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Typical Course of Study: Grade 7: Language Arts

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Typical Course of Study: Grade 7

Reading Literature and Informational Text and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science,
and Technical Subjects
Cite evidence from text to support analysis of both explicit and implicit messages
within the text
Find and explain one or more central ideas in a text and analyze their development
Analyze how a theme or central idea develops throughout the text
Summarize literary and informational or explanatory texts
Analyze how elements of a story interact
Analyze interactions between/among individuals, events, and ideas in a text
Identify key steps in a texts description of a process related to history or social studies
Describe how a text presents information
Follow a multistep written procedure when performing science or technical tasks
Determine meanings and effects of words, phrases, or symbols as used in a text
Analyze the effect of specific word choices on a texts meaning and tone
Analyze how a particular part of a text fits into the overall structure
Analyze how the form or structure of a text contributes to its meaning
Analyze how an author develops and contrasts points of view of different characters
Analyze the relationship between a primary and secondary source on the same
Compare and contrast a text to its audio, video, or multimedia version
Integrate quantitative or technical information presented in text form with
information expressed visually
Trace and evaluate the argument and supporting reasons in a text
Analyze whether an author supports a claim with sound reasoning and sufficient
Analyze and compare two or more authors presentations of the same information
Compare and contrast a fictional portrayal and a historical account of the same
By the end of the academic year, read and understand grade-level literary and
informational texts (including history/social studies, science, and technical subjects)
independently and with proficiency
Speaking and Listening
Participate in collaborative discussions on a variety of grade-level topics
Express ideas clearly and respectfully ingroup discussions
Follow agreed-upon rules and preparation procedures for discussions
Listen and respond to others, building on others ideas
Analyze ideas and details presented in many media and formats
Identify an argument, claims; evaluate the soundness of reasoning and evidence
Present claims or information in logical sequence supported with relevant facts and

Use clear pronunciation and appropriate eye contact and volume when speaking
Add multimedia and visual components to clarify ideas in presentations
Show command of formal English language when speaking for a variety of tasks


Write arguments supported with clear reasons and relevant evidence, including
arguments in history, social studies, science, and technical topics
Write informative or explanatory pieces developed with relevant details, including
arguments in history, social studies, science, and technical topics
Write narrations that include details, put events in order, and provide a conclusion
Produce effective writing appropriate to the task, purpose, and audience
Strengthen writing by getting feedback, revising, editing, and rewriting
Add dialogue and descriptions to develop characters and events
Use tools, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing
Cite sources for information used in writing
Contribute to collaborative group writing projects
Conduct short research tasks on a topic through investigation
Gather information from various sources to answer a question
Assess the credibility and accuracy of sources
Quote or paraphrase data and conclusions while avoiding plagiarism
Include evidence from literary or informational texts
Regularly produce clear writing for a variety of tasks, purposes, and audiences
(including writing in history/social studies, science, and technical subjects)

English Language Skills

Explain the function of phrases and clauses and their use in specific sentences
Use phrases and clauses correctly in a sentence
Recognize and correct dangling and misplaced modifiers
Identify and use simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences
Use conventions of English correctly when writing (capitalization, punctuation, and
Spell grade-level words correctly
Choose precise and concise words when writing or speaking
Vary sentence patterns for meaning, interest, and style when writing; avoid passive
Maintain consistency in style and tone when writing
Know the difference between formal and informal English and when to use each
Use context clues to determine word and phrase meanings
Use word structure clues to determine meanings of unknown words
Use relationships between words to better understand each word
Use references (print and digital) to determine or verify a words meanings, find its
pronunciation or its part of speech
Interpret and use figurative language in context
Distinguish literal and nonliteral meanings of words in context
Distinguish shades of meaning among related words
Distinguish among connotations of words with similar denotations
Learn and use grade-level general academic vocabulary

The Number System
Understand and explain addition and subtraction of rational numbers
Understand and explain multiplication and division of rational numbers
Apply properties of operations with rational numbers
Convert rational numbers to decimals
Know that the decimal form of a rational number terminates in zero or repeats
Compute fluently with rational numbers
Solve real world problems involving operations with rational numbers
Ratios and Proportional Relationships
Recognize and represent proportional relationships between quantities
Decide whether two quantities are in a proportional relationship
Identify the constant of proportionality (unit rate) in proportional relationships
Use equations to represent proportional relationships
Solve multistep ratio and percent problems
Analyze proportional relationships to solve real world and mathematical problems
Algebra and Functions
Apply properties of operations to generate equivalent linear expressions
Add, subtract, factor, and expand linear expressions with rational coefficients
Use variables to represent unknown quantities
Rewrite expressions in different forms in the context of a problem
Construct equations to solve real world and mathematical problems
Construct inequalities to solve real world and mathematical problems
Graph and interpret the solutions sets of inequalities
Identify the sequence of operations used in solving an equation
Define slope as vertical change for each unit of horizontal change
Identify the slope of a line from its graph
Construct triangles from three measures of angles or sides
Identify and describe similarity relationships of polygons
Interpret and create scale drawings of geometric figures
Solve real world and mathematical problems involving scale drawings of geometric
Solve real world and mathematical problems that involve vertical, adjacent,
complementary, and supplementary angles
Solve real world and mathematical problems involving angle measure
Understand and apply formulas for area and circumference of a circle
Understand and apply formulas for area, volume, and surface area
Solve real world and mathematical problems involving area, volume, and surface
area of quadrilaterals, polygons, cubes, right prisms, and cylinders
Describe two-dimensional figures that result from slicing three-dimensional figures
Statistics and Probability
Understand the concept and uses of statistics
Find, use, and interpret measures of center and spread for a data set


Understand and use random sampling to draw inferences about a population

Informally assess the degree of visual overlap of two numerical distributions
Understand the concept of probability of a chance event
Express the likelihood of an event occurring with a number between 0 and 1
Approximate the probability of a chance event by collecting data
Draw probability models and use them to find probabilities
Predict approximate relative frequencies of events
Find probabilities of compound events using diagrams, tables, lists, or simulation
Solve real world and mathematical problems involving statistics and probability

Life Science
Plant processes (photosynthesis, transpiration, respiration) and their byproducts
Chemical reactions in organisms to use food
Interdependent relationships among organisms in ecosystems
Energy transfer in ecosystems
Cycle of matter in ecosystems
Disruptions and changes in ecosystems over time
Cell structure and function
Human body tissues, organs, and systems
Health and nutrition
Homeostasis in the human body
Physical Science
Structure of atoms and molecules
Behavior of atoms and molecules in solids, liquids, and gases
Elements and compounds
Periodic Table
Physical and chemical changes in matter
Chemical reactions; new substances from chemical reactions
Energy released or stored from chemical reactions
Thermal energy
Sound and light
Wave behavior
Changes in state of matter with variations in temperature or pressure
Thermal energy and the transfer of thermal energy

and Space Science

Features and interrelationships of Earths hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere
Fossils and Earths history
Interactions that shape Earths history and future
History and elements of plate tectonics
Earth composition and energy flow
Earth systems interactions
Rocks and minerals
Weathering and erosion from wind, water, and ice
Natural resources
Natural hazards

Water movements and changes in land surface and under ground

Renewable and nonrenewable resources
Uneven distribution of Earths resources
History of natural hazards
Geological forces that forecast natural hazards


Health choices and long-term consequences of choices

Benefits of, practices for, and personal responsibility for health (including healthy
eating, personal hygiene, exercise, stress-management, adequate sleep, social and
emotional health, disease prevention, and avoidance of accidents and dangers)
Interrelationships of physical, mental, and social health
Impacts of social pressures on physical, emotional, and social health
Structure, functions, and interdependence of major body systems
Causes and effects of poor body image
Eating disorders and their prevention and treatment
Changes in anatomy during puberty
Role of hormones in growth, development, and personal health
Possible physical, social, and emotional impacts of decisions regarding sexual
Strategies to resist pressures to become sexually active
Characteristics of healthy relationships and dating behaviors
Lifelong strategies for identifying and preventing depression and anxiety
Importance of regular medical assessment
Myths and facts related to disease transmission and prevention
Ways the body defends itself against germs
Communicable, non-communicable, and hereditary diseases
Evaluation of health products
Basic safety rules for daily and recreational activities
Understanding of first-aid procedures and emergency response
Use, abuse, and effects of medications, tobacco, alcohol, and other substances
Relationship between tobacco, alcohol, and drugs and unsafe situations
Preventing the use of tobacco, alcohol, and illegal drugs
Prevention of and response to deliberate and accidental injuries
Reasons and ways to avoid violence, gangs, weapons, and illegal drugs
Skills to identify, avoid, report, and cope with potentially dangerous situations
Positive and negative characteristics of social groups, gangs, clubs, cliques
Development of self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-control
Understand appropriate ways to express emotions
Positive social interactions with peers, in home, and in the community
Bullying, alternative behaviors to bullying, and appropriate responses to bullying
Strategies for resolving conflicts with peers and others
Getting personal support from family
How and where to get help in making health decisions

World History, Medieval, and Early Modern Times
Disintegration of the Roman Empire
Byzantine Empire
Islamic civilizations and trade
African states in sub-Saharan Africa
Medieval Chinese and Japanese civilizations
Feudal system
Growth and spread of Christianity
Growth of civilizations in sub-Saharan Africa
Causes, course, and effects of religious crusades
Spread of bubonic plague
Ottoman Empire
European voyages to and conquests in the Americas
Rise of the Atlantic slave trade
Origins, features, and spread of the Renaissance
Growth of new ways of spreading information
Reformation and Counterreformation
Age of Discovery
Ideas of the Enlightenment
French Revolution
Other Revolutions in Europe and the Americas (1775-1848)
Rise of Imperialism
Industrial Revolution
Scientific Revolution
Rise of democratic thought and institutions
Physical geography of regions and countries during the medieval period
Geographic influences on major events in this span of history

Note about middle school arts curriculum: Middle-level curriculum often includes and offers
experiences and study in a variety of areas in the arts. Some examples are:
Choral music
Computer graphics and applications
Dance or other creative movement
Digital arts
Drama (including mime, storytelling, and technical aspects of theater)
Graphic design
Improvisational music
Instrumental music

Metal Sculpture
Textiles and fiber art

In the study and practice of any of the performance or visual arts, students encounter such
topics as:
Skills of watching, listening, and responding to works of art
Background and elements of particular art form
Understanding of the processes and techniques of particular forms
Principles of design
Vocabulary of particular art forms
Interpretation, analysis, and evaluation of works of art
Reflecting on own experiences and creations or performances
Art history
Well-known artists and works of visual or performing art form
Cultural contexts and expressions of art
Style, materials, and techniques used in a work of art
Generating questions about a work of art
Considering messages and purposes of a particular work of art
Responding orally, in writing, or some other way to works of art
Contributions of artists to society
Careers in art
Discipline and mindset for improving and developing skills in art
Fostering of creativity and self-expression
Development of artistic awareness, imagination, perception, skill
Experimenting with a variety of media, forms, and techniques
Solving design problems
Use of digital media and tools for producing, viewing, or responding to art
Polishing and furthering personal skills in a chosen area of art
Participation in collaborative discussions about works of art
Participation in collaborative creation of works of art
Proper safety procedures for activities in the specific arts

General goal for middle-level students: Use technology within all content areas to
collaborate, communicate, generate innovative ideas, create original works, and
investigate and solve problems.
Demonstrating proficient keyboarding skills
Use of a variety of common applications and productivity tools
Creation of products combining text, images, sound, music, and video
Use of spreadsheet and concept-mapping software
Use of interactive tools to design polls or surveys to gather data
Making contributions to blogs, wikis, and other collaborative forums
Gathering weather information and predictions
Use of online databases or simulation software to interpret and predict trends
Use of digital collaboration tools
Increasing knowledge about many cultures through digital content
Use of online interactive tools to communicate with learners from other cultures

Communicating with multiple audiences through a variety of formats and media

Increasing understanding of a local or global issue
Choosing appropriate digital resources to plan a project or solve a problem
Choosing appropriate search engines or directories
Selecting and using appropriate online applications for various purposes
Selecting appropriate, relevant sources for a purpose or audience
Analysis and synthesis of information to make decisions or develop solutions
Assessing the credibility and validity of online sources
Following fair use rules
Use of bibliography tools to cite sources from digital sources
Reporting and sharing of results or solutions
Exploring ways to receive feedback from multiple, appropriate audiences
Recognition and avoidance of potential online dangers
Safe and legal use of online sites and information
Understanding of privacy issues
Understanding how data are kept and available publicly
Understanding safety issues related to sharing personal information online
Practicing ethical and respectful behavior
Careful, responsible use and maintenance of digital equipment
Demonstrating openness to learning new technologies and procedures

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