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Instituto de Investigaciones Cardiolgicas Prof. Dr. Alberto C. Taquini (ININCA), Facultad de Medicina,
UBA-CONICET. Marcelo T. de Alvear 2270, C1122AAJ, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Laboratorio de Medicina Regenerativa, IBIMA-Hospital Carlos Haya, Pabelln de Gobierno, Mlaga, Spain
meter from the floor. Rats are placed onto the central
platform facing an open arm. The test lasts 5 minutes
In the present study, the elevated plus maze test
was carried out at P30. Dependent variables were
measured: Time spent in open arms (index of anxiety)
and time spent in closed arms (index of exploratory
locomotion). Time was measured in seconds.
Herrera et al.
3.2. Anxiety
No significant differences between groups in terms
of time spent in open arms were found (F (3,20)=1.554;
p=0.232), as shown in Figure 2.
Results were expressed as means SEM. One-way
ANOVA followed by post-hoc comparisons (Fishers
test) were carried out. Homoscedasticity was
previously tested. A probability was considered to be
significant at 5% or less. Statistical analyses were
performed using the SPSS 18.0 for windows (SPSS
Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).
3.1. Exploratory Locomotion
When time spent in closed arms was analyzed, a
significant effect of group was found (F(3,20)=4.949;
p=0.01). Post hoc analyses revealed that time
exploration of PA rats was significantly lower than the
other groups: C+ Veh (p=0.001), C+ OEA10 (p=0.007)
and PA20 OEA10 (p=0.033). Figure 1 illustrates these
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The effect of oleoylethanolamide administration in neuroinflamatory
response after post asphyctic brain injury.
Pellegrini-Giampietro DE, Mannaioni G, Bagetta G. Postischemic brain damage: the endocannabinoid system in the
mechanisms of neuronal death. FEBS Journal 2009; 276: 212.
Herrera et al.
Received on 17-06-2014
Accepted on 17-07-2014
Published on 18-10-2014