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Natural Hygiene Magazine

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Truth of Health

in Nature
Essene (Jesus)
Pythagoras, Pelasgian Fruitarian, came up with a philosophy of health
working with Oracle of Delphi Theoclea, based on golden ratios he
observed in nature.

- Orthopathy
- 80 10 10
- Raw vegan
- Wholistic View
Founders of Natural Hygiene 3-5
Fruit's superpowers 6-7
Germ Theory 8-9
Toxemia 10
No soap 11
Introducing NH principles 12-15
Foods eaten 16-19
Bananas ripening 20
Vitamins, Teeth, Allergies 21-24
Evolution 25-26
Gluten 27
Fruit Forests 28
Chronic Fatigue 29
Food Combining 30
Physical culture 31-32

I intend to outline principle health factors, starting with exposing
some important pioneers in a true health system~ through various
levels of dispersion- Nature, Egyptians, Babylonians, Pythagoreans,
Essenes, Russel Trall, Isaac Jennings, J.H. Tilden, T.C. Fry, Herbert Shelton,
Loren Lockman, Colin Campbell, Doug Graham (to date).

Although acting against the opposition of

the medical profession, Graham persuaded
American people to bathe regularly
(understand that neither in this country nor
in Europe did people bathe). He worked
long and hard for food reform, decrying
animal foods, salt, pepper and other
spices, vinegar, excessive fat eating that
characterizes eating practices of those
people declaring in spite of medical
teaching the contrary, that fruits and
vegetables, in their raw existence, provide
optimum nutrition for humans, attempting
to formulate rules for food combining,
crusading against white flour and explaining major differences of whole wheat
bread and white bread, denouncing bread made by bakeries of his time, taught
people how to make bread; advocated regular physical exercise; taught the
people the value of fresh air and well ventilated homes; upon plenty of rest and
sleep; advantages of exposure of the body to direct rays of sun; suggested that
mankind would be better off if we adopted nudity as a way of life; pointed out
effects emotions have upon ourselves and taught the people necessity of
emotional control; opposed the use of tea, coffee, chocolate, tobacco, alcohol,
and other poison-habits; and insisted that the clothing worn during the era,
especially long skirts, tight waists and corsets of women and their high heeled,
pointed-toed shoes cause harm.

"Herbert Shelton first became acquainted with the system at the tender
age of 17 (1912). He started to probe into its past and single handedly
exhumed the vast storehouse of knowledge that lay neglected and
unread. Beginning in 1919, he began sifting, selecting and testing what
those who had gone before had left as a heritage.
Shelton became increasingly determined that there must be a
renaissance in natural hygiene. His formal education in the health field
was obtained at the International College of Drugless Physicians in
Chicago which was founded by Bernarr Macfadden in 1920.

Picture left: Bernarr McFadden

Picture below: Herbert Shelton

Now in our natural habitat, food would build muscle and strength
not seen in general populations today Chimps hold 5x
strength of humans (seen in a tug-of-war experiment), and eat
primarily fruits.

Although I dont mean to repeat their function, I will put forth a

few theories to suggest making way for their use.

And they do also have their OWN purpose and function, Tony
Wright calls them:
Primary seed diseminators- ingesting several kilos of
reproductive organs 24/7 for millions of years, effectively taking
our own dna and immersing that in a reproductive environment
of another kingdom."

We could work symbiotically with plants (without harming them)

and that would benefit our environment too!

Fruits and vegetables in their raw natural state fit into the
receptors of our body, however when we cook food, enzymes
get destroyed and our body sends out white blood cells to act
upon foreign substances, just like when we fight off
illness...Within 30 minutes of eating cooked foods, white-blood-
cell count increases dramatically while the body works on
digesting the food. This puts a strain on our immune system.

Depending on amount of cooked/processed foods consumed,

percentages of energy get expended on digestion. It makes
sense then that less energy digesting food, more energy gets
freed for activity, healing etc. Studies have shown that an
increase of white blood cells does not happen when one
consumes raw food. Scientists observe foods in a raw state
contain its own enzymes to digest living food without aid of
human bodys enzymes. Again, once you cook food much of
these living digestive enzymes get damaged.

Take for example a meal consisting of a salad, a steak and a
baked potato.
The salad will contain enough existing food enzymes to digest
But, no enzymes exist in the cooked food to help digest the
steak or the baked potato because they have been destroyed in
the heating process.
Now your body must take over and internally create the needed
amount of digestive enzymes to handle the task of breaking
down this food to be used properly by your body.
Fruit we can easily digest ...amino acids (simple form protein),
high water content, sugar (fructose+glucose), fiber rich and
plenty of vitamins/minerals... makes fruit optimal food for
humans! [& tender leafy greens]

Healthcare, a scam by insurance companies forcing a
false theory of medicine on people.
Government has no business getting involved with peoples
health and taxing people free to make choices against
their own health's responsibility upon others.

Presence of germs does not constitute presence of disease.
Bacteria appear as scavengers of nature...they reduce dead tissue
to minimal elements. Germs or bacteria have no influence, on live
cells to our present day understanding.
Germs or microbes flourish as scavengers at the site of disease.
They just live on unprocessed metabolic waste or diseased,
malnourished, nonresistant tissue...
Germs do not exist as causes of disease, any more than flies and
maggots cause garbage. Flies, maggots, and rats do not cause
garbage but rather feed on it. We see firemen at burning buildings,
but that doesn't mean they caused the fire...
So we see foundations of allopathic Western medicine and
microbiology in late 19th century Europe:
Drugging systems
#Natural Hygiene/ Normal living
We do not catch dis-ease. We build them. We eat, drink, think,
and feel them into existence. We seem to work hard at developing
our diseases. But we work just as hard at restoring health

Soap: superstition-inspired measures of sterilization - unnecessary.
antibiotics, antihistamines, anesthetics, antiseptics & stabilizers. These poisons
resulting in toxicosis.
Wonder about mental health of those running on cereals, milk, meat, sugar,
caffeinated beverages, snacks & processed 'food', that washes off its natural skin
layer with soaps and detergents, smothers itself in creams, lotions, perfumes, & as
said before, wont sweat. Some peoples eating habits even get regulated by time:
eating in rushes and at certain times, according to convenience rather than true
Cleanliness remains important in treating wounds. Wash areas thoroughly with plain
water. Wash & gently scrub to remove dirt & particles. Do not use soap or antiseptics.
If wound not deep or bleeding profusely, leave open to fresh air & sunlight.
If deep, cover it with porous bandages, such as gauze held with tape. Not using
airtight bandages, or bandaids. Let air circulate through bandages to wounds.
bleeding has a purpose; to carry away foreign particles from wounded areas.
In no case, use anti-tetanus shots or other injections for so called 'infection'.
Introducing poisons (drugs) or bactericides into our bloodstreams cannot help a
wounded body. Considerable harm gets done.
Antiseptics can also get called antibiotics. They remain in no way anti-septic because
this term means against poison. They exist actually antibiotics as life's destruction
occurs. Destroying of bacteria wholesale. Likewise, antiseptics destroy living cells of
skin, mouth & lungs. If odor can get detected from so-called antiseptics, these
substances will harm.
Direct irritants damage normal skin irritating existing dermatitis. Irritants, such as
soap, take several days of exposure to cause visually recognizable changes. Soaps,
deodorants, detergents, etc., contain harsh chemicals poisonous and absorb through
our skin. Bodies recognize these poisons and try to stop them from entering our
system by initiating inflammatory responses to encapsulate these poisons. Irritants,
like acids & alkalis, cause observable changes in minutes. Causing direct damage to
the skin & inflammatory responses occur immediately.
Medications, cosmetics, household cleaners, etc., each contain poisonous substances
rejected & eliminated by our bodies. This elimination occurs through our skin via
eczema. A wise thing to do: simply not to use these toxic chemicals. Cosmetics remain
unneeded as a skin of healthy individuals has a beautiful colour which cannot find
enhancement thru cosmetics.

On Poise during eating

Poise does not necessarily mean will-power. He who has poise can sit,
with a crowd, yet not partake in crowd-like activity. Act independently

On Forcing Natural Processes:


Hygiene vs Allopathy

Whom to trust? (From film What The HEALTH)

Arnold Ehret with a theory of mucus-binding foods- different to

N.Hygiene, but employing foundations of correct living still.


Fruit produced in organic nature seems designed specially to give nourishment

(means to nutrition) to humans.
An old medical prejudice of fruit, during the last century.
Cities passed ordinances preventing the fruits entering into the cities during the
summer months. People have fought this tyranny, and Americans again learned
to relish fruits.
In certain Hygienic circles the old anti-fruit prejudice resurfaced, however some
who practised hygiene have developed a groundless fear of a number of
wholesome fruits.
Fruits supply the body with an abundance of minerals, sugars, vitamins and,
consistent high-quality protein. Simple sugar in fruit such as fructose associates
itself with minerals, vitamins, fiber and water and need not be rejected as refined
sugars. Fruit sugar offers generously towards human nutriment, whereas honey,
which so ludicrously people laud into many quarters, would rank about on the
level with white sugar.
Fruit contains minerals/traces of, thus they form important and vital ingredients in
the life of a growing child.
Some of them may not have sufficient calcium, though we can easily achieve
balance from other wholesome sources.
Fruits commonly rich in vitamin C may contain less of other vitamins.
They do exist, however, on the whole, excellent sources of vitamins.
Commonly low in protein, rarely containing over 3 percent and many of them
containing much less than this. The date, banana, avocado and a few other fruits
contain small amounts of excellent proteins. Supplemented with nuts and green
leaves, their proteins become valuable additions to the diet. A fruit and nut diet
may be supplemented by the addition of green leafy vegetables. Herbert Shelton
postulated that a large green salad each day makes for a balanced diet.
Most fruits contain more or less acidsuch as malic, citric, tartaric, etc., present.
The prejudice that has grown up around fruits, perhaps a revival of the medical

prejudice against acid fruits. Declared to cause acid diseases, many regarded
them as especially objectionable in rheumatism.
Fortunately, the body can oxidize organic acids of fruits, at least of those fruits
that we commonly use as food. These leave an alkaline ash upon being
oxidized. Some people may have experienced difficulty with the acid of prunes,
but that stands no ground for the prejudice against oranges, tangerines, lemons,
grapefruit, tangelos, tomatoes and similar citric-acid bearing fruits.
The acids of berries oxidize and also, leave an alkaline ash. The acid radical of
organic acids expelled as carbon dioxide through the lungs; the alkaline salts left
help to alkalinize the blood. Teeth have been kept uninterruptedly immersed in
lemon juice for as long as six months and the acid had no effect on their enamel.
It would appear no basis for the foundation of the idea that eating oranges or
drinking orange juice injures the teeth.
When we eat acids, or put them into the mouth a copious outpouring of an
alkaline saliva occurs, which bathes the membranes of the mouth and the
tongue. This secretion of saliva continues long after the acid has been
swallowed... Any acid left on the teeth or in the mouth quickly neutralizes by the
alkaline saliva. Prone to overlook the bodys own provisions for its safety.
In the late spring and summer, when such fruits as peaches, plums, apricots,
nectarines, cherries, the various berries, canteloupes, watermelons, grapes, figs,
etc., a-plentiful, it does well to make a large part of the diet fruits. In the fall, when
pears, apples, persimmons and the citrus fruits come into season, these might
constitute a large part of the diet. Certain of these fruits, like the tomato, grapes,
and oranges grow throughout most of the year and may get eaten all the time.
The avocado abundant through most of the year, but eaten during the cooler
periods of the year often. Such sundried fruits as figs, dates, raisins, peaches,
apricots, pears, etc., we may freely eat during the winter months.
The melons make an excellent breakfast during the season of the year when
they are ripening. They digest fast so advise to eat alone. A large piece of
watermelon makes an adequate breakfast, even for the physical worker.
Canteloupe, banana melon, casaba, cranshaw and the Persian melon, in
season, make a satisfying breakfast. For optimal digestion only consume next
meal at least half an hour after eating melon.
Most of so-called "allergy to fruits" springs from indigestion as a result of
unfashionable food-combining. Fruits with starches, fruits with sugar, fruits with
proteins, and similar combinations- prone to decompose, producing gas,
discomfort, skin eruptions. Melons with other foods may cause marked distress
eaten alone, they digest with ease. In very young children sometimes for a short
period during the development of a child, it's digestive system cannot handle a
certain fruit, for example, an apple. It does well to leave some fruits out of a
childs diet until its development has progressed to a point where it can easily
digest the fruit that gives trouble.
Improvement in the ability to digest and handle foods follows a fast. Not
uncommon to find that an individual who has trouble with a particular article of
food, can take it with the greatest of ease after a fast. If we can learn that what
gets called allergy is not a permanent possession, but that when its causes are
removed, it ceases, we can understand that it is possible for us to become able
to enjoy any wholesome food. It amazes those who seem at first allergic to
strawberries, for example, have no trouble develop if they follow a strawberry
only plan.
When fruit gets eaten with a meal of bread, flesh, potatoes, butter and the rest of
usual meals, fruit usually being taken at the end of the meal, sometimes at the
beginning, indigestion and discomfort that result from such combining of foods
will be blamed on the fruit, which may be the only wholesome article of diet in the
meal. The discomforts following such a meal may range all the way from a little
gas formation that scarcely attracts the attention of the eater, to a painful
indigestion accompanied with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. The fruit, kept
away from the other foods, and eaten as a fruit meal will digest easily and result
in no discomfort.
Fruits that are peeled and sliced and permitted to stand for long periods of time
before eating are hardly wholesome foods. They change color, lose flavor,
undergo oxidation with resulting loss of food value and tend to decompose
readily. Fruits added to breads, cakes, pies and various other kinds of pastries
can also occasion considerable indigestion and distress. In this latter case, not
only is the food spoiled in preparation and cooking, but the combination is
indigestible. Fresh fruits, with cleaning as the only preparation, are most easily
digested. The addition of sugar, syrups, honey and other sweeteners to fruits
can also result in indigestion and discomforts.
Fruits have fallen into disrepute with many people for the reason that they find
that they suffer with discomfort after eating them. It was Dr. Dewey who said that
fruits demoralize digestion. He was especially opposed to eating apples. This
trouble with fruits grows out of the practice of mis-combining them.
Strawberries and melons commonly singled out as fruits that I am allergic to,
and these foods are wholesome and toothsome. If taken alone as in the case of
melons, or properly combined as in the case of strawberries, they almost never
cause any trouble. Skin rashes and intestinal disturbances that often follow the
eatings of fruit or that follow a particular fruit may, almost always, be traced to
uncanny combining. In the few cases where this is not so, a correction of the way
of life, so that normal digestive power is reestablished, soon enables the
individual to eat fruit. No person cannot eat freely of fruits if due care is taken in
combining them. *Instructions given further on*

Conclusion: Fruit = Unmistakable food for our species. We grow up wanting

beautiful, juicy sweet fruits. We often crave a sugary dessert after gorging
ourselves on anything else. As children we lust after candy, because candy most
closely resembles a food that meets our energy needs. We exist in a world
phobic of sugar, boxing simple fruit sugars in with refined. Halt this fear by
understanding we evolved on fruits in tropical rain forests. Only in recent times
did mankind leave paradise and explore the rest of the harsh, uninviting world.
This has led to surviving, not thriving. People now skin animals and wear them
to survive in cold climates instead of seeing potential friends. We live in artificial
tropics now, complete with AC, heating, plumbing, irrigation, clothing, and fake
foods that imitate all the wonderful colors and flavors of our natural birthplace.
Get back to fruit and get back to you - the you that probably has not been
introduced yet.

Evolutions path from missing link to modern man.

Human ancestors ate fruit for 60m years prior to cooking (de-naturing) food,
which estimations go between 400,000 and 20,000 years ago. This evolution of
eating fruit, sex hormone of the plant, contributes to our brain development (and
environment). Our brains grew up until this point, much of it occurring within
7million years of late...then according to Tony Wright, expansion suddenly halted
at 200,000 years ago. In 10,000 years (during an agricultural revolution) our
brains shrank...
Grains & starches which took place of fruit- due to nutritional deficiencies and
other factors- contribute to tooth decay. Studies have shown that a life of eating
fruit correlates with oral health. Primitive mans' teeth in fact, with adequate and
complete nutrition, shined white without brushing, they formed in perfect
alignment and they had a broad dental arch. DNA extracted from dental plaque
from 34 prehistoric northern European human skeletons, showed the changes in
the nature of oral bacteria from the last hunter-gatherers to Neolithic and
medieval farmers and modern individuals. White sugar and processed
carbohydrates (more denatured) have more cariogenic effects (cavity causing)
than other carbohydrates. This includes modern [pasteurized] fruit juices as well
as dried fruit due to its ability to stick to teeth.

And primitive man (those who merely began cooking) had a finely formed face,
well-set and broad; muscular body development, free from deformity, and
desirably proportioned in beauty and symmetry. The respective members of the
racial group reproduce in homogeneity from one generation to the next, with few
deviations from the standard anthropological prototype. Reproductive efficiency
permits parturition (birth) with no difficulty and little or no pain. No prenatal
dysfunction, high resistance to disease, which in fact few individuals
experienced, and even most of these recovered rapidly. Few degenerative
diseases seem to have occurred in advanced life, and mental complaints not
heard of.
The usual state of happiness and contentment may have reached unknown
levels to civilized man. On fruit, we feel as strong and vigorous as our
predecessors, who lived past the three score and ten mark, and in many cases
beyond a century. Some of these characteristics prove that under the most ideal
climatic and nutritional conditions we can build health. Many today practise the
method of providing proper health conditions, to fix cause rather than treat
symptoms. A fruit-based lifestyle allows the body to heal, by emitting toxicity
almost entirely.
We note that people living today, under the culture and environment of the Stone
Age, have far surpassed civilized man in strength, physical development and
immunity to disease. This fact poses an important question to modern medicine
and perhaps will arouse serious thought and consideration.
1,800,000 species of animal eats raw and only 1 cooked! We kill and enslave
animals because of our disconnection to nature..."biophotons hold the keys to
life within living things."
Additional info: " early modern humans appeared at least as long ago as 160,000
years BP at sites such as Bouri in Ethiopia, and perhaps as long ago as 195,000
years ago, if the dating of Omo Kibish, also in Ethiopia, is correct. The earliest
sites outside of Africa with early modern humans are at Skhul and Qafzeh caves
in what is now Israel about 100,000 years ago. There is a large gap in the record
for Asia and Europe, between 100,000 and 50,000 years ago, a period in which
the Middle East seems to have been occupied only by Neanderthals; but around

50,000 years ago, EMH again migrated out of Africa back into Europe and Asia
and into direct competition with Neanderthals.
Before the return of EMH to the Middle East and Europe, the first modern
behaviors are in evidence at several South African sites of the Still
Bay/Howiesons Poort tradition, about 75,000-65,000 years ago. But it wasn't
until about 50,000 years ago or so that a difference in tools, in burial methods, in
the presence of art and music, and changes in social behaviors as well, had
been developed. At the same time, waves of early modern humans left Africa."
Jonas Sunshine: fruit eating cro-magnon and indigenous man stood 7' tall and
had a bigger brain and that complex carbs shrunk our brain , terratagenic
damage, by the size of a golf ball

"Gluten found in grains poses controversial topic for about 30 years now, it
causes intestinal distress and other health problems."
Gluten affects our intestines and exists a bigger impact on our mood. In one
study, patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome who did not have celiac
disease were told by researchers that lab tests ruled out the possibility that
their intestinal issues were caused by gluten researchers set out to find out if
gluten might have an impact on mood, and it turned out that it did.
Twenty two people with irritable bowel syndrome (but no celiac disease) were
put on a double-blind crossover trial in which they rotated between three diets,
with a three-day gluten-free break in between each 3. After an initial gluten-free
period, they were given gluten free meals supplemented with one of the
following: whey (derived from dairy), gluten, or nothing (a placebo).

Their rate of depression went from what researchers described as, neutral
depressive, for placebo meals to mild depressive, for gluten-containing
meals, leading to conclude, Such findings explain how come patients with non-
coeliac gluten sensitivity feel better on a gluten-free diet despite the
continuation of gastrointestinal symptoms.
Given that most people on raw food abstain from grains products, unlike a vast
majority populations, perhaps some of their happiness advantage stems from
this absence.

To reach Edenic possibilities permaculture ideas may serve us well.

Enough trees exist in nature if we stop cutting them down for agriculture

1 in 4 people report that Chronic fatigue significantly affects their lives...Energy drinks
do not provide a solution:
Typical 500ml cans contain equivalent of more than 13 teaspoons of sugar and 160mg
of caffeine. Caffeine consumed around meal times can inhibit the absorption of
essential minerals including iron.

Cellular energy production could play an important role. The transformation of food
into energy occurs in your Mitochondria, commonly referred to as your "cellular
power factories", because they create the energy that fuels brain and body. Efficient
cellular energy production depends on a daily supply of nutrients.

"Every time you don't follow your inner guidance, you feel a loss of energy, loss of
power, a sense of spiritual deadness"~ ShaktiGawain

So don't set goals too high, since high expectations may lead to failure, instead aim to
meet needs and help others meet theirs. When people say they feel a certain way
that they have an unmet need. Start with an observation to avoid conflict in case you
might sound judgmental.
Supplements and drugs may block absorption, cause dependence, side-effects, for
example a common effect of statin drugs is tiredness.
100% of people in the UK do not achieve the RDA for magnesium. Studies show that
levels of magnesium in fruit and vegetables have declined by more than 20% since

Taoists realized thousands of years ago, that alliaceous family plants did detrimental
things to humans, labeling onions, garlic, leeks, chives and spring onions as the 'five
spicy-scented plants' They noticed that onions harm our lungs, garlic our heart, leeks
our spleen, chives our liver and spring onions our kidneys.
Hindus also avoid them, calling them the 'five pungent plants.' as well as producing
offensive breath and body odor, they induce aggravation, agitation, anxiety and
aggression. Thus they harm physically, emotionally, and mentally.
Even garlic getting used within food in China's culture gets considered to harm our
stomachs, livers and eyes, and causes dizziness as well and scattered energy when
consuming immoderate amounts.

Guidelines to follow:

Food Combining- When we eat combinations with enzymatic

compatibility, we experience no discomfort.

Indigestion as first cause of diseasewe introduce this when

we eat from different food groups simultaneously.

Proteins and carbohydrates require 2 different mediums to

digest properly, thus we preferably eat them at separate meals.

Proteins = acid medium Carbohydrates = alkaline medium

- Only one concentrated food gets eaten at any 1 meal

- Fruit eaten by itself & 15-20 minutes prior to meals
- Eliminate/reduce consumption of dairy products- highly acidic
- No animal products (cancer causing)
- No medicinal herbs

Our bodies use up calcium & other mineral resources in order to

metabolize white sugar & white flour.

Natural Body Cycles

Appropriation 12:00 Noon to 7/8:00pmbody can take in fuel


Assimilation 8:00pm to 4:00amprocess & absorption of

nutrients, food not eaten at this time, fruit if truly desirable.

Elimination 4:00am to 12:00 Nooneliminating waste materials

Natural hygiene raw veganism started physical culture.

Bernarr McFadden (left) , Joe Rollino (right)

104 year old Joe Rollino was crossing Bay Ridge Parkway in
Brooklyn when he was struck by a minivan. He didnt make it alive.
1920s, Mr. Rollino had done strongman competitions on Coney
Island winning Worlds Strongest Man Title.
Rollino did vegetarianism in his teens, and by fueling the body with
natural, health-promoting foods he attained success.
Once lifting 475 lbs. with his teeth, 635 lbs. with one finger, and
3200 lbs. with his back. Even more astounding that he did all this
standing at 54 and weighing less than 150 lbs.
Joe Rollino, as well as other fitness nutritarians such as Herbert
Shelton and Jack LaLanne occasionally corresponded with Dr.
Fuhrman on the subject of nutrition. These men provide proof that
aging doesnt equate to heart disease, diabetes, dementia, and
physical fragility.
Elbrus Nigmatullin Russian strongman, from Ural Mountains, set a new world record in
Chelyabinsk, when he pulled a two-storey wooden house over a track measuring 3 metres.

Videos to check out (YouTube):
Meet Natural Hygiene
The Greatest Adventure (1960)

Books to check out:

80 10 10 by Doug Graham
Science & Fine Art of Natural Hygiene by Herbert

This magazine made by Colm Rooney


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