.
Kolodinsky, P., Schroder, V., Montopoli, G., McLean, S., Mangan, P. A., &
Pederson, W.. (2006). The Career Fair as a Vehicle for Enhancing
Occupational Self-Efficacy. Professional School Counseling, 10(2), 161
167. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/24029160
This scholarly article shows a benefit of job fairs for people looking for
employment. The article links occupational self-efficacy with career
Smith, J. (2014, March 7). 4 Reasons Why Job Fairs Aren't A Total Waste For
Companies. Retrieved December 1, 2015, from

A main concern would be why would employers want to go to a job
fair? So this site allowed my to give counterarguments about my
project description and my best practices.
Tapogna, J., Suter, A., Nord, M., & Leachman, M. (2004). Explaining variations
in state hunger rates. Family Economics and Nutrition Review, 16(2),
This article supports the fact that if you increase employment, hunger
will decrease. It provides evidence to support that making people selfsufficient by helping them find employment they will have the funds to
provide their own meals rather than rely on food pantries.
Yate, M. (2014, July 8). How Job Seekers Should Use Job Fairs. Retrieved
December 1, 2015, from
This article gave insight on not only what people should do at a career
fair but also what they can get out of it. I used it in my best practices
2014 EHCC Annual Report
This document that Jackie Miller, president of EHCC, gave me recapped
everything that EHCC had done the past year including its accomplishments,

statistics, and other important information to increase the credibility of


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