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Raw Milk Facts

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The passage discusses the health benefits of raw milk and dangers of pasteurized milk. It also provides information about Organic Pastures Dairy Company, including their testing procedures.

The passage mentions that raw milk proteins are three-dimensional like tinker toys and carry vitamins and minerals through the gut. It also states that raw milk enhances the immune system and protects against disease.

The passage states that pasteurization destroys enzymes, diminishes vitamin content, denatures proteins, destroys certain vitamins, kills beneficial bacteria, and promotes pathogens. It is also associated with various health issues.

Raw Milk Facts

For info about the raw milk co-op in Fremont contact: angelzplace@gmail.com
Health Benefits of Raw Milk
MILK PROTEINS: Three dimensional, like tinker toys
CARRIERS: Carry vitamins and minerals through the gut into the blood stream; enh
ance the immune system; protect against disease
IMMUNE DEFENSE: Pasteurization and ultra-pasteurization flatten the three-dimens
ional proteins; the body thinks they are foreign proteins and mounts an immune d
DISEASES: Immune attacks lead to juvenile diabetes, asthma, allergies and other
disorders later in life
ALLERGIES: More and more people unable to tolerate pasteurized milk; one of the
top eight allergies; some have violent reactions to it.
The Milk Cure
ANCIENT: Since ancient times, an exclusive raw milk diet has been used to cure m
any diseases.
MAYO CLINIC: In the early 1900s, the “Milk Cure” was used at the Mayo clinic to
successfully treat cancer, weight loss, kidney disease, allergies, skin problems
, urinary tract problems, prostate problems, chronic fatigue and many other chro
nic conditions.
ONLY WITH RAW MILK: The Milk Cure only works with raw milk; pasteurized milk doe
s not have these curative powers.
Why is milk pasteurized?
In the 1800s, many US dairies began commercially producing low quality raw milk
in the inner cities of Boston and New York and others. These Brewery dairies wou
ld feed their cows very poor quality "brewer's mash." The resulting milk was ver
y weak and nearly blue from lack of protein, mineral, and fat content. This occu
rred during the Jamaican rum embargo. During this same time period, the dairy in
dustry did not use or have access to refrigeration, stainless steel, milking mac
hines, rubber hoses, hot water, or chlorine as a sanitizer. TB and Brucellosis w
ere rampant (not to mention horse manure on the streets, flies, and lack of publ
ic sanitation and sewage) and the cows were milked by hand without mechanical ma
chines. The cows stood in manure and there was no access to pasture (sounds like
some factory dairy farms of 2005). The resulting unhealthy milk from these sour
ces literally killed millions. The heating of milk to high temperatures reduced
this horrible blight. During this same time period, milk from the countryside ta
ken from pasture grazed healthy and clean cows was the best medicine of the day.
In fact, the Mayo Clinic used this high quality country raw milk as a basis for
many disease curing therapies. This was the untold story of raw milk. Because o
f pasteurization successes, commercial interests prevailed and all dairies (the
good, bad, and the ugly) then began to pool their milk so that "nobody would die
," even if milk quality was very poor. This was great news for milk mass marketi
ng, and creameries created high profits. These pasteurization practices continue
today with the chief benefit being extended shelf life. These modern dead milk
products now cause allergies and lactose intolerance to huge sectors of the popu
lation. Current (PMO) Federal standards for pasteurized milk permit 100,000 bact
eria per ml for milk going to be pasteurized with as many as 20,000 injured or l
iving bacteria to be alive after pasteurization, and this may include pathogens
(this is arguably the reason why milk is pasteurized). California standards for
raw milk require that milk sold for raw consumption have fewer than 15,000 live
bacteria per ml and no pathogens. OPDC averages about 1500 beneficial living bac
teria per ml (and never a human pathogen). For a great book on the subject of mi
lk history, please order "The Untold Story of Milk" by Dr. Ron Schmid ND. It is
available from OPDC. You get the whole story: starting 12,000 years ago, right u
p to and including OPDC in 2003.
Dangers of Pasteurization
Pasteurization destroys enzymes, diminishes vitamin content, denatures fragile m
ilk proteins, destroys vitamins C, B12 and B6, kills beneficial bacteria, promot
es pathogens and is associated with allergies, increased tooth decay, colic in i
nfants, growth problems in children, osteoporosis, arthritis, heart disease and
cancer. Calves fed pasteurized milk do poorly and many die before maturity. Past
eurized milk turns putrid; processors must remove slime and pus from pasteurized
milk before packaging it, by a process of centrifugal clarification. Inspection
of dairy herds for disease is not required for pasteurized milk. Raw milk dairi
es are brutally scrutinized. Pasteurization was instituted in the 1920s to comb
at TB, infant diarrhea, undulant fever and other diseases caused by poor animal
nutrition and dirty production methods. But times have changed and modern stainl
ess steel tanks, milking machines, refrigerated trucks and inspection methods ma
ke pasteurization absolutely unnecessary for public protection. And pasteurizati
on does not always kill the bacteria for Johne’s disease suspected of causing Cr
ohn s disease in humans with which most confinement cows are infected. Much comm
ercial milk is now ultra-pasteurized to get rid of heat-resistant bacteria and g
ive it a longer shelf life. Ultra-pasteurization is a violent process that takes
milk from a chilled temperature to above the boiling point in less than two sec
What happens to bacteria in pasteurized milk after pasteurization? After paste
urization, bacteria found naturally in milk are killed. During the high temperat
ure heating process, cell bodies of these bacteria are ruptured and their conten
ts are spilled, releasing histamines. This causes many milk drinkers to suffer a
llergic reactions. Almost all of these same consumers can drink raw milk and not
have allergies. The high levels of bacteria permitted in milk intended for past
eurization are still found in pasteurized milk; they are just dead and not remov
ed by the process.
Dangers of Homogenization
The homogenization process destroys the natural butter fat cells found in raw na
tural milk. This process uses extreme pressure to break apart the soft buoyant f
at cells, which cause the remaining small fat pieces to blend into milk and no l
onger float to the top making the cream line. Some European countries have studi
es that show that this process is dangerous and may strongly contribute to heart
disease and arterial plaguing. Our FDA disputes these findings under pressure f
rom the strong dairy lobby. Homogenization is not a required step, but rather a
step of convenience to deny the consumer the ability to see how much cream is ac
tually in the milk they buy.
Dangers of going No-fat!
Average butterfat content from old-fashioned cows at the turn of the century was
over 4% (or more than 50% of calories). Today butterfat comprises less than 3%
(or less than 35% of calories). Worse, consumers have been duped into believing
that low-fat and skim milk products are good for them. Only by marketing low-fat
and skim milk as a health food can the modern dairy industry get rid of its exc
ess poor-quality, low-fat milk from modern high-production herds. Butterfat cont
ains vitamins A and D needed for assimilation of calcium and protein in the wate
r fraction of the milk. Without them protein and calcium are more difficult to u
tilize and possibly toxic. Butterfat is rich in short- and medium chain fatty ac
ids which protect against disease and stimulate the immune system. It contains g
lyco-spingolipids which prevent intestinal distress and conjugated linoleic acid
which has strong anticancer properties.
Powdered skim milk, a source of dangerous oxidized cholesterol and neurotoxic am
ino acids, is added to 1% and 2% milk. Low-fat yogurts and sour creams contain m
ucopolysaccharide slime to give them body. Pale butter from hay-fed cows contain
s colorings to make it look like vitamin-rich butter from grass-fed cows. Bioeng
ineered enzymes are used in large-scale cheese production. Many mass produced ch
eeses contain additives and colorings and imitation cheese products contain vege
table oils.
What are pathogens?
Pathogens are disease causing bacteria and organisms. The three human pathogens
that are tested (state mandated) at OPDC include Listeria Monocytogenes, Salmone
lla, and Ecoli 0157. To date, not one of these pathogens have ever been detected
by any test at OPDC or conducted by any state or federal agency. Tests privatel
y performed at OPDC (BSK labs) showed that even when these pathogens were added
to OPDC raw milk at extremely high levels (7 logs) they would not grow and die o
ff (test results available upon request).
OPDC milk products are highly pathogen resistant. In more than 32 million servin
gs, and more than five years of intensive testing, not one single pathogen has b
een found or detected. Not one person has complained to the state of CA that the
y have become sickened by an OPDC product. Tests performed by UC Davis, Dr. C. B
erge DVM revealed something quite startling: Fresh manure from OPDC cows did not
contain Salmonella. At other dairies tested, many of the findings were positive
(31% of conventional milk tanks tested showed a human pathogen present).
In summary, it has been theorized that the combination of grass feeding, no anti
biotics used, no hormones, and low levels of grain used in diet cause a change i
n the cows immune system and rumen. This change in physiology directly inhibits
pathogen development in the milk (actually a transfer from environmental contami
nation that does not seem to occur; there are no bad bugs in the manure that tra
nsfer into the milk and the clean raw milk is highly pathogen resistant).
What are enzymes?
Enzymes are specialized proteins that assist in the breaking down (hydrolyzing)
and digestion of foods into useful elements that can be utilized, absorbed, or s
tored by the body. Enzymes are identified by the use of the ending "ase" associa
ted with their name. For instance Lipase helps digest lipids (fats). Lactase hel
ps digest lactose sugar (milk sugar). If your body does not produce and have ava
ilable specific enzymes, then you may not be able to utilize certain food source
s, or absorb certain minerals, etc. Phosphatase, which is key to the absorption
of calcium, is inactivated by pasteurization. In fact, the test for effective pa
steurization is called the "negative phosphatase test." Is it no wonder that Ame
ricans are suffering from osteoporosis at a rate higher than ever. It is now con
sidered a US health crisis. A little trick that is not commonly known is that if
you drink plenty of raw milk, lactose intolerant people can then tolerate limit
ed amounts of pasteurized milk products, including ice cream. There is a sharing
of required missing enzymes (lactase) and bacteria that are required in the gut
, making a person not intolerant of lactose containing products.
Built-In Protective Systems in Raw Milk
Consider the calf, born in the muck, which then suckles on its mother’s manure-c
overed teat. How can that calf survive?
Because raw milk contains multiple, redundant systems of bioactive components th
at can reduce or eliminate populations of pathogenic bacteria.
Lactoperoxidase uses small amounts of H2O2 and free radicals to seek out and des
troy bad bacteria In all mammalian secretions—breast milk, tears, etc. Lactope
roxidase levels 10 times higher in goat milk than in breast milk. Other countri
es are looking into using lactoperoxidase instead to pasteurization to ensure sa
fety of commercial milk
Lactoferrin - Steals iron away from pathogens and carries it through the gut wal
l into the blood stream; stimulates the immune system.
Polysaccharides - Encourage the growth of good bacteria in the gut; protect the
gut wall
Medium-Chain Fatty Acids – Disrupt cell walls of bad bacteria; levels so high in
goat milk that the test for the presence of antibiotics had to be changed.
Enzymes – Disrupts bacterial cell walls.
Antibodies - Bind to foreign microbes and prevent them from migrating outside th
e gut; initiate immune response.
White Blood Cells – Produce antibodies against specific bacteria
B-lymphocytes – Kill foreign bacteria; call in other parts of the immune system
Macrophages – Engulf foreign proteins and bacteria
Neutrophils – Kill infected cells; mobilize other parts of the immune system
T-lymphocytes – Multiply if bad bacteria are present; produce immune-strengtheni
ng compounds.
Lysosyme – Kills bacteria by digesting their cell walls.
Hormones & Growth Factors – Stimulate maturation of gut cells; prevents “leaky”
Mucins – Adhere to bacteria and viruses, preventing those organisms from attachi
ng to the mucosa and causing disease.
Oligosaccharides – Protect other components from being destroyed by stomach acid
s and enzymes; bind to bacteria and prevent them from attaching to the gut linin
g; other functions just being discovered.
B12 Binding Protein – Reduces vitamin B-12 in the colon, which harmful bacteria
need for growth
Bifidus Factor – Promotes growth of Lactobacillum bifidis, a helpful bacteria in
baby’s gut, which helps crowd out dangerous germs
Fibronectin – Increases antimicrobial activity of macrophages and helps to repai
r damaged tissues. (British Journal of Nutrition (2000) 84. Suppl. 1, S3-S10,
Reports of Food-Borne Illness in Raw Milk
Several reports of pathogens “associated” with raw milk were published in the 19
80s. But these reports failed to isolate the pathogen from the milk itself, or f
ailure to account for other lifestyle variables of the persons becoming ill.
(Mann NR Public Health Reports 2001;103:5)
In the two decades between 1984 and 2002, reports of outbreaks associated with r
aw milk produced in the US are almost non-existent.
Dairy farmers are now managing for bacteria counts of less than 20,000/ml versus
100,000/ml in commercial milk.
Breast Milk Contains Pathogens
MISCONCEPTION: Until recently, the medical profession claimed that breast milk w
as sterile.
PATHOGENS: We now know that breast milk contains pathogens.
PASTEURIZE BREAST MILK? Should mothers be required to pasteurized their own milk
before giving it to their babies?
DISCRIMINATION: Yet laws prevent mothers from obtaining raw milk to feed their b
abies should their own supply be inadequate.
Pasteurized Milk More Hazardous Than Raw Milk
RAW MILK: Incidence of food-borne illness from raw milk – 1.9 cases per 100,000
people, 1973-1992.
(American Journal Public Health Aug 1998, Vol 88., No 8)
PASTEURIZED MILK: Based on CDC website, incidence of food-borne illness from all
foods including pasteurized milk – 4.7 cases per 100,000 people, 1993-1997.
(US Census Bureau 1997 population estimate 267,783,607)
OTHER FOODS: Based on CDC website, incidence of reported food-borne illness from
other foods – 6.4 cases per 100,000 people, per year from 1993-1997.
THEREFORE, the incidence of food-borne illness from consuming raw milk is 2.5 ti
mes lower than the incidence of food-borne illness from consuming pasteurized mi
lk; and 3.5 times lower than the incidence of food-borne illness from consuming
other foods.
Pathogens Can Multiply in Pasteurized Milk and Other Foods But Not in Raw Milk
Campylobacter in chilled raw milk (4o C)
Day 0 = 13,000,000/ml
Day 9 = less than 10/ml
(Doyle, et al. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 1982;44(5):1154-58)
Campylobacter in body temperature raw milk (37o C)
Bovine strains decreased by 100 cells/ml in 48 hrs
Poultry strains decreased by 10,000 cells/ml in 48 hrs
(Diker KS. Mikrobiyol Bul 1987 Jul;21(3):200-5)
Note that the protective components work more quickly to reduce levels of pathog
ens in body temperature milk than in chilled milk.

Does freezing damage raw dairy products?

Freezing puts raw milk products to sleep and has little effect on the important
health benefits that raw dairy products provide. Enzymes and bacteria are fully
active when they awake after thawing. Some vitamins are reduced by trace amounts
after being frozen. The flavor is sometimes slightly affected by this and is no
t always apparent. All OPDC products may be frozen. Thawing should be done by pl
acing the frozen product in a regular refrigerator for a day. Milk should be sha
ken to mix up the butterfat after thawing. Warming the product to room temperatu
re just prior to drinking will also make the fat blend in better with the milk (
if it has clumped or separated during freezing).
Why do Raw Milk products carry a "government warning" that states that the consu
mer may be sickened by this raw dairy product?
Government regulations now require many living foods to carry a warning label, i
ncluding meat, poultry, fish, and fresh juices. This came about because of the e
ver weakening immune system of the average American citizen. More and more US co
nsumers have severely weakened immune systems and can become ill by eating small
amounts of foreign bacteria that their bodies are not familiar with. It has bee
n estimated that about 70% of the strength of a healthy immune system is made up
of the diversity of living bacteria found in the intestines. Raw milk provides
a perfect source for the "seeding and feeding" of these diverse populations of l
iving bacteria. The average American diet is practically devoid of living bacter
ia (all killed foods and few bacterial sources). Our immune systems have suffere
d as a direct result. Consuming raw milk and dairy products is an important step
towards regaining immune strength and overall health. On occasion a new raw mil
k consumer may have some diarrhea from over drinking raw milk for the first time
. This is rare and should be considered very normal. After all, the intestine ha
s never seen such an incredible introduction of new and diverse beneficial bacte
ria and does not have any idea what to do. It is possible, but highly unlikely,
that pathogens may be transmitted in raw milk just as they may be transmitted in
all other foods. OPDC has demonstrated that even when high levels of pathogens
were introduced into raw milk, they die off and do not grow (BSK tests). In fact
, pathogen killing safety systems are hard at work, keeping raw milk safe even i
f it has been contaminated. To date, there has never been a human pathogen ever
detected in any OPDC product, in the plant, or from any test. OPDC products are
highly pathogen resistant. Because OPDC can not predict the future and know what
is yet to come, it is possible that someday a pathogen may be detected in an OP
DC product. If you are a healthy OPDC consumer this should have no noticeable ef
fect. Your immune system will deal with it and you will probably not even know t
hat a pathogen was in your raw dairy product. This is evident when reading CDC r
eports of raw milk illness. The farm and dairy consumers never get ill; it is th
e first time raw consumers (with weak immune systems) that become ill. This is e
xactly why all people should drink lots of raw milk. A strong immune system is a
gift of freedom and of health. It is your choice, and with raw milk (exercise,
good hydration, a whole-food diet, and plenty of love) you need not become ill,
ever. Choose life!
Suggested Reading
Milk Diet as a Remedy for Chronic Disease
MILK DIET is an updated reprint of Dr. Charles Porter s work (Mayo Clinic circa
1900-1929) using raw milk as a cure for many diseases.
This original work was updated and brought back into print by Heather Zimmerman
after her young daughter was healed from a severe case of asthma by following Dr
. Porter s MILK DIET recommendations. It is a must read for all raw milk enthusi
asts or anyone interested in healing themselves naturally based on observed, pro
ven therapies – therapies that have been forgotten or have been suppressed by th
e FDA, drug companies or the processed milk industry.
Saving the Raw-Milk Cheeses of Province by Madeline Veidel
Abstracts on the Effect of Pasteurization on the Nutritional Value of Milk
Raw Milk Cures Many Diseases by JR Crewe, MD
Press Release, July 14, 2002: “Wisconsin Campylobacter Outbreak Falsely Blamed o
n Raw Milk”
Hazards of a Health Fetish , Francis M. Pottenger, MD”
The Untold Story of Milk by Ron Schmid, ND
A history of the campaign to demonize raw milk, Nature’s perfect food.
Enzyme Nutrition, Edward Howell, MD: Pioneering work on the role of food enzymes
in diet and health. Reveals the dangers of diets composed entirely of cooked fo
ods and problems posed by pasteurization of dairy products.
The Raw Truth About Milk (formerly The Milk Book), William Campbell Douglass II,
MD: Excellent explanation of the dangers of pasteurization, written in a highly
amusing style. Where to get it: Rhino Publishing, the Republic of Panama, www.r
hinopublish.com. The book is printed in the U.S. so there are no ordering proble
ms. The new edition, revised and expanded by two chapters is titled The Raw Trut
h About Milk. The original Milk Book sold over a million copies and, with the ne
w chapters, it is better than ever. Do not order The Milk Book as you will not g
et the important new chapters on how vegetarianism often leads to anorexia and t
he consumption of soy "foods" causes serious health problems.
Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutritio
n and the Diet Dictocrats, Sally Fallon with Pat Connolly and Mary G Enig, PhD:
Full spectrum nutritional cookbook that dispels many myths about animal fats and
traditional foods.
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Weston A Price, DDS: The classic study of i
solated populations on native diets, and the disastrous effects of processed foo
ds and commercial farming methods on human health. Published in 1939, Dr. Price
s findings have as much relevance today as they did 60 years ago. All who plan t
o bear children, and everyone in the practice of medicine, should read this book
, which is now available in affordable soft cover.
The Ploy of Soy: A Debate on Modern Soy Products, Sally Fallon and Mary Enig, Ph
D: An exposé on the dangers of modern soy products, often promoted as "better th
an milk."
To purchase these and other publications, contact: Radiant Life (888) 593-8333
CreamLine (quarterly for small-scale commercial dairies and creameries)
Home Dairy News (published 10x per year, home milk processing & more)
P.O. Box 186
Willis, VA 24380
info@smalldairy.com , www.smalldairy.com
Websites and online articles
www.mercola.com, and other websites that will list literally 50 different illnes
ses that are directly, naturally, and positively affected by consuming raw milk.
Please see the testimonial part of this website for a list of links, testimonia
l stories of healing and recovery. They are dramatic and compelling.
BLOG chronicling the raw milk legal battle in in California, Michigan and other
states: http://www.thecompletepatient.com/
Home dairying and cheesemaking: Fias Co Farm, http://fiascofarm.com/
On Mercola.com: The Real Reasons Why Raw Milk is Becoming More Popular http://ww
On YouTube: Organic Pastures Dairy owner Mark McAfee talks about raw milk
SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT IN FAVOR OF RAW MILK by Drs. Douglass, Jr. and Aajonus Vonde
The Weston Price Foundation
Dedicated to restoring wise traditions in food, farming, and the healing arts. A
wealth of inspiring information.
The Price Pottenger Nutrition Foundation
The original 55 year old non profit membership foundation which holds the archiv
es and copyrights to all of Dr. Weston Price’s and Dr. Francis Pottenger’s resea
rch and photographs.
The Campaign for Real Milk
Fascinating information about the history and health benefits of "real milk"—mea
ning pasture-fed, unprocessed, and whole (full-fat).
Information about the RAW USA program and guidelines to qualify for the RAW USA
seal of assurance.
Raw Milk Facts
A Biologist s guide to raw milk, this site includes the raw truth about the hist
ory, health, and politics associated raw milk.
Dr. Mercola s Health Site
Author of Dr. Mercola s Total Health Program , Dr. Mercola approaches health fro
m a wholistic point of view, and asks challenging questions of the health care a
nd pharmaceutical industries.
Dr. Mercola on Organic Producers Cutting Corners
Organic milk has been in short supply in the United States for years. But soon,
a regulation change and increased production will allow organic milk to flood th
e U.S. market.
Bread and Money
Celebrating Real Food and Independent Thinking
Death by Supermarket (amazon.com)
The Fattening, Dumbing Down, and Poisoning of America (Paperback) by Nancy Devil
le (site under construction as of 8/07)
The Body Ecology Diet
A world-renowned system of healing, the BED establishes and nourishes the growth
of beneficial microorganisms in the digestive tract.
Sand Creek Farm
A small family farm committed to doing things the old fashioned way, working the
farm with horses, and offering the quality only nature can provide.
Europes leading edge news on nutrition.
Local Forage
Clean Food. Where to find it. Why it matters.
Post your raw milk testimonials to the Local Forage blog
The Milk Diet Site
Learn about the basics of the raw milk diet, and its influence on human health.
A growing wealth of information exists on the benefits and political issues of r
aw dairy products. Below is a partial list of reliable references.
1. Dr. Weston A. Price and Dr. Francis J. Pottenger, www.westonaprice.org and ww
2. Reducing the Body s Enzyme Depletion
3. Weston A. Price Foundation s Campaign for Real Milk
4. Natural Life Magazine s Bovine Growth Hormones
5. CCOF (California Certified Organic Farmers)
6. Stephen Byrnes, ND, RNCP, Why Butter is Better
7. Anna Soref, Natural Foods Merchandiser Culturing Taste & Tradition with Raw M
ilk Cheese
8. Dr. Chuck Meece s Nature s Blueprint
9. Dr. Joseph Mercola, author of the Total Health Program (or visit his website
at www.mercola.com)
10. Dr. Eddys Integrated Medical Clinic & Ayurveda School: Our Integrated Medica
l Clinic and Ayurveda School is a unique healthcare facility, combining the stre
ngths and knowledge of both traditional western and alternative medicine in a ho
listic manner (Visit their website at www.dreddyclinic.com).
11. The Makers Diet, www.makersdiet.com
12. Selene River Press: Publisher and Distributor of Select Books on Health. Com
mitted to the nutrition research and philosophy of Dr. Royal Lee (Visit their we
bsite at www.seleneriverpress.com)

Organic Pastures Dairy Company

Family Owned, Operated, and Inspired
OPDC is rooted in the innovative farming and dairy endeavors of the McAfee grand
parents. Since the 1950s, McAfee Farms have been leading advocates of nature-fri
endly farm practices. In 1988, the family established an organic farm and by 200
0, Organic Pastures Dairy Company became California s first raw milk dairy with
certified organic pasture land. The dairy is located near Fresno, California, in
the heart of the fertile San Joaquin Valley, and is one of the few remaining fa
mily-owned and operated dairies in California.
The Best Milk You Can Buy
Organic Pastures produces Grade A, 100% pasture grazed raw milk of super premium
quality. The Company has been recognized repeatedly in independent NFO (Nationa
l Farmers Organization) tests as having the best milk taste of the dairies surve
Nature s Health is Your Health
At OPDC the vigor of each cow is a high priority. Our individually named cows ar
e never given antibiotics, hormones, or GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms). O
nly organic green pasture and approved naturopathic methods are used to feed and
care for the cows. Preventative, nature-based healthcare keeps the herd healthy
all year.
Lab Tests
Every batch of milk is tested to exceed California Department of Food and Agricu
lture raw milk standards for market Grade A milk. State standards require that r
aw milk sold to consumers contain less than 15,000 bacteria count per milliliter
Our milk is analyzed with an onsite state-of-the-art FOSS machine, or sent to an
outside laboratory for Standard Plate Counts (SPC) to assure compliance with St
ate of California raw milk standards. Our milking teams are so proud of our low
bacteria counts, we put them on our Web site for everyone to see.
Product Bottle Cap Date Bacteria Count | E.coli 0157
Sample Count 368
Standard Deviation 3893
CDFA Standard Benchmark 15,000
OPDC Raw Milk Cumulative Avg. 2172 | Negative
OPDC Raw Milk YTD 2007 Avg. 3,194 | Negative
OPDC Raw Milk YTD 2006 Avg. 4,161 | Negative
OPDC Raw Milk 2005 Avg. 5,068 | Negative
OPDC Raw Milk 2004 Avg. 1,926 | Negative
OPDC Raw Milk 2003 Avg. 1,089 | Negative
OPDC Raw Milk 2002 Avg. 1,344 | Negative

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