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Wwkzii: Jan. 10, 1933. R. H. Farwell

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Jan. 10, 1933.




Filed July 31, 1950



Patented Jan. 10, 1933






Application ?led July 31, 1930. Serial _N'0. 471K985

This invention relates to engines and par 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25 being shown. It will
ticularly to internal combustion engines and be understood, however, that any desired
number of cylinders may be used.
to scavenging means therefor.
' The invention has for its salient object to

The cylinders may be formed in any desired

manner and in the embodiment of the inven

provide an engine with scavenging means in

cluding a pump and conduits connecting the tion shown in Fig. 1 each cylinder has formed



pump to the engine cylinders and so con thereon, at each end, a ?ange 28 which is se
structed and arranged as to be disposed with cured to a ?ange 29 formed on an extension 30
in the engine casing, thereby reducing the di of the cylinder. Each cylinder, furthermore, 69
mensions of the engine and strengthening has a plurality of ports 31 through which the
intake gas and the scavenging charge are ad
the casing.
Further objects of the invention will ap_ mitted.
pear from the following speci?cation taken The end sections of the casing may be
in connection with the drawing, which forms formed in one section or, as shown in Fig. 1, 65.
in two sections, 32 and 33, which are connect
a part of this application, and in which

Fig. 1 is a longitudinal elevation, partly in ed together.

Each cylinder has mounted therein a pair
oppositely acting pistons 35 and 36, each
ance with the invention; and

section, of an engine constructed in accord

Fig. 2 is a transverse sectional elevation piston having secured thereto a rod 37 hav



ing a yoke 38. The yokes straddle the swash

The invention brie?y described consists of plate and each yoke has a pair of slipper pads
an engine comprising a plurality of cylin 39 a'nd40 which communicate the reciprocat
ders, a scavenging pump disposed preferably ing motion of the piston to the swash plate
at one end of the engine and conduits connect and have bearing surfaces engaging the op
ing the pump casingwith the cylinders. The posite faces of the swash plate. Une or more
conduits are formed within the engine cas of the yokes 38 has secured thereto and ex
ing and extend longitudinally thereof. At tending'therebeyond in axial alinement with
their outlet ends, the conduits communicate the piston rod an extension rod 45 on the end
with an annular chamber which in turn is of which is mounted a piston 46. The piston
adapted to communicate through suitable 46 is disposed in a pump cylinders? formed
ports with the cylinders, the communication in the outer end of the section C of the en

taken substantially on line 2-2 of Fig. 1.



through the ports being controlled by the gine casing. The pump cylinder 47 cominuni~
cates with a valve chamber 48 in which is
working pistons in the cylinders.

mounted a rotary valve 49.

The valve chamber 48 has suitable intake
pear from the following description.
In the form of the invention illustrated in and discharge ports which communicate with
the drawing, there is shown an engine com~ a plurality of ducts or conduits 50 which, as
prising three sections, A, B and C. The en shown in Fig. 2, are disposed alternately with
gine shaft 10 is mounted in suitable hearings relation to the cylinders of the engine. The
in the sections A and C and extends through conduits 50 are formed on the inside of the
casing and in Fig. 2 are shown as angular in
the central section B.
rThe engine particularly illustrated in the cross section. The disposition of the conduits
drawings transmits the reciprocating motion within the casing has two important advan
of the pistons to the shaft 10 by means of a tages, namely, reducing the outside dimen
pair of swash plates or slants 11 and 12 which sions of the engine and strengthening the en
are ?xed to the'shatt, and are disposed re gine casing. The valve i9 and the outlet
spectively in the sections A and C of the en~ ports between the valve casing and the con
Further details of the invention will ap


gine casing. The cylinders are disposed par

duits are so relatively constructed and ar

allel to the shaft and are concentrically ar ranged that, as the valve is rotated by the



ranged, as shown in Fig. 2, six cylinders, 20, shaft, the valve casing having a compressed



charge of air therein will communicate suc

cessively with the ducts or conduits 50. The
conduits 5O discharge into an annular cham
ber 55 which is in communication with the

and having an axis parallel to the cylinder

axes, said chamber communicating with said
ports, an air pump at one end of the casin ,

and conduits connecting said pump with said

5 ports 31 and cylinders 20 to 25 inclusive. As chamber.

the pistons uncover the ports 31 the scaveng
4:. An internal combustion engine compris
\ ing charge of air enters the cylinders and ef ing an engine casing, a plurality of cylin

fectively discharges the burnt gases there

from and scavenges the cylinders. The ex

10 haust ports are shown at 41.

Although the reciprocating type of scav

ders having ports therein, working pistons in

said cylinders controlling said ports, a cham

ber surrounding said cylinders and commu 75
nicating with said ports, an air pump at one

enge pump is illustrated, it will be under

end of the casing, and conduits within the

stood that any desired form of pump may be

?asing connecting said pump with said cham

utilized to discharge the compressed air into


5. An internal combustion engine compris

passes into the cylinders.
ing an engine casing, an engine shaft, a plu
In the form of the invention illustrated in rality of cylinders having their axes paral
Fig. 1,_the cylinders are bolted to the end sec lel to said shaft and having ports therein,

15 the ducts or conduits from which the air


tions A and C and these sections are also con working pistons in said cylinders controlling
20 nected by a central sleeve 60 which is secured said ports, a chamber surrounding said cyl 85

to the end sections by bolts 61.

It will be obvious from the foregoing de

inders and communicating with said ports,

an air pump at one end of the casing, said

scription that the engine constructed in the chamber being spaced from said pump, and
manner set forth will be compact and that conduits connecting said pump with said

25 the provision of the air ducts or conduits

within the casing of the engine will cut down

the dimensions of the engine and effectively






strengthen the casing structure.


Although one speci?c embodiment of the

invention has been particularly shown and


described, it will be understood that the in

vention is capable of modi?cation and that
changes in the construction and in the ar

rangement of the various cooperating parts


may be made without departing from the

spirit or scope of the invention, as expressed


in the following claims.

What I claim is:

1. An internal combustion engine com

prising an engine casing, a shaft therein, a


tons in said cylinders, operative connections

between said pistons and said shaft, a pump
disposed at one end of the casing and driven


plurality of cylinders arranged parallel to

and circumferentially around the shaft, pis

by the engine, and conduits formed integrally

in said casing connecting the pump to the
cylinders said conduits being located circum-v
ferentially around the shaft and each con

duit being disposed between two cylinders.


52. An internal combustion ' engine com

prising an engine casing, a shaft therein, a

plurality of cylinders arranged parallel to

the shaft, pistons in said cylinders, operative

connections between said pistons and said


shaft, a pump disposed at one end of the cas


ing and driven by the engine, and conduits

disposed within said casing connecting the
pump to the cylinders, said conduits being
disposed alternately with said cylinders.


3. An internal combustion engine com

prising an engine casing, a. plurality of cyl

inders having ports therein, working pistons

in said cylinders controlling said ports, an
annular chamber surrounding said cylinders



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