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Evolution of Bpo in India

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PricewaterhouseCoopers 1

Table of Contents

1. Foreword 3

2. Preface 4

3. Approach and Methodology 5

4. Executive Summary 6

5. The BPO Landscape 8

5.1 An Overview 8
5.2 Demand and Supply Equations 8
5.3 Advantage India 10
5.4 Location Analysis 12
5.5 Industry Structure 14

6. The Evolution of BPO 15

7. The Governance, Risk and Compliance Perspective 17

7.1 Deal Structuring and Pricing 18
7.2 Migration Strategies 21
7.3 Assessment & Management Risks 23
7.4 Governance and Monitoring 27
7.5 Contract Renegotiation and Exit Strategies 29
7.6 Impact of Compliance Legislations 31

8. The Human Resource Challenge 32

9. Change Management 34

10. Concluding Remarks 36

11. Appendix 37

PricewaterhouseCoopers 2

I am pleased to present “The Evolution of the BPO Industry” from

the Indo-American Chamber of Commerce, and
PricewaterhouseCoopers. This is part of a continual initiative to
bring to light, the service-provider’s perspective of the key trends
and challenges of the Indian BPO Industry.

The report, culminating from a Survey, aims to I would like to thank all the respondents of the
capture the changing hues of the offshoring survey, who spared their valuable time to share
industry and provide critical insight into the key their experiences with us. I hope that the report
strategic and operational issues that service- will help them assimilate and learn from best
providers are being asked to address. The practices shared by others in the industry.
report contains best practices with respect to
delivery models and implementation plans, Our thanks to PricewaterhouseCoopers, our
reflecting the growing competitiveness and partner for this Survey, for their detailed work
uniqueness of the sector. and for sharing their knowledge.

Ashank Desai
Chairman, Mastek Limited
Regional Vice President, WIC IACC

PricewaterhouseCoopers 3

Outsourcing is a management process in the globalized business

context that has been well understood, tried and tested by suc-
cessful organizations across the world. The competitive pressures
arising from the emergence of a ‘boundary-less’ global economy,
have spurred the faith in the process - as a means for providing
significant cost savings, flexibility and improved operational perfor-
mance. Offshoring is no longer being considered a short-term tool
for cost-savings - the focus is steadily shifting to long-term competi-
tive advantage, an integral part of the global corporation’s strategy.

However, the process of transitioning to a The objective of the report is to illustrate the
BPO-based model is not easy. It raises many emerging issues of the sector from structural
questions, presents many challenges and changes in the industry to the human resource
poses many risks. Further, with the BPO challenge, from migration strategies to
industry of India entering into a phase of governance and monitoring. The issues
maturity, a significant change in the nature of identified reflect the changing concerns of the
opportunities and challenges is being global market, from a position of ‘whether to
witnessed. Concerns and solutions are no offshore’ a few years ago, to the current
longer the same as they used to be. perspectives of ‘how to best manage’ this
global inevitability.
It is in this light that IACC-PwC have jointly
carried out a survey, aimed at highlighting the We thank all the participants who took time
finer nuances of the evolution of the BPO from their schedules and shared their
service provider in India; the shift in complexity perspectives on the industry. We are confident
of processes and the strategic and operational that this report will help us learn from our
risks involved. shared experiences, to proactively manage and
leverage the emerging trends of the offshoring

Joydeep Datta Gupta

Executive Director
PricewaterhouseCoopers Pvt.Ltd.

PricewaterhouseCoopers 4

The aim of this survey has been to identify key strategic and
operational trends of the BPO industry in India, from both a
customer’s and a supplier’s perspective.

The sample of respondents consisted of a collated, with respect to their key concerns
judicious mix of 20 key service providers in while considering outsourcing to India. The
India, with respect to ownership type (captives, analysis was further supplemented by PwC
joint venture companies, and third party knowledge-bases and published data to
vendors), nature of services being offered validate trends and best practices, emerging
(voice, non-voice) and functional offerings from primary sources.
(niche vertical players, general players etc.)
This was to ensure that the analysis drawn and Our analysis and findings are based on
recommendations made, were representative of consensus findings from the survey and are
the Indian offshoring industry. supported by quantitative and qualitative
inputs from the respondents.
The methodology deployed for this survey
consisted of primary research, with insights The data presented in this report is based on
being captured through questionnaires and face- information received from the respondents
to-face discussions with senior management of and has been collated to represent an
participant organizations. Inputs from potential industry trend. Nowhere in this report have
customers to this industry have also been individual company statistics been published.

PricewaterhouseCoopers 5

Business process outsourcing (BPO) is not a new management

strategy, but has received heightened interest in the past several
years because of its potential economic and strategic impact.
Companies look to outsourcers to provide process efficiencies and
economies of scale, as well as continued investment in the latest
technology, which can be more effectively cost-justified when
spread across multiple organizations.

The report aims to highlight the changing trends based approach.

of the Indian offshoring industry, as it shows z Service-providers are realizing that the
indications of entering the next phase of traditional sources of cost advantages -
maturity. The changes are all-encompassing, manpower and infrastructure costs, may no
driven by key participants of the BPO sector - longer be sustainable. Service-providers
service-providers, clients, employees, external have initiated significant cost-control and
stakeholders and the Government. Below is an reduction initiatives, such as efficient
overview of our major findings: utilization of capacity, accurate cost
planning techniques, training on cost
z The supplier-side of the global offshoring consciousness, to meet the challenge.
market is anticipated to become more
competitive in light of the emerging z Service providers are diversifying their
preference for presence in offshore as well geographic bases, by creating new
as near-shore locations. Canada and infrastructure in Tier II cities, in order to
Ireland, traditionally perceived as high-cost leverage the lower costs and lower attrition
locations, will emerge as strong rates, as well as to find access to a larger
contenders. talent base. This also helps service
providers to better equip themselves from a
z The structure of the Indian offshoring contingency perspective.
industry is witnessing steady change, with
the emergence of domain/industry z The BOT model of deal-structuring has
specialized BPO’s. A noticeable change in been cited as an emerging area of
the service offerings of service-providers is preference for clients, due to lower risks
being witnessed; service providers are with higher control, and for service-
migrating to higher-end strategic processes. providers, due to higher levels of profit
Correspondingly, the traditional growth margins.
drivers of the industry (voice, data
processing), will lose focus. z Pricing models are being centered on
achievement of SLA’s, indicating
z The objective of offshoring has progressed movement away from the traditional fixed
from being a mere cost-saving initiative to price model.
one that is adopted for realizing process
improvements, and enhancing efficiencies. z Migration strategies, risks and costs are
This shift has resulted in maturing of the increasingly becoming the area of focus for
client-vendor relationship, to a partnership

PricewaterhouseCoopers 6
clients. Leading service-providers are employee attrition, service-providers are
leveraging this concern to differentiate their aiming to reposition the BPO industry as a
service-offerings by providing value-add long-term career option. In addition, the
services during the stages of transitioning focus has shifted to ensuring that the
including knowledge management, recruitment processes are aligned with
performance improvement, base-lining etc. retention strategies, by utilizing
competency based frameworks for
z The focus for clients with respect to risk recruitment.
identification and mitigation, has broadened
to include internal risks including transition In conclusion, the changing trends have
risks, data security risks, loss of control, resulted in increased client and service-provider
brand damage, weak governance etc. concentration on BPO Assurance,
Service-providers are able to play a critical encompassing areas of program management,
role to mitigate the risks. project management, performance monitoring,
SLA management etc. The ROI aspect of
z Exit clauses are being diligently built into offshoring, is now assumed as a given. It is the
contracts, clearly specifying reasons for Governance, Risk and Compliance aspect that
exit, notice-periods and issues related to clients are now taking note of. The
intellectual property security etc. psychological leap that clients must make to
offshore is requiring them to be sure of the risks
z To meet the challenge of high rates of that they are facing and the strategies that
must be in place to manage them.

PricewaterhouseCoopers 7

An Overview Global BPO Market by Industry

Reduced international trade barriers and Technology
improved telecommunication and IT capability
over the past decade has led to a situation Communication
where organizations across the world are 16%
increasingly interlinked with each other. This
has resulted in intense global competition, Consumer
Goods/ Services
challenging business managers across the 9%
world to find ways to reduce the cost of
conducting business and accessing global
resources in meeting the need of global Global BPO Market by Geography
markets. In such a context, the reorganization
of business models to leverage benefits of Asia-Pacific RoW
(including Japan) 5%
outsourcing and focus on core competencies, 9% United States
has become a key strategy pursued by large
corporations across the world.

BPO service-providers are expected to provide Europe

a wide spectrum of benefits to their customers, 27%
ranging from having greater expertise in the
outsourced processes, lower costs achieved
through economies of scale, scalability and the
In terms of vertical contribution, the financial
ability to absorb cyclicality of loads.
services industry contributes approximately
17% of the total market size, followed by the
Telecom sector (16%), Consumer Goods and
Demand-Supply Equations Services (15%), Manufacturing (9%) and the
rest by the Information Technology sector.
According to market analysis firm Gartner, the
global outsourcing market in 2000 was The BPO market can be broadly broken down
approximately $119 bn and will touch $234 bn into three areas of functional operations:
by the end of 2005. The market is expected to
grow to about $310 bn by the end of 2008. i. Business administration (falling under G&A
Contribution from the North American continent expense costs)
stands at about 59% of the total market, with
ii. Supply chain management (COGS), and
Europe contributing about 27% and Asia-Pac
region (including Japan) contributing the iii. Sales, marketing and customer care
remaining portion of the market. (selling and marketing costs)

PricewaterhouseCoopers 8
Supply Chain Sales, Marketing, Business
Management Customer Care Administration

Direct Procurement Customer Analytics General Administration

Warehouse / inventory Customer Acquistion Finances

Transportation & Logistics Customer Retention Human Resources

Cross Selling Payment Services

India has emerged as one of the bright stars in Export Revenues by Geography
the global Business Process Outsourcing
market and has maintained its global
competitiveness by offering the best
combination of cost, quality and scalability.

Western Europe
The growth rates* of the Indian BPO-ITES 20%
industry have been 59%, 45.3% and 44.4% in
years 2002-03, 03-04 and 04-05 with revenues
of over $3.9 billion in FY 2003-04 and expected USA
to touch $5.7 bn in FY 2004-05. 66%

Size and Growth of BPO in India

In terms of markets, the US continues to be the
6.0 70%
60% main consumer of India’s ITES-BPO services
Size in USD bn

(with a 66% share of the market), followed by

Growth in %

4.0 50%

40% Western Europe (including the UK), which
2.0 accounted for 20% of export revenues. In terms
1.0 of functional service offerings, Customer Care
0.0 0% and Support services contributed approximately
2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 34% of the industry’s revenues with the other
Size (USD bn) Growth rates leading service lines including Finance (with a
contribution of 22%), Administration (13%) and
Content Development (19%). The global
Currently the sector employs approximately financial services vertical remained the largest
2,45,100* people and another 94,500 jobs are user of Indian ITES-BPO services, followed by
expected to be added in the current financial telecom, healthcare and airline segments.
year. There are over 400 ITES-BPO companies Captive units continued to dominate the ITES-
operating in the Indian market, including captive BPO industry, accounting for over 65 percent of
units (of both MNCs and Indian companies) and the value of the work offshored to India.
third-party services providers.


PricewaterhouseCoopers 9
Advantage India

Despite a growing number of offshoring location Hungary, Philippines and China. Canada, a
options available with organizations today, India viable “near-shore” option for many
has emerged as one of the most preferred organizations, recognized for its people
locations for outsourcing. competitiveness, is however, considered a
high-cost location.
The primary factors in consideration while
deciding on an offshore location include: The cost advantages of offshoring to India are
significant. It costs less than US$ 7,500*
z Cost Competitiveness, which consists of annually to hire a call center agent in India
cost of labour, infrastructure costs and (cost to company) as compared to US$ 19,000
currency exchange rates in the United States and US$ 17,000 in
Australia. It is also estimated that the average
z Labour Competitiveness, consisting of the annual salary of graduates in India is just US$
size of the available labour, level of 2,400 as compared US$ 2,900 in Philippines
education, domain skills, fluency in the
English language, cultural compatibility to Call Center Employee Costs
western markets and attrition rates

z Other factors, which consist of existing 15,000

business and political risks associated with

the country, geographic location (time
difference), tax regime and regulatory 5,000
considerations such as Data Security and
IPR issues India USA Australia

A country-level analysis of people and cost and US$ 19,500 in Ireland. Moreover, with a
competitiveness reveals that India has greater favorable exchange rate with the US Dollar,
traction primarily due to the availability of BPO service providers are able to pass on
adequately trained manpower. It offers a large these benefits to the customers, making it one
(over a million graduates each year with of the more attractive destinations.
350,000 engineers), well-qualified, English
speaking labor force to offshoring organizations. In conclusion, India is uniquely positioned to
It is on this parameter that potential and leverage its cost and quality advantages, to
existing outsourcers perceive it more favorably cater to the escalating demand for offshoring of
than other low-cost countries such as Brazil, transactional and strategic business processes.

Gartner Research

PricewaterhouseCoopers 10
Mode of Operations

Our survey found an interesting trend with respect to the choice of the outsourced location.
The general perception that organizations prefer a single outsourcing location is misleading.
In reality, organizations have multi-locational outsourcing strategies to ensure business
continuity in case of a disaster in the primary location, as well as to expand the access to
resources and talent in other locations.

Most industry players believe that the BPO-ITES would move to a “Global Delivery Model”
wherein the service provider has a delivery presence in the market that they are serving.
This model is more suited to mid-market clients who still look for physical presence as a
pre-requisite for outsourcing. The perception amongst the service providers is that middle-
market customers, who in the past, have had experience with near-shoring, are much more
receptive to the idea of considering a mixed model of delivery where part of the processes
are delivered from the India centre and part of it from the near-shore facility. The proof-of-
concept, in these cases is done from the near-shore facility and eventually the large share
of processes are carried out in India, with a small part of the processes continuing to be
carried out from the near-shore facility.

Cost Control and Reduction Techniques However, some respondent’s state that though
people competitiveness is one of the primary
z Efficient utilization of capacity - servicing factors for India’s attractiveness as an
multiple geographies, offering multiple offshoring destination, the recent double digit
services – time dependent and offline wage increases coupled with high rates of
offerings attrition are acting as dampers to the success
story. Until now, these wage increases have
z Enhancing internal efficiencies through
been offset by the large decline in telecommuni-
process improvement
cation costs, which have currently stabilized –
z Accurate cost planning techniques resulting in service providers looking at other
means to reduce costs.
z Training programs on cost consciousness
Based on our survey respondents, it appears
z Setting up new facilities in Tier II cities that the potential challenge for the BPO indus-
try could be the perceived lack of regulation
around issues such as Data Security and IPR
issues. Moreover, with respect to ease of
operations in setting up shop and running a
BPO centre, respondents state that clients do
not perceive India to be as competitive as
countries like Philippines, Australia, Ireland. We
discuss the potential risks in a typical
offshoring arrangement in subsequent sections
of this report.

PricewaterhouseCoopers 11
Location Analysis

Although India’s position as a preferred location City Rankings Based On Manpower Rates (Rs./hour)
for offshoring is well established, the growth of
the industry has been concentrated around a Kochi 1 17.0
few key cities such as Bangalore, Delhi-NCR,
Ahmedabad 2 19.9
Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai etc. Discussions
with service-provider reveal the following Hyderabad 3 20.4
advantages of these cities - Kolkatta 4 21.0

Chennai 5 21.6

Banglore 6 23.9
City Ranking on Power Scenario
Pune 7 28.4
City Load Cost Rank
Shedding National Capital
Region (NCR) 8 50.9
(Hours per (Rs per
day) unit) Mumbai 9 51.6
Kolkata -- 3.1 1
Chennai -- 4.1 2
-- Source: Knight Frank, Cushman & Wakefield, Colliers Jardine
Hyderabad 4.3 3
Ahmedabad -- 4.8 4
Mumbai -- 5 5
Kochi 0.3 3 6
Bangalore 2.4 4.1 7 z Availability of well-qualified, adequate and
Pune 4 4.1 8
NCR 4.6 4.2 low-cost manpower

z Well-developed social infrastructure to

support residing population
City Ranking Based On Real Estate Prices
(Rent per sq ft / month)
z Well defined real estate laws, regulations
Kochi 1 15.5 on ownership and transfer of property
Ahmedabad 2 16
Hyderabad 3 24 Respondents reveal that infrastructure costs
Kolkatta 4 25
constitute a major cost for a service provider.
However, there is an emerging trend to
Chennai 5 25.2
minimize this cost to be able to maintain cost
Banglore 6 30.3
margins and enhance profitability.
Pune 7 35
National Capital Consequently, service providers are
Region (NCR) 8 57
increasingly looking beyond the traditionally
Mumbai 9 87
favored destinations towards Tier II cities such
as Jaipur, Pune, Chandigarh, Indore,
Source: Knight Frank, Cushman & Wakefield, Colliers Jardine
Ahmedabad, Cochin and Nagpur.

Tier II cities offer a cost advantage due to the

z Established connectivity to international relatively lower cost of living. For instance,
and domestic cities according to a BPO major currently considering
setting up operations in Chandigarh, for
z Well-established physical infrastructure e.g. employees, it is 60% more expensive to live in
power, water, telecom etc. However, cost Delhi-NCR, a traditional BPO hub, as compared
of infrastructure for these locations seems to Chandigarh, a Tier II city.
to be an area of immense concern for
service-providers and clients

PricewaterhouseCoopers 12
Tier I cities have witnessed attrition rates as However, the decision to move to Tier II cities,
high as 60% over the past few years. Service the respondents believe is not without its
providers and clients have becoming negatives. For one, training costs for
increasingly concerned about this trend as it employees are higher (especially for voice-
translates into increased recruitment and based processes). Secondly, cost of
training costs, impacts service quality and also maintaining 24x7 operations in Tier II cities is
poses a significant data security threat. inflated (especially due to the lack of
However, survey respondents state that smaller infrastructure – e.g. frequent power outages),
towns have relatively lower employee attrition resulting in a cautious and a ‘wait and watch’
rates of around 10-15 %, making them an approach being adopted by most service-
attractive destination, especially for providers.
transactional offshoring. In addition, location
specific sops (like tax holidays) from state An advantage of a strategy that leverages Tier
governments enhance the investment II cities is that these cities, though low in
attractiveness of the Tier II cities. infrastructure, are significant contributors to the
talent pool. In other words, whilst infrastructure
is concentrated in Tier I cities, human resource
talent is distributed all over India.

PricewaterhouseCoopers 13
Industry Structure

The growth of BPO in India can be classified z Consolidation of the market with the smaller
into four distinct phases: players merging with each other/ larger
companies for economies of scale
The First Wave: Company Owned Units
Pioneered BPO in India The Fourth Wave: Domain / Industry
Specialized BPO’s
z Company owned units such as American
Express, General Electric (GE), Citibank, z Niche players in industry verticals or
and AOL etc. triggered the trend of specific business processes have setup
outsourcing back office operations and call BPO businesses. Many of these players
centre services to India. have had vast experience in the domestic
market and are now offering offshore BPO
z Since then several banks, insurance services
companies, airlines and manufacturing
companies have set up back office service z Generalized large BPO players are now
centers in India. focusing on “verticalizing” their
competencies and structures
The Second Wave: Venture Funded New
Companies A majority of the key players in the BPO
industry in India are captive units of MNCs and
z Over the last few years, a number of international BPO companies desiring to take
experienced professionals have set up advantage of the cost arbitrage offered by India.
start-up operations in India. Generally such For the Indian ventures of these MNC’s the
start-ups have been funded by venture risks are limited since they are captive units
capital funds. and volumes are assured. Many of the BPO
ventures of MNCs are now trying to offer their
The Third Wave: Leading IT Services services to other companies. Several ventures
Companies enter BPO
have been hived off into independent
companies to attract other customers and
z Given the magnitude of such opportunity,
become profit centres as opposed to the cost
natural synergies with the software services
centres they used to be earlier. Examples
business and the ability to leverage their
include eServe International, World Network
high-end physical infrastructure and
Services (British Airways) and GECIS.
management band-width, most large IT
services companies have ventured into

MNC subsidiaries International BPO Diversified IT Companies


GE Convergys Daksh Infosys (Progeon)

British Airwasys Sitel Brigade Wipro (Spectramind)
eServe, HSBC, eFunds Talisma Satyam
Scope, AmEx Hero HCL
Hewlett Packard

PricewaterhouseCoopers 14

Amex and GE pioneered the trend of outsourcing to India by

setting up facilities in Gurgaon, near Delhi, in the early 1990s.
Some of the other early birds were companies such as British
Airways who have also been operating their back office in India
since the mid-1990s. The early reasons for considering offshoring
to India were centered around reducing costs and minimizing the
effort spent on “non-core” activities. With increasing confidence of
the companies in the capabilities of Indian operations, higher value
added activities such as processing of HR, accounting and other
non-core functions is reaching the Indian shores.

outcomes, not just infrastructure or tasks. The

main goal is to achieve sustainable enterprise-
level service improvements by transforming
2000s: processes.
B2B Alliances
Process Outsourcing
With maturity building in offshoring programs,
Shared Business Services the management focus on the decision-making
1980s: process has crystallized around the availability
Entire IT Operations of a highly-skilled workforce and the scope of
1970s: scalability, with cost advantages being now
Data Processing taken for granted.
Time Sharing

Apart from the traditional back-office

processes, some of the participants in this
Why outsource? survey are engaging in performing high
end services including research in global
z Refocus energies on strategic and core issues markets, credit rating, lending limits,
customer analytics
z Access to world-class capabilities
z Capital Reallocation
In this light, the traditional growth drivers of the
z Reduced Operations expenses industry (voice, data processing services) will
z Reduced time-to-market lose focus, and processes higher in the value
z Risk mitigation chain (such as Financial Close, Order Booking,
General Ledger, Research and Analytics) will
gain the attention of the industry; a fact that
An interesting trend witnessed as part of this
has been corroborated by all of the
survey was the perception of service providers
organizations participating in this survey.
that customers considering offshoring are doing
so to “Build on distinctive competencies and
From a supplier’s perspective, there is a
retain the competitive edge to create value for
definite need to move up the value chain. Most
stakeholders”. As per our analysis, the focus of
respondents to the survey concur to the fact
an offshoring arrangement is on business

PricewaterhouseCoopers 15
z End to End Txn
Processing and
cautious. They demand more than a temporary
Voice Support answer to tighter budgets, seek a balance
Full z Documentation between cost, quality and control, and expect
process Completion
z Customer Service lasting partnerships, that continuously deliver
z Cross-sell / Up-sell quality and affordability over the total lifecycle.
contact z Channel support This has an implication on the nature of
z Operations Helpdesk
Problem solving z Collections relationship between the service-provider and
client, maturing to a deeper ‘partnership’
Rule based z Loan Processing
processing z Approvals approach – based on long-term stability,
z Underwriting
Data capture / transcription commitment and mutual benefit.
z Basic Data Entry

The partnership approach becomes all the more

critical as companies start moving higher-end
that in order to improve profitability they would processes to their offshore facilities. Typically
need to move to high-value processes. In higher-end processes are more critical to the
addition, attrition rates have been observed to business and have a greater degree of
be lower for higher-end processes, translating integration with the company’s global processes
into lower costs. in other countries.

BPO is therefore evolving from a solution that

In this maturing paradigm of offshoring, clients can dramatically lower cost in the short run –
are no longer passive participants. Their almost as an alternate or interim solution to
expectations have risen, their involvement has automation, to an approach to access global
deepened and their approach has become more talent.

PricewaterhouseCoopers 16
As offshoring moves towards the mainstream, offshoring, especially captive sourcing, into a
addressing governance issues up front is company’s global business model demands
essential to long-term success. Doing it right strong controls, robust reporting and manage-
the first time is more critical now than ever. In ment processes and risk management strate-
the past, offshoring generally involved gies that are aligned with the company’s global
outsourcing single functions within specific operations. It is imperative that companies take
business units. Risk and governance issues an enterprise-wide, holistic view of governance
surrounding offshoring did not rise to the and risk issues.
organizational level. However, integrating

PricewaterhouseCoopers 17

The importance of picking the right deal “The core competency of having an in-house
structure in offshoring, is critical in light of the captive unit and the advantages associated
long-term strategic implications it has on cost are tremendous compared to third-party
outsourcing in terms of committed employees,
savings and performance quality. The choice
infrastructure understanding and
can be a difficult one – between pursuing a customization of processes to specific and
captive model, doing a BOT (build operate changing business needs.”
transfer), doing a joint venture with a supplier, - Agilent Technologies, India
or going straight to the supplier for a direct
services relationship. Industry research indicates that currently, the
captive model of offshoring is predominant. The
The deciding factors depend broadly on the reason for this, respondents’ state, is that the
level of flexibility that an organization is willing early adopters of the BPO concept simply had
to assume and the degree of control that it no other choice, thereby being forced to adopt
wishes to exert on the overall operations. In the ‘do it yourself’ model. The industry did not
addition, there may be other factors such as tax have a critical mass of third party players to
and legal considerations, cultural issues and whom processes could be offshored or those
time to market aspects that may influence the with whom more sophisticated arrangements
choice of model. such as BOT or joint ventures could be entered
into. The captive model offers companies high
Respondents state that there is no one ‘most management control over the operations, which
suitable’ model that exists in the industry, was critical during the early ‘proof of concept’
stemming from the fact that the requirements, stage of the industry. Further, business
expectations and risk appetite of clients vary continuity risks are perceived to be low and
significantly. Interestingly, the requirements of data security is more reliable.
a specific client may also vary with time - the
prime reason for the emergence of a market for Some of the respondents however feel that the
BOT models with call options, which clients captive model of offshoring may witness
may or may not chose to exercise. reduced activity in the years to come. The



Time to market

Perceived level of data security

Control over operations

Management bandwidth

Exit costs

High Medium Low

PricewaterhouseCoopers 18
prime reason stated for this is the high lead the maximum in the first few years of
time for operationalizing the center. With offshoring, stabilizing to approximately 10-15%
offshoring perceived to have entered the next thereafter, making it an unattractive proposition
stage of maturity, global organizations feel that for clients to maintain the offshore center
the time-to-market needs to be minimized to the themselves.
greatest extent possible to retain competitive
advantage. In addition, the requirement of “It is unlikely that the future deals will
substantial management bandwidth, scaling up converge towards any one model. All
of leadership and organizational capabilities in these models will continue in the
immediate future.”
the subsequent stages of the project, pose
- Survey Respondent
formidable challenges to the operational
feasibility of the model. Nonetheless, some
A hybrid approach, wherein a client outsources
respondents state that clients are steadily
a set of processes to a third party and
questioning the applicability of the third-party
simultaneously operates a captive for other
model, in an era where taking control of product
processes, may also assume importance in the
and service quality has become a critical
years to come. This flexible structure enables
success factor. Further, with the feasibility of
clients to simultaneously leverage the benefits
transaction-oriented offshoring having been
of scale for volume driven processes, and
tested, clients are now willing to experiment
address risk-management concerns for other
with offshoring their core processes for which
core activities.
access to knowledge, proprietary systems and
intellectual property is preferred to be retained
As the BPO sector matures, it has also been
privy to evolving pricing models. These range
from the traditional vanilla time-based models to
The third-party offshore model has witnessed
the more value based pricing mechanisms and
considerable activity over the past few years, a
complex management fee models that are
direct consequence of the emergence of world-
emerging. These pricing models may depend on
class service providers with significant critical
one or more of the following variables:
mass. Respondents stated that the preference
for this model may be attributed to the shorter
z Full Time Equivalent
payback period (between 6 months to a year),
and lower exit costs. In addition, clients believe z Time-based
that the third party models hold the maximum z Volume-based
potential of leveraging economies of scale – z Per-seat
thereby reducing costs and maximizing
z Fixed
efficiencies. However, the nature of work
outsourced is typically non-core and non- z Fixed plus variable
critical, in light of a perceived lower level of z Gain share
data security.
For captive units, the respondents state that
An emerging trend with respect to deal the pricing techniques are based on the cost-
structuring is preference for BOT models, a plus approach, ensuring that offshore centers
majority of the respondents stated. It is a win- operate as profit centers and are incentivized to
win situation, with suppliers keen to participate adopt a ‘cost-minimization’ approach.
on account of the opportunity to earn higher
margins and clients navigating the learning “A key challenge that is faced for pricing is
curve with experts and assuming control only to come up with a comprehensive solution
on stability of the outsourced process. that will be able to capture time and cost at
the required level of granularity.”
However, some respondents suggest that the
- Survey Respondent
BOT wave is only temporary. Cost savings are

PricewaterhouseCoopers 19
Standard CAPEX items such as cost of In this manner, service providers are willing to
bandwidth / connectivity, infrastructure and customize pricing agreements to client and
facilities costs and technology costs also need process specifications to ensure a collaborative
to be factored into pricing models to arrive at an approach to profit maximization. However a
optimal pricing strategy. large number of respondents in the survey
highlight an intensification of client’s preference
An interesting pricing model cited by a for SLA-linked or gain share models,
respondent is based on a ‘step-down’ pricing incentivizing service-providers to achieve and
approach, wherein the pricing reduces with pre- surpass SLA targets. On the flipside, there has
defined time milestones, allowing operators to been a trend towards more stringent
build requisite skill sets to maximize operational enforcement of penalty clauses for non-
efficiency and effectiveness. achievement of targets, which had traditionally
been viewed as a mere contractual necessity
by clients.

PricewaterhouseCoopers 20

Migration is the first test of the offshoring relationship, and often the
most difficult. It involves migration of people, processes, technology
and in some cases, culture. The psychological leap the
organization is required to make at the time of offshoring can be
challenging. Even with detailed planning, it is often a learning
curve for both parties, wherein several steps may be taken to
reduce the risk of subsequent failure.

Migration Success Parameters A majority of the respondents claimed that

clients prefer the latter route for migration, with
z On time processes being migrated in their existing
z Least cost states, and being improved only on achieving
z Least process disruption stability in the offshore location. ‘Clients don’t
want to deal with too much change at once’, a
Transitioning involves knowledge transfer to a respondent cited. A phased, ramp-up approach
large block of new resources with no previous is typically preferred by clients, offshoring one
knowledge of the systems, corporate culture process at a time, and identifying improvement
and industry. It is an area that is being planned opportunities at later stages. The Big-Bang
minutely by clients, with detailed transition approach of offshoring multiple processes
plans being created - addressing simultaneously is adopted in exceptional cases
methodologies, milestones, documentation and where the client faces an urgency with respect
costs. In specific cases, respondents shared to timelines.
that the plans also describe strategies to
mitigate risk and manage productivity during the With the methodology of transitioning agreed
period of transitioning. Capacity planning and upon, the next step involves an assessment of
technology issue analysis also form integral the client’s existing processes, and
parts of the overall transition plan. The client’s corresponding people and technology support.
objective, respondents state, is to minimize the For this, a cross-functional team, spearheaded
costs and avoid any surprises at the later by an expert in the function being outsourced is
stages of the project. In this light, clients also created – both by the client and the service-
address issues of onsite redundancy, re- provider. For the client, this team is often a part
organization and retraining in the transition plan. of the Program Management Office (PMO),
constituted to support the project during the
The principles of migration are centered on lifecycle of the project.
minimizing the implementation risk, costs and
disruptions to the business and realizing the This stage of knowledge transfer between an
benefits as soon as possible. Based on these onsite and offshore team is one of the most
principles, there exist two basic models of vital to the success of transitioning a project
migration wherein the processes to be offshored offshore. There are various modes of migration
may be improved onsite and then migrated, or that may be adopted including onsite
simply migrated on an As-Is basis. shadowing, remote transitioning or a hybrid of

PricewaterhouseCoopers 21
the two. However, survey respondents six-sigma methodologies. Respondents stated
highlighted that from their perspective, the that in addition to risk management strategies,
preferred route for knowledge transfer is when it IT security policies, BCP and change
takes place at the client’s location, with the management, the robustness of the migration
vendor team being able to appreciate and methodology is often a key differentiator for a
experience the work environment and more service-provider. Leading players of the industry
importantly, the organization’s culture. have customized or proprietary transition
Shadowing of resources by allowing the toolkits – each with detailed processes that
offshore resources to visit onsite, and then include steps, check points, milestones,
using a train-the-trainer approach at the offshore documentation and templates. Examples of
location also helps the project to adhere to specific value-add features being provided by
budgetary limits. In addition, respondents state leading BPO players, as specified by a survey
that this approach allows them to study the respondent, include:
ripple effect of offshoring on the upstream and
downstream processes being retained in-house. z Knowledge Management and Business
Intelligence: Knowledge assimilation and
Key Service-Provider Differentiators dissemination around transitioning, ensuring
shorter transition cycles and greater client
z Migration Methodologies satisfaction.
z IT Security Strategies
z Business Continuity Planning z Performance Improvement during
z Change Management Support transitioning: Some service providers offer
z Risk Management Methodologies performance improvement initiatives prior to
actual transitioning, which includes
During the stage of knowledge transfer, the upstream and downstream process
service-provider’s team gathers existing analysis.
documentation from all sources (company
repositories, IT resources, business end-users), z Base lining: A test run of the process
analyzes and understands the existing internal offshore is done within the transitioning
processes to identify minor adjustment areas. phase itself and helps establish a clear
These learning points are consolidated and baseline.
presented to the other members of the teams,
subsequent to which the transition commences. z Comprehensive Service Level Agreements
This rigorous approach is often adopted for backed by stringent reporting systems.
migration of the first few processes or for
critical processes. However, some respondents Respondents state that transition for BPO
state that as clients develop a degree of outsourcing may take anywhere from 5-7
comfort with the service-provider, migration months for the first process outsourced, which
may also shift to a pure remote migration may reduce in subsequent transitions.
model, currently being adopted on a limited However, this may be influenced by factors
basis for capacity ramp-up offshoring initiatives. such as process complexity, availability of
documentation and communication plans and
“Proven transition methodology is a prior experience of service-providers. This
guarantee for success in the BPO space.” time-frame also includes development and
- Pradip Advani, Nipuna implementation of training programs,
establishment of Service Level Agreements, full
Migration techniques adopted by leading responsibility transfer and integration of
service providers, are structured around operations.

PricewaterhouseCoopers 22
Offshoring services can reduce costs, provide higher quality
processes and allow management to focus on core business.
But it also introduces substantial risk management challenges,
which when combined with increasing regulatory scrutiny and
negative public sentiment about moving jobs overseas, make risk
assessment and mitigation imperative.

External risks Internal risks*

z Country infrastructure z Transition risks

z Management challenges z Data Security risks
z Business continuity z Loss of control
z Vendor selection z Brand damage
z Cultural and language differences z Weak governance
z Geo-political concerns z Staff resistance
z Hidden costs

The risks of flawed location selection, provider

Transition Risks
selection, and poor management are
considerable, attracting substantial
As a part of internal risks, transition risks have
management time and investment. However
been cited to be the most severe. These risks
there are some other risks which are not so
include errors in estimating overall time for
obvious but impact the business and its
migration, intensity of efforts involved and
interests. Respondents to the survey state that
costs that shall accrue. To mitigate these risks,
as clients become more knowledgeable about
clients are adopting sophisticated approaches
offshoring, greater emphasis is laid on
for identifying the critical path for successful
assessing risk areas where there may be
transition and understanding the level of risk
significant impact on people, processes,
associated with realizing each key benefit area.
technologies, on existing facilities, and on
Sensitivity analyses are also conducted to
regulatory and legal requirements both in the
assess the probability and impact of any delay
home and offshore environments. A noticeable
and reduction of benefit levels due to
trend, as per the survey, indicates the steady
uncertainties or inter-dependencies with other
shift in the focus of clients from external to
projects, operations or functions during planned
internal risks.*

* Source: Mercer Management Journal 18

PricewaterhouseCoopers 23
Data Security Risks Managing Data Security Risks

Global customers consider network security, z Security certifications e.g. BS 7799, ISO 17799,
physical security, customer privacy and
information protection to be critical. A few z Non-disclosure agreements between clients
and employees
respondents state that the criticality of data
security is more concentrated in the areas of z ‘Clean-Desk’ policies – no paper, no pens on
voice-based offshoring, with employees often workstations
gaining access to customer id’s, pin codes and z Disabled technologies e.g. floppy drives, CD
other confidential data. In addition, the drives
importance is magnified in specific strategic z Employee screening for cell-phones
processes such as financial reporting, tax and z Dedicated seating
legal support and in the verticals of healthcare z Firewall arrangements
and insurance. Service providers are aware of z Employee awareness programs
the privacy and IP related concerns of their
clients and in a large number of cases, as per
the survey, are compliant with global standards
such as BS 7799, ISO 17799, COBIT and also begun to detail specific steps that they
ITSM, now considered ‘must-haves’ for the expect the service providers to take to ensure
larger players. Further, most respondents have data confidentiality. Security clauses at network
taken steps in the areas of physical security, and data level are built into contracts. Further,
technological initiatives, policies, ethical technological arrangements between clients and
guidelines on their own initiative, to ensure that service-providers may ensure that offshore
data confidentiality is maintained. Regular employees are unable to enter the client’s
training on issues of security awareness, non- system, with all offshore inputs being mirrored
disclosure agreements, screening of employees onto the master database on a periodic basis.
and periodic compliance audits are some of the SLA’s also cover relevant laws that offshore
best practices that had been observed in the providers are to comply with, detailed with
survey. In addition to the above, clients have actions that can be taken in case of breaches.


Effectiveness Performance Dimensions Efficiency

Performance Criteria

Profit Quality Cost Productivity

Performance Metrics

ROI No. of No. of audit Cost per No. of Reports No. of

ROCE employees per month
errors comments invoice invoices

*Source: Barrar, Wood, Jones, 2002

PricewaterhouseCoopers 24
Loss of Control Risks communication flows between the clients and
service providers. This also facilitates
compliance with the legislations such as
Loss of control on offshored operations is an
Sarbanes Oxley and SAS 70, detailed in later
area that clients have traditionally been
sections of the report.
concerned of in light of the cultural,
administrative and geographic distance between
the client and the service-provider. The anxiety Brand Risks
accrues due to two prime factors respondents
cite – perceived inability to influence the quality Brand risk is another area of concern for
of the service and the inability to determine clients, stemming from poor service by service-
what is going wrong due to inadequate or providers resulting in end-customer
inaccurate information. The implication of the dissatisfaction or service-provider practices not
perceived loss of control has been on high being in line with stated practices (ethical or
expectations from service providers and the otherwise) of the regulated entity. The
detailed drafting of SLA’s with respect to quality magnitude of reputational risk is amplified with
controls and communication flows. the political overtones of offshoring for which
clients have begun to develop proactive
Although SLA’s encompass all areas of client external communication plans.
and service-provider rights and responsibilities,
the expected quality of the service and the
evaluation criteria for measuring the service Risk of Arrested Evolution
delivery is the one of the most critical aspects
of the contract. In addition to the traditional An emerging area of concern for clients is the
metrics of quality such as accuracy levels, risk related to arrested evolution. These risks
rejection rates, field error rates, turnaround time relate to the inability of an outsourcing solution,
etc., the role of softer aspects of quality such defined from a short-term perspective, to
as client and end-user satisfaction is being respond to changing business requirements.
highlighted. This change is being stressed in Due diligence in this respect is being carried
light of the maturing drivers of offshoring, out, with focus on issues of scalability and
moving away from a pure cost-saving objective robustness of proposed technology platforms to
to one enhancing overall productivity and underpin transition of existing operations,
quality of service. Although leading service support ongoing business and enable any future
providers invest continually in quality initiatives expansion of offshore strategy such as
such as six sigma, COPC, lean-service significant increases or spikes in transaction
models, respondents foresee that in the years processing requirements.
to come, these initiatives will progress from
being service differentiators to ‘must-haves’.
Risk of Hidden Costs
To corroborate adherence to the defined quality
standards, respondents state that the role of In the financial domain, risks that clients are
presenting accurate, consistent and timely becoming wary of include hidden costs - not
information has also become critical. foreseen in initial stages of projects.
Dashboard and MIS report structures are Respondents cite examples of the costs of
defined for each stage of the project clearly evaluating vendors, managing major contracts,
specifying aspects such as frequency, time, travelling to offshore sites, enhancing security,
content, initiator, participants and medium. In and paying severance for laid-off workers as
addition, escalation timelines and levels are instances of hidden costs. Exit costs are
specified to ensure de-bottling of another hidden risk, as ending an arrangement
communication flows. In terms of operational prematurely exposes both buyer and provider to
communications, immense importance is being litigation. Clients are resorting to careful cost
attached to the documentation of modelling and scenario planning which include

PricewaterhouseCoopers 25
benchmarked information and sound move), it has been observed that the focus
understanding of current activity-based fades with time. It is critical to keep the ongoing
performance and costing. commitment to risk management; risk profiles
While most companies are focused on risk and exposures change over time, and while
issues at the offshoring decision point (e.g., some risks can be eliminated or mitigated,
contract signature/change of control/ physical others must be actively managed.

Cost of Outsourcing
Service providers are getting affected with what is being termed as the “Hidden Costs” in an
outsourcing arrangement. The respondents in this survey pointed out the importance of educating
the end customer on the actual cost of outsourcing, which can vary significantly from the initial
figure that the customers have in mind. The variation in estimation can depend on the number of
factors that the customer considers while considering an outsourcing contract. Typical areas
where cost estimates can go askew include, “costs of layoffs, cost of vendor selection, transition
costs, and also cost of ramping up”.

This survey reveals that the variation in cost estimates can end up being as high 38%. The only
way to avoid such variations, service providers believe, is to be as transparent as possible. The
table below reveals indicative areas where costs can get overlooked/ not accounted for.

Costs associated with Indicative Figures (in%)

Ramping up 1 to 10
Selection of a provider 1 to 10
Contract Management 6 to 10
Transition 2 to 3
Layoffs 3 to 5
Total 13 to 38
Source: Overby, 2004

PricewaterhouseCoopers 26

A large number of companies did not anticipate the complexities of

managing large outsourced relationships. Services were
outsourced on an ad hoc basis, resulting in responsibility for
performance diffusing throughout the organization. As a result,
organizations began to lack coherent policies and conditions and
were unable to leverage the benefits of significant outsourcing
volume. However, with the maturing nature of the offshoring
concept, clients are now becoming aware of the role of strategic
suppliers as true partners and are developing formal partner
management principles, processes, and governance in
collaboration with them.

The survey reveals that most companies Oxley and Basel II, the role of the risk and legal
establish a steering committee at the beginning functions has begun to assume dominance as
of the offshoring process to oversee initial compared to previous trends.
deployment and on-going operations. These
committees are constituted of functional heads Under the steering committee, a small high-
in the areas of finance, human resources (HR), caliber team is created to retain strategic
legal etc. Respondents state that in the past, direction and control of the activities. Com-
these functions had played only supporting monly known as the Program Management
roles in structuring the offshore operations. This Office (PMO), it is a strategic entity that is
practice is changing as risk, HR, regulatory and formed at the corporate level. Although exact
tax issues are coming to the surface and are structures vary with the nature of outsourcing
being considered critical functions. For in- agreement, respondents state that the team is
stance, tax has not been a high priority thus far, often cross-functional, constituted to support
but with cost-reductions having been achieved project management methodology, training,
and organizations seeking more sophisticated internal consulting etc. In certain cases,
ways to enhance profitability, this trend is service-providers reveal that the PMO is
witnessing a change. In addition, in light of specifically spearheaded by an executive of
compliance requirements such as Sarbanes Indian origin, to leverage cultural similarities

In an effort to maximize cost savings, many z Strategic direction and oversight

organizations fail to dedicate resources to z Financial stewardship
successfully manage an offshore initiative. z Sponsorship of strategic initiatives
It is recommended that organizations spend Executive
approximately 2.7% of the contract value in perform- Committee z Vendor relationship (onshore/offshore)
ing management activites. z Performance dashboard
Project z Key operational issues
Management z Finance and budgets
Office z Enterprise-wide initatives
z Service Level Management

Business Unit z Project prioritization

Steering Committee z Project management
z Process and technology evaluation

Source: Renodis Global Outsourcing Solutions

PricewaterhouseCoopers 27
during the project. In other cases, the survey report process exceptions. In the subsequent
reveals that the management of the function stages of the project, the PMO is responsible
that is being offshored drives the PMO. (e.g. IT for oversight and decision-making in the areas
for applications development). The objective of of training, recruitment, SLA monitoring,
the PMO is to monitor the operational aspects process improvement opportunities etc.
of the projects, by ensuring that all projects are
controlled by experienced project managers, A key input provided to the PMO is MIS reports
project quality is continuously monitored and and dashboards, containing summaries of
areas of risk are regularly identified and miti- performances and adherence to SLA targets.
gated. More importantly however, the PMO is Respondents stated that the typical areas
responsible for ensuring that aspects of cost, highlighted in MIS reports include volumes,
quality, scope and exception reporting are being accuracies, employee attendance and excep-
effectively communicated across geographies. tion reporting. In addition, a large number of
service-providers stated that clients were
The critical role of the PMO is to monitor becoming increasingly demanding with respect
achievement of SLA’s during the lifecycle of the to the information provided in MIS reports. For
project. Respondents revealed that in the initial instance in a specific case, a client stipulated
stages of the project, interactions with the that the MIS report contain details on the
onsite PMO team are fairly regular, and may number of errors per day segregated by the
take place on a weekly basis. The objective of nature of error viz. typographical errors, casual
these discussions is to highlight risk areas and errors etc.

Types of MIS Reports Produced:

z Production Reports: Production Report measures the operational efficiency of individual

processes by evaluating the output against the inputs received.

z SLA Compliance Report: SLA Compliance Report measures the SLA compliance with
regard to quality and timeliness.

z Case Tracker Reports: This lists out the cases that are yet to be completed although acted

z Weekly and Monthly Review Reports:(On Production, SLA Compliance, and Errors etc)
The Weekly and Monthly report facilitate review of weekly/monthly production statistics,
error analysis, SLA compliance and pending cases to be resolved. This facilitates a causal
analysis to identify error prone areas and to prevent recurrence of the same in future.

z Project Management Office (PMO) Reports: This includes daily reports to be submitted to
the PMO which incorporates details on Idle Hours, Production Efficiency, SLA compliance,
QC, Errors etc.

z Senior Management Reports: Typically, a performance summary of activities during the

course of the evaluation period would be of interest. These reports are adapted in close
consultation with the client.

- Survey Respondent

PricewaterhouseCoopers 28

One of the prime advantages of outsourcing is that it enables a

company to respond quickly to changing market needs. In the
same context, a change in the geopolitical climate or in the client’s
focus or profitability could necessitate renegotiating or worse, end-
ing an outsourcing relationship. Whether it is the relationship ending
prematurely or simply having run its course, the only safeguard that
exists is diligent structuring of contract tenures and incorporation of
contract renegotiations and exit clauses into contracts.

The survey highlighted that the typical tenure of result of business change, a more routine
contracts ranges between 2-3 years, followed function to adjust service levels, or is a
by renewal on an annual basis. Service prescribed part of standard contract terms
providers indicate their preference of entering (such as a formalized annual renegotiation).
into long-term contracts, a minimum of 2 years, A few service-providers have also shared
to allow time for processes to stabilize and experiences of contract renegotiation taking
subsequently identify process reengineering place for additional data security and legal
opportunities. However, respondents state that compliance requirements.
there is an emerging trend of contract
renegotiation and exit clauses being diligently Why clients may want to exit:
incorporated into contracts.
z Dissatisfaction with performance levels
“Contract renegotiations are not z Change in control through M&A activity
necessarily a ‘bad thing’ - they may be a z Pricing issues
critical opportunity to ensure long-term
z Political requirements
- Survey Respondent
Relationship breakdowns are being anticipated
Survey respondents cite that contract and built in to contracts through well thought-out
renegotiations are more common than might be exit clauses. Respondents state that the most
expected. Clients and outsourcers see the prominent reasons for client exit may include
advantages of structuring “better deals” up- continual quality failures for a pre-defined time
front. The best antidote to renegotiation has period, and merger and acquisition activity in
been to build greater flexibility into contract the client’s organization leading to a change in
structures, to allow for changes without end-to- the strategic imperatives. In addition, clients
end renegotiation. They claim that contract may realize that the process is more
renegotiation is not necessarily a “bad thing” convenient to retain in-house in light of its
from the outsourcers’ perspective, and in fact, critical upstream and downstream linkages. Exit
may be a critical opportunity to ensure long- due to pricing issues has also been cited as a
term success or salvage a failing relationship in reason by some respondents. Contracts today
need of review and updation. As per have in-built clauses which allow clients to
respondents, renegotiation is most often a benchmark prices to competitors after pre-

PricewaterhouseCoopers 29
defined periods, usually 12-18 months. In case months, which takes into account the time
clients feel that an opportunity for cost-savings needed by the client to transition the
exists, they may chose to terminate the outsourced business functions onsite or to
contract. However, with intensified focus on a another local vendor. However the industry
collaborative, partnership approach to trend is primarily that of a ramp-down approach,
offshoring, respondents anticipate that that not wherein the client gradually reduces the depth
only will the average contract tenures get and breadth of offshoring with the service-
extended, but the number of premature exit provider, and eventually exits.
options exercised by clients will reduce to a
minimum. In specific cases, clients require service-
providers to cooperate during the transition
Contract termination from a service-providers phase leading up to and following termination of
perspective is a rare finding. A typical condition the outsourcing agreement. Further, options to
for this to take place is continual non-payment acquire key resources of the vendor and retain
of dues by clients. critical assets, including intellectual and
knowledge assets, may also be built into
A majority of the survey respondents reveal contracts. Specifications on the amount and
that the typical notice period for exit is 3-6 timing of compensation, if due, are also pre-

PricewaterhouseCoopers 30

One of the most important pieces of legislation impacting the BPO

industry today is the Sarbanes Oxley Act. This act, which has been
enacted for all companies listed on US stock exchanges, requires
management to certify the internal controls of the company for
financial reporting (S404) and directly impacts processes which are
considered “financially-significant” to an organization’s business.
Generally, an outsourcing situation would need to consider a
Section 404 assessment only when outsourced activities constitute
a significant process or when the function performed by a third
party generates information significant to the financial reporting

This has led to a situation wherein many clients a service organization’s description of controls
have been forced to have a re-look at their through a Service Auditor’s Report. As a result
outsourcing strategy. In case of “financially of this, auditors of the user organization are no
significant” processes being outsourced, the longer required to audit the internal control
service provider has to provide assurance to frameworks of offshore locations.
the auditors of the user organization as to the
robustness of the controls existing at their end. In conclusion, a number of service providers in
In these situations, certifications such as SAS India are either already SAS 70 certified, or
70 (Statement of Audit Standards No.70) are have initiated the certification process, rapidly
being adopted, which require an independent emerging as a required factor for most clients
auditor (“service auditor”) to issue an opinion on considering an offshoring option.

PricewaterhouseCoopers 31
With employee turnover in the Indian offshoring sector ranging over
40%, it is not surprising to find attrition being cited as one of the
main causes of concern for the BPO industry. It has attracted the
attention of the top management of both clients and service-provid-
ers, who are now viewing this as an area of strategic importance,
rather than an operational issue.

Although the respondents to the survey agree Employee Retention Strategies

to average attrition statistics ranging between
40% and 60% for the industry as a whole, the z Clearly defined career paths
actual company rates may vary based on z Tie-ups with educational institutes for post-
regional presence, functional offerings and even graduation programs subsidized by the
process offering within specific functions. For service-provider
instance a few respondents state that their
z Informal anti-poach agreements with
centers in Tier II cities such as Jaipur,
Managalore, Coimbatore and Chandigarh
z Cross functional training
witness a lower degree of turnover as compared
to metros. Reasons cited for this include the z Performance-linked remuneration
psychographic profile of the residents or could z Tenure-linked bonuses
be simply because of the lower density of
z Recognition schemes
offshoring setups in the city. Other trends that
service-providers highlighted include attrition z Flexible working hours
rates being higher in voice-based processes
vis-à-vis non-voice based processes and To counter each of the above, organizations
declining attrition rates as processes move up have been focusing minutely on designing and
the value chain within functional offerings. implementing the best-in-class retention
Explaining attrition is often challenging, in light
of the innumerable causative variables - The respondents stated that the most far-
behavioural, organizational and industrial - reaching yet implicit strategy being adopted by
which may be involved. This challenge is service providers is that of repositioning the
magnified in the offshoring industry on account BPO industry as an attractive long-term career
of the absence of any historical industry option, so far considered a ‘stop-gap’ solution to
precedence compounded with the typical fresh graduates – the target employee segment.
demographic profile of the employees, often in A majority of the respondents have taken
their early twenties. However, respondents to proactive measures such as detailing career
the survey identify three prime reasons to growth plans for employees and communicating
explain the high-attrition phenomenon, which the intent to potential candidates through
include perceived lack of growth opportunities in campus road shows and employment fairs.
the organization, migration to more stable work However, service-providers assert that for the
environments and most importantly, search for image makeover of the industry to fructify,
higher pay-scales.

PricewaterhouseCoopers 32
solitary efforts are inadequate, requiring the Recruitment Strategies
industry to collectively make compelling efforts
in this area. In their individual capacity how- z Use of competency frameworks
ever, service-providers are striving to reinforce z Hiring from the higher-age bracket of popula-
the power of their brand, an important pull factor tion. Example : officers who have taken VRS
for employees of the industry. Mid-sized from banks
industry respondents state that in a consider-
able number of cases their employees chose to In addition to pursuing innovative retention
move to global or large Indian service-providers, strategies, respondents state that the focus is
resulting in a high degree of ‘brand-switching’ steadily shifting to ensuring that recruitment
within the industry itself. processes are aligned with retention strategies.
The effectiveness of any system depends on
In the same light, the intent of getting a majority the quality of the inputs, in this case the new
of organizations to develop an informal “no- employees. A few respondents to the survey
poaching” agreement is another retention have realized this, and correspondingly made a
strategy being deliberated, requiring collabora- paradigm shift in their hiring process by focus-
tive effort of the industry. However industry ing on competency frameworks and other
experts agree that a more viable model in the selection instruments. In some cases, respon-
short-term is the signing of bilateral agreements dents highlight that clients take an active
between companies, as industry-wide agree- interest in the recruitment process, clearly
ments may require a longer time frame to identifying profiles and positions. This is
materialize. All respondents cite the require- especially true for BOT models, wherein the
ment of organizations to adopt responsible client is preparing to take over all assets –
behavior in order to ensure that the industry human and physical after a pre-defined period.
does not become a victim of its own actions. In addition, an interesting strategy being
adopted by a few respondents includes recruit-
In keeping with the strategy of positioning the ing employees belonging to an older age
BPO industry as a serious career option, bracket, for want of a higher degree of em-
service-providers have entered into exclusive ployee stability and commitment.
tie-ups with educational institutes to provide
professional degree courses to their employees. It is estimated that, by the year 2008, India
This allows employees to pursue their aca- would have approximately five million people
demic interests and simultaneously remain employed by the ITES industry.1 In order to
employed. ensure a consistent flow of trained manpower in
the future, the industry is exploring the possibil-
In addition, performance-linked remuneration, ity of working with the government to introduce
transparent recognition schemes, cross-training courses at a school and college level, in line
etc. are other practices being adopted a major- with the requirements of the ITES-BPO industry
ity of the survey respondents. Although of India.
constrained by time-zone differences, a few
respondents state that they try to accommo- Although service providers are focusing on
date flexible working hours wherever possible, recruitment and retention of skilled manpower,
aiming to minimize the outflow to sectors such steps are also being taken to reduce the
as retailing and hospitality, which compete for adverse impact of attrition on business continu-
similar skill-sets. ity through building robust processes especially
with respect to data security, reducing depen-
dency on individuals by making relationships
and processes system-driven rather than
person-driven, increasing back-up bench
strength and investing in adequate succession


PricewaterhouseCoopers 33

Offshoring poses significant cultural and change management

challenges, which companies today cannot afford to overlook. En-
gaging the work force to ensure success requires aligning all lev-
els, functions and businesses with the strategic outsourcing vision
and gaining a collective commitment to the vision. Most companies
realize the importance of the task but require support to translate
the knowledge into action.

“Change management is often an over- which employees are sensitized include working
looked aspect in offshoring – but has the in remotely-enabled business environments and
potential to emerge as one of the biggest cultural issues.
barriers to its success.”
- Survey Respondent
“For effective change management,
communication is the key to success.”
Offshoring strategies create a fundamental shift
- Survey Respondent
in the human resources models and force
organizations to reassess and actively manage A few leading respondents state, that in spe-
their human assets. The shift can take place at cific situations they have provided advisory
two levels: inputs to their clients on issues relating to
change management. For instance, service
z Roles retained in-house with increased/ providers have conducted workshops and
changed responsibilities seminars to stress the requirement of executive
commitment at the highest level and have
z Changed roles with new characteristics, highlighted the leadership on the strategic
skills and expertise relevant to both in- importance of offshoring initiatives from a
house and offshore centers change management perspective.

Respondents cite that clients are becoming In addition to the above, respondents cite the
increasingly concerned of the risks of inad- following aspects which are typically addressed
equately planned change management initia- in change management initiatives:
tives, which they believe result in lowering of
staff morale, productivity and service quality. z Timely, honest and consistent internal and
external communication plans
To mitigate change management risks, respon-
z Two-way cultural orientation, identification
dents state that in many cases, the clients’
of discrepancies and similarities among
senior management has begun to assume the
corporate cultures
role of evangelists, winning over resistance by
clearly communicating, to all key stakeholders, z Retention strategies for key personnel and
the strategic payoffs from outsourcing. In contractors
addition, the management takes initiatives to z Compensation to the retained organization
sensitize employees to the new paradigm and for successful operation of the offshore
helps them ease into it by clearly outlining the center
new structures, work processes, roles and
z Cross training, job rotation and job mobility
responsibilities well in advance. The areas on

PricewaterhouseCoopers 34
z SLA’s between onshore and offshore cited the example of an Application Engineer’s
operations role changing from primary involvement in
technology development to vendor management
Nearshore facilities allow service-providers to of an outsourced contract. The client took
assist clients in change management, by timely action to not only address the change in
absorbing a part of the displaced workforce. the employee’s job description, but also on the
A trend which service providers are observing is related aspects of the compensation structure,
the timely action being taken by clients with HR metrics and required training and develop-
respect to change management. They state that ment to ensure continued productivity.
as soon as the decision to offshore has been
taken; organizations identify affected roles, Given the increased participation of various
positions and individuals - an activity tradition- functions in the offshoring process and their
ally left to the last stages of the project. For mounting importance, respondents state that it
employees to be retained in-house, new roles is becoming crucial to establish appropriate
are clearly defined and integrated into a perfor- governance structures, not only for the program
mance management system. This includes itself, but for the ongoing management and
developing a comprehensive change manage- oversight of offshored operations.
ment process and ongoing tools for evaluation
and monitoring. For instance, a respondent

PricewaterhouseCoopers 35

The BPO industry is drawing significant attention and India, by

virtue of its dominance in this sector is at the center of this
attention. The shift of the Indian economy towards more service-
orientation suggests that in the long term, India will continue to be a
major player in the global BPO industry.

Despite the growth that this industry is witness- industry evolves. We have also discussed the
ing, there are certain areas that require greater corresponding risk-mitigants that service
attention going forward from service providers providers and companies are focusing on, to
to ensure that the industry remains firmly on the manage the risks.
growth path.
We hope that this survey provides service
This survey was conducted with the objective providers with a deeper understanding of the
of analyzing some of the key trends that will industry they operate in and acts as an impor-
drive the future direction of the industry. We tant input to potential customers considering
have endeavored to highlight some of the key outsourcing their processes to India.
risks that the industry faces and will face as the

PricewaterhouseCoopers 36

Discussion Document (Guideline document for 1.4 Pricing Framework

z Trends indicating a change in client prefer-
Section I: ences of pricing modes
z Experience in your organization in the
Strategic Issues
emergence of new pricing modes and
drivers of the same
1.1 Business Case Development

z Key aspects that clients must address in 1.5 Migration Strategy

business cases
z Instances of under/over estimation of z Success and failures stories of migration
offshoring benefits, which the business with emphasis of migration modes adopted
case failed to capture z Are you seeing clients simplify /
z Experience and case studies of participa- standardise and then migrate? Or do see
tion with clients for developing business clients migrate processes and then stan-
cases. Ones that worked and those that did dardize them?
not. z Typical time to migrate processes, and
trends in reduction of migration time
z ‘Least time to migrate and ‘Maximum time
1.2 Process Selection Framework
to migrate’ – examples…
z Trends of the BPO industry expanding to z Techniques adopted for reduction of migra-
include more strategic service offerings, tion time
rather than being (just) volume driven z Assessment of costs of migration
z Views on emergence of niche players z Trends towards additional service offerings
resulting in industry re-structuring along to clients around migration of processes
verticals rather than functions
z Future for pure voice-based BPO service
providers? 1.6 Governance and Monitoring

z Client’s modes of addressing governance

1.3 Deal Structuring and monitoring issues? Are you seeing
greater investments by clients on gover-
z Models (JV, co-sourcing, hybrid) holding nance?
growth potential in the future and the drivers z Trends of changes in client involvement,
thereof monitoring etc. due to legislations such as
z Future of BOT models in India and the Sarbanes Oxley, BS 7799….
growth enhancers/inhibitors? Are you z Are clients evolving with regards to looking
seeing more of these? at wider issues -beyond cost and efficien-
cies – to look at impact on brand, public
perception etc.

PricewaterhouseCoopers 37
1.7 Contract Renegotiation and Exit Strategies 2.2 Cost Challenges

z Experience in the recent past of contract z Future trends in changes of cost structures
renegotiation? with the evolution and maturity of the BPO
z Exit strategies for clients and degree of industry in India.
‘brand switching’ in the industry? z ‘Double digit wage increases in India.’ Do
z Are you seeing clients build exit strategies you see a real threat of manpower cost
into their outsourcing plan from day 1? advantage diminishing?

2.3 Quality Challenge

z Instances of breakthrough QC initiatives

Section II: implemented in the organization
Operational Issues and z Tools and techniques recommended for
Challenges enhancing quality

2.1 HR Challenges
2.4 Dispersal of Growth
z Any experience in the depletion of high
quality manpower resulting in skill unavail- z Plans and experience of expansion to Tier
ability? Are clients asking questions II ? Drivers/Inhibitors for expansion to Tier
regarding scarcity of resources as demand II cities
rises? How do you see this panning out?
2.5 Consolidation of Industry
z New trends in training for skill upgrade, cost
minimization… z Growth of BPO companies through acquisi-
z Attrition trends and retention strategies tions
z Acquisition of BPO companies by potential

PricewaterhouseCoopers 38
About PricewaterhouseCoopers Pvt. Ltd.

PricewaterhouseCoopers Pvt. Ltd. (PwC) is one of the largest and most reputed professional
services networks in India, providing industry-focused services to public and private clients.
PwC specialists from the advisory and tax teams connect their thinking, experience and solutions
to build public trust and enhance value for clients and their stakeholders.

PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Business Solutions group offers comprehensive services designed to

meet today’s management issues in the areas of Business Planning, Finance Function
Effectiveness, Shared Services, Corporate Governance, Supply Chain Improvement, Cost
Reduction, HR & Organization Transformation and Technology Linked Solutions. The BPO sector
is a key focus area for the advisory team at PricewaterhouseCoopers, with services and
competencies that span Strategy, Process, Tax & Regulatory and Risk delivered through a
global network of practitioners servicing clients across a range of industry verticals. The team’s
rich experience includes having previously set-up and managed PricewaterhouseCoopers’ BPO
practice in India. A Center of Excellence, showcasing the experience of clients, has been estab-
lished in Kolkata. PwC has offices in Bangalore, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai, New Delhi,
Bhubaneshwar and Pune.

For information please contact:

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Email: joydeep.datta.gupta@in.pwc.com Email: neel.ratan@in.pwc.com
Telephone: +91 98300 30999 Telephone: +91 98100 48596

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Telephone: + 91 98201 46222 Telephone: +91 98861 84999

Hyderabad Chennai
Gutala V.Subrahmanyam Sanjukta Pal
Email: gutala.v.subrahmanyam@in.pwc.com Email: s.pal@in.pwc.com
Telephone: + 91 98490 13872 Telephone: + 91 98410 39627

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PricewaterhouseCoopers 39
PricewaterhouseCoopers 40

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