"Tailor-Fit" Agreement Captured in A Document: Company) Example: Ilan Yung Nasagot Mong Call)
"Tailor-Fit" Agreement Captured in A Document: Company) Example: Ilan Yung Nasagot Mong Call)
"Tailor-Fit" Agreement Captured in A Document: Company) Example: Ilan Yung Nasagot Mong Call)
Regulatory Requirements
BOI Qualification & Requirements ~ PEZA
Regulatory Requirements
2. Shared Service Center (SSC): Example: New York bank contracting start-up
➢ Wholly-owned by the mother company security service firm in New York
➢ Providing services entirely to affiliates
and subsidiaries, or more rarely to clients 4. Nearshoring: the transfer of business to a
of the mother company nearby country, often sharing the same
➢ Examples: border.
ANZ Bank, Chartis Technology and Advantages:
Operations Management, Chevron ➢ Fee-for-service variability rather than
Citigroup, Dell, DKS, HP, HSBC fixed compensation costs
J.P Morgan Chase, Maersk, Manulife ➢ Significant labor cost arbitrage
Shell Shared Services Asia,
Thomson Reuters Disadvantages:
➢ Additional coordination costs,
Strategies for Outsourcing sourcing management,
1. Multisourcing: Multiple vendors for client's ➢ Transfer pricing/tax margin
outsourced project. requirements
➢ GM's Brazilian e-commerce site. Vendors: Example: Hong Kong retail firm offshoring
Oracle, AT &T, Microsoft, Cisco, EDS (now garments manufacturing in Manila
HP Enterprise Services), IBM
➢ GM's 2007/$7.5B IT outsourcing contract 5. Offshoring - Vendor and client in different
with EDS (now HP Enterprise Services), countries (Hiring third party provider in
IBM, Capgemini, and Wipro Ltd. different countries)
2. Crowdsourcing: "...outsourcing to an ➢ Allows company to focus on core
undefined, generally large group of potential business
offerers in the form of an open call." (Jeff ➢ Fast ramp-up/down at reasonable cost
Howe) “ONLY THE BEST” ➢ Opportunity to expand into new areas
cost effectively
3. Onshoring: Vendor in the same home country
as client Disadvantages:
➢ Data privacy/confidentiality issues
➢ Lack of right business acumen/right Typically Outsourced Activities-Tasks-
market knowledge in offshore location Processes
➢ Cultural differences leading to delays and
miscues 1. Business Process Outsourcing (BPO):
➢ Risk of high attrition in service provider, outsourcing of entire business process
weak staff selection/training components; e.g., HR, payroll, accounting,
Financial, etc.
• Core Activities-Tasks-Processes:
➢ Primary process or product of the
➢ Tasks that deliver the primary product, the
unique value proposition of the company
➢ “Essential, defining activities of an
organization,” what it needs to keep
enhancing to improve competitive
2. IT Outsourcing:
➢ IT Technical Support
• Non-Core Activities-Tasks-Processes:
➢ IT Application Development
➢ Support activities, processes, functions ➢ IT Application Management
➢ Data Center operations
Core Activities-Tasks-Processes: ➢ Software as a Service (SaaS)
➢ Design ➢ Cloud (On-line Storage) Services
➢ Product Development Examples:
➢ Process Accenture
➢ “Recipe” Chartis
What to Outsource?
3. Support function/ services: (non-core
Well-defined/documented tasks, standard activities
outputs ➢ Cafeterias Copy centers
Examples: ➢ Security
➢ IT Development: programming, ➢ Janitorial Services
documentation, unit and integration ➢ Trucking/ Shipping
testing, implementation of new systems, ➢ Building Maintenance
conversion to new platforms
➢ IT Maintenance: application maintenance, 4. Routine activities or activities that can be
helpdesk, network support automated at larger centers:
➢ Small banks outsourcing check
Typically Outsourced Activities-Tasks- processing to larger banks, riding on
Processes ATM base of multi-bank network
➢ Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) ➢ Small vendors using Amazon.com as
➢ IT Outsourcing data center (use this app as data center),
➢ Support Function/services marketing, and payment processing
➢ Routine activities or activities that can be platform
automated at larger centers ➢ Banks using common/multi-bank core
➢ Seasonal Requirement/s banking services of large technology
➢ Part-based Activities providers
5. Seasonal Requirement/s:
➢ One day 50 employees needed; next day
only 10 are needed
➢ Christmas hires to handle additional
volume of transactions
➢ Temporary extension of operating hours
to accommodate foot traffic
Video conferencing:
➢ HP - Halo (8.5 min. video)
➢ Cisco - Telepresence
➢ Sun - MPK20: Project Wonderland
Fundamentals of Outsourcing