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Discipline in California

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Discipline in

California Schools:

Legal Requirements and

Positive School Environments
A G ui d e by t h e ACLU o f N o r t hern Califo rn ia

M arch 2010

Discipline in California Schools:

Legal Requirements and Positive School Environments


Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Summary of Key Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Successful Alternatives to Traditional School Discipline. . . . . . . . . . .
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I. Creating an Effective School Discipline Policy and Reducing School Exclusion.
Creating a Safe and Welcoming School Culture. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Discrimination and Harassment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Preventing Bullying. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Complaint Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A Common-Sense Approach to Zero Tolerance. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Zero Tolerance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Exclusionary Discipline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Responding Appropriately to Common Student Misbehaviors. . . . . . . .
Absences, Truancies, and Tardiness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Willful Defiance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Gang-Related Activity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Police Presence and Law Enforcement Intervention. . . . . . . . .
II. Implementing an Effective School Discipline Policy and Measuring Success .
Engage the School Community. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Focus on Prevention. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Professional Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Data Collection and Monitoring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
III. Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Endnotes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Appendices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A. Expulsion Flow Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B. Discretionary Suspension Flow Chart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
C. Ideal Discretionary Discipline Flow Chart. . . . . . . . . . . . .
D. Useful Articles and Reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
E. Organizations Providing Resources for Positive School Environments. . .








Discipline in California Schools: Legal Requirements and Positive School Environments was written by Diana Tate Vermeire, Racial
Justice Project Director, with contributions by Saneta deVuono-Powell and Natalia Merluzzi, Racial Justice Project Fellows.
Research assistance was provided by Nandini Iyer, Lyndsey Moore, and Debra Urteaga.
The report was edited by Nancy Adess and designed by Gigi Pandian.
We thank our colleagues Elizabeth Gill, Julia Mass, and Jory Steele for their thoughtful and important feedback. We also thank our
colleague Ana Zamora her invaluable assistance in finalizing this guide.
We also thank Matt Cregor, Julie Flapan, Nicole Kief, Stephen Rosenbaum, Russell Skiba, and James F. Thrasher, Ed. D. for providing
additional feedback that helped to make this guide of more practical.
This publication made possible, in part, by the Evelyn and Walter Haas Jr. Fund.


he American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California (ACLU-NC) has a longstanding commitment to educational equity
and ensuring that all California students are guaranteed their fundamental right to an education as promised under the California

Constitution. Among the most serious of the issues facing our states public education institutions is the pushout phenomenon, where
students either leave school voluntarily or are forced to leave. Racially disparate and punitive discipline, among other things, underlies the
phenomenon; we believe it to be one of the reasons California fails to graduate many of its students. Although inconsistent discipline is
by no means the sole cause of the dropout crisis, it is certainly a significant contributor. ACLU-NC has long worked with the educational
community school administrators, principals, and teachers to reach our common goals of educating students, protecting them from
harm, and helping them reach their full potential through a meaningful and equal educational experience. In order to combat pushout,
school discipline policies and practices must be fair and equitable both in their writing and their implementation.
ACLU-NCs varied litigation, policy advocacy, and organizing experience gained through our school bias and pushout work has given
us insight into some of the successful strategies employed by as well as common mistakes made by California school districts in
implementing effective and fair school discipline. In general, schools with the least number of suspensions and referrals maintain clearly
defined policies, and the principal and teachers have established protocol that enables them to handle individual cases of misbehavior
consistently. On the other hand, schools with the highest number of suspensions and referrals tend to have rigid, yet vague, discipline
policies that do not incorporate preventive measures or positive interventions. Schools that shift to clearly defined discipline policies will
most likely not only reduce discipline referrals and improve school environment but also improve students academic performance: schools
that significantly lower their suspension and expulsion rates find that improved scholastic performance follows.
Discipline in California Schools: Legal Requirements and Positive School Environments is intended to help school districts develop and
implement more successful school discipline policies and therefore reduce pushout. It is based on the work of the ACLU-NC and the
expertise of other organizations and individuals committed to ending racially disparate discipline in our nations schools. In particular, we
want to acknowledge the excellent work of the following organizations: the Advancement Project; national American Civil Liberties Union;
American Civil Liberties Unions of Florida and Washington; New York Civil Liberties Union; Dignity in Schools Campaign; UCLA
Institute for Democracy, Education and Access; Southern Poverty Law Center; and Equity Project at Indiana University. Discipline in
California Schools also incorporates the admirable work of the California Department of Education (CDE) to address school discipline and
environment through CDE policy guidelines and resources, sample policies, and other materials.
This guide is intended to highlight successful approaches and common mistakes without purporting to cover all potential best practices
and pitfalls.
We hope Discipline in California Schools: Legal Requirements and Positive School Environments will be useful in achieving the goal that the
ACLU-NC holds in common with school administrators, principals, and teachers: California youth being able to graduate from elementary
and secondary schools with the education they deserve.
Diana Tate Vermeire
Racial Justice Project Director
ACLU of Northern California


Summary of Key Recommendations

oving toward more effective discipline is a process that takes time and commitment. It would be impossible to
put into place all of the recommendations Discipline in California Schools: Legal Requirements and Positive School
Environments presents for effective and positive discipline policy and its implementation at once, particularly in light
of the current economic crisis that has further decreased school funding in California. Accordingly, the most important
policy recommendations presented in this guide are summarized here in order to provide a starting point for school
districts (or for school administrators and principals) when considering policy changes.

Creating an Effective School Discipline Policy and Reducing School Exclusion

1. Adopt and implement policies designed to create a safe school culture where discrimination, harassment, and
bullying are prohibited. Adopt a complaint procedure to allow students to report instances where they do not
feel safe at school.
2. Adopt and implement alternatives to exclusionary discipline discipline other than removal from a classroom
or school, generally through suspension or expulsion for non-emergency student misconduct.
3. Prohibit the use of zero tolerance policies that prevent a thoughtful response to student misconduct. Instead,
set clear rules and expectations and use discipline as a means to teach appropriate behavior.
4. Limit the use of exclusionary discipline to the most serious incidents of student misbehavior that pose a threat
to others or that are required under federal and/or California law, and prohibit academic penalties during
suspension or expulsion.
5. Limit the use of School Resource Officers or other law enforcement interventions to emergency situations and
provide clear policy guidelines for the presence of law enforcement personnel on campus.

Implementing an Effective School Discipline Policy and Measuring Success

6. Engage members of the school community, including students, parents, teachers, school staff, and
administrators, in the creation of school discipline policy. On a quarterly basis convene a team representative of
the school community to assess and monitor the discipline policy and to report its findings to the larger school
7. Based on the discipline policy created, adopt and implement a collective statement of guiding principles for
school discipline that can be used to measure the appropriateness of any disciplinary action being considered.
8. Incorporate positive interventions and appropriate classroom management techniques into the daily operation
of the school so that expectations are set and are part of the regular functioning of the school.
9. Measure the success of discipline policies and their implementation by regularly collecting and analyzing data to
determine successful approaches and need for improvement.


Successful Alternatives to
Traditional School Discipline

here are a number of approaches to disciplining students that help create a stronger sense of community and a more civil environment
and avoid the common punishments of suspension or expulsion. Those approaches that have shown particular promise are
summarized here, along with a brief description of how they work.
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS): A proactive and data-driven approach to discipline. PBIS schools have
successfully reduced office referral, raised academic achievement, and improved school climate by setting clear behavioral expectations,
rewarding appropriate behavior, utilizing progressive discipline, and providing individualized interventions for students with chronic
behavior problems.1

 eadership Team: A 10-15 person leadership team of administrators, teachers, school staff, and students attend a two- or
three-day PBIS training where they learn how to create and communicate a list of school-wide behavioral expectations.

 chool-wide Support: The larger school community then goes through a process to approve the list of expectations. When
the list is approved, the school community commits to implementing and following the expectations it sets forth.

 ata-Driven Decision Making: The leadership team collects school-specific discipline data and uses it to identify and address
common discipline problems and inform policy changes.

The United States Department of Educations Office of Special Education offers free information about implementing PBIS at www.pbis.
org (see How to Get PBS in Your School at http://www.pbis.org/pbis_newsletter/volume_4/issue1.aspx). For examples of two school
PBIS handbooks, visit Effective Educational Practices at http://successfulschools.org/success-stories.
Restorative Justice: A community building process that aims to heal relationships between offenders, their victims, and their
community. Restorative circles and restorative conferences bring affected parties together to discuss the problem or misbehavior and to
find a solution or appropriate punishment. Justice is achieved when an offender repairs the harm she committed against another person
and/or the school community. Teachers can model informal, impromptu circles as a means to diffuse minor classroom disputes. Eventually,
students can be empowered to create their own problem-solving circles. Administrators can use restorative conferences to address serious
discipline problems traditionally punished by suspension or expulsion. Conferences typically include the offender; the victim; relevant
members of the school community; parents or guardians of the offender and the victim, if both are students; law enforcement, if necessary;
and community members invested in the well-being of the offender or victim.
Training on restorative justice is widely available and relatively inexpensive. See www.SaferSanerSchools.org; www.RestorativeResources.org;
and http://DisciplineThatRestores.org/.
 eer Mediation: Teaches students how to resolve disputes calmly and constructively. The process provides a forum where students in a
dispute can voluntarily tell their stories to other students trained in mediation and then work as a group to reach an amicable solution.

 raining and Supervision: One or more teachers or counselors trained in mediation skills can coordinate the program. The
coordinator(s) trains peer mediators, holds weekly or monthly check-in meetings with peer mediators, oversees peer mediation
sessions, debriefs and follows up with participants, collects data on the programs impact, and keeps the larger school community
informed about the success of the program.

 ediation Sessions: Sessions vary in length from an hour to a couple of days and usually take place during recess, lunch, or
afterschool. One or two mediators participate in conducting a session, as disputants typically communicate through a mediator
rather than talking directly to each other.

Among resources available on incorporating peer mediation and conflict resolution into classroom curriculum and school-wide discipline
are the following: Peace Education Foundation (http://www.peace-ed.org); Community Boards (http://www.communityboards.org); and
Conflict Resolution Education Connection (http://www.creducation.org/).



uccessful schools provide a safe and welcoming environment where students have an opportunity to
learn and teachers can devote their time to teaching. Discipline is an essential factor in this equation, yet
educators are faced with numerous pressures and limited resources that make addressing the complex issue
of school discipline difficult. Increasingly large class sizes coupled with students who are still maturing can
make the task of teaching students how to get along with one another and engage in civil conversation in
addition to core academic subjects seem unmanageable. Not surprisingly, teaching appropriate behavior
and implementing thoughtful, proactive school discipline can be perceived as too costly and a secondary
priority after academics and achievement tests. As a result, many schools adopt and implement strict
discipline policies focused solely on punishment and removing misbehaving students from the classroom in
an effort to maximize teaching time for the rest of the students.
Unfortunately, school discipline policies that emphasize swift and harsh punishment often work to the
detriment of students and fail to make schools any safer. Despite a general consensus among experts on this
point, there has been a proliferation of ineffective and harsh discipline policies, including zero tolerance
policies that remove discretion from the discipline process, in response to extreme examples of school crime
and violence. However, high-profile incidents of extreme violent crime on school campuses, though heavily
covered in the press, are neither commonplace nor representative of the majority of discipline issues on
Californias K-12 public school campuses. In fact, most school discipline is directed at minor instances of
misbehavior that require school administrators and principals to respond in a manner that protects students
fundamental right to an education2 in addition to their due process rights.
Imposing strict punishment for all student misconduct without engaging the students themselves fails
to address the underlying behavior and often leads to students being pushed out of the classroom. More
often than not, students of color bear the brunt of these unproductive, strict discipline policies, as they
are one and a half to three times more likely to be punished with school exclusion than their white peers.3
Students subject to removal from the classroom or school have been shown to be more likely to drop out
or be pushed out of school altogether.4 According to the California Department of Education, California
fails to graduate 34.7% of its black youth and 25.5% of its Latino youth, as compared to 12.2% of its white
youth.5 As school administrators, educators, and the ACLU-NC agree, failing to educate and graduate our
youth due to school pushout is contrary to the goal of public education, yet it occurs at an alarming rate and
disproportionately affects youth of color.
Effective classroom management and school discipline are necessary for the efficient and safe functioning
of any school and to ensure that students have the opportunity to learn. Education advocates agree that
creating a positive school climate is in fact the most important component of having an effective discipline
policy. The focus of school discipline, therefore, should be on prevention, intervention, and teaching
appropriate behavior, so that extreme acts of violence or crime do not occur and students are respected
and taught to respect others. A discipline policy focused on teaching appropriate behavior can address the
root problems of misbehavior and create a safe environment. Moreover, good discipline policy that is well
implemented positively influences not only the school environment but academic performance and student
Even in the face of dwindling resources, pressure to perform, and the general complexity of school
discipline, schools can and do provide a school climate where students learn, teachers teach, and everyone
feels and is safe. In order to create these conditions, a school must develop and implement thoughtful school
discipline policies.


Discipline in California Schools: Legal Requirements and Positive School Environments is written for school
administrators and principals. It has three main purposes:
To help school districts understand and meet their obligations under California law with respect to
student discipline;
To outline specific ways for districts to ensure that their policies whether existing or new
promote positive educational environments and do not unnecessarily push kids out of school; and
To provide recommendations for how districts can implement discipline policies in ways that are
inclusive, equitable, and effective.
This guide addresses best practices for school discipline generally while focusing on key areas where many
school districts either violate the law or fail to use better practices to the benefit of the school community as a
whole. Discipline in California Schools is not a comprehensive guide to school discipline policy in California, nor
does it address discipline for alternative or continuation schools or very serious behavior problems, including
violent crime. The guide does provide suggestions that districts can implement immediately and successfully,
with no need for new laws or extraordinary expenditures.
Section I: Creating an Effective School Discipline Policy and Reducing School Exclusion covers aspects
of creating a safe school culture by reducing discrimination and harassment, addressing bullying, and instituting
a complaint process and covers the types of responses schools have used for disciplining students. The section
also focuses on the specific situations of absences, willful defiance, and gang-relative activities and disciplinary
measures that can be taken, along with a discussion of police presence and law enforcement intervention. Each
topic refers to specific provisions of the California Education Code6 and outlines relevant legal requirements. In
addition, this section provides topic-by-topic policy recommendations for better practices that can help schools
eliminate inconsistent and racially disproportionate discipline, improve school safety, and focus on educating
and graduating youth.
Section II: Implementing an Effective School Discipline Policy and Measuring Success focuses on
general practices and implementation procedures that can be applied in a variety of school settings. The policy
recommendations offered in this section can be helpful for developing or updating school discipline policies.
The section also outlines ways for school officials to collect data and monitor their success in improving school
discipline policies and practices and otherwise working to create a positive school environment. The results of
data analysis can be fed back regularly into a process of policy review and revision.
Safe and welcoming schools create a positive environment where students are respected and treat one another
with respect, thus minimizing student misconduct and improving the environment for learning. Because they
are responsible for the effective and safe operation of schools, school administrators must take appropriate
measures to address student conduct that threatens the ability of a school to operate in such a manner. School
discipline is a necessary component of school administration, and acts of violence and crime must be addressed
quickly and with sufficient severity to ensure the safety of students and school personnel. However, the majority
of instances involving school discipline relate to minor misbehavior, and a schools response to any student
misconduct must be aligned with the obligation to protect California public school students rights of due
process. Accordingly, school administrators have an obligation to implement discipline in a thoughtful manner,
use exclusionary discipline (i.e. the removal of a student from a classroom or school) only as necessary to ensure
school safety and prevent the unwarranted criminalization of youth.


I. Creating an Effective School

Discipline Policy and Reducing
School Exclusion
Creating a Safe And Welcoming School Culture

tudent misconduct can be reduced by the creation of a safe school culture where students feel welcomed into
their educational environment and are treated with dignity and respect once there. A safe school culture serves to
protect both students and school personnel and creates an environment where learning can occur. However, students
are sometimes subject to discrimination, harassment, and bullying at school.7 In most instances, school administrators
are not aware of the extent of the discrimination and harassment that exist within their school sites. An important step
toward eliminating discrimination, then, is to institute a process where complaints can be brought to the attention of
school officials.

Discrimination and Harassment

Discrimination occurs in school when a student is not treated equally on the basis of his or her actual or perceived
disability, gender (including gender identity), race or ethnicity, national origin, religion, or sexual orientation. Students
can also be subjected to harassment at school on these bases, most often by their peers, but sometimes by school
officials who either fail to prevent such harassment or who are active participants in it. California policy states that
all pupils have the right to participate fully in the educational process, free from discrimination and harassment and
that Californias public schools have an affirmative obligation to combat racism, sexism, and other forms of bias, and
a responsibility to provide equal educational opportunity.8 In addition, the Legislature has stated its intent that each
public school undertake educational activities to counter discriminatory incidents on school grounds and, within
constitutional bounds, to minimize and eliminate a hostile environment on school grounds that impairs the access of
pupils to equal educational opportunity.9

Race, Ethnicity, and National Origin Discrimination and Harassment

Schools must protect students from discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, ethnicity, and national origin.
Such discrimination occurs when adverse action is taken against a student on the basis of her race, ethnicity, or national
origin; or when action should be taken that is not taken because of a students race, ethnicity, or national origin.
Discrimination and harassment on the basis of race include the following: the use of slurs or other demeaning language,
exclusion from class or activities, and more severe discipline.

Gender Discrimination and Harassment

Schools must protect students from discrimination and harassment on the basis of gender. Gender discrimination occurs
when adverse action is taken against a student on the basis of his or her gender, or when action should be taken that
is not taken because of a students gender. Gender is defined to mean sex, and it also includes a persons gender
identity and gender-related appearance and behavior, whether or not stereotypically associated with the persons assigned
sex at birth.10 Discrimination and harassment on the basis of sex include the following: excluding a person from an
activity or program on the basis of sex; the participation, exclusion, or denial of equivalent opportunity in athletic
programs on the basis of sex; and any similar exclusion on the basis of parental or pregnancy reasons.11 Discrimination
and harassment on the basis of gender identity would also include, for example, a requirement that students adhere to
stereotypical gender norms or gendered dress codes.


Sexual Harassment
Schools must protect students from sexual harassment. Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances,
requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature if submission to or
rejection of such conduct affects academic status or is used as the basis for any academic decision.12

Sexual Orientation Discrimination and Harassment

Schools must protect students from discrimination and harassment based on a students actual or perceived sexual
orientation or on the actual or perceived sexual orientation of a person or group the student associates with (such
as the students parents).13 Sexual orientation discrimination occurs when adverse action is taken against a student
on the basis of his or her sexual orientation, or when action should be taken but is not taken because of a students
sexual orientation. Instances of sexual orientation discrimination or harassment include: the use of anti-gay slurs
or other demeaning language and requirements that students adhere to stereotypical gender norms or dress.

Disability Discrimination and Harassment

Schools must protect students from discrimination and harassment on the
basis of actual or perceived disability. Disability discrimination can occur when
a student does not receive a reasonable accommodation (or a modification of
school policy) to meet his or her needs as adequately as a student without a
disability, or when she is not educated in the most integrated setting.14

Policy Recommendations:

Discrimination and Harassment

dopt clearly defined non-discrimination and anti-harassment policies

that specifically list all the forms of bias that school districts have an
affirmative obligation to combat (e.g., discrimination and harassment
based on race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, and
disability) and provide notice to students, parents, teachers, and school
staff that discrimination and harassment will not be tolerated.
Clearly define racial discrimination and harassment, gender
discrimination and harassment, sexual harassment, sexual
orientation discrimination and harassment, and disability
discrimination and harassment in these policies to ensure that
students and staff understand what constitutes these forms of
discrimination and harassment and what behavior is prohibited.
Require teachers and school staff to intervene, when it is safe to do
so, or take immediate steps to get additional aid to intervene in any
incident of discrimination or harassment they witness. In addition,
teachers and school staff should be required to report any incidents
they witness.
Use district- and school-wide training for students and staff in cultural
competency, anti-bias, anti-bullying, and conflict resolution to help
students and staff appreciate diversity in their school, understand what
discrimination and harassment are, comprehend the negative impact
discrimination and harassment have on those who experience it, and
understand how they can be involved in addressing problems within
their schools.
Create and implement programs that enlist student mediators to
provide a positive influence on their peers and to assist in deescalating
conflicts within schools.16
Provide counseling services for victims of discrimination or harassment
and training for offenders.

Legal Requirements Regarding

Discrimination and Harassment:
The California Education Code
According to the law, No person shall be subjected to
discrimination on the basis of disability, gender, nationality, race
or ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic
that is contained in the definition of hate crimes.15 [section 220]
The part of the Education Code commonly referred to as the
Sex Equity in Education Act, prohibits sex discrimination in
elementary and secondary school classes and courses and schoolsponsored athletic programs. [section 221.5 and following] In
particular, it requires educational institutions to do the following:

w Adopt a written policy on sexual harassment, including

information on where to obtain specific rules and procedures
for reporting charges of sexual harassment and for pursuing
available remedies;

rovide a copy of the sexual harassment policy to students as

part of any orientation;

Provide a copy of the sexual harassment policy to school staff;
w D
isplay the sexual harassment policy in prominent locations
throughout schools. [section 231.5]
The part of the Education Code commonly referred to as the Hate
Violence Prevention Act, requires the State Board of Education to
adopt policies against discrimination and hate violence, as well
as develop guidelines for nondiscriminatory instructional and
counseling methods. [section 233 and following]
The part of the Education Code commonly referred to as the Safe
Place to Learn Act, mandates that schools do the following:

w Adopt policies against discrimination and harassment;

w Implement a process for receiving and investigating


Publicize and translate policies;

Post policies in all schools and offices;
Documentation of complaints for at least one year;
nsure complainant is protected from retaliation and identity
is confidential as appropriate; and

Identify an officer to ensure compliance.

[section 234 and following]


Preventing Bullying
Schoolyard bullying has long been a problem faced by youth as well as the principals and school staff who try to address
it. Over the years, the extent, severity, and nature of school bullying has changed, particularly in light of technology (e.g.
cyber bullying). Bullying is the repeated and intentional intimidation or harassment of another student for the purpose of
harming the weaker person.17 Bullying behavior can include, but is not limited to, threatened or actual physical contact
or assault, taunting or other verbal assaults, and social isolation.18
The negative impact of unaddressed bullying is felt not only by the bullied students, who are often at a greater risk
of harming themselves or others, but by the rest of the school community and the school budget. Students regularly
subjected to bullying are often afraid to go to school, frequently fail to attend specific classes or school altogether, and
regularly suffer academically because of an inability to focus or because of attendance problems. The larger school
community is affected because the school environment becomes one of fear and intimidation and because there is a loss
of revenue when attendance drops.19 School administrators should take action to address instances of bullying to protect
students and to prevent a school environment that tolerates such behavior.

Legal Requirements
Regarding Bullying:
The California Education
Bullying, including cyber bullying,
directed toward a pupil or school
personnel is a suspendable offense.
[section 48900(r)]

Policy Recommendations: Bullying


dopt and implement a clearly defined bullying prevention policy that provides notice to
students, parents, and staff that bullying will not be tolerated. The policy should further
require teachers and school staff to intervene, when it is safe to do so, or take immediate steps
to get additional aid to intervene in any incident of bullying they witness.

rovide counseling by teachers or school counselors for bullying victims and trainings for

rovide annual student, teacher, and school staff trainings on inclusive school environments,
anti-bias, anti-bullying, and conflict resolution.

Complaint process
Implementing a complaint process is an essential component to monitoring activity on campus that may violate a schools
non-discrimination, anti-harassment, and anti-bullying policies. Complaint procedures provide individuals with a mechanism for informing school officials of serious incidents of misconduct by students, teachers, school staff, or administrators.
Legal Requirements
Regarding Compliant
Processes: The California
Education Code

Policy Recommendations: Complaint Process


The California Department of Education is

required to assess as part of the Categorical
Program Monitoring process whether local
educational agencies do the following:

 clear statement of unacceptable and reportable behavior, including discrimination; race,

ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability, and sexual harassment;
and bullying;

Several methods, including an anonymous one, for reporting incidents of unacceptable


w Implement a process for receiving

A process for victims and witnesses to report incidents of unacceptable behavior;

 clearly stated process and timeline for reviewing and addressing complaints in a timely
manner, including a response to complainants with a description of what action was taken
in response to the complaint, and including an appeals procedure; and

 lear statements of confidentiality and that complainants will be protected from


and investigating complaints of

discrimination and harassment;

ublicize and translate antiP

discrimination and anti-harassment
policies, including information on
how to file a complaint;

w M
 aintain complaint records and their


Develop an effective complaint policy and procedure that includes the following:

resolution for one review cycle; and

rotect the identity of a complainant

and protect complainants from
retaliation. [section 234.1]

rovide notice annually to students, parents, teachers, and school staff regarding the complaint
policy and procedure and post such notices around the school site.

a specific individual who will monitor and assess complaints to ensure that they are
addressed in a timely manner, evaluate any trends, and facilitate solutions to systemic problems.

A Common-Sense Approach to Zero Tolerance

he overall picture of school exclusion is troubling, and the disproportionate impact on students of color
is alarming: students of color are one and a half to three times more likely to be punished with school
exclusion than their white peers.20 Reducing reliance on school exclusion for low-level incidents that do not
threaten safety and eliminating related racial disparities are critical steps in ensuring all California students receive
a quality education and a high school diploma. In addition, particular care needs to be taken to ensure both that
educational requirements of students with special needs are met and that students with special needs are not
disciplined for behavior associated with their disabilities.

Zero Tolerance
Positive school environments require a thoughtful approach to discipline that permits consideration of the
circumstances causing or leading up to student misbehavior. However, over the past decade, many schools
have adopted some form of zero tolerance disciplinary policy.21 These policies remove discretion traditionally
exercised by school officials by mandating non-negotiable penalties, such as suspension or expulsion, for specific
discipline code violations. School administrators have implemented these strict policies to deter students from
committing violations as well as to demonstrate the schools commitment to safety.
Sadly, zero tolerance policies have had a disproportionate impact on students of color and have not been shown
to be an effective mechanism for most disciplinary issues. Problems with implementing zero tolerance policies
have led many schools and states to revisit their policies. In California, for example, both the California PTA
and the California Department of Education have produced materials promoting alternatives to zero tolerance

Policy Recommendations: Zero Tolerance


void using zero tolerance policies for behaviors beyond

what the law actually requires and standardize the procedure
by which school officials make decisions about punishment.

mphasize individualized responses and support educators

by offering training and professional development

dopt intervention philosophies and programs to improve

overall school climate and to ensure consistent, equitable,
and fair discipline.26 See Successful Alternatives to Traditional
School Discipline, page 3.

onitor disciplinary referrals to ensure that students are

not being unfairly singled out.27 Collect disciplinary data
disaggregated by race/ethnicity and monitor and address any
racial or ethnic disproportionality that is occurring. See Data
Collection and Monitoring, page 22.

Legal Requirements Regarding Zero Tolerance:

The California Education Code
Th ere are on l y f i ve s i t u at i on s i n w h i c h s c h ool admi n i s t ra t ors
h ave n o d i s c ret i on an d m u s t i m m ed i at el y s u s pen d a s t ude n t
an d rec om m en d e xpu l s i on .
The principal or the superintendent of schools must immediately suspend
and recommend for expulsion any student who the school administrator
determines committed any of the following acts at school or at a school activity
off of school grounds:
(1) Possessing, selling, or otherwise furnishing a firearm;
(2) Brandishing a knife at another person;
(3) Unlawfully selling a controlled substance23;
(4) Committing or attempting to commit a sexual assault or committing sexual
battery24; or
(5) Possession of an explosive.
[section 48915(c)]
A one-year expulsion is required for a student expelled for any of the above
reasons, although an earlier date for readmission may be set on a case by case
basis. [section 48916(a)]
In all other instances, school administrators have discretion to decide whether
or not to punish a student with exclusionary discipline.
See Appendix A: Expulsion Flow Chart, page 26.


Exclusionary Discipline
Exclusionary discipline most commonly suspension and expulsion punishes misconduct by removing
students from school rather than working with them to correct problematic behavior while they still participate
in the school community. In recent years, use of suspension, expulsion, and involuntary transfer has increased
dramatically, despite research demonstrating the increased likelihood of students subjected to exclusionary
discipline to be cited for future behavior problems, have academic difficulties, and drop out of school. 29

Suspension and Expulsion

California schools frequently use suspension or expulsion to address student misconduct. For less serious
offenses, however, there are more constructive alternatives to these exclusionary methods that keep students
in school while still addressing misconduct. Suspension, in particular, should only be used as a tool of last
resort. As described above in regard to Zero Tolerance, there are only five situations in which California law
requires school administrators to immediately remove from school any student found to commit one of those
five specific, serious offenses. Although the law requires such swift and drastic action in order to ensure school
safety, it also requires school administrators to investigate these serious incidents to ensure that the student
accused actually behaved in such a manner.

Legal Requirements and Limits Regarding Suspendable and Expellable Offenses: The California Education Code
Suspendable and Expellable Offenses
Students may be suspended for various conduct that includes threatening, causing or attempting to cause physical injury to others; using tobacco or tobacco products;
committing theft; and possessing drugs or alcohol. In limited circumstances, conduct subject to suspension can lead to an eventual recommendation for expulsion.
[sections 48900, 48900.2, 48900.3, 48900.4, and 48900.7] See Appendix B: Discretionary Suspension Flow Chart, page 28.
Students may be expelled for various conduct that includes brandishing a knife, possessing an explosive, participating in an act of hate violence; and making a terroristic
threat. [sections 48915(a), (b), and (e); 48900(a)-(r); 48900.2; 48900.3; 48900.4; and 48900.7] See Appendix A: Expulsion Flow Chart, page 26.

Limits on Suspension and Expulsion

Suspendable and expellable offenses must be related to school activity or attendance. [section 48900(s)] This means that a student cannot be disciplined for off-campus
conduct that is unrelated to a school event.
A student may not be suspended for more than five consecutive days, unless an expulsion is recommended. Expulsion can be recommended only after a meeting in
which a parent or guardian is invited to participate and the school district determines that the students presence at the school would cause a danger to persons or
property or threaten disrupting the instructional process. [section 48911]

Procedural Protections for Suspension and Expulsion

School administrators are required to try alternative measures before imposing suspension, unless a student has committed one or more of the offenses listed in section
48900(a)-(e) or her presence causes a danger to persons or property or threatens to disrupt the instructional process. [section 48900.5]
A student can be expelled based on a finding that the student committed an act for which expulsion can be imposed and either one or both of the following is true: (1)
other means of correcting the students behavior are not feasible or the school has tried and failed to correct the behavior, or (2) due to the nature of the act, the students
presence at the school is dangerous to the student or to others. [sections 48915(b) and (e)]
At the time of expulsion for any offense other than those listed in section 48915(c) school administrators must set a date no later than the last day of the semester
following the semester the expulsion occurred whereby the student will be reviewed for readmission to a school maintained by the district or the last school the student
attended. [section 48916(a)]
School administrators must create a rehabilitation plan tailored to the expelled students specific needs. [section 48916(b)]
School administrators must provide the student and her guardian a copy of the procedures for readmission at the time of the expulsion. [section 48916(c)]
The California Education Code incorporates federal law requirements that a student with a disability may be suspended or expelled and that administrators must hold a
meeting to determine whether the misbehavior is a manifestation of the students disability.30 [section 48915.5]
For additional information on legally required due process rights, see Due Process, page 13.


The actual benefits of removing a child from school for disciplinary reasons
are in no way sufficient to counterbalance other concerns created by those
Russell J. Skiba and M. Karega Rausch, Zero Tolerance, Suspension, and
Expulsion: Questions of Equity and Effectiveness.28

Policy Recommendations: Suspendable and Expellable Offenses


imit the use of suspension and expulsion to egregious violations of school policy that pose a clear danger
to students and/or the school as outlined by federal and California law.

reate a clear procedure for determining whether suspension or expulsion is appropriate in any given

rovide alternatives to expulsion when expulsion is not required by law and an alternative is appropriate,
including in-school suspension.

rovide alternatives to suspension in accordance with the California Education Codes mandate that
suspension should generally be imposed only after alternative forms of discipline have been employed.31

 the event suspension is deemed the appropriate discipline tool, implement in-school, afterschool,
and weekend suspension programs to keep students in school and prevent them from losing important
class time.32

Provide regular training for school administrators about appropriate use of and alternatives to suspension
and expulsion.

Establish policies for progressive suspension for the same type of repetitive misconduct (i.e. one-, three-,
and five-day suspensions for third, fourth, and fifth incidents, respectively).

 example, repeated tobacco use should result in alternatives to suspension for at least the first and
second violation. For three or more violations, progressive suspension should be used, starting ideally
with a one-day suspension in-school or after-school for the same type of violation.

 order to give notice and teach appropriate behavior, discipline for the same type of misconduct
should progress from least to greater disciplinary action, so the student understands the ramifications
of her actions. A student who repeatedly uses tobacco should be subject to progressive discipline for
that behavior. If she subsequently talks back to a teacher, she should be subject to separate progressive
discipline because the misconduct is different.

Prohibit academic penalties during the imposition of suspension, thus requiring teachers to provide
students with their academic work during the suspension and to provide an opportunity to make up work
without penalty. Such steps will help prevent students from falling behind academically and allow them to
reintegrate faster.33

reate a clear procedure for challenging a decision to impose exclusionary discipline and provide adequate
and regular notice of the procedures to students, parents, teachers, and school administrators.

ll disciplinary policies should clearly state that students may not be disciplined for behavior connected
to their disability and that parents should be consulted prior to any disciplinary procedure involving a
student with disabilities.34

See Appendix C: Ideal Discretionary Discipline Flow Chart Flow Chart, page 29.


Alternatives to Exclusionary Discipline

The Southern Poverty Law Center has identified several successful alternatives to suspension or other forms of exclusionary discipline for student misbehavior that does
not require removing the student from school in order to ensure safety of the school community.35

Emphasize Behavioral Expectations

Reemphasize behavioral expectations at the time the student misbehaves.

Employ behavior contracts to establish and reinforce behavioral expectations.

Collaborate with Parents/Guardians

Create a protocol for involving parents in discipline issues.

Hold a meeting with a student and his or her parent/guardian to provide feedback on misbehavior.

Model Constructive Conflict Resolution

Mediate conflicts between students and/or students and staff.

Use restorative justice circles to resolve disputes.

Address the Root Cause of Misbehavior

Require students to attend workshops on anger management or building self-esteem.

 efer misbehaving students to a counselor, social worker, or behavior interventionist and/or arrange for students to receive services from a counseling, mental
health, or mentoring agency.

Keep Students in Schools

 equire students to attend in-school suspension during lunchtime, afterschool, or on weekends, during which time they work on homework. Do not remove
students from class as punishment for being tardy or misbehaving.

Adjust the students class schedule or placement to maximize academic and behavioral improvement.

Keep Students Accountable

Match at-risk students with an adult mentor at school with whom they can check in at the beginning and end of each school day.

Require daily or weekly check-ins with an administrator for a set period of time.

Use Alternatives that Teach Good Behavior

Require students to perform community service.

 equire students to engage in a reflective activity, such as writing an essay about his/her misbehavior and how it affected others and/or the school
community, and work with students to choose an appropriate way for him/her to apologize and make amends to those harmed or offended.

Involuntary Transfer to Continuation School

An involuntary transfer to a continuation school occurs when a student is transferred to an alternative educational
program without his or her consent. Like expulsion and suspension, transferring students to an alternative program is
intended to be a last resort. While California currently permits such transfers, the Education Code requires meeting
several procedural safeguards to initiate and complete the transfer process legally.

Policy Recommendations: Involuntary Transfer to Continuation School


imit the use of involuntary transfers to continuation schools to those most serious offenses or repeated offenses that
other attempts to correct behavior have failed to remedy.

dopt clear protocols for the use of involuntary transfer and ensure that such protocols comply with the Education

Provide school administrators with regular training as to the appropriate use of involuntary transfer.

dopt a policy for returning involuntarily transferred students to a regular comprehensive high school as soon as
possible and with minimum procedural requirements to hinder such a return.

Legal Requirements for Involuntary Transfer to Continuation School: The California Education Code
The governing board must adopt rules for involuntary transfers. The rules must include the following provisions:

Necessary Steps Prior to Imposition of Involuntary Transfer

Involuntary transfer may be based on any suspendable or expellable offense as well as habitual truancy or irregular attendance.

nless the principal determines that the students presence causes a danger to persons or property or threatens to disrupt instruction, involuntary transfer to a
continuation school should only be imposed after other means to improve student behavior have failed.

Limits on Involuntary Transfer

Involuntary transfer to a continuation school can not extend beyond the end of the semester following the semester during which the transferable offense occurred,
unless the local governing board adopts a procedure for yearly review of the involuntary transfer at the request of a student or a students parent(s) or guardian(s).

Procedural Protections for Involuntary Transfer

The school must send written notice to the student and parent providing an opportunity to request a meeting prior to the transfer. If the student or parent requests a
meeting after receiving the notice, a meeting must be held where the student or their representative has a right to do the following:


Inspect all documents on which the school is basing its decision;


Question the schools evidence and any witnesses the school uses;


Present their own evidence and witnesses; and


Have an advocate, interpreter, and/or witnesses at the meeting.

f the school board decides to transfer a student involuntarily, the school district must send the student and their parent or guardian written notice of its decision.
This notice must include:

The reasons for the decision;


The facts to support the reasons; and


Whether the decision will be reviewed periodically and, if so, the procedure for this review.

o avoid prejudice and bias, no one from the students school may be involved in the final transfer decision. The final decision must be made by school district
personnel and/or staff from other schools. [section 48432.5]

Due Process
An essential element of ensuring school safety and implementation of appropriate school discipline
is the creation of strong due process protections that generate trust and ensure fair and just results
in discipline proceedings. Providing strong procedural protections, such as legally required parental
notification, discipline hearings, and appeals processes, can go a long way to building a trusting and
engaged school community. Due process protections also help to ensure fair and equitable discipline
and to prevent denial of students fundamental right to education.

Policy Recommendations: Due Process


equire that each discipline referral and/or write-up include a detailed description of
the behavior resulting in discipline. For suspension and expulsion, the description of the
misconduct should also state which legal category the behavior falls under.
or example, a discipline referral for a student who repeatedly curses should include a detailed
description of the behavior, including specific language used and to whom it was directed, and
state the fact that suspension is pursuant to California Education Code section 48900(i), which
makes habitual profanity a suspendable offense.

rovide notice regarding students due process rights and discipline procedures to students and
parents in their native language, if possible, even when not required by law.

rovide information to students and parents about the right to a timely hearing and the right
to postpone such a hearing when a student has been recommended for expulsion. Provide
notice to students and parents of the right to have legal representation at an expulsion hearing.

rovide or permit interpreters to attend any meetings with parents whose native language is
other than English to ensure better communication and full understanding of the discipline
action taken.

Legal Requirements
Regarding Due Process:
The California
Education Code
Once exclusionary discipline has
been initiated, the student(s)
must be informed of the potential
consequence and their due process
rights under California law. These
requirements include those set forth
in the following sections of the
California Education Code:

w Suspension: section 48911;

w Expulsion: section 48918;
w Expulsion Appeal: section
48919; and

w Involuntary Transfer: section

When 15% or more of the student
body speak a primary language
other than English, all notices,
reports, statements, or records sent
to the parent[s] of guardian[s] of
any such pupil by the school or
school district shallbe written in
the primary language.
[section 48985]


Responding Appropriately to Common

Student Misbehaviors

his section focuses on three areas of student conduct for which school administrators often either fail
to respond appropriately to the misbehavior, impose excessive discipline for certain conduct, or fail to
provide clear guidance for identifying and addressing certain types of conduct.

Absences, Truancies, and Tardiness

School attendance is critical to a students ability to learn and to exercise her fundamental right to an education.
Students who are habitually absent, truant, or arrive late to school need to be counseled and encouraged to
attend school. However, too often students are subjected to exclusionary discipline as the means of addressing
attendance issues. Imposing suspension or expulsion in response to attendance problems not only fails to
improve student attendance but also increases the likelihood that a student will drop out of
high school.36
Legal Requirements Regarding
California law recognizes the ineffectiveness of exclusionary discipline for dealing with
Absences, Truancies and
attendance problems and states that frequent absences, truancies, or tardiness should be
Tardiness: The California
addressed with alternatives to suspension or expulsion.37
Education Code
The law states that alternatives to suspension or
expulsion should be used to address attendance
problems. [section 48900(w)]
The law also describes a progressive system of
punishment for truancies starting with giving
a student written warning and assigning her to
weekend makeup classes. [section 48264.5]
A student cannot be categorized as a habitual
truant unless an appropriate officer or employee,
after filing a report, has made a conscientious effort
to hold a conference with the students parent or
guardian. [section 48262]

Policy Recommendations:

Absences, Truancies and Tardiness

se the California Education Codes alternatives to suspensions and expulsions

standard for tardy or truant students or students with attendance problems, using
alternatives to suspension or expulsion such as counseling, mentoring, working
directly with parents, and/or other interventions that help identify and address the
needs and behaviors of the student.38

Implement, use, and replicate effective proactive intervention strategies, such as
positive behavior support, to improve student attendance and reduce tardiness.39 See
Successful Alternatives to Traditional School Discipline, page 3.

Willful Defiance
According to the California Education Code, a student may be suspended or expelled if she disrupted school
activities or otherwise willfully defied the valid authority of supervisors, teachers, administrators, school officials,
or other school personnel engaged in the performance of their duties.40 Unfortunately, the law does not define
disruption and willful defiance. Similarly, although students may be suspended or expelled for habitual
profanity,41 that offense is also not defined. School administrators, therefore, operate without state guidance
when determining what behavior warrants suspension under these provisions. This subjective decision-making
can lead to expulsion or suspension for these infractions being imposed inconsistently or excessively.
Perhaps because of the lack of definition, willful defiance is the most-often cited offense for expulsions
from school in California.42 This fact is especially troubling when coupled with statewide statistics on racially
disparate application of discipline. In California public schools, African-American students are proportionately
twice as likely to be suspended as their white peers.43 Moreover, national research shows that students of color
are disproportionately referred for offenses of defiance, disobedience, and disrespect.44


The high rate of suspension for willful defiance and accompanying racial disparities can be reduced by
proactive school administrators. For example, in response to community complaints that the infraction of
disobedience was overused, especially with respect to students of color, the Chief Academic Officer of Seattle
Unified School District issued a memorandum in 2001 defining what constituted a violation of the districts
disobedience rule. Subsequently, the Seattle School District experienced a dramatic reduction in the use
of disobedience as a basis for discipline and improved clarity and accuracy in student disciplinary notices
and reports.45 The Seattle turnaround exemplifies how school administrators can improve school disciplinary
outcomes by communicating standards and priorities; no additional resources were needed to bring about this
positive change.

Policy Recommendations: Willful Defiance


chool superintendents and principals should define willful defiance to the fullest extent
possible for their district or school and educate school personnel about the appropriate use
of suspension or expulsion as defined in section 48900(k). The memorandum issued to
Seattle Unified School District personnel along with advocacy materials by the ACLU of
Washington is instructive as to how to define willful defiance in California:

Willful defiance may occur when:

 students disruption or defiance has an impact on the effective or safe functioning

of the school, such as continuing to remain at the scene of a fight or to instigate a
disturbance after being told to stop the behavior; or

Repeated disobedience to school personnel when other interventions have not been
successful in modifying the misbehavior.

Willful defiance does not occur when:

A student fails to obey the valid authority of school personnel once in a non-safetyrelated incident;
A student refuses to give her name in a non-safety-related incident;

A student walks away from school personnel in a non-safety-related incident; or

 student was not reasonably aware of a direction given by school personnel (i.e. in a
noisy room, hearing problems or other disabilities, language limitations, etc.).46

Legal Requirements
Regarding Willful
Defiance: The California
Education Code
A student should be suspended
from school or recommended
for expulsion only if the student
disrupts school activities or
willfully defies the valid authority of
supervisors, teachers, administrators,
or other school personnel in the
performance of their duties. [section
Suspension or expulsion is
permitted for committing an
obscene act or habitual profanity or
vulgarity. [section 48900(i)]
School administrators have
the discretion to offer students
alternatives to suspension, such as
counseling and anger management.
[section 48900(v)]

chool superintendents and principals should define habitual profanity or vulgarity to the fullest extent
possible for their district or school and educate school personnel about the appropriate use of suspension
or expulsion for this behavior.

 e discipline record of any student punished for willful defiance should explicitly state the specific
conduct that resulted in discipline. Such detailed information will enable the student, parents, principal,
and school administrators to understand what conduct led to the discipline so that it can be addressed and
more appropriate behavior taught.

o not use the behaviors described as willful defiance as add-on or catchall offenses; if a student is
disciplined for a more specific offense(s), only the specific offense(s) should be on her record.

Willful defiance should not be used to punish attendance issues, including tardiness or truancy, failure to
do homework, or habitual profanity.


Gang-related Activity
School administrators in California are increasingly dealing with real or perceived gang problems on their
campuses. Accordingly, many school discipline policies include references to gang-related offenses,
particularly gang-related clothing and gang-related conduct. Too often such references provide little by
way of example and fail to clearly articulate what is considered to be gang-related in any meaningful way.
Unfortunately, these general references without further guidance as to what realistically signals gang affiliation
or conduct can lead to racial profiling.
Vague provisions that provide neither definitions nor objective criteria to determine what is considered
gang-related leave students and parents without sufficient guidance to adhere to school policy. Moreover,
school personnel are left in the precarious and difficult position of trying to fairly and consistently administer
a rule with severe and sometimes criminal consequences based on insufficient information. To avoid
unworkable school policies in this area, school districts should, according to one court decision, define
with some care the gang-related activities it wishes students to avoid, with restricting definitions and
meaningful guidance for those who enforce it.47

Policy Recommendations: Gang-Related Activity


learly define what symbols, accessories, clothing, or other items are considered prohibited, gang-related
dress or clothing, and maintain a list of these items. Provide the list to parents and students in their
primary language at the beginning of each school year and prior to the enforcement of any changes to
the list. Items not on this list should not be considered gang-related. Do not include items on the list
that are not actually related to gang activity, as that would both undermine the credibility of the schools
efforts on this problem and jeopardize the free expression rights of its students.

Legal Requirements Regarding GangRelated Activity: Federal Law and the

California Education Code
Federal Law
Rules regulating gang-related activity must clearly and
specifically define prohibited behavior. The primary function
of a rule is to provide students with notice of what behaviors
are considered unacceptable. If a student cannot understand a
rule because it is too vague, she cannot conform her behavior
accordingly. According to federal law, students cannot be
punished for failing to follow a rule that is so vague that it
does not provide adequate notice.48


Schools may prohibit specific conduct or clothing that has been

identified by law enforcement or gang experts as affiliated with an actual
gang; however, there should be a reasonable basis for identifying such
conduct or clothing as gang affiliated.

equire that all dress code provisions, including items prohibited as gangR
related, are applied equally to all students and are based on the objective
characteristics of the prohibited item. The policy should clearly state that
students clothing shall not be identified as gang-related by virtue of the
students race, national origin or ancestry, friends, areas of the school
frequented by the student, or geographic area where the student lives.

liminate gang enhancement policies that allow for suspension, expulsion,

or involuntary transfer on a first offense when that offense is gang related.
Students should be disciplined according to the underlying prohibited
conduct fights, dress code violations, other infractions, etc. using the
normal progressive disciplinary rules. Other interventions, such as individual
and family counseling, anger management, and/or mentoring programs are
appropriate to address student behavior that may indicate gang involvement
or association.

The California Education Code

Gang-related apparel must be defined as part of any
schoolwide dress code. The definition of gang-related
apparel must be limited to such clothing that reasonably
could be determined to threaten the health and safety of the
school environment. [section 32282]
The California Education Code is not instructive as to
how dress codes should be implemented or enforced,
although it does provide guidance for the implementation
of a schoolwide uniform requirement and a corresponding
method for parents to opt out of such a uniform
requirement. [section 35183]

rovide adequate notice to students of precisely what conduct and apparel

are prohibited.49 This means that schools should not have vague or overly
broad policies, such as placing a wholesale ban on certain conduct (i.e.
hand signals), colors (i.e. the color red), or types of clothing (i.e. hooded

rohibit the use of gang contracts that require students to sign statements related to suspected gang
membership or activity. Students are generally not informed of their rights or of the significant legal
ramifications posed by signing these documents prior to doing so.

 ang contracts can take a number of forms, the worst of which require students to admit in a legal
document to being a gang member, and to promise to quit the gang. Other contracts simply imply
gang membership, but all make students promise to stop wearing certain clothing and/or participating
in activities deemed to be gang affiliated.

 ese gang contracts are often used by law enforcement to label certain youth as gang members
and to enter them into the CalGang database, which targets members and associates of criminal
street gangs. There are severe and long-lasting ramifications for students whose names appear on the
database, including being subject to gang enhancements (increased sentence) if ever arrested in the

u P
rohibit school officials from forwarding to police the names of students suspected of wearing gangrelated clothing or participating in gang-related conduct.
u P
rohibit school officials and law enforcement personnel from photographing students on the basis of
suspected gang affiliation or gang-related clothing or conduct.

Police Presence and Law Enforcement Intervention

School discipline and classroom management should be under the exclusive control of school administrators
and educators, yet police presence and law enforcement intervention have become commonplace in California
public schools. Although often intended to create positive relationships with law enforcement, the presence
of uniformed officers on campus commonly referred to as School Resource Officers or SROs creates
an intimidating atmosphere for many students and is consistent with an increase in the criminalization of
adolescent behavior. Accordingly, police should not be assigned to school campuses and should only be called in
to intervene in emergency situations.
Despite the detrimental effects of SROs on campus, many school districts and their administrators feel the
need to have SROs assigned to their campus or regularly call the police in order to ensure the safety of students
and school personnel. School safety is essential to the effective operation of a school, but the education of youth
is paramount. Accordingly, alternatives to policing that promote school discipline as education, rather than
criminalization, should be implemented as a means to ensure school safety, teach appropriate behavior, and
achieve the primary goal of educating and graduating students.

Through [law enforcement] eyes a food fight can turn into a chaotic and violent
situation that must be suppressed and controlled immediately. Through [an
educators], it may be a developmentally typical, albeit annoying, behavior that
offers an opportunity to teach teenagers valuable lessons about settling differences
peacefully, controlling impulses, and cleaning up their own mess.
Johanna Wald and Lisa Thurau, Taking School Safety Too Far?:
The Ill-Defined Role Police Play in Schools.50


Policy Recommendations: Police Presence


stablish clear school procedures for when police will be called to a school campus. Limit such calls to
instances mandated by federal or California law; instances of criminal activity; and instances where there is
an immediate threat to student, teacher, or public safety.

imit law enforcement contact with students during school hours or on school property to those matters
that are related to school. Law enforcement should not be conducting police work on school property
except in an emergency situation that poses a threat to safety.

equire school officials to contact a students parent prior to the student being questioned by police, or
permit the student an opportunity to contact a parent or trusted adult before such questioning occurs.

rohibit SROs from enforcing school rules and from becoming involved in responding to non-criminal
discipline code violations (e.g., dress code violations). Prohibit instances of suspected school rule violations
from being handled as violations of the law. SROs observing suspected rule violations should report such
incidents to the school principal or other appropriate school personnel so that school officials can address
the situation.

rohibit SROs from providing counseling or creating trust relationships with students who are seeking
help or assistance, but who are then subject to law enforcement intervention or arrest. For example, SROs
should not engage students in discussions about students weekend activities and then cite or arrest a
student for admitting to underage drinking.

Legal Requirements Regarding

Police Presence: The California
Education Code
A principal is required to call the police
under certain circumstances, including, but
not limited to, when a student possess or
sells a firearm, assaults another person with a
deadly weapon; or possess or sells a controlled
substance. [section 48902]

rohibit SROs from being involved in administrative (i.e. school-related) searches of

students, unless requested by the school principal for the purpose of providing security
or protection, or for handling contraband. Further prohibit SROs from requesting (and
being granted requests) that an administrative search be conducted for law enforcement
purposes or that an administrator act as an SROs agent. Administrative searches should
be conducted under the direction and control of school officials.

chool principals should meet with any SROs or law enforcement officials assigned to
their campus on a monthly basis to discuss the types of behavior being addressed, the
appropriate manner for addressing the behavior, and positive proactive or preventive
measures that can be implemented.

rovide regular training for police and SROs on adolescent behavior, students rights,
and school policies, including anti-discrimination policies.

dopt a governance document that firmly establishes the roles and responsibilities of law
enforcement or SROs while on campus, addressing the following issues:

w A principal or school officials who release a

minor student to a law enforcement officer
for the purposes of removing the minor
from school premises are required to take
immediate steps to notify the parent or
guardian of the minor regarding the release
and the place to which the minor has been
taken, except when the minor has been taken
into custody as a victim of suspected child
abuse. [section 48906]

w According to the U.S. Supreme Court,

SROs may search students pursuant to
reasonable suspicion, i.e. reasonable grounds
for suspecting that the search will turn up
evidence that the student has violated or is
violating either the law or the rules of the
school.51 Such searches must be reasonably
related to the objectives of the search and not
excessively intrusive in the light of the age
and sex of the student and the nature of the


Employment relationship created by the District or school with the SROs;

Primary role of SROs within schools;

Scope of the SROs work and authority;

Requirement the SROs comply with all school rules regarding non-discrimination;

 equirements for attending trainings related to school policy and adolescent


Regular meetings between the SRO and the principal; and

Reporting requirements.

For additional guidance and model language, see Policing in Schools: Developing a
Governance Document for School Resource Officers in K-12 Schools, http://www.aclu.org/pdfs/

II. Implementing an Effective

School Discipline Policy and
Measuring Success

chool discipline can do more than simply punish bad behavior; it can foster good behavior and
hold students accountable for their misbehavior. Accordingly, when it comes to school discipline,
implementation is just as important as actual policy. Thoughtful and clearly articulated policies need an
implementation process that involves input from members of the school community, including parents and
guardians who can reinforce these values at home; a focus on prevention; and professional development for
school administrators, staff, and teachers. Moreover, discipline policy and its implementation must be regularly
monitored and data must be collected to analyze effectiveness and measure the success of any policies or
programs implemented. Each of these components of implementation and measurement is discussed in this

Engage the School Community

In order to be effective, a school discipline policy should be the result of collaboration among students, parents,
teachers, administrators, and school staff (including cafeteria workers, janitors, security personnel, counselors,
coaches, secretaries, and librarians). When key stakeholders are excluded, there can be tension between those
responsible for implementing school policies and those subject to them.
It is crucial to develop a set of well-known and widely understood principles, core values, and norms
with respect to discipline and conduct that everyone in the school community agrees to uphold. In fact, the
California Department of Education recommends all school districts and schools develop a comprehensive
plan that includes a statement of principles and involves parents and teachers in its development.54 Engaging
members of the school community in the creation and assessment of these core principles not only invests
them in its success but also fosters a sense of accountability.

Student voice and participation in the school community is a fundamental part of

holistic education and is essential both for improving school climate and the quality
of education, and for contributing to the development of young people as active
participants in society.
Sullivan and Keeney, Teachers Talk: School Culture, Safety and Human Rights.53


Policy Recommendations: Engaging the School Community


ffer community members students, parents, teachers, school staff, and administrators the chance
to provide input on determining the goals, scope, and substance of school discipline policies and defining
acceptable and appropriate behavior in the Code of Conduct.

Create and adopt a Code of Conduct that reflects the school communitys values as to appropriate
behavior. Such values might include respect, responsibility, acceptance/tolerance, safety, honesty, and
commitment to education.

Create and adopt a collective statement of guiding principles to govern school discipline. These guiding
principles should provide a framework for the use of discipline in school that reflects the communitys
values and can be used to measure the appropriateness of any disciplinary action being considered. Such a
framework might include the following principles:

Students have a right to remain in school. Exclusionary discipline removing a student from a
classroom or from school should be used in limited, specific circumstances in order to minimize the
impact on a students opportunity to learn. There should not be academic penalties during the period of
time a student is suspended or expelled and a student should be able to complete her coursework.

Students have a right to due process. Students have a right to a fair and equitable process in response to a
disciplinary matter that permits them notice of the allegations against them and an opportunity to be
heard and to tell their story.

riminalization of youth should be avoided in school discipline. Except in specific situations or incidents
of actual or threatened violence or real safety concerns, student conduct should not be criminalized on
school campuses.

aw enforcement should be utilized only when necessary to ensure safety. Law enforcement personnel
should not be employed to address non-criminal adolescent behavior.

Create and distribute a Student Handbook that explains the schools values, Code of Conduct, and
discipline policy, and that includes information on such topics as students rights and responsibilities,
prohibited behavior, and procedures for due process and appeals.55

rovide clear and fair notice to students and parents in the Student Handbook or Code of Conduct about
what is considered appropriate behavior or conduct at school so that students can conform their conduct
to the standards expected of them. Such information will also give parents the information needed to
reinforce the standard of conduct at home to increase student accountability.

Proactively teach students of all grade levels what acceptable behavior looks like.


 onvene a representative group of 10-15 school administrators, teachers, school staff, parents,
and students, with at least 2 from each group, in advance of each new school year to review school
discipline policy and update it as necessary to ensure school safety, fairness, and that all students have
an opportunity to learn. Participants should be selected to represent the racial/ethnic, gender, and
socioeconomic diversity of the school.

 evelop brief lesson plans for teachers and administrators to be used in classrooms and assemblies and
allow teachers flexibility in the school day to teach appropriate classroom behavior.

rovide mentoring on classroom management for new teachers by assigning each incoming teacher an
experienced teacher mentor who successfully and appropriately manages her classroom without excessive
discipline referrals.

rovide a forum for feedback whereby members of the school community can report improper use of
discipline or failure to comply with the discipline policy or code of conduct and that can allow students,
parents, teachers, and school staff and administrators to respond to provisions of the discipline policy that
they feel are working or that are failing to meet the goals of the school.

Focus on Prevention
School discipline is often employed in reaction to misbehavior rather than being an opportunity to teach
appropriate and positive behavior. Beyond simply explaining the consequences of misbehavior, a good discipline
policy should set forth appropriate behavior and promote expectations of acceptable behavior. For example,
a policy can establish the expectation that all members of the school community will treat one another with
respect, or it can provide guidance on how to mediate conflict among peers. When a discipline policy provides
clarity and guidance while focusing on prevention, it can effectively minimize many disruptive incidents and
foster a positive environment that uses discipline only when necessary to achieve that goal.

Policy Recommendations: Focusing on Prevention

A policy focused on prevention will include some of the following components56:

Clear statements of what is expected of students and what students should expect from peers, teachers, and
school staff and administrators.

Emphasis on preventive measures throughout school and within the disciplinary code such as peer
mediation, conflict resolution, and improved classroom management designed to prevent conflict and
teach appropriate behavior.

Rules and policies that are well publicized, consistently enforced, nondiscriminatory, and that take into
consideration the due process all students are entitled to receive. Students due process rights include
notice and an opportunity to be heard. (See Due Process, page 13.)

Strategies for recognizing early signs of behavior that may result in conflict between students or undermine
teaching, and ways to implement appropriate early interventions.

Programs and strategies that develop a students sense of connection to school and emphasize a students
ability to resolve conflict in a positive and constructive way. (See Successful Alternatives to Traditional
School Discipline, page 3.)

Ways to maintain open lines of communication among all members of the school community through
events and meetings outside of the classroom.

Professional Development
School principals set the tone for the school environment and are responsible for engaging their school
community in setting expectations of conduct and respect for one another within the school. Teachers
and school staff regularly and consistently interact with students and are responsible for modeling those
expectations. Thus, an essential element to preventing and addressing student misconduct and ensuring a
positive school environment is providing teachers and school staff and administrators with relevant professional
development opportunities that focus on creating a positive school culture and the consistent, effective, and fair
implementation of school discipline policies. Moreover, school personnel should be trained to incorporate the
philosophies of creating a positive school environment and implementing non-biased discipline into the daily
operation of their school, including utilizing curriculum that incorporates the values of diversity, anti-bias, and
cultural awareness and competency.



Culturally Responsive Teaching recognizes the importance of understanding and including students cultural references in all aspects of learning and has the potential to
minimize miscommunication between teachers and students that often underlies discipline issues.
 iversity and Discipline: Nationwide, students of color often receive a disproportionate amount of disciplinary action. Teachers who receive cultural competency
training are better equipped to distinguish cultural miscommunications from discipline issues.
 rofessional Development: There are a variety of professional development options availablefrom diversity consultants to free Web sites. Some materials explain
big-picture, systemic problems, while others focus on an educators implicit biases. The best programs are tailored to meet a specific schools needs.
I mplementation is Key: Teachers can implement culturally competent practices in their classrooms, or a diversity leader or taskforce can spearhead an effort to
incorporate diverse curricula schoolwide.
The Southern Poverty Law Centers Teaching Tolerance Web site and free newsletter offer several useful tools, such as lesson plans, articles, and professional development
opportunities at http://www.tolerance.org/.

Policy Recommendations: Professional Development


rovide an annual review of the school discipline policies for teachers and school staff, especially those
policies that set specific limitations on the use of exclusionary discipline (the removal of a student from
a classroom or school) and punishment of certain offenses (such as willful defiance and gang-related
activity). Such a review should include a discussion of the legal limitations and requirements relevant
to school discipline. (See A Common-Sense Approach to Zero Tolerance, page 9, and Responding
Appropriately to Common Student Misbehaviors, page 14.)

ncorporate positive interventions and appropriate classroom management techniques into the daily
operation of the school so that expectations are set and are part of the regular functioning of the school.
(See Successful Alternatives to Traditional School Discipline, page 3, and Appendix E: Organizations
Providing Resources for Positive School Environments, page 31.)

rovide annual professional development opportunities for teachers and school staff on topics such as
inclusive school environments, anti-bias, cultural awareness and competency, conflict resolution, proper
classroom management, and appropriate implementation of school discipline.

nable school administrators and/or teachers to participate in Train the Trainer programs whereby they
receive training on relevant topics (inclusive school environments, anti-bias, conflict resolution, etc.) and
on how to train others in the subject matter. Such programs create a sense of ownership, investment, and
accountability for the trainers.

Data Collection and Monitoring


Monitoring the implementation and impact of school disciplinary policies and practices allows school officials
to determine successful strategies for addressing and correcting underlying student misbehavior. Regular
data collection and assessment also provide an opportunity to eliminate disciplinary practices that do not
effectively address behavior problems and to ascertain whether inconsistencies or disparities in implementation
are occurring. Any discipline practice or policy adopted by a school should be regularly evaluated to ensure it
effectively reduces behavioral problems and teaches students more appropriate, acceptable behavior.
Data collection and analysis to help track the effectiveness of school discipline policies should be
comprehensive in nature. In particular, it is important to collect and analyze data on the types of misconduct
that are undermining learning, the various responses of teachers and administrators to such conduct, the
existence of any disparities in outcomes for similar offenses, and the rate of success for various interventions.57
Any school data collection and assessment policy should protect students privacy, avoid alienating students and
teachers, and help schools assess and revise their policies to ensure that they are leading to desired outcomes.
Although California schools are required to collect and report various discipline-related data to the state,
California does not require collecting the comprehensive data necessary to effectively assess the effectiveness and
fairness of school discipline policies. Accordingly, it is essential that schools collect comprehensive discipline data
beyond what is required by state law in order to assess their policies and practices effectively.

Policy Recommendations: Data Collection and Analysis


rotect personal privacy of students and school staff as a key part of a data collection and analysis
policy. During data collection, the names of individuals should be removed and replaced with individual
numbers or codes in order to protect student and staff identities while still showing whether an individual
is repeatedly referred to in the discipline records and allowing analysis of sensitive demographic data.

Data collected should include at least the following information:


 emographics: the students race/ethnicity, gender, disability, language status (whether the
student is English proficient or an English Learner), and other demographic information
necessary to address inconsistencies in discipline policies and their implementation;

Offense/reason for discipline referral;

Referring staff member and her race/ethnicity;

 esulting consequences imposed by staff member, including but not limited to, any alternatives
to suspension imposed, suspension (and what type: in-school or home suspension), disciplinary
transfer, recommendation for expulsion, or expulsion; and

The administrator imposing discipline and her race/ethnicity.

uarterly reports based on the data collection and assessment should be made to the school board for
regular public discussion and consideration.

reate a discipline review committee that analyzes the data to determine whether discipline disparities
exist on the basis of race/ethnicity, gender, disability, or language status.

evelop processes for continually examining the characteristics of the school environment and the school
responses to student behavior that may influence or perpetuate student misconduct, then modify those
characteristics or responses to help bring about appropriate student conduct.58

tilize the schools statement of principles regarding discipline in order to assess the effectiveness of the
strategies being used in helping the school meet its larger goals.59

n response to data analysis determine if goals are needed for reducing the use of exclusionary disciplinary
mechanisms and any racial disparities and set such goals.60

III. Conclusion

chool discipline is necessary for the creation of a safe and welcome school environment that is the
foundation of successful schools and effective learning. A discipline policy that is written and implemented
in a way that emphasizes intervention, prevention, and teaching appropriate behavior provides an opportunity
for the entire school community to collaborate and support one another in ensuring a safe and welcoming
school and to hold each other accountable without simply excluding students for behavior that may
undermine that goal. California public schools must continue to adopt and implement school discipline policies
and practices in a thoughtful manner that retains, educates, and graduates the majority if not all of
Californias public school students.



Southern Poverty Law Center, Effective Discipline for Student Success: Reducing Student and Teacher Dropout Rates in Alabama, (n.d.), 10-11. http://www.splcenter.org/sites/default/files/downloads/Effective_Discipline_ALA.pdf.

See California Constitution article IX, sections 1, 5.

American Psychological Association Zero Tolerance Task Force, Are Zero Tolerance Policies Effective in the Schools?: An Evidentiary Review and Recommendations. The American Psychologist, 63(9), 858 (2008).

4 Ibid. at 854.


California Department of Education, State Schools Chief Jack OConnell Releases Annual Report on Dropouts and Graduates
Using Individual Student Level Data, News Release, May 12, 2009, http://www.cde.ca.gov/nr/ne/yr09/yr09rel073.asp.

All statutory references are to the California Education Code unless otherwise stated.

Russell K. Heck et al., California Healthy Kids Survey Factsheet #4: Bias-related Harassment among California Students, 1
(2005), http://www.wested.org/chks/pdf/factsheet4.pdf (finding that during the 2001-02 school year, 75% of the harassment
reported by California middle and high school students surveyed was bias-related harassment).

California Education Code, section 201(a), (b).

California Education Code, section 201(f).


California Penal Code, section 422.56(c).


California Education Code, section 230.


California Education Code, section 212.5.


California Education Code, section 220 (incorporating by reference California Penal Code, section 422.55, which in turn incorporates by reference California Penal Code, section 422.6).


For more information about federal protections for students with disabilities, see the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act,
Title 20 of the United States Code, sections 1400 and following. and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title 29 of the
United States Code, section 794. Title II of the ADA prohibits discrimination based on disability by any public entity, including
public schools, colleges, and universities. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act prohibits discrimination based on disability by
recipients of federal financial assistance, while the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) entitles students with disabilities to a free appropriate public education.


California Education Code, section 220; section 422.55 of the California Penal Code defines hate crimes as those crimes motivated by the perpetrators perception of a characteristic of the victim, including their 1) disability, 2) gender, 3) nationality, 4) race
or ethnicity, 5) religion, 6) sexual orientation, 7) association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived


California Department of Education, Improving Collaboration on School Safety Issues, Dec. 9, 2009, http://www.cde.ca.gov/LS/


California Department of Education, Taking Center Stage Act II (TCSII): Bullying Prevention. http://pubs.cde.ca.gov/tcsii/ch8/


California Department of Education, Sample Policy for Bullying Prevention. Oct. 20, 2009, http://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/ss/se/samplepolicy.asp.


California Department of Education, Taking Center Stage Act II (TCSII): Bullying Prevention. See note #17.


American Psychological Association Zero Tolerance Task Force. See note #3, at 858.


The impetus for many zero tolerance policies is the Gun-Free School Act (GFSA), enacted in 1994. The GFSA requires schools
receiving federal education funds to expel any student who brings a firearm to campus. The California Education Code section
48915(c) was amended to comply with Federal Law and added other offenses subject to mandatory immediate suspension and
recommendation for expulsion.


California Department of Education, Zero Tolerance. Dec. 7, 2009, http://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/ss/se/zerotolerance.asp; California

State PTA. Alternatives to Zero Tolerance, 2009, http://www.capta.org/sections/programs/cc-zero-tolerance.cfm.


Controlled substance as defined in the California Health and Safety Code, division 10, chapter 2 (commencing with section


Sexual assault and sexual battery as defined in the California Education Code, section 48900(n).


California Department of Education, Zero Tolerance. See note #22 (citing Advancement Project and The Civil Rights Project at
Harvard University, Opportunities Suspended: The Devastating Consequences of Zero-Tolerance and School Discipline Policies,
(2000), http://advancementproject.org/sites/default/files/publications/opsusp.pdf).


Russell Skiba and Jeffery Sprague, Safety Without Suspensions. Educational Leadership, 66(1), 42 (2008), http://www.cde.state.


California Department of Education, Zero Tolerance. See note #22 (citing Advancement Project and The Civil Rights Project at
Harvard University, Opportunities Suspended: The Devastating Consequences of Zero-Tolerance and School Discipline Policies,
(2000), http://advancementproject.org/sites/default/files/publications/opsusp.pdf).


Russell J. Skiba and M. Karega Rausch, Zero Tolerance, Suspension, and Expulsion: Questions of Equity and Effectiveness, in
Handbook of Classroom Management: Research, Practice, and Contemporary Issues (Carolyn M. Evertson and Carol S. Weinstein, eds.), 1077 (2006).


American Psychological Association Zero Tolerance Task Force. See note #3, at 853-856.


Title 20 of the United States Code, section 1415(k); Title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations, sections 300.530-300.537.


California Education Code, section 48900.5.


California Department of Education, Zero Tolerance. See note #22 (citing Advancement Project and The Civil Rights Project at
Harvard University, Opportunities Suspended: The Devastating Consequences of Zero-Tolerance and School Discipline Policies, (2000), http://advancementproject.org/sites/default/files/publications/opsusp.pdf).


Advancement Project, Key Components of a Model Discipline Policy, 6-7. http://www.stopschoolstojails.org/sites/default/files/



California Education Code, section 48915.5.


Southern Poverty Law Center, Effective Discipline for Student Success. See note #1.


American Psychological Association Zero Tolerance Task Force. See note #3, at 854.


California Education Code, section 48900(w).


California Department of Education, Student Success Teams: A Blueprint for Building Student and School-wide Progress. Nov.
5, 2009. http://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/ai/dp/sb65sst.asp.


California Department of Education, School Attendance Improvement Strategies. Feb. 11, 2009. http://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/ai/cw/


California Education Code, section 48900(k).


California Education Code, section 48900(i).


UCLA Institute for Democracy, Education, and Access, Suspension and Expulsion at a Glance, 2 (2006). http://idea.gseis.ucla.


American Psychological Association Zero Tolerance Task Force. See note #3, at 858.


Russell Skiba et al., The Color of Discipline: Sources of Racial and Gender Disproportionality in School Punishment, (2000),
13, http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICDocs/data/ericdocs2sql/content_storage_01/0000019b/80/1a/61/f6.pdf.


Letter from Nancy L. Talner, Staff Attorney, American Civil Liberties Union of Washington, to Dr. June Rimmer, Chief Academic Officer, Seattle School District, Improvements in Use of Disobedience Rule (March 24, 2003) (on file with the American
Civil Liberties Union)(noting that the number of notices for disobedience dropped from 534 to 62 in two school years).




Stephenson v. Davenport Community School District, 8th Circuit Court, 1997; Federal Reporter, Third Series, Volume 110, p.
1310 (quoting Robert K. Jackson and Wesley D. McBride, Understanding Street Gangs, 76-77 (1992).


For more information about the legal foundation for this issue, see City of Chicago v. Morales, Supreme Court of the United
States, 1999; United States Reports, Volume 527, p. 56 (quoting Giaccio v. Pennsylvania, Supreme Court of the United States,
1966; United States Reports, Volume 382, p. 402-403).


See, e.g., Stephenson v. Davenport Community School District, See note 47, at p. 1311 ([A] central purpose of the vagueness
doctrine [is] that if arbitrary and discriminatory enforcement is to be prevented, laws must provide explicit standards for those
who apply them. [quoting Grayned v. City of Rockford, Supreme Court of the United States, 1972; United States Reports,
Volume 408, p. 108]).


Johanna Wald and Lisa Thurau, Taking School Safety Too Far?: The Ill-Defined Role Police Play in Schools, EducationWeek,


In re William V., Court of Appeal of Californias First Appellate District, 2003; California Appellate Reports, Volume 111, p.
1469 (quoting New Jersey v. TLO, Supreme Court of the United States, 1985; United States Reports, Volume 469, p. 342).




Elizabeth Sullivan and Elizabeth Keeney, Teachers Talk: School Culture, Safety and Human Rights, 12 (2008), http://www.nesri.


California State Board of Education, Policy # 01-02: School Safety, Discipline, and Attendance, March 2001. http://www.cde.




Further resources for the recommendations in this section include the following: Advancement Project, Education on Lockdown:
The Schoolhouse to Jailhouse Track, (2005), http://www.advancementproject.org/reports/FINALEOLrep.pdf; California Department of Education, Improving Collaboration on School Safety Issues. See note #16; California State Board of Education. See
note #54; Dawn Marie Barhyte, Aint Misbehaving: Use Positive Discipline to Discipline Kids, EduGuide, http://www.eduguide.
org/Students-Library/Discipline-Kids-Positive-Discipline-1654.aspx; Johanna Wald and Daniel J. Losen, eds., Deconstructing
the School-to-Prison Pipeline. New Directions for Youth Development, 99, (2003); Miguel Socias et al., California Dropout
Research Project, California High Schools That Beat the Odds in High School Graduation, 19 (2007), http://cdrp.ucsb.edu/dropouts/pubs_reports.htm; Russell Skiba et al., Preventing School Violence: A Practical Guide to Comprehensive Planning, (2000),


Advancement Project. See note #5, at 46; American Psychological Association Zero Tolerance Task Force. See note #3, at 858;
Rebecca Gordon et al., Facing the Consequences: An Examination of Racial Discrimination in U.S. Public Schools, 14 (2000),


California State Board of Education. See note #54.




Advancement Project. See note #5, at 46; Rebecca Gordon et al. See note #57, at 14.


Appendix A: Expulsion Flow Chart






1) Causingseriousphysicalinjury,exceptinselfdefense.
2) Possessionofaknife,explosive,orotherdangerous
3) Possessionand/oruseofacontrolledsubstance.
4) Robberyorextortion.
5) Assaultorbatteryonaschoolemployee.



1) Possessing,selling,orfurnishingafirearm.
2) Brandishingaknifeatanotherperson.
3) Sellingacontrolledsubstance.
4) Committingorattemptingtocommitsexual
5) Possessionofanexplosive.








1) Othermeansofcorrectionarenotfeasibleorhave
2) Duetothenatureoftheact,thepresenceofthepupil





(1) Isappropriatelypreparedtoaccommodatestudentswhoexhibitdisciplineproblems.
(2) Isnotprovidedatacomprehensivemiddle,junior,orseniorhighschool,oratanyelementaryschool.
(3) Isnothousedattheschoolsiteattendedbythestudentatthetimeofsuspension.



continued on next page


1) Caused,attempted,orthreatenedphysical
2) Possessed,used,orsolddangerousobjects
3) Possessed,used,orsolddrugsoralcohol
4) Offered,arranged,ornegotiatedtoselldrugs
5) Committedorattemptedtocommitrobberyor

1) Othermeansofcorrectionarenotfeasibleor
2) Duetonatureoftheact,thepresenceofpupil



(1) Isappropriatelypreparedtoaccommodate
(2) Isnotprovidedatacomprehensivemiddle,
(3) Isnothousedattheschoolsiteattendedbythe


1) Causedorattemptedtodamageschoolorprivateproperty[48900(f)];
2) Stoleorattemptedtostealschoolorprivateproperty[48900(g)];
3) Possessedorusedtobacco,orproductscontainingtobaccoornicotine
4) Committedanobsceneactorengagedinhabitualprofanity[48900(i)];
5) Unlawfullypossessed,offered,arrangedornegotiatedtoselldrug
6) Disruptedschoolactivitiesorotherwisewillfullydefiedvalidauthority
7) Knowinglyreceivedstolenschoolorprivateproperty[48900(l)];or
8) Possessedanimitationfirearm[48900(m)].

1) Othermeansofcorrectionarenotfeasibleorhaverepeatedlyfailedto
2) Duetonatureoftheviolation,thepresenceofpupilcausescontinuing




(1) Isappropriatelypreparedtoaccommodatestudentswhoexhibit
(2) Isnotprovidedatacomprehensivemiddle,junior,orseniorhigh
(3) Isnothousedattheschoolsiteattendedbythestudentatthetimeof



Appendix b:
Discretionary Suspension Flow Chart


1) Caused,attempted,orthreatenedphysicalinjury,
2) Possessed,used,orsolddangerousobjects[48900
3) Possessed,used,orsolddrugsoralcohol[48900(c)];
4) Offered,arranged,ornegotiatedtoselldrugsor
5) Committedorattemptedtocommitrobberyor




1) AllotheroffenseslistedunderCaliforniaEducation
2) Sexualharassment,butdoesnotapplytostudents
3) Hateviolence[48900.3];
4) Harassment,threats,orintimidation[48900.4];or
5) Terroristicthreats[48900.7].







Appendix c:
Ideal Discretionary
Discipline Flow Chart









Appendix D:
Useful Articles and Reports
Advancement Project, Education on Lockdown: The Schoolhouse to Jailhouse Track (2005),

For more information about the Advancement Project, visit www.stopschoolstojails.org.

California Department of Education, Improving Collaboration on School Safety Issues (Dec. 9, 2009),

For more information from the CDE on school safety, visit http://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/ss/se/.

Dignity in Schools. Dignity in Schools Campaign National Resolution for Ending School Pushout.

For more information about Dignity in Schools, visit www.dignityinschools.org.

Glen Dunlap et al., School-wide Positive Behavior Support: Implementers Blueprint and SelfAssessment (2004), http://www.pbis.org/pbis_resource_detail_page.aspx?Type=3&PBIS_
For more information about school-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports,
visit http://pbis.org.
Susan Sandler et al., Turning To Each Other Not On Each Other: How School Communities Prevent
Racial Bias in School Discipline (2000), http://www.justicematters.org/jmi_sec/jmi_dwnlds/turning.pdf.

For more information about Justice Matters, visit www.justicematters.org.

American Psychological Association Zero Tolerance Task Force, Are Zero Tolerance Policies Effective
in the Schools?: An Evidentiary Review and Recommendations. The American Psychologist, 63(9)
Russell Skiba et al., The Color of Discipline: Sources of Racial and Gender Disproportionality in
School Punishment, (2000), http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICDocs/data/ericdocs2sql/content_storage_
Russell Skiba et al., Preventing School Violence: A Practical Guide to Comprehensive Planning,
(2000), http://www.indiana.edu/~safeschl/psv.pdf.
For more information about Russell Skibas research, visit
Ted Wachtel, Safer Saner Schools: Restoring Community in a Disconnected World, (1999),
For more information about restorative justice in schools, visit


Appendix E:
Organizations Providing Resources
for Positive School Environments
Anti-Defamation League: A World of Difference Institute: Trainings and resources on
ant-bias education. http://www.adl.org/education/edu_awod/default.asp.
National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI): Teaches individuals how to lead efforts in their
community to prevent racism and other forms of discrimination by developing programs and
strategies on violence prevention, conflict resolution, and coalition building. http://ncbi.org/.
EdChange: Programs to meet the needs of individual schools that promote school-wide
diversity and equity. http://www.edchange.org/index.html.
Educators for Social Responsibility: Professional development resources that help
educators reform their schools policies and practices in order to improve their schools
culture and climate. http://esrnational.org/.
The National Conference for Community and Justice: Resources on promoting cultural
understanding and respect though conflict resolution and education. http://www.nccj.org/.
Olweus Bullying Prevention Program: A comprehensive, school-wide approach for reducing
bullying in schools and improving overall school climate. http://www.clemson.edu/olweus/.
Southern Poverty Law Centers Teaching Tolerance: Anti-bias resources for educators,
including a free magazine and classroom kits. http://www.splcenter.org/what-we-do/


Schools for All Campaign:

Preventing Bias and Pushout
In California and throughout the nation, youth are being subjected to bias, harassment,
and discrimination in schools. The failure to address these experiences is leading to
a dangerous trend: students stop engaging, misbehave, and become so alienated that
they choose to leave school or are forced out.
The ACLU of Northern Californias Schools for All Campaign works to ensure that all
youth attend schools that are inclusive, respectful, and welcoming schools that do not
give up on students but rather strive to foster the potential of every child.

For m ore inform at ion :



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