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Enhancement of ESP Performance

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Enhancement of ESP performance of Thermal Power Plant : a

controlling measure towards Environmental Sustainability.

SN Patra & UK Sarangi.
NALCO, Angul, Odisha, India
e-mail: patra_surendranath@yahoomail.co.in

Thermal Power plants emit fly ash as well as other gases like Carbon dioxide(CO2), Carbon
Monoxide (CO), Sodium Oxides(NOx) , Sulpher oxides( SOx ) ,etc. to the atmosphere and, in
turn, the atmosphere gets polluted. The pollution to this effect is dangerous to our living society
as well as to the plant life. The reason is the use of fossil fuel like coal to run the thermal power
plants. Now-a-days. more numbers of old coal based power plants, are still in existence with high
emission. High ash content or deterioration in quality of coal reserve is the major focus for our
environmental sustainability. Around 70% of power generation is from coal based thermal power
plant. Alternative power generation technologies have also been adopted to reduce emission as a
major towards environmental care.
Air pollution control equipment for todays need are Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) , Fabric
Filter (FF) etc. are in greater use. But, Electrostatic Precipitators(ESP) are widely used all
over the world for better performance and better dust collection efficiency. It is a reliable and
proven technology which Can effectively handle large quantities of abrasive type fly ash without
any operating problems. Energy saving aspect on this controlling measures is really challenging.
For enhancement of ESP performance, promotion of new technology and development of
electronics & materials are in continuous process of improvement.. This paper presents the basic
technological and operational concept of ESP and performance enhancement programs/activities
being taken in Thermal power generation plants, which are in accordance with the
Environmental Regulations of todays world.

Introduction to Electrostatic Precipitators

An electrostatic precipitator is a large, industrial emission-control unit. It supersedes in many
way to the previously used bag filter system and is designed to trap and remove dust particles
efficiently and effectively from the exhaust gas stream of an industrial process. Precipitators are
used in these industries:


In many thermal power plant plants, fly ash generated in the coal combustion process is carried

as dust in the hot exhaust gases. These dust-laden gases are allowed to pass through an
electrostatic precipitator that collects most of the dust. Cleaned gas then passes out of the
precipitator and then through a stack to the atmosphere. Precipitators typically collect 99.9% or
more of the dust from the gas stream.
Precipitators function by electro-statically charging the dust particles in the gas stream coming
out of the boiler after coal combustion. The charged particles are then attracted to and deposited
on the collector plates. When enough dust has accumulated, the collectors are hammered to
dislodge the dust, causing it to fall with the force of gravity to hoppers below. The dust is then
removed by a conveyor, slurry form, vacuum trapped system etc. for disposal or recycling.
Depending upon dust characteristics, coal composition ( primarily ash content ) and the gas
volume to be treated, there are many different sizes, types and designs of electrostatic
precipitators. Very large power plants may actually have multiple precipitators for each unit
Basic Principles
Electrostatic precipitation removes particles from the exhaust gas stream of an thermal power
plant. Often the process involves combustion, but it can be any industrial process that would
otherwise emit particles to the atmosphere. The following processes are being carried out inside

Gas distribution Uniformly distributing the gas inside ESP

Ionization - Charging of particles by corona power

Migration - Transporting the charged particles to the collecting surfaces
Collection - Precipitation of the charged particles onto the collecting surfaces
Charge Dissipation - Neutralizing the charged particles on the collecting surfaces
Particle Dislodging - Removing the particles from the collecting surface to the hopper
Particle Removal - Conveying the particles from the hopper to a disposal point

The major precipitator components that accomplish these activities are as follows:

Flue Gas Conditioning

Discharge/ emitting Electrodes
Collecting electrodes/ plates
Power Components
Precipitator Controls / electronic controller
Rapping Systems
Purge Air Systems

The performance efficiency of ESP depends upon the optimization of all the above factors.

The above figure shows the process of ionization of ash particles inside the ESP fields. The
figure below shows the condition of particle charging and collection at the collecting plate.


Collection Efficiency = 1 - e -w. SCA

Migration velocity


Specific Collecting Area

Migration Velocity
The velocity with which the dust particle travel towards the collecting electrode
under the influence of electric field. Unit is m/sec
Specific collecting area
Amount of collecting area required to be provided to collect dust in gas flow rate
of 1 m3/s. Unit : m2/m3/sec

To maximize electrostatic precipitator efficiency a voltage controller usually attempts to increase
the electrical power delivered to the field. However in some conditions a voltage controller must
just maintain power at a constant level. Increased electrical power into the electrostatic
precipitator directly correlates with better precipitator performance, but there is a limit. If too
much voltages is applied for a given condition, a spark over will occur. During a spark over,
precipitator performance in that field will drop to zero, rendering that field temporarily
To overcome the crippling effect that spark over has to increasing the electrical power in the
precipitator field, spark response algorithms have been developed that will interrupt power upon
detection of a spark, then ramp power back up to a high level. These response algorithms can
greatly influence overall precipitator performance
The transformer-rectifier rating should be matched to the load imposed by the electrical field or
bus section. The power supply will perform best when the transformer-rectifiers operate at 70 90% of the rated capacity, without excessive sparking. This reduces the maximum continuousload voltage and corona power inputs. Practical operating voltages for transformer-rectifiers
depend on:

Collecting plate spacing

Gas and dust conditions
Collecting plate and discharge electrode geometry

Similarly, Corona current density should be in the range of 10 - 100 mA/1000 ft2 of plate
area. (Calculate this using secondary current divided by collecting area of the electrical field
or bus section.) The actual level depends upon:

Location of electrical field or bus section to be energized

Collecting plate area
Gas and dust conditions
Collecting electrode and discharge wire geometry

The right side figure is condition of corona discharge inside the

field. Precipitator corona power is the useful electrical power

applied to the flue gas stream to precipitate particles.
Either precipitator collecting efficiency or outlet residual can be
expressed as a function of corona power in Watts/1000 acfm
of flue gas, or in Watts/1000 ft of collection area

Performance Improvements:
For improving ESP performance, the following major aspects are to be looked into for corrective
Optimizing Gas Velocity Distribution
Efficient precipitator performance depends heavily upon having similar gas conditions at the
inlet of each electrical field and at the inlet of each gas passage of the electrical field. Uniformity
of gas velocity is also desirable to have a good gas velocity distribution throughout the
precipitator. Gas Velocity Distribution in a precipitator can be customized according to the
design of the precipitator and the characteristics of the dust particles. Traditionally, precipitators
have been designed with uniform gas velocity distribution through the electrical fields, to avoid
high-velocity areas that would cause re-entrainment. While this is still a recommended practice,
there is an advantage in some cases to developing a velocity profile that brings more particles

Gas distribution arrangement at the inlet of electrostatic precipitator.

The worn-out screen used for uniform gas distribution

For improving the uniform distribution of flue gas inside the ESP field, the following aspects
are to be emphasized.

Adding/improving gas flow control devices in the inlet ductwork

Adding/improving flow control devices in the inlet of the precipitator
Adding/improving flow control devices in the outlet of the precipitator
Adding a rapping system to the flow control devices (where applicable)
Adding/improving hopper baffles
Eliminating air leakages into the precipitator

Optimizing Corona Power

Precipitator corona power is the useful electrical power applied to the flue gas stream to
precipitate particles. Either precipitator collecting efficiency or outlet residual can be
expressed as a function of corona power. The separation of particles from the gas flow in an
electrostatic precipitator depends on the applied corona power. Corona power is the product
of corona current and voltage. Current is needed to charge the particles. Voltage is needed to
support an electrical field, which in turn transports the particles to the collecting plates.
In the lower range of collecting efficiencies, relatively small increases in corona power result
in substantial increases in collecting efficiency..
Optimum conditions depend upon the location of the field (inlet, center and outlet), fly ash
characteristics and composition and physical conditions (collecting plates and discharge
wires). Corona power levels can be optimized by adjusting or optimizing the field voltage.
This field voltages are automatically determined by the intelligent electronic controller by
properly studying the field status such as gas volume, gas temperature, gas velocity etc. while
in operation. Accordingly, appropriate corona power is being delivered in the field to ionize
the ash particles which need to be collected before going to stack.

The above figure shows the intermittent charging of ESP field for better performance.

Intermittent charging the ESP field is the best practice for improving the collection
efficiency as well as the energy saving. It also helps the equipment damage against spark
initiated inside the field. The above figure shows the current and voltage pattern at different
charge ratio in the ESP field.

The above figure shows the effect of back corona which deteriorates the ESP performance.
So, correct intermittent charging reduces the formation of back corona.
Optimal Designing of ESP Equipments:
The objectives of equipment improvements are to optimize corona power, reduce reentrainment, and optimize gas velocity distribution inside the precipitator. Some important
topics to consider when planning equipment improvements include:
1. Precipitator Size :

When sizing the precipitator, it is important to provide a cross-section that will maintain
an acceptable gas velocity. It is also important to provide for enough total discharge wire
length and collecting plate area, so that the desired specific corona current and electrical
field can be applied.

Horizontal and vertical design consideration of ESP to meet the required efficiency


Minimizing Spark
When the voltage applied to the electrostatic precipitator field is too high for the
conditions at the time, a spark over (or will occur. Detrimentally high amounts of current
can occur during a spark over if not properly controlled, which could damage the fields.
A voltage controller will monitor the primary and secondary voltage and current of the
circuit, and detect a spark over condition. Once detected, the power applied to the field
will be immediately cut off or reduced, which will stop the spark. After a short amount of
time the power will be ramped back up, and the process will start over. Hence the space
between electrodes is to be optimally designed and to be closely monitored while opening
the field for inspection and maintenance.

Minimizing Particle Re-entrainment:

Minimizing re-entrainment of dust particles is important aspect for improvement of

precipitator efficiency. Most precipitator equipment affects the re-entrainment level. The
deflecting plates to be placed properly in the path of gas stream to divert it uniformly
inside the field . Consequently gas velocity remains uniform throughout the ESP field.
Combustion Process Improvements for Power Plants
Combustion process conditions mainly affect the corona power level. The primary
contributors to combustion process conditions and their effects include:
Fly Ash and Flue Gas Conditioning
Flue gas and fly ash characteristics at the inlet define precipitator operation. The combination
of flue gas analysis, flue gas temperature and fly ash chemistry provides the base for fly ash
resistivity. Typically, fly ash resistivity involves both surface and volume resistivity. As gas
temperature increases, surface conductivity decreases and volume resistivity increases.

In lower gas temperature ranges, surface conductivity predominates. The current passing
through the precipitated fly ash layer is conducted in a film of weak sulfuric acid on the
surface of the particles. Formation of the acid film (from SO3 and H2O) is influenced by the
surface chemistry of the fly ash particles.
In higher gas temperature ranges, volume conductivity predominates. Current conduction
through the bodies (volume) of the precipitated fly ash particles is governed by the total
chemistry of the particles.
Fly ash resistivity can be modified (generally with the intent to reduce it) by injecting one or
more of the following upstream of the precipitator:

Sulfur trioxide (SO3)

Ammonia (NH3)

Sulfur Trioxide and Ammonia Conditioning Systems

In most cases, a sulfur trioxide conditioning system is sufficient to reduce fly ash resistivity
to an acceptable level. The source of sulfur trioxide can be liquid sulfur dioxide, molten
elemental sulfur, or granulated sulfur. It is also possible to convert native flue gas SO2 to
In some instances, ammonia alone has been proven a suitable conditioning agent. It forms an
ammonia-based particulate to increase the space charge. The source of ammonia may be
liquid anhydrous or aqueous ammonia, or solid urea.
Finally, sulfur trioxide and ammonia may be used in combination. This solution has been
successful because it can lower fly ash resistivity and also form ammonia bisulfate. The latter
increases the adhesion of particles, and thus reduces re-entrainment losses.
Many of the precipitators in operation today were sized and designed to meet performance
requirements that are far below current requirements. Time has also taken its toll on the
robust machines built many years ago. Most units can be upgraded, repaired or rebuilt to
extend their life and improve their performance. Many design experiences are there to insure
the modifications to meet the objectives of today's precipitator performance. Varieties of
precipitators have been modified to meet more stringent performance requirements.

Rapping Systems
Rappers are time-controlled systems provided for removing dust from the collecting plates
and the discharge electrodes as well as for gas distribution devices (optional) and for hopper
walls (optional). Checking the rapping frequency and correct operation of each rappers
including in time maintenance enhances the value addition to the ESP performance

Many of the precipitators in operation today were sized and designed to meet performance
requirements that are far below current requirements. Time has also taken its toll on the
robust machines built many years ago. Most units can be upgraded, repaired or rebuilt to
extend their life and improve their performance. It has the design experience to insure that
modifications meet the objectives of today's precipitator operators. Hundreds of precipitators
have been modified to meet more stringent performance requirements. Units built in the
1960s and 70s can often be modified to provide 15% to 20% more collecting surface without
increasing the footprint of the unit. The size of European design precipitators can be
increased 30% and more.
In energy saving point of view, the response time of a typical SCR controlled transformer
rectifier can be no faster than 8.33 milliseconds. However, at the higher frequency operating
level of SMPS controller, the response time can be as quick as 100 microseconds, an order
of magnitude quicker.
This quicker response time allows the control to reduce the short circuit inrush current
created by arcing in the precipitator. Short circuits created by arcs simply send current to
ground and waste power. By reducing these arcs, power is conserved.

Shared Experience of operation and maintenance of ESP.

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