Leadership Traits
Leadership Traits
Leadership Traits
Credibility is single most important quality of a good leader; it is the foundation. A foundation
that is build with honesty, integrity, and self-discipline. Employees look up the leaders as the
role models, or simply the person who brings meaning to their daily job. If the leaders cant
practice the solid values they preach, their ideas will be shrugged off, or simply be obeyed
because of their authority. Every leader must realize that employees are constantly observing
and analyzing their actions, evaluating consistency between their work and their deeds, judging
their integrity. Leaders must exercise self-discipline by suppressing their own personal egos or
emotions and by taking appropriate actions.
The art of communication is key to either establish relationships or being motivational. Leaders
are generally articulate and good orators, it is the reason for their charisma that attracts the
followers. People try to judge a leader by how he uses the words in his speech, how convincing
his arguments and promises appear to be, all of it gives them a sense of his underline
credibility. It is often found that people are more easily swayed by leaders with good orator
skills when compared to leaders with good records. However the advantage of good
communication must be supported by actions that proves one's credibility, otherwise their
growth is only temporary.
In organizations, it's usually the most eloquent employees that are perceived as candidates for
management positions when compared with other employees who might have better job
knowledge. This is usually a hindsight since good leadership is much more complex than ability
to communicate better, subsequent articles discusses leadership in detail and will substantiate
this point.
Learning Tips
1. Thinks of ways to motivate and inspire others.
2. Think of ways to be more accessible, visible to others and establish your credibility
3. Establish good, open and fair relationships.
Case Studies