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Metrology and Measurements

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Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers on Mechanical

Measurement and Metrology

1-The degree of closeness of the measured value of a certain quantity with
its true value is known as
a. Accuracy
b. Precision
c. Standard
d. Sensitivity
(Ans: a)

2-Error of measurement =
a. True value Measured value
b. Precision True value
c. Measured value Precision
d. None of the above
(Ans: a)

3-The ability by which a measuring device can detect small differences in

the quantity being measured by it, is called its
a. Damping
b. Sensitivity
c. Accuracy
d. None of the above
(Ans: b)

4-The following term(s) is (are) associated with measuring devices

a. Sensitivity
b. Damping
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
(Ans: c)

5-To compare an unknown with a standard through a calibrated system is



Direct comparison
Indirect comparison
both a and b
None of the above
(Ans: b)

6-The following is an internationally recognized and accepted unit system

a. MKS
b. FPS
c. SI
d. All of the above
(Ans: c)

7-One yard = _____ inch

a. 36
b. 38
c. 40
d. 42
(Ans: a)

8-The following is a line standard of measurement

a. Measuring tape
b. Slip gauge
c. Micrometer
d. End bars
(Ans: a)

9-The Wringing is due to

a. Atmospheric pressure
b. Molecular attraction
c. both a and b
d. None of the above
(Ans: c)

10-The angle gauge by Dr. Tamlison consists of a set of

a. 10 gauges
b. 12 gauges
c. 14 gauges
d. 16 gauges
(Ans: a)

11-1 Angstrom () = _____

a. 10^-6m
b. 10^-8m
c. 10^-10m
d. 10^-12m
(Ans: c)

12-The principle of Interchangeability is normally employed for

a. Mass production
b. Production of identical parts
c. Parts within the prescribed limits of sizes
d. All of the above
(Ans: d)

13-Following is the theoretical size which is common to both the parts of a

mating pair
a. Normal size
b. Actual size
c. Base size
d. All of the above
(Ans: c)

14-_____ is equal to the differences of the two limits of size of the part
a. Tolerance
b. Low limit
c. High limit
d. Design size
(Ans: a)

15-The amount by which the actual size of a shaft is less than the actual size
of mating hole in an assembly
a. Clearance
b. Interference
c. Allowance
d. None of the above
Ans :a
16-The amount by which the actual size of a shaft is less than the actual size
of mating hole in an assembly
a. Clearance
b. Interference
c. Allowance
d. None of the above
(Ans: b)

17-A positive allowance will always result in a _____ fit.

a. Clearance
b. Interference
c. both a and b
d. Any of the above
(Ans: a)

18-A negative allowance will always result in a _____ fit.

a. Clearance
b. Interference
c. Transition
d. Any of the above
(Ans: b)

19-A shaft rotating in a bushed bearing is good example of

a. Sliding fit
b. Running fit
c. Push fit
d. Driving fit

(Ans: b)

20-Fitting of rim on a locomotive wheel is done by

a. Keying fit
b. Driving fit
c. Force fir
d. Any of the above
(Ans: c)

21-The following is used to check the diameters of holes

a. Plug gauge
b. Ring gauge
c. Slip gauge
d. Standard screw pitch gauge
(Ans: a)

22-To check external diameter of hole, we use

a. Plug gauge
b. Ring gauge
c. Slip gauge
d. Standard screw pitch gauge
(Ans: b)

23-GO and NO GO gauge is a type of

a. plug gauge
b. slip gauge
c. ring gauge
d. limit gauge
(Ans: d)

24-The following is not a type of comparator

a. Electrical
b. Pneumatic
c. Optical

d. Hydraulic
(Ans: d)

25-Electrolimit gauge block comparator and Talyman Electrical

comparator work on the principle of
a. Kirchoffs law
b. Wheatstone bridge
c. Faraday,s law
d. Lenz,s law
(Ans: b)

26-The following is not used to measure angles

a. Bevel protectors
b. Calibrated levels
c. Clinometers
d. Optical flats
(Ans: d)

27-In v-shape method, the minor diameter of thread is given by

a. D (d2 - d1)
b. D (d1 d2)
c. D (d2 + d1)
d. None of the above
Where, D = Diameter of cylindrical gauge, d1 = micrometer reading of
cylindrical gauge, d2 = micrometer reading of threads, d = minor diameter
(Ans: a)

28-The following is not a method to find effective thread diameter

a. Thread micrometer
b. Two wire method
c. Three wire method
d. The v-piece method
(Ans: d)

29-The effective diameter (E) in three wire method is given by

a. E = M C
b. E = M + C
c. E = M / C
d. E = M x C
(Ans: a)

30-The following method(s) is (are) used to measure the minor diameter of

internal threads
a. Taper parallels methods
b. Calibrated rollers methods
c. both a and b
d. None of the above
(Ans: c)
31. Among the following which is a type of inspection?
(a) Finished Product Inspection (b) Raw material Inspection
(c) 100% Inspection

(d) Sub Assembly Inspection

32. The median of the data: 57, 58, 42, 61,65,72,66 and 38 is
(a) 59.5

(b) 43.5

(c) 39.5

(d) 64.5

33. The graph obtained by plotting cumulative frequencies is called

(a) Histogram (b) Frequency polygon

(c) Frequency curve (d) Ogive

34. A surface gauge is used for

(a) Leveling the surface plate

(b) checking the surface finish

(c) Laying out the work accurately (d) finding the flatness of surface
35. The value of a set of data which occurs most frequently is
(a) mean

(b) median

(c) mode

(d) range

36. TPM refers to

(a) Total Productive Manufacturing

(b) Total Productive Maintenance

(c) Total People Management

(d) Total Preventive Maintenance

37. Among 5S 1S (first S) meant for

(a) Sorting out

(b) Arrangement

(c) Cleaning

(d) Training

38. Bevel Protractor is used for ___________ measurement

(a) Linear

(b) angular

(c) Circular

(d) profile

39. Which of the following Quality Management System is for particular

application - automotive
Production ?
(a) ISO 9001

(b) ISO 14001

(c) ISO/TS 16949

(d) ISO 18001

40. X bar and R charts are used for finding out

(a) Production Control (b) Process Control (c) Material Control

(d) Cost

________ gauge is used to check the clearance between the two mating
Feeler gauge

Screw gauge (b)

Wire gauge

Radius gauge (c)


The straight surface between the crest and root of a thread is called
Lead (c) Pitch (d)


In hole basis system the lower deviation of the size of hole is



In control chart for defects upper control limit C is

C-3C (c)

Less than




Diameter of the best size wire is Db =










1. The use of _____ instruments is merely confined within laboratories as
(a) absolute
(b) indicating
(c) recording
(d) integrating

(e) none of the above

Ans: a
2. Which of the following instruments indicate the instantaneous value of the
electrical quantity
being measured at the time at which it is being measured ?
(a) Absolute instruments
(b) Indicating instruments
(c) Recording instruments
(d) Integrating instruments
Ans: b
3. _____ instruments are those which measure the total quantity of electricity
delivered in a
particular time.
(a) Absolute
(b) Indicating
(c) Recording
(d) Integrating
Ans: d
4. Which of the following are integrating instruments ?
(a) Ammeters
(b) Voltmeters
(c) Wattmeters
(d) Ampere-hour and watt-hour meters
Ans: d
5. Resistances can be measured with the help of
(a) wattmeters
(b) voltmeters
(c) ammeters

(d) ohmmeters and resistance bridges

(e) all of the above
Ans: d
6 According to application, instruments are classified as
(a) switch board
(b) portable
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) moving coil
(e) moving iron
(f) both (d) and (e)
Ans: c
7. Which of the following essential features is possessed by an indicating
instrument ?
(a) Deflecting device
(b) Controlling device
(c) Damping device
(d) All of the above
Ans: d
8. A _____ device prevents the oscillation of the moving system and enables the
latter to
reach its final position quickly
(a) deflecting
(b) controlling
(c) damping
(d) any of the above
Ans: c
9. The spring material used in a spring control device should have the following

(a) Should be non-magnetic

(b) Most be of low temperature co-efficient
(c) Should have low specific resistance
(d) Should not be subjected to fatigue
(e) All of the above
Ans: e
10. Which of the following properties a damping oil must possess ?
(a) Must be a good insulator
(b) Should be non-evaporating
(c) Should not have corrosive action upon the metal of the vane
(d) The viscosity of the oil should not change with the temperature
(e) All of the above
Ans: e
11. A moving-coil permanent-magnet instrument can be used as _____ by using
a low
resistance shunt.
(a) ammeter
(b) voltmeter
(c) flux-meter
(d) ballistic galvanometer
Ans: a
12. A moving-coil permanent-magnet instrument can be used as flux-meter
(a) by using a low resistance shunt
(b) by using a high series resistance
(c) by eliminating the control springs
(d) by making control springs of large moment of inertia
Ans: c

13. Which of the following devices may be used for extending the range of
instruments ?
(a) Shunts
(b) Multipliers
(c) Current transformers
(d) Potential transformers
(e) All of the above
Ans: e
14. An induction meter can handle current upto
(a) 10 A
(b) 30 A
(c) 60 A
(d) 100 A
Ans: d
15. For handling greater currents induction wattmeters are used in conjunction
(a) potential transformers
(b) current transformers
(c) power transformers
(d) either of the above
(e) none of the above
Ans: b
16. Induction type single phase energy meters measure electric energy in
(a) kW
(b) Wh
(c) kWh
(d) VAR
(e) None of the above

Ans: c
17. Most common form of A.C. meters met with in every day domestic and
installations are
(a) mercury motor meters
(b) commutator motor meters
(c) induction type single phase energy meters
(d) all of the above
Ans: c
18. Which of the following meters are not used on D.C. circuits
(a) Mercury motor meters
(b) Commutator motor meters
(c) Induction meters
(d) None of the above
Ans: c
19. Which of the following is an essential part of a motor meter ?
(a) An operating torque system
(b) A braking device
(c) Revolution registering device
(d) All of the above
Ans: d
20. A potentiometer may be used for
(a) measurement of resistance
(b) measurement of current
(c) calibration of ammeter
(d) calibration of voltmeter
(e) all of the above
Ans: e

21 is an instrument which measures the insulation resistance of an electric

circuit relative to
earth and one another,
(a) Tangent galvanometer
(b) Meggar
(c) Current transformer
(d) None of the above
Ans: b
22. The household energy meter is
(a) an indicating instrument
(b) a recording instrument
(c) an integrating instrument
(d) none of the above
Ans: c
23. The pointer of an indicating instrument should be
(a) very light
(b) very heavy
(c) either (a) or (b)
(d) neither (a) nor (b)
Ans: a
24. The chemical effect of current is used in
(a) D.C. ammeter hour meter
(b) D.C. ammeter
(c) D.C. energy meter
(d) none of the above
Ans: a
25. In majority of instruments damping is provided by
(a) fluid friction

(b) spring
(c) eddy currents
(d) all of the above
Ans: c
26. An ammeter is a
(a) secondary instrument
(b) absolute instrument
(c) recording instrument
(d) integrating instrument
Ans: a
27. In a portable instrument, the controlling torque is provided by
(a) spring
(b) gravity
(c) eddy currents
(d) all of the above
Ans: a
28. The disc of an instrument using eddy current damping should be of
(a) conducting and magnetic material
(b) non-conducting and magnetic material
(c) conducting and non-magnetic material
(d) none of the above
Ans: c
29. The switch board instruments
(a) should be mounted in vertical position
(6) should be mounted in horizontal position
(c) either (a) or (b)
(d) neither (a) nor (b)

Ans: a
30. The function of shunt in an ammeter is to
(a) by pass the current
(b) increase the sensitivity of the ammeter
(c) increase the resistance of ammeter
(d) none of the above
Ans: a
31. The multiplier and the meter coil in a voltmeter are in
(a) series
(b) parallel
(c) series-parallel
(d) none of the above
Ans: a
32. A moving iron instrument can be used for
(a) D.C. only
(b) A.C. only
(c) both D.C. and A.C.
Ans: c
33. The scale of a rectifier instrument is
(a) linear
(b) non-linear
(c) either (a) or (b)
(d) neither (a) nor (b)
Ans: a
34. For measuring current at high frequency we should use
(a) moving iron instrument
(b) electrostatic instrument

(c) thermocouple instrument

(d) none of the above
Ans: c
35. The resistance in the circuit of the moving coil of a dynamometer wattmeter
should be
(a) almost zero
(b) low
(c) high
(d) none of the above
Ans: c
36. A dynamometer wattmeter can be used for
(a) both D.C. and A.C.
(b) D.C. only
(c) A.C. only
(d) any of the above
Ans: a
37. An induction wattmeter can be used for
(a) both D.C. and A.C.
(6) D.C. only
(c) A.C. only
(d) any of the above
Ans: b
38. The pressure coil of a wattmeter should be connected on the supply side of
the current coil
(a) load impedance is high
(b) load impedance is low
(c) supply voltage is low

(d) none of the above

Ans: a
39. In a low power factor wattmeter the pressure coil is connected
(a) to the supply side of the current coil
(b) to the load side of the current coil
(c) in any of the two meters at connection
(d) none of the above
Ans: b
40. In a low power factor wattmeter the compensating coil is connected
(a) in series with current coil
(b) in parallel with current coil
(c) in series with pressure coil
(d) in parallel with pressure coil
Ans: c
41. In a 3-phase power measurement by two wattmeter method, both the watt
meters had
identical readings. The power factor of the load was
(a) unity
(6) 0.8 lagging
(c) 0.8 leading
(d) zero
Ans: a
42. In a 3-phase power measurement by two wattmeter method the reading of
one of the
wattmeter was zero. The power factor of the load must be
(a) unity
(b) 0.5
(c) 0.3

(d) zero
Ans: b
43. The adjustment of position of shading bands, in an energy meter is done to
(a) friction compensation
(b) creep compensation
(c) braking torque
(d) none of the above
Ans: a
44. An ohmmeter is a
(a) moving iron instrument
(b) moving coil instrument
(c) dynamometer instrument
(d) none of the above
Ans: b
45. When a capacitor was connected to the terminal of ohmmeter, the pointer
indicated a low
resistance initially and then slowly came to infinity position. This shows that
capacitor is
(a) short-circuited
(b) all right
(c) faulty
Ans: b
46. For measuring a very high resistance we should use
(a) Kelvin's double bridge
(b) Wheat stone bridge
(c) Meggar
(d) None of the above

Ans: c
47. The electrical power to a meggar is provided by
(a) battery
(b) permanent magnet D.C. generator
(c) AC. generator
(d) any of the above
Ans: b
48. In a meggar controlling torque is provided by
(a) spring
(b) gravity
(c) coil
(d) eddy current
Ans: c
49. The operating voltage of a meggar is about
(a) 6 V
(b) 12 V
(c) 40 V
(d) 100 V
Ans: d
50. Murray loop test can be used for location of
(a) ground fault on a cable
(b) short circuit fault on a cable
(c) both the ground fault and the short-circuit fault
(d) none of the above
Ans: c
51. Which of the following devices should be used for accurate measurement of
low D.C.
voltage ?

(a) Small range moving coil voltmeter

(b) D.C. potentiometer
(c) Small range thermocouple voltmeter
(d) None of the above
Ans: b
52. It is required to measure the true open circuit e.m.f. of a battery. The best
device is
(a) D.C. voltmeter
(b) Ammeter and a known resistance
(c) D.C. potentiometer
(d) None of the above
Ans: c
53. A voltage of about 200 V can be measured
(a) directly by a D.C. potentiometer
(b) a D.C. potentiometer in conjunction with a volt ratio box
(c) a D.C. potentiometer in conjunction with a known resistance
(d) none of the above
Ans: b
54. A direct current can be measured by
(a) a D.C. potentiometer directly
(b) a D.C. potentiometer in conjunction with a standard resistance
(c) a D.C. potentiometer in conjunction with a volt ratio box
(d) none of the above
Ans: b
55. To measure a resistance with the help of a potentiometer it is
(a) necessary to standardise the potentiometer
(b) not necessary to standardise the potentiometer
(c) necessary to use a volt ratio box in conjunction with the potentiometer

(d) none of the above

Ans: b
56. A phase shifting transformer is used in conjunction with
(a) D.C. potentiometer
(b) Drysdale potentiometer
(c) A.C. co-ordinate potentiometer
(d) Crompton potentiometer
Ans: b
57. Basically a potentiometer is a device for
(a) comparing two voltages
(b) measuring a current
(c) comparing two currents
(d) measuring a voltage
(e) none of the above
Ans: a
58. In order to achieve high accuracy, the slide wire of a potentiometer should
(a) as long as possible
(b) as short as possible
(c) neither too small not too large
(d) very thick
Ans: a
59. To measure an A. C. voltage by using an A.C. potentiometer, it is desirable
that the supply
for the potentiometer in taken
(a) from a source which is not the same as the unknown voltage
(b) from a battery
(c) from the same source as the unknown voltage

(d) any of the above

Ans: c
60. The stator of phase shifting transformer for use in conjunction with an A.C.
usually has a
(a) single-phase winding
(b) two-phase winding
(c) three-phase winding
(d) any of the above
Ans: b
61. In an AC. co-ordinate potentiometer, the currents in the phase and
potentiometer are adjusted to be
(a) out of phase by 90
(6) out of phase by 60
(c) out of phase by 30
(d) out of phase by 0
(e) out of phase by 180
Ans: a
62. A universal RLC bridge uses
(a) Maxwell bridge configuration for measurement of inductance and De Santas
bridge for
measurement of capacitance
(b) Maxwell Wein bridge for measurement of inductance and modified De
Santy's bridge for
measurement of capacitance
(c) Maxwell Wein bridge for measurement of inductance and Wein bridge for
measurement of

(d) Any of the above.

Ans: b
63. For measurements on high voltage capacitors, the suitable bridge is
(a) Wein bridge
(b) Modified De Santy's bridge
(c) Schering bridge
(d) Any of the above
(e) None of the above
Ans: c
64. In an Anderson bridge, the unknown inductance is measured in terms of
(a) known inductance and resistance
(b) known capacitance and resistance
(c) known resistance
(d) known inductance
Ans: b
65. Wagner earthing device is used to eliminate errors due to
(a) electrostatic coupling
(b) electromagnetic coupling
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) none of the above
Ans: a
66. For measurement of mutual inductance we can use
(a) Anderson bridge
(b) Maxwell's bridge
(c) Heaviside bridge
(d) Any of the above
Ans: c

67. For measurement of inductance having high value, we should use

(a) Maxwell's bridge
(b) Maxwell Wein bridge
(c) Hay's bridge
(d) Any of the above
Ans: c
68. If the current in a capacitor leads the voltage by 80, the loss angle of the
capacitor is
(a) 10
(b) 80
(c) 120
(d) 170
Ans: a
69. In a Schering bridge the potential of the detector above earth potential is
(a) a few volts only
(6) 1 kV
(c) 5 kV
(d) 10 kV
Ans: a
70. To avoid the effect of stray magnetic field in A.C. bridges we can use
(a) magnetic screening
(b) Wagner earthing device
(c) wave filters
(d) any of the above
Ans: a
71. If an inductance is connected in one arm of bridge and resistances in the
remaining three

(a) the bridge can always be balanced

(b) the bridge cannot be balanced
(c) the bridge can be balanced if the resistances have some specific values
Ans: b
72. A power factor meter has
(a) one current circuit and two pressure circuits
(b) one current circuit and one pressure circuit
(c) two current circuits and one pressure circuit
(d) none of the above
Ans: a
73. The two pressure coils of a single phase power factor meter have
(a) the same dimensions and the same number of turns
(b) the same dimension but different number of turns
(c) the same number of turns but different dimensions
(d) none of the above
Ans: a
74. In a single phase power factor meter the phase difference between the
currents in the two
pressure coils is
(a) exactly 0
(b) approximately 0
(c) exactly 90
(d) approximately 90
Ans: c
75. In a dynamometer 3-phase power factor meter, the planes of the two moving
coils are at
(a) 0
(b) 60

(c) 90
(d) 120
Ans: d
76. In a vibrating reed frequency meter the natural frequencies of two adjacent
reeds have a
difference of
(a) 0.1 Hz
(b) 0.25 Hz
(c) 0.5 Hz
(d) 1.5 Hz
Ans: c
77. In a Weston frequency meter, the magnetic axes of the two fixed coils are
(a) parallel
(b) perpendicular
(c) inclined at 60
(d) inclined at 120
Ans: b
78. A Weston frequency meter is
(a) moving coil instrument
(b) moving iron instrument
(c) dynamometer instrument
(d) none of the above
Ans: b
79. A Weston synchronoscope is a
(a) moving coil instrument
(b) moving iron instrument
(c) dynamometer instrument
(d) none of the above

Ans: c
80. In a Weston synchronoscope, the fixed coils are connected across
(a) bus-bars
(b) incoming alternator
(c) a lamp
(d) none of the above
Ans: b
81. In Weston synchronoscope the moving coil is connected across
(a) bus-bars
(b) incoming alternator
(c) fixed coils
(d) any of the above
Ans: a
82. The power factor of a single phase load can be calculated if the instruments
available are
(a) one voltmeter and one ammeter
(b) one voltmeter, one ammetqr and one wattmeter
(c) one voltmeter, one ammeter and one energy meter
(d) any of the above
Ans: b
83. The desirable static characteristics of a measuring system are
(a) accuracy and reproducibility
(b) accuracy, sensitivity and reproducibility
(c) drift and dead zone
(d) static error
Ans: b
84. The ratio of maximum displacement deviation to full scale deviation of the
instrument is

(a) static sensitivity
(b) dynamic deviation
(c) linearity
(d) precision or accuracy
Ans: c
85. Systematic errors are
(a) instrumental errors
(b) environmental errors
(c) observational errors
(d) all of the above
Ans: d
86. Standard resistor is made from
(a) platinum
(b) maganin
(c) silver
(d) nichrome
Ans: b
87. Commonly used standard capacitor is
(a) spherical type
(b) concentric cylindrical type
(c) electrostatic type
(d) multilayer parallel plate type
Ans: b
88. Operating torques in analogue instruments are
(a) deflecting and control
(b) deflecting and damping

(c) deflecting, control and damping

(d) vibration and balancing
Ans: c
89. Commonly used instruments in power system measurement are
(a) induction
(b) moving coil or iron
(c) rectifier
(d) electrostatic
Ans: a
90. Damping of the Ballistic galvanometer is made small to
(a) get first deflection large
(b) make the system oscillatory
(c) make the system critically damped
(d) get minimum overshoot
Ans: a
91. If an instrument has cramped scale for larger values, then it follows
(a) square law
(b) logarithmic law
(c) uniform law
(d) none of the above
Ans: b
92. Volt box is a component to
(a) extend voltage range
(6) measure voltage
(c) compare voltage in a box
(d) none of the above
Ans: a

93. E.m.f. of a Weston cell is accurately measured by

(a) electrostatic voltmeter
(b) hot wire voltmeter
(c) isothermal voltmeter
(d) electrodynamic voltmeter
Ans: a
94. The gravity controlled instrument has crowded scale because current is
proportional to
(a) balancing weight
(b) deflection angle
(c) sine of deflection angle
Ans: c
95. A sensitive galvanometer produces large deflection for a
(a) small value of current
(b) large value of current
(c) large value of power
(d) large value of voitage
(e) none of the above
Ans: a
96. A multirangq instrument has
(a) multiple shunt or series resistances inside the meter
(b) multicoii arrangement
(c) variable turns of coil
(d) multi range meters inside the measurement system
(e) any of the above
Ans: a
97. The rectifier instrument is not free from
(a) temperature error

(b) wave shape error

(c) frequency error
(d) all of the above
Ans: c
98. Alternating current is measured by
(a) induction ammeter
(b) permanent magnet type ammeter
(c) electrostatic ammeter
(d) moving iron repulsion type voltmeter
Ans: a
99. Most sensitive galvanometer is
(a) elastic galvanometer
(b) vibration galvanometer
(c) Duddlb galvanometer
(d) spot ballistic galvanometer
Ans: d
100. Instrument transformers are
(a) potential transformers
(b) current transformers
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) power transformers
Ans: c

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