Ics Compvoc
Ics Compvoc
Ics Compvoc
Grades 35
with Instructors Guide
Created by
Kim Paulsen, EdD
Vanderbilt University
iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu or iriscenter.com
Serving: Higher Education Faculty PD Providers Practicing Educators
Supporting the preparation of effective educators to improve outcomes for all children, especially those with disabilities, birth through age 21
Table of Contents n
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Case Study Level A, Case 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Case Study Level A, Case 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Case Study Level B, Case 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Case Study Level B, Case 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Case Study Level C, Case 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
STAR Sheet: Direct Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
STAR Sheet: Semantic Feature Analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
STAR Sheet: Graphic Organizers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
STAR Sheet: Metacognative Strategies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
an Instructors
Guide to this case study, please email your full name, 20
title, and institutional affiliation to the IRIS Center at iris@vanderbilt.edu.
To cite this case study unit:
Paulsen, K., & the IRIS Center. (2004). Comprehension & Vocabulary: Grades 35.
Retrieved on [month, day, year] from http://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu/wp-content/uploads/pdf_case_studies/ics_compvoc.pdf
The contents of this case study were developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education, # H325F010003. However, those contents do not necessarily represent
the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Project Officers, Helen Thornton and Anne Smith.
Case Study s
Comprehension in reading is the ability to understand a written text. When students comprehend a written passage,
they construct meaning from the words to understand the passage as a whole. Students can develop comprehension
at several levels.
Literal comprehension indicates a student can identify simple facts from a passage. Evaluative comprehension
demonstrates that a student can make judgments regarding the passages content. Inferential comprehension shows
that a student understands how the passages content relates to other passages or to other situations. The brief
passage below is followed by example questions from each of these three levels of comprehension.
Is a Whale a Fish?
A whale spends all of its time in the water. This means whales are fish, right?
Wrong! A whale is a mammal, an air-breathing creature just like you. A whale is a
marine, or sea, mammal. Other marine mammals include seals, sea lions, sea otters,
walruses, and manatees.
Mammals are warm-blooded animals, like dogs, cats, cows, and horses.
Whales and other mammals have a body temperature that stays the same no matter
how cold or hot the air or water becomes. A fish is cold-blooded. Its body
temperature changes so that it is always the same as the water it swims in.
From Explorer Books: Whales & Dolphins by Della Rowland (1991), pp. 7-8
Case Study s
Student: Antonio
Age: 9.5
Grade: 4th
Focus: Vocabulary Development
Antonio likes school and especially enjoys reading. However, he has a difficult time comprehending stories because
of a limited vocabulary. Antonios teacher, Ms. Falk, has observed that he is able to read sight words and decode
many unfamiliar words. Despite Ms. Falks previewing new vocabulary before each story, Antonio appears to
need more instruction in the meaning of words. As she ponders possible strategies to assist Antonio, she realizes all
of her students could benefit from the strategies. Consequently, she decides to implement a class-wide plan that will
assist all students and specifically help Antonio reach the following instructional goal:
Given vocabulary words, Antonio will provide definitions.
Possible Strategies
Direct Instruction
Semantic Feature Analysis
Graphic Organizers
! Assignment
1. Read the STAR sheets for each of the three possible strategies.
2. Describe each of the three strategies.
3. Describe one activity for each of the three strategies and explain how it could be used to assist
Antonio in achieving his goals.
Case Study s
Student: Pablo
Age: 10.3
Grade: 5th
Focus: Comprehension
Pablo is a fifth grader at a suburban elementary school. His reading strengths include a wide vocabulary, average
decoding skill, and average fluency. He has built these strengths across the past three years through his work with
the special education teacher, Mr. Trout. Pablo enjoys reading but still has difficulty comprehending what he reads.
The comprehension difficulties include both literal and evaluative questions (see Introduction, page 2, for
definitions). In addition, Pablo has difficulty identifying the main components of a story. As the end of the school
year approaches, his teacher has become concerned about his lack of progress in comprehension. During a
consultation with the reading specialist, several strategies were discussed and the following goals were developed
for Pablo:
Given a reading passage on his instructional level*, Pablo will answer literal comprehension questions.
Given a reading passage on his instructional level, Pablo will answer evaluative comprehension questions.
Given a reading passage on his instructional level, Pablo will identify the main components of the passage.
Possible Strategies
Graphic Organizers
Metacognitive Strategies
! Assignment
1. Read the STAR Sheets on the possible strategies listed above.
2. Describe each of the two strategies.
3. Define literal, evaluative, and inferential comprehension.
4. Describe how each strategy could be used to assist Pablo in achieving his goals.
*Instructional level: the level of materials students can read successfully on a daily basis for instruction
Case Study s
Student: Jos
Age: 10.6
Grade: 5th
Focus: Comprehension
Jos is a new student in the fifth grade. It is April and this is the third school Jos has been in this year. Jos adapts
well to change, has a positive attitude toward school, and appears to have made friends at his new school. Jos
does well in math and enjoys science and social studies. In the area of reading, Jos is able to easily decode
unfamiliar words and reads with good expression. However, in the area of comprehension, Jos has difficulty
answering questions that require reasoning and total understanding of the story. Jos also has difficulty identifying
the main components of a story. Joss teacher, Ms. Lundy, states that although he enjoys reading and does not
seem to be frustrated, he will not ask for help when needed, thus his reading grade is beginning to suffer. Ms.
Lundy has the following instructional goals for Jos:
Given a reading passage on his instructional level*, Jos will answer inferential and evaluative
comprehension questions (see Introduction, page 2, for definitions).
Given a reading passage on his instructional level, Jos will recall the main story elements.
Possible Strategies
Direct Instruction
Graphic Organizers
Metacognitive Strategies
! Assignment
1. Read the STAR sheets for the three strategies listed above and the Introduction.
2. Decide which of Joss goals you would address first and explain why.
3. For each goal, identify a strategy and explain why or how it will assist Jos in reaching his
*Instructional level: the level of materials students can read successfully on a daily basis for instruction
Case Study s
Student: Jacob
Age: 9.9
Grade: 4th
Focus: Vocabulary Development
Jacob is an active boy who enjoys coming to school and participates in sports after school. Jacob does well in most
classes but has difficulty with new vocabulary words. This difficulty with new vocabulary is not only seen during
reading class but also during content area classes such as science and social studies. Jacobs mother indicated
that he has always had difficulty understanding new vocabulary but that it hasnt affected his comprehension until
this year. Jacob is willing to adopt new strategies that will assist him in learning and remembering new vocabulary
words and also to help him better understand the story as a whole. Jacob and his teacher developed the following
goal for him:
Given vocabulary words, Jacob will define and use each in a sentence.
Possible Stragegies
Direct Instruction
Semantic Feature Analysis
Graphic Organizers
! Assignment
1. Read the STAR sheets for the two strategies listed above.
2. Explain how each strategy could assist Jacob in reaching his goal.
3. Explain how you would involve Jacobs parents, and develop an activity from one of these
three strategies that Jacobs parents can use at home.
Case Study s
Student: Beth
Age: 8.8
Grade: 3rd
Beth is an energetic third grader who enjoys school and has many friends. Her teacher, Mrs. Edwards, reports that
Beth works hard, has a positive attitude about school, and is a teacher pleaser. Beth has excellent math skills and
does well in her content area classes where all of the reading is still done as a group. However, Beth has difficulty
in the area of reading, specifically with new vocabulary and comprehension. It is the end of the second six-week
grading period, and Beths teacher has called a meeting with the parents and the reading specialist. Mrs. Edwards
concern is that if Beths reading skills do not improve this year she will have great difficulty in the fourth grade,
where she will be expected to do most of her reading independently. She wants to capitalize on Beths positive
attitude and increase her vocabulary and comprehension skills.
Areas of Strength
Listens and participates in all oral reading activities
Answers literal comprehension questions
Accepts feedback and help; positive attitude
! Assignment
1. Develop three or four goals for Beth.
2. Using the Comprehension & Vocabulary Grades 35 STAR sheets, select one strategy for each
goal and explain the benefits of using this strategy to address the corresponding goal.
3. Select one goal and describe one hands-on activity that will assist Beth in achieving that goal.
4. Select one goal and describe an activity you could develop for Beths parents to use at home.
What a STAR Sheet is
A STAR (STrategies And Resources) Sheet provides you with a description of a well-researched strategy that can
help you solve the case studies in this unit.
What It Is
Direct instruction requires the teacher to directly teach the pronunciation and definitions of new vocabulary words in
a highly organized manner and to directly teach comprehension strategies in a highly organized manner.
a sudden movement
in the rocks that make
up Earth's crust
Keep In Mind
Direct instruction involves teaching students step-by-baby-step to the point of redundancy. Though
enormously effective for students who need the repetition, redundancy can be reached by some students
very early leading to boredom or frustration. Consider how to provide engaging instruction to all students at
the level they need.
Direct instruction can be a challenge because it requires the teacher to break down an activity or skill she
does automatically into its component parts in order to teach the skill to students. It may help to put yourself
in the students shoes and try to imagine what it is like to not understand or know hoe to do the task. Direct
instruction also requires patience as you help students to build the composite skills so that they can
eventually perform the skill as automatically as their peers.
Carnine, D., Silbert, J., & Kameenui, E. (1997). Direct instruction reading (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Merrill/ Prentice Hall.
Gersten, R., Baker, S., Pugach, M., Scanlon, D., & Chard, D. (2001). Contemporary research on special
education teaching. In V. Richardson (Ed.) Handbook of research on teaching (4th ed.), pp. 695722.
Leu, D.J., & Kinzer, C. K. (1999). Effective literacy instruction (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/
Prentice Hall.
Mercer, C., Lane, H., Jordan, L., Allsopp, D., & Eisele, M. (1996). Empowering teachers and students with
instructional choices in inclusive settings. Remedial and Special Education, 17, 226236.
National Research Council (NRC). (2000). How people learn: Mind, experience, and school (Expanded
ed.). Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
What It Is
A Semantic Feature Analysis (SFA) is a strategy that links a students prior knowledge with new information and new
words by showing the relationships between words from a specific topic.
Types of Rocks
Keep in Mind
Teachers must model how to complete a SFA prior to having students complete them independently.
Completing SFAs as a group is a great activity to spark a great deal of discussion among students.
Use SFAs to tap prior knowledge as well as to build vocabulary.
Allow students to recognize the relationships between features and words in the grid. Prompt with questions
as needed.
Bos, C., & Anders, P. L. (1992). Using interactive teaching and learning strategies to promote text comprehension and content learning for students with learning disabilties. International Journal of Disability,
Development and Education, 39(3), 225238.
Greenwood, S. C. (2002). Making words matter: Vocabulary study in the content areas. The Clearing
House, 75(5), 258264.
Pittelman, S. D., Heimlich, J. E., Berglund, R. L., & French, M. P. (1991). Semantic Feature Analysis: Classroom Application. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.
What It Is.
Graphic organizers are visual displays that help students to organize their understanding of words or written
passages. There are several types of graphic organizers including word webs and story maps.
Story Maps
Story maps are simple visual diagrams used to assist students in organizing and recalling important story elements.
Story maps help students to think about what they are reading in order to increase their reading comprehension. To
complete a story map, students fill in the corresponding information requested as or after they read. See example
below. Story map shapes and structures can be adapted to fit the story context or can be designed to resemble the
word web (on page 8). Story maps are often used with picture books or single chapters of chapter books.
Story Matrix
When reading chapter books, students can increase their comprehension by using a story matrix to connect the
story maps of each chapter. Students complete a grid to outline the main elements of the book as they read or after
reading each chapter. See example below.
Stone Fox by
(Where? When?)
Main events
(What? Why?)
(Whats next?)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Doc Smith
Potato farm
in Wyoming
doesnt get
out of bed
Willy goes to
get Doc Smith
to check on
has lost his
will to live
Willy finds out
why Grandfather has given
Keep In Mind:
Graphic organizers can be used as independent activities or as group activities in peer tutoring or
cooperative learning groups.
Teachers must model how to complete graphic organizers several times before students are expected to
complete them independently.
With story maps, make sure the story elements are easy to identify. Fade the use of story maps as students
are able to independently identify elements.
Some students will require completed story maps during the test portion of the Model-Lead-Test activity.
Babyak, A. E., Koorland, M., & Mathes, P. G. (2000). The effects of story mapping instruction on reading
comprehension of students with behavioral disorders. Behavioral Disorders, 25(3), 239258.
Bos, C., & Anders, P. L. (1992). Using interactive teaching and learning strategies to promote text
comprehension and content learning for students with learning disabilties. International Journal of
Disability, Development and Education, 39(3), 225238.
Idol, L. (1987). Group story mapping: A comprehension strategy for both skilled and unskilled readers.
Journal of Learning Disabilities, 20(4), 196205.
Mathes, P. G., Fuchs, D., & Fuchs, L. S. (1997). Cooperative story mapping. Remedial and Special
Education, 18(1), 2027.
Owens, Jr., R. E. (2001). Language disorders: A functional approach to assessment and intervention (5th
ed.). Columbus, OH: Merrill.
Swanson, P. N., & De La Paz, S. (1998). Teaching effective comprehension strategies to students with
learning and reading disabilities. Intervention in School and Clinic, 33, 209218.
What It Is
A metacognitive strategy is one that assists students in monitoring their own learning by asking themselves questions
as they read a passage.
The Paraphrasing Strategy (Schumaker, Denton, & Deshler, 1993) is a comprehension strategy that helps students
recall the main idea and details of passages read. The mnemonic for the Paraphrasing Strategy is RAP and the
steps include:
Read a paragraph: students silently read a paragraph.
Ask yourself, What are the main idea(s) and details: After reading the paragraph, students ask themselves
What were the main idea(s) and details? If needed, students should look back or reread the paragraph.
Put the main idea and details in your own words: Students are required to put the main idea and details in
their own words.
POSSE (Predict, Organize, Search, Summarize, and Evaluate) is a strategy that can be used with students in fourth
grade and higher. The predict and organize steps are directed by the teacher prior to reading.
Predict students are cued by saying I predict that or Im remembering
Organize students categorize their thoughts and organize them by saying I think one category may
be and develop a semantic map.
A group leader is selected to facilitate the discussion during the Search and Summarize phases.
A section of the passage is read and discussed and then added to the new semantic map
under the search section.
The leader then asks questions to generate supporting details. Statements made by students
might include I think the main idea is or My question about the main idea is
Evaluation includes comparing, clarifying, and predicting.
Students compare the map under Organizing your thoughts to the map under the
Summarize phase by saying I think we did (did not) predict this main idea.
Students clarify any new vocabulary or unclear information by asking does anything need to
be clarified?
Students predict what will happen in the next section.
Keep In Mind
Most strategies will take 3 or more lessons before students are able to use the strategy independently.
Students must be taught when and where to use the strategy.
Students must have mastery of the strategy and opportunities to apply the strategy in a variety of settings
and conditions for generalization to occur.
When teaching the strategies, text needs to be at an independent reading level. Emphasis is on
comprehension, not decoding.
Gersten, R., Baker, S., Pugach, M., Scanlon, D., & Chard, D. (2001). Contemporary research on special
education teaching. In V. Richardson (Ed.) Handbook of research on teaching (4th ed.), 695722.
Levy, S., Coleman, M., & Alsman, B. (2002). Reading instruction for elementary students with emotional/
behavioral disorders: Whats a teacher to do? Beyond Behavior, 11(3), 310.
Mastropieri, M. A., & Scruggs, T. E. (1997). Best practices in promoting reading comprehension in students
with learning disabilities: 1976 to 1996. Remedial and Special Education, 18(4), 197213.
Schumaker, J. B., Denton, P. H., & Deshler, D. D. (1993). The paraphrasing strategy (rev. ed.) (Learning
Strategies Curriculum). Lawrence: University of Kansas.
Swanson, P. N., & De La Paz, S. (1998). Teaching effective comprehension strategies to students with
learning and reading disabilities. Intervention in School and Clinic, 33, 209218.
Wong, B. Y. L., & Jones, W. (1982). Increasing metacomprehension in learning disabled and normally
achieving students through self-questioning training. Learning Disability Quarterly, 5, 228240.