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Hebron Messenger For December 2002

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Hebron Messenger

Hebron Messenger
Published Fortnightly

VOl. XL December 1, 2002 NO.24

(Deut.11: 12; Matt.24: 13)

As the year 2002 is closing upon us, let us continue to bless the Lord, in the words of the Psalmist
(Psa.103) for His continuing benefits, through Christ Jesus our Lord -He forgiveth, He healeth, He
redeemeth, He crowneth, He satisfieth, He reneweth, He executeth, He pitieth, He knoweth, and finally,
to crown it all, He ruleth from His Throne in the heavens, -THRONE of the: unchanging King and Priest
after the order of Melchlzedek (Heb. 7.24,25).

In Matthew 24:3,6, 12, 13, 14 and 21 as our Lord sat upon the Mt. of Olives, He held a private
communication with His disciples, as they desired, with their questions, "What shall be the sign of thy
coming...?" -a subject solemn and searching even for us, as the Church age is soon to close, and we
should be found as those "ENDURING unto the END" -AND SUCH I BELIEVE, SHALL BE SAVED-
"to obtain SALVATION with ETERNAL GLORY" in view of which Apostle Paul endured all things for
the ELECT'S sakes as he writes in 2 Tim.2:10.

The Lord spoke of this ENDURING after mentioning about the conflict amongst nations, calamities or
catastrophes that would befall this earth besides the hatred of nations against Him and His own, and the
spirit of deception that would tend to permeate this globe. He added that "the love of many shall wax
cold" as iniquity abounds. At such a time, the true Church, ready for rapture, should be found as
ENDURING SAINTS, side by side with other spiritual features and virtues of Christ Himself, reproduced
in them by the Holy Spirit, that infills them. They indeed ENDURE and 'embrace the Cross and are
sustained by its liberating and livening power.

Heb.3: 6 exhorts us that if we HOLD FAST the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope FIRM unto the
END, we are His House over which He is the SON. This end, which the Lord has in view for us, is
attained in the measure we hold fast and ENDURE now, year by year, and press on to perfection, through
the span of years the Lord is pleased to keep us in our pilgrimage. Hence it will be beneficial for us to
review our past months of. the closing year, as to how far we have been enabled to ENDURE amidst the
situations we had to face, and emerged victorious, or evaded the Cross to our own loss and sorrow. The
degree of this ENDURING may vary with us, but let us not forget that the earnestness and intensity of it
(this endurance) indeed constitutes the yardstick to measure our devotion and delight in the Lord Himself,
and hence the desire for His return. For such, His comforting promise is more and more true, "...behold, I
come quickly; and my reward is with me..."(Rev.22: 12).

The word ENDURE has different shades of meaning, such as, "remain firm under", "bear with patience",
"put up with", "withstand" and such. We may briefly consider four references in the New Testament to
this word, as applicable to their particular context. It should equip us -our ability to ENDURE more and
stability to SERVE more effectively.

Firstly, let us glance at James 1: 12-15. God does not want us to yield to temptation; yet, neither can He
spare us from the experience of temptation. He uses them testings and temptations to make us mature in
Christian life. The word lust means any kind of desire. Normal desires are given by God for right

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function in our body. But when we seek to satisfy them outside the will of God, we land into trouble.
Eating is normal, but gluttony is sin. Sleep is normal, but slothfulness is sin. Sex and marriage are
honorable, but outside the marriage bond, defiling and deserving judgment. So our desires must be
controlled and channeled, lest we be carried away by their attraction, enticed and entangled. The law of
the Spirit of life must set us free.

Secondly, in Heb.12:5 -12 we read about, "ENDURING" chastening as dealt by God, for we are His sons,
and are made to grow into adulthood. So the Lord uses child -training, instruction and disciplining, lest
we tend to become pampered' babies. This He does through rebuke from His Word, circumstances, and
even sickness, that we may grow into the likeness of His Son and be trusted with the "Father's business".
It may not seem joyous now, but never1heless it will after) ward yield its fruit.

Thirdly, in 1 Pet.2: 18, we are taught to be submissive to those who are above us, par1icularly as servants
to masters or a young employee to the senior officer. As a true Christian worker the unbelieving
employer wrongs you and you have to take it "patiently" as a dedicated believer (Matt.5: 10-12). This is
thankwor1hy, -ENDURING GRIEF wrongfully, in the steps of our Lord (1Pet.2: 19-21). Let the Lord
fight the battles for us, and not we ourselves. This must be true in the) fellowship of the Church.

Fourthly, Apostle Paul, writing from the military background of Rome where he is a prisoner himself,
exhor1s young Timothy, in his last letter to him, to "be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus", and
adds, "Thou therefore ENDURE hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ..." that he may please Him
Who hath chosen him to be a soldier (2 Tim.2: 1-4). Ministry is not a soft job, confined to pulpit
preaching. A disciplined, dedicated minister is in a battle that requires spiritual ENDURANCE (Eph.6:
10-12). He must be committed to the Commanding Officer, and trust Him wholly and avoid worldly
entanglements. He must think of the whole army, "the ELECT", chosen by grace and called (2 The$s.2:
13,14). Suffer for the Lord as well as for His Church, the Body, as Paul exemplifies in Col.1: 24. A
soldier who thinks only of himself and his immediate circle is disloyal and undependable. The Lord help
us to ENDURE all things for the elect's sake and be found wor1hy to share His Kingdom and glory at His



Golconda Crossroads,
Hyderabad -500 020,
A.P. India.
Telephone No: 7613066

November 17, 2002

Dear Fellow -Believers in Christ,

Greetings in the precious Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Who hath said, "I am he that liveth,
and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen". Being "...reconciled to God by the death of
his Son, much more, ...we shall be saved by his life", and "...joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ",
writes the Apostle in Rom.5:1 0,11. Let us pray that His risen life, displacing our life, much more our
"self life" to joy in Him and serve Him. be experientially true for us, as we have come to the closing days
of the year (Rev.1 : 18; Gal.2:20).

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We have been considering the life and service of Saul, wherein we learn and discern that a life of
persistent self-will, would always hinder the will and work of God, nay, even wreck the seeming victory
it seems to have gained for awhile.

Lastly, we consider another opportunity God gave to Saul when he was sent on an important expedition
to destroy Amalek, the descendants of Esau, who tried to hinder Israel in their passage through the
wilderness, before they could possess their promised inheritance. There is a deep spiritual meaning at the
back of this story, for Amalek is a type of the flesh, and the destruction of Amalek was just an illustration
of the very principle, which Saul's life strongly emphasised. Saul's failure to destroy Amalek shows how
deeply rooted the SELF PRINCIPLE was in his own soul. The man who spared Agag was the man who
spared the PRINCIPLE of SELF in his OWN HEART, we might say.

Saul successfully accomplished the invasion and returned victorious. So, possessed with a spirit of self
-complacency and failing to realise his own true character, he addressed Samuel, and said with perfect
assurance, "..:Blessed be thou of the Lord: I have performed the commandment of the Lord"(1
Sam.15:13). But the awful words of the prophet answered back, "..to obey is better than sacrifice, and to
hearken than the fat of rams...Because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, he hath also rejected thee
from being king"(vs.22,23). So subtle and self-deceiving was the spirit of self, that even then, all he
seemed to feel was the fear of being humiliated before the people, and still begged for Samuel's public
recognition and honour, after a feigned confession, "I have sinned: for I have transgressed...1 have feared
the people...I pray... pardon...and turn again with me" (vs.24,25).

What a spectacle of self-deception! -the snare of ;:1 religious motive, keeping the spoil sacrifice to the
Lord. We see the fear of man, the unwillingness of this man to displease people when they begged him to
save the booty of the battle with Amalek. One word stands out in this terrible tragedy into which Saul
fell. It is the age old word "COMPROMISE". Salul obeyed, but with a compromise. Saul did much good,
but he compromised with evil. God's commandments are UNCOMPROMISING, unqualified and our
obedience must be absolute and complete. The faintest reservation is really the very soul of disobedience.

Saul stands before us in this picture as the incarnation of self -will and therefore the enemy of God, nay,
the rival of God upon His Throne. "...thou hast REJECTED the word of the Lord, and the Lord hath
REJECTED thee from being king" (v.26). It took time for judgment to culminate. Slowly doth the coil of
self unwind until its hideousness is fully revealed. Saul did much work after this, fighting and winning
battles, reigned as king over Israel and established a kingdom, but alas, it was Saul's kingdom and not
God's. The remaining years were of self-activity and self -vindication, pursuing after his rival David with
ferocious hate. The Spirit of God left him and an evil spirit, by God's permission possessed him. At last
he gave himself up to spiritualism, sought the counsel of necromancers, whom he had formerly banished
from the kingdom. That was the final fatal step. Saul dashed with reckless despair into the last battle of
his life and the tragedy was complete. His army was annihilated by the Philistines. Saul himself
committed suicide -the beauty of Israel lying dead on the slopes of Gilboa, as David laments in f Samuel,
chapter one.

The kingdom, which Saul had built up for a quarter of a century FOR HIMSELF, was broken to pieces,
scattered to the winds and destroyed. Thus is the revelation of, and the ravaging result of HUMAN
SELFISHNESS, a:; seen crystallized and complete in Saul. Before this spectacle, so sad and fearful, we
may stand in awe, and humbly, fervently and earnestly pray, as we close the year, in the words of the

Oh, to be saved from myself dear Lord,

Oh, to be lost in Thee;
Oh, that it might be no more I,
But CHRIST that LIVES in me.

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The Lord make this true for us all.

Kindly pray for God's servant Bro. B. J. Paul who has been suffering from old age infirmities, particularly
nervous weakness, for many weeks and is confined to bed.

The saints and brethren, and servant of God, Bro. Devamani are thankful for the evening meeting we had
in their midst at Bethany, Gulbarga on the 15th November. They covet our prayers for the acquiring of
some more land behind the Prayer House.
God's servant Bro. Mohan Rao and brethren covet our prayers for the special gatherings in their midst at
Jerusalem Prayer House, Gudiwada, God willing from 22nd November.

Kindly remember the mini Convocation to be held at Thera, (near Amritsar, Punjab) from 26th November
to 1st December, and pray that the Lord be gracious to do all things well, for the gathering together of
saints, servants and others, for the furtherance of His Testimony in the North.

We covet your prayers for the dedication of the new construction as well as the mini Convocation to be
held, God willing, at the Christian Fellowship Centre, Wellawatte, Colombo, Sri Lanka from 6th to 8th
December, for which Bro. Paul Sudhakar, and myself with family, are invited to participate. Pray for all
the preparatory work, and for God's servant Bro. Neville and Elders at the Fellowship Center there, and
also for enabling grace and mercies for the ministry and our journey to Sri Lanka.

Bro. Bill Thompson of London, would be at Hebron, God willing from 13th to 16th December during
which time Special Meetings are being arranged. Pray for the same.

Pray for the ministry fulfilled at the Sisters' Retreat held at Horeb, Tarnaka on 16th November when Sis.
(Mrs.) K. Phillip with other sisters from Hebron shared the ministry of the Word.

The following are the three Scriptures we have been led to choose after prayer, as Motto Texts for the
year 2003.

(Lord) Jesus said, All things are possible to him that believeth (Mark 9:23).
All things work together for good (Rom.8:28).
Behold, I make all things new (Rev.21 :5).

Calendars published from the Book Room, Hebron, are available as usual in various languages, as well as
the Motto Cards for the year 2003. Please write to Bro. K.S. Paul or Bro. Anandam, by registered letter,
stating the languages, and your requirements. Kindly plan to send the arrears in your account with the
Hebron Book Room, if any, without delay.

Praying that we all be enabled to hold fast the precious promises in Christ, supported by His High
Priestly prayer, press forward in humility and unity unto maturity in the Lord, looking for His glorious
appearing for His Church.

I remain, Yours in His grace,


Psalm 2: 6-8, 11
Joshua 18: 3
Phil. 3: 12-14

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Many people think that by eating and drinking and having expensive clothes, gold and silver, they can get
pleasure. That is why their lives are a failure. Before marriage they go on making enquiries through
relations, brokers and friends, as to how much dowry they will get, or how much land they can have.
They will not say openly but secretly they enquire, how many children the father has and how much she
will get. After making sure they will say, "Now I am satisfied". But supposing they are not satisfied they
will say, "We have no peace in this alliance", because their eyes are upon worldly things, or upon the
girl's complexion, qualification etc. That is why they are disappointed.

In Esther 2:7 we find that Esther's first name was Hadassah. Then her name was changed to Esther. The
name Hadassah means an ordinary myrtle tree, Esther means, "bright shining star". There are many
shining stars in the sky but there is a wonderful star, which is called Venus -a very bright shining star.
That is the meaning of Esther. When she came to Babylon, in the beginning hardly anyone knew her. She
came as a captive, or a slave, as an orphan girl, without any prominence. But because of her virtues, she
became a bright shining star and her name was changed from Hadassah to Esther, as one who had
received new life.

Here lies the divine secret of a happy home. The light of God must shine in the hearts of those who are
going to be joined together. Many people are governed by faces. They ask, "Is she fair or dark? Is she fat
or lean?" They put many questions, either through friends or neighbors. The outward appearance is no
proof of inward beauty. The light of God shining within gives true beauty. That is why, as far as possible,
those who are going to be joined together, should make sure that the light of God has come to shine in
them. Then we are sure that they will enjoy God's favor. Then they can also enjoy God's presence with

What an honour we have in having the loving and living God with us! How much we lose by not
knowing the secret of God's presence. God's Word says in Psa. 16: 11, "Thou wilt shew me the path of
life: in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore". It is only in the
presence of God that one can have full and true joy. Without that consciousness of God's presence you
cannot have true joy. The Lord Jesus Christ came into the world to live in those who are born again. That
is why He rose again. It was prophesied that He would die and rise again. He said in Matt.28:20, "10, I
am with you alway". The living God, the Holy God, the loving God, the mighty God came to live in us
and among us. That experience will give you victory over every trial.

We thank God for those who are joined together in God's House, after having the experience of new
birth. None of us is a born Christian.

(To be contd.)

Crossroads, Hyderabad -500 020. Edited by Bro. K. Phillip, Printed and Published by Bro. G. T.
Benjamin for Hebron, Golconda
Crossroads, Hyderabad -500020

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Hebron Messenger
Published Fortnightly

VOl. XL December 15, 2002 NO. 25

Good News

"I am come down to deliver them" (Exodus 3:8). These were the words God spoke to Moses regarding
His people, which were in Egypt. The children of the patriarch Jacob, whose father was Isaac and
grandfather Abraham, were called the children of Israel, a seed chosen by God. They were allowed by
God to go down to Egypt and there wait for over four centuries before they inherited the promised land of
Canaan. God described this land as a land flowing with milk and honey (Exodus 3:8). In Egypt the
patriarchal family multiplied into a nation, but went through bitter affliction as slaves of Pharaoh. The
book of Exodus opens with a grim picture of the people of God as well as their desperate need for
deliverance and freedom. They were enslaved, made to serve with rigour and their lives were made bitter
with hard bondage (Exodus 1 : 12 -14 ). Is this not a classic description of the human race? We are slaves
to many sinful vices and serve the devil by carrying out his dictates. If we are honest, we should accept
that we are, and we live, in a world of liars, cheaters, misrepresent, false witnesses and double: -talkers.
The sum total is, we are in bondage to deadly sins, in our public and private lives and in spite of our
sincere efforts do not know the way of deliverance. Yes, it takes more than human efforts to deliver
ourselves from the slavery of sin. But there is good news, as our text tells us; God saw the captives toiling
at Egypt's brick kilns; heard their groaning; knew their sorrows and their misery and said,"1 am come
down to deliver them".

If any help is given to the people of Israel, it must "come down" for no man" can by any means redeem
his brother" (Psalm 49:7). Here we have the 'Good News'; "God so loved the world, that he gave his only
begotten Son" (John 3:16) and, "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners"(1 Timothy 1: 15),
"God was manifest in the flesh" (1 Timothy 3:16) and in the Person of Jesus Christ. How majestic is this
statement! Jesus is the eternally existent God. He did not begin at birth, any more than His life ended on
the cross; but at His birth, He showed Himself to mankind. He appeared among us, sinful beings. His feet
which trod the dusty roads of Galilee and walked on the sea of Gennesaret, were the same that walked in
the fire with those three brave men, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego to rescue them from fire (Daniel
3:25), and are come down now to deliver us from eternal hell fire. He came to this world of war, poverty,
sickness, lust, crirne, evil and hatred. It was an Errand of Rescue that God the Father wanted Him to
accomplish. '-hat is why Jesus often told that He was "sent" by the Father (John 4:34, 5:37, 6:44, 7:33,
17:18 etc.). Jesus never withdrew from the world of men, neither did He shut Himself up in a monastery
nor was a recluse or a mendicant. He mixed with men. "Then drew near unto him all the publicans and
sinners for to hear him"(Luke 15:1 ). He trod this earth in human nature and in human form, moving
among men and sharing their toil and pain. l-Ie lived a simple life and mingled with everyone, tl1e
"friend of publicans and sinners" (Luke 7:34). He loved the sinful sons of men and died for them on the
cruel cross to redeem and save them from eternal hell fire. He came to us. He made Himself available to
wretched sinners. That is the message of Christmas. "...thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save
his people from their sins" (Matt. 1: 21 ).

This news of 'God coming down to deliver' is not for the Jews only, but for all people throughout the
world. The 'good news' is about a Wonderful Person -not a religion; not a movement and not an
experience. It is Jesus Who in Himself is the 'Gospel' or the 'good news'. "He came" (John 1: 11). Thank
God, He did! Where would a world of lost sinners like us turn for help and deliverance? How could
mankind ever grope its way out of darkness to Him, Who is Holy, Exalted and in Glory? Remember, my

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friend, none of us are so far gone into sins, so deep down in iniquity, that we cannot be delivered by
Jesus. "If we confess our sins, he (Lord Jesus) is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us
from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1 :9). This tidings has been proclaimed far and wide. A great multitude,
which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and torlgues" (Revelation 7:9), has
come to believe on Him. Have you my friend? Jesus came to deliver you from the lake of fire (Revelation
20:15) and your cruel oppressor, the devil, and sustain you in this life, and give you victory as you
walkthrough this dangerous and deceitful world.

Can you, my friend, say that you have been delivered from Satan's galling yoke? Or are you still his
slave? Slave to lust and passion, worldliness, the love of money, praise of men, drinking, gambling,
swearing, lying and ill-temper? Beware, unless you experience the deliverance God has provided for you
in the Person of Jesus Christ, Who said, "If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed" (John 8:36,
NIV); Satan will delude and destroy your soul now and for eternity. If you have not been set free by the
Son of God, it is certain that you are still held in Satan's power, and he is leading you on day by day to
the "lake of fire". This tidings has been proclaimed far and wide, "liberty to the captive" and we are all
commanded to believe it. A subject of an oriental prince had been sentenced to death. Shortly before the
execution, which was attended by the prince, the condemned man was asked what his last wish was. The
only thing he desired was a cup of water, which was given him; but he was so nervous that his trembling
hands could hardly hold the cup. The prince said to him: "Relax, your life is secure until you have drunk
the cup to the dregs." Immediately he took the prince at his word and poured the water on the ground so
that nobody was able to get it back into the cup. His life was saved. Can you, my reader, say that you
have taken God at His word and believed this 'Good News' which is "the power of God unto salvation to
every one that believeth" (Romans 1: 16)? Life is short; it quickly passes by. Please take time to get



Golconda Crossroads,
Hyderabad -500 020,
A.P. India.
Telephone No: 7613066

December 3, 2002

Dear Fellow -Believers in Christ,

All glory and praise, honour and power be unto Him, even our Lord Jesus Christ, King of kings and Lord
of lords, even the Lamb in the midst of the Throne, worthy of our continual worship for time and eternity.
As those who are called and chosen to be with Him, let us be found faithful and obedient, to the guidance
and government of His Throne -Throne of righteousness and holiness (Rev.19:16; 5:6; 17:14).

We began the year with this Motto Text, "The Lord reigneth" (Psa.99: 1) where the emphasis falls on His
Kingship, but much more on His holiness (vs.5,9) -God's Kingship revealed in His own holy nature. Let
us with worshipful hearts remember that our King is both holy and gracious, and does reign. He exists in
His reigning Majesty and so the people tremble. The mere fact of His enthronement and reign as King
makes the whole earth tremble and move in His presence. As Rahab said to the spies, "...all the
inhabitants of the land faint because of you.. .for the Lord your God, he is God in heaven above, and in
earth beneath" (Josh. 2:9, 11 ).

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The Psalmist thus stresses this point of His awe-inspiring presence. His Kingship in the hearts of His
people is both awe-inspiring and rejoicing so as to make them "rejoice with trembling" (Psa.2: 6, 11). It
also makes them serve with fear, "fear before him" (Psa. 96:9). May it be true of us, as His saints, as we
are at the threshold of another year, "o fear the Lord, ye his saints: for there is no want to them that fear.
him" (Psa. 34:9). The reigning Lord would have us to be constituted under the Throne of His Holiness, as
a people who walk in His fear, and hence in the comfort of the Holy Ghost, as it is said of the early
churches (Acts 9:31 ). How far it has been true for us in this closing year we must earnestly examine, and
allow the Holy Spirit of God to instill that reverential, filial fear in our hearts, to please Him.

Secondly, as we consider His holy Kingship, the names of individuals who were brought into relationship
with His Kingship are brought before us (Psa. 99:6). These great ones are not particularly mentioned here
because of the great status God gave them in leadership, but also in their representative capacity. They
were spoken of as "among his priests" and "among them that call upon his name". We would like 10
consider them as those who are members of the body of the people of God -say representatives of
believers. Hence we are directed to focus upon the truth of fellowship with the Holy One-walking in the
fellowship with the Holy King, Holy One. Like Moses and Aaron we also have access to God and like
Samuel we are privileged to call upon His Name. Hence we are to be His praying people and as we pray
in His presence, He answers (v .6). They MAKE PRAYER and He ANSWERS PRAYER. So the primary
mark of walking in fellowship with the Holy One, is a life of praying and receiving. It could be rendered,
"They keep calling upon the Lord and He keeps on answering". May this changeless reality of such who
enjoy fellowship with God -i.e. ceaseless calling and constant answering become experientially ours too,
as we close the year and enter into the new.

Thirdly, we read in verse 7, "He spake unto them in the cloudy pillar: they kept his testimonies, and the
ordinance that he gave them". In other words, "They called" and "He answered"; "He spoke" and "They
obeyed"; this is a life of mutuality and beautiful reciprocity of life in being under the guidance of our
royal Holy God. "His Testimonies" the Word of God -is His testimony, testimony of the Holy One, and
has become the standard and norm of their behaviour, permanent and unchangeable.
Lastly, as we walk under the government of that Throne, we are reminded that the Holy One reigns,
enthroned in the place of mercy-between the cherubims, which look toward the mercy seat. (Exo.25: 20).
The grace and mercy of this awesome God triumph over wrath, toward His redeemed people, although
He takes verlgeance. So it was that when Moses and Aaron disobeyed God in smiting the rock, the
chastisement of God fell upon them and they were excluded from the promised land (Num. 20:8- 12). In
this sense, He is a God who takes vengeance. Forgiveness and chastisement go together. Not one alone,
nor the other alone, but both together. Forgiveness without chastisement would make us complacent.
Chastisement without forgiveness would make us despair. Forgiveness without chastisement would spoil
us and chastisement without forgiveness would crush us. Together they are the reminder that while we
can trust that we will be forgiven, we must never TREAT SIN lightly. Only so we can enjoy the good
governance of our Holy King from His Throne, -our minds armed with these realities, to be the
committed servants of our King.

Please pray for the marriage of Sis. S. Sheeba, daughter of Bro. Selvanayagam, (responsible brother in
the church at Mizpeh, Trichy) with Bro. Thomas Pinto (son of Bro. Susairaj Crawford, Trichy), God
willing to be solemnized on 11th December at Trichy, by God's servant Bro. Theodore Reginald.

Pray for the God's servants' gathering, God willing to be held on the 10th at Mizpeh, Trichy when God's
servants and brethren in responsibility in the churches would gather for prayer.

Pray for God's servant Bro. Anand of Pallavaram as his eldest son Joshua is suffering from a very serious
infection of the lower intestinal region, and surgery is recommended.

Please pray for the Lord's handmaiden Sis. (Mrs.) L. Lazarus of Hebron, who underwent surgery twice
for fracture of the neck of femur bone, and has been bedridden for quite some time.

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As mentioned in the previous issue, the following are the promises from His Word, which we have been
led to choose as Motto Texts for the year 2003.

(Lord) Jesus said, All things are possible to him that believeth (Mark 9:23)

All things work together for good (Rom. 8:28)

Behold, I make all things new (Rev. 21: 5)

Praying that the Spirit of God may enable us to be under the guidance and government of the Holy One
Who reigneth, and come into the reality of His promises,

I remain, Yours in His grace,


Heb. 6: 12, 15
Rom. 4: 19, 21
Josh. 23:14


Scripture Text: John 12:1-3 ". ..and the house was filled with the odour of the ointment" (John 12:3).

That was the happiest home in the whole area, because the Lord Jesus Christ had done a great work in the
family of Martha, Mary and Lazarus. Every member of the family had become happy because of His
grace and power. All who passed by that house could smell sweet fragrance from the house, even to a
long distance. That is the desire of the Lord Jesus Christ for every new home, that, people may come to
know Him through them and they themselves may receive great joy. The Lord Jesus Christ came into the
world to make our joy full as He says in John 16:24 and also in John 15:11. The desire, plan and purpose
of the Lord Jesus Christ in saving us, is to make our joy full. Now, that joy does not depend upon worldly
possessions or worldly qualifications. We may be very rich or poor, educated or illiterate, have a high
position or no position, we may belong to any country, yet our joy can be full under all circumstances,
and no man upon the earth can take away our joy from our hearts. Our Lord says in John 16:22, "... your
joy no man taketh from you". Earthly joy can be taken away by our enemies, friends and circumstances
but this joy can no man take away from us. People may try by words, deeds and schemes, but they will
never succeed. What a joy it is! This joy is for all times, not occasionally. This is Paul's testimony too as
he says in Phil.4:4, "Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice".

Whenever there is a marriage, there is joy. In Jer. 33:11 and Isa. 62:5, the joy of the bridegroom and the
bride is compared to heavenly joy. It is not ordinary joy but heavenly joy and God wants every home to
have such a joy. But you may say, "We don't have such joy." In many cases this is true. lt is not God's
fault but our fault because we fail to abide by God's Word. In John 15:7 there is a very simple, divine
law. "If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you". First of all we must be sure that we have everlasting
life flowing in us. Just as the branch abides in the vine and brings forth fruit, we should abide in Him.

The Lord says, "If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be
done unto you". For every walk of life, we have God's Word-for childhood, youth, middle age, and for
old age. For sickness, sufferings, trials and other circumstances, God's Word is given to us to overcome

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every situation and to come out victorious. We can say with Apostle Paul as a testimony in Phil. 4:13, " I
can do all things through Christ". This man Paul was happy even in times of sorrow. "As unknown, and
yet well known; as dying, and, behold, we live; as chastened, and not killed; As sorrowful, yet alway
rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things" (2 Cor. 6:9,

(To be contd.)



By having a living experience with the living Lord Jesus, we become Christians. Otherwise no one has a
right to be called a Christian. God's Word says so in Rom. 8:9, last part. "Now if any man have not the
Spirit of Christ, he is none of his". How can a holy God live in a sinful heart? It is not possible. Will you
receive a gUl3St of honour into a house, which is not swept for many years? I have traveled for many
years and no one has ever allowed me to stay in a dirty house. How are you going to receive the Holy
God into a filthy heart? God's Word says, "All have sinned". Before God, we all have filthy hearts. Only
God can wash them and cleanse them. Those who want to be indwelt by God must have their sins
forgiven and their hearts cleansed. That is why the Lord shed His blood and died. The living and the Holy
God is willing to live in us. How can we know? We can feel the presence of God always. In sickness or
health, in poverty or prosperity, in the midst of enemies or friends, far away from home, or right inside
the home, in young age or old age, in war or famine, earthquake or scarcity, you will enjoy His presence.
It is such an experience that gives happiness to the children of God. The great God, the mighty God,
comes to live in us.

To have a happy home, be content. Do not murmur or complain, but prove God in every situation. Enjoy
His presence at all times. God's Word says, "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee". May the Lord make
this true in your home. (Concluded)

Crossroads, Hyderabad -500 020. Edited by Bro. K. Phillip, Printed and Published by Bro. G. T.
Benjamin for Hebron, Golconda
Crossroads, Hyderabad -500020

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Hebron Messenger
Published Fortnightly

VOl. XL December 29, 2002 NO. 26

Remember Ye Not

New Year means many things .to many people: For some, sending and receiving gifts and greetings. For
others, festivities, feastings, fun and frolic. For yet others, a time of reckoning and making new
resolutions. As for our loving God, He wants us to enjoy His new blessings He is going to shower upon
us abundantly in the New Year. To prepare us to receive these blessings, He pleads with us saying,
"Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old"(lsa.43: 18). By the grace and
help of God we want to consider seven things we should cease to remember, to enable us to enter into His
full blessings, in the ensuing year.

Our wonder-working God can do "great things past finding out"(Job 9:10). What is impossible with men
is possible with God (Luke18: 27). God, "with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of
turning"(James 1:17) says, "Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring fort~ shall ye not know it? I
will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert" (lsa.43: 19). He wants us to forget our
past losses, sorrows and sufferings, as He is going "to do a new thing in our lives. The enemy wants us to
think always about our past disappointments and discouraging situations. In life's battles we are many a
time wounded within ourselves. But our compassionate Lord pours fresh oil and heals our wounds
(Psa.92: 10). Some people seek the help of fortune-tellers, drugs and tranquillisers and soon find that
these can neither assuage their griefs nor allay their fears. But the new oil of the Lord does! The Lord fills
us with hope, confidence and courage to face our future. He says, "I know the thoughts that I think
toward you...thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end"(Jer.29: 11). Someone may
say, "There is no hope for me". But in God, there is a future, full of hope for everyone. When we are
drifting along without any direction in life, lost and confused in this wilderness-life, our loving Lord can
make a way miraculously and bring us out of every confusion. If some of us feel worn out and fed up of
life, He can cause refreshing rivers to flow in our desert-like lives to quicken us. Let us forget our past
sorrows, suffering and losses and keep looking to Him and rely on Him whole-heartedly with faith,
claiming Isa.43: 19 throughout the coming year.

We should next forget our past associations. We find in Psa.45: 10' 11, "forget also thine own people, and
thy father's house; so shall the king greatly desire thy beauty: for he is thy Lord". God's clarion call to
Abraham was very clear -"Get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred"(Acts7: 3). He took his
kindred against God's specific call- he took Terah, his father and Lot, his nephew with him; perhaps
under the colour of an excuse that one was too old and the other too young to be left behind! After
Terah's death, the Lord repeated His call for separation again. "Get thee out of thy country, and from thy
kindred"(Gen.12: 1). God's call is without any compromise and is constant and consistent. This time, he
took Lot with him and there had to be a strife between them to separate them (Gen.13:8). Family ties and
friendship with unsaved and carnal people hinder God's great purposes for us. Unless we learn to forget
our past worldly associations, God cannot be pleased with us.
Thirdly, the past traditions we once were steeped deeply in, can hinder the purpose and blessing of God.
The Lord Jesus Christ had to pay a great price by shedding His precious blood, in order to redeem us
from our past vain traditions and customs. "...ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and
gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; But with the precious blood of
Christ"(1 Pet.1 :18, 19). Our caste-systems, observing good and bad omens and auspicious and
inauspicious times and days, have nothing to do with a child of God. Instead of worshipping and serving

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the Lord sincerely and in the Spirit, giving place to rituals and ceremonies must be done away with. We
should see what the Word of God says and not what our forefathers followed.

Our past self-seeking and self-satisfying ways must be forgotten as a fourth prerequisite for God's great
purposes to be fulfilled in our lives. The gracious Lord saved Lot when He destroyed Sodom. But Lot's
wife "looked back" and became "a pillar of salt"(Gen. 19:26). The Lord Jesus Christ has warned in Luke
9:62, "No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God". Paul
could count what things were gain to him to be loss for Christ (Phil.3: 7). He could press toward the mark
for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus because he forgot those things he had left behind
(Phil.3: 13, 14).

The fifth thing we should not remember is our past accomplishments and achievements. Glorying over
the past to gratify our ego is grievous in God's eyes. Paul, the great Apostle said of himself, I laboured
more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God" (1 Cor.15: 10). A soldier who always finds
pleasure in rehearsing his past victories is not fit for future exploits. Samson said, I will go out as at other
times before, and shake myself". But "he wist (knew) not that the Lord was departed from him"(Jud.16:
20). In an automobile there are two glasses -the smaller one to see the rear and the larger one to see what
lies ahead. Our attention should be more upon the future things to be attended to, rather than our past.

Sixthly, one has to forget his past worldly pleasures. Otherwise, it would be as "The dog is turned to his
vomit again; and the sow that was, washed to her wallowing in the mire"(2 Pet.2: 22). At the time of their
rebirth, some people in their first love and fervent devotion to the Lord throw away all useless magazines,
dirty books and novels, cigarette packets, snuff-boxes and indecent costumes. After sometime, it is so
painful to see the things they had thrown away, finding their way again into their lives!

Our Heavenly Father wants us, lastly, to forget our past failures. To forgive our failures, rebellion and
sins, the Lord Jesus went to the cross and shed His precious blood. "In whom we have redemption
through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins"(Col.1: 14). When a sinner turns away from his sins,
believes on the Lord Jesus as his Saviour and invites Him into his heart, after confessing his sins to Him,
he receives the assurance of the forgiveness of his sins and is set free from all sinful bondages. When the
Lord forgives our sins, He forgets them. What He has forgotten, we should never try to remember again.
"...their sins and their Iniquities will I remember no more"(Heb.8:12). One year has come and gone! If
you are still struggling with your guilty conscience, confess: your sins to the Lord Jesus and accept Him
as your. Lord and Saviour. Don't postpone this decision, since "now is the day of salvation" (2 Cor.6: 2).
May our loving Lord Jesus Christ help us to start this few Year forgetting these seven things, to come
into the full enjoyment of His grace, mercy and peace!

T .R.


Golconda Crossroads,
Hyderabad -500 020,
A.P. India.
Telephone No: 7613066

December 17, 2002

Dear Fellow -Believers in Christ,

Greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, "God manifest in the flesh", full of grace and

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truth of whom we all have received grace for grace -even the grace that hath brought us eternal life and
salvation by faith. Standing in this grace by faith, even grace abundant, may we rejoice in hope of the
glory of God, as year succeeds year (1 Tim.3: 16; John1: 16; Titus1: 2; 2:11; Rom.5: 2).

The season known as Christmas, and celebrated as such throughout Christendom, is passing before us.
Apart from the unscriptural practices and programmes connected with this so called festive season
throughout the world, one should think with adoring wonder, the mystery of Incarnation the Eternal Son,
becoming the seed of the woman, and be born by the power of the Holy Ghost, partaking of flesh and
blood, to become the world's only Redeemer and Saviour, according to the divine plan of the ages.

The Biblical statement concerning the birth of Christ is as follows. "...Behold, a virgin shall conceive,
and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel" (lsa.7: 14). "...The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee,
...therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God"(Luke1: 35).
"...When the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of women..."(Gal.4: 4), besides
other relevant Scriptures: The Son of God entered into this world in a supernatural way. His incarnation
was for the redemption of fallen man.

The Bible is all about God -yes, but it is about God and His relationship with man, and man's relationship
with Him. it is all about God's Son -and yet it is all about the concern of God's Son for man. We should
not be interested in a remote God, outside the realm of human life. The truth is that everything has to
focus down upon man, and we find that the Bible is the book of God's interest in man. Somehow God's
interests are inexplicably bound up with man -his vocation and destiny. All this may be gathered into the
mystery of Incarnation. If we ask why the Incarnation, the answer is threefold. Firstly, for the redemption
or reclamation of man. Secondly, for the reconstruction or the reconstitution of man. And thirdly, for the
perfection and the glorification of man.

Firstly, for the redemption or reclamation of man. The common idea of redemption is associated with the
slave market -going into the slave market and buying out or buying back, redeeming that which has been
sold unto someone. Scripture says, we are "sold under sin"(Rom. 7:14). Though it is a Scriptural phrase
we need some clarification. Though we say redemption means, "buying out" of man from the slave
market, as he has been sold unto some bondage, the question arises who sold him? The answer is, he sold
himself. He sold himself subjectively -he sold himself in his soul. He actually sold his soul to the devil.
Listening to the devil, his suggestions and insinuations, as one faces his problems -situations and
conditions, accusations and condemnations, one can easily be drawn into bondage, doubting the goodness
of God. It leads one to unbelief, which is the root of all sin. The soul of man is thus linked with unbelief.
Until that unbelief is completely broken and shattered, the union between natural man and Satan

Redemption or reclamation begins with faith. That is what the Gospel is, and says. Faith is the very
beginning of redemption; without faith it is impossible to please God (Heb.11: 6). But faith is also the
basis of continual redemption or continual recovery or reclamation. Redemption, while in Christ is
complete and perfect, is something that is going on; we are receiving the end of our faith, the salvation of
our souls (1 Pet.1: 9). It is progressive.

The Incarnation was to provide redemption for man in a MAN, and not only for man but by a MAN. It is
a great thing to see not only what Jesus DID, but what He WAS to meet the situation. Incarnation was for
the express purpose of begetting a "new creation". It means that man now is indwelt by the Spirit of God,
and is possessing eternal life. The Lord Jesus not only effected that as some accomplishment, but was
Himself the first of that order, to beget another race, after that kind. O, come, let us adore Him, the only
begotten Son, Who through Incarnation, crucifixion, resurrection, ascension and exaltation has become
the "first born from the dead" (Col.1: 18), "the firstborn among many brethren" (Rom.8: 29) -even Mary's
"firstborn son"(Luke 2:7).

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The saints together with God's servant Bro. Neville and co-elders are thankful for answered prayers for
the mini -Holy Convocation held at the Christian Fellowship Centre, Wellawatta" Colombo from the 6th
to 8th December. Bro. Paul Sudhakar was led to focus upon the assurance of personal salvation, and
about 100 came forward for prayer as appeal was made, the majority being Tamil speaking company,
from far north and round about. The newly constructed small three -storied wing, adjacent to the main
worship Hall was also dedicated, which provided room to house the many who came in. Sisters had two
separate sessions with Sis. (Mrs.)Phillip and others. An average of five hundred besides hundreds of
children participated and in spite of inclement weather .the grace of the Lord was abundant, with love and
sacrificial service, by the saints for them all. Based on the theme "Looking unto Jesus" we emphasised
that we are called to run. We must run to obtain the prize -only if we run with patience, holiness and
peace. Thus we reach the goal and will be rewarded as sons serving Him acceptably (Heb. 12: 1,2,
14,28). They all at the Fellowship Centre covet our prayers for the follow-up work to reach the new
Tamil speaking areas, and bring them into fellowship alongside the Singhala speaking companies.

Please pray for the recovery of Bro. M.G.Lingdong of Gangtok, who was hospitalised at Delhi, because
of Cardiac problem two weeks ago. Also for Bro. and Sis. Simon (Elder at Byculla, Bombay),
hospitalised for respiratory and intestinal problems.
Let us thank the Lord for the very profitable and timely ministry of Bro. Bill Thompson held at Hermon
compound from 13th to 15th December, which were very well attended by people of the twin cities. Pray
the Lord may accomplish His word according to Isaiah 55:11.

Praying that we all be enabled to enter into another year, looking unto Jesus, and leaning upon His
precious promises, which are yea and Amen in Him, unto the glory of God by us,

I remain, Yours in His grace,


2 Cor. 1: 20, 21
2 Pet. 1: 3-5
Rom 4: 20, 21


Now we find that the same truth is made clear to us through the story recorded in John 12:1-3. Let us see
the condition of that family when the Lord Jesus Christ went first to Bethany, as we read in Luke10:38.
When the Lord Jesus Christ comes to us the first time, His main purpose is to uncover our true condition.
During His first visit to the home of Martha, she went to prepare food. Mary sat at the feet of the Lord.
Lazarus was nowhere, because he had no interest in God's Word. He was a good brother, full of affection
but no hunger or thirst for God's Word. Martha also was very hard working, very gifted in cooking, and
had a large heart. But her heart was full of jealousy, and she had a bad temper. Mary was good and
humble outwardly, but inwardly proud. The Lord had seen their sorrow and He went to change them.
Through the very same sorrow, they came to know that their Master was not an ordinary man. He had
power over death. The same power came into them and they became new people. Before the Lord Jesus
could make them happy, He had to transform them completely. In the same way, those who want a happy
home, must be transformed by the Lord Jesus Christ. They must be born again.

In John 12:1-3 we have a fivefold secret of a happy home and a triumphant life. When the Lord Jesus
Christ came for the first time they received Him and welcomed Him, but they treated Him as a guest. But
now they came to know Who He was. They gave Him complete charge. That is the first secret of a happy

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home. Accept the Headship and the Lordship of the Lord Jesus Christ in your home. He must be the Lord
in your hearts and homes. In other words, before you do anything, you must consult Him. Before making
any plan go to Him. Before shopping or spending money, go to Him. Do not do anything on your own.
He is the living Lord. He will speak to you. Say to Him, "Lord, show me Thy will, and Thy plan for
today, where to go and what to do". When He speaks obey Him.

Secondly, Lazarus is the symbol of resurrection. The same power is meant for you and me. In all your
difficulties, poverty and sickness or any situation, come to Him and ask Him for the power of
resurrection. We overcome trials, not by will power or Bible knowledge or by long prayers or fasting or
wearing simple clothes, but by the power of resurrection. Do not depend upon your human cleverness for
victory. You will never succeed. Claim the power of resurrection by faith.

Thirdly, the food on the table speaks of the Word of God, which is our daily spiritual food. It is by
hearing God's Word daily as a family, meditating upon it and claiming His promises that all our questions
and all our problems can be solved. In very few homes, they have regular family prayers. They are far too
busy. Hence there is no unity in the family. Hence problems keep on increasing. It is by having family
altar, reading the Word of God together and claiming God's promises that we can
conquer our trials.

Fourthly, Martha served joyfully. For a happy home, you must have joyful service. Serve others and help
others. A Christian home is meant for that purpose, where many can be comforted and strengthened.
Where there is more service, there is more joy.

Fifthly, Mary was full of gratitude. With humility and meekness, she expressed her gratitude to the Lord.
She poured the ointment on His feet. It is by worshipping Him and thanking Him and praising Him that
we make a happy home. Learn to thank God for everything. Do not murmur. Phil.4:6 speaks of giving
thanks. Begin the day with thanksgiving and end the day with thanksgiving.

These are simple divine laws. First of all, acknowledge the Headship and the Kingship of the Lord" Jesus
Christ. Secondly, enjoy the power of resurrection. Thirdly, meditate the Word of God and enjoy it fully.
Fourthly, joyful service and fifthly, a spirit of praise and thanksgiving, to be able to thank the Lord for
everything. All these make a happy home. May the Lord bless these thoughts to our hearts.


Crossroads, Hyderabad -500 020. Edited by Bro. K. Phillip, Printed and Published by Bro. G. T.
Benjamin for Hebron, Golconda
Crossroads, Hyderabad -500020

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